... Because of the evidence showing that gambling is a problem for many people in the United States (Welte, Barnes, Tidwell, Hoffman, & Wieczorek, 2015), many experts are concerned about the risks posed by Internet gambling (Gainsbury, Russell, Wood, et al., 2015;Wood & Williams, 2011). Many theoretical papers provide some context on the potential influence the Internet has on gambling activity (see Eadington, 2004;Griffiths, 1999Griffiths, , 2003Griffiths & Parke, 2002;Watson, Liddell, Moore, & Eshee, 2004). However, there is limited research on specific predictors of online problem gambling severity, such as gender and emotions prior to gambling experiences Wardle, Moody, Griffiths, Orford, & Volberg, 2011;Wardle, Moody, Spence, et al., 2011;Winters, Bengston, Door, & Stinchfield, 1998). ...