
Self- and Team-Efficacy Beliefs of Rowers and Their Relation to Mindfulness and Flow

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The present study explored self- and team-efficacy beliefs in rowers, examining the relations between efficacy beliefs, mindfulness, and flow. Fifty-eight rowers from nine teams completed sport-specific measures of self- and team-efficacy, along with questionnaires assessing mindfulness, flow, sport anxiety, and sport confidence. Self- and team-efficacy were significantly related to mindfulness, dispositional flow, and sport confidence. In addition, both self-efficacy and sport confidence mediated the association between both total mindfulness (and the describe dimension of mindfulness) and the challenge-skill balance dimension of flow. These results provide indirect support for a proposed model, which suggests that mindfulness may positively impact the integral challenge-skill balance aspect of flow in athletes through self-efficacy.

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... In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung über Einsatzmöglichkeiten achtsamkeitsbasierter Verfahren im Spitzensport entwickelt (vgl. Birrer et al., 2012;Pineau et al., 2014a;Pineau et al., 2014b). ...
... In beiden Konzepten spielen die geistige Präsenz im Hier und Jetzt sowie eine Fokussierung auf bevorstehende Aufgaben eine große Rolle . In Studien mit unterschiedlichen Sportarten (Schwimmen, Golf, Bogenschießen, Rudern, Laufen) konnten bereits Zusammenhänge zwischen Achtsamkeit und dem Flow-Erleben gezeigt werden Pineau et al., 2014b). Zudem weisen weitere Studien darauf hin, dass das Training der Achtsamkeit die Häufigkeit, in der Sportler:innen den Flow-Zustand erleben, begünstigen kann ). ...
... De Petrillo et al., 2009; sowie des Zugangs zum Flow-Zustand (vgl. Pineau, 2014;Pineau et al., 2014b) Wirkmechanismen des achtsamkeitsbasierten Trainings zur Leistungssteigerung im Sport darstellen könnten. Zum anderen stellen beispielsweise (Lippelt et al., 2014; Mindfulness, Intervention, Athletes, Sport Psychology, Randomized Trial ...
Die Ergebnisse von Studien aus der klinischen Psychologie und der Neurowissenschaften deuten darauf hin, dass Achtsamkeit eine wirksame Strategie zur Optimierung von im Sport leistungsrelevanten Faktoren sein könnte (Jekauc & Kittler, 2015). Diese Dissertation erläutert den Entwicklungsprozess des Berliner Achtsamkeitstrainings zur Leistungsoptimierung (BATL) und gibt die begleitende wissenschaftliche Analyse von möglichen Wirkmechanismen achtsamkeitsbasierten Trainings im Leistungssport wieder. Das Dissertationsprojekt umfasst drei Studien im Prä-Post-Design mit Kontrollgruppen und quantitativen Methoden sowie eine Fall-Studie mit Mixed-Methods. Die erste Untersuchung konnte zunächst zeigen, dass das BATL wirksam die Achtsamkeit bei den Teilnehmenden steigern kann. Die Ergebnisse der Folgestudie offenbarten einen indirekten positiven Effekt des BATLs auf das Emotionsmanagement von Sportlerinnen und Sportlern. Durch eine Steigerung der Achtsamkeit bewirkt das Programm eine Senkung der Anwendungswahrscheinlichkeit maladaptiver Bewältigungsstrategien. In einer weiteren Studie im Sportschulkontext deuteten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass das BATL sowohl die Daueraufmerksamkeit als auch die selektive Aufmerksamkeit bei jungen Sportler:innen verbessert und dass mehr Training im gleichen Zeitraum zu besseren Aufmerksamkeitsleistungen führt. Die Daten deuteten auch darauf hin, dass Teilnehmende, die nach der Intervention weiterhin selbständig übten, bei der Langzeitmessung ebenfalls bessere Leistungen erzielten. Die abschließende Fallstudie im Leistungssportkontext konnte aufzeigen, dass mehr Unterstützung für Athlet:innen bei der Integration von Achtsamkeitsübungen in den Alltag den Effekt von Achtsamkeitsinterventionen steigern könnte. Über das Dissertationsprojekt hinweg konnte verifiziert werden, dass das entwickelte Achtsamkeitsprogramm BATL die sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit steigern kann. Die grundlegende Hypothese, dass achtsamkeitsbasiertes Training eine vielversprechende Ergänzung zu herkömmlichen sportpsychologischen Interventionen im deutschsprachigen Raum darstellen kann, konnte damit bestätigt werden. ____________________________________________________________________________ Research findings from clinical psychology and neuroscience suggest that mindfulness could be an effective strategy for optimizing factors relevant to performance in sport (Jekauc & Kittler, 2015). This dissertation details the development process of the Berliner Achtsamkeitstraining zur Leistungsoptimierung (Berlin Mindfulness Training for Performance Optimization; BATL) and provides the accompanying scientific analysis of potential impact factors of mindfulness-based training in competitive sport. The dissertation project includes three randomized control trial studies in pre-post design and quantitative methods, as well as a case study with mixed methods. The first investigation initially demonstrated that the BATL was effective in increasing mindfulness in participants. The results of the follow-up study revealed an indirect positive effect of the BATL on athletes' emotion management. By increasing mindfulness, the program causes a decrease in the probability of using maladaptive coping strategies. The results of a further study indicated that the BATL improves both sustained attention and selective attention in young athletes and that more training in the same amount of time leads to better attentional performance. The data also suggested that participants who continued to practice independently after the intervention also performed better in the long-term measurement. The final case study in a competitive sports context revealed that more support for athletes in integrating mindfulness practice into daily life could increase the effect of mindfulness interventions. Across the dissertation project, it was verified that the developed mindfulness program, BATL, could enhance athletic performance. The foundational hypothesis that mindfulness-based training can be a promising addition to conventional sports psychology interventions in German-speaking countries could thus be confirmed.
... Terdapat kajian yang menunjukkan kemahiran mindfulness berkait rapat dengan efikasi kendiri (Kaufman et al., 2009;Pineau, Glass, Kaufman, & Bernal, 2014). Birrer, Rothlin, dan Morgan (2012), berpendapat bahawa hubung kait antara efikasi kendiri dan mindfulness wujud apabila mindfulness itu sendiri menjadi pendorong terhadap pemikiran efikasi kendiri. ...
... Menurut Walker (2016), masih belum ada kajian dijalankan mengenai peranan mindfulness dalam meningkatkan kekuatan mental dalam latihan fizikal. Tetapi kajian telah dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti pengaruh mindfulness terhadap kesejahteraan dan prestasi atlet, kesan positif, keyakinan diri dan flow (Crust & Swann, 2013;Mahoney et al., 2014;Pineau et al., 2014;Sappington & Longshore, 2015). Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian yang dijalankan ini adalah bertujuan mengkaji keberkesanan Mindfulness Acceptance Commitment-Physical (MAC-P) yang digandingkan dengan latihan kemahiran psikologi konvensional iaitu (Psychological Skill Training -PST) bagi meningkatkan kekuatan mental dan efikasi kendiri dalam latihan fizikal. ...
... Beberapa kajian lepas menunjukkan kesan mindfulness dan Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) terhadap peningkatan kekuatan mental dan efikasi kendiri. Sebagai contoh latihan mindfulness didapati memberi kesan terhadap aspek keupayaan menangani cabaran secara flow melalui efikasi kendiri (Cathcart, McGregor, & Groundwater, 2014;Pineau et al., 2014). Oleh yang demikian, potensi mindfulness dalam sukan dan latihan fizikal terus berkembang hingga mewujudkan program latihan yang berteraskan mindfulness terhadap atlet. ...
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Kajian ini bertujuan menguji kesan latihan Mindfulness Acceptance Commitment-Physical (MAC-P) untuk meningkatkan kekuatan mental dan efikasi kendiri semasa melakukan aktiviti fizikal. MAC-P digandingkan bersama Psychological Skills Training (PST) dalam kajian ini sebagai latihan mental untuk aktiviti berbentuk aerobik dan anaerobik. Kajian ini telah menggunakan reka bentuk kuasi-eksperimen. Subjek terdiri daripada pelajar semester satu Sains Kejurulatihan, yang diagihkan kepada kumpulan MAC-P (n=21), PST (n=21) dan kawalan (n=21). Instrumen kajian terdiri daripada ujian Bleep dan Wingate, Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ), dan skala efikasi kendiri yang diadaptasi dari Bandura (2006). Analisis Covariance (ANCOVA) menunjukkan kesan intervensi yang signifikan ke atas kekuatan mental [F(2,59)=4.93, p<0.05], dan efikasi kendiri [F(2,59)=38.39, p<0.05]. Semasa pasca ujian, kumpulan MAC-P menunjukkan skor yang tinggi bagi efikasi kendiri (87.12±1.71), manakala kumpulan PST (25.68±0.853) memperoleh skor kekuatan mental tertinggi berbanding kumpulan MAC-P (23.50±.846) dan kawalan (21.91±.0.842). Kesimpulannya, MAC-P dan PST mempunyai kesan signifikan terhadap peningkatan prestasi kekuatan mental dan efikasi kendiri dalam aktiviti aerobik dan anaerobik. Ini menunjukkan bahawa MAC-P boleh menjadi alternatif ke arah peningkatan prestasi fizikal selain daripada PST. Oleh yang demikian, hasil kajian ini boleh dijadikan sebagai garis panduan kepada jurulatih dan individu untuk memperbaiki prestasi aktiviti fizikal, khususnya aktiviti yang berbentuk aerobik dan anaerobik.
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
Decompression illness and decompression sickness are pathologies mostly associated with diving incidents, which result from excessive bubble formation from dissolved gas. Great efforts are undertaken to perform research to understand the pathology and fundamental mechanisms, which result from the dynamic effects of compression and decompression. In this chapter, the clinical manifestation of decompression illness including the impact on different physiological systems is presented. Principles in physics, chemistry and biology are investigated that build the base to understand the mechanisms of decompression and bubble kinetics. These principles are then used to derive algorithms and concepts to calculate decompression schedules, which aim to safely step the diver back to the surface. Different approaches are dissected for their general ideas and implementation.
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
This chapter discusses the main characteristics and challenges of the elite sports environment, derived impacts on the athlete’s body and mind, as well as implications of the training process. “Elite Sports” is a common but not well-defined phrase. In this chapter, we refer to the elite sports environment as “the top competitions in a sport (e.g., world championships/series, Olympic Games, etc.) and the training process with the purpose to compete/succeed in competition.” Main characteristics are the search for optimal, on point performance through constantly improving fitness for a specific context of top competition. This implies a high investment of energy and time over a long period. Elite sports competes globally and is in the focus of public attention. Therefore, elite sports is not just extreme in terms of extraordinary physical and mental demands imposed by the movement task but also in respect to the special social and more or less superficial environment in which it takes place. The main challenge of elite sports is to handle physical, psychological, and social stress in the right way. Utilizing it as the motor for the human adaptation capacity in the training process and promoter of optimal performance. High loads of biopsychological stress are needed to optimize fitness. The meaning of the concepts of resilience and antifragility is discussed. Foremost, it is important to balance the stress with sufficient recovery, as well as coping with and minimizing stressors, which are counteracting the adaptive process.
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
... • Improve performance [185] • Increased self-confidence and decreased anxiety [186] • Sleep quality [187] • Support for getting into the flow [190,197] • Decrease risk of injury [191] • Dealing with stress [195] Despite this promising outlook, the high-quality research on the effects of mindfulness in the elite sports environment is still needed [193] and the active discussion between experienced experts from the field of mindfulness and elite sports to bring forward new forms of intervention and investigate possible effects on team levels [196,197]. Especially, the combination of both mindfulness and bio-/neurofeedback training might be a promising path to follow [194]. ...
Firefighters are exposed to many dangerous and stressful situations when they are deployed to fight structural and wildland fires as well as rescuing victims from vehicular accidents, or other adverse events. When they are deployed, they can be exposed to physical danger as well as extreme heat and/or extreme cold due to fire and environmental conditions, thus making firefighting an extreme environment. This chapter provides an overview of the firefighter profession as an extreme environment including their clothing and equipment, the specific impacts on the human body, and the impact of biological sex and gender together with training and fitness approaches. This situational context information is important in order to understand this profession and the opportunities for engineering and information technology solutions for health, wellness, resilience, and adaption within this population.
... Con respecto a la percepción de autoeficacia reportada en nuestro estudio, se cumple con la hipótesis planteada por los investigadores, ya que los resultados evidencian una mayor percepción en los boxeadores con mayor experiencia en cuanto a nivel competitivo en el que han participado. Esto coincide con múltiples estudios que señalan la importancia que tienen las experiencias positivas y el dominio o maestría deportiva sobre los niveles de autoeficacia en los deportistas (Blecharz et al., 2014;Pineau et al., 2014. ...
... Nuestros datos muestran un comportamiento interesante en la dimensión de conciencia de la atención plena, ya que los participantes con menor experiencia competitiva (nivel local) muestran mayores niveles que los de mayor experiencia (internacional). La dimensión de conciencia hace referencia a la capacidad de un individuo para identificar las respuestas emocionales y fisiológicas de su cuerpo ante una determinada situación o demanda (Hervás, Cebolla, & Soler, 2016) por lo que esto podría explicarse en función de una disposición de cada boxeador en nuestro estudio, más que algo que se relacione con el nivel de experiencia competitiva a diferencia de como se ha reportado en algunos estudios (Blecharz et al., 2014;Pineau et al., 2014). Asimismo, el no encontrar diferencias en las dimensiones de atención en el presente y aceptación puede deberse a que son variables que, si bien pueden cambiar en función de algunos factores externos, son más bien tendencias relativamente estáticas las que determinan su comportamiento, pudiendo modificarse principalmente a consecuencia de intervenciones dirigidas a ese objetivo (van den Hurk et al., 2011). ...
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El boxeo es un deporte muy popular en México y Sinaloa. Además de las demandas físico-técnicas, se destacan la influencia de variables psicológicas como la personalidad, autoeficacia, atención plena y ansiedad precompetitiva. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la relación de los rasgos de personalidad con la percepción de autoeficacia, atención plena y la ansiedad estado precompetitiva, así como la evaluación de las diferencias en función de la experiencia y el nivel de competición deportiva alcanzada. Se realizó un estudio transversal con alcance correlacional-descriptivo en una muestra de 26 boxeadores jóvenes (cinco mujeres y 21 hombres) con edades entre 14 y 18 años. Se midieron mediante escalas y cuestionarios validados las siguientes variables: a) Personalidad, b) Autoeficacia, c) Atención plena en el deporte, d) Ansiedad estado precompetitiva. Se analizaron las correlaciones estadísticas entre las variables, así como las diferencias en función de la experiencia competitiva. Los resultados muestran correlaciones significativas (p < .05) de la variable atención en el presente con el rasgo de responsabilidad, la autoeficacia percibida y la ansiedad cognitiva, así como con la consciencia y aceptación medidas por el mismo cuestionario. Por su parte, la aceptación correlacionó positivamente con el factor de autoconfianza. Además, niveles más altos de responsabilidad y la autoeficacia se observaron en los boxeadores de mayor nivel competitivo. Como conclusión, las relaciones identificadas de la atención plena con la autoeficacia y la ansiedad precompetitiva resaltan su importancia para investigar su influencia sobre el rendimiento deportivo en boxeadores jóvenes para futuras investigaciones.
... Con respecto a la percepción de autoeficacia reportada en nuestro estudio, se cumple con la hipótesis planteada por los investigadores, ya que los resultados evidencian una mayor percepción en los boxeadores con mayor experiencia en cuanto a nivel competitivo en el que han participado. Esto coincide con múltiples estudios que señalan la importancia que tienen las experiencias positivas y el dominio o maestría deportiva sobre los niveles de autoeficacia en los deportistas (Blecharz et al., 2014;Pineau et al., 2014. ...
... Nuestros datos muestran un comportamiento interesante en la dimensión de conciencia de la atención plena, ya que los participantes con menor experiencia competitiva (nivel local) muestran mayores niveles que los de mayor experiencia (internacional). La dimensión de conciencia hace referencia a la capacidad de un individuo para identificar las respuestas emocionales y fisiológicas de su cuerpo ante una determinada situación o demanda (Hervás, Cebolla, & Soler, 2016) por lo que esto podría explicarse en función de una disposición de cada boxeador en nuestro estudio, más que algo que se relacione con el nivel de experiencia competitiva a diferencia de como se ha reportado en algunos estudios (Blecharz et al., 2014;Pineau et al., 2014). Asimismo, el no encontrar diferencias en las dimensiones de atención en el presente y aceptación puede deberse a que son variables que, si bien pueden cambiar en función de algunos factores externos, son más bien tendencias relativamente estáticas las que determinan su comportamiento, pudiendo modificarse principalmente a consecuencia de intervenciones dirigidas a ese objetivo (van den Hurk et al., 2011). ...
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Boxing is a very popular sport in Mexico and Sinaloa. Besides of physical-technical demands, the influence of psychological variables like personality, self-efficacy, mindfulness, and precompetitive anxiety are remarked. The aim of the research was analyzing the relationship between traits personality with self-efficacy perception, mindfulness, and precompetitive state anxiety, as well as evaluate the differences in function of experience and sport competitive level achieved. A cross-sectional with correlational-descriptive scope study was carried on with a 26 young boxers’ sample (5 women and 21 men) with a range of 14 to 18 years old. Through validated questionnaires and scales the following variables were measured: a) Personality, b) Self-efficacy, c) Mindfulness, d) Precompetitive state anxiety. Statistics correlations between variables were analyzed, further the differences according to competitive experience. Results shown significative correlations (p < .05) among the present attention variable with the responsibility trait, self-efficacy, and cognitive anxiety, in addition to the relations with the awareness and acceptance dimensions of the same questionnaire. On the other hand, acceptance correlated positively with the self-confidence factor. Furthermore, higher levels of responsibility and self-efficacy were observed for highest competitive level boxers. In conclusion, mindfulness identified relationships with self-efficacy and precompetitive anxiety perception highlight the relevance to investigate their influence over the sport performance in young boxing athletes for future research. El boxeo es un deporte muy popular en México y Sinaloa. Además de las demandas físico-técnicas, se destacan la influencia de variables psicológicas como la personalidad, autoeficacia, atención plena y ansiedad precompetitiva. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la relación de los rasgos de personalidad con la percepción de autoeficacia, atención plena y la ansiedad estado precompetitiva, así como la evaluación de las diferencias en función de la experiencia y el nivel de competición deportiva alcanzada. Se realizó un estudio transversal con alcance correlacional-descriptivo en una muestra de 26 boxeadores jóvenes (cinco mujeres y 21 hombres) con edades entre 14 y 18 años. Se midieron mediante escalas y cuestionarios validados las siguientes variables: a) Personalidad, b) Autoeficacia, c) Atención plena en el deporte, d) Ansiedad estado precompetitiva. Se analizaron las correlaciones estadísticas entre las variables, así como las diferencias en función de la experiencia competitiva. Los resultados muestran correlaciones significativas (p < .05) de la variable atención en el presente con el rasgo de responsabilidad, la autoeficacia percibida y la ansiedad cognitiva, así como con la consciencia y aceptación medidas por el mismo cuestionario. Por su parte, la aceptación correlacionó positivamente con el factor de autoconfianza. Además, niveles más altos de responsabilidad y la autoeficacia se observaron en los boxeadores de mayor nivel competitivo. Como conclusión, las relaciones identificadas de la atención plena con la autoeficacia y la ansiedad precompetitiva resaltan su importancia para investigar su influencia sobre el rendimiento deportivo en boxeadores jóvenes para futuras investigaciones.
... Even if both flow and self-compassion seem to be important in sport, their relation has not been investigated in sport athletes. However, in one study it has been demonstrated that mindfulness, that is a component of self-compassion, was related to flow, and sport confidence in rovers (Pineau et al., 2014). In addition, a mindfulness intervention showed to also enhance flow experiences (Scott-Hamilton et al., 2016). ...
... Furthermore, flow and self-compassion might not be the only two personal and motivational constructs worth investigating in relation to the use of strategies. In fact, other emotional states and traits (Fernández et al., 2020) or motivational constructs (as self-efficacy; Pineau et al., 2014) might contribute to better approach strategies use and maybe strengthen combat performance. This should be better considered in further studies. ...
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In the last decades, studies on sport practice have shown positive relations of both self-compassion and flow with sport enjoyment, satisfaction, and performance. Despite this, little research focused on the relation between self-compassion and flow in martial arts. In particular, these relations were not examined for judo. The main aim of this study therefore was to examine the role of flow and self-compassion in judo practice. In addition, we assessed the strategies judokas employ before and during combat and examined their relations with these psychological constructs. A total of 52 judokas with different degrees of experience participated in the study and answered questionnaires on flow state during combat, personal self-compassion, and judo strategies. The results showed no correlation between the participants’ experience levels and their flow and self-compassion scores. However, we found a positive relation between the use of judo strategies and flow during combat. In conclusion, even though we found no relation between self-compassion and any of the variables considered we speculate that learning and using judo strategies may be important for developing flow states.
... Mindfulness may benefit both sport-related coping skills and athletic performance. Higher trait mindfulness is associated with reduced competition anxiety, higher self-efficacy and sport confidence, and subjectively better ability to perform (Pineau et al., 2014;Röthlin et al., 2016). Rumination and emotion regulation have been shown to mediate the relationship between trait mindfulness and sport-specific coping skills in elite athletes (Josefsson et al., 2017). ...
... After 6 weeks, MBSR participants showed significantly reduced time required to complete the 6K ergometer test, whereas control participants did not show significant improvement. These findings are consistent with previous studies showing a positive effect of trait mindfulness and mindfulness interventions on athletic coping skills and subjective performance (Pineau et al., 2014;Röthlin et al., 2016;Josefsson et al., 2017;Vidic et al., 2017). While some evidence suggests that mindfulness training can improve performance in precision sports such as shooting and dart throwing (Solberg et al., 1996;John et al., 2011;Zhang et al., 2016), few controlled experimental studies have investigated effects in non-precision sports (Bühlmayer et al., 2017). ...
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Factors such as psychological well-being, sleep quality, and athletic coping skills can influence athletic performance. Mindfulness-based interventions, including mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), have been shown to benefit these factors, suggesting they may, at least indirectly, benefit athletic performance. Moreover, while mindfulness training has been linked to better accuracy in some high-precision sports, whether it can improve non-precision elements of athletic performance is unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of MBSR on psychological well-being, sleep, athletic coping skills, and rowing performance in collegiate rowers in a controlled experimental design. Members of a Division I NCAA Women’s Rowing team completed either an 8-week MBSR course along with their regular athletic training program (Intervention group) or the athletic training program alone (Control group). Measurements of interest were taken at baseline and again either during or shortly following the intervention. In contrast to the Control group, the Intervention group showed improvements in psychological well-being, subjective and objective sleep quality, athletic coping skills, and rowing performance as measured by a 6,000-m ergometer test. Improvements in athletic coping skills, psychological well-being, and subjective sleep quality were all correlated with increases in mindfulness in the Intervention group. These results suggest that mindfulness training may benefit non-precision aspects of athletic performance. Incorporating mindfulness training into athletic training programs may benefit quality of life and performance in student athletes.
... 8 week mindfulness training was seen to increase subjective flow and objective parameters such as oxygen consumption among trained runners (Hill et al., 2021). In a study self-efficacy and sports confidence mediated between the mindfulness and the dimension of challenge skills balance dimension of flow among athletes (Pineau et al., 2014). . In a recent study (Medina et al., 2020) the relation between flow, mindfulness and well-being of ninetyfour law graduates was investigated. ...
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Mindfulness and flow are two optimal, therapeutic and productive states of consciousness that have recently gained a lot of attention in various fields such as clinical, cognitive science, psychology, sports, music, human-computer interaction, etc. There is an ongoing discussion about the similarities and differences between these two states, and numerous studies have appeared comparing the two based on various parameters such as present awareness and the type of self that both seek to promote. Research on integrating mindfulness to influence the flow phenomenon has proven to be a promising field, but there is little knowledge about the relationship between these two states in general and in a musical context in particular. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the constructs of mindfulness and the dimensions of flow during the process of playing a musical instrument. Playing a musical instrument is one of the most important areas for entering the flow state, and research on the relevance of mindfulness during the flow phenomenon in a musical context is still in its infancy. This work is divided into two main studies. The first study aims to investigate whether the dispositional trait of mindfulness has a predictive relationship with different dimensions of flow. Such an investigation should understand the nature of optimal experiences of mindfulness and flow and try to elucidate the issues related to their coexistence and interdependence. The second study was a qualitative study aimed at observing the changes in the lived experience of flow by changing mindfulness levels in musicians. A one-month musical induction program was planned with two music students and two musicians. Mindfulness and flow are two optimal, therapeutic and productive states of consciousness that have recently gained a great deal of attention in various fields such as clinical, cognitive science, psychology, sports, music, human-computer interaction, etc. There is an ongoing discussion about the similarities and differences between these two states, and numerous studies have appeared comparing the two based on various parameters such as present awareness and the type of self that both seek to promote. Research on integrating mindfulness to influence the flow phenomenon has proven to be a promising field, but there is little knowledge about the relationship between these two states in general and in a musical context in particular. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the constructs of mindfulness and the dimensions of flow during the process of playing a musical instrument. Playing a musical instrument is one of the most important areas for entering the flow state, and research on the relevance of mindfulness during the flow phenomenon in a musical context is still in its infancy. This work is divided into two main studies. The first study aims to investigate whether the dispositional trait of mindfulness has a predictive relationship with different dimensions of flow. Such an investigation should understand the nature of optimal experiences of mindfulness and flow and try to elucidate the issues related to their coexistence and interdependence. The second study was a qualitative study aimed at observing the changes in the lived experience of flow by changing mindfulness levels in musicians. A one-month musical induction program was planned with two music students and two musicians. In summary, the results of the experiments presented in this thesis provide a preliminary understanding of how mindfulness is related to various dimensions of flow and how a mindfulness training program has an ability to influence flow in musical instrument playing context. This thesis contributes to the literature at a conceptual level by identifying which constructs of mindfulness that have a greater influence on different dimensions of flow as well as outlining relevant mindfulness-based intervention techniques.
... [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] The primary focus of Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) intervention models is to stimulate a modified relationship with internal states (such as cognitions, emotions, and physiological events), in contrast to most forms of PST interventions that directly aim to change dysfunctional thoughts and emotions. 11 Studies evaluating the efficacy of MAC intervention have reported symptom improvements in conditions such as anxiety and depression [12][13][14] and effectiveness in symptom reduction and improved emotional functioning for chronic pain. 13,15 In sport specifically, MAC protocols have demonstrated reductions in negative psychological symptoms, emotional distress and improved sport performance, 16,17 decreased rumination and increased self-regulation leading to better coping capacity, 17 reduced experiences of burnout, 18 and decreased injury risk. ...
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Background: Mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches have been trialled in professional sport. The present pilot study was a randomized controlled trial with professional ballet dancers investigating the effectiveness of the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) approach, developed for athletes, compared to an education program which included topics relevant to ballet and performance. Methods: Participants included 16 professional ballet dancers (2 men and 14 women) who were randomly assigned into either the MAC or education group for 1 session per week, for 6 weeks. Participants were assessed pre-and post-intervention using the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS) and the Acceptance Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II). Within 2 weeks of the final mindfulness session, all participants completed a semi-structured interview. Results: No differences were found when comparing the questionnaire responses between pre- and post- intervention, nor between the MAC group and the control group at post intervention for all subscales. Although dancers reported in the interviews that the sessions were valuable, they advised their ability to dedicate time to mindfulness ongoing would be challenging. Conclusions: Mindfulness interventions, as explored in this study, show promise to promote the well-being of professional ballet dancers. For consistent and ongoing mindfulness practice, future designs should seek to embed mindfulness practice into dancer and company schedules.
... The research showed that self-efficacy and team efficacy belief were significantly correlated with mindfulness, fluency and sports self-confidence, and the higher the level of mindfulness, the higher the level of self-efficacy and team efficacy belief. It is more helpful for athletes to improve their performance (Pineau et al., 2014). Wan Chunmei conducted an 11-week intervention on the young athletes of the national diving team with mindfulness training, and the results showed that after the intervention, the level of mindfulness of the athletes was improved, and the test scores were also improved, indicating that mindfulness training is conducive to improving sports performance (Wan, 2019). ...
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Objective To explore the intervention effect of mindfulness training on athletes’ performance using meta-analysis method. Methods A total of 11 articles and 23 effect sizes were included through retrieval of Chinese and English databases, with a total sample size of 582. Result Mindfulness training improves the level of mindfulness [SMD =1.08, 95%CI (0.30, 1.86), p < 0.01], fluency (The optimal competitive psychological state of the athlete, the athlete’s attention is all focused on the task, and other things no longer attract their attention) [SMD =1.47, 95%CI (0.87, 2.08), p < 0.001] and performance [SMD =0.92, 95% CI (0.40, 1.43), p < 0.01], reduced psychological anxiety [SMD = -0.87, 95% CI (−1.54, −0.20), p < 0.05], and all reached the level of large effect size. Conclusion The effect of mindfulness training on athletes’ sports performance is effective, and it can be used as an effective psychological skill intervention method to improve athletes’ sports performance. In the future, we should further expand the sample size, strengthen the comparative study of different sports and intervention modes, and pay attention to the difference between the time effect and trait mindfulness level in fluency state.
... Over the years, empirical studies in different fields have investigated the relationship between flow experience and self-efficacy, such as digital game-based learning (Pavlas et al., 2010), sports (Pineau et al., 2014), entrepreneurship education (Yen & Lin, 2022), etc. As flow experience has less been applied in foreign language learning (Liu & Song, 2021), still fewer studies have investigated the relationship between flow experience and self-efficacy within this domain. ...
... This study showed preliminary decreases in somatic state anxiety and cognitive anxiety and a preliminary increase in self-confidence, which is not in line with a meta-analysis of 16 studies on MBIs and athletes that reported inconsistent changes in anxiety (De Petrillo et al., 2009;Kaufman et al., 2009;Noetel et al., 2019;Pineau et al., 2014). The sport-specific simulated competition provided visual-motor integration under stress, optimizing the stress level for each athlete and helping them focus on their internal experience to achieve flow. ...
Mindfulness-based interventions have gained popularity among elite athletes, but their effectiveness in enhancing archery performance has been inconsistent. This study examined the feasibility of a 12-week mindfulness flow program (MFP) specifically designed for the archers and assessed the effect of the MFP on shooting performance. Twelve members of the Hong Kong Archery Team voluntarily participated in the present study. Their shooting performance, anxiety, mindfulness, and flow state were assessed before and after the MFP intervention. The results showed that the MFP was highly feasible, with 100% attendance. The athletes highly enjoyed the MFP sessions (mean rating: 7.9/10). Improved shooting performance, increased mindfulness, and flow state levels, and reduced anxiety were also observed after the intervention. These findings suggest a positive reception from and potential benefits for athletes. However, it is suggested to conduct additional research using randomized controlled trials to explore the program’s effects and applicability in enhancing sports performance.
... In section three, participants were given practical tips to target the core experiential flow dimensions of 'absorption' and 'effort-less control', lasting approximately 40 min. The dimension 'absorption' was initially detailed and then targeted through practicing sustained attention on an easy-to-achieve task, and managing attention (visually and cognitively) when distractions occurred (also see Aherne et al., 2011;Cathcart et al., 2014); the logic being that managing attention towards more relevant information (of the task) positively impacts decision-making, the ability to accurately manage an 'optimal challenge' level, and self-efficacy (Pineau et al., 2014). 'Effort-less control' was then described and targeted through practising movement in a more effortless manner (than normal) during a challenging task; the logic being that through increased awareness of moving effortlessly, we learn to self-regulate cognitive and physiological processes towards a more effort-less sense of control (Gardner & Moore, 2007). ...
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Unlabelled: Despite there being an increasing number of applied flow studies across scientific disciplines, there exists no consistent or broadly applicable intervention to promote flow experiences. This study provides a detailed account of a new educational flow training program developed following recent advancements in the flow literature that have provided a more parsimonious understanding of flow experiences and antecedents. Guided by CONSORT guidelines for feasibility trials, we conducted a single-group, non-randomized feasibility trial of an educational flow training program (N = 26). We assessed participant retention, perceptions about and experiences of the program, perceptions about the flow education training, and preliminary assessments of flow as an outcome. Results broadly supported program feasibility, and participants reported positive experiences in, and perceptions of, program components. In terms of preliminary efficacy, we observed evidence of noteworthy change pre-to-post-program in flow (d = 0.84), performance (d = 0.81), competence (d = 0.96), well-being (d = 0.68), intrinsic motivation (d = 0.47), interest (d = 0.72), choice (d = 0.38), stress (d = -1.08), ability to handle stress (d = 0.74), and anxiety (d = - 0.86). These results provide preliminary evidence that it may be possible to 'train' flow in line with recent perspectives on a core three-dimensional flow experience (and antecedents). The study has developed a research foundation for flow intervention "curriculum" and quality standards, and for measuring results. It offers a foundation for the implementation of a larger-scale program. Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s41042-023-00098-2.
... studied mindfulness in rowers, and found an association between mindfulness, efficacy, and flow. [50] The authors theorized that mindfulness increased awareness of mastery experiences, thereby increasing feelings of efficacy and flow. ...
Coaches often tell athletes to be mentally tough, especially when facing grueling endurance events. But how do athletes achieve mental toughness? They need to train their minds as well as their bodies. A sport psychologist and sports psychiatrist review research and provide tips for mental training in the following areas of endurance sport: motivation, goal setting, energy management, self-talk, concentration, imagery, routines, and mindfulness. We also include strategies for finding a healthy balance with exercise and discuss unique medication considerations for athletes.KeywordsSport psychologySports psychiatryPsychotropic medicationMental skillsMental trainingMotivationGoal settingEnergy managementSelf-talkConcentrationFocusImageryPerformance routinesMindfulnessExercise balanceCompulsive exerciseIntuitive exercise
... Previous studies have indicated the unique benefits of mindfulness. Mindfulness improved efficacy [68] and emotional and attitude change [69]. ...
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Objective: Health maintenance of the general public through vaccination is a significant component of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the perception of Nigerians toward the COVID-19 vaccine. Methods: Informed by the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), 793 Nigerian participants completed a cross-sectional self-administered online survey to assess: (1) their perception of COVID-19 based on fear-mongering information on social media (2) the potential relationship between threat perception, efficacy, and fear associated with the COVID-19 vaccine, vaccine hesitancy, and attitudes toward the decision to uptake the vaccine using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, and (3) we further employed the use of the hierarchical regression analysis to test the moderating effect of mindful critical thinking between vaccine hesitancy and attitudes toward vaccines. Results: Most participants (65.7%) intend to uptake the COVID-19 vaccine. However, many people did not fear the disease (19.2%). Threat perception and efficacy were associated with a decision to uptake the COVID-19 vaccine via the mediation of attitudes toward vaccines. Previous vaccine hesitancy has no relationship with uptake decisions. The hierarchical regression analysis showed that participants exhibiting high critical thinking mindfulness were more interested in taking the vaccine. Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate that EPPM constructs are effective predictors of the public's decision to uptake the COVID-19 vaccine. This research highlights the theoretical and practical implications.
... Furthermore, the question of whether sense of competence enhances mindfulness remains unexplored, although much attention has been paid to the reverse relationship (i.e. mindfulness improves the sense of competence; Pineau et al., 2014;Heath et al., 2016). In addition, previous studies have found that mindfulness and flow are associated with work-life interfaces (Demerouti et al., 2012;Althammer et al., 2021). ...
Purpose Drawing upon the capability approach, this study aims to investigate the impact of sense of competence on work–life and life–work enhancements. It also examines the mediating roles of mindfulness and flow at work in the above relationships. Design/methodology/approach A sample of 254 medical doctors in various hospitals in Vietnam was surveyed to validate the measures via confirmatory factor analysis and to test the model and hypotheses using structural equation modeling. Findings The results demonstrate that mindfulness and flow at work fully mediate the effects of sense of competence on both work–life and life–work enhancements, but sense of competence does not have any direct effect on both. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is among the first to examine the roles of sense of competence, mindfulness and flow at work in work–life and life–work enhancements, adding further insight into the literature on work–life balance. It also offers evidence for the capacity approach in explaining work–life and life–work enhancements in an emerging market, Vietnam.
... These interventions have had mixed success in enhancing performance or impacting performance-relevant outcomes, such as flow, anxiety, focus, and self-confidence (Bühlmayer et al., 2017;Noetel et al., 2017;Corbally et al., 2020). Some of these studies have documented increases in flow (Kee and Wang, 2008;Scott-Hamilton et al., 2016) and performance (Solberg et al., 1996;Thompson et al., 2011;Zhang et al., 2016), whereas others have not (De Petrillo et al., 2009;Wolanin and Schwanhausser, 2010;Aherne et al., 2011;Pineau et al., 2014). This mixed evidence could be due to methodological weakness, such as lack of randomization, blinding, and/or controls (Noetel et al., 2017). ...
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Mindfulness can benefit athletes’ mindset and performance. These benefits may be enhanced by sport-specific mindfulness interventions. Accordingly, our objectives were 2-fold: first, to develop a rowing-specific mindfulness intervention, and second, to investigate its effects on mindfulness, flow, reinvestment, and rowing performance. Rowers were randomly assigned to either a 6-week rowing-specific mindfulness intervention ( n = 23), which included generic and rowing-specific practices, or a control group ( n = 21). Rowers completed pre-test and post-test measures of performance, mindfulness, flow, and rowing-specific reinvestment. Lastly, rowers completed an evaluation form following the intervention. The results demonstrated that the intervention group increased flow, mindfulness, and improved performance, additionally conscious motor processing decreased from pre-test to post-test. However, the intervention did not preferentially change mindfulness or reinvestment compared to control. Participants provided favorable feedback and evaluated the intervention positively. Our 6-week rowing-specific mindfulness intervention promoted flow, encouraged mindfulness, and aided performance. Thus, we provide preliminary explorative evidence that a sport-specific mindfulness intervention can benefit athletes. We recommend that future research, with large sample sizes and improved home practice, should examine mediators and moderators of the mindfulness-performance relationship.
... Studies have found that elite athletes have higher emotion regulatory skills than the non-elite athletes ( Paridi, 2020 ;Wagstaff, Fletcher & Hanton, 2012 ). Mindfulness training has shown to be effective in improving athletes' resilience and performance (Niel et al., 2020;Goodman et al., 2014 ;Ajilchi et al., 2019 ;Liu et al., 2021 ;Sant, 2015 ), enhance selfconfidence of athletes ( Bagheri & Dana 2021 ;Mehrsafar et al., 2019 ;Pineau et al., 2014 ), and has positive impact on emotion regulation capacities ( Erisman & Roemer, 2008 ;Josefsson et al. 2019 ;Asadi et al., 2016 ;Josefsson et al., 2017 ). ...
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This study investigated effects of mindfulness training on resilience, self-confidence and emotion regulation of elite football players as well as mediating role of locus of control. The study recruited 34 participants which were assigned into experimental (n=17) and control (n=17) groups. Age ranged between 16 and 32years (M age = 22.6years, SD = 1.47). The experimental group received 8 weeks mindfulness acceptance commitment (MAC) intervention program, while control group received no intervention. Participants completed Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC), Trait Sport Confidence Inventory (TSCI), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and Adapted Levenson Multidimensional Locus of control scales (ALMLC). Both groups completed the questionnaire at pre-test and post-test evaluation. Descriptive data employed mean and standard deviation, while Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) of Sӧrbom's method (alternative to analysis of covariance) was used for analysis of hypothesis. Finding of the study showed that there is significant direct and indirect effect of mindfulness acceptance commitment on resilience, self-confidence and emotion regulation on elite football players. The findings further showed that there is significant difference between the pre-test scores and post-test scores of intervention group and control group. The intervention group mean scores on resilience, self-confidence and emotion regulation are higher than the control group counterparts. This shows that MAC program is effective in increasing resilience, self-confidence and emotion regulation of elite football players concurrently which in turn could improve performance and attain success.
... increased attention of the athletes, decreased sport-specific anxiety, and sport-specific pessimism compared to the control group cyclist (Scott-Hamilton et al., 2016), reduced anxiety and improved self-efficacy and its elements (desire to initiate behaviour, desire to increase the effort, encounter challenges) and enhanced exercise performance (Bagheri & Dana, 2021). Researchers have found that (Luberto, 2014;Pineau et al., 2014;Gardner, 2009), MAC program may not directly affect performance but may indirectly affect performance through hypothesized variable, which in turn can result in improvements in performance-relevant outcomes. In their study, Bulğay et al. (2020) determined that athletes with peak performance had higher mindfulness levels; and professional soccer players had higher mindfulness levels compared to their amateur counterparts (Tingaz et al., 2021). ...
... However, self-efficacy has an insignificant, weak positive correlation with non-judging of inner experiences dimension of mindfulness. In line with previous studies that have shown a positive relationship between mindfulness and academic self-efficacy (Hanley et al., 2015), professional self-efficacy (Greason & Cashwell, 2009;Pineau et al., 2014;Rayan, 2018), coping selfefficacy (Fallah, 2017;Heath et al., 2016), counselling selfefficacy (Wei et al., 2015), our study has demonstrated this relationship of mindfulness with general self-efficacy of adults. Subsequently, we investigated the predictive ability of mindfulness for variables, self-esteem and self-efficacy. ...
The aim of the current study was to evaluate and compare the relationship of mindfulness with self-efficacy and self-esteem. The study has also investigated the difference in mindfulness levels across five dimensions: observing, describing, acting with awareness, non-judging of inner experiences and non-reactivity to inner experience between males and females and between young adults and middle-aged adults who belong to the Indian population. There was a total of 146 participants (F = 80, M = 66), 84 in the young adult group (20-40 years) and 62 participants in the middle adult group (41-65 years). Pearson correlation showed statistically significant (p < 0.01) moderate positive correlation between all the five dimensions of mindfulness and self-esteem; while self-efficacy had significant (p < 0.01) moderate positive correlation with all the dimensions of mindfulness except for non-judging of inner experiences. Multiple linear regression (MLR) with self-esteem as outcome variable showed model fitness of 51% (p < 0.01) with acting with awareness, non-reactivity to inner experience, non-judging of inner experiences and describing as predictive variables. With self-efficacy as outcome variable, MLR showed model fitness of 40% (p < 0.01) with non-reactivity to inner experiences, acting with awareness, observing and describing as predicting variables. Females were found to be significantly higher in acting with awareness and observing dimensions of mindfulness compared to males. Middle adults were found to be significantly higher only in the non-judging of inner experiences dimension as compared to early adults. Importance of mindfulness in improving self-concept has been established in western world. The present study, by exploring the relationship between mindfulness and self-variables in Indian population, highlights the probable positive outcomes of mindfulness enhancing techniques on self-esteem and self-efficacy of individuals, and therefore on the quality of life.
... Van den Hout et al. (2016, 2018 and Aubé et al. (2014) apply and conceptualise team flow. Research regarding collective flow is often linked with collective efficacy and focuses on groups working together (Pineau et al., 2014;Salanova et al., 2014;Zumeta et al., 2016). However, only Lazarovitz (2004) focuses on flow in team sports, in this case, female ice hockey players. ...
... Van den Hout et al. (2016, 2018 and Aubé et al. (2014) apply and conceptualise team flow. Research regarding collective flow is often linked with collective efficacy and focuses on groups working together (Pineau et al., 2014;Salanova et al., 2014;Zumeta et al., 2016). However, only Lazarovitz (2004) focuses on flow in team sports, in this case, female ice hockey players. ...
... Although no empirical studies have been reported on flow and self-efficacy, it has been reported that flow is related to sport-confidence, which is very similar to self-efficacy (Pineau et al., 2014), and has a positive correlation with both constructs (Vealey et al., 1998;Manzo et al., 2001). Feltz and Lirgg (2001) noted that the measurement of sport-confidence can be used as a measure of self-efficacy. ...
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This study aimed to verify the effects of role modeling on adolescent athletes’ self-efficacy and flow state. The subjects were middle school and high school athletes registered with the Korean Sport & Olympic Committee. From the collected data, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation model analysis were performed. To verify the mediating effects of self-efficacy in the relationship between modeling and flow state, structural equation modeling analysis was conducted. The direct effects of adolescent athlete modeling on flow state (β = 0.416, B = 0.244, p < 0.01) and self-efficacy (β = 0.479, B = 0.500, p < 0.01) were all significant, and the direct effects of self-efficacy on flow state (β = 0.404, B = 0.227, p < 0.01) were also significant. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the indirect effect of modeling on flow state (β = 0.194, B = 0.114, p < 0.01) was significant, and that the partial mediated effects of self-efficacy were significant. Thus, we confirmed that when adolescent athlete use modeling through a role model, their self-efficacy increased which in turn led to a positive effect on the ability to achieve a flow state.
... Both grit and growth mindset are positively correlated with an internal locus of control . Believing that one is able to take action to achieve the desired outcome, or having high self-efficacy, is linked to higher persistence in acquiring skills as well as more flow experience (Mesurado et al., 2016;Pineau et al., 2014). Grit also correlates with self-efficacy (Oriol et al., 2017). ...
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While it may seem effortless for great musicians to deliver beautiful works of art, little is known about the hard work behind these performances. Musicians require grit to sustain effort over many years of training but flow can sweeten this experience. Growth mindset, referring to the belief that ability is malleable, is often related to grit and has been theorized to be conducive to flow. Self-identified musicians, between 18 and 57 years of age ( N = 162), participated in an online survey investigating the potential links between grit, growth mindset, and dispositional flow. Correlational analyses revealed that grit was a significant predictor of flow but no correlations between growth mindset and grit or flow were found. Furthermore, a hierarchical regression analysis taking into account participants’ musical training, personality traits, and performance anxiety found that grit did not predict dispositional flow over and above what can be predicted by practice hours and music performance anxiety. Altogether, these findings offer a closer look at the effects of the non-cognitive factors of growth mindset and grit on the experience of flow in music performance.
... Empirical studies indeed confirm a positive relationship between flow and selfefficacy, for example self-efficacy and team-efficacy were significantly related to the frequency of flow of athletes (Pineau, Glass, Kaufman, & Bernal, 2014) as measured with the dispositional flow scale (Jackson & Eklund, 2002). In the work context, a longitudinal study with school teachers found that work-related flow enhanced work-specific self-efficacy at a later point in time (Rodríguez-Sánchez, Salanova, Cifre, & Schaufeli, 2011;Salanova, Bakker, & Llorens, 2006). ...
Flow can be experienced both during leisure activities and during work and research shows that flow is even more often experienced at work. Considering its positive consequences, fostering flow is a relevant topic for employees and organizations. The consequences and antecedents of flow at the workplace as described in the literature can be conceived as falling into three spheres—the individual sphere, the job/task sphere and the organizational/social sphere—and their intersections. Regarding the consequences, studies find consistently positive effects of flow on measures of well-being and performance, making flow a positive experience relevant to both individuals and organizations. Regarding the antecedents, flow was found to be facilitated by individual resources (such as self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience), by specific task characteristics (such as those described in the Job Characteristics Model, e.g., autonomy, skill variety and task identity) and by organizational/social factors such as the organizational climate, the leadership style of the supervisor and the interactions with colleagues. It is noticeable that many of the effects are bi-directional, with flow affecting resources that affect flow at a later point in time. Referring to person-environment fit theory, the chapter also highlights the important role of the person-environment interaction, which includes a fit of an individual’s attributes with the attributes of the job/task as well as with attributes of the organizational/social environment.
... In a longitudinal study with small groups, it was found that collective efficacy beliefs can lead to higher collective flow, which in turn leads to higher collective self-efficacy in the future, forming a reciprocal relationship (Salanova et al., 2014). Furthermore, Pineau et al. (2014) found that self-efficacy as well as team-efficacy are significantly related to dispositional flow. All in all, abundant research supports the hypothesis that self-efficacy beliefs are positively associated with flow experience. ...
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Self-efficacy is a well-known psychological resource, being positively associated with increased performance. Furthermore, results from field studies suggest a positive impact of self-efficacy on flow experience, which has not yet been tested experimentally. In this study, we manipulated self-efficacy by means of positive feedback and investigated whether self-efficacy serves as a mediator in the relationship between positive feedback and flow and in the relationship between positive feedback and performance. Our sample consisted of 102 participants (63 female, 39 male). The experimental group received positive feedback after completing 5 min of mental arithmetic tasks on a computer, whereas the control group received no feedback. A second session of a mental arithmetic task was then completed for 5 min. Mediation analyses confirmed that specific self-efficacy mediated a positive effect of positive feedback on flow as well as on both performance measures (quality and quantity) in a subsequent task. However, direct effects of feedback on flow and on performance were not significant, which suggests the presence of other mechanisms that remain to be investigated.
... Lee, 1982). Furthermore, research suggests that mindfulness may be related to self-efficacy and sport confidence (Pineau et al., 2014), which could mediate the relation between mindfulness and performance. ...
Mindfulness-based interventions for athletes—including Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE)—have demonstrated promising results. While initial studies of MSPE have found improvements in many areas of athlete functioning (e.g., flow, anxiety, sport performance), questions regarding the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of the protocol when implemented in real-world settings remain. The present pilot study was the first in which a college coach was supervised in using the MSPE protocol to learn mindfulness and develop a consistent practice, and later delivered a 6-week MSPE intervention to all 30 athletes on a Division III NCAA women’s lacrosse team. With a 100% completion rate, players rated the program as highly successful, engaged in mindfulness practice outside of weekly sessions, and strongly recommended MSPE training for other athletes; qualitative data also suggested several perceived benefits. After the intervention, participants showed significant improvements in questionnaire measures of dispositional flow, sport anxiety, mindfulness, difficulties in emotion regulation, and sport performance satisfaction, with medium to large effect sizes. Furthermore, improvements in sport mindfulness and flow were associated with several dimensions of lacrosse performance. As many universities lack resources to support sport psychology services for athletes, the present study—with its focus on generalizability and feasibility—suggests that MSPE can be delivered by a trained coach to potentially benefit athletes’ well-being and performance satisfaction. Ultimately, this “train-the-trainer” model could create a foundation for sustainable integration of mindfulness and/or mental training in general into college athletic departments. Lay Summary: The feasibility and success of a mindfulness intervention with a collegiate women’s lacrosse team, when led by a coach trained in mindfulness rather than a professional clinician, sport psychologist, or mindfulness expert, suggests that this “train-the-trainer” model could promote feasible and sustainable integration of mindfulness programs into university athletic departments. • Implications for Practice: • In addition to direct delivery of mindfulness training to athletes, sport psychology professionals may be able to affect positive change by offering train-the-trainer services to coaches instead, potentially contributing to the sustainable, long-term integration of mindfulness into university athletic departments. • Following supervised mindfulness training and the establishment of their own continuing mindfulness practice, the results of the present study suggest that collegiate coaches can feasibly deliver a mindfulness intervention to an entire team with a high degree of acceptability and athlete engagement. • Having coaches trained in mindfulness could impact student-athlete well-being and performance satisfaction, and may be especially beneficial for secondary school or university-level athletic departments that lack the financial resources to employ a sport psychology professional.
... The literature search reveled a limited number of studies for referee self-efficacy with some studies on self-efficacy of athletes and coaches (Feltz & Magyar, 2006;Pineau & Glass, 2014). The concept of self-efficacy is regarded to have a very important role for athletes, trainers, and managers, and that the same situation applies to the referees (Feltz and Lirgg, 2001;Gill, 2004). ...
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In this study, we aimed to examine the self-efficacy levels of soccer referees in the context of some demographic variables (gender, education level, age of starting refereeing, and ocupation). The study group consisted of a total of 154 soccer referees during the 2017-2018 football season of whom 33 (21.4%) were females and 121 (78.6%) were males from different regions and classifications ( X age = 26.87±1.966). The personal information form and the Referee Self-Efficacy Scale (REFS) were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics were used to identify self-efficacy levels and to identify demographic variables. In order to compare self-efficacy levels in respect to arithmetic means gender and age self efficacy scores, independent t-test was used and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare self-efficacy levels of education level and occupations. The Tukey’s multiple comparison test was used to determine differences between groups. The results revealed that the referees' self-efficacy levels were high and there were significant differences in self-efficacy levels in terms of gender and educational status. Thus, it is recommended that higher education level be prioritized during the referee selection and promotion and that experience and physical competence be increased to elevate the self-efficacy levels of female referees. Keywords: Self-efficacy, referee, football.
... As shown in our study, the intervention group had consistently reported higher experiential acceptance, flow, throwing than the control group. As such, these findings provide further support on our theoretical proposition that compassion, mindfulness acceptance and commitment programs can facilitate experiential acceptance and flow experiences which can in turn help athletes acquire new skills in sport (Gardner, 2016;Gardner, & Moore, 2007, 2012Langer, 2000, Pineau, Glass, & Kaufman, 2014. As an important component in MBSoccerP, exceptional acceptance facilitates soccer players to accept the inconsistencies and incoherencies encountered (Gardner, 2016;Langer, 2000). ...
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Introduction: Research on mindfulness and self-compassion has suggested that these closely related construct is also strongly related to flow, psychological distress, experiential avoidance and thought suppression. Despite the potential of this approach, there is a dearth of literature in respect to the relation and role of these constructs in the sport context, and specifically in soccer.
... In terms of individual tasks with others being present, a study from the recreational physical activity domain found individual flow to occur slightly more often with a coparticipant than alone [15]. In terms of interdependent tasks, several studies have found that people experience individual flow in group settings, for instance, when playing in an interdependent music ensemble (e.g., [16]) or during interdependent sports team (e.g., football, rowing; [17,18]). During such tasks, an individual may be in an individual flow state regardless of whether the individual's co-participants or interdependent group members are in an individual flow state or not [9]. ...
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The purpose of this article is to provide a scoping review of the current literature on group flow. Based on the PRISMA-guidelines for systematic reviews, 26 publications were identified that met the inclusion criteria. Publication analyses comprised an individual consideration of each publication and a systematic, integrative synthesis of all publications. Analyses identified heterogeneous group flow definitions across publications, supporting the need for an integrative definition. Further heterogeneity existed in the theoretical approaches and measures used, highlighting the need for a comprehensive theory and a measurement standard. Components (e.g., synchronization), antecedents (e.g., trust), and outcomes (e.g., well-being) of group flow were identified in publications that presented empirical studies, some of which that showed similarities between characteristics of group flow and individual flow and others that showed aspects unique to group flow. Overall, this scoping review reveals the need for a systematic research program on group flow.
... Auch in der Sportwissenschaft erregte Achtsamkeit in letzter Zeit großes Aufsehen (Birrer, Röthlin & Morgan, 2012;De Petrillo, Kaufman, Glass & Arnkoff, 2009;Pineau, 2013;Pineau, Glass, Kaufman & Bernal, 2011). Es wird zum Beispiel erwartet, dass Achtsamkeitstraining die sportliche Leistung zu steigern vermag, beispielsweise durch eine Verbesserung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit, das Begünstigen von Flow oder die Optimierung des Emoti onsmanagements (Jekauc & Kittler, 2015 Jekauc et al. (2017), in der der Einfluss eines acht samkeitsbasierten Trainingsprogramms auf die Emotions regulation von Sportlerinnen und Sportlern untersucht wird. ...
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Diese Studie untersucht den Einfluss von Achtsamkeitstraining auf die Emotionsregulation von Sporttreibenden. In einem Prä-Post-Kontrollgruppendesign mit insgesamt 68 Versuchspersonen wurde getestet, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen Achtsamkeit und dem Einsatz adaptiver (maladaptiver) Strategien der Emotionsregulation besteht. Das verwendete Programm (BATL, Berliner Achtsamkeitstraining zur Leistungsoptimierung) steigert die Achtsamkeit signifikant und nimmt dadurch einen indirekten Einfluss auf die Emotionsregulation von Sporttreibenden. Es wurde ein genereller, signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen der Ausprägung von Achtsamkeit einer Person und deren Tendenz zum Einsatz maladaptiver Strategien gefunden. Je stärker Achtsamkeit bei einer Person ausgeprägt ist, desto seltener setzt diese maladaptive Strategien ein. This study examines the influence of mindfulness practice on emotion regulation in competitive sports. The correlation between mindfulness and using adaptive (maladaptive) strategies of emotion regulation was examined in a pre-post control group design with 68 participants in total. The program used (BATL, Berlin Mindfulness-based Training for Athletes) increased the subjects’ mindfulness significantly. This way it had an indirect influence on the athletes’ emotion regulation. A correlation was found between a person’s degree of mindfulness and the emotion regulation strategies of the same person, independent of the time of measurement and the group he or she was in. The more mindful an athlete, the less he or she tends to use maladaptive strategies.
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Esta obra constituiu-se a partir de um processo colaborativo entre professores, estudantes e pesquisadores que se destacaram e qualificaram as discussões neste espaço formativo. Resulta, também, de movimentos interinstitucionais e de ações de incentivo à pesquisa que congregam pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas do conhecimento e de diferentes Instituições de Educação Superior públicas e privadas de abrangência nacional e internacional. Tem como objetivo integrar ações interinstitucionais nacionais e internacionais com redes de pesquisa que tenham a finalidade de fomentar a formação continuada dos profissionais da educação, por meio da produção e socialização de conhecimentos das diversas áreas do Saberes. Agradecemos aos autores pelo empenho, disponibilidade e dedicação para o desenvolvimento e conclusão dessa obra. Esperamos também que esta obra sirva de instrumento didático-pedagógico para estudantes, professores dos diversos níveis de ensino em seus trabalhos e demais interessados pela temática.
Consultancy with children is rarely reported in sport psychology literature. In light of this, the current case study seeks to outline an age-appropriate approach to support provision for a 10-year-old soccer athlete at an elite soccer academy. The Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist utilised a combined Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and mindfulness-based approach to practice in understanding the athlete’s challenges and implemented Psychological Skills Training (PST). Effectiveness of the intervention was evaluated through a modified family-systems approach and player feedback was elicited using an adapted Consultant Effectiveness Form (CEF). Reflection on the intervention details how open-mindedness to service delivery can facilitate the understanding of PST in the early years of sport performance, and could pave the way for future reception and application at later levels.
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Jelen munka fő célja feltárni azokat a mindfulness alapú intervenciókat, amelyek a sportpszichológia területén hatásosnak bizonyultak. A szakirodalmi áttekintés után kiderült, hogy két ilyen technika van jelenleg, Gardner és Moore (2004) mindfulness alapú elfogadás és elkötelezettség megközelítése (Mindfulnes Acceptance and Commitment Approach - MAC), valamint Kaufman, Glass és Arnkoff (2009) tudatos sportfejlesztési programja (Mindful Sport Enhancement Program-MSPE). Az elemzés során megállapítottuk, hogy mindkét módszer mindfulness alapú és esettanulmányokkal alátámasztották a teljesítménynövelő hatékonyságukat sportolói környezetben, azonban más megközelítést is alkalmaznak. Összességében az eddigi vizsgálatok azt mutatják, hogy a mindfulness alapú technikák elősegítik a flow érzés megjelenését, a koncentrációt és a megfelelő érzelemszabályozást, azonban ezek a vizsgálatok nem sportolói mintán történtek így érdemes lenne ebben a környezetben is megvizsgálni. Továbbá hazai viszonylatban még nem tesztelték a tudatos jelenlét alapú beavatkozások hatását sportolókat tekintve, ezáltal hasznos következtetésekkel járhatna az ilyen jellegű kutatások kivitelezése.
Incorporating the theoretical conceptualizations of Jon Kabat-Zinn and Ellen Langer, this volume illustrates how performers from a variety of disciplines - including sport, dance and music - can use mindfulness to achieve peak performance and improve personal well-being. Leading scholars in the field present cutting-edge research and outline their unique approach to mindfulness that is supported by both theory and practice. They provide an overview of current mindfulness-based manuals and programs used around the globe in countries such as the United States, China and Australia, exploring their effectiveness across cultures. Mindfulness and Performance will be a beneficial reference for practitioners, social and sport psychologists, coaches, athletes, teachers and students.
Mindfulness-based soccer interventions have consistently demonstrated beneficial impacts on aspects of compassion, flow and elite soccer performance. Many soccer players hamper their own performance due to their harsh self-criticism and toxic performance evaluations. Literature shows self-compassion can counter self-criticism. Self-compassion is viewed as a healthy awareness, kindeness and understanding of players towards themselves during episodes of perceived competive underperformance. In this pilot study, we sought to explore the influences of a mindfulness-based program for elite soccer athletes (MBSoccerP) in relation to self-compassion, self-criticism, flow and perceived performance. The participants were a sample of 57 elite soccer players from two different cohorts. Pearson correlations were conducted to examine changes and the relationships between variables before and after the MBSoccerP intervention. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to assess the impact of baseline self-compassion and self-criticism on both flow and perceived performance measures at post-intervention. Significantly positive correlations were found between 'flow' and athletes' perceived performance at pre and post-intervention. Self-criticism was significantly negatively correlated with athletes' perceived performance and flow at post-intervention. Further, self-compassion predicted higher flow at post intervention, while controlling for baseline self-compassion. Self-criticism predicted lower perceived performance for athletes at post intervention while controlling baseline self-criticism. Findings suggest that self-compassion may be important for soccer players and their perceived performance routines and assets. Whereas self-criticism plays a negative role on flow and perceived sport performance assets.
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Mindfulness practice has become an increasingly popular intervention in optimizing athletic performance in sports. Numerous studies have reported on applying mindfulness for improving the performance of various sports such as tennis, table tennis, shooting, cricket, archery, golf, running, hockey, swimming, and cycling. This narrative review addresses different existing mindfulness programs that enhance sports performance, the outcome measures of mindfulness therapy, and identifies the anxiety and depression that affect the performance of sports individuals. To cope with the issues, the efficacy of mindfulness in performance enhancement and future research directions on mindfulness needs attention.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, adolesan sporcuların optimal performans duygu durumu, zihinsel dayanıklılık, antrenör sporcu ilişki kalitesi ve takım sargınlığı kavramlarının mizah tarzları ile ilişkisinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya 2019-2020 sezonunda İstanbul’da futbol, basketbol, voleybol, hentbol ve su topu branşlarında mücadele eden 139 kız (X𝑦𝑎ş=15,44±1,00), ve 213 (X𝑦𝑎ş=15,73±1,41) erkek olmak üzere toplam 352 (X𝑦𝑎ş=15,61±1,27) adolesan sporcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında sporculara “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Mizah Tarzları Ölçeği”, “Sürekli Optimal Performans Duygu Durum Ölçeği Kısa Formu”, “Sporda Zihinsel Dayanıklılık Ölçeği”, “Antrenör Sporcu İlişkisi Ölçeği”, “Genç Sporcu Takım Sargınlığı Ölçeği” uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde çoklu hiyerarşik regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan regresyon analizi sonucunda katılımcı mizah tarzının, optimal performans duygu durum, (β= 0,12, p<0,05), zihinsel dayanıklılık (β= 0,18, p<0,01), antrenör-sporcu ilişki kalitesi ölçeğinin yakınlık (β= 0,12, p<0,05), bağlılık (β= 0,13, p<0,05), tamamlayıcılık alt boyutlarının (β= 0.12, p<0,05) ve takım sargınlığının sosyal sargınlık alt boyutunun (β= 0,14, p<0,05) pozitif yordayıcısı olduğu bulunmuştur. Ayrıca kendini geliştirici mizah tarzı optimal performans duygu durumun (β= 0,23, p<0,01) pozitif yordayıcısıdır. Öte yandan, saldırgan mizah tarzının optimal performans duygu durumun (β=-0.12, p<0,05), zihinsel dayanıklılığın (β= -0,25, p<0,01), antrenör-sporcu ilişkisi kalitesi ölçeğinin yakınlık (β= -0,21, p<0,05), tamamlayıcılık alt boyutlarının (β= -0,21, p<0,01) ve takım sargınlığının görev sargınlığı alt boyutunun (β= -0,14, p<0,05) negatif yordayıcısı olduğu bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgular, katılımcı ve saldırgan mizah tarzının, optimal performans duygu durum, zihinsel dayanıklılık, antrenör sporcu ilişki kalitesi ve takım sargınlığı düzeylerinin önemli yordayıcıları olduğunu göstermektedir.
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The study was aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of Turkish version of Self-Efficacy, OtherEfficacy and Relation-Inferred Self-Efficacy Scales developed in order to measure tripartite efficacy perceptions in sports. One hundred and twenty seven female and 202 male, from different sports branches totally 329 athletes (X"age=20.40, Sd=4.72) participated in this study. Self-Efficacy, OtherEfficacy and Relation-Inferred Self-Efficacy Scales in the three-factor related measurement model are 5 point Likert type. In addition to these scales, Sports Anxiety Scale-2, Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory and Quality of Relationships Inventory were administered to the participants. First order three factor correlated confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test contruct validity of Turkish version of the Self-Efficacy, Other-Efficacy and Relation-Inferred Self-Efficacy Scales suggested in the original study. In order to determine the convergent validity of Turkish version of the scales, their relationships with Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory and Quality of Relationships Inventory were tested by Pearson correlation coefficients and AVE and CR values were calculated. For divergent validity, the relationships between Turkish version of Self-Efficacy, Other-Efficacy and Relation-Inferred SelfEfficacy Scales and Sports Anxiety Scale-2 were analyzed by Pearson correlation analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha and CR coefficients were calculated to determine reliability of the scales. CFA results provided support for the three factor model. Correlations and AVE and CR values supported divergent and convergent validity of the scales. Cronbach’s Alpha and CR coefficients supported reliability of the scales. The results of the study suggest that the Turkish version of Self-Efficacy, Other-Efficacy and Relation-Inferred Self-Efficacy Scales are valid and reliable measures for the evaluation of tripartite efficacy perceptions in Turkish athletes.
Fatigue, boredom, pain, performance anxiety, and negative thoughts are challenges characteristic of competitive running. One psychological technique that is gaining support and has been successfully implemented in sport is the practice of mindfulness. Where conventional psychological skills training interventions aim to change dysfunctional thoughts and emotions, mindfulness focuses on altering the relationship to physiological and psychological states. This could help in dealing with the demands of distance running but this has yet to be examined. This article was focused on reviewing mindfulness interventions on performance and performance-based factors in long distance running, assessing (a) mindfulness scores, (b) physiological performance-related factors, (c) psychological performance-related factors, and (d) performance outcomes. A search of relevant electronic databases yielded seven studies which met the inclusion criteria. The review provided some tentative support for the use of mindfulness interventions regarding: reducing competitive anxiety, attenuating immune responses to high-intensity running, and increasing state mindfulness. However, due to the methodological weaknesses of studies more research is required using high-quality randomized controlled trial designs.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute to the literature on team management and flow theory by framing shared flow in teams (SFT) as a unique construct of much interest for team performance, as well as by proposing team vibration as a metaphor and measurable property of SFT. Design/methodology/approach An inductive approach is used to identify the occurrence of SFT by means of team vibration, and scale development procedures are used to offer an instrument to measure team vibration. Findings The current state of knowledge does not allow researchers and team leaders to assume that flow in teams depends on team members being in full flow too. Accordingly, it is shown that SFT is an emergent phenomenon of the complex interaction of team members, thus not corresponding to the mere aggregation of flow of individual team members. Moreover, it is also shown that the emergent property of team vibration is an efficient surrogate measure for SFT because it enables better communication in measurement. Practical implications Team managers should hire professionals that contribute to high levels of vibration in teams because this is expected to leverage desirable team processes and outcomes. Such individuals possess an ideal balance of individual and group focus. However, the authors warn that managers should be careful in assuming that individuals in full state of flow are necessary for the occurrence of flow in teams. Originality/value This study frames SFT as a unique construct in the literature of flow in groups, in addition to developing a metaphor and surrogate measure (team vibration) and a measurement instrument.
Objectives To demonstrate the use of machine-learning for reducing questionnaire response burden, we created multiple, shorter versions of the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport. We then tested the reliability and validity of scores derived from these shorter versions in athletic populations. Design We used genetic algorithms to shorten the measure, and both cross-sectional and longitudinal data to test psychometric properties. Method We collected data from 859 undergraduate exercise science students and 118 golfers. We used 75% of the student sample to shorten the measure, and the rest of the data to test the internal consistency, test-retest reliability, content validity, and factorial validity. For criterion validity, we explored relationships between the subscales and other measures of mindfulness, golf handicaps, and an objective measure of putting accuracy. Results Genetic algorithms efficiently generated stable solutions to shortening the measure. Reliability decreased as the measure become shorter—especially between three and two items per subscale—but remained acceptable. Validity metrics for shorter versions were as good, and sometimes better, than the full questionnaire. Awareness and refocusing subscales demonstrated weak associations with golf handicap for long and short versions. Non-judgment showed no significant associations, and no subscales significantly predicted putting performance. Conclusions Genetic algorithms provide efficient solutions to reducing questionnaire response burden for athletes.
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OBJECTIVES Athletes and other stakeholders tend to focus on their physical aspects of rehabilitation although psychological factors may contribute to the success of return to sports. Therefore, the purpose of this case study was to apply the mindfulness based psychological skills training to injured junior baseball players during the rehabilitation process and examine the effect of the program. METHODS The 8 sessions of the mindfulness based psychological skills training were conducted for 4 participants and K-PCS, K-CAMS-R, Perceived Performance Level, TOPS, PANAS, and CSAI-2 were implemented and analyzed. RESULTS As a result, all of the variables significantly varied in a positive way after the intervention and additionally qualitative results, such as mindfulness and imagery, aided the quantitative result. CONCLUSIONS Such positive effects of the intervention reinforced the importance of the role of psychological rehabilitation for injured athletes, and implication of this study was discussed.
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Mindfulness-based interventions have consistently demonstrated associations with multiple aspects of flow and sport performance. In this current pilot study we sought to explore the effects of Mindfulness-based program for elite soccer athletes (MBSoccerP) training on self-compassion, mindfulness, and psychological flexibility, flow and sport performance outcomes on a sample of 57 elite soccer players (Portuguese 2ª league) from two different cohorts participated in this study. Also, we examined the relationship between mindfulness, psychological flexibility, and self-compassion at baseline-predicted flow and performance measures. Paired t-tests and correlations were conducted to examine changes and significant relation between variables before and after the MBSoccerP intervention. Also hierarchical regression was used to assess the influence of baseline psychological flexibility, self-compassion, and mindfulness facets on flow and sport performance measures at post-intervention in this pre-/post-pilot study. Results suggested that mindfulness, self-compassion, direct forms of performance and flow improved from pre to post-intervention and psychological inflexibility decreased. Further, mindfulness predicted higher flow at post intervention while controlling for baseline mindfulness. Psychological inflexibility predicted lower dispositional flow at post intervention. Findings suggest that MBSoccerP may be effective for improving flow and performance. UN ESTUDIO PILOTO DE UN PROGRAMA BASADO EN LA ATENCIÓN PLENA (MBSOCCERP): EL PAPEL POTENCIAL DE LA ATENCIÓN, LA AUTO-COMPASIÓN Y LA FLEXIBILIDAD PSICOLÓGICA EN EL FLUJO Y EL RENDIMIENTO DE ÉLITE EN LOS ATLETAS DE FÚTBOL RESUMEN: Las intervenciones basadas en la atención plena han demostrado consistentemente asociaciones con múltiples aspectos del flow y el rendimiento deportivo. En este estudio piloto buscamos explorar los efectos del programa Mindfulness para atletas de fútbol (MBSoccerP) en una muestra de 57 jugadores de élite. Se realizaron pruebas t de pares y correlaciones para examinar los cambios y la relación significativa entre las variables antes y después de la intervención MBSoccerP. También se utilizó la regresión jerárquica para evaluar la influencia de la flexibilidad psicológica, la autocompasión, e las facetas de atención plena sobre el flow y las medidas de rendimiento deportivo en la postintervención. Los resultados indicaron que la atención plena, la autocompasión, las formas directas de rendimiento y flow mejoraron desde pre hasta después de la intervención y disminuyó la inflexibilidad psicológica. Además, la atención plena predijo un mayor flow en la post-intervención. La inflexibilidad psicológica predijo un menor flow en la post-intervención. Los hallazgos sugieren que MBSoccerP puede ser efectivo para mejorar el flow y el rendimiento. PALABRAS CLAVE: Atención Plena, Autocompasión, Flexibilidad Psicológica, Rendimiento UM ESTUDO PILOTO DE UM PROGRAMA BASEADO EM ESPÉCIE (MBSOCCERP): O POTENCIAL PAPEL DA ESPÉCIE, FLEXIBILIDADE DE AUTOCOMPaixão E PSICOLÓGICA NO FLUXO E DESEMPENHO ELITE EM ATLETAS DE FUTEBOL RESUMO: As Intervenções baseadas no mindfulness têm demonstrado importantes associações com o estado de flow e otimização desportiva. Neste estudo piloto, procuramos explorar os efeitos de um programa baseado no Mindfulness (MBSoccerP) numa amostra de 57 atletas profissionais de futebol. Testes t e correlações foram realizadas para examinar possíveis efeitos e relações entre as variáveis antes e depois da intervenção MBSoccerP. A regressão hierárquica também foi utilizada para avaliar a influência da flexibilidade psicológica, autocompaixão, e facetas de mindfulness nas medidas de desempenho desportivo e flow. Os resultados indicaram que o mindflness, a autocompaixão, a performance e o flow melhoraram do pré para a pós-teste, diminuindo o evitamento experiencial. Além disso, o mindfulness foi preditor de maior flow disposicional no pós-teste. O evitamento experiencial foi preditor de um menor flow disposicional no pós-teste. Os resultados sugerem que o MBSoccerP pode ser eficaz na melhoria do flow e performance.
Introduction: The optimal performance of athletic depends on at least three types of physical fitness, skills, and mental fitness. The gap between the athlete has been greatly reduced, and it seems that the difference in the performance of the champion is more than ever related to their mental readiness. In this valley, mental skills have been added to their programs to help improve athletes' performance. Methodology: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of mindful meditation on the mindfulness state, flow and performance in table tennis athletes. Among the male athletes, who were active participated in the table tennis tournament, 30 subjects were selected as sample and randomly divided into experimental and control groups.The mindfulness inventory for sport, flow State Scale and sport performance test were used for collecting the data.The experimental group was subjected to mindfulness training for six weeks, two weekly sessions, and one and a half hours, based on the mindfulness-awareness protocols in classroom space, by the mentor of the mentor's knowledge and supervision of the researcher. During this period, both groups performed their routine exercise. At the end of the last session and also to follow the effect of the training (after three months), the groups again answered the questionnaires. The variance analysis with repeated measurements was used to compare the variables in two groups for three times the measurement. Results: The results showed that the scores of individuals in globally were significantly improved in the mindfulness' status, flow state and performance in the three stages before, after and follow up in the experimental group. The findings Also showed that in all subscales of mindfulness (awareness, refocusing and non-judgment) and in all subscales of flow (Challenge-skill balance Action-awareness merging, Clear goals, Concentration, Sense control, Unambiguous feedback, Loss self-consciousness,Time transformation, Autotelic experience) at P≤0.05 the changes were significantly improved. Discussion: It is concluded that as the mindfulness meditation has effect on mindfulness' state, flow state and eventually on sport performance,it can be used beside the other psychological interventions. Additionally as the mindfulness technique is effective on all aspects of life, and the results show that exercises improve the mindfulness state of the individual, so that, this intervention can be used for all those who are somehow associated with athletes (coaches, officials, and Technical staff).
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The two studies included herein discuss mindfulness and acceptance in sport performance. Based on exploratory interviews with elite swimmers, Study 1 showed that optimal performance, or “flow,” states reveal similar characteristics to mindfulness and acceptance states. In flow experiences, the elite swimmers described that they had been particularly mindful of their bodily sensations and accepted them. In Study 2, mindfulness and acceptance were integrated into a psychological skills training program for seven young elite golfers. The program, based on mindfulness and acceptance, contributed to performance enhancement in competition. Participants improved the efficacy of their routines by seeking more relevant internal and external information. The results of both studies corroborated those of previous studies dealing with mindfulness and acceptance in sport. Together, these studies enhance the applicability and efficacy of these approaches with athletic clientele.
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This study presents the development and preliminary validation of the Collective Efficacy Questionnaire for Sports (CEQS). The study was conducted in 3 phases. In Phase 1, a 42-item questionnaire was developed and tested with 271 college-aged student-athletes. An exploratory factor analysis revealed 5 collective efficacy factors with 27 items retained. In Phase 2, again using college-aged student-athletes (N = 286), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) supported a 5-factor, 20-item measure. These factors were named Ability, Effort, Preparation, Persistence, and Unity. In Phase 3, preliminary support for the construct validity (i.e., convergent, predictive, and discriminant validity) of the CEQS was obtained by examining correlations among the CEQS subscales and a measure of team cohesion (Group Environment Questionnaire; Widmeyer, Brawley, & Carron, 1985). A second CFA was conducted on the CEQS to cross-validate the measure. Combined results establish preliminary support for the CEQS.
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We examined the relationships among trait and state psychological variables and performance in male high school distance runners using the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ; Gill & Deeter, 1988), the Competitive Orientation Inventory (COI; Vealey, 1986), the Trait Sport-Confidence Inventory (TSCI; Vealey, 1986), the State Sport-Confidence Inventory (SSCI; Vealey, 1986), the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2; Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, & Smith, 1990), and separate self-efficacy scales for performance (time) and outcome (place). As hypothesized, trait sport-confidence predicted state sport-confidence and outcome self-efficacy. However, competitive orientation did not contribute to the prediction of state measures. State sport-confidence and self-efficacy predicted performance, as hypothesized. Surprisingly, outcome self-efficacy was a stronger predictor than performance self-efficacy, which did not contribute to the prediction of performance time or place. The runners' youth and lack of c...
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Although mindfulness meditation traditionally is viewed as a lifelong practice, much current knowledge about its effects is based on short-term practitioners who have participated in mindfulness-based treatment. In the current study, long-term meditators and demographically similar nonmeditators completed self-report measures of constructs expected to be related to the practice of mindfulness meditation. Extent of meditation experience was correlated in the expected directions with levels of mindfulness and with many other variables. Mean differences between meditators and nonmeditators were significant in most cases. Mediation analyses were consistent with the hypothesis that practicing meditation is associated with increased mindfulness in daily life, which is related to decreased rumination, decreased fear of emotion, and increased behavioral self-regulation. These mechanisms appear partially responsible for the relationships between mindfulness skills and psychological adjustment. Overall, the current study suggests that the long-term practice of mindfulness meditation may cultivate mindfulness skills and promote adaptive functioning.
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This study examined the reciprocal relationship between collective efficacy and team performance over a season of competition in American football. Efficacy beliefs of offensive football players from 10 teams were assessed prior to 8 consecutive games to form 2 team-level measures of collective efficacy: aggregated self-efficacy and aggregated collective efficacy. Game-level performance indexes produced a team-level measure of offensive performance for each game. Within teams and across games, aggregated collective efficacy prior to performance was a positive predictor of subsequent offensive performance; however, previous offensive performance was a negative predictor of subsequent aggregated collective efficacy. Within weeks and across teams, aggregated collective efficacy prior to performance also was a positive predictor of subsequent offensive performance, and previous offensive performance was a positive, rather than negative, predictor of subsequent aggregated collective efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Extending previous qualitative research, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of pre-performance readiness factors, (pre-round confidence, positive thinking, motivation, level of relaxation, mental focus, and physical readiness) to post-game reports of the intensity and frequency of flow. One hundred and sixty three recreational golfers were administered a questionnaire which assessed pre-round readiness variables immediately before a round of golf, and flow frequency and intensity immediately before a round of golf, and flow frequency and intensity immediately after the round. Canonical correlation analyses indicated that pre-round readiness variable as well as golfer's skill level were significantly related to the experience of flow. Results point to the importance of pre-performance psychological state on the quality of the sport experience and underline the potential value of athletes' mastering self-regulation techniques.
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Background: Little has been known about the Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) axis response to pre-competition stress (PCS) and its response to relaxation therapies such as of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy (MMT) on sports population. In shooting sports good physical as well as psychological condition is highly demanded. Researchers have been performed on the psychophysiological responses of MMT on normal and diseased persons, but little has been done on sports population especially in shooters. Objective: The purpose of current study was to estimate the contribution of MMT on Salivary Cortisol (SC), a reliable physiological marker of HPA- axis response in reducing PCS, and its effect on shooting performance (PS). Methods: 96 male elite Shooters, with mean age of 29.5±4.3years were examined as in experimental and control (48 in each). Total duration of the study was five weeks, four weeks of experimental and one week study to determine the follow-up effect. Pre, post and follow-up data of quantitative phenotypic markers of HPA-Axis activity by analysis of SC and PS were analyzed. Results: Compare to control, experimental group has shown significant result, post-intervention (p<0.001) and in follow-up (p<0.001) in SC and in PS. Resulted in reduction of PCS level and increase in PS, whereas the control group has been shown non-significant result (p<0.05).Conclusions: Results indicated that relaxation therapies such as MMT may decrease PCS and will enhance PS. It is concluded that in four weeks of MMT has an effect on HPA-Axis by decreasing the level of SC as a reliable physiological marker of PCS.
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There is increasing recognition of mindfulness and mindfulness training as a way to decrease stress and increase psychological functioning. The aims of this study were to examine the effects of mindfulness stress reduction training on perceived stress and psychological well-being and to examine if changes in mindfulness mediate intervention effects on these outcomes. Seventy women and one man with a previous cancer diagnosis (mean age 51.8 years, standard deviation = 9.86) were randomized into an intervention group or a wait-list control group. The intervention consisted of an 8-week mindfulness training course. Compared to participants in the control group, participants in the mindfulness training group had significantly decreased perceived stress and posttraumatic avoidance symptoms and increased positive states of mind. Those who participated in the intervention reported a significant increase in scores on the five-facet mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ) when compared to controls. The increase in FFMQ score mediated the effects of the intervention on perceived stress, posttraumatic avoidance symptoms, and positive states of mind. This study indicates that the improvements in psychological well-being resulting from mindfulness stress reduction training can potentially be explained by increased levels of mindfulness as measured with the FFMQ. The importance of these findings for future research in the field of mindfulness is discussed.
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The main purpose of this study was to examine psychological factors of potential relevance to athletic flow experiences. A secondary purpose was to empirically examine the relationship between flow and optimal performance. Understanding factors that may be associated with flow will help to make this optimal mental state more accessible to researchers and practitioners. Self-concept and use of psychological skills were predicted to be related to self-reported flow states. Competitive athletes across three sports completed dispositional assessments of athletic self-concept, psychological skills, and flow. The athletes also completed a post-event flow assessment, as well as other questions relating to their performance, after a specified competitive event. Positive relationships were found between flow and aspects of self-concept, and the relationships between flow and psychological skills use were also in the expected directions. In addition, the predicted positive relationship between a post-event flow assessment and performance criteria was obtained. This study builds on earlier research that has investigated antecedents of flow, and contributes to the expanding knowledge base of psychological factors related to optimal experience and performance.
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This meta-analysis examined the relationship between self-efficacy and performance in sport. Based on 45 studies (102 correlations), the average correlation between self-efficacy and sport performance was .38. Given the heterogeneity of findings, follow-up univariate and multivariate moderator analyses were conducted. Results indicated that the most important moderator was concordance, thereby highlighting the importance of matching the self-efficacy and performance measures. Additional moderators we examined included the types of self-efficacy measures, the types of performance measures, the nature of the task, and the time of assessments. These variables accounted for approximately 44% of the variance in the self-efficacy-performance relationship. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.
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The authors examine the facet structure of mindfulness using five recently developed mindfulness questionnaires. Two large samples of undergraduate students completed mindfulness questionnaires and measures of other constructs. Psychometric properties of the mindfulness questionnaires were examined, including internal consistency and convergent and discriminant relationships with other variables. Factor analyses of the combined pool of items from the mindfulness questionnaires suggested that collectively they contain five clear, interpretable facets of mindfulness. Hierarchical confirmatory factor analyses suggested that at least four of the identified factors are components of an overall mindfulness construct and that the factor structure of mindfulness may vary with meditation experience. Mindfulness facets were shown to be differentially correlated in expected ways with several other constructs and to have incremental validity in the prediction of psychological symptoms. Findings suggest that conceptualizing mindfulness as a multifaceted construct is helpful in understanding its components and its relationships with other variables.
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Previous research on assessment of mindfulness by self-report suggests that it may include five component skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonjudging of inner experience, and nonreactivity to inner experience. These elements of mindfulness can be measured with the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). The authors investigated several aspects of the construct validity of the FFMQ in experienced meditators and nonmeditating comparison groups. Consistent with predictions, most mindfulness facets were significantly related to meditation experience and to psychological symptoms and well-being. As expected, relationships between the observing facet and psychological adjustment varied with meditation experience. Regression and mediation analyses showed that several of the facets contributed independently to the prediction of well-being and significantly mediated the relationship between meditation experience and well-being. Findings support the construct validity of the FFMQ in a combination of samples not previously investigated.
The construct of mindfulness appears to be compatible with theories of flow and peak performance in sport. The present study assessed how Mindful Sport Performance Enhancement (MSPE), a new 4-week program, affected flow states, performance, and psychological characteristics of 11 archers and 21 golfers from the community. Participants completed trait measures of anxiety, perfectionism, thought disruption, confidence, mindfulness, and flow. They additionally provided data on their performances and state levels of mindfulness and flow. Analyses revealed that some significant changes in dimensions of the trait variables occurred during the training. Levels of state flow attained by the athletes also increased between the first and final sessions. The findings suggest that MSPE is a promising intervention to enhance flow, mindfulness, and aspects of sport confidence. An expanded workshop to allot more time for mindfulness practice is recommended for future studies.
The purpose of the present investigation was to evaluate the long-term effects of mindful sport performance enhancement (MSPE), a program designed to improve athletic performance and psychological aspects of sport. One-year follow-up assessments were conducted on archers, golfers, and long-distance runners (N = 25) who attended Kaufman, Glass, and Arnkoff’s (2009) and De Petrillo, Kaufman, Glass, and Arnkoff’s (2009) MSPE workshops. Across the athlete groups, participants reported significant increases in the ability to act with awareness (an aspect of trait mindfulness) and overall trait mindfulness from pretest to follow-up, along with significant decreases in task-related worries and task-irrelevant thoughts (both aspects of cognitive interference during sport). The long-distance runners exhibited significant improvement in their mile times from pretest to follow-up, with significant correlations between change in runners’ performance and trait variables. Results suggest that MSPE is a promising interv...
The purpose of this study was to examine individual (i.e., task self-efficacy, rowing experience, and goal orientations) and group/boat level (perceptions of motivational climate and boat size) determinants of collective efficacy in the sport of rowing. Participants were 154 male and female rowers ages 13 to 18 years (M = 16.19, SD = 1.29). Approximately 24 hours prior to the regional championship regatta, participants completed a demographic measure, the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, the Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire-2, and sport-specific individual and collective efficacy measures developed for the current study. Multilevel modeling revealed that task self-efficacy significantly predicted individual perceptions of collective efficacy, while perceptions of a mastery climate significantly predicted average collective efficacy scores at the group level.
This study investigated relationships among peak performance, flow, goal orientation, and perceived ability in an attempt to ascertain possible conceptual bases to peak performance. Collegiate athletes (N=200) answered a questionnaire that assessed mastery and competitive goal orientations, perceived ability, flow, and experience in best and worst competitive performances. It was hypothesized that the psychological process of flow underlies peak performance and is associated with a mastery oriented focus and high perceived ability. These predicted relationships were supported by both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Analysis of athletes’ best performances indicated a total focus on performance, and other characteristics of flow were key to the perception of a superior state of functioning. In contrast, overconcern with the outcome, reflecting a competitive orientation, was often associated with athletes’ worst performances. These associations suggest that investigating positive performance states fr...
The Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2) and Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (DFS-2) are presented as two self-report instruments designed to assess flow experiences in physical activity. Item modifications were made to the original versions of these scales in order to improve the measurement of some of the flow dimensions. Confirmatory factor analyses of an item identification and a cross-validation sample demonstrated a good fit of the new scales. There was support for both a 9-first-order factor model and a higher order model with a global flow factor. The item identification sample yielded mean item loadings on the first-order factor of .78 for the FSS-2 and .77 for the DFS-2. Reliability estimates ranged from .80 to .90 for the FSS-2, and .81 to .90 for the DFS-2. In the cross-validation sample, mean item loadings on the first-order factor were .80 for the FSS-2, and .73 for the DFS-2. Reliability estimates ranged between .80 to .92 for the FSS-2 and .78 to .86 for the DFS-2. The scales are presented as ways of assessing flow experienced within a particular event (FSS-2) or the frequency of flow experiences in chosen physical activity in general (DFS-2).
We reviewed and summarize the extant literature on associative/dissociative cognitive strategies used by athletes and others in circumstances necessitating periods of sustained attention. This review covers studies published since a prior publication by Masters and Ogles (1998), and, in keeping with their approach, offers a methodological critique of the literature. We conclude that the distinction between associative and dissociative strategies has outlived its usefulness since initially proposed in an earlier era of ground-breaking research by Morgan and Pollock (1977) that was influenced to some extent by psychodynamic thinking. In recent years there has been an evolutionary shift in concepts of sustained attention toward mindfulness-moment-by-moment attention-that has had a significant impact on conceptual models and clinical practice in diverse areas including stress management, psychotherapy, and athletic performance. We propose that future research on cognitive activity in sustained performance settings be embedded in a mindfulness-based conceptual model.
As long as athletes strive to attain optimal performance states and consistently reach high performance goals, psychological interventions will be used to assist in the development of skill and the maintenance of performance. In the pursuit of these goals, newer evidence-driven models based on mindfulness-and acceptance-based approaches have been designed to achieve these ends. Based upon questionable efficacy data for traditional psychological skills training procedures that emphasize reduction or control of internal processes, mindfulness-and acceptance-based approaches develop skills of nonjudging mindful awareness, mindful attention, and experiential acceptance to aid in the pursuit of valued goals. The most formalized and researched mindfulness-and acceptance-based approach within sport psychology is the manualized Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) protocol. In the 8 years since the MAC was first developed and presented, and the 5 years since the first publication on the protocol, the MAC program has accumulated a continually growing empirical base for both its underlying theory and intervention efficacy as a performance enhancement intervention. This article reviews the empirical and theoretical foundations of the mindfulness-and acceptance-based approaches in general, and MAC in particular; reviews the accumulated empirical findings in support of the MAC approach for performance enhancement; and presents recent MAC developments and suggested future directions.
This study investigated the relationship between mindfulness training (a nonjudgmental attentional training technique) and flow experiences in athletes. Participants were 13 university athletes (M = 21 years), assigned either to a control group or an experimental group. Flow experiences were assessed before and after the intervention. ANOVA (group ×time) of global scores on the Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2; Jackson & Eklund, 2004) showed a significant interaction (F =11.49, p < .05). Follow-up t tests indicated no significant difference (p > .05) between the experimental and control groups' FSS-2 global scores at the baseline training session, but a large difference (p < .05, d = 1.66) at a follow-up training session. Significant interaction effects were also observed for FSS-2 subscales scores for the flow dimensions of "Clear Goals" (F =18.73, p <.05) and "Sense of Control" (F = 14.61, p < .05). Following an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of this study, the theoretical significance of the results is assessed and the promise for the application of mindfulness training in performance enhancement is discussed.
Understanding factors which may influence the occurrence of flow in elaite athletes was the goal of the present investigation. Twenty-eight elite level athletes from seven sports were interviewed about the factors they perceived influenced their experience of flow state. Inductive content analyses of athletes' responses to questions about what facilitates, prevents, and disrupts flow, resulted in 10 dimensions that synthesized the 361 themes suggested by the athletes. These themes and dimensions provided insight into factors that may influence whether or not flow occurs in elite athletes. For example. some of the more salient factors influencing whether or not flow occurred included: preparation, both physical and mental; confidence; focus; how the performance felt and progressed; and optimal motivation and arousal level. This study also involved asking elite athletes about the perceived controllability of these factors, and of the state of flow itself. The majority of the athletes interviewed perceived the flow state to be controllable. or potentially within their control. A large percentage of the factors seen to facilitate or prevent flow were perceived as controllable; however, factors seen as disrupting flow were largely seen as uncontrollable.
Expectancy and efficacy theories provide the foundation for the development of a measure of sport confidence. The Carolina Sport Confidence Inventory (CSCI) was conceptualized as a three-factor model represented by dispositional opti- mism, perceived competence, and perceived control. Two independent studies supported a two factor (dispositional optimism and perceived competence) 13- item model for the CSCI. The first study utilized exploratory factor analytic tech- niques, concurrent validity, social desirability assessment, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability to establish the psychometric properties of the CSCI. Study II employed confirmatory factor analytic techniques with a sample of 123 intercollegiate varsity athletes along with measures of convergent validity to pro- vide further support for the two factor model and the psychometric properties of the instrument.
This paper examines the heightened states of consciousness during participation in sport termed the zone or flow. Theoretical frameworks and studies of the phenomenon are described. The notion of a universal zone in sport is explored with a review of Young's (1999a) comparative analysis of flow experiences of professional tennis players with Jackson's (1993, 1996) elite athletes. Qualitative analyses of tennis players' and elite athletes' narratives of flow support flow theory's posited structure of flow consisting of eight dimensions. No significant differences were found between tennis players and elite athletes on the Experience Questionnaire (Privette, 1984). These analyses suggest that the zone or flow state is a universal phenomenon across sports, although intra-sport and inter- athlete differences are evident.
The purposes of this study were to identify sources of self-confidence in athletes within the sport-confidence framework of R. S. Vealey (1986, 1988), develop a reliable and valid measure of sources of sport-confidence, and extend the conceptual framework of sport-confidence to include sources and test predictions within the expanded model. In Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the study, the preliminary conceptual basis for sources of sport-confidence was developed and initial psychometric evidence supported the factor structure, reliability, and validity of the Sources of Sport-Confidence Questionnaire (SSCQ) with 335 college athletes (aged 17–24 yrs). In Phase 4, a confirmatory factor analysis supported the hypothesized nine-factor structure of the SSCQ using 208 high school basketball players (aged 15–18 yrs) as participants. The theoretical and practical significance of certain sources of confidence in building stable and enduring self-confidence and motivation in sport are discussed based on the study results. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Applied confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models to evaluate multidimensional models of flow state and flow trait. 385 athletes from the 1994 World Masters Games completed the 9-factor Flow State Scale (S. A. Jackson and H. W. Marsh, 1996), Flow Trait Scale (S. A. Jackson et al, 1998), and external validity criteria. CFA tested alternative 1st-order and higher order models of responses to each instrument separately, to combined responses from the 2 instruments, and to responses augmented by external validity criteria. There was good support for the construct validity of state and trait flow responses in that a priori 9-factor (for each instrument separately) and 18-factor (for the 2 instruments) models fit the data well, correlations were substantially higher between matching trait and state factors than between nonmatching factors, and external state and trait validity criteria were predictably related to specific state and trait flow factors. Whereas higher order models positing global trait and state factors could not be distinguished from corresponding 1st-order models when responses to each instrument were considered separately, the higher order models fared poorly when state and trait factors were related to each other and to the external criteria. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
ObjectivesThis study examines the relationships between mindfulness, flow dispositions and mental skills adoption.DesignCluster analytic approach.MethodsParticipants in this study were 182 university student athletes. They were administered the Mindfulness/Mindlessness Scale [MMS; Bodner, T., & Langer, E. (2001). Individual differences in mindfulness: The Langer Mindfulness Scale. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, Toronto, Ont., Canada], Dispositional Flow Scale 2 [DFS-2; Jackson, S. A., & Eklund, R. C. (2004). The flow scale manual. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology] and Test of Performance Strategies [TOPS; Thomas, P. R., Murphy, S. M., & Hardy, L. (1999). Test of performance strategies: Development and preliminary validation of a comprehensive measure of athletes’ psychological skills. Journal of Sports Sciences, 17, 697–711].ResultsFour distinctive mindfulness clusters were found based on their response on the MMS using cluster analysis. Marked differences in flow dispositions and mental skills adoption habits were observed between the high and the low mindfulness clusters. Those in the high mindfulness cluster scored significantly higher than the low mindfulness clusters in challenge–skill balance, merging of action and awareness, clear goals, concentration and loss of self-consciousness scores of the DFS-2 [Jackson, S.A., & Eklund, R.C. (2004). The flow scale manual. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology]. The high mindfulness clusters also scored significantly higher compared to the low mindfulness cluster in terms of attentional control, emotional control, goal setting and self-talk sub-scales of the TOPS.ConclusionsThis study suggests that athletes’ flow dispositions and mental skills adoption could be differentiated using mindfulness. The findings have implications towards the understanding of flow and mental skills adoption within sport psychology.
While traditional cognitive-behavioral skills-training-based approaches to athletic performance enhancement posit that negative thoughts and emotions must be controlled, eliminated, or replaced for athlete-clients to perform optimally, recent evidence suggests that efforts to control, eliminate, or suppress these internal states may actually have the opposite effect. Interventions based on mindfulness and acceptance suggest that internal cognitive and emotional states need not be eliminated, changed, or controlled in order to facilitate positive behavioral outcomes. Rather, it is suggested that an alternative or supplemental approach to the enhancement of athletic performance may be achieved through strategies and techniques that target the development of mindful (nonjudgmental) present-moment acceptance of internal experiences such as thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations, along with a clarification of valued goals and enhanced attention to external cues, responses, and contingencies that are required for optimal athletic performance.