Contents: Preface. D.A. Aaker, A.L. Biel, Brand Equity and Advertising: An Overview. Part I: A Global View on Building Brands. S. Owen, The Landor ImagePower Survey: A Global Assessment of Brand Strength. J. Moore, Building Brands Across Markets: Cultural Differences in Brand Relationships Within the European Community. H. Tanaka, Branding in Japan. Part II: The Brand Personality and Brand Equity. A.L. Biel, Converting Image Into Equity. R. Batra, D.R. Lehmann, D. Singh, The Brand Personality Component of Brand Goodwill: Some Antecedents and Consequences. N. Smothers, Can Products and Brands Have Charisma? M. Blackston, Beyond Brand Personality: Building Brand Relationships. G. McCracken, The Value of the Brand: An Anthropological Perspective. Part III: The Role of Advertising in Creating Brand Equity. A. Kirmani, V. Zeithaml, Advertising, Perceived Quality, and Brand Image. J. Lannon, Asking the Right Questions: What Do People Do with Advertising? B. Wansink, M.L. Ray, Expansion Advertising and Brand Equity. J.A. Edell, M.C. Moore, The Impact and Memorability of Ad-Induced Feelings: Implications for Brand Equity. H.S. Krishnan, D. Chakravarti, Varieties of Brand Memory Induced by Advertising: Determinants, Measures, and Relationships. Part IV: Perspectives on Brand Equity. J. McQueen, C. Foley, J. Deighton, Decomposing a Brand's Consumer Franchise into Buyer Types. C.P. Haugtvedt, C. Leavitt, W.L. Schneier, Cognitive Strength of Established Brands: Memory, Attitudinal, and Structural Approaches. P.H. Farquhar, P.M. Herr, The Dual Structure of Brand Associations. Part V: Perspectives on Brand Extensions. K. Nakamoto, D.J. MacInnis, H-S. Jung, Advertising Claims and Evidence as Bases for Brand Equity and Consumer Evaluations of Brand Extensions. D.M. Boush, Brands as Categories. E.M. Tauber, Fit and Leverage in Brand Extensions. Part VI: Case Studies and a Commentary. L. Winters, The Role of Corporate Advertising in Building a Brand: Chevron's Preconversion Campaign in Texas. D.A. Aaker, Are Brand Equity Investments Really Worthwhile? W.D. Wells, Brand Equities, Elephants and Birds: A Commentary.