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Gone in Seconds: Praxis, Performance, and Peculiarities of Ultrafast Chiral Liquid Chromatography with Superficially Porous Particles


Abstract and Figures

Full text available for free at A variety of brush-type chiral stationary phases (CSPs) were developed using superficially porous particles (SPPs). Given their high efficiencies and relatively low back pressures, columns containing these particles were particularly advantageous for ultrafast "chiral" separations in the 4 to 40 second range. Further, they were used in all mobile phase modes and with high flow rates and pressures in separating over 60 pairs of enantiomers. When operating under these conditions, both instrumentation and column packing must be modified or optimized so as not to limit separation performance and quality. Further, frictional heating results in axial thermal gradients of up to 16 °C and radial temperature gradients up to 8 °C which can produce interesting secondary effects in enantiomeric separations. It is shown that the kinetic behavior of various CSPs can differ from one another as much as they differ from the well-studied C-18 reversed phases. Three additional interesting aspects of this work are: a) the first kinetic evidence of two different chiral recognition mechanisms, b) a demonstration of increased efficiencies at higher flow rates for specific separations, and c) the lowest reduced plate height yet reported for a CSP.
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Gone in Seconds: Praxis, Performance, and Peculiarities of Ultrafast
Chiral Liquid Chromatography with Supercially Porous Particles
Darshan C. Patel,
Zachary S. Breitbach,
M. Farooq Wahab,
Chandan L. Barhate,
and Daniel W. Armstrong*
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019, United States
AZYP LLC, 700 Planetarium Place, Arlington, Texas 76019, United States
SSupporting Information
ABSTRACT: A variety of brush-type chiral stationary phases
(CSPs) were developed using supercially porous particles (SPPs).
Given their high eciencies and relatively low back pressures,
columns containing these particles were particularly advantageous for
ultrafast chiralseparations in the 440 s range. Further, they were
used in all mobile phase modes and with high ow rates and
pressures to separate over 60 pairs of enantiomers. When operating
under these conditions, both instrumentation and column packing
must be modied or optimized so as not to limit separation
performance and quality. Further, frictional heating results in axial
thermal gradients of up to 16 °C and radial temperature gradients up
to 8 °C, which can produce interesting secondary eects in
enantiomeric separations. It is shown that the kinetic behavior of
various CSPs can dier from one another as much as they dier from the well-studied C18 reversed phase media. Three
additional interesting aspects of this work are (a) the rst kinetic evidence of two dierent chiral recognition mechanisms, (b) a
demonstration of increased eciencies at higher ow rates for specic separations, and (c) the lowest reduced plate height yet
reported for a CSP.
For much of 3 decades, the development and study of
chromatographic enantiomeric separations have been
dominated by investigations focused on selectivity. This is
not surprising given the unique position of chiral separations in
chromatography where conventional strategies used for all
other molecules are completely ineective for enantiomers.
Hence, the highest impact studies involved conceiving,
understanding, and optimizing the use of new and better chiral
Numerous thermodynamic and mechanistic
studies as well as evaluations of solvent and additive eects
continue even today.
As the eld of chiral separationshas matured, it has focused
on other, more typical chromatographic concerns including
speed, eciency, and kinetic eects. While chiral separations
are ultimately aected by the same parameters as achiral
separations, they can have some idiosyncrasies (vide infra)as
compared to the most extensively studied systems which
typically involve reversed phase liquid chromatography on C18
or analogous stationary phases.
The demand for fast and ecient achiral separations
provided the impetus for researchers to explore new avenues
to increase throughput of chiral screening and analysis. Welch
et al. rst used multiparallel chiral screening and method
development systems that provided method development times
of 1h.
Hamman et al. used supercritical uid chromatog-
raphy (SFC) at high ow rates, short columns, and a gradient
to obtain a 2.5 min screening method.
Shortly after, Ai and
co-workers developed a bonded sub-1 μm mesoporous silica
based cyclodextrin chiral column and published a few 16 min
enantiomeric separations.
Concurrently, Gasparrini et al.
studied a bonded brush-type (pi-complex) phase using sub-2
μm fully porous particles (FPPs) and demonstrated a few
normal phase enantiomeric separations in the 1540 s
More recently, supercially porous particles (SPPs) for
achiral separations have allowed for column eciencies
comparable to sub-2 μm FPPs while using conventional
HPLCs and column hardware.
There have been numerous
empirical and theoretical comparisons of these approaches
when used in a reversed phase (C18) format.
SPPs are
able to decrease all contributions to band broadening (i.e.,
longitudinal diusion, eddy dispersion, and stationary phase
mass transfer contributions).
Initially it was thought that
better packing of SPPs was due to their having narrower
particle size distributions than FPPs, but it was later shown that
better packing homogeneity across the column (i.e., from wall
to center of the bed) is largely responsible for the decreased
eddy dispersion contribution.
Since, SPP columns are
Received: February 20, 2015
Accepted: May 6, 2015
Published: May 6, 2015
© 2015 American Chemical Society 9137 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
This is an open access article published under an ACS AuthorChoice License, which permits
copying and redistribution of the article or any adaptations for non-commercial purposes.
generally better packed than FPP columns, they can yield
reduced plate heights of 1.31.5 for columns packed with
conventional achiral stationary phases, whereas FPP based
columns typically have reduced plate heights greater than 2.0.
Also, the shell thickness of SPPs leads to a shorter trans-particle
path length which can decrease mass transfer contributions to
band broadening for large molecules with small diusion
coecients and smaller molecules that have slow adsorption
desorption kinetics.
This is particularly important at
higher ow rates.
The possible benets of SPPs in other important but more
specialized areas of LC are less explored. Chankvetadze
compared a polysaccharide based chiral selector coated on
FPPs and SPPs in both nano-LC and HPLC.
In the latter,
an obvious decrease in enantiomeric selectivity was noted for
the SPP based material. Gritti and Guiochons theoretical
treatment of the same polysaccharide based chiral selector
indicated that a 10% gain in resolution (Rs) could be possible
due to the decreased plate heights aorded by the SPPs.
However, this estimated value was based on an assumption that
the SPP based polysaccharide column would have a similar
enantiomeric selectivity value as the analogous FPP based
column which, as noted, has not been obtainable to date. Most
recently, Spudeit et al. presented the rst successful and
practical SPP CSP.
This work showed that brush-type chiral
selectors (i.e., isopropylcarbamated cyclofructan 6) have a
higher chiral selector load (per surface area). This plus the
observed increase in column eciency for the SPP based CSP
resulted in improved enantiomeric separations, while maintain-
ing the same enantiomeric selectivity as FPP based CSPs.
Further, the SPP CSP maintained this performance with 50
75% lower retentions. When comparing constant retention
modes, the Rsvalues obtained using the SPP column were far
greater than the FPP columns. It was also noted that as ow
rates increased (e.g., to 3 mL/min), the resolution per analysis
time greatly improved for the SPP column (by 1867%)
meaning that high-throughput screening would benet from
such columns.
In this work, a broad range of analyte types and polarities
including pharmaceuticals, catalysts, peptides, amino acids,
primary amines, and biaryls among others were baseline
separated on a variety of SPP brush type CSPs that are very
eective for ultrafast chiral separations (440 s range). It is
demonstrated that they can be performed in any mobile phase
conditions or mode, i.e., reversed phase, normal phase, polar
organic, and HILIC. Finally, the practice of ultrafast chiral LC
often produces interesting and unusual consequences that must
be recognized, dealt with, and/or properly understood for
optimal performance.
Materials. All HPLC solvents and reagents for reactions
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Cyclo-
fructan-6 (CF6) and cylcofructan-7 (CF7) derivatized with
isopropyl carbamate and dimethylphenyl carbamate groups,
respectively, were synthesized by AZYP LLC (Arlington, TX).
The 2.7 μm supercially porous silica particles with a surface
area of 120 m2/g and pore size of 120 Å were provided by
Agilent Technologies (Wilmington, DE). The core is 1.7 μmin
diameter and the surrounding shell thickness is 0.5 μm. The
fully porous 2.1 and 3 μm silica particles were purchased from
Daiso (Tokyo, Japan) and Glantreo (Cork, Ireland),
respectively. The 2.1 μm fully porous particles have a surface
area of 479 m2/g and pore size of 91 Å, whereas the 3 μm fully
porous particles have a surface area of 300 m2/g and pore size
of 100 Å. Trögers bases were obtained as indicated in the
All solvent mixtures are given in (v/v).
Synthesis of Stationary Phases. All reactions were
carried out in anhydrous solvents under a dry argon
atmosphere. The synthetic procedures for the six stationary
phases employed in this work have already been pub-
The rst chiral stationary phases explored
were cyclofructan based as they have recently proven to be
unique chiral selectors.
The cyclofructan-6 derivatized
isopropyl carbamate (CF6-P) and cyclofructan-7 dimethyl-
phenyl carbamate (CF7-DMP) were bonded to silica particles
under anhydrous conditions as described previously.
The 2-
hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin bonded silica (CD-HP) was
synthesized via a proprietary bonding procedure.
cylic antibiotics vancomycin, teicoplanin, and teicoplanin
aglycone were covalently attached to silica surface as described
by Armstrong et al.
Each of the above chiral selectors were
bonded to 2.7 μm SPPs. The 2.1 and 3 μm fully porous
particles were functionalized with CF6-P. The CHN analyses of
the phases and chiral selector coverage per surface are provided
in Table S2 in the Supporting Information.
Each stationary phase was slurry packed with a pneumatically
driven Haskel pump (DSTV-122) into 10 cm ×0.46 cm i.d., 5
cm ×0.46 cm i.d., and 3 cm ×0.46 cm i.d. stainless steel
columns (IDEX Health and Science, Oak Harbor, WA). See the
Supporting Information for the packing method (Figure S1).
Commercial LARIHC CF6-P, LARIHC CF7-DMP, Chirobiotic
V, Chirobiotic T, Chirobiotic TAG, and Cyclobond I 2000 HP-
RSP columns (fully porous 5 μm particles, 25 cm ×0.46 cm
i.d.) which were used for comparative purposes were provided
by AZYP LLC, Astec, and Supelco/Sigma-Aldrich.
Instrumentation. All ultrafast separations were performed
on an Agilent 1290 Innity series UHPLC system (Agilent
Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a quaternary
pump, an auto-sampler, and a diode array detector. Routine
separations were performed on an Agilent 1260 HPLC
equipped with a quaternary pump, an auto-sampler, and a
diode array detector. An inlet lter was installed between the
pump outlet and the auto-sampler injection valve to prevent
clogging of 75 μm tubings. For fast separations, the data
collection rate was set at 160 Hz with a response time of 0.016
s, unless otherwise stated. The thermostated column compart-
ment and the column switching 6-port valve were bypassed to
minimize the length of connection tubings. The instrument was
further optimized to reduce extra-column eects by using an
ultralow dispersion kit from Agilent (P/N 5067-5189). The kit
consists of an ultralow dispersion needle and needle seat, two
75 μm i.d. stainless steel connection tubings, and a detector
ow cell with a volume standard deviation V(σ) of 0.6 μL.
Alternatively, 75 μm i.d. polyether ether ketone (PEEK)
nanoViper connection tubings (Thermo Fisher Scientic, MA)
were also employed. The instrument was controlled by
OpenLAB CDS ChemStation software (Rev. C.01.06 [61],
Agilent Technologies 20012014) in Microsoft Windows 8.1
(see the Supporting Information for the calculation of peak
parameters). The reported percentages of mobile phases (m.p.)
are listed as volume/volume (v/v).
Axial Temperature Gradient in Mobile Viscous Fric-
tional Heating. The eect of viscous frictional heating of the
mobile phases in the SPP columns was studied by wrapping the
column in an insulating sheet (at room temperature) and
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
inserting a Mastech thermocouple MS8222H (Pittsburgh, PA)
inside the column outlet with the help of a screw cap. The ow
rate was varied and the resulting temperature was monitored
after 10 min of equilibration.
Figure 1A provides comparisons of dierent particle size fully
porous particles (FPPs) and supercially porous particles
(SPPs) which have the same bonded chiral selector (via the
same chemistry) and with the same mobile phase. These
chromatograms were generated using conventional HPLCs
with conventional conditions and column sizes (i.e., 1.0 mL/
min ow rate and 5 cm ×0.46 cm i.d. columns). Clearly using
the same mobile phase, the SPP-based CSP provided both the
greatest eciency and shortest analysis time as compared to all
FPPs, including the 2.1 μm particles (Figure 1A). However,
according to Gritti and Guiochon, a better comparison of such
columns is realized when resolutions (RS) are compared at
constant retention (Figure 1B).
They also indicated that a
SPPs core to particle diameter ratio (ρ) can be related to its
gain in resolution. Specically ρvalues between 0.5 and 0.95 at
constant retention factor (k) can slightly improve the
resolution. Interestingly, recent work on a brush-type CSP
showed a resolution increase of 20%.
In Figure 1B, the
increase in resolution of the SPP-CSP over both 3 and 2.1 μm
FPPs is 30%, which is quite impressive. The SPP-CSP used
here had a ρvalue of 0.63 (see Experimental Section), which is
within the optimal range (vide supra).
A direct comparison of
the eciencies, reduced plate heights, and tailing factors of
current commercial columns (5 μm particles) and the
analogous CSPs on 2.7 μm SPPs is given in Table 1. The 3
4-fold increase in eciencies is impressive but not totally
unexpected given the smaller SPP particle diameter. However,
the reduced plate heights of the SPPs also are up to 2 times
smaller and with comparable or better peak symmetries. The
reduced plate height (h) of 1.6 for the CF7-DMP SPP is the
smallest reported for any CSP on any particle to date. Given
these results, it is clear that SPP based CSPs should be
particularly advantageous for ultrafast chiral separations.
In the literature, the current accepted time limit for being
labeled as an ultrafast chromatographic separation seems to be
1 min.
This is probably a reasonable choice since typical
HPLC autoinjectors cycle at 1 injection per min (or down to
0.5 min for UHPLC). Hence in ultrafast LC, the chromato-
graphic separations can be completed more quickly than new
samples can be injected (by conventional injection devices).
Figure 2 and Table 2 show over 60 such baseline enantiomeric
separations. The table covers a wide structural variety of
enantiomers. Most separations are <40 s and almost a quarter
of those are on the order of 10 or fewer seconds. Furthermore,
these are accomplished in all mobile phase modes, i.e., normal
phase, reversed phase, and polar organic modes and on a variety
of bonded CSPs. Theoretically, we could screen 90 to 360
chiral analytes per hour which could use less solvent than any
Figure 1. Enantiomeric separations of BINAM on CF6-P bonded to
SPPs and FPPs at 1.0 mL/min, Tcol = 25 °C. All columns were 5 cm
×0.46 cm in dimensions. (A) Constant MP mode, MP = 92:8
heptaneethanol. (B) Constant retention mode, MP = (i) 82:18
heptaneethanol, (ii) 85:15 heptaneethanol, (iii) 82:18 heptanee-
thanol, and (iv) 92:8 heptaneethanol.
Table 1. Comparison of Theoretical Plates/Meter (N/m),
Reduced Plate Height (h), and USP Tailing Factor Using a
Standard Achiral Probe 1,3-Dinitrobenzene with 70:30
HeptaneEthanol at Reduced Velocity of 4.5 (1 mL/min for
2.7 μm SPP, 0.6 mL/min for 5 μm FPP)
stationary phase N/m
htailing factor
Stationary Phases Bonded to 2.7 μm SPPs
172 000 2.2 1.1
221 000 1.6 1.2
165 000 2.3 1.0
teicoplanin aglycone
133 000 2.8 1.3
173 000 2.1 0.9
181 000 2.0 1.3
Commercial Columns Packed with 5.0 μm FPPs (25 cm ×0.46 cm)
LARIHC CF6-P 70 000 2.9 1.1
LARIHC CF7-DMP 59 000 3.4 1.2
Chirobiotic-T 54 000 3.7 0.9
Chirobiotic-TAG 50 000 4.0 1.1
Chirobiotic-V 57 000 3.5 0.9
Cyclobond I 2000 HP-RSP 37 000 5.4 1.1
N/m calculated by half height method.
USP tailing factor T=W0.05/
2f, where W0.05 = peak width at 5% peak height and f= distance from
the leading edge of the peak to the peak maximum at 5% peak height.
Dimensions of these columns were 10 cm ×0.46 cm.
Dimensions of
these columns were 5 cm ×0.46 cm.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
other current method. However, this is restricted to 60 to, at
most, 120 samples/hour because of instrumental autoinjector
limitations. Certainly, this is not the rst nor the only example
of chromatographic potential being limited by instrumental
Indeed, as discussed in the following para-
graphs, the separations shown in Figure 2 and listed in Table 2
cannot be achieved under standard HPLC conditions used for
Figure 1.
Eect of Packing on Columns Used for Ultrafast
Chiral LC. Accomplishing ultrafast separations in HPLC
generally requires higher ow rates, higher pressures, and
shorter columns. Consequently, both the column packing
quality and permeability are important. Commercial packing
procedures are usually trade secrets. When packing identical
columns with dierent slurry solvents, it was found that the use
of a well dispersedslurry produced columns of >2.3×higher
eciencies and slightly dierent permeability according to
Darcys law (see Figures S1 and S2 and the associated text
followed in the Supporting Information).
Detector Sampling Rates and Response Times. The
detector sampling rate (a.k.a. sampling frequency, data
acquisition frequency or rate, etc.) and the detector response
time become increasingly important for rapidly eluting analytes
and highly ecient separations as demonstrated with SPPs.
Under certain circumstances, peak shapes, peak width, and
baseline noise can vary considerably as a result of detector
settings. There is some debate as to the exact cause and nature
of these eects.
We will address this debate in a subsequent
communication but will only present the empirical results, as it
impacts enantiomeric separations herein. Figure 3 shows the
eect of detector sampling rate and response time (for an
Agilent 1290 UHPLC) on the eciency (N), resolution (RS),
and baseline noise for six ultrafast enantiomeric separations
performed under otherwise identical conditions. Note that with
Agilent ChemStation software, the detector sampling rate and
response times are coupled and the operator cannot
independently change or unpairthese two parameters. The
observed eects are the combined result of these two
parameters. At the lowest sampling rate and longest response
time (bottom curve, Figure 3), the separation is not discernible,
the apparent eciency and resolution is poor, but there is little
baseline noise. The separation parameters improve tremen-
dously as the sampling rate increases and the coupled time
constant decreases up to about the 80 Hz curve. Concurrently
the noise level increases (see 80×zoom in Figure 3). The
default setting on this instrument is 2.5 Hz. It should be noted
that with other instruments (Dionex and Shimadzu, for
example) the operator can independently set these detector
settings which could relate in an array of unwanted or
suboptimal combinations. It is apparent that to maintain high
Figure 2. Representative ultrafast enantiomeric separations on each of 6 chiral stationary phases: (A) vancomycin SPP (3 cm ×0.46 cm), MP =
methanol, 4.95 mL/min, Tcol =60°C; (B) teicoplanin aglycone SPP (3 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = methanol, 4.70 mL/min, Tcol =60°C; (C)
hydroxylpropyl-β-cyclodextrin SPP (5 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = 97:3:0.3:0.2 acetonitrilemethanolTFATEA, 4.75 mL/min, Tcol =60°C; (D)
teicoplanin SPP (3 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = 40:60 watermethanol, 3.00 mL/min, Tcol =22°C; (E) CF7-DMP SPP (3 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = 90:10
heptaneethanol, 4.80 mL/min, Tcol =22°C; (F) CF6-P SPP (10 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = 70:30:0.3:0.2 acetonitrilemethanolTFATEA, 4.50
mL/min, Tcol =22°C.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
Table 2. Chromatographic Data for Optimized Ultrafast Chiral Separations on Six Dierent Chiral Stationary Phases (CSP)
Bonded to 2.7 μm Supercially Porous Particles
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
Table 2. continued
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DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
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Table 2. continued
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DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
eciency and good resolution when doing ultrafast separations
that detector coupled sampling rates should be 40 Hz and
response time 0.13 s (Figure 3). For enantiomeric separations
<10 s, even higher rates and lower times are needed. If one is
simply screening samples and concentration is not a factor, the
choice of detector settings are straightforward (e.g., 80 or 160
Hz). However, if one is examining either very low amounts of
an analyte or enantiomeric purities, the higher baseline noise
(top curve in Figure 3) can obscure low level enantiomeric
impurities (e.g., <1% and especially <0.1%) and decrease the
accuracy and precision of the measurement.
Extra Column Band Broadening Eects on Ultrafast
Separations. It is well established that extra column band
broadening is a concern when using short and/or narrow-bore
columns that often are packed with smaller diameter particles,
as in UHPLC.
In this regard, chiral separations are no
dierent, especially when doing ultrafast separations where it is
essential to maintain high eciencies. Figure 4 illustrates this
assessment. A stockUHPLC was tested (top chromatogram,
Figure 4) and then the extra column partsof the instrument
were replaced with smaller volume versions. Using the variance
(σ2) calculated from second moment analysis, intrinsic column
eciencies were calculated in each case, reecting the true
column eciency of 4750 plates for a 20 s separation (see the
Supporting Information). The σratio
2was also calculated using
the relationship σratio
2. As can be seen, a
complete system optimization produced a decrease in the extra
column variance ratio from 26% to 3% and this resulted in an
ultrafast enantiomeric separation that went from 71 000
plates/m and a resolution of 1.4 to 94 000 plates/m and a
resolution of 1.7.
Kinetic and Thermal (Frictional) Considerations. Both
the general topic of column eciency and the more specic
issue of frictional heating have been considered for columns
containing small particles (e.g., <2 μm diameter) and for
narrow bore columns.
Most of these studies focused on
reversed phase C18 based column formats.
There are few
kinetic studies on small particle and SPP chiral stationary
phases (CSPs) and none on the eect of frictional heating on
these CSPs.
As stated previously, CSPs are subject to the
same thermodynamic and kinetic constraints as other column
types. However, the manifestation of these kinetic terms can
Table 2. continued
All separations were performed on an Agilent 1290 UHPLC instrument optimized for low extra column volume. See Supporting Information for
more information on RS. Column dimensions for all separations were 3 cm ×0.46 cm and column temperature was ambient (22 °C) unless
otherwise stated.
T = teicoplanin, TAG = teicoplanin aglycone, CF7-DMP = Cyclofructan-7 dimethylphenyl carbamate, CF6-P = Cyclofructan-6
isopropyl carbamate, V = vancomycin, CD-HP = hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin.
Dimensions of column = 5 cm ×0.46 cm.
Dimensions of column
=10cm×0.46 cm.
Data for the 1st eluted enantiomers.
Tcol =60°C.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
dier as much from one CSP to another as they do from
conventional C18 or silica gel stationary phases. Likewise, the
eect of frictional heating and column temperature gradients
has been evaluated and discussed for C18 reversed phase
For SPP-based CSPs, dierences as well as any
peculiarities can be revealed by any of the related kinetic plots
(van Deemter, reduced van Deemter, or Knox).
For the
purpose of this discussion, we will use the standard Giddings
coupled van Deemter equation of:
=+ + + +
Cu C
where His the height equivalent to a theoretical plate, Ais the
eddy dispersion term, Bis the longitudinal diusion term, CSis
stationary phase mass transfer, CSM is mass transfer in the
stagnant mobile phase (sometime treated as short rangeeddy
dispersion), CMis the moving mobile phase mass transfer term,
and uis the linear velocity (m/s) of the mobile phase.
Figure 5 shows four unique sets of van Deemter plots done
in the (A) polar organic mode, (B) normal phase mode, and (C
and D) in the reversed phase mode under two dierent
temperature conditions. Each set of curves contains one pair of
enantiomers and at least one achiral test molecule. The
experimental conditions are given in the legend. The solvent
temperature at the column outlet was measured at dierent
linear velocities and mobile phase modes (see the Experimental
Section and Supporting Information).
The polar organicplots in Figure 5A indicate what some
would consider to be a normal well behavedsystem. The
achiral void volume marker (1,3-dinitrobenzene) has the lowest
H at all linear velocities above 0.5 mm/s and the attest rise
at higher velocities. The least retained (rst eluted) enantiomer
and a retained achiral analyte (nicotinamide) had almost
identical eciencies at all linear velocities and similar, slightly
greater slopes at higher linear velocities. The most retained
enantiomer is generally thought to have the greatest resistance
to stationary phase mass transfer as it is subject to a greater
number of associative stereochemical interactions and often
reorientation of the enantiomer.
This appears to be so as
the Hmin is at a slightly lower linear velocity for the second
enantiomer compared to the rst enantiomer and the achiral
probe, indicating an increase in the CSterm.
Figure 5B shows the analogous plots for the enantiomers of
Trögers base as well as retained and unretained achiral probe
molecules in the normal phase mode. The relative kinetic
behaviors of these molecules are quite dierent than those in
Figure 5A. The plots of the enantiomers are almost identical at
all linear velocities. However, this behavior is believed to be
related to two dierent things, one of which relates to the
stereochemical recognition mechanism while the other is
related to general column properties. The similar kinetic
behaviors of the two enantiomers indicate that chiral
recognition is likely due to the presence of repulsive (steric)
interactions rather than multiple associative interactions with
one of the enantiomers. For example, the minimum 3-point of
interaction needed for chiral recognition could come from one
associative interaction plus 2 steric interactions with one of the
enantiomers. The only requirement of this model is that the
total energy of association be greater than that of the combined
steric repulsive interactions. Such systems have been proposed
previously, but this is the rst time kinetic data has been used to
support such a scenario.
Also important is the relative behavior of the retained and
unretained achiral analytes in Figure 5B which is opposite to
that in Figure 5A. The unretained void volume marker (1,3,5-
tri-tert-butylbenzene) has worst eciency at all linear velocities
but a atter rise than the enantiomers at higher linear velocities.
The retained achiral molecule (1,3-dinitrobenzene) exhibited
the highest eciency at all linear velocities and had the attest
rise at higher linear velocities. This type of behavior has been
reported previously in a few instances for well packed, high
eciency columns.
The van Deemter curves in Figure 5B
were produced using a standard HPLC with a conventional
injector, tubings, column compartment, and detector ow cell.
When the extra column eects were minimized (Figure 4), the
observed eciencies of the 1,3,5-tri-tert-butylbenzene and 1,3-
dinitrobenzene were nearly identical. This clearly illustrates the
pronounced eects of extra column band broadening on
Figure 3. Eect of detector sampling rate and response time on
eciency (N) and resolution (Rs) in ultrafast chromatographic
separations. BINAM analyzed on CF7-DMP SPP (3 cm ×0.46 cm),
MP = 90:10 heptaneethanol, 4.0 mL/min, Tcol =22°C;1Hz=1s
Figure 4. Optimization of Agilent 1290 UHPLC for ultrafast
separations by replacing stock parts with low extra column volume
alternatives. Trögers base analyzed on CF7-DMP SPP (5 cm ×0.46
cm), MP = 70:30 heptaneethanol, 2.5 mL/min, Tcol =22°C. Percent
extra column contribution is expressed as σratio
(see the Supporting Information for moment analysis). (A) Stock
condition: stock injection needle and needle seat, 170 μm i.d.
connection tubing (22 cm total) with IDEX 10-32 nger tight ttings,
and a 1.0 μL detector ow cell. (B) Optimized conditions: ultralow
dispersion needle and needle seat, 75 μm i.d. nanoViper connection
tubing (22 cm total), 0.6 μL detector ow cell.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
observed eciencies in such van Deemter curves. Indeed, the
highest eciency column (CF7-DMP with a reduced plate
height (h= 1.6)) was chosen for this example in an ultrafast
format. Clearly under these conditions, one must be aware at all
times of extra column eects and how they can generate
apparent anomalous behaviors.
Figure 5C,D is for the same reversed phase enantiomeric
separation and the same retained achiral analyte (1,3-
dinitrobenzene). The only dierence in these two series of
experiments was that the column in Figure 5C was in a
thermostated, temperature controlled, still air deviceset at 25
°C, while for Figure 5D the column was in ambient conditions
(22 °C). It is well-known that teicoplanin chiral selectors
strongly and selectively bind D-amino acid enantiomers and
that this leads to greater resistance to mass transfer and broader
peaks. This is conrmed by the upper plots for the more
retained D-homophenylalanine in Figure 5C,D. Indeed no H
minima vs linear velocity can be identied from these plots and
the eciencies are lower than those in the other mobile phase
modes. It should be noted that such eciencies can be greatly
improved by judicious use of specic additives, but that is not
the subject of this work. As in the polar organic mode, the
curves for the rst eluted (least retained) enantiomer and the
achiral retained analyte (1,3-dinitrobenzene) are quite similar
to one another and both show minima in the 0.51 mm/s
Perhaps the most striking aspect of these plots is the trend
shown in Figure 5D. At linear velocities higher than 2.5 mm/
s, the eciencies of both enantiomers and 1,3-dinitrobenzene
begin to improve signicantly. This eect is most pronounced
for the more retained D-homophenylalanine. It is well
documented that two types of temperature gradients develop
(axial and radial) when there is signicant frictional
Eluents with the heat capacity and density of
mobile phases used in Figure 5 (acetonitrile, heptane, and
water) and operating pressures above 300 bar can easily
generate axial temperature dierentials of 10 °C.
In fact, when
the ow averaged temperature was measured at the column
outlet at various linear velocities in three dierent modes, the
axial temperature dierences ranged from 11 to 16 °C (see the
Supporting Information Tables S3S5). This axial variation in
fast separations does not contribute to an increase in peak
width. On the other hand, the peak eciency is signicantly
aected by radial temperature gradients which change local
viscosities, velocity proles, and diusion coecients of
Arst order approximationof the maximum
radial temperature dierence ΔTRwhich can develop between
the column center and the column wall is given by
rad (2)
where uis the supercial ow velocity in m/s (obtained by
dividing the volumetric ow rate by the total cross sectional
area of the column), dP/dzthe change in pressure in the
direction of the column axis (z) per unit length in N/m3,Rthe
column radius in m, and λrad is the approximate thermal
conductivity of the mobile phase in the radial direction in W/m
Figure 5. van Deemter plots for chiral and achiral analytes in polar organic mode, normal phase, and reversed phase on 2.7 μm SPP CSPs. (A) CF6-
P SPP (10 cm ×0.46 cm i.d.), MP = 80:20:0.3:0.2 acetonitrilemethanolTFATEA, Tcol =25°C (thermostated). (B) CF7-DMP SPP (10 cm ×
0.46 cm), MP = 90:10 heptaneethanol, Tcol =25°C (thermostated). (C) Teicoplanin bonded SPP (5 cm ×0.46 cm), MP = 90:10 water
methanol, Tcol =25°C (thermostated). (D) Tcol =22°C (not thermostated), other conditions were identical to part C. See the Supporting
Information for temperature eects on selectivities. The kvalues reported are for a ow rate of 1 mL/min.
Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
For example, in the normal phase mode (Figure 5B), the
thermal conductivity of the heptaneethanol mixture is
approximately 0.13 W/m°C.
At low linear velocities, (1.67
mm/s or 1 mL/min, ΔP= 80 bar), the magnitude of the
maximum radial temperature dierence is 1 °C; however, as the
linear velocity is increased to 5 mm/s (3 mL/min), the pressure
drop is signicant (250 bar), and the calculated maximal radial
temperature gradient is 8 °C. Note that eq 1 is generally used
for rst order approximations, it has been shown that the
calculated radial temperature gradients can overestimate the
observed radial gradients because it ignores the compressibility
of the eluent. Consequently the actual energy generated in the
column is reduced by a factor of 2/3.
On the other hand, as in
Figure 5D, when a water-rich mobile phase is in use (thermal
conductivity of 0.55 W/m°C), a linear velocity of 1.67 mm/s (1
mL/min) generated a back pressure of 112 bar due to higher
viscosity. The calculated value of ΔTRis only 1 °C, and at
higher linear velocities, e.g., 5 mm/s (3 mL/min), a radial
temperature dierence of only 4 °C is developed. Also note
than the axial temperature dierence in Figure 5B,D was similar
(12 °C). However, the data used in Figure 5B was from a
thermostated column (walls 25 °C) while Figure 5D was not
thermostated. Though, since heptane (Figure 5B) is far more
compressible than water (Figure 5D), the energy produced is
reduced by 2/3. However, it is clear from Figure 5D, that there
are other factors, as in some chiral separations when resistance
to mass transfer eects are more pronounced. In these
interesting cases, such as a high thermal conductivity water
rich mobile phase, the gain in eciency from an improvement
in mass transfer at higher axial temperature gradients is enough
to visibly counter any smaller losses in eciency due to radial
temperature gradients and eddy dispersion. This possibility was
noted early on by Halász
and is apparent in Figure 5D. See
the Supporting Information for detailed temperature measure-
ments and calculations.
The results of this study, indicate that (1) SPPs are
advantageous for ultrafast and high eciency chiral separations,
(2) enantiomeric separations on the order of few seconds are
now feasible in all mobile phases with bonded brush type CSPs,
(3) kinetic behaviors can sometimes be used to shed light on
chiral recognition mechanisms, (4) CSPs can show quite
dierent kinetic proles from each other and from achiral
systems, (5) ultrafast chiral separations require optimized
detection and minimization of extra column eects, (6)
frictional heating eects must be accounted for in ultrafast
separations as they can manifest themselves in disparate ways
and to dierent degrees for various CSPs and mobile phase
modes, (7) eciencies and separation speeds for chiral analytes
can now exceed those in capillary electrophoresis. Also it is
feasible to expect that (8) SPPs may be advantageous for
preparative separations when their high eciencies, faster
analyses times, and reduced solvent consumption compensate
for lower chiral selector loading, (9) ultrafast SPP-CSPs may be
attractive as the second dimension in 2D-LC because of their
greater selectivity and orthogonality to conventional achiral
stationary phases, and (10) real-time monitoring of product
formation in asymmetric synthesis is possible with ultrafast
chiral separations.
SSupporting Information
Peak parameter calculations, surface coverage of chiral selectors
on silica, column permeability calculations, determination of
extra-column contributions, and frictional heating measure-
ments data. The Supporting Information is available free of
charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/
Corresponding Author
*Phone: (817) 272-0632. Fax (817)-272-0619. E-mail:
The authors declare no competing nancial interest.
The authors would like to acknowledge Agilent Technologies
for providing the supercially porous particles. We also
acknowledge the support of AZYP, LLC, Arlington, Texas.
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Analytical Chemistry Article
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b00715
Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 91379148
... The solid core of the SPP (1.7-µm in Fig. 5b/c) also results in lower molecular diffusion ( B term of van Deemter Equation) since the molecule cannot travel as far into the particle as it can with FPPs (Gritti and Guiochon 2012). However, the true advantage to SPPs compared to FPPs resides in the much flatter rise in plate height after the plate height minimum (Fig. 5b) due to enhanced mass transfer characteristics (C term of van Deemter Equation) (Patel et al. 2015). This allows SPPs to be operated at higher flow rates, which can be beneficial to green chemistry (see below). ...
Full-text available
Although analytical methodologies are known to generate pollution, universal strategies to decrease their environmental, safety, and health burdens while maintaining performance are lacking. Separation science techniques including sample preparations and chromatography require large amounts of solvent and power to separate, identify, and quantitate pure constituents from their matrices. Recent advancements to green analytical chemistry have now provided comprehensive metrics, such as the analytical method greenness score (AMGS), that allow researchers to better understand their method’s environmental burden, compare it to other methods, and indicate what areas can be addressed to enhance sustainability. Here, we review approaches and technologies that can be used to green analytical separations with a focus on improving the method’s analytical figures of merit. Approaches to green sample preparation are first considered including microextraction techniques in liquid, solid, and supercritical phases and the ability to automate such techniques. We focus on high-performance liquid chromatography and sub- or super-critical fluid chromatography, where it is shown that changing the column dimensions and packing can reduce environmental impact while preserving chromatographic resolution. We review equations to calculate the greenest flow rate at which to operate a separation method, then we discuss of modern ultrafast and high throughput separations. Finally, we describe digital signal processing for analytical signals as a major green technology for the first time. We observed that, using digital signal processing, an ultrafast liquid chromatographic separation of 101 components in just one minute produced an AMGS of 0.12 which is, to our best knowledge, the lowest ever reported.
... Classic chiral resolution methods include high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) [9][10][11][12], gas chromatography (GC), supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) [13], microfluidics techniques such as capillary electrophoresis (CE), capillary electrochromatography (CEC), capillary electrokinetic chromatography (CEKC) [14], and chiral membrane separation [15][16][17]. In each technique, the possible separation of enantiomers is triggered by the introduction of an asymmetric environment using specific chiral selectors (CSs), e.g., molecular chiral grafted solid particles [18], porous frameworks [19], molecularly imprinted materials [20], π-conjugated polymer films [21], or enantiopure complexing agents [22]. ...
Full-text available
Chirality is a fundamental and ubiquitous property of nature involved in multiple fields of science. In particular, the possible resolution of the enantiomeric forms of a molecule is crucial in the pharmaceutical, food, and agrochemical industries. The search for efficient, broad-spectrum, and yet simple methods for obtaining enantiomerically pure substances is a current challenge. Enantioselective resolution methods rely on an asymmetric environment that allows the two antipodes of a chiral molecule to be distinguished. In addition to enantiomeric separation techniques, such as chromatography and electrophoresis, new promising approaches involving out-of-the-scheme synergistic effects between chiral selectors (CS) and external stimuli are emerging. This Trends article discusses different enantioselective mechanisms triggered by unconventional physicochemical stimuli for the design of avant-garde approaches that could offer novel perspectives in the field of chiral resolution. Graphical abstract
... As illustrated in Figure 6, the plate heights measured on T-3.0 CSP are strongly dependent on the nature of the analyte, reaching a minimum at 0.5 mm/s linear velocity. The calculated plate heights for most of the analytes were around 20 µm, which correlates well with the data published in the literature [22]. In some cases, the shape of the obtained van Deemter curves was somewhat different from the pattern usually described. ...
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Due to the favorable features obtained through the incorporation of fluorine atom(s), fluorinated drugs are a group with emerging pharmaceutical importance. As their commercial availability is still very limited, to expand the range of possible candidates, new fluorinated tryptophan analogs were synthesized. Control of enantiopurity during the synthesis procedure requires that highly efficient enantioseparation methods be available. In this work, the enantioseparation of seven fluorinated tryptophans and tryptophan was studied and compared systematically to (i) develop analytical methods for enantioselective separations and (ii) explore the chromatographic features of the fluorotrytophans. For enantioresolution, macrocyclic glycopeptide-based selectors linked to core-shell particles were utilized, applying liquid chromatography-based methods. Application of the polar-ionic mode resulted in asymmetric and broadened peaks, while reversed-phase conditions, together with mobile-phase additives, resulted in baseline separation for all studied fluorinated tryptophans. The marked differences observed between the methanol and acetonitrile-containing eluent systems can be explained by the different solvation abilities of the bulk solvents of the applied mobile phases. Among the studied chiral selectors, teicoplanin and teicoplanin aglycone were found to work effectively. Under optimized conditions, baseline separations were achieved within 6 min. Ionic interactions were semi-quantitatively characterized and found to not influence enantiorecognition. Interestingly, fluorination of the analytes does not lead to marked changes in the chromatographic characteristics of the methanol-containing eluents, while larger differences were noticed when the polar but aprotic acetonitrile was applied. Experiments conducted on the influence of the separation temperature indicated that the separations are enthalpically driven, with only one exception. Enantiomeric elution order was found to be constant on both teicoplanin and teicoplanin aglycone-based chiral stationary phases (L < D) under all applied chromatographic conditions.
... acetonitrile-containing mobile phases of the same composition), lower flow rates could be used to increase enantioresolution with methanol-containing mobile phases (Fig. 6). Previous studies have also shown that macrocyclic glycopeptidebased SPP chiral stationary phases had lower van Deemter minimum compared to other columns of the same dimensions [31,50]. Table 3 lists the optimum conditions for separation of all of the AHAs in this study using phosphate-containing mobile phases and UV detection. ...
Enantioseparation of alpha-hydroxy acids is essential since specific enantiomers of these compounds can be used as disease biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer, brain diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, etc., as well as in the food industry to ensure quality. HPLC methods were developed for the enantioselective separation of 11 α\mathrm{\alpha }-hydroxy acids using a superficially porous particle–based teicoplanin (TeicoShell) chiral stationary phase. The retention behaviors observed for the hydroxy acids were HILIC, reversed phase, and ion-exclusion. While both mass spectrometry and UV spectroscopy detection methods could be used, specific mobile phases containing ammonium formate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, respectively, were necessary with each approach. The LC–MS mode was approximately two orders of magnitude more sensitive than UV detection. Mobile phase acidity and ionic strength significantly affected enantioresolution and enantioselectivity. Interestingly, higher ionic strength resulted in increased retention and enantioresolution. It was noticed that for formate-containing mobile phases, using acetonitrile as the organic modifier usually resulted in greater enantioresolution compared to methanol. However, sometimes using acetonitrile with high ammonium formate concentrations led to lengthy retention times which could be avoided by using methanol as the organic modifier. Additionally, the enantiomeric purities of single enantiomer standards were determined and it was shown that almost all standards contained some levels of enantiomeric impurities.
This study presents the development of a miniaturized device for supercritical fluid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The chip-based, modular nanoSFC approach utilizes a particle-packed nanobore column embedded between two monolithically structured glass chips. A microtee in the pre-column section ensures picoliter sample loads onto the column, while a microcross chip structure fluidically controls the column backpressure. The restrictive emitter and the minimal post-column volume of 16 nL prevent mobile phase decompression and analyte dilution, maintaining chromatographic integrity during transfer to the atmospheric pressure MS interface. This facilitates high-speed chiral separations in less than 80 s with high reproducibility.
Height equivalent to theoretical plate (H) equations, such as the van Deemter or Knox-Saleem equations, and other efficiency vs. linear velocity equations (u), provide kinetic insights into chromatographic separations phenomena and column performance. In enantioselective separations, the peak shape of the two enantiomers can differ significantly and are often asymmetric. The peak efficiency calculations heavily impact these efficiencyflow profiles, leading to erroneous estimations of eddy diffusion, longitudinal diffusion, and mass transfer terms. In this work, new asymmetric peak functions are employed for modeling enantiomer peaks based on the Haarhoff-Van der Linde function, its generalized variant (GHVL), once Generalized Asymmetric Gaussian (AGN), and Twice Generalized Gaussian (TGN). The new models (AGN, TGN, and GHVL) incorporate higher statistical moments besides the zeroth, first, and second moments to account for two-sided asymmetry (fronting or tailing). The fit results are compared with the traditional efficiency calculation methods endorsed by official pharmacopeia and numerical estimation of moments from the raw data. Enantiomeric separations of ibuprofen and DLhomophenylalanine were chosen as probe molecules. The results demonstrate that non-linear least squares fitted functions provide better estimations of peak efficiency data even in the presence of high noise. In particular, the generalized models consistently offered the best quality fits for various peak shapes in chiral separations. Conversely, the half-height Gaussian method greatly overpredicted skewed peak efficiencies. This investigation reveals that the commonly held assumptions of peak shape and numerical integration of raw data are highly insufficient for chiral chromatography. The impact of asymmetry on plate height should not be overlooked when accurate data from efficiency-flow rate curves is derived. We advocate for the broader adoption of these new generalized peak (AGN, TGN, GHVL) models because they provide robustness at various SNRs that account for right or left asymmetry while accurately representing peak geometry.
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Analytical and preparative separation techniques, although perceived as less detrimental compared to industrial manufacturing processes, present a substantial concealed environmental threat. Green analytical chemistry has seen major advances in the past five years in terms of proposing metrics for measuring the greenness of separation methods. One such comprehensive measure is the Analytical Method Greenness Score (AMGS), which was used to benchmark current enantiomeric separation methods in the literature. In this work, we propose pragmatic and mathematical strategies to minimize AMGSs in highperformance liquid chromatographic enantioseparations. A case study of more than 456 chromatograms from the enantiomers of 38 proteo- and non-proteogenic amino acids was generated and assessed. A sustainable method of generating carbonated water-based eluents was introduced, and the H2CO3* additive was shown to improve the chromatographic figures of merit (resolution and efficiency) while lowering the AMGS. We show that narrow diameter columns with superficially porous particles reduced the solvent waste 12-fold compared to traditional analyses. The AMGS formula was modified to incorporate the “cycle time” of the chromatograph, which provides a more accurate picture of solvent waste generation in high throughput chemical analyses. Using the principles of mathematical optimization, the AMGS was minimized with respect to flow rate to show that the ideal separation speed differs depending on the solvent composition. The AMGS reached values as low as 1.2 for ultrafast (<15 s) amino acid chiral separations, where 79% was contributed by the cycle time. This AMGS minimization adds a new optimization problem to future method development, with widespread implications for drug development research and other production fields reliant on separation sciences.
Fast liquid chromatography (LC) amino acid enantiomer separation of 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (AQC) derivatives using a chiral core–shell particle tandem column with weak anion exchange and zwitterionic-type quinine carbamate selectors in less than 3 min was achieved. Enantiomers of all AQC-derivatized proteinogenic amino acids and some isomeric ones (24 in total plus achiral glycine) were baseline separated (Rs > 1.5 except for glutamic acid with Rs = 1.3), while peaks of distinct amino acids and structural isomers (constitutional isomers and diastereomers of leucine and threonine) of the same configuration overlapped to various degrees. For this reason, drift tube ion mobility-mass spectrometry was added (i.e., LC-IM-MS) as an additional selectivity filter without extending run time. The IM separation dimension in combination with high-resolution demultiplexing enabled confirmation of threonine isomers (threonine, allo-threonine, homoserine), while leucine, isoleucine, and allo-isoleucine have almost identical collisional cross-section (DTCCSN2) values and added no selectivity to the partial LC separation. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations show that IM separation of threonine isomers was possible due to conformational stabilization by hydrogen bond formation between the hydroxyl side chain and the urea group. Generally, the CCSN2 of protonated ions increased uniformly with addition of the AQC label, while outliers could be explained by consideration of intramolecular interactions and additional structural analysis. Preliminary validation of the enantioselective LC-IM-MS method for quantitative analysis showed compliance of accuracy and precision with common limits in bioanalytical methods, and applicability to a natural lipopeptide and a therapeutic synthetic peptide could be demonstrated.
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Supercritical (subcritical) fluid chromatography (SFC) was evaluated as an alternative to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the enantiomeric separation of primary amines on a cyclofructan-based chiral stationary phase. The effect of various organic modifiers, acidic and basic additives, as well as instrumentation-specific parameters such as column temperature, flow rate, and back pressure were evaluated. The results were compared to normal-phase and polar organic modes. © 2014, UBM Medica Periodical Publication. All rights reserved.
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Supercritical (subcritical) fluid chromatography (SFC) was evaluated as an alternative to high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the enantiomeric separation of primary amines on a cyclofructan-based chiral stationary phase. The effect of various organic modifiers, acidic and basic additives, as well as instrumentation-specific parameters such as column temperature, flow rate, and back pressure were evaluated. The results were compared to normal-phase and polar organic modes.
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The reintroduction of superficially porous particles has resulted in a leap forward for the separation performance in liquid chromatography. The underlying reasons for the higher efficiency of columns packed with these particles are discussed. The performance of the newly introduced 5 μm superficially porous particles is evaluated and compared to 2.7 μm superficially porous and 3.5 and 5 μm fully porous columns using typical test compounds (alkylphenones) and a relevant pharmaceutical compound (impurity of amoxicillin). The 5 μm superficially porous particles provide a superior kinetic performance compared to both the 3.5 and 5 μm fully porous particles over the entire relevant range of separation conditions. The performance of the superficially porous particles, however, appears to depend strongly on retention and analyte properties, emphasizing the importance of comparing different columns under realistic conditions (high enough k) and using the compound of interest.
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Bonded cyclodextrin stationary phases retain a wide variety of compounds via inclusion complex formation. Not only do cyclodextrin molecules have a rigid, highly defined geometry but they are chiral as well. Consequently, compounds that were previously thought to be difficult to separate by conventional liquid chromatography can be easily resolved. The baseline separation of several enantiomers (e. g. , dansyl amino acids and barbiturates) is demonstrated using conventional methanol:water mobile phases. Complete resolution of benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(e)pyrene, and several other isomeric compounds on a 10-cm column is demonstrated. In addition, cyclodextrin bondedcolumns may be preferable to conventional reversed-phase packings for many routine separations.
Prototype small-size (1.0 mm I.D., 5 cm long) columns for reversed-phase HPLC were evaluated in relation to instrumental requirements. The performance of three types of columns, monolithic silica and particulate silica (2 μm, totally porous and 2.6 μm, core-shell particles) was studied in the presence of considerable or minimal extra-column effects, while the detector contribution to band broadening was minimized by employing a small size UV-detector cell (6- or 90 nL). A micro-LC instrument having small system volume (< 1 μL) provided extra-column band variance of only 0.01-0.02 μL2. The three columns generated about 8500 theoretical plates for solutes with retention factor, k > 1–3 (depending on the column), in acetonitrile/water mobile phase (65/35 = vol/vol) at 0.05 mL/min, with the instrument specified above. The column efficiency was lower by up to 30% than that observed with a 2.1 mm I.D. commercial column. The small-size columns also provided 8000-8500 theoretical plates for well retained solutes with a commercial ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) instrument when extra-column contributions were minimized. While a significant extra-column effect was observed for early eluting solutes (k < 2–4, depending on column) with methanol/water (20/80 = vol/vol) as weak-wash solvent, the use of methanol/water = 50/50 as wash solvent affected the column efficiency for most analytes. The results suggest that the band compression effect by the weak-wash solvent associated with partial-loop injection may provide a practical means to reducing the extra-column effect for small-size columns, while the use of an instrument with minimum extra-column effect is highly desirable.
A new HILIC stationary phase comprised of native cyclofructan-6 (CF6) bonded to superficially porous silica particles (2.7μm) was developed. Its performance was evaluated and compared to fully porous silica particles with 5μm (commercially available as FRULIC-N) and 3μm diameters. Faster and more efficient chromatography was achieved with the superficially porous particles (SPPs). The columns were also evaluated in the normal phase mode. The peak efficiency, analysis time, resolution, and overall separation capabilities in both HILIC and normal phase modes were compared. The analysis times using the superficially porous based column in HILIC mode were shorter and the theoretical plates/min were higher over the entire range of flow rates studied. The column containing the superficially porous particles demonstrated higher optimum flow rates than the fully porous particle packed columns. At higher flow rates, the advantages of the superficially porous particles was more pronounced in normal phase separations than in HILIC, clearly demonstrating the influence that the mode of chromatography has on band broadening. However, the minimum reduced plate heights (hmin) were typically lower in HILIC than in the normal phase mode. Overall, the superficially porous particle based CF6 column showed clear advantages over the fully porous particle columns, in terms of high throughput and efficient separations of polar compounds in the HILIC mode.
The extraordinary advancement in the development of highly efficient packing materials for liquid chromatography has only partially touched the field of chiral separations. This has been due in part to practical problems in the synthesis and functionalization of sub-2 µm particles with chiral selectors, in part to the lack of a clear understanding of mass transfer mechanisms in chiral chromatography. On the other hand, there is an increasing demand for ultrafast chiral separations mainly from fine chemical and pharmaceutical companies. This review revisits the most important achievements in the field of enantioselective ultra high performance chromatography (eUHPLC) by focusing, in particular, to brush- type chiral stationary phases (CSPs) as they are the most promising materials for transition from traditional high performance liquid chromatography to ultra high-speed/pressure regimes. We also make an attempt to predict some of possible future trends and solutions that will contribute to make eUHPLC a routine technique in analytical laboratories.