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Recent Advances in Carbon Emissions Reduction: Policies, Technologies, Monitoring, Assessment and Modeling



Climate change and its social, environmental, economic and ethical consequences are widely recognized as the major set of interconnected problems facing human societies. Its impacts and costs will be large, serious, and unevenly spread, globally for decades. The main factor causing climate change and global warming is the increase of global carbon emissions produced by human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. In this special volume, the articles mainly focus on investigations of technical innovations and policy interventions for improved energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction in a wide diversity of industrial, construction and agricultural sectors at different scales, from the smallest scales (firm or household), cities, regional, to national and global scales. Some articles in this special volume assess alternative carbon emissions reduction approaches, such as carbon capture and storage and geoengineering schemes. Given the high cost and internal/external uncertainties of carbon capture and storage and risks and side effects of various geoengineering schemes, improved energy efficiency and widespread implementation of low fossil-carbon renewable-energy based systems are clearly the most direct and effective approaches to reduce carbon emissions. This means that we have to radically transform our societal metabolism towards low/no fossil-carbon economies. However, design and implementation of low/no fossil-carbon production will require fundamental changes in the design, production and use of products and these needed changes are evolving but much more needs to be done. Additionally, the design and timing of suitable climate policy interventions, such as various carbon taxation/trading schemes, must be integral in facilitating the development of low fossil carbon products and accelerating the transition to post-fossil carbon societies.
Recent advances in carbon emissions reduction: policies, technologies,
monitoring, assessment and modeling
Donald Huisingh
, Zhihua Zhang
, John C. Moore
, Qi Qiao
Institute for a Secure and Sustainable Environment, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
College of Global Change and Earth System Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Joint Center for Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, China
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing, China
State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China
article info
Article history:
Received 21 April 2015
Accepted 21 April 2015
Available online 1 May 2015
Carbon emissions reduction
Improved energy use efciency
Implementation of low-fossil carbon energy
Carbon capture and storage
Geoengineering approaches
Carbon trade/tax schemes
Climate change and its social, environmental, economic and ethical consequences are widely recognized
as the major set of interconnected problems facing human societies. Its impacts and costs will be large,
serious, and unevenly spread, globally for decades. The main factor causing climate change and global
warming is the increase of global carbon emissions produced by human activities such as deforestation
and burning of fossil fuels. In this special volume, the articles mainly focus on investigations of technical
innovations and policy interventions for improved energy efciency and carbon emissions reduction in a
wide diversity of industrial, construction and agricultural sectors at different scales, from the smallest
scales (rm or household), cities, regional, to national and global scales. Some articles in this special
volume assess alternative carbon emissions reduction approaches, such as carbon capture and storage
and geoengineering schemes. Given the high cost and internal/external uncertainties of carbon capture
and storage and risks and side effects of various geoengineering schemes, improved energy efciency
and widespread implementation of low fossil-carbon renewable-energy based systems are clearly the
most direct and effective approaches to reduce carbon emissions. This means that we have to radically
transform our societal metabolism towards low/no fossil-carbon economies. However, design and
implementation of low/no fossil-carbon production will require fundamental changes in the design,
production and use of products and these needed changes are evolving but much more needs to be done.
Additionally, the design and timing of suitable climate policy interventions, such as various carbon
taxation/trading schemes, must be integral in facilitating the development of low fossil carbon products
and accelerating the transition to post-fossil carbon societies.
©2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Global warming is one of the greatest threats to human survival
and political stability that has occurred in human history. The main
factor causing global warming is the increase of global carbon
emissions. The 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United
Nations indicated that most of the observed warming over the last
50 years was likely to have been due to the increasing
concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities
such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels. This conclusion was
made even stronger by the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) released
in 2013. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO
) in the atmo-
sphere has increased from a pre-industrial value of about 280 ppm
to 391 ppm in 2011. In 2014, the concentration reached more than
400 ppm. The continuous and increasing production of carbon
emissions is therefore, a matter of global concern (Yue et al., 2015).
Fortunately many countries have set ambitious long-term carbon
emission reduction targets, e.g. the U.S. is committed to lower
carbon emissions by 17% and 83% below 2005 levels by 2020 and
2050, respectively; the UK aims to reduce its carbon emissions byat
least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050; China is now committed to abate
*Corresponding author. College of Global Change and Earth System Science,
Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Zhang).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Cleaner Production
journal homepage:
0959-6526/©2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e12
its emissions per unit of economic output by 40e45% of 2005 levels
by 2020; India is committed to decrease its emission intensity by
20e25% by 2020; and Brazil is committed to reduce its carbon
emissions by 38e42% of BAU levels by 2020.
Globally, the growth in carbon emissions is largely from in-
dustry, transport and energy supply, while residential and com-
mercial buildings, forestry/deforestation and agricultural sectors
also contribute substantial quantities of carbon dioxide, methane
and other greenhouse gases. Given the increasing risks to civiliza-
tion of continuing with essentially unrestrained fossil fuel burning,
an important question for all is what are scientically sound,
economically viable, and ethically defendable strategies to mitigate
the global warming trends and to reverse the increases and to adapt
to the present and anticipated climate risks? Many relevant ap-
proaches designed to investigate ways to reduce carbon emissions
and to mitigate the impacts of climate change are included in about
90 articles contained in this special volume (SV).
2. Carbon emission reduction potentials in diverse industrial
Reduction of fossil carbon emissions from diverse industrial
sectors is central to efforts to reduce fossil carbon emissions due to
the large material's ows they process and to the large quantities of
energy they consume. If the energy is used inefciently, this will
lead to higher carbon emission levels. It becomes necessary to base
the economic, the energy and the environmental policies on the
efcient use of resources, in particular on energy efciency
(Robaina-Alves et al., 2015). Carbon emissions are generated in
almost all activities of industrial sectors, extraction of materials
from the earth's crust, production, procurement, inventory man-
agement, order processing, transportation, usage and end-of-life
management of used products. However, as aggregate carbon
emissions continue to rise, necessary improvements in industrial
practices are lagging behind (Stål, 2015). Fortunately, some new
carbon emissions reduction technologies, if effectively applied
sector-wide, promise to help societies to make progress in allevi-
ating the growing climate change crises (Slowak and Taticchi,
2015). Except for technical innovation, the design and timing of
policy interventions is crucial for reducing innovation barriers and
improvements in energy efciency (Ruby, 2015). The authors of the
articles in this SV investigated carbon emissions reduction poten-
tials in a wide diversity of industrial sectors as highlighted in the
following sections.
2.1. The iron and steel industry
Iron and steel production is one of the major sources of
anthropogenic CO
emissions. Targeting a limitation of the global
mean temperature increase in the range of 2.4e3.2
C could result
in drastic increases of the CO
prices if policies are developed to
internalize the currently externalized impacts of CO
in the near
future. Morfeldt et al. (2015) showed that signicant energy ef-
ciency improvements of current steel production processes, such as
top gas recycling, can only meet the binding climate target if
combined with carbon capture and storage (CCS). Moreover, a
binding climate target tends to induce a regional differentiation of
prices, indicating that regions such as China, India and South Korea
may have difculties meeting their domestic demand for steel, due
to the high CO
price and their high dependence on fossil fuels for
energy production.
China is the biggest iron and steel producer in the world. In
2012, it produced 658 Mt of pig iron and 716 Mt of crude steel,
representing 59% and 46% of the world's production, respectively.
The iron and steel industry in China accounted for 10% of total CO
emissions of China, therefore, the low fossilecarbon transition of
the iron and steel industry is vital for meeting China's CO
reduction targets. Among different pathways to achieve CO
emissions reduction, more attention must be paid to industrial
symbiosis, a system's approach which is designed to build upon
win-win synergies between environmental and economic perfor-
mances through physical sharing of wasteenergy, exchanging of
waste materials, by-products and infrastructure sharing among co-
located entities. For China's integrated steel mills (ISMs), Yu et al.
(2015a) showed that: 1) the three of the most effective symbiotic
measures for CO
abatement were blast furnace gas recycled on site
as fuel and/or sold off-site, coke oven gas recycled on site as fuel
and/or sold off-site, and blast furnace slag sold to cement producing
companies; 2) utilization of gaseous and solid waste/byproducts far
outweighed the use of sensible heat in terms of their contributions
to CO
abatement, which indicated the abundant potentials in
sensible heat recovery; 3) cleaner production inside an ISM
contributed more to CO
abatement than symbiotic measures with
other enterprises did.
2.2. The cement industry
Cement is the basic and most widely used building material in
civil engineering, the quantity of which has increased dramatically
because of vast and rapid urbanization. The cement industry is also
one of the most signicant carbon emitters. This sector accounted
for about 1.8 Gt of CO
emissions in 2006, approximately 7% of the
total anthropogenic CO
emissions worldwide (Gao et al., 2015).
Ishak and Hashim (2015) reviewed the CO
emissions of all stages
of cement manufacturing, including raw materials preparation,
clinker production, combustion of fuels in the kiln and the pro-
duction of the nal cement products. They found that 90% of CO
emissions from cement plants were generated from clinker pro-
duction while the remaining 10% was from raw materials prepa-
ration and the nishing stage of producing cement. They also
reviewed various CO
emissions reduction strategies, including
energy efciency improvements, waste heat recovery, the substi-
tution of fossil fuel with renewable energy sources, the production
of low carbon cement and CCS. In addition, the use of supple-
mentary cementitious materials, such as y ash, silica fume, copper
slag, sewage sludge, ground-granulated blast furnace slag, are often
promoted as ways to reduce carbon emissions (Liu et al., 2015b;
Crossin, 2015; Yang et al., 2015a).
China is the biggest producer and CO
emitter in the global
cement industry. The cement industry accounts for 14.8% of total
emissions from China, thus it is a critical sector within which to
help China to meet its national 40e45% carbon emissions reduction
target (Chen et al., 2015a). Based on data from fteen cement plants
in China, Gao et al. (2015) showed that replacing carbonate-
containing materials with non-carbonate materials and by chang-
ing the clinker ratio were the main ways to reduce CO
content in
raw meal and process emissions, e.g. sulphoaluminate cement
manufacture in a modern cement plant can give CO
reductions of up to 35% per unit of mass of cement produced,
relative to ordinary Portland cement manufacture.
2.3. The rubber industry
During all stages in the manufacturing processes of rubber
products, large quantities of energy, water and other natural re-
sources are consumed. Among rubber products manufacturing
processes, the rubber material milling process, the extruding pro-
cess and the rolling process all have a relatively high electricity
consumption rate. Dayaratne and Gunawardena (2015) investi-
gated three rubber-band manufacturing factories and revealed the
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e122
overall emissions from the production of rubber band amounting to
1.16, 1.53 and 1.23 tonne CO
-eq/tonne product respectively. Since
carbon emissions in the rubber industry are closely connected to
energy consumption, Dayaratne and Gunawardena (2015) sug-
gested that rubber manufacturing should adapt cleaner
manufacturing model and implement energy-efcient measures to
achieve sustainable production and the corresponding nancial
barriers can be solved through the clean development mechanism.
2.4. The aluminum industry
The global primary aluminum industry is responsible for 1% of
global carbon emissions. In the past decade, China's primary
aluminum production increased sharply to nearly 22 Mt in 2013,
thereby accounting for about 41% of world's total primary
aluminum production. It is estimated that primary aluminum
production in China will reach 24 Mt by 2015, but few researchers
have performed detailed analyses on the CO
emissions of China's
primary aluminum industry. Zhang et al. (2015e) developed a
bottom-up calculation and scenario analysis model to estimate CO
emissions and reduction potentials for China's primary aluminum
industry. For 2011, specic direct CO
emission from aluminum
rening production amounted to 1.3 t-CO
, around 46% less
than that calculated for 2003. Indirect emissions related to power
consumption were estimated to 11 t-CO
/t-Al, which were twice as
high as the average world level in 2005. In the next decade, China's
aluminum industry will be confronted with restrictions on the
high-quality bauxite import and degradation of domestic bauxite
quality. It is expected that wide adoption of the Sinter-Bayer Series
Process and improved Bayer Processes as well as further elimina-
tion of the lime-soda sinter process and the sinter-Bayer combi-
nation process, have the reduction potential of 6%, which is almost
equivalent to the reduction effect of the standard Bayer process
relying on external resources. For further CO
emission reductions,
China should modernize existing smelters and eliminate smaller
and outdated smelters. Moreover, it is necessary to accelerate
technology evolution, such as lower electrolyte temperature,
wettable cathodes and inert anodes. In addition, improving pro-
duction concentration and implementing competitive electricity
prices would facilitate the technology diffusion.
2.5. The paper industry
The pulp and paper industry is one of the most energy-intensive
sectors and one of the largest carbon emitters among
manufacturing industries with a direct emission of about 40 Mt of
per year in Europe. Conventional manufacturing of paper
consists of processing wood ber streams into planar structures
(mixed raw material). With the development of future
manufacturing concepts (FMC), the nal paper product has a tailor-
made layered structure: bers and other materials are placed in the
optimal position depending on the required properties and func-
tionality. This kind of optimal positioning allows papermaking
companies to manufacture paper products with equal or better
properties while using less wood-ber raw material and energy.
Leon et al. (2015) quantied carbon emissions reduction potentials
in super-calendered (SC) paper production and lightweight coated
(LWC) paper production through the application of these innova-
tive manufacturing strategies using advanced sheet structure
design and ber modications. The FMC strategies applied to SC
paper resulted in reduction of carbon emissions by 23%, with a total
of 10.7 g CO
-eq emissions saved per square meter of SC paper. In
the case of the FMC strategies applied to LWC paper, carbon
emissions were reduced by 20%, which were equal to a total of
19.7 g CO
-eq saved per square meter of LWC paper. This means
that the environmental benets gained through the application of
the FMC manufacturing in the paper industry are signicant.
Therefore FMC will play an important role in securing the future
competitiveness of the paper industry in Europe and elsewhere
throughout the world.
2.6. The oil sands industry
Exploitation of the oil sands can produce a variety of fossil fuel
products, such as gasoline and heavy fuel oil. Products derived from
oil sand's crudes face competition from lighter and often less
expensive crudes in the global market. Rainville et al. (2015)
investigated the potential for a Canadian product category rules
standard to enhance the credibility of life cycle emissions estimates
of products derived from Alberta's oil sands. Increasing compara-
bility of Canadian crudes to those of other countries in such a way
would make this an attractive tool with the potential to be adopted
internationally. Their ndings revealed that while there is a
consensus on the need to further standardize life cycle assessment
(LCA) methods and data quality requirements for crude oil products
to make comparisons more accurate, participants in the standards-
setting process may be unwilling to share the information that
would make this possible. A credible standards-setting process may
help to overcome this challenge, only if the ability to revise the
standard can be anticipated in its initial development process,
particularly with respect to its long-term effects on the develop-
ment of new technologies.
2.7. The chemical ber industry
Oil, natural gas and other low-molecular weight raw materials
are used to synthesize polymers through chemical addition or
condensation reactions. The polymers may then be spun into syn-
thetic bers that are further processed. Since 1998, China's chem-
ical ber production has ranked rst in the world. In 2011, China's
chemical ber production accounted for about 70% of the world's
total output. Therefore, energy saving and carbon emissions
reduction are important for China's chemical ber industry, and can
provide immense benets. Lin and Zhao (2015) revealed that GDP,
R&D expenditure and energy price were the main factors which
exert a great impact on energy consumption in the chemical ber
industry. With the help of the relationship between energy con-
sumption and these inuencing factors and possible future growth
rate of these factors, Lin and Zhao (2015) predicted that the energy-
saving potential for China's chemical ber industry in 2020 would
be 13e18 Mt coal-eq, accounting for about 28%e39% of total energy
consumption in the Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario.
2.8. Hydraulic presses
Hydraulic presses are machine tools using a hydraulic cylinder
to generate compressive forces, which are commonly used for
forging, molding, blanking, punching, deep drawing, and metal
forming operations in many manufacturing elds. Energy losses
within hydraulic systems with high pressure and large ows are
serious. However, the traditional classication of hydraulic press
systems were not suitable for the analysis of energy ows,
therefore, based on the characteristics of each component's en-
ergy conversion, Zhao et al. (2015a) divided hydraulic press sys-
tems into six parts: electrical-mechanical energyconversion
units, mechanical-hydraulic energyconversion units, hydrau-
licehydraulic energyconversion units, hydraulic-mechanical
energyconversion units, mechanical to deformation energy
conversion units and thermal to thermal energyconversion
units. Using this classication, Zhao et al. (2015a) proposed an
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e12 3
analytical approach for calculating energy ows in large and
medium-sized hydraulic press systems and indicated that the
main cause of low energy efciency is that load characteristic is
not properly matched with the drive mode, and the secondary is
the lack of a energy storage unit in the hydraulic system, therefore
energy storage and recycling units should be included in hydraulic
2.9. Methanol production industry
Taghdisian et al. (2015) proposed an eco-design method for
sustainable production of methanol by implementing a multi-
objective optimization CO
-efciency model that was formulated
to maximize methanol production and minimize CO
i.e., so-called green integrated methanol case (GIMC). In GIMC, the
source of CO
is the methanol plant itself where injected CO
supplied from reformer ue gas. Comparing GIMC with the con-
ventional reference methanol case (RMC), using the multi-objective
approach in the GIMC would lead to the reduction of 16% in the CO
emission with respect to the RMC at the expense of 5% decrease in
the methanol production.
2.10. The logistics sector
International transportation is crucial to the development of
world trade. Carbon emissions due to the logistics services sector
ranged from a few percent to over ten percent, depending on the
characteristics of goods and the mode of transport. Around 23% of
total emissions are embodied in the traded goods (Lopez et al.,
2015). To (2015) investigated emissions from the logistics sector
in Hong Kong as an example. In 2012, the total cargo freight be-
tween Hong Kong and other places via air freight was approxi-
mately 4 Mt and produced approximately 22.6 Mt of CO
-eq. The
total cargo freight via sea freight was approximately 26.9 Mt and
produced approximately 12.7 Mt of CO
-eq. The total cargo freight
via land freight was approximately 26.2 Mt and produced
approximately 0.5 Mt of CO
-eq. The total amount of carbon
emissions was approximately 35.8 Mt of CO
-eq. Switching air
cargo movements to land freight or sea freight for transportation
between Hong Kong and mainland China would, reduce carbon
emissions by about 0.4 Mt/yr of CO
-eq. In the long run, in order to
slow down the growth of carbon emissions, the Hong Kong Gov-
ernment should consider building a dedicated rail for freight trains,
or use some capacity of high-speed rail for high-value added cargo
2.11. The trade sector
The carbon linkage caused by the intermediate trade among
industrial sectors has typically been ignored. Zhao et al. (2015b)
integrated the environmental inputeoutput model with the
modied hypothetical extraction method to investigate the carbon
linkage among industrial sectors in South Africa. Results showed
that the total carbon linkage of industrial systems in South Africa in
2005 was 171 Mt, which accounted for 81 Mt total backward carbon
linkage and 90 Mt total forward carbon linkage. The industrial block
of electricity, gas, and water had the largest total carbon linkage
with internal and net forward effect, and the block of basic metal,
coke, and rened petroleum products have the largest net back-
ward effect. Zhao et al. (2015b) suggested that adjusting industrial
structure, improving energy efciency, developing new energy, and
establishing clean energy mechanisms are conducive to reduce the
carbon emission in South Africa and consequently achieve its do-
mestic carbon emission reduction targets.
3. Carbon emissions reduction potential in the construction
The construction sector, as the primary contributor of global
carbon emissions, plays a signicant role in global warming. The
construction sector is comprised of establishments primarily
engaged in the construction of buildings and other structures,
heavy construction (except buildings), additions and maintenance
and repairs.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the building sector is responsible for 40% of the global en-
ergy consumption and contributed a quarter of the global total
carbon emissions. Although the construction phase in a building's
life cycle is relatively short, the density of the carbon emissions in
the construction phase is higher than that in the operations and
maintenance phases. In the building sector, carbon emissions
embodied in the manufacturing of materials and the energy to
transform them into products for the construction and for the
relevant equipment of the facilities accounts for 88%e96% of the
total carbon emissions. Although some materials used during the
construction process are negligible in terms of weight, such as
polyamide safety nets and aluminum (<0.1%), they may have a
considerable impact on carbon emissions (2e3%) (Hong et al.,
2015). Improved energy efciency standards and strict control of
the increase in urban civil building oor areas will be the most
effective ways to reduce carbon emissions in this sector. Although
the building life span is also an important factor for carbon emis-
sions, its inuence is less sensitive than improved technology and
energy efciency standards (Ma et al., 2015). In order to monitor,
evaluate and forecast carbon emissions for building construction
projects better, Kim et al. (2015) developed an integrated CO
, cost
and schedule management (ICCSM) system for building construc-
tion projects using the earned value management theory. The
ICCSM system can support faster and more accurate evaluation and
forecasting of the project performance based on the construction
schedule, so it can minimize CO
emissions and construction costs
by considering the construction projection with the change of plans
(e.g., change of design, and change of construction methods and
For highway construction, Wang et al. (2015b) proposed an
empirical method to estimate the total carbon emissions from
different steps of the construction processes (raw materials pro-
duction, material transportation and onsite construction) by
different project types (e.g. subgrade, pavement, bridge, and tun-
nels). Their results showed that over 80 percent of the CO
sions were generated from raw materials production, while the
onsite construction and materials transportation only accounted
for 10 and 3 percent of the whole CO
emission, respectively.
Moreover, the CO
emissions from bridge and tunnel constructions
were much larger than subgrade and pavement construction. Based
on the collected data from 187 bridges and 13 tunnels in China, the
total CO
emissions from road, bridge and tunnel constructions in
China were 52, 36 and 42 t/m, respectively. In order to reduce these
emissions, the focus should be strongly put on materials production
processes in which low fossil carbon systems are preferred.
Advanced techniques developed to decrease the emissions in ma-
terial's production have the most potential.
In the hydropower construction industry, different types of
hydropower schemes utilize different construction methods and
have different carbon emissions. However, differences in carbon
emissions between different schemes have been largely ignored
when comparing environmental impacts for decision-making.
Zhang et al. (2015d) studied and compared carbon emissions of
two hydropower schemes: an earth-core rock lled dam (ECRD)
and a concrete gravity dam (CGD). It was found that the ECRD
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e124
reduced CO
emissions by approximately 24% compared to the
CGD. With respect to each stage of the life cycle, the ECRD
decreased CO
emissions by 46% for material production, 16% for
transportation and 9% for operation and maintenance but increased
emissions by 6% for construction due to the heavy workload.
Operational maintenance was the greatest contributor to CO
emissions, followed by the production, construction and trans-
portation stages.
4. Carbon emission reduction potentials in the agricultural
After the industrial and construction sectors, the agricultural
sector contributes substantial quantities of CO
and methane
emissions. Improved energy use efciency in agriculture, as one of
the principal requirements of sustainable development, can reduce
carbon emissions, help to minimize climate change risks, and
prevent destruction of natural resources.
4.1. The mushroom production sector
Ebrahimi and Salehi (2015) studied energy use pattern and CO
emissions of button mushroom production in Iran. Results showed
that the average total energy input and output in button mushroom
greenhouses were 900 and 25 MJ m
, respectively, where the
compost, diesel fuel and electricity were the most energy
consuming inputs with amounts of 444, 409 and 37 MJ m
. The
total carbon emissions of mushroom production were 23 and 32 kg
-eq ha
for efcient and inefcient units, respectively, so the
carbon emissions of mushroom production was reduced 27% in
efcient units compared with inefcient units. Management of
diesel fuel and electricity consumption in all mushroom production
facilities helped the more efcient systems to achieve such
4.2. The lucerne production sector
To study an irrigated lucerne (Alfalfa) cropping system in
Australia, Mushtaq et al. (2015) presented a novel integrated
assessment framework, based on carbon and water accounting,
which enabled them to analyze the potential trade-offs among
water savings, energy consumption, carbon emissions and eco-
nomic costs/benets associated with the adoption of new water
efcient irrigation technologies. Results revealed that efcient
sprinkler technology not only saved water but also reduced energy
use and carbon emissions. At the policy level, Mushtaq et al. (2015)
indicated that on-farm infrastructure investment policies should
prioritize the conversion from older, water-inefcient and energy-
intensive sprinkler irrigation systems such as roll-line systems to
center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems will help to make lucerne
production more effective and efcient.
4.3. The cotton production sector
Visser et al. (2015) investigated farm to shipcotton production
in Australia and showed that the total carbon emissions of pro-
ducing a bale of cotton from the farm to the ship's side or point of
export was 323 kg CO
-eq, which includes 182 kg CO
-eq from the
farm production phase, 73 kg CO
-eq from the gin to port supply
chain, and 68 kg CO
-eq that resulted from emissions from the
stock piled gin trash at the gins. If the waste is broadcast and
incorporated into the soil at the farm level, Visser et al. (2015)
showed that it could generate an emissions credit of 48 kg CO
eq per bale at the farm level, which will amount to a 27% reduction
in the farm emissions footprint and a 15% reduction in the whole
farm to ship carbon footprint.
4.4. The livestock production sector
The intensication of pig production has led to accumulation of
increased quantities of livestock wastes in small and localized
areas, where the use of manure as an organic fertilizer has sparked
a rise in nutrient concentration in soils, groundwater, and surface
water. Riano and García-Gonzalez (2015) estimated carbon emis-
sions reduction of a swine manure treatment plant in Spain.
Compared with conventional storage in anaerobic tanks, imple-
menting the manure treatment plant could lead to a total annual
carbon emission reduction of 62%, including CO
emission reduc-
tion 72%, CH
emission reduction by 69%, and no change of N
emission. Here we must notice that anaerobic digesters can be used
to produce CH
which can be used as a renewable energy source or
as a component in synthesis of other products.
4.5. The sheries sector
Modern commercial sheries are heavily dependent on the
input of fossil fuels throughout their supply chains, particularly
diesel inputs for their shing vessels. Fuel use intensity of sheries
varies with regard to target species, equipment employed, region of
shing, technologies used, skipper behavior, and other factors.
Globally, marine capture sheries consumed 42 Mt of fuel in 2000,
or 1.2% of global oil consumption, and released approximately
134 Mt of carbon dioxide (CO
) into the atmosphere. Parker et al.
(2015) measured fuel inputs to purse seining vessels targeting
primarily skipjack and yellow n tuna. These vessels burned, on
average, 368 L of fuel per tonne of wet weight landings, which
corresponds to a fuel-related carbon footprint of 1.1 kg CO
landed kg of tuna, lower than that of average marine capture
sheries (e.g. 340e530 L/t for Atlantic cod, 471e490 L/t for
haddock). These data represent 28% of worldwide landings of
skipjack and yellow n by purse seiners in 2009. Parker et al. (2015)
found that the use of sh aggregating devices (FADs) in purse seine
sheries for tuna was found to be inversely correlated with ef-
ciency, going against conventional logic that FAD use improves
4.6. Agricultural tillage impacts
Scientic regulation of carbon ows under conservation tillage
is of great signicance for mitigating carbon emissions and for
increasing carbon sequestration potential in soils. Chen et al.
(2015b) investigated conventional tillage without residue reten-
tion (CT), conventional tillage with residue retention (CTS), rotary
tillage with residue retention (RTS), and no-till with residue
retention (NTS) in China. All the inputs of machinery, irrigation,
herbicides, pesticides, fertilizer, seeds and other farm inputs were
totally taken into account and were converted into equivalent
carbon emissions. The annual increase in rates of soil organic car-
bon stocks were 452, 523, 1340, and 2385 kg ha
from 2007 to
2011 under CT, CTS, RTS, and NTS, respectively. The annual carbon
emissions under CT, CTS, RTS, and NTS were 1182, 1182, 1152, and
1139 kg C-eq ha
, respectively. Among the treatments, NTS
treatment had the lowest net carbon ux with 1246 kg C-eq
. Taking CT as the baseline, the relative net C ux under
RTS and NTS were 918 and 1976 kg C-eq ha
, respectively.
This means that widespread adoption of conservation tillage would
be benecial in the reduction of carbon emissions from these types
of agricultural production.
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e12 5
Land use changes not only inuence carbon storage in terrestrial
ecosystems directly, but they also indirectly affect anthropogenic
carbon emissions. Coastal regions usually have highly developed
economies, which drive frequent changes of land use. Chuai et al.
(2015) investigated land use changes in coastal Jiangsu of China
and found carbon emission intensity in this region was much
higher than the average for China as a whole. Total carbon emis-
sions in coastal Jiangsu amounted to 822 10
t in 1985 and
increased to 2931 10
t in 2010, which represented an increase of
2.57 times from 1985 to 2010. The transfer of cropland to built-up
land accounted for the largest percentage of the total transferred
area and contributed most to the increase of carbon emissions.
Optimized land use policies and procedures can help to reduce
carbon emissions in 2020 by 1542 10
t(Chuai et al., 2015). Tao
et al. (2015) further assessed variations in soil carbon stocks
across terrestrial land covers with different intensities of urban
development, and quantied spatial distribution and dynamic
variation of terrestrial carbon stocks in response to urban land use
and cover change. They showed that carbon densities decreased
with increasing intensity of urban development and urban land use
change and soil sealing created hotspots for losses in carbon stocks,
e.g. total carbon stocks in Changzhou of China decreased by about
30% during the past 25 years, representing a 1.5% average annual
decrease. In addition, Wang et al. (2015a) presented a remote
sensing approach to assess the impact of China's land use change on
carbon emissions and revealed that the carbon emissions in half of
the provinces of China are benign overall in terms of ecosystem
circulation and there is fairness and economic efciency of carbon
emissions during 2000e2010.
5. Assessment of carbon emissions reduction potentials is
different societal scales
The articles of this SV not only focused on carbon emissions
reduction potentials in certain industrial, construction, or agricul-
tural sectors, but also assessed carbon emissions reduction poten-
tials at different scales, from rm or household to national and
5.1. Firms
Climate change physical risks are likely to have a strong effect on
the economic performance of rms since they can increase their
costs signicantly (Nikolaou et al., 2015). Industrial rms are cen-
tral to the efforts to seek to achieve carbon emissions reductions
due to the large materials ows they process. Building an effective
management system for carbon reduction has become an impor-
tant issue for a rm's survival in today's competitive environment
(Liou, 2015). Most rms are willing to allocate resources and set a
target for carbon emissions reduction projects (Rietbergen et al.,
2015). By using international data consisting of 89 rms from 21
countries, Gallego-Alvarez et al. (2015) showed that a rm's
reduction of emissions could enhance its reputation, attract in-
vestors and positively impact their nancial performance. Liu
(2015) further revealed that governmental regulations, awareness
of consumers, company size have dramatic effects on rms' carbon
emission intensities per unit of production, while the price of raw
materials, governmental subsidies and pressure from international
rules, as well as the leadership of the rms awareness of social
responsibility slightly affected rms' carbon emissions. In addition,
some tax policies, such as the export rebate policy in China, also
affected rm's energy conservation and emission reduction pol-
icies, procedures and accomplishments (Fan et al., 2015).
Each rm needs to buy raw materials and fuels from other rms
and to sell their products to other rms, so industrial symbiosis (IS)
was introduced to promote carbon emissions reduction through
effective use of resources and energy by substitution of byproducts
and municipal solid waste for raw materials and fuels, waste heat
and improved steam utilization. Yu et al. (2015b) studied IS per-
formance on carbon emissions reduction in integrated steel mills
and revealed the three most effective symbiotic measures for CO
abatement are blast furnace gas recycling, coke oven gas recycling,
and blast furnace slag sold to the cement industry. They accounted
for 69% of the total CO
emission reduction from all the symbiotic
5.2. The household level
The need for the household sector to reduce its energy use and
emissions has been emphasized recently. A large proportion of
energy consumption and associated carbon emissions is from the
household sector. The UK's residential sector (excluding transport)
is responsible for approximately 30% of all its carbon emissions e
mainly due to high household energy consumption; in China,
approximately 26% of total household energy consumption and 30%
of CO
emissions are due to lifestyles and related economic activ-
ities; In Greece, a 44% increase in household expenditure between
1990 and 2006 was accompanied by a 60% increase in CO
sions; and in India, CO
emissions from household consumption of
goods and services increased 66% between 1993e94 and 2006e07
(Zhang et al., 2015f). Therefore, a major reduction of household
carbon emissions is essential if global carbon emission reduction
targets are to be met. The factors inuencing household carbon
emissions include household income, household size, age, educa-
tion level, location, gender, etc (Zhang et al., 2015f). Han et al.
(2015) further revealed that (i) household income is the most
important contributor to the difference of household carbon
emissions, and its positive effect increases as household carbon
emissions rise; (ii) household house ownership and deposits
contribute little to household carbon emissions, while household
car ownership contribute more; (iii) young people and children will
emit more household carbon emissions than adults, and the
employed emit more than persons who are unemployed or retired;
(iv) education increases household carbon emissions overall but
mainly at the low quintiles. In order to cut carbon emissions, people
should transform from luxurious to more frugal consumption ac-
tivities, such as less use of air conditioning, reusing and recycling
clothes and furnishings, purchasing low gasoline consumption and
emission cars, and using more energy conserving and environ-
mentally friendly home appliances. In addition, Pairotti et al. (2015)
investigated energy consumption and carbon emission associated
with the Mediterranean diet in Italy. They found that when
compared with the national average diet, the Mediterranean diet
produces an improvement in environmental performance of 95 MJ
(2.4%) and 27 kg CO
equivalent (6.8%) per family.
5.3. The city scale
As home to over 50% of the world's population, cities are pri-
marily responsible for production, consumption, trade of many
energies and resources, as well as day-to-day human activities.
During rapid urbanization, many environmental problems arise
from the heavy dependence on energy, including energy shortages
and excessive carbon emissions. The International Energy Agency
estimated that 70% of the greenhouse gases are produced within
the cities (Sethi, 2015). Therefore, it is essential to undertake ac-
counting of carbon emissions for urban systems, particularly in
developing countries with large quantities of energy and resources
consumptions (e.g. China).
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e126
Economic activity in Beijing is highly concentrated and its total
energy consumption has been increasing rapidly since 2000. In
2011, Beijing emitted about 50 Mt more carbon than in 2002, of
which 93.8% was from energy consumption. Zhang et al. (2015g)
evaluated the attributes of the energy consumption structure and
determined the required carbon emissions reduction by each
sector. From 2000 to 2010, the emission efciency of Beijing's en-
ergy consumption structure uctuated, but with an overall trend
toward higher emission efciency. More than 54% of the sectors
had high consumption and low emission efciency, versus 32%
with low consumption and low emission efciency, and the
remaining 14% had low consumption and high emission efciency.
For the future, Mi et al. (2015) showed increasing the proportion of
low energy intensive and low carbon intensive sectors including
nance, information transmission, computer service and software,
manufacture of measuring instrument, machinery for cultural ac-
tivity and ofce work is an effective policy. On the contrary, the
development of several high energy and high carbon intensive
sectors must be strictly controlled - including scrap and waste,
manufacture of textile and production and distribution of gas. If the
average annual growth rate of GDP will be 8% from 2010 to 2020,
these industrial structural adjustments can save energy by 39% and
reduce carbon emissions by 46% in Beijing in 2020.
Guangyuan is a mountainous city in western China that was
extensively damaged by the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Hao
et al. (2015) investigated the effects of post earthquake recon-
struction on the carbon cycle. They showed that the post-
earthquake reconstruction inuenced both the quantity and hori-
zontal and vertical structure of carbon storage and uxes, with a
more apparent impact on the articial rather than the natural
carbon cycle. Although the big earthquake caused great losses in
life and property, it provided an opportunity to promote low fossil-
carbon development via the initiation of new construction. In
Guangyuan, many programs were adopted along with the post-
earthquake construction, such as soil nutrient management, agri-
cultural methane gas utilization, natural gas utilization, energy
saving light upgrades, and adoption of low-carbon trafc system,
which respectively reduced 127, 499, 600, 4.5, and 4.2 Kt of carbon
per year. These activities have made Guangyuan one of the major
low fossil-carbon cities in China.
Feng et al. (2015) investigated Xiaolan, a typical town in south
China. They found that the energy-related carbon emissions of
Xiaolan in 2010 were 2 Mt CO
-eq, where manufacturing is the
biggest carbon emitting sector and represents 69% of the total
emissions of the city. In 2010, the carbon emissions per capita in
Xiaolan were lower than that in most Chinese cities, but higher
than several Asian cities including Amman and Tokyo. To reduce
carbon emissions, Feng et al. (2015) suggested improving energy
efciency; optimizing the energy structure and developing low
fossil-carbon energy; updating the manufacturing infra-structure;
as well as improving carbon emission management for the resi-
dential sector.
5.4. Regional scales
Carbon emissions in China are ranked the highest in the world
and they are increasing rapidly. This has attracted attention
throughout the world. The high carbon emissions in China are
mainly due to its huge dependency on fossil fuels. Of all the energy
resources, consumption of coal accounts for 66% while renewable
and nuclear energy only accounted for 9% in 2012 (Liu et al., 2015e).
At the same time, China is an extremely large country and there are
obvious differences in the economic base, industrial structure,
resource endowment, and energy utilization technology of each
region. Relative carbon emissions have increased most from the
Eastern provinces followed by the central and western provinces.
The authors suggested that China should coordinate and balance
the relationships between economic development and carbon
emission reduction, further decrease the energy intensity of their
production sectors, gradually adjust the economic and energy
structures, and formulate carbon emission reduction policies to
reduce regional disparities (Chen and Yang, 2015; Chang, 2015).
The Yangtze River Delta region is the fastest-growing economic
region of China; it is the region with the largest total economic
output, and the region with the most economic potential. The total
primary energy consumption of the Yangtze River Delta region
reached 420 Mtce in 2010; this is a 176% increase, compared to the
151 Mtce in 1995. Therefore, the Yangtze River Delta region has
generated considerable volumes of greenhouse gases and so must
bear responsibility for reducing its carbon emissions. Song et al.
(2015) found that carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta re-
gion showed a rising trend, increasing from 107 Mt in 1995 to
289 Mt in 2010. The effects of various factors on energy con-
sumption and carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region
were as follows: economic output, 144%; energy intensity, e60%;
population size, 19%; and energy structure, e2%. In the Yangtze
River Delta region, the energy intensity effect was the main factor
for reducing carbon emissions. In every step of the production
chain, such as mining, processing, conversion, storage, and end use,
energy losses were large. Technical progress and innovation could
become driving forces that would help improve energy efciency.
At the same time, energy consumption structures should be further
optimized by accelerating the innovation of coal-utilization tech-
nology and increasing the proportions of oil, natural gas, and
renewable energy sources that are used.
Shandong Province is a typical energy consumption province in
East China. In 2009, the total energy production, consumption, and
the net energy import were 146 Mtce, 345 Mtce and 196 Mtce
respectively. Applying both the carbon-emissions-coefcient and
the sector energy consumption method, Ren et al. (2015) predicted
that in 2015 and 2020, the total primary energy consumption
would be 1.57 times and 1.85 times higher in Shandong Province
than it was in 2009, and the carbon emissions are estimated to be
1.48 times and 1.67 times higher, respectively. Ren et al. (2015)
suggested that in the future, Shandong Province needs to gradu-
ally increase the supply of natural gas and renewable energy,
improve a multi-channel energy supply network, develop and
implement clean coal technology, and put its products into wide-
spread use in order to reduce carbon emissions.
With Chinas increasing participation in global production
chains, the country's inter-regional economic ties have grown
closer. Liu et al. (2015c) analyzed the characteristics of virtual car-
bon ows among regions of China which is essential to deploy
effective regional mitigation strategies. Results indicate that inter-
regional carbon ows in China grew from 136 MtC in 2002 to 377
MtC in 2007. The proportion of total national emissions represented
by inter-regional carbon ows rose from 15% in 2002 to 21% in
2007. The carbon ows from the Central and Northwest regions to
the Eastern Coastal region were the greatest contributors to both
the total inter-regional carbon ows in 2007. Liu et al. (2015a)
revealed further that the net transfer of emissions caused by eco-
nomic growth was decreasing in China.
Quantitative and binding targets have been set for energy-
efciency improvement and carbon emissions reduction in China.
Zhang et al. (2015b) presented a framework for provincial-level
disaggregation of energy-saving targets in China, e.g. in the capa-
bility preferred scenario, Application of this framework to burden-
sharing within China would result in increased insight among the
regions concerning differences in regional circumstances and their
roles in high-level energy-saving strategy. Shanghai should receive
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e12 7
a target share of 19% and ranks rst among all provinces of China,
and Beijing (18%), Jiangsu (18%), and Guangdong (18%) occupy the
following three places. In addition, Yan and Fang (2015) investi-
gated carbon emissions of the Chinese manufacturing industry and
found that the smelting and pressing of ferrous metals, manufac-
ture of raw chemical materials and chemical products, and manu-
facture of non-metallic mineral products were the top three
sectors, combining to account for approximately 60% of the total
carbon emissions. Carbon emissions mitigation, in the future, will
mainly depend on decreases in energy intensity, declines in emis-
sion coefcient of electricity and upgrades in the economic struc-
ture - their additive effects on CO
emissions reductions will be
about 5400 Mt by 2020.
5.5. National &global scales
Accompanying the boom in the global economy, the developing
world exhibits higher carbon emission growth rates than the
developed world. Emissions transfers between/among countries,
which represent a signicant fraction of total emissions, are
assumed to be a primary factor contributing to this difference. It is
important to understand these transfer gures and resulting
consumption-based emissions in order to evaluate the emissions
drivers and establish suitable climate policies. To broaden the
existing carbon emission data coverage and to further analyze their
impacts on total emissions in the long term, Yang et al. (2015b)
developed a new model called the Long-term Consumption-based
Accounting model (LCBA) to estimate consumption-based carbon
emissions for each of the 164 countries from 1948 to 2011. LCBA is
good at estimating consumption-based emissions in the national
scale, while traditional inputeoutput models specialize in sectoral
analysis and supply chain analysis. Current climate policies such as
Kyoto Protocol are being seriously jeopardized by the soaring
emissions transfers and increasing contribution of the Non-Annex
1 signature countries, so together with LCBA model and tradi-
tional inputeoutput model, consumption-based emissions in-
ventories will play an increasing role in future climate negotiations
and can help to achieve solid progress in future climate policies.
6. Implementation of low fossil carbon energy systems
Large scale exploitation and utilization of energy resources,
especially fossil fuels, has contributed signicantly to the devel-
opment of world civilization. Currently people use unsustainable
energy sources that yield benets in the short-term but contribute
to disadvantages in the long-term such as climate risks. A possible
measure to mitigate climate change is to provide incentives for the
implementation of renewable energy systems, which can produce
power with much lower amounts of fossil carbon emissions than
conventional fossil fuels. Substantial carbon emission reductions
necessary for limiting a rise in global average surface temperatures
to less than 2
C are possible through widespread implementation
of low fossil carbon energy systems. Mainstream low fossil carbon
renewable energy sources include biomass, wind power, hydro-
power, solar power, ocean thermal, wave, tidal and geo-thermal
energy sources.
In the European Union, the share of renewable energy has
increased signicantly over the past few years. In 2012, renewable
energy was estimated to have contributed 14.1% of gross nal en-
ergy consumption in the EU, compared with 8.3% in 2004. The
largest increases during this period were recorded in Sweden (from
38.7% in 2004 to 51.0% in 2012), Denmark (from 14.5% to 26.0%),
Austria (from 22.7% to 32.1%), Greece (from 7.2% to 15.1%) and Italy
(from 5.7% to 13.5%). Among renewable energy options, bioenergy
is considered to be the dominant energy source. Muench (2015)
thoroughly analyzed the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of
biomass systems for electricity generation and showed that elec-
tricity from biomass can be an appropriate measure for greenhouse
gas mitigation in the European Union. Muench (2015) recom-
mended to promote the employment of (1) non-dedicated ligno-
cellulosic biomass with thermochemical conversion, (2) dedicated
lignocellulosic biomass with thermochemical conversion, and (3)
dedicated lignocellulosic biomass with direct combustion, because
these biomass systems yield the highest carbon mitigation. For
wind power, Hacatoglu et al. (2015) introduced a new approach for
assessing the environmental sustainability of wind-battery sys-
tems. A wind-battery system produced less potential global
warming, stratospheric ozone depletion, air pollution, and water
pollution impacts compared with a gas-red power plant. The
wind-battery power plant generates 87% less life-cycle carbon
emissions and 78% less life-cycle ozone-depleting substance
emissions than a gas-red power plant.
For implementation of low fossil-carbon energy systems in ur-
ban areas, Lund et al. (2015) analyzed the hourly temporal and
spatio-temporal energy demand and supply patterns in Delhi,
Shanghai and Helsinki to understand how energy systems respond
to high renewable electricity shares, and to determine realizable
levels of renewable electricity power. Results indicated that if we
limit the use of the renewable electricity output for the instanta-
neous power demand, a 20% yearly share of electricity could be
reached. Increasing the renewable electricity beyond this limit
without a smart design adds only limited benet. Adding short-
term electrical storage capacity could increase the renewable
electricity share of power in Shanghai to 50e70%, in Delhi to
40e60%, and in Helsinki to 25e35%.
Brazil is undoubtedly a country with considerable renewable
energy generation capacity. The structure of the Brazilian energy
matrix denes Brazil as a global leader in power generation from
renewable sources. In 2011, the share of renewable sources in
electricity production in Brazil reached 88.8%, mainly due to the
large national hydro-electrical power potential. The current
composition of Brazilian energy matrix has outstanding participa-
tion of hydropower, even though Brazil has great potential for the
exploitation of other renewable energy sources such as wind, solar
and biomass. Although the Brazilian energy model presents a
strong potential for expansion, the total energy available from
current renewable technologies often outweighs the national de-
mand (Guerra et al., 2015).
7. Assessment of carbon capture &storage and
geoengineering approaches
Currently, rising energy production is associated closely with
increasingly carbon emissions. Despite concerns about carbon
emissions in the atmosphere, fossil fuels will probably remain the
main source of primary energy for a long time. Therefore, carbon
capture, utilization &storage (CCUS) to reduce CO
levels in the
atmosphere is being addressed by governments around the world.
CCUS involves technologies which separate CO
from the energy
and industrial emission sources and transports and stores it un-
derground. With CCUS the energy supply cost must include not
only the fuel cost, but also the CO
capture, transportation and
storage costs (Wennersten et al., 2015). Currently, CCUS is still in
the early stages of technological development, and the high cost
and several internal &external uncertainties makes the role of
CCUS unclear in future emission reduction, especially for devel-
oping countries. Zhu et al. (2015) made a comprehensive evaluation
of CCUS's potential for future development and contribution to
carbon emissions reduction in China with the help of a regional
energy-economy-environment integrated assessment model.
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e128
Results showed that CCUS technology will take about 30 years
before effective systems for carbon emissions reductions are found,
and although there will be development of CCUS after 2040, its
contribution to emission abatement will always be lower than that
of energy substitution. Zhu et al. (2015) suggested that in the short
and mid-terms, the Chinese government should emphasize in-
centives for non-hydro renewable energy so as to increase the
energy supply, while strengthening the demonstration and tech-
nology learning for CCUS, and in long-term (after 2050), the Chi-
nese government may promote CCUS adoption in coal-red power
plants through subsidies, or other policy measures to achieve
greater CO
emissions reductions.
7.1. Carbon capture
Coal combustion alone accounts for about 20% of global carbon
emissions, and coal produces the most CO
per unit energy of all
fossil fuels. However, the world's reliance on coal-based power will
continue to grow, irrespective of the improvements achieved in
efciency and the growth of renewable energy sources. Therefore,
the development of carbon capture and storage technologies at
coal-red power plants requires urgent attention. Various world-
wide projects have tried different industrial approaches adapted to
carbon capture. Aqueous Ammonia and Monoethanolamine (MEA)
are the popular solvents used to capture and separate CO
from the
ue gas stream. Aqueous Ammonia is a better solvent because its
loading is greater than MEA. However, aqueous ammonia is
highly volatile since it can become gaseous and leaves the ab-
sorption column with the treated gas. The use of membrane con-
tactor can limit ammonia loss and can widen the operational ranges
of temperature, pressure and ammonia concentration (Molina and
Bouallou, 2015; Khalilpour et al., 2015). In addition, Gopalakrishna
(2015) suggested using hydrotalcite like compounds and metal-
based oxides for CO
Co-ring coal with renewable energy sources coupled with
carbon capture is researched as a promising potential solution.
Fogarasi and Cormos (2015) evaluated the technical and economic
aspects of biomass co-ring electricity production with and
without CO
capture using different mixtures of coal and sawdust.
emissions and net electrical efciency only changed by 1%
between the case studies with 100% coal and 100% sawdust. Coal
and sawdust direct co-ring based power generation offers a po-
tential solution for increased global energy demand with simulta-
neous preservation of natural fossil fuel reserves and decrease in
net CO
emissions. In addition, Andric et al. (2015) studied the
maximum supply distance of biomass that allows the co-ring of
coal and biomass to be more environmentally efcient than the
pure coal combustion systems.
7.2. Carbon dioxide storage
Geological storage is a possible step after CO
is captured from
various energy or industrial sectors. Different from traditional ap-
proaches, Li et al. (2015c) assessed geological storage of CO
combining it with deep saline water/brine recovery (CO
which was proposed to help to solve the dilemma between the
increasing carbon emissions from the coal industry and the na-
tional energy and water security in China. Compared with tradi-
tional CO
geological storage, CO
-EWR can control the release of
reservoir pressure and water production by a reasonable engi-
neering design of pumping wells to achieve the security and sta-
bility of the large-scale geological storage of CO
. Moreover CO
EWR can collect and process deep saline water for drinking, in-
dustrial and/or agricultural utilizations to alleviate water shortage
situations. As a promising solution for energy/water nexus, the
research and pilot demonstration of CO
-EWR is under prudent
development in China, where the sealing integrity of the caprock
plays a key role in CO
geological storage in a saline aquifer over the
long period. Caprock, as a sealing layer, is dened as water-
saturated formation with a sufcient capillary entry pressure to
prevent the upward migration of a buoyant uid. Most caprocks are
shales, mudstones, or carbonates with moderate or low porosities
and very low permeabilities. These properties are naturally aniso-
tropic. When the capillary entry pressure of the caprock is smaller
than the pressure exerted by the buoyant CO
plume, CO
penetrates into the caprock. Sealing efciency may be lost if the
caprock is not water-wet or the water is lost through dehydration
and CO
sorption. Hence, the effect of CO
anisotropic swelling on the caprock may heavily impact the seal-
ing efciency. Wang (2015) developed a numerical model for the
investigation of the sealing efciency of anisotropic caprocks.
Wang's model is capable of describing the transport properties of
anisotropic shale caprocks, including gas ow and sorption, rock
deformation, directional porosity and permeability modications.
Mineral sequestration of waste materials provides another
promising method for CO
storage by the transformation of CO
calcium, magnesium and other forms of stable carbonates
(Ukwattage et al., 2015; Kainiemi et al., 2015). Coal combustion y
ash contains alkaline oxides such as CaO and MgO which can be
carbonated in the presence of CO
. This process is similar to the
chemical weathering of alkaline earth minerals in the presence of
atmospheric CO
dissolved in rain water. In order to enhance the
carbonation reaction for mineral CO
sequestration, Ukwattage et al.
(2015) studied the mineralization of Australian coal y ash for CO
sequestration at the laboratory scale. Different water-to-solid ratios
(from 0.1 to 1) and reaction temperatures (20e80
C) were tested
under a moderate initial CO
gas pressure of 3 MPa. Their results
showed that a 0.2e0.3 water-to-solidmix ratio recorded the highest
sequestration potential for coal y ash and was identied as the
optimum for mineralization. The increase of reaction temperature
resulted in a faster rate of initial CO
transfer into the y ash material
but did not have a signicant impact on the overall sequestration. In
addition, lime mud from papermaking processes has also been
suggested for use for CO
storage (Zhang et al., 2015a).
7.3. CO
resource utilization
Due the widespread use and consumption of traditional fossil
fuels, mankind not only faces increasing environmental pollution
and greenhouse effect, but also requires new resources. Captured
can be used as a feedstock for chemical production. Currently
the catalytic conversion of CO
into useful and value-added chem-
icals is an important eld in green chemistry (Zhou et al., 2015;
Zhang et al., 2015c). Yang and Wang (2015) reviewed various tech-
nologies for the utilization of CO
, including (i) hydrogenation to
methanol, dimethyl ether, methane, alkene, formic acid, etc. (ii)
reaction with hydrocarbons, including CO
reforming of methane to
syngas; hydrocarbons oxidation to alkene, aldehyde and carboxylic
acid; C1eC3 hydrocarbons and aromatics carboxylation. (iii) re-
actions with oxy-organics, such as methanol, propylene glycol and
epoxide, to obtain valuable chemicals and materials.
7.4. Geoengineering schemes
In addition to CCUS, some scientists have proposed to use geo-
engineering (or climate engineering) to articially cool the Earth.
Geoengineering, which is the intentional large-scale manipulation
of the environment, has been suggested as an effective means of
mitigating global warming from anthropogenic carbon emissions.
Most geoengineering schemes proposed to be performed on land or
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e12 9
in the ocean are to use physical, chemical or biological approaches
to remove atmospheric CO
. These schemes can only sequester an
amount of atmospheric CO
that is small compared with cumula-
tive anthropogenic emissions. Most geoengineering schemes pro-
posed for the atmosphere are based on increasing the planetary
albedo. These schemes have relatively low costs and short lead
times for technical implementation, and can act rapidly to reduce
temperature anomalies caused by anthropogenic carbon emissions.
However, the costs and benets of these geoengineering schemes
are likely to vary spatially over the planet with some countries and
regions gaining considerably while others may be faced with a
worse set of circumstances than would be the case without geo-
engineering (Zhang et al., 2015h).
8. Carbon taxation/trading schemes
Carbon emission trading schemes and carbon taxation schemes
are the main approaches adopted by countries and regions to seek
to achieve their emission reduction goals (Du et al., 2015). Both
schemes may potentially result in similar emission reductions, and
neither scheme seems to lead to lower emissions than the other (He
et al., 2015; Bing et al., 2015). Developed countries have high carbon
emission abatement costs compared with large developing coun-
tries (Li et al., 2015a). Higher carbon pricing levels can reduce the
economic advantage for high carbon emitters (Wu et al., 2015). In
addition, for household carbon emissions reductions, personal
carbon trading (PCT) is a progressive scheme in which the poorer
consumers are mostly 'winners', as their levels of emissions are
generally lower (Li et al., 2015b).
Under cap-and-trade regulations, rms may buy permits for
production, or sell surplus permits, or buy and sell no permits at all,
depending on the value of the initial cap. Under carbon tax regu-
lations, rms are charged for their carbon emissions at a constant
tax rate. Currently, emission-trading schemes (ETS) have been
established in several regions of the world, such as Australia, the
EU, Kazakhstan, New Zealand and Switzerland as well as in Qu
in Canada and California, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and
Vermont in the United States. China has publicized plans to initiate
the demonstration of carbon emission trading in seven regions as of
2013 (Liao et al., 2015). There is already an agreement aimed at
linking the EU ETS and the Australian ETS, which is a step towards
an international CO
pricing system. Liu et al. (2015d) showed that
the tax rate signicantly negatively affects a company's policy
choice preferences, which is consistent with the intuitive under-
standing that a lower tax rate is more acceptable for the businesses.
In theory, when introducing carbon taxation/trading schemes, the
product cost increases will dissatisfy the potential buyer. If the
enterprise wants to keep their prot margin constant, it has to
improve production efciency, product efciency, decrease product
cost, or a mix of all three. So the producer must improve the
product design and manufacture, lower the cost and improve the
product's performance (Xu et al., 2015). Based on a duopoly model,
Wang and Wang (2015) quantitatively explored the impact of a
carbon offsetting scheme on both emission trading participants'
prots and industry's output. They found that the introduction of a
carbon offsetting mechanism would reduce the equilibrium carbon
price to some extent regardless of how the proportion ceiling of
offset quota is designed, relieving the production losses caused by
the carbon emission constraints, but to different degrees.
9. Discussion and conclusions
Climate change is now widely recognized as the major envi-
ronmental problem facing human societies. Its impacts and costs
will be large, serious, and unevenly distributed globally. The main
factor causing climate change and global warming is the increase of
global carbon emissions. However, negotiations on carbon emis-
sions reduction have largely failed because of lack of international
trust and the unwillingness of most governments to pursue any-
thing except blind short-term self-interest. The Kyoto Protocol and
subsequent emissions reduction negotiations have been obstructed
repeatedly, particularly by representatives of the US government,
but also by much of the developed world, which has consistently
failed to acknowledge their historical contributions to climate
damage, and in some cases they continue to deny basic science in
the eld.
Currently, rising energy production is associated closely with
increasing fossil-carbon emissions. Despite concerns about carbon
emissions in the atmosphere, fossil fuels will probably remain the
main source of primary energy for a long time. In order to prevent
or to minimize climate crises in the long run, there are three main
approaches: 1) Improved energy use efciency in industrial, con-
struction, agricultural, transportation and all other sectors, 2)
widespread implementation of low fossil carbon renewable energy
systems, 3) CCUS and geoengineering schemes. Given high costs
and internal/external uncertainties of CCUS and risks and the
unanticipated and uncontrollable side effects of various geo-
engineering schemes, improved energy use efciency in industrial,
construction or agricultural sectors and widespread implementa-
tion of low fossil carbon energy systems are clearly the most direct,
and safe approaches. This means that we have to radically trans-
form our societal metabolism towards low/no fossil-carbon econ-
omies. However, design and implementation of low/no fossil-
carbon production will require fundamental changes in the
design, production and use of products and these needed changes
are evolving but much more needs to be done. Additionally, the
design and timing of suitable climate policy interventions, such as
various carbon taxation/trading schemes, must be integral in
facilitating the development of low fossil carbon products and
accelerating the transition to post-fossil carbon societies.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the authors of all
of the papers included in this SV for their cooperation in making the
numerous revisions, in a timely manner, and to the reviewers for
their thorough and painstaking assessments and for sharing their
valuable insights.
Andric, I., Jamali-Zghal, N., Santarelli, M., Lacarri
ere, B., Le Corre, O., 2015. Envi-
ronmental impact assessment of retrotting existing coal red power plants to
co-ring with biomass: carbon footprint and emergy approach. J. Clean. Prod.
103,13e27. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00350R3).
Bing, X., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J., Chaabane, A., van der Vorst, J., 2015. Global reverse
supply chain redesign for household plastic waste under the emission trading
scheme. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 28e39.
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Chang, N., 2015. Changing industrial structure to reduce carbon dioxide emissions:
a chinese application. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 40e48.
j.jclepro.2014.03.003 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01274R2).
Chen, L., Yang, Z., 2015. A spatio-temporal decomposition analysis of energy-related
emission growth in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 49e60.
10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.09.025 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00915R1).
Chen, W., Hong, J., Xu, C., 2015a. Pollutants generated by cement production in
China, their impacts, and the potential for environmental improvement. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 61e67. (Con-
tained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00083R1).
Chen, Z., Dikgwatlhe, S.B., Xue, J.F., Zhang, H.L., Chen, F., Xiao, X., 2015b. Tillage
impacts on net carbon ux in paddy soil of the Southern China. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 70e76. (Contained in this
SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01741R1).
D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e1210
Chuai, X., Huang, X., Wang, W., Zhao, R., Zhang, M., Wu, C., 2015. Land use, total
carbon emissions change and low carbon land management in Coastal Jiangsu,
China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 77e86.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01224R1).
Crossin, E.C., 2015. The greenhouse gas implications of using ground granulated
blast furnace slag as a cement substitute. J. Clean. Prod. 95, 101e108. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Dayaratne, S., Gunawardena, K.D., 2015. Carbon footprint reduction: a critical study
of rubber production in small and medium scale enterprises in Sri Lanka. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 87e103. (Con-
tained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00630R2).
Du, H., Li, B., Brown, M.A., Mao, Z., Rameezdeen, R., Chen, H., 2015. Expanding and
shifting trends in carbon market research: a quantitative bibliometric study. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 104e111. (Con-
tained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01366R2).
Ebrahimi, R., Salehi, M., 2015. Investigation of CO
emission reduction and
improving energy use efciency of button mushroom production using Data
Envelopment Analysis. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 112e119 .
j.jclepro.2014.02.032 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01502R1).
Fan, J., Liang, Q., Wang, Q., Zhang, X., Wei, Y., 2015. Will export rebate policy be
effective for CO
emissions reduction in China? a CEEPA-based analysis. J. Clean.
Prod. 103, 120e129. (Contained
in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01278R2).
Feng, C., Gao, X., Wu, J., Tang, Y., He, J., Qi, Y., Zhang, Y., 2015. Greenhouse gas
emissions investigation for towns in China: a case study of Xiaolan. J. Clean.
Prod. 103, 130e139. (Contained
in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e00617).
Fogarasi, S., Cormos, C., 2015. Technico-economic assessment of coal and sawdust
co-ring power generation with CO
capture. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 140e148. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Gallego-Alvarez, I., Segura, L., Martínez-Ferrero, J., 2015. Carbon emission reduction:
the impact on the nancial and operational performance of international
companies. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 149e159.
pro.2014.08.047 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01706R3).
Gao, T., Shen, L., Shen, M., Chen, F., Liu, L., Gao, L., 2015. Analysis on differences of
carbon dioxide emission from cement production and their major de-
terminants. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 160e170.
pro.2014.11.026 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00167R2).
Gopalakrishna, L.B.K., 2015. Progress in hydrotalcite like compounds and metal-
based oxides for CO
capture: a review. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 171e196. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Guerra, J., Dutra, L., Schwinden, N., Andrade, S., 2015. Future scenarios and trends in
energy generation in Brazil: supply and demand and mitigation forecasts. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 197e210.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01237R1).
Hacatoglu, K., Dincer, I., Rosen, M.A., 2015. A new model to assess the environ-
mental impact and sustainability of energy systems. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
211e218. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00245R1).
Han, L., Xu, X., Han, L., 2015. Applying quantile regression and Shapley decompo-
sition to analyzing the determinants of household embedded carbon emissions:
evidence from urban China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 219e230.
10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.08.078 (Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-D-14e00670R1).
Hao, Y., Su, M., Zhang, L., Cai, Y., Yang, Z., 2015. Integrated accounting of urban
carbon cycle in Guangyuan, a mountainous city of China: the impacts of
earthquake and reconstruction. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 231e240.
10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.05.091 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00102R1).
He, P., Zhang, W., Xu, X., Bian, Y., 2015. Production lot-sizing and carbon emissions
under cap-and-trade and carbon tax regulations. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 241e248. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Hong, J., Shen, G.Q., Feng, Y., Lau, W.S., Mao, C., 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions
during the construction phase of a building: a case study in China. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 249e259. (Contained in this
SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01945R2).
Ishak, S.A., Hashim, H., 2015. Low carbon measures for cement plant ea review. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 260e274.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00240R2).
Kim, J., Koo, C., Kim, C., Hong, T., Park, H.S., 2015. Integrated CO
, cost, and schedule
management system for building construction projects using the earned value
management theory. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 275e285.
j.jclepro.2014.05.031 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01504R2).
Kainiemi, L., Eloneva, S., Toikka, A., Lev
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obstacles for CO
mineralization: CO
mineralization specic frames in the in-
terviews of Finnish CCS experts. J. Clean. Prod. 94, 352e358.
10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.02.016 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e02588R1).
Khalilpour, R., Mumford, K., Zhai, H., Abbas, A., Stevens, G., Rubin, E.S., 2015.
Membrane-based carbon capture from ue gas: a review. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
286e300. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00239R2).
Leon, J., Aliaga, C., Boulougouris, G., Hortal, M., Marti, J.L., 2015. Quantifying GHG
emissions savings potential in magazine paper production: a case study on
supercalendered and light-weight coated papers. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 301e308. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Li, A., Zhang, Z., Zhang, A., 2015a. Why are there large differences in performances
when the same carbon emission reductions are achieved in different countries?
J. Clean. Prod. 103, 309e318.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01045R1).
Li, J., Fan, J., Zhao, D., Wang, S., 2015b. Allowance price and distributional effects
under a personal carbon trading scheme. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 319e329. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Li, Q., Wei, Y., Liu, G., Shi, H., 2015c. CO
-EWR: a cleaner solution for coal chemical
industry in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 330e337.
pro.2014.09.073 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00958R1).
Liao, Z., Zhu, X., Shi, J., 2015. Case study on initial allocation of Shanghai carbon
emission trading based on Shapley value. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 338e344. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Lin, B., Zhao, H., 2015. Energy efciency and conservation in China's chemical ber
industry. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 345e352.
pro.2014.06.070 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00667R1).
Liou, J.J.H., 2015. Building an effective system for carbon reduction management. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 353e361.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01221R1).
Liu, H., Liu, W., Fan, X., Liu, Z., 2015a. Carbon emissions embodied in value added
chains in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 362e370.
pro.2014.09.077 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00887R2).
Liu, G., Yang, Z., Chen, B., Zhang, J., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Su, M., Ulgiati, S., 2015b.
Scenarios for sewage sludge synergic reduction and reuse in clinker production
towards regional eco-industrial development: a comparative emergy-based
assessment. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 371e383.
pro.2014.09.003 (Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-D-14e00927R1).
Liu, L., Liang, Q., Wang, Q., 2015c. Accounting for China's regional carbon emissions
in 2002 and 2007: production-based versus consumption-based principles. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 384e392.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00138R1).
Liu, X., Wang, C., Niu, D., Suk, S., Bao, C., 2015d. An analysis of company choice
preference to carbon tax policy in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 393e400. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Liu, X., Mao, G., Ren, J., Li, R.Y.M., Guo, J., Zhang, L., 2015e. How might china achieve
its 2020 emissions target? A scenario analysis of energy consumption and CO
emissions using the system dynamics model. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 401e410. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Liu, Y., 2015. Dynamic study on the inuencing factors of industrial rm's carbon
footprint. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 411e422.
pro.2014.06.029 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00429R1).
Lopez, L.A., Cadarso, M.A., Gomez, N., Tobarra, M., 2015. Food miles, carbon footprint
and global value chains for Spanish agriculture: assessing the impact of a car-
bon border tax. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 423e436.
pro.2015.01.039 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00324R1).
Lund, P., Mikkola, J., Ypy
a, J., 2015. Smart energy system design for large clean power
schemes in urban areas. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 437e445.
j.jclepro.2014.06.005 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00283R1).
Ma, J., Liu, L., Su, B., Xie, B., 2015. Exploring the critical factors and appropriate
polices for reducing energy consumption of China's urban civil building sector.
J. Clean. Prod. 103, 446e454.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00487R2).
Mi, Z., Pan, S., Hao, Y., Wei, Y., 2015. Potential impacts of industrial structure on
energy consumption and CO
emission: a case study of Beijing. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 455e462. (Contained in this
SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00725R1).
Molina, C.,T., Bouallou, C., 2015. Assessment of different methods of CO
capture in
post-combustion using ammonia as solvent. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 463e468. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Morfeldt, J., Nijs, W., Silveira, S., 2015. The impact of climate targets on future steel
production -an analysis based on a global energy system model. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 469e482. (Contained in
this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01218R1).
Muench, S., 2015. Greenhouse gas mitigationpotential of electricity from biomass. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 483e490.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e02063R4).
Mushtaq, S., Maraseni, T.N., Reardon-Smith, K., Bundschuh, J., Jackson, T., 2015.
Integrated assessment of water-energy-GHG emissions tradeoffs in an irrigated
lucerne production system in eastern Australia. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 491e498. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Nikolaou, I., Evangelinos, K., Leal, W., 2015. A system dynamic approach for
exploring the effects of climate change risks on rms' economic performance. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 499e506.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01021R1).
Pairotti, M.B., Cerutti, A.K., Martini, F., Vesce, E., Padovan, D., Beltramo, R., 2015.
Energy consumption and GHG emission of the Mediterranean diet: a systemic
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assessment using a hybrid LCA-IO method. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 507e516. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Parker, R.W.R., Vazquez-Rowe, I., Tyedmers, P.H., 2015. Fuel performance and car-
bon footprint of the global purse seine tuna eet. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 517e524. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Rainville, A., Hawkins, R., Bergerson, J., 2015. Building consensus in life cycle
assessment: the potential for a Canadian product category rules standard to
enhance credibility in greenhouse gas emissions estimates for Alberta's oil
sands. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 525e533.
pro.2014.06.067 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01755R1).
Ren, L., Wang, W., Wang, J., Liu, R., 2015. Analysis of energy consumption and carbon
emission during the urbanization of Shandong Province, China. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 534e541. (Contained in this
SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00136R2).
Riano, B., García-Gonzalez, M.C., 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions of an on-farm
swine manure treatment plant-comparison with conventional storage in
anaerobic tanks. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 542e548.
pro.2014.07.007 (Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-D-13e01959R1).
Rietbergen, M.G., Rheede, A.V., Blok, K., 2015. The target-setting process in the CO
performance ladder: does it lead to ambitious goals for carbon dioxide emission
reduction? J. Clean. Prod. 103, 549e561.
pro.2014.09.046 (Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-D-13e01624R4).
Robaina-Alves, M.M., Moutinho, V., Macedo, P., 2015. A new frontier approach to
model the eco-efciency in European countries. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 562e573. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Ruby, T.M., 2015. Innovation-enabling policy and regime transformation towards
increased energy efciency: the case of the case of the circulator pump industry
in Europe. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 574e585.
pro.2015.02.017 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00439R2).
Sethi, M., 2015. Location of GHG emissions from thermal power plants in India
along the urban-rural continuum. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 586e600. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Slowak, A.P., Taticchi, P., 2015. Technology, policy and management for carbon
reduction: a critical and global review with insights on the role played by the
Chinese academy. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 601e619.
pro.2015.01.050 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01264R1).
Song, M., Guo, X., Wu, K., Wang, G., 2015. Driving effect analysis of energy-con-
sumption carbon emissions in the Yangtze River Delta region. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
620e628. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00161R1).
Stål, H.I., 2015. Micro-level translation of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction epolicy
meets industry in the Swedish agricultural sector. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 629e639. (Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-
Taghdisian, H., Pishvaie, M.R., Farhadi, F., 2015. Multi-objective optimization
approach for green design of methanol plant based on CO
-efceincy indicator.
J. Clean. Prod. 103, 640e650.
(Contained in this SVas JCLEPRO-D-13e01516R2).
Tao, Y., Li, F., Wang, R., Zhao, D., 2015. Effects of land use and cover change on
terrestrial carbon stocks in urbanized areas: a study from Changzhou city,
China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 651e657.
pro.2014.07.055 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00383R1).
To, W.M., 2015. Greenhouse gases emissions from the logistics sector: the case of
Hong Kong, China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 658e664.
j.jclepro.2014.10.062 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01105R1).
Ukwattage, N.L., Ranjith, P.G., Yellishetty, M., Bui, H.H., Xu, T., 2015. A laboratory-
scale study of the aqueous mineral carbonation of coal y ash for CO
sequestration. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 665e674.
pro.2014.03.005 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01765R1).
Visser, F., Dargusch, P., Smith, C., Grace, P.R., 2015. Application of the crop carbon
progress calculator (CCAP) in a farm to shipcotton production case study in
Australia. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 675e684.
pro.2014.09.093 (Contained in this SV as).
Wang, J.G., 2015. Effect of CO
sorption-induced anisotropic swelling on caprock
sealing efciency. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 685e695.
pro.2014.08.024 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00434R1).
Wang, Q., Gao, Z., Ning, J., 2015a. Model-based assessment of the pattern differences
and the equity of national carbon emissions in China during 2000-2010. J.
Clean. Prod. 103, 696e704.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00645R2).
Wang, X., Duan, Z., Wu, L., Yang, D., 2015b. Estimation of carbon dioxide emission in
highway construction: a case study in southwest region of China. J. Clean. Prod.
103, 705e714. (Contained in this
SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e02084R3).
Wang, Z., Wang, C., 2015. How carbon offsetting scheme impacts the duopoly
output in production and abatement: analysis in the context of carbon
cap-and etrade. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 715e723.
j.jclepro.2014.04.069 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e02040R1).
Wennersten, R., Sun, Q., Li, H., 2015. The future potential for carbon capture and
storage in climate change mitigation ean overview from perspectives of
technology, economy and risk. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 724e736.
10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.09.023 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00727R2).
Wu, L., Mao, X.Q., Zeng, A., 2015. Carbon footprint accounting in support of city
water supply infrastructure siting decision making: a case study in Ningbo,
China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 737e746.
pro.2015.01.060 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00616).
Xu, Z., Wang, Y., Teng, Z., Zhong, C., Teng, H., 2015. Low-carbon product multi-
objective optimization design for meeting requirements of enterprise, user and
government. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 747e758.
pro.2014.07.067 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01374R1).
Yan, X., Fang, Y., 2015. CO
emissions and mitigation potential of the Chinese
manufacturing industry. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 759e773.
j.jclepro.2015.01.051 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00943R2).
Yang, K., Jung, Y., Cho, M., Tae, S., 2015. Effect of supplementary cementitious ma-
terials on reduction of CO
emissions from concrete. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
774e783. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-13e01255R2).
Yang, N., Wang, R., 2015. Sustainable technologies for the reclamation of green-
house gas CO
. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 784e792.
pro.2014.10.025 (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e01107R1).
Yang, Z., Dong, W., Wei, T., Fu, Y., Cui, X., Moore, J.C., Chou, J., 2015. Constructing
long-term (1948e2011) consumption-based emissions inventories. J. Clean.
Prod. 103, 793e800. (Contained
in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01748R1).
Yu, B., Li, X., Shi, L., Qian, Y., 2015. Quantifying CO
emission reduction from in-
dustrial symbiosis in integrated steel mills in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
801e810. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00064R1).
Yu, F., Han, F., Cui, Z., 2015. Reducing carbon emission through industrial symbiosis:
a case study of a large enterprise group in China. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 811e818. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Yue, T., Zhao, M., Zhang, X., 2015. A high-accuracy method for lling voids on
remotely sensed xCO
surfaces and its verication. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 819e827. (Contained in this SV as JCLE-
Zhang, J., Zheng, P., Wang, Q., 2015. Lime mud from papermaking process as a
potential ameliorant for pollutants at ambient conditions: a review. J. Clean.
Prod. 103, 828e836. (Contained
in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01630R1).
Zhang, L., Feng, Y., Zhao, B., 2015. Disaggregation of energy-saving targets for
China's provinces: modeling results and real choices. J. Clean. Prod. 103,
837e846. (Contained in this SV
as JCLEPRO-D-14e00664R2).
Zhang, M., Xiao, M., Wang, M., Han, D., Lu, Y., Meng, Y., 2015. CeO2-based catalysts
made by template-precipitation for the DMC synthesis from CO
and methanol.
J. Clean. Prod. 103, 847e853.
(Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-14e00817R2).
Zhang, S., Pang, B., Zhang, Z., 2015. Carbon footprint analysis of two different types
of hydropower schemes: comparing earth-rockll dams and concrete gravity
dams using hybrid life cycle assessment. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 854e862. http:// (Contained in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-
Zhang, W., Li, H., Chen, B., Li, Q., Hou, X., Zhang, H., 2015. CO
emission and miti-
gation potential estimations of China's primary aluminum industry. J. Clean.
Prod. 103, 863e872. (Contained
in this SV as JCLEPRO-D-13e01893R1).
Zhang, X., Luo, L., Skitmore, M., 2015. Household carbon emission research: an
analytical review of measurement, inuencing factors and mitigation prospects.
J. Clean. Prod. 103, 873e883 (Contained in this SV).
Zhang, Y., Zheng, H., Yang, Z., Li, J., Yin, X., Liu, G., Su, M., 2015. Analysis of urban
energy consumption in carbon metabolic processes and its structural attri-
butes: a case study for Beijing. J. Clean. Prod. 103, 884e897.
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D. Huisingh et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 103 (2015) 1e1212
... Fossil fuels and deforestation as sources of carbon emissions are the main focus in climate change mitigation [17]. This step needs to be supported by technological development in the field of mitigation, such as the use of clean energy, carbon storage technology, and ecosystem restoration approaches [18,19]. Managing these emission sources, increasing renewable energy and ecosystem restoration are important steps to reduce the impacts of climate change. ...
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The 2023 progress report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is weak, even regressing, including key targets related to climate change, and at risk of failure. Estuarine ecosystems dominated by mangrove vegetation are critical for climate change mitigation. However, these ecosystems continue to be degraded at multiple levels. Indonesia, with the largest mangrove forest area in the world, requires conservation and restoration efforts to effectively mitigate climate change impacts. This study aims to analyze the role of estuarine ecosystems in storing carbon for climate change mitigation. This research uses bibliometric analysis method to produce an in-depth and comprehensive analysis. The data source is the Scopus database, visualized using the VOSviewer application. After limitation, 219 out of 1485 documents that fit the inclusion criteria were obtained. The results showed a significant increase in interest in the topic of the role of estuarine ecosystems for climate change mitigation in the last two years. This research underscores the importance of mangroves restoration in estuarine ecosystems, as their condition has significant impacts on climate change and coastal communities. Nature-based solutions such as the use of green energy, implementation of new technologies such as remote monitoring, and ecosystem balance-based policy-making are recommended. The integration of multi-disciplinary and multi-technology approaches is crucial to build resilient, natural estuarine ecosystems and restore ecosystem services. These findings can also provide a scientific basis for the management of estuarine ecosystems to support SDG 13 Climate Action.
... carbon emissions (Huisingh et al., 2015;Bouman et al., 2017;Yang Chen & Lee, 2020;), and the policies and regulations necessary to foster sustainable economic growth Xie et al., 2017). ...
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The need to reduce carbon emissions has become a topic of increasing interest. This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of 1814 articles indexed in the Scopus database to evaluate research trends on the carbon footprint of economic growth based on countries, journals, institutions, most productive authors, co-citation, and keyword co-occurrence. The results show that articles related to the carbon footprint of economic growth developed through three stages, as the number of publications witnessed an explosion after 2017. China, the United States of America (USA), and the United Kingdom (UK) were the countries that produced the most papers, publishing 67.31% of the overall number of publications. Few authors from Australia, China, and Pakistan have played important roles in contributing to research in this field. The “Journal of Cleaner Production” was the most productive for high quality and most cited. The results also showed that human capital and renewable energy reduce the carbon footprint and environmental degradation, while the impact of economic growth on the carbon footprint varies from region to another. This research contributes to clarifying publication evolution, identifying areas of current research interest, and identifying potential directions for future research. This contribution in turn helps decision-makers develop effective strategies to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable economic growth.
The present study endeavors to investigate the application of deep learning algorithms in energy management, aimed at fostering a low-carbon society. Specifically, the study focuses on the performance of wavelet packet decomposition for noise reduction in predicting carbon emissions. The results indicate a significant enhancement in predictive accuracy, outperforming models without noise reduction across various evaluation metrics. This research not only elevates the precision and reliability of predictions but also underscores the critical role of data preprocessing in complex tasks, thereby offering novel methodologies and perspectives for carbon emission monitoring and forecasting in energy management.
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This paper mainly describes a novel synthesis of three different ceria catalysts CeO2, CeO2-SiO2 and CeO2-4A via template-precipitation method. The prepared catalysts were fully characterized by means of temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), BET surface area test, SEM and FTIR. The catalytic performance over these ceria catalysts were examined for the dimethyl carbonate (DMC) synthesis from CO2 and methanol. The results indicate that CeO2-4A exhibits the highest DMC yield, followed by CeO2-SiO2 and CeO2 catalysts. Under the reaction conditions at 0.6 MPa and 120 °C with space velocity of 300 h−1, the highest methanol conversion is 3.97% with DMC selectivity of 81.4%.
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The embodied and operating energy consumption of the civil building sector accounts for more than 30% of the national consumption. It is of great significance to probe the energy saving potential of the building sector and to explore the critical factors responsible for its energy saving practice, which may greatly benefit carbon emission reduction in the process of urbanization. In this paper, we develop a series of formulations to calculate both embodied and operating energy based on hybrid energy input–output model. Taking 2011–2050 as the study period, we combined the embodied and operating energy and designed six scenarios to comprehensively quantify the impacts of three factors: new building floor areas, energy efficiency standards and its implementation rate on the energy saving potential. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis was conducted to dissect the influence of the corresponding factors. The results show that improved standards and less new building floor areas will be the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption and that the best energy saving practice can save up to 20 billion tons of coal equivalent (tce) during the study period. The focus of policy reforms may be varied according to the times and regions. Energy saving technology development and more emphasis on key areas will reduce building energy consumption significantly in the short term, while household lifestyle changes, as well as improved building energy efficiency, should be given a higher priority in the long run.
Greenhouse gases are the prime cause of climate change, to which India is a significant party. Globally the issue of sub-national or local emissions is increasingly gaining relevance, particularly post-2009, when greater-half of the world has become urbanized for the first time in the human history. International Energy Agency, in its World Energy Outlook report estimates that 70% of the greenhouse gases are produced within the cities. But, there is limited empirical evidence to substantiate such claims in the Indian context. It being a developing country with a large rural population base, the carbon footprint of cities goes unnoticed. On the other hand, unreeling economic growth and rapid urbanization during the last two decades, coupled with limited data in the subject pressingly seeks a systematic determination of urban emission baseline. This research analyzes historic trends of urbanization, thermal power generation and greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, and evaluates their growth trajectories for the imminent future. This paper is also a first time investigation of urban India's (covering over 7000 Indian towns and cities) contribution of GHG emissions. In absence of any international protocol or a standard methodology to estimate urban GHG burdens of a nation, this paper deals with theoretical issues evident while allocating city emissions like methodological differences, defining ‘urban’ and its boundary and the need to consider downscaling of nationally reported emissions using spatial analysis based on production or location perspective of the most significantly contributing sector namely, energy. Dataset of 454 thermal units reported by Central Electricity Authority for 2011-12 from over hundred coal, diesel, gas and liquid fuel based gas turbine plants has been assessed. The individual plants are verified for their name, capacity, generation and local address from their respective state generation corporations or electricity boards, as applicable. They are then spatially located real time, using universally available (and verifiable) web-based mapping tool of Google Earth and Wikimapia. The information has been assessed on the urban-rural gradient, using population based Census definition for class/hierarchy of towns and their location with respect to the urban boundary. The thermal power plants have eventually been classified within the urban area, on the periphery, transitional or rurban and absolutely rural. The results present an array of emissions, across the urban hierarchy and location in space, underpinning how substantial GHG emissions are attributable to urban and urbanizing areas. The research puts forth, with strong evidence, that in contrast to the general postulation, urban settlements radically contribute to national carbon footprint, which is further bound to increase with urbanization. The findings bear significance to influence research, policy and action in energy and urban sectors and greater cross-sector integration for co-benefits in climate change mitigation at the local city level.
The large-scale transportation infrastructure construction in developing countries such as China requires emission estimation method for better project design. This study proposed an empirical method to estimate carbon dioxide (CO2) emission which was generated from highway construction based on four real projects in southwest region of China. The proposed method estimated the total emission from different steps of construction process (raw material production, material transportation and onsite construction) by different project types (e.g. subgrade, pavement, bridge, and tunnels). The results show that in general over 80 percent of the CO2 emission was generated from raw material production; the onsite construction and material transportation only accounted for 10 and 3 percent of the whole CO2 emission, respectively. Moreover, the CO2 emission from bridge and tunnel constructions was much larger than subgrade and pavement construction. The total CO2 emission from road, bridge and tunnel constructions was 5229 kg/m, 35,547 kg/m and 42,302 kg/m, respectively. The empirical estimation method of the CO2 emission proposed in this study can be considered as references for CO2 emission estimation in other regions which are similar as southwest region of China.
The various initiatives in the market place to quantify the sustainability levels of products are putting pressure on farmers to demonstrate a reduction in the environmental impacts of their crop management practices, and in particular with the lowering of the carbon footprints of their crops. At present there is no internationally accredited common method or carbon footprint model which generates site specific and LCA aligned emission estimates. The application of the Crop Carbon Progress Calculator (CCAP) is demonstrated for an irrigated cotton ‘farm to ship’ case study in Australia where we determine that the progress made in the 2011 crop against a 2002 crop base year amounts to 44% reduction in GHG emission levels. We estimate that for this particular case study the total carbon footprint of producing a bale of cotton up to ship's side or point of export is 323 kg CO2e. This includes 182 kg CO2e from the farm production phase, 73.1 kg CO2e from the gin to port supply chain, and 68.1 kg CO2e that results from emission from the stock piled gin trash at the gins. It appears that a feasible option to avoid these trash emissions is to incorporate the waste at farm level. Our analysis shows that this could generate an emissions credit of 48.8 kg CO2e per bale at farm level, which will amount to a 27% reduction in the farm emissions footprint and a 15% reduction in the whole farm to ship carbon footprint. Due to a number of site specific environmental and crop management factors, there can be significant variances in crop carbon footprint outcomes.
The majority of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in China are energy-related. Thus, full understanding of energy-related GHG emissions is crucial for local governments to establish a baseline for tracking emission trends and developing mitigation strategies. In this paper, we present a survey-based GHG emission accounting method for sectoral energy consumption and apply it in Xiaolan, a typical town of Zhongshan. The method combines scope and sectoral analyses on the basis of local statistical approach, and pays more attention to data collection process. Scenarios of core findings in the study are list as below: (1) The energy-related GHG emissions of Xiaolan in 2010 was 2,072,444 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e). Of this, 31.83% was Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions) and 68.17% was Scope 2 emissions (indirect emissions); (2) Emissions from “manufacturing”, “residents”, and “power, gas & water production and supply” made up 90.27%, among which, “manufacturing” represents the biggest emitting sector as 69.09%; (3) In 2010, the per capita GHG emissions was lower than that in most of the other Chinese cities, but higher than several Asian cities including Amman and Tokyo. Some strategic approaches to reduce GHG emissions were proposed: (1) save energy and improve energy efficiency; (2) optimize energy structure and develop low-carbon energy; (3) update manufacturing structure; (4) improve GHG emission management for the resident sector. Finally, we identified a number of key research issues to advance the town level GHG emission method for future research needs. This paper provides a useful method to understand and profile GHG emissions for towns.