... The family Hygromiidae Tryon, 1866 in the sense of Hausdorf & Bouchet (2005) is a highly diverse group of land snails with a distribution range stretching from Macaronesia in the west throughout Europe, the Mediterranean region, the temperate regions of Asia including the Caucasus region, southern Siberia, the Tian Shan and Altai Mountains to the Russian Far East and to East Africa (Schileyko, 1968(Schileyko, , 1970(Schileyko, , 1978a(Schileyko, , b, 2006bVerdcourt, 1969Verdcourt, , 1973Verdcourt, , 1974Verdcourt, , 1975Backhuys, 1975;Groh, 1984;Giusti & Manganelli, 1987;Neubert, 1998;Muñoz et al., 1999;Hausdorf, 2000a, b, 2001, 2003a, b, Seddon, 2008Sysoev & Schileyko, 2009;Welther-Schultes, 2012;Ganin & Striganova, 2012;Neubert & Bariche, 2013, Neiber & Hausdorf, 2015a. The morphology-based family-level taxonomy of the group largely rests upon a few characters relating to accessory organs of the genital system, i. e. the presence and development of the dart apparatus and parts belonging to these accessory copulatory structures (Nordsieck, 1987(Nordsieck, , 1993Schileyko, 2006b). ...