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Higher education is becoming increasingly student-oriented. Therefore, the examination of students’ personal and social qualities from different perspectives has become highly critical for educational researchers. Among those qualities that receive special attention by the educational researchers is resiliency. Resiliency can be described as the ‘self-corrective tendency’ that motivates people to develop as normal adults even in the most difficult situations, while resilient can be defined as a person who is resistant and flexible and also has the ability to heal quickly, get better, overcome challenges of all kinds of trauma, tragedy, personal crises, and problems (Bezmez, Blakney, Brown, 1999 cited in Gürgan, 2006). Resiliency is a particularly important quality for educational researchers as it strongly affects the students’ ability to bounce back stronger and wiser from any difficulties, and the social-cognitive development process of the individuals. On the other hand, problem solving ability is considered as another critical quality that the students must gain as it facilitates the process of problem definition, information- gathering regarding the problem, determination of any obstacles that can prevent the problem-solution, and the motivation towards problem-solving behavior (Davidson, Deuser ve Sternberg, 1994 cited in Sardoğan, Karahan, Kaygusuz, 2006). Undoubtedly, problem solving behavior is closely related with personal characteristics. People who possess good problem solving skills can have better lives than others as they are more successful in figuring out the best possible solutions and know how to behave in problematic situations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the resiliency level of university students by various variables and the relationship between their resiliency level and problem-solving abilities. A survey study method was employed in this research. Data was gathered from 325 students who studies at Yeditepe University in Istanbul during fall, 2012. The survey was composed of three different sections. First section is developed by the researchers to obtain the demographic information of the participants. Second section is composed of a Resilience scale which was developed by Gurgan (2006), while the third and the last section was composed of a Problem Solving Inventory which was developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) and adapted into Turkish by Sahin, Sahin ve Heppner (1993). Both scales have high reliabilities with a Cronbach Alpha .80 and .88 respectively. Any increase in the resiliency mean score obtained from the scale can be interpreted as an increase in the resiliency level of the university students. The minimum score that can be obtained from the resiliency scale is determined as 50 while the maximum score is 250. On the other hand, the high scores obtained from the problem solving inventory indicates that the person has a negative perception about his/her problem solving skills, and perceives those skills as unsatisfactory. The score that can be obtained from the problem solving inventory ranges between 32 and 192. Research findings reveal that university students have high resiliency level with a sample mean of 190.07. Furthermore, no significant difference has been found in the resiliency level of university students in terms of gender, grade level, monthly income, and accommodation facilities (p > 0.05). However, a significant difference has been found in their resiliency level in terms of faculty, work experience, academic achievement, self-perceived future job achievement, father's education level, parenting style and their description of selves (p<0.05). Sample mean of problem-solving ability has been found as 92.82. The total score that can be obtained from Problem Solving Inventory ranges between 32 and 192. The low scores indicated that the person had effective and successful set of behaviors related to problem-solving, while the higher scores indicated that the person felt inadequate and poor in terms of problem-solving skills. Therefore, the mean score of 92.82 for problem-solving skills indicates that Yeditepe university students’ problem-solving skills are at the middle level. On the other hand, the Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.672 (p<0.05) which was calculated for the relationship between resiliency and problem-solving skills of students indicated a positive and somewhat strong relationship between the resiliency level of university students and their problem-solving skills.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
1877-0428 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.766
Corresponding author: Yelkin Diker Coşkun
4th World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance WCPCG-2013
Analysis of the Relationship between the Resiliency Level and
Problem Solving Skills of University Students
Yelkin Diker Coşkun, Çağla Garipağaoğlu, Ülkü Tosun
Higher education is becoming increasingly student-oriented. Therefore, the examination of students’ personal and social
qualities from different perspectives has become highly critical for educational researchers. Among those qualities that receive
special attention by the educational researchers is resiliency. Resiliency can be described as the ‘self-corrective tendency’ that
motivates people to develop as normal adults even in the most difficult situations, while resilient can be defined as a person who
is resistant and flexible and also has the ability to heal quickly, get better, overcome challenges of all kinds of trauma, tragedy,
personal crises, and problems (Bezmez, Blakney, Brown, 1999 cited in Gürgan, 2006). Resiliency is a particularly important
quality for educational researchers as it strongly affects the students’ ability to bounce back stronger and wiser from any
difficulties, and the social-cognitive development process of the individuals. On the other hand, problem solving ability is
considered as another critical quality that the students must gain as it facilitates the process of problem definition, information-
gathering regarding the problem, determination of any obstacles that can prevent the problem-solution, and the motivation
towards problem-solving behavior (Davidson, Deuser ve Sternberg, 1994 cited in Sardoğan, Karahan, Kaygusuz, 2006).
Undoubtedly, problem solving behavior is closely related with personal characteristics. People who possess good problem
solving skills can have better lives than others as they are more successful in figuring out the best possible solutions and know
how to behave in problematic situations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the resiliency level of university students
by various variables and the relationship between their resiliency level and problem-solving abilities. A survey study method
was employed in this research. Data was gathered from 325 students who studies at Yeditepe University in Istanbul during fall,
2012. The survey was composed of three different sections. First section is developed by the researchers to obtain the
demographic information of the participants. Second section is composed of a Resilience scale which was developed by Gurgan
(2006), while the third and the last section was composed of a Problem Solving Inventory which was developed by Heppner and
Peterson (1982) and adapted into Turkish by Sahin, Sahin ve Heppner (1993). Both scales have high reliabilities with a
Cronbach Alpha .80 and .88 respectively. Any increase in the resiliency mean score obtained from the scale can be interpreted
as an increase in the resiliency level of the university students. The minimum score that can be obtained from the resiliency
scale is determined as 50 while the maximum score is 250. On the other hand, the high scores obtained from the problem
solving inventory indicates that the person has a negative perception about his/her problem solving skills, and perceives those
skills as unsatisfactory. The score that can be obtained from the problem solving inventory ranges between 32 and 192.
Research findings reveal that university students have high resiliency level with a sample mean of 190.07. Furthermore, no
significant difference has been found in the resiliency level of university students in terms of gender, grade level, monthly
income, and accommodation facilities (p > 0.05). However, a significant difference has been found in their resiliency level in
terms of faculty, work experience, academic achievement, self-perceived future job achievement, father’s education level,
parenting style and their description of selves (p<0.05). Sample mean of problem-solving ability has been found as 92.82. The
total score that can be obtained from Problem Solving Inventory ranges between 32 and 192. The low scores indicated that the
person had effective and successful set of behaviors related to problem-solving, while the higher scores indicated that the person
felt inadequate and poor in terms of problem-solving skills. Therefore, the mean score of 92.82 for problem-solving skills
indicates that Yeditepe university students’ problem-solving skills are at the middle level. On the other hand, the Pearson
correlation coefficient of -0.672 (p<0.05) which was calculated for the relationship between resiliency and problem-solving
skills of students indicated a positive and somewhat strong relationship between the resiliency level of university students and
their problem-solving skills.
Key words: Resiliency, problem-solving skills, higher education;
Available online at
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
674 Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Tülay Bozkurt, Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey
1. Introduction
In today’s world, higher education is becoming increasingly student-oriented. Therefore, social and personal
qualities of students are examined from different angles and curriculums are being adapted accordingly. One of the
qualities being investigated in this context is called resiliency. Resiliency can be defined as the ‘self-corrective
tendency’ that motivates people to develop as normal adults even in the most difficult situations. On the other hand,
resilient can be defined as a person is resistant and flexible and also has the ability to heal quickly, get better,
overcome challenges of all kinds of trauma, tragedy, personal crises, and problems (Bezmez, Blakney, Brown, 1999
cited in Gürgan, 2006). Zimmerman and Arunkumar (1994) described resiliency as “the ability to spring back from
adversity that interpret the trajectory from risk to problem behavior or psychopathology and thereby result in
adaptive outcomes even in the presence of challenging and threatening circumstances (cited, Ahangar, 2010 p. 953).
Masten, Best and Garmezy (1990) also define resilience as the process of, capacity for, or outcome of successful
adaptation despite challenging or threatening circumstances (cited, Hanewald, 2011). When most of the resiliency
definitions are examined, it can be clearly seen that resiliency includes two main properties. While the first one
involves being exposed to a serious threat or difficulty, the second one involves the ability to adapt and stand against
all the obstacles and difficulties encountered (Rutter, 2006 cited Kaner, Bayraklı, 2010). Within this framework,
resilience can be said to have the following properties: it is strictly related to psychological sturdiness; it is a highly
dynamic process, it is a quality that can be improved; it involves all the processes of healthy adaptation and
development of necessary skills in the face of all kinds of trauma, tragedy, personal crises and problems that can be
encountered; and lastly it involves having some personal qualities required for psychological sturdiness (Gizir,
2007; Gürgan,2006 cited, Öz and Yılmaz, 2009). Resilience has also started to become a very popular concept in the
field of prevention. It has been asserted that making students gain resiliency qualities through preventive studies can
result in positive outcomes particularly in the subjects of school dropouts, career choice, program completion and
for students who are under certain risks (Kumpfer, ed Glantz, Johnson 1999).
Resiliency is a quality which is highly influenced from one’s environment. It is highly critical for children or
adolescences to be welcome and accepted by their peers and supported by their surrounding relatives and elderly so
that they can develop and nurture some resiliency properties (Werner and Smith, 1992, Criss et al., 2002 cited Gizir
2007). Resiliency heavily affects university students’ socio-cognitive developmental processes and personalities;
specifically it affects their ability to overcome and bounce back stronger from any challenging and difficult
situation. Numerous studies have confirmed that the resiliency qualities of students are related with many diverse
Resiliency is particularly important in the process of problem-solving. The ability of a person to overcome the
problems, his/her combative personality or adaptability is also the indicator of his/her resiliency. Therefore, in the
literature, one can also find the different versions of resiliency definitions which specifically highlight the skills
related to problem-solving. For example, Masten and others (1990) defines resiliency as “ability to sustain the effort
till to the achievement of the ultimate goal and to adapt successfully during the process despite of all the challenges
and problems” (cited, Gürgan, 2006 s. 14).
A problem (or problematic situation) is defined as any life situation or task (present or anticipated) that demands a
response for adaptive functioning but no effective response is immediately apparent or available to the person or
people confronted with the situation because of the presence of one or more obstacles (Chang, D'Zurilla, J. Sanna,
2004, p.12). A solution is a situation-specific coping response or response pattern (cognitive or behavioral) that is
the product or outcome of the problem- solving process when it is applied to a specific problematic situation. An
effective solution is one that achieves the problem-solving goal (i.e., changing the situation for the better or reducing
the emotional distress that it produces), while at the same time maximizing other positive consequences and
minimizing negative consequences (Chang, D'Zurilla, J. Sanna, 2004, p.13). Heppner and Krauskopf (1987)
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
theorize that self-perceived problem-solving ability serves a central function in the way a person perceives
and experiences different aspects of dealing with problematic situations (Macnair, Elliott, 1992 p. 150). On the
other hand, problem solving is composed of the process of problem definition, information-gathering regarding the
problem, determination of any obstacles that can prevent the problem-solution, and the motivation towards problem-
solving behavior (Davidson, Deuser ve Sternberg, 1994 cited in Sardoğan, Karahan, Kaygusuz, 2006). Undoubtedly,
problem solving behavior is closely related with personal characteristics. People who possess good problem solving
skills can have better lives than others as they are more successful in figuring out the best possible solutions and
know how to behave in problematic situations. In this research, resiliency and problem solving skills have been
considered as qualities that heavily affect the university students’ social and educational gains, and their relationship
has been investigated.
Purpose of the Research
The purpose of this research was to investigate the resiliency level of university students by various variables and to
determine the relationship between resiliency level and problem-solving abilities. Within this framework, two
research questions have been addressed in the study.
1. What are the university students’ levels of resilience?
2. Do the students’ levels of resilience differ on the basis of gender, faculty, perception of academic achievement,
grade level, monthly income and accommodation?
3. What are university students’ levels of problem solving skills?
4. Do the students’ levels of problem solving on the basis of gender, faculty, perception of academic achievement,
grade level, monthly income and accommodation?
5. Is there a significant relationship between students' levels of resilience and problem-solving skills?
.A survey study method was employed in this research. Data was gathered from 325 students who studies at
Yeditepe University in Istanbul during fall, 2012. Demographic information of participants in the study can be seen
in Table 1.
Table 1 Characteristics of Study Group
n %
Gender Male 115 35,38
Female 210 64,61
Medicine 7 2,1
Pharmaceutical 22 6,7
Dentistry 13 4
Law 30 9,2
Education 54 16,61
Engineering 30 9,2
Arts & Sciences 42 12,92
Fine Arts 17 5,2
Economics &
Administrative 34 10,4
Communication 30 9,2
676 Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
Commerce 45 13,86
1 47 14,46
2 97 29,85
3 62 19,07
4 88 27,08
>= 5 years 31 9,5
The survey was composed of three different sections. First section is developed by the researchers to obtain the
demographic information of the participants. Second section is composed of a Resilience scale which was developed
by Gurgan (2006), while the third and the last section was composed of a Problem Solving Inventory which was
developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) and adapted into Turkish by Sahin, Sahin and Heppner (1993). Both
scales have high reliabilities with a Cronbach Alpha .80 and .88 respectively. Resilience scale has eight-factor
structure, and these factor are named as “sturdiness”, “entrepreneurship”, “optimism”, “relationship-orientation”,
“having foresight” , “goal-orientation”, “leadership” and “research-oriented”. Any increase in the resiliency
mean score obtained from the scale can be interpreted as an increase in the resiliency level of the university students.
Therefore, a high score obtained from the resiliency scale indicates that the students have a high level of resiliency.
The minimum score that can be obtained from the resiliency scale is determined as 50 while the maximum score is
250. On the other hand, the high scores obtained from the problem solving inventory indicates that the person has a
negative perception about his/her problem solving skills, and perceives those skills as unsatisfactory. The score that
can be obtained from the problem solving inventory ranges between 32 and 192.
Analysis of the data
The data was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 19. The analysis included frequency distribution (f), percentages
(%), mean (
), t-test and ANOVA.
1.What are the university students’ levels of resilience?
The students’ levels of readiness resilience were examined and the findings have been shown in Table 2.
Levels of
325 190.067 32.85
University students' levels of resilience who participated in the study was found to (
= 190. 067). The scores
ranged between 50 to 250 on the scale of resilience and means to increase score is increase of the level of resilience.
According to the result of this research showed that was a high level of resilience of university students.
2. Do the students’ levels of resilience differ on the basis of gender, faculty, perception of academic achievement,
grade level, monthly income and accommodation?
According to the research findings, students' levels of resilience does not differ in terms of gender, grade level,
monthly income and accommodation (p>0,05). Beside this, in terms of faculty and perception of academic
achievement variables was found significant (p<0,05). The statistical analysis results of the scores received by
students from the resilence scale are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Analysis of “resilience” with respect to some variables
S.d. t/F
Gender Male 115 187.27 33.39
Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
Female 210 191.60 32.56
Medicine 7 202.14 23.16
Pharmaceutical 22 187.82 33.8
Dentistry 13 207.92 23.91
Law 30 189.77 36.01
Education 54 185.30 32.90
Engineering 30 182.00 32.50
Arts & Sciences* 42 180.88 32.52
Fine Arts 17 176.23 34.77
Economics &
Sciences 34 196.50 30.58
Communication 30 196.17 32.71
Commerce* 45 200.80 30.89
Grade Level
1 47 185.21 32.66
2 97 193.79 29.89
3 62 185.02 34.25
4 88 190.45 36.22
>= 5 years 31 194.81 28.73
Perception of
Very low 2 143.50 2.12
Low 23 183.69 29.68
Moderate*,** 117 181.14 32.25
High* 150 195.75 31.61
Very high** 32 203.87 33.84
Monthly income
Very low 8 187.50 33.55
Low 25 179.88 30.20
Moderate 179 190.0 32.33
High 104 191.60 34.22
Very high 9 190.33 36.43
Alone 31 185.26 36.97
With family 144 190.30 34.22
With friends 75 191.59 31.23
Dormitory 69 191.58 29.32
With relatives 5 178.00 43.22
3. What are university students’ levels of problem solving skills?
The students’ levels of problem solving skills were examined and the findings have been shown in Table 4.
678 Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
Levels of Problem
Solving Skills
325 92.82 20.44
University students' levels of problem solving skills who participated in the study was found to
= 92.82. The
scores ranged between 32 to192 on the inventory. Low points shows that effective and successful problem-solving
behavior and attitudes and the total height of the individual scores shows on the problem-solving skills perceive
itself to be inadequate. Bu çalışmada
=92.82 olarak saptanan toplam problem çözme ölçek puan ortalaması
öğrencilerin orta düzeyde problem çözme becerilerine sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
4. Do the students’ levels of problem solving on the basis of gender, faculty, perception of academic achievement,
grade level, monthly income and accommodation?
According to the research findings, students' levels of problem solving does not differ in terms of gender, grade
level, monthly income and accommodation faculty and perception of academic achievement variables was found not
significant (p>0,05). The statistical analysis results of the scores received by students from the resilence scale are
shown in Table 3
Problem Solving Inventory” with respect to variables
S.d. t/F
Gender Male 115 93.31 21.21
Female 210 92.56 20.02
Medicine 7 93.86 28.93
Pharmaceutical 22 94.00 19.21
Dentistry* 13 86.08 16.62
Law 30 94.96 20.03
Education 54 93.50 19.44
Engineering* 30 92.80 23.47
Arts & Sciences 42 95.83 19.75
Fine Arts 17 99.70 18.17
Economics &
Administrative Sciences 34 95.88 23.00
Communication 30 88.23 19.27
Commerce 45 86.91 19.71
Grade Level
1 47 91.98 18.67
2 97 91.35 21.20
3 62 97.29 21.89
4 88 92.51 19.89
>= 5 years 31 90.83 20.42
Monthly income Very low 8 98.87 23.41 1.398
Low 25 99.52 18.21
Table 4. Analysis of
Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
Moderate 179 93.36 20.46
High 104 90.04 20.85
Very high 9 90.55 14.43
No 109 98.94 15.78
Alone 31 98.42 21.20
With family 144 91.74 19.45
With friends 75 93.35 18.67
Dormitory 69 91.61 23.38
With relatives 5 99.20 27.34
5. Is there a significant relationship between students' levels of resilience and problem-solving skills?
The relationship between resilience and problem-solving skills of students was found to be r= -.672. This finding
indicates that as the students' resiliency level increases, their perception about their problem-solving skills becomes
more positive.
Conclusion and Discussion
The results of the research shows that students level of resilience is high (
= 190 067), and problem-solving skills
are at the average level (
= 92.82). University students until they reach university have to succeeded in many
challenging stages. Continuity of academic learning is the result of characteristics of a person's success and
problems of overcoming. Therefore, successful completion of academic stages can be considered as the indicator of
students’ resiliency. Researchers who put forward the theory of the continuity of resilience states that resiliency
characteristics develop since the beginning of life. Accordingly, if the individuals succeeded to develop and
maintain good relationships with high standards and high expectations, they are more likely to develop their
resiliency qualities and have a better performance in school (Wasonga, 2002 cited Gürgan, 2006).
Up-to-date review of the literature demonstrates that studies regarding resiliency of undergraduate students reveals
varying findings. For instance, Terzi (2005) with his study conducted with 395 undergraduate students proved that
resiliency and cognitive evaluation have a positive relationship with individuals’ well-being through the coping
skills. On the hand, Bahadır (2009), in his study investigating the psychological sturdiness levels of undergraduate
students studying in health faculties, found that psychological sturdiness level of students were generally low, but,
the psychological sturdiness level of female students with highly educated parents, and a record of physical illness
were even lower (Öz & Yılmaz, 2009). The things that are perceieved as problems, and the problem solving
strategies vary from person to person, but the problem solving skills are explained by feelings, reactions, and the
skills of managing the stress in the face of problematic situation. Evidence suggests that resilience is the process of
capacity for, or outcome of successful adaptation despite challenging or threatening circumstances (Masten, Best &
Garmezy, 1990, cited in Fayombo, 2010). Findings of the current study proves that as the students' resiliency level
increases, their perception about their problem-solving skills gets better (r=-.672). Alfred & Smith (1989)
investigated the cognitive evaluation of 84 undergraduate students when they are faced with a stressful situation, and
found that psychologically sturdy students had positive cognitive evaluation when faced with a threatining situation,
and also proved that psychological sturdiness had a relationship with stress at the average level (Yılmaz and
Sipahioğlu, cited in Terzi, 2005). As it was revealed in this reseach, resiliency has a relationship with many
SD 1 2
1 Resilience 190.07 32.87
2 Problem solving skills 92.73 20.19 - .672
680 Yelkin Diker Coşkun et al. / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 ( 2014 ) 673 – 680
variables, therefore, it is important to acknowledge these relationships, and take them into consideration when
providing psychological services to undergraduate students at the universities.
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... Psychological resilience is both a trait and a process based on context and is the positive role of individual's variations in reaction to stress and adversity (Fletcher & Sarkar 2013). It is a quality which is highly influenced by one's environment (Coşkun et al., 2014), and is central to the performance of employees in the workplace, particularly with global and intercultural environments. Pearl et al. (2023) found that GVTs were critical to increasing the self-efficacy through enhancing the knowledge, skills, and abilities perceived by the student from the intercultural and collaborative activities associated with global interactions of working on projects. ...
... Resilience has a significant impact on the socio-cognitive developmental processes and personalities of university students; particularly, it influences their capacity to overcome and rebound stronger from any demanding or unpleasant scenarios and add that indicators of a person's resilience also include their capacity to overcome obstacles, combative nature, and adaptability. Thus, resilience and problem-solving abilities have been identified as attributes that have a significant impact on the social and educational achievements of university students (Coşkun et al., 2014). Kim and Kim (2016) assert that perseverance in the face of hardship or discouragement is a component in overcoming tough difficulties. ...
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People worldwide have been grappling with unprecedented levels of stress and related mental health issues, increasing both in the workplace and on campuses before the pandemic, spiraling upward with reports by students and employees from all levels of socioeconomic backgrounds (APA 2023). Countries are lagging in addressing this rising trend (WHO 2022). Simultaneously, global virtual teams (GVTs) have grown in importance in the workplace and classroom. To examine how GVTs impact learners and learning environments, a longitudinal study pre pandemic (2018) lasting through the pandemic (2021) tested a model of resiliency based on the factors of discernment, resourcefulness, problem solving, consideration of future consequences (CFC), critical thinking, and culture. GVTs was used as an intervention comparing resiliency based on a sample of before the GVT experience (n=584) and after (n=399), with learners from seven universities across six cultures. Results show that GVTs can boost resilience but require discernment and resourcefulness. Students value critical thinking after GVTs and after controlling for the pandemic, GVTs did not affect resiliency, suggesting that redirecting learners to new factors can enhance resilience. Resilience helps employers, instructors, and individuals manage mental health issues while GVTs build resilience in students and employees for international business uncertainties.
... It implies that the faculty are very resilient to find ways to solve the adversities they encountered in the new normal modality approach, such as using other LMS in their online class that are easy and have user-friendly features, choosing a network provider that has a strong internet connection, and attending webinars that talk about the new learning modality. The results were confirmed by the study of Coskun et al. [16] that showed being resilient can be defined as a person who is resistant and flexible and can also heal quickly, get better, and overcome challenges of all kinds of trauma, tragedy, personal crisis, and problems. Table 5 reveals the resilience level of various adversities encountered by the student respondents. ...
... Therefore, the null hypothesis 2 is rejected. The results contradict the study of Coskun et al. [16] that students' level of resilience has no significant relationship with gender and monthly income. It further implies that the gender and marital status of the students affected their resilience level, as shown in Table 5. ...
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The goal of this study was to look into the Higher Education Institution’s (HEI) faculty and students’ resilience and adversity amidst challenges in life. A descriptive correlational research design was employed in this study, with data drawn from the faculty respondents having a normal level of resilience while the students have low resilience in facing adversities. Furthermore, there was no significant relationship between gender, age, and marital status with the resilience level of the faculty. However, there is a negative correlation with gender and marital status to the level of students’ resilience. Thus, it is recommended to have interventions on some factors such as promoting the well-being of the graduate faculty and students, internet connectivity problems, and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) literacy in using the new learning modality.
... Mastery of problem-solving skills can also enhance and sharpen an individual's critical thinking ability (Savitri, 2022). Problem-solving ability is closely related to resilience skills; the higher the level of problem-solving ability, the higher the resilience indicator (Coşkun et al., 2014). Furthermore, Yelkin explains that individuals with good problem-solving skills can have a better life than others because they are more successful in finding the best solutions and know how to behave in problematic situations. ...
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Students today is expected to possess 21st-century skills, one of which is Problem Solving Skills (PSS). The importance of mastering this skill needs to be accompanied by the availability of a measuring tool. This research addresses this need by developing and validating the Problem-Solving Skill Scale. The development of this scale is focused on guidance and counseling students. The research and development of this instrument follow the educational design research method according to Plomp and Nieveen. Four hundred students were involved to test the construct validity. Problem-solving skills were measured based on three aspects: (1) Problem-Solving Confidence, (2) Approach-Avoidance Style, (3) Personal Control. Data were analyzed using the Rasch model by the WinSteps software. The research results describe the instrument's quality, the person-item interaction , the item difficulty level (item measures), fit and misfit items, and the distribution of respondents' abilities and the distribution of item levels on the same scale, and the scale’s ability to measure what it intends to measure. The Rasch analysis results show that the PSS Scale is good, precise, and has item fit with the model. The PSS Scale is a valid and reliable measuring tool for accurately measuring students' problem-solving skills. This research discusses implications and recommendations for further research efforts to facilitate the improvement of problem-solving skills in students using this measurement tool.
... A correlation among resilience and various coping strategies indicated that there is a significant positive correlation of resilience with self-controlling seeking social support confrontive coping accepting responsibility, positive reappraisal and planful problem solving which shows that highly resilient people tend to use these coping strategies more often. The third research according to (Coşkun et al., 2014), with the research title Analysis of the Relationship between the Resiliency Level and Problem Solving Skills of University Students. The results of his research stated that the relationship between resiliency and problem-solving skills of students indicated a positive and somewhat strong relationship between the resiliency level of university students and their problem-solving skills. ...
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Academic stress is a problem often faced by high school students, it can affect their mental well-being and academic performance. Coping strategies play an important role in helping students deal with such stress. This study aims to explore various coping strategies used by high school students in dealing with academic stress and its impact on their mental well-being. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data were analyzed using the thematic analysis method to identify patterns of coping strategies used. The results of this study indicate that high school students use various coping strategies to deal with academic stress, such as social support from peers, exercise, and relaxation techniques such as meditation. Students also use problem-solving and cognitive restructuring strategies to change their perceptions of academic stressor situations. The conclusion of this research is that the coping strategies used by high school students play a very important role in helping them overcome academic stress and improve mental well-being. The importance of providing approaches in managing academic stress among students to promote their mental health. This research provides valuable insights for educators and counselors to develop appropriate interventions to support students to deal with academic stress more effectively.
... Moreover, the study deduced that the seeking social support approach did not have an association with resilience. This finding is supported by numerous research findings in the related literature (Alonso-Tapia et al., 2019;Campbell-Sills et al., 2006;Chen, 2016;Coşkun et al., 2014;Mayordomo et al. 2016;Wu et al. 2020). Individuals who employ problem-focused coping styles use strategies, such as information gathering, planning, and problem-solving, among others, to modify their current situation. ...
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TThe aim of the present study was to examine the mediation effect of patience in the relationship between coping styles and resilience in university students. The sample comprised 401 university students (290 females [72.3%] and 111 males [27.7%]). The Patience Scale, Coping Style Scale, and Brief Resilience Scale were employed in the study. SPSS and AMOS 21 were used for statistical analysis. According to the study findings, there were positive relationships between patience, resilience, and problem-focused coping styles. Emotion-focused coping styles were negatively associated with patience and resilience. The results of the mediating model showed that patience partially mediated the relationships between problem/emotion-focused coping styles and resilience. The researchers discussed the results and offered suggestions in light of the relevant literature.
... This discovery validates findings from earlier research (Kong & Lai, 2023;Lei et al., 2020) that computational thinking aids in learning achievement. This supports the claim that integrating CT concepts into a PBL approach helps students better recast the problem and then reflect and re-organize the acquired knowledge based on the problem (Coşkun et al., 2014), making learning more effective when students successfully apply their knowledge to real-world problems (Çinar et al., 2010;Koc et al., 2015). Although the statistics were not significant, students showed greater improvement when integrating CT concepts into the PBL approach. ...
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Novice nurses often report a disconnect between textbook knowledge and realworld practice which damages their confidence in providing clinical care to patients. Nursing students indeed encounter numerous challenges in clinical environments such as inadequate resources and a gap between learning theory and clinical practice. To close the academic-practice gap and to ensure nursing students are equipped with sufficient clinical skills to perform tasks in their future career, virtual simulation can be used for students to experience clinical cases. In addition to the virtual simulation environment itself, appropriate pedagogies are also needed for them to explore simulated clinical tasks and apply what they have learned. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one pedagogy well-suited to this purpose. To increase the effectiveness of PBL in fostering student nurses’ self-efficacy and problem-solving skills, this study proposes integrating computational thinking (CT) into PBL in concert with the virtual dissection table, as CT is viewed as a problem-solving skill. Informed by CT, nursing students organize and synthesize the acquired knowledge, applying it to solve clinical problems and provide nursing care in clinical practice more effectively with the skills developed. The results reveal no significant differences in learning achievement, but both problem solving skills and confidence increase for students empowered by CT concepts.
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This study aimed to examine the effect of interpersonal psychotherapy-based group counseling on the psychological resilience levels of university students. The study was planned and conducted online as Application 2 and Application 2. In the experimentally designed study, the dependent variable was Psychological Resilience scores, and the independent variable was interpersonal psychotherapy-based group counseling. Data were collected using the 'Brief Psychological Resilience Scale (BRS)'. The study was based on a pretest-posttest control group design. The experimental groups received 8 sessions of counseling, while the control groups received no intervention. The BRS was administered before and after the intervention, and follow-up tests were conducted three months later. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the follow-up and pre-test scores in Applications 1 and 2.
Background: Given the importance of spiritual health, resilience, and Self-efficacy in medical students for coping with the challenges of their long training path, this study was conducted to analyze these variables and their correlations among a group of medical students. Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 300 medical students. The subjects were randomly selected, their demographic information recorded, and they were asked to carefully complete the questionnaires. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, and Sherer’s Self-efficacy Scale were used to measure spiritual health, resilience, and Self-efficacy, respectively. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 26 and EQS 6.4. Results were reported as mean ± SD, and statistical significance was set at P-value ≤ 0.05. Results: In this study, the mean scores for spiritual health, resilience, and Self-efficacy were 73.02, 79.67, and 59.01, respectively. The results showed a positive and significant correlation between religious health and resilience (β = 0.34, P < 0.001) and between existential health and resilience (β = 0.33, P < 0.001). Additionally, a significant correlation was found between religious health and Self-efficacy, both directly and indirectly (β = 0.85, P < 0.001), and between existential health and Self-efficacy indirectly (β = 0.29, P < 0.001). Furthermore, resilience had a direct effect on Self-efficacy (β = 0.87, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Spiritual health can predict resilience and Self-efficacy. Since individuals with high mental health demonstrate greater resilience, it can be concluded that providing supportive factors, such as religion and spirituality, to enhance mental health and spiritual intelligence can lead to improved resilience and Self-efficacy.
Günümüzde öğrencilerin kariyer planlamalarını kaygıdan uzak bir şekilde yapabilmeleri sağlıklı bir kariyer karar alma süreci için gereklidir. Öğrencilerin başarılı bir kariyer süreci geçirebilmelerinde ise psikolojik sağlamlık önemli bir değişken olarak işlev görmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin psikolojik sağlamlıklarının kariyer kaygılarını ne düzeyde etkilediğini ve her iki değişkenin cinsiyete göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini ölçme amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada betimsel özelliğe sahip ilişkisel tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Anket tekniğiyle 241 katılımcıdan veriler toplanmış ve SPSS programı yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, öğrencilerin orta düzeyde psikolojik sağlamlığa ve kariyer kaygısına sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca psikolojik sağlamlık ile kariyer kaygısı arasında istatistiksel olarak negatif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu ve psikolojik sağlamlığın kariyer kaygısı üzerinde negatif yönlü bir etkisinin olduğu görülmüştür. Yani öğrencilerin psikolojik sağlamlıkları arttıkça kariyer kaygıları azalmaktadır. Cinsiyet bazında ise erkek öğrencilerin psikolojik sağlamlıklarının kadınlardan yüksek olduğu, kariyer kaygısı açısından ise cinsiyetler arasında farklılık olmadığı saptanmıştır.
This study will investigate the effects of psychological resilience on death, fear of death and acceptance of death in nursing students. This study was descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample of the study consisted of 270 students who voluntarily participated. The data were collected using a descriptive characteristics questionnaire, the resilience scale for adults (RSA) and the multidimensional orientation to death and dying inventory MODDI-F. A positive and significant correlation was found between the Acceptance Subscale, RSA and MODDI-F subscale scores. Nursing students’ attitudes towards death and dying are affected by their psychological resilience. Psychological resilience should be increased because nursing students are candida for future caregivers. For this reason, within the scope of the findings of the study, it is recommended that during the theoretical and practical nursing education process, students should be reinforced by conducting studies on the dying patient through educational teaching methods such as role play and case presentations. In addition, ıt is thought that an interview or focus group on nursing students’ psychological resilience and attitudes towards death can provide a more comprehensive source of information on the subject.
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Özet - Bu araştirmada, problem çözme becerisi, cinsiyet, sinif düzeyi ve fakülte değişkenlerinin üniversite öğrencilerinin kullandiklari kararsizlik stratejileri üzerindeki etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştirmanin örneklemi 2005-2006 öğretim yilinda, Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi'nde çeşitli fakültelerde öğrenim gören ve oranli küme örneklemesi yöntemi ile belirlenen 992 öğrenciden oluşmaktadir. Öğrencilerin kullandiklari kararsizlik stratejileri Bacanli (2000) tarafindan geliştirilen "Kararsizlik Ölçeği" ile problem çözme becerileri ise Heppner ve Petersen tarafindan 1982 yilinda geliştirilen ve Türkiye uyarlamasi Taylan (1990) ve Şahin, Şahin ve Heppner tarafindan 1993 yilinda (Akt: Savaşir ve Şahin, 1997) ayri ayri yapilan "Problem Çözme Envanteri" ile ölçülmüştür. Verilerin analizinde ilişkisiz örneklemler için iki faktörlü ANOVA testi kullanilmiştir. Araştirmada elde edilen bulgular; problem çözme becerisinin, sinif düzeyinin ve fakülte türünün aceleci ve araştirici kararsizlik stratejileri üzerinde anlamli ortak etkisinin bulunduğunu, cinsiyetin ise aceleci ve araştirici kararsizlik stratejileri üzerinde anlamli bir etkisinin bulunmadiğini göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, araştirici ve aceleci kararsizlik stratejilerini daha çok kullanan ve problem çözme beceri düzeyleri düşük olan öğrencilerin bireysel başari, kişisel ve sosyal uyum açisindan psiko-sosyal desteğe daha çok ihtiyaç duyduklari ileri sürülebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Araştirici karasizlik, aceleci kararsizlik, problem çözme becerisi, üniversite öğrencisi. Abstract - An Investigation of University Students' Indecisiveness Strategies in Level of the Problem Solving Skill, Gender, Level of Class, and Kind of the Faculty - In this study, differentiation of the indecisiveness strategies of university students was investigated according to the levels of problem solving skills, gender, level of class and kind of the faculty. The sample was consisted of 992 university students who were at the different faculties in 2005-2006 education year with the methods of proportional pile sampling. Indecisiveness levels of students with "Indecisiveness Scale" which was developed by Bacanli (2000), problem solving skills with "Problem Solving Scale" which was adapted to Turkey Taylan (1990) and Şahin, Şahin, Heppner (1993) (Cited in, Savaşir, Şahin, 1997) were measured. Two-way ANOVA for independent samples technique was used to analyzing data. The results gained from the study indicate that problem solving skill, the level of class and kind of the faculty have significant effect on the strategies of investigator indecisiveness and impatient indecisiveness. However, sex does not have any significant affect on the strategies of investigator indecisiveness and impatient indecisiveness. As a result, it was considered that students who were using investigator and impatient indecisiveness strategies and in low levels of problem solving are in
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In this chapter we describe the social problem-solving model that has generated most of the research and training programs presented in the remaining chapters of this volume. We also describe the major assessment methods and instruments that have been used to measure social problem-solving ability and performance in research as well as clinical practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This review paper provides pre-service and in-service teachers, principals and other educational professionals with the information needed to understand the concept of resilience to affect positive development in children and young people in their care. It reviews and critiques the most influential literature on resiliency over the last four decades and is structured in three parts. The first section deals with the definitions of risk and resilience and relevant terms (i.e. vulnerability, at-risk students, risk factors, protective factors) to clarify confusion and ambiguities of concepts. The second part outlines the development of the research on resilience using a historical perspective. It traces its origins in medicine and psychology into education and discusses the evolution of its body of work through four waves. The last part discusses approaches to promoting resilience.
Extensively reviews resilience processes and psychosocial and other factors predictive of successful life adaptation in children who, because of multiple environmental risk factors, should not be as successful as they are. The chapter first attempts to organize variables found to be related to increased resilience into a dynamic framework that allows for interactions between the resilient person and his or her high risk environment. This transactional model includes (1) environmental precursors such as risk and protective factors; (2) characteristics of the resilient person; (3) his or her resilient reintegration or positive outcome after a negative life experience, as well as a dynamic processes that mediate between the person and his or her environment and his or her environment and the person and the outcome. The chapter concludes with implications of these resilience research findings for increasing positive life adaptation and reducing drug use in high-risk youth. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Most attempts to understand, predict, prevent, and treat substance abuse and mental disorders usually start with the question "why?" Yet in the last few decades scientists and practitioners have come to see the importance of asking "why not?" in cases where those with high risk factors and poor environments do not develop substance abuse problems or mental disorders. This volume is a comprehensive review of the research on resilience, and as such it represents the diverse perspectives and opinions on what knowledge of resilience may do to expand intervention and prevention possibilities and improve treatment strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Resilience is one of the essential ingredients to lead a happy and healthy life. It refers to successful adaptation of an individual despite risk, acute stressors, and chronic adversities. Resilient people are more determined and they can enhance their efforts especially under difficult situation. There is a belief that people are born with resilient attributes; but researches proved that resilience can be improved through effective training and development. Indeed, various theories such as developmental cognitive and psychodynamic stressed on the importance of resilience in individual life. The role of resilience in managerial life is also worth looking in to. Managers need to be more resilient so that they can bounce back from the loads of pressures and adversities they encounter in business. Business requires specific mindset to meet the demands of the work place environment. In this context there is a need to understand the resilient quality of a manager against his/her personality traits and thinking pattern. With this assumption, a research is designed to examine the relationship of personality dispositions, cognitive and decision making styles with resilience of management students. A sample of 130 students was selected randomly between the age group of 20 -25 years from a management faculty in Tehran. The tests used in the study are resilience inventory, mbti, cognitive style inventory and decision making inventory. Results showed that resilience has a positive association with thinking personality type whereas; it has shown inverse relationship with feeling-personality type. Furthermore, the systematic and intuitive-cognitive styles have shown positive correlation with resilience. Behavioral-decision style has found negative association with resilience. Finally, the systematic-cognitive style has shown significant influence on resilience. The study concludes with the implication of resilience in the business world and approaches to enhance resilience in the management students.
This study examined the effects of self-perceived problem-solving ability on the stress and coping processes as theorized by Lazarus and Folkman (1984). Using a prospective design, 141 undergraduates completed questionnaires in 2-week intervals that measured recent stressful encounters, the cognitive appraisal of each particular event, and subsequent coping strategies. Self-perceived problem-solving ability was measured at Time 1. It was predicted that self-perceived effective problem solvers would consistently see less threat (primary appraisal), perceive more options for coping (secondary appraisal), and use more problem-focused and less emotion-foucsed coping strategies than self-perceived ineffective problem solvers. Results of separate 2 × 2 repeated-measures MANOVAs supported predictions regarding problem solving and coping, but not those regarding cognitive appraisal. These findings are discussed in regard to theoretical notions of self-perceived problem-solving ability and transactional models of stress appraisal and coping.
Psikolojik Sağlamlık Online: < Social problem solving: Theory and assessment
  • C A Gizir
Gizir, C. A. (2007). Psikolojik Sağlamlık, Risk faktörleri ve Koruyucu Faktörler Üzerine Bir Derleme Çalışması. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi. 2011, 4 (35), s. 30-43. Online: <> Retrieved: 06.09.2012 D'Zurilla, T. J. Nezu, A. M., & Maydeu-Olivares, A. (2004). Social problem solving: Theory and assessment. In E. C. Chang, T. J. D'Zurilla, & L. J. Sanna (Eds.), Social problem solving: Theory,research, and training. Washington, DC. USA.