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Smart Cities, Sustainable Progress: Opportunities for Urban Development

Illustration by OSCAR GIMÉNEZ
Smart Cities,
Sustainable Progress
In the wake of the devastating floods and
mudslides that hit Rio de Janeiro in April
2010, the city resolved to develop a $14
million intelligent operations center
equipped with the latest technology in disaster
management and response. It can control the
city’s traffic flow and public transit systems, and
handle power outages. Its alert system includes
mobile, e-mail and instant messaging services, to
provide residents and emergency services with
real-time status reports.
Rio de Janeiro is one of a growing number of
metropolises using new technology and inte-
lligent resources to streamline their everyday
operations and improve the quality of life for
their citizens.
These so-called smart cities offer huge
opportunities for businesses to partner with
public authorities, who are eager to tap the pri-
vate sector’s expertise in systems design and
strategic management.
At IESE’s Center for Globalization and
Strategy, we have been studying various urban
development models around the world. This
article highlights some of our early findings
and the key implications for public and private
sectors alike regarding the future development
of smart cities.
What Is a Smart City?
Being a smart city means using all available tech-
nology and resources in an intelligent and coor-
dinated manner to develop urban centers that
are at once integrated, habitable and sustainable.
Drawing on the urban development model
of the IESE Cities in Motion project, we have
With urbanization on the rise
globally, failure to adapt to
the new urban reality could
be disastrous for cities facing
unprecedented demographic,
economic, social and
environmental challenges.
Development models are
needed to transform such
challenges into opportunities.
The authors outline the strategic
planning methodologies
needed to create smart cities
– sustainable, innovative,
connected and socially cohesive
places that enhance the quality
of urban life. And when it
comes to transforming cities,
the private sector has plenty to
Sustainable Ecosystems
Against such a backdrop, the major challenge
for urban authorities is to build cities that can
function as habitable and sustainable ecosys-
tems. The cities that are able to pull this off
will almost certainly lead the way in attracting
investment, talent, tourism and employment
The smart city concept covers a broad
cross-section of strategies and measures de-
signed to enhance the quality of urban life, the
provision and management of public services,
and long-term sustainability.
After all, a city’s vitality and reputation de-
pend on a whole host of factors, including com-
munications technology, disaster and waste
management, access to clean drinking water,
green areas, public transportation, health, edu-
cation and public safety.
The key, therefore, to developing smart ci-
ties is to integrate all of these components in
one holistic vision, thereby boosting manage-
ment efficiencies – an area in which the private
sector has much to contribute.
For newly built business hubs like Songdo
in South Korea, designing such a tightly inte-
grated system is relatively easy, as there are
virtually no limits – beyond the usual finan-
cial restraints – to what urban planners can
dream up. Conversely, the transformation
of conventional cities presents far greater
Most smart projects that have emerged in
recent years focus primarily on information
and communications technology (ICT) and
sustainability, which is understandable, given
the scope and scale of the business opportuni-
ties on offer. According to the consulting firm
IDC, the income generated by ICT used in
smart city projects may hit $57 billion by 2014.
Nevertheless, we must not forget that ICT
is only a means to an end – which is ultimately
to measurably improve people’s quality of life.
Progress By Planning
With the global urban space expected to grow
exponentially in the coming decades, cities
will need to streamline their strategic and sce-
nario-planning processes. Only then will they
be able to think up new ways to innovate, and
identify opportunities and priorities for future
This means developing a flexible, partici-
patory process with a defined goal: to design a
sustainable action plan that gives uniqueness
and visibility to the metropolis.
identified five types of capital that contribute
toward a city’s intelligence:
n economic (GDP, sector strength, internatio-
nal transactions, foreign investment);
n human (talent, innovation, creativity, edu-
n social (traditions, habits, religions, fami-
n environmental (energy policies, waste and
water management, landscape);
n institutional (civic engagement, administra-
tive authority, elections).
These are the lifeblood of the modern urban
system, and can be nurtured through strategies
targeting innovation, social cohesion, sustainabi-
lity and connectivity. See Exhibit 1.
Failure to adapt to the new urban reality
could be disastrous for cities facing unprece-
dented demographic, economic, social and
environmental pressures.
The United Nations has predicted that the
world’s urban population will grow by 75 per-
cent by 2050. This mass migration to the cities
will increase the number of densely populated
areas, further complicating urban mobility and
putting even greater strain on public services.
The McKinsey Global Institute concurs,
pointing out that, with up to 65 percent of glo-
bal GDP growth soon to be concentrated in the
world’s 600 largest cities, associated problems
such as income inequality, mass unemploy-
ment, illiteracy, social conflict and ghettos will
be exacerbated.
Such rapid urbanization also has an envi-
ronmental impact. While cities occupy a mere
2 percent of the planet, they already account
for 60 percent to 80 percent of energy con-
sumption, and 75 percent of carbon dioxide
emissions. Increased traffic, pollution, was-
te and energy costs will no doubt continue to
present a growing threat to human health and
IESEinsight 51
But just as two companies will have diffe-
rent recipes for success, each city must forge
its own development model that tackles, in a
systematic way, the unique set of challenges
and opportunities that it faces – all of which
presupposes a veritable sea change in the way
city authorities operate.
Amazingly, many cities still employ urban
planning methods that fail to monitor whether
goals are actually being met or not.
Indeed, most cities don’t do strategic plan-
ning at all. Instead, they tend to deal with issues
as and when they arise, rather than adopting an
integrated, holistic approach. They remain fixa-
ted on taking an industrial approach to urban
planning, rooted in a bygone reality. Further-
more, they constantly run up against brick walls
erected by government bodies, which are more
interested in protecting their own power bases.
Large cities must take a longer view, make
greater use of innovation to improve the effi-
ciency and sustainability of their services, im-
prove communications and engage
local residents in their projects.
To do that, cities need to deve-
lop smart governance systems that
take all these factors into account.
Only by doing so will they become
Health &
Sector Talent
The Path to
exhibit 1
sustainable places, with long-term strategic
projects developed in partnership with the
private sector and local citizens.
When drawing up a long-term strategy, the
city must take into account the full spectrum of
its constituent elements. We propose a three-
step process, beginning by diagnosing the si-
tuation, then developing a strategic plan and
finally taking action. See Exhibit 2.
Analyze the Key Areas
ICT has opened up whole new dimensions to
urban development. However, as we already
mentioned, there is more to smart cities than
just ICT.
City authorities must try to take into ac-
count all the various factors that create va-
lue and bring success to the city, both at the
local and international level. This diagnosis
should be based on a thorough analysis of the
following factors, including but not limited to
ECONOMICS. This encompasses all the factors
that contribute toward a city’s economic devel-
opment, including local development frame-
works, transition plans, business strategies, for-
mation of industrial clusters, and the presence of
innovation and entrepreneurship.
In the strategic plan drawn up for the eco-
nomic development of the South Korean in-
dustrial center of Suwon, the new economy
was given prominence. By extending finance
to SMEs specializing in IT, biotechnology and
nanotechnology, the city’s authorities created
an economic landscape in which two out of
every three companies now operate in high
A similar approach has enabled Eind-
hoven to establish itself as the Nether-
lands’ technological capital. The city
decided to stake its future on R&D and
innovation. Since then, leading com-
panies from a broad range of sectors
– automotive, design, food and nutri-
tion, technology and medicine – have
flocked there. This boost to the local
economy has yielded a steady stream of
new projects.
Countless similar examples demons-
trate that urban development in the 21st
century can stimulate recovery and revitaliza-
tion, thanks largely to the partnerships formed
between the public and private sectors.
HUMAN RESOURCES. The main objective of any
city is to enhance its human capital. As such, it
must attract and retain talent, as well as raise lo-
cal education standards, and promote creativity
and research.
Take the example of Vancouver. Following
the University of British Columbia’s decision
to promote biotech research, the city has be-
come a hotbed of highly specialized biotech
companies, attracting a steady influx of quali-
fied labor from overseas.
To retain that talent, many of the compa-
nies in the sector have established flexible
work policies, and they offer attractive perks
and incentives to high-value staff.
In a similar vein, Suwon has strengthened
its competitiveness by investing more than 350
million euros in improving educational infras-
tructure and specialized courses.
ENVIRONMENT. With increasingly scarce resourc-
es and ongoing environmental degradation, cit-
ies can no longer afford to ignore the issue of
environmental sustainability. In fact, by tackling
pollution, managing water efficiently, and sup-
porting green buildings and alternative energy,
cities can become cleaner, more pleasant places
to live, while at the same time drastically reduc-
ing their energy bills.
Yokohama, Japan, is a case in point. Its
commitment to renewable energy and conser-
vation has made it a pioneer in the field, hel-
ping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and
dependence on fossil fuels.
The authorities in Moncton, Canada, have
unveiled a sweeping green city project, which,
among other things, aims to encourage greater
use of public transport and bicycles, and more
recycling. It has installed LED traffic lights
throughout the city, and provides electric cars
for city services. In addition, it has imposed
tighter controls on irrigation water and laun-
ched tree-planting campaigns.
In Europe, the Spanish city of Málaga has
launched an ambitious effort to become an
eco-efficient city, aiming to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions by more than 6,000 tons per
year, and shifting toward renewables.
SOCIAL COHESION. Improving a city’s social envi-
ronment requires extensive research and action
in areas such as immigration, community devel-
opment, elder care, health care and public safety.
One interesting case is the health-care
scheme launched by Copenhagen city autho-
rities, which gives doctors instant access to pa-
tient records, thereby reducing the percentage
of medical errors and raising the levels of user
In the United States, Chicago has imple-
mented an ambitious public-safety plan. A
system of widespread video surveillance and
license-plate recognition technology has led to
substantial improvements, including in emer-
gency response times across the city.
URBAN PLANNING. To make their spaces more liv-
able, many cities are launching local master plans
focused on the design of green areas and public
spaces. They usually include a firm commitment
to smart growth.
Most importantly, new urban planning
methods should focus on creating compact,
well-connected cities, with easily accessible
public services.
Although this is more easily done when
smart cities are built from scratch, there are
many initiatives to revitalize neglected areas of
existing cities, as in the case of 22@Barcelona.
Backed by a public investment of 180 mi-
llion euros, this project in Spain’s second city
is among the most ambitious urban transfor-
mation projects to be launched in Europe.
A former industrial area has been regene-
rated through the construction of 4,000 new
Juan M. Barrionuevo is
director of strategy at Mobile
World Capital and VP of
the IESE Cities in Motion
Strategies platform. He
has more than 15 years’
experience in the ICT industry,
as well as a background in
entrepreneurship, both as a
business angel and as a creator
of venture capital networks.
Pascual Berrone is an
assistant professor of Strategic
Management at IESE and vice
president of the Iberoamerican
Academy of Management.
Holder of a Ph.D. in
business administration and
quantitative methods from
Carlos III University in Madrid,
he has extensive experience
in American and European
firms. His research focuses
on corporate governance,
executive compensation,
family business, sustainable
innovation and corporate
social responsibility.
Joan E. Ricart is director of
the Strategic Management
Department and holder of
the Carl Schroeder Chair of
Strategic Management at IESE.
Besides serving as the vice
president of the Iberoamerican
Academy of Management, he
was the founding president
of the European Academy
of Management and also
presided over the Strategic
Management Society. His
areas of interest include
the design and economics
of organizations, corporate
governance and sustainable
IESEinsight 53
homes, along with parks and facilities. Since
the year 2000, the zone has attracted 4,500
companies, many in tech-related industries. To
date, the scheme has helped create more than
56,000 new jobs.
are the main focal point for responding to the
challenges facing cities. As such, consideration
should be given to levels of participation, the
ability of authorities to engage business leaders
and local residents, and the implementation of
electronic government, or e-government, plans.
One of the pioneers in this area is Singa-
pore. Since the ’80s, Singapore has supported
numerous initiatives to facilitate communica-
tion and collaboration among government, ci-
vic and business institutions. Today, the city’s
e-government offerings are among the most
advanced in the world. Its citizens now have
access to more than 1,600 online services via
mobile devices.
Singapore’s experience reveals an essential
truth about smart cities: Bureaucracy must be
minimized, and most procedures can be con-
ducted electronically.
Another notable project is Change by Us
NYC, a platform promoted by New York City
to encourage neighbors to share ideas and then
create work teams to put those ideas into ac-
tion. Participants are provided with tools and
resources to access public services and contact
the relevant associations for implementing
their plans.
PUBLIC MANAGEMENT. Many cities are trying to
improve the efficiency of local government in-
stitutions, focusing in particular on the design
of new organizational and management models.
This area presents major opportunities for the
private sector, whose experience of optimizing
efficiencies is invaluable.
Take the example of England’s second city,
Birmingham, whose city council has entrus-
ted the management and maintenance of local
roads, sidewalks, bridges, lighting and green
areas to a consortium of private companies.
This represents good business not only for
companies but also for the city, which stands
to save several million pounds each year.
TECHNOLOGY. While cities do not live on technol-
ogy alone, ICT is an essential driver of a commu-
nity’s economic and social development. As such,
cities around the globe should be – and many are
– seeking to harness the benefits of the latest gen-
eration of ICT.
Take the Chinese metropolis of Chengdu,
which is in the process of adopting fiber op-
tics and other technology to control traffic,
police, firefighters and ambulances from a
large operations center. In addition, Internet
access will soon be available from any point
in the city.
South Korea’s Songdo will likewise soon
have integrated all its information systems for
buildings, hospitals, transport and businesses.
In South Africa, Johannesburg is teaming
up with a technology company to build a broad-
band network that will provide high-speed ser-
vices to businesses and local residents by the
first quarter of 2013.
This is not to say that ICT is the exclusive
domain of major metropolises. Consider the
case of the satellite town of Sant Cugat del
Vallès, located just outside Barcelona, which
has fitted one of its streets with a network of
sensors that enables the council to manage a
Analyze the
Key Areas
Assess the Levers
of Change
Use Indicators
Benchmark Against
Other Cities
Identify Promising
Design the
City Model
Define Strategic
Coordinating Body
Operational Plans
Implement Action Plans
(2-5 months)
(5-12 months)
(2-10 years)
Step By Step
exhibit 2
whole range of services remotely, including tra-
ffic, parking, waste management, trash recepta-
cles, environmental control, lighting and Wi-Fi.
ier for people to get around town and access
public services will be among the major urban
challenges of the future – especially given the
coming explosion in urban populations.
Fortunately, many cities are already on the
front foot. Curitiba, Brazil, for example, has
introduced an intelligent, integrated transpor-
tation system to improve mobility, for which a
fleet of 2,160 buses has already been assigned.
The city’s main hubs are served by high-capa-
city, high-speed, high-frequency buses, com-
plemented by other lines operating between
neighborhoods, along loop routes and other
conventional lines. The city has also built 120
kilometers of bike lanes.
On the other side of the globe, Singapore
authorities are working on a pilot project to
determine the most effective and useful tech-
nology for facilitating urban mobility. The city
has already installed a system of traffic sensors
that allows authorities to predict traffic jams
up to one hour in advance.
and scope of competition between international
metropolises, big cities looking to prosper must
first achieve a prominent place on the world map.
Building international presence means attract-
ing tourism and foreign investment, which, in
turn, requires bold initiatives to boost the city’s
overseas representation and global positioning.
Take the example of Barcelona, which has
developed a Strategic Tourism Plan with a se-
ries of activities until 2015. The ultimate goal of
the plan is to increase the city’s attractiveness
and to position it internationally, particularly
among high-quality tourism segments.
To achieve that, the city council is working
alongside the Barcelona Chamber of Commer-
ce to organize public-awareness campaigns,
exhibitions and forums.
In many ways, Barcelona is following the
Making it easier for people to access public services
will be among the major urban challenges of the future
– especially given the coming explosion in urban
example already set by Vancouver, whose long-
held strategic commitment to sustainable tou-
rism has established the city as an internatio-
nal role model.
For the past two decades, the local govern-
ment has been working closely with companies
to improve sustainability and support energy
conservation programs, through associations
like the Oceans Blue Foundation, BC Hydro
and Ethos.
Diagnose the Situation
Through the analysis of these key areas, the
city begins to understand its current situation,
and to see how mature it is in relation to in-
novation, social cohesion, sustainability and con-
nectivity. But that is only part of the equation:
Before executing action plans and achieving
the goals defined, the city also needs to diag-
nose its competitive situation and strategic
position along several other fronts.
need to review the main levers that will drive
the city’s progress. These are: strategic and
scenario planning; collaboration and commu-
nication; public-private partnerships; funding
strategies; capacity management; and techno-
logical infrastructure. See Exhibit 3.
As part of this process, authorities will
have to decide how plans are to be drawn up
and implemented, making sure that different
scenarios are being considered. They will have
to identify ways of improving communication
with local citizens, as well as how to get local
actors on board. They must devise strategies
for drawing in private-sector support and in-
volvement, and spell out how such partners-
hips will benefit the city. Above all, they need
to develop ways of delivering greater value to
citizens, which, among other things, may in-
volve identifying which technology is needed
to improve the city’s infrastructure.
step is to develop a set of indicators to iden-
tify your city’s strengths and weaknesses,
IESEinsight 55
Six WayS Marketing Can Change the World
Economics Human
Environment Social
Mobility &
& Communication
& Scenario
& Civic
Seeking Opportunities
and compare them with international best
Appropriate indicators need to be establis-
hed for each of the previously mentioned key
areas. This should involve the active participa-
tion of key stakeholders. Economic indicators,
for example, may include GDP, exports and fo-
reign investment per capita. In this way, cities
can begin to chart their progress and identify
ways of further enhancing their position.
Each key area should have an indicator,
an international benchmark and a particular
improvement opportunity that must be assig-
ned a priority level.
Ready, Set, Go
Armed with this information, the city is then
in a position to design how it will grow and
progress in the future through a number of ca-
talytic and diversified projects.
DESIGN THE CITY MODEL. It is worth remember-
ing that each city is unique, with its own par-
ticular sets of needs and opportunities. So,
while other cities’ smart initiatives may pro-
vide some useful lessons, each city must de-
sign its own plan that reflects its own reality,
establishing priorities that are clear but at the
same time allow enough flexibility to adapt to
changing circumstances.
Local experts are the ones who should be
responsible for designing the key strategic
measures. When engaging with stakeholders,
city authorities must be sure to involve local
residents, particularly those who will be most
affected by any plans. The consultation pro-
cess must be as thorough and open as possible.
This requires seeking out and genuinely liste-
ning to local stakeholders’ ideas and opinions,
no matter how unpopular they may be.
TIONAL PLANS. Although smart-city planning
should always have a long-term vision, short-
term projects will also play their part.
As with any corporate governance, muni-
cipal authorities must know how to strike the
EXPERT insight SMart CitieS, SuStainable ProgreSS
56 third QUArtEr 2012 issUE 14
right balance and meet the needs of different
In addition, they must diversify their urban
policies as much as possible. No city – nor any
business – should put all its eggs in one basket,
especially in today’s hyper-competitive world.
The process of defining catalytic projects –
that is, projects that rapidly speed up the deve-
lopment process – should include a timetable
with specific goals, tools, resources and res-
ponsibilities covering the primary objectives,
as well as giving a detailed description of the
tasks involved.
In this phase, a supervisory body should
also be established for coordinating, monito-
ring and adapting the various plans.
IMPLEMENT ACTION PLANS. Finally, all the plan-
ning needs to be put into action. This could
take anywhere between two and 10 years,
depending on how ambitious the smart-city
project is. During this phase, flexibility is
paramount: Planners must be ready to adapt
strategies, and even final objectives, to reflect
shifting, on-the-ground realities.
A Fully Networked Ecosystem
It cannot be overstated that every contribution
matters in this process, which is why stakehol-
ders must be invited to participate at every step
of the way. A networked ecosystem should de-
velop among all stakeholders, including civic
organizations, public bodies, government ins-
titutions, top universities, business experts
and research centers.
Working with this networked ecosystem
has certain advantages: It makes it possible to
identify the needs of the city and its residents,
set common goals, establish regular communi-
cation between different actors, increase lear-
ning opportunities, improve transparency and
implement more flexible public policies. As an
OECD report has stated, this ensures that local
policies are focused on those who matter: local
Private companies are ideal for leading
and developing projects in collaboration with
This article is based on early research by IESE
Cities in Motion Strategies, an initiative of IESE’s
Center for Globalization and Strategy. This platform
connects experts and private companies with city
administrations all around the world, with the goal
of stimulating innovative thinking and encouraging
the private sector to play a major role in developing
smarter governments and better opportunities for
n Find out more at
Private companies are ideal for leading and developing
projects, in collaboration with universities and
other public institutions, thanks to their project
management and technical know-how.
universities and other public institutions,
thanks to their project management and tech-
nical know-how.
These public-private partnerships can re-
sult in significant savings to the public purse.
But the benefits go both ways: The private sec-
tor can gain greater government cooperation,
a better understanding of local needs, raised
international visibility and, consequently, ac-
cess to new business opportunities and talent.
The human factor remains crucial to ur-
ban development. Without a participatory,
intelligent and proactive society, any strategy
is doomed to failure, regardless of how well-
intentioned it may be.
Beyond technological and economic deve-
lopment, it is the citizens who hold the key to
turning smart cities into wise cities. That is the
goal that every large city should be pursuing:
for its inhabitants and leaders alike to lend
their talent in support of its progress, in the
broadest sense of the term.
IESEinsight 57
... Chourabi et al. (2012) raise concern about the need to contemplate external and internal factors. Barrionuevo et al. (2012) refer to the fact that becoming a smart city could take more than a decade and should be grounded on a strategic vision. Lee et al. (2013) highlight the need to have a unified and standard process, which can be noted in the study of Mora and Bolici (2016) about the city of Amsterdam. ...
... The collaborative dimension of governance in co-design, co-creation and co-production has to be considered for more significant information crossover (involving key stakeholders) and faster processes (Anttiroiko et al., 2014). Chourabi et al. (2012) Framework with two levels of relationships and influences: (i) external factorsgovernance, people and communities, natural environment, infrastructure and economy; and (ii) internal factorstechnology, management and policy Barrionuevo et al. (2012) Defined a process with 10 linear step Smart City divided into 3 phases: Diagnose the Situation (2-5 months); Develop a Strategic Plan (5-12 months) and Take Action (2-10 years) Lee et al. (2013) Proposed an 8-phases technological roadmap for Smart City development divided into 3 parts: Preliminary Activity, Development activity of integrated roadmap and Follow-up activity Zygiaris (2013) Established 7 layers for the Smart City architecture that starts from the readiness of the city, the reduction of the carbon footprint and strives to the capacity to have real-time events and integrated urban space Stratigea et al. (2015) Draw a framework based on 4 Smart City stages based on a public participation background contemplating brainstorming and identifying local problems and solutions Mora and Bolici(2016) Described the 5 phases development process roadmap of the Amsterdam's smart city strategy: Starting, Planning, Development of Projects, Monitoring and Evaluation and Communication García-Fuentes and de Torre (2017) Set a 4 phases Urban Regeneration model: City audit, Actions plan, Implementation and Assessment. The model considers three action sectors: Urban districts and built environment, Urban transport and Integrated infrastructures and processes Gassmann et al. (2019) Cycled Smart City Management Model to structure time sequence and tracking of projects, integrating the six traditional Smart City areas proposed by Giffinger (2007) and three dimensions: the service areas, the transformation process and the fundamental elements Pereira and Azambuja (2021) Roadmap that contains 11 key governance conditions for developing strategies for smart sustainable city initiatives that were classified into three main phases: (1) planning; (2) implementing; and (3) adopting, monitoring and evaluating Source: Authors' own work ...
... The proposed framework incorporates lessons from previous studies and emphasizes a unified, cyclical process, where community involvement and institutional support are prioritized (Barrionuevo et al., 2012;Chourabi et al., 2012;García-Fuentes and de Torre, 2017;Gassmann et al., 2019;Lee et al., 2013;Mora and Bolici, 2016;Stratigea et al., 2015;Zygiaris, 2013). ...
Purpose Information and communication technologies brought a new paradigm that allows policymakers to ground their actions on real-time events. Smart cities were initially conceived as a technological vision separate from urban planning. As a result, projects were rarely connected between departments, objectives were not aligned with strategic goals and there was a lack of citizen participation. This study aims to propose a framework to guide and support the design and implementation of a smart city. Design/methodology/approach Interviews with eight policymakers and one secretary of state are conducted to explore current decision-making processes, specifically, to understand if and how smart city strategies are designed and who their main contributors are. Based on these findings, an inductive thematic analysis of existing literature studies to inspire the steps of the proposed framework is performed. Finally, these steps are discussed in a focus group with nine smart city experts to characterize the guidelines comprehensively. Findings Policymakers confirmed the lack of a standard method and approach to orient their smart city strategies. Results describe a flexible, participatory framework that envisions 12 steps divided into 4 phases with dedicated guidelines. Originality/value This paper integrates the plan-do-check-act cycle approach into the thinking for urban planning design. In addition, it raises the need to reflect on the definition of a country’s strategic plan and the alignment and execution of cities’ roadmaps.
... Considering interactions among greening public investment and purchasing, raising consumer needs, supporting greener industries, and research and innovative applications, cities have a central role in implementing green growth strategies (OECD, 2013). Smart solutions orientation can minimize the environmental footprint of the city through conserved energy, and efficient resource allocation increased efficiency, and minimized waste and pollution (Barrionuevo et al., 2012). ...
... SC is built on the development of technological application on urban environment that makes the economy, mobility, environment, people, life and governance smart (Makiela et al., 2022). Having a user centric approach, SC is a technology intensive concept (Albino et al., 2015;Bakıcı et al., 2012) and focuses on enhancing city performance (Barrionuevo et al., 2012). SC aims to enhance well-being through creating sustainable, habitable and resource efficient urban areas (Yigitcanlar & Lee, 2014). ...
... SG plays important role in supporting management and organization of SC to reach its purposes (Lopes, 2017). The definition of SG in the literature includes: involvement of multiple actors (Appio et al., 2019;Mutiara et al., 2018); interaction of different sectors for decision making (Batty et al., 2012;Kourtit et al., 2012;Lombardi et al., 2012;Nam & Pardo, 2011); providing investment promotion (Mutiara et al., 2018); creating services for citizens (Ruhlandt, 2018;Lopes, 2017); improvement of efficiency through innovations (Barrionuevo et al., 2012); e-governance service (Barns, 2018); urban infrastructure management (Razaghi & Finger, 2018); improvement in the socio-economic and environmental performances (Ruhlandt, 2018;Kourtit et al., 2012); sustainability oriented ICT management (Scholl & AlAwadhi, 2016). Figure 1 highlights multi-level perspective of SG ( Figure 1). ...
Cities can be effectively transformed into smart cities (SCs) to support sustainability, green economy (GE) and sustainable development (SD). Urbanization policies are important for SCs’s effectiveness in GE and sustainability. The study aims to propose suggestion on preliminary pillars of the multi-layered conceptual model towards contribution of smart governance (SG) in SCs to GE and sustainability. Therefore, the study reviews the literature in different search engines (e.g., Web-of-Science, Scopus, Sciencedirect) with keyword combinations of SC, GE, SC governance and sustainability. The study examines SC examples and SG strategies to support GE. The findings highlight the contribution of SC and effective SG to the GE and the multi-layered nature of SC that changes strategically through a multi-actor and multi-sectoral approach. The results emphasize that sustainability interacts with the SC, creating a closed loop that supports SC governance to develop GE. Furthermore, the results provide preliminary suggestion on main pillars of the conceptual model as five aspects (technological, governance, environmental, social, economic) and five keys (ICT-led urban-growth, collaboration, integration, transparency & accountability, green performance) that can support GE because of the interactions of SG and SD. The study can be beneficial for municipalities, urban planners, and researchers in the relevant field.
... CAM comprises vehicles capable of self-navigation without any human assistance including self-driving cars (vehicles that can guide themselves without human intervention). To provide the 'intelligence,' ITS employs a variety of telematics-type technology solutions, including cellphone [5], wireless, as well as satellite telecommunication technology, as well as detectors as well as motion sensors, digital cameras as well as video editing software [1], reliable information collection and analysis, as well as high-power computing connected to various databases [3]. The management of signalized intersections is a simple and early illustration of the ITS function [4]. ...
... It has been established that the initial notion of smart cities is an approach that takes use of recent developments in ICT to solve urbanization-related issues [5]. Connected automobiles, smart homes, and mobile devices are just some of the ways that people engage with smart cities platforms [2]. ...
... The usage of geoinformation and communication technology (GICT) is becoming more important in the creation of smart cities (ICT). Spatial information science and systems are important to the proper implementation of ICT in smart cities because they help to enhance assessment and decision-making [5]. ...
... Smart cities are characterized by their ability to foster advancements across various dimensions, including governance, mobility, environment, quality of life, economic vitality, and urban development [5]. A successful smart city leverages the intelligent and coordinated use of technology and resources to create integrated, livable, and sustainable urban centers [6]. This approach empowers cities to effectively address contemporary challenges by harnessing cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, AI, and data analytics. ...
... Smart cities incorporate information and communication technologies (ICT) with traditional infrastructures to improve life concerning social, environmental, and economic quality (Batty et al., 2012;Lombardi et al., 2012). By optimizing resources, monitoring security, and providing valuable services to the citizens in an intelligent and coordinated way, the goal is to create integrated, habitable, and sustainable urban centers (Barrionuevo et al., 2012;Hall et al., 2000). ...
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The tourism industry plays a crucial role in many countries and has suffered under the global events of the last years (e.g., COVID-19, economic recession) with a decline in visitors and economic contributions. Through digitalization efforts of cities and states, smart tourism destinations use emerging technologies like the Internet of Things and Smart Services to provide rich on-site experiences for visitors, hoping to increase their competitiveness and attract new tourists. By conducting a design science research project in collaboration with a German municipality, this paper aims to explore how digital assistants should be designed in the context of smart tourism. Based on expert interviews and a multi-case study of 37 tourism apps, we were able to develop twelve key design principles for smart tourism applications, evaluated through a prototypical instantiation, to create design knowledge for the digitalization of tourism.
... On the other, it still remains surprisingly separated from the physical structure and urban form of the city. The SC idea seems to be understood predominantly either as a technological concept based on the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) [2][3][4][5][6][7] or as a variety of methods for managing or governing a city as an entity or its given elements, e.g., resources, traffic, and inhabitants [8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. Furthermore, an SC's association with urban form is mostly reduced to GIS data analysis [15]. ...
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This study concerns the correlation of a smart city as an idea with urban form, with a particular focus on blue–green infrastructure. It aims to bridge the research gap on the physical structure of a smart city. It attempts to answer the following questions: (1) are there any patterns or rules in how a smart city’s urbanscape should be shaped? (2) Can green and recreational spaces contribute to a smart city’s smartness? If so, can a smart city be more resilient? To answer these questions, the author proposes the framework of a ‘smart urban form’ and a five-goal checklist to evaluate the blue–green infrastructure of a smart city. This checklist tool is based on the following five goals: morphology, ecology and environmental protection, accessibility, multifunctionality and activities, and identity and aesthetics, with specific factors for each goal. The paper presents a test of the tool on two existing smart city urban structures: the Songdo IBD, South Korea, and Aspern Seestadt, Vienna, Austria. This research is based on a combination of mixed methods: analysis of the literature, a multiple-case study, and observation. A correlation between the resilience of a smart city and its urban form, with an emphasis on blue–green infrastructure, was found.
Purpose The rise in the urban population has led to an increase in the magnitude of inequalities within the community. Smart city is an evolution of cities with technology trying to facilitate modern urbanization complexities. Success of establishing smart city initiatives can be considered as a social transforming quest with technology reaching goals at individual and collective levels, thus citizen engagement is critical in heavy technological-reliant projects. This study aims to investigate the potential of improving quality of life through a citizen-centric approach to smart city development in urban cities of Sri Lanka. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on qualitative methods where information was gathered from 20 citizens residing across 9 provinces of the smart city initiatives based on the City Competitive Index rankings. Six-dimensional smart city model was used as a theoretical lens. Findings Time management issues, well-being and bleak atmosphere were identified as key challenges; Citizen-centric approaches in Sri Lanka were not satisfactory, and there was room left for improvement of quality of life. Cultural integration and socio-cultural readiness were unique findings, whereas the need for smart education was dominant to overcome challenges in progressing in citizen-centric smart city initiatives. Practical implications The results of the study would provide comprehensive knowledge through theoretical and academic contributions in developing countries. At the same time, policymakers, the community at large, government and service providers will primarily benefit from the practical implications of the study. Originality/value The study recommends focusing on a tailored smart educational approach, feedback mechanisms and sustainable policies to facilitate the progression of smart cities. Novel findings of cultural integration, socio-cultural readiness and safety should be focused more to ensure the success of smart cities in the South Asian context.
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The continuous growth of urban populations and the complexities of their current management in Africa have driven local governments to explore new technologies to optimize their urban and territorial performance. These governments and related stakeholders’ resort to the term “smart city” to orient the current urban planning policies and practices to be more efficient and adequate. Nevertheless, the issue that remains is how to contextualize this global term that has not yet been fully adopted by African cities that have claimed to be “Smart”. This contextualization becomes more complex in this critical context, where the city has not yet reached an ideal performance. Therefore, to reach this prospective African smart city, a critical review of how it would be both human-centered and techno-centered is imperative. This paper would review accordingly the above argument and set key performance indicator-based methodology on how to evaluate the smartness of a city in the African context.
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Cohen's Smart City Generational model has been the basis of understanding for the evolution of the Smart Cities movement. However, how does this model align with practitioners' conceptualization of the term? Our research focuses on Infrastructure Canada's Smart City Challenge (SCC). Through 14 primary interviews and 20 finalist applications, this research reveals that practitioners overwhelmingly understand Smart City building as a government-driven, data-centric endeavor (Smart City 2.0), as opposed to being about vendor transactions (Smart City 1.0), resident engagement (Smart City 3.0), or community co-creation (Smart City 4.0), where the specific technology is of secondary importance to project objectives. We conclude that, rather than moving through distinct generations, the smart cities movement should be understood as a gradual process of municipal public administration modernization as local governments are becoming increasingly savvy and experienced about contracting with technology firms to address urban problems.
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