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Grounding the Human Body during Yoga Exercise with a Grounded Yoga Mat Reduces Blood Viscosity



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Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2015, 5, 159-168
Published Online April 2015 in SciRes.
How to cite this paper: Brown, R. and Chevalier, G. (2015) Grounding the Human Body during Yoga Exercise with a
Grounded Yoga Mat Reduces Blood Viscosity. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 5, 159-168.
Grounding the Human Body during Yoga
Exercise with a Grounded Yoga Mat Reduces
Blood Viscosity
Richard Brown1, Gaétan Chevalier2*
1Human Physiology Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
2Developmental and Cell Biology Department, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, USA
Email:, *
Received 20 March 2015; accepted 5 April 2015; published 9 April 2015
Copyright © 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).
Objective: Research continues to show that being connected to the earth can increase the potential
of the body to scavenge free radicals. This study examined the effect of just one hour of grounding
on blood viscosity while subjects participated in gentle yoga exercises designed to initiate minor
inflammation. Design: In this double blind model, twenty-eight (28) subjects met at the Bower-
man Sports Medicine Clinic on the campus of the University of Oregon and were grounded to the
earth via contact with a grounded yoga mat or were sham-grounded. Ten yoga exercises were re-
peated five times over a one-hour period. Blood was taken pre and post exercise and analyzed for
blood viscosity using a scanning capillary viscometer. Results: Subjects connected to the earth sig-
nificantly reduced their post exercise systolic blood viscosity (p = 0.03) and diastolic blood viscos-
ity (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Grounding has the ability to affect exercise induced inflammation, the-
reby reducing blood viscosity.
Earthing, Grounding, Yoga, Yoga Mats, Blood Viscosity
1. Introduction
1.1. Earthing
Earthing, also called grounding, consists in putting the human body in direct contact with the surface of the
Corresponding author.
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
Earth. Examples: walking barefoot outdoors and bathing in lakes and oceans, or working, relaxing or sleeping
indoors in direct skin contact with conductive materials. Such materials include bed sheets, pillows, body bands,
mats and patches that are connected to the ground through a wire attached to a rod planted in the soil outside or
using the grounding system (that is, the ground port of a grounded wall outlet) of a house or building. In indus-
trial societies, most people today rarely come in contact with the surface of the Earth because they wear shoes
with synthetic soles made from insulating materials (rubber and plastics). Also, they walk on carpets made of
insulating materials and/or on wooden floors (wood is also an insulating material) and they sleep on mattresses
that insulate them from the ground.
The Earth possesses an almost infinite reservoir of free electrons that is continuously replenished by a natural
phenomenon called “the global atmospheric electrical circuit”. [1] [2]. The Earthing hypothesis states the fol-
lowing: when contact is made with the ground by direct skin contact outdoors or through a grounded system in-
doors, the body’s electric potential becomes the same as the Earth’s electric potential, giving the body a conti-
nual access to the ground’s negative surface charge mainly composed of electrons. It is well known that contact
with the ground prevents buildup of static electric charge on the body [3], but what is less well known is that this
contact enables the body to obtain as many electrons as needed for optimal functioning of physiological pro-
cesses and to make a reserve of these antioxidant electrons for future use [4] [5].
According to current research, Earthing produces an array of positive changes within the body which include
improved sleep, normalizing of cortisol levels, better glucose regulation, improved thyroid function, reduction in
pain, decreased stress, increased blood fluidity, improved immune response, lessening of indicators of osteopo-
rosis, and diminished damage to muscles caused by delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) [6]-[10].
Earthing has been found to decrease the duration of DOMS, one of only a very few strategies able to do so [7]
[8] [11]. This Earthing effect significantly accelerates recovery time, a critically important benefit and advantage
for all athletes with limited recovery time available. Examples are cyclists at the Tour de France who compete
daily and football players who play weekly.
Along with muscle injury, exercise is known to produce inflammation in the body. Low levels of exercising
may not produce much muscle damage, but still can increase inflammation in the body [12].
The present study was designed to see if the Earthing benefits would extend to people practicing a mild form
of Hatha Yoga. It was hypothesized that a mild routine may not produce much muscle damage, but could pro-
duce an inflammatory response affecting blood viscosity. Inflammation produces an excess of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). These very reactive molecules are electronegative (attract-
ing electrons) molecules. It is expected that the negative charge on the surface of red blood cells would be lo-
wered during and after exercise, resulting in more viscous blood than normal [13] [14]. It is also hypothesized
that being grounded during the Hatha Yoga routine would prevent this increase in inflammation and perhaps re-
duce the level of inflammation in the body.
1.2. Blood Viscosity
It has recently become appropriate to think of blood viscosity as a possible early warning sign of several chronic
diseases, including cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s [15]-[18].
Approximately 7.5 percent of body weight is blood (American Society of Hematology, accessed 2/26/2015). Red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells
(WBC) and platelets make up most of the solid parts and represent about 45% of the blood volume. Plasma, the
other 55%, is a somewhat opaque, salty solution containing sugars, lipids, salt, vitamins, minerals, hormones,
enzymes, antibodies, and proteins. Blood, via the pumping of the heart, delivers nourishment to, and removes
waste from, all the body’s cells.
Blood viscosity influences the ability of blood to flow through the arteries, veins and capillaries of the circu-
latory system. It is a measure of both thickness and stickiness of blood. Thickness and stickiness change as sys-
tolic and diastolic blood pressure change with each cardiac cycle [19]. Blood viscosity, a major determinant of
blood vessel health, has been overlooked in the past due to difficulties in measuring viscosity at both systolic
and diastolic blood pressure levels [19]-[22].
Factors affecting thickness and stickiness of blood are hematocrit, RBC/platelet aggregation, dehydration,
low-density lipoprotein and fibrinogen [23]. Another factor is the ability of RBCs to deform and bend to more
easily pass through capillaries [24]. The speed of the flow, partly a function of vessel diameter, also causes vis-
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
cosity to change. The faster the blood flow, as in larger diameter vessels, the lower the viscosity. The slower the
blood flow, as in smaller diameter vessels, the higher the viscosity [25].
Perhaps the most prevalent reason for increased blood viscosity in smaller vessels is red blood cell aggrega-
tion, due in part to inflammation and free radical activity causing reduction of negative surface electric charges
(electrons) and electric potential. When the electric potential is reduced the cells have little or no negative
charge and tend to clump [26].
Along with vessel diameter, blood viscosity affects the resistance to blood flow. If viscosity increases, total
peripheral resistance increases and cardiac output, via increased systolic blood pressure, must increase. There-
fore, viscosity is an important determinant of the work of the heart and of blood distribution [27].
The higher the viscosity of the blood is, the more its abrasiveness increases. In the large vessels, where blood
velocity is fast, higher viscosity creates friction against vessel walls and may cause abrasions [27] [28], leading
to inflammation and, ultimately, the development of plaque. Plaque reduces the diameter of the vessel contri-
buting to further reduction of the vessel diameter and to clots that produce strokes [29] [30].
Plaque development occurs usually at locations of blood flow turbulence and eddies near the heart, neck and
upper legs where vessels branch and blood viscosity is greater. At these points, hyperviscosity triggers endo-
thelial dysfunction resulting in the hardening and thickening of arterial walls [30].
In the capillaries, where blood speed is slow and the diameter of vessels small, blood viscosity also causes
problems. Red blood cells tend to lose some of the electric charge that keeps them separate and they tend to
coagulate [26]. The older red blood cells also lose their ability to deform which creates a problem because
without being able to bend through the capillaries, they cannot get to the cells. This decreases oxygen and nu-
trient delivery to the cells and eventually causes capillary damage [24].
1.2.1. Blood Viscosity and Chronic Disease
Higher blood viscosity is closely associated with many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, di-
abetes, metabolic syndrome/obesity, and high blood pressure [15] [17] [18] [31]. It is also linked to cognitive
decline, vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s [32].
One study indicated that people with the highest blood viscosity had significantly higher cardiovascular
events than people who had lower blood viscosity [33]. Another study found that the people with the highest
blood viscosity had more than a four times risk increase of cardiovascular disease than people in the lowest
group [34]. In a study of obese subjects it was determined that individuals with a body mass index over 28 had
blood viscosities averaging 15% higher than those individuals with a lower body mass index [35].
1.2.2. Physics of Blood Viscosity
Blood viscosity depends on the ratio of shear stress to shear rate. Shear stress is the energy transferred to the
vessel wall due to interaction with a fluid in motion. Shear rate is the variation of flow speed with radial distance
from the center of the vessel [23] [36].
Viscosity Shear Stress Shear Rate=
Essentially, as shear rate decreases in the capillaries the ratio, and so the viscosity, increases significantly. As
sheer rate increases, as in the larger vessels, blood viscosity decreases.
Water is a Newtonian fluid. The thickness and stickiness of water doesn’t change. Blood is a non-Newtonian
fluid in which blood thickness and stickiness change as the ratio changes. Until recently, most studies have pre-
sumed blood viscosity behaves as a Newtonian fluid. Very few studies have measured blood viscosity as a Non-
Newtonian fluid where adjacent layers move parallel to each other with different speeds [19].
Blood viscosity fluctuates with every heartbeat, just like blood pressure fluctuates with every heartbeat. And
like blood pressure, accurate viscosity measurement requires two numbers [37]. You don’t just measure systolic
blood pressure because both systolic and diastolic pressures have meaning. The viscosity of the blood also de-
pends on two numbers. One number, at systole, is when the viscosity is lower because it is thinner and the speed
is faster. The other number is at diastole, when the viscosity is higher because it is thicker (more force required)
and slower (less speed). Ideally whole blood viscosity should be measured at a physiologically comprehensive
range of different shear rates. For the purpose of analysis, the results at two representative endpoints of shear
rate, 5 s1 and 300 s1 have been studied and reported. The low-shear rate measurement of blood viscosity simu-
lates bloodstream interaction during diastole, and the high-shear rate measurement simulates conditions at sys-
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
tole. We use the term systolic blood viscosity to refer to high-shear viscosity and diastolic blood viscosity to re-
fer to low-shear viscosity [37].
The systolic portion of blood viscosity is affected by hematocrit, plasma viscosity and hydration. It has a vis-
cosity of around 30 millipoises (mP**). The diastolic portion of blood viscosity is affected by immunoglobulins,
red blood cell aggregation, platelet aggregation and fibrinogen. It has a viscosity of around 130 millipoises, and
is much thicker and stickier. By comparison, water has a viscosity of about 10 millipoises [38]. When testing for
viscosity it is important to test at both the systolic pressure and diastolic pressure [37].
1.2.3. Blood Viscosity and Testing Equipment
In the past, manual and rotational viscometers testing for blood viscosity limited observations to a single point
measurement at systolic pressure (i.e., at high shear rates) when the blood is thinner and less sticky. They meas-
ured either serum or plasma viscosity and did not account for elements like red blood cell aggregation factors,
red blood cell deformability or hematocrit [38].
Manual and rotational viscometers had several other disadvantages. The process was time consuming, techni-
cally demanding and depended upon the ability of the person doing the data interpretation. Standardization was
almost impossible [37] [39].
This study used a state-of-the-art piece of equipment that eliminated all of the above problems. It is the He-
mathix Blood Analyzer SCV-200, (Health Onvector Inc., Camden, NJ), an automated scanning capillary tube
viscometer, invented by Dr. Young Cho, a fluid dynamics expert and professor of mechanical engineering at
Drexel University. This instrument measures viscosity over a comprehensive range of shear rates representative
of the cardiac cycle in a single continuous measurement.
Blood is collected by a venous puncture in a 3 milliliter lavender EDTA tube and is stable for 8 hours. If re-
frigerated, it is stable for 4 days. It cannot be frozen. Analyzing the data takes 4 minutes and results available the
next day [40].
The Hemathix makes blood viscosity testing more practicable and affordable than in the past and enables
standardization of viscosity screening. Eventually it has the potential to determine the viscosity profiles in the
general population allowing early predictions of cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases.
1.2.4. Blood Viscosity Therapies
Primary care physicians currently employ various strategies to lower blood viscosity, including diet and exercise,
along with Omega 3 fish oils, are often suggested [41], as well as blood donation and therapeutic phlebotomy.
Lipitor, Plavix, Coumadin and Fenofibrate reduce the blood viscosity by about the same amount as diet and ex-
ercise. However, these drugs have side effects that are at best unpleasant and at worst dangerous [37] [42]. Early
studies suggest that Earthing (grounding) reduces blood viscosity [4] [5].
1.2.5. Exercise and Blood Viscosity
Earlier work has demonstrated the short and long-term effects of exercise on blood viscosity [43]-[45]. The
short-term effect is an increase in blood viscosity [46], a function of duration and intensity of exercise, viability
of the capillaries, red blood cell deformation characteristics, hematocrit and state of hydration. The long-term
effect is a decrease in blood viscosity [46]. The goal of this study was to see if being grounded during a mild,
short exercise of yoga would change blood viscosity, and in what direction.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Subjects
Twenty-eight (28) healthy, non-pregnant women between the ages of 35 and 65, with a BMI between 25.1 and
31.4 and who completed a medical history form to ensure eligibility, participated in the study (Table 1). The
Western Institutional Review Board (WIRB; provided supervision for the study. All subjects
had to sign an informed consent agreement approved by WIRB. They were recruited in cooperation with yoga
instructors of beginning yoga classes and had either just begun yoga instruction or wanted to begin. They were
not experienced in yoga.
**Poise—A unit of dynamic viscosity. 10 mP = 0.01 gram/centimeter-second. In other words, 1 P = 1 gram/centimeter-second.
The metric
unit of viscosity is the pascal second or Pas. 1 Pas = 10 P but poise or millipoise are more commonly used.
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
Table 1. Age distribution of participants.
Sham Grounded Grounded t-Test Sham vs. Grounded
No. of Subjects 14 14
Average Age 49.1 49.0 0.49
SD 6.4 7.7
Average Height 64.6 64.4 0.37
SD 1.9 2.6
Average Weight 159.6 160.6 0.41
SD 14.8 9.1
BMI 26.8 27.3 0.22
SD 1.7 1.7
Thirty-three (33) subjects were originally recruited. Two subjects did not produce enough blood to get satis-
factory readings. Two other subjects had to leave because of impending surgeries. One was eliminated because
when she was measured just before the study her BMI was too low.
2.2. Study Procedure
Prior to the study all subjects were provided with identical style shorts and tee shirts. They arrived one-by-one
every ten (10) minutes. Each subject was met by a greeter and provided with a personal clipboard reviewing the
instructions, timeline, and a bag in which to deposit outer garments and shoes. The subject then proceeded to a
room for weighing, height measurement, and a single blood draw. Next, each participant proceeded to a desig-
nated meeting room where a personal yoga instructor reviewed the yoga instructions with the participant. Four
instructors were utilized in the study, and gave the same instructions on how to do each pose. Fourteen (14)
subjects were tested on Day 1 and fourteen (14) were tested on Day 2 between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:30
Each subject selected a yoga mat at random. Seven (7) mats were grounded and seven were sham grounded.
In this double blind study only the company providing the mats knew which mats were grounded, but they did
not know which subjects used which mats.
Each subject participated in five (5) twelve (12) minute segments. Each segment was composed of the same
group of ten (10) yoga poses (Figure 1). Each pose was held for one minute except for pose number 10. This
pose was held for 2 minutes, followed by a one-minute rest period. The first 12 minutes of 10 poses on the mats
was performed under the guidance of the instructor. During the next three segments the subjects repeated the
poses with the instructor present. They then completed the last segment with no instructor present, but with one
always available for guidance. Timing was consistent throughout these sessions with the use of coordinated
timing lights of two different colors and a sound indicating when to change poses and segments.
After the last segment, participants reported back to the blood draw area for a post-exercise blood draw. They
then retrieved their clothes and shoe bag, checked in with the greeter and turned in their clipboard with the time-
line sheet initialed by monitors supervising each step of the procedure. They were then paid $60, plus parking
expenses and provided their address for the shipment of a complimentary grounded yoga mat. They kept their
tee shirts and shorts.
2.3. Blood Collection
Blood was collected pre and post yoga mat exercise in a 3 milliliter lavender tube via a venous puncture by a
certified phlebotomist from Legacy Labs in Eugene, Oregon. Legacy Labs labeled the blood tubes with subject
numbers, then packaged and shipped them to Health Onvector Inc., a blood viscosity laboratory in Camden,
New Jersey, in accordance with Hemathix instructions. The analysis results, via the Hemathix SCV-200 were
available four days after receipt from the Camden lab.
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
1. Mountain Pose 2. Upward Mountain Pose 3. Star Pose
4. Warrior Pose Right 5. Warrior Pose Left 6. Wide Leg Seated
7. Seated Twist Right 8. Seated Twist Left 9. Knees to chest
10. Two Footed Pose
Figure 1. The 10 poses used in the yoga mat study.
2.4. Statistical Methods
Student’s t-tests were use to compare difference in means since all data were normally distributed.
3. Results
Fourteen (14) grounded subjects and fourteen (14) sham-grounded subjects participated in the one-hour study on
yoga mats during which time they completed 5 twelve (12) minute sessions of ten (10) different yoga exercises.
Table 2 t-test calculations show that the grounded group had a significant decrease in blood viscosity at both the
systolic (p = 0.032) and diastolic (p = 0.031) measurements. The sham grounded subjects experienced no such
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
Table 2. Grounded and sham grounded pre & post systolic and diastolic blood viscosity in millipoise.
GRND Subj Pre Sys Pre Dia Post Sys Post Dia SHAM Subj Pre Sys Pre Dia Post Sys Post Dia
1 35.5 102.3 36.5 109.0 2 40.1 122.8 39.9 123.1
3 40.5 129.0 38.9 122.3 5 43.4 130.2 39.0 116.5
4 40.2 121.3 39.3 121.8 7 41.9 122.7 41.3 130.9
6 42.0 128.6 40.8 124.2 9 38.1 109.7 36.8 103.7
8 41.6 127.0 39.0 113.1 15 38.1 115.7 40.4 130.2
14 43.4 136.9 41.0 124.9 16 34.6 100.3 36.1 103.6
37 37.6 115.0 37.7 108.2 18 35.3 104.0 36.7 114.3
19 37.6 113.7 37.7 115.9 20 39.4 120.6 41.5 127.6
23 37.4 112.8 38.7 121.6 24 36.1 112.7 36.4 112.3
25 35.4 103.2 35.0 101.5 26 37.6 116.0 38.0 120.3
27 39.0 125.5 37.7 114.1 28 41.2 128.5 39.6 115.7
29 40.8 129.6 40.9 129.8 30 36.5 112.1 36.3 111.8
31 40.0 129.7 39.3 120.3 34 35.6 109.5 36.7 112.0
32 37.0 114.8 36.8 109.9 36 35.8 109.0 37.7 116.9
Mean 39.1 120.7 38.5 116.9 Mean 38.1 115.3 38.3 117.1
SD 2.5 10.5 1.8 7.9 SD 2.7 8.8 1.9 8.6
t-Test 0.032 0.031 t-Test 0.35 0.21
t-Test g/s 0.15 0.07 0.40 0.48
decrease and had a slight but insignificant rise in blood viscosities. This indicates that being grounded during the
yoga mat exercises has the effect of decreasing blood viscosity.
4. Discussion
This study examined the impact of one hour of grounding on blood viscosity while participants completed a set
of simple yoga exercises. Even doing easy exercises we would expect to see an increase in blood viscosity due
to the fact that exercise stimulates an inflammatory response [12] [28] [44] [45]. This response can increase the
number of free radicals that could cause the red blood cells to lose some of their negative charge. The negative
charge on red blood cell membranes endows the cells with the property of repelling each other. When the charge
is reduced, the ability of cells to repel each other is lessened, the tendency to clump is increased, thus increasing
blood viscosity [26].
While consistent exercise can induce long-term reduction in blood viscosity, in the short-term it often causes
an increase in blood viscosity [44]. This increase occurs at both ends of the cardiac cycle and therefore it is im-
portant to obtain data at systole, when the viscosity is lower, and at diastole, when the viscosity is higher. Col-
lecting at only one point is equivalent to collecting only systolic or diastolic blood pressure or measuring blood
pressure at some point in between. At the systolic pressure, information with respect to the condition of the
walls of the vessels is obtained. At the diastolic end, information with respect to red cell aggregation and defor-
mability is obtained.
In our study there was no change in blood viscosity for the sham-grounded group at either end of the cardiac
cycle. However, there was a difference in the grounded group at both the systolic and diastolic end. Their post one-
hour grounding millipoise readings were significantly lower than their pre-exercise levels.
Considering all aforementioned dynamics, and with electrons from grounding theoretically scavenging free
radicals, it may logically be concluded that inflammation, as a result of exercise, could have been reduced and
R. Brown, G. Chevalier
this effect, in turn, reduced the blood viscosity in the grounded subjects.
Limitations of this pilot study were the number of subjects and methods of measurement of blood viscosity.
Future research projects should include more subjects as well as adding zeta potential measurements, another
indicator of blood viscosity [26].
5. Conclusion
Blood viscosity may be an early predictor of chronic disease. Since equipment is now available to reliably
measure this parameter, more investigations should be undertaken. Habits, as well as certain medications, can
lower blood viscosity. But medications are often expensive and present unwanted side effects. A potential
treatment that presents no downside is grounding the body to the earth. In this study it was shown that, despite
mild exercise that can raise blood viscosity temporarily, blood viscosity was lowered at both the systolic and di-
astolic ends of the cardiac cycle in subjects using grounded yoga mats. Earthing has the ability to affect exer-
cise-induced inflammation by reducing blood viscosity.
The authors wish to acknowledge the professional assistance of Legacy Laboratories in Eugene, OR, and Health
Onvector, Inc. of Camden, NJ. Also, the authors wish to thank Martin Zucker and James L. Oschman for re-
viewing the manuscript and for making useful suggestions. Earthing products were provided by,
Palm Spring, CA. Financial support for this project was provided by Earth FX Inc., Palm Springs, CA.
Declaration of Interest
R. Brown worked as an independent contractor for this pilot study and has no financial interest in the company.
G. Chevalier has worked as an independent contractor for Earth FX since 2007 and owns a very small percen-
tage of shares in the company.
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... Increased blood viscosity in the general population may be perhaps the newest risk factor in cardiovascular events because of its negative impact on blood pressure, thrombogenesis, ischemia, and artherogenesis. Any intervention that reduces blood viscosity and RBC aggregation, are especially important in reducing complications in the now chronic viral pandemic of the 21 st Century [ 9,10]. ...
... Other research over the last decade demonstrate that grounding studies have documented results including reduced inflammation and pain [ 20,21,22], better sleep [ 23], improved response to trauma and injuries with accelerated wound healing [ 21,24,25], improved blood flow [ 20,26], and reduced blood viscosity [ 9,10]. ...
... In our study, participants relaxed for two hours while being grounded and there was an astonishing 273% reduction in blood viscosity [ 9]. In another subsequent study, a commercial blood viscometer was used to measure viscosity of individuals practicing yoga on a grounded yoga mat [ 10]. Once again, earthing significantly reduced the blood thickness. ...
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Grounding or earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man. It is one of the greatest kept secrets when it comes to our health and aliveness and only a small part of the scientific community really understands the concept. Once health professionals and others realize that grounding is especially important in preventing inflammatory illness, an incredible effect on public health will be realized. The breath of validation from previous published data and real-life testimonials is a testimony of the earth’s dramatic impact on healing the human body. Health information is constantly changing as a result of new research in various approaches to treating a multitude of inflammatory conditions. Sometimes, even with the most relevant published data, it is difficult to choose which advice is most conducive for healing. For example, it has been noted that perhaps one-third of the medical literature could be fraudulent.. Understanding absolute versus relative risk can also be confusing even for health professionals. And when data is reported in relative risk, only a fraction of the real science is revealed. However, one small established fact that conveys universal agreement is the simple correlation that inflammation is the root cause of almost all diseases!
... The Earthing method substantially increases the zeta potential (repulsive force between particles), which then reduces the clumping of red blood cells, thereby reducing the viscosity which promotes blood circulation (11), increases the function of the autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic nervous system to dominance in the parasympathetic nervous system, increases heart rate variability, normalizes muscle tension, and normalizes the hormone cortisol (8) which are factors associated with a decrease in blood pressure. ...
... Reduced blood clotting means a decrease in the thickness or viscosity of the blood. Poor zeta potential was found in patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes (11). Furthermore, an experimental study of the application of Earthing in 10 hypertensive patients for 12 weeks showed a decrease in blood pressure varied from 8.6% to 22.7%, or an average of 14.3% (6). ...
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Hypertension in pregnancy is among the three highest complications in 1 in 10 pregnant women. It is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality for mothers and babies (including seizures and low birth weight (LBW)). Earthing or grounding is a direct contact therapy between the body and the earth's surface (soil, grass, sand or stone), which allows the free transport of electrons from the earth's surface to spread to the body through the skin. The research objective was to analyze the effect of Earthing on hypertension in pregnancy. The research design was a pre-experimental with a one-group pretest and posttest, designed for one year of study. The population of pregnant women with hypertension in Surakarta City, Central Java, with the sampling technique used was purposive sampling, recruiting 20 respondents. Earthing duration 1 hour every day for 30 days. The statistical analysis results in a P-value of 0.000, t-count 25.065>t-table 2.093, for systolic blood pressure and P-value 0.000, t-count 93.05>t-table 2.093 for diastolic blood pressure. It indicates a significant difference in pregnant mothers' systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after Earthing. It is recommended for mothers to perform Earthing or grounding as a lifestyle medicine at home by placing bare feet on the soil every day for 1 hour. It is beneficial to do Earthing/grounding throughout the pregnancy or by using Earthing device that connects the electrons in the earth to the skin.
... Brown and Chevalier, for instance, found that rats exposed to grounding mats exhibited reduced anxiety-like behavior and decreased expression of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in their brains, suggesting that grounding may modulate stress responses through the corticotropin system. Taken together, these findings may help explain the stress reduction and insomnia relief experienced by most participants in this study [17]. ...
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Barefoot walking is currently a craze in South Korean communities. In particular, the elderly are participating in barefoot walking (earthing) to improve their physical and mental health due to their increasing desire for a healthy life. The purpose of this study was to analyze causes, processes, and consequences of the barefoot walking craze among the elderly in Korean society. The research method used was the grounded theory method. Thirty-five elderly people participating in barefoot walking were selected as participants. Data were analyzed according to open coding, axial coding, and selective coding proposed by Strauss and Corbin. First, an open coding phase yielded 61 concepts, 18 subcategories, and 7 categories through continuous questioning and comparative analysis. Second, in the axial coding stage, causal, contextual, and mediating conditions, action/interaction strategies, and consequences were presented, centering on the phenomenon. Causal conditions and contextual conditions contributing to the phenomenon of barefoot walking were identified as “motivation to participate” and “barefoot walking environment,” respectively. “Participating in barefoot walking” was identified as a phenomenon in the axial coding paradigm. The intervening condition was analyzed as “information about barefoot walking.” The action/interaction strategy was analyzed as “spreading the value of barefoot walking.” In the axial coding paradigm, consequences that emerged through the action/interaction strategy were “restoring physical and mental health” and “community spread and nuisance.” Third, in the selective coding stage, “barefoot walking as a daily routine” was derived as the core category, and the narrative outline was presented. To create a sustainable barefoot walking environment in Korea, it is necessary to have a healthy civic consciousness that coexists and harmonizes with nature.
... It is expected that the negative charge on the surface of red blood cells will be lowered during and after exercise, so that the blood becomes thicker than usual. It was also hypothesized that a Yoga routine would prevent this increase in inflammation and possibly reduce inflammation levels in the body [10]. ...
... Regarding physical benefits, using yoga mats promotes enhanced stability and balance, allowing practitioners to maintain proper alignment and posture throughout their practice (Brown & Chevalier, 2015). Additionally, yoga mats provide joint protection and injury prevention by offering a cushioning layer that reduces the impact on joints during weight-bearing exercises (Finnan, 2015). ...
The idea of this book series is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. The purpose of this book is to provide a focal forum to share the latest research findings, knowledge, opinions, suggestions, and vision, while also providing a variety of interactive platforms in the field of Social Science
... Going one-step further and making conductive contact with the earth -touching the surface of the planet directly with the body, even just a fingertip or a toe -grounds our electrical system and provides a host of health benefits to our electrical function. Grounding improves heart rate variability (HRV) [31], increases blood perfusion [32] decreases blood viscosity [33] support muscles contraction during exertion [34][35][36] instantaneously shifts brain wave patterns and reduces ambient stress levels [37] along with supporting deeper, more restorative sleep at night [38], improving sleep quality [39] and optimizing our body's autonomic nervous system function through vagal tone support [40]. ...
... The exposure of earthing applications in various frequencies and electrical areas in relatively little strength [9]. In therapy, the practice of yoga exercises supported with a grounded yoga mat for one hour causes exercise-induced inflammation, reducing blood viscosity for ten subjects involved [10]. This observation pattern has been shown in works that may support the predicted result by Oschman et al. [11] that humans attached to the grounding element can improve sleep, normalize the cortisol rhythm, circadian cortisol secretion levels, and blood viscosity. ...
Stress is part of the social lifestyle, intellectual level, and emotional strain. Stress psychology contributions include mental, cognitive, or behavioral sensation. In summative assessments of body earthing, the grounded person is less anxious and more comfortable in everyday activity because the Earth's potential becomes an intermediary to reduce a negative electrode compliment from the body to the Earth's surface when the body is grounded condition. The balanced electrode amounts in the human body could reduce anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. This investigation analyzes the EEG signal in the frequency domain and time-frequency domain analysis based on body earthing application in ten electrode placements with a range of EEG frequency bands; Theta, Beta, and Alpha. The Power Spectrum Density (PSD) and Short Time Fourier Transformation (STFT), and Continuous Wavelet Transformation (CWT) have been used to determine the power and energy value. The theta frequency band result shows an increasing power and energy value of EEG signal after applying the body earthing application. However, the alpha frequency band influences the left area's EEG signal efficiency while the right parts beta frequency band is affected. The best classification performance is gained from Levenberg-Marquat neural network and Scale Conjugate Gradient technique for grading into stress index classes.
... Previous research by Magora et al. [51] investigating the effect of electrical sleep on blood viscosity, which did have a control group, indicated that decreases can be associated with relaxation alone. Brown & Chevalier [52] later investigated how biological grounding during yoga exercise can affect blood viscosity (N ¼ 28). Those that had been grounded (n ¼ 14) had noticeably reduced diastolic blood viscosity (p ¼ 0.031) and systolic blood viscosity (p ¼ 0.032) post-exercise compared to those sham-grounded (n ¼ 14). ...
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There are a growing number of studies investigating how grounding (earthing) the body may benefit biological performance and aid the treatment of non-communicable diseases. Research also indicates how biological grounding initiatives can sometimes be compromised, or inappropriate, and the need to take additional factors into account as potential contributory factors, or confounders, to expected results. It is proposed that expanding electromagnetic hygiene measures beyond biological grounding alone may help reduce spread of communicable diseases, incidence of respiratory conditions, neurodegenerative disease and all-cause mortality. Identifying potential synergies that exist could enable multilevel interventions to further increase the efficacy of measures. It is hoped that this review will help act as a catalyst to inspire and inform multi-disciplinary research within these topic areas, best practices and policies to help drive medical innovation, reduce health burdens, improve bioelectromagnetic-based therapies, and influence the general design of the built environment and next-generation technologies.
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This chapter discusses the merits of harmonious relationships between people, society, and nature, and their potential to help address increasing societal vulnerabilities. In recent years, The Chilean National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) has developed the concept of nature bathing , through its Nature for Everyone program. Nature bathing draws from validated programs that have been found to strengthen the immune system and reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, all of which may contribute to greater psychological resilience. Specifically, CONAF’s Nature Bathing program integrates elements of the cosmovision and practices associated with forest bathing ( Shinrin Yoku , in Japanese), grounding , and Andean Indigenous and popular culture. Accredited experts facilitate a 2–3-hour experience in a PA, promoting a reflective meditation ( mindfulness ), that immerses participants in the environment by activating the senses. This chapter reviews the health benefits attributed to spending time in nature and developing direct relationships with nature. Next, we share some practices and traditions being employed around the world to purposefully rebuild human connections with nature. Then, we delve into CONAF’s Nature Bathing initiative, as an example of a transformative program designed to strengthen the role of PAs as public health infrastructure and help visitors build resilience while rediscovering their interconnectedness with nature.
An ever expanding body of research over the past several decades suggest that directly touching the earth, a practice known as grounding, puts the body into a healing state. The natural universe conducts an energy current known as a Direct Current (DC). This DC circuit of energy flows through everything on our planet, including plants, animals, human beings, and the surface of our entire globe, creating a Global Electrical Circuit. DC energy is also what the living human body uses to function, as everything from the beating of our heart to the movement of our muscles to our brain’s ability to think operates using DC energy. The earth’s DC energy flows continuously across the earth’s crust, and anything conductive that touches the earth becomes part of this natural circuit. Our human bodies, which are highly conductive, join this Global Electrical Circuit whenever we make direct contact with the earth, a practice known as grounding. Medical studies are revealing that by becoming a part of the global electrical circuit, through grounding, the human body enters a profound healing state. As our understanding of the health benefits of grounding continue to deepen, we can begin to use grounding as an intentional healing tool in clinical medicine. Grounding may play a role in not only improving the body’s natural ability to function, but may also play a role in the healing of disease and the prevention of disease development in the first place. Studies so far suggest that becoming a part of the earth’s global DC circuit enhances our conductive health, which has far reaching implications to all our organ systems that utilize DC energy and conductivity to work, including but not limited to: our central and peripheral nervous system, our musculoskeletal system, and our cardiovascular system. Further research into the healing properties of grounding will help clinicians tailor suggestions for specific health issues, and will help us understand the role of our body’s conductivity in the presence of our Global Electrical Circuit.
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Grounding a human to the earth has resulted in changes in the physiology of the body. A pilot study on grounding and eccentric contractions demonstrated shortened duration of pain, reduced creatine kinase (CK), and differences in blood parameters. This follow-up study was conducted to investigate the effects of grounding after moderate eccentric contractions on pain, CK, and complete blood counts. Thirty-two healthy young men were randomly divided into grounded (n=16) and sham-grounded (n=16) groups. On days 1 through 4, visual analog scale for pain evaluations and blood draws were accomplished. On day 1, the participants performed eccentric contractions of 200 half-knee bends. They were then grounded or sham-grounded to the earth for 4 hours on days 1 and 2. Both groups experienced pain on all posttest days. On day 2, the sham-grounded group experienced significant CK increase (P<0.01) while the CK of the grounded group did not increase significantly; the between-group difference was significant (P=0.04). There was also an increase in the neutrophils of the grounded group on day 3 (P=0.05) compared to the sham-grounded group. There was a significant increase in platelets in the grounded group on days 2 through 4. Grounding produced changes in CK and complete blood counts that were not shared by the sham-grounded group. Grounding significantly reduced the loss of CK from the injured muscles indicating reduced muscle damage. These results warrant further study on the effects of earthing on delayed onset muscle damage.
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Multi-disciplinary research has revealed that electrically conductive contact of the human body with the surface of the Earth (grounding or earthing) produces intriguing effects on physiology and health. Such effects relate to inflammation, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The purpose of this report is two-fold: to 1) inform researchers about what appears to be a new perspective to the study of inflammation, and 2) alert researchers that the length of time and degree (resistance to ground) of grounding of experimental animals is an important but usually overlooked factor that can influence outcomes of studies of inflammation, wound healing, and tumorigenesis. Specifically, grounding an organism produces measurable differences in the concentrations of white blood cells, cytokines, and other molecules involved in the inflammatory response. We present several hypotheses to explain observed effects, based on current research results and our understanding of the electronic aspects of cell and tissue physiology, cell biology, biophysics, and biochemistry. An experimental injury to muscles, known as delayed onset muscle soreness, has been used to monitor the immune response under grounded versus ungrounded conditions. Grounding reduces pain and alters the numbers of circulating neutrophils and lymphocytes, and also affects various circulating chemical factors related to inflammation.
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Background This study describes a new method for determining site-specific vascular shear stress using dynamic measures of shear rate and blood viscosity (BV) in the carotid arteries, and examines characteristics of carotid arterial shear stress among patients with lacunar infarction. Methods Vascular shear stress measurements were conducted in 37 patients (17 lacunar infarction patients and 20 control subjects) using duplex ultrasonography. Vessel wall diameters and velocities were measured in each arterial segment at peak-systolic (PS) and end-diastolic (ED) phases, for calculation of PS/ED shear rates. PS/ED shear stresses [dyne/cm2] were determined with PS/ED shear rates and shear-rate dependent BV values. For comparison, both values of hematocrit-derived BV and BV measurements at 300 s-1 were used for calculation of shear stress. Results All cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors including BV values were similar between the two groups. In both common carotid arteries, PS and ED shear stresses were significantly lower in the patients with lacunar infarction than in controls in multivariate models that included age, sex, and other major CVD risk factors. PS and ED shear stresses using the shear rate specific BV were 4.5% lower and 7.3% higher than those using the two other BVs, respectively. Conclusion Lacunar infarction was associated with reduced carotid arterial shear stress. The use of estimated BV for calculating carotid arterial shear stress provides more accurate assessment of the hemodynamic contribution of shear stress than previous models that have arbitrarily assigned a constant value to this dynamic flow property.
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Hemagglutination is widely used in transfusion medicine and depends on several factors including antigens, antibodies, electrical properties of red blood cells and the environment of the reaction. Intermolecular forces are involved in agglutination with cell clumping occurring when the aggregation force is greater than the force of repulsion. Repulsive force is generated by negative charges on the red blood cell surface that occur due to the presence of the carboxyl group of sialic acids in the cell membrane; these charges create a repulsive electric zeta potential between cells. In transfusion services, specific solutions are used to improve hemagglutination, including enzymes that reduce the negative charge of red blood cells, LISS which improves the binding of antibodies to antigens and macromolecules that decrease the distance between erythrocytes. The specificity and sensitivity of immunohematological reactions depend directly on the appropriate use of these solutions. Knowledge of the electrical properties of red blood cells and of the action of enhancement solutions can contribute to the immunohematology practice in transfusion services.
Ultralow frequency pulsations of electric field in the surface atmospheric layer were investigated under fair weather conditions. A new method of structural-temporal analysis has been applied to the study of spatiotemporal structures of the electric field described previously by [Anisimov et al., 1994]. The method is based on exploration of the structural function by averaging the remote sensing data over respective temporal spans. This analysis allows quantitative estimations of spatial scales L ≃ 500 - 103 m and temporal scales not less than τ = 10 min for the structural elements of the planetary boundary layer electricity; we call these recently examined elements "aeroelectric structures" (AES). Quasiperiodic sequences and high-amplitude solitary AES have been recognized. Three-dimensional structural-temporal patterns are presented which directly characterize the level of electric energy perturbations connected with AES formation during night-day evolution. A model of AES formation has been developed, taking into account the occurence of convective cells with respective turbulent air and space charge density distributions that are transferred by the wind over the ground and cause the electric field fluctuations at the points of observation. Therefore formation of such submesoscale structures can be explained by the redistribution of space charge within the surface layer, with the structures of the smallest scales coupled to the turbulent mixing of the ions and aerosols. In addition to the advection and turbulent mixing of space charge, we also consider the cooperative electroaerodynamic effects which might occur in a system of bipolar ion and aerosol particles under the influence of a terrestrial electric field. We have proposed an advanced model treating the AES formation as the result of instability arising in such a system, taking into account the dependence of the effective ion-aerosol attachment coefficient on the external electric field strength.
Introduction: Red blood cells' (RBC) rheological properties are disturbed in chronic venous disease (CVD). The aim of the study was to compare deformability and aggregation of erythrocytes taken from the varicose vein and the antecubital vein of patients with chronic venous disease. Materials and methods: Blood samples were taken from twelve CVD patients presenting clinical, aetiological, anatomical and pathological elements (CEAP) stages II and III. Blood was sampled from varicose veins and antecubital veins of patients (as control). Deformability and aggregation of RBC were analysed with a Laser-assisted Optical Rotational Cell Analyser (LORCA). Results: A significant increase in deformability was found in varicose vein RBC for shear stress values 4.24, 8.23 and 15.96 Pa as compared to RBC from the antecubital vein. The aggregation index was significantly lower and aggregation halftime was significantly increased for RBC taken from antecubital veins than for RBC from varicose veins. Discussion: In conclusion, RBC taken from varicose and antecubital veins of CVD patients are not entirely rheologically comparable and show different deformability and aggregation. Varicose vein RBC are more deformable and show a higher tendency for aggregation than antecubital vein RBC. Perhaps the deformability of varicose vein RBC has been increased as a compensation mechanism in subjects with CVD, due to increased resistance in their microcirculation.
Both the amplitude and the phase of the ionospheric potential and Carnegie curve of atmospheric electricity are considered to distinguish causes for the negatively charged earth in fair weather. Satellite-observed longitudinal distributions of electrical activity are convolved with local diurnal variations of cloud-to-ground lightning and point discharge current to produce universal diurnal variations which are compared with the Carnegie curve. The amplitude ratio (maximum-minimum)/mean) for the predicted universal diurnal variation of point discharge shows good agreement with the Carnegie curve, whereas the predicted amplitude ratio for lightning is 2–3 times greater. These comparisons suggest that conduction current other than lightning is the dominant charging agent for the Earth's surface.
Classic studies on exercise hemorheology evidenced that blood fluidity is impaired during exercise (short term exercise-induced hyperviscosity) and is improved as a result of regular exercise practice (hemorheologic fitness). Extensive description of these events led to the concepts of "the triphasic effects of exercise", "the paradox of hematocrit", and "the hemorheological paradox of lactate". However, some results obtained in training studies do not fit with this classical picture and cannot be explained by a simplistic paradigm based on the Hagen-Poiseuille law. Taking into account the non-linearity of the effects of viscosity factors on blood flow and oxygen delivery helps to elaborate another picture. For example, moderately high values of hematocrit and erythrocyte rigidity induced by high intensity exercise are likely to trigger a physiological vasodilation improving circulatory adaptation (rather than limiting performance as was previously assumed). This may apply to the acute rise in red cell rigidity observed during strenuous exercise, and also to the paradoxical rise in hematocrit or red cell rigidity observed after some training protocols and that did not fit with the previous (simplistic) paradigms. The "healthy primitive lifestyle" hypothesis assumes that evolution has selected genetic polymorphisms leading to insulin resistance as an adaptative strategy to cope with continuous low intensity physical activity and a special alimentation based on lean meat and wild herbs (i.e., moderately high in protein, rich in low glycemic index carbohydrates, and poor in saturated fat). We propose here that this model may help to explain on an evolutionary perspective these apparently inconsistent findings. The pivotal explanation is that the true physiological picture would be that of an individual whose exercise and nutritional habits are close from this lifestyle, both sedentary subjects and trained athletes representing situations on the edge of this model.
Classic immunohematology approaches, based on agglutination techniques, have been used in manual and automated immunohematology laboratory routines. Red blood cell (RBC) agglutination depends on intermolecular attractive forces (hydrophobic bonds, Van der Walls, electrostatic forces and hydrogen bonds) and repulsive interactions (zeta potential). The aim of this study was to measure the force involved in RBC aggregation using double optical tweezers, in normal serum, in the presence of erythrocyte antibodies and associated to agglutination potentiator solutions (Dextran, low ionic strength solution [LISS] and enzymes). The optical tweezers consisted of a neodymium:yattrium aluminium garnet (Nd:YAG) laser beam focused through a microscope equipped with a minicam, which registered the trapped cell image in a computer where they could be analyzed using a software. For measuring RBC aggregation, a silica bead attached to RBCs was trapped and the force needed to slide one RBC over the other, as a function of the velocities, was determined. The median of the RBC aggregation force measured in normal serum (control) was 1 × 10(-3) (0.1-2.5) The samples analyzed with anti-D showed 2 × 10(-3) (1.0-4.0) (p < 0.001). RBC diluted in potentiator solutions (Dextran 0.15%, Bromelain and LISS) in the absence of erythrocyte antibodies, did not present agglutination. High adherence was observed when RBCs were treated with papain. Results are in agreement with the imunohematological routine, in which non-specific results are not observed when using LISS, Dextran and Bromelain. Nevertheless, false positive results are frequently observed in manual and automated microplate analyzer using papain enzyme. The methodology proposed is simple and could provide specific information with the possibility of meansuration regarding RBC interaction.