
The Fitness of Man's Environment. Smithsonian Annual II. (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968. 250 pp. Notes. 5.95)andEnvironmentandChange:TheNextFiftyYears.CommissionedandeditedbyWilliamR.Ewald,Jr.,onbehalfoftheAmericanInstituteofPlannersFiftiethYearConsultation.(Bloomington:IndianaUniversityPress,1968.397pp.Notes.Paperbound.5.95) and Environment and Change: The Next Fifty Years. Commissioned and edited by William R. Ewald, Jr., on behalf of the American Institute of Planners' Fiftieth Year Consultation. (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968. 397 pp. Notes. Paperbound. 4.95)

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