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Dynamics of human categorization in a collaborative tagging system:
How social processes of semantic stabilization shape individual
Tobias Ley
, Paul Seitlinger
Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
article info
Article history:
Collaborative tagging
Distributed cognition
Social web
We study how categories form and develop over time in a sensemaking task by groups of students
employing a collaborative tagging system. In line with distributed cognition theories, we look at both
the tags students use and their strength of representation in memory. We hypothesize that categories
get more differentiated over time as students learn, and that semantic stabilization on the group level
(i.e. the convergence in the use of tags) mediates this relationship. Results of a field experiment that
tested the impact of topic study duration on the specificity of tags confirms these hypotheses, although
it was not study duration that produced this effect, but rather the effectiveness of the collaborative tax-
onomy the groups built. In the groups with higher levels of semantic stabilization, we found use of more
specific tags and better representation in memory. We discuss these findings with regard to the impor-
tant role of the information value of tags that would drive both the convergence on the group level as well
as a shift to more specific levels of categorization. We also discuss the implication for cognitive science
research by highlighting the importance of collaboratively built artefacts in the process of how knowl-
edge is acquired, and implications for educational applications of collaborative tagging environments.
Ó2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article underthe CC BY license (http://
1. Introduction
Because of the ubiquity of social web technologies, there has
been a recent growing interest in how people make sense of large
quantities of information when they browse the web (Pirolli &
Russell, 2011). In this paper, we focus on the sensemaking process
which results from people using a collaborative tagging system
(Golder & Huberman, 2006; Marlow, Naaman, Boyd, & Davis,
2006). In systems like Delicious (websites), Flickr (photos) or
Soundcloud (music), people describe different types of resources
they discover on the web by assigning freely chosen keywords
(called tags) to store them for later use. Fu (2008) describes this
process as an iterative exploratory search-and comprehend cycle
which leads to a close interaction between internal and external
representations of concepts, tags, and resources as a user searches
the web. The tags that a user applies are a result of his or her men-
tal categorization processes. Over time and as more resources are
tagged, a user’s understanding of a particular topic increases, and
his internal categories change and become more refined.
Because the resources and tags collected by one user can be
seen by others, it is usually assumed that individuals are influ-
enced by tags as social cues. In the social web, there is considerable
influence of collective information on individual behavior (Li &
Sakamoto, 2014). In collaborative tagging, tags function as primes
in activating prior knowledge (Cress, Held, & Kimmerle, 2013; Fu,
2008), users imitate each other’s tag assignments to a certain
degree (Fu, Kannampallil, Kang, & He, 2010; Seitlinger & Ley,
2012; Seitlinger, Ley, & Albert, 2015; Sen et al., 2006), and learning
processes can take place when a user browses the tag collection of
another user, thereby discovering resources and tags that influence
that user in his/her future tag assignments (Held, Kimmerle, &
Cress, 2012; Nelson et al., 2009). As a consequence, collaborative
tagging allows for studying how individual sensemaking is shaped
by social processes, namely by artefact-mediated collaboration.
Gaining an understanding of the development of categories and
the corresponding tag assignments is important for improving
information access in the social web. Research on improving infor-
mation access with tags has been seeking different routes. For
example some researchers have suggested enhancing semantic
0747-5632/Ó2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Corresponding author at: Center for Educational Technology, Tallinn University,
Narva Mnt 29, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia. Tel.: +372 6409 355; fax: +372 6409 422.
E-mail address: (T. Ley).
Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151
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search technologies with social tags (e.g. Gayo, de Pablos & Lovelle,
2010; Specia & Motta, 2007). Another direction has been to employ
recommender services that are based on tags, or that suggest suit-
able tags (Bollen & Halpin, 2009; Jäschke, Marinho, Hotho,
Schmidt-Thieme, & Stumme, 2007). Finally, several tools have been
suggested that attempt to enhance the collaboration processes
around tags and their corresponding categories (e.g. Braun,
Schmidt, Walter, Nagypal, & Zacharias, 2007; Tolosa, Gayo, Prieto,
Núñez, De Pablos, 2010; Yew, Gibson, & Teasley, 2006).
However, to fully exploit this potential for semantic technolo-
gies or recommenders, it is important to understand the process
by which shared terminological patterns can emerge without an
explicit coordination (Gayo et al., 2010). This is because retrieval
of information may actually become more difficult both for experts
and for novices when resources are described on varying levels of
specificity. While for the former, the information value of a basic
level category is too low, for the latter the specific categories are
not sufficiently well represented in memory, and, hence, their
labels difficult to comprehend (Rogers & Patterson, 2007).
The particular contribution of our paper is twofold. First, and
rather than studying the information access, we examine the
underlying mechanisms of how people develop and extend their
categorization in collaborative tagging system. Our assumption is
that phenomena of categorization can only be studied by looking
at how internal categories and tags people use are coupled.
Therefore, we looked both at internal categories students learned,
as well as the tags they used.
Secondly, we study how the development of categories is
mediated by an important social process in collaborative tagging,
namely the development of shared language that results from
semantic stabilization (e.g., Baronchelli, Felici, Loreto, Caglioti;
Crokidakis & Brigatti, 2015; Steels, 2006). Here, we hypothesize
that individual sensemaking will be more successful if it is built
on a shared use of tags on the group level. While in previous
studies, the impact of tags as social cues on individual learning
and browsing behavior was examined under lab conditions
(e.g. Held et al., 2012), none of these previous studies has actu-
ally looked at how semantic stabilization influences individual
learning. This is because semantic stabilization is a social process
that develops over time and therefore needs to be studied in a
setting that allows users to interact with each other over a more
extended period of time. Others have examined the development
of categories when using a tagging system (Fu & Dong, 2012),
but have not focused on semantic stabilization as a mediating
We have therefore conducted a field experiment in which stu-
dents used a collaborative tagging system in the context of a uni-
versity course over a more extensive period of time. By giving
some groups more time for their task, we realized a condition in
which semantic stabilization should be more likely as compared
to those groups that spent less time working on the task. As a mea-
sure of individual learning, we then looked at the categories and
their increasing specificity that students developed as a result, in
terms of both, the tags students used and their internal memory
2. Dynamics of human categorization in collaborative tagging
When students interact with the Collaborative Tagging system
by searching for web resources, assigning tags and sharing these
with other students, we assume a dynamic coupling between the
students and their shared artifacts forming a cognitive ecosystem
(Hutchins, 2010). The artifacts (e.g. tags) influence students’ cate-
gorization and – depending on the artifacts’ emerging shape and
structure – support or exacerbate the collaborative process of
exploring and deepening the understanding of a given topic.
Similar to individual learning progress, where internal categories
do not emerge out of nowhere but are differentiated representa-
tions of existing ones (e.g., Rogers & Patterson, 2007), artifacts
emerge over time from a collective artifact-mediated activity
(Hutchins & Hazlehurst, 1995). Here, we use the term artifact to
refer to some type of inscription (Latour & Woolgar, 1986) that is
a malleable means of representation of things (e.g., Web resources)
that can be changed and improved continuously by members of a
community (e.g., students of a university course) (see also
Schreiber, 2006). The continuous development of artifacts, such
as tags assigned to a Web resource, reflects the ongoing develop-
ment of underlying processes of understanding of things within
the community and thereby provides an empirical unit of analysis.
The relationship between artifacts and things to which they refer,
becomes a matter of a dynamic, social practice (e.g., Roth &
McGinn, 1998; see also Schreiber, 2006), leading to a shared under-
standing of this relationship.
In case of tagging, one simple mechanism behind the emer-
gence of a shared artifact-thing-relationship is semantic priming:
existing tags prompt a particular user to activate related memory
content resulting in converging categorization and verbalization
processes among the users (e.g., Fu & Dong, 2012; Fu et al., 2010;
Seitlinger et al., 2015). Over time, these mutual influences create
positive feedback loops (Hutchins & Johnson, 2009) that result in
semiotic dynamics (e.g., Steels, 2006) giving rise to semantic stabi-
lization (Wagner, Singer, Strohmaier, & Huberman, 2014), i.e., a
consensual use of tags for a resource. In terms of distributed cogni-
tion, the mechanism of a positive feedback loop underlying the
spreading adoption of tag-resource pairs can be described as fol-
lows: ‘‘Once a behavior enters the repertoire of one agent, ...,it
is likely to enter the repertoires of others, which makes it even
more likely to enter the repertoires of still others, and so on.’’
(Hutchins & Johnson, 2009, p. 526).
The assumed semiotic feedback loops leading to semantic stabi-
lization imply that external artifacts and peoples’ interpretations
co-shape each other, as also proposed by approaches towards cog-
nition distributed across extended systems of human and
non-human actants (e.g., Fu, 2008; Hutchins, 2010; Hutchins &
Hazlehurst, 1995; Latour, 1996): Artifacts introduced by preceding
individuals augment the experience of subsequent individuals; the
augmented experience may influence its interpretation and hence,
the creation of new artifacts.
To summarize, our main assumption is that different levels of
semantic stabilization that form in a group observable in the use
of tags will mediate individual understanding in a sensemaking
task. In the following two sections, we will first discuss how
semantic stabilization has been studied in collaborative tagging
and define a way to measure it. Secondly, we will introduce the
basic level shift in categorization as a way to define a deepening
of understanding in individual sensemaking. We will then summa-
rize our hypotheses in more detail and describe a field experiment
that was designed to test the influence of semantic stabilization on
individual sensemaking.
2.1. Semantic stabilization in collaborative tagging: the emergence of a
shared language
Although all users of a collaborative tagging system are free to
use whichever keyword they want to describe the resources they
collect, research in the tradition of semiotic dynamics (e.g.,
Steels, 2006) has shown that the development of a consistent tag
vocabulary can usually be observed (Golder & Huberman, 2006).
In the present study, we measure an emerging coherence in tag
assignments by observing the time evolution of the number of
unique tags N
(see also Baronchelli, Felici, Loreto, Caglioti, &
T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151 141
Steels, 2006). Drawing N
against consecutive tag assignments
results in a curve that visualizes a specific aspect of semiotic
dynamics, namely the convergence time (e.g., Steels, 2006), which
is the time needed to reach a stable level of coherence within the
shared set of tags.
Usually, the distribution follows an exponential function (e.g.,
Golder & Huberman, 2006). Since simple stochastic models, such
as Polya’s urn model, provide a good account of the emerging sta-
bilization in tagging systems (e.g., Golder & Huberman, 2006;
Wagner et al., 2014), we assume that the time-dependent semantic
stabilization follows an exponential decay function (e.g., Bousfield
& Sedgewick, 1944) given by
The function provided by Eq. (1) exhibits two features: the asymp-
tote H, which is the estimated stabilization given unlimited time,
and the slope bmeasuring the rate of approaching the asymptote.
To address the first question of operationalization we make use of
both parameters to characterize semantic stabilization in terms of
the general level of stabilization, H, and in terms of the speed of
convergence, b.
2.2. Sensemaking and the differentiation of categories
As discussed above, sensemaking when using the web is a pro-
cess in which internal categories are refined in an iterative manner
as understanding in a topic increases. This assumption is based on
robust findings from research on human categorization taking
place at several levels of abstraction (e.g., Close & Pothos, 2012).
Typically, three levels of abstraction of how humans describe
objects are differentiated, i.e. a superordinate level (e.g., plant), a
basic level (e.g., tree) and a subordinate level (e.g., fir). The seminal
works of Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson and Boyes-Braem (1976;
see also Rogers & Patterson, 2007) has shown that people prefer
basic-level categories over super- and subordinate categories to
categorize and name objects of the environment. In line with this
robust basic-level advantage is the observation that the first tag
a user assigns to a Web resource usually represents a basic-level
category and that consensus among users usually emerges around
such basic-level tags (Golder & Huberman, 2006). This observation
is in line with our assumption of a dynamic coupling of internal
categories with the created artefacts (tags), as internal categories
seem to be coordinated with manifestations of tags in collaborative
tagging systems.
As the expertise of a person within a particular topic
increases, subordinate categories become more differentiated
and more easily available in categorization and naming tasks
(e.g., Tanaka & Taylor, 1991). Thus, this so-called basic-level shift
is indicative for a person’s expertise and the frequency of apply-
ing as well as the strength of representations of subordinate cat-
egories should provide a measure to distinguish between people
who differ in the understanding of a given topic. For the setting
of the present study, we assume that students gaining a deeper
understanding of a topic should exhibit a stronger basic-level
shift than students with a more shallow understanding. A stron-
ger basic-level shift should become manifest in a frequent use
and in a strong internal representations of tags for subordinate
In our study, each group of students was instructed to collabo-
ratively generate a hierarchy of tags by means of a taxonomy editor
available in the shared Web environment. For measuring the basic
level shift, we draw on these taxonomies. Specifically, we regard
tags of the first level as basic-level tags and tags of the levels below
as subordinate tags (see the Method section for a validation check
of the assumption that different taxonomy levels correspond to dif-
ferent levels of abstraction).
2.3. Hypotheses
As described above, we assume that learning in a shared envi-
ronment is mediated by shared artifacts, in particular by the extent
to which these artifacts support a collaborative exploration and
understanding of a topic. For instance, if students succeed in using
similar tags for certain aspects of a topic, then subordinate levels of
the tag taxonomy should provide helpful tags to categorize newly
found Web resources. As a consequence, these subordinate tags
should be frequently used and represented in form of strong, inter-
nal memory representations. Therefore, we hypothesize an inter-
dependence between attributes of semiotic dynamics on the
group level, i.e., Hand b, and students’ basic level shift. Students
of groups performing a higher level and faster rate of semantic stabi-
lization within their shared tag vocabulary should – on average – exhi-
bit a more frequent use and a stronger internal representation of
subordinate tags than students of groups with a lower level and slower
rate of semantic stabilization.
As our first hypothesis, we therefore assume the following:
H1. Users of a collaborative tagging system will develop a more
common understanding of the concepts named by the tags when
they collaboratively tag for a longer as compared to a shorter
duration of time.
This means that semantic stabilization should be more pronounced
in groups that tag resources for a topic a longer as compared to a
shorter amount of time. We measured this convergence time by
comparing the number of different tags over time between groups
with a short vs. a long engagement with a topic.
As the second hypothesis we then assume
H2. Students in groups with a higher level and faster rate of
semantic stabilization within their shared tag vocabulary should –
on average – exhibit a more frequent use (hypothesis H2.1) and a
stronger internal representation (hypothesis H2.2) of subordinate
tags than students of groups with a lower level and slower rate of
semantic stabilization.
3. Method
To test these hypotheses, it was necessary to observe a group of
users that naturally use a collaborative tagging system for a sense-
making task over some period of time. We also needed to collect
additional data from those users, such as data about the represen-
tation of tags in their memory. Therefore, a university course set-
ting provided an adequate setting for conducting our study, as
we were able to randomly assign students to groups, give them
rather realistic tasks and still control their engagement to a certain
For this reason, we chose to conduct a field experiment in which
we asked students to collaboratively collect bookmarks related to
their course subject and describe them with tags within the shared
bookmarking system SOBOLEO. Additionally, by means of the
SOBOLEO taxonomy editor, the students had to specify super-
and sub-relations between their tags resulting in a collaborative
hierarchy of tags with different abstraction levels. That way, we
allowed students’ categorization behavior to emerge naturally. At
the same time, we introduced an experimental design controlling
for unwanted effects, such as the fact that students had to learn
to use SOBOLEO at the same time that they were learning about
a topic. How exactly the experimental design controlled for these
effects will be described in more detail in Section 3.3.
142 T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151
3.1. Participants
The study took place in the context of a university course on
cognitive models in technology enhanced learning at the
University of Graz that was conducted in the autumn term
2009/2010. Participants (N=25, 12 female) were psychology stu-
dents participating for course credit. Alternatively, they could
choose writing an essay for the same course credit, but each of
them preferred participating in the study. The average age was
23.3 years (SD = 1.2) ranging from 21 to 25 years.
3.2. Materials
3.2.1. SOBOLEO: A collaborative tool for bookmarking, tagging and
taxonomy creation
To collaboratively work on course-related topics the students
made use of the social bookmarking system SOBOLEO (http://ma-;Braun et al., 2007). Here, users annotate
bookmarks individually with tags, and then use the tags to build
a shared vocabulary and a taxonomic structure. Fig. 1 shows a
screenshot of the annotation widget. When discovering a website
with their web browser (2), a person can open an annotation wid-
get and type a number of tags to describe the website (1), and then
store the tagged bookmark on a server. All bookmarks and tags cre-
ated by a person are visible to all other users as well. As the user
types in a tag, the annotation widget suggests all tags that have
already been used by anyone within the group by displaying in a
list all tags that start with the sequence of letters the user has
started typing.
Fig. 2 shows the SOBOLEO taxonomy editor that displays the
shared tags. The taxonomy can be built collaboratively by all stu-
dents in the group. Each person can drag and drop tags (which
are initially sorted under ‘‘prototypical concepts’’) to the taxonomy
tree in the editor (3), and enter textual labels (4). These changes
are reflected in the system for all users and are therefore visible
to all in the same way. A chat (5) is available for discussing deci-
sions on moving a tag to one branch of the tree rather than another,
or about labeling. In the current study, the chat could not be used
for technical reasons. Instead, a discussion forum was provided
through the WebCT course environment. Here the groups were
invited to discuss the building of the shared taxonomy.
The use of the taxonomy editor in SOBOLEO allowed us to study
the specificity of tags by drawing the tag samples from different
levels down the branches of the taxonomies created by the stu-
dents (see Section 3.4 on tag samples below). The process of collab-
oratively creating a taxonomy is a specificity of the SOBOLEO
system not available in most current tagging systems. This func-
tionality should enhance the common understanding of the tags
among the users and improve the overall consistency of the tag
collection. While this is a variation of the usual practice of collab-
orative tagging, we still decided to use the taxonomy editor in our
study for the following reasons. First, this allowed us to derive a
measure of tag specificity independent of the use of the tags in
the tag assignments. Algorithms that derive the implicit relations
between tags (e.g. from their co-occurrence) are not independent
from tag frequency measures, and would therefore be problematic
for our purposes. Secondly, as the study duration was relatively
short (as compared to usual usage durations in collaborative tag-
ging systems) we were intending to enhance intentional collabora-
tion by this mechanism.
3.2.2. Free association test: Eliciting prior topic knowledge and
strength of internal tag representations
To elicit students’ prior knowledge about particular concepts of
the topics to be investigated in SOBOLEO (control variable) and
students’ internal representations of shared tags (dependent vari-
able), we applied a free association test utilizing (a sample of) tags
as open probes. The students were asked to write down all associ-
ations for each of the sampled tags coming to their mind for 60 s.
After excluding repetitions, we used the number of associations
as an indicator for the strength of representation of a tag in stu-
dents’ semantic memories (e.g., Srinivas & Roediger, 1990;
Weldon & Coyote, 2006). The free association test is a standard task
assessing association behavior (e.g., Benedek, Könen, & Neubauer,
2013). It elicits situational knowledge about concepts and provides
a realistic account of human knowledge about the concept (Morais,
Olsson, & Schooler, 2010)
We applied the free association test at the beginning, at half
time and at the end of the study. At the beginning, we used it to
elicit students’ prior knowledge about the topics and to examine
whether different experimental groups were equivalent with
respect to prior knowledge (see below). Since at that time no tags
Fig. 1. The annotation widget of SOBOLEO.
T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151 143
had been generated, we chose five concepts (‘‘social software’’,
‘‘wiki’’, ‘‘knowledge wiki’’, ‘‘weblog’’ and ‘‘project weblog’’) as open
probes that we deemed central for the two topics the students
were later asked to work on. At half time and at the end, we ran-
domly drew tags from different levels of the taxonomies the stu-
dents had generated up to the given point in time and used these
tags as open probes.
3.2.3. FIDEC III: Attitudes towards computer as a means for
As a further control variable we used the six items sub-scale
FIDEC III of the standardized inventory INCOBI (Nauman, Richter,
& Groeben, 1999) to elicit attitudes towards the computer as a
communication instrument (e.g., For me it’s important to exchange
views with friends per computer) using a 5-point-Likert scale from
agree to do not agree. This scale shows good internal consistency
(Cronbach’s alpha = .86).
3.2.4. Self-reported topic understanding and satisfaction with
At the end of the study, the students were given a
self-developed, five items questionnaire on their general under-
standing of the topic (Item1: The task helped me to gain a proper
understanding of the topic ‘Wikis in enterprises’/‘Weblogs in university
courses’), satisfaction with the SOBOLEO system (Item 3: I was well
supported by the software SOBOLEO in fulfilling my desired working
steps, and Item 2: The relations ‘broader’, ‘narrower’ and ‘related’ of
the taxonomy editor were sufficient to create a meaningful taxonomy),
the communication within the group (Item 4: I’m satisfied with the
communication within my group in the SOBOLEO environment)as
well as the shared taxonomy (Item 5: I’m satisfied with the collabo-
ratively created taxonomy in SOBOLEO), using a 5-point-Likert-scale
from agree to do not agree as well as an open-ended question
(Provide some reasoning for your answer). An item analysis revealed
a relatively high item difficulty indicating a general tendency of the
students to answer the corresponding statements in the negative
direction (p
= 0.3, p
= 0.18, p
= 0.5, p
= 0.10,
= 0.36). A test of normal distribution by means of the
z-standardized measures of skewness and kurtosis revealed that
– except for item 3 – the critical value of z
= 2.58 was not
exceeded (item 1: S=0.92, K=0.66; item 2: S= 0.11, K= 0.95;
item 3: S=3.61, K= 5.71; item 4: S= 2.11, K=0.20; item 5:
S=0.66, K=0.13). Taken together, we regarded items 1, 2, 4
and 5 as appropriate to differentiate between students’ opinions
on the task and software and to better understand results of our
statistical analyses.
3.3. Independent variables
3.3.1. Topic duration
Fig. 3 shows the procedure applied to vary topic duration to
observe its impact on semantic stabilization and tag specificity.
First, from the sample of N= 24 students, we formed four n= 6 stu-
dent groups, each working in a separate SOBOLEO instance, in the
following way. After conducting the free association test to elicit
students’ prior knowledge (see above), we ranked them according
to their average number of unique associations to the five open
probes. Then, the first four ranked participants were each ran-
domly assigned to one of the four groups. This procedure was
repeated for all remaining quadruples such that the final four
groups were equivalent according to the free association scores
= 0.61, n.s.). Additionally, we checked for equivalence with
respect to the FIDEC III scale (F
= 0.14, n.s.).
We assigned two groups (1 and 3) to the long duration (ld) and
the other two groups (2 and 4) to the short duration (sd) condition.
Under the ld condition, each of the two groups of students worked
collaboratively on one topic (either on ‘‘Wikis in enterprises’’ or on
‘‘Weblogs in universities’’) for the whole study duration
(10 weeks). Under the sd condition, they had to switch the topic
(either from topic 1 to 2 or from topic 2 to 1) at half time and, thus,
worked on each topic for only five weeks. To control for the devel-
opment of skills in using the tagging technology and for the forma-
tion of social roles, we restricted data analyses to the second half of
the study, i.e., to weeks 6–10. We pooled all data of the ld condition
Fig. 2. The SOBOLEO taxonomy editor.
144 T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151
(i.e., data generated by the groups 1 and 3) and the sd condition (i.e.,
groups 2 and 4). That way, we could observe the effect of topic
duration independent of topic and topic sequence.
As described above, we also conducted the free association test
at half time to test the assumption that up to this point in time no
group differences should exist due to similar experimental condi-
tions. We utilized a sample of randomly drawn tags as open probes
where participants were only given tags from their own SOBOLEO
instance. The means and standard deviations for the sd and ld con-
dition were M
= 3.61, SD
= 0.52 and M
= 3.57, SD
= 1.12,
respectively. Since the assumption of equal variances was not
met (according to the Levene test) we performed a Welch’s t-test.
In accordance with our expectation, there were no significant dif-
ferences in the average number of associations between the two
conditions, t
= .09, n.s. We are therefore confident that potential
differences in semantic stabilization and tag specificity that might
turn out in the course of the second study period (weeks 6–10) can
be attributed to the topic switch at half time, i.e., to the indepen-
dent variable of topic duration.
3.3.2. Tag specificity
We utilized the tag taxonomy of each SOBOLEO instance to vary
tag specificity, the second independent variable. It was not possible
to use a categorization norm to distinguish between superordinate,
basic and subordinate categories because the tags generated by the
students (e.g., videoblogs) were not available in such norms.
Therefore, we decided to differentiate tag specificity by considering
tags of the first SOBOLEO taxonomy level as general (e.g., weblogs,
e-learning by collaborating), tags of the second level as medium (e.g.
types of weblogs, psychology of weblogs) and tags of levels below the
second one as specific (e.g. videoblogs, microblogging). Table 1
shows the number of tags drawn from each level in the corre-
sponding SOBOLEO instance (group). Numbers in brackets repre-
sent the total number of available tags per level. From each of
the four taxonomies, we only drew three general tags since –
except for the group 2 taxonomy – only three were available.
Independent of the taxonomy, we randomly sampled eight med-
ium and eight specific tags.
To validate the assumption that the general, medium and speci-
fic tags vary in specificity, we firstly checked the number of book-
marks connected to these tags in SOBOLEO. In fact, general tags
were associated with a higher number of resources (M= 9.82,
SD = 2.99) than medium tags (M= 4.92, SD = 2.30) and specific tags
(M= 2.54, SD = 1.69) and hence, exhibited a lower information
value (Halpin, Robu, & Shepherd, 2007). As a second validation
check, we conducted a Google search using the tags as search
terms. Indeed, we found that the number of search results
decreases with increasing tag specificity (M
= 7,825,918;
= 12,295,281; M
= 2,729,520; SD
= 9,643,332;
= 788,157; SD
= 2,683,861) again suggesting that gen-
eral tags exhibit lower information values than medium and speci-
fic tags. We take these results as substantiating our use of the
SOBOLEO taxonomy as an operationalization of tag specificity.
3.4. Dependent variables
3.4.1. Semantic stabilization: Number of unique tags as a function of
time and topic duration
From week 6 to 10, we calculated the number of unique tags N
of the tag distribution at each time step tof a tag assignment, i.e.
where a student had either reused an existing tag or added a
new tag to her/his SOBOLEO instance. For the sake of comparabil-
ity, we restricted the analysis to the sequence of consecutive tag
assignments from time step t
to t
, since in each group at least
165 tag assignments had taken place in the second half of the
3.4.2. Tag use as a function of time and specificity
To measure tag use, we considered all tag assignments (using
new tags or reusing existing ones) in the second 5-week period
under the ld and sd condition and noted for each tag assignment,
whether the used tag was general, medium or specific. To obtain
usage frequencies as a function of time, specificity and topic dura-
tion, we then counted the number of used tags for the three speci-
ficity levels separately for each of the five weeks (weeks 6 to 10)
under the ld and sd condition. That way we obtained a three-way
3 (levels) 5 (weeks) 2 (topic durations) contingency table.
3.4.3. Strength of internal representations of tags
We applied the free association test utilizing tags as open
probes (see materials) and the number of unique associations as
an indicator for the strength of internal tag representations.
3.5. Design
The independent variables formed a mixed 2 3-design consti-
tuted by the factors topic duration (long duration vs. short duration,
between-subjects) and specificity of tags (general vs. medium vs.
specific, within-subjects). The main dependent variables were (i)
Fig. 3. Variation of topic duration.
Table 1
Variation of tag specificity: Tag samples drawn from the three levels from each of the
four SOBOLEO taxonomies.
SOBOLEO instance (group) P
Level General 3 (3) 3 (5) 3 (3) 3 (3) 12 (14)
Medium 8 (15) 8 (23) 8 (21) 8 (30) 32 (89)
Specific 8 (50) 8 (16) 8 (14) 8 (30) 32 (110)
Sum 19 (68) 19 (44) 19 (38) 19 (63) 76 (213)
Note. Numbers in brackets represent the total number of available tags on each
T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151 145
the parameters of equation 2 as a measure of semantic stabiliza-
tion (i.e., the asymptote Hand the rate of approaching the asymp-
tote b), (ii) the frequencies of tag use and (iii) the strength of
internal representations of tags.
To test hypothesis H1 (that the semantic stabilization of the tag
distribution is more pronounced under the ld than under the sd
condition), we merged the N
(t) distributions of the groups 1 and
3(ld condition) and of the groups 2 and 4 (sd condition) to get an
average distribution as a function of topic duration, N
. Then, we determined the approximately best fitting cumu-
lative exponential given by Eq. (1) (Section 2.1) for N
separately using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. This pro-
cedure resulted in estimates of the asymptote H(amount of agree-
ment in using tags given unlimited time) and the slope b(rate of
approaching the asymptote) for the ld and sd condition. Besides
contrasting Hand bof the two conditions, we tested the differences
between N
and N
performing a Mann–Whitney-U-Test.
We applied this non-parametric test since we expected dramatic
deviations from a normal distribution (see Eq. (1)). Given statistical
error probabilities
=b= .05 and the sample size N= 165 (time
steps; see 3.4.1), we could detect an effect size of f= 0.37.
To test hypothesis H2.1 (that groups exhibiting stronger seman-
tic stabilization apply tags from the medium and specific taxon-
omy levels more frequently than groups exhibiting weaker
stabilization), we further processed the three-way 3 (levels) 5
(weeks) 2 (topic durations) contingency table. In the following
we denote these three factors L,Wand T, respectively. First, to
examine the general assumption that Land Ware associated under
both topic duration conditions (i.e., that under both conditions,
tags become more specific in time), we performed a
tests on
the marginal LWtable. Given statistical error probabilities
=b= .05, df = 8, and the total sample size N= 548, we could
detect an effect size of w= 0.20. Second, we examined as to
whether the association (joint distribution) of Land Wchanges
as the level of Tchanges. We therefore tested the fit of a model
assuming independence of the joint distribution from T. In case
of a significant deviation of the joint independence model from
the empirical data (i.e., the saturated multinomial model), it can
be concluded that the association differs between the two groups.
The fit of the model was evaluated performing a log-linear model
with the joint independence assumption (LW/T).
With respect to the third dependent variable (strength of internal
tag representations), per participant we calculated a mean free asso-
ciation score for each of the three taxonomy levels. For instance, if a
participant produced 4, 6 and 4 unique associations to the three tags
drawn from the first, i.e., general level of the corresponding
SOBOLEO taxonomy (see Table 1), the participant’s mean free asso-
ciation score for the general level would be 4.67. To test hypothesis
H2.2 (that groups exhibiting stronger semantic stabilization pro-
duce more associations to medium and specific tags than groups
exhibiting weaker stabilization) we performed a 2 (topic dura-
tion) 3 (tag specificity) ANOVA for repeated measures on the free
association scores. Given statistical error probabilities
=b= .05
and N= 24, we could detect an effect size of f= 0.34.
3.6. Procedure
In the first course unit, an introduction to SOBOLEO was pro-
vided and students completed the free association test (see
Section 3.2.2) and filled in the INCOBI subscale FIDEC III (see
Section 3.2.3). These scores were used to ensure that the four
n= 6 student groups were equivalent with regard to their attitudes
towards the computer as a communication means and prior
knowledge (see Section 3.3.1).
After the first course unit, each group was provided with their
own SOBOLEO instantiation only accessible by personal usernames
and passwords. E-mails were sent out to inform the participants of
the topic they had to work on with access details for their
SOBOLEO environment. Two groups were asked to research the
topic ‘‘Wikis in enterprises’’, the other two groups ‘‘Weblogs in uni-
versity courses’’. They were asked to prepare these topics as if they
were collaboratively working on a report of presentation. The par-
ticipants did not know who their fellow group members were and
they worked on these assignments from home without meeting
their fellow group members in person. Both topics were chosen
because they were related to the course subject and because we
expected the participants to have only little prior knowledge about
During the whole duration of the study (ten weeks) each stu-
dent was expected to post two relevant bookmarks per week to
the SOBOLEO environment and describe them with meaningful
tags. The students were also required to collaboratively organize
their tag collection with the help of the SOBOLEO taxonomy editor.
To facilitate the emergence of consensus, the students were also
encouraged to utilize the SOBOLEO chat and an external discussion
After five weeks (at halftime), the SOBOLEO environments of
two of the four groups were cleared. They had to start from scratch
and to work on the other topic for another five weeks, making
them the groups of the short duration (sd) condition. The other
two groups continued with their prior topic in the long duration
(ld) condition. The second five week period was thus the crucial
experimental period in which all measures were taken. As reported
in Section 3.3.1, students under the sd and ld conditions were still
equivalent with regards to their knowledge of the topics at the
beginning of this period.
At the end of the study after the second five week period, the
free association test was administered. Also participants were pre-
sented the 5-items questionnaire on their general understanding of
the topic and their satisfaction with the collaboration within the
4. Results
4.1. The influence of topic duration on semantic stabilization
(Hypothesis H1)
Regarding hypothesis H1, Fig. 4 shows the N
(t) distributions
(number of unique tags as a function of consecutive tag assign-
ments) for the sd condition (unfilled circles) and the ld condition
(filled circles) as well as the respective, approximately best fitting
exponential function given by Eq. (1). The amount of variance
explained by Eq. (1) is R
= 0.97 (for the sd condition) and
= 0.95 (for the ld condition). A glance at the figure reveals that
topic duration (independent variable) had a strong impact on
semantic stabilization since descriptively, the asymptote Hand
rate of approaching the asymptote bdiffer between the two condi-
tions. However, in contrast to our expectation, semantic stabiliza-
tion (in terms of a small estimate of Hand a relatively larger
estimate of b) appears to be more pronounced under the sd than
under the ld condition (H
= 61.81, b
= 0.009; H
= 98.86,
= 0.006). In particular, from the 60th tag assignment, the num-
ber of unique tags is lower under the sd than under the ld condition.
In accordance with this descriptive data analysis, the Mann–
Whitney-U-test yielded a highly significant difference between
the two N
(t) distributions (W= 10293.5, p< 0.001).
This result suggests that there were different levels of semantic
stabilization under the two conditions (short and long duration).
However, despite the fact that groups in the ld condition had
already worked on the same topic in the previous five weeks, they
exhibited a slower rate of stabilization and were less in agreement
on the use of tags in the second 5-week period than the sd groups.
146 T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151
To explain this unexpected result, we looked at results of the
post hoc questionnaire that had been administered to the students
at the end of the semester. First, all groups indicated they had been
dissatisfied with the communication mechanisms (the SOBOLEO
Chat and discussion forum). Albeit having worked on their topic
for a longer time, students in the ld condition gave significantly
lower ratings when asked for the understanding of the topic
(M= 1.67 on a 5-point Likert scale, SD = 1.23) than students in
the sd condition (M= 2.69, SD = 0.75; F
= 6.44, p< .05).
Additionally, ld groups (M= 1.92, SD = 1.00) perceived a lower qual-
ity of their taxonomy than sd groups (M= 2.92, SD = 0.86;
= 7.33, p< .05). Free text answers indicated that especially stu-
dents in ld groups found it more difficult to collaboratively work on
the shared taxonomy in SOBOLEO and they felt that their collabo-
ration had resulted in a chaotic collection of bookmarks and tags
where it was rather difficult to keep an overview. Moreover, the
discussion forum that had been provided for discussing the shared
taxonomy was only used occasionally.
In conclusion, while our experimental manipulation (duration
of engagement with a topic) was obviously effective in producing
differences in semantic stabilization in the two conditions as mea-
sured by convergence time, it was actually the students working
under the sd condition that converged more quickly and more suc-
cessfully than those in the ld condition. We suspect that the reason
for this was that because all students were very inexperienced in
collaborative tagging, the first five weeks served as a kind of trial
period in which students had to learn about how to tag resources
effectively and how to build up an effective taxonomy. And while
after those five weeks the sd groups were able to start anew
because their environments (and the built taxonomy) were cleared
at half-time, the ld groups had to continue using the taxonomy they
found unhelpful. This obviously helped the students in the sd
groups to build a more effective and shared tag taxonomy in the
second half of the study and converge to a common tag vocabulary
more quickly. The negative effect for ld groups was exacerbated by
missing effective direct communication mechanisms in the
SOBOLEO system. Further results that we do not report here in
more detail also support this interpretation, e.g. that the number
of tags that were shared within a group (i.e. used by more than just
one person) were much higher in the sd groups than in the ld
Because we were successful in manipulating the process of
semantic stabilization, i.e., Hand b, we continue our statistical
analyses testing H2.1 and H2.2 in the following sections. We
assume that the faster rate of semantic stabilization (under the
sd condition) led to a higher usage frequency and a stronger inter-
nal representation of medium and specific tags.
4.2. The impact of semantic stabilization on the specificity of tag
assignments (Hypothesis H2.1)
According to hypothesis H2.1, we expected students of the sd
condition, who had turned out to create a more stable tag vocabu-
lary, to exhibit a stronger basic-level shift and thus, to apply med-
ium and specific tags more frequently than students of the ld
condition. The frequency analyses reported next are based on the
three way 3 (levels) 5 (weeks) 2 (topic durations) contingency
table (see Table 3 in the Appendix A). In a first step, we tested the
general assumption of a basic-level shift (e.g., Tanaka & Taylor,
1991) independent of experimental condition, i.e., a constant use
of general tags accompanied by an increasing dominance of med-
ium and specific tags to categorize and label bookmarks in
To this end, we gathered the marginal frequency table of tag
specificity (general, medium, specific) and time (weeks 6–10) sum-
ming over topic duration (sd and ld condition). The relative row fre-
quencies are presented in Table 2. While general tags have been
applied at a fairly stable rate of around 0.20 across the five weeks,
there appears to be an upward trend in the use of medium and
specific tags (except for week 8). A 3 5
- test on this marginal
table yielded a significant deviation from data that would be
expected under the null hypothesis of no association between
week and specificity (
(8) = 18.15, p< .05). Hence, we conclude
that students applied general tags constantly and tended to
increasingly apply medium and specific tags across the five weeks.
In a next step, we examined the whole three way contingency
table to test H2.1, i.e., as to whether the basic-level shift revealed
by Table 2 varied between the two conditions of differing semantic
stabilization. Fig. 5 contrasts the group-specific tag use frequencies
for each of the five weeks and the three specificity levels. To better
depict the temporal dynamics in using tags on the three levels, the
figure shows cumulative frequencies.
The pattern shown in Fig. 5 clearly speaks in favor of our
assumption that groups developing a more stable tag vocabulary
for sharing bookmarks (i.e., groups under the sd condition) exhib-
ited a stronger basic-level shift. While under both conditions,
medium and specific tags soon started dominating general tags
for the categorization of bookmarks, the continuously increasing
importance of medium and specific tags was much more pro-
nounced under the sd condition. The log-linear model for the null
hypothesis that the time-specificity association does not differ
between the two conditions provided a poor representation of
the observed data (Pearson’s
(14) = 40.46, p< .001).
Therefore, our results do not allow for rejecting H2.1 and sup-
port the assumption that conditions conducive for semantic sta-
bilization (in the sd condition in our case) amplify the basic-level
shift for all group members.
0 10203040506070
Consecutive tag assignments
Number of unique tags
long duration
short duration
Fig. 4. Semantic stabilization as measured by number of unique tags in the ld and sd
condition in the second half of the study.
Table 2
Frequency of tag use on three levels of specificity in the second half of the study
period (weeks 6–10).
Specificity Week Total
General 0.20 0.16 0.19 0.23 0.22 1
Medium 0.14 0.19 0.15 0.22 0.30 1
Specific 0.09 0.23 0.14 0.32 0.22 1
T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151 147
4.3. The impact of semantic stabilization on memory representations
of tags (Hypothesis H2.2)
H2.2 postulates that the basic-level shift, which we assume to
depend on the semantic stabilization, does not only become man-
ifest in a particular pattern of tag use but also in relatively strong
memory representations (number of unique associations) for med-
ium and specific tags. In particular, H2.2 assumes an interaction
between topic duration and tag specificity with respect to memory
strength: While students under the sd and ld condition should on
average generate an equal number of free associations to general
tags, sd students should generate more associations to medium
and specific tags than ld students.
Fig. 6 shows the mean free association scores (and standard
deviations) for the two groups on the three tag specificity levels.
By depicting an interaction between specificity and topic duration
it reveals a pattern in line with our expectation: The large overlap
of error bars on the general level of specificity indicates only small
differences in the mean association scores between the two condi-
tions (M
= 4.64, SD
= 0.36; M
= 4.50, SD
= 0.39). The
non-overlapping error bars for the lower two levels of specificity,
on the other hand, suggest that students under the sd condition
generated more associations to medium and specific tags (med-
ium: M= 3.35, SD = 0.26; specific: M= 3.56, SD = 0.32) than stu-
dents under the ld condition (medium: M= 2.67, SD = 0.28;
specific: M= 2.40, SD = 0.34). The 2 3 ANOVA with repeated mea-
sures supported this descriptive analysis yielding a main effect for
specificity (F
= 38.01, p< .001) and a significant interaction
between specificity and topic duration (F
= 5.06, p< .05). A main
effect for topic duration could not be identified (F
= 3.46, n.s.).
5. Discussion
The results we have reported have a number of implications for
research in web science, in cognitive science and for education.
Here we discuss three of them. Firstly, the results uncover the
exact mechanisms of semantic stabilization that have so far been
studied in web science research by statistical modeling of
large-scale web environments without direct access to the users’
cognitive mechanisms. Secondly, the result point to the large influ-
ence that social mechanisms on the group level (here semantic sta-
bilization mediated by shared artefacts) has on individual
categorization which can be potentially overlooked if cognitive
science research is conducted in the lab, rather than in real-life set-
tings. And thirdly, we discuss several educational implications of
collaborative tagging that our study suggests. We now discuss each
of these in turn.
5.1. Implications for web science research: Semantic stabilization and
individual learning contribute to improved information value of social
Our study is in the tradition of research attempting to uncover
the dynamics in collaborative tagging systems. Here we have
focused on semiotic dynamics in the form of semantic stabilization,
i.e. an emerging consensus on particular terms over time that can
be observed despite the missing central control. Semantic stabi-
lization has been previously studied in large scale tagging systems
by modeling the emergent consensus by means of statistical mod-
els (Cattuto, Loreto, & Pietronero, 2007; Dellschaft & Staab, 2008;
Halpin et al., 2007; Wagner et al., 2014). In this paper, we comple-
ment this research by studying some of the micro-level mecha-
nisms (e.g. cognitive level phenomena of categorization). At the
same time, experimental studies using collaborative tagging envi-
ronments, such as the one conducted by Held et al. (2012), have
Cumulative relative frequency
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Cumulative relative frequency
Fig. 5. Specificity of tag assignments over time under the ld condition (left panel) and sd condition (right panel).
Number of associations
General Medium Specific
long duration
short duration
Fig. 6. Number of unique associations in the sd and ld condition to general, medium
and specific tags in the free association test.
148 T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151
studied individual level behaviors (navigation and incidental learn-
ing) and how these are influenced by collective knowledge (pre-
sumably the tag clouds captured in those environments). Because
these studies limit the social interaction between users of the sys-
tem, it is not possible to study the emerging consensus in a com-
munity of users that would lead to semantic stabilization.
By conducting a field experiment that has allowed us to track
categorization over time, not only by looking at the use of tags,
but also examining the representation of those categories in mem-
ory, our study fills the gap between these two perspectives. This
allows us to explain how semantic stabilization and individual
learning processes play together to produce emergent characteris-
tics of collaborative tagging systems. Specifically, we assume that a
driving force behind the processes of semantic stabilization and
the basic-level shift is that our students were trying to optimize
the information value of the tags they used both for browsing
and for indexing resources. Halpin et al. (2007) define the informa-
tion value of a tag by the number of resources it returns, where the
smaller the number, the higher the information value. The level of
abstraction of a category is related to the information value as a tag
that corresponds to a general category would return a high number
of resources, while more specific tags would return lower number
of resources, making their information value higher. We show
empirically that tags from different levels of the SOBOLEO hierar-
chy correspond to different levels of information value. More speci-
fic tags returned fewer resources collected by the students in the
study, and they also returned fewer resources when employed as
search terms in a search engine (see Section 3.3.2).
In a sensemaking task employing social tags, a successful sys-
tem should tend towards tags with a higher information value. In
our study, we show that an important prerequisite for reaching a
higher information value of more specific categories and their cor-
responding tags is that semantic stabilization takes place. Semantic
stabilization facilitates a quicker shift to more specific levels of
abstraction and therefore to a higher information value. In the sd
groups, negotiations on the group level have led to a more optimal
information value than in the ld groups and this was also related to
higher levels of individual learning (as self-assessed by the stu-
dents and confirmed with higher numbers of unique associations
in the association test) and to higher degrees of satisfaction with
the constructed taxonomy.
We intend to employ some of the insights we gained from this
study to develop recommendation mechanisms that support more
effective collective learning in the context of collaborative tagging.
For example, Seitlinger, Kowald, Trattner, and Ley (2013) suggest a
tag recommender that is based on models of human categorization
which proved to predict application of existing tags consistently
and more effectively than other approaches. The next goal would
now be to apply insights from the present study to improve
semantic stabilization with recommender mechanisms, e.g. includ-
ing a mechanism that is more sensitive to base level categories and
their shift over time.
5.2. Implications for cognitive science research: Individual
categorization is mediated by collective phenomena and shared
From a cognitive science perspective, our study shows that for-
mation and variation of individual categorization in sensemaking
is mediated by collective phenomena on a group level. In contrast
to traditional categorization research which is predominantly con-
ducted in laboratory settings, the present study therefore adds an
innovative aspect as we show that individual expertise is to some
extent dependent on the semiotic dynamics on a group level. By
varying the amount of opportunity in which groups can negotiate
a common meaning around the use of artefacts (‘‘Convergence
Time’’, Steels, 2006), we have realized a situation in which natural
emergence of categories can be observed in the wild, rather than in
a laboratory induced way (Glushko, Maglio, Matlock, & Barsalou,
2008). In our study, semantic stabilization as a phenomenon on
the group level mediated categorization on an individual level.
Students in the short duration group were faster to establish a
shared vocabulary, and this contributed to the formation of more
refined categories on more specific levels of abstraction
(basic-level shift) indicating that they established higher levels of
expertise more quickly than the students in the long duration
The study also speaks for the important role of shared artefacts
in collaborative human activity. Distributed cognition theory (e.g.
Hollan, Hutchins, & Kirsh, 2000) assumes, external representations
and internal representations are coordinated and mutually influ-
ence each other (Hutchins & Hazlehurst, 1995). Our results show
that both internal representation of tags (the memory measures)
as well as the external representation (the tags students used)
were in agreement to show that sd groups shifted to more specific
levels of abstraction, both in the tags they applied as well as in the
internal cognitive categories they used.
The important role of artifacts in human activity and sensemak-
ing is also proposed by a postphenomenological perspective on
technology (Verbeek, 2005). Our study provides evidence for the
active role of artifacts (e.g., tags and tag taxonomies) in shaping
‘‘the relation between humans and their world by mediating
praxis’’ (Verbeek, 2005, p. 90), e.g., collecting and categorizing
bookmarks. According to this view, networks of meaning crystal-
lize around a concrete thing in a cognitive ecology as a result of
dynamic feedback processes. Stronger internal associations are
reflected in the shared artefact which in turn strengthens the inter-
nal representation. We demonstrate here that these processes can
be observed in the natural context of a university course and our
results emphasize that an important mechanism leading to the
establishment of networks of meanings in artefact-mediated col-
laboration is semiotic dynamics that leads to a semantic stabiliza-
tion over time.
The fact that short duration groups were quicker to find consen-
sus is a counterintuitive result. Obviously, the tag collection and
the shared taxonomy that the students built seemed to play a more
important role for learning than the amount of time students were
engaged in the topic. The collaboratively built taxonomies had a
significant and differential influence on the development of cate-
gories of the sd and ld groups: Despite the fact that ld groups
engaged twice as long with the topic than sd groups, it was the
sd groups that showed higher degrees of subjective learning and
were more confident with the results (the taxonomy that was gen-
erated) than ld groups. Additional results we have not reported
here point to the fact that the reuse rate of tags (reapplying exist-
ing tags from one’s own or others’ vocabulary) was much higher in
sd groups than ld groups. This gives further evidence that the exter-
nal representation was more useful for sd groups as compared to ld
groups and provided a better means for learning.
Our study also shows the importance of moving cognitive
science research out of the laboratory into the ‘‘real world’’ because
it points us to phenomena that may be overlooked in the lab
(Glushko et al., 2008; Hintzman, 2011). For example, communica-
tion plays an important role in developing categories (Gelman,
Coley, Rosengren, Hartman, & Pappas, 1998) and communication
is often mediated through the use of artifacts (Hutchins &
Hazlehurst, 1995; Stahl, 2002). Although the important role that
external artefacts play for cognitive processing has often been
stressed in cognitive science (e.g. Zhang, 1994), it is generally over-
looked in categorization research when it is purely lab based. Our
study shows the tremendous opportunity that exists for the study
of human cognitive processing when it employs social web tools.
T. Ley, P. Seitlinger / Computers in Human Behavior 51 (2015) 140–151 149
After all, our results were partly unexpected because of the partic-
ular dynamics of the collaborative situation.
5.3. Implications for education: Collaborative knowledge building and
the coordination of internal and external representations
The effectiveness of the shared tag collection together with the
taxonomy obviously had a stronger effect on learning than the
duration students engaged with the particular topic. Quite clearly,
the quality of the learning interaction was more important than
the quantity. Recently, Cress et al. (2013) have suggested that indi-
vidual knowledge and collective knowledge (represented by the
tags used) are co-evolving in a collaborative learning task when
shared artefacts are used. The co-evolution model attributes the
emergence of knowledge structures in the Web to a continuous
interaction between internal (mental) processes and socially con-
structed external artifacts, such as tags and collaboratively con-
structed taxonomies as in our case. With our study, we
contribute to this perspective by studying the social processes that
are assumed to underlie the formation of collective knowledge. In
our study, we allowed the emergence of collective knowledge
(semantic stabilization) to happen as part of the study design
and tracked it over time.
We also showed that a stable interpretation needs to develop in
a community of learners as a result of students using shared arte-
facts before individuals can benefit from the collective knowledge.
A surprising result was also that the shared artefact in our study
was actually hindering learning in the ld groups. Obviously it is
sometimes better to get rid of a shared representation altogether
if it proves unhelpful for learning (as we did in the sd groups).
From the perspective of the co-evolution model, it could be argued
that accommodation of knowledge was not possible in the ld
groups as the collective knowledge was not able to support this
kind of operation.
From an educational point of view, recent research has shown
that collaborative tagging can support students in learning cate-
gories in an exploratory learning task in the classroom and beyond
(Kuhn, Cahill, Quintana, & Schmoll, 2011; Kuhn et al., 2012). Our
study shows quite clearly that effective communication mecha-
nisms need to be in place to enable collaborative learning. In the
version of SOBOLEO we had used in the study, students’ chat mes-
sages were not persistent which drastically reduced usefulness of
the chat for discussing about the use of tags. As this had been antic-
ipated, we had set up an additional discussion forum for students
to use. However, this forum was not used very much because it
was outside the SOBOLEO environment. In current versions of
the SOBOLEO tool, these shortcomings have been corrected. In sim-
ilar studies of tagging systems in educational settings (Kuhn et al.,
2012; Yew et al., 2006), authors usually combine tagging activities
with face to face interaction which greatly enhances the benefit for
learning purposes.
6. Limitations and future work
Semantic stabilization is a group process that we assume is
dependent on a number of factors. Here we only studied two of
them, namely the time of engagement with a topic and the effec-
tiveness of the shared representation. We found that the latter
was a much stronger factor in producing convergence than mere
collaborative study time. Future studies need verify this result
and also disentangle other factors that influence semantic stabi-
lization, such as the trustworthiness of the other persons, the qual-
ity of interaction, as well as the design of the tagging environment
(such as the type of tag recommendations or how shared tags are
displayed in the environment).
Author disclosure statement
No competing financial interests exist.
This work has been partially funded by the European
Community in the 7th Framework Programme, grant MATURE
(, Contract no. 216356) and grant Learning
Layers (, Contract No. 318209), and by
the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), grant MERITS (http://merits-, Contract No.: P 25593-G22).
Appendix A
See Table 3.
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