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The Economic Aspects of Pancreas Transplant: Why Is the Organ Acquisition Charge So High?



Pancreas transplantation in the USA has declined steadily over the past 10 years. Fewer patients are being listed as candidates, and fewer pancreata are being recovered from deceased donors. Of the donors where there is an intent to recover a pancreas for an identified recipient, some are ruled out intraoperatively, and >25 % of pancreas are discarded after recovery. Based on the current Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) cost-finding and reimbursement policies for organ procurement organizations (OPOs), this high level of intended for transplant but untransplanted pancreas has had the effect of substantially raising OPO pancreas organ acquisition charges (OAC). While numerous reasons for the decline in pancreas transplant volume have been posited, some have suggested that high OACs have been a significant factor. In this article, the manner in which OPO OACs are developed is reviewed in the context of CMS requirements and OPO and transplant center practices.
The Economic Aspects of Pancreas Transplant: Why Is the Organ
Acquisition Charge So High?
Richard S. Luskin
&Dara L. Washburn
&Susan Gunderson
Published online: 2 April 2015
#Springer International Publishing AG 2015
Abstract Pancreas transplantation in the USA has declined
steadily over the past 10 years. Fewer patients are being listed
as candidates, and fewer pancreata are being recovered from
deceased donors. Of the donors where there is an intent to
recover a pancreas for an identified recipient, some are ruled
out intraoperatively, and >25 % of pancreas are discarded after
recovery. Based on the current Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) cost-finding and reimburse-
ment policies for organ procurement organizations
(OPOs), this high level of intended for transplant but
untransplanted pancreas has had the effect of substan-
tially raising OPO pancreas organ acquisition charges
(OAC). While numerous reasons for the decline in pan-
creas transplant volume have been posited, some have
suggested that high OACs have been a significant fac-
tor. In this article, the manner in which OPO OACs are
developed is reviewed in the context of CMS require-
ments and OPO and transplant center practices.
Keywords Pancreas .Transp lant .Organ .Cost
Despite reasonable outcomes, pancreas transplantation from
deceased donors has declined 31.5 % over the past decade.
This trend has been steady for both simultaneous pancreas-
kidney (SPK) and pancreas transplant alone (PTA) [Table 1].
Living pancreas donation, although never more than an occa-
sional procedure, has essentially ceased with only one living
SPK reported in the past 5 years.
The reasons for this decline are most likely multifactorial
and include the following: better control of patient insulin
levels with improved delivery systems, concerns about out-
comes with PTA, increased interest in islet transplantation,
and the economics of pancreas transplants [2].
Pancreas are recovered with the intent to transplant from a
relatively small percentage of deceased donors, and, of those
recovered, a significant percentage is discarded or sent to re-
search. In the USA in 2012, there were 8144 deceased donors.
Pancreata were recovered for transplantation from 1418
(17.4 %). Of the pancreas recovered, 1046 were transplanted
and 372 (26.2 %) were discarded or sent for research. The
most commonly reported reasons for discard were as follows:
other (120), anatomical abnormalities (78), no recipient
located/list exhausted (52), and poor organ function (27).
Pancreata have the highest rate of discard among all organs
when compared to liver (10.4 %), heart (1.1 %), lung (4.3 %),
and kidney (18.6 %) [3].
Not accounted for in this analysis is the number of de-
ceased organ donors where the pancreas was evaluated prior
to recovery and deemed to be potentially transplantable, a
potential recipient was identified, a surgical team was brought
to the organ recovery site, and the pancreas was ruled out
intraoperatively and not recovered. Specific data on organs
where there was intent to recover for transplant but not actu-
ally recovered is required to be reported by organ procurement
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Pancreas Transplantation
*Richard S. Luskin
Susan Gunderson
New England Organ Bank, 60 First Avenue, Waltham, MA 02451,
LifeSource, Organ Procurement Organization, 2225 West River
Road North, Minneapolis, MN 55411, USA
Curr Transpl Rep (2015) 2:164168
DOI 10.1007/s40472-015-0060-y
organizations (OPOs) to the Centers for Medicare and Med-
icaid Services (CMS) but is not available publically. Data
from a single OPO [New England Organ Bank, unpublished
data Table 2] is illustrative.
The large number of pancreas with intent to recover but not
recovered, and pancreas recovered and discarded, is key to
understanding why OPO organ acquisition charges (OACs)
are relatively high for pancreas. The pancreas transplant rate
from intended recoveries for this OPO ranged from 3949 %
during the four-year period. In contrast, the rate of transplant
from intended recoveries for the other extrarenal organs was
much higher for the same time period. For example, the liver
transplant rate ranged from 83.3 to 91.7 %.
The Economics of Pancreas Transplantation
Comprehensive reviews of the literature on the economics of
pancreas transplantation suggest there are few rigorous studies
of the cost-effectiveness of pancreas transplantation [4,5]
Those studies that are available suggest that transplant center
reimbursement for pancreas transplantation has been an issue
since the procedure began to increase in numbers and gain
traction clinically. In the early years, it was sometimes consid-
ered an investigational procedure, and insurance coverage pol-
icies were not uniform, often decided on a case-by-case basis.
A comprehensive study in 1993 [6] found that private insurers
were the primary source of patient coverage. For SPK, Medi-
care was paying for the kidney transplant portion of the hos-
pital charges, but the pancreas transplant costs were either
covered separately or simply not reimbursed. Beginning in
July 1999, Medicare provided coverage for SPK for all pa-
tients with type 1 diabetes and end-stage renal disease. Not
surprisingly, this change in coverage increased access to SPK
for Medicare beneficiaries [7,8].
Despite improved insurance coverage, the cost of the pan-
creas transplant procedure remains an issue today. Any anal-
ysis of transplant procedure cost must include the following:
hospital charges (pre-, peri-, and posttransplant), professional
fees for the surgeon(s) and others, and OPO pancreas organ
acquisition charges. This paper is focused on OPO OACs.
Each OPO in the USA establishes an acquisition charge for
each type of organ. This fee is paid to the OPO by the
transplanting hospital for each organ it receives. Although
often referred to as a Bstandard acquisition charge^(SAC), it
is better named an OAC as its components vary from organ to
organ and from OPO to OPO. There is very little standard
about it. OPOs may use somewhat different methodologies
in establishing their OACs, but there are many common
OPOs are designated every 4 years by the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human Services to provide all ser-
vices related to deceased organ donation for a defined geo-
graphic region of the USA, commonly known as the donation
service area (DSA). Oversight of payments to OPOs is
Tabl e 1 US pancreas transplantsdeceased donors [1]
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Simultaneous pancreas kidney 603 542 466 468 434 375 349 287 242 256
Pancreas transplant alone 881 902 923 864 837 854 828 795 801 761
Total pancreas transplants 1484 1445 1390 1332 1271 1229 1177 1082 1043 1017
Source: US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Available at:
asp,accessed Nov 2014
Tabl e 2 Single OPO pancreas recovery experience
2010 2011 2012 2013
Organ donors 226 229 217 248
Donors to OR with intent to recover pancreas for transplant 47 64 52 54
Pancreas ruled out in OR 6 14 12 14
Pancreas recovered with intent to transplant 41 50 40 40
Recovered pancreas discarded 18 25 18 18
Pancreas transplanted(#/% of intent to recover for tx) 23/48.9% 25/39.0% 22/42.3% 22/40.7%
Curr Transpl Rep (2015) 2:164168 165
regulated by CMS as part of the End-Stage Renal Disease
(ESRD) program. Although Medicare ESRD payments only
cover renal transplants, the methodology proscribed by CMS
in determining those payments impacts how the OPO charges
transplant centers for all other organs in addition to kidneys.
Medicare reimburses OPOs the reasonable cost of allowable
services, with the definition of Breasonable^and Ballowable^
determined by CMS regulations and applied by private con-
tractors (fiscal intermediaries) working under contract to
CMS. Each year, OPOs are required to file a Medicare cost
report that, using Medicares cost-finding methodology, as-
signs costs associated with renal procurement and distribution,
extrarenal procurement and distribution, and tissue recovery
(This assumes the OPO also recovers tissue for transplantation
which most OPOs do.).
Costs associated with a specific organ are assigned to that
organ. For example, a cardiac catheterization to assess heart
function pre recovery would be assigned to the heart, and a
bronchoscopy would be assigned to the lungs. Costs that re-
late to all organs such as donor serology and NAT testing or
hospital operating room charges are assigned proportionately
to all organs considered for recovery on a particular donor. For
many donors, costs associated with assessing a particular or-
gans suitability for transplant will be incurred, but the deci-
sion will be made not to recover that organ based on the
clinical findings. Or an organ will be thought to be suitable
for transplant, and an intraoperative finding will rule it out.
However, the costs associated with assessing the organ still
must be assigned to that organscostcenter.
Prior to the start of each OPOs fiscal year, an estimate is
made of the number of donors that will be recovered, the
number of each organ type that will be recovered, and the
number that will be transplanted. As OPOs only generate pay-
ment of an extrarenal organ OAC if the organ is actually
transplanted, the costs associated with organs evaluated but
not recovered, and/or organs recovered and discarded also
must be covered by the OAC. In addition to the direct costs
associated with each organ, general costs and OPO overhead
costs are assigned proportionately. This total cost for each
organ is then divided by the number of that type of organ
expected to be transplanted to determine the OAC for each
extrarenal organ. The procedure for kidneys is the same except
that the kidney OAC must be submitted to CMS for its
OPO CMS Cost Reports
At the end of the OPOs fiscal year, actual costs are tallied and
assigned to the appropriate organ. Indirect (overhead) costs
are then assigned proportionately to each organ according to
CMS rules. OPOs are then required to file a cost report with
CMS which reflects the cost centers for each organ and tissue.
If the OAC established for kidneys at the beginning of the
fiscal year has generated less revenue than the actual calculat-
ed cost per kidney, CMS reimburses the OPO for the differ-
ence. If the revenue exceeds the calculated cost per kidney,
then the OPO must refund the difference to CMS, and typi-
cally is required to lower its kidney OAC for the subsequent
fiscal year. For extrarenal organs, the OPO is responsible for
any differential between the revenue generated by the OAC
and actual costs.
Critical to determining the amount paid by CMS is the
proportion of recovered or intended to be recovered kidneys,
to total organs. This is used to determine the amount of indi-
rect cost that will be covered by Medicare and how much must
be covered by extrarenal organ OACs (Note: All costs asso-
ciated with tissue recovery are excluded from calculation of
renal and extrarenal OACs.). Prior to 2007, Medicare only
required the OPO to count extrarenal organs that actually were
recovered in determining cost-sharing allocation. For exam-
ple, a donor may have been evaluated for kidney, liver, heart,
and lung recovery, but only the two kidneys and liver actually
were recovered. In that case, two thirds of the non-organ spe-
cific costs as well as shared direct and overhead costs would
be assigned to renal because only the three organs actually
recovered would be counted.
Medicare recognized that the ESRD program was uninten-
tionally subsidizing extrarenal costs and issued a ruling [9••]
on December 21, 2006 that changed the cost-finding method-
ology to avoid Bcross-subsidization^of Bnon-renal organs into
non-Medicare patients.^The key change was that BBecause . .
. CMS presumes an OPO intends to procure all transplantable
organs, CMS will allocate the general costs across all organs
(whether or not actually recovered), unless an OPO can dem-
onstrate that it did not intend to procure a particular organ^
(emphasis added). The CMS ruling then goes on to list the
ways an OPO can demonstrate a lack of intent to recover an
organ, including as follows:
&Organ ruled out based on donor history
&Organ ruled out by laboratory data and/or no recipient
having been identified prior to entering the operating room
for the organ recovery.
In effect, OPOs now need to declare in the donor record
which organs are intended to be recovered for transplant prior
to the start of the donor recovery operation.
Impact of the Change in CMS Cost Finding
The CMS Ruling shifted costs to any organ that was ruled out
intraoperatively. Previously, only organs actually recovered
were included in the cost-finding process. The change in
CMS policy helped reduce, or at least moderate increases in,
166 Curr Transpl Rep (2015) 2:164168
the OAC for kidneys, especially as kidneys are only occasion-
ally ruled out intraoperatively. However, OACs for all other
organs increased. Pancreas cost was impacted the most due to
the large number of pancreas that are ruled out during the
recovery procedure, especially when added to the high pan-
creas discard rate after recovery. As cited in the single OPO
example above, a pancreas was actually recovered and
transplanted in less than 50 % of the cases where the OPO
went to the operating room with the intent to transplant the
pancreas. Thus, each pancreas transplanted, as required by
CMS rules, had to be assigned more than double the overhead
and indirect costs. Some OPOs with large pancreas transplant
programs chose to moderate the impact of the change by not
increasing the pancreas OAC to cover the entire cost, or made
the transition over several years. However, the result of doing
this is that the OACs for other extrarenal organs had to be
raised above actual costs, or the OPO had to make up the
difference from a margin on tissue recovery. The latter solu-
tion, while possible for many OPOs in 2007, is less feasible
today as the supply of available tissue has grown and proces-
sors have reduced reimbursement and/or capped tissue donor
The impact of the change was particularly severe on islet
cell transplantation where there is a Bneed to complete the
manufacturing process for islets before suitability and trans-
plant intent of the pancreata involved can be determined,^and
a patient may require islet infusions from multiple donors
modify its cost-finding and reimbursement policies, but for
now, pancreas recovered for whole-organ transplant are treat-
ed the same as pancreas recovered for islet cell isolation.
The Bintent to recover^rule also applies to pancreas for
research. If the pancreas was intended to be recovered for
transplant when the recovery began, and subsequently was
recovered only for research, or was recovered for transplant
but ultimately discarded, the intent rule applies. If the pancreas
was recovered specifically with the intent to use it in a re-
search protocol, then it is excluded from the CMS calculation
used to determine the allocation of costs to each organ.
Conflicting Incentives
Exacerbating the effect of the CMS cost-finding methodology
for OPOs is the effect of conflicting incentives that CMS
provides to OPOs and transplant centers in the application of
performance regulations. OPOs are encouraged to recover, or
at least consider for recovery, every organ where there is some
potential for transplant. Transplant centersperformance is
measured on the outcomes of the transplants they actually
perform. While there is some adjustment for donor character-
istics, most transplant centers believe the adjustment is inade-
quate and thus are reluctant to transplant organs where there is
a higher perceived potential for graft failure. This is particu-
larly true for pancreas where most programs have relatively
low transplant volumes, and a single graft failure is more
likely to put them into non-compliance.
The Advisory Committee on Organ Transplantation of the
US Secretary of DHHS formally recognized this conflict in
their Recommendation 55 of August, 2012:
BDue to misalignment and inconsistencies between CMS
certification regulations and outcomerequirements for TC and
OPOS, the ACOT recommends that the Secretary direct CMS
and HRSA to confer with the OPTN, SRTR, the OPO com-
munity, and transplant centers representatives, to conduct a
comprehensive review of regulatory requirements, and to pro-
mulgate regulatory and policy changes to requirements for
OPOs and TCs that unify mutual goals of increasing organ
donation, improving recipient outcomes, and reducing organ
wastage and administrative burden on transplant centers and
OPOs. These revisions will include, but not be limited to,
improved risk adjustment methodologies for transplant cen-
ters and a statistically sound method for yield measures for
OPOs. The ACOT recommends that this review be completed
within one year and action taken within two years [11].^
To date, no adjustment has been made in the OPO or trans-
plant center performance metrics.
OPO pancreas OACs are high due to the following:
&The disparity between the number of organ donors where
there is an intent to recover a pancreas for transplant at the
start of the recovery operation, and the number of pancreas
actually transplanted
&CMS cost-finding methodologies for OPOs that require
the assignment of full overhead and indirect costs to all
extrarenal organs where there was an intent to recover the
organ for transplant, even if the organ was not actually
&CMS performance metrics for OPOs and transplant cen-
ters that encourage OPOs to recover every organ possible
for transplant, but also encourage transplant centers to be
cautious in the organs they actually transplant to avoid
being penalized for poor patient outcomes
Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
Conflict of Interest Richard S. Luskin, Dara L. Washburn, and Susan
Gunderson declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any
of the authors.
Curr Transpl Rep (2015) 2:164168 167
Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
highlighted as:
•• Of major importance
1. US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Available at
viewDataReports.asp Accessed Nov 2014.
2. Israni AK, Skeans MA, Gustafson SK, et al. OPTN/SRTR 2012
annual data report: pancreas. Am J Transplant. 2014;14S1:4568.
3. US Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network: OPTN/
SRTR 2012 Annual Data Report: deceased organ donation
Available at Accessed Oct 2014
4. Boudreau R, Hodgson A. Pancreas transplantation to restore glu-
cose control: review of clinical and economic evidence. Canadian
Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, March 2007
Available at Accessed Nov 2014
5. Jarl J, Gerdtham U-G. Economic evaluations of organ transplantation:
a systematic literature review. Nord J Health Econ. 2012;1:6182.
6. Evans RW, Manninen DL, Dong FB. An economic analysis of
pancreas transplantation: costs, insurance coverage, and reimburse-
ment. Clin Transpl. 1993;7:16674.
7. Melancon JK, Kucirka LM, Boulware LE, et al. Impact of Medicare
coverage on disparities in access to simultaneous pancreas and kid-
ney transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2009;9:278591.
8. Danovitch GM, Cohen DJ, Weir MR, et al. Current status of kidney
and pancreas transplantation in the United States 19942003. Am J
Transplant. 2005;5:90415.
9.•• US Department of Health & Human Services/Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services/CMS Rulings Allocation of Donor
Acquisition Costs Incurred by Organ Procurement Organizations
Ruling #: CMS-1543-R, December 21, 2006 Available at https:// and
Accessed October 2014. This document describes the CMS
policy change that significantly impacted OPO pancreas
organ acquisition charges.
10.•• Markmann JF, Kaufman DB, Ricordi C, et al. Financial issues
constraining the use of pancreata recovered for islet transplantation:
a white paper. Am J Transplant. 2008;8:158892
Although focused on islet transplantation, this paper nicely de-
scribes the impact of CMS reimbursement policies on the organ
acquisition charges for all pancreas.
11. Secretary of US Department of Health & Human Services Advisory
Committee on Transplantation August, 2012 Available at http:// Accessed
Nov 2014
168 Curr Transpl Rep (2015) 2:164168
... If OPOs attempt recovery or recover organs that are not suitable for transplantation, the SAC for organs that are recovered increases to offset these expenses. 35 For this reason, OPOs try to obtain only those organs that will be viable for transplantation. It is possible that in the future, OPOs will seek to offset expenses from organs that have been recovered but are not suitable for transplant by selling them to third parties for purposes of research and education. ...
Full-text available
This piece focuses on the interactions between Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) and the public. Specifically, the distinctions between organ and tissue procurement (the former being federally mandated, the latter not) are analyzed as well as public opinion about the two types of anatomical giving. It is hypothesized that the lack of transparency surrounding tissue donation and the conflation of organ and tissue donation degrade the public's trust in all anatomical giving, thereby harming those on the organ donor registry who are in need of an organ donation.
... Pancreas allografts continue to have the highest discard rates among all solid organs. 13 It is therefore apparent that this valuable resource is potentially underutilized. ...
Full-text available
Successful simultaneous pancreas‐kidney transplantation (SPK) may improve patients’ quality‐of‐life and prolong kidney allograft and overall survival in type‐1 diabetic (T1DM) patients. However, the use of SPK in type‐2 diabetic (T2DM) patients remains limited. We examined a national transplant registry of 35,849 T2DM kidney disease patients who received transplant between 2000 and 2016 and survived the first 3‐months with a functioning kidney and categorized as: deceased‐donor kidney transplant alone (DD‐KA, 68%), living‐donor kidney transplant alone (LD‐KA, 30%), or SPK (2%). Among SPK recipients, 6% had pancreas allograft failure within 3‐months (SPK,P‐) and 94% had a functional pancreas (SPK,P+). Associations of transplant type with kidney allograft failure and patient death (multivariable‐adjusted hazard ratio, 95%LCLaHR95%UCL) were quantified by multivariable inverse probability of treatment weighted survival analyses. SPK recipients had better kidney graft and patient overall survival than LD‐KA or DD‐KA recipients. Compared to SPK,P+, DD‐KA, or LD‐KA recipients had significantly higher risk of kidney allograft failure (DD‐KA: 1.532.203.17; LD‐KA: 1.291.872.71) and death (DD‐KA:; LD‐KA: 1.542.353.59). SPK,P‐ recipients had significantly higher risk of overall death (1.683.306.50). Similar to T1DM, T2DM patients with SPK have a survival benefit compared to those with kidney transplant alone, but this benefit depends upon successful early pancreas function.
Donation after circulatory death (DCD) donors now represent over 30% of the deceased donor pool in the United States. Compared to donation after brain death (DBD), DCD donation is less likely to result in transplantation. For each potential donor whose organs cannot be utilized for transplantation (i.e., dry run), fees are associated with the attempted donation, which add to the overall costs of organ acquisition. To better characterize the true costs of DCD liver acquisition, we performed a cost comparison of the fees associated with organ acquisition for DCD versus DBD donation at a single transplant institute comprised of two liver transplant centers. Cost, recipient, and transportation data for all cases, including fees associated with liver acquisition from July 1, 2019, to October 31, 2021, were collected. We found that the total cost of DCD liver acquisition per liver transplant was $15,029 more than that for DBD donation, with 18% of the costs of the DCD transplant attributed to dry runs. Overall, the costs associated with DCD transplantation accounted for 34.5% of the total organ acquisition costs; however, DCD transplantation accounted for 30.3% of the transplantation volume. Because the expansion of DCD donation is essential to increasing the availability of liver grafts for transplantation, strategies need to be implemented to decrease the costs associated with dry runs, including using local recovery, transferring donors to hospitals close to transplant centers, and performing more pre-recovery organ analysis. Moreover, these strategies are needed to ensure that financial disincentives to DCD procurement and utilization do not reverse the gains made by expanding the organ donor pool using machine perfusion technologies.
Information on economic and financial data of pancreas transplantation in the United States is scarce and usually outdated by the time it is published. This applies to organ acquisition costs, transplant hospitalization costs, and follow-up costs. Data appear to be more transparent and forthcoming from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) than from private health insurance providers. In general, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the economic and financial aspects of pancreas transplantation: (1) organ acquisition costs are too high, a national database to compare rates between individual organ procurement organizations (OPOs) does not exist, and attempts to regulate organ acquisition costs have failed; (2) reimbursement for physician services, and to a lesser degree for hospital and clinic services, is too low; and (3) the decrease in pancreas transplant numbers from 2004 to 2015 can be explained, at least in part, by the fact that many pancreas transplant programs lost money, which created institutional disincentives and, in turn, resulted in a decrease in the number of pancreas transplants between 2004 and 2015 nationwide.
Full-text available
The purpose of this study is threefold; 1) to establish the current level of knowledge regarding cost-effectiveness of organ transplantation, 2) to identify knowledge gaps, and 3) to suggest a framework for future studies. A systematic literature review of economic evaluations of transplantations of solid organs was conducted in October 2010. Economic evaluations published since 2000 and reviews published since 1987 for kidney, liver, lung, heart, pancreas, and small bowel transplantations were collected. The studies were analysed regarding results and study characteristics. The review demonstrates a lack of economic evaluations for all included organ transplantations. The cost-effectiveness of kidney transplantation, and to some extent liver transplantation, compared to a non-transplant alternative appears to be established. However, cost-effectiveness for transplantation of lung, heart, pancreas, and small bowel can neither be established nor rejected based on earlier studies. Many of the included studies were limited in a number of ways; e.g. using short follow-up period, failing to account for sample selection in treatment groups, comparing to unrealistic alternatives, lacking important cost categories, and using a limiting perspective. Recommendation for future studies are, besides accounting for the above, to conduct sub-group analyses as patient and disease characteristics, among other things, has been shown to affect the cost-effectiveness of organ transplantation. Link to Appendix
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The number of pancreas transplants has decreased over the past decade, most notably numbers of pancreas after kidney (pak) and pancreas transplant alone (pta) procedures. This decrease may be mitigated in the future when changes to national pancreas allocation policy approved by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Board of Directors in 2010 are implemented. The new policy will combine waiting lists for pak, pta, and simultaneous pancreas-kidney (spk) transplants), and give equal priority to candidates for all three procedures. This policy change may also eliminate geographic variation in waiting times caused by geographic differences in allocation policy. Deceased donor pancreas donation rates have been declining since 2005, and the donation rate remains low. The outcomes of pancreas grafts are difficult to describe due to lack of a uniform definition of graft failure in the transplant community. However long-term survival is better for spk versus pak and pta transplants. This may represent the difficulty of detecting rejection in the absence of a simultaneously transplanted kidney. The challenges of pancreas transplant are reflected in high rates of rehospitalization, most occurring within the first 6 months posttransplant. Pancreas transplant is associated with higher incidence of rejection compared with kidney transplant.
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In the setting of disparities in access to simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation (SPKT), Medicare coverage for this procedure was initiated July 1999. The impact of this change has not yet been studied. A national cohort of 22 190 type 1 diabetic candidates aged 18-55 for kidney transplantation (KT) alone or SPKT was analyzed. Before Medicare coverage, 57% of Caucasian, 36% of African American and 38% of Hispanic type 1 diabetics were registered for SPKT versus KT alone. After Medicare coverage, these proportions increased to 68%, 45% and 43%, respectively. The overall increase in SPKT registration rate was 27% (95% CI 1.16-1.38). As expected, the increase was more substantial in patients with Medicare primary insurance than those with private insurance (Relative Rate 1.18, 95% CI 1.09-1.28). However, racial disparities were unaffected by this policy change (African American vs. Caucasian: 0.97, 95% CI 0.87-1.09; Hispanic vs. Caucasian: 0.94, 95% CI 0.78-1.05). Even after Medicare coverage, African Americans and Hispanics had almost 30% lower SPKT registration rates than their Caucasian counterparts (95% CI 0.66-0.79 and 0.59-0.80, respectively). Medicare coverage for SPKT succeeded in increasing access for patients with Medicare, but did not affect the substantial racial disparities in access to this procedure.
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This article reviews the OPTN/SRTR data collected on kidney and pancreas transplantation during 2003 in the context of trends over the past decade. Overall, the transplant community continued to struggle to meet the increasing demand for kidney and pancreas transplantation. The number of new wait-listed kidney registrants under the age of 50 has remained relatively stable since 1994, but the number of new registrants aged 50 to 64 has doubled. However, there was only a 2.3% increase in the total number of kidney transplants performed in 2003. Expanded criteria donor kidneys made up 20% of all recovered kidneys and 16% of all transplants performed, compared with 15% in the prior year. In May 2003, new rules were implemented to promote equity in kidney organ allocation. These changes seem to have improved access for historically disadvantaged groups, though they have reduced the quality of HLA matching. The effects on long-term outcomes have yet to be measured. Although the majority of SPK recipients are white (82%), the percentage of simultaneous kidney-pancreas recipients who are African-American has increased from 9% in 2000 to 16% in 2003. The percentage of Hispanic/Latino recipients increased from 5% to 9% over the same period.
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Islet transplantation is a very promising therapy for select patients with type 1 diabetes. Continued clinical investigation is required to define the long-term safety and efficacy outcomes before the procedure will be accepted as a standard of care even for those with the most severe manifestations of diabetes. Threatening successful accomplishment of these and other innovative studies designed to advance the field are the complex financial cost accounting issues that pose undue burden on organ procurement organizations and transplant centers trying to manage the costs of the pancreata from deceased donors needed to isolate islets. Compounding the problem is the recent ruling by CMS regarding 'intent to transplant' (CMS-1543-R Dec. 21, 2006: Allocation of Donor Acquisition Costs Incurred by Organ Procurement Organizations) that does not account for the clinical need to complete the manufacturing process for islets before suitability and transplant intent of the pancreata involved can be determined. We provide a consensus document supported by a diverse group of stakeholders in islet transplantation to suggest actions to address this problem.
Since 1988 the demand for the pancreas transplantation has continued to increase. This has been accompanied by a growth in the number of centers offering the procedure, and an increase in the number of transplants performed. The National Cooperative Transplantation Study was undertaken to document the costs of all transplants, including pancreas transplantation. Data on transplantation procedure charges, from date of transplant to discharge, were obtained from 66.7% of all pancreas transplantation programs active in 1988. These programs accounted for 72% of all transplants performed that year. Valid sample survey data (no more than 25 transplants per center) were obtained for 133 randomly selected patients. This constituted 54% of all procedures done in the United States in 1988. Detailed data were also collected on sources of payment and amount reimbursed. Due to outlier data, we report statistical medians, rather than means, as our measure of central tendency. The median charge for a pancreas transplant with or without a kidney was 66917,withahospitallengthofstayof21days,comparedwithakidneytransplantaloneat66917, with a hospital length of stay of 21 days, compared with a kidney transplant alone at 39625 and a hospital length of stay of 14 days. Total pancreas transplant charges fell between 45260and45260 and 105375 for 50% of the cases studied. Half of the patients had a hospital length of stay between 16 and 33. Due to the small number of cases available for analysis, it was not meaningful to cross-classify the data according to various prognostic variables.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
CMS Rulings Allocation of Donor Acquisition Costs Incurred by Organ Procurement Organizations Ruling #: CMS-1543-R Available at https:// and and-guidance
  • bullet@bullet Us Department Of Health
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@BULLET@BULLET US Department of Health & Human Services/Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services/CMS Rulings Allocation of Donor Acquisition Costs Incurred by Organ Procurement Organizations Ruling #: CMS-1543-R, December 21, 2006 Available at https:// and and-guidance/Guidance/Rulings/downloads/CMS1543R.pdf Accessed October 2014. This document describes the CMS policy change that significantly impacted OPO pancreas organ acquisition charges.
Pancreas transplantation to restore glucose control: review of clinical and economic evidence. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
  • R Boudreau
  • A Hodgson
Boudreau R, Hodgson A. Pancreas transplantation to restore glucose control: review of clinical and economic evidence. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, March 2007 Available at Accessed Nov 2014
Financial issues constraining the use of pancreata recovered for islet transplantation: a white paper Although focused on islet transplantation, this paper nicely describes the impact of CMS reimbursement policies on the organ acquisition charges for all pancreas
  • JF Markmann