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Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation: Assessing This Phenomenon Using an Ecological Systems Framework


Abstract and Figures

The process of separation and divorce demands significant changes among family relationships requiring the ongoing negotiation of roles and responsibilities. Most children of separated parents will continue to want contact with both parents, but a small subgroup of children will align with one parent and simultaneously resist or reject the other. Several names and etiological suggestions have been coined to label these extreme alignments, but many of these oversimplify the complexity of these strained parent-child relationship dynamics. This article critically reviews the research literature using an ecological systems framework to better understand the nature of these complex strained parent-child relationships. Courts, legal, and mental health professionals that work with these families are encouraged to assess and respond to these dynamics using an ecological approach.
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Journal of Divorce & Remarriage,56:220247,2015
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 1050-2556 print/1540-4811 online
DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2015.1012698
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent
Postseparation: Assessing This Phenomenon
Using an Ecological Systems Framework
Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The process of separation and divorce demands significant changes
among family relationships requiring the ongoing negotiation of
roles and responsibilities. Most children of separated parents will
continue to want contact with both parents, but a small subgroup
of children will align with one parent and simultaneously resist
or reject the other. Several names and etiological suggestions have
been coined to label these extreme alignments, but many of these
oversimplify the complexity of these strained parent–child relation-
ship dynamics. This article critically reviews the research litera-
ture using an ecological systems framework to better understand
the nature of these complex strained parent–child relationships.
Courts, legal, and mental health professionals that work with these
families are encouraged to assess and respond to these dynamics
using an ecological approach.
KEYWORDS divorce, parent–child contact problems, parent–
child relations, separation
The transition of separation and divorce demands significant changes among
families as they adjust to new living arrangements, family structures, and
parenting plans. Parents must process the ending of the couple relation-
ship while moving toward coparenting structures that realign parenting
roles and responsibilities, and new family dynamics, which emerge from
the two-household reality. The entire family typically processes a myriad of
Address correspondence to Shely Polak, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work,
University of Toronto, 246 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1, Canada. E-mail: shely.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 221
emotions associated with the physical, emotional, and psychological tasks of
renegotiating family relationships (Emery, 2012).
Research indicates that 75% to 80% of families successfully transition
from a nuclear family to a binuclear family over a course of 2 to 3 years
postseparation as the former couple emotionally disengages from each
other (Hetherington & Kelly, 2002). These families are able to maintain
functional interparental coparenting, communication patterns, appropriate
boundaries, and healthy parent–child relationships. Longitudinal data sug-
gest that approximately 10% to 15% of separated families remain in “high
conflict” that continues 2 to 3 years postseparation (Johnston & Roseby,
1997; Johnston, Roseby, & Kuehnle, 2009; Maccoby & Mnookin, 1992). This
conflict is characterized by high levels of anger, hostility and distrust, dis-
cordant coparenting, incidents of verbal or physical aggression, protracted
litigation, and strained parent–child relationships that continue 2 to 3 years
postseparation (Birnbaum & Bala, 2010).
Although no specific rates have been established, research reveals that
most children of separated parents continue to want contact with both par-
ents (Johnston, 2005). A small subgroup of children, however, will resist or
refuse having contact with a parent postseparation while remaining aligned
with the other parent (Fidler, Bala, & Saini, 2013). Prevalence rates of
children who resist or refuse contact remain unclear, but appear to vary
depending on the operational definition and sampling strategy used (Saini,
Johnston, Fidler, & Bala, 2012). For instance, Johnston’s (1993,2003) stud-
ies revealed that 15% of children from community samples and 21% to 27%
of children from custody disputing families were “rejecting” of one parent
while remaining aligned with the other. In contrast, Lampel’s (1996) study
of custody disputing families used a much broader definition of alignment
that examined children’s messages, both positive and negative, about their
parents. Using this definition, 40% of children showed an alignment toward
one parent.
Research findings indicate that children tend to resist or reject the non-
custodial parent more often, with both mothers and fathers equally likely of
being the rejected parent; among high-conflict litigating families, fathers are
frequently the noncustodial parents (Bala, 2010). In the research literature,
the custodial parent is also referred to as the “favored,” “preferred,” “aligned,”
or “alienating” parent, with these terms often used interchangeably. The non-
custodial parent is referred to as the “targeted,” “rejected,” “nonpreferred,”
or “alienated” parent.
Research has also found that children resist or refuse parental contact in
intact, separated, divorced, and litigating families (Moné & Biringen, 2006).
However, it is encountered with greater frequency among separated and
custody litigating families (Johnston, 2003; Moné & Biringen, 2006). This sug-
gests that some combination of the interparental conflict, parenting dynamics
postseparation, and a child’s personality disposition or personal vulnerability
is a predictive factor in children who resist or refuse parental contact.
222 S. Polak and M. Saini
The phenomenon of a child who resists or refuses contact with a par-
ent postseparation dates back to research literature from 1980 that describes
this pattern of behavior (Wallerstein & Kelly, 1980). Names such as parental
alienation syndrome (Gardner, 1985), parental alienation (Darnall, 2010),
child alienation (Kelly & Johnston, 2001), and unjustified rejection (Fidler
et al., 2013) have been coined as an attempt to label these extreme align-
ments. Unfortunately, these labels have brought forth much controversy and
polarized positions among researchers, legal and mental health professionals,
and, most certainly, the families affected.
In the past decade, family courts have seen a significant increase in
the number of parent–child contact problems and allegations of alienation
and unjustified rejection of a parent (Bala, Hunt, & McCarney, 2010). This
is compounded by recent empirical evidence that indicates strained parent–
child relationships among high-conflict separations are contraindicated to
children’s best interests and overall functioning postseparation (Amato, 2001;
Fabricius, Braver, Diaz, & Velez, 2010). Extensive national and interna-
tional studies have revealed children of divorce show better outcomes on
measures of emotional, behavioral, psychological, physical, and academic
well-being when they maintain close emotional bonds, frequent contact, and
quality relationships with both parents (Amato & Gilbreth, 1999;Amato&
Sobolewski, 2001; Booth, Scott, & King, 2010; Fabricius et al., 2010;Fabricius
& Luecken, 2007; Fabricius, Sokol, Diaz, & Braver, 2012; Kaspiew et al.,
2009; Kelly, 2000; Kelly & Lamb, 2000; King & Sobolewski, 2006;Lamb,
2002,2012; Melli & Brown, 2008; Nielsen, 2013a,2013b; Pruett, Cowan,
Cowan, & Diamond, 2012). Having a close relationship with both parents
has been hypothesized to help mitigate the negative impact of parental
conflict (Nielsen, 2013a,2013b). This has contributed to greater awareness
among policy and decision makers as well as custody law reforms, which
support and encourage healthy parent–child involvement and relationships
postseparation (Kaspiew et al., 2009; Kelly, 2012;Lamb,2012; Nielsen, 2013a,
This article critically reviews the literature using an ecological systems-
based approach to gain a better understanding of the intricacies of strained
parent–child relationships and parent–child contact problems in the context
of separation and divorce.
At this time, there is no single definition for parental alienation or children
who resist or refuse parental contact. Rather, with recent developments in
research and clinical experience, new constructs have been proposed to
provide descriptive approaches to differentiate types of parent–child contact
problems encountered among separated and divorced families. The research
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 223
FIGURE 1 Adapted continuum of strained parent–child relationships.
depicts strained parent–child relationships as falling on a continuum, from
positive and healthy to negative and pathological. Based on a review of
the research literature, an adapted visual illustration of Kelly and Johnston’s
(2001) initial continuum of parent–child relationships blended with Austin,
Pruett, Kirkpatrick, Flens, and Gould’s (2013) gatekeeping continuum has
been developed (Figure 1). This model takes into account the different types
and ways of explaining strained parent–child relationships according to the
latest research literature, including the level of conflict as a factor. A brief
review of each typology is described.
At the healthiest end of the continuum, and in the majority of cases,
children have positive relationships with both parents, value them, and
wish to spend a significant amount, or equal amounts of time with them
postseparation (Johnston et al., 2009).
Also at the healthy end of the continuum, a child will maintain healthy
contact with both parents but might display an affinity toward one parent.
In these cases, the child continues to want contact with both parents, but
224 S. Polak and M. Saini
for a variety of developmentally appropriate reasons (e.g., temperament,
gender, age, familiarity, comfort, specific interests, preference of parenting
practices) might gravitate to or have a preference for one parent (Johnston
et al., 2009; Kelly & Johnston, 2001). Affinity toward a parent is flexible
and might shift to the other parent based on context, situation, or child
development considerations (Fidler et al., 2013).
Further along the continuum are children who develop an alignment with
one parent (Kelly & Johnston, 2001). Allied children are characterized by
displaying a consistent preference for one parent during the marriage or
separation; after separation, allied children report wanting limited contact
with the nonpreferred parent (Johnston et al., 2009; Kelly & Johnston, 2001).
Allied children do not completely reject the nonpreferred parent and do
not wish to permanently terminate contact. Rather, what characterizes this
subgroup of children is their ambivalence toward the nonpreferred par-
ent, where they might express feelings of sadness, anger, hurt, love, and
resistance to contact (Fidler et al., 2013; Kelly & Johnston, 2001).
High-Conflict Splitting
High conflict has also been used as a way of explaining strained parent–child
relationships and parent–child contact problems postseparation. Research
shows that children in high-conflict families are frequently triangulated into
the conflict, placed in the middle of parental disputes and subsequently,
potentially pressured to pick a side (Buchanan & Heiges, 2001;Buchanan,
Maccoby, & Dornbusch, 1991;Emery,2012; Grych, 2005). Children in high-
conflict situations are faced with the overwhelming demand of having to
adapt between their warring caregivers, needing to change their emotional
presentation and responses depending on their caregiving environment
(Garber, 2014). It is believed that children in high-conflict situations might
split their parental relationships so that each relationship is separate and pri-
vate from the other parent. In these cases, both parents might assume that
the child is aligned with the other parent because the child provides no
insight about their relationship status with the other parent and presents as
guarded. This splitting is best described as a coping mechanism and a way
for the child to remove themselves from the contentious conflict (Buchanan
et al., 1991; Grych, 2005; Johnston & Roseby, 1997; Johnston et al., 2009).
Realistic Estrangement/Justified Rejection
Some children will resist having contact with a parent as a result of having
experienced or witnessed that parent’s abuse, neglect, family violence, or
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 225
extreme parenting deficiencies (Drozd & Olesen, 2004; Fidler & Bala, 2010;
Friedlander & Walters, 2010; Kelly & Johnston, 2001). The child might have
been a direct victim of abuse or might have observed repeated violence
or emotional outbursts during the marriage or after separation. The child
need not have directly witnessed the abuse, but merely seen the aftermath
of the violence to feel trauma and refuse contact (Walker & Shapiro, 2010).
The research literature labels this subset of children as exhibiting “realistic
estrangement” or “justified rejection”; it is considered a justified, adaptive,
and protective response exhibited by the child (Baker & Darnall, 2007;Drozd
& Olesen, 2004,2010; Fidler & Bala, 2010; Fidler et al., 2013; Garber, 2007;
Gardner, 2001; Kelly & Johnston, 2001)
At the most negative and pathological end of the continuum are alienated
children. Alienated children completely refuse contact with the rejected par-
ent. Alienated children express outward rejection toward the nonpreferred
parent with no feelings of ambivalence or guilt. It is combined with overt
or covert parental alienating behaviors (PABs), either intentional or uninten-
tional by the favored parent (Fidler et al., 2013; Johnston & Kelly, 2004).
In contrast to children who justifiably reject a parent, these rejected par-
ents are considered “good enough,” sometimes exemplary, with no verified
or substantiated history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse toward the
child (Johnston & Kelly, 2004). A distinguishing feature of this group of chil-
dren is that prior to the separation, the child had an “excellent,” “good,” or
“good enough” relationship with the rejected parent (Fidler & Bala, 2010;
Kelly & Johnston, 2001). Any inherent parenting or personality flaw in the
rejected parent can be a contributing factor to a child’s rejection, but would
have been insufficient to cause in itself a relationship breakdown. In sum,
alienation involves a child’s rejection of a parent, where previously the child
had a “good enough” relationship with that parent. The rejection is dispro-
portionate to the child’s actual experience and is combined with the favored
parent’s intentional or unintentional alienating behaviors and strategies.
Hybrid Cases
As research and clinical experience continue to develop, mental health and
legal professionals report few pure cases of alienation and justified rejection
are encountered among disputed cases (Friedlander & Walters, 2010,2014).
It is more common to find “mixed” cases that involve a combination of
PABs, enmeshment between the favored parent and the child, and compro-
mised parenting by the rejected parent that lends itself to some proportional
resistance by the child (Friedlander & Walters, 2010). These cases are labeled
hybrid cases in the literature, as it involves contributing factors from both the
226 S. Polak and M. Saini
favored and rejected parent (Friedlander & Walters, 2010). In the Friedlander
and Walters (2010) clinical sample, hybrid cases accounted for 85% of their
The literature has also recently shifted its focus to one that examines and
describes parental attitudes, behaviors, and actions, which have the potential
to impact the quality of the other parent’s relationship and involvement with
the child. This is referred to as gatekeeping (Austin Fieldstone & Pruett, 2013;
Austin, Pruett, et al., 2013). On its own, gatekeeping is a nondirectional
concept. Gate opening refers to attitudes and behaviors that facilitate and
encourage involvement; gate closing refers to actions that inhibit involvement
(Ganong, Coleman, & McCaulley, 2012; Trinder, 2008).
Gatekeeping behaviors can be either adaptive or maladaptive. Adaptive
behaviors serve the purpose of doing what is best for the child; they promote
the parent–child relationship so long as it is safe, and protect the child if he or
she is in need of protection from the other parent. Maladaptive gatekeeping,
on the other hand, does not consider the child’s best interests. This
gatekeeping behavior is based on the parent’s own needs, might be a form
of revenge against the other parent, or include nonprotective, potentially
dangerous behavior (e.g., overly lax; Drozd, Olesen, & Saini, 2014).
Protective gatekeeping, also known as justified gatekeeping, refers to a
situation in which a parent uses gate closing or inhibitory behaviors in an
attempt to protect the child from risk of “harm, emotional distress, behavioral
problems, adjustment difficulties, or negative developmental impact” from
spending time with the parent (Drozd, Khuenle, & Olesen, 2011;Drozd
et al., 2014). This might be adaptive, reasonable, protective, or justified in
cases where there is reasonable cause to fear or hold negative beliefs about
a parent (e.g., incidents of abuse or neglect). It might be unjustified and
maladaptive when the bases of the concerns remain unsubstantiated (Drozd
et al., 2011).
Restrictive gatekeeping parents display attitudes and behaviors that
inhibit and interfere with the other parent’s involvement and the parent–
child relationship (Drozd et al., 2011; Ganong et al., 2012). These parents
are not supportive of the other parent and do not value the contributions of
the other parent. In extreme cases, the restrictive gatekeeper sees little or no
value in the relationship offered by the other parent and might potentially
hinder access (Drozd et al., 2014).
Gatekeeping behaviors provide a reframed approach to viewing
strained parent–child relationships by shifting the focus from one that
could be blaming to one that is more descriptive of parental attitudes and
behaviors. This is concordant with researchers’ and clinicians’ belief that
descriptive behaviors along with relevant history are of greater relevance
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 227
to both courts and mental health professionals to determine appropriate
responses (Johnston et al., 2009).
Several psychological theories have been identified in the literature to help
explicate the etiology and differentiate reasons for strained parent–child rela-
tionships and subsequent parent–child contact problems. Each theory might
hold some empirical or clinically based support, but no single theory can
fully explain the complexity and dynamics these families present. Rather,
theories are intricate, interconnected, and frequently comorbid, suggesting
a transactional ecological systems approach is best suited to understand the
interplay of the multiple multilevel factors implicated in strained parent–child
relationships. As such, Bronfenbrenner’s (1977) transactional ecological sys-
tems theory is a helpful framework that can be applied to better understand
the dynamic interplay of multiple factors implicated in strained parent–child
Fundamental to ecological systems theory, analysis of systems occurs
at the interaction and interdependence levels between people and their
environment, known as the person-in-environment perspective. The theory
posits that individuals engage in transactions with other humans and with
other systems in the environment, each having an independent effect and
a reciprocal influence on each other (Greene, 2008). Using this theoretical
model, the assessment of human problems takes into consideration the indi-
vidual (ontogenic development, microsystem), their environmental systems
(mesosystem, macrosystem), and their reciprocal influence on each another.
Empirical support exists for multilevel risk factors that can potentially
contribute to the development of strained parent–child relationships and
subsequent contact problems. Multilevel risk factors specific to the rejected
parent, the favored parent, the interparental relationship, the child, and the
parent–child relationship are reviewed. The corrosive impact of the larger
macrosystem is also highlighted, given that the nature of the system itself
serves to escalate existing negative dynamics.
Ontogenic Risk Factors
Parenting styles have been associated with different developmental out-
comes and psychopathology in children (Baumrind, 1971). Compromised
228 S. Polak and M. Saini
parenting appears to be a major contributing risk factor associated with
the development of strained parent–child relationships in both intact and
separated families (Davies & Cummings, 1994;Erel&Burman,1995;
Garber, 2011). Baumrind (1971) identified four styles of parenting vary-
ing in levels of warmth and control: authoritative, indulgent/permissive,
neglectful/uninvolved, and authoritarian. Warmth is characterized by sup-
port, nurturing, and reassurance toward the child while being emotionally
sensitive and attuned to the child’s needs. Control is positively defined as
encompassing discipline behavior, setting age-appropriate limits and consis-
tently applying them, and monitoring activities and whereabouts. Parents
high on both warmth and control are authoritative, those low on both
are neglectful/uninvolved, those high in warmth and low on control are
indulgent/permissive, and those low on warmth and high in control are
authoritarian (Baumrind, 1968,1971).
Developmental psychologists endorse authoritative parenting as the
optimal parenting style (Steinberg, Blatt-Eisengart, & Cauffman, 2006).
Several psychological studies and meta-analyses support the finding that
children and adolescents raised in authoritative environments with emotional
warmth show the best psychosocial outcome, characterized by more secure
parent–child attachments, better peer relations, and less risky behaviors
than their counterparts (Baumrind, 1971; Berg-Nielsen, Vikan, & Dahl, 2002;
Cowan & Cowan, 2002; Cusinato, 1998; Karavasilis, Doyle, & Markiewicz,
2003; Steinberg, 2001; Steinberg et al., 2006; Zahn-Waxler, Duggal, & Gruber,
When examining dynamics among families with strained parent–child
relationships and contact problems, Johnston’s (2005) study revealed that
rejected fathers tended to lack warmth, empathy, and cognitive understand-
ing of the children’s viewpoints. These fathers were found to be less able to
communicate with the children, less involved in the children’s daily activi-
ties, and experienced less pleasure, joy, or fun when relating to the children.
Rejected mothers were found to lack parenting skills and became compro-
mised by the children’s rejection. Mothers were also found to be less involved
and deficient in warmth, empathy, and ability to communicate. Both rejected
mothers and fathers showed diminished social, emotional, and psychological
adjustment postdivorce (Johnston, 2005).
Parent psychopathology is a significant family stressor that has an impact
on parenting and the parent–child relationship (Berg-Nielsen et al., 2002;
Loukas, Twitchell, Piejak, Fitzgerald, & Zucker, 1998; Zahn-Waxler et al.,
2002). Research on parenting skills among adult psychiatric patients is scarce,
despite the high risk of psychosocial problems for children of psychiatric
patients (Berg-Nielsen et al., 2002). The majority of the research literature
examines the impact of a mother’s psychopathology on parental behavior
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 229
with limited information of psychopathology on father’s parenting (Zahn-
Waxler et al., 2002). The limitation of the research on factors related to
father’s parenting is a significant hindrance to furthering our knowledge in
the area.
For instance, research has shown that depression can impact parenting
practices and parents’ ability to guide and nurture their children (Westbrook
& Harden, 2010) In Berg-Nielsen et al.’s (2002) review of the literature, stud-
ies revealed that mothers with depression displayed a more negative mood,
were more critical, were more rejecting, and displayed negative affect toward
their children. Research further linked depression in parents of young chil-
dren with less child-centered behaviors (Bluestone & Tamis-LeMonda, 1999).
That is, mothers suffering from depression showed less attunement to their
children’s needs; less warmth; impaired disciplinary functioning; more harsh,
hostile, and coercive parenting styles; and inconsistency in their parenting
practices (Jackson & Scheines, 2005). Depression and negative mood could
also lead to the inappropriate use of their children as a source of emotional
support (Loukas et al., 1998).
When applying the concept of parent psychopathology and its corre-
lation to parent–child relationships, Pruett, Williams, Insabella, and Little
(2003) found in their sample of families involved in the court system that
parent symptomatology is predictive of negative changes in the parent–child
relationship. For both mothers and fathers, parental symptomatology indi-
rectly influenced child behavioral outcomes through the negative changes in
the parent–child relationship. This is consistent with previous research that
shows parental distress and vulnerability could lead to diminished parenting
capabilities, which in turn are associated with poorer child outcomes and
poorer parent–child relationships (Pett, Wampold, Turner, & Vaughan-Cole;
1999; Tschann, Johnston, Kline, & Wallerstein, 1990; Whiteside & Becker,
A dearth of research exists on parenting capabilities of parents with
personality disorders (Berg-Nielsen et al., 2002). The Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. [DSM–5]; American
Psychiatric Association, 2013) defines personality disorders as inflexible and
maladaptive personality traits, which cause significant functional impairment
or subjective distress. Although limited empirical research exists, the clinical
impression is that personality disorders seriously interfere with adequate
parenting, thus impairing the parent–child relationship (Zahn-Waxler et al.,
2002). Evidence of this dates back to a Rutter and Quinton (1984) study
of children of psychiatric outpatients. The authors found that children had
a higher risk of psychopathology if a parent had a personality disorder
characterized by hostility.
230 S. Polak and M. Saini
More recent research by Hobson and colleagues (2009) investigated
parenting behaviors of mothers with borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Results revealed mothers with BPD displayed deregulated affective commu-
nication toward their infants, including critical and intrusive behaviors, role
confusion, and frightening behaviors. A separate review of mothers with
BPD found that maternal parenting strategies are characterized by oscilla-
tions between intrusive overinvolvement and withdrawn underinvolvement
(Stepp, Whalen, Pilkonis, Hipwell, & Levine, 2012).
Within the research literature on parent–child contact problems, five
studies contained psychological profiles of the parents and child, which were
obtained during a custody evaluation (Saini et al., 2012). Results revealed
that that in three of four studies, favored parents used more narcissistic,
primitive defenses and showed poor reality testing. Findings with respect to
the rejected parent were mixed. One study found characterological differ-
ences between the rejected parent and the favored parent, whereas another
study did not. One study found no characterological differences between a
rejected parent in contact cases when compared to parents with no contact
In sum, parents who exhibit personality disorders are believed to
show inconsistent discipline and compromised parenting characterized by
recurrent and unpredictable behavior. It is posited that both compromised
parenting and a child’s inability to predict a parent’s reactions due to
inconsistent parenting impacts their level of security, parent–child attach-
ment relationship, and development. This in turn could lead to a strained
parent–child relationship and subsequent contact problems.
The deleterious effects of parental substance abuse on children have been
well documented (Mayes & Truman, 2002; Richter & Richter, 2001). Evidence
of this dates back to Baumrind’s (1991) research on parenting styles where
substance-using parents exhibit authoritarian or overly permissive behav-
iors. Although research findings have been inconsistent, parental substance
abuse often compromises parenting practices, negatively affects the parent–
child relationship (Ryan, Marsh, Testa, & Louderman, 2006), and significantly
increases the risk of child maltreatment (Ryan et al., 2006; Walsh, MacMillan,
& Jamieson, 2003; Widom & Hiller-Sturmhofel, 2001).
The specific pathway by which substance abuse affects quality of par-
enting is still unknown (Walsh et al., 2003). However, it is believed that the
multiple risk factors associated with substance use such as chaotic lifestyles,
negative or abusive interactions with partners, and marital dissatisfaction
likely influence parenting and impair parent–child interactions (Berg-Nielsen
et al., 2002; Loukas et al., 1998; Walsh et al., 2003). Negative and unpre-
dictable behaviors manifested by the parent as a result of being under the
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 231
influence of a substance can help explain the development of parent–child
relationship issues.
Appraisals are children’s subjective perceptions of parental disagreements
and their understanding of the causes and consequences of the conflict
(Fosco & Grych, 2008). Cross-sectional and longitudinal research supports
the role of children’s appraisals of threat and self-blame as mechanisms that
mediate the relationship between conflict and child adjustment (Buehler,
Lange, & Franck, 2007;Grych&Fincham,1993; Grych, Fincham, Jouriles &
McDonald, 2000; Harold, Shelton, Goeke-Morey, & Cummings, 2004). The
cognitive-contextual model proposed by Grych and Fincham (1990)empha-
sizes the role of children’s perceptions of threat posed by conflict; a child’s
belief in their ability to cope and personal attributions regarding the cause
of the conflict are important for shaping a child’s emotional and behavioral
responses. Children who perceive conflict to be dangerous to them, their par-
ents, or their family will likely be more distressed than children who view
a conflict as benign (Grych et al., 2000). Children with difficulty appraising
a situation could present with distorted understanding of the family conflict.
This cognitive distortion might result in children exhibiting resistance and
refusal behaviors.
The current status of the research further suggests that a certain level of
cognitive sophistication and maturity is needed to understand multiple, dif-
fering, and simultaneous perspectives each family member might have with
respect to the conflict. If cognitive maturity is not reached, the child can
present with shifting allegiances between parents (Garber, 2014; Johnston &
Roseby, 1997). Once cognitive development is attained and the child can
hold contradictory ideas at the same time, the child might choose to align
with one parent to cope and avoid having to reconcile the two disparate
perspectives (Johnston & Roseby, 1997). The literature has found that it is
unusual to see children who present with strong rigid views and display
contact problems prior to age 7 or 8. The most common age range found
among children resisting contact is from 9 to 15 years of age, once sufficient
cognitive maturity has been reached (Johnston et al., 2009).
In addition, one cannot discount a child’s previous relationship with a par-
ent prior to the physical separation. In some cases, a child might wish to
spend time only with one parent and resist the other, not because of an
232 S. Polak and M. Saini
alignment, but because the child has a closer relationship with the favored
parent, which was established preseparation. In these cases, it is important
for one to assess the level of involvement each parent had with the child
prior to the separation before believing the child is being influenced or is
Microsystem Risk Factors
Among the clinical cases encountered and found among case law, a parent’s
engagement in alienating behaviors is a common risk factor and contributory
element to parent–child contact problems.
Fidler et al. (2013) reported that rejected parents who speak negatively
of the other parent, undermine the other parent, or make the child feel
guilty about their relationship with the other parent might struggle with the
backfiring of their own behaviors resulting in the child rejecting contact.
In this case, the child cannot tolerate the denigration of the other, more
favored, parent and is unable to assert their feelings about that parent’s
behavior; instead the child rejects future contact to avoid being placed in the
uncomfortable position.
A favored parent might engage in alienating behaviors directly, subtly, or
unconsciously operating from their own personal history or psychopathology
(Drozd & Olesen, 2004). Johnston’s (2005) empirical analysis of alienated
children revealed that although rejected parents’ own deficits were influen-
tial in the creation of their own alienation, favored parents contributed to
alienating a child’s affection from the other parent via alienating behaviors
and the sabotage of the parent–child relationship.
Rejected parents who are frustrated, angry, and hurt by their children’s
behaviors toward them might react negatively toward their children as a
response to how they are being treated. Clinical practitioners call this reac-
tion counter-rejecting behavior (Baker & Andre, 2008; Fidler & Bala, 2010;
Warsh ak, 2010). Counter-rejecting parents might react with passivity, with-
drawal, or anger in an effort to cope with the conflict or change the child’s
behavior. Out of their frustration, they can lack empathy and react punitively
or vindictively to the way they are being treated (Fidler & Bala, 2010). Some
rejected parents might be offended and react with aggression and disre-
spectful behavior or vacillate between passivity and confrontational behavior,
further confusing the child (Baker & Darnall, 2006; Kelly & Johnston, 2001;
Warsh ak, 2010). Unfortunately, this has the potential of further contributing
to the dynamics and affirming a child’s distorted beliefs.
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 233
Favored parents have been shown to demonstrate poor emotional and psy-
chological boundaries with their children. They might use their children as
confidantes by sharing information that is inappropriate for the child’s age
and use the child for their own emotional support (Garber, 2011; Johnston,
Walters, & Olesen, 2005b). Examples include parents divulging intimate
details of what occurred during the marriage or throughout the separation,
or showing court materials including affidavits, exhibits of evidence, or court
orders. In situations where the child feels a sense of loyalty or perceives
the favored parent as the weaker parent, knowledge of adult details or
court information further reinforces the need to ally with the favored par-
ent. Nonetheless, although the favored parent might state that they have not
fostered or promoted the alignment, the parent is comforted and satisfied
with the alignment and makes no effort to discourage the behaviors (Ellis &
Boyan, 2010).
In Johnston et al.’s (2005b) regression analysis of factors related to child
alienation, the authors found that alienating parents had “poor boundaries,
engaged in role reversal with their children and had difficulty distinguishing
their own feelings from those of their child” (p. 207).
Empirical research on postseparation parenting and parent–child relation-
ships when a history of domestic violence is present is still in its infancy
(Hardesty, Haselschwerdt, & Johnson, 2012). For family court matters, reli-
able differentiation of the type of domestic violence encountered in a family
is expected to provide the court with direction in determining whether
parent–child contact is appropriate, potential safeguards that might be nec-
essary, and the type of parenting plan that will most likely promote healthy
outcomes for children and the parent–child relationship (Jaffe, Johnston,
Crooks, & Bala, 2008; Kelly & Johnson, 2008).
Studies have found that children exposed to domestic violence experi-
ence negative internalizing and externalizing behaviors including depression,
anxiety, worry, and greater tendency to physical aggression and behavior
problems (Holden & Ritchie, 1991;Rossman,1998). Exposure to domestic
violence could lead to symptoms of trauma in the form of intrusiveness,
reexperiencing of events, a chronic state of hyperarousal, and emotional
withdrawal (Kilpatrick & Williams, 1998).
The research has also focused on how parenting might be affected in
the context of domestic violence. Empirical evidence suggests that the qual-
ity of parenting and the ability of both parents to meet their child’s needs
are compromised in households where domestic violence is present (Holt,
Buckley, & Whelan, 2008). For women who are victims of domestic violence,
continuing abuse impacts parenting capacity, the parent–child relationship,
234 S. Polak and M. Saini
and the quality of the parent–child attachment (Holt et al., 2008; Ledenovsky,
Huth-Bocks, Semel, & Shapiro, 2002).
Little research is available on how an abusive parent’s behaviors impact
their parent–child relationship (Guille, 2004; Hardesty et al., 2012). The infor-
mation that exists suggests that abusive parents are less likely to be involved
with their children, are more angry toward their children, lack empathy, are
more likely to use negative parenting practices (e.g., slapping), are more con-
trolling, are more authoritarian, and are less consistent (Bancroft & Silverman,
2002; Guille, 2004; Holden & Ritchie, 1991; Holt et al., 2008;Jaffeetal.,2008).
Results from Carter and Forssell’s (2014) qualitative study of maltreated chil-
dren’s perceptions of their abusive fathers reveal that children perceived their
father as a disengaged provider of care. Children’s descriptions of a mere
absence of violence by their father were judged as “good enough” fathering.
This preliminary study provides some evidence regarding children’s relation-
ship with and perception of their abusive parent. At this time, no research
has reported the frequency with which children who experienced or wit-
nessed physical, verbal, or emotional abuse sever contact with their abusive
parent after parental separation or in adulthood.
Johnston et al.’s (2005b) empirical study on multiple factors that cor-
relate to children resisting contact with a parent postseparation revealed
that 27% of the children from their sample experienced substantiated abuse
(neglect, physical, or sexual) and domestic violence was encountered in 44%
of families. Regression analysis also revealed that a father’s alienation of the
children against their mother is predicted by his own abusive behavior as a
spouse. An abusive parent who engages in PABs is seen as demonstrating
an extension of their physically abusive and controlling behaviors (Drozd
& Olesen, 2004;Jaffeetal.,2008). These preexisting dynamics could have
a profound impact on the nature of the parent–child relationship both pre-
and postseparation.
The quality of the parents’ marriage as well as postseparation relationship is
shown to have an effect on the parent–child relationship. Mothers in high-
conflict marriages have been found to be less warm and empathetic toward
their children, demonstrated less affection, were more rejecting, and used
harsher erratic and coercive discipline with more yelling and physical pun-
ishment. Some fathers have been seen to withdraw from the parenting role
and from their children in high-conflict marriages, compared to fathers in
low-conflict marriages, and interactions with children were more insensitive
and intrusive (Amato & Booth, 1996; Cox, Paley, & Harter, 2001;Davies&
Cummings, 1994; Kelly, 2012; Kline, Johnston, & Tschann, 1991).
Erel and Burman’s (1995) meta-analytic review of the association
between overall marital quality and the parent–child relationship found that
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 235
parents who have more satisfying and supportive marital relations are more
available to respond sensitively to the needs of their children. In contrast,
negative conflictual relationships could cause more irritable, emotionally
drained, and less attentive and sensitive caregiving. Results from the review
revealed a significant positive relationship between the quality of the mar-
ital relationship and the quality of the parent–child relationship with an
effect size of d=.46 (Erel & Burman, 1995). The existence of a link
between supportive spousal relations and parenting quality was strongly
supported; compromised parenting is believed to be the main pathway by
which marital conflict translates into poor parent–child relationships and
has received substantial support in the research (Krishnakumar & Buehler,
Interparental conflict postseparation has been established as one of the
major risks to the development of children’s emotional and behavioral
problems (Johnston, Gonzalez, & Campbell, 1987; Kelly, 2000). The mech-
anism by which interparental conflict influences child outcomes is not well
understood. However, it is established that expressed conflict has nega-
tive implications on children’s adjustment and the parent–child relationship
(Buchanan & Heiges, 2001).
Studies yield a negative correlation between high interparental con-
flict and nonresident parent contact (typically fathers) and increased
child adjustment problems (Amato & Gilbreth, 1999; Pruett et al., 2003).
Interparental conflict can negatively influence the parent–child relationship,
which adversely affects child behaviors.
Researchers posit that a child’s loss of time and attention from their par-
ent on that parent’s remarriage can be particularly upsetting for a child
(Pasley, Rhoden, Visher, & Visher, 1996). Resentment and jealousy could
permeate as the stepparent and child compete for the biological parent’s
time and attention, leading to a conflictual stepparent–child relationship.
Coleman, Fine, Ganong, Downs, and Pauk (2001) conducted a qualitative
study examining conflict and conflict resolution techniques among 34 adults
and 24 children from 17 stepfamilies. In their study, they found that loy-
alty conflicts were present in all but two families interviewed. In particular,
children expressed feeling torn between their stepparent and their nonres-
idential parent. Remarriage is another difficult transition and risk factor for
children (Hetherington & Kelly, 2002). Dating, cohabitation, and remarriage
threaten a nonresident parent’s relationship with their children as contact
236 S. Polak and M. Saini
with nonresident parents often declines following either parent’s remarriage
(Amato & Gilbreth, 1999).
Coleman et al.’s (2001) qualitative study of stepfamilies also revealed that
siblings have a major influence on each other. In this particular study,
older siblings had an influence on the younger siblings to undermine the
stepparent while emphasizing the importance of the nonresidential parent.
In addition, clinical evidence from reintegration intervention studies shows
that although younger siblings of older children who reject a parent might
initially have a “good enough” relationship with both parents, as time passes,
younger siblings tend to follow older siblings’ patterns and begin showing
rejecting behaviors (Warshak, 2010). No direct empirical research has yet
been conducted to evaluate the impact of siblings within the context of
strained parent–child relationship postseparation.
Mesosystem Risk Factors
Parental separation is associated with a decrease in children’s standard of
living with many disputes related to financial disagreements (Amato & Keith,
1991). Children living with mothers are more likely to have fewer economic
resources than those living with fathers (Kelly, 2012). One hypothesis is
that economic hardship contributes to strained parent–child relationships.
This is supported by empirical research, which revealed a positive correla-
tion between parents who consistently pay child support with better child
adjustment and more frequent parent–child contact (Amato & Gilbreth, 1999;
Hetherington, 1997).
Research has also shown that divorce is associated with a decrease in the
quantity and quality of contact between children and their noncustodial par-
ent (typically fathers among the literature), which continues to decrease as
time passes postseparation (Amato & Booth, 1996; Amato & Keith, 1991).
This link might be created by attitudes and practices that lead to restric-
tions in father–child time and maintained through societal, institutional, and
economic influences (Fabricius et al., 2010; Kelly, 2012). Among the most
important is the notion of a one-size-fits-all parenting plan consisting of vis-
itation occurring every other weekend and perhaps for a brief midweek
visit. This parenting plan, developed at a time when there was a strong
maternal preference, still persists in many jurisdictions (Kelly, 2005,2007).
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 237
These guidelines, framed as being in the child’s best interests, can deteriorate
the father–child relationship by limiting the amount of contact between the
father and the child. Although the research is clear that quantity of time is less
important than father–child emotional closeness and authoritative parenting,
a reduction in time will inevitably provide less opportunity to develop close
emotional parent–child ties, thereby impacting the parent–child relationship.
Other mesofactors worth noting would be changes to children’s envi-
ronment. For instance, if a parent moves to another neighborhood or
community, children might resist or refuse contact as a result of being unfa-
miliar with the community (Freeman, 2011) and further away from their
established social networks. In particular, friends and social relationships
become important figures among older children. In these cases, children
might rather stay at one parent’s home not because they have an alignment
toward that parent, but because their friends or significant other lives in
the neighborhood. This is especially important for children who attempt to
remove themselves from any ongoing parental conflict by spending more
time with friends.
Macrosystem Risk Factors
Most of the empirical research examines the impact of court involvement on
children’s adjustment rather than the parent–child relationship. Bing, Nelson,
and Wesolowski (2009) conducted a study comparing the effects of conflict,
measured by court involvement, on children’s adjustment. Results from their
study revealed poorer child adjustment (e.g., aggression, academic prob-
lems) in parents litigating issues of custody or access and property. This
supports previous research literature that suggests better coparental rela-
tionships and lower amounts of conflict are associated with better child
adjustment (Amato, 2001; Kelly, 2012). Results of this study also indicate
that in contrast to low-conflict, nonlitigating parents, high-conflict, litigat-
ing parents reported less agreement on their spouse’s role in the lives of
their children. There are no direct empirical research studies that link the
parent–child relationship with a parent’s involvement in a litigious adver-
sarial system. However, one can extrapolate based on the review of the
literature that the stress of being involved in an adversarial system will likely
impact parenting capacity and thereby affect the parent–child relationship.
Likewise, given that high-conflict parents are often involved with other
systems including the court, police, or child welfare authorities, it is not
uncommon for children of high-conflict, litigating parents to be interviewed
238 S. Polak and M. Saini
by multiple professionals. Although no empirical studies have yet been con-
ducted, one should question the impact that repeated investigations have
on children as a result of their parents’ fight. It could be hypothesized that
children might resist or reject contact as a way of removing themselves from
the situation.
To move away from simplified approaches to understanding the complex-
ity of strained parent–child relationships, this article used an ecological
approach incorporating empirical evidence of the multiple factors associated
with parent–child contact problems. Figure 2 provides an illustration of a pro-
posed model that takes into consideration the evidence for understanding
the development of strained parent–child relationships. Using an ecologi-
cal systems framework, the illustration breaks down the ontogenic, micro,
meso, and macro risk factors relevant to each individual party, depicting
their interconnected nature and potential influence on one another.
Using this framework, it is hypothesized that the development of contact
problems is seldom exclusively the result of one parent’s malicious actions
toward another parent or the result of only poor parenting behaviors from
the rejected parent (Friedlander & Walters, 2010; Garber, 2011; Johnston,
Walter, & Olesen, 2005). Rather, it is a complex phenomenon, not explained
by linear pathways of causation.
The implications for mental health professionals working with families
that present with strained parent–child dynamics includes the need to con-
duct a thorough and comprehensive psychosocial assessment of the multiple
factors that could be contributing to the parent–child relationship problems
on a case-by-case basis. A comprehensive assessment is necessary to fully
understand what conditions are both present and perpetuating the dynamics.
As a result of the multiple factors often apparent in these families,
mental health professionals should consider using multiple treatment modal-
ities including psychoeducation, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral
skills training, individual therapy, and family therapy to address the com-
ponents contributing to the dysfunctional family system. Each family should
be treated both individually and when necessary and appropriate in joint
coparent, parent–child, or family sessions. Evaluation of these interventions
is critical to creating a more robust understanding of the process, implemen-
tation, and outcome factors that should be considered when considering the
best approach for working with families involved in parent–child contact
The research on strained parent–child relationships remains in its
infancy. Research studies can provide clues to the potential factors that
Children Resisting Contact With a Parent Postseparation 239
FIGURE 2 Multilevel risk factors associated with the development of strained parent–child
relationships: An ecological systems approach.
should be considered within a comprehensive assessment, but caution is
needed when extrapolating the findings to any one case.
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... stoljeća (Fidler i sur., 2013a(Fidler i sur., , 2013b. Može se reći da je unatoč raspravama o terminologiji i etiologiji, fenomen univerzalno prepoznat od stručnjaka iz različitih zemalja koji se bave mentalnim zdravljem, procjenom i tretmanom djece uključene u visokokonfliktni razvod roditelja (Polak i Saini, 2015). Iako je Gardner Za tog se roditelja pretpostavlja da svjesno ili nesvjesno poduzima postupke kojima otuđuje dijete od drugog roditelja. ...
... Iako je Gardner Za tog se roditelja pretpostavlja da svjesno ili nesvjesno poduzima postupke kojima otuđuje dijete od drugog roditelja. Iako se može pojaviti i u intaktnim obiteljima (Baker i Verrocchio, 2015), najčešće se događa u kontekstu razdvajanja i razvoda, posebno u visokokonfliktnom razvodu (Polak i Saini, 2015;Johnston i Sulivan, 2020;Moon i sur., 2020;Marques i sur., 2020;Harman i sur., 2021;Andreopoulos i Wexler, 2022;Bernet, 2023). Uočeno je da ta djeca znaju često pokazivati ponašanja kao što je intenzivna nesklonost, ocrnjivanje i otvoreno izražavanje mržnje prema ciljanom roditelju, naglašeno je isticanje kvalitete drugog roditelja, odbijanje posjeta ili kontakata s ciljanim roditeljem zbog trivijalnih opravdanja (Mitcham Smith i Henry, 2007). ...
... U velikoj mjeri interes istraživača predstavljaju ponašanja roditelja koja mogu dovesti do takvih reakcija kod djeteta (Baker, 2005;Baker i Darnall, 2006;Amato i sur., 2011;Polak i Saini 2015). ...
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Značajan interes znanstvenika i stručnjaka za koncept otuđenja datira od 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća, a u posljednje tri godine zadobio je određenu pažnju i u Hrvatskoj. S obzirom na mnoge rasprave koje se danas vode o konceptu otuđenja, cilj rada bio je prikazati aktualno razumijevanje koncepta te polemike koje se na međunarodnoj razini kao i među hrvatskim stručnjacima, vode o znanstvenoj utemeljenosti koncepta i rizicima njegove primjene u praktičnom radu. Živa diskusija postoji između autora koji se prvenstveno usredotočuju na otuđenje i onih koji se prvenstveno usredotočuju na zlostavljanje djece i obiteljsko nasilje. Nadalje se u radu daje pregled razvoja istraživačkog pristupa konceptu te se konstatira da su istraživanja u području otuđenja sve brojnija, da postoji pomak prema kvantitativnim istraživanjima i sve većem broju istraživanja koja testiraju teorijski generirane hipoteze. Zaključno se naglašava slaganje stručnjaka i znanstvenika oko potrebe za oprezom zbog mogućnosti zlouporabe koncepta otuđenja, oko višefaktorske perspektive otuđenja, kao i potrebe za daljnjim istraživanjima. Na kraju rada daju se preporuke za moguća daljnja istraživanja u svrhu doprinosa metodološkoj jasnoći i boljem međusobnom razumijevanju praktičara i znanstvenika.
... In cases of alienation, children may be worried about bad things that the alienated parent might do, or they may be fixated on the alienated parent's purported negative qualities, as we saw in the cases of Kiran and Alex [32]. However, most cases involving parental rejection are complex, with many factors at play [71,90]. And when children describe discrete abusive acts that a parent committed, as in the case of Omar's son, the child should be believed, and this should not be considered simple parental alienation unless or until proven otherwise [30,89]. ...
... Social workers should not pressure children to have contact with a potentially abusive parent (e.g., [91]), as this is a form of psychological abuse itself that invalidates the concerns brought forward by the child. (See Polak and Saini [90] for more on this topic.) Parental alienation is certainly a useful construct to explain many cases of children rejecting a parent, but the physical safety of the child must come first [30,60]. ...
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Custody cases characterized by conflict may involve allegations of abuse or parental alienation, necessitating a thorough examination of the situation for the child’s wellbeing. This case series describes stereotypes and biases faced by three racialized fathers, resulting in problems in the processes and outcomes of the family court system. Occurring at the intersection of race, culture, religion, and gender, social myths about these fathers of South Asian and MENA (Middle Eastern, North African, Arab) descent led to inequities in parental rights and harm to their children. Biases experienced by fathers included racism, sexism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia, which manifested as presumptions that such fathers espoused outdated gender roles, exerted excessive authority in the home, and were unwilling to adapt to mainstream culture—which can bias the decision-making of custody evaluators, child advocates, lawyers, and judges. This paper presents the relevant facts of each case, critical errors made by the court—such as ignoring the voices of the fathers, delayed verdict delivery, inadequate assessment of abuse, and failure to prioritize the children's welfare. This article discusses stigma, abuse, interracial dynamic, and the mental health toll of this process on fathers, despite having respected professions and financial resources. Also addressed is the challenge of differentiating parental alienation from estrangement due to child abuse when children reject a parent. It is hoped that by recognizing and addressing these biases outcomes in parental disputes can be greatly improved.
... Facilitators and developers need to reflect on how this program targets high-conflict coparenting. As stated previously, this dynamic occurs in approximately 10-25% of coparenting relationships (Polak & Saini, 2015). Therefore, about 75% of coparents do not have this degree of conflict and may need divorce education to be focused on their needs or maybe there are existing programs that would satisfy this population. ...
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Finding effective interventions and best practices for families during the divorce or separation process has been prevalent for many years due to the continuous impact that divorce has on families and the greater society. To meet the needs of the community, two mental health professionals developed and facilitated a parent education course targeting the reduction of coparental conflict. Due to the unique attributes of the course, researchers began a quantitative study of the program by having participants complete pre- and post-surveys. The final sample for this study consisted of 212 parent participants. Findings from the data are reported along with implications for facilitators, program developers, mental health providers, and future researchers.
... Counselors are well-prepared to assist clients with anxiety, depression, substance use, and other intrapersonal concerns; these mental health concerns must be treated uniquely and individuals experiencing HCS/D are no exception. These individuals have characteristics that contribute to prolonging conflict over time and inhibit the creation of functional co-parenting and fluid communication (Birnbaum & Bala, 2010;Fidler & Bala, 2010;Polak & Saini, 2015). These parents tend to be primarily focused on themselves, unable to recognize their role in the conflict, and have few introspective abilities (Gordon et al., 2008). ...
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Practicing counselors will, at some point, work with clients from high-conflict separations/divorces (HCS/D); however, often they have received very little educational training for these experiences. To effectively treat these clients/client families, all counselors should have a working knowledge of the major processes and critical factors involved in these situations. This manuscript emphasizes the role of the counselor within HCS/D, seeks to give both an overview of and describe the complexities of HCS/D that counselors need to understand, and identifies areas of concern and focus for counselors functioning within distinct modalities.
... Most aligned children do not completely reject the other parent; rather, they tend to express some ambivalence toward this parent, including anger, sadness, and love. At the far end of the continuum are children who have extreme alignment with one parent, whereas they strongly and unjustifiably resist or completely refuse contact with the other parent without apparent ambivalence or guilt [7][8][9][10]. ...
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Background: There is an increasing awareness that a child's separation from one parent after the divorce places the child's development and well-being at risk. The aim of this study was to determine how Greek courts deal with the cases of parental prevention of communication with their children and which factors affect the judicial decisions. Methods: The Greek legal databases "NOMOS" and "Isokratis" were searched, and associations between judicial decisions, as well as communication prevention ways, and several parameters, were assessed. Results/conclusions: A total of 50 parental communication prevention law cases were retrieved for the time period from 1992 to 2019. Results showed that mothers were more frequently alleged to interfere with father-child communication. Both direct and indirect methods of interfering with communication were followed. In cases of a single child, the method of indirect interference was more frequently followed. Judicial decisions were unaffected by the age and gender of the child, the gender of the parent preventing the communication, the number of children, the gender of the child and whether the child is the same gender as the preventing or prevented parent, the way of prevention, and the reference to parental alienation.
... Different process models and frameworks have been developed to address the continuum of influencing factors of interparental conflict and discord and how they serve as a significant influence on children's development (Cummings & Davies, 2002;Cummings, Goeke-Morey, & Papp, 2016;Polak & Saini, 2015). Research on parental functioning and the aetiology of child maltreatment is often focused on and has been identified as containing three domains: (1) resources of parents, (2) characteristics of children, and (3) contextual sources of risk and protecting factors. ...
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This article explores professionals' understanding and experiences of parental high conflicts in Norwegian family counsellor and child welfare services. The data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, examining four focus group interviews with a total of 24 professionals. We used tame and wicked problems as a theoretical frame of reference in order to discuss how high conflict cases can be understood. The analysis shows that the complexity and experiences of high conflicts challenge professionals in their assessments and development of solutions. Our conclusion is that the nature of the complexity, unpredictability, and instability of high conflicts fits within the framework of wicked problems.
Children and adolescents who are having difficulty coping with stress often present with complaints of physical discomfort. Effective treatment approaches exist for many of these issues. Among high‐conflict parents, however, children's medical issues can become another canvas for conflict, with parents focused more on blaming one another for the child's distress than on options for assisting the child. Professionals can be drawn into the conflict to such a degree that they overlook essential steps for addressing and managing these issues. The authors present a research‐informed model for managing medical and psychophysiological issues amid parental conflict.
Cadre de la recherche : Les familles vivant un conflit sévère de séparation utilisent de façon disproportionnée les tribunaux, les avocats et les ressources psychosociales et sollicitent plusieurs systèmes simultanément. Les professionnels se sentent impuissants dans l’intervention auprès d’elles et tendent à entretenir des perceptions négatives à leur égard. Les caractéristiques individuelles qu’ils perçoivent chez les parents doivent être étudiées compte tenu de leur importance pour comprendre à la fois les dynamiques interpersonnelles de ces parents et les défis de l’intervention professionnelle. Objectifs : La présente étude vise à identifier les perceptions des professionnels des domaines judiciaire et psychosocial quant aux caractéristiques individuelles des parents impliqués dans des situations hautement conflictuelles. Méthodologie : Une analyse de contenu thématique a été réalisée sur deux types de documents, soit les dossiers tenus par les psychothérapeutes participant au protocole Parentalité-Conflit-Résolution et les décisions judiciaires rendues dans les situations familiales ayant été admises à ce même protocole. Résultats : Les discours des juges et des psychologues révèlent leurs perceptions quant aux caractéristiques individuelles des parents impliqués dans des situations familiales hautement conflictuelles, telles que la méfiance, l’opposition, le manque d’empathie, l’impulsivité, le manque d’introspection et d’autocritique et des mécanismes de défense immatures. Conclusions : Cet article met en évidence les perceptions des professionnels des domaines judiciaire et psychosocial quant aux caractéristiques individuelles des parents impliqués dans des situations hautement conflictuelles qui génèrent des difficultés dans les relations interpersonnelles et souligne l’impact des systèmes judiciaires et de services psychosociaux dans le maintien et l’exacerbation de ces caractéristiques. Contribution : Les résultats de cette étude documentent les perceptions des professionnels des domaines judiciaire et psychosocial quant aux caractéristiques individuelles des parents vivant un conflit sévère de séparation ; ce qui soutient les réflexions sur les besoins de ces familles et les défis auxquels font face les systèmes judiciaires et de services psychosociaux avec elles.
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Two questions often confront family law courts and policymakers: “Is the quantity or the quality of parenting time more important for children’s outcomes?” and “Should parenting time be limited in high-conflict families?” Most discussions in the research literature give the following answers: The quality of parenting time is more important for children’s well-being than the quantity of parenting time, and when there is frequent and severe parent conflict, parenting time should be limited because it can seriously harm children. This chapter argues that these longstanding conclusions should be re-examined in the light of new evidence. It presents new data on the correlation between quantity of parenting time and quality of parent-child relationships in families with and without severe parent conflict and discusses new findings in the health literature on family relationships and children’s long-term, stress-related physical health. These new findings indicate that the lingering situation of minimal parenting time with fathers for great numbers of children is a serious public health issue.
Interparental Conflict and Child Development is a 2001 text that provides an in-depth analysis of the rapidly expanding body of research on the impact of interparental conflict on children. Emphasizing developmental and family systems perspectives, it investigates a range of important issues, including the processes by which exposure to conflict may lead to child maladjustment, the role of gender and ethnicity in understanding the effects of conflict, the influence of conflict on parent–child, sibling, and peer relations, family violence, and interparental conflict in divorced and step-families. It also addresses the implications of this research for prevention, clinical intervention, and public policy. Each chapter examines relevant conceptual and methodological questions, reviews on pertinent data, and identifies pathways for future research. Thus, the book serves to chart the course for continued investigation into the links between marital and child functioning.
Interparental Conflict and Child Development is a 2001 text that provides an in-depth analysis of the rapidly expanding body of research on the impact of interparental conflict on children. Emphasizing developmental and family systems perspectives, it investigates a range of important issues, including the processes by which exposure to conflict may lead to child maladjustment, the role of gender and ethnicity in understanding the effects of conflict, the influence of conflict on parent–child, sibling, and peer relations, family violence, and interparental conflict in divorced and step-families. It also addresses the implications of this research for prevention, clinical intervention, and public policy. Each chapter examines relevant conceptual and methodological questions, reviews on pertinent data, and identifies pathways for future research. Thus, the book serves to chart the course for continued investigation into the links between marital and child functioning.
This study examined the direct and indirect influences of parental divorce on preschool children's psychosocial adjustment through its effect on maternal strain, family socioeconomic status, the quality of the family's interpersonal relationships, and mother–child interaction. Participants included 198 married (n = 99) and divorced (n = 99), predominantly White, lower- to middle-income families with preschool children. Analyses using structural equation modeling (SEM) indicate that family structure and processes in combination most strongly influenced child outcomes. Specifically, the effects of divorce on children's adjustment were mediated by maternal strain and the quality of mother–child interaction. The goodness-of-fit indices (.90 to .94), root mean square error of approximation index (.03), and nonsignificant chi-square (p = .12) indicated a good fit for the generated structural equation model.
This chapter reviews empirical research that will inform the process of evaluating separating parents in the context of domestic violence (DV). It begins by introducing distinctions among types of DV, distinctions that are important for understanding the relevant research and for evaluating the implications of DV for custody decisions. To help establish the relevance of DV to child custody, a summary of the effects of DV exposure on children is provided. Then the research on parenting in the context of DV is reviewed. This growing body of research provides insight into post-separation relationship dynamics and parenting characteristics of victims and abusers. The chapter concludes with the options available for parenting plans that prioritize both safety and the long-term adjustment of parents and children affected by DV.
This chapter discusses father engagement when parents separate or divorce. It begins with a summary of research on married and cohabiting couples. A burgeoning literature indicates that fathers play an important role in their children’s development, a role that is often quite different than that of mothers. Further, a plethora of recent studies show that when parents have high levels of unresolved conflict, or cold and withdrawn relationships, their children are at risk for behavioral, social, and emotional symptoms, as well as difficulties meeting academic challenges in school. After developing and summarizing these studies as relevant background, some central issues of father involvement when relationships dissolve but co-parenting obligations continue are considered: dilemmas about continuing a collaborative co-parenting relationship even though the partners are in conflict with each other; and special problems of father involvement associated with maternal gatekeeping and establishing overnights with children. Finally, an evidence-based intervention designed to support and enhance father involvement prior to separation and divorce is described, with suggestions about how it could be adapted for separating and divorcing couples.