Conference PaperPDF Available

Strength Evaluation of Mortar by Inclusion of Stone Dust As a Cement and Sand Replacing Material

2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
ID: SEE 066
M. T. Raihan1* & I. B. Muhit 2
1 Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong- 4349,
2 Department of Civil Engineering, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Korea.
*Corresponding Author, <>
Mortar, a matrix of concrete which is a masonry product, composed of binder and fine aggregates. It
is an essential associate in any reinforced structural construction. The strength of mortar is a special
concern to the engineer because mortar is responsible to give protection in the outer part of the
structure as well as at a brick joint in masonry wall system. The lack of mortar strength sometimes
throws the whole structure in a great danger. Cement, sand and water are the key parameters of mortar
which are dealing with the strength directly. The purpose of this research is to investigate the
compressive and tensile strengths of mortar by replacing the cement and sand by stone dust. This
research is focused on the comparison between fresh mortar and modified mortar. For sand
replacement, the gradation and fineness modulus of stone dusts was kept similar to that of sand. Stone
dusts passing by No. 200 sieve was used as cement replacing material. The portion of dusts which was
retained on No. 100 sieve was separated to substitute sand and the remaining part of dusts was made
finer by abrasion machine. Then the stone dusts were screened again by No. 200 sieve and the dusts
passing by No. 200 was used as the cement. The compressive and tensile strengths of modified mortar
were investigated by replacing of 20%, 30% and 40% of fine aggregates as well as replacing of 5% of
cement by stone dusts. Several numbers of cube and briquette samples were cast with aforementioned
proportions to investigate compressive and tensile strengths at 7 days and 28 days of curing. From
tested results, it was found that the compressive strength of samples of 30% of sand replacing stone
dust with 0% of cement replacing stone dust increases by 12% and 17% at 7 and 28 days while for the
tensile strength it was increased by 8.7%. However, the mechanical properties of mortar with stone
dusts as replacement of cement shows no satisfactory results.
Keywords: Mortar, Cement, Sand, Compressive Strength, Stone Dust, Replacement
Mortar is a product composed of cement and sand. When water is mixed in with this product, the
cement is activated. Whereas concrete can stand alone, mortar is used to hold together bricks, stones
or other such hardscape components (Aziz, 1995).
A complete understanding of mortar and its application is huge to accomplish effective execution.
When water blended with Portland cement creates pitiless, solid glue that is very unworkable, getting
to be hard rapidly. Some Portland cement aids the workability and versatility of the mortar. It likewise
gives early quality to the mortar and rates setting. Fine aggregate is basically sand extracted from the
land or the marine environment. Fine aggregates generally consist of natural sand or crushed stone
with most particles passing through a 9.5 mm sieve. For concrete sand FM range is 2.3 - 3.1
(Mobasher, 1999).
The main constituents of concrete such as sand, stone and water are mainly natural resources. Sand is
the general segment of mortar which provides for its different shade, surface and cohesiveness. Sand
must be free of polluting influences, for example, salts, earth or other remote materials. The three key
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
characteristics of sand are particle shape, gradation and void ratio. Sand is mainly used as inert
material to give volume in mortar for economy. It offers requisite surface area for film of cementing
material to adhere and spread, prevents shrinkage and cracking of mortar. The strength of mortar or
concrete is largely affected by the fine aggregates (Sharmin et al., 2006). Fine aggregate is usually
sand from river (Lohani et al., 2012). The main constituents of mortar is sand are mainly natural
resources. The presence of very fine materials in excessive quantities influences the performance and
properties of fresh and hardened mortar or concrete.
In fresh concrete, the workability, air content and bleeding are reduced depending on the amount and
composition of the very fine materials in concrete, the cement content and the grading of the sand
(Popovics, 1979 ; Kalcheff, 1977 ; Malhotra, 1985). In the hardened state, the presence of fine
materials can be beneficial for low strength concrete but it may have adverse effects on high strength
concrete, since the shrinkage of concrete increases (Ahmed, 1989) and its durability is impaired
(Popovics, 1979).
Alternative material of sand should be explored to mitigate the increasing demand of sand. A
considerable amount of dust is produced at the time of stone crushing. They are often considered as a
waste in the locality. Saving of natural resources and environment is the essence of any advancement
(M.Veera Reddy, 2010).
Numerous attempts have been done since the ancient time and it is still continued to use the waste
materials in construction work. Stone dust, fly ash, silica fume, rice husk etc are the waste materials.
Exchange of normal sand by stone dust will assist both solid waste minimization and waste recovery
(H.M.A.Mahzuz, 2011). Several researches have been made (A.A.M.Ahmed, 2010; Lohani et al.,
2012) to discover a proper way of using the stone dust without affecting the strength of cementitious
For Mortar, stone dust is well appropriate to choose it as an alternative of sand. According to Masrur
(2010) about 100000 cft of stone dust is generated during stone crushing which is almost equivalent to
1.6 million BDT.
With the rapid growth of contraction industries consumption of construction material is increased.
Again with the industrial development waste material generation is occurring in a massive quantity. In
this present work the main objective is to determine the acceptability of stone dust as replacing
substance of both binding material and fine aggregate in mortar in respect of the normal strength. This
study ensures the stone powder as an appropriate alternative of sand (fine aggregate) in concrete
manufacturing as a building materials
For this study we have used high strength Portland cement. The physical & chemical properties of
cement are tabulated in Table 1.1
Table 1
Portland Cement Properties
Physical Properties
Initial Setting Time (minute)
Final Setting Time (minute)
Specific Surface Area (cm2/gm)
28 Days Compressive Strength (MPa)
Chemical Properties
Calcium Oxide (CaO)
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
Aluminium Oxide (Al2 O3)
Sulphur Trioxide (SO3)
Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3)
Magnesium Oxide (MgO)
Sodium Oxide (Na2O)
Potassium Oxide (K2O)
Loss of Ignition
Graded river sand (Sylhet Sand) was used to conduct the tests. The fineness modulus
of the sand used was 2.8. Sand samples were washed and dried so that there should
not remain any dust particle. They were free from organic chemicals & unwanted
Stone dusts were processed in two forms, one for the replacement of sand and another
for the replacement of cement. For sand replacement the gradation & fineness
modulus of stone dust was tried to keep similar to the sand. Stone dust retained at no.
100 sieve was selected for sand replacing stone dust. Stone dust passing by No. 200
sieve was used as cement replacing material. Stone dust was collected from nearby
stone crushing plant to have exact quality in field.
Normal drinking water was used collected from available source.
The specific surface area of stone dust replaced for cement in mortar sample was 2529
cm2/gm and for cement was 3907 cm2/gm. It signifies that the size of dust particle is
larger than the cement particle. This scenario also defines the negative impact of using
stone dust as replacement of cement.
Mortar Sample Preparation & Curing
Cube & Briquette samples were tested in this research purpose to get some clear idea about both
tensile and compressive strength. Mortar materials were mixed according to ASTM C109 standard.
The water cement ratio for mortar without stone dust was 0.41. Water cement ratio for the mortar
samples with stone dust was varied from 0.41 to 0.51. Water demand increases with the increase of
stone dust content in mortar.
Dimension of the cube mould for compressive strength test was 5.08 cm x 5.08 cm x 5.08 cm. Figure
1 shows the cube casting in molds.
[Fig 1] Cube Mortar Sample Casting
Standard dimension briquette molds were used for preparing briquette specimens for tensile strength
test. Seven different sample types were prepared for casting. Three samples were examined replacing
sand only. The percentages were 20, 30 & 40. Where one sample was casted as a replacement of
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
cement at the percentage was 5. Two more samples were also experimented to observe the strength
while replacing both cement & sand. The mixture proportions of all specimens are tabulated in Table
The replacement percentage was fixed in a proportion that, we can get some clear specification while
for different dosage of stone dust. As from different previous researches it is found that, if cement is
replaced with more than 5% stone dust- the strength quality is not noticeably increase. So in this case,
replacing the percentage was fixed for 5%.
The cube moulds were tested after 7 & 28 days. Meanwhile, briquette samples were tested after 28
Table 2
Sample Name
0% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 0% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
20% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 0% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
30% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 0% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
40% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 0% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
0% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 5% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
20% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 5% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
40% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 5% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust
In case of sample preparation, sand & binder materials were mixed perfectly in dry condition & then
according to water binder ratio, weighted amount of water was added to the homogenous mixture.
Cement-Sand ratio was taken as 2.5. For both cube & briquette moulds were prepared with mould oil
so that the surfaces of the moulds remain free from disturbance. A total of 21 times temping were
performed on each cube mortar sample.
Compressive strength test was performed via Universal Testing Machine at a constant loading rate. In
Figure 3, the arrangement of sample is shown. The average from two sample of each type was
recorded for the compressive strength of each type which was tested at 7 & 28 days.
[Fig 2] Mortar Samples is in Universal Testing Machine
Tensile strength test of briquette sample was also performed with the same mixture of different types
& an average of two sample of each type was recorded for the tensile strength.
Underwater curing process was followed in this experiment. The mortar samples were removed from
moulds after 24 hours of casting. Then they were kept under water in a bowl and were kept
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
undisturbed before the time of crashing. Just before placing UTM the mortar samples were kept under
sun for some period, so that they can overcome the effect of water at its surface.
The development of compressive strength at 7 & 28 days are shown in Figure 2 & 3 respectively. The
Figures shows that, the highest value of compressive strength for 7 days is 41.72 MPa & for 28 days it
is 55.86 MPa. In both cases Mortar Sample M3 gives the highest value. M3 is a mixture of 30% Sand
Replacing Stone Dust & 0% Cement Replacing Stone Dust. At 7 & 28 days compressive strength of
M3 sample increases around 12% & 17% respectively than the control specimen (M1).
Moreover, M4 (40% of Sand Replacing Stone Dust + 0% of Cement Replacing Stone Dust) gives 2nd
highest value (40 MPa for 7 days and 53.17 MPa for 28 days) of compressive strength. At 7 & 28
days compressive strength of M4 sample increases around 7.5% & 12% respectively than M1. But in
case of cement replacement there was a decrease in strength compared to control specimen.
As mentioned earlier we took the 28 days tensile strength value for tensile strength determination.
From Figure 4, it is shown that, the highest tensile strength value is for 40% sand replacing stone dust
(M4). The value is 2.66 MPa and it is around 8.7% increased than control mortar sample M1.
[Fig. 2] 7 days Compressive Strength
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
[Fig. 3] 28 days Compressive Strength
[Fig. 4] 28 days Tensile Strength
According to the analysis of the whole study following conclusion can be drawn,
We can use stone dust as a replacement of sand in case of mortar preparation which
gives some good results in strength.
Using stone dust as 30% replacement of sand gives the highest strength and after
increasing the percentage the strength becomes lower.
2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 26 28 Dec, 2014 CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Edited by: M.R.A.Mullick, M.R.Alam, M.S.Islam, M.O.Imam, M.J.Alam, S.K.Palit, M.H.Ali, M.A.R.Bhuiyan, S.M.Farooq, M.M.Islam, S.K.Pal, A.Akter, A.Hoque & G.M.S.Islam
Using stone dust as a replacement of cement is case of mortar preparation cannot give
any satisfactory result.
Stone dust is quite appropriate to be selected as the substitution of fine aggregate but not
as the replacement of cement.
Stone dust has a potential to provide alternative to fine aggregate minimizing waste
products. Thus the stone dust will introduced as a functional construction materials.
From this intensive research we can able to know that depending on the percentage of using & type of
replacing stone dust may have positive or negative effect on mortar strength. We may use the
favorable site of the replacement of stone dust which truly helps to make best use of some waste
material and ensure some sustainable development.
The authors wish to thank Dr. G. M. Sadiqul Islam of Chittagong University of Engineering &
Technology for his outstanding support throughout the research. Special gratitude to Prof. Dr. Chang-
Su Shim and Prof. Dr. Seongcheol Choi of Chung-Ang University for their inspiration and help to
conduct this study. Technical support from Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology and
Materials support from Engineer A.T.M. Nazir is highly acknowledged.
Ahmed, A. E. and E1-Kourd A. A. 1989. ACI Materials Journal, 86, 4, 417-424
Aziz , MA. 1995. Engineering Materials. Z and Z Computer and Printers, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Kalcheff, I.V. 1977. Portland cement concrete with stone sand, Special Engineering Report, 20 p.,
National Crushed Stone Association, Washington.
Lohani, T. K, Padhi M., Dash K. P., Jena S. 2012. Optimum utilization of Quarry dust as partial
replacement of sand in concrete. Int. Journal of Appl. Sci. and Engg. Research, Vol.1, No.2.
Mahzuz HMA, Tajmunnahar HBM. 2010. Assessment of present environmental situation and
strategy formulation for future extraction of natural resources of Jaflong, Proceedings of the
conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education CERIE, 11-13 January, Sylhet,
Masrur Ahmed, A. A.; Mahzuz, H. M. A,; Yusuf, M. A. 2010. Minimizing the stone dust through a
sustainable way: a case study of stone crushing industry of Sylhet, Proc. of International Conference
on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh (ICEAB10), Japan, Sept. 2010
Malhotra, V.M. and Carette, G.G. 1985. ACI Journal, 82, 3, 363-371.
Mobasher B. 1999. Aggregates: Fineness Modulus. Available from:
Popovics, S. 1979. Concrete-Making Materials , p. 208-210, Hemisphere Pub. Corp., Washington
Sharmin R, Ahmed M, Mohiuddin A, Forhat AL. 2006. Comparison of Strength Performance of
Concrete with Uncrushed or Crushed Coarse aggregate. ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 1(2): 1-4.
Veera Reddy. M. 2010. Investigations on stone dust and ceramic as aggregate replacement in
concrete, Int. Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering.Vol.1, No 3
... Its particles are approximately 100 times smaller than the average cement particles (Elsayed, 2011;Mehta and Monteiro, 2014;Muhit et al., 2013a). This material is highly pozzolanic, but it increases considerably the water requirement in concrete if high range water reducers are not used (Muhit et al., 2013a;Muhit et al., 2014;Raihan and Muhit, 2014). Fly ash is found as a byproduct of thermal power stations during the combustion of powdered coal. ...
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The use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in concrete has increased worldwide because of their economic and environmental benefits. Supplementary cementitious materials include silica fume (SF), blast furnace slag (BFS), fly ash (FA) and rice husk ash (RHA), which are generally derived from industrial byproducts and agro-wastes and can be mixed with blended cement to enhance concrete strength. The use of SCMs in concrete in conjunction with lightweight aggregate not only reduces the consumption of Portland cement, but also decreases the weight of structure, thus lessening the cost of construction. In the present experimental study, the effects of different SCMs (SF, BFS and FA) on mechanical strength properties and workability of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) are tested with partial replacement of cement by SCMs in various proportions and combinations. From the test results and considering rheological and strength properties of concrete and economic benefits, the best combinations of SCMs obtained are the BFS-FA combination and the FA-SF-BFS combination.
Conference Paper
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Quarry dust is a by-product of quarry crushing plant. Basically it is a waste product and creating problem for disposal. It has similar properties like fine aggregate so it can be replaced with sand as a construction material like cement mortar, concrete etc. Sand can be replaced with quarry dust. This study showed that up to some % replacement of sand by quarry dust shows the maximum increase in compressive strength and better workability. Moreover, Microorganisms can be added to more batter strength and durability purpose.
Conference Paper
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this study concentrates on the fine aggregate that is an important factor for strength development in concreting. Generally sand is used as a fine aggregate in Bangladesh. Stone dust produced from stone crushing is the main concern to establish it as an appropriate alternative of sand and to minimize pressure on the sand as natural resources. Huge amounts of stone dust that originated from stone crusher as rubbish is going unused except for the purpose of land filling. From the study it is clear that the stone dust can be used for concreting and by substituting it to normal sand will serve huge solid waste minimization along with considerable waste recovery. It revealed that, stone dust and crushed stone concrete gained about 15% higher strength than that of normal sand.
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This study focuses on the relative performance of uncrushed aggregates and crushed aggregates for concrete in strength gaining. The study was conducted for medium grade concrete (concrete having cube compressive strength at 28 days between 6 Mpa to 50 Mpa). There is a general belief that crushed aggregates contribute higher strength in concreting compared to uncrushed aggregates. Contrary to this belief, our study revealed: uncrushed aggregates perform better than crushed aggregates in gaining strength for medium grade concrete. From the laboratory test of strength determination it was explored that uncrushed aggregate provide more strength (22% at 28 days) than crushed aggregates for medium grade concrete. Similar results were found for low grade concrete (cube strength at 28 days up to 15 Mpa) in a previous study relevant to mention: uncrushed aggregate is cheaper than crushed aggregate in the market of Bangladesh. Consequently, concrete with uncrushed aggregates will be cheaper. It can be concluded that uncrushed aggregates are appropriate for medium grade concrete for better performance in terms of strength and economy. Future study is required on high-grade (cube strength at 28 days between 51 Mpa to 100 Mpa) and super high grade concrete in similar line. INTRODUCTION Concrete is a stone like material obtained by designing a carefully proportioned mixture of cement, sand, and gravel or other aggregates and water to harden in forms of the shape and dimensions of the desired structure. Aggregate is one of the important constituents in concrete, which has effect in strength development. Although strength depends upon many parameters such as water/concrete (w/c) ratio, aggregate gradation, aggregate size and shape, cement quality, mixing time, mix ratio, curing etc., but this study has concentrated only on the comparative performance of uncrushed aggregates and crushed aggregates available in Bangladesh in strength gaining of concrete. Natural (uncrushed aggregates) and artificial (crushed aggregates) are two types of coarse aggregates normally found. 40mm-downgraded natural stones are designated as uncrushed aggregates and that above 63 mm is termed as boulders or gravels. Boulders or gravels are broken down below 40mm size to prepare crushed aggregates. Uncrushed aggregates are semi angular or rounded, but crushed aggregates are angular. Concrete strength depends upon the above-mentioned types of aggregates. According to the compressive strength, concrete can be classified as follows: concrete having cube compressive strength at 28 days up to 15 Mpa is low grade concrete, between 16 Mpa to 50 Mpa is medium grade, between 51 Mpa to 100 Mpa is high grade and beyond 100 Mpa is ultra high strength concrete [2]. The main objective of the present study was to determine the relative performance of uncrushed aggregates to crushed aggregates for medium grade concrete in strength gaining keeping all other parameters same except w/c. Some previous works related to shape of coarse aggregates in concreting: Shape of the aggregates contributes to the strength value of concrete. Comparing the strength value between angular and smooth aggregates when slump is constant, there is no significant variation, as angular aggregates require more water than smooth aggregates. However, if w/c ratio and slump are kept constant with the use of admixture, there may be a reasonable increase in strength with the use angular aggregates [4]. From [1], it is seen that as the size of the aggregate increases, the requirement of the water decreases to obtain the same workability (Table-1). This is because, increase of size decreases surface area of the aggregates and less water is absorbed on the decreased surface, more is available for workability. From Table-1 it is also seen that water content of concrete with angular aggregate is always more than water content of concrete with rounded aggregate of same slump.
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Ahmed, A. E. and E1-Kourd A. A. 1989. ACI Materials Journal, 86, 4, 417-424
  • M A Aziz
Aziz, MA. 1995. Engineering Materials. Z and Z Computer and Printers, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Portland cement concrete with stone sand
  • I V Kalcheff
Kalcheff, I.V. 1977. Portland cement concrete with stone sand, Special Engineering Report, 20 p., National Crushed Stone Association, Washington.
Assessment of present environmental situation and strategy formulation for future extraction of natural resources of Jaflong
  • Hma Mahzuz
  • Hbm Tajmunnahar
Mahzuz HMA, Tajmunnahar HBM. 2010. Assessment of present environmental situation and strategy formulation for future extraction of natural resources of Jaflong, Proceedings of the conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education CERIE, 11-13 January, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
  • V M Malhotra
  • G G Carette
Malhotra, V.M. and Carette, G.G. 1985. ACI Journal, 82, 3, 363-371.
Aggregates: Fineness Modulus
  • B Mobasher
Mobasher B. 1999. Aggregates: Fineness Modulus. Available from:
Investigations on stone dust and ceramic as aggregate replacement in concrete
  • . M Veera Reddy
Veera Reddy. M. 2010. Investigations on stone dust and ceramic as aggregate replacement in concrete, Int. Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering.Vol.1, No 3