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Clinically Relevant Effectiveness of Focused Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Study

  • PAMF-Sutter

Abstract and Figures

Background: The effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis is controversial. The objective of the present study was to test whether focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy is effective in relieving chronic heel pain diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. Methods: Two hundred and fifty subjects were enrolled in a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled U.S. Food and Drug Administration trial. Subjects were randomized to focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy (0.25 mJ/mm(2)) or placebo intervention, with three sessions of 2000 impulses in weekly intervals. Primary outcomes were both the percentage change of heel pain on the visual analog scale composite score (pain during first steps in the morning, pain with daily activities, and pain with a force meter) and the Roles and Maudsley score at twelve weeks after the last intervention compared with the scores at baseline. Results: Two hundred and forty-six patients (98.4%) were available for intention-to-treat analysis at the twelve-week follow-up. With regard to the first primary end point, the visual analog scale composite score, there was a significant difference (p = 0.0027, one-sided) in the reduction of heel pain in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group (69.2%) compared with the placebo therapy group (34.5%). Extracorporeal shock wave therapy was also significantly superior to the placebo therapy for the Roles and Maudsley score (p = 0.0006, one-sided). Temporary pain and swelling during and after treatment were the only device-related adverse events observed. Conclusions: The results of the present study provide proof of the clinically relevant effect size of focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy without local anesthesia in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis, with success rates between 50% and 65%. Level of evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
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A commentary by Michael S. Aronow, MD,
is linked to the online version of this article
Clinically Relevant Effectiveness of Focused
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the
Treatment of Chronic Plantar Fasciitis
A Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Study
Hans Gollwitzer, MD, Amol Saxena, DPM, Lawrence A. DiDomenico, DPM, Louis Galli, DPM,
Richard T. Bouch´
e, DPM, David S. Caminear, DPM, Brian Fullem, DPM, Johannes C. Vester,
Carsten Horn, MD, Ingo J. Banke, MD, Rainer Burgkart, MD, and Ludger Gerdesmeyer, MD
Background: The effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in the treatment of plantar fasciitis is controver-
sial. The objective of the present study was to test whether focused extracorporeal shock wave therapy is effective in
relieving chronic heel pain diagnosed as plantar fasciitis.
Methods: Two hundred and fty subjects were enrolled in a prospective, multicenter, double-blind, randomized, and
placebo-controlled U.S. Food and Drug Administration trial. Subjects were randomized to focused extracorporeal shock
wave therapy (0.25 mJ/mm
) or placebo intervention, with three sessions of 2000 impulses in weekly intervals. Primary
outcomes were both the percentage change of heel pain on the visual analog scale composite score (pain during rst
steps in the morning, pain with daily activities, and pain with a force meter) and the Roles and Maudsley score at twelve
weeks after the last intervention compared with the scores at baseline.
Results: Two hundred and forty-six patients (98.4%) were available for intention-to-treat analysis at the twelve-week
follow-up. With regard to the rst primary end point, the visual analog scale composite score, there was a signicant
difference (p =0.0027, one-sided) in the reduction of heel pain in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group (69.2%)
compared with the placebo therapy group (34.5%). Extracorporeal shock wave therapy was also signicantly superior to
the placebo therapy for the Roles and Maudsley score (p =0.0006, one-sided). Temporary pain and swelling during and
after treatment were the only device-related adverse events observed.
Conclusions: The results of the present study provide proof of the clinically relevant effect size of focused extracorporeal shock
wave therapy without local anesthesia in the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis, with success rates between 50% and 65%.
Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain
and nonsurgical treatment is successful in about 90% of
. A relevant proportion of patients who fail
nonoperative care are treated with surgery
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy has been introduced for
the treatment of chronic inammatory and degenerative pro-
cesses of bone-tendon junctions since the induction of hyper-
emia, neovascularization, and regeneration of tendon tissue have
Disclosure: One or more ofthe authors received payments or services, either directly or indirectly (i.e., via his or her institution), from a third party in supportof
an aspect of this work. In addition, one or more of the authors, or his or her institution, has had a nancial relationship, in the thirty-six months prior to
submission of thiswork, with an entity in the biomedicalarena that couldbe perceived to inuence or have the potential to inuencewhatiswritteninthiswork.
No author has had any other relationships, or has engaged in any other activities, that could be perceived to inuence or have the potential to inuence what is
written in this work. The compl ete Disclosures of Potential Conicts of Interest submitted by authorsare always provided with the online version of the article.
Peer Review: This article was re viewed by the Editor-in-Chief and one Deputy Editor, and it unde rwent blinded review by two or more outside experts. It was also re viewed
by an expert in methodology and statis tics. The Deputy Editor reviewed each revision of the article , and it underwent a nal review by the Editor-in-Chief prior to publication.
Final corrections and clarications occurred during one or more exchanges between the author(s) and copyeditors.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2015;97:701-8 d
been demonstrated. Established indications are calcifying ten-
dinitis of the shoulder, Achilles tendinopathy, and chronic painful
heel syndrome
. However, the effectiveness of extracorporeal
shock wave therapy in plantar fasciitis is controversial
2,5,7,10 -14
the superiority of extracorporeal shock wave therapy compared
with a placebo was summarized in systematic reviews as being
signicant but not clinically relevant
. Specic treatment pa-
rameters of extracorporeal shock wave therapy are of importance
for treatment success but have been neglected in systematic re-
3,7,11,1 2,16
. First, local anesthesia has been shown to reduce
. Second, higher total shock wave energies have been
associated with greater pain reduction
waves have demonstrated clinical superiority compared with
radial shock waves
. Consequently, pooling data of more and less
effective treatment protocols in systematic reviews underesti-
mates the real effectiveness of optimized extracorporeal shock
wave therapy protocols.
Clinically relevant effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave
therapy has been shown in previous studies applying high but
tolerable shock wave energies to the point of maximum tenderness
without local anesthesia
. The present study was performed to
evaluate the effectiveness of an optimized treatment protocol of
extracorporeal shock wave therapy in chronic plantar fasciitis.
Materials and Methods
Study Design and Follow-up
This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with parallel group
design was conducted at ve study centers in the United States. A total of
250 patients were randomly assigned to receive either focused extracorporeal
shock wave therapy or placebo intervention. Randomizationwas performed with
concealed allocation in permuted blocks of four to eight, stratied by treatment
center, with the use of a computer-generated random list and nontransparent
envelopes. Whereas the treating physician (A.S., L.A.D., L.G., R.T.B., and D.S.C.)
was nonblinded, both participants and evaluating physicians were blinded to
randomization. The trial was registered and was conducted as a U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approval study (Investigational Device Exemption
number IDE G050236). Standardized guidelines of good clinical practices from
the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements
for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) were respected.
After three interventions of shock waves or a placebo in weekly intervals,
patients were followed for twelve weeks after the last intervention (follow-up 1).
At this visit, the participantsresponse to treatment was rated. Individuals who
met the predened criteria for treatment success at the time of follow-up
1 continued until twelve months after the last intervention (follow-up 2) to
assess intermediate-term stability of treatment success. Subjects who did not
show sufcient improvement discontinued the study after follow-up 1 and were
not included in follow-up 2. Treatment was considered successful if there was at
least 60% reduction in pain on two of three visual analog scale (VAS) scores or,
alternatively, if all three of the following criteria were fullled: the study participant
was able to work, the participant was satised with the treatment outcome, and no
concomitant therapy to control heel pain was required.
The study was approved by the FDA and the responsible independent institutional
review boards. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Patients were recruited from the participating study sites and from community-
based referring physicians (primary care physicians, podiatrists, and ortho-
paedic surgeons). A total of 250 patients were randomized. The Consolidated
Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram for the study is displayed
in Figure 1.
TABLE I Demographic and Baseline Characteristics of the Intention-to-Treat Population
Intention-to-Treat Population
Extracorporeal Shock Wave
Therapy Group (N = 125)
Placebo Group
(N = 121)
Age* (yr) 50.0 ±11.2 47.4 ±10.6
Male sex 32.0% 27.3%
Body mass index* (kg/m
)28.6 ±6.18 29.5 ±7.19
Sedentary 7 (5.6%) 14 (11.6%)
Active 101 (80.8%) 87 (71.9%)
Athletic 17 (13.6%) 20 (16.5%)
Heel pain duration
Six to twelve months 40 (32.0%) 37 (30.6%)
More than twelve to twenty-four months 38 (30.4%) 37 (30.6%)
More than twenty-four months 47 (37.6%) 47 (38.8%)
VAS* (points)
Heel pain while taking rst steps in the morning 7.9 ±1.55 8.0 ±1.61
Heel pain while doing daily activities 7.9 ±1.55 7.9 ±1.51
Heel pain after application of the F-Meter 9.3 ±1.25 9.3 ±1.28
Roles and Maudsley score* (points) 3.6 ±0.49 3.7 ±0.48
*The values are given as the mean and the standard deviation. The values are given as the number of patients, with the percentage in
VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion required a history of plantar fasciitis resistant to nonsurgical treat-
ment for at least six months. All participants had failed at least four nonsurgical
treatment modalities, including at least two nonpharmacological and at least
two pharmacological treatments. Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis was made by
experienced foot and ankle specialists with more than ten years of professional
experience according to the clinical practice guideline of the American College
of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nerve
conduction velocity/electromyography, or other diagnostic testing was per-
formed if appropriate to conrm plantar fasciitis or to rule out other diagnoses.
Fig. 1
A CONSORT diagram showing the ow of participants through the study. The safety analysis population included all patients receiving at least one
treatment session. The intention-to-treat (ITT) population included all subjects who had had at least one treatment session and also at least one evaluation
following the rst treatment without severe deviation of entry criteria (i.e., the ITT population was the full analysis set as dened in the ICH guideline
E9 [biostatistics]
). The per-protocol (PP) population also included the patients excluded from the intention-to-treat population because of protocol
violations (inclusion and exclusion criteria, incomplete study treatment, or premature discontinuation). ESWT =extracorporeal shock wave therapy, and
AE =adverse event.
VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
Participants had to self-rate 5 points on all three VAS scores (heel pain while
taking the rst steps in the morning, heel pain while doing daily activities, and
heel pain while applying a standardized local pressure with the Force-Meter [F-
Meter; Storz Medical, agerwilen, Switzerland]). Pain was measured on a 10-cm
VAS in which 0 points indicated no pain and 10 points indicated excruciating
pain. To be eligible, subjects must also have had a Roles and Maudsley score of fair
or poor
. A minimum washout phase after preceding nonsurgical treatments
was required prior to enrollment (a time gap of at least six weeks since the last
corticosteroid injection; four weeks since the last local anesthetic injection,
iontophoresis, ultrasound, or electromyostimulation; one week since the last
nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs; and two days since the last analgesics,
heat, ice, massage, stretching, modication of night splinting, and orthosis). The
complete list of inclusion criteria is summarized in the Appendix.
Exclusion Criteria
The main reasons for exclusion were active infection or history of chronic
infection in the treatment area, systemic inammatory disease, neurological or
vascular insufciencies, nerve entrapment, disturbance of coagulation, bilateral
heel pain in need of medical treatment, and pregnancy. The complete list of
exclusion criteria is provided in the Appendix.
Study Interventions
Focused shock waves were generated electromagnetically with the Duolith SD1
shock wave device (Storz Medical). The total energy ux density was increased
continuously from 0.01 to 0.25 mJ/mm
within 500 introductory impulses.
Thereafter, 2000 treatment impulses with 0.25 mJ/mm
(four impulses per
second) were administered per session, and the intervention was repeated up to
a total of three sessions in weekly intervals.
The placebo group received identical sham intervention with an air-
lled standoff that prevented the transmission of shock waves. The placebo
handpiece was identical in design, shape, and weight to ensure that there was no
way for the participants to identify the placebo handpiece.
The applicator was directed to the most tender point, controlling
proper placement by patient-controlled feedback, and was adjusted during
treatment if necessary. No radiograph or ultrasound was used. The participants
had the option to request local anesthesia.
The participants were allowed to use a standardized rescue medication
throughout the study (2 g of acetaminophen per day for up to fourteen days
following the last intervention; thereafter, 2 g of acetaminophen per week). No
other therapies were allowed.
Primary Outcome Measures
One of the primary outcomes was the overall reduction of heel pain, measured
by percentage change of the VAS composite score twelve weeks after the last
intervention compared with the score at baseline. The heel pain composite
score was dened as the sum of three single VAS scales: (1) heel pain while
taking the rst steps in the morning, (2) heel pain while doing daily activities,
and (3) heel pain while applying a standardized local pressure with the F-Meter.
The blinded investigator (one of whom [B.F.] was an author of this
study) used the F-Meter to measure pressure sensitivity at the point of maxi-
mum tenderness. The pressure level that just elicited unbearable pain (a VAS
score of 10 points) was quantied by the F-Meter and was documented as an
individual baseline value for each participant. At each follow-up visit, the same
individual F-Meter pressure was then applied and the subject was asked to score
the pain on the VAS. An increased pressure pain tolerance resulted in a decreased
scoring in the VAS.
Functional improvement was measured by the Roles and Maudsley
, which is a four-level grading scale: excellent indicates no pain, full
movement, and activity; good indicates occasional discomfort, full move-
ment, and activity; fair indicates some discomfort after prolonged activity;
and poor indica tes pain-limiting activities. Because we wished to maintain the
overall alpha level for the study, both of the primary efcacy criteria would
need to be signicantly superior (one-sided p < 0.025) to prove the superi-
ority of the intervention. Primary outcome measures were analyzed with the
last value carried forward to replace missing values and with correction for
interfering analgesic therapy. Potential limitations of using percentage
changes in pain VAS scales were avoided by the use of robust nonparametric
Secondary Outcome Measures
Secondary outcome measures included the investigators (one of whom [B.F.]
was an author of this study) global judgment of effectiveness (on a 5-point scale
ranging from very good to poor), rates of success dened as at least 60% pain
reduction in the single VAS scores, the overall rate of success with regard to
heel pain dened as at least 60% decrease of heel pain in at least two of the
three VAS measurements, the Roles and Maudsley score rate of success
dened as a rating of excellent or good, and the consumption of concomitant
analgesic medication (all at twelve weeks after treatment). Additionally, par-
ticipantsjudgment of satisfaction with therapy was assessed on a nonvalidated
7-point scale (ranging from very satised to very unsatised) at that time
(follow-up 1).
Furthermore, the VAS composite score, the Roles and Maudsley score,
and success rates were assessed at the time of follow-up 2 for the subpopulation
that demonstrated sufcient response to treatment at the time of follow-up 1.
Safety Criteria
All subjects with at least one intervention were included in the safety anal-
ysis population. All local tissue effects and adverse events were recorded.
TABLE II Primary Efcacy Criteria at Twelve Weeks (Follow-up 1)
Intention-to-Treat Groups
Primary Efcacy Criteria*
Extracorporeal Shock Wave
Therapy Group (N = 124) Placebo Group (N = 121) P Value
Effect Size
Composite score for heel pain (VAS)§ 0.0027 0.6026 (0.5306)
Median change from baseline# 269.2% 234.5%
Mean change from baseline** 254.5% (261.4% to 247.7%) 240.3% (247.5% to 233.1%)
Roles and Maudsley score** (points) 2.5 (2.3 to 2.7) 2.9 (2.7 to 3.1) 0.0006 0.6135 (0.5466)
*All results have the last value carried forward to replace missing values and score correction for interfering concomitant therapy. The p values
were determined by a one-sided test for superiority with use of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The values are given as the effect size, with the
lower bound of the one-sided 97.5% condence interval in parentheses. §The values are the sum of scores of heel pain (VAS) while taking the rst
steps of the day, heel pain (VAS) while doing daily activities, and heel pain (VAS) after application of the F-Meter. #The values are given as the
median. **The values are given as the mean, with the 95% condence interval in parentheses.
VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
Additionally, the investigators global judgment of tolerability was assessed on a
7-point rating scale twelve weeks after the last treatment.
Statistical Analysis
The sample size calculation was based on the model of stochastic superiority
within the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test for the primary outcome measure of
percentage change of the VAS composite score. The following stipulations were
made: a relevant Mann-Whitney effect size of 0.64, an alpha (one-sided) of
0.025, and a beta of 0.10 (power of 90%). Because of the expected usual losses
(for example, dropouts), the sample size for the study was enhanced to 125
participants per group.
To keep the multiple levels of alpha, the efcacy of the extracorporeal
shock wave therapy was proven if both primary criteria of effectiveness (the
VAS composite score and the Roles and Maudsley score) showed a signicant
result with a value of p < 0.025 (one-sided).
To identify differences in effect size between the groups, the Mann-
Whitney effect size with predened benchmarks was used. In accordance with
Colditz et al.
, we used benchmarks that corresponded to a Mann-Whitney
effect size of 0.5 for equality (active therapy was neither better nor worse than
the placebo), 0.44 or 0.56 for small inferiority or superiority, 0.36 or 0.64 for
medium (clinically important) inferiority or superiority, and 0.29 for large
inferiority or 0.71 for large superiority.
Primary and secondary criteria were evaluated by univariate Wilcoxon-
Mann-Whitney tests. In addition, secondary criteria were combined by a
multivariate directional Wilcoxon test (the Wei-Lachin procedure). Statistical
analyses were performed by an independent institute (idv-Data Analysis and
Study Planning, Gauting, Germany), using its REPORT, TESTIMATE, and
AE-Base software programs, which is in accordance with the recommendations
of the ICH E9 Biostatistics Guideline
Source of Funding
The present study was conducted as anFDA-approved study. Three authors (H.G.,
A.S., and J.C.V.) received funding from Storz Medical. Funds were used to pay
for travel expenses, consultancy in study planning, and realization. The sponsors
of this study did not have any inuence on subject recruitment, data collection,
data analysis, or preparation of the manuscript.
Enrollment and Treatment
Atotal of 250 patients were enrolled over a fty-week period
and were randomly assigned to extracorporeal shock wave
therapy (n =126) or placebo intervention (n =124). The ow of
participants through the study is displayed in the Consolidated
Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) diagram (Fig. 1).
Both groups showed comparable characteristics with respect to
demographic variables, intensity and duration of heel pain (Table
I), and previous therapies. No subject requested local anesthesia.
Primary Outcome Measures
The primary end points of the percentage change in the VAS
composite score and the Roles and Maudsley score at twelve
weeks compared with the scores at baseline could be assessed in
TABLE III Secondary Efcacy Criteria at Twelve Weeks (Follow-up 1)
Secondary Efcacy Criteria*
Intention-to-Treat Group
P Value
No. of
to Treat
Extracorporeal Shock Wave
Therapy(N = 125) Placebo(N = 121)
Success rate
Heel pain overall§ 54.4% (45.3% to 63.3%) 37.2% (28.6% to 46.4%) 0.0035# 2.015 5.8
Heel pain while taking rst steps of
the day**
50.4% (41.3% to 59.5%) 36.4% (27.8% to 45.6%) 0.0136# 1.778 7.1
Heel pain during daily activity** 49.6% (40.5% to 58.7%) 38.8% (30.1% to 48.1%) 0.0464# 1.550 9.3
Heel pain with F-Meter** 53.6% (44.5% to 62.6%) 42.2% (33.2% to 51.5%) 0.0380# 1.586 8.7
Roles and Maudsley score†† 60.8% (51.7% to 69.4%) 37.2% (28.6% to 46.4%) 0.0001# 2.620 4.2
Investigators global judgment of
effectiveness: very good or good‡‡
73.9% (88 of 119) 54.4% (62 of 114) 0.0110§§
Subjects global judgment of therapy
satisfaction: very satised or satised‡‡
47.9% (57 of 119) 33.3% (38 of 114) 0.0021§§
Concomitant analgesic medication## 74.4% (65.8% to 81.8%) 71.1% (62.1% to 79.0%) 0.7420# 0.846
*All results have the last value carried forward to replace missing values and score correction for interfering concomitant therapy. According to
the predened criteria for response to treatment to continue the study after follow-up 1, a sufcient response was considered to be at least 60%
reduction in pain on two of three VAS scores (heel pain overall success rate) or, alternatively, if all three of the following criteria were fullled: the
study participant was able to work, the participant was satised with the treatment outcome, and no concomitant therapy to control heel pain was
required. The response to treatment for the decision to continue until follow-up 2 was eighty-one patients (64.8%) in the extracorporeal shock wave
therapy group and fty-six patients (46.3%) in the placebo group. The values are given as the mean percentage of patients, with the 95%
condence interval in parentheses. §Success was dened as a decrease of heel pain of at least 60% from baseline for at least two of three heel
pain VAS measurements. #The p values of the one-sided test for superiority were determined with use of the unconditional exact ohmel-
Mansmann test. **Success was dened as a decrease of heel pain of at least 60% from baseline. ††These values were the percentage of
subjects with a Roles and Maudsley score of excellent or good at the time of follow-up 1. ‡‡The values are given as the percentage of patients,
with the number of patients responding out of the total number of patients who completed follow-up 1 in parentheses. §§The p values of the one-
sided test for superiority were determined with use of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test (ordinal scale). ##This value was based on the frequency
count of patients with at least one concomitant analgesic therapy during the study.
VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
98.4% of the enrolled subjects (Fig. 1 and Table II). All partici-
pants providing post-baseline data were included in the analysis
with the last value carried forward to replace missing values and
the predened adjustment of the VAS score in cases of interfering
concomitant analgesic therapy (see Appendix).
The superiority of extracorporeal shock wave therapy
compared with a placebo in chronic plantar fasciitis was conrmed
to be proven for both primary outcome measures. The median
composite score of heel pain (VAS) was reduced by 69.2% in the
extracorporeal shock wave therapy group compared with 34.5% in
the control group (p =0.0027, one-sided). Furthermore, the dif-
ference in the Roles and Maudsley score was 0.4 point in favor of
extracorporeal shock wave therapy (p =0.0006, one-sided).
Secondary Outcome Measures
Secondary outcome measures are displayed in Table III. The
combined overall result of the eight secondary criteria showed
signicance (p =0.0015, one-sided) in favor of extracorporeal
shock wave therapy. Five single secondary criteria showed sig-
nicance: the investigators global judgment of effectiveness (p =
0.0110), the subjectsjudgmentoftherapysatisfaction(p=
0.0021), the Roles and Maudsley success rate (p =0.001), the heel
pain overall success rate (p =0.0035), and the single-VAS success
rate for heel pain while taking the rst steps in the morning (p =
To assess the stability of the results, different sensitivity
analyses were performed for the primary efcacy criteria at the
time of follow-up 1: a per-protocol analysis, a supportive analysis
for the intention-to-treat data set without any correction for in-
terfering analgesic therapy, a supportive sensitivity analysis for the
intention-to-treat data set with correction for interfering analgesic
therapy by means of the worst-rank score technique, a sensitivity
analysis for the intention-to-treat data set counting all patients lost
to follow-up as treatment failures, and an analysis of the data set
with the data as available instead of the last value carried forward
to replace missing values. All sensitivity analyses resulted in de-
scriptively signicant superiority of extracorporeal shock wave
therapy compared with a placebo (all p values, <0.025). Thus, the
results of the sensitivity analyses provide strong support for the
results of the primary analysis (see Appendix).
One hundred and thirty-seven subjects met the criteria for
treatment success at the time of follow-up 1 (sufcient response),
and the rate of responders was 64.8% for the extracorporeal
shock wave therapy group and 46.3% for the placebo group
(Table III). Of the 137, 124 subjects continued the study in the
follow-up 2 period (seventy-three subjects in the extracorporeal
shock wave therapy group and fty-one subjects in the placebo
therapy group). At the time of follow-up 2, two subjects in the
extracorporeal shock wave therapy group were lost to follow-up,
and three subjects in the control (placebo) group discontinued
early (one for an administrative reason, one for early recovery,
and one for worsening with an adverse event). In the subpopu-
lation that continued the study after follow-up 1, the percentage
change of the VAS composite score from baseline increased from
284.0% at the time of follow-up 1 to 296.0% at the time of
follow-up 2 in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group
compared with 284.0% at the time of follow-up 1 to 296.3% at
the time of follow-up 2 in the placebo group. The mean change
of the Roles and Maudsley score from baseline increased from
21.7 to 22.1 in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group
compared with 21.6 to 21.9 in the placebo group. Furthermore,
the single VAS assessments showed comparable results. Thus, the
successful status of the subjects at the time of follow-up 1 con-
tinued and increased during follow-up 2, conrming stability of
treatment success for at least twelve months. The results of the
analyses of the per-protocol population supported these results.
Tolerability and Safety Criteria
The tolerability of the study therapy was judged as very good or
good in 89.1% (106 of 119) of the extracorporeal shock wave
therapy subjects and in 91.2% (104 of 114) of the placebo subjects
at twelve weeks. All 250 randomized subjects received at least one
treatment and were included in the safety analysis population
(Fig. 1). One hundred and one adverse events occurred prior to
follow-up 1. A total of seventy-seven adverse events were found
in forty-three patients in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy
group. In the placebo group, twenty-four adverse events were
seen in seventeen subjects. The preponderance of adverse events
in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group was due to
known minor untoward effects of treatment (pain and/or dis-
comfort during treatment, pain after treatment, and swelling);
there were sixty-ve such adverse events in thirty-four of 126
subjects in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group and
eleven such adverse events in seven of 124 subjects in the placebo
group, with a rate difference of 21.4%). There were no other
device-related adverse events and no group differences regarding
the remaining adverse events that have been considered to not be
related to treatment (twelve events in eleven subjects in the ex-
tracorporeal shock wave therapy group and thirteen events in
eleven subjects in the placebo group).
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis has
been investigated in multiple randomized controlled trials,
providing evidence of effectiveness and safety
. However,
previous studies on extracorporeal shock wave therapy also dem-
onstrated a signicant inuence of treatment protocols on
. Double-blind randomized controlled trials di-
recting shock waves to anatomical landmarks rather than to the
point of greatest tenderness, using lower energy levels or using
local analgesia, failed to show superiorityof extracorporeal shock
wave therapy over a placebo
. A randomized controlled trial
has demonstrated that local anesthesia signicantly reduces the
effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy
, which may
be explained by the inhibition of hyperstimulation, modication
of the gate-control mechanism, and modication of pain medi-
. Because effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave
therapy is dependent on treatment parameters, pooling of data in
systematic reviews is inadequate. Effectiveness should be analyzed
individually for specic devices and treatment protocols.
At the primary end point, 98.4% of subjects were available
for analyses, and all sensitivity analyses supported the nal results.
VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
The present study conrmed both signicant and clinically rele-
superiority of extracorporeal shock wave therapy compared
with the placebo, with a between-group difference of nearly 35%
pain reduction. The relevant superiority of extracorporeal shock
wave therapy was strongly supported by sensitivity analyses as well
as secondary outcome measures. The rate of responders who
continued the study after the twelve-week follow-up was 64.8% in
the extracorporeal shock wave therapy group compared with
46.3% in the placebo group. Although a relevant number of
participants did not reach the criteria for success, a clinically
relevant superiority of extracorporeal shock wave therapy com-
pared with the placebo was demonstrated; for example, the Roles
and Maudsley success rate was 60.8% for the extracorporeal shock
wave therapy group compared with 37.2% for the placebo group.
Furthermore, the assessment of treatment responders demon-
strated stability of treatment success for at least one year; the study
design did not follow the nonresponders of both groups after the
twelve-week follow-up.
Finally, the mean VAS score improvement of >30% in the
placebo group conrms the power of the placebo effect in pain
and emphasizes the effectiveness of blinding in
the present study.
In conclusion, focused extracorporeal shock wave ther-
apy applied in weekly interventions (totaling 3 ·2000 impulses,
0.25 mJ/mm
) without local analgesia demonstrated relevant
clinical effectiveness in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis.
Tables showing inclusion and exclusion criteria, time
gaps and correction methods for interfering concomitant
analgesic therapy, and results of the sensitivity analyses re-
garding the a priori-ordered primary efcacy criteria are avail-
able with the online version of this article as a data supplement
at n
Hans Gollwitzer, MD
Ingo J. Banke, MD
Rainer Burgkart, MD
Clinic of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics,
Klinikum Rechts der Isar,
Technische Universit¨
at M¨
Ismaninger Strasse 22,
81675 Munich, Germany.
E-mail address for H. Gollwitzer:
Amol Saxena, DPM
Palo Alto Medical Foundation,
795 El Camino Real,
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Lawrence A. DiDomenico, DPM
Regional Referral Center,
Northside Medical Center,
500 Gypsy Lane,
Youngstown, OH 44505
Louis Galli, DPM
Advanced Footcare Specialists,
25 Central Park West, Suite 1R,
New York, NY 10023
Richard T. Bouch´
e, DPM
The Sports Medicine Clinic,
10330 Meridian Avenue North, Suite 300,
Seattle, WA 98133
David S. Caminear, DPM
Connecticut Orthopaedic Specialists,
2408 Whitney Avenue,
Hamden, CT 06518
Brian Fullem, DPM
Elite Sports Podiatry,
1700 North McMullen Booth Road, Suite C-2,
Clearwater, FL 33759
Johannes C. Vester
Biometrics in Medicine,
idv-Data Analysis and Study Planning,
Wessobrunner Strasse 6,
82131 Gauting, Germany
Carsten Horn, MD
Unfallchirurgie und Orthop¨
Klinikum Dachau,
Krankenhausstrasse 15,
85221 Dachau, Germany
Ludger Gerdesmeyer, MD
Klinik f¨
ur Orthop¨
adie und Unfallchirurgie,
atsklinikum Schleswig Holstein,
Arnold Heller Strasse,
24105 Kiel, Germany
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VOLUME 97-A dNUMBER 9dMAY 6, 2015
... Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) [13,14]. Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (Physiotur) using a 12 mm handpiece was administered to intervention group (A) with the following settings: continuous mode, a frequency of 15 Hz, pressure set at 3, and 1800 impulses. ...
... Moreover, the notable variations in VAS and FFI scores between the intervention groups and the control group emphasize the significance of incorporating ESWT into the treatment regimen. These findings are consistent with prior studies that have demonstrated the efficacy of ESWT in addressing plantar fasciitis [14]. The chosen physical therapy program also contributed to enhancing patients' functional outcomes, given the well-established benefits of physical therapy in addressing musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction [31]. ...
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Objectives This pilot study primarily aimed to detect the adherence as well as the effect size required to estimate the actual sample size needed for a larger scale study to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of two extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) protocols along, with a physical therapy program in reducing pain and improving function among patients suffering from plantar fasciitis. The study also aimed to report the effects of the ESWT protocols used on pain and function. Methods A total of 26 participants took part in the study, including 17 females and 9 males. The average age of the participants was 34 years with a body mass index (BMI) of 23 kg/m². Participants were divided into three equal groups; Group A received ESWT at a frequency of 15 Hz and intensity of 3, Group B received ESWT at a frequency of 10 Hz and intensity of 4, while Group C underwent the selected physical therapy program along with sham shock wave therapy as a control. Pain levels were assessed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) while functional improvements were evaluated using the Foot Function Index (FFI). Data was collected prior to treatment, after three sessions and at the end of six weeks (after six sessions). Results The three groups were well matched, and the results revealed high adherence rates (90%, 90% and 80% respectively). Results also indicated reductions in pain levels and improvements in function for both intervention groups when compared to the control group. Group A demonstrated better outcomes compared to Group B while Group C showed relatively less improvement. Conclusion The study concluded a high adherence rate for the three groups as well as a small effect size detected of 0.282 that would suggest a total of 123 participants to be required to replicate the study on a larger scale. With regards to the findings of this pilot, the combination of ESWT and a targeted physical therapy program revealed a possible effective therapeutic approach for plantar fasciitis, with a higher frequency potentially yielding more favourable results.
... Plantar fasciitis is the most common non-traumatic cause of heel pain. It accounts for 11-15% of musculoskeletal disorders in the foot area that require professional care [1]. It is the subject of a significant number of studies due to its complex pathophysiology and varying effectiveness of treatment attempts. ...
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Background and Objectives: Treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis is challenging given that there are various of available treatment options with no clear gold standard. The aim of the study was to examine the dose-escalation effect of rESWT on the biomechanical parameters of the plantar fascia and pain ailments. Materials and Methods: In the experimental group (n = 30), the intensity of the shock wave was increased every two subsequent treatment sessions. In the control group (n = 32), the treatment parameters were not changed. In both groups, six treatments were performed, with two treatment sessions a week. In order to assess the biomechanical parameters of the plantar fascia, myotonometric measurements were performed. The pain intensity was assessed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS). Results: The tension of the plantar fascia attachment in the experimental group decreased from 27.69 ± 2.06 [Hz] before treatment to 26.29 ± 1.69 [Hz] after treatment (p = 0.009) and to 26.03 ± 2.15 [Hz] 1 month after the beginning of treatment (p = 0.003). In the control group, the frequency results did not change significantly (p > 0.05). Flexibility increased in both groups. The test results before treatment and 1 month after the beginning of the treatment showed statistical significance in the experimental group (p = 0.001) vs. (p = 0.002) in the control group. The differences were not statistically significant between groups (p > 0.05). The assessment of pain intensity carried out 1 month after the end of treatment in the experimental group amounted to 3.14 ± 2.28 points, which was statistically significantly lower compared to that in the control group, where it amounted to 5.14 ± 1.92 points. (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The use of rESWT performed with an increasing intensity of impact during subsequent treatment procedures demonstrated greater effectiveness in improving the biomechanical parameters of the plantar fascia and was also more effective in reducing the pain ailments. Our results are encouraging. The dose escalation in the treatment cycle is worth considering. To prove that this method of treatment is more effective, a randomized controlled trial should be carried out on a representative sample.
... Although ESWT is generally considered to be a safe and effective treatment for chronic PF, it is undeniable that some patients cannot tolerate the pain of ESWT, and some continue to experience pain, edema, ecchymosis, hypoesthesia, paresthesia, and even foot spasm after the procedure [27]. If anesthetics are administered during ESWT to reduce intraoperative pain, efficacy may also decrease [28,29]. However, accumulating evidence suggests that needle therapy can also be used to treat PF. ...
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Background Plantar fasciitis (PF) is the most common cause of chronic heel pain among adults. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is the recommended in the current guidelines, and the small needle-knife yields acceptable clinical effects for musculoskeletal pain. Objective To systematically compare the efficacy of the small needle-knife versus ESWT for the treatment of PF. Methods The present review was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (i.e., “PROSPERO”, CRD42023448813). Two of the authors searched electronic databases for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the small needle-knife versus ESWT for the treatment of PF, and collected outcomes including curative effect, pain intensity, and function. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Handbook Risk of Bias tool and the quality of the RCTs was evaluated according to the Jadad Scale. The same authors independently performed data extraction from the included studies, which were imported into Review Manager version 5.4.1(Copenhagen: Nordic Cochrane Centre, The Cochrane Collaboration, 2020) for meta-analysis. Results The initial literature search retrieved 886 studies, of which 6 were eventually included in this study. Meta-analysis revealed no significant difference in curative effect (OR = 1.87; 95 % CI [0.80, 4.37], p = .15) nor short-term pain improvement (MD = 2.20; 95 % CI [-2.77, 7.16], p = .39) between the small needle-knife and ESWT. However, the small needle-knife may be more effective than ESWT for pain improvement in mid-term (MD = 9.11; 95 % CI [5.08, 13.15], p< .00001) and long-term follow-ups (MD = 10.71; 95 % CI [2.18, 19.25], p< .00001). Subgroup analysis revealed that the small needle-knife combined with a corticosteroid injection yielded a statistically significant difference in reduction of pain intensity at all follow-ups (MD = 4.84; 95 % CI [1.33, 8.36], p = .007; MD = 10.99; 95 % CI [8.30, 13.69], p< .00001; MD = 17.87; 95 % CI [15.26, 20.48], p< .00001). Meta-analysis revealed no statistical differences in short-term (MD = 1.34; 95 % CI [-3.19, 5.86], p = .56) and mid-term (MD = 2.75; 95 % CI [-1.21, 6.72], p = . 17) functional improvement between the needle-knife and ESWT groups. In a subgroup analysis of moderate-quality studies, the small needle-knife demonstrated a favorable effect on mid-term functional improvement (MD = 1.58; 95 % CI [0.52, 2.65], p = .004), with low heterogeneity (χ² = 0.77, p = .038, I² = 0 %). Conclusion: Pain reduction and functional improvement are essential for the treatment of PF. Therefore, treatment using the small needle-knife may be superior to ESWT. Results of this systematic review and meta-analysis may provide alternative treatment options for patients with PF as well as more reliable, evidence-based recommendations supporting use of the small needle-knife.
... This showed that the addition of electroacupuncture on the basis of ESWT had a significant effect and played a positive role in the pain symptoms and joint function of KOA patients. Some researchers believed that ESWT reduced the sensitivity of peripheral nerves, inhibited the expression of pain factors such as calcitonin gene-related peptide, reduced the release of substance P, inhibited pain information transmission, increased pain threshold, and have a good analgesic effect [52,53]. Some studies have also confirmed that ESWT can improve pain and function in KOA patients in the short term [54]. ...
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Objective To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture combined with extracorporeal shock wave therapy (EESWT) and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Methods A total of 135 KOA patients who received EESWT treatment were selected as the EESWT group, and 135 KOA patients who received extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) were selected as the ESWT group. The clinical efficacy, inflammatory factors in joint synovial fluid and adverse events during treatment were compared before and after treatment. Results The clinical effective rate of patients in the EESWT group (89.63 %) after treatment was significantly higher than that of the ESWT group (74.81 %) (p < 0.01). The lysholm kness (LKSS) score and range of motion (ROM) of the patients in the EESWT group after treatment were higher than those of the ESWT group, while Lequesne index score, visual analogue scale (VAS) score and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) were lower than those of the ESWT group (p < 0.01). Compared with ESWT group, the changes in the expression levels of nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), interleukin 1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3), and transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1) in the synovial fluid of the EESWT group after treatment were significantly greater than those of the ESWT group (p < 0.01). No significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between the EESWT group and the ESWT group (p > 0.05). Conclusion EESWT significantly improves pain symptoms and inflammatory factor levels in KOA patients and is an optional KOA treatment option worthy of clinical attention.
... It has been reported that Physiotherapy interventions including stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, night splints, taping, dry needling, extracorporeal-shockwave therapy, and manual therapies are reported to be effective in the management of chronic plantar [33]. In addition recent studies [34,35,36,37] have found Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) to be an effective modality in alleviating pain in plantar Fasciitis patients. In the current study, we did not investigate the efficacy of physiotherapy modalities(PTM), exercises, or techniques but we investigated those who received physiotherapy treatments and those who did not receive and we correlate that with the effect of that on the benefit from the foot orthosis. ...
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Introduction: Plantar fasciitis (PF) accounts for about 80% of cases of heel pain. Foot orthoses (shoe insole/arch support), are one of the conservative management for plantar fasciitis. To our knowledge, we could not find any study that assesses the au�thentic benefits of using foot insoles with their different types on reducing PF pain among healthcare providers in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The aim of this was to evaluate the short and long-term effectiveness of foot orthosis in the recovery of plantar fasciitis and assess its influence on pain and quality of life among healthcare providers. Methods: 93 subjects agreed to participate in the study male (n=30) 32.3%, and Female (n=63) 6.78%. All participants were asked to sign a consent form before participating in filling out the survey questions. Study Design: Experienced Musculoskeletal researchers/Clinicians developed the study online questionnaire. Results: 93 participants (n=30) 32.3% were male and (n=63) 64.5 % were Female. The results showed that 42 (45.2%) of the participants used the foot-orthosis and 51(45.8) did not use it. Out of the 42 participants who used the foot orthosis 33 (35.5%) benefited from the foot orthosis. A significant decrease in pain level score was reported after using the foot orthosis (3.00) compared to before using the orthosis (6.79), p= 0.000. Conclusion: The study confirms that Planter Fasciitis is one of the common problems among healthcare providers in the KSA, and foot orthosis is one of the best conservative management for decreasing PF symptoms. the study did not find a direct effect of Age, gender, BMI, and the received PT treatments on the benefits of using foot orthosis. Keywords: Plantar Fasciitis; Heel Pain; Foot-Insole; Orthoses; Rehabilitation.
Purpose The optimal management of degenerative meniscal tears remains controversial. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been shown to promote tissue repair in both preclinical and clinical studies; however, its effect on degenerative meniscal tears remains unknown. This study aimed to examine whether ESWT improves meniscal degeneration. Methods This randomized trial was conducted between 2020 and 2022 and involved patients with degenerative medial meniscal tears. Patients were allocated to receive either focused ESWT (0.25 mJ/mm ² , 2000 impulses, 3 sessions with a 1‐week interval) or sham treatment. Patients were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before treatment and at 12 months after treatment. The primary endpoint was improvement in meniscal degeneration, as assessed by the change in T2 relaxation time from baseline on MRI T2 mapping. Knee pain and clinical outcomes were also examined at the same time. Results Of 29 randomized patients, 27 patients (mean age 63.9 ± 8.7 years; females 37%; ESWT group 14 patients; control group 13 patients) were included in the final analysis. At 12 months postintervention, patients in the ESWT group showed a greater decrease in the T2 relaxation time (ESWT group −2.9 ± 1.7 ms vs. control group 1.0 ± 1.9 ms; p < 0.001) and had less knee pain ( p = 0.04). The clinical outcomes at 12 months post‐treatment were not statistically significant. No adverse events were reported. Conclusion ESWT decreased the T2 relaxation time in the meniscus at 12 months post‐treatment. ESWT also provided pain relief, but no differences were observed in clinical outcomes. Level of Evidence Level II.
Objectives: Plantar fasciitis (PF), which accounts for approximately 80% of heel pain, is a common condition affecting adults' quality of life. There are many different treatment modalities used in the treatment of PF. In this study, we compared the clinical and functional outcomes of patients diagnosed with chronic PF in our clinic who underwent USG-guided PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injection and patients who underwent RFNA (radiofrequency nerve ablation) treatment. Methods: Ultrasound-guided PRP injection or RFNA was performed on 95 patients who were diagnosed with chronic PF and met the inclusion criteria. This group of patients was followed for at least one year (October 2021-October 2023), and the clinical and functional results of the patients were compared. Results: The mean pre-treatment Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Foot Function Index (FFI), and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) posterior-ankle scores were similar, and no significant difference was found (P>0.05). A significant improvement was observed in the groups' FFI, VAS, and AFOAS scores after treatment (P<0.05). However, no significant difference was found in treatment modalities (P>0.05). Conclusions: As a result of the study, it was concluded that PRP injection and RFNA are effective treatment methods in patients diagnosed with chronic plantar fasciitis without response to other conservative treatment methods, but these two methods are not superior to each other.
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Purpose The study of the placebo effect is key to elucidate the ‘real effect’ of conservative interventions for plantar fasciitis. The aim of this meta-analysis was to quantify the impact of placebo in the different conservative treatments of plantar fasciitis. Methods A systematic literature review was performed on double-blind placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) according to PRISMA guidelines on PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science. The meta-analysis primary outcome was the 0–10 pain variation after placebo treatments analyzed at 1 week, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The risk of bias was assessed using the RoB 2.0 tool, while the overall quality of evidence was graded according to the GRADE guidelines. Results The placebo effect for conservative treatments was studied in 42 double-blind RCTs on 1724 patients. The meta-analysis of VAS pain showed a statistically significant improvement after placebo administration of 2.13/10 points ( P < 0.001), being highest at 12 months with 2.79/10 points ( P < 0.001). The improvement of the placebo groups was higher in the extracorporeal shock wave therapy studies compared to the injection studies (2.59 vs 1.78; P = 0.05). Eight studies had a low risk of bias, 23 studies had ‘some concerns,’ and 4 studies had a high risk of bias. The GRADE evaluation showed an overall high quality of evidence. Conclusion This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that the placebo effect represents an important component of all conservative approaches to treat plantar fasciitis. This effect is statistically and clinically significant, increases over time, and depends on the type of conservative treatment applied to address plantar fasciitis.
Objective To investigate the effects of pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies on pain intensity and disability for plantar fasciitis. Design Systematic review of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Data sources AMED, MEDLINE, PEDro, Cochrane, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, EMBASE and PsycINFO without language or date restrictions up to 3 February 2023. Eligibility criteria RCTs that evaluated the efficacy of any pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies compared with control (placebo, sham, waiting list or no intervention) on pain intensity and disability in people with plantar fasciitis. Two reviewers independently screened eligible trials, extracted data, assessed the methodological quality of included trials and assessed the certainty of the evidence using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations framework. Mean differences (MDs) with 95% CIs were reported. Results Seventeen different therapies investigated in 28 trials were included in the quantitative analysis. For non-pharmacological therapies, moderate certainty evidence showed short-term effects of customised orthoses on pain intensity when compared with control (MD of −12.0 points (95% CI −17.1 to −7.0) on a 0–100 scale). Low certainty evidence showed short-term effects of taping on pain intensity (−21.3 (95% CI −38.6 to −4.0)). Long-term effects and effects on disability are still uncertain. For pharmacological therapies, low to very low quality evidence from few trials with small samples was inconclusive and supports that high-quality trials are needed. Conclusions Moderate-quality and low-quality evidence demonstrates customised orthoses and taping, respectively, reduce pain intensity in the short term in patients with plantar fasciitis. PROSPERO registration number CRD42021224416.
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Background Tendinopathy is a growing global concern affecting many people, like athletes, workers, and the elderly. Despite its commonality among the sporting population, there is no practical clinical guideline for patellar tendinopathy (PT). Furthermore, there is conflicting evidence between clinical guidelines on shockwave therapy’s application and clinical utility for Achilles tendinopathy (AT) and plantar fasciitis (PF). Thus, our aim of this study is to evaluate the evidence for shockwave therapy; to provide a Grading of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) level of the evidence and effectiveness of shockwave therapy for patellar tendinopathy, Achilles tendinopathy, and Plantar fasciitis. Method Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (Medline), Embase, The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure database (CNKI) were searched to find relevant studies published before December 14th, 2022. Results Our study showed that for PT in the short term, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) or ESWT + eccentric exercise (EE) has a negligible effect on pain and function compared to a placebo or placebo + EE. On the contrary, ESWT significantly affects pain compared to conservative treatment (CT). For AT, ESWT has a small inconclusive effect on pain and function in the short term compared to EE. On the other hand, a placebo outperformed ESWT in improving function for AT but not pain outcomes. PF showed that ESWT significantly affects short- and long-term pain and function. When ESWT was compared to other interventions such as low laser therapy (LLLT), corticosteroid injection (CSI), or CT, there was a small inconclusive effect on pain and function in the short term. Conclusion There is low-moderate evidence that ESWT has a negligible effect on pain and function for PT and AT. However, high-quality evidence suggests ESWT has a large effect on pain and function for PF. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42023396835.
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Extracorporeal shock wave application (ESWA) has been successfully used for years in routine clinical management of plantar fasciitis. So far no clinical trails have shown the efficiency in placebo-controlled protocols. This paper presents an overview of conservative and operative treatment modalities with respect to their efficacy. Results of a prospective randomized placebo-controlled double-blind multicenter trial to show efficiency and safety of ESWT are presented. In patients treated conservatively without success, a single shock wave application can improve the condition significantly compared with placebo treatment (p=0.0149). The Roles and Maudsley score also showed a significant improvement between the groups, with 61.6% good or excellent results in the verum group and 39.7% in the placebo group (p=0.0128). Therapy-related side effects (local swelling, petechia) are rare. The data presented in this study led to FDA approval in January 2002 of the shock wave device used.
Einleitung: Die Wirksamkeit der Extrakorporalen Stoßwellentherapie (ESWT) bei chronischer plantarer Fasziitis wird kontrovers diskutiert. Ob die gleichzeitige Applikation von Lokalanästhetika sowie das in diesem Fall höhere erreichbare Energieniveau der Stoßwelle Einfluss auf den Therapieerfolg haben ist unklar. Methode: 60 Patienten mit chronischer plantarer Fasziitis wurden in diese prospektiv-randomisierte Pilot-Studie eingeschlossen. 3 Gruppen zu je 20 Patienten wurden an 3 aufeinander folgenden Tagen je einer Behandlung zu je 1 500 Impulsen unterzogen. Gruppe A wurde ohne Lokalanästhesie (LA) mit einer Energieflussdichte (EFD) von 0,09 mJ/mm² therapiert, Gruppe B mit EFD 0,18 mJ/mm² mit LA, Gruppe C mit EFD 0,09 mJ/mm² mit LA. Nach 6 Wochen wurden das Schmerzniveau mittels Visueller Analogskala (VAS) sowie die Anzahl der Patienten mit mindestens 50 %-iger Schmerzreduktion ohne weiteren Therapiewunsch evaluiert. Ergebnisse: In Gruppe A konnte eine Verbesserung in der VAS von 6,4 (SD: 1,7) auf 2,2 (SD: 2,6) Punkte erzielt werden, in Gruppe B von 6,7 (SD: 1,5) auf 4,1 (SD: 2,4) Punkte, in Gruppe C von 6,2 (SD: 1,6) auf 3,8 (SD: 2,5) Punkte. Eine mindestens 50 %-ige Schmerzbesserung wurde in Gruppe A in 60 % erzielt, in Gruppe B in 36 %, in Gruppe C in 30 %. Gruppe A ohne Applikation von Lokalanästhesie zeigte einen statistisch signifikant besseren Therapieerfolg in VAS und subjektivem Therapieerfolg als die Gruppen B (p = 0,007) und C (p = 0,016). Zusammenfassung: ESWT ohne gleichzeitige Applikation von Lokalanästhesie führt zu einem statistisch signifikant besserem Therapieerfolg. Eine höhere Energieflussdichte, die bei Therapie unter Lokalanästhesie tolerierbar ist, konnte diesen Nachteil nicht kompensieren. Eine Lokalanästhesie als Verblindungsverfahren im Rahmen von ESWT-Studien beeinflusst das Ergebnis und ist somit als systematische Fehlerquelle im Studiendesign anzusehen.
During the past decade application of extracorporal shock waves became an established procedure for the treatment of various musculoskeletal diseases in Germany. Upt to now the positive results of prospective randomised controlled trials have been published for the treatment of plantar fasciitis, lateral elbow epicondylitis (tennis elbow), and of calcifying tendinitis of the rotator cuff. Most recently, contradicting results of prospective randomised placebo-controlled trials with adequate sample size calculation have been reported. The goal of this review is to present information about the current cinical database on extracorporeal shock wave tratement (ESWT).
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) in treating chronic plantar fasciitis. An online database search was conducted for studies using ESWT in managing chronic plantar fasciitis. Eleven high-quality randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis and showed that ESWT was more effective in reducing morning pain (weighted mean difference, -0.77 [95% confidence interval {CI}, -1.30 to -0.25]; odds ratio, 0.65 [95% CI, 0.42-1.00]). Moderate-intensity ESWT was more effective in decreasing overall and activity pain (weighted mean difference, -6.6 [95% CI, -6.74 to -6.46], and weighted mean difference, 0.47 (95% CI, 0.30-0.74). Both moderate- and high-intensity ESWT were more effective in improving functional outcome, with odds ratios of 0.51 (95% CI, 0.30-0.84) and 0.47 (95% CI, 0.29-0.75). The adverse effects that were seen more in ESWT were pain on the calcaneal area and calcaneal erythema. This study concludes that moderate- and high-intensity ESWT were effective in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis.
To compare the results of Extracorporeal shock wave (ESWT) with a modified endoscopic plantar fasciotomy technique for the treatment of recalcitrant heel pain. Sixty-five patients suffering from chronic heel pain that failed to respond to standard nonoperative methods were randomized to undergo either high-energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy (group 1), or modified endoscopic plantar fasciotomy (group 2). The primary outcome measure was the reduction of pain in the two groups from base line to month three post intervention at the first few steps in the morning. In addition, patients' functions were assessed using American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle-Hindfoot Scale (AOFAS) at week three, month three, and month 12 post-intervention, and finally, Roles and Maudsley scores were assessed. The primary analysis was intention-to-treat and involved all patients who were randomly assigned. Both groups achieved improvement from the base line at 3 weeks, 3 months and 12 months post-intervention. The success rate (Roles and Maudsley score excellent and good) in the ESWT group at month 12 was 70.6 %, while in the fasciotomy group, the success rate was 77.4 % (p = 0.19). In patients who had experienced failure of conventional treatment of plantar fasciopathy, both endoscopic plantar fasciotomy and shock wave therapy can be potentially helpful lines of management.
Detailed knowledge concerning the action of extracorporeal shock waves on the locomotor system as well as concerning possible side effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) are crucial to optimize the clinical use of ESWT for the treatment of illnesses such as calcific tendinitis of the shoulder, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, aseptic pseudarthrosis, and aseptic hip necrosis. This study presents the current knowledge gained from animal experiments, which have yielded important findings, in particular concerning possible side effects of ESWT. Very recent studies have also provided valuable insights into the molecular actions of extracorporeal shock waves on the locomotor system. Further intensified experimental animal research will greatly improve the scientific basis for the clinical use of ESWT in the near future.
Achilles tendinopathy is common and extracorporeal shockwaves have become a popular treatment for this condition, even though previous research has not provided conclusive results regarding its efficacy in cases of Achilles tendinopathy. Our aim was to evaluate 3 weekly shockwave treatments in patients with Achilles tendinopathy, as quantified by the Roles and Maudsley score. A total of 74 tendons in 60 patients were assessed at baseline and at least 1 year posttreatment, including 32 (43.24%) paratendinoses, 23 (31.08%) proximal tendinoses, and 19 (25.68%) insertional tendinoses. The mean age of the participants was 48.6 ± 12.94 years, and patients with paratendinosis (41.44 ± 14.01 years) were statistically significantly younger than those with proximal (53 ± 8.9 years) and insertional (54.26 ± 9.74 years) tendinopathy, and these differences were statistically significant (P = .0012 and P = .0063, respectively). Overall, 58 (78.38%) tendons improved by at least 1 year posttreatment, including 75% in the paratendinosis, 78.26% in the proximal tendinosis, and 84.21% in the insertional tendinosis groups, and no adverse effects were observed. The Roles and Maudsley score improved from 3.22 ± 0.55 to 1.84 ± 1.05 (P < .0001) in the paratendinosis group, 3.39 ± 0.5 to 1.57 ± 0.66 (P < .0001) in the proximal tendinopathy group, and 3.32 ± 0.58 to 1.47 ± 0.7 (P = .0001) in the insertional tendinopathy group. Based on these results, we believe that shockwave therapy serves as a safe, viable, and effective option for the treatment of Achilles tendinopathy.
Heel pain, whether plantar or posterior, is predominantly a mechanical pathology although an array of diverse pathologies including neurologic, arthritic, traumatic, neoplastic, infectious, or vascular etiologies must be considered. This clinical practice guideline (CPG) is a revision of the original 2001 document developed by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) heel pain committee.
Ten percent of people may experience pain under the heel (plantar heel pain) at some time. Injections, insoles, heel pads, strapping and surgery have been common forms of treatment offered. The absolute and relative effectiveness of these interventions are poorly understood. The objective of this review was to identify and evaluate the evidence for effectiveness of treatments for plantar heel pain. We searched the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group specialised register (September 2002), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials Register (The Cochrane Library issue 3, 2002), MEDLINE (1966 to September 2002), EMBASE (1988 to September 2002) and reference lists of articles and dissertations. Four podiatry journals were handsearched to 1998. We contacted all UK schools of podiatry to identify dissertations on the management of heel pain, and investigators in the field to identify unpublished data or research in progress. No language restrictions were applied. Randomised and quasi-randomised trials of interventions for plantar heel pain in adults. Two reviewers independently evaluated randomised controlled trials for inclusion, extracted data and assessed trial quality. Additional information was obtained by direct contact with investigators. No poolable data were identified. Where measures of variance were available we have calculated the weighted mean differences based on visual analogue scale (VAS) scores. Nineteen randomised trials involving 1626 participants were included. Trial quality was generally poor, and pooling of data was not conducted. All trials measured heel pain as the primary outcome. Seven trials evaluated interventions against placebo/dummy or no treatment. There was limited evidence for the effectiveness of topical corticosteroid administered by iontophoresis, i.e. using an electric current, in reducing pain. There was some evidence for the effectiveness of injected corticosteroid providing temporary relief of pain. There was conflicting evidence for the effectiveness of low energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy in reducing night pain, resting pain and pressure pain in the short term (6 and 12 weeks) and therefore its effectiveness remains equivocal. In individuals with chronic pain (longer than six months), there was limited evidence for the effectiveness of dorsiflexion night splints in reducing pain. There was no evidence to support the effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound, low-intensity laser therapy, exposure to an electron generating device or insoles with magnetic foil. No randomised trials evaluating surgery, or radiotherapy against a randomly allocated control population were identified. There was limited evidence for the superiority of corticosteroid injections over orthotic devices. Although there is limited evidence for the effectiveness of local corticosteroid therapy, the effectiveness of other frequently employed treatments in altering the clinical course of plantar heel pain has not been established in randomised controlled trials.At the moment there is limited evidence upon which to base clinical practice. Treatments that are used to reduce heel pain seem to bring only marginal gains over no treatment and control therapies such as stretching exercises. Steroid injections are a popular method of treating the condition but only seem to be useful in the short term and only to a small degree. Orthoses should be cautiously prescribed for those patients who stand for long periods; there is limited evidence that stretching exercises and heel pads are associated with better outcomes than custom made orthoses in people who stand for more than eight hours per day.Well designed and conducted randomised trials are required.