
A broad-bandwidth, public-domain, personality inventory measuring the lower-level facets of several five-factor models. Personality Psychology in Europe, 7, 7-28

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... Scale length of different personality assessments varies from as many as 300 items (e.g., Goldberg, 1999) to as few as 20 items (e.g., Donnellan et al.'s, 2006, Mini-International Personality Item Pool). This significant scale length difference should have systematically changed the detection accuracy of the RPB faking detection methods. ...
... Each of the Big Five factors was measured by 24 items, rated on a 5-point Likert scale anchored with strongly disagree and strongly agree. Because the scale has 120 items, and the items within the same factor are theoretically parallel, we can subset the items to create shortened scales that have similar item sizes to commonly used Big Five scales in practice (Costa & McCrae, 1992;Donnellan et al., 2006;Goldberg, 1999;John & Srivastava, 1999;Johnson, 2014). By training the models on different item subsets, we can examine how each method performs with different scale lengths. ...
... Measures IPIP. Zhang et al. (2020) used the 50-item scale from the IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) with 10 items per factor. All the items were presented in random order. ...
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The covariance index method, the idiosyncratic item response method, and the machine learning method are the three primary response-pattern-based (RPB) approaches to detect faking on personality tests. However, less is known about how their performance is affected by different practical factors (e.g., scale length, training sample size, proportion of faking participants) and when they perform optimally. In the present study, we systematically compared the three RPB faking detection methods across different conditions in three empirical-data-based resampling studies. Overall, we found that the machine learning method outperforms the other two RPB faking detection methods in most simulation conditions. It was also found that the faking probabilities produced by all three RPB faking detection methods had moderate to strong positive correlations with true personality scores, suggesting that these RPB faking detection methods are likely to misclassify honest respondents with truly high personality trait scores as fakers. Fortunately, we found that the benefit of removing suspicious fakers still outweighs the consequences of misclassification. Finally, we provided practical guidance to researchers and practitioners to optimally implement the machine learning method and offered step-by-step code.
... Many studies use the Big Five Inventory (BFI) to assess personality traits. The Big Five personality domains-Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Negative Emotionality, and Open-Mindedness-describe cognitive, emotional, and behavioral variations (Goldberg, 1993;John et al., 2008;McCrae & Costa, 2008). ...
... It's linked to positive affect and physical activity beyond sociability (De Young et al., 2007;Lucas et al., 2008;Watson & Clark, 1997). Agreeableness includes Compassion, Respectfulness, and Trust-traits concerning others' well-being, treating others well, and trusting positive beliefs (Goldberg, 1999;De Young et al., 2007;McCrae & Costa, 2008). Conscientiousness consists of Organization, Productiveness, and Responsibility, focusing on orderliness, work ethic, and meeting obligations (Soto & John, 2017). ...
... Conscientiousness consists of Organization, Productiveness, and Responsibility, focusing on orderliness, work ethic, and meeting obligations (Soto & John, 2017). Negative Emotionality involves Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional Volatility, differentiating fear, sadness, and anger (Goldberg, 1999;McCrae & Costa, 2008;Saucier & Ostendorf, 1999). Open-mindedness reflects intellectual curiosity, creativity, and openness (Soto & John, 2017). ...
Researchers have long studied how novice programmers interpret compiler error messages during debugging. This study investigates the link between personalities and visual attention patterns. We measured traits using the Big Five Personality Test (John and Soto, 2017) and eye-tracking data from 63 participants at two Philippine universities. They located bugs in five programs with syntax errors, each 15 to 35 lines long, using constructs from the first 6 to 8 weeks of a programming course. Each program had one syntax error, either literal or non-literal. Participants viewed images of the programs and error messages, marking errors with a custom viewer. We found that students with high agreeableness and conscientiousness showed minimal attention to compiler error messages and error lines, respectively. The lack of correlation between these traits and performance scores makes it uncertain if these students with high agreeableness and high conscientiousness are also high performers. This study suggests educators might develop strategies potentially leveraging agreeableness and conscientiousness, such as collaborative learning. Future work will investigate run time errors, analyze patterns, and create strategies to help novices address them effectively.
... Tehrania and Yaminib (2020) show that the Big-Five personality facet of agreeableness is an important determinant of conflict, compromising and obliging styles of employees. Individuals high in agreeableness are characterized as kind, cooperative, and warm (Goldberg, 1999;McCrae & Costa Jr., 1990). In the workplace, highly agreeable employees strive to establish positive and satisfying social relationships with others (Barrick et al., 2002;Zimmermann, 2008). ...
... Consequently, agreeableness is the Big-Five trait that most strongly correlates with supervisor ratings of employees' interactions with others (Mount et al., 1998). Employees high on agreeableness also tend to avoid conflict (Goldberg, 1999;McCrae & Costa Jr., 1990). Moreover, when conflicts at work occur, more agreeable employees respond with less negative emotions and tend to use more constructive conflict resolution strategies (Graziano et al., 1996;Judge & Zapata, 2015). ...
... Specifically, agreeableness plays a significant role in the selection process of recruiters from works council firms. Agreeable employees tend to avoid conflict (Goldberg, 1999;McCrae & Costa Jr., 1990) and use more constructive conflict resolution strategies (Graziano et al., 1996;Judge & Zapata, 2015) and better deal with negative aspects in their work environment such as, e.g., injustice (Flaherty & Moss, 2007;Skarlicki et al., 1999). These characteristics make highly agreeable job candidates an attractive target for firms with work councils where non-agreeable employees can cause high costs and risks. ...
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Works councils in many countries are involved in dismissal procedures and may therefore invoke high hold-up costs for firms laying off workers. To avoid these conflicts, firms with a works council may have a stronger preference for more agreeable job applicants who have a low risk of dismissal. We conduct a discrete choice experiment among recruiters to assess their preferences regarding job applicants' personality traits and competence. In line with our expectations, we find that recruiters from works-council firms more strongly prefer agreeable job applicants. We also find that more agreeable recruiters choose more agreeable employees, indicating a similarity-attraction effect.
... Personality assessment involves examining an individual's distinct traits, behaviors, attitudes, and emotions to understand their psychosocial structure [1][2][3]. The primary objectives of personality assessment are to understand individual differences and predict behavior and outcomes [4,3]. ...
... Two widely recognized models categorize personality traits into five broad domains: the Big Five (BF) model and the Five-Factor Model (FFM) [2,8,10]. Although often used interchangeably, the Big Five is descriptive, based on common language terms for traits, while the FFM, developed by Costa and McCrae, emphasizes the biological basis of traits [10,5]. ...
... The IPIP personality questionnaire, based on the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP), measures the Five-Factor Model of personality [2]. In this study, the Arabic version of the IPIP questionnaire [32] was used to explore concurrent validity for the BFAS. ...
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Research has developed the Big-Five Aspect Scale (BFAS), supporting a five-domain model that includes 10 related aspects. In Arabic societies, there is currently a lack of validation evidence for a scale with these 10 aspects. Thus, this study develops and examines the psychometric properties of the short version of the BFAS (BFAS-SV) within Libyan Arab adults. The sample (N = 1136; 74.6% women, Mage = 25.30, SDage = 8.44) completed the original BFAS and the Arabic version of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) to assess the BFAS-SV’s convergent validity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was applied. The findings provide strong support for the presence of 10 distinct aspects within the Big Five personality domains. Additionally, a robust positive and negative correlation was found among the 10 BFAS-SV aspects, as well as between the BFAS-SV domains of Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Introversion, and Openness/Intellect and their corresponding dimensions in the IPIP, further confirming its concurrent and discriminant validity. Furthermore, the Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the five domains and their respective 10 aspects ranged from 0.61 to 0.85, indicating good internal consistency. Significant gender differences were observed in the Neuroticism domain, particularly in its two aspects (Volatility and Withdrawal), as well as in the Openness/Intellect domain and the Politeness aspect, with women scoring higher in all cases. In conclusion, this study establishes the reliability, validity, and applicability of the Arabic BFAS among the Libyan Arab population. The insights gained into the personality traits and behaviors of Libyan Arab individuals provide valuable implications for personal development and professional success.
... Conscientiousness scale items were constructed using several personality trait tests (Goldberg, 1999;Schmitt et al., 2007;Johnson, 2014;Maples-Keller et al., 2019;Perkona, 2022). Two instruments of Schmitt et al., 2007 andPerkona, 2022 were already translated and adapted into the Latvian language in the adult population, but none of the instruments was adapted for an adolescent population. ...
... Girt Scale Items and Translation into the Latvian Language (Schmidt et al. 2017) Items in English Abbreviation in Figure 1 Items' Translation into Latvian I often set a goal in school but later choose to pursue a different one Table 2 Conscientiousness Scale Items and Translation into the Latvian Language (adapted from Goldberg, 1999;Schmitt et al., 2007;Johnson, 2014;Maples-Keller et al., 2019;Perkona, 2022) The name of the variable Items in English Items translation into Latvian ...
... Consc8_rec Often forget to put things back in their proper place (Goldberg, 1999;Johnson, 2014) Bieži aizmirstu nolikt lietas atpakaļ savās vietās (Perkona, 2022) Bieži aizmirstu skolas lietas nolikt atpakaļ savās vietās Often forget to put school things back in their proper place ...
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When thinking about students’ achievement, the first thing associated with it is future success. When trying to explain why all things being equal some students may achieve highly and others may not, researchers have identified a variety of influencing factors, both those that can be measured by the tests of cognitive abilities and intelligence, and those that represent student’s personality and temperament. While cognitive achievement is usually closely related to intelligence, personality and temperament are not. Researchers are still searching for the best factors to explain the impact of personality on student’s achievement in learning and in everyday life and work. One such factor is perseverance that is measured in Grit scale; according to research, students with higher perseverance show better academic performance and achieve higher results in later career. Similarly, student’s personality in various personality tests have shown a high correlation between achievement and personality trait Conscientiousness. The aim of this study is to adapt an instrument for measuring perseverance, to create an instrument for measuring conscientiousness in the Latvian language, and to test whether these instruments can be used in adolescent population. The study involved 219 sixth and ninth grade students from 15 schools in Latvia. The factor structure of these two concepts were created and approved using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The factor analysis resulted in two scales – one for each concept, which were compared with the students’ self-reported diligence, working hard and academic achievement at current school year. Results showed that students’ conscientiousness is closely related to perseverance and academic achievement. Overall, students’ self-reported academic achievement can be explained by perseverance (R² = 0.48) and conscientiousness (R² = 0.59). Both constructs explain 62% of student self-reported academic achievement.
... Edellä mainitut kaupalliset kyselyt NEO-PI-R, sen päivitetty versio NEO-PI-III sekä NEO-PI-R:n lyhennetty versio NEO-FFI (Costa & McCrae, 1992) ovat tällä hetkellä todennäköisesti käytetyimpiä kyselyitä viiden suuren piirteen mittaamiseen. Muita vaihtoehtoisia kyselyitä ovat muun muassa ilmaisena saatavat Big Five Inventory (BFI) ( John & Srivastava, 1999), Big Five Aspects Pool (DeYoung, Quilty & Peterson, 2007) sekä erinäiset International Personality Inventory Item Pool (IPIP) -aineistoon perustuvat kyselyt (Goldberg, 1999). Viiden piirteen mallia on hyödynnetty eri tutkimuksissa runsaasti, ja siinä kuvattujen piirteiden on todettu olevan yhteydessä esimerkiksi työstä suoriutumiseen ( Judge, Bono, Ilies & Gerhardt, 2002;Sackett & Walmsley, 2014), akateemiseen menestykseen (Poropat, 2009), fyysiseen terveyteen (Kinnunen ym., 2012), ylipainoon (Gerlach, Herpertz & Loeber, 2015;Jokela ym., 2013), ahdistus-ja masennushäiriöihin (Hakulinen ym., 2015;Kinnunen ym., 2012) ja persoonallisuushäiriöihin (Samuel & Widiger, 2008;Widiger, Lynam, Miller & Oltmanns, 2012) kuin myös esimerkiksi opiskelualan valintaan (Vedel, 2016), kasvatustyyleihin (Metsäpelto & Pulkkinen, 2003) ja poliittiseen suuntautumiseen (Fatke, 2017). ...
... FFM-kyselyt näyttävät ennustavan heikoiten Rehellisyys-Nöyryyttä ja suhteellisen heikosti Sovinnollisuutta sekä Emotionaalisuutta, mikä HEXACOn kehittäjien mukaan heijastaa eroavaisuuksia näiden pääulottuvuuksien sisällöissä mallien välillä (Ashton & Lee, 2019). Tukea mallien eroavaisuudelle antaa myös Leen, Ogunfoworan ja Ashtonin (2005) tutkimus, jossa tarkasteltiin HEXACO-PI:n ja FFM-piirteitä mittaavan IPIP-50-kyselyn (Goldberg, 1999) yhteyksiä Supernumerary Personality Inventory -kyselyyn (SPI: Paunonen, 2002), joka on kehitetty mittaamaan monia FFM-kyselyiden ulkopuolelle jääviä piirteitä. Tutkimuksessa suurin osa SPI-kyselyn asteikoista, mukaan lukien Rehellisyys, Itsekkyys, Manipulatiivisuus, Viettelevyys, Riskinotto ja Feminiinisyys, olivat vain maltillisesti yhteydessä FFM-pääulottuvuuksiin, kun taas korrelaatiot HEXACO-PI:n pääulottuvuuksiin, erityisesti Rehellisyys-Nöyryyteen ja Emotionaalisuuteen, olivat huomattavasti korkeampia (Lee, Ogunfowora & Ashton, 2005). ...
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Johdanto: HEXACO-PI-R mittaa persoonallisuuden vaihtelua kuudella persoonallisuuden pääulottuvuudella sekä näihin latautuvilla 24:llä ala-asteikolla. Testin komponenttirakenne on todennettu testin käännösversioilla tehdyissä tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelimme suomennetun testin psykometrisiä ominaisuuksia ja komponenttirakennetta suuressa suomalaisessa väestöpohjaisessa aineistossa. Menetelmät ja keskeiset tulokset: Otoksessa oli 5724 ihmistä (68,8 % naisia). Pääkomponenttianalyysi antoi tukea alkuperäisen HEXACO:n kuudelle pääulottuvuudelle. Jokaiselle pääulottuvuudelle latautui neljä ala-asteikkoa, minkä lisäksi ilmeni myös muutamia odottamattomia ristiinlatauksia, jotka ylittivät .30 raja-arvon. Lisäksi tutkimme pääkomponenttianalyysillä testin 100 väittämän latautumista ala-asteikoille. Nämä vastasivat alkuperäisen HEXACO-PI-R:n ala-asteikkoja muutamaa poikkeusta lukuunottamatta. Esimerkiksi jotkut läheisiä piirteitä mittaavat väittämät latautuivat samalle ala-asteikolle. Odottamattomia ristiinlatauksia todettiin vain pääulottuvuuksien sisällä, mikä lisää ainakin pääulottuvuuksien validiteettia. Johtopäätökset: HEXACO-PI-R:n suomenkielisen version psykometriset ominaisuudet olivat pääosin hyväksyttävällä tasolla, ja pääkomponenttianalyysi antoi tukea kuuden komponentin ratkaisulle. Testin yksittäisten väittämien latautumisessa ala-asteikoille oli kuitenkin huomattavissa odotettua suurempaa vaihtelua. Tämän valossa tietyt ala-asteikot eivät välttämättä mittaa luotettavasti ainoastaan niitä piirteitä, joita niiden tulisi mitata, ja mahdollinen ala-asteikkojen pisteiden tulkinta tulisi tehdä harkiten.
... to r = .93 [83]. The IPIP FFM Personality Inventory is widely used in both traditional and online personality assessment and has proven to be useful and reliable in the research (e.g. ...
... [120]). Also, individual scales' reliability of the IPIP FFM Personality Inventory are on average better than those reported for the standardization sample used to develop the psychometric properties of this tool [83]. In myPersonality implementation of the 100-item version of the questionnaire the average reliability (µ α ) of five domain scales equalled µ α = .91, ...
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Differences in personality affect the online as well as the offline behaviour of individuals and groups. I examine this behaviour as captured by social network profiles, performance in tasks, and preferences for content, such as websites and brands. Results show that there are psychologically meaningful links between users’ online behaviour and their personality, intelligence and other traits. By exploring these links, it is demonstrated that it is possible to accurately predict individual and group psycho-demographic profiles based on samples of online behaviour. The internet also presents a magnificent opportunity to study the ways in which individual differences at both the group and the individual level manifest themselves in different outcomes. This was explored by examining the aggregate intelligence of a group of people operating within a crowdsourcing environment and the manner in which this measure could be affected by different incentives. I design and deploy an intelligence questionnaire aimed at crowds working together in the online environment and examine the relationship between the intelligence of the crowd and the intelligence of individual members. The performance of the crowd working within the context of a crowdsourcing platform is found to be significantly higher than that of crowds working within a laboratory environment, and also of that of an average individual in the general population. Moreover, the results indicate that the crowd and individual intelligence has a non-linear relationship with the rewards offered to crowd members, with both too high and too low rewards negatively affecting performance. This work suggests that human behaviour in the online environment is driven by the same set of psychological factors as is the case in the traditional offline world. However, the degree to which human behaviour is nowadays digitally recorded creates significant opportunities as well as challenges for researchers in particular and humanity in general.
... A total of 588 individuals who opened the email were employed (a condition of eligibility) and willing to complete a screening survey for introversion. The screening survey was quantitative and featured the full set of 60 items from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) to assess participant levels of introversion/extraversion (Goldberg 1999; Our use of the extensive 60-item screening survey was meant to provide a high level of reliability and validity (Anglim et al. 2020). ...
... given that no widely accepted population norms are available (Goldberg 1999). The mean extraversion score for the 135 individuals in our sample was 2.95 (SD = 0.27), with lower scores indicating higher introversion. ...
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Even if individuals are in a job or organization that is generally a good fit for them, they can still experience misfit with specific work demands. This study examines the proximal experiences of trait‐incongruent work demands among highly introverted individuals, offering a novel episodic and trait‐specific perspective on workplace misfit. Through narrative surveys and semi‐structured interviews, we identify four broad trait‐incongruent work demands that spur episodic misfit at work for introverts. We introduce an integrated process model that reveals how individuals’ reactions to introversion‐incongruent work demands evolve in the time proximal to the work demand. We build theory about (1) how individuals navigate and cope with introversion‐incongruent work demands before, during, and after they occur (and how these adaptations affect immediate and subsequent reactions); (2) why reactions of individuals are sometimes amplified or attenuated across various experiences of trait‐incongruent work demands; and (3) how subsequent exposure to these work demands (i.e., experience) plays a role in repeating this cycle. We offer new insights into how and why individual reactions to episodic misfit evolve before, during, and after a specific situation, and factors that may moderate these reactions—a topic that has received scant attention in the person‐environment fit literature. We provide propositions for future research and practice‐related implications.
... Extraversion. The Extraversion scale contained 15 person-descriptive adjectives from the 360-PDA and 525-PDA inventories of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP; Goldberg, 1999) translated to German by Kloft et al. (2024). We selected adjectives that performed well in a previous study in terms of discrimination parameters and also showed a good spread over the parameter range in terms of item locations (i.e., difficulties). ...
... Conscientiousness. The Conscientiousness scale contained 15 person-descriptive adjectives from the 360-PDA and 525-PDA inventories of the IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) translated to German by Kloft et al. (2024). The selection process was the same as for the Extraversion scale. ...
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In psychological research, respondents are usually asked to answer questions with a single response value. A useful alternative are interval response formats like the dual-range slider (DRS) where respondents provide an interval with a lower and an upper bound for each item. Interval responses may be used to measure psychological constructs such as variability in the domain of personality (e.g., self-ratings), uncertainty in estimation tasks (e.g., forecasting), and ambiguity in judgments (e.g., concerning the pragmatic use of verbal quantifiers). However, it is unclear whether respondents are sensitive to the requirements of a particular task and whether interval widths actually measure the constructs of interest. To test the discriminant validity of interval widths, we conducted a study in which respondents answered 92 items belonging to seven different tasks from the domains of personality, estimation, and judgment. We investigated the dimensional structure of interval widths by fitting exploratory and confir-matory factor models while using an appropriate multivariate logit function to transform the bounded interval responses. The estimated factorial structure closely followed the theoretically assumed structure of the tasks, which varied in their degree of similarity. We did not find a strong overarching general factor, which speaks against a response style influencing interval widths across all tasks and domains. Overall, this indicates that respondents are sensitive to the requirements of different tasks and domains when using interval response formats.
... These inventories were not designed to measure specific facets of the Big Five traits like anxiety. However, the IPIP and BFAS both draw from a group of items that psychologists have validated for measuring these facets (Goldberg 1999;Johnson 2014;Maples et al. 2014). Therefore, we constructed anxiety and volatility scales in LISS and CloudResearch following the assignment of items to facets recommended in these studies (see Table 2). 2 The remaining datasets used the TIPI, which has only two total items for measuring Note: In TAPS, we average anxiety items from two back-to-back administrations of the TIPI to increase reliability (r = 0.57, p < 0.001). ...
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Liberals experience more distress than conservatives. Why? We offer a novel explanation, the social support hypothesis. Maintaining social support and avoiding exclusion are basic human motivations, but people differ in their sensitivity to the threat of social exclusion. Among people high in the personality trait neuroticism , exclusion easily triggers feelings of vulnerability and neediness. The social support hypothesis translates this to politics. Concerned with their own vulnerability, we find that neurotic people prefer policies of care – social welfare and redistribution – but not other left-wing policies. Specifically, it is anxiety – the facet of neuroticism tapping sensitivity to social threats – that drives this link. And it is only for people experiencing exclusion that anxiety predicts support for social welfare. Our results come from two experiments and four representative surveys across two continents. They help to resolve the puzzle of liberal distress while providing a new template for research on personality and politics.
... Trait neuroticism was assessed using the 10 neuroticism items of the 50-item Five Factor Model-50 questionnaire, originally developed by Goldberg (1999) and adapted to Turkish by Tatar (2017). Responses were given on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging between 1 (not suitable at all) and 5 (very suitable). ...
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Escapism is a key motivator behind many types of engagements, and perhaps particularly in screen-based activities like social media use. Recent research conceptualizes escapism as a dualistic phenomenon, yielding both psychological advantages and disadvantages. Different personality traits have been found to be associated with escapism motivation, but few studies have examined how escapism is related to such attributes using a dualistic approach in social media engagement. Utilizing responses from an online survey in Turkey (N = 396, Mage = 25 years), we examined to which extent self-expansion escapism (adaptive) and self-suppression escapism (maladaptive) were differently related to trait neuroticism and emotion regulation. First, correlation analyses showed that self-suppression escapism in social media use was associated with more neuroticism and an inclination for emotion suppression as a coping strategy, whereas self-expansion was unrelated to neuroticism and associated with cognitive reappraisal as a coping strategy. Second, when testing a structural equation model with neuroticism and the two forms of emotion coping (suppression vs. reappraisal) predicting the two forms of escapism, results revealed that emotion suppression mediated the effect of neuroticism onto self-suppression escapism. In sum, the results supported a dualistic conceptualization of escapism in social media use and identified neuroticism and emotion suppression as vulnerability factors for maladaptive escapism. Notably, escapism in social media engagement also harbors a beneficial aspect by fostering self-development and cognitive reappraisal, potentially contributing to the individual’s cultivation of psychological resilience.
... The Mini-IPIP (Donnellan et al., 2006), a 20-item scale, is the shortform version of the 50-item IPIP five-factor model (IPIP-BF; Goldberg, 1999). Mini-IPIP includes five subscales, including neuroticism, extraversion, intellect/imagination, agreeableness, and conscientiousness, with four items for each subscale. ...
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The Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM) assesses the Boldness, Meanness, and Disinhibition dimensions of psychopathy. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Persian TriPM in university students (n = 941, aged 18-67, M age = 28.36, SD = 9.09; 39.1 % male) and a male clinical sample (n = 188, aged 18-65, M age = 35.05, SD = 10.75) in Iran. Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) supported the original three-factor model only in the clinical sample, though with notable instances of poor item functioning (e.g., low loadings and high cross-loadings). In the students' sample, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) identified a four-factor model: Leadership, Callousness, Impulsivity, and Antisocial which also fit in the clinical sample and demonstrated acceptable internal consistency across both samples. Furthermore, the Meanness and Disinhibition dimensions and their equivalent domains in the four-factor model yielded expected associations with external correlates in both samples. However, the Boldness and Leadership domains showed inconsistent associations with external correlates in the clinical sample, unlike the hypothesized correlations observed for Leadership in the student sample. Overall, findings highlight inconsistencies in the TriPM's alignment with the triarchic model of psychopathy and suggest a need for further refinement of the measure based on theoretical and empirical insights. We discuss directions for future research.
... Inventario de Personalidad IPIP-NEO (Goldberg, 1999;adaptación argentina de Cupani et al., 2014). Se trata de la versión IPIP del Inventario de Personalidad NEO-PI-R de Costa y McCrae (1992). ...
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Introducción: las actividades de la vida diaria avanzadas (AVD-A) son un importante indicador del estado funcional adulto y del envejecimiento activo. Sin embargo, pocos estudios investigaron la influencia de dos atributos de personalidad (apertura a nuevas experiencias y resiliencia) sobre las AVD-A y hasta donde se tiene conocimiento no hay datos en contexto argentino. Se analizó la relación de AVD-A con apertura y resiliencia, y secundariamente se examinó la relación entre apertura y resiliencia. Materiales y métodos: fueron evaluados 151 argentinos (Medad = 66) con la Escala de Actividades Expansivas de la Vida Diaria, el Inventario de Personalidad IPIP-NEO y la Escala Breve de Afrontamiento Resiliente. Se efectuaron correlaciones parciales y regresión, controlando por edad y educación. Resultados: se hallaron correlaciones significativas (moderadas) entre todas las variables de interés: apertura, resiliencia y AVD-A. Las medidas de resiliencia, apertura y educación explicaron el 21 % de la varianza del score de AVD-A. La resiliencia fue la variable que más influyó sobre las AVD-A. Conclusión: una personalidad con más resiliencia y apertura está asociada a mayor realización de AVD‑A en argentinos ≥ 50 años. Se sugiere al Estado argentino implementar políticas públicas que promuevan la actividad recreativa e integración social en mediana y tercera edad.
... For example, the Big Five factors [15] were used, among others, by [37,42,47,53,64] to quantify the personality traits of LLMs. Similarly, IPIP-NEO [26] was used in [64] and Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) [52] was used in [53]. In a slightly different fashion, Griffin et al. [28] investigates LLM´s behavioural profile in a dynamic context instead of a static one. ...
This article analyzes how well OpenAI's LLM GPT-4 can emulate different personalities and simulate populations to answer psychological questionnaires similarly to real population samples. For this purpose, we performed different experiments with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Abbreviated (EPQR-A) in three different languages (Spanish, English, and Slovak). The EPQR-A measures personality on four scales: extraversion (E: sociability), neuroticism (N: emotional stability), psychoticism (P: tendency to break social rules, and not having empathy), and lying (L: social desirability). We perform a comparative analysis of the answers of synthetic populations with those of two real population samples of Spanish students as well as the unconditioned baseline personality of GPT. Furthermore, the impact of time (what year the questionnaire is answered), questionnaire language, and student age and gender are analyzed. To our knowledge, this is the first time the EPQR-A test has been used to assess the GPT´s personality and the impact of different language versions and time are measured. Our analysis reveals that GPT-4 exhibits an extroverted, emotionally stable personality with low psychoticism levels and high social desirability. GPT-4 replicates some differences observed in real populations in terms of gender but only partially replicates the results for real populations.
... Jiang et al. (2024) were pioneers in the field of adapting personality questionnaires for machines, marking a significant development in personality assessment methodologies. Their initiative involved modifying established questionnaires, specifically those derived from the IPIP and its IPIP-NEO derivatives (Goldberg et al. 2006(Goldberg et al. , 1999Johnson 2005Johnson , 2014, along with the Big Five Inventory-Short (BFI-S) (Lang et al. 2011), to evaluate the BF personality traits in LLMs. Despite this approach's novelty, the researchers did not comprehensively detail the adaptation process. ...
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Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used in everyday life and research. One of the most common use cases is conversational interactions, enabled by the language generation capabilities of LLMs. Just as between two humans, a conversation between an LLM-powered entity and a human depends on the personality of the conversants. However, measuring the personality of a given LLM is currently a challenge. This article introduces the Language Model Linguistic Personality Assessment (LMLPA), a system designed to evaluate the linguistic personalities of LLMs. Our system helps to understand LLMs’ language generation capabilities by quantitatively assessing the distinct personality traits reflected in their linguistic outputs. Unlike traditional human-centric psychometrics, the LMLPA adapts a personality assessment questionnaire, specifically the Big Five Inventory, to align with the operational capabilities of LLMs, and also incorporates the findings from previous language-based personality measurement literature.
... • Trait Meta-Mood Scale-TMMS, adopted from Salovey et al. (1995) Personality test (five factors), adopted from Goldberg (1999). ...
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The aim of this paper is to fill the identified gap in the literature regarding a holistic approach to the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and transformational leadership (TL). In fact, this paper contributes to the annotation of the literature in this particular field through a selective bibliography, aiming to cover the main contributors to the development of this topic and explore their different views in order to critically approach the pros and cons, producing implications for academia and organizations. A leader who applies the transformational style is able to indirectly or directly influence the efficiency of employees through increased levels of emotional intelligence and developed cognitive skills. The purpose of this paper is to examine the correlation between EI and TL. A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted for papers published from 2000 onwards (21st century). Published papers were selected from international scientific journals that have been indexed as Q1 or Q2 (best quartiles) in the SJR database fields of business, management, and accounting. For the initial screening, the Google Scholar database was used to access papers through the following keywords: emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, organizational behavior, management, and organizational development. Furthermore, SLR’s PRISMA flow chart indicated the most suitable papers to be analyzed in the context of this paper. The research yielded 16 published studies confirming the positive relationship between EI and TL and 9 papers questioning it. These papers have been analyzed to open a discussion and draw conclusions. Research on the relationship between transformational leadership and emotional intelligence demonstrate a positive correlation in the majority, while there are some who question it.
... The instrument employed to evaluate socio-emotional intelligence in the adult respondent sample is part of a collection of inventories developed within the IPIP (International Personality Item Pool) project, initiated in the latter half of the 20 th century. This project, launched by Goldberg (1999), aimed to facilitate the development and improvement of such scales and questionnaires. The selected tool aligns with our research model as it measures social intelligence through the individual's own reporting of their interactions. ...
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The modern society has challenged social interaction that has undergone significant changes due to the social and cultural transformations they experience. Consequently, the role of socio-emotional intelligence has become paramount for individual success and the quality of life. In this context, the present study aimed to investigate how age and education level, as independent factors, might influence the development of socio-emotional intelligence skills, which are essential in everyday life. The research sample consisted of 340 participants from the Romanian counties of Dolj, Olt, Mehedinți, Vâlcea, and Gorj. We used the IPIP socio-emotional intelligence scale to measure the level of socio-emotional intelligence, while age was recorded as a quantitative variable and education level as a qualitative variable (categorized as medium and higher education). The results indicated no significant differences in socio-emotional intelligence levels between individuals with medium and higher education (t=1.21, df=378, p=0.22, as p=0.22, p>0.05). Regarding the age factor, a positive and significant correlation was found between socio-emotional intelligence levels and the age of adults (r=0.56, p=0.02), concluding that as age increases, the level of social and emotional intelligence tends to be higher.© The Author(s) 2024. Published by RITHA Publishing. This article is distributed under the terms of the license CC-BY 4.0., which permits any further distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited maintaining attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
... For the same reasons, positive correlations were also expected for authentic living with various dimensions of meaning in life and self-esteem. n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a Non-believer 48 22.2 n.a n.a n.a n.a n.a n. Goldberg, 1999;Goldberg et al., 2006) to verify the discriminant validity of the Authenticity Scale. We anticipated that personality traits would correlate with authenticity; however, we did not expect authenticity cannot be reduced only to the simple combination of personality traits. ...
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Authenticity, defined as the knowledge of one’s true self, living in accordance with one’s values and beliefs, and resistance to the influence of others, has gained increasing prominence within the realm of positive psychology. This paper presents the culmination of efforts to develop a Polish version of the Authenticity Scale (AS). The AS is a self-report instrument designed to examine three dimensions of authenticity: authentic living, accepting external influence, and self-alienation. To validate the psychometric properties of the Polish AS, a series of four studies were conducted, encompassing a total number of 1546 participants. The findings demonstrate the instrument’s high internal consistency (with Cronbach’s α ranging from .77 to .87), confirm the three-dimensional structure of authenticity (via confirmatory factor analysis), and provide evidence for measurement invariance across gender groups and under various testing conditions. Theoretical validity was established by investigating the relationships between the authenticity dimensions and a range of variables, including components of the PERMA model, psychological well-being, meaning in life, self-esteem, and personality traits. The observed associations align with theoretical expectations and corroborate the adaptive nature of authentic living and the maladaptive tendencies of accepting external influence and self-alienation. The obtained results collectively support that the psychometric properties of the Polish adaptation of the Authenticity Scale are comparable to those of the original version. It can therefore be concluded that the Polish adaptation of the AS is a reliable tool for measuring authenticity, which—once normalisation research has been conducted or local norms calculated—can be useful in the work of clinicians, psychological counsellors, and researchers.
... As an example, Costa and McCrae (1992) developed the NEO-PI-R inventory which allows a comprehensive assessment of the five personality factors to be done. Since the NEO-PI-R inventory is commercial and, therefore, researchers cannot freely use it, Gow et al. (2005) provided the assessment items for the Five-Factor Model in the public domain of personality scales and items (IPIP, Goldberg, 1999). The items in IPIP are validated by psychologists and translated into many languages. ...
There are repetitive patterns in strategies of manipulating source code. For example, modifying source code before acquiring knowledge of how a code works is a depth-first style and reading and understanding before modifying source code is a breadth-first style. To the extent we know there is no study on the influence of personality on them. The objective of this study is to understand the influence of personality on programming styles. We did a correlational study with 65 programmers at the University of Stuttgart. Academic achievement, programming experience, attitude towards programming and five personality factors were measured via self-assessed survey. The programming styles were asked in the survey or mined from the software repositories. Performance in programming was composed of bug-proneness of programmers which was mined from software repositories, the grades they got in a software project course and their estimate of their own programming ability. We did statistical analysis and found that Openness to Experience has a positive association with breadth-first style and Conscientiousness has a positive association with depth-first style. We also found that in addition to having more programming experience and better academic achievement, the styles of working depth-first and saving coarse-grained revisions improve performance in programming.
... These measures also show measurement invariance across cultures (Lee et al., 2018;McCrae et al., 2005;Woo et al., 2014). The 60-item IPIP-NEO (Goldberg, 1999) openness scale measures six facets of openness, the 54-item SFOS (Woo et al., 2014) measures six facets of openness, and the 32-item HEXACO-PI (Lee & Ashton, 2004) openness subscale measures four facets of openness (Table 1). Items for all three measures (IPIP-NEO, SFOS, and HEXACO-PI) were scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). ...
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Openness is consistently linked with intergroup attitudes. However, research gaps (e.g., overreliance on the NEO facet structure and samples from the USA) suggest that current evidence might not generalize across different structures of openness and cultures. This paper addresses key gaps in existing research by examining how three structures of openness (NEO, SFOS, and HEXACO) predict intergroup attitudes (prejudice and social tolerance) within two distinct cultural contexts (Singapore and the United States). Through two online surveys (n = 318 for Study 1 and n = 526 for Study 2), multiple regression analyses reveal a consistent pattern: (a) the NEO openness factor more strongly predicts both prejudice and social tolerance compared to HEXACO and SFOS in these cultural contexts; (b) the facet of tolerance shows a marked association with higher social tolerance and reduced affect-based prejudice, exceeding the predictive strength of other facets; and (c) the facet of liberalism predicts cognitive-based prejudice more significantly than the other facets of openness. Our findings informed the current theoretical understanding of intergroup attitudes and improved future predictive modelling of prejudice and social tolerance. Limitations of the research design and implications of the results are discussed.
... 14.8%, The International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) byGoldberg[21] in 1999 was used to measure the Big Five personalities. IPIP measures five personality factors of extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, neuroticism, and agreeableness. ...
Purpose: Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the educational environment has moved toward online-based education, which may significantly impact medical students’ educational experiences. However, the same events may be understood differently by different individuals depending on their personalities. Therefore, the changing educational environment during the COVID-19 pandemic may not have been perceived equally by all students. This study aimed to investigate medical students’ personality profiles and the difference between academic burnout and engagement according to their personality profiles.Methods: During the 2021–2022 academic year, when online-based education was implemented due to the pandemic, a survey was conducted among medical students in Korea (N=325). First, we used latent profile analysis to identify the sub-types of the Big Five personalities. Second, we used analysis of variance and post hoc comparisons to study the difference between academic burnout and engagement among these sub-types.Results: The Big Five personality traits of medical students in our sample were classified into three profiles. Profiles with relatively high neuroticism, while other personality traits were low, had both the highest academic burnout and academic engagement. Alternatively, the profiles showing relatively low neuroticism, while other personality traits were high, had the lowest academic burnout and the highest academic engagement.Conclusion: Personality is a stable trait that affects an individual’s behavior and response to the environment. Thus, individuals with specific personalities differ in their reactions to their environment. This may provide an advantage to some medical students’ careers.
... The NA-15 consists of 12 items from the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Neuroticism Scale (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975) and three items from the International Personality Item Pool version of the Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness personality scale (Goldberg, 1999). Using a 4-point scale (0 = not at all to 3 = much), participants rated how much they agreed with a statement describing an aspect of negative affect. ...
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Objective: The purpose of this randomized controlled trial was to test the effects of an online, coached mindfulness intervention on momentary negative affect (mNA) for youth with high levels of trait negative affectivity. Method: Participants were 111 youth ages 12 to 17 years old (M = 14.17, SD = 1.60). Youth self-identified as 68% female, 29% male, and 4.5% gender diverse; 54.55% identified as White; 31.82 reported being Hispanic/Latinx. Participants were selected for having high levels of trait negative affect and were randomized to receive either the mindfulness program or no intervention. We used ecological momentary assessment to measure stress and emotions and to derive measures of mNA comprised of stressor-independent and stressor-reactive negative affect. The ecological momentary assessment protocol involved participants completing a short survey/diary entry on Qualtrics four times per day for 5 days. Internalizing symptoms were assessed with the Patient Health Questionnaire–8, Generalized Anxiety Disorder–7, and the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders. Results: The mindfulness intervention resulted in a significant reduction in stressor-reactive negative affect (t = 2.001, df = 96, p = .048; Cohen’s d = .40), but not stressor-independent mNA or overall mNA. Additionally, reductions in stressor-reactive negative affect significantly correlated with changes in internalizing symptomatology (standardized β = .26, p = .032). Conclusions: These results indicate that among youth with high levels of trait negative affectivity, a relatively affordable and accessible digital mindfulness program significantly reduced stressor-reactive negative affect. The absence of an effect on stressor-independent or overall average mNA suggests some specificity of the effects of mindfulness to stressor-reactive negative affect in an at-risk sample of adolescents.
... We used the Five Factor model of personality traits based on the "International Personality Item Pool" (Goldberg, 1999). The five factors were conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, extraversion and openness to experience. ...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study talent retention, which has long been an important area of inquiry across many industries. Consistently, both academicians and practitioners have recommended several “posthire” solutions to retain employees, such as allowing employees to work from home, providing them with flexible work schedules, promoting a work–life balance and rewarding good performance. In this study, the authors focus on how the “prehire” career-related characteristics of call center agents and their personality traits relate to their turnover intentions. This is important because selecting the right person at the employee selection stage can prevent firms from trying to retain someone who is likely to quit his/her job. Design/methodology/approach The authors surveyed 442 employees working in the call centers of a major multinational logistics company across China and Malaysia and used covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) to test the model. Findings The results showed that call center agents who reapplied for a job in the current company had lower turnover intentions than first-time applicants. Similarly, call center agents who provided supplementary information during their application had lower turnover intentions than the ones who did not provide any such information. As for the personality traits, the results indicated that while the call center agents’ agreeableness and openness to experience were positively associated with their turnover intentions, their consciousness and emotional stability were negatively associated with them. Originality/value This study shows the uniqueness of Asian emerging markets and the call center industry by presenting several interesting patterns that are different from those that have been found in other industries.
... However, they were included as the method of measurement was clearly defined and explained. Five studies (one, two, four, five, and seven) used the International Personality Item Pool (Goldberg, 1999) in some form to measure personality traits. Four studies (6, 9, 10, and 11) used a version of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), while study 8 used the Relationship Evaluation Questionnaire (Busby et al., 2001). ...
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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a global concern that has a large impact on both victims and society. Understanding factors that contribute to the perpetration of IPV can help prevent harm. Personality disorders are largely related to IPV perpetration according to recent research; however, there is a large amount of overlap between different personality disorders, and it has been suggested that personality traits may provide a clearer picture on the aspects of personality that result in IPV. Personality traits develop during childhood, and, despite being largely stable, can be modified through intervention. A systematic review was carried out by searching three large databases, examining personality traits from the Five-Factor Model, the prevailing personality model, and IPV perpetration. Eleven studies were included in the final analysis, largely from community samples. The results suggested that neuroticism demonstrates a significant relationship with the perpetration of IPV. There were some differences between community and forensic studies; however, these could be explained by exploring the different types of IPV in line with Johnson’s distinction between common couple violence and intimate terrorism. Intimate terrorism, which is more likely to be displayed by clinical samples, is less likely to be emotionally motivated and therefore may not be linked to neuroticism. Limitations to the method used in the review and the impact of these on the findings are discussed.
... Similarly, [22] investigated personality traits in the PaLM family of models [27] using established personality assessment tools. By using two different personality questionnaires (IPIP-NEO [28] and BFI [29]), the researchers found that larger models, such as Flan-PaLM 540B, demonstrated higher reliability and construct validity in their responses. These papers underlined how GPT-models could already display complex human features relative to personality, opening the way to further explorations concerning GPTs and the fringe between personality and mental health. ...
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Machine psychology aims to reconstruct the mindset of Large Language Models (LLMs), i.e. how these artificial intelligences perceive and associate ideas. This work introduces PhDGPT, a prompting framework and synthetic dataset that encapsulates the machine psychology of PhD researchers and professors as perceived by OpenAI's GPT-3.5. The dataset consists of 756,000 datapoints, counting 300 iterations repeated across 15 academic events, 2 biological genders, 2 career levels and 42 unique item responses of the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-42). PhDGPT integrates these psychometric scores with their explanations in plain language. This synergy of scores and texts offers a dual, comprehensive perspective on the emotional well-being of simulated academics, e.g. male/female PhD students or professors. By combining network psychometrics and psycholinguistic dimensions, this study identifies several similarities and distinctions between human and LLM data. The psychometric networks of simulated male professors do not differ between physical and emotional anxiety subscales, unlike humans. Other LLMs' personification can reconstruct human DASS factors with a purity up to 80%. Furthemore, LLM-generated personifications across different scenarios are found to elicit explanations lower in concreteness and imageability in items coding for anxiety, in agreement with past studies about human psychology. Our findings indicate an advanced yet incomplete ability for LLMs to reproduce the complexity of human psychometric data, unveiling convenient advantages and limitations in using LLMs to replace human participants. PhDGPT also intriguingly capture the ability for LLMs to adapt and change language patterns according to prompted mental distress contextual features, opening new quantitative opportunities for assessing the machine psychology of these artificial intelligences.
... This study uses the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) 50 questionnaire to measure human personality traits. The questionnaire is a recognized tool in psychological research for assessing the Big Five personality traits, making it an essential component for ensuring the validity of our benchmarks (Goldberg 1999). ...
To enhance immersion and engagement in video games, the design of Affective Non-Player Characters (NPCs) is a key focus for researchers and practitioners. Affective Computing frameworks improve Non-player characters (NPC) by providing personalities, emotions, and social relations. Large Language Models (LLMs) bring the promise to dynamically enhance character design when coupled with these frameworks, but further research is needed to validate the models truly represent human qualities. In this research, a comprehensive analysis investigates the capabilities of LLMs to generate content that aligns with human personality, using the Big Five and human responses from the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) questionnaire. Our goal is to benchmark the performance of various LLMs, including frontier models and local models, against an extensive dataset comprising over 50,000 human surveys of self-reported personality tests to determine whether LLMs can replicate human-like decision-making with personality-driven prompts. A range of personality profiles were used to cluster the test results from the human survey dataset. Our methodology involved prompting LLMs with self-evaluated test items for each personality profile, comparing their outputs to human baseline responses, and evaluating the accuracy and consistency. Our findings show that some local models had 0% alignment of any personality profiles when compared to the human dataset, while the frontier models, in some cases, had 100% alignment. The results indicate that NPCs can successfully emulate human-like personality traits using LLMs, as demonstrated by benchmarking the LLM's output against human data. This foundational work serves as a methodology for game developers and researchers to test and evaluate LLMs, ensuring they accurately represent the desired human personalities and can be expanded for further validation.
... Since then, multiple instruments have been developed, used and revised, such as the NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) (Costa and McCrae, 1992;McCrae and Costa, 2010), the Big Five Inventory (BFI) (John et al., 1991), the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) (Goldberg, 1999)-a repository of over 2000 personality items that are used to develop personality inventories-, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1975) and the Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) (Zuckerman, 2002). ...
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Introduction In recent decades, researchers have assessed the relationship between mindfulness and personality traits, including neuroticism, a known target in mental health associated with the development of mental health disorders and physical illnesses. The main aim of mindfulness practice is to help individuals develop the ability to regulate and accept their experiences, emotions, and thoughts. Therefore, it could be suggested that mindfulness may be useful in reducing the expression and negative experience of neuroticism. The aim of our review was to assess the relationship between neuroticism and mindfulness. Methods We conducted a scoping review of the literature in December 2023, using the databases PubMed and PsycINFO. Results Forty-nine studies were included in the review, with four common themes identified: (i) mental health, (ii) cognitive outcomes, (iii) physiological symptoms, and (iv) mindfulness-based interventions. Across most of the studies, mindfulness negatively correlated with neuroticism, supporting the idea that mindfulness may be useful in reducing neuroticism and its negative effects on mental and physical health. Discussion While several limitations were identified, the overall results are promising. Future research in this area should focus on overcoming the current limitations to provide a better understanding of the relationship between mindfulness and neuroticism.
... It captures trait content associated with facets and domains assessed in standard Big Few measures and some traits typically not covered by these (e.g., competition, envy, humor, sexuality, spirituality, and the "Dark Triad" traits). Based on the rationale described in Condon et al. (2020), the 100-NP items were iteratively selected from larger item pools such as the International Personality Item Pool (Goldberg, 1999) and Synthetic Aperture Personality Assessment (Condon & Revelle, 2016) for their diverse content and retained if they (a) had acceptable test-retest reliability, variance, and cross-rater agreement and (b) were not excessive redundant with other items, except some more highly correlated items to assess acquiescent responding and provide two items of apparently less reliably assessable traits (e.g., impulsiveness). Participants responded using a 6-point Likert-type scale, ranging from completely inaccurate to completely accurate. ...
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While personality trait assessments are widely used in candidate selection, coaching, and occupational counseling, little published research has systematically compared occupations in personality traits. Using a comprehensive personality assessment, we mapped 263 occupations in self-reported Big Five domains and various personality nuances in a sample of 68,540 individuals and cross-validated the findings in informant ratings of 19,989 individuals. Controlling for age and gender, occupations accounted for 2%–7% of Big Five variance in both self-reports and informant reports. Most occupations’ average Big Five levels were intuitive, replicated across rating methods, and were consistent with those previously obtained with a brief assessment in a different sociocultural context. Often, they also tracked the Occupational Information Network database’s work style ratings and clustered along the International Standard Classification of Occupation’s hierarchical framework. Finally, occupations with higher average levels of the personality domains typically linked to better job performance tended to be more homogeneous in these domains, suggesting that jobs with higher performing incumbents are often more selective for personality traits. Several personality nuances had intuitive occupational differences that were larger than those of the Big Five domains (explaining up to 12% variance) and replicated well across rating methods, providing more detailed insights into how job incumbents vary in personality. We provide an interactive application for exploring the results ( and discuss the findings’ theoretical and practical implications.
... Previous CRT research has used this scoring system, although others have also been used (James & LeBreton, 2012). A short measure (IPIP-20; Goldberg, 1999) was included simply to embed the attention check items. Mean completion time was 28.78 minutes (SD = 9.73), compensation was USD $3, and participants were debriefed on the true nature of the CRT-WP. ...
Researchers have called for faking-resistant measures of psychopathic personality that can be self-administered in high-stakes contexts (e.g., hiring). We developed and validated an implicit measure of psychopathy contextualized in workplace situations. We first detail how the measure is framed, conceptualized, and rooted in psychopathy literature. We then describe the item development process, and Study 1 involves expert review and refining the item list. In Study 2 (N = 396), we examine internal consistency and factor structure for a 22-item version of the measure. In Study 3 (N = 251), we demonstrate test-retest reliability, construct-related validity, and provide initial evidence for criterion-related validity through a two-wave study. Study 4 analyzes the measure using item response theory, based on a sample of 6,746 job seekers, demonstrating effectiveness for measuring high levels of psychopathy. In Study 5 (N = 219) we provide evidence of faking-resistance and criterion-related validity with behavioural (two weeks later) and self-report (one year later) outcomes. Finally, Study 6 provides promising evidence of incremental validity using an organizational sample (N = 615). Overall, scores on this new implicit measure are reliable, with acceptable construct-related, criterion-related, and incremental validity, while also being faking-resistant. Implications for use in workplace settings are discussed.
Esta obra presenta hallazgos recientes sobre la personalidad, la conducta suicida, la ansiedad social y los celos patológicos, variables de gran relevancia en el ámbito de la psicología clínica. A partir de más de 10 estudios realizados mediante estrategias correlacionales y comparativas, se destacan de forma innovadora el papel de los sistemas de inhibición y activación conductual, así como las cogniciones disfuncionales. Estos factores son analizados como patrones transdiagnósticos que explican el desarrollo y mantenimiento de estas problemáticas, fundamentados en la teoría de la sensibilidad al refuerzo y los modelos cognitivos psicopatológicos. Las investigaciones realizadas aportan evidencia significativa para los ejes temáticos de prevención e intervención en psicología clínica, de la salud y de las adicciones, vinculados al grupo de investigación Enlace, así como a la línea de Métodos Aplicados a las Ciencias del Comportamiento, del grupo GAEM de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. En este contexto, cada capítulo constituye un recurso valioso para la formación de psicólogos en el ámbito clínico. Por último, el libro invita al lector a enfrentar los desafíos asociados al estudio de las variables transdiagnósticas, con el propósito de desarrollar modelos explicativos más robustos sobre las alteraciones del comportamiento humano. Asimismo, promueve el perfeccionamiento de los procesos de intervención, ya sea a través de psicoterapia o desde una perspectiva más amplia que abarque modelos de prevención universal, selectiva e indicada, así como la promoción de la salud mental en el contexto nacional actual
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This pilot study investigated how viewers perceive Monica Geller’s personality using three evidence-based personality models: Big Five, HEXACO, and Cloninger's Biopsychosocial Model. Additionally, it examined how these perceptions are associated to audiences’ engagement in parasocial relationships with this iconic character from the sitcom Friends. A sample of sixty-three participants assessed Monica’s personality by responding to the Big Five Inventory (BFI), the HEXACO-60, and the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-60). Participants also completed the Multidimensional Measure of Parasocial Relationships (MMPR). Personality scores were contextualized against U.S. population norms (NBFI = 711, NHEXACO = 1,126, NTCI = 1,948) and Pearson correlations were conducted to explore associations between personality traits and the Affective, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Decisional dimensions of parasocial engagement. Normative comparisons revealed Monica’s perceived Openness and Agreeableness in the Big Five and her Openness and Agreeableness in the HEXACO as significantly below average, while her Big Five Neuroticism and her HEXACO Conscientiousness were significantly above average. In the Biopsychosocial Model, Monica’s Persistence was significantly higher than population norms, while Cooperativeness was significantly lower. Big Five Agreea-bleness showed correlations across all parasocial engagement dimensions. HEXACO Emotionality was strongly linked to the Affective and Behavioral dimensions, while Honesty-Humility was associated with Cognitive parasocial engagement. In the Bi-opsychosocial Model, Reward Dependence and Cooperativeness were associated with Cognitive and Affective parasocial engagement, while Self-Directedness was linked to the Behavioral dimension. The Biopsychosocial Model offered the most comprehensive insights, capturing the multidimensional nature of viewer-character engagement. The Big Five and HEXACO models added valuable perspectives, particularly in explaining that traits associated with trust and kindness are linked to decision-making. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating multiple personality frameworks to advance the understanding of parasocial relationship engagement, shedding light on the nuanced ways personality traits shape audience perceptions and relationships with media characters, with significant implications for media psychology and personality research. Limitations and avenues for future developments are discussed, building on the insights from this pilot study.
The International Cognitive Ability Resource, abbreviated ICAR, counters some of the practical problems researchers face when using good, but proprietary, licensed intelligence tests like the Wechsler tests, which include unfeasible administration times and financial costs. So far, ICAR has been validated for adolescents and adults in many countries, offering a viable test alternative for these populations. For use among children, however, the appropriateness of this resource was yet unknown. Therefore, we set out to develop a children’s ICAR: an instrument composed of ICAR-items, which provides a measure of cognitive ability in children between 11 and 14 years of age. The present article discusses the compilation process of the Ch-ICAR drawing from a pilot study, and evaluates its validity based on two additional studies. The pilot study involved 99 primary school pupils and aimed to select items for the Ch-ICAR instrument. Study 1 investigated the basic psychometric qualities of the Ch-ICAR in a sample of 820 secondary school pupils. Study 2 examined the construct validity by cross-validating the Ch-ICAR with on the one hand Raven’s 2 Progressive Matrices, and on the other hand the Flemish CoVaT-CHC Basic Version, relying on samples of 91 secondary and 96 primary school pupils, respectively. Results support the utility of the Ch-ICAR as a measure of children’s cognitive abilities within a research context.
Gender differences in personality are typically summarised using broad trait domains. To acknowledge personality traits’ multidimensionality, we studied gender differences on different levels of the personality hierarchy. Using data spanning 74 countries and four different inventories, we compared the multivariate and univariate associations of gender with aggregate trait domains and facets, and unaggregated items as markers of trait nuances. Many gender differences were specific to narrow traits and geographical contexts. While gender is accurately predictable by aggregating small gender differences in multiple traits (multivariate gender difference), individual traits cannot be accurately predicted from gender (univariate gender differences), making many simplistic statements about gender differences inconsistent with data.
Self-reports are used ubiquitously to probe people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and inform medical decisions, enterprise operations, and government policy and legislation. Despite their pervasive use, self-report measures such as Likert scales have a profound problem: Standard analytic approaches do not control for the confounding effects of idiosyncratic response biases. Here, we present a model-based solution to this problem. Our model disentangles response bias from latent constructs of interest to obtain less biased scores of the latent states of respondents. Inspired by Thurstonian approaches in the psychophysics literature, the model requires nothing further than standard Likert scale design assumptions. The model uses a data-driven approach to control for response biases, without the need to prespecify bias types or response strategies. We demonstrate the model’s ability to uncover more precise estimates of latent state associations, outperforming bias-affected standard scoring techniques, and garner insights into previously undetected codependencies between certain latent states and particular forms of response bias. The model is thus a tool which outperforms standard scoring methods and generates insights into, and controls for, the potentially confounding effects of response bias on self-report Likert scale data.
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Roditeljsko sagorijevanje posljedica je kroničnoga stresa, a manifestira se kao iscrpljenost u ulozi roditelja, emocionalnim udaljavanjem i gubitkom roditeljske ispunjenosti. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati koliko sociodemografske varijable, stabilne osobine ličnosti, roditeljska samoefikasnost, aspekti braka te socijalna podrška pridonose roditeljskom sagorijevanju majki. Majke djece do pet godina (N = 255) online su ispunile Upitnik roditeljskoga sagorijevanja, IPIP-50 upitnik ličnosti, upitnik perfekcionizma, roditeljske kompetentnosti, kvalitete bračnog odnosa, socijalne podrške te Upitnik općih podataka. Roditeljsko sagorijevanje doživljava 3,5 % majki. Hijerarhijska regresijska analiza pokazala je da višem sagorijevanju pridonose sociodemografske varijable (veći broj djece i urbanije mjesto stanovanja), osobine ličnosti (niska emocionalna stabilnost, niska ugodnost i visoki perfekcionizam) te niska roditeljska samoefikasnost. Iako su povezani s roditeljskim sagorijevanjem, aspekti braka i socijalne podrške nisu značajni prediktori roditeljskoga sagorijevanja. Rezultati dobiveni ovim istraživanjem imaju teorijske i praktične implikacije koje mogu poslužiti za prepoznavanje i prevenciju roditeljskoga sagorijevanja, ali i kao temelj za daljnja istraživanja.
The article discusses ways to organize the tactical component of the production of communicative investigative actions, based on a structural approach to the personality of the interrogated person. The subject of the study is the patterns of behavioral reactions of the interrogated to the tactical modus of directed influence designed to optimize the interrogation process. The following general scientific methods were used in the study: observation, analysis, synthesis, structural matrix. The following special scientific methods were used in the study: the “Big Five” psychodiagnostic technique, statistical analysis. The article obtained the following conclusions. The ways in which the person being interrogated reacts during the interaction are based on the psychological characteristics of his personality. The situational conditionality of personality properties is manifested in the current state of psychological parameters. The tendency to react in a certain way has a range of behavioral manifestations in activity. Within this range, reactions may be variable, but nevertheless predictable. Tactical techniques aimed at certain psychological characteristics can have a suppressive or stimulating effect. The conducted research demonstrates ways to optimize the state of specific personality traits of the interrogated. The final conclusion is the proposition that the behavior of the interrogated person associated with giving truthful testimony that is important for the investigation of the criminal case can be corrected by the interrogator. The collected empirical evidence allows us to predict the magnitude of tactical risk when choosing a line of behavior for interrogators. Optimizing the tactical component of the production of communicative investigative actions will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of crime investigations.
In this paper, we present a model for supporting user‐specific explanations of AI systems. We then discuss a user study that was conducted to gauge whether the decisions for adjusting output to users with certain characteristics was confirmed to be of value to participants. We focus on the merit of having explanations attuned to particular psychological profiles of users, and the value of having different options for the level of explanation that is offered (including allowing for no explanation, as one possibility). Following the description of the study, we present an approach for mining data from user participant responses in order to determine whether the model that was developed for varying the output to users was well‐founded. While our results in this respect are preliminary, we explain how using varied machine learning methods is of value as a concrete step toward validation of specific approaches for AI explanation. We conclude with a discussion of related work and some ideas for new directions with the research, in the future.
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The organization must rely on new approaches and ways to succeed in current environments. One of these methods is to improve ethical leadership behavior to create a more expressive and productive work environment. Employee innovative behavior is a key factor contributing to businesses' long-term survival and growth. This study focuses on the impact of ethical leadership on the link between employee innovative behavior and considering personality as a mediator. Data were collected from 220 employees in the construction industry. The data were analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to assess the measurement and structural models. The study findings show that ethical leadership has a significant positive influence on employee innovative behavior. Personality mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and employee innovative behavior. This study has implications for officials who desire to identify and promote leadership techniques that encourage employee innovative behavior. By understanding the significance of ethical leadership, management can improve from this study, which can assist in strengthening and developing essential employee innovative behavior, which can eventually have a beneficial effect on organizational performance. This research provides a significant practical impact on construction industry management executives. Additionally, this research contributed to the literature for scholars concentrating on the outcomes of ethical leadership. JEL Classification: C99; L29; M10.
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicidal behavior in adolescence are global mental health concerns. These behaviors are often interconnected, but can also manifest independently. This study aimed to assess the predictive abilities of neuroticism, emotional competencies, and the school social climate on four typologies based on the presence of NSSI and levels of suicidal behavior. The study included 713 participants aged 11-16 years who completed questionnaires assessing suicidal behavior, NSSI, neuroticism, emotional competencies, and the school social climate. The data were analyzed using logistic regression techniques. The findings revealed that adolescents with high levels of neuroticism and emotion perception, low levels of emotion expression and regulation and an inadequate school social climate were more likely to belong to typologies characterized by NSSI and/or high suicidal behavior. This study underscores the importance of enhancing the school social climate as a crucial step toward reducing the likelihood of NSSI and suicidal behavior.
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