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Social conditions for human happiness: A review of research


Abstract and Figures

Empirical research on happiness took off in the 1970s and accelerated after the emergence of positive psychology by 2000. Today this has resulted in some 23,000 research findings. In this article, I take stock of the findings on social conditions for happiness and distinguish between conditions at the macro level of society, the meso level of organisations and the micro level of individual conditions. A new review technique is applied, an online findings archive is used, in which research findings on happiness are described in a uniform way and sorted by subject. © 2015 International Union of Psychological Science.
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A review of research1
Ruut Veenhoven, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Psychology
Empirical research on happiness took off in the 1970s and accelerated after the
emergence of positive psychology by 2000. Today this has resulted in some 23.000
research findings. In this paper I take stock of the findings on social conditions for
happiness and distinguish between conditions at the macro-level of society, the
meso level of organizations and the micro-level of individual conditions. A new
review technique is applied, an online findings archive is used, in which research
findings on happiness are described in a uniform way and sorted by subject.
Development of empirical happiness research
Over the ages the subject of happiness has absorbed a lot of thought. Happiness was a
major theme in early Greek philosophy and gained renewed interest in the later West-
European Enlightenment. The philosophic tradition has produced many speculations
about social conditions for happiness but little factual knowledge. Empirical research has
long been hindered by a lack of adequate techniques.
In the 20th century, the social sciences achieved a breakthrough with new
methods for empirical research, which opened up the possibility of identifying conditions
for happiness inductively. This advance instigated a lot of research, most of which was
embedded in the newly established specializations of 'social indicators research', 'health
related quality of life research' and recently, ‘positive psychology’ and ‘happiness
This stream of research is growing fast; the rising number of scientific
publications on happiness is depicted in Figure 1. Much of this work is published in
journals on quality of life, such as ‘Social Indicators Research2’, ‘Quality of Life
Research3’, ‘Applied Research in Quality of Life4’ and ‘Psychology of Wellbeing5’. In
1 This paper draws on several of my earlier publications, in particular Veenhoven 2000, 2008a and 2014a.
2000 the focused ‘Journal of Happiness Studies6 was established (current editor in chief
Antonella Della Fave).
Reviews of this research literature have been published by Diener et. al (1999,
2008), Dolan et. al. (2008), Veenhoven (1984) and Argyle (1987).This review is about
social conditions for happiness in particular and focuses on facts rather than on
interpretations. The data are presented using a new technique.
Figure 1 about here
World Database of Happiness
The soaring stream of research papers on happiness has made it difficult to keep an
overview of the results. To handle this, a findings archive has been established; the
World Database of Happiness7 (Veenhoven 2014a).
This web-based archive limits to findings on happiness in the sense of life-
satisfaction (cf. section 2 of this paper). The archive consists of several collections. It
builds on a collection of all scientific publications about happiness, called the
‘Bibliography of Happiness’ (Veenhoven 2014b). To date, this collection includes
some 9000 books and articles. About half of these publications report an empirical
investigation in which a measure of happiness has been used that fits the concept of
happiness. These indicators are listed in the collection ‘Measures of Happiness’
(Veenhoven 2014c).
The findings yielded by these studies are described on separate ‘finding
pages’, using a standard format and terminology. Two kinds of findings are
discerned: distributional findings on how happy people are at a particular time and
place and correlational findings about the things that go together with more of less
happiness in these populations.
To date, the database contains about 9000 distributional findings, of which
6000 deal with happiness in the general population of nations (Veenhoven 2014d)
and 3000 with happiness in particular social categories, such as students or
psychiatric patients (Veenhoven 2014e).
The collection ‘Correlational Findings’ (Veenhoven 2014f) contains some
14.000 research results. These findings are sorted on subject and the collection can
also be searched on characteristics of the population investigated, i.e. public, place,
time, and on methodological features such as sampling and measurement. Though
far from complete8, this is the best available source of data on conditions for
happiness at present.
Use in this review paper
In this review I draw on that online archive of research findings. Rather than citing
7 The World Database of Happiness is based at Erasmus University Rotterdam and is free available in
internet at :
8 To date (December 2014) the collection of distributional findings in nations is almost complete. The
collection of correlational findings is fairly complete up to the year 2000, but a lot of findings published
since still need to be entered.
each of the research reports on a particular issue, I provide hyperlinks to the
sections in the database where standardized descriptions of the findings on the
matter are stored. This allows me to summarize main trends in the data, while
remaining controllable; the reader can get to details with a few mouse clicks. When it
comes to correlational findings, I will indicate the direction and strength of observed
associations with + and signs (Tables 1, 2 and 3). The data are mostly too
heterogeneous for a quantitative meta-analysis. Hence I limit to an off-hand
condense of the main findings. I note variations across measures and populations,
but do not expand on these.
When used in a broad sense, the word happiness is synonymous with 'quality of life'
or 'well-being'. In this meaning happiness denotes that a life is good, but does not
specify what is good about that life. The word ‘happiness’ is also used in more
specific ways, and these meanings can be clarified with the help of the classification
of qualities of life presented in Figure 2
2.1 Four qualities of life
Vertically in Figure 2 there is a difference between chances for a good life and actual
outcomes of life. Horizontally there is a distinction between external and internal
qualities. Together, these two dichotomies mark four qualities of life, all of which
have been denoted by the word 'happiness'.
Livability of the environment
The left top quadrant denotes good living conditions. Often the terms 'quality-of-life'
and 'wellbeing' are used interchangeably for this particular meaning, especially in the
writings of ecologists and sociologists. Economists sometimes use the term 'welfare'
to denote this meaning. 'Livability' is a better word, because it refers explicitly to a
characteristic of the environment. Politicians and social reformers typically stress this
quality of life.
Life-ability of the person
The right top quadrant denotes inner life-chances. That is: how well we are equipped
to cope with the problems of life. This aspect of the good life is also known by
different names. In biology the phenomenon is referred to as 'adaptive potential'. On
other occasions it is denoted by the medical term 'health'. Sen (1992) calls this
quality of life variant 'capability'. I prefer the simple term 'life-ability', which contrasts
elegantly with 'livability'. This quality of life is central in the thinking of therapists and
Usefulness of life
The left bottom quadrant represents the notion that a good life must be good for
something more than itself. This presumes some higher value, such as ecological
preservation or cultural development. In fact, there is a myriad of values on which the
usefulness of a life can be judged. Moral advisors, such as your pastor, emphasize this
quality of life.
Satisfaction with life
Finally, the bottom right quadrant represents the inner outcomes of life. That is the
quality of a life in the eye of the beholder. As we deal with conscious humans this quality
boils down to subjective appreciation of life. This is commonly referred to using terms
such as 'subjective wellbeing', 'life-satisfaction' and 'happiness' in a limited sense of the
word. This is the kind of happiness I deal with in this paper.
Figure 2 about here
2.2 Four kinds of satisfaction
This brings us to the question of what 'satisfaction' is precisely. This is also a word with
multiple meanings and again we can elucidate these meaning using a simple scheme.
Scheme 2 is based on two distinctions; vertically between satisfaction with parts of life
versus satisfaction with life as-a-whole, and horizontally between passing satisfaction
and enduring satisfaction. These two bi-partitions yield again a four-fold taxonomy.
Passing satisfaction with a part of life is called 'pleasure'. Pleasures can be sensory,
such as a glass of good wine, or cerebral, such as the reading of this text. The idea that
we should maximize such satisfactions is called 'hedonism'.
Enduring satisfaction with a part of life is referred to as 'part-satisfaction'. Such
satisfactions can concern a domain of life, such as working-life, and an aspect of life,
such as its variety. Sometimes the word happiness is used for such part-satisfactions,
in particular for satisfaction with one’s career.
Passing satisfaction can be about life-as-a-whole, in particular when the experience is
intense and 'oceanic'. This kind of satisfaction is usually referred to as 'peak-experience'.
When poets write about happiness they usually describe an experience of this kind.
Likewise religious writings use the word happiness often in the sense of a mystical
ecstasy. Another word for this type of satisfaction is 'enlightenment'.
Enduring satisfaction with one's life-as-a-whole is called 'life-satisfaction' and also
commonly referred to as 'happiness'. Elsewhere I have delineated this concept in more
detail and defined happiness as 'the overall appreciation of one's life-as-a-whole'
(Veenhoven 1984).
Figure 3 about here
2.3 Conceptual focus of this review
This paper is about happiness in the sense of life-satisfaction; enduring enjoyment of
one’s life as a whole. This definition is fundamental to the above mentioned World
Database of Happiness, which serves as an online appendix to this review of the
available research findings on this particular subject.
Thus defined happiness is something we have in mind. Consequently happiness can
be measured using questions, that is, by asking people how much they enjoy their
life-as-a-whole. Questions on happiness can be posed in various contexts; clinical
interviews, life-review questionnaires and survey interviews. The questions can also
be posed in different ways; directly or indirectly, and by means of single or multiple
All questions ever used have been checked for fit with the above definition of
happiness9. About half failed that test for face-validity. Accepted questions are listed
in the collection ‘Measures of Happiness’ of the World Database of Happiness
(Veenhoven 2014c).
A common question10 reads as follows:
All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dissatisfied Satisfied
Many misgivings have been advanced about such self report of happiness, it has
been doubted that responses validly reflect how people feel about their life, that
responses are erratic and incomparable across persons and cultures. Though
plausible at first sight, these qualms have not been supported by empirical research,
see for example Diener & Oishi (2004), VanPraag & Ferrer-i-Carbonell (2004) and
Veenhoven (1984, 2008a). Other indications for the validity of happiness self reports
are: their stability over time, fit with rating by others and correlation with various
aspects of a good life, such as reported in this paper. Particularly telling is that self-
9 Detail about this selection is found in the introductory text to the collection Measures of Happiness
(Veenhoven 2014b)
10 Question used in Gallup World Survey. Code in collection Measures of Happiness O-SWL-c-sq-n-11-a
reported happiness predicts longevity (Veenhoven 2008b).
Questions on happiness are commonly used in large scale survey studies, such as
the General Social Survey in the USA and the Eurobarometer in the EU. This has
taught us much about the differences in happiness within and across nations.
4.1 Differences in happiness within nations
Happiness differs considerably across nations; the highest level was observed in
Denmark and the lowest in Zimbabwe. The distribution of responses to the above
mentioned question on life satisfaction in these two countries is presented in the
Figures 4 and 511. Though average happiness was high in Denmark (8.1), still 10%
of the population scored 5 or less. Likewise, in Zimbabwe 14% scored 8 or more in
spite of an average as low as 3.312.
Figure 4 about here
Figure 5 about here
4.2 Differences in average happiness across nations
Happiness has now been assessed in most countries of the world, a notable
exception being North-Korea. A world map of happiness is presented in Figure 6.
Differences in average happiness are indicated by the shades of the color green; the
darker the green, the happier the people in the nation. One can now see that the
high average happiness in Denmark is typical for developed nations. One can also
see that the low level of happiness in Zimbabwe is no exception, since happiness is
equally low in most African nations. Latin America surprises us in this picture, with
higher scores than one would expect on the basis of the news reports emanating
from that region.
Figure 6 about here
Trend of Happiness in Nations
Survey research on happiness started in the late 1940s and took off in the early
1970s. Until recently, it was difficult to discern a pattern in the data; changes over
time tend to be small and our view of the trend is often blurred by minor variations in
sampling and questioning. Now that we have more and better data, a pattern of
rising happiness has emerged (Veenhoven 2014h). Some illustrative cases are
11 Data World Values Survey around 2000
12 Means expressed on scale 0-10, by linear transformation of the means on scale 1-10 (respectively 8.2 and
presented on Figure 7. This rising level of happiness is accompanied by a decline of
inequality as measured by the standard-deviation (Veenhoven 2014g).
Figure 7 about here
The conceptual scheme presented in Figure 2 can also be used to chart conditions
for happiness. This outcome of life in the right bottom quadrant is evidently
dependent on the chances for a good life denoted in the upper half, happiness
depending on both the livability of an environment and the individual’s ability to use
these chances. In this review of social conditions for happiness I focus on the top-left
livability quadrant. In addition to social conditions, this quadrant also covers physical
conditions within a country, such as climate, which will not be considered in this
Social conditions for happiness are studied at the macro level of nations, the
meso level of organizations and at the micro-level of individuals.
5.1 Macro level of society
As we have seen in section 4.2, there are large differences in average happiness across
nations and this has instigated much research on the causes of these differences. The main
results are summarized in Table 1. The many dark shaded cells in this table indicate that the
subject is well researched. In the column ‘partial’ the dark shaded cells denote that many
attempts have been made to clean the zero-order correlation from spurious effects, typically
using regression analyses involving many controls. Since national characteristics are
typically much intertwined, this involves the risk of underestimation. The blank cells in the
column ‘longitudinal’ indicate that analysis of trends is scarce as yet.
People live typically happier in rich countries than in poor ones. This difference is at least
partly due to an effect of material affluence as such, since much of the correlation remains
when other nation characteristics, such as climate, are controlled. Analysis of change over
time reveals that economic growth goes together with rising happiness (Veenhoven &
Vergunst 2014). This contradicts the well-known ‘Easterlin Paradox’, which holds that rising
wealth in nations does not add to the happiness of citizens (Easterlin 1974). Economic
growth adds more to happiness in poor nations than it does in rich ones.
People also live happier in nations that provide the most opportunities to choose. Economic
freedom adds more to happiness in developing nations than in developed ones, but political
freedom correlates stronger with happiness in developed nations. Data on private freedom
are limited to developed nations. A related finding is that people live happier in individualistic
cultures than in collectivistic ones (Veenhoven 1999). Correlations between freedom and
happiness are much reduced when economic development is controlled. The available data
do not yet allow comparison over time.
An explanation for this correlation holds that freedom allows people to choose a way
of life that fits them best and that the benefits of a good fit outweigh the costs of choice. It
has also been suggested that human nature involves a preference for independence
(Veenhoven 1999).
Gender equality stands out as a strong correlate of happiness, but income equality does not.
The positive correlation with gender-equality is largely due to a greater opportunity to
choose. The non-correlation with income equality is probably the result of both positive and
negative effects that balance out (Berg & Veenhoven 2005).
Surprisingly there is no correlation between murder rate and average happiness in nations,
probably because of the small number of people affected. Below we will see a much
stronger correlation with corruption, which affects a greater share of the population.
At first sight social security is positively correlated to average happiness in nations,
but no association is left when wealth is controlled. Analysis of change over time does not
show a decline in happiness in western nations following cuts in welfare expenditure
(Veenhoven 2011).
Institutional quality
People live happier in well organized societies, where they can count on rule of law and
where government organizations function properly. This pattern also appears in a negative
correlation with corruption. In the case of government effectiveness, the ‘technical’ quality of
the bureaucracy counts more than its ‘democratic’ responsiveness. The effect of quality of
government on the happiness of citizens is stronger in developed nations than in developing
ones, among other things because central coordination is more required for the functioning
of complex modern societies (Ott 2010).
Much of the correlation with institutional quality remains when wealth of the nation is
controlled, which is again a rather severe test, since institutional quality is an important
determinant of economic success. In this line it is argued that institutional quality also
facilitates success in individual lives, since it provides us with a predictable environment in
which we are not too dependent on kin and can safely invest in our future. At this point there
is an important connection between institutional quality and freedom.
Irrespective of these effects on personal goal achievement, a solid institutional is also
rewarding in itself, like playing a soccer match is more pleasurable when the rules of the
game are respected. Frey et. al (2004) refer to this effect as ‘procedural utility’.
Most of the above mentioned societal correlates are part of the 'modernity' syndrome and
more direct measures of modernity also show a strong correlation with happiness, such as
urbanization and globalization. The more modern the country, the happier its citizens are.
This finding will be a surprise to prophets of doom, who associate modernity with anomie
and alienation. Though modernization may involve problems, its benefits are clearly greater
(Veenhoven & Berg 2013).
The macro-social conditions listed in Table 1 together explain about 75% of the differences
in average happiness in nations depicted on the world map on Figure 6. Since measurement
error in all variables is likely to have attenuated the coefficients, this is close to perfect
correlation. Explained variance is lower in individual level analysis when country
characteristics are entered after personal characteristics.
Table 1 about here
5.2 Meso level of organizations
We spend much of our life in organizations, such as schools, work-places and retirement
homes and it would be worth knowing what kind of organizations are the most livable. There
is a lot of research on the relation between organizational characteristics and satisfaction
with these, such as satisfaction with work conditions, which belong in the ‘part-satisfaction’
quadrant of Figure 3. As yet there is little research on the relation with life satisfaction,
bottom-right quadrant in Figure 3. See Table 2 for a visualization of the state of this
research. Most of the cells are empty.
Autonomy stand out as a predictor of life satisfaction in three kinds or organizations: care
homes, convents and work organizations. Yet in all cases autonomy is measured using self
reports, which involves the risk of a ‘top down effect’, happiness affecting the perception of
autonomy. Still these findings fit the observation that people in prison are quite unhappy,
even unhappier than institutionalized psychiatric patients13. The correlation of individual
happiness with autonomy in organizations also fits the above noted correlation of average
happiness with freedom in a nation.
The scant data on size of an organization show no correlation with the happiness of nuns
and students, but a positive correlation with the happiness of managers in work-
organizations. Apparently small is not always beautiful.
Table 2 about here
5.3 Micro level of individuals
Numerous studies from all over the world have examined the relation between individual
happiness and social position. The results are summarized in Table 3.
Social status
Many studies have assessed links with social status variables. The guiding assumption is
typically that people in advantaged social positions will take more pleasure in life. The
differences are mostly in the expected direction, but small.
13 World Database of Happiness, Correlational Findings (Veenhoven 2012d): Happiness and Prison (P11)
Income: A commonly investigated issue is the relationship of life-satisfaction with earnings.
Studies in affluent welfare states typically find only small correlations, but quite substantial
differences are observed in other countries. The poorer the nation, the higher the correlation
between happiness and income tends to be. Both absolute income and relative income play
a role.
Education: The pattern of correlation with schooling is similar. Again there are high
correlations in poor nations and low correlations in rich ones. Recent studies in rich nations
have shown even slightly negative correlations with level of school-education. Likewise,
there is no correlation between IQ and happiness in rich nations (Veenhoven & Choi 2012).
Despite the above, average happiness is higher in the most educated countries
where average IQ is also higher. This means that education does affect happiness indirectly;
intellectual development is required for the functioning of modern society and life in modern
society appears to be more satisfying than in traditional societies. So education is a case of
different effects being found at the macro and the micro level.
Occupation: All over the world, professionals and managers tend to be most satisfied with
life. It is not clear as to what extent this difference results from the rewards of work-tasks,
related advantages or differential selection.
Minority: Minority status is mostly related to lower happiness. Average happiness tends to be
lower among ethnic minorities than among the general population and is also found to be
lower among homo-sexuals than among hetero-sexuals. Yet there is much variation across
publics and nations.
Social participation
Happiness tends to be higher among persons who have 'paid work', however, 'house wives'
are not less satisfied, and neither does 'retirement' make life less satisfying. Happiness is
more consistently related to participation in 'voluntary organizations'. In both cases follow-up
studies show a causal effect of social participation on happiness.
Intimate ties
Happiness is consistently related to presence and quality of intimate networks,
however, not all kinds of ties are equally related to happiness in all countries.
Marriage: In western nations, the tie with a 'spouse' is more important than contacts
with 'friends' and 'relatives'. Follow-up studies have shown a causal effect of
marriage on happiness.
Children: Happy people more often raise a family, but their happiness declines
slightly after the birth of their first child. As a result cross-sectional studies find little
difference in the happiness of married people with and without children. It is a yet not
clear how children affect happiness in developing nations.
Family: Studies all over the world show a positive correlation between happiness and
contacts with wider kin. Follow-up studies reveal a causal effect.
Friends: Likewise contacts with friends appear to add to happiness, again universally.
Together these micro-social conditions explain no more than 15% of the differences in
individual happiness in modern nations. This appears from an analysis of the various studies
that assessed the summed effect of such variables14. About 10% can be attributed to strikes
of good or bad luck (Headey & Wearing 1992). Most of the variance is found in individual
life-ability; right-top quadrant in Figure 2. Twin studies suggest that some 35% of the
differences in happiness have a genetic basis (Bartels & Boomsma 2009) and the additional
effect of learned skills and behavior has been estimated 40% (Lyubomirski 2008). This
reflects that living conditions are typically sufficient in modern society, and that social
inequalities therefore do not affect happiness very much. Differences are greater in
developing nations and the correlations between happiness and social conditions therefore
Table 3 about here
So much for what we do know now. What can we do to learn more?
Since its inception in the 1970s, research on social conditions for happiness has
provided us mainly with correlational findings. Yet correlations can be spurious or
result from reversed causality. For instance the high correlation between happiness
and marital status can be due to the fact that healthy people have better marriage
chances, and that it is health that determines happiness rather than marriage. The
correlation can also be due to an effect of happiness on marriage chances, since
happiness facilitates social contacts in general and intimate contacts in particular.
These causal paths have been explored in the case of marriage, as can be
seen in Table 3. The dark shaded cell in the column ‘partial’ correlations indicates
that the correlation has survived several checks for spuriousness. Likewise the
shaded cell in the column ‘longitudinal’ denotes that follow-up studies have shown
that entering marriage goes with a rise in happiness. However the many blanks in
the table show that this case of marriage is an exception rather than the rule. In most
cases we can only speculate about the direction of causality involved. This calls for
more longitudinal analyses, which can use the growing number of large scale panel
studies, such as the German Socio-Economic Panel Study15 and the British
Household Panel Survey16.
14 World Database of Happiness, Correlational Findings: S15.2 Summed effects of current conditions
Causal paths
Assessing direction of causality is one thing. The next step is to assess how
causality works. Several mechanisms have been mentioned in the case of marriage,
such as gratification of the need for belongingness, mutual support and behavioural
correction, but as yet it is difficult to demonstrate such effects empirically and to
assess their relative importance. In the case of income some studies differentiated
between income as such and comparative income and found independent effects on
happiness. Research of this kind is still in its infancy. In most cases we can only
speculate about the way in which social conditions affect happiness.
Most studies have looked for effects of social conditions on the happiness in the
general public. Yet many effects are likely to be contingent on persons and
situations. Though marriage may gratify universal needs for sex and belongingness,
some will benefit more from matrimony than others, e.g. people with good social
skills and without sexual disorders. Likewise, earning a high income will not add
equally much to the happiness of everybody and the data show a stronger effect of a
high income on males than females. Research on such differences will allow more
informed choices in life and evidence based life coaching (Veenhoven 2015).
Split-up of social conditions for happiness by sub-groups is not very common
as yet; the focus is rather on distilling ‘pure’ general effects using many control
variables. The specifications made so far can be selected in the collection
‘Correlational Findings’ of the World Database of Happiness.
Take home message
Better understanding of social conditions for happiness is within reach.
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Veenhoven, R. & Choi, Y. (2012). Does intelligence boost happiness? Smartness of
all pays more than being smarter. International Journal of Happiness and
Development, 1: 5-27.
Veenhoven, R. & Vergunst, F. (2014).The Easterlin illusion: Economic growth does
go with greater happiness. International Journal of Happiness and
Development, 2 (in press).
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Figure 1
Number of scientific publications on happiness by 5 year periods
Source: Bibliography of Happiness17 (Veenhoven 2014b)
17 Publications in this Bibliography are selected for fit with the concept of happiness as defined in section 2 of
this paper and this concept is called by different names, such as life-satisfaction and subjective wellbeing. So
this graph is not a count of the use of word happiness in scientific literature.
Figure 2
Four qualities of life
Outer qualities
Inner qualities
Life chances
Livability of environment
Life-ability of the person
Life results
Usefulness of life
Satisfaction with life
Source: Veenhoven 2000
Figure 3
Four kinds of satisfaction
Part of life
Part satisfactions
Peak experience
Life satisfaction
Figure 4
Happiness in Denmark
Figure 5
Happiness in Zimbabwe
Figure 6
Average happiness in 148 nations 2000-2009
Source: Happiness in Nations (Veenhoven 2014d)
Figure 7
Trend average happiness in nations
Source: Happiness in Nations (Veenhoven 2014d)
Table 1
Findings on societal conditions for happiness
Characteristics of nations
Observed correlation with happiness
Detail in World Database of Happiness
Links to sections in the collection of correlational
N4 Conditions in one’s Nation
Across all nations
In particular kinds
of countries
cross sectional
GDP p/c
N4.1.3 Economic affluence
Economic freedom
N415.3 Economic freedom
Political freedom
N4.15.2 Political freedom
Private freedom
N4.15.1 Private freedom
Income equality
N4.8.2 Income inequality
Gender equality
N4.8.1 Gender inequality
Physical security; murder rate
N4.13 Safety
Social security
N4.5.1.4 Social security
Institutional quality
Rule of law
N4.10 Justice
Good governance
N4.6.6 Quality of Government
N4.10.1 Corruption
N4.2.4 Urbanization
N5 Position of one’s nation
Symbols explained on appendix
Table 2
Findings on happiness and organizational conditions
Characteristics of
Observed correlation with happiness
Detail in World Database of Happiness
Links to sections in the collection of
correlational findings
among people in general
In different sets of
cross sectional
Care homes
I2 Institutional Living Restrictiveness of setting
I2 Institutional Living Size of setting
W4 Work Conditions Self direction at work
S1 School Size
S1 School Intellectual level
S1 School Social characteristics
Ethnic homogeneity
S1 School Ethnic homogeneity
Work organizations
W4 Work Conditions Size of plant
Supportive leadership
W4 Work Conditions Leadership of boss
W4 Work Conditions Self direction at work
Symbols explained on appendix
Table 3
Findings on happiness and social position
Characteristic of position
Observed correlation with happiness
Detail in World Database of Happiness
Links to sections in the collection of
correlational findings
In general population samples
In different sets of
cross sectional
Social rank
I 1 Income, P10 Possessions
E2 Education
O1 Occupation, S9 Socio Economic Status
E3 Ethnicity, M8 Migration
Social participation
E1 Employment
Voluntary work
S7 Participation in voluntary organizations
Intimate network
M1 Marital career, M2 Marital status
C3 Having children
Contacts with wider family
F3 Family of relatives
Contacts with friends
F6 Friendship
Symbols explained on appendix
Key to summary markers in Tables 1, 2 and 3
Strength of observed correlations
++ very positive
+ positive
+/ mixed findings, both positive and negative
0 unrelated
Similarity of findings across people and nations
= similar
similar direction, but difference in strength of correlation
Shading of cells indicates availability of research findings
a few
a lot
... This presents a limitation, as these systems emphasize economic comparisons between cities while neglecting the capacity of vulnerable populations to respond to climate crises. Although existing research has discussed the impacts of climate change on quality of life [6,7] Recent studies emphasize the impact of climate change on happiness [8,9] (Laspada, 2018;Veenhoven, 2015), quality of life [10] (Ptak-Wojciechowska et al., 2021), and health [11] (Leal Filho et al., 2023). These findings suggest a pressing need for a comprehensive and integrated livability index that reflects these factors. ...
... This presents a limitation, as these systems emphasize economic comparisons between cities while neglecting the capacity of vulnerable populations to respond to climate crises. Although existing research has discussed the impacts of climate change on quality of life [6,7] Recent studies emphasize the impact of climate change on happiness [8,9] (Laspada, 2018;Veenhoven, 2015), quality of life [10] (Ptak-Wojciechowska et al., 2021), and health [11] (Leal Filho et al., 2023). These findings suggest a pressing need for a comprehensive and integrated livability index that reflects these factors. ...
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This study aims to develop an urban livability assessment index that incorporates climate change vulnerability and to apply this index to urban areas in South Korea, thereby analyzing the impact of climate change on living environments and quality of life. Existing frameworks for livability indices often fail to adequately reflect the long-term risks associated with climate change. Consequently, this research proposes a new livability index that includes climate change vulnerability, establishing a policy foundation aimed at protecting and enhancing the quality of life for urban residents. The methodology integrates existing livability indicators with climate change vulnerability indicators across 219 cities and districts in South Korea. Utilizing panel regression analysis and Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) analysis, the study evaluates the spatial clustering characteristics and potential risks in each area. The results indicate that urban infrastructure significantly influences livability, with climate change vulnerability indicators forming high clusters primarily in southern regions. Furthermore, the study confirms economic disparities within the metropolitan area, as well as the exacerbation of social inequalities in regions vulnerable to disaster safety and social services. This research underscores the necessity of integrating climate change vulnerability into livability indices, suggesting that such indices can serve as critical criteria for urban policy formulation and the evaluation of regeneration projects.
... The literature is not unanimous and even presents contradictory results regarding the effects of education on happiness. According to Veenhoven (2015), the correlations between education and happiness are high in poor nations and low in rich nations; in some rich nations, a slightly negative correlation between education and happiness was even found. This fits the observation that there is no correlation between IQ and happiness in rich nations (Veenhoven & Choi, 2012). ...
... This fits the observation that there is no correlation between IQ and happiness in rich nations (Veenhoven & Choi, 2012). However, education may affect happiness indirectly because average happiness and average IQ are higher in the most educated countries (Veenhoven, 2015). As the author noted, "So, intelligence is a case of different effects being found at the macro and the micro level" (Veenhoven, 2015, p. 388). ...
... They showed, while women's status measured by objective indicators (e.g., employment) had notably improved from the 1970s to the 2000s, their SWB had deteriorated arguably because of the following factors: (a) the significantly negative impact of lesser social cohesion as well as increased anxiety and household risk; (b) the diversified domains of life evaluation (e.g., not only home but also work) that made it difficult for women to be satisfied with their life as a whole; (c) more honest attitudes expressed by women in accordance with their improved quality of life that devalued their inflated responses in the past; and (d) increased aspirations and references that women could not always achieve. This suggests that simply promoting gender parity does not guarantee higher well-being levels among women, given the societal-level gender parity is positively linked to life satisfaction (Audette et al., 2019); and the degree of gender equality is substantially associated with that of happiness across societies (Veenhoven, 2015). One theoretical explanation of the country-level gender inequality effect is proposed by the gender stratification hypothesis (Baker & Jones, 1993;Else-Quest et al., 2010). ...
... In addition to income inequality, the importance of well-being inequality has been increasingly recognized in recent years. For instance, Veenhoven (2008) notes that individuals' well-being and quality of life, not just their economic wealth, are important in assessing social equity, and this perspective adds a new dimension to inequality research. Several relevant studies have investigated the heterogeneous and immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on well-being variables such as mental health, anxiety, general health, happiness, and satisfaction (Adams-Prassl et al., 2022;Banks & Xu, 2020;Nagasu et al., 2021;Yamamura & Tsutsui, 2022). ...
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Although the COVID-19 pandemic could have caused both monetary and non-monetary distributional changes, existing studies have only investigated its immediate monetary impacts. This study examines the pandemic’s medium-term impacts on income and well-being inequality using individual longitudinal data from the Japan Household Panel Survey. Gini coefficients and income mobility before and after the pandemic are calculated to analyze income inequality. Various well-being measures such as mental health and life satisfaction are used to analyze well-being inequality. The findings reveal no increase in income inequality. Progressive income growth ensured stable inequality throughout the pandemic. Conversely, on average, well-being worsened, and well-being inequality increased. Furthermore, we find an association between income and well-being inequality. The random-effects and fixed-effects models indicate that the well-being of the high-income group tended to improve, whereas that of the low-income group tended to deteriorate after the outbreak of the pandemic. Additionally, the causal mediation analysis shows that the adoption of remote work served as a factor for the increase in the well-being of people in the high-income group. Remote work became disproportionately prevalent during the pandemic, especially among people in the higher income group. This group experienced various benefits of remote work, which contributed to an improvement in their well-being and an increase in well-being inequality.
... Öznel iyi oluş halinin genellikle üç ana bileşenden oluştuğu kabul edilir: olumlu duyguların çokluğu, olumsuz duyguların azlığı ve kişinin yaşamdaki hedefleri ile halihazırdaki durumu arasındaki uyumuna dair ağırlıklı olarak bilişsel değerlendirmeleri (Busseri ve Sadava, 2011;Diener, 1984). Bu bileşenlerden olumlu duyguların çokluğu ve olumsuz duyguların azlığı daha çok mutluluk kavramı ile, kişinin hayatını bilişsel olarak değerlendirmesi de daha ziyade yaşamdan memnuniyet ile ifade edilmektedir (Diener, Suh, Lucas ve Smith, 1999;Veenhoven, 2015). Bu iki kavram arasında bir miktar örtüşme de bulunmakla birlikte (Busseri ve Sadava, 2011), bu araştırmada odaklanılan mutluluk kavramı öznel iyi oluş halinin duygusal boyutuna daha fazla odaklanmaktadır (Diener, Suh, Lucas ve Smith, 1999;Machado, de Oliveira, Peregrino ve Cantilino, 2019). ...
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye sosyo-ekonomik bağlamında kadınların ve erkeklerin mutluluğu arasında belirgin bir fark olup olmadığı araştırılmaktadır. Bu amaçla ile 2004 ile 2022 yılları arasındaki dönemi kapsayan Yaşam Memnuniyeti Anketi'nden (YMA) birey düzeyinde veriler kullanılmaktadır. YMA, 2004 ile 2022 yılları arasındaki 19 yıllık süreyi kapsayarak 344.000'den fazla gözlem içermekte ve ulusal temsil yeteneğine sahip bir ankettir. Bu kapsamlı veriye dayanan sonuçlarımız, birçok arka plan değişkenini kontrol ettikten sonra, kadınların mutluluğunun belirgin şekilde erkeklerden daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir. Cinsiyetler arasındaki mutluluk farkının kaynağını anlamak için, hayatta önem verilen değerler de incelenmiştir. Kadınlar ve erkeklerin kendilerini en mutlu ettiğini belirttiği değer incelendiğinde de belirgin farklar görünmektedir. Erkekler başarı, iş ve paraya kadınlardan daha fazla önem verirken, kadınlar sağlık ve sevgiye erkeklerden daha fazla önem vermektedir. Çalışmanın önemli bulgularından biri, her bir anket yılında kadınların yaklaşık %80'inin cinsiyetinden dolayı üzerinde sosyal baskı hissetmediğini belirtmesidir. Bu sonuç, sanılanın aksine Türkiye'nin çok da cinsiyetçi bir ülke olmadığını göstermektedir. Bununla beraber, kadınların cinsiyetleri nedeniyle baskı hissediyor olma ihtimali erkeklerden daha yüksektir. Bu da kadınların mutluluğunun bir miktar sosyal baskıya rağmen daha yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir.
... Numerous studies have attempted to explain the Easterlin paradox by considering relative income and wealth distribution imbalances. Most of these studies suggested that when income increases at different rates for different groups of people, those whose relative income decreases are inclined to harbor less happiness with life in the face of relative comparisons with peers, whereas those whose relative income increases do not necessarily see a significant increase in their satisfaction with life [29,30]. Other studies drew the opposite conclusion and suggested that income inequality and the wealth gap increase individuals' SWB [6,31]. ...
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As an essential dimension of economic inequality, consumption inequality is tightly associated with public welfare. This study investigates the effect of consumption inequality on individuals’ subjective well-being (SWB) in China using data from the 2014, 2018, and 2020 China Family Panel Studies. The findings indicate that consumption inequality has a significant negative impact on SWB. Specifically, for every unit increase in consumption inequality, the probability of individuals rating their SWB as “Happy” and “Very happy” decreases by 0.37% and 5.45% respectively. In addition, individuals’ confidence about their future serves as an intermediary in the connection between consumption inequality and SWB. The investigation of heterogeneity evidences that the adverse impact of consumption inequality on SWB is more pronounced in terms of subsistence and development expenditures. Consumption inequality affects SWB more seriously among lower-income and urban residents. Overall, this study holds important implications for addressing economic inequality to bolster individuals’ welfare.
... Existing literature reveals that scholars have conducted extensive research into avenues for enhancing subjective well-being, mainly focusing on areas such as market structure, demographic characteristics, natural environment, and social factors (Diener et al., 2018;Sun et al., 2016). For disadvantaged groups such as the impoverished and rural residents, national economic growth, environmental improvement, and an enhancement in the quality of basic public services are key pathways to enhancing their subjective well-being (Knight & Gunatilaka, 2022;Qi et al., 2023), as improvements in these areas are more urgent, fundamental, and direct for these disadvantaged groups (Veenhoven, 2015). However, in practice, it is quite challenging to find an effective way to simultaneously achieve the three objectives mentioned above and thereby improve the subjective well-being of rural residents. ...
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Based on 2022 data from the China Rural Revitalization Survey, we examined the impact of Agro-product Geographical Indications (AGIs) on the subjective well-being of rural residents. The results show that AGIs significantly enhance the subjective well-being of rural residents. This conclusion holds even when employing the exposure frequency of a village in Chinese newspapers regarding agriculture as an instrumental variable for whether this village has an AGI. The propensity score matching test indicates that the subjective well-being of rural residents in villages with AGIs is on average 0.402 higher compared to villages without AGIs, which corresponds to 5.08% of the latter’s average. The underlying mechanism for this impact is that AGIs contribute to elevating household income levels and improving the ecological environment and basic public services within villages. Furthermore, the effects of AGIs are more pronounced among those engaged in agricultural employment and in villages with high governance capacities. These findings imply that governments might enhance the subjective well-being of rural residents by protecting and promoting local agricultural products.
... However, recent studies increasingly favor subjective dimensions (Oleś, 2016;Skevington & Böhnke, 2018), citing the "health disability paradox" (Albrecht & Devlieger, 1999), where individuals with disabilities often report a satisfactory QoL despite adverse living conditions. This observation has led many scholars to align QoL more closely with subjective well-being and life satisfaction (Veenhoven, 2015;Skevington & Böhnke, 2018). Moons et al. (2006) argue that conceptualizing QoL in terms of life satisfaction effectively addresses its conceptual complexities. ...
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Quality of Life (QoL) is a multifaceted concept encompassing economic, social, environmental, psychological, and physical dimensions of an individual’s life, including personal living conditions, happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction. As a vital criterion for sustainable development and active social policy in countries, QoL has been significantly influenced by the dynamic technological evolution of social media. However, the comprehensive impact of social media, including its role in disseminating disinformation – a major social and socio-economic concern – on QoL remains underexplored. This research aims to develop a novel fuzzy model to assess the level of disinformation on digital platforms and its correlation with the population’s QoL. Employing a mathematical approach rooted in expert evaluation, this study leverages intellectual knowledge analysis and fuzzy set theory. Grounded in data from real respondents and knowledge-based models, this study pioneers an information model to evaluate inhabitants’ QoL, incorporating factors such as financial concerns, perception of disinformation, and its influence on digital platforms. The fuzzy estimation model, verified with data from 3,036 respondents, quantitatively assesses citizens’ QoL. An illustrative application of the model demonstrates its effectiveness. The findings are particularly valuable for policymakers, experts in economic and innovative development, aiding the creation of regulatory and monitoring mechanisms to foster sustainable economic growth and devise effective development strategies.
What determines one's ethnic identity? I argue that contact with a co‐ethnic encourages an enhanced ethnic identity compared to contact with a non‐co‐ethnic. This is most likely to hold where identities are more ethnic and less national, as in many African countries, thus creating a sense of trust among co‐ethnics. To test this claim, I conducted a field experiment with participants from the West African countries of Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal using two designs to test my claims including if enumerators and participants share an ethnic identity established directly with face‐to‐face contact, and indirectly with enumerators employing ethnic sounding names. Social contact in which ethnicity is shared increases identification with one's ethnic group. Not sharing an ethnic identity does not increase the chances of a national identity. Variation by ethnic groups is strongest for members of groups who have recently lost political power or are marginalized. Sharing an ethnic identity affects political views. These findings contribute to our understanding about the potential for contact to affect prejudice and bias, and they raise issues about data collection done with personal contact.
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Investments in education are growing, not only in the first phase of life but also throughout life. However, the million-dollar question is: does more education make us happier? The relationship between education and happiness is assessed on two levels: at the micro level of individuals and at the macro level of nations. At the micro level, the results of 86 studies were analyzed, in which most results point to a weak positive correlation between happiness and years of schooling (r = +0.06). This is considerably lower when controlling the values for the effects of education, such as income (partial r = +0.02). At the macro level, the correlation between education and happiness in 146 nations was assessed, and a strong positive relationship was found (r = +0.61). These results suggest that the effect of education on happiness is indirect and not direct; people who live in modern societies are happier, but this means that they need a higher level of education. Apparently, education alone is not satisfactory, at least not the school education that has been provided thus far.
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This book is about the degree to which people take pleasure in life: in short 'happiness'. It tries to identify conditions that favor a positive appreciation of life. Thus it hopes to shed more light on a longstanding and intriguing ques­ tion and, possibly, to guide attempts to improve the human lot. During the preceding decades a growing number of investigations have dealt with this issue. As a result there is now a sizable body of data. Yet it is quite difficult to make sense of it. There is a muddle of theories, concepts and indicators, and many of the findings seem to be contradictory. This book attempts to bring some order into the field. The study draws on an inventory of empirical investigations which involved valid indicators of happiness; 245 studies are involved, which together yield some 4000 observations: for the main part correlational ones. These results are presented in full detail in the simultaneously published 'Databook of Happiness' (Veenhoven 1984). The present volume distils conclusions from that wealth of data. It tries to assess the reality value of the findings and the degree to which correlations reflect the conditions of happiness rather than the consequences of it. It then attempts to place the scattered findings in context. As such, this work is not a typical study of literature on happiness.
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The 'Easterlin Paradox' holds that economic growth in nations does not buy greater happiness for the average citizen. This thesis was advanced in the 1970s on the basis of the then available data on happiness in nations. Later, data have disproved most of the empirical claims behind the thesis, but Easterlin still maintains that there is no long-term correlation between economic growth and happiness. This last claim was tested using the time trend data available in the World Database of Happiness, which involve 1,531 data points in 67 nations that yield 199 time-series ranging from 10 to more than 40 years. The analysis reveals a positive correlation between GDP growth and rise of in happiness in nations. Both GDP and happiness have gone up in most nations, and average happiness has risen more in nations where the economy has grown the most; r = +0.20 p < 05. On average a 1% growth in income per capita per year was followed by a rise in average happiness on scale 0-10 of 0.0034; thus, a gain in happiness of a full point would take 60 years with an annual economic growth of 5%.
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The rational pursuit of happiness requires knowledge of happiness and in particular answers to the following four questions: (1) Is greater happiness realistically possible? (2) If so, to what extent is that in our own hands? (3) How can we get happier? What things should be considered in the choices we make? (4) How does the pursuit of happiness fit with other things we value? Answers to these questions are not only sought by individuals who want to improve their personal life, they are also on the mind of managers concerned about the happiness of members of their organization and of governments aiming to promote greater happiness of a greater number of citizens. All these actors might make more informed choices if they could draw on a sound base of evidence. In this paper I take stock of the available evidence and the answers it holds for the four types of questions asked by the three kinds of actors. To do this, I use a large collection of research findings on happiness gathered in the World Database of Happiness, which serves as an online supplement to this paper. The data provide good answers to the questions 1 and 2, but fall short on the questions 3 and 4. Priorities for further research are indicated.
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We invest much in maximising intelligence and we get ever smarter: but does this make us any happier? The relation between intelligence and happiness is explored on two levels, at the micro-level of individuals and at the macro-level of nations. At the micro-level, we looked at the results of 23 studies and found no correlation between IQ and happiness. At the macro-level, we assessed the correlation between average IQ and average happiness in 143 nations and found a strong positive relationship. Together these findings mean that smartness of all pays more than being smarter than others.
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Modern society comes in for a great deal of criticism, such as about increasing individualisation, globalisation and technologisation, which is seen to reduce the quality of life. This claim was investigated in a comparative study of 141 present-day countries. Eight aspects of modernity were considered: industrialisation, size of the service sector, economic freedom, real income per capita, globalisation, level of education, political democracy and urbanisation. Happiness in different countries was measured as the average response to survey questions on life-satisfaction, affect and contentment. Analysis shows that people living in most modern countries are substantially happier than people in the less modern countries are. The patterns are generally linear. In a subset of western nations, greater modernity still goes with greater happiness. Although the advantages of societal modernisation may be finite, modernisation has not yet undermined human happiness.
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INCOME INEQUALITY AND HAPPINESS IN 119 NATIONS All modern nations reduce income differences to some extent, and as a result there is an ongoing discussion about what degree of income inequality is acceptable. In this discussion libertarians oppose egalitarians and a principled consensus between these positions is not possible. Consensus can only be reached on the basis of a consequential ethic and one of these is the ‘greatest happiness principle’. In this paper the utilitarian approach is followed and the relation between income inequality and happiness in 119 nations is considered. Overall happiness is conceptualized as the‘subjective appreciation of life as a whole’ and is measured using responses to survey questions. We considered both average happiness and spread of happiness. We found little relationship between income inequality and average happiness in nations. There was no correlation with average happiness, a slightly positive correlation with average mood and a slightly negative correlation with average contentment. All these correlations became positive when wealth of the nation was controlled. Spread of happiness tended to be larger in income unequal nations, but this effect disappeared when wealth of the nation was controlled. Correlations reflect the balance of positive and negative effects; in the case of average happiness the positive effects prevailed and in the case of spread both effects balanced out. The data do not show a point where the balance shifts
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the association of income and happiness. The basic data consist of statements by individuals on their subjective happiness, as reported in thirty surveys from 1946 through 1970, covering nineteen countries, including eleven in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Within countries, there is a noticeable positive association between income and happiness—in every single survey, those in the highest status group were happier, on the average, than those in the lowest status group. However, whether any such positive association exists among countries at a given time is uncertain. Certainly, the happiness differences between rich and poor countries that one might expect on the basis of the within-country differences by economic status are not borne out by the international data. Similarly, in the one national time series studied, for the United States since 1946, higher income was not systematically accompanied by greater happiness. As for why national comparisons among countries and over time show an association between income and happiness that is so much weaker than, if not inconsistent with, that shown by within-country comparisons, a Duesenberry-type model, involving relative status considerations as an important determinant of happiness, is suggested.
Utilizing sophisticated methodology and three decades of research by the world's leading expert on happiness, Happiness challenges the present thinking of the causes and consequences of happiness and redefines our modern notions of happiness. shares the results of three decades of research on our notions of happiness covers the most important advances in our understanding of happiness offers readers unparalleled access to the world's leading experts on happiness provides "real world" examples that will resonate with general readers as well as scholars Winner of the 2008 PSP Prose Award for Excellence in Psychology, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers.
Several theories of happiness hold that happiness will not change in the long run. This claim was tested using the time trend data available in the World Database of Happiness. Series of responses on identical survey questions on happiness were selected with intervals of at least 10 years between them, altogether 199 time series in 67 nations and 1,531 data points. Average happiness in a nation rose in 133 of these series and declined in 66. The ratio of 2.0 is statistically significant. The average yearly rise in happiness on a scale 0–10 is +0.016. At this growth rate, happiness will rise by about 1 point on this scale in 70 years.