
The relationship between the fluctuations of harmonics and the subjective quality of flute tone.

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We studied the relationship between amplitude and frequency fluctuations of harmonics and the perceived quality of flute tones with vibrato. To investigate the effects of minute and irregular fluctuations on timbre, a real flute tone and synthesized flute tones whose relative amplitude levels of harmonics and extent of vibrato were equal to those of the real tone, were used for the subjective experiments. Listener’s preference for flute tones was found to be affected by the degree of intensification or attenuation of the frequency and amplitude fluctuations above 13 Hz. Also, we investigated the physical properties of the fluctuations that affect perceived quality of flute tones, by synthesizing fluctuation waves of harmonics. The results of evaluation by test subjects show that there was no perceived difference in quality between the original tone and synthesized tones with fluctuations that were synthesized by randomization of the phase spectra of the original fluctuations. In contrast, synthesized tones with fluctuations that were synthesized from filtered noise were perceived to be significantly inferior to the original tone. These results suggest that spectral variation of fluctuation waves which is at higher frequency and lower amplitude than spectral variation of vibrato influences perceived quality.

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... Irregularities of the amplitude trajectory are generally referred to as shimmer, while irregularities within the frequency trajectory are denoted as jitter. These fluctuations contribute to the individual timbre of an instrument and are essential for the perceived sound quality of synthesis results [6]. ...
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... Other experiment analyzes sound perception of a musical instrument. For example, A. Nishimura et al [6] studied the relationship between amplitude and frequency fluctuations of harmonics and the perceived quality of flute tones with vibrato. To investigate the effects of minute and irregular fluctuations on timbre, a real flute tone and synthesized flute tones whose relative amplitude levels of harmonics and extent of vibrato were equal to those of the real tone, were used for the subjective experiments. ...
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... In several experiments it was shown, that vibrato is an important factor for the perceived naturalness in wind instrument sounds (Ando & Shima 1976; Fricke 1996; Meyer 1991; Nishimura, Kato & Ando 2002). The main perspective in many studies is either phenomenological (Diaz & Rothman 2003; Reuter 2004), physiological (Richter 1995), historical (Moens-Haenen 2004), aesthetical or performance related (Arfib, Couturier & Kessous 2005). ...
... In several experiments it was shown, that vibrato is an important factor for the perceived naturalness in wind instrument sounds ([11], [12], [13], [14]). The main perspective in many studies is either phenomenological ([15], [16]), physiological ([17]), historical ([18]), aesthetical ([19]) or performance related ([20]). ...
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Parameter-optimized cubic convolution is used to accurately analyze the pitch center, rate and extent of vibrato tones. We interpolate the time-tracing fundamental frequencies of vibrato tones using parametric cubic convolution, and analytically estimate the positions and values of the extrema, which are used to analyze the characteristics of the vibrato. The optimal values of α, the parameter of the interpolation kernel, are also shown as a function of the normalized vibrato rates.
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