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Abstract and Figures

Significance Bird feeding is essentially a massive global supplementary feeding experiment, yet few studies have attempted to explore its ecological effects. In this study we use an in situ experimental approach to investigate the impacts of bird feeding on the structure of local bird assemblages. We present vital evidence that bird feeding contributes to the bird community patterns we observe in urban areas. In particular, the study demonstrates that common feeding practices can encourage higher densities of introduced birds, with potential negative consequences for native birds.
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Supplementary feeding restructures urban
bird communities
Josie A. Galbraith
, Jacqueline R. Beggs
, Darryl N. Jones
, and Margaret C. Stanley
Centre for Biodiversity and Biosecurity, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand; and
Environmental Futures Research Institut e and School of Environment, Griffith University, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia
Edited by James H. Brown, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, and approved April 6, 2015 (received for review January 22, 2015)
Food availability is a primary driver of avian population regula-
tion. However, few studies have considered the effects of what is
essentially a massive supplementary feeding experiment: the
practice of wild bird feeding. Bird feeding ha s been posited as
an importan t factor influen cing the structure of bird communities,
especially in urban areas, although experimental evidence to
support this is almost entirely lacking. We carried out an 18-mo
experimental feeding study at 23 residential properties to in-
vestigate the effects of bird feeding on local urban avian assem-
blages. Our feeding regime was based on predominant urban
feeding practices in our region. We used monthly bird surveys to
compare avian community composition, species richness, and the
densities of local species at feeding and nonfeeding properties.
Avian community structure diverged at feeding properties and five
of the commonest garden bird species were affected by the
experimental feeding regime. Introduced birds particularly benefitted,
with dramatic increases observed in the abundances of house
sparrow (Passer domesticus) and spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis)
in particular. We also found evidence of a negative effect on the abun-
dance of a native insectivore, the grey warbler (Gerygone igata). Al-
most all of the observed changes did not persist once feeding had
ceased. Our study directly demonstrates that the human pastime of
bird feeding substantially contributes to the structure of avian commu-
nity in urban areas, potentially altering the balance between native
avian ecology
community composition
garden birds
human interactions
wildlife feeding
umerous factors influence the structure of urban bird as-
semblages, including habitat fragmentation, competition,
and predation (1, 2). One of the most critical factors in the
regulation of all animal populations is food resource availability
(35). Urban birds have access to novel food resources derived
from human activities. This provisioning may be unintentional,
for example, the foraging of waste or refuse (6), or deliberate in
the form of bird feeding by the public (7). The deliberate act of
feeding birds is common in many parts of the world, including
the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand
(812). Large quantities of food, and hence energy and nutrients,
are added into urban systems each year, with birds the primary
target; it is estimated that in 2002 over 450 million kg of seed was
fed to wild birds in the United States alone (13). For species
capable of exploiting these anthropogenic food sources there
may be profound effects on almost every aspect of their ecology
(14, 15). Direct benefits for feeder-visiting birds may include
reduced time foraging or improved body condition, which in turn
may increase reproductive success or survival and lead to pop-
ulation level changes (1618). A greater availability of food may
artificially inflate the carrying capacity of the urban environment,
resulting in higher densities of species capable of exploiting an-
thropogenic food resources (15, 19).
Very few studies have experimentally investigated the effects
of feeding birds in the urban environment (15), although there is
correlational evidence that this human pastime has a significant
influence on the urban bird community (e.g., refs. 10, 20, and 21).
In the context of enhancing biodiversity of our cities, bird feeding
may, at first glance, be construed as a positive activity by increasing
the capacity of urban areas to support birds (22). However, the
reality is far more complex (17). Biodiversity may be reduced
where a subset of species become dominant at feeding locales,
either through competitive advantage or numerical dominance.
Alternatively, there may be negative effects for the individuals
exploiting supplementary food sources because of, for example,
increased disease transmission (23, 24) and malnutrition (25),
which may lead to reductions in overall population size.
The interpretation of these potential effects differs further
depending on whether the species is native or introduced. En-
hancing carrying capacity of urban areas, for example, would be
unfavorable ecologically where introduced species were likely to
benefit disproportionately. This is a possible scenario in New
Zealand, where urban habitats are characterized by a high pro-
portion of introduced species (26). The most popular food types
provided by the bird-feeding public in New Zealand, bread and
seed (11), are likely to be consumed primarily by introduced
birds rather than natives, as a result of a fundamental partition in
dietary guilds in urban bird assemblages. Native species persist-
ing in urban areas are principally nectarivorous (e.g., t
ı Prosthe-
madera novaeseelandiae), insectivorous (e.g., grey warbler Gerygone
igata), or frugivourous (e.g., New Zealand pigeon Hemiphaga
novaeseelandiae), compared with the typically granivorous or
omnivorous introduced species (e.g., house sparrow Passer
domesticus and common myna Acridotheres tristis, respectively)
(27, 28). Consequently, common feeding practices in New Zea-
land may be supporting increased densities of introduced birds in
urban areas.
In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that supple-
mentary feeding restructures local bird communities, by using an
experimental in situ approach. We established a series of feeding
stations (n = 11) in volunteers gardens in urban Auckland, New
Zealand (Fig. 1). These were active for 18 mo, with a feeding
regime designed to mimic common feeding practices of the
Bird feeding is essentially a massive global supplementary feed-
ing experiment, yet few studies have attempted to explore its
ecological effects. In this study we use an in situ experimental
approach to investigate the impacts of bird feeding on the struc-
ture of local bird assemblages. We present vital evidence that bird
feeding contributes to the bird community patterns we observe in
urban areas. In particular, the study demonstrates that common
feeding practices can encourage higher densities of introduced
birds, with potential negative consequences for native birds.
Author contributions: J.A.G., J.R.B., D.N.J., and M.C.S. designed research; J.A.G. performed
research; J.A.G. analyzed data; and J.A.G., J.R.B., D.N.J., and M.C.S. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
This article contains supporting information online at
Published online May 4, 2015
general public (bread and seed fed daily), ascertained by a nationwide
survey (11). This approach ensured that our results were relevant
and applicable to the current food provisioning in urban areas. We
compared the bird communities at feeding properties with those
at nonfeeding properties (n = 12) before, during, and after the
implementation of the feeding regime. Our main research ques-
tion was: Do typical feeding practices influence the avian species
assemblages observed in urban habitats? Our objectives were to
determine whether feeding had an effect on avian community
composition, species richness, and the densities of local species.
Specifically, we were interested in how typical feeding practices
affect native vs. introduced species, and what happens to local
bird communities once feeding stops. Given the dietary divide
between native and introduced birds in urban New Zealand, we
predicted that typical grain-based feeding practices would in-
crease densities of introduced species.
Initial Observations. Householders in the experimental feeding
group reported that there were dramatic increases of birds at
their properties within weeks of the feeding regime starting. The
time lag for recruitment to the food varied between properties; a
few householders had feeder visitors within a few days, whereas
at one property avian visitors took 2 wk to arrive. Nonetheless,
within approximately 4 wk all feeding stations were well estab-
lished, with feeder visitors coming daily and pre-empting the
provision of food. Once esta blished, birds q uickly removed
the supplementary food at the stations, typically within 2 h of the
food being put out.
Avian Community Composition. A total of 33 bird species (18,228
individuals) were recorded at the study properties, and over 597
bird surveys (10-min point counts), 16 of which were native
species and 17 introduced. Twenty-seven species were recorded
at feeding properties and 31 at nonfeeding properties. The house
sparrow was the most commonly observed species (96.6% of
surveys), followed by blackbird (Turdus merula; 91.1% of surveys),
silvereye (Zosterops lateralis; 90.8% of surveys), and common myna
(87.6% of surveys) ( Table S1). Nonmetric multidimensional
scaling (NMDS) ordination plots indicated that before the start of
the feeding regime avian community composition did not differ
between the two experimental treatment groups (feeding and
nonfeeding properties) (Fig. 2A); this was supported by permuta-
tional multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) (Table 1)
and permutational analysis of multivariate dispersions (PERMDISP;
F = 0.122, df = 1, P = 0.71). The greatest amount of variation in
community composition before feeding was explained by property
ID and vegetation (R
= 0.28 and 0.17, respectively). During ex-
perimental feeding, however, there was evidence of a divergence in
avian communities at feeding compared with nonfeeding properties,
with the feeding-group centroid shifting to the right (Fig. 2B).
PERMANOVA analyses confirmed that provision of food had a
significant effect on community composition (Table 1) and explained
the greatest amount of variation in the data (R
= 0.16). The effect
of feeding did vary among months but the proportion of variation
explained by the interaction term was comparatively small (R
0.04). The proportion of variation explained by property ID and
vegetation were smaller than in the before period (R
= 0.13 and
0.07, respectively). PERMDISP analyses indicated that that avian
communities were also significantly less variable at feeding
compared with n onfeeding properties in the feeding period
(PERMDISP; F = 35.5, df = 1, P < 0.001). Introduced species
were associated with the community shift at feeding properties,
most distinctly house sparrow and spotted dove (Streptopelia
Fig. 1. Map of northern Auckland, New Zealand, showing the location of properties participating in an experimental bird feeding study. The urbanrural
boundary is also shown, with land zoned as urban shaded in gray. Reference coordinates are expressed as latitude and longitude (WGS84).
Galbraith et al. PNAS
Published online May 4, 2015
chinensis)(Fig.2D ). These changes did not persist when the
provision of food stopped (Fig. 2C and Table 1) (PERMDISP; F =
1.03, df = 1, P = 0.34).
Species Richness and Abundance. The mean number of introduced
species recorded per count was well above that for native species
over all properties for the duration of the study (Fig. 3A). We
found no evidence of the onset of the feeding regime having an
effect on species richness overall [see Table S2 for full general-
ized linear mixed model (GLMM) results], instead finding that
feeding had differing effects on introduced and native species
richness (Table 2). Introduced species richness was slightly lower
at feeding compared with nonfeeding properties before the start
of the feeding regime (modeled mean count = 4.25 vs. 4.96 spp.;
Fig. 2. NMDS ordinations of avian community composition (A) before, (B) during, and ( C) after the experimental feeding regime at urban study properties in
northern Auckland, New Zeala nd, grouped by experimental treatment. The dotted ellipses denote the 95% confidence intervals for each experimental (Exp.)
group. The species centroids (relationships among species as defined by their relative abundance at different sites) are also presented (D) for the during
feeding period, scaled by percentage of total abundance (square root-transformed) for that period. Species abbreviations (for scientific names see Table S1):
BBGL, southern black-backed gull; BLKB, Eurasian blackbird; CHFN, chaffinch; FNTL, New Zealand fantail; GDFN, goldfinch; GRFN, greenfinch; KNGF, New
Zealand kingfisher; MYNA, common myna; RSLA, eastern rosella; SEYE, silvereye; SPDV, spotted dove; SPRW, house sparrow; STRL, common starling; SWAL,
welcome swallow; THSH, song thrush; TUI, t
ı; WBLR, grey warbler.
Table 1. Summary of PERMANOVA results for the effects of feeding treatment (experimental group) on
avian community structure for each experimental period: before, during, and after feeding regime
Before During After
df FR
P df FR
P df FR
Experimental group 1 3.05 0.021 0.41 1 113.48 0.162 <0.001 1 0.77 0.005 0.67
Month no. 3 1.27 0.027 0.24 17 2.72 0.066 <0.001 3 0.74 0.015 0.79
Vegetation 2 12.10 0.170 0.41 2 24.86 0.071 <0.001 2 12.70 0.167 0.67
Background feeding 2 2.73 0.038 0.41 2 10.90 0.031 <0.001 2 4.82 0.064 0.67
Property ID 17 2.36 0.282 0.41 17 5.20 0.126 <0.001 17 2.79 0.314 0.67
Experimental group × month 3 0.83 0.018 0.63 17 1.52 0.037 <0.001 3 1.04 0.021 0.46
Residuals 63 0.443 356 0.501 63 0.415
Total 91 412 91
F-values (pseudo-F) are derived from 999 permutations. Values in bold are significant at P < 0.05.
| Galbraith et al.
t = 2.39, df = 567, P = 0.03). The introduced species richness of
both experimental groups increased during the feeding period,
but the increase was significantly greater (by 0.66 species) at
feeding properties (Table 2). There was no significant change
from during feeding to after feeding in either group (feeding: t =
0.15, df = 567, P = 0.88; nonfeeding: t = 0.26, df = 567, P = 0.79).
Native species richness was equivalent at feeding and nonfeeding
properties before the start of the feeding regime (modeled mean
count = 2.50 and 2.31 spp., respectively; t = 0.65, df = 567, P =
0.52). At nonfeeding properties, native species richness increased
from before to during the feeding regime (t = 2.61, df = 567, P =
0.009), yet richness at feeding properties did not change (t = 0.25,
df = 567, P = 0.80); this difference in observed pattern was sig-
nificant (Table 2). Native species richness did not change signifi-
cantly in either group after feeding was stopped (feeding: t = 0.22,
df = 567, P = 0.82; nonfeeding: t = 0.90, df = 567, P = 0.37).
There was strong evidence of the feeding regime having an
effect on overall avian abundance (Fig. 3B and Table 2). Before
the feeding regime there was no significant difference in overall
abundance recorded at feeding and nonfeeding properties (mod-
eled mean count = 21.01 and 22.86, respectively; t = 0.97, df =
567, P = 0.33). Both experimental groups showed an increase in
overall abundance from the before period to the during period,
but the increase was significantly more at feeding properties
compared with the nonfeeding properties (modeled mean count
for feeding period = 40.14 vs. 25.95) (Table 2). The pattern of
change from during to after feeding differed significantly be-
tween the two groups (Table 2), with abundance decreasing at
feeding properties (t
= 7.58, df = 567, P < 0.0001) and increasing
at nonfeeding properties (t = 2.39, df = 567, P = 0.02).
Individual Species Responses. We retained the 12 most frequently
observed species for GLMM analyses of individual species re-
sponses to the feeding regime (see Table S2 for full model re-
sults). Among the introduced species there was support for the
feeding regime having an effect on the relative abundance of
four of the eight species analyzed (Table 2). The greatest abso-
lute change in abundance was observed in the most common
species, the house sparrow (Fig. 4A and Table 3). Both feeding
and nonfeeding properties had a significant increase in sparrow
abundance from before to during the feeding regime (t = 11.15,
df = 567, P < 0.0001; t = 2.62, df = 567, P = 0.009, respectively)
but feeding properties had a significantly larger increase (Table 2).
Mean abundance of house sparrow at feeding properties in-
creased from 6.26 before the start of the feeding regime to 19.23
during feeding (Table 3). Sparrow abundance during the feeding
regime was 2.4-times higher at feeding compared with nonfeeding
properties (Table 3). At feeding properties there was a significant
decrease in abundance from the during period to the after period
(t = 9.13, df = 567, P < 0.0001), whereas nonfeeding properties
had a significant increase in abundance (t = 2.61, df = 567, P =
0.009); this difference in pattern was significant (Table 2).
We found a similar effect for spotted dove (Fig. 4E and Table
2), with an obvious increase in abundance at feeding properties
(t = 7.04, df = 567, P < 0.0001) but a decrease in abundance at
nonfeeding properties (t = 3.01, df = 567, P = 0.003) from the
before period to the during period, resulting in 3.6-times more
doves at feeding properties during the feeding regime (Table 3).
There was a significant decrease in the abundance of doves at
feeding properties after feeding had stopped (t = 7.05, df = 567,
P < 0.0001) but no change at nonfeeding properties (t = 0.02,
df = 567, P = 0.98); this difference in the pattern of change was
highly significant (Table 2).
There was also evidence of the feeding regime affecting Eu-
ropean starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and song thrush (Turdus phil-
omelos) abundances (Table 2). A significant increase was seen in
European starling abundance from before to during feeding at
feeding properties (0.35 vs. 0.83 mean individuals per count; t =
3.15, df = 567, P = 0.002) but no change at nonfeeding properties
(t = 0.95, df = 567, P = 0.35). For song thrush, we only detected
an interaction effect from during to after the feeding regime
(Table 2), with abundance decreasing at nonfeeding properties
(t = 2.31, df = 567, P = 0.02) and no significant change for feeding
properties (t = 0.27, df = 567, P = 0.79) (Table 3). Song thrush
abundances did not differ between experimental groups before the
feeding regime (Table 3), but did differ significantly during feed-
ing, with higher abundances at nonfeeding properties (Table 3).
Among the four common native species, there was only evi-
dence of a feeding regime impact on one, the grey warbler, which
significantly decreased in abundance at feeding properties from
0.66 mean individuals per count before feeding to 0.29 during
feeding (t = 3.43, df = 567, P = 0.0007), whereas there was
no significant change at nonfeeding properties (t = 0.04, df =
567, P = 0.96) (Table 2).
Changes to Avian Community Structure. Most of our knowledge on
the impacts of feeding wild birds in urban areas derives from
correlational studies or studies conducted in natural habitats
(15). This study directly demonstrates that the pastime of bird
feeding substantially contributes to the avian community pat-
terns observed in urban areas. We found significant changes in
community composition occurring as a result of feeding and
evidence that five common garden bird species were affected by
the experimental feeding regime, despite our study being carried
out on a relatively small scale [11 experimental feeding stations
compared with the estimated 265,000 households feeding birds
across six New Zealand cities (11)]. Our findings support evi-
dence from a number of correlational studies that have found
Fig. 3. Overall (A) species richness and (B) relative abundance of garden
birds recorded during 10-min point counts at urban study properties in north-
ern Auckland, New Zealand, before, during, and after the implementation of
an experimental feeding regime. Experimental (Exp.) group: F, feeding prop-
erties; NF, nonfeeding properties. The vertical dotted lines indicate the start
and end of the feeding regime. Error bars represent the SEM.
Galbraith et al. PNAS
Published online May 4, 2015
an association between bird feeding and increased densities of
feeding birds in urban areas (e.g., refs. 10, 20, and 21). From
surveying feeding practices we know that two of five house-
holds in New Zealands urban areas feed birds (11). Given this
high rate of bird feeding participation, in combination with the
readily observable changes to local bird communities observed in
our study (based on typical feeding practices of the public), we
think it likely the effects of feeding will be operating on a larger
scale as well. Although we need to be cautious of making gen-
eralizations as to the overall effects of feeding on larger spatial
scales, we predict that feeding has important implications for
urban avifaunal assemblages.
Effects on Introduced Birds. Enhancing the capacity of urban en-
vironments to support more species is now a growing area of
research (22, 29, 30); however, not all species are equally de-
sirable. Many of the avian species that have successfully managed
to exploit urban areas are invasive or considered pests (31), such
as the rock pigeon (Columba livia) (22). Identifying what pro-
motes the success of introduced or pest species in these areas is
crucial for developing strategies to enhance native biodiversity
instead. Many introduced bird species in urban areas around the
world are granivores or omnivores, which is ideal for capitalizing
on supplementary food resources. In most countries, though,
there are also native granivores and omnivores present (32, 33)
usually the primary targets of feedingwith which i ntroduced
species must compete.
Our results support the hypothesis that typical feeding prac-
tices encourage increased densities of introduced bird species in
New Zealand, with obvious and substantial increases in the relative
Table 2. Summary of the effects of the feeding regime on community structure measures and individual species abundances at urban
study properties in northern Auckland, New Zealand
Evidence of feeding
regime effect
Comparison of pattern
between experimental
periods (between feeding
and nonfeeding groups)
Ratio of multiplicative
factors* (F/NF) tP
Overall community structure responses
Overall species richness No During/before 0.21
0.58 0.56
During/after 0.10
0.28 0.78
Introduced species richness Yes During/before 0.66
2.42 0.015
During/after 0.09
0.32 0.75
Native species richness Yes During/before 0.45
2.07 0.039
During/after 0.19
0.86 0.39
Overall abundance Yes During/before 1.68 7.42 <0.0001
During/after 1.69 7.80 <0.0001
Individual responses: Introduced species
House sparrow (Passer domesticus) Yes During/before 2.36 6.10 <0.0001
During/after 2.93 9.13 <0.0001
Common myna (Acridotheres tristis) No During/before 1.72
1.36 0.18
During/after 1.23
0.52 0.60
Eurasian blackbird (Turdus merula) No During/before 1.33 1.81 0.07
During/after 1.16 1.27 0.20
Spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis) Yes During/before 6.61 7.52 <0.0001
During/after 3.44 5.24 <0.0001
European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Yes During/before 1.96 2.04 0.042
During/after 1.09 0.35 0.72
Song thrush (Turdus philomelos)YesDuring/before 0.80 0.58 0.56
During/after 0.58 1.98 0.049
Eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) No During/before 0.71 0.66 0.51
During/after 0.94 0.17 0.86
Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) No During/before 0.23 1.18 0.24
During/after 1.01 0.01 0.99
Individual responses: Native species
Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) No During/before 1.17 0.86 0.39
During/after 1.10 0.51 0.61
ı (Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae) No During/before 0.82 0.93 0.35
During/after 1.03 0.14 0.89
Grey warbler (Gerygone igata) Yes During/before 0.43 2.54 0.011
During/after 0.90 0.31 0.76
New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa) No During/before 0.75 0.49 0.62
During/after 0.61 0.88 0.38
Significance tests for the relevant interaction terms (experimental group × experimental period) from GLMM results are presented, assessing whether
patterns of change between experimental periods (before, during, or after the feeding regime) differ between experimental groups (feeding or nonfeeding).
The ratio of multiplicative factors is the change from one period to the next in the feeding group compared with the nonfeeding group. Significant effects
are highlighted in boldface. Species are listed by mean overall abundance (highest first).
*A ratio of 1 indicates that the change from one period to the next was the same for both the feeding and the nonfeeding groups. A ratio of 2 indicates that
change from one period to the next was two times higher in the feeding group. A ratio of 0.5 indicates that change from one period to the next was 0.5× that
of the nonfeeding group.
These measures are interpreted in terms of a difference in the difference in means (period 1 period 2; feeding nonfeeding), rather than a ratio of
multiplicative factors, as these measures were modeled using a normal distribution.
| Galbraith et al.
abundance of two species in particular, the house sparrow and
spotted dove, and additional evidence of a positive effect on Eu-
ropean starling. Furthermore, bird communities at feeding prop-
erties exhibited reduced variability and a shift toward communities
dominated by these introduced species. The observed, rapid
changes to house sparrow and spotted dove abundance occurred
after the Austral breeding season, indicating that the effects, at
least initially, were the product of increased juvenile survivorship
and immigration of existing adults from surrounding areas, rather
than an increase in reproductive success. The experimental feeding
regime did encompass one breeding season; therefore, increased
productivity may have contributed to the consistently higher
abundances of these species for the duration of supplementary
feeding (17). However, our data do not allow for this hypothesis
to be tested here; it would require a multiyear study to account
for interannual variation (34). Productivity certainly can be in-
creased with food supplementation, including earlier laying
dates, increased clutch size, and greater hatching and fledging
success (15, 17), although this is not always the case (e.g., ref. 35).
Regardless of the mechanism of increase, the results imply
that feeding promotes a higher carrying capacity for these spe-
cies. House sparrows are already widespread in New Zealand,
whereas spotted doves are more recent invaders and are cur-
rently in the process of expansion, radiating from Auckland City
where they were first introduced in the 1920s (27, 36, 37). We
propose that common feeding practices are aiding this spread, by
supplementing food resources for the doves as they move into
new areas and via increased pressure to disperse from areas of
higher dove density, where they are already established. Feeding
has been linked to range expansions of birds elsewhere, including
Fig. 4. Relative abundance of the 12 (AL) most commonly occurring garden bird species recorded during 10-min point counts at urban study properties in
northern Auckland, New Zealand, before, during, and after the implementation of an experimental feeding regime. Experimental (Exp.) group: F, feeding
properties; NF, nonfeeding properties. Within each species type (introduced/native) species are listed in order of mean abundance over all counts (n = 597).
For species scientific names see Table 2. The vertical dotted lines ind icate the start and end of the feeding regime. NB: y axis scale varies w ith species.
Galbraith et al. PNAS
Published online May 4, 2015
native species moving outside of their historical ranges. For ex-
ample, it has been proposed that the northward spread of the
northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) and American goldfinch
(Carduelis tristis) are linked to the rapid increase in bird feeding
participation in the United States since the 1970s (17).
The effect of the feeding regime on song thrush abundance is
not as conspicuous in comparison with the changes for the house
sparrow or spotted dove. During the feeding regime, song thrush
abundance was generally lower at feeding properties than at non-
feeding properties. We observed a greater decrease in abundance
after the feeding regime ended at nonfeeding properties, likely
because of the already lower abundance at feeding properties.
These results suggest that the feeding regime had a negative ef-
fect on song thrush abundance, perhaps facilitated by the wary
behavior typically exhibited by the species (38) and disturbance by
dominant heterospecifics.
Contrary to our expectation, we did not see an effect of the
feeding regime on common myna (henceforth myna), a key in-
vasive species in New Zealand and globally (28, 39). A number of
factors may have contributed to this result. Interspecific interactions
at feeding stations may have prevented mynas from accessing sup-
plementary food. We observed that mynas were being attracted to
feeding stations, but where stations were congested with other
speciesparticularly spotted dovemynas were reluctant to push
in to access the food. Therefore, mynas may have been behav-
iorally excluded by dominant heterospecifics when feeders were
busy (40), a scenario likely compounded by the mode of food pre-
sentation. We used a seed feeder and mesh tube to dispense food,
which limits access much more than simply throwing the food on
the ground (the most common method of food presentation) (11),
requiring individuals to contend with others. In addition, the foods
we tested in this study may not have been attractive enough to
encourage higher densities of mynas. Although myna are omni-
vores and will consume the food types we tested, other food types
are more attractive to them, for example dog and cat food, which
is provided by some bird-feeding participants (8, 11). Alternatively,
Table 3. Modeled mean counts of species abundances for the 12 most common garden bird species recorded during 10-min point
counts conducted at urban study properties in northern Auckland, New Zealand
Species Experimental period
Modeled mean
Multiplicative factor
(F/NF group) 95% Confidence interval tPNF F
Introduced species
House sparrow Before 6.25 6.26 1.00 (0.71, 1.41) 0.00 0.99
During 8.16 19.23 2.36 (1.85, 2.99) 7.46 <0.0001
After 10.34 8.31 0.80 (0.59, 1.10) 1.47 0.16
Common myna Before 3.89 3.58 0.31 (-1.23, 0.61) 0.71 0.49
During 2.82 3.05 0.23 (-0.40, 0.87) 0.76 0.46
After 3.17 3.19 0.02 (-0.90, 0.94) 0.05 0.96
Eurasian blackbird Before 1.73 1.35 0.78 (0.55, 1.11) 1.47 0.16
During 2.34 2.43 1.04 (0.85, 1.27) 0.39 0.70
After 2.99 2.68 0.90 (0.68, 1.18) 0.84 0.41
Spotted dove Before 1.32 0.72 0.54 (0.26, 1.14) 1.72 0.10
During 0.80 2.86 3.59 (2.01, 6.43) 4.59 <0.001
After 0.79 0.83 1.05 (0.51, 2.13) 0.13 0.90
European starling Before 1.00 0.35 0.35 (0.16, 0.74) 2.91 <0.01
During 1.21 0.83 0.68 (0.43, 1.08) 1.73 0.10
After 1.69 1.06 0.63 (0.34, 1.15) 1.61 0.13
Song thrush Before 0.42 0.33 0.78 (0.36, 1.72) 0.65 0.53
During 1.02 0.64 0.62 (0.48, 0.81) 3.73 0.002
After 0.63 0.68 1.07 (0.63, 1.80) 0.27 0.79
Eastern rosella Before 0.48 0.64 1.33 (0.38, 4.61) 0.47 0.64
During 0.47 0.44 0.94 (0.43, 2.04) 0.17 0.87
After 0.65 0.65 1.00 (0.38, 2.68) 0.00 0.99
Chaffinch Before 0.03 0.09 3.50 (0.26, 4.70) 1.01 0.33
During 0.24 0.19 0.80 (0.43, 1.49) 0.75 0.46
After 0.30 0.24 0.80 (0.31, 2.07) 0.50 0.62
Native species
Silvereye Before 3.57 3.81 1.07 (0.72, 1.59) 0.34 0.74
During 3.59 4.49 1.25 (1.01, 1.57) 2.03 0.06
After 3.77 4.30 1.14 (0.60, 1.29) 0.71 0.48
ı Before 1.11 1.34 1.21 (0.60, 2.43) 0.56 0.58
During 1.46 1.44 0.99 (0.55, 1.78) 0.05 0.96
After 1.74 1.67 0.96 (0.49, 1.88) 0.13 0.90
Grey warbler Before 0.35 0.66 1.86 (0.82, 4.25) 1.57 0.13
During 0.36 0.29 0.80 (0.42, 1.51) 0.74 0.47
After 0.31 0.27 0.89 (0.38, 2.08) 0.30 0.77
New Zealand fantail Before 0.12 0.11 1.04 (0.28, 3.82) 0.06 0.95
During 0.34 0.25 1.39 (0.74, 2.60) 1.10 0.29
After 0.14 0.17 0.84 (0.24, 2.93) 0.28 0.78
Species are listed by abundance (highest first). Modeled means control for levels of background feeding and vegetation as well as season, as derived from
GLMMs testing the effect of an experimental feeding regime. Figures are given for each experimental period (before, during, or after the feeding regime),
along with tests of significance between nonfeeding (NF) and feeding (F) groups (from GLMMs). Species are listed by mean overall abundance (highest first).
| Galbraith et al.
no effect was found because changes in myna densities were too
transient to be detected; that is, myna numbers increased at
feeding time only with mynas leaving the area immediately after
the food was gone, whereas the survey period encompassed a
longer time period. Other species for which we did not detect an
effect of the feeding regime may also have shown transient changes
at feeding time. However, finding no evidence of an effect es-
sentially means that the feeding regime we implemented was not
capable of influencing the density of those species beyond the
feeding interval.
Effects on Native Birds. We found evidence of the feeding regime
negatively affecting native biodiversity, with native species rich-
ness remaining lower at feeding properties during the feeding
regime compared with before, whereas an increase was observed
at nonfeeding properties. It is arguable, though, whether the
effect detected is biologically significant, given that the differ-
ence in species richness was less than 0.5 species. We suggest its
significance is dependent on scale; at a landscape or regional
scale this effect may well be important when multiple avian as-
semblages are accounted for (41, 42). An important and biolog-
ically significant finding was a decline in grey warbler abundance by
more than 50% at feeding properties during the feeding regime, in
comparison with nonfeeding properties where grey warbler abun-
dance remained steady. This effect is concerning in light of evi-
dence that the grey warbler, regarded as a common species, may in
fact be declining in forest habitats (43). A likely reason for the
negative impact of the feeding regime on warblers is the increased
disturbance by heterospecifics. The grey warbler typically forages
alone or in pairs, gleaning invertebrates from foliage in the sub-
canopy to canopy (27). With densities of other species increasing
dramatically in feeding gardens, the ability of the grey warbler to
forage efficiently would be severely disrupted, especially with, for
example, 50 sparrows occupying a garden on a daily basis, poten-
tially causing displacement (44). In contrast, we did not observe
any negative effects of the feeding regime on another common
insectivore, the New Zealand fantail (Rhipidura fuliginosa); it is
possible that their different behavioral tactics in foraging (primarily
sallying and flush-pursuit) and their tendency to favor associations
with other species when foraging to exploit disturbance (45) allows
for flexibility or resilience where heterospecific densities increase.
Other Impacts. There are a number of other potential conse-
quences of our findings that directly relate to having increased
densities of birds in the urban, or in fact any, environment. As
with the grey warbler, high densities of one or a few dominant
species can affect others through behavioral disturbance or dis-
placement. Aggressive encounters can increase within or between
species, related to higher densities, reduced territory size, or more
time available for such behaviors (4648). There may also be di-
rect competition for other resources in the area (e.g., other food
sources, nest sites, territory), which in extreme cases could lead to
competitive exclusion and local extinctions (41, 44). Furthermore,
a major issue associated with high bird concentrations is the in-
creased likelihood of transmitting avian diseases (24, 49) and the
associated zoonotic risks to people (50, 51). In addition, there are
potential indirect effects, such as greater predation pressure on
invertebrate populations. A study conducted in Michigan, United
States, found that bird feeding can create areas of concentrated
foraging, with experimentally placed mealworms depredated at
higher rates in the presence of bird feeders (52). Not only would
this affect the invertebrate prey population, but any taxa that are
part of their food web. These findings suggest that the impacts of
common feeding practices in New Zealand could extend beyond
birds, with flow-on effects for other trophic levels.
After Feeding. An important question to address in assessing the
impacts of bird feeding is what happens to bird communities
should feeding stop? In this study we found that most of the
changes to local avian communities associated with feeding did
not persist afterward. The rapid declines in the abundances of
house sparrow and spotted dove once feeding ceased are almost
certainly the result of existing individuals redistributing in the
landscape. It is doubtful that the declines represent mortality
because of dependence on supplementary food, as several studies
have failed to establish dependence as a problem for feeder-vis-
iting birds (13, 53). It is likely that the timeframe of our feeding
regime (18 mo) was too short for more permanent community
changes to occur. Effects, such as competitive exclusion, operate
over much longer timeframes, possibly taking decades to become
apparent (39), or may only be apparent over much larger spatial
scales (41) or when environmentally stressful events occur. Simi-
larly, population changes resulting from altered reproductive
success may only be observable over multiple breeding seasons. As
a consequence we cannot exclude the possibility that reversing the
effects of feeding requires more than purely stopping the provision
of food. This reinforces the need for and the value of long-term
studies of bird-feeding impacts.
The findings of this study are an important step toward under-
standing the impacts of what is essentially one of the largest
wildlife management activities in temperate regions (52). There
are few studies that have experimentally investigated bird feed-
ing, especially in an urban setting (15), perhaps because it is
construed as too difficult to disentangle the impacts of feeding
from the multitudes of additional variables that influence bird
populations (1). We have demonstrated, however, that even with
a modest-scale experimental approach the impacts of feeding
can be readily observable. We stress that it is crucial to continue
assessing bird feeding in situ, where all other factors determining
avian community structure and ecology in urban areas still
operate, to gather realistic information on its effects. Outcomes
of feeding will vary with region as bird assemblages differ. We
expect, though, that granivores and omnivores benefit from
feeding to a greater degree than those in other dietary guilds,
regardless of whether they are introduced or native species, be-
cause provisioning of grain-based foods is the prevailing practice.
Study Site. This study was carried out at 24 urban, residential properties in
northern Auckland, New Zealand (Fig. 1), between January 2012 and De-
cember 2013. The North Shore area of Auckland is largely suburban resi-
dential, with a population density of 1,600/km
in 2006 (New Zealand Census
data, Properties were recruited by word-of-mouth and
through local community groups. All properties offered for the study (n =
42) were visited before recruitment to assess suitability. Although the study
aimed to recruit householders whose properties were representative of the
whole study area, additional criteria were imposed to remove any extremely
different properties: gardens were required to have a minimum lawn area of
36 m
, trees > 2 m high on at least one boundary, be sited at least one
property away from any main road (experiencing constant traffic), and not
newly developed (within the last 5 y). Final selection of properties was de-
termined by the reliability of volunteers to adhere to the study guidelines,
accessibility, and distance to the nearest study property. All study properties
were greater than 350 m apart, to prevent repeat counts of the same birds,
although most (21 of 24) were >500 m apart.
Study properties were divided into two experimental treatment groups:
feeding (n = 12) or nonfeeding (n = 12). Allocation of experimental treat-
ment was determined by a two-step process. Householder preference was
first determined and strong preferences for treatment type were taken into
account, as to disregard these would risk the failure of participants to
comply with study guidelines. For the remaining properties (n = 16), the
treatment was randomly assigned using R 3.0.2 (R Development Core Team
2013). We had expected that retaining all households over the course of the
project would be difficult. However, only one feeding household withdrew
(after 12 wk) and was excluded from the analysis, leaving 11 feeding and 12
nonfeeding properties for the dura tion of the study.
Galbraith et al. PNAS
Published online May 4, 2015
Experimental Feeding Regime. Information obtained during the New Zealand
Bird Feeding Survey 2011 (11) provided the basis for the experimental
feeding regime. These results indicated that people feedi ng birds tended to
put out more than one type of food for birds (mean 2.42 types ± 0.06 SE, n =
505), so we opted for two food types for the feeding regime. Bread, the
most common food type fed to wild birds by the public (used by 88.1% of
feeding participants), was chosen as the first food type. Although fruit and
seed were fed by similar proporti ons of respondents (40.8% and 39.4%,
respectively) we selected seed as the second food type as it was logistically
easier to distribute to householders and to standardize quantities fed. Food
quantity was also determined using Galbraith et al. (11) and through a pilot
study used to assess the amount consumed in a single day. The aim was to
provide an abundant and reliable source of food for birds that was within
the range of that fed by the public. Hence, the experimental feeding treat-
ment consisted of: four to five slices of bread (several compositions but ex-
cluding white bread) and 1 metric cup of seed (budgie seed mix: white millet,
Hungarian millet, hulled oats, canary seed) provided on a daily basis for 18 mo.
Householders were asked to put out the food between 0700 and 0800 hours.
We ensured that all existing feeding practices at the study properties had
ceased 8 wk before the start of preliminary bird counts. A feeding station was
set up in each feeding garden, consisting of a low feeding table (17-cm high),
with a seed feeder and mesh bread tube fixed to it. Although a high pro-
portion of bird feeding participants in New Zealand simply throw food out
onto the groun d (11), the design of our feeding stations reflected the need
to have a structure capable of supporting a RFID antenna (for a separate
part of the project) and containers to prevent food being moved. House-
holders were given guidelines to follow, including cleanin g protocols, and
were responsible for provisioning the feeding stations. Householders in the
nonfeeding group were asked to refrain from putting supplementary food
of any kind out for birds for the duration of the study. At the end of the
feeding period, food provision was stopped immediately (i.e., no gradual
decrease). This regime was approved by the University of Auckland Animal
Ethics Committee (permit R921).
Avian Surveying. The method of surveying used in this study was dictated
by the nature of urban habitats. Counting birds in residential areas has a
number of challenges, in particular physical barriers (e.g., fences, buildings),
which prevent free movement of researchers through the landscape and
reduce the probability of detecting birds (54). Because of this we used point
counts from a fixed location, with a 10-min duration intended to increase
detectability of birds that were blocked from sight (55, 56). A point was
chosen on the study property that afforded the widest view of the sur-
rounding area. From this point, all birds seen or heard within the surrounding
radius over the 10-min survey duration were recorded. The survey radius
(approximately 80 m) was restricted by the physical and auditory barriers
associated with an urban setting. During the count, it was noted whether
individuals were using the habitat or were in transit (i.e., flying over the
survey area without stopping) with those in transit excluded from analyses.
A single experienced observer (J.A.G.) performed all counts.
Four preliminary counts were conducted at each study property from Jan-
uary to March at 2-wk intervals, after historical feeding practices had ceased
and before the start of experimental feeding. Counts were then conducted on a
monthly basis for the duration of the study, and continued for 4 mo after
feeding had ended [total counts, n = 597; note one count at a feeding property
was abandoned because of construction noise]. Counts were conducted in the
morning only, 15 h after sunrise. To visit all properties within this time-
frame, counts were conducted over 2 consecutive days. Study properties were
divided into four geographic blocks, with two of these blocks surveyed per
morning. Block order and property order within each block were randomly
assigned for each sampling round. Surveys were conducted in fine to fair
weather only; particularly wet or windy days were avoided.
Statistical Analyses. All statistical analyses were performed using R 3.0.2. The
critical α level was 0.05 for all tests. For species richness and overall abun-
dance analyses we removed incongruous species (those unlikely to use gar-
den habitat, e.g., shorebirds and wetland birds), most of which were present
in fewer than five counts. A list of all recorded species is given in Table S1,
with those retained for analyses indicated.
To analyze changes in avian community composition, we used three
nonparametric multivariate techniques: NMDS (57), PERMANOVA (58), and
PERMDISP (59). Data were split into experimental periods (before, during, and
after the feeding regime), and analyzed separately to: (i) check for differences
in avian community composition between feeding and nonfeeding properties
before the commencement of experimental feeding; (ii) determine whether
the experimental feeding regime had an effect on community composition;
and (iii) determine whether any observable changes persisted after feeding
had stopped. We used the BrayCurtis measure of dissimilarity (60) as the
distance measure for all analyses, with species present in <5% of counts re-
moved (61); see Table S1 for included species. No transformation was applied
to the data before calculation of the distance-matrix, as we were specifically
interested in changes involving dominant species within bird communities.
To visualize differences in bird assemblages between feeding treatments, we
performed NMDS ordinations, using the metaMDS function of vegan v2.0-10
package (62) in R 3.0.2. Two-dimensional solutions were chosen and final ordi-
nations were generated from 250 random starts. Species centroids were plotted
separately to aid understanding of differences in avian community structure.
We used PERMANOVA analyses to test whether community compo-
sition varied between experimental groups in each experimental period.
PERMANOVA tests for differences in the locations (centroids) of multivariate
groups (63). Analyses were performed using the adonis function of vegan. P
values for the test statistic (pseudo-F) are based on 999 permutations, and
thus are reported down to, but not below, 0.001. We accounted for repeated
measures by including property ID as a random factor and by constraining
permutations to within properties (using the strata argument). We included
survey month number (categorical factor) as a fixed effect in the models, and
vegetation cover in the surrounding area (shrub/tree cover = 025% 2650%,
5175%) and background feeding level in the surrounding area (low, medium,
high) as random effects. Surrounding area refers to properties within a 100-m
radius of the focal property. Background feeding was determined in a concur-
rent study of local feeding practices (64). For the purposes of this modeling, we
scored background feeding as low where 033% of surrounding households
engaged in bird feeding, medium for 3466%, and high for 67%. Vegetation
cover was estimated using aerial photography accessed April 4, 2014 from
Google Earth v7.1.2.2041 (Google Inc. 2013).
We tested for differences in the variability of bird assemblages between
feeding and nonfeeding properties with PERMDISP analyses for each experi-
mental period. Multivariate dispersions (distances of observations to their
centroids) were first calculated using the betadisper function of vegan, with the
mean dispersion then compared between groups via the permutest function
(constraining permutations within sites; based on 999 permutations). Where
designs are balanced, location vs. dispersion effects can be identified using
PERMANOVA and PERMDISP, respectively, with PERMANOVA tests remaining
reliable when heterogeneity in group dispersions is present (63).
Following the analysis of the community as a whole, we investigated the
effects of the feeding regime on species richness (overall, native, and in-
troduced), overall abundance, and the abundance of individual species. To do
this we used a GLMM approach (65), which was appropriate given the re-
peated-measures structure in the data. The distribution of each count vari-
able (species richness and abundances) was assessed and the best-fitting
distribution chosen for use in the corresponding models. The negative bi-
nomial distribution was found to be the best fit in most cases (see Table S2
for exceptions). Mixed-effect models were performed in R 3.0.2 using the
glmmPQL function in the MASS package (66). This function uses penalized
quasi-likelihood to estimate the model. The glmmPQL functio n requires the
dispersion parameter for the negative binomial model to be specified. This
was estimated for each model by running the equivalent nonmixed-effects
model with the glm.nb function, also from the MASS package.
For all models the experimental group (feeding or nonfeeding), experi-
mental period (before, during, or after), and the experimental group × ex-
perimental period interaction were included as fixed effects. The interaction
term tests the key study question of whether the feeding regime had an effect
on a given response variable, by comparing patterns of change from one ex-
perimental period to another between the two experimental groups. Property
ID was included as a random effect, to account for correlation of repeated
measures at the same properties. The time variable was used in the error
structure of the models. An autoregressive correlation structure of o rder 1
[AR(1)] was specified within each site, accounting for the fact that there may be
correlation among counts at the same property because of close proximity in
time. The corCAR1 function was used to specify this correlation with a con-
tinuous time covariate (days elapsed since the first count).
In addition, three factors with the potential to affect bird abundance were
also included in the models as control variables: the level of background feeding
in the surrounding area, the level of vegetation cover in the surrounding area,
and season (autumn, spring, summer, winter). The model predicted (or model
fitted) mean counts were calculated for each model, adjusting for these control
variables. The modeled means presented are averaged across the control
variables at the levels seen in the data (i.e., background feeding: 30% high, 61%
medium, 9% low; vegetation cover: 26% 025%, 48% 2650%, 26% 5175%),
except for season where each was represented equally (25%).
| Galbraith et al.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank the wonderful volunteer householders
involved in the study; EcoStock for donating food for the study; George
Perry for statistical advice and comments on the manuscript; Jessica McLay
for assistance with statistical analyses; and the Galbraith Family, Ellery
McNaughton, Cheryl Krull, Jo Peace, Megan Young, Sarah Wyse, Auckland
Zoo staff, and all who provided assistance in the field. This work was
supported in part by the Univer sity of Auckland, Auckland Council, and
Centre for Biodiversity and Biosecurity.
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Galbraith et al. PNAS
Published online May 4, 2015
... Eurasian blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla; Plummer et al., 2015). This could cause shifts in wintering ranges as well as affect species interactions through altered competition (Galbraith et al., 2015). Furthermore, feeding birds can also have wide ranging indirect effects, for example, (i) through nontargeted species in other taxonomic groups by supporting predator and competitor communities around the feeding site (e.g. ...
... can be an important resource to urban bird populations and can have major consequences for the structure of bird communities (Fuller et al., 2008;Galbraith et al., 2015). While Finland does not have as high rates of urban growth as some other countries (United Nations, 2019), internal migration to cities continues and it might be important from a global outlook on feeding to take into account the different bird-feeding behaviours by humans in urban and rural settings. ...
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Providing food to animals, especially birds, during winter is a common activity in many countries. While bird‐feeding can increase connections between people and nature, there are increasing calls from researchers and the general public to limit this activity due to emerging knowledge of potential negative ecological impacts (e.g. biased competition and spread of pathogens). However, what motivates changes in bird‐feeding habits remains largely unknown, despite the ‘provisioners’ perspective’ being critical for designing and implementing policy that benefits both animals and people. Here, we investigate changes in how and why people feed birds in urban and rural areas of Finland as a case study. We made use of two long‐term annual bird monitoring data sets (the Winter bird census and Finnish bird feeder monitoring scheme) to investigate how the number of bird‐feeding sites and the amount of food provisioned have changed since the 1980s. Additionally, we conducted an online questionnaire in 2021 (over 14,000 respondents) to examine reasons for the changes that we detected. We find that, over 40 years, the annual amount of food provided has increased significantly in rural areas, while the number of bird‐feeding sites has decreased and especially so in urban areas. Questionnaire answers indicated that this decline was likely due to changing regulations of local governments and housing organisations, with increased concerns of attracting pests leading to restrictions on providing food for birds. In rural areas, people who reduced feeding more often identified concerns over avian diseases and the effort required to access, clean and refill bird‐feeding sites. Policy implications: Our results highlight that provisioning food to wild animals involves complex decision‐making depending on habitat, geography and economic factors. Therefore, policies designed to curb (or promote) this activity should take into account its multifaceted nature. Read the free Plain Language Summary for this article on the Journal blog.
... Several statistical methods, all completed with R version 4.0.0 (R Core Team, 2020), were used to compare community composition among sites. Prior to analysis, waterbirds (e.g., Canada Goose) were removed from the dataset, as they were more likely to be affected by the distance to a nearby river than by the BRCs (Galbraith et al., 2015;Strohbach et al., 2013). We tested the hypothesis that sites with different land uses ("type") hosted different bird species assemblages using Permutational ANOVA (PERMANOVA) (Anderson, 2001) with one factor describing whether the sampling site was at a lawn control, a natural area, or a BRC (Galbraith et al., 2015;Silva et al., 2016). ...
... Prior to analysis, waterbirds (e.g., Canada Goose) were removed from the dataset, as they were more likely to be affected by the distance to a nearby river than by the BRCs (Galbraith et al., 2015;Strohbach et al., 2013). We tested the hypothesis that sites with different land uses ("type") hosted different bird species assemblages using Permutational ANOVA (PERMANOVA) (Anderson, 2001) with one factor describing whether the sampling site was at a lawn control, a natural area, or a BRC (Galbraith et al., 2015;Silva et al., 2016). Distance between sites with respect to species was calculated as binary Jaccard distance, which is appropriate for presence/absence data (Oksanen et al., 2019). ...
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As urbanization accelerates worldwide, municipalities are attempting to construct new green spaces within their borders. The perceived ecological value of these places is frequently tied to their ability to attract urban wildlife, such as birds, which can easily be observed and enjoyed. As one strategy, stormwater is now frequently managed with green infrastructure: planted areas that retain and treat stormwater rather than merely directing it to surface waters. While these practices have the potential to provide habitat for urban wildlife, the ecological effects of these systems are largely unknown. To assess whether one green infrastructure project increases habitat value, we used passive acoustic monitoring to survey urban bird communities in and near a large green infrastructure project in Columbus, Ohio (USA). Bird communities near bioretention cells (rain gardens) were compared to those at nearby lawns and remnant or restored natural areas. We found that recently installed bioretention cells tended to support more omnivores, lower-canopy foraging species, and species from a higher diversity of feeding guilds than did nearby lawn control sites. We were unable to detect effects of nearby bioretention installations on bird species richness at other sites. The observed differences in species richness were fairly small, and we urge caution when anticipating the habitat value of bioretention cells, at least for bird species. However, the results that we observed suggest that bioretention cells could have a more positive impact on bird communities in different contexts or using different design strategies. The bioretention cells surveyed in this study were small and only planted in grasses and forbs, potentially limiting their ability to offer complex habitat. They were also relatively young, and future work is needed to determine their long-term effect on avian communities and biodiversity of other taxa.
... This surplus is credited to both intentionally (e.g. bird feed) and unintentionally (garbage, ornamental and agricultural vegetation) human-provided resources (Clergeau and Vergnes 2011, Galbraith et al. 2015, Coll� eony and Shwartz 2020. Species in downtown areas rely particularly on human refuse. ...
... Diet is a limitation, as certain types of resources are reduced by urbanization. Herbivores, granivores and fructivores prevail over carnivores and insectivores, and generic omnivores are most favoured (Kark et al. 2007, Galbraith et al. 2015. NNAS quickly grow bold and efficient when foraging on urban resources, with little fear of humans and novel objects, but retaining neophobic behaviour towards unfamiliar stimuli. ...
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While urbanization is often associated to a loss of biodiversity, non-native animal species are strikingly successful in urban landscapes. As biological invasions are recognized to have detrimental environmental, social and economic impacts, extensive understanding of the interactions between invasive species and the abiotic and biotic environment is necessary for effective prevention and management strategies. However, the mechanisms underlying the success of invasive animals in urban environments are still poorly understood. We provide a first conceptual review of the role of urbanization in the introduction, establishment, and potential spread of non-native animal species. We summarize and discuss the mechanisms enhancing biological invasive potential of non-native animals in urban environments, by both isolating and interlinking the abiotic and biotic drivers involved. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020) process, this systematic review covers a total of 124 studies comprehensive of all taxonomic groups, albeit with an evident publication bias for avian and terrestrial invertebrate species (22.1% and 19.8% of literature respectively). High-income regions also represent a larger bulk of the literature (Europe: 26.7%, North America: 23.7%). The most common reported factors facilitating species invasions in urban areas are reduced biotic resistance, and the competitive and urban-compatible ecological and/or behavioural traits of non-native animals allowing urban exploitation and aiding invasion. Finally, we identify important knowledge gaps, such as the scarcity of studies investigating socio-economic spatial patterns in the presence and abundance of invasive species, as well as the adaptive evolution of non-native animal species in urban areas.
... However, cities still harbor a range of animals that are less restricted in their niche dimensions, and that can even incorporate anthropogenic resources into their diet (Athreya et al. 2013;Johnson et al. 2015;Murray et al. 2015;Plummer et al. 2015), factors that are important in explaining their survival in urban environments (Møller 2009). These anthropogenic resources can be made available to fauna indirectly through the planting of exotic plants, domestic animal husbandry (Chamberlain et al. 2009;Athreya et al. 2013;Narango et al. 2017Narango et al. , 2018Braczkowski et al. 2018;Zietsman et al. 2019), untended pet food and human waste remains (Oro et al. 2013;Newsome et al. 2015a;Murray et al. 2016;Plaza et al. 2019), or directly by providing food through feeders (Galbraith et al. 2015;Plummer et al. 2019). Understanding the food requirements of species is crucial, mainly because it is one of the main elements that characterize their ecological niche and structure local communities (MacArthur and Pianka 1966;Tilman 1982;Lovette and Fitzpatrick 2016). ...
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Among the many changes associated with the urbanization process, changes in resource availability can directly impact local wildlife populations. Urban areas suppress native vegetation and convert natural environments into impervious surfaces, modifying the composition and quantity of available food resources. Understanding the food requirements of species is crucial, mainly because it is one of the main elements that characterize their ecological niche and structure local communities. Our aim in this study was to assess the impact of urbanization intensity on the isotopic niche space of birds commonly found in urban areas of Brasília, the capital of Brazil, a big city in central Brazil with approximately 3 million inhabitants. By analyzing the δ¹³C and δ¹⁵N isotopic metrics of feathers from bird species found along a gradient of urbanization intensity, we evidenced a simplification but not a displacement of the bird assembly isotopic space due to urban intensification. Bird assemblage access similar food resources in the higher urban intensification areas, although less diversified than in lower urban intensification areas. In most cases, the response to urban intensification is more specific than convergent among guild members. The studied species maintain themselves in highly intensified urban areas by restricting, changing, and expanding their access to resources. The trophic dimension is one of the key components of the species' ecological niche, and understanding the urban intensification impacts on this dimension is essential for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in cities.
... Supplementary feeding may shape local bird assemblages (Fuller et al. 2008) and improve survival rates of birds during the winter period (Reynolds et al. 2017). However, the effect of supplementary feeding on individual birds and bird communities may be species-specific (Galbraith et al. 2015) and may also reflect the quality of individual habitats (Robb et al. 2008). For example, supplementary feeding may have a greater effect on structuring bird communities in poor-quality habitats due to a general lack of natural food sources in suboptimal habitats. ...
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Urban environments can serve as critical overwintering habitats for many bird species due to the high availability of essential resources. Among the significant factors shaping bird assemblages is the widespread provision of supplementary feeding, which can increase avian species richness and abundance. However, how this effect varies among individual habitat types at various spatial scales remains largely unexplored. Using data from three small to medium-sized towns in the Czech Republic, (a temperate region of Central Europe), we found that observed species richness and bird abundance in winter were highest in allotments and old residential areas, and lowest in industrial and new residential housing areas. The results of multi-species occupancy modelling (MSOM) for eight dominant and widespread species revealed that habitat type has a more significant impact on community-level occupancy in urban landscapes than variations in major habitat attributes at different spatial scales. Supplementary feeding increased occupancy across all habitat types, with the largest increases observed in industrial and new residential areas. In turn, both habitat-attribute MSOMs indicated that community-level occupancy increased with the amount of green space. Similarly, using single-species N-mixture models, we found that habitat type was more important than habitat attributes for the abundance of eight dominant bird species. The presence of supplementary feeding increased bird abundance, but this was significant for only a few species. In conclusions, our findings illustrate that supplementary feeding significantly shapes winter bird communities. However, its effect is species-specific and more pronounced in low quality habitats.
... Bird diversity is affected by many factors in urban environments. This includes food availability, which is a vital component (Galbraith et al. 2015;He et al. 2021;Yin et al. 2023). The availability of food sources in urban environments determines the species richness and density of birds (Ciach and Fröhlich 2017). ...
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The occurrence of frugivorous bird species is strongly associated with the occurrence of fruit tree species in natural environments. However, the presence of a similar relationship in urban areas has not been explored. In this study, we used citizen science and field data to test for the existence of this relationship in 24 urban parks in Beijing, China. We compared the species richness and species composition of the two groups after accounting for park area, differences in diet among bird species, and differences in phenology between the two groups. We also constructed an interaction network between frugivorous bird and fruit tree species to evaluate the importance of each fruit tree species. Our results showed a significant positive relationship between the species richness of frugivorous birds and fruit trees. This relationship was significant year-long except during the summer for 133 bird-tree pairs. Park areas did not significantly affect the relationship. However, we found the interaction effect of the park area and the richness of fruit tree species mediated the relationship in certain months. We did not detect significant relationships in species composition between frugivorous birds and fruit trees. Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii), Chinese Juniper (Sabina chinensis), and Oriental persimmon (Diospyros kaki) played a central role in the network of frugivorous bird and fruit tree species. Our results provide evidence for cross-trophic interactions between frugivorous bird species and fruit tree species, justifying planting fruit trees to enhance bird diversity and resilience in urban areas. However, this objective should focus on maximizing fruit production by planting key fruit tree species rather than increasing the total number of fruit tree species.
... Such communities are prevalent in highly urbanised areas whereby a few invasive species benefit from foraging opportunities derived from human activities but are understudied (Galbraith et al., 2015; F I G U R E 1 Hawker centre operating prior (top-left) and during COVID-19 social restrictions (bottom-left). A tray return station in a hawker centre for patrons to return their crockery (top-right), nets installed to prevent entry of birds (centre-right) and feral pigeons on an overhead pipe installed with anti-bird spikes (bottom-right). ...
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In developed cities, bird communities are typically comprised of a few dominant invasive species that can cause considerable social and economic costs. While various studies advocate restricting anthropogenic food as a suitable management approach, a significant knowledge gap persists regarding how these species interact and respond to such an intervention. Here, we evaluate whether limiting a shared food resource may affect their abundances similarly and assess whether such limitations influence their niche dynamics. In Singapore, open food centres for people, colloquially known as hawker centres, serve as key food sources for three highly adapted urban birds: feral pigeons, Javan mynas and house crows. We counted these three species across 63 hawker centres and analysed their niche dynamics across different phases—before, during COVID‐19 social restrictions when dining‐in was prohibited, and during an enforcement phase mandating the return of crockery. We modelled their counts, diet niche widths and niche overlaps, considering predictors which include the sampling phases, food availability, structural characteristics of hawker centres and spatial attributes such as distance to public housing. During social restrictions, feral pigeon and Javan myna counts showed a significant decline, while the count proportions of the three species compared to each other remained relatively stable. Hawker centres closer to bridges and public housing, and those that structurally more open, attracted more birds. The niche widths of feral pigeons and Javan mynas significantly narrowed during social restrictions due to reduced food availability. However, their niche overlaps remained consistent across sampling phases, indicating resource partitioning strategies to cope with extreme food shortages—feral pigeons adapted by foraging more on grass verges outside, while Javan mynas frequented tray return stations. This resilience in maintaining species proportions and the absence of significant niche overlap suggested the existence of an ecological balance despite substantial reductions in available food. Synthesis and applications. Our study underscores the importance of controlling human‐provided food to collectively manage dominant urban bird commensals. Beyond the two social restriction phases, curbing the availability of anthropogenic food through enforcement also kept nuisance birds away, validating a cost‐effective approach in reducing their counts.
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While humans often feed birds in their backyards, there is growing awareness that this has positive and negative effects on local biodiversity. Whether the observed species assemblage shapes human activities has, however, rarely been investigated. We analyzed 15,088 open-ended answers from 9,473 Finnish respondents about why they have increased or reduced feeding birds. They mentioned 58 avian and non-avian species linked to changed practices. The main reasons for change were 1) respondent’s relation to non-human species, 2) respondent’s relation to other humans and 3) relations between non-human species. Most taxa and reasons could lead to both increase or decrease in feeding, although the direction was context-dependent. We suggest that bird-feeding is an interactive process where the species community strongly affects feeding practices, which in turn can affect community composition. Recognising this process is crucial for understanding the effects of bird-feeding on both humans and nature and providing more nuanced guidance.
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Urbanization can result in novel selective pressures that can cause phenotypic differences amongst urban-tolerant species across urban and non-urban habitats. Here, we compared the size of the white tail patch (“tail white”), a sexual signaling trait, in two urban populations of dark-eyed juncos in comparison to neighboring non-urban populations. Contrary to our expectations, urban phenotypes did not differ from local wildlands in San Diego and Los Angeles counties in similar directions. While the San Diego population showed lower tail white compared to its neighboring wildland population, the Los Angeles population did not. The tail white of the Los Angeles population was not statistically different from that of the San Diego population, suggesting that urban populations may share similar environmental conditions yet face different selective clines due to urbanization. There were, however, differences between wildland populations. Differences in evolutionary histories, environmental conditions, and selective pressures within and outside urban areas may affect how urbanization facilitates population differentiation, even across urban populations of the same species.
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Background This study aims to investigate the urban colonization of the Asian water monitor ( Varanus salvator ) across its entire range of distribution, addressing the paucity of research on this species in urban ecosystems. The research spans the geographic range of the Asian water monitor, focusing on urbanized areas where the species accumulates more observations (Bangkok, Colombo, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore). Methods We conducted a systematic review to comprehensively assess the current knowledge of the species’ presence in cities. Additionally, citizen science data from repositories like GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information facility ) were utilized to analyze the distribution patterns of V. salvator in urban environments. To elucidate urban distribution and correct collection biases, observations were weighted by sampling effort, using as a proxy all squamate occurrences available from 2010–2023, including V. salvator . Results Despite the widespread presence of the Asian water monitor in numerous cities within its distribution range, the available studies on the topic appear to be scarce. Existing research primarily consists of descriptive reports on diet and behavior. Our findings indicate that V. salvator predominantly colonizes green patches in urban areas, such as parks and small gardens. Larger cities exhibit higher records, potentially due to both permanent populations and increased citizen science reporting. Conclusions The Asian water monitor, as the largest lizard with established populations in cities, remains scarcely studied on a broader scale. However, the urban design of each city seems relevant to understand the distribution patterns within each context. Our study highlights the need for further research to explore the ecological and human dimensions associated with the species’ presence in urban environments.
A guide to using S environments to perform statistical analyses providing both an introduction to the use of S and a course in modern statistical methods. The emphasis is on presenting practical problems and full analyses of real data sets.
Recreational bird feeding is an extremely popular activity that influences winter bird distribution and demography and may influence other organisms near feeders. In the United States, an estimated 60 million people, or 43% of households, currently feed wild birds. For this reason, it has been suggested that public bird feeding currently is the largest wildlife management activity in northern temperate regions. We used a replicated experiment utilizing mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) as surrogate overwintering arthropods to examine whether supplemental winter bird feeding influences kill rate on nearby alternative foods (i.e., mealworms). After 6 weeks of exposure during winter 2000-2001, more mealworms were consumed in feeder plots than in control plots. Predation intensity on mealworms did not decline at distances up to 20 m from feeders. Our findings support the hypothesis that the aggregation of birds near a feeder results in increased predation on nearby bark-dwelling arthropods. Use of winter bird feeders as a potential alternative form of arthropod pest control deserves further study.
Time activity patterns of wintering Mute Swans were studied over three seasons in and near Cracov using the focal bird sampling method. In the city the swans were fed by people, while outside the city the birds were not fed by people. Rural Mute Swans spent 48.1% of the daytime eating, while urban swans fed only 4.6% and begged 8.7% of the time. Urban birds spent more time swimming and loafing (28.3 and 36.1%, respectively) than rural birds (10.2 and 18.4%). The daily activity pattern for rural swans was generally bimodal with early morning and late afternoon peaks in feeding, and a mid-day resting period. In contrast, the swans in Cracov did not show any cycle in diurnal feeding activity. There were differences in the frequencies of aggressive behaviour between urban and rural swans. In the city aggression occurred much more often. The behaviour of urban swans during the night was very similar to nocturnal activities of rural swans. The activity pattern of swans wintering in Cracov is probably mainly due to adaptations to the feeding by people.