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The Extended Brain: Cyclic Information Flow in a Quantum Physical Realm


Abstract and Figures

The present knowledge of the brain neurology, collectively, is insufficient to explain higher mental processes such as (self)-consciousness, qualia, intuition, meditative states, transpersonal experiences as well as ultra rapid brain responses and functional binding between distant parts of the brain. It is proposed that super-causal space-time configurations may function as an interface between molecular transitions and the particular higher mental functions. As super-causal principles, the iso-energetic brain model as well as various quantum brain theories are treated. Isoenergetic states of the brain may enable protein perturbation mediated information processing within a tenth of a millisecond and make use of subjective space-time configuration created in life as an emergent modality of the neural system. In addition, elementary quantum processes are seen as essential for higher brain functions, since our central nervous system forms an integral part of a dynamic universe as a non-local information processing modality. In this respect, quantum physics also allows the build-up of an individual mental knowledge domain on the basis of selfselective imprinting of a geometric space/time dimension, as induced by wave/ particle transitions in the brain. The central hypothesis of the present paper is that a versatile and rapid responding brain function requires complementary information processing mechanisms both at the iso-energetic and quantum (macro- and micro-) levels, enabling bottom up and top down information processing. This requires a nested organization of fine-tuned neural micro-sites that enable coherence/de-coherence transitions as a basis for information transfer. For a rapid and causally effective flux of information, as well as a continuous updating of a personal information domain, a "bi-cyclic" mental workspace is conceived, housing interacting and entangled wave and protein-based perturbations that buildup and retrieve information from a universal knowledge domain.
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... This means that memory is not stored in the biological brain (Oliver & Hari, 2017). Instead, it confirms that it is stored in the immaterial brain, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the bio-logical brain, which in turn interacts with the zero-point field (Meijer & Raggett, 2014;Hari, 2010;Kofatos et al., 2015;Mae-Wan, 1998;Meijer, 2014). The connection, therefore, between conscious mental phenomena and semi-conscious material phenomena occurs through the "coupling" of electromagnetic fields, that is, quantum mechanical interactions (Levin, 2011;Kofatos et al., 2015;Stapp, 1999;Mae-Wan, 1998). ...
... It is worth remembering that Pribram in his theory of quantum holographic memory proposed a brain as a conscious organizer that stores encoded information as a hologram (Meijer & Raggett, 2014;Bischof, 2000;Mae-Wan, 1998). In fact, this theory applied to living organisms would allow the storage of large amounts of information both inside the physical body and outside it, in the zero-point field (Meijer & Raggett, 2014;Meijer, 2014). Undoubtedly, there is a "synchronic interaction" of the "psychic body" or psychosoma, biological organizing model with its endogenous mental field or non-material mind (Kofatos et al., 2015;Guevara Erra et al., 2016). ...
... In this context, these interactions involve processes both on macroscales and on microscales, in the world of subatomic particles, as they occur in holographic information retrieval (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thus, quantum holography describes information processing that explains both human intra and intercommunication (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011;Mae-Wan, 1998) changing our classical world view (Meijer, 2014). ...
... The alternative presented here can be viewed as a development of Wheeler's participatory universe idea (Meijer, 2014), where 'observer-participants' are the source of lawful behavior as the consequence of processes relating physics and meaning, on the basis of a cyclic structure where physical laws lead to the coming into being of participants who, in consequence of the understanding that they have of their situation, are able in turn to influence the laws to which they are subject. The picture proposed here differs in that this kind of observer-participancy is posited to occur at many levels, the simplest being non-linear dynamical systems with a small number of degrees of freedom only. ...
... This has much to do with imagination of how things could work out, in particular if cardinal changes would be made in the assumed prerequisites that underlie the present concept and that may block visions on potential innovation. Information, as a product of interaction thereby exhibits a clear dynamic and active character (see for the general aspect of information: see Meijer, 2012Meijer, , 2013Meijer, , 2014Meijer, , 2015. It was recently pointed out by Langan, 2017, that, intrinsically, in the ongoing process of science endeavour, a metaphysical language will be created that finally should enable a global coupling of mind and physical reality in a language with sufficient expressive power to picture a comprehensive description of reality or even a "theory of everything". ...
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In the present review/literature compilation*, we submit that a cosmological acoustical background field underlies the fabric of reality and that this field was and is instrumental in the guiding of biophysical processes during pre-biotic era's, biological evolution, as well as in the world we know now and anticipate in the future. The idea of some recipe for life, seen as a set of primordial rules, has clear connections with the earlier proposed pilot wave theory of David Bohm, who framed the supposed field as an implicate order. Implicitly, such theories invite the question whether they imply a deterministic and even super-deterministic constellation of the cosmos we live in. Of note, the super-determinism debate is related to quantum mechanical properties such as non-locality, the measurement (observer) problem, statistical independence of the observer, potential vectorial influences on a distance, free will (choice) of observers and the potential involvement of hidden variables in quantum physics, all this related to potential violation of Bell's Theorem. The latter item was recently treated by Hossenfelder, Palmer, t' Hooft, and Smolin among many others. We postulate that the initiation and further evolution of the cosmos was predetermined by an underlying information field that is hidden for us and which is considered as primordial attribute of a cyclic (rebounce) universe. This concept was earlier described by us as a symmetry breaking from a 5D sub-quantum phase space, that is connected to a 4D superfluid quantum domain with features of the known Zero-point-energy Field (ZPEF). Our theory can, in principle, be viewed upon as a superdeterministic phenomenon, as currently debated in physics. Yet, we rather propose that potential super-determinism is relaxed by a dynamic information field that is retro-causally updated(back-reaction). This, through choices made by intelligent life systems that collect, use and dissipate information, including the human species. This dynamic process can be envisioned as a permanent retro-causally actualised information domain that is instrumental in the ongoing evolution of our world. This implies a relaxed superdeterministic mode, collectively defined by us as a retro-causally reconstructive universe, that allows human free choice. It is postulated that crucial processes such as the Primordial Creation of our Universe (so-called Big Bang), Anthropic Fine Tuning of the Universe, Biological Evolution and the Manifestation of Consciousness should not be regarded as coincidental, but rather as a manifestation of a Grand Design on the basis of of an Acoustic Cosmic Recipe for guiding the Fabric of Reality.
... To coordinate this, the neural system employs soliton and photon resonances that guide the related cortical template to a higher coordination of reflection and action as well as network synchronicity, as required for conscious states. We suggested earlier that the fractal human brain resembles personal aspects (Meijer, 2014) and that consciousness in the universe may be scale-invariant . The latter does not imply a distinct material fractality in the cosmos, but rather self-similarity in the flux of information. ...
... The events are encoded by the perceiver, for the perceiver and of the perceiver itself, but neither the events nor the perceiver in any way affect the absolute time. The perceiver's psyche that records them and perceives them is part of the cosmic all-inclusive psyche [21][22][23][24] . The psyche of the individual perceiver perceives the all inclusive psyche of the cosmos. ...
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We explore the issue of cyclicity of cosmic time and how it might be a recorder of all events by itsidentification with the cosmic mind. We differentiate absolute time, universal (cosmic) time and the relativetime as three distinct categories in the objective domain of temporal reckoning. Taking the idea of timegenerated by fundamental quantum events through natural frequencies of microsystems, we analyze theissue of generation of the cyclic time of the cosmos itself due to events undergone by all its oscillatingcontents. We propose that such macrocosmic processes of generation of cosmic times by the frequency ofrepetitive cosmic events necessarily requires the intermediary of psychic fields which being metaphysicaland transcending matter, encode all information in a detailed manner in a memory that transcends spaceand generates repetitive events with subjects which lead to emergence of cosmic objective time. As a result,spatial as well as temporal non-locality becomes a reality, while individual free will becomes an appearanceonly. The difficulty in comprehending these novel ideas and conceptions only proves that our perceptionsare deeply conditioned by our everyday experiences with space and time. The duration, symptomatics,fatality and cyclicity of COVID-like pandemics can be understood on this basis to have a deeper significancetranscending virology and epidemiology.
... Information can be processed at the quantum level orders of magnitude more rapidly than it can be processed classically, and discrete systems make use of phenomena such as superposition, entanglement, and tunnelling to enhance their performance (Meijer and Raggett, 2014;Davies, 2005). Brain function requires complementary information processing mechanisms both at iso-energetic and quantum levels, enabling bottom up and top-down information processing, which requires a nested organization of fine-tuned neural micro-sites that enable coherence/de-coherence transitions as a basis for information transfer (Meijer, 2014). It is well-known that water plays a necessary and key role, and a frequency spectra formula for biomolecules has been derived, starting with water, that are represented by a toroidal structure, such that other elements essential to life, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen can all be fitted into the same formula, dividing it into coherent and de-coherent states (Wong, In all of these processes coherence plays an important role. ...
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This study was initiated to establish whether spatio-spectral Eigen-modes of EEG brain waves can be described by an Acoustic Quantum Code of Resonant Coherence, as found by us earlier in a spectrum of animate and inanimate systems. Presently available EEG-and MEG recordings were analyzed as to their peak frequencies in relation to our Quantum Code coherence values. Both the EEG-and MEG studies of healthy persons exhibited quantum coherence of EEG peaks with mean quantum coherence of 0.95 (an average of 90-100% showed coherent peak values), while in patient groups with various mental disorders, a significant decrease of coherence correlation was found. ADHD subjects show a moderate change in peak coherence, being in the range of 1.0 to 0.83, while during epileptic seizures the degree of peak coherence is reduced to a range of 0.94 to 0.75. Depressed patients have EEG peaks with a consistently lower coherence values than healthy persons: 0.77-0.88, while autistic persons show an even lower coherence of 0.50 till 0.75. Patients with severe psychiatric disorders, such as depression, show a coherence of only 0.49-0.61. The importance of EEG brain coherence for conscious states was demonstrated in patients under anaesthesia that exhibited a very low coherence level of about 0.25. The graded loss of brain EEG coherence combined with alterations in Phi based EEG wave separation, can therefore be of value for differentiation in severity and nature of neurological disorders. The value of our frequency algorithm was also shown for trans-cranial therapy: the presently chosen frequencies of rTMS therapy in clinical practice correspond very well with the values of our algorithm. Of interest, the Acoustic Quantum Code pattern was also shown to describe neuronal microtubular (MT) wave frequencies, as measured in vitro by others. MT oscillations were claimed by Hameroff and Penrose to be instrumental in the creation of brain consciousness through alignment with gravity fluctuation at the Planck scale. Our results on brain EEG coherence are therefore discussed in relation to the current models for understanding the nature of (self)-consciousness. We regard the potential relation between neuronal coherence/decoherence balance and conscious states as a central mechanism for producing quantum entanglement in the brain as related to long-distance neuro-communication and brain binding. As postulated earlier, consciousness can be modelled by a 5D brain-associated, toroidal workspace, that provides quality control and monitoring of integral brain function, according to holographic principles and was earlier framed as the "Event Horizon Brain". Consciousness, in this concept, requires photon/phonon mediated and resonant communication with this field-receptive holographic workspace, seen as associated with but not reducible to the human brain. The related brain supervening role of the event horizon workspace requires the collective conscious and unconscious states and realizes a total holographic modality of consciousness that enables effective predictive coding. This 5D, scale invariant, memory workspace, therefore, can be instrumental in the manifestation of Psi phenomena and experiences of cosmic consciousness. At the sub-atomic level, gravity guided quantum tunnelling and coherence of micro-tubular oscillations may produce neuronal entanglement. The latter represents a dominant factor in long distance neural information transfer and functional brain binding. The resulting synchronization of neural network frequencies is likely reflected in the abovementioned brain coherency of EEG peaks, as well as in various mental states that promote feelings of mental wholeness in meditation and psycho-mimetic drug therapy. 2
... This hypothetical mental workspace, depicted with a bidirectional (circular) quantum at the center, and this iso-energetic information flow may be related to Quantum Physics. [21]. ...
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The relationship between golden ratio Numbers and genetic codes (Nucleotide bases)
... Sophistry actualized the notion that the observed is no longer identified with reality and is not interpreted as a real part of reality. According to modern scientific ideas, reality lies beyond the observable and, therefore; the scientist constitutes reality through a semantic act rather than perceives it [4][5][6]. However, it must be considered that the specificity of ontological assumptions largely depends on the position of a person and, as a rule, eludes sensory observation. ...
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This article is devoted to the philosophical study of the conditions under which knowledge can become a component or tool of education. The presentation of the contribution of epistemology to human development and education is based on addressing issues such as the nature of knowledge, sources of knowledge, theories, and criteria of truth. We proceed from the idea that knowledge is a condition of education. Particular attention is paid to the issue of distinguishing between such types of knowledge as 'knowing how' and 'knowing that'. Educational practices open a common foundation that unites the life world of people, types of sociality, and hermeneutical practices. The epistemological approach to the question of the essence of knowledge assumes that knowledge meets three requirements, namely, knowledge must be objective, subjective, and evidentiary. Epistemology includes subjectivity as the basis of human existence in the natural world and the world with others. Intersubjectivity is considered a criterion for the reliability of knowledge about the world, which allows asserting the relationship of the objective with the subjective.
... Thus, separate from social facilitation or theory of mind, the increased brain activation while practicing MM in pairs may just be the result of expanded consciousness beyond the usual ego boundaries and the limitations of time and space Engelbregt, Alderse Baas, de Grauw, & Deijen (Grof, 2016). It has been argued that transpersonal and extra-sensory events such as intuition might be associated with a multidimensional space/time brain structure, being open to external electromagnetic and quantum fields (Meijer, 2014). Thus, two meditating minds, being part of a universal quantum field, may be connected by electromagnetic fields, reflected by resonance and standing waves. ...
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Objective: In this study, we evaluated brain electroencephalographic (EEG) activity in healthy participants during the performance of paired and individual mindfulness meditation (MM). We hypothesized that EEG activity is differentially affected by meditation in pairs compared to individual meditation. Methods: A total of 20 healthy female university students (mean age 19.54 years, SD =1.53) with no prior experience in MM participated in this study. All participants had to perform a 5-minute MM task together and individually while the other participant was in rest or performing a concentration task (control condition). To exclude social interaction as main factor, participants were separated from their research partner by an opaque screen while instructions were given through headphones. Brain electroencephalographic (EEG) activity from each individual student was measured during all conditions. Results: The main findings indicate that left-frontal alpha and theta spectral EEG power was significantly higher during the paired MM condition compared to individual MM and control condition. Conclusions: This controlled MM study demonstrates differences in brain activity between practicing mindfulness in pairs compared to practicing it individually. We conclude that the increased alpha and theta EEG power during paired MM may be associated with social facilitation or the activation of "theory of mind." The results invite further reflection on interpersonal communication and mindfulness.
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An attempt is made to model the structure of Science and Art discovery processes in light of currently defined ideas on the societal flow of knowledge and conservation of information. Both the Science and Art processes have been described as iterative and/or recurrent, and current science models explain the generation of knowledge based on several sequential steps (activities) operating in a circular mode. This implies that any new cycle starts from a different perspective or, optimistically, from a higher level. It seems, therefore, appropriate to modify the cyclic model with a spiral energy-guiding modality that returns to its origin and can map the ongoing rise of science/art perspectives. This pattern suggests the geometry of the torus with its core channel, which affords an opening to a fourth spatial dimension, and in cosmology is conceived as a wormhole that can connect different parts of the cosmos. Such space/time shortcuts can also be seen as "portals" symbolizing the deep connections in the fabric of reality in a scale-invariant mode. Science and Art progression, often realized through individual efforts, can be related to the historically-based flow of quantum cognition events. These inherently include non-linear or even chaotic processes, in which relatively small changes can lead to major Science/Art transformations. Instead of an ongoing "synthetic series of small steps," innovative visions can cast a very different light on mainstream scientific and artistic thought or remove existing barriers in more traditional "habits of the mind." In this paper, a comparison is made between Art and Science in relation to their mutual portal-like connectivity. We submit that a torus-based portal of space and time provides a relevant model for their mutual interrelation. It is shown that Art and Science can mutually benefit from the concept of deep (layered) dimensions, as also proposed for a holographic representation of reality. In this light, a Mirror Model of the Universe is proposed, which also reveals the arrow of time as a crucial aspect of the fabric of reality. Our model is illustrated by a spectrum of recent art creations from the international artistic realm of David Christiaan Hutte. These works art are crafted through and centered around a similar or closely intertwined process of scientific discovery. The relevance of the Mirror Model in relation to the phenomenon of gravity suggests, in our view, that a work of art could be envisioned as a gravitation of a primary (intuitive) idea into a material piece of art.
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This paper pays special attention to the interfacing of the field of universal consciousness and our personal brain in relation to a potential afterlife and postulates a toroidal event horizon workspace of the brain that allows a symmetric 4-Dimensional (4-D) to 3-Dimensional (3-D) quantum information flux and holographic personal memory integration. The geometry of a 3-D brain, embedded in a 4-D realm, may explain the phenomena of functional brain binding, qualia, intuition, serendipity, synchronicity, extra-sensory perception, and other well-established parapsychological phenomena. Brain function is conceptualized as guided by the Zero-point Energy (ZPE) Field (ZPF)-derived pilot waves that support consciousness, even in the absence of neuronal activity, such as in Near-Death Experiences (NDE). The brain's toroidal organization exhibits quaternionic dynamics and thereby allows an opening to 4-D geometry and, consequently, to universal consciousness and the ZPF. This personal holographic workspace, that is associated with but not reducible to the brain, collects active information in a "brain event horizon," as an internal and fully integral model of the self. At death or transition of our material body, this personal mental knowledge domain dissociates from the body, yet it is retained because entangled and meaningful quantum information can never be destroyed. In NDE, this uncoupling is only temporal, but reveals universal consciousness in a fully transparent manner, since in this condition non-neuronal information processing is preserved. This preservation occurs through fractal semi-harmonic frequencies, from the ZPE field, that reflect an entangled personal register of each conscious being. The proposed concept, therefore, contradicts the tentative and promissory materialist solution to the mind-body problem. Instead, it substantiates the notion that the brain can act as a kind of "receiver" by filtering (sub)conscious states through holographic resonance with universal consciousness through specific coherent oscillation domains in the body. Yet, it is recognized that our self-consciousness can also act as a damping filter for information from this universal knowledge field. The latter aspect of a "dual filter theory" is apparently perturbed at states of modified brain function such as NDE, deep meditation, and use of psychomimetic drugs, that all expose us to an unknown cosmic perspective. The presence of a mental, field-receptive, resonant workspace, might be termed our "supervening double" (or "soul," not implying religious doctrine), and provides an interpretation framework for widely reported but poorly understood transpersonal conscious states. These may even imply that death can be conceived as a transition to another state of existence, yet we realize that all of us already belong to such an eternal domain in our present lives. Therefore, the present model may imply the potential for the survival of individual consciousness, qualifying conscious individuals as designated survivors and eternal beings. La survie de la conscience et l'anticipation d'une vie après la mort d'après la physique actuelle Résumé Cet article accorde une attention particulière à l'interface entre le champ de la conscience universelle et notre cerveau individuel en relation avec une éventuelle vie après la mort. Il postule un espace de travail toroïde de l'horizon des événements du cerveau qui permet un flux d'information quantique symétrique de 4 dimensions (4-D) à 3 dimensions (3-D) et une intégration holographique de la mémoire individuelle. La géométrie d'un cerveau tridimensionnel intégrée dans un domaine quadridimensionnel peut expliquer les phénomènes de liaison fonctionnelle du cerveau, de qualia, d'intuition, de sérendipité, de synchronicité, de perception extra-sensorielle et d'autres phénomènes parapsychologiques avérés. La fonction cérébrale est conceptualisée comme étant guidée par des ondes pilotes dérivées du champ d'énergie du point zéro (en anglais : ZPE Zero-point Energy, ZPF Zero-point Energy Field) qui assistent la conscience même en l'absence d'activité neuronale, comme dans les expériences de mort imminente (EMI). L'organisation toroïde du cerveau présente une dynamique de quaternions permettant ainsi une ouverture à la géométrie quadridimensionnelle et, par conséquent, à la conscience universelle et au ZPF. Cet espace de travail holographique personnel-à savoir associé au cerveau mais non réductible à celui-ci-recueille des informations actives dans un "horizon d'événements cérébraux", en qualité de modèle interne et totalement intégral du soi. Lors de la mort, ou transition, de notre corps matériel, ce domaine de connaissance mentale individuelle se dissocie du corps physique, mais il est conservé parce que l'information quantique intrinsèque, significative, ne peut être détruite. Dans l'EMI, ce découplage n'est que temporel, mais il révèle la conscience universelle de manière totalement transparente, puisque dans cet état, le traitement de l'information non-neuronale est conservé. Ceci se produit par le biais de fréquences semi-harmoniques fractales, issues du champ d'énergie du point zéro, qui reflètent un registre personnel intriqué de chaque être conscient. Le concept proposé contredit donc l'option de solution matérialiste, éphémère, momentanée, au problème corps-esprit. En effet, il étaye la notion selon laquelle le cerveau peut agir comme une sorte de "récepteur" en filtrant les états (sub)conscients par résonance holographique avec la conscience universelle, à travers des domaines d'oscillation cohérente spécifiques situés dans notre corps. Ceci étant, nous savons actuellement que notre conscience de soi peut également agir comme un filtre d'amortissement pour les informations provenant de ce champ de connaissance universelle. Ce dernier aspect de la "théorie du double filtre" est apparemment perturbé dans des états de fonction cérébrale modifiée, tels l'EMI, la méditation profonde et l'utilisation de drogues psychomimétiques, du moment qu'ils exposent à une perspective cosmique inconnue. La présence d'un espace de travail mental, réceptif au champ et résonnant, que nous pouvons appeler "double survenant" (ou "âme", sans toutefois impliquer de doctrine religieuse) fournit un cadre d'interprétation pour les états de conscience trans-personnels fréquemment signalés mais encore mal compris. Ces modèles peuvent même impliquer que la mort peut être conçue comme une transition vers un autre état d'existence, bien que nous puissions nous rendre compte, de notre vivant, que nous appartenons tous déjà à un tel domaine éternel. Par conséquent, le modèle que nous proposons peut impliquer le potentiel de survie de la conscience individuelle, qualifiant les individus conscients de survivants désignés et d'êtres éternels.
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Human speech consists of a nearly continuous stream of auditory input, so that the semantic message formed by combinations of words must be analyzed as the input continues. The minimum duration signal necessary to identify a set of words was established via the gating technique: Subjects were asked to identify (or guess) words after hearing only the initial 50, 100, or 150 ms, etc. Results showed that most words were identified before their acoustic offset: Average word duration was 600 ms, but identification accuracy was close to 90% after 350 ms of input. The isolation points established in the gating experiment were compared to the time course of semantic integration evident in event‐related brain potentials (ERPs). The gated words were used as congruous and incongruous sentence completions (in their full‐duration versions). Differential ERP responses to contextually appropriate and inappropriate words were observed by 200 ms after word onset, before the acoustic signal was sufficient to uniquely identify the words. These results indicate that semantic integration can begin to operate with only partial, incomplete information about word identity. If time allows, the talk will also describe similarities and differences between the semantic processing of words and environmental sounds.
How does the firing of neurons give rise to subjective sensations, thoughts, and emotions? How can the disparate domains of mind and body be reconciled? The quest for a scientifically based understanding of consciousness has attracted study and speculation across the ages. In this direct and non-technical discussion of consciousness, Dr. Gerald M. Edelman draws on a lifetime of scientific inquiry into the workings of the brain to formulate answers to the mind-body questions that intrigue every thinking person. Concise and understandable, the book explains pertinent findings of modern neuroscience and describes how consciousness arises in complex brains. Edelman explores the relation of consciousness to causation, to evolution, to the development of the self, and to the origins of feelings, learning, and memory. His analysis of the brain activities underlying consciousness is based on recent remarkable advances in biochemistry, immunology, medical imaging, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology, yet the implications of his book extend farther-beyond the worlds of science and medicine into virtually every area of human inquiry.
Many scientists regard mass and energy as the primary currency of nature. In recent years, however, the concept of information has gained importance. Why? In this book, eminent scientists, philosophers and theologians chart various aspects of information, from quantum information to biological and digital information, in order to understand how nature works. Beginning with a historical treatment of the topic, the book also examines physical and biological approaches to information, and its philosophical, theological and ethical implications.
Orch OR ("Orchestrated Objective Reduction") is a theory of consciousness put forth in the mid-1990s by British physicist Sir Roger Penrose and American anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff. Whereas most theories assume consciousness emerges from complex computation at the level of synapses among brain neurons, Orch OR involves a specific form of quantum computation which underlies these neuronal synaptic activities. The proposed quantum computations occur in structures inside the brain's neurons called microtubules.
Contemporary discussions in philosophy of mind have largely been shaped by physicalism, the doctrine that all phenomena are ultimately physical. Here, Jaegwon Kim presents the most comprehensive and systematic presentation yet of his influential ideas on the mind-body problem. He seeks to determine, after half a century of debate: What kind of (or "how much") physicalism can we lay claim to? He begins by laying out mental causation and consciousness as the two principal challenges to contemporary physicalism. How can minds exercise their causal powers in a physical world? Is a physicalist account of consciousness possible? The book's starting point is the "supervenience" argument (sometimes called the "exclusion" argument), which Kim reformulates in an extended defense. This argument shows that the contemporary physicalist faces a stark choice between reductionism (the idea that mental phenomena are physically reducible) and epiphenomenalism (the view that mental phenomena are causally impotent). Along the way, Kim presents a novel argument showing that Cartesian substance dualism offers no help with mental causation. Mind-body reduction, therefore, is required to save mental causation. But are minds physically reducible? Kim argues that all but one type of mental phenomena are reducible, including intentional mental phenomena, such as beliefs and desires. The apparent exceptions are the intrinsic, felt qualities of conscious experiences ("qualia"). Kim argues, however, that certain relational properties of qualia, in particular their similarities and differences, are behaviorally manifest and hence in principle reducible, and that it is these relational properties of qualia that are central to their cognitive roles. The causal efficacy of qualia, therefore, is not entirely lost. According to Kim, then, while physicalism is not the whole truth, it is the truth near enough.
A higher-dimensional space-time model is proposed, accounting for nonlocal quantum phenomena while embracing Special Relativity as a limiting case. The Aspect and Megidish experiments are explained within this space-time framework. Time is understood as spatial motion relative to higher dimensions, offering the degrees of freedom demanded by nonlocal effects along with a consistent milieu for Kaluza's 5-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory. Special Relativity and quantum mechanics converge in the higher dimensions to yield the origins of mass while providing a geometrical mechanism relating mass and space-time curvature (gravity). A consciousness model is introduced within the higher-dimensional space-time framework, integrating elements of physics, psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. Evidence from dreams is shown to correspond to both the physical model and the consciousness model. A theory of perception is presented on the foregoing basis.