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The Victims’ Directive and What Victims Want From Restorative Justice

  • Restorative Justice for All International Institute

Abstract and Figures

Following fierce campaigning by victims’ groups, the European Commission has entered into a process of legislative and policy reforms with the aim of repositioning the victim in criminal proceedings. By November 2015, member states will need to have demonstrated that they have modified their domestic laws to give effect to the Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support, and protection of victims of crime. For the first time, restorative justice is explicitly regulated at EU legal level, as the Directive aims to establish a baseline for its safe implementation across member states. With this EU-wide policy backdrop and using original data, the article posits evidence-based recommendations for the implementation of the Directive. The research was carried out in 2013-14 as part of the “Restorative Justice in Europe” project co-financed by the European Commission. The research took place in the United Kingdom and combined desk research and qualitative research strategies with victims, while it triangulated its findings with follow-up surveys with offenders and professionals.
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Victims & Offenders: An International
Journal of Evidence-based Research,
Policy, and Practice
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The Victims’ Directive and What Victims
Want From Restorative Justice
Theo Gavrielidesab
a The IARS International Institute, London, United Kingdom
b Restorative Justice for All, London, United Kingdom
Published online: 11 Apr 2015.
To cite this article: Theo Gavrielides (2015): The Victims’ Directive and What Victims Want From
Restorative Justice, Victims & Offenders: An International Journal of Evidence-based Research, Policy,
and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2014.982778
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Victims & Offenders, 00:1–22, 2015
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1556-4886 print/1556-4991 online
DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2014.982778
The Victims’ Directive and
What Victims Want From
Restorative Justice
Theo Gavrielides
The IARS International Institute, London, United Kingdom; Restorative Justice for
All, London, United Kingdom
Abstract: Following fierce campaigning by victims’ groups, the European Commission
has entered into a process of legislative and policy reforms with the aim of reposition-
ing the victim in criminal proceedings. By November 2015, member states will need
to have demonstrated that they have modified their domestic laws to give effect to the
Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support, and pro-
tection of victims of crime. For the first time, restorative justice is explicitly regulated
at EU legal level, as the Directive aims to establish a baseline for its safe implemen-
tation across member states. With this EU-wide policy backdrop and using original
data, the article posits evidence-based recommendations for the implementation of the
Directive. The research was carried out in 2013–14 as part of the “Restorative Justice
in Europe” project co-financed by the European Commission. The research took place in
the United Kingdom and combined desk research and qualitative research strategies
with victims, while it triangulated its findings with follow-up surveys with offenders
and professionals.
Keywords: restorative justice, victims, Victims’ Directive, European Commission,
victims’ rights
According to the European Commission (EC), around 30 million crimes are
committed in the European Union (EU) every year. The fundamental EU
principle of free movement suggests that independently of their location, EU
This article was written using data from the EC-funded project Restorative Justice in
Europe, co-financed by the EC Grant Agreement JUST/2011-2012/JPEN/AG/2951 and
delivered by the IARS International Institute.
Address correspondence to Theo Gavrielides, 14 Dock Offices, Canada Water, Surrey
Quays Road, London SE16 2XU, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.
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citizens must be protected consistently across the Union. It also means that
minimum standards must be applied in the provision of appropriate victim
support services. However, this consistency has not been achieved yet.
This is not surprising given that traditionally the victim has occupied
a marginal position in criminal proceedings independently of whether these
are carried out under the inquisitorial or adversarial traditions (Gavrielides,
2011). Schafer claimed, “if one looks at the legal systems of different countries,
one seeks in vain a country where a victim of crime enjoys a certain expecta-
tion of full restitution for his injury” (1970, p. 107). According to Gavrielides
(2011), victims were not always marginal in the pursuit of justice and that they
lost their place in the system of criminal justice only during the second period
of the Middle Ages. This change is also documented in Geis’s work (1977).
Founded upon the principles of “respect for human dignity, freedom,
democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights” (Article 2,
EU Treaty), in 1999 the Union progressed legislation in favor of victims so that
they are gradually repositioned in the criminal process while aiming for min-
imum protection across members. The aim of the EC was to make it explicit
that victims are individuals whose basic human rights must be respected in
the administration of justice.
In 2001, the Commission passed the Council Framework Decision
2001/220/JHA on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings, aiming
to achieve consistency in victims’ rights protection. This provided for mini-
mum rights, but according to the Commission’s own assessment it did not go
far enough to protect victims’ rights. Furthermore, due to the nonlegislative
nature of framework decisions, it was not possible to grant rights that are not
already enforceable in member states’ jurisdictions. After almost 15 years, the
Decision’s intention for consistency in the implementation of victims’ rights
has not been achieved.
Consequently, in 2009 the Stockholm Program was adopted by the EC
recognizing that a coordinated and long-term strategy was needed under
the leadership of the Commission so that members’ national legislation is
improved for victims’ rights. This included a package of EU legislative pro-
posals. In 2011, the EC passed a resolution on a roadmap for strengthening
the rights and protection of victims in criminal proceedings (the “Budapest
Roadmap”). The roadmap stated that the 2001 Framework Decision was out
of date and that new legislation needed to be implemented to protect vic-
tims’ rights. This resulted in the passing of the Directive 2012/29/EU of the
European Parliament and of the Council establishing of minimum standards
on the rights, support, and protection of victims of crime (“Victims’ Directive”).
Once the transposition date of November 2015 has passed, member states
must have implemented the Directive’s minimum standards.
It is not within the remit of this paper to explore the implications of the
entire Victims’ Directive. Here we will focus on the articles covering restorative
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What Victims Want 3
justice, which for the first time is explicitly regulated at the EU legislative
level so that victims who chose to get involved in it are protected. The most
important parts of this Directive pertaining to restorative justice are Article
12 (the right to safeguards in the context of restorative justice services) and
Article 25 (training of practitioners). The Directive treats restorative justice
both as a complementary as well as an alternative route to criminal justice.
The Directive is applicable independently of whether restorative justice has
taken place presentencing or postsentencing.
Since the passing of the Directive in 2012, the EC invested a consider-
able amount of resources in order to prepare member states for November
2015. This included the award of grants to EU-wide projects aiming to help
with the Directive’s implementation. This paper uses findings from one of
these projects titled “Restorative Justice in Europe: Safeguarding Victims and
Empowering Professionals” (RJE). The project was led by the UK-based NGO
Independent Academic Research Studies (IARS), and was carried out in sev-
eral European countries. The overall purpose of the project was to create an
evidence base for the development of policy that would facilitate the imple-
mentation of the restorative justice–related articles of the Victims’ Directive.
The evidence would also be used for the construction of capacity-building mate-
rial for professionals who are involved in the implementation of the Victims’
Directive. It was important that this evidence base reflected the experiences
of victims, offenders, and professionals working within the criminal justice
and/or restorative justice fields.
This paper focuses exclusively on the UK research of the RJE project.
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it aims to report on the UK data
that was collected over a period of 24 months using a mixture of qualitative
methods. Second, the paper uses this data to posit recommendations for the
implementation of the Victims’ Directive.
The UK research started in December 2012 and ran for 24 months. The
research objective was to collect data that would allow the development of pol-
icy and capacity building material for the implementation of the restorative
justice–related articles of the Victims’ Directive.
First, a thorough literature review was carried out in order to create a the-
oretical framework for the fieldwork. The review looked at existing practices as
well as the current policy and legislative environments in the UK and Europe.
When considering the research strategy of the UK fieldwork, qualitative
research was thought to be the most appropriate method. According to Miles
and Huberman, qualitative research can “persuade through rich depiction
and strategic comparison across cases, overcoming the abstraction inherent
in quantitative studies” (1994, p. 41). The qualitative approach also demanded
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that an adequate level of freedom was left to the respondents, allowing them to
discuss and think at length and in their own terms. This could not have been
achieved through the application of a quantitative design mainly because this
would have approached the investigated matters not through the examina-
tion of the substance of the sample’s responses, but of variables (Punch, 2003).
In addition, our small-scale project had to allow for the possibility of issues
emerging spontaneously from the data without being forced through fixed
theoretical frames. Our in-depth questions intended to follow up the prelim-
inary data from the literature as well as stimulate imagination, providing an
opportunity of identifying the sample’s thoughts, images, hopes, and fears. The
research design aimed to combine normative thinking with various qualitative
methods with a view to ensuring that our results were as accurate as possible.
For all research tools, the study applied the rules governing “convenience
sampling” (nonprobability sampling), allowing its sample to be self-selected.
Therefore, it was essential that the limitations surrounding this approach were
acknowledged. Bryman (2004) warns that the generated data cannot be used
as the only basis for generalized conclusions. The yielded information, he said,
“will only provide an insight into the sample’s views and attitudes towards
the discussed topics’’ (Bryman, 2004, p. 100). According to Shaw (1999), stud-
ies that are carried out with nonprobability sampling are not interested in
working out what proportion of the population gives a particular response,
but rather in obtaining an idea of the range of responses regarding ideas that
people have. We were also conscious that due to the characteristics of the sam-
ple group it would have been difficult to achieve a large number of responses,
particularly within the limited time scale and the available resources. Finally,
ethical approval was sought from the NGO’s Research Ethics Committee.
Intending to achieve inductive theorizing about the way our sample inter-
prets their social worlds (Bryman, 2004), a combination of qualitative research
tools was adopted. First, semistructured, in-depth interviews with 24 victims
and 28 offenders were carried out. To enhance this inductive procedure, we
carried out an online survey through the use of 107 self-completion question-
naires (67 victims and 40 offenders). Finally, the focus group method was used
(24 experts attended including restorative justice practitioners, victim liaison
officers, victim services providers, academics, researchers, and criminal justice
system officials such as prosecutors, police, probation, and prison staff).
Our final sample size was considered to have a good response rate based
on the available literature (Becker & Bryman, 2004;Gray,2004). Table 1
summarizes the research methods and sample sizes that were used as well
as our response rates. For the in-depth interviews and the focus group, the
original sample was drawn from established referral sources such as victim
support units, probation trusts and other criminal justice agencies, restorative
justice practices, and various community-based projects. For the online ques-
tionnaire, an e-mail and a hyperlink was prepared and disseminated widely to
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What Victims Want 5
Tab le 1 : Research methods and sample sizes.
Research Tool Original Sample Final Sample Response Rate
In-depth interviews 39 victims 24 victims 61.53%
In-depth interviews 54 offenders 28 offenders 51.85%
Online survey Undefined, e-mailed
107 (67 victims and
40 offenders)
Focus group 51 experts 24 experts 47.05%
organizations and individuals who were known to the researchers and IARS.
This list included over five thousand contacts, but due to technology limitations
it is not possible to identify here the response rate.
For its data analysis, the study used the method of content analysis.
We first defined the units of our analysis and the categories into which these
were sorted by reviewing each unit and grouping it according to the prede-
fined categories. The occurrences were then counted and comparisons were
made. Apart from identifying preliminary themes, content analysis also proved
to be extremely useful in summarizing the vast amount of information that
was included in the respondents’ replies. This was done by counting the fre-
quency of words or codes, and by creating patterns of analysis. A coding frame
was created to organize the data and identify findings after our open coding
was completed. As with all content analysis approaches, we treated our cod-
ing frame as a multileveled process that required several successive sortings
of our investigated themes. Investigation began with a general sorting of our
emerging themes. Subsequently, we subdivided each newly created subgroup
to produce a typological scheme containing subcategories of data as these
reflected the subjective declarations of our respondents. We were then ready
to interpret the patterns.
Conceptual Agreements
It is not the intention of this paper to engage in a debate about definitions.
Here, our intention is to state how key terms were used by the research in order
to allow clarity for the data that will be presented and analyzed in this paper.
The definitions that are provided here are taken from the Victims’ Directive.
We did not wish to engage in a wider theoretical debate, as some of these terms
have been the subject of volumes of literature and continue to be contested
(e.g., see Marshall, 1999; Gavrielides, 2007,2008).
Restorative Justice
“Restorative justice is any process whereby the victim and the offender are
enabled, if they freely consent, to participate actively in the resolution of mat-
ters arising from the criminal offence through the help of an impartial third
party” (Victims’ Directive Article 2, para 1.d). It is worth pointing out that the
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article covers restorative justice whether this is attached to, prior to, in parallel
with, or after criminal proceedings (pretrial and posttrial). Furthermore, it
may be available in relation to certain types of crime or only in relation to
adult or child offenders and include (for example) victim-offender mediation,
family group conferencing, and sentencing circles.
According to the Victims’ Directive, victim means (1) a natural person
who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm, or eco-
nomic loss which was directly caused by a criminal offense; (2) family members
of a person whose death was directly caused by a criminal offense and who
have suffered harm as a result of that person’s death. The application of the
Directive in a nondiscriminatory manner also applies to a victim’s residence
status. Therefore, rights set out in the Directive are not made conditional on
the victim having legal residence status on their territory or on the victim’s cit-
izenship or nationality. In relation to the cross-border compensation of crime
victims (Directive 2004/80/EC) the definition of a victim is limited to a victim
of an intentional violent crime.
Victim Support Services
The Directive defines them to include the provision of information, support,
and advice in relation to the victims’ role in criminal proceedings, including
preparation for attendance at the trial. The services can be public or private,
voluntary or professional. They must be provided to all victims free of charge,
before, during, and for a period after the criminal proceedings. It is important
to note that these services must be provided even where there are no crimi-
nal proceedings underway. This ensures that victims who choose not to report
a crime to the police can still access support services. The Directive stresses
that advice and information should also be provided regarding specialist sup-
port services available, emotional and psychological support, and financial and
other issues.
The Current UK Policy Landscape
It is safe to claim that restorative justice has now made it onto the
criminal justice agenda worldwide. Indeed, while some wish to see it in a
more prominent place (e.g., see Barnett, 1977; Braithwaite, 2002), others con-
tinue to cast doubt on its effectiveness (e.g., see Acorn, 2004). In Europe
the interest in restorative justice is increasing and the United Kingdom,
which has used restorative justice since the 1970s (Gavrielides, 2011), is no
exception. In December 2012, the Ministry of Justice published its revised
Referral Orders Guidance to Courts, Youth Offending Teams (YOTs), and
Panels (Ministry of Justice, 2012), aiming to make them more aligned with
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What Victims Want 7
restorative justice ambitions. This followed the first national strategy on
restorative justice. Titled “Restorative Justice Action Plan for the Criminal
Justice System,” the strategy makes a number of short- and long-term com-
mitments around four areas: access, awareness, capacity, and evidence. The
responsible minister noted in this document:
Many victims of crime get to see sentences being passed, but it’s not always
enough to help them move on with their lives ... I want restorative justice to
become something that victims feel comfortable and confident requesting at any
stage of the criminal justice system. Victims deserve access to a high standard of
restorative justice no matter where they are in the country and at a time that’s
right for them. (Ministry of Justice, 2012)
Soon followed the review of the Victims’ Code, as well as investment (and
commitment for further investment) of funds for restorative justice. Arguably,
the biggest development is said to be the passing of the Crime and Courts Act
of 2013. Part 2, “Deferring the Passing of Sentence to Allow for Restorative
Justice,” provides for the diversion of adult cases to a restorative justice prac-
tice at the presentence stage. The act was enacted in December 2013 and since
April 2014 courts have had the power to defer the passing of a sentence pro-
vided that all parties agree (i.e., both the offender and the victim). The act
does not specify the types of cases or the profile of offenders. It does not specify
the type of restorative practices either. It merely encourages judges to consider
restorative practices, while it requires that anyone practising restorative jus-
tice must have regard to the guidance that is issued by the Secretary of State.
Such guidance has not been issued yet, while it is too early for this paper to
provide any further information on the implementation of the act.
However, the review that was carried out as part of the RJE project did
indicate that, during the development of the act and background policies, lit-
tle effort was made to include victims’ feedback. For example, the national
Strategy Group that was put together by the Ministry of Justice to construct
the aforementioned strategy and action plan did not commission any research
that would have allowed victims’ input. Instead it relied on the feedback of
selected organizations and experts that were invited through a closed process.
More worryingly, the Implementation Board that was later put together by the
same ministry excluded victims; most of the resources have so far been directed
to a selected few bodies through a closed process. There was no representation
of civil society or of small community-based restorative justice projects.
Findings From the Fieldwork With Victims
Victim Engagement
The current criminal justice system is based on the assumption that
victims are better off when not directly involved in the pursuit of justice for
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what happened to them. The same assumption is also made by many policy
makers and criminal justice agents (e.g., see Acorn, 2004; Elliott, 2011). Based
on our findings from the fieldwork with victims, we concluded that they do
want to talk or at least to be given the opportunity to talk about their views on
what matters to them and how they think their best interests can be pursued
and protected. The same applies to their views on restorative justice whether
they have had the chance to experience it directly or have only just been
introduced to it.
For instance, the in-depth interviews response rate was 61.53% for the
victims as opposed to 51.85% for the offenders. Similarly, the response was
higher for the online survey, as 67 victims filled it out as opposed to 40 offend-
ers. In fact, our research showed that the more complex the crime, the more
chances there were for victims to want to speak up and take part. Figure 1
indicates that from the victims who responded, 24% identified themselves to
be victims of a hate crime, 17% of street crime, 14% victims of rape (female),
and 15% of serious violent crime. There were 7% that said they were victims of
gang crime while the highest percentage (29%) said they were burgled. There
were 3% that said they had a family member murdered. Of victims, 68% were
female, while the majority were between 46–55 years old.
Some indicative responses from the interviews with victims include “The
government should open a debate about what is the most important for victims.
There are many ways to shift what might appear that victims want” and “The
government has responsibility to open this debate and rather than talk about
revenge talk about healing.”
Victims’ Understanding of Restorative Justice
All participants were given a brief explanation of restorative justice based
on the Victims’ Directive definition. Of the victims, 90% said that they had
heard about restorative justice prior to the research. When asked what they
understood by restorative justice, some indicative answers were the following:
“To give victims the chance to tell offenders the impact of their crime, to have
questions answered e.g. Why me?”; “It has a focus on victims’ needs as well as
calling offender to account for their actions and see the impact of the crimes”;
“Redressing the balance—giving back dignity to the victim—being able to say
I am not a victim anymore.” A victim of serious assault said “Allowing vic-
tims of crime the opportunity to speak to the perpetrator of that crime and
give them the chance to explain why they committed the crime.” One victim
highlighted the significance of emotions: “Justice that is not just a punish-
ment system for the people who have broken the law. A system that tries to
restore an offender to the person they were before they started committing
crime. To reconnect them to the emotions of life and living amongst people
that they should not harm as they themselves should not wish to be harmed in
their life time.”
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What Victims Want 9
Figure 1: Victim categories.
There was a consistent pattern across the victims’ responses indicating
that their understanding of restorative justice was based on its value of equal
involvement and treatment of all stakeholders involved in the justice process.
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At least in its normative dimension, restorative justice was seen as an oppor-
tunity to really get involved in how their case was managed and what to do
about those who harmed them. In short, restorative justice was seen as an
empowering process.
Do Victims Want Restorative Justice?
Almost 77% of the victims who took part in our research had not been
offered restorative justice. Out of the 23% who were offered restorative justice,
79% of them agreed to take part. The most important reason for them taking
part was “To stop it happening again to anyone else” followed by “To have
your say and explain the impact of the offender’s actions” and “To feel that the
offender was working to change their behavior and stop offending.” The most
important reason for those choosing not to take part was “Doubt offender’s
sincerity” followed by doubts about the referral source intentions and the
practitioner’s agenda. Satisfaction levels among those who participated
averaged 85%.
For those who were not offered, when asked, “Would you have liked to have
been offered the opportunity to meet your offender (directly or indirectly)?”
72% said yes. The question “If you had been offered would you have taken
part?” had a 57% positive response. Furthermore, 32% said “I do not know.”
There were 44% who said they would prefer to have been asked face-to-face,
and 40% preferred over the phone; 50% said that they would want to get
involved in restorative justice prior to court stage.
As indicated by Figure 2, when asked what factors would stop victims from
meeting their offender, the majority said “physical safety concerns.” However,
Figure 2: “Which of these factors might stop you meeting your offender?”
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What Victims Want 11
many victims also expressed concerns about the sincerity of the process, the
referral agency, and the practitioner. In fact, a number of victims said that
there are “gatekeepers” both within and outside of the criminal justice system
that control access to restorative justice.
One victim (street robbery) said “I made it explicit to the police very early
on that I wanted restorative justice. They made a note of it but I have no confi-
dence that the note went anywhere.” Another victim said “Nothing was offered
so I had to fight very hard for a restorative meeting and pull every string I
could.” A victim of serious assault that was classified as racially motivated
also said “Restorative justice is something that the criminal justice system
has to offer as part of its process and not only when victims ask for it. In my
experience, not too many people know about this option. Since I have been
involved in my journey in the past 5 years, I actually believe that we should
have restorative justice systems in communities as alternatives to criminal
justice prosecutions.” Someone else said “Restorative justice should be part of
the criminal justice system. The minute that you have contact with the police
and the courts, then this is something that should be considered. However, this
was not my experience.” Another victim said “You cannot be prescriptive that
restorative will work for everyone. It should be decided on a case by case basis.”
It is also worth noting that the majority of victims who were offered
restorative justice said that this was at postsentencing. Interestingly, 70%
of the total victims’ sample thought that other victims should be offered the
chance to choose restorative justice if they want to; 8% disagreed and 22%
were not sure.
What Do Victims Expect From Restorative Justice?
When asked what would have made it more possible for them to take part
in restorative justice, most victims said that they expected reassurances that
their rights and safeguards would not be compromised. They also asked for
more attention than the one given to them by the traditional criminal justice
system; for instance, “A victim focused approach with support from all agencies
involved” and “If I was sure the meeting would be run/controlled well.” Other
indicative quotations include: “That the facilitator is good at their job, and that
real support work is done with both the offender and victim before and after the
meeting, and confidence in the facilitator, confidence in the police (who totally
messed up the investigation), speed of the process (the sooner the better, for
me)”; “Skilled facilitation of the process”; “The facilitator should find out any
vulnerabilities that the victim might have before proceeding with a meeting.
Sometimes, these vulnerabilities might even be related with the facilitator and
I have evidence to believe that practitioners are not careful about this.”
In order to assess victims’ needs, we asked them how they were affected by
the crime that happened to them. As indicated in Figure 3, 84% said they were
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Figure 3: “How were you affected by the crime?”
affected emotionally, 40% said financially, and 24% said they were physically
harmed (victims were free to choose all applicable options).
From those who undertook restorative justice, 60% of them had no pre-
vious contact with the offender and 40% of them knew them (e.g., domestic
violence, hate crime). When asked how much time they were given to decide
whether they wanted to participate in restorative justice the answers varied
from 24 hours and 48 hours to “enough” or “as long as I needed.” One victim
said “I think it is very hard to be prescriptive about the level of preparation
needed. What will work for one victim may not work for another. That is why
the process must be victim initiated and led.” Safeguards must be in place in
order for victims to feel confident in restorative justice, as explained in sen-
timents like “There should be continuous assessment of the offender to make
sure there has been no relapse especially when it comes to drugs or alcohol”
and “Assessment of motivation to change must be carried out. This means if
an offender wants to participate in restorative justice but doesn’t turn up to
his probation appointments on time ...then any victim should be able to say
why do you want to meet me when your timekeeping is not good. Until you can
come on time I am not going to give you the opportunity because you let me
down again.”
Overall, there was consensus that preparation is extremely important
but not enough time is being invested in it. One victim who progressed in
practicing restorative justice as a YOT worker said “I stopped implementing
restorative justice as the government is now seeing it as a way to get youth
to say sorry for their actions.” Someone else said: “My overall concern about
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What Victims Want 13
restorative justice is its further implementation without consideration of vic-
tims’ human rights and the power relations, including economics, that exist in
society. For me, as a white, middle class professional with two degrees, getting
a poor, black kid to say sorry, seems an insult to justice and the injury that was
Victims stressed that when the process is initiated by them, in their minds,
the chances of success are higher. Victims were also asked what type of infor-
mation they were given in order to decide whether to opt for restorative justice.
Again, the answers varied from “Nothing” to “Full information about the pro-
cess and timescales.” This suggested that there is no consistency in the quality
of restorative justice currently offered in the United Kingdom. Some victims
even said that they just received an e-mail or a quick phone call from the prac-
titioner or an administrator. One victim who had undergone restorative justice
said “The process was absolutely the opposite to a victim centered practice.
I was not treated with any respect or consideration. If I wanted information, I
had to chase for it. My victim experience was not a good one.” This is exactly
the type of issue that the Directive aims to address as it hopes to create a
baseline of quality and minimum standards.
Some victims mentioned the importance of the meeting location both for
the actual process but also for agreeing to take part. All of them highlighted
that a neutral space was key, with the majority opting for a public place. There
was agreement that restorative justice must remain voluntary both at its ini-
tiation as well as during its implementation. “At any point, the victim or the
offender can change their mind. Neither side can feel under pressure to partic-
ipate or to decide on outcomes. This is something that I experienced because
the agency wanted resolution,” one victim said.
Furthermore, more information about restorative justice was requested
from victims, offenders, and professionals but not necessarily in the form of
printed material. Case studies and real examples were thought to be the best
way to increase awareness. Online material, e-mail, and the use of videos and
audio were all recommended.
The majority of victims felt that all victims should be offered the chance
to choose restorative justice over the traditional criminal justice process.
However, there were conditions attached to this, and most of them were cov-
ered by the expectations included in the Victims’ Directive. Some victims said
that it shouldn’t be up to the court to decide whether a restorative justice inter-
vention should take place or not. “If the courts decide then there is a risk of
undermining the voluntary nature of the processes while we add yet more
gatekeepers for a justice process that should be community led.” Someone
else said “There is a risk to base the decision on another agenda different
than the interests of the parties if it is all in the hands of professionals and
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14 T. Gavrielides
Triangulating the Findings
Findings From Our Offenders’ Sample
The majority of offenders who took part in the research were female (59%)
and between 36 and 55 years old. One offender was over 80 and one was below
16. Four were between 16 and 17. The majority were convicted of robbery, fol-
lowed by burglary, gang crime, street crime, and rape or sexual assault; 64%
had never heard the term “restorative justice” prior to our research, but this
was explained to them in the same way as with the victims’ study.
Sentences varied from 3 years to 18 months and community orders; 78%
of them had not been offered restorative justice. Of the 22% who were offered
restorative justice the vast majority undertook it in prison settings. Only 43%
of those who were not offered restorative justice said that they would have
liked to be given the opportunity. The majority (57%) said that if they had
been offered restorative justice they would have taken part, while 28% were
not sure. The majority of them said they would prefer to have been offered
restorative justice face-to-face.
The key reason for not taking part was “inconvenience” followed by “lack of
information” and “being too traumatic.” “Peer pressure” and “agency agendas”
were the factors that would most likely lead offenders to agree to restorative
justice, but for the wrong reasons. One offender said that what worries offend-
ers the most when offered restorative justice is “the unknown ...meeting the
person that you did the crime against; it is not going to be an easy thing to do
and expressing the reasons behind your offense; expressing remorse ...
Most of the offenders (57%) said that if undergoing restorative justice they
would want to do it because it was important to understand the impact that
their offense had on the victim. This was followed by their wish to apologize as
well as answer the victims’ questions. Interestingly, one offender who had been
convicted of rape said that although he liked the idea of restorative justice he
“wouldn’t want to meet the victim. I wouldn’t like the victim to re-live what
had happened.” However, when asked whether the victim should have been
offered restorative justice as an option, he answered positively.
A number of offenders pointed out that they also saw themselves as
victims and that the line between who is the offender and who is the victim
is often blurred. They also pointed out that dialogue with victims helps them
understand “the ripple effect of their actions in the wider community.” A
consistent finding from the research related to a fear that offenders had of
“restorative justice becoming an industry. Offenders can pick up on that,” as
one offender said. This was also a fear that was shared by the majority of the
victims’ sample.
As our fieldwork was not offender-focused, we focused on using the data
from offenders for triangulation. Overall, issues of awareness, safeguards, and
quality continued to be repeated as the main barriers for accessing restorative
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What Victims Want 15
justice. The promise of empowerment and the equal treatment of stakeholders
were again two of the most appealing elements of restorative justice. It is worth
pointing out here that although the Directive is victim focused, it should not
disregard the rights of any stakeholders—including offenders. One key conclu-
sion from the offenders’ research is that labels often tend to collapse, and that
offenders can also be victims and vice versa. This is something that must be
considered given the human rights foundations of the Directive.
Highlights From Our Expert Sample
The experts’ focus group was held in September 2013 in London and lasted
for three hours. It was held using the method of a restorative circle, whereby
all participants had a chance to speak without being interrupted as long they
were handed the circle’s “talking piece.” There were no hierarchy within the
circle and everyone was treated equally. Some knew each other while all of
them considered themselves to be experts in restorative justice either through
their involvement in practice, research, policy, or teaching. Similarly with the
offenders’ research, the purpose here was to gather additional data that would
allow triangulation and further reflection on the findings with victims.
Similarly to the victim and offender research, one of the themes that domi-
nated the discussions related to the current development of restorative justice
in the United Kingdom. This was believed to be “through top down structures
that control its agenda and forms of manifestations.” This was not thought to
be in the interest of the victim, and concerns were expressed about the need
to first change the criminal justice culture before the Victims’ Directive can
be genuinely implemented. A senior probation manager said that restorative
justice is being promoted within their probation trust as “a quantifiable com-
modity that must be compared against existing practice. This takes restorative
justice away from its key principles.” Similarly, a probation officer said, “In
our restorative justice unit, restorative justice is as top down as you get. All
research is pointing in one direction that it needs to be bottom-up. But all our
funding comes from NOMS [government] and therefore it is hard to change the
existing culture. This ultimately does not serve victims.”
They all agreed that restorative justice should be provided both within and
outside the criminal justice system and that this should include partnerships
with community organizations, which seem to have taken the principal role in
the implementation and innovation of restorative justice. In fact, it appears
that the United Kingdom constitutes an example where restorative justice
takes meaning principally in the hands of its community, although there is
no indication that its delivery by criminal justice agents and within formal
structures will necessarily be hampered.
Participants also expressed the view that in the United Kingdom there
are plenty of adequate legislative and institutional arrangements for the
protection of victims in the criminal justice and restorative justice process.
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16 T. Gavrielides
Nevertheless, there is a considerable gap in the implementation of these
intentions. For example, a few participants said that although the principles
underlying the Directive are included in existing UK documents (e.g. Victims’
Code), their implementation and enforcement mechanisms are absent. The
group also seemed to agree that it is questionable whether legislation alone
can help with the implementation of restorative justice. In fact, attempts and
resources directed into legislative initiatives may distract from the actual
issue, which according to most revolves around enforcement. This finding
is particularly relevant for a statute such as the Victims’ Directive, which
must acknowledge that the community and other non-state-based interven-
tions must also be encouraged and supported. This should serve as a lesson for
the Directive.
Furthermore, there seems to be a strong rhetoric around the implemen-
tation of restorative justice, which does not reflect real practice. Practitioners
said that in the United Kingdom there are a considerable number of practices
labeling themselves as restorative justice. Some of them should only be classi-
fied as preparatory restorative justice practices or victim awareness programs,
they said. For instance, one practitioner said “Actual encounters between vic-
tims and offenders are extremely rare as most practices involve indirect ways
of resolving conflict as well as victim awareness.”
There were also comments about bad practice: “Standards can fall. For
instance, prison governors have fewer resources and they are the gatekeepers.
Do prison staff have enough knowledge and time to use restorative justice?”;
“I know from prisoners that they may sign up to restorative justice in order
to break from their cell. Sign up to the program just so that they break the
monotony of being in the cell. Some others use restorative justice in order to get
into human contact with people—anyone would do”; “There are a lot of issues
around disability as well as culturally specific matters. How [appropriate] are
restorative justice processes? What does the Victims’ Directive say about this?”
Practitioners also pointed out that victims are not always the most vul-
nerable in the restorative justice processes. This confirmed the finding from
the offenders’ sample pointing out the fluidity of victimhood. Examples were
given of extremely vulnerable juveniles undergoing restorative justice while in
prison settings. Issues around post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicidal
tendencies, and the ability to process pain were mentioned. One practitioner
said “Even when we explain the restorative process to offenders, they still do
not realize that they will be emotionally charged over it. They are always sur-
prised when victims are insulting them. They understand at a superficial level
that they will go into a meeting with a victim but they do not expect to be
emotionally affected. Maybe we should prepare them better by showing them
documentaries, videos or training material.” Another practitioner said “The
victim might have a confrontational attitude against the offender. We don’t
want a frustrated offender. That would be a negative outcome attributed to a
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What Victims Want 17
restorative justice meeting. So, safeguards need to protect both sides.” This is
indeed something that must be taken into consideration when implementing
the Directive, which is primarily victim focused.
It was also pointed out that “victims sometimes feel vulnerable, sometimes
they don’t. It is necessary, however, that victims have trust in the facilita-
tor. Necessary skills are being able to listen and have empathy.” Others said
“Most victims are concerned about safety and mainly emotional safety. They
are concerned about not being re-traumatized or being wound up by other par-
ticipants. These fears must be addressed before proceeding with restorative
justice”; “The Directive must be implemented in a manner that safeguards vic-
tims from these fears so that they do not become realities”; “What helps make
victims feel safe in restorative justice is bringing with them people they trust.
It can be a friend or a spouse. The friends will be there to advocate for them
when they are overcoming a conference. It is very frightening for people to feel
that they are coming in alone. Can the Victims’ Directive secure this?”
A number of practitioners pointed out that “restorative justice has its own
timescales” and that it can often be time consuming in criminal justice terms.
“We have to accept resistance at the beginning. We have to explain the process
really well and hear victims’ stories. It is only then when people will start to
become more open to the possibility of restorative justice” one practitioner said.
Another said “Unlike what happens in a criminal court when the jury gives the
verdict, in restorative justice there is no magical climax! The process should be
over only when the parties have come to terms with or recovered from the harm
caused. Never lead parties into a single-event conference. Restorative justice
is a long term process of change.”
There was also consensus that there is no evidence to believe that
restorative justice would not be appropriate with certain crimes. For exam-
ple, in relation to offenders with mental health problems, one practitioner said
“We take special measure in the pre-work for these people. Especially, we pre-
pare them for what might happen in terms of the behavior of the person with
the mental health problems and in most situations they know the person well.”
Others said “Everyone should be allowed to restorative justice if the circum-
stances are right. Now, you have to be careful especially in situations of sexual
assault. However, this doesn’t mean that they can do restorative justice”; “It is
not the nature of the offense that dictates where restorative justice can happen
but more the circumstances around it.” A practitioner with expertise in com-
plex cases such as domestic violence said “There are no restrictions as to where
restorative justice can be used. However, careful assessment and consultation
with the victim (and the offender) will exclude some. Every contact with either
party should be reparatory and restorative in itself.”
It was concluded that there are strong power structures within the victims’
and restorative justice movements that make victims and offenders suspicious
of restorative justice processes. This was also a finding from the offenders’
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18 T. Gavrielides
research. Moreover, practitioners said that gatekeepers often treat victims in a
patronizing or tokenistic manner despite the existence of guidance and regula-
tions. There are fears that this deterioration will continue as funding is being
rolled out into mainstream restorative justice too quickly and without con-
sideration of its complex, local, and fluid nature. Faith institutions practising
restorative justice were explicitly mentioned and so was central government.
One practitioner said: “There can be pressure from faith institutions to forgive
the offender in a hasty way ...forgive the offender and move on, and there
can be a sense that if you don’t forgive that you are not a good Christian ...
that you are not living up to the expectations of your faith.” Someone else said:
“The victim has to be honored in the restorative justice journey. The role of
the facilitator is very important in ensuring that the practice pursues what
the victim wants. Forgiveness should be the last thing on their minds.” A prac-
titioner with expertise in complex cases including sexual violence said “The
danger in the UK is that victims are being encouraged, persuaded, educated,
even coerced into attending single-event conferences which they never wanted
to do and may not serve any purpose other than to satisfy the needs of the
facilitator and the agency.”
Finally, concerns were expressed about existing “ready-made training
packages” that are being rolled out nationally, accrediting professionals as
restorative justice practitioners in a quick and cost-effective manner. Some
practitioners said that the values and complexities of restorative justice are not
captured during these three-day training sessions, which are designed to pro-
vide quick access to restorative justice processes so that diversion becomes pos-
sible within the given agency. It was agreed that such practice is in contradic-
tion with both the letter and the spirit of the Victims’ Directive. However, there
were no suggestions as to how the Directive could help address this problem.
Implementing the Victims’ Directive: Lessons From the Research
The article presents recent data that was collected through a 24-month
research program that formed part of a larger EU-wide project co-financed by
the EC. This article focuses on the UK research. The data relate to the Victims’
Directive and are presented in anticipation of its implementation in November
2015. The findings aim to inform policy development and theoretical think-
ing around the restorative justice articles of the Directive. The data were not
generated in order to paint a scientific picture of restorative justice or victims’
rights in the criminal process. The methodology that was adopted intended
to give us a qualitative account of current themes, fears, wishes, and experi-
ences from victims as well as offenders and professionals in order to assist the
implementation of the Directive.
Neither the paper nor its findings advocate for or against restorative jus-
tice. In fact, it is clear from the Directive’s preamble that it does not aim to
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What Victims Want 19
promote it where it is not already existent in a member state. The United
Kingdom is an example of a member state where restorative justice is already
applied both within and outside of the criminal justice system.
Whether the Victims’ Directive brings the anticipated consistency that the
EC wishes to see across its member states in how victims are treated remains
to be seen. What we do know is that for the first time, restorative justice is
regulated at EU legal level as a process that is offered both pre- and postsen-
tence. Whether one belongs to the sceptic, adversarial, or advocate camps of
restorative justice, we must accept that the Directive acknowledges all com-
peting views while shifting its focus elsewhere. The Directive simply provides
that if restorative justice is indeed going to be offered that it is offered respect-
ing its standards. These standards will soon have higher position over national
legislation. They are not luxury entitlements. They stem from human rights
conventions and namely the European Convention on Human Rights. They are
minimum guarantees for those who have already been victimized by criminal
We can safely conclude that among victims, awareness of the rights and
protection standards included in the Victims’ Directive is currently absent.
This is also the case for professionals servicing victims as well as policy
makers. This is a caveat that must be addressed if the Directive is to be imple-
mented successfully. Concrete examples of types of material were suggested
including case studies, online information, and videos.
According to our victims’ sample, a successful justice process is one that
takes into account their (1) emotional needs, (2) need for information, (3) need
for practical support (e.g. medical support, transport, childcare), (4) need for
financial compensation, (5) need for safety and security, and (6) need to be
treated with dignity and respect (human rights standards). This also applies
for restorative justice, which according to our victims’ samples must be (1) vol-
untary, (2) safe, (3) accessible, (4) able to hold the offender accountable,
(5) timely (“justice delays—justice denies”), (6) neutral, and (7) independent.
This finding must be taken into account when implementing the Directive.
The victims who responded to our research and had participated in
restorative justice had an overall positive experience and they would recom-
mend it to others. The victims who were not offered restorative justice or
chose not to participate in restorative justice did so principally because (1) they
did not believe that restorative justice can offer a better alternative, (2) they
had doubts about the offender’s sincerity, and (3) they were suspicious of the
agencies that offer the process. However, the majority of victims who took
part in our research but had not gone through restorative justice said that
they would opt for restorative justice had they known about it. It also seems
that the three key barriers that prevent victims from opting for restorative
justice are (1) availability in the criminal justice system, (2) low awareness,
and (3) gatekeepers and power structures within the restorative justice and
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20 T. Gavrielides
criminal justice professions. Although the latest legislative developments in
the United Kingdom made restorative justice available through the courts, this
must be requested by the parties and offered by the judge. Our research indi-
cates that awareness levels among victims are very low while professionals
pointed out a number of structural and cultural barriers that relate to the way
the traditional criminal justice system operates. These are all factors that are
yet to be taken into account in relation to the Crime and Courts Act of 2013.
It is hoped that when implementing the Directive these issues are considered.
More worryingly, according to the professionals who took part in the
research, there seem to be strong interests and an entrenched top-down man-
agement of restorative practice in the United Kingdom. This is a concern that
may intensify as more funds become available for its delivery. The Directive
provides a framework for minimum safeguards, but our research did not give
us clarity as to how the power structures within the UK restorative justice
movement can be managed so that the Directive is successfully implemented.
While the research alerts us to this conclusion, hopes are raised that the leg-
islative nature of the Victims’ Directive may indeed force agencies to think
differently, including empowering victims directly to seek justice and their
protected rights.
In a shifting policy and legislative environment where the EC is deter-
mined to change how victims are served both within and outside of the
criminal justice system, victims need to be heard. Contrary to what criminal
justice professionals believe, our research suggested that victims do want to
talk and be included in the formation of practices and policies that impact
them. However, as the research reveals, the recent institutional and legisla-
tive changes that took place in the United Kingdom did not genuinely include
victims. Consequently, current practice that is being developed may not serve
victims’ needs but the agendas of the gatekeepers and those who are in a
position to dictate when, how, and for which crimes restorative justice is
It is also questionable how legislation alone can shift the entrenched mind-
sets that define our modern criminal justice systems. Without this cultural
change, the EC’s wishes to reposition victims in the criminal process may
not materialize. This is not surprising given that victims have traditionally
remained in the margins of the criminal justice system. The power struc-
tures and top-down arrangements of justice that put them there continue to be
strong and the testimonies from victims, offenders, and practitioners seem to
suggest this conclusion. In addition to imposing legal obligations, the Directive
will also need to foster a cultural change that is indeed based in its underlying
human rights values. This is not going to be an easy task.
Restorative justice is not immune to these structures and power inter-
ests either. Attempting to interpret the findings of our research, we conclude
that victims and offenders feel that the existing “gatekeepers,” entrenched
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What Victims Want 21
practices, and mind-sets are the true barriers in the implementation of the
Directive’s intentions. The practitioners and other experts who took part in our
research confirm this conclusion. In fact, it seems that the more interest the
government and funders are showing in restorative justice, the more defensive
gatekeepers and entrenched practices become. This must be read as a warn-
ing for those wishing the Victims’ Directive to succeed. As many victims said,
legislation alone will not do.
2. The adversarial system is described as “a contest between two equal parties, seek-
ing to resolve a dispute before a passive and impartial judge, with a jury (‘the people’)
pronouncing one version of events to be the truth” (Jorg, Field, & Brants, 1995, p. 42).
The system is based on the “fight theory” of justice, mainly described by its adversar-
ial principles, whereby parties “fight out” their case in front of a jury and an impartial
tribunal. That is why criminal justice in the adversarial model is treated as a “con-
test.” On the other hand, the inquisitorial system is described as “the investigation of
an event, and the persons involved, by the State with a view of establishing the truth”
(Jorg et al., 1995, p. 42). The truth in such a system must be discovered in the inves-
tigative procedure. Therefore, the criminal process is seen as an “inquest” (further in
Gavrielides, 2005).
3. See EC DG Justice Guidance Document,
4. See
5. The survey was widely advertised in newsletters, electronic forms of media, and
6. According to Shipman (1997), studies that are carried out through the use of self-
completion questionnaires have a response rate of approximately 35%.
7. For instance, some of these e-mails may have never been opened, may have been
directed into spam folders, or have been returned as undelivered.
8. Thus, third country nationals and stateless persons who have been victims of crime
on EU territory should benefit from these rights. This may be of particular impor-
tance in the context of racist and xenophobic hate crime, crime against undocumented
migrant women and girls who are particularly exposed to various forms of gender-
based violence (such as physical violence, sexual exploitation and abuse, female genital
mutilation, forced marriages, and so-called “honor crimes”), and trafficking in human
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... Researchers have found that, generally, victims understand RJ, and their understanding is based on its value of equal involvement and treatment of all stakeholders involved in the justice process. Gavrielides (2017) found that victims saw RJ as a means to get involved with their own case, to see how it was managed, and what to do about those who harmed them. It seems that victims generally want to take part in RJ, but there are factors that can stop them from meeting their offenders. ...
... It seems that victims generally want to take part in RJ, but there are factors that can stop them from meeting their offenders. Victims are concerned about their own physical safety, the sincerity of the process, problems with the referral agency and practitioners, as certain gatekeepers can get in the way of the restorative process (Gavrielides, 2017). Time and commitment to the victims involved in RJ is an important factor, as well as a neutral agreeable space for any victim/offender interaction to take place. ...
... Time and commitment to the victims involved in RJ is an important factor, as well as a neutral agreeable space for any victim/offender interaction to take place. Ultimately, it appears that victim's value the choice to be involved in the RJ process and do not want to feel like the decision has been made for them (Gavrielides, 2017). Scholars have noted that with the increase in RJ, the needs of the victims of crime is now the primary discourse of restorative justice, rather than their interest, rights or entitlements, which showcases a paradigm shift from the idea that a crime is an injury to the state, to the personalization of crime as an offence against a material victim (Maglione, 2017). ...
Full-text available
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between restorative justice and police culture, and the level to which this culture acts as barrier to the successful implementation and use of restorative justice by frontline police officers. Using a multi-level work group framework, frontline officer’s attitudes and understanding of restorative justice and police culture beliefs are examined, and then their impact on frontline police work is assessed. This study employs an explanatory sequential mixed methods design and is conducted in two phases. The initial quantitative phase involved distributing a Likert-style survey to frontline officers to measure their attitudes and understanding of restorative justice and police culture variables. After analysis of the initial quantitative findings, semi-structured interview questions were developed building on these findings to provide for a more in-depth qualitative analysis. Results indicate that police culture variables such as solidarity, teamwork, crime fighting and tough on crime attitudes are still persistent in policing, but frontline officers are generally accepting of restorative justice, and believe that it has a place in their frontline work as a dispositional tool. Findings indicate, however, that officers perceive restorative justice as another option only for less serious crimes and low risk offenders, and not as a new method of managing offender activity. Restorative justice is not being used to its fullest potential. To increase use of RJ diversion more thorough training, specialist designations and supervisory and middle management direction is recommended.
... The cultural and societal benefits of RJ underscore its relevance in modern justice systems. By fostering empathy, inclusion, and equity, RJ not only resolves individual conflicts but also strengthens the social fabric, creating a foundation for sustainable peace and resilience [45]. ...
... These frameworks should establish clear criteria for the use of RJ, outline procedural safeguards, and allocate resources to support program implementation. For example, mandating the use of RJ in juvenile and non-violent offenses can enhance its accessibility while ensuring consistency in its application [45]. ...
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Restorative justice practices offer an alternative approach to addressing crime by focusing on repairing harm, fostering accountability, and rebuilding relationships between offenders, victims, and the community. Unlike traditional punitive justice systems, restorative justice emphasizes dialogue, empathy, and understanding, creating opportunities for mutual healing and resolution. By involving all stakeholders, it seeks to address the underlying causes of criminal behaviour while empowering victims to voice their experiences and needs. This approach has demonstrated significant benefits, including reduced recidivism rates, enhanced victim satisfaction, and strengthened community cohesion. At its core, restorative justice revolves around practices such as victim-offender mediation, community conferencing, and restorative circles. These practices encourage offenders to acknowledge the impact of their actions, take responsibility, and actively participate in repairing the harm caused. Victims, in turn, gain a platform to express their emotions, ask questions, and seek closure, which is often absent in traditional justice systems. Despite these advantages, restorative justice faces challenges, including societal biases, inconsistent implementation, and the need for adequate training and resources for facilitators. This paper examines restorative justice practices from a broader perspective, analysing their theoretical foundations and societal implications. It then narrows the focus to explore their practical application in bridging the gap between offenders and victims. Drawing on case studies and empirical research, it highlights effective strategies, potential barriers, and the transformative potential of restorative justice in creating equitable and empathetic justice systems. The findings emphasize the critical need for integrating restorative practices into mainstream legal frameworks to promote healing, accountability, and community resilience.
... (p. 4) This supports the positioning of restorative justice as a 'service for victims', an important trend in England (Gavrielides, 2017) which is discussed later. Moreover, this definition does not require a practice to involve dialogue between the parties to qualify as restorative. ...
... This contrasts with a criminal law that presents justice as a zero-sum game, represses ambiguity and squeezes multifaceted situations into blunt, dichotomous categoriesa process in which the police play a central role (McConville et al., 1991). It also contrasts with the recent narrative in England and Wales stating that restorative justice is a service for victims, and thus does and should prioritise victims over offenders (Gavrielides, 2017). ...
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This paper reports the findings of an empirical research project, exploring ongoing attempts to mainstream restorative justice within two English police forces and examining how the police understood and used restorative justice in practice. The findings suggest that two institutional priorities – to satisfy victims and manage the demand on the police’s time – strongly influenced the interpretation and practice of restorative justice. This created tensions as police officers who facilitated restorative justice processes used their discretion to determine, on a case-by-case basis, how best to balance these institutional goals with the restorative goal of stakeholder empowerment. These findings illustrate how the police can implement abstract concepts in a selective, discretionary manner, and enhances the limited empirical literature that explains how existing priorities and embedded ways of working within criminal justice agencies, shape their understanding and use of restorative justice in practice. Such knowledge is crucial, if we are to help maximise the benefits and minimise the risks of restorative justice and restorative policing. The article also introduces the concept of ‘managed empowerment’ to help explain how the tensions between restorative and institutional goals manifested themselves.
... Nos detenemos ahora en lo que ha sido considerado como una de las mejores herramientas para disminuir la victimización secundaria (Berbec et al., 2021), si bien, al mismo tiempo, se configura como arriesgada, en términos de poder producir dicha victimización (Kerner, 2013;Gavrielides, 2017;Banwell-Moore, 2023). Se trata de la justicia restaurativa, con el derecho de las víctimas a información sobre la misma 25 . ...
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D el compromiso al cumplimiento? La reforma de la Directiva 2012/29/UE sobre los derechos, el apoyo y la protección de las víctimas de delito Maitena Poelemans 1 Gema Varona 2 Grupo Consolidado GICCAS (IVAC/KREI) Resumen La Directiva 2012/29/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de la Unión Europea (UE), de 25 de octubre de 2012, por la que se establecen normas mínimas sobre los derechos, el apoyo y la protección de las víctimas de delitos, y por la que se sustituye la Decisión marco 2001/220/JAI del Consejo, supuso un hito en el reconocimiento formal de un conjunto de derechos, procesales y extraprocesales, para las víctimas de delitos. Sin embargo, fue calificada por algunos expertos como un brindis al sol, al no contar con medios necesarios, tanto materiales como perso-nales, y no haberse producido un cambio en las culturas profesionales legales. Ante el hecho de su incumplimiento en muchos países, en junio de 2020, la Comisión adoptó la Estrategia de la UE sobre los Derechos de las Víctimas (2020-2025) para garantizar el acceso a la justicia de todas las víctimas, independientemente del lugar de la UE o de las circunstancias en que se cometa el delito. La Estrategia estableció una serie de medidas no legislativas en relación con los derechos de las víctimas, incluida una revisión de la Directiva, y previó que la Comisión evaluase su impacto y presentara una propuesta legislativa para actualizarla. Esta propuesta se realizó en julio de 2023 y este artículo descriptivo analiza sus implicaciones desde una pers-pectiva general comparada. Palabras clave Derechos de las víctimas, igualdad de acceso, Unión Europea, evaluación de im-pacto, reforma legislativa
... In what he called the "McDonaldization" of RJ, Umbreit (1999) noted several examples from the United States where program efficiency or outcomes of VOMs were used to coerce participants into attending or agreeing to outcomes, where preparation for RJ meetings was absent or insufficient, and where outcomes of VOMs were focused primarily on determining monetary restitution. Other research has documented pressures placed on RJ facilitators and programs to adhere to performance indicators such as effective case processing or case clearance rates in ways that compromise preparation with participants, require victims to meet in times or places that are not convenient or before they may be ready, and focus too much on RJ agreements without sufficient attention to dialogue or the needs of participants (Barnes, 2015;Bolívar, 2015;Crawford & Newburn, 2003;Gavrielides, 2015;Hoyle & Rosenblatt, 2016). Lack of sufficient time for preparation is especially detrimental for victim participation, and one of the reasons why victims may decline to participate in restorative justice encounters is lack of clear understanding of the aims and process of RJ (Hoyle, 2002). ...
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Restorative justice is an innovative justice response to crime and offending that takes many forms such as victim-offender meetings, family group conferencing and youth justice conferencing, and sentencing or peacemaking circles. While restorative practices are used in a wide variety of contexts such as schools and workplaces to respond to and resolve conflict, restorative justice practices are predominantly used within criminal and youth justice. Key goals of restorative justice include (a) meeting victim needs of participation in justice processes and redress for harms caused to them, (b) asking wrongdoers to be accountable and actively responsible for making amends to victims and other they have harmed, and (c) involving primary and community stakeholders in restorative practices that repair harms to victims, promote offender reintegration, and enhance community safety and well-being. Existing research shows that restorative justice consistently meets most of these goals better than conventional court practices. However, restorative justice also appears to work better in some cases than in others, and also faces several limitations and challenges within its use in criminal justice systems. Limitations include dependence of restorative justice on state justice apparatuses for definitions of harm, and lack of fact-finding mechanisms that render most uses of restorative justice as diversionary or postadjudicative responses to offending. Challenges include lack of agreement on the aims and goals of restorative justice theoretically and in practice, administrative dilution and co-option of restorative aims and goals within increased institutionalization in criminal justice agencies, and uncertainty about the ability of restorative justice to redress harms situated within social-structural forms of violence and oppression such as gendered violence and systemic racism.
... 16 Direktiva predstavlja supranacionalni kaznenoprocesno pravni propis, a Gavrielides navodi da građani moraju biti dosljedno zaštićeni u cijeloj Europskoj uniji, što je težak zadatak jer je žrtva tradicionalno imala marginalnu poziciju u kaznenom postupku. 17 Potonja tvrdnja ipak nije potpuno točna jer je žrtva još od donošenja Europske konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda i kroz praksu Europskog suda za ljudska prava imala mehanizme 14 O načinu izvršenja procjene (rizika) za žrtve izvršeno je istraživanje preko Nacionalne jedinice Europola od 10. veljače 2016. do 7. travnja 2016. ...
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Policija ima vodeću ulogu u zaštiti života ljudi, i to ne samo kroz reaktivnu ulogu već i kroz proaktivno djelovanje, koje je kroz recentnu praksu Europskog suda za ljudska prava dobilo novu (stvarnu i prav-nu) dimenziju. U radu se analizira pozitivna obveza države da donosi učinkovite normativne i provedbene mjere u cilju zaštite života. Sud-ska praksa Europskog suda za ljudska prava iskristalizirala je kriterij "predvidljivosti događaja" u utvrđivanju nastanka pozitivne obveze dr-žave, na temelju kojega se može utvrditi da su vlasti znale ili su trebale znati za postojanje stvarnog i neposrednog rizika za život identificirane osobe, a da su propustile poduzeti mjere u okviru svojih ovlasti za koje se, prema razumnoj prosudbi, moglo očekivati da će spriječiti taj rizik. Navedeni kriterij Europski sud za ljudska prava već je više puta primje-njivao kod ocjene događaja, ali autor smatra da se tek od donošenja Direktive 2012/29/EU dodatno afirmirao. Upravo je pozitivna obveza središnji dio ovoga rada, koji se obrađuje problemski kroz presudu Bljakaj v. Hrvatska i Tomašić v. Hrvatska, te se upozorava na sve veću važnost procjene rizika za žrtve. Moguće je da će biti sve više predmeta pred Europskim sudom za ljudska prava koji će sadržavati povredu upravo pozitivne obveze, za razliku od negativne i procesne, koje su implementirane u praksi. Zaključno se navode izvorni prijedlozi, koji trebaju unaprijediti način postupanja policije.
... Acknowledgement or recognition is particularly important for those who have sat through court proceedings in which the accused continually denied guilt (Van Camp, 2014). According to Gavrielides (2015), The more complex the crime, the more victims want to speak up and take ...
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Restorative Justice—the face-to-face encounter in particular—is increasingly being used in cases of homicide. The studies conducted on this process have reported victim satisfaction and claims of having been able to attain closure. Victim-Offender Dialogue (VOD) is now provided through the victim services branch of Justice in spite of a limited understanding of the process itself. This thesis sought to investigate this concept of closure and provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics operating beneath these unique conversations, by approaching the phenomenon from a different direction. Previous studies have focused on the restorativeness or therapeutic value of VOD. The author instead adopts a justice lens, situating VOD within the historical record of justice practices after murder. The focus shifts away from the psychological symptomology of the individual to the social interaction itself. Through historical research, autoethnography and content analysis, the author has developed a justice duality framework unique to the crime of murder which conceptualizes VOD as a moral justice ritual fulfilling the duality, thus achieving justice and therefore closure.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider what safeguarding responses to discriminatory abuse and hate crime might learn from existing research on restorative justice and to drive practice development based on available evidence. Design/methodology/approach This paper is based on a scoping review of literature using four academic databases and reference harvesting. This comprised a critical appraisal of 30 articles, which were thematically analysed to appreciate the benefits and challenges of restorative justice responses to hate crime and how this might inform safeguarding responses to discriminatory abuse and hate crime. Findings The analysis identifies four domains where learning can be drawn. These relate to theory on restorative justice; restorative justice practices; perspectives from lived experience of restorative justice and hate crime; and an appraisal of critiques about restorative justice. Originality/value This paper connects the emerging evidence on restorative criminal justice responses to hate crime to the “turn” towards strengths-based practices in adult safeguarding. Although this provides a fertile environment for embedding restorative practices, the authors argue certain precautions are required based on evidence from existing research on hate crime and restorative justice.
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From the nature and rationale of universal jurisdiction trials it follows that the right to information in the form of interpretation and translation is an essential factor in strengthening the nexus between the trial and the victims and affected communities. This normative standard is enshrined in legal rights in the international, EU and ECHR dimension, which applies to victims in particular but to affected communities as well. Although Germany is a frontrunner in investigating and prosecuting international core crimes committed in Syria it leaves a gap with this normative standard. A lack of information and outreach to victims and affected communities poses a risk of their rights becoming lost in translation. It follows from the cases of Anwar Raslan & Eyad Al-Gharib, Taha al-Jumailly and Alaa M that the most pressing problems include a lack of documentation, simultaneous interpretation, Arabic interpretation, and information available to the public. To close the information gap and facilitate ‘ownership of the proceedings’ to those affected by heinous crimes, a shift in policy of the domestic prosecutor is required: towards a service-oriented and victim centred approach. This conclusion leads to some practical recommendations that could be adopted across many European jurisdiction.
Conference Paper
Rape, as a crime of power and dominance over women. The United Arab Emirates is developing its infrastructure and systems with a strategic goal to be amongst the best countries in the world. A comparative analysis between the UK and the UAE was conducted to determine if the UAE could offer more support to female rape victims, the analysis in this study first examined the procedures and supports the UK and the UAE utilized in rape cases, which indicated the UK was more advanced in its support resources offered to female victims of rape, as well as the investigative and prosecutorial components of adjudicating these cases. This analysis included survey data from UAE and UK samples from police and legal rape experts, which was analysed and formed the recommendations for a Female Support Centre (FSC) in the UAE, confirmed by field visits to specialised rape crisis centres in the UK. Findings supported introducing essential support for female rape victims, specialised investigative techniques and more efficient, prosecutorial and adjudicative processes into the proposed FSCs’. The findings highlighted areas of specific strategies to be included in the FSC to include increased public awareness and having a multi-functioning facility which offers victim centred, immediate and comprehensive care. The types of services and care supported in the survey findings centred on legal support, emotional counselling, medical care and forensic capabilities, ways of allowing victims to talk about their attack without fear, keeping them informed of all the updates in the case, improving the methods of collective evidence, and maintaining consistent service quality standards.
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This is the 2nd edition of Gavrielides’ 2007 monograph “Restorative Justice Theory & Practice: Addressing the Discrepancy”, a ground-breaking book that examines the harmful gap between the restorative justice theory and its application covering the UK, the U.S., Europe, and internationally. Data were obtained from four international surveys with over 300 restorative justice practitioners, using a combination of qualitative methodologies, including questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. The 2nd edition provides critical updates for restorative justice research, policy and practice. Restorative justice projects strive to restore peace after a crime has been committed by involving victims, offenders and community representatives in dialogue. Previous studies reviewed by Dr. Gavrielides have credited these programmes with such benefits as lower recidivism, and higher levels of satisfaction with outcomes among victims, offenders and community representatives, compared to the traditional criminal justice system. However, the author’s seven-year research programme uncovered a pervasive gap between restorative justice principles and current restorative justice operations. This gap is blamed for widespread difficulties such as insufficient funding for restorative justice, inadequate training and accreditation of practitioners, lack of faith and commitment among staff, and a tendency for restorative justice over time to become increasingly similar to the standard criminal justice system. Dr. Gavrielides warns that if these problems are not corrected, the original values and benefits of restorative justice may never be realised. Book Reviews “In a time when restorative justice has been embraced with unbridled enthusiasm by virtually every criminal justice network and dispute resolution stakeholder outside of the criminal justice system, Theo Gavrielides presents us with an original, comprehensive, and essential examination of the subject. This work should be read by anyone and everyone who is the least bit interested in the future health of the restorative justice movement.” Prof. John Winterdyk, Ph.D. Department of Justice Studies, Chair, Mount Royal College, Canada “Theo Gavrielides has provided a constructive and thought-provoking contribution to our understanding of the dynamics of one of the most significant contemporary developments in thinking about criminal justice.” Professor Nicola Lacey, LSE, UK “Restorative justice is a noble concept, but if the actual practice does not match the ideal, it could be discredited. That would be a great loss. Theo Gavrielides has brought together some challenging thoughts about this danger…” Dr. Martin Wright, European Forum of restorative justice and Restorative Justice Consortium, UK and EU It is a concise, engaging, innovative and informative book for practitioners and scholars. This comprehensive introduction to restorative justice provides a much-needed textbook for an increasingly popular area of study and practice, which can be used as a basis for further theoretical development and elaboration on the concept’s limitations and accountability. Dr. Effi Lambropoulou Professor of Criminology Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social and Politic, Greece As a restorative justice practitioner for ten years, I continue to be impressed with the in-depth research Theo Gavrielides does in the field of restorative justice. He meets the challenges with provocative and cutting edge topics directly and succinctly… The struggle of theory vs. practice has been a difficult one in the field since restorative justice began mostly with practice. Gavrielides approaches this struggle with wisdom of historical roots and with encouragement that restorative justice is developing theory to catch up with practice. Linda Harvey Program Director and Founder of the Restorative Justice Council on Sexual Misconduct in Faith Communities, USA “Dr. Theo Gavrielides’ book provides a special journey from the underlying theoretical foundations to the daily practice of restorative justice. By his thought-provoking and critical approach, he gifts the restorative justice field with an essential analysis that bridges theory and practice in an interdisciplinary and multisectoral way” Borbala Fellegi, researcher and lecturer at the ELTE University, consultant of the Ministry of Justice in Hungary in the field of restorative justice, Hungary
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The purpose of this article is to continue the discussion on Europe's converging criminal justice systems. In particular, I test a hypothesis that has recently appeared in the literature, which sees the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights as one of the most significant factors that encourage a harmonization process between the adversarial and inquisitorial criminal justice systems of Europe. This claim is supported by examining the Court's jurisprudence to identify decisions that led to legislative and policy amendments in the domestic legal orders of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe. This account shows how an interplay currently taking place between judicial, policy, and statutory powers is marking the end of the adversarial-inquisitorial era. Finally, the conclusion identifies the three most important impediments that are likely to hamper this harmonization process.
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Restorative practices now appeal to the contemporary politician. Policies and practices are being reformed using the paradigm of restorative justice. However, little research has been done on its historical roots. Many have even claimed that restorative practices do not have a history at all. Through a review of historical and contemporary sources, this article challenges this claim. The paper provides a brief historical account of restorative practices stretching from the acephalous societies until the 1970s. Four eras are identified in the fall and rise of restorative justice through time. A historical debate and further academic research on restorative justice is warranted. The implications of a more informed understanding of the history of restorative practices are significant for their implementation in contemporary society.
This book has been produced in order to meet the needs of several different audiences. One audience is made up of undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking modules in research methods and conducting small-scale research projects as part of their degrees. The book will provide students with the knowledge and skills for critically appraising the research they read, and a springboard for undertaking and writing up their own investigations. © The Policy Press and the Social Policy Association 2012. All rights reserved.
It has been a long-standing habit among legal scholars to think in terms of families of law: civil law families on the continent of Europe, common law families in Great Britain and her former colonies. While differences within these systems are often regarded as incidental, those between them are seen as essential. From a comparative angle, the intriguing question arises whether the legal systems of continental and common law countries usually portrayed as diametrically opposed-are gradually converging. If that is indeed the case, does this imply that both systems will eventually adopt so many of each other ‘s characteristics as to become no more than variations on a theme-their differences no longer essential, our tradition al frame of reference no longer appropriate? It is also possible that the two systems are moving towards each other, but that convergence beyond a certain point is out of the question-for the simple reason that there is a critical limit at which each system would start to risk disintegration. This implies-and it may be especially true in the field of criminal justice-that these systems are the embodiment of such divergent norms and values in the field of criminal justice, in their turn reflecting profound societal values, that they can never be brought to gether entirely. And there is, of course, a third and more radical possibility. Perhaps due to the influence of shared European institutions (notably the European Community and Union Treaties and the Court of Justice in Luxembourg, and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg), one system will in the end come to dominate the other, thereby causing the latter to lose many of its salient and unique features.1