Positive Organizational Scholarship: Foundations of a New Discipline
... Resource-based theories serve as the fundamental underpinning for a multitude of studies examining the competitive advantage of organizations. and Youssef (2004, 2007) have developed a framework known as positive psychological capital, which draws upon the principles of positive psychology (Diener, 2003), positive organizational wisdom (Cameron et al., 2003), and positive organizational behavior (Luthans, 2002;Wright, 2003;Kidron and Peretz, 2024). This framework serves as a means to evaluate an individual's psychological capacity. ...
... As a result, researchers have devoted significant attention to the study of positive psychology, exploring it from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Significantly, two specific research directions within the field of positive psychology have attracted considerable attention from scholars, particularly about organizations: (1) Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS), as introduced by Cameron et al. (2003), investigates the favorable characteristics of organizations that bolster their capacity to operate effectively in the face of adversity; (2) Positive Organizational Behavior (POB), as conceptualized by Wright (2003), is a framework that centers on the evaluation of positive psychological states that have an impact on employee attitudes, behavior, and overall effectiveness. ...
... Examples of previous studies related to these domains include references for health (e.g. Cameron et al., 2003;Luthans and Jensen, 2005;Sukoco and Lee, 2017;Broad and Luthans, 2020;Luthans and Broad, 2024) or Covid-19 (e.g. Mao et al., 2021;Forster et al., 2023;Sharma et al., 2024), for entrepreneurial intention (e.g. ...
This literature review aims to explore the various aspects of psychological capital (PsyCap), including its theoretical foundations, measurement methods, and the factors directly associated with PsyCap.
The approach employed in this study is scientific document synthesis, with a specific emphasis on scholarly articles published between 2001 and 2023. The selection of articles is limited to those published in internationally renowned journals that are indexed by reputable databases, including ISI (WoS) and SJR (Scopus).
Psychological capital is closely linked to other concepts at different levels. Scholars are investigating various factors associated with PsyCap, including health, project success, service marketing, banking services. It is important to note that different research areas have varying conceptualizations and scales when it comes to PsyCap.
This literature review of related studies reveals a growing global interest among researchers in the concept of positive psychological capital. The research results have shown significant interest in the items related to PsyCap, and and the factors directly associated with it, including antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes.
... As with other positivist approaches, Appreciative Inquiry focuses on positive outcomes as opposed to a focus on errors and deficits (Avital et al. 2009;Cameron et al. 2003). Appreciative Inquiry uses positive experiences from the past and hope for the future to collaboratively define expectations (Hammond 1998). ...
... Fundamental to Appreciative Inquiry is the manner in which questions are asked. Appreciative Inquiry initially recalls past strengths and successes and follows by open ended questions that enlighten future potential and opportunities based on the positive past (Avital et al. 2009;Cameron et al. 2003). ...
For decades and still today, software development projects have failed because they do not meet the needs of users, are over-budget, and abandoned. To help address this problem, the user requirements elicitation process was modified based on principles of Appreciative Inquiry. Appreciative Inquiry, commonly used in organizational development, aims to build organizations, processes, or systems based on success stories using a hopeful vision for an ideal future. In four studies, Appreciative Inquiry was evaluated for its effectiveness with eliciting user requirements in different circumstances. In the first two studies, it was compared with brainstorming, a traditional approach, with end-users (study 1) and proxy-users (study 2). The third study was a quasi-experiment comparing the use of Appreciative Inquiry in different phases in the software development cycle (study 3). The final (fourth) study combined all lessons learned using Appreciative Inquiry in a cross-case comparison study of 3 cases to gain additional understanding of the requirements gathered during various project phases. In each of the four studies, the requirements gathered, developer and user attitudes, and the Appreciative Inquiry process itself were evaluated. Requirements were evaluated for their quantity and type regardless of whether they were implemented or not. Attitudes were evaluated for commitment to the requirements and project using process feedback. The Appreciative Inquiry process was evaluated with differing groups, projects, and project phases to determine how and when it is best applied. Potentially interceding factors were also evaluated including: team effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, and perceived stress. Appreciative Inquiry produced positive results for the participants, the requirements obtained, and the general requirements eliciting-process. Appreciative Inquiry demonstrated benefits to the requirements gathered by increasing the number of unique requirements as well as identifying more quality-based (non-functional) and forward-looking requirements. It worked best when there was time for participants to reflect on the thought-provoking questions and when the facilitator was knowledgeable of Empir Software Eng the subject-matter and had extra time to extract and translate the requirements. The participants (end-users and developers) expressed improved project understanding. End-users participated consistently with immediate buy-in and enthusiasm, especially those users who were technically-inhibited. We conclude that Appreciative Inquiry can augment existing methods by presenting a positive and future aspect for a proposed system resulting in improved user requirements.
... Moreover, from the developmental perspective of PWRI, employees recognized as virtuous by others experience resilience, another sub-dimension of positive psychological capital [21]. Addi-tionally, from the virtue perspective of PWRI, employees improve their physical health and happiness, enhancing self-efficacy, a sub-dimension of positive psychological capital, while experiencing buffering effects and resilience [57]. Therefore, the employees who exchange compassion develop the four perspectives of PWRI (virtue, evaluative, developmental, and structural), leading to an increase in positive psychological capital. ...
... Positive work-related identity and positive psychological capital serially mediate the positive relationship between compassion and job performance. and happiness, enhancing self-efficacy, a sub-dimension of positive psychological capital, while experiencing buffering effects and resilience [57]. Therefore, the employees who exchange compassion develop the four perspectives of PWRI (virtue, evaluative, developmental, and structural), leading to an increase in positive psychological capital. ...
This study empirically examines how employee compassion relates to job performance. Specifically, this study is a constructive replication and expansion of a previous study on the relationship between compassion and job performance using multiple sources of measurement. It investigates unexplored pathways within the public art sector in South Korea. Focusing on the mediating roles of positive work-related identity (PWRI) and positive psychological capital, we collected data from public art institutions in Korea, including galleries and museums, using a survey method. We tested the hypotheses using structural equation modeling and the PROCESS bootstrapping method. Our findings demonstrate a positive association between compassion and job performance, serially mediated by PWRI and positive psychological capital. Theoretically, by constructively replicating and expanding the previous findings, our study contributes to a robust understanding of how compassion could enhance employee performance. Practically, this study reinforces the value of fostering compassion and positive psychological resources to improve job performance, particularly within the public art sector.
... Sahip olunan erdemli örgüt algısı ise çalışanların işte karşılaştıkları sorunlarla baş etmede daha çok motivasyon sağlar, hayal kırıklıklarını azaltır ve mutluluklarını arttırmaktadır (Singh vd., 2018: 91). Örgütsel erdemlilik aynı zamanda bireylerin olumlu sosyal güdülerini harekete geçirerek prososyal davranış göstermelerini teşvik etmektedir (Cameron, 2003). Çünkü örgütüyle gurur duyan iş görenler yaptıkları işten zevk alır, daha yardımsever ve saygılı davranışlar sergiler, yenilikçiliğin ve yüksek performans göstermenin öncüleri olarak diğerlerine örnek olurlar (Cameron, vd. ...
... Organizational virtuousness is a phenomenon that encourages individuals to show prosocial behavior by activating their positive social instincts and makes a difference for organizations (Cameron, 2003). Therefore, organizations use various methods to encourage virtuous behavior. ...
Örgütsel sosyalleşme süreçleri iş görenlerin örgüt hakkında pozitif bir imaja sahip olmalarına, çalışma arkadaşlarının desteklerini hissetmelerine ve kariyer beklentileriyle ilgili net bilgilere sahip olarak örgüte uyum sağlamalarına öncülük etmektedir. Başarılı bir sosyalleşme süreci ise örgütte sergilenen pozitif davranışları arttırmaktadır. Literatürde başarılı örgütsel sosyalleşme süreçlerinin etkilediği birçok pozitif örgütsel davranışın olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak örgütsel sosyalleşme süreçlerinin, örgütler için fark yaratıcı olarak prososyal davranışları arttıran, yenilikçiliğin ve yüksek performansın öncüsü olan, yardımsever ve saygılı olmayı teşvik eden erdemli davranışlar sergilemeye olan etkisini ortaya koyan çalışmalara pek rastlanmamıştır. Dolayısıyla örgütsel sosyalleşmenin örgütsel erdemliliğe olan doğrudan ya da dolaylı etkisini ortaya çıkarmak önemlidir. Sosyalleşme Kaynakları Teorisi temel alınarak örgütsel sosyalleşmenin örgütsel erdemlilik üzerinde doğrudan ya da dolaylı etkisinin olup olmadığını ortaya koymak amacıyla kişi örgüt uyumu ve yöneticiye güven değişkenlerinin bu ilişkilerde aracı roller üstlenebileceği değerlendirilip araştırma modeli ortaya konmuştur. Çalışmanın temel amacı örgüte yeni katılanlar için gerçekleştirilen örgütsel sosyalleşme süreçlerinin erdemli davranışlar göstermeye olan etkisini ve bu ilişkide kişi örgüt uyumu ile yöneticiye olan güvenin aracı etkiler üstlenip üstlenmediğini ortaya koymaktır. Bu doğrultuda araştırmanın örneklemi özel sektör çalışanları olarak belirlenmiş ve kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılarak anketler aracılığıyla 387 kişiye ait veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS ve AMOS programlarıyla analiz edilmiş, hipotezleri test etmek amacıyla gözlenen değişkenlerle yol analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlarda örgütsel sosyalleşmenin örgütsel erdemliliğe olan etkisinde kişi örgüt uyumunun ve yöneticiye güvenin aracı etkiler gösterdiği sonucuna ulaşılmış ve tüm hipotezler kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarında örgütsel sosyalleşmeye ait geleceğe ilişkin beklentiler boyutunun örgütsel erdemlilik üzerindeki toplam etkisinin diğer boyutlara göre daha yüksek düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sonuç işe yeni başlayan bireylerin örgütteki kariyer, terfi, fırsat ve sunulan ödüllerden memnun olması durumunda daha fazla erdemli davranış sergileyebileceğini işaret etmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar bir bütün olarak değerlendirildiğinde örgütsel sosyalleşme, kişi örgüt uyumu ve yöneticiye güven değişkenlerinin örgütlerde erdemli davranışlar sergilemeyi olumlu olarak etkilediği ortaya çıkmıştır.
... The goal of the positive organizational concept is to study the positive outcomes, processes, and characteristics of organizations and their members (Cameron et al., 2003). The founders treated their mission as a complement to the science of organization and management, as well as a change in perspective, concerning (Zbierowski, 2012): ...
... According to Cameron et al. (2003), the dynamic development of the positive concept of organization is complementary to the direction of the evolution of management theory and concepts, reflecting significant changes in its areas (Czekaj and Ziębicki, 2013). While the weakness of scientific management and the administrative approach was the insufficient attention paid to employee needs and sources of their effectiveness, the theory of interpersonal relations and the behavioural school emphasized reinforcing psychosocial conditions of work. ...
... Past works have primarily paid attention on the negative side of the workplace. The positive psychological perspective takes a different approach, looking at organizational phenomena from a positive perspective and focusing on positive processes, traits, and outcomes rather than negative ones (Cameron & Dutton, 2003). Studies on work overload have typically only included the negative aspects of organizational life, neglecting the positive aspects. ...
... By focusing on meaningfulness of work as a key mediator, we shift the theoretical lens from purely negative outcomes of work overload to include how it affects positive psychological states. This approach aligns with the positive organizational scholarship movement (Cameron & Dutton, 2003) and extends its application to the domain of workplace safety. Our findings suggest that work overload's impact on safety behavior is partially explained by its effect on employees' sense of work relationship, aligning with recent calls in the literature for more complex models of workplace behavior (e.g., Barriga Medina et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2021). ...
This study investigates the complex relationship between work overload and safety behavior in South Korean organizations, examining the sequential mediating roles of meaningfulness of work and perceived organizational support (POS), as well as the moderating effect of coaching leadership. Drawing on several theories, we propose a moderated mediation model to elucidate the mechanisms through which work overload impacts safety behavior. Utilizing a three-wave time-lagged design, data were collected from 202 employees across various corporations in South Korea. Structural equation modeling results supported our hypothesized model. Work overload was negatively associated with the meaningfulness of work, which in turn positively influenced POS. POS demonstrated a positive relationship with safety behavior. The sequential mediation effect of meaningfulness of work and POS in the relationship between work overload and safety behavior was significant. Moreover, coaching leadership moderated the relationship between work overload and meaningfulness of work, such that the negative effect was weaker when coaching leadership was high. These findings contribute to the literature by illuminating the psychological mechanisms linking work overload to safety behavior and highlighting the potential of coaching leadership in mitigating the negative effects of work overload. The study offers practical implications for organizations seeking to maintain safety standards while managing high workloads, emphasizing the importance of fostering meaningful work experiences, organizational support, and effective leadership practices. Our research extends the understanding of work overload and safety behavior in the South Korean context, addressing a gap in the literature. It also demonstrates the value of incorporating positive organizational behavior constructs in occupational safety research. Future studies could explore these relationships in different cultural contexts and investigate additional moderators to further refine our understanding of the work overload-safety behavior link.
... Hence, purposeful decision-making by school administrators is central to achieving school objectives in educational management; this stems from self-regulation, other-related concerns, and school administrators' actions and their effects on work motivation, organisational performance, and overall school effectiveness. The need for self-regulation skills is critical in the decision-making process, and in goal formulation, strategy development, feedback evaluation, and objective or action modification based on such feedback [41,42]. These findings emphasise the relevance of selfregulation in educational decision-making in the recent literature. ...
... To this view, Goleman (1998) [43] described self-regulation in the management and administrative profession as a way of checking on the emotions in a bid to ensure that administrators make rational decisions. These self-regulation skills enable administrators to effectively manage decisions and the feedback on these decisions hence enhancing the processes of decision making [41,42]. Current scholarly work has brought into focus the concept of self-regulation in the arena of educational management. ...
This study explores the impact of self-regulation skills on the decision-making styles of school administrators in public primary schools. There is a noticeable gap in the literature regarding how self-regulation components—foresight, will control, and self-reflection—affect the deci-sion-making processes of school leaders. A mixed-methods approach was used, integrating quantitative data from the "Self-Regulation Skills Scale for School Administrators" and the "Deci-sion-Making Styles Scale" with qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with adminis-trators and teachers. The findings reveal that administrators with strong self-regulation skills predominantly use rational and intuitive decision-making styles. This correlation leads to more effective management and improved educational outcomes. The study underscores the im-portance of professional development programs aimed at enhancing self-regulation abilities among school administrators. Such improvements in self-regulation can lead to better deci-sion-making processes, ultimately benefiting student performance and overall school success.
... 3-4). A few administration researchers have proposed that when leaders display love, forgiveness, and trust throughout the organization, the commitment and loyalty increased as a reaction from their employees (Covey, 2004;Cameron et al., 2003;Pfeffer, 1998). A virtuous leader will accomplish effectiveness by expanding the referent power and the best possible exercise of that power; improving idealized impact on followers; and upgrading follower's inspirational motivation (Hackett & Wang, 2012). ...
... In general, this study found a statistical significant impact of virtuous leadership in organizational excellence. The findings of this study agree with Covey (2004), Cameron et al. (2003), and Pfeffer (1998) that displaying love and trust throughout the organization affects the organization excellence as a reaction from their employees. In addition, it agrees with Edgeman et al., (2018) that trust is the precondition for collaboration to overcome the organizational challenges, with higher trust levels leading to higher levels of cyclical virtuous or positive reciprocal behavior. ...
Organizations today are experiencing the challenges of uncertainty and accelerating change in the work environment, as managers of higher education institutions are obligated to adopt virtuous behavior to produce the desired institutional excellence. This study aimed to demonstrate the impact of virtuous leadership on institutional excellence, and the level of virtuous leadership elements as well as the existence of institutional excellence aspects at Mutah University. The study considered Optimism, forgiveness, trust, compassion, and integrity as the virtuous elements that predict organizational excellence as well it considered the dimensions of organizational excellence represented by leadership, partnership and resources, people management, policy and strategy, process management. This study was applied to a sample of 384 faculty members at Mutah University, to illustrate the effect of virtuous leadership on achieving organizational excellence in a higher education institution in Jordan.The importance of the study stems from the fact that few studies dealt with organizational excellence in institutions of higher education with regard to the concept of virtue. The study found that there is a statistically significant impact of the virtuous leadership on institutional excellence in general, and the faculty members at Mutah University perceive that the virtue is trust, compassion, and integrity among university leaders.
... Positive organizational scholarship (POS) investigates organizing characterized by flourishing (Cameron & Dutton, 2003). POS is concerned with studying "the very best of the human condition and the most ennobling organizational behaviors and outcomes" (Spreitzer & Sonenshein, 2003, p. 207). ...
... Finally, this study contributes methodologically to the POS (Cameron & Dutton, 2003;Spreitzer & Sonenshein, 2003) and POCS (Bisel et al., 2020) literatures as an example of atypical case selection design and the kinds of insights it can produce. This study is the first to use atypical case selection recommended by Bisel et al. (2020). ...
... Accordingly, Bandura (2001) suggested that "moral reasoning is translated into actions through self-regulatory mechanisms rooted in moral standards and selfsanctions by which moral agency is exercised". For instance, humility is an "organizational virtue" that assists in the moral foundation of the work environment in an organization (Cameron & Dutton, 2003). Additionally, personal factors, events and environment influence one another. ...
... Kant recognizes that dignity is a union of respected human attributes, including character, integrity, virtue, wisdom, knowledge, love, trust, and forgiveness (Hurka, 2010;Kant, 1785). Dignity is a common area of study in philosophy (Bolton, 2007) and psychology (Cameron et al., 2003) research, but is much less prevalent in management studies (Arnold, 2013;Donaldson & Walsh, 2015). In the field of business ethics, dignity has taken a strong foothold in contemporary discussions of gamification (Kim & Werbach, 2016), gender and social class (Mahalingam & Selvaraj, 2022), bioethics (Düwell, 2014), genetic engineering (Ortiz, 2004), and responsible management (Mele, 2003). ...
Biometric technologies are at the forefront of organizational innovation, surveillance, and control. In many instances, the use of physiological and behavioral biometrics enhances individual and organizational performance. However, they also have the potential to hinder human wellbeing. In particular, recent generations of biometrics are capable of extracting deeper insights into human behavior, enabling organizational surveillance practices, but may also constrain individual rights and freedoms. While biometric technologies have been evidenced to infringe upon privacy and lead to discriminatory practices, little research has examined the impact of biometrics on dignity, an important ethical construct related to human wellbeing. In this conceptual paper, we draw from the theory of affordances to identify and delineate six affordances of biometric technologies, categorized into inhibiting and augmenting biometric affordances. We propose a framework in which inhibiting and augmenting biometric affordances may simultaneously support and humiliate dignity. This separation offers a theoretical base for future empirical research to explore the increasingly pervasive relationship between biometric adoption and human dignity. Moreover, we explain six paradoxical tensions across three forms of dignity—inherent, behavioral, and meritocratic—in the proposed framework. Finally, we discuss why firms should be responsible for addressing the tensions across dignity forms when they adopt biometric technologies to balance the trade-off between wealth creation and human wellbeing. This offers guidance for practitioners on how to integrate biometric technologies without hindering human dignity.
... First, we have included all studies published in academic venues, such as scientific journal articles and conference papers, written in English and published between 2000 and 2023. We chose to start with 2000s, when the focus shifted from process and tools to individuals and interactions (Fowler and Highsmith 2001) and when positive organizational behavior (Luthans 2002) and positive organizational scholarship (Cameron et al. 2003) were introduced. Second, we focused only on quantitative studies in order to perform a fair comparison among the studies. ...
For decades, software engineering research and practice has focused primarily on technological and process-related factors. Today, there is a growing interest in organizational, social, and psychological factors, including well-being. Organizational studies show that well-being contributes to work outcomes, including creativity, performance, and productivity. But despite its importance, the predictors and outcomes of software engineers’ well-being as a multidimensional construct to date are under-researched. This paper reports on the multidimensional well-being of professional software engineers and generates insights for the future research in this area. 44 quantitative survey studies published between 2000 and 2023 were selected and synthesized both quantitatively and qualitatively through a systematic literature review. The results of the review were further analyzed to construct a quantitatively-testable theory, detailing the predictors and outcomes of well-being in software engineering organizations. The total number of research participants included in the selected studies is 16,086 software engineering professionals from at least 42 countries. The literature review identified various measures, constructs, and indicators of well-being, as well as its predictors and outcomes. The theory, based on cumulative results of carefully selected quantitative studies, is an attempt to “correct the record” by establishing well-being in software engineering as a meta-construct of hedonic, eudaimonic, and integrated or hedaimonic qualities predicted by different individual, team and organizational factors and impacting the functioning of software engineers and their organizations. The review highlighted the under-researched aspects of well-being in software engineering and confirmed the need for more advanced quantitative studies. We hope that the theory will benefit researchers in conducting future studies and practitioners in developing nuanced and science-based interventions for improving software engineers’ well-being.
... Organizational theorists and practitioners have recognized the potential of science-based POS research. Theoretically, POS has helped to better understand positive organizational outcomes, including organizational process, excellence, thriving, flourishing, abundance, resilience, and virtuousness (Cameron et al., 2003). In addition, POS practitioners are committed to documenting, measuring, and explaining their activities to contribute a verifiable body of knowledge about positive organizational features (Cameron & Caza, 2004). ...
The aim of this systematic literature review (SLR) was to identify and summarize studies reporting on positive organizational psychology based on both positive organizational scholarship (POS) and positive organizational behavior (POB) foundations to provide an update on positive organizational research in Chile. The academic databases PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, and Sci-ELO were systematically searched from August 2022 to October 2023. Following the PRISMA-P protocol, nineteen articles met the inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed using guidance on the conduct of narrative synthesis reviews. This SLR showed that most studies had researched positive variables related to organizational research, with fewer studies exploring POS and POB. Also, variables such as leadership, job performance, and labor satisfaction concentrated great research attention on the Chilean positive organizational psychology research. Future research must consider the POB and POS variables such as PsyCap and flourishing. Keywords: positive organizational psychology, positive organizational scholarship , positive organizational behavior, Chile El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática de la literatura (SLR) fue identificar y sintetizar estudios acerca de la psicología organizacional positiva basados en los principios del conocimiento organizacional positivo (POS) y el comporta-miento organizacional positivo (POB), para contribuir con una actualización de la investigación en esta área en Chile. Se realizaron búsquedas en las bases de datos académicas PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus y SciELO desde agosto 2022 hasta octubre 2023. Siguiendo el protocolo PRISMA-P, diecinue-ve artículos cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Los datos se analizaron utilizando la guía para las revisiones de síntesis narrativa. Esta SLR identificó que la mayoría de los estudios han investigado variables positivas relaciona-das a investigación organizacional y menos son los estudios que exploran variables POS y POB. Variables como liderazgo, desempeño laboral y satisfac-ción laboral, son las más mencionadas en los artículos incluidos. La investiga-ción futura debe considerar variables POB y POS como PsyCap y florecimien-to. Palabras clave: psicología organizacional positiva, conocimiento organizacio-nal positivo, comportamiento organizacional positivo, Chile 1. Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile Positive organizational psychology research in Chile: a systematic literature review Investigación en psicología organizacional positiva en Chile: una revisión sistemática de la literatura Mauricio Ramírez-Pérez 1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6465-8499 Saulyn Lee-Maturana 1 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7594-9558
... Although a conflict perspective has historically dominated the family-work interface literature (Allen et al., 2020;Shockley & Singla, 2011), the enrichment perspective remains relatively underdeveloped. However, with the emer- gence of positive psychology, researchers have increasingly recognized the positive interplay between work and family lives (Cameron & Dutton, 2003;Seligman, 2002;Wayne et al., 2007). Although some researchers have begun to explore the influence of executives' home lives, they primarily focus on the effects of positive family events on the executives themselves and their subordinates' behaviors (Lin et al., 2021;Ten Brummelhuis et al., 2014). ...
How do chief executive officers’ (CEOs) experiences outside the work domain affect organizational ambidexterity? We examine the mechanisms through which CEO family-to-work enrichment (FWE) influences organizational ambidexterity. Building on the enrichment perspective of the family-work literature and the attention-based view, we argue that FWE broadens and deepens CEOs’ attention to innovation. This enables them to engage in distant and persistent knowledge and information searching, which helps them to pursue high levels of exploitative and exploratory innovation simultaneously. With a two-round sample of 136 CEOs from China, we find strong empirical support for our hypotheses and provide several theoretical and managerial implications.
... POS is rooted in the broader field of positive psychology, which seeks to understand and promote factors that contribute to human flourishing. In contrast to traditional models that focus on fixing problems or alleviating stress, POS emphasizes the importance of building positive organizational practices that foster thriving, engagement, and wellbeing [12]. POS highlights the significance of positive emotions, strengths, and virtues in creating a productive and healthy workplace. ...
This bibliometric study examines global trends in employee wellbeing research from 1990 to 2024, focusing on key themes such as burnout, work engagement, job satisfaction, leadership, and workplace environment. Using co-authorship networks, keyword co-occurrence analysis, and citation metrics, the study identifies influential authors, emerging trends, and underexplored areas in the field. Results show a significant increase in publications since 2017, with a growing focus on the psychological and emotional dimensions of wellbeing. Key findings highlight the positive impact of transformational leadership and supportive work environments, as well as the detrimental effects of toxic behaviors like abusive supervision and workplace bullying. The study also identifies gaps in the literature, particularly regarding the intersection of employee wellbeing and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). This analysis provides a foundation for future research and emphasizes the critical role of employee wellbeing in fostering organizational success and sustainability.
... Since its foundation, PP researchers and practitioners have shown a growing interest in applying these principles to the workplace, as well as collecting evidence of its effectiveness. Different disciplines, such as Positive Psychology Scholarship (POS) (Cameron, 2004) and Positive Organizational Psychology (POP) (Salanova, 2020) propose to recognize those elements that work well in the organizations fostering employee wellbeing. The POP and POS are a growing area of study with valuable contributions from numerous angles and disciplines on increasing the wellbeing of employees and organizations and having a positive impact on their families, companies, and communities (Adler, 2017;Seligman and Adler, 2018;Seligman et al., 2009). ...
This article is a theoretical discussion that seeks to describe the pillars that literature has identified as cornerstones for an organization to be positive meanwhile showing concern for its workers’ well-being. Four elements are proposed in this paper: the implementation of healthy organizational practices to contribute to the well-being (B) of employees; the (E) focus on positive leadership that involves feedback, communication, and goal setting; the presence of positive environments (A) for workers and meaningful work (T). The elements are integrated into the acronym BEAT (in Spanish). The presence of the components associated with a positive organization will generate greater well-being for workers with positive outcomes for organizations. The BEAT model allows the workers of an organization to evaluate their work, the relationship with their colleagues and leader, as well as the organization. Knowing the pillars of worker well-being within the firm will provide companies with the possibility of measuring and improving those pillars to achieve better organizational results.
... This modern leadership style emphasizes creating a positive work environment, promoting employee wellbeing, and maximizing the potential of individuals and teams (Luthans & Avolio, 2009). It represents a paradigm shift from traditional command and control methods and emphasizes creating a supportive work environment to promote employee positivity, engagement, and well-being Cameron & Dutton, 2003;Cameron et al., 2022). ...
... Spørgeskemaundersøgelsen belyser følgende dimensioner inden for Trivsel i arbejdet: (112,113). Mening i arbejdet handler også om, hvorvidt arbejdstagerne oplever, at deres arbejdsopgaver er meningsfulde, interessante, inspirerende og bidrager til motivation, arbejdsglaede og selvtillid. ...
I denne rapport præsenterer vi resultater fra en landsdækkende spørgeskemaundersøgelse om arbejdsmiljø, trivsel og helbred blandt arbejdstagere på Færøerne. Undersøgelsen er den første af sin art blandt færøske arbejdstagere, og den tilvejebringer derfor ny viden om arbejdsmiljøet på Færøerne. I en tidligere rapport med titlen Psykosocialt arbejdsmiljø blandt arbejdstagere på Færøerne præsenterede vi de overordnede resultater for det psykosociale arbejdsmiljø, mens vi i denne rapport præsenterer alle resultaterne fra spørgeskemaundersøgelsen, som indeholder dimensioner inden for en lang række områder af arbejdsmiljø og helbred.
Formålet med undersøgelsen er at lave en bred kortlægning af arbejdsmiljøet, trivslen og helbredet blandt arbejdstagere på Færøerne. Formålet er endvidere at undersøge
arbejdsmiljøet på tværs af grupper i undersøgelsen, hvorfor vi præsenterer resultaterne på tværs af køn, aldersgrupper og jobgrupper. Dette giver mulighed for at identificere grupper og områder, hvor arbejdsmiljøet på Færøerne har særlige styrker eller udfordringer, som det kan være vigtigt at være opmærksom på i forhold til at kunne iværksætte forebyggende indsatser for at understøtte arbejdsmiljø, helbred og trivsel blandt arbejdstagere på Færøerne. I rapporten undersøger vi også sammenhænge mellem faktorer i arbejdsmiljøet og udvalgte helbredsrelaterede udfald. Rapporten giver endvidere mulighed for at sammenligne undersøgelsens resultater med resultater fra to danske undersøgelser af arbejdsmiljø og helbred. Rapporten giver dermed også en indsigt i, hvordan arbejdsmiljøet, trivslen og helbredet ser ud på Færøerne sammenlignet med Danmark. Undersøgelsen baserer sig delvist på NFA’s validerede spørgeskema om psykosocialt arbejdsmiljø, Dansk Psykosocialt Spørgeskema (DPQ), og delvist på spørgsmål fra den danske spørgeskemaundersøgelse Arbejdsmiljø og Helbred, som også er udviklet af NFA.
... Arbeiðstakarar uppliva Meining í arbeiðinum, tá teirra arbeiðsuppgávur hava ei týðandi endamál, og tá taer kennast umráðandi fyri samleikan og sjálvsfatanina hjá arbeiðstakaranum (112,113). Meining í arbeiðinum snýr seg eisini um, hvørt arbeiðstakararnir uppliva, at teirra arbeiðsuppgávur geva meining, eru áhugaverdar, geva íblástur og fremja motivatión, arbeiðsgleði og sjálvsálit. ...
Í hesi frágreiðing leggja vit úrslit fram frá einari landsumfatandi spurnakanning um
arbeiðsumhvørvi, trivnað og heilsu hjá arbeiðstakarum í Føroyum. Kanningin er tann
fyrsta av sínum slagi millum føroyskar arbeiðstakarar, og kanningin útvegar sosta
nýggja vitan um arbeiðsumhvørvið í Føroyum. Í aðrari frágreiðing nevnd Sálarligt og
sosialt arbeiðsumhvørvi hjá føroyskum arbeiðstakarum løgdu vit fram yvirskipaðu úrslitini fyri psykososiala arbeiðsumhvørvið, meðan vit í hesari frágreiðingini leggja øll úrslitini frá spurnakanningini fram, ið fevna um eina langa røð av økjum innan arbeiðsumhvørvi og heilsu. Endamálið við kanningini var at gera eina breiða kortlegging av arbeiðsumhvørvinum, trivnaði og heilsu hjá arbeiðstakarum í Føroyum. Harafturat var endamálið at kanna arbeiðsumhvørvið tvørtur um bólkar í kanningini, og tí leggja vit úrslitini fram tvørtur um kyn, aldursbólkar og starvsbólkar. Hea ger tað møguligt at gera av, í hvørjum bólkum og økjum arbeiðsumhvørvið í Føroyum hevur ávísar styrkir ella avbjóðingar, sum kunnu vera umráðandi at hava atlit til fyri at seta fyribyrgjandi átøk í verk og soleiðis stuðla undir arbeiðsumhvørvið, heilsuna og trivnaðin hjá arbeiðstakarum í Føroyum. Í frágreiðingini kanna vit eisini, hvussu nakrir tæir í arbeiðsumhvørvinum og heilsu hanga saman. Kanningin byggir lutvíst á validerað spurnabløð hjá det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø (NFA) um sálarligt og sosialt arbeiðsumhvørvi, Danish Psychosocial Questionnaire (DPQ), og lutvíst á spurningar úr donsku spurnakanningini Arbeiðsumhvørvi og Heilsa, sum eisini er ment av NFA.
... There is growing research investigating mechanisms by which healthcare organisations can improve staff retention by implementing organisational wellness strategies. The concept of improving overall organisational wellbeing is referred to as positive organisational scholarship and focuses on improving positive attributes and outcomes of organisations and their employees (Cameron & Dutton, 2003;Kelly & Cameron, 2017). The Social Embeddedness of Thriving at Work Model ( Figure 1) is one such model of positive organisational scholarship. ...
Globally, there is a nursing shortage which is expected to worsen in the next two decades. To increase nursing workforce numbers, retention of early-career nurses is vital. One such method stipulated to improve workforce retention is increasing thriving in the workplace. This study aimed to investigate the factors that influence the thriving of early-career nurses in Aotearoa New Zealand. Guided by a qualitative descriptive design, this study used semi-structured interviews to explore factors influencing the thriving of New Zealand nurses from an urban hospital. Data analysis was completed using reflexive thematic analysis. Participants included nine early-career nurses. We identified four themes affecting thriving in the workplace: interpersonal relationships, work environment, finding positive meaning, and ongoing learning and development. Early-career nurses experience multiple factors that increase and decrease thriving. Early-career nurses commonly reported high workloads, which affected multiple dimensions of their ability to thrive in the workplace. Interpersonal relationships can increase or decrease elements of thriving at work depending on the nature of the relationship. Early-career nurses also experienced a large amount of job satisfaction from the act of caring. Roles that promoted ongoing learning similarly increased thriving. Early-career nurses play an important role in the future of the Aotearoa New Zealand health workforce. Results from this study can help inform organisations on the experience of thriving for early-career nurses in order to improve retention and wellbeing of early-career nurses.
Te reo Māori translation
He Aha ngā Mea Nunui ki a Koe? He tūhura kounga i ngā āhuatanga whakaawe i ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi o Aotearoa kia toiora i te wāhi mahi
Ngā Ariā Matua
Tērā tētahi korenga tapuhi puta noa i te ao i ēnei rā, ā, e matapaetia ana ka hē kē atu hei ngā ngahuru tau e rua e tū mai mai. He mea taketake te whakapiki i te maha o ngā kaimahi i te ohu mahi, he mea nui te puritanga o ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi. Tētahi tikanga e pēnei ai te pupuru i te kāhui kaimahi ko te whakapiki i te noho taurikura i te wāhi mahi. I whai tēnei tirohanga kia tūhuratia ngā āhuatanga āki i te noho taurikura o ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi i Aotearoa. I aratakina tēnei tirohanga e tētahi hoahoa whakamārama kounga, ā, i whakamahia ētahi uiuinga i āta whakatāhuhutia i roto, hei tūhura i ngā āhuatanga e āki ana i te noho taurikura o ētahi tapuhi tau tuatahi tokoiwa i tētahi hōhipera tāone nui kotahi. I tātaritia ngā raraunga mā te whakamahi i te tātari tāhuhu huritao. I tautohutia e mātou e whā ngā tāhuhu ka pā ki te noho taurikura i roto i te wāhi mahi: ko ngā hononga tangata, te taiao mahi, te kite i ētahi tikanga whai hua mō te tangata, me te akoranga me te whanaketanga tonutanga. Ka hōkai ēnei tāhuhu i ngā āhuatanga mahi i tautohutia hei mea e piki ai, e heke ai rānei ngā wheako taurikura o ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi. E ai ki ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi, mā ngā hononga i te wāhi mahi ka piki, ka heke rānei ētahi āhuatanga o te noho taurikura i te wāhi mahi, kei te āhua tonu o te hononga. I kōrero rātou mō te taumaha o ngā kawenga i te mahi, i pā ki tō rātou āhei kia noho taurikura i te wāhi mahi. He nui hoki tō rātou koa, nā te mahi taurima i te tangata. Waihoki, nā ngā tūranga whakatairanga i te akoranga mutunga kore i piki ai te toiora. He tino nui te wāhi ki ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi mō ngā tau kei mua o te kāhui kaimahi hauora o Aotearoa. Mā ngā kitenga mai i tēnei rangahau ka te taea ētahi atu whakahaere te whakamōhio mō te wheako nei, o te noho taurikura o ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi, hei whakapiki i te puritanga me te toiora o ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi.
Ngā kupu matua
te whati o te tuarā, ngā tapuhi tau tuatahi, te harikoa mō te tūranga mahi, te noho taurikura, te rangahau kounga, nga puritanga kāhui kaimahi, te taiao mahi
... A focus on uncertainty as stimulating is particularly important in today's volatile and complex environments to promote employees' engagement and thriving, both of which are critical for employee and organizational successes (Spreitzer, Lam, & Fritz, 2010). As SDT is considered a positive psychology theory (Gagné & Vansteenkiste, 2013), the proposed SDT-based model of organizational socialization fits with a growing trend in organizations to promote employees' positive health (Seligman, 2008), positive experiences at work (Luthans, 2002) and positive organizational scholarship (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). ...
... Spørgeskemaundersøgelsen belyser følgende dimensioner inden for Trivsel i arbejdet: (112,113). Mening i arbejdet handler også om, hvorvidt arbejdstagerne oplever, at deres arbejdsopgaver er meningsfulde, interessante, inspirerende og bidrager til motivation, arbejdsglaede og selvtillid. ...
... Arbeiðstakarar uppliva Meining í arbeiðinum, tá teirra arbeiðsuppgávur hava ei týðandi endamál, og tá taer kennast umráðandi fyri samleikan og sjálvsfatanina hjá arbeiðstakaranum (112,113). Meining í arbeiðinum snýr seg eisini um, hvørt arbeiðstakararnir uppliva, at teirra arbeiðsuppgávur geva meining, eru áhugaverdar, geva íblástur og fremja motivatión, arbeiðsgleði og sjálvsálit. ...
... Resilient organizations are characterized by effective power structures, adequate systems of communication, a sense of reality, an optimal attitude toward change, a conducive organizational culture, and excellent learning ability (Schneider, 2003;Sutcliffe & Vogus, 2003). Resilience has been studied in relation to managers and leaders (Hodgetts and Luthans, 2001;Larson and Luthans, 2006), organizations (Cameron et al., 2003), motivation at work (Stajkovic and Luthans, 2003), job stress, and job satisfaction (Timmerman, 2008). ...
The main purpose of this empirical study is to find the evidence to establish the relationship between two intrinsic variables psychological capital and knowledge-sharing behavior. However, knowledge-sharing behavior is an individual’s dependent and intrinsic nature. Psychological capital is the positive psychological effects of the individual’s commitment and performance in the organization. This study aims to find the psychological effect of scientists on their knowledge-sharing behavior. The study includes a survey technique through a structured questionnaire and data was collected from scientists of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in India through a structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using LISREL10.1. The result shows that the model fit indices were within the acceptable limits showing a positive and significant relationship between psychological capital (hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism) and knowledge-sharing behavior. The findings of the study confirm psychological capital measured in terms of hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism positively affect the knowledge-sharing behavior. This research work has also its own limitations that can be addressed in future research. To measure knowledge sharing behavior we considered only the self-rated method and ignored the supervisory rated method. Other points are further discussed in the paper. The implications of the study discussed the need for designing an appropriate support system to enhance psychological capital in ICAR. This study provides insights to policymakers and researchers to uncover the importance of human capital. The limitations and future research direction are further discussed in the paper.
... Tensions between generations can also result in beneficial outcomes such as collaboration or increased visibility. In other words, our findings suggest that intergenerational disagreement can be constructive, which is congruent with the positive scholarship movement [20,21]. When it leads to enhanced teamwork, motivation, critical task results, and learning, intergenerational conflict can be beneficial. ...
The spiritual environment has become an important part of the present scenario and a diverse and dynamic field that continues to evolve as people seek to find deeper meaning, connection, and purpose in their lives. The present study attempted to study the effect of intergenerational conflict among adolescents, young adults, and older adults living in a spiritual environment. The population included samples (N=90) among which 30 are adolescents, 30 are young adults and 30 are older adults. The samples were collected from ashrams in Haridwar and Ahmedabad. The data were collected through Intergenerational Conflict Scale developed by Dr. Roma Pal (1987). Using a one-way ANOVA test, the study aimed to determine if there was a significant difference in the effect of intergenerational conflict on spirituality across the different age groups. The null hypothesis was not accepted, indicating that there was no significant difference in the effect of intergenerational conflict among the three age groups living in spiritual environments. While intergenerational conflict is a common phenomenon in spiritual environments, this study suggests that its effect on spiritual well-being may be similar across age groups. The results finding suggested that the impact of intergenerational conflict on spirituality in spiritual environments is consistent across different age groups, highlighting the need for effective communication and understanding between generations to reduce conflict and promote spiritual well-being. Promoting communication between generations to foster a positive and inclusive spiritual environment.
... Adaptability and resilience are crucial qualities for organizations operating in turbulent environments, enabling them to withstand and recover from 11 psiholog.lorina@gmail.com, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Republic of Moldova disruptions, maintain their competitive advantage, and thrive amidst change (Cameron & Dutton, 2003). Adaptability refers to an organization's ability to adjust its strategies, structures, and processes in response to changes in the external environment (Worley & Lawler, 2010). ...
This paper examines the role of psychosomatic and innovative approaches in strengthening organizational behavior in a turbulent environment. Turbulent environments, characterized by rapid change and uncertainty, demand adaptability and resilience from organizations. The study explores integrating psychosomatic approaches, including emotional intelligence, empathy, and mindfulness, with innovative approaches such as fostering a culture of experimentation, agile methodologies, and digital transformation. By combining these approaches into a holistic organizational behavior framework, organizations can enhance their adaptability, resilience, and competitiveness. The paper discusses the implications for organizations operating in turbulent environments. It offers recommendations for future research, focusing on the mechanisms through which psychosomatic and innovative approaches interact, the potential moderating factors, and the role of leadership in promoting their integration.
... Psychological empowerment framework enhances employee engagement (Spreitzer, 1995;Thomas & Velthouse, 1990). Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) explores organizational excellence (Cameron et al., 2003;Luthans & Youssef, 2007). Servant leadership theory emphasizes community and service (Greenleaf, 1970). ...
In organizational scholarship, the infusion of spirituality into corporate culture has emerged as a transformative force that significantly influences employee well-being, work engagement, and operational efficiency, ushering in a new era of workplace harmony. However, amidst this evolution, the Indian banking industry remains relatively unchartered. This study embarks on a pioneering journey, exploring the intricate interplay between workplace spirituality and spiritual fulfillment within this dynamic sector and discerning differences between public and private sector employees. The workplace Spirituality and the Spiritual Fulfillment questionnaire were administered to obtain the complete information from 342 respondents from Delhi and Delhi (NCR). Data analyses were performed using SPSS 26.0. Multiple regression analysis uncovers a significant impact of spirituality-driven culture on employees’ sense of spiritual fulfillment. The findings demonstrate that Indian banking institutions harbor the seeds of spiritual workplaces. The study heralds a spiritual awakening within the banking sector by offering fresh perspectives that have the potential to redefine conventional paradigms in academia and the industry. The authors believe replicating the findings might realize the positive outcomes of a more spiritual workplace throughout the whole network and hierarchy of the banking sector.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an increasingly notable presence in society, industries, and organizations, making its necessity felt more in managerial decisions and practices. This paper aims to outline the importance of the topic related to the increase in the adaptability, agility, and resilience of the management system as a result of AI integration, resorting to a bibliometric type of research. A total of 107 papers from the period 2007–2024 exported from the Web of Science Core Collection database were analyzed, with support of Biblioshiny software. This topic is proving to be one of heightened global interest, being comprehensively addressed by world leaders in AI research and technologies such as the United States, China, Great Britain, France, India, and beyond. Collaborative relationships established between geographic regions are captured, noting the power and expansion of the theme on all continents of the globe. Likewise, its thematic and strategic evolution is characterized as a surprising one, managing to incorporate and relate concepts with a strong technical and IT character such as feature extraction, machine learning, reinforcement learning with concepts of a managerial nature as supporting customer-tailored interaction, employee skills development, company productivity, and innovation.
The health sector is considered one of the important sectors in public institutions, as the world is interested in this sector and the vital artery of the country passes through it. Accordingly, this study has focused attention on this sector due to the lack of studies in this field, The health sector includes a workforce that must be highly skilled and experienced in the field of specialization. This is what this study focused on in terms of the behavior of workers in this sector. This study focused on three basic variables in the health sector: organizational behavior, organizational governance, and performance quality, due to their great importance in improving the performance quality of this sector. as a random sample of workers in the health sector was collected 177 questionnaire , The tool used in collecting data is the questionnaire, and the data collected was analyzed through SPSS version 25 and through the Amos SEM structured equations program version 25. The results showed that there is a statistical relationship with a positive moral effect between organizational behavior, organizational governance, and performance quality. In addition, organizational behavior directly affects organizational governance and performance quality with a moral effect with a statistically significant moral effect ..
Background: Governments worldwide are increasingly interested in scaling up effective public
Background: Governments worldwide are increasingly interested in scaling up effective public health innovations, but it is not always easy to institutionalize innovations, arising outside the public health system, as a part of national delivery. Evidence on how country governments can practically achieve this is limited. This article describes the institutionalization of the Chipatala Cha Pa Foni (CCPF, Health Center by Phone) social innovation into the Malawian public health, and identifies positive institutional practices that local actors drew on to achieve this. Methods: A positive-oriented interdisciplinary multi-method qualitative case study design was adopted. Data were collected from key informant interviews, observations, and documents over 18 months. A composite social innovation framework, informed by institutional theory and positive organizational scholarship, guided the thematic content analysis. Results: Four clusters of positive institutional practices aided the institutionalization of the innovation: building high-quality relationships; creating opportunities for experiential interaction; cultivating hope; and logic attunement and awareness. We describe how these four practices operated together as a process of ‘everyday creativity’ to achieve institutionalization. We illustrate the importance of high-quality relationships, marked by respect, mutuality, and appreciation, as the foundation upon which hope can be built and the creativity needed for institutionalization to flourish. National ownership and sustainability of innovations are enhanced when implementation and institutionalization approaches are attuned to the logics inherent in national identity. Conclusion: In this article, we highlight the importance of institutional and interpersonal dynamics in the institutionalization of social innovation in health systems.
The contemporary post-COVID-19 corporate environment of instant response and hybrid work settings motivates employees to learn to adjust their expectations. This new corporate working model incorporates flex locations and flex schedules by working at home 1–2 days per week and staying connected for non-urgent requests, even outside business hours. This work setting empowers employees to prioritize work accordingly and to accommodate the fluid schedules of their coworkers. As a result, this new hybrid workplace requires leaders and their teams to face new challenges in terms of communication, coordination, and team connection to remain effective. This research examines the experiences of employees in an SME that applied a hybrid work policy following the post-pandemic crisis, bringing additional complexity to their modern work system. This study investigates employees’ views on the changing work environment as important evidence for HR management to incorporate into future organizational practices. To understand the various principles at play and provide more granular results, this paper includes a business case study (N = 25) where semi-structured interviews were used to identify the views and concerns of employees regarding hybrid work settings. The scope of this case study was to collect empirical data regarding this new agile way of working while understanding participant thinking. The findings suggest that while there are clear benefits in terms of efficiency and flexibility in hybrid work settings, there are also challenges related to social interactions and non-verbal clues. This study enhances conceptual and empirical understanding and supports contemporary research on the future of work.
Ebben a kutatásban az adaptív vezetés fogalmát mutatjuk be a Quinn-féle szervezeti kultúra és a vezetési stílus összefüggésében. Azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a különböző kultúrákban hogyan keveredik a tranzakcionális és transzformatív vezetési stílus a beosztott munkatársak észlelésében. Háttér, célkitűzések : Célunk annak vizsgálata, hogy a Quinn-féle versengő értékek szervezetikultúra-modelljének különböző kvadránsaiban, milyen jellemző vezetői viselkedésformákat lehet beazonosítani a beosztott munkatársak észlelése alapján, a tranzakcionális és a transzformatív vezetés kontinuuma mentén. Módszer: A kutatásban részt vevő, beosztotti pozícióban dolgozó munkavállalókat ( N = 187) arra kértük, hogy online töltsék ki az általunk összeállított kérdőívcsomagot, amely a következő kérdőíveket tartalmazta: A Szervezeti Kultúra Mérőeszközzel felmértük azt, hogy a vizsgálati személyek saját munkahelyüket milyen kultúrajegyekkel azonosítják. Majd ezt követően kitöltötték a Többfaktoros Vezetési Kérdőívet (MLQ-5X), amely alapján az észlelt vezetői stílus besorolható a tranzakcionális-transzformatív vezetés kontinuuma mentén. Eredmények: Az eredményeink azt jelzik, hogy a külső fókusszal rendelkező Piac és Adhokrácia szervezeti kultúrákban elsősorban a tranzakcionális vezetési stílus jellemző, de a transzformatív jegyek is megjelennek, míg a belső fókusszal rendelkező Hierarchia és Klán szervezeti kultúrára inkább a transzformatív vezetési stílus jellemző. Emellett az Adhokrácia és a Klán kultúrákban, amelyekre a rugalmasság jellemző, erősen keveredik a tranzakcionális és a transzformatív vezetési stílus. Következtetések: A vizsgált vezetői viselkedésformák mindegyike szerepet játszik az egyensúly fenntartásában, esetleg kisebb hangsúlyeltolódások vannak a különböző kultúrákban, de alapvetően a vezetői stílusokban nincsen „vegytiszta”, domináns stílus az egyes kultúrakvadránsokban.
Bureaucratic structures and their impacts on service delivery in public organizations and institutions are of huge interest to policy makers and public administrators, especially as it pertains to policy articulation. This paper examined bureaucratic structures and service delivery in the Rivers State senior secondary schools board. The paper is anchored on the bureaucracy theory of Max Weber as its analytical framework. The paper adopted the survey research design to generate data. The population of the paper is 3000. Sample size for the paper is 350 drawn from the defined population. Data was gleaned via the administration and retrieval of a likert scale structured questionnaire. Generated data was analyzed using percentages and chi-square to ascertain the relationship between both variables of the paper. The paper found out that bureaucratic structures affect effective service delivery in the Rivers State senior secondary schools board. Accordingly, the paper recommends among others; that the Rivers State government should conduct a comprehensive review or bureaucratic procedures within Rivers State Senior Secondary Schools Board to identify redundant or inefficient processes and streamline them to enhance service delivery. Introduction The concept of bureaucracy refers to the structures, procedures, and regulations that are put in place to help an organization function properly. In the context of senior secondary school, this can include things like administrative rules and policies, school board regulations, and hierarchical structures within the school. These structures and procedures can have both positive and negative effects on how the school operates and deliver services education to its students.
Perceived organisational politics has long been a severe factor in organisational performance. Drawing upon the conservation of resources and social exchange theory, the present research aims to investigate the effects of perceived organization politics on helping behaviors and engagement levels of employees, as well as examine the moderating role of organisational virtuousness between the above-stated variable. Our research aims to unravel how perceived organisational politics affects the employees' work-helping behaviours and level of engagement. Design: This cross-sectional study utilised a random sampling technique, and data was collected from 366 employees working in different federal government departments in Islamabad, Pakistan. Findings: The obtained results showed the significant negative effect of perceptions of organisational politics on helping behaviors by the mediating role of disengagement. These further stated that the positive role of organisational virtuousness had weakened the strong effect of perceived organizational politics on helping behaviours and reduced the level of disengagement between the predictor and criterion variables. Theoretical Implications: This study advances an understanding of organizational politics and its interaction with helping behaviours under the resources utilised in work settings. It contributes valuable insights for organisational and management theories, emphasizing the need to consider these multifaceted factors in optimising organizational virtuousness. Practical Implications: This research provides valuable insights to public sector organisations by shedding light on these multifaceted dynamics seeking positive behaviours in task performance amid evolving levels of engagement. Limitations and future recommendations are provided for further generalizability of current research. Originality: This study pioneers the exploration of the intricate interplay between perceived organizational politics, work disengagement, organizational virtuousness, and helping behaviours in the context of helping behaviours in the public sector of society.
When we start with a practice-first approach, we are stepping into the unknown; we do not have a map; instead, we notice, connect with, feel and make sense of the territory as we journey along the path. Thus, this chapter addresses the broad policy themes of emotion and kindness. It deliberately and purposefully aims to reflect that way of travelling a practice-first journey with the aim of being compassionate in a higher educational setting. It is a chapter of questions, curiosity and stories where the reader is invited to engage with an active dialogical attitude. However, the chapter also provides the reader with a map to aid practice using Johns’ six dialogical movements’ reflective narrative methodological framework. The chapter deliberately aims to shine a light on university practices that could be seen as both compassionate and uncompassionate depending on the lens and position through which one is viewing. The chapter explores, through reflective narrative, some of the conflicting raison d’etre by those who inhabit higher education. Ultimately, the chapter is intended as a potential cartography guide for individuals and policymakers as they embark on a practice-first approach to being and becoming a compassionate citizen in higher education and beyond.
Lessons learned from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of teachers reveal how school administrators can promote teacher stress adaptation and thriving, even in highly disruptive work environments. In a mixed-methods study within a single school district in Canada, consisting of a survey of 65 K-12 teachers and interviews with 10 administrators and teachers, the results showed the degree to which teachers were coping, had job satisfaction, and demonstrated thriving. Interviews yielded information on the limitations of the education system response and how school district administration could provide additional key resources that would strengthen individual stress coping and resiliency, create a culture of safety and community, and lay the foundations for teacher thriving, even in challenging and disruptive conditions
This study seeks to demonstrate the effect of organizational Virtuousness in its four
dimensions (organizational integrity, organizational trust, organizational optimism, and
organizational empathy) on the job Involvement behaviors of employees in the municipality of Treat
in Annaba. The information was collected using a questionnaire that was presented to a random
sample of 60 workers, Its size has been calculated using the power analysis software (G*Power 3.1),
Using the program (SPSS, V29) for analysis, the study has found out that there is a statistically
significant impact relationship between organizational Virtuousness and job Involvement in the
organization under study, as well as the absence of statistically significant differences in the level of
job Involvement in the organization under study due to the variable of gender and working period.
Keywords: Organizational Virtuousness; Integrity; Trust; Job Involvement ; municipality.
In today’s highly competitive world of globalization, the concepts of well-being such as workplace happiness have become a top priority for national as well as international business enterprises. Workplace happiness, or how happy a person is at work has been associated with significant positive organizational outcomes. This article briefly describes the concept of workplace happiness and its significance in modern organizations and multinational enterprises, by shedding light on its definition, determinants, and major outcomes. By comprehending the drivers of workplace happiness and acknowledging its long-term benefits, organizations can effectively utilize this to magnify their performance and success on a global scale. The article concludes by highlighting the significant positive impact of workplace happiness on organizational success and their long-term growth and survival in complex global business scenarios.
This paper explores and establishes a link between positive psychology coaching and business outcomes by investigating the benefits to employees, their well-being, job satisfaction, and organizational performance. The mixed-methods research design involved a quantitative survey involving 200 employees from various industries and qualitative input through semi-structured interviews with 20 managers. The study sought to establish empirical evidence (through statistical data and measurement scales) to support the benefits of positive psychology coaching in business through meeting key criteria and to illustrate the impact of positive psychology coaching on business outcomes both quantitatively and qualitatively. Generally, the findings indicate that there is a strong and positive benefit to implementing positive psychology coaching in the workplace environment, evidently enhancing employee well-being (mean score of 4.2), job satisfaction (mean score of 4.0), and organizational performance (mean score of 4.1). The qualitative analysis provided deeper insights into the process and types of positive psychology coaching interventions that stood out and were more effective. This strategy of thematic analysis on interview transcripts revealed that strengths-based development and goal-setting seemed to be key positive psychological interventions. The findings support existing literature and key theoretical models, such as the PERMA model and the Broaden-and-Build Theory.
Within the dynamic, complex, and often safety-critical operations of many process industries, the integration of technology and human elements has given rise to sociotechnical systems (STSs), where the interaction between people and technology plays a pivotal role. To thrive in this complex environment, organizations must adopt adaptive error management strategies and cultivate organizational resilience. This approach involves managing the unexpected and designing systems to embrace disorder by organizational learning from errors in STSs. The main objective of this article was to present empirical data of error-causing elements in STSs based on the Dirty Dozen concept, their underlying structure, and implications for error causation screening and adaptive error management systems. A sample of 544 workers employed in seven process industries, such as automotive, chemicals, defense, metal, and timber, participated in this study. The results revealed a three-factor model of human error causation in STSs. Based on these results, an adaptive error management system (AEMS), which includes evidence-based interventions to manage causes of human errors and mitigate their risky consequences, was presented. Finally, implications for organizational resilience and safety culture in STSs were discussed.
هدفت الدراسة الى استكشاف العلاقة بين سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة من خلال ابعادها [الشفاء العاطفي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، التمكين، مساعدة المرؤوسين على النجاح، وضع المرؤوسين في المرتبة الاولى، السلوك الاخلاقي]، و التطوير التنظيمي بأبعاده [الغرض، الهيكل، المكافات، العلاقات، اليات المساعدة، التوجه نحو التغيير]. وقد تم اختيار رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مجتمعا لإجراء الدراسة، و بلغ حجم العينة (50)، فردا من العاملين في رئاسة الجامعة، ولغرض تحليل البيانات واختبار فرضيات الدراسة جرى الاعتماد على البرنامج الاحصائي (Spss). و توصلت الدراسة الى ان هناك دورا لسلوكيات القيادة الخادمة في تعزيز التطوير التظيمي. بمعنى كلما تبنت رئاسة جامعة الكوفة مستويات عالية من سلوكيات القيادة الخادمة ادى ذلك الى تحسين مستويات التطوير التنظيمي. وان الابعاد الاكثر تأثيرا في التطوير التنظيمي هي، خلق قيمة للمجتمع، المهارات المفاهيمية، والتمكين.
This study aims to determine the effect of job demands and job resources on teacher well-being through work engagement as a mediating variable in high school teachers in the city of Mataram NTB. This study uses a type of quantitative research using a population of 625 people with a sample of 260 teachers at 11 high schools in the city of Mataram NTB. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, observation and literature study. Data analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the SMARPLS 4.0 application. The results showed that job demands had a positive and insignificant effect on well-being, job resources had a negative and significant effect on well-baing, job demands had a negative and insignificant effect on work engagement, job resources had a positive and significant effect on work engagement, work engagement had a positive and significant effect on well-being, work engagement could not mediate the effect of job demands on well-being, work engagement could mediate the effect of job resources on teacher well-being.
Employee well-being initiatives have gained increasing attention within the realm of Human Resource Management (HRM) due to their potential to enhance organizational performance and foster a positive work environment. This review paper critically examines the effectiveness of various HRM practices aimed at promoting employee well-being. Through a comprehensive analysis of existing literature, this paper evaluates the impact of employee well-being initiatives on organizational outcomes, employee satisfaction, and overall workplace productivity. The paper identifies several key HRM practices commonly implemented to support employee well-being, including flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, employee assistance programs, and work-life balance initiatives. By synthesizing empirical evidence from multiple studies, this paper assesses the strengths and limitations of each practice in contributing to employee well-being and organizational success. Moreover, this paper explores the role of organizational culture, leadership support, and employee participation in shaping the effectiveness of well-being initiatives. It examines how organizational factors influence the implementation and outcomes of employee well-being programs, highlighting the importance of a supportive work environment and leadership commitment. Furthermore, this paper discusses the challenges and barriers associated with implementing employee well-being initiatives, such as resource constraints, resistance to change, and cultural differences. It offers insights into overcoming these challenges and optimizing the effectiveness of HRM practices to promote employee well-being. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of employee well-being initiatives within the context of HRM practices. By synthesizing empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives, it offers valuable insights for HR professionals, managers, and organizational leaders seeking to enhance employee well-being and drive organizational performance.
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