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Abstract and Figures

A tryptophan diet reduces aggressive behavior in different species, although some controversial findings have been reported. We studied 65 male mice divided into four groups according to increasing dosages of tryptophan (10, 20, 30, and 100 mg/kg) and a control group (vehicle). The first four groups ingested 10, 20, 30, and 100 mg/kg tryptophan together with cellulose vehicle and water by gavage before the behavioral tests that sought to record aggressive behavior. The control group received only the vehicle at the same time that the other groups received the tryptophan solutions. The results showed that low concentrations (10 and 20 mg/kg) of tryptophan decreased (p <.04) the frequency of attack bites and lateral threats (i.e., aggressive components; p <.02) after an encounter with a male intruder without altering locomotor activity. In conclusion, the low concentrations of tryptophan diminished aggressive behavior against a male intruder.
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Psychology & Neuroscience, 2013, 6, 3, 397 - 401
DOI: 10.3922/j.psns.2013.3.18
Tryptophan diet reduces aggressive behavior in male mice
Julio Cesar Walz1, 2, Laura Stertz1, Adam Fijtman1, Bárbara T. M. Q. dos Santos1, and Rosa Maria
M. de Almeida1
1. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
2. Centro Universitário Unilasalle, Canoas, RS, Brazil
A tryptophan diet reduces aggressive behavior in different species, although some controversial findings have been reported. We
studied 65 male mice divided into four groups according to increasing dosages of tryptophan (10, 20, 30, and 100 mg/kg) and a
control group (vehicle). The first four groups ingested 10, 20, 30, and 100 mg/kg tryptophan together with cellulose vehicle and
water by gavage before the behavioral tests that sought to record aggressive behavior. The control group received only the vehicle
at the same time that the other groups received the tryptophan solutions. The results showed that low concentrations (10 and 20
mg/kg) of tryptophan decreased (p < .04) the frequency of attack bites and lateral threats (i.e., aggressive components; p < .02)
after an encounter with a male intruder without altering locomotor activity. In conclusion, the low concentrations of tryptophan
diminished aggressive behavior against a male intruder. Keywords: aggression, diet, serotonin, impulsive behavior.
Received 05 March 2013; received in revised form 25 July 2013; accepted 03 August 2013. Available online 23 December 2013.
Julio Cesar Walz, Laura Stertz, Adam Fijtman, and Bárbara T.
M. Q. dos Santos, INCT Translational Medicine & Molecular
Psychiatry Laboratory, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre,
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
Brazil. Rosa Maria M. de Almeida, Instituto de Psicologia do
Desenvolvimento e da Personalidade, da Universidade Federal
do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Laboratório de Psicologia Experimental, Neurociências e
Comportamento (LPNeC), Pesquisadora de Produtividade
do CNPq. Julio Cesar Walz, Centro Universitário Unilasalle,
Canoas, RS, Brazil. Correspondence regarding this article
should be directed to: Rosa Maria M. de Almeida, Instituto de
Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Rua
Ramiro Barcelos, 2600, Bairro Santa Cecília Porto Alegre,
RS, CEP 90035-003, Brazil. Phone: +55 (51) 3308-5066. Fax:
+55 (51) 3308-5470. E-mail: or
Impulsive aggression is a behavioral disposition
characterized by an inability to regulate affect and the
impulse to harm oneself or others (Lesch, Araragi,
Waider, van den Hove, & Gutknecht, 2012), and it is
highly comorbid with depression, substance use, and
suicidal behaviors (Seo, Patrick, & Kennealy, 2008).
In animal models, violence is dened as a form of
escalated aggressive behavior that is related to a lack
of control (de Almeida, Ferrari, Parmigiani, & Miczek,
2005; Miczek, de Almeida, Kravitz, Rissman, de Boer,
& Raine, 2007; Miczek, Fish, De Bold, & De Almeida,
2002). This behavior may be predisposed by serotonin
(5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]) deciency in emotion
regulation circuitry (New et al., 2002), in addition
to the contribution of dopamine hyperfunction to
serotonin deciency (Seo et al., 2008). Furthermore,
the dysfunctional relationship between serotoninergic
and dopaminergic neurons in the prefrontal cortex may
be an important mechanism that connects impulsive
aggression to comorbid disorders.
To control aggressiveness, a person’s diet may be
an important factor. Such behavior can be modulated
by supplementation with low doses of tryptophan (Trp).
Diets rich in Trp can modulate behavior in various
species, including sh (matrinxã Brycon amazonicus;
Wolkers, Serra, Hoshiba, & Urbinati, 2012), sows
(Li, Baidoo, Johnston, & Anderson, 2011), dogs
(Bosch, Beerda, Hendriks, van der Poel, & Verstegen,
2007), horses (Grimmett, & Sillence, 2005), Wistar
rats (Kantak, Hegstrand, Whitman, & Eichelman,
1980), and mice (Kantak, Hegstrand, & Eichelman,
1980). Tryptophan deciency might also lead to
an intensication of aggression in several species,
including humans (Miczek et al., 2002). This essential
amino acid is transported into the brain by a transporter
located in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and acts as a
precursor for 5-HT synthesis in neurons. The synthesis
of serotonin in the brain is assumed to be proportional to
the quantity of Trp transported into the brain (Pardridge,
1998). The levels of this neurotransmitter are essential
for the inhibition of aggression (Nelson, & Chiavegatto,
2001) and can regulate emotion and behavior (Mann,
1995; Virkkunen, Goldman, Nielsen, & Linnoila, 1995).
Aggressive reactions toward intruders observed
in resident males are considered a natural response,
398 Walz et al.
representing a genetically dened adaptive reaction
that seeks to defend territory (Kulikov, & Popova,
1998; Olivier, & Young, 2002). Despite the fact that
diverse studies have reported a negative correlation
between aggression and 5-HT levels in studies that
used the resident-intruder paradigm, the results remain
contradictory. For example, Mosienko et al. (2012)
reported a correlation between enhanced aggression
and serotonin deciency in mice using this paradigm
(Mosienko et al., 2012). In contrast, using the same
model, Kulikov et al. (2012) reported an opposite
correlation between serotonergic activity and aggressive
behavior in mice (Kulikov, Osipova, Naumenko,
Terenina, Mormède, & Popova, 2012).
The present study evaluated whether acute oral Trp
administration decreases aggressive behavior in male
mice subjected to the resident-intruder paradigm.
Materials and Methods
We used 65 adult male and female CF1 strain
mice (Mus musculus), weighing 30-40 g. The animals
were provided by the State Foundation for Research
and Production in Health in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and
maintained in compliance with the National Institutes
of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals. All of the animals were kept in a room with
controlled temperature (23 ± 2ºC), 50-60% relative
humidity, and a 12 h/12 h light/dark cycle. They were
housed in polycarbonate cages (28 × 17 × 14 cm) that
were lined with pine shavings. The animals received
water and food (ration specic to rodents) ad libitum.
Resident-intruder paradigm
We used the resident-intruder paradigm to evaluate
offensive aggressive behavior. This test is based on
the fact that an adult male mouse will establish a
territory when given sufcient living space and will
attack unfamiliar males that intrude in its home cage
(Koolhaas, Coppens, de Boer, Buwalda, Meerlo, &
Timmermans, 2013). Male mice were divided into two
groups: residents (n = 65) and intruders (n = 80). The
animals in the intruder group were housed in groups
of 10. The animals in the resident group were housed
in individual cages accompanied by a female mouse
because territoriality is strongly enhanced in the presence
of females or sexual experience (Albert, Dyson, Walsh,
& Petrovic, 1988). After a 21-day period of adaptation,
each resident mouse was subjected to successive
confrontations with an intruder male three times per
week, with a minimum interval of 48 h, with the purpose
of establishing baseline aggressive behavior. During the
test, the female and pups were removed when the male
intruder was introduced into the cage. This test lasted 5
min and was recorded with a video camera. Behavior
was later analyzed with a computer software program
to analyze the previously constructed behaviors. The
behavioral repertoire, previously dened by Miczek, &
O’Donnell (1978), included the frequency of aggressive
elements, such as snifng the intruder, lateral attacks,
biting, pursuit, and tail rattling, and the duration of non-
aggressive behavior.
When the baseline was establish, the animals were
divided into ve groups (Vehicle and 10, 20, 30, and 100
mg/kg Trp; n = 13 per group).
Oral tryptophan administration
Each animal received a dose of Trp (10, 20, 30,
or 100 mg/kg) or vehicle by gavage 30 min before
each behavioral test. Tryptophan (Ajinomoto,
Japan) was diluted in a solution that contained 5%
carboxymethyl cellulose. The nal concentrations of
the Trp solution were 1%, 2%, 3%, and 10% in a nal
volume of 30 ml. Tryptophan was weighed with the
aid of a precision analytical balance and diluted with
a magnetic stirrer.
Behavioral test
Each resident was subjected to successive
confrontations with an intruder male. Each session
lasted 5 min, twice per week, with a minimum interval
of 72 h for at least 30 days. All of the sessions were
recorded for later analyses. The behaviors were analyzed
with the aid of computer software (Noldus, Observer,
Netherlands) by a trained observer. The frequencies,
durations, and temporal and sequential patterns of all
of the observed behavioral acts and postures in the
combatants during these confrontations were recorded,
providing a detailed quantitative assessment of offensive
(resident) aggression. Aggressive elements, including
frontal attack, side attack, biting the body and head of
the intruder, aggressive stance, domination, aggressive
cleaning, social investigation, walking, rearing, and
grooming, and the frequency and duration of non-
aggressive behaviors, including walking, self-cleaning,
and standing, were analyzed.
Statistical analysis
All of the data were homogeneously distributed and
are expressed as mean ± SEM. The effects of different
tryptophan concentrations were analyzed using a one-
way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Signicant effects
in the ANOVA (p < .05) were followed by Dunnett’s
post hoc test to compare the drug treatments with the
corresponding vehicle group. All of the statistical
analyses were performed using SPSS 18 software.
Analysis of non-aggressive behavior
Non-aggressive behaviors, such as walking, rearing,
and grooming, were not statistically different compared
with the vehicle group (Table 1)
Analysis of aggressive behaviors
The results showed that the mean frequency of
aggressive behavior was signicantly different in the
Tryptophan and aggression 399
Frequency of Attack Bites
vehicle 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 100 mg/kg
Tryptophan Dosage
Frequency of Lateral Threats
vehicle 10 mg/kg 20 mg/kg 30 mg/kg 100 mg/kg
Tryptophan Dosage
Table 1. Duration (in seconds) of non-aggressive behaviors in male mice after receiving different concentrations of tryptophan.
Frequency Vehicle
(n = 13)
10 mg/kg
(n = 13)
Tryptophan 20 mg/kg
(n = 13)
30 mg/kg (n = 13)
100 mg/kg (n = 13)
Walking 72.36 ± 12.91 60.54 ± 11.46 65.92 ± 16.70 62.13 ± 15.44 61.28 ± 13.35
Grooming 19.13 ± 6.06 21.51 ± 6.63 15.44 ± 3.71 17.28 ± 7.09 13.64 ± 3.93
Sning the intruder 6.46 ± 2.25 7.38 ± 1.91 8.10 ± 2.66 7.28 ± 2.04 8.03 ± 1.91
Rearing 39.85 ± 8.77 43.69 ± 7.33 43.90 ± 7.30 44.85 ± 6.53 47.95 ± 7.21
Figure 2. Frequency of lateral threats in male mice against
a male intruder after receiving different concentrations of
Table 2. Frequency of aggressive behaviors in male mice against a male intruder after receiving different concentrations of
Frequency Vehicle
(n = 13)
Tryptophan 10 mg/
(n = 13)
20 mg/kg
(n = 13)
Tryptophan 30
(n = 13)
Tryptophan 100
(n = 13)
Tail rattle 19.10 ± 2.26 17.87 ± 3.05 18.51 ± 3.66 17.15 ± 2.83 15.97 ± 2.61
Pursuit .10 ± .10 .10 ± .10 .28 ± .20 .12 ± .12 .17 ± .14
Figure 1. Frequency of attack bites (ghting) in male mice
against a male intruder after receiving different concentrations
of tryptophan.
400 Walz et al.
animals treated with 10 and 20 mg/kg Trp compared
with the control (vehicle) group. The number of attacks
(F4,52 = 12.27, p = .04) decreased compared with
the vehicle group (Figure 1), with a decrease in the
number of lateral threats (F4,52 = 31.10, p = .02; Figure
2). Other aggressive behaviors, such as tail rattling and
pursuit of the intruder, were not signicantly different
from the control group (Table 2).
The present study tested 10, 20, 30, and 100 mg/kg
concentrations of Trp and analyzed aggression in male
mice in a territorial paradigm. We demonstrated that Trp
at concentrations of 10 and 20 mg/kg reduced aggressive
behavior in mice, specically the number of attack bites
and lateral threats. These results might indicate the
involvement of 5-HT in aggression, mainly because Trp
is the precursor for 5-HT in the brain. Importantly, non-
aggressive behaviors, such as walking, grooming, and
rearing, were not altered by Trp treatment at any of the
concentrations, conrming that the differences were not
attributable to alterations in locomotor activity.
Manipulating dietary L-tryptophan and consequently
5-HT levels to decrease aggressive behavior is not
a recent notion (Kantak et al., 1980; Kantak et al.,
1980; Valzelli, 1973; van Hierden, de Boer, Koolhaas,
& Korte, 2004). The rst indication that 5-HT can
inhibit aggressive behavior came from studies in which
neurotoxic agents, such as para-chlorophenylalanine
and 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, decreased the levels of
this neurotransmitter. An inverse relationship between
5-HT levels and aggression has been found in both
animals and humans (Bjork, Dougherty, Moeller,
Cherek, & Swann, 1999). Most of the results in humans
were based on measurements of the main metabolite
of serotonin, 5-hydoxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA),
in cerebrospinal uid. In animals models, 5-HT and
5-HIAA can be measured directly in the brain, and the
inverse relationship between functional serotonergic
activity and aggression can be easily established.
However, several contradictory results have been found,
and one study found a positive relationship between
5-HT and aggression (Kulikov et al., 2012).
Notably, no differences were found at the higher
doses of Trp (30 and 100 mg/kg). In mice that
received 30 or 100 mg/kg Trp, the high serotonin
levels may have promoted negative feedback through
serotoninergic autoreceptors (5-HT1A and 5-HT1B), thus
diminishing the release of serotonin and consequently
enhancing aggressiveness. The overstimulation of
presynaptic autoreceptors might lead to autoinhibition
of the serotoninergic system through a feedback
mechanism (Popova, 2006). Nonetheless, more studies
are necessary to clarify this hypothesis. The respective
roles of 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors in modulating
aggressive behavior remain a source of debate (De
Almeida, & Lucion, 1997; Millan et al., 1997; Mos,
Olivier, Poth, Van Oorschot, & Van Aken, 1993;
Sanchez, & Hyttel, 1994; Sijbesma, Schipper, de Kloet,
Mos, van Aken, & Olivier, 1991). Consistent with
the present results, evidence indicates that the anti-
aggressive effects of 5-HT1A receptor stimulation are
caused by activation of postsynaptic 5-HT receptors
(Sijbesma et al., 1991; Mos, Olivier, Poth, & van Aken,
1992; Mos et al., 1993; Olivier, & van Oorschot, 2005).
Studies with 5-HT1B full and partial receptor agonists,
such as CP-94,253, eltoprazine, TFMPP, zolmitriptan,
and anpirtoline, have consistently reported anti-
aggressive effects, regardless of the basal levels of
aggressive behavior (de Almeida, & Miczek, 2002;
Miczek et al., 2002; Mos et al., 1992; Olivier, & Mos,
1986), which may be mediated by somatodendritic
autoreceptors (Bannai, Fish, Faccidomo, & Miczek,
2007) or postsynaptic heteroreceptors (de Almeida,
Faccidomo, Fish, & Miczek, 2001).
Several studies have shown that actions on 5-HT1A
and 5-HT1B receptors modulate aggressive behavior, but
we believe that 5-HT1B receptors play a primary role in
inhibiting aggression. The study by da Veiga, Miczek,
Lucion, & de Almeida (2011) demonstrated a decrease
in maternal aggressive behavior after concomitant
microinjections of 5-HT1B receptor agonists into the
ventral orbital prefrontal cortex and dorsal raphe nucleus
in female postpartum rats that were socially instigated,
and the activation of these receptors modulated high
levels of aggression in a behaviorally specic manner,
possibly because of the activation of 5-HT1B receptors at
the soma and terminals.
In conclusion, the present ndings indicate
that low doses of Trp are able to reduce aggressive
behavior in male mice in the resident-intruder
paradigm. Tryptophan supplementation may be an
alternative treatment for aggression in groups that
exhibit such behavior. Further studies should test this
diet for different periods of time and verify the effects
on aggression in different species.
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amazonicus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 38(3), 819-827.
... In humans, a lack of tryptophan in the diet causes Pellagra, a disease characterized by a variety of symptoms, including dementia, diarrhoea and dermatitis (i.e. the 3Ds disease) (Hegyi et al., 2004;Wan et al., 2011). In animal models, such as mice and rats, tryptophan deficiencies lead to growth retards and high rates of aggressiveness (Krehl et al., 1945;Kantak et al., 1980;Walz et al., 2013). However, supplementations in vitamin B3 is used to cure Pellagra in humans (Penberthy and Kirkland, 2020) and shows important properties in the treatment of cognitive disorders or agerelated pathologies (cancer and glaucoma) in mice (Williams et al., 2017;Sarkar et al., 2020). ...
... Although there is an abundant literature in vertebrates (Krehl et al., 1945;Meisinger and Speer, 1979;Kantak et al., 1980;Hegyi et al., 2004;Baker, 2008;Walz et al., 2013;Tissier et al., 2017), studies of these effects on invertebrates are scarce (de Groot, 1953;Bubak et al., 2020;Csata et al., 2020). Early work indicates tryptophan deficiencies reduce growth and survival in the Western honeybee (de Groot, 1953). ...
... However, tryptophan has not been evaluated because of experimental constraints. Here, we found a lack of tryptophan is detrimental in bumble bees, as reported in many vertebrates (Kantak et al., 1980;Baker, 2008;Walz et al., 2013;Tissier et al., 2017). While tryptophan-deficient diets increased food intake, aggressiveness and mortality in bumble bees, supplementation of vitamin B3 partially buffered these effects on survival and behaviour. ...
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Increasing evidence highlights the importance of diet content in nine essential amino acids for bee physiological and behavioural performance. However, the 10th essential amino acid, tryptophan, has been overlooked as its experimental measurement requires a specific hydrolysis. Tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin and vitamin B3, which together modulate cognitive and metabolic functions in most animals. Here, we investigated how tryptophan deficiencies influence the behaviour and survival of bumble bees (Bombus terrestris). Tryptophan-deficient diets led to a moderate increase in food intake, aggressiveness and mortality compared with the control diet. Vitamin B3 supplementation in tryptophan-deficient diets tended to buffer these effects by significantly improving survival and reducing aggressiveness. Considering that the pollens of major crops and common plants, such as corn and dandelion, are deficient in tryptophan, these effects could have a strong impact on bumble bee populations and their pollination service. Our results suggest planting tryptophan and B3 rich species next to tryptophan-deficient crops could support wild bee populations.
... Moreover, maize seeds and leaves are highly deficient in niacin and its precursor tryptophan (Hogan et al., 1955;Henderson et al., 1959;Goss, 1968;Mawson and Jacobs, 1978). Tryptophan (trp) is an essential amino acid for all eukaryotes and even some prokaryotes (de Groot, 1953;Meisinger, 1978;Kantak et al., 1980;Walz et al., 2013). It is the precursor of 5-hydroxytryptophan, an important monoamine neurotransmitter, and of niacin (Kohlmeier, 2003). ...
... However, in addition to the deficiency of trp in maize, up to 90% of niacin is present as niacytin in mature maize grains, i.e., bound up in a complex with hemicellulose which renders it unavailable to vertebrates (Ammerman et al., 1995;Ball, 2005;Baker, 2008). Deficiencies in trp and its derivatives, especially nicotinamide, lead to dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis (i.e., skin rashes) in humans and hamsters (Hegyi et al., 2004;Wan et al., 2010;Tissier et al., 2017), the black-tongue syndrome in dogs (Baker, 2008), and aggressiveness and growth retardation in rats (Krehl et al., 1945;Kantak et al., 1980;Walz et al., 2013). Tissier et al. (2017) recently highlighted that niacin deficiency causes high rates of maternal infanticides in European hamsters fed a diet dominated by maize, reducing reproductive success by up to 70%. ...
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Maize (Zea mays) is the most produced crop worldwide and the second most important bio-energy plant. Huge maize monoculture is considered a threat to biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and may also contribute to the decline of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778). Indeed, the intensification of agriculture has been identified as one of the main factors responsible for the decline of brown hare populations. A reason why large maize cultures can be particularly detrimental to animals consuming this plant is its poor nutritional value with respect to niacin. In this study, we investigated the effects of the proportion of area under maize crops on liver concentrations of niacin in free-living hares, on the reproductive output of does (females), and on the development of local populations, at nine study sites in Lower Austria. Hare numbers were estimated from spotlight counts in spring and autumn. Liver samples and uteri were obtained from hares shot in the same areas during regular autumn hunts. Number of offspring born to an individual female during the preceding reproductive period was determined by counting placental scars. Our results show a significant negative effect of the area under maize crops on liver concentrations of niacin of does and on their reproductive output. Further, we found a significant negative effect of the area under maize on the development of a population. Altogether, our findings indicate that high proportions of the area under maize crops contribute to the decline of brown hares by reduced fecundity of does and impaired development of local populations.
... We observed that milk, cheese, poultry, red meat, and legumes had protective effects against aggressive behavior.Tryptophan is abundant in milk, cheese, poultry, red meat, legumes, and eggs, and affects plasma levels of tryptophan and, therefore, brain levels of serotonin [29]. Tryptophan is required for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine). ...
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Background Aggression is one of the most prevalent behavioral disorders in men. Objective This study aimed to assess the possible association between dietary intake of food groups and aggression in middle-aged married men. Methods This case-control study included 336 participants (168 men with aggressive behaviors and 168 healthy controls) aged 35–55 years. Demographic information was collected using a socio-demographic questionnaire. A food frequency questionnaire was used to investigate the diet group intake last year. Based on the normality of the data distribution, Independent t-tests and Mann-Whitney tests were used to compare quantitative variables between the two groups. Categorical variables were compared between cases and controls using the Chi-squared test. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the possible association between food intake and aggression. Results Compared to controls, aggressive men had significantly higher mean weight, height, and waist circumference (WC), p = 0.007, p = 0.001, and p = 0.043, respectively. After adjusting WC, energy intake, and educational level, in Model 1, intake of milk, cheese, poultry, red meat, legumes, egg, fruits, and vegetables had a significant protective role on the occurrence of aggression, (Odd Ratio (OR) = 0.36; 95% (Confidence Interval (CI) = 0.204, 0.670; P = 0.001), (OR = 0.440; 95% CI = 0.284, 0.781; P = 0.005), (OR = 0.621; 95% CI = 0.284, 0.781; P = 0.046), (OR = 0.358; 95% CI = 0.198, 0.647; P = 0.001), (OR = 0.434; 95% CI = 0.243, 0.773; P = 0.005), (OR = 0.411; 95% CI = 0.229, 0.736; P = 0.003), (OR = 0.332; 95% CI = 0.180, 0.614; P < 0.001), (OR = 0.310; 95% CI = 0.168, 0.572; P < 0.001), respectively. Conclusions Lower WC and a diet containing high-quality protein, fruits, and vegetables can have a protective role against aggression and are recommended for men with an aggressive mood. This diet can affect plasma levels of tryptophan and, therefore, brain levels of serotonin.
... Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are products of niacin decomposition, and are essential for in vivo synthesis of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) (Wan et al., 2010). Too low supply of trp and niacin with the diet can lead to severe health issues like dementia, skin rashes, diarrhea, or aggressiveness and growth retardation (Krehl et al., 1945;Kantak et al., 1980;Hegyi et al., 2004;Wan et al., 2010;Walz et al., 2013;Tissier et al., 2017). Tissier et al. (2017) further demonstrated in European hamsters (Cricetus cricetus, Linnaeus 1758), that niacin deficiency, resulting from a maize dominated diet, severely reduces reproductive output mainly due to increased infanticide by mothers. ...
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Large plots of maize in agricultural landscapes are associated with reduced reproductive output of females and impaired population development of free-living populations of European brown hares (Lepus europaeus, Pallas 1778). We investigated in captive brown hares experimentally whether these effects could result from an undersupply of niacin due to a suspected maize-biased diet in such areas. We repeatedly mated adult female hares, fed ad libitum either with a niacin deficient pellet mainly consisting of maize plant parts, or with the same pellet enriched with niacin to meet physiological requirements. We measured effects of the experimental feeding on body mass of females, reproductive output, growth and survival of leverets. We found significantly higher body mass of females fed the control pellet, and faster body mass gain of their leverets until standardized weaning. We found no significant difference between niacin deficient and control diet groups in reproductive output of females and survival rates of leverets. Our results show that even a diet severely depauperate of niacin affects reproductive success of female brown hares only slightly, presumably because of sufficient conversion of tryptophan to niacin, or of additional supply of niacin by caecal microorganism.
... Additionally, reduced binding potential of 5-HT 2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are associated with aggression and suicide (Mann et al., 2019). Moreover, the essential amino acid tryptophan, the precursor for serotonin synthesis, plays a pivotal role in depression and suicide/aggression, as there are reports showing that tryptophan treatment increased brain serotonin concentration and improved neuronal plasticity in animals (Walz et al., 2013;Alagappan et al., 2020). These pieces of experimental evidence support the assertion that dysregulation of 5-HT neurotransmission and neuronal densities may promote aggressive behaviors. ...
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Background/Aim: Depression-related aggression is linked to serotonin (5-HT) and dendritic spine alterations. Although Mallotus oppositifolius extract (MOE) has potential for reducing this effect, its specific role remains uncertain. Herein, we evaluated this potential and associated alterations in the brain. Methods: A standard resident-intruder model of para-chlorophenylalanine (pCPA)-induced depression-associated aggression in male ICR mice was used. The resident mice received pCPA (300 mg/kg, i. p.) for 3 consecutive days while saline-treated mice served as negative control. The pCPA aggressive mice were subsequently treated orally with either MOE (30, 100, 300 mg/kg), fluoxetine (20 mg/kg), tryptophan (20 mg/kg) or saline (untreated pCPA group) for 28 days. Locomotor activity was assessed using open field test. Serotonin (5-HT) levels in mice brain and phytochemical fingerprint of MOE were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) while gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify constituents of MOE. Dendritic spine density and morphology were evaluated using Golgi-Cox staining technique and analyzed with ImageJ and Reconstruct software. Results: Administration of pCPA induced aggressive behavior in mice, evidenced by increased attack behaviors (increased number and duration of attacks), which positively correlated with squeaking and tail rattling. MOE treatment significantly reduced these characteristics of aggression in comparison with vehicle (non-aggressive) and untreated pCPA groups (p < 0.001), and also reduced social exploration behavior. Although the behavioral effects of MOE were comparable to those of fluoxetine and tryptophan, these effects were quicker compared to fluoxetine and tryptophan. Additionally, MOE also markedly increased 5-HT concentration and dendritic spine density in the prefrontal cortex relative to vehicle and untreated pCPA groups (p < 0.05). Interestingly, these behavioral effects were produced without compromising locomotor activity. GC-MS analysis of the MOE identified 17 known compounds from different chemical classes with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective and antidepressant activities, which may have contributed to its anti-aggressive effect. Conclusion: MOE decreased depression-associated aggressive behavior in mice via increased 5-HT concentration and dendritic spine density in the prefrontal cortex. The MOE-mediated effects were faster than those of fluoxetine and tryptophan. Our finding suggests that MOE may have clinical promise in decreasing aggressive and depressive behaviors.
... The impact of diet, or nutrient intake, on aggressive behavior has been studied extensively both in animals (Giriko et al., 2013;Hilakivi-Clarke et al., 1996;Walz et al., 2013) and in humans (Benton, 2007;Carmichael et al., 2021;Choy & Raine, 2018, 2021Gajos & Beaver, 2016). The impact of folic acid, vitamin D, multivitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, high-fat diet, as well as other nutritional substances, on a range of aggressive outcomes has been studied in observational studies, taking into account the natural dietary variations in the population (Duong et al., 2015;Liu & Raine, 2017;Portnoy et al., 2021). ...
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Research in biosocial criminology and other related disciplines has established links between nutrition and aggressive behavior. In addition to observational studies, randomized trials of nutritional supplements like vitamins, omega‐3 fatty acids, and folic acid provide evidence of the dietary impact on aggression. However, the exact mechanism of the diet‐aggression link is not well understood. The current article proposes that the gut microbiome plays an important role in the process, with the microbiota–gut–brain axis serving as such a mediating mechanism between diet and behavior. Based on animal and human studies, this review synthesizes a wide array of research across several academic fields: from the effects of dietary interventions on aggression, to the results of microbiota transplantation on socioemotional and behavioral outcomes, to the connections between early adversity, stress, microbiome, and aggression. Possibilities for integrating the microbiotic perspective with the more traditional, sociologically oriented theories in criminology are discussed, using social disorganization and self‐control theories as examples. To extend the existing lines of research further, the article considers harnessing the experimental potential of noninvasive and low‐cost dietary interventions to help establish the causal impact of the gut microbiome on aggressive behavior, while adhering to the high ethical standards and modern research requirements. Implications of this research for criminal justice policy and practice are essential: not only can it help determine whether the improved gut microbiome functioning moderates aggressive and violent behavior but also provide ways to prevent and reduce such behavior, alone or in combination with other crime prevention programs.
... In the present study, we observed no significant differences in TRP serum concentrations between dogs displaying different behavioural responses to a potentially stressful procedure, which in this specific case was represented by medical examination and blood sampling. Low serum TRP concentrations have been linked to aggressive behaviour in several mammal species, including dogs [23,27,51,52]. Previous studies, however, majorly rely on the supplementation or depletion of TRP through diet manipulation. ...
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In mammals, serotonin (5-HT) levels depend on the availability of tryptophan (TRP). Low 5-HT concentrations have been linked to behavioural disorders in dogs. This study aimed at investigating possible differences in dogs’ serum TRP and 5-HT concentrations according to their behavioural response to a potentially stressful procedure. Thirty-nine physically healthy shelter dogs, 15 females and 24 males, mean age = 5.6 years, were categorized by a certified veterinary behaviourist according to their behavioural response to medical examination and blood collection, in: relaxation, stress signals, tension without growling, tension with growling, escape attempts, and aggression attempts. Extraction and quantification of 5-HT and TRP were performed using a HLPC method. Data were statistically analysed, applying Chi-square and Spearman tests. Results showed no significant difference in TRP (χ2 = 2.084, p = 0.555) nor 5-HT (χ2 = 0.972, p = 0.808) serum concentrations among different categories of dogs; however, some categories were underrepresented (relaxation = 20.5%, stress signals = 30.8%, tension without growling = 43.6%, tension with growling = 5.1%, escape attempts = 0%, aggression attempts = 0%). No correlation between serum TRP and 5-HT concentrations was found (ρ = 0.086, p = 0.602). Serum 5-HT levels do not seem to be associated with dogs’ behavioural response to a stressful situation nor with serum TRP concentrations. The relationship between serum TRP and 5-HT concentrations and behaviour needs further research.
... This is caused by a lack of vitamin B3 and tryptophan (an essential amino acid) in maize seeds and leaves (Hogan et al. 1955, Henderson et al. 1959), leading to deficiency and consequently high rates of maternal infanticides, retarded growth of the young, and diarrhoea (Tissier et al. 2017). The effects of these deficiencies have been well-described in domestic species (Krehl et al. 1945, Kantak et al. 1980, Ammerman et al. 1995, Baker 2008, Walz et al. 2013) and in humans (Hegyi et al. 2004, Wan et al. 2011). In the latter, maize consumption and the associated deficiency-related symptoms can be counterbalanced by elevated meat consumption (Katz et al. 1974). ...
1. The common hamster Cricetus cricetus was long considered to be a pest species for crops, but its populations are now dramatically declining. The conservation of this species can only be achieved via an up-to-date knowledge of its ecology. However, its diet composition has never been exhaustively reviewed and the last peer-reviewed publication on its feeding ecology in farmlands dates back to 1974. 2. This review of the literature aims to establish a list of plant and animal taxa consumed by common hamsters, providing knowledge to be applied to the conservation of hamsters and to identify the main avenues of future research. 3. Hamsters consume four main categories of food: crops, weeds, trees/shrubs and animals, including mammals, birds, herptiles and invertebrates. Vegetable foods are more diverse (114 taxa) than animal foods (11 taxa). Hamsters mainly consume animals and green parts of plants (flowers and leaves) in spring and summer, and store energy-rich and non-perishable foods for winter. 4. Weeds are the most diverse food category (61 taxa), followed by crops (31 taxa). However, diet shifts from crop products towards tree products in urban habitats, probably in response to a marked difference in availability. 5. We conclude that hamsters have an opportunist diet that shows a high degree of plasticity, and that weeds make up an important part of their food supply. However, the studies published to date have considered diet composition without taking food availability into account, and therefore lack information on whether the hamsters select the foods consumed or simply consume them because other foods are not readily available. Research on food availability and selection is therefore needed. Moreover, we argue that there is a need for recent data on the feeding ecology of the hamster in relation to fitness. This would provide a crucial tool for the implementation of adapted conservation measures for this declining species of rodent.
... Aggression may be related to the reduction of plasma Trp [188]. In nursery piglets, weaned piglets, male mice, chick and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), appropriate dietary L-Trp supplementation can suppress aggressive behavior [170,[189][190][191][192]. However, in other studies, high or surplus dietary L-Trp additions did not effectively reduce aggression and associated stress in young growing pigs or sows [193,194]. ...
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During pregnancy, tryptophan (Trp) is required for several purposes, and Trp metabolism varies over time in the mother and fetus. Increased oxidative stress (OS) with high metabolic, energy and oxygen demands during normal pregnancy or in pregnancy-associated disorders has been reported. Taking the antioxidant properties of Trp and its metabolites into consideration, we made four hypotheses. First, the use of Trp and its metabolites is optional based on their antioxidant properties during pregnancy. Second, dynamic Trp metabolism is an accommodation mechanism in response to OS. Third, regulation of Trp metabolism could be used to control/attenuate OS according to variations in Trp metabolism during pregnancy. Fourth, OS-mediated injury could be alleviated by regulation of Trp metabolism in pregnancy-associated disorders. Future studies in normal/abnormal pregnancies and in associated disorders should include measurements of free Trp, total Trp, Trp metabolites, and activities of Trp-degrading enzymes in plasma. Abnormal pregnancies and some associated disorders may be associated with disordered Trp metabolism related to OS. Mounting evidence suggests that the investigation of the use of Trp and its metabolites in pregnancy will be meanful.
... About behaviour, an increase in dietary protein has been generally associated with an increase in dominance or territorial aggressions towards other individuals, as found in other species such as dogs (deNapoli et al., 2000), mice (Walz et al., 2013), laying hens (Van Krimpen et al., 2005). An explanation for the increase in activity may be obtained in the greater large neutral amino acids/tryptophan (LNAA/Trp) ratio generally found in diets with a CP enrichment; these diets tend to increase the protein percentage by introducing amino acids such as leucine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and valine, that compete with free plasma tryptophan for the binding sites of carrier proteins in the blood-brain barrier (Grimmett and Sillence, 2005). ...
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The present work is aimed at evaluating the behaviour of Italian Heavy Draught Horse (IHDH) foals reared in semi-covered stables and fed two isoenergetic total mixed rations with different dietary protein levels (13.2% and 10.6% of CP on dry matter). The study was prompted by the restrictions for nitrate emissions in farms of the European Nitrate Directive. One suggested solution is to reduce dietary protein while maintaining normal performance and welfare, but there is a lack of literature in studies of horses. The behaviours of 20 foals of 437±60 kg of BW, aged 379±37 days and stabled in four pens by sex (S) and diet (D) were video recorded and analysed to build a suitable ethogram including 18 behaviours in six categories: ingestion, resting, maintenance, movement, social activities, other. The percentage of the daily time spent in each behavioural category and single behaviours was analysed via a single traits GLM including S, D and their interaction. Daily activity was consistent with existing literature: foals spent about 33% of the day in ingestion activities and 41% in resting, whereas social interactions constituted 8% of the time and individual maintenance <2%. Concerning diet, foals fed high protein spent more time in movement (19.62±0.73% of day v . 10.45±0.73% in low-protein (LP) foals; P ⩽0.001), whereas the LP group increased resting (43.42±1.12% v . 38.02±1.12%; P ⩽0.001). No stereotypies were found, and daily activity followed the typical values for draught breeds for foals in both dietary groups, a result that suggests the maintenance of well-being after dietary protein reduction. This result, together with the findings of a companion study showing no changes in growth performances of foals, showed that a reduction of CP in foal diet is reconcilable with the maintenance of performance and welfare.
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This video publication explains in detail the experimental protocol of the resident-intruder paradigm in rats. This test is a standardized method to measure offensive aggression and defensive behavior in a semi natural setting. The most important behavioral elements performed by the resident and the intruder are demonstrated in the video and illustrated using artistic drawings. The use of the resident intruder paradigm for acute and chronic social stress experiments is explained as well. Finally, some brief tests and criteria are presented to distinguish aggression from its more violent and pathological forms.
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Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter in the central nervous system (CNS). Dysregulation of serotonin transmission in the CNS is reported to be related to different psychiatric disorders in humans including depression, impulsive aggression and anxiety disorders. The most frequently prescribed antidepressants and anxiolytics target the serotonergic system. However, these drugs are not effective in 20-30% of cases. The causes of this failure as well as the molecular mechanisms involved in the origin of psychological disorders are poorly understood. Biosynthesis of serotonin in the CNS is initiated by tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2). In this study, we used Tph2-deficient (Tph2(-/-)) mice to evaluate the impact of serotonin depletion in the brain on mouse behavior. Tph2(-/-) mice exhibited increased depression-like behavior in the forced swim test but not in the tail suspension test. In addition, they showed decreased anxiety-like behavior in three different paradigms: elevated plus maze, marble burying and novelty-suppressed feeding tests. These phenotypes were accompanied by strong aggressiveness observed in the resident-intruder paradigm. Despite carrying only one copy of the gene, heterozygous Tph2(+/-) mice showed only 10% reduction in brain serotonin, which was not sufficient to modulate behavior in the tested paradigms. Our findings provide unequivocal evidence on the pivotal role of central serotonin in anxiety and aggression.
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Aggression, which comprises multi-faceted traits ranging from negative emotionality to antisocial behaviour, is influenced by an interaction of biological, psychological and social variables. Failure in social adjustment, aggressiveness and violence represent the most detrimental long-term outcome of neurodevelopmental disorders. With the exception of brain-specific tryptophan hydroxylase-2 (Tph2), which generates serotonin (5-HT) in raphe neurons, the contribution of gene variation to aggression-related behaviour in genetically modified mouse models has been previously appraised (Lesch 2005 Novartis Found Symp. 268, 111-140; Lesch & Merschdorf 2000 Behav. Sci. Law 18, 581-604). Genetic inactivation of Tph2 function in mice led to the identification of phenotypic changes, ranging from growth retardation and late-onset obesity, to enhanced conditioned fear response, increased aggression and depression-like behaviour. This spectrum of consequences, which are amplified by stress-related epigenetic interactions, are attributable to deficient brain 5-HT synthesis during development and adulthood. Human data relating altered TPH2 function to personality traits of negative emotionality and neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in cognitive control and emotion regulation are based on genetic association and are therefore not as robust as the experimental mouse results. Mouse models in conjunction with approaches focusing on TPH2 variants in humans provide unexpected views of 5-HT's role in brain development and in disorders related to negative emotionality, aggression and antisocial behaviour.
Isolation has been widely described to induce a strong aggressive behavior in many animal species and expecially in rodents. However, a deeper analysis of such altered behavior induced by isolation, allows the identification, at least in mice, of several other changes involving numerous peripheral, behavioral and neurochemical functions, in such a way to debouch into a complex symptomatology. As a consequence of the manifold aspects involved in this experimental situation, the definition “isolation syndrome” seems to be much more adequate than the simplest definition of “aggressiveness by isolation”. On this frame work, some similarities with psychoneurosis in men are also suggested.
Rationale 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor agonists effectively reduce aggressive behavior in males that has been escalated by social instigation. Important sites of action for these drugs are the receptors in dorsal raphé nuclei (DRN) and the ventral–orbital prefrontal cortex (VO PFC). DRN and VO PFC areas are particularly relevant in the inhibitory control of escalated aggressive and impulsive behavior. Objectives The objectives of this study are to assess the anti-aggressive effects of 5-HT1A (8-OH-DPAT) and 5-HT1B (CP-93,129) receptor agonists microinjected into DRN and VO PFC, respectively, and to study the aggressive behavior in postpartum female Wistar rats using the social instigation protocol to increase aggression. Methods and Results 8-OH-DPAT (0.56 μg) in the DRN increased aggressive behavior in postpartum female rats. By contrast, CP-93,129 (1.0 μg) microinjected into VO PFC decreased the number of attack bites and lateral threats. 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptor agonists differed in their effects on non-aggressive activities, the former decreasing rearing and grooming and the latter increasing these acts. When 8-OH-DPAT was microinjected into DRN and CP-93,129 was microinjected into VO PFC in female rats at the same time, maternal aggression decreased. Specific participation of 5-HT1B receptors was verified by reversal of the anti-aggressive effects using the selective antagonist SB-224,289 (1.0 μg). Conclusions The decrease in maternal aggressive behavior after microinjections of 5-HT1B receptor agonists into the VO PFC and DRN of female postpartum rats that were instigated socially supports the hypothesis that activation of these receptors modulates high levels of aggression in a behaviorally specific manner, due to activation of 5-HT1B receptors at the soma and terminals.
address the question of violence and aggression by a consideration of physical acts that are directed by an individual toward other persons with the goal of causing them physical harm, or towards the self with the goal of suicide [both completed and attempted suicide] / emphasis will be on a review of (a) neurobiological mechanisms involved . . . and (b) the implications of these mechanisms for possible pharmacological treatment approaches / with regard to externally directed aggression there is a considerable animal literature, and this will be reviewed and integrated with clinical findings / common and different features [between internally and externally directed aggression] will be noted (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The relationship between the genetically defined intensity of intermale aggression and the activity of brain tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) has been studied in inbred mice. No association between the enzyme activity and the percentage of aggressive mice (reflecting the predisposition to aggressive reaction) was revealed. However, a significant positive interstrain correlation between brain TPH activity and accumulated attacking time (reflecting fight intensity) was identified. No correlation was found between TPH activity and the accumulated attacking time in segregating F2 (BALB × C57BL) mice. In conclusion, TPH is an important, but not the only factor controlling the intensity of intermale aggression in mice. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
This paper describes the behavioural effects of a new class of psychotropic drugs, the serenics, which exert specific antiaggressive effects in animal paradigms of (offensive) agonistic behaviour. Serenics specifically inhibit offensive aggression, leaving defensive behaviour intact. Ethological profiling of serenics and reference drugs from different drug classes shows the unique profile of the serenics: antiaggressive action without impairment of sensoric or motoric functions and without sedation or muscle relaxation. This contrasts sharply with drugs from other drug classes, eg neuroleptics, psychostimulants or anxiolytics, which all have non-specific antiaggressive or even proaggressive actions. The behavioural profile of serenics is illustrated in this paper in a male aggression paradigm (resident-intruder in rats) and a female aggression paradigm (maternal aggression of lactating rats). For comparative reasons, drugs from several different classes have also been tested in these paradigms to compare the profiles of action. The use and possible future applications of specific antiaggressive drugs are discussed.