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Scalable and Energy Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Abstract and Figures

Scalable and efficient Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol has been of the paramount significance for boosting the performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, scalable and efficient medium access control (SE-MAC) protocol is introduced for WSNs. The Goal of SE-MAC is to reduce the communication delay time, channel delay time and control delays caused by acknowledgment packets, request-to-send (RTS), clear-to-send (CTS) etc. Thus, reducing the delays, SE-MAC incorporates the adaptable application independent aggregation (AAIA) model to achieve the expected goals. Furthermore, SE-MAC is supported with handoff process feature, which helps extend the network lifetime. AAIA model for SE-MAC plays a role of cross-layering that extensively reduces the different delays incurred at MAC sub-layer and network layer. Evaluation of SE-MAC is conducted using network simulator-2 (NS2) then compared with known MAC protocols: Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), receiver-initiated asynchronous duty cycle MAC (RI-MAC) and an energy-efficient multi-channel mac (Y-MAC). Based on the initial Simulation results, we demonstrate that SE-MAC protocol saves extra 9.8-15% time and energy resources for channel delays as compared with other MAC protocols.
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Scalable and Energy Efficient Medium Access Control Protocol for
Wireless Sensor Networks
1Abdul Razaque, Member IEEE 2Khaled Elleithy, Senior Member IEEE
Wireless & Mobile Communication Laboratory Wireless & Mobile Communication Laboratory
University of Bridgeport University of Bridgeport
Bridgeport, CT-06604, USA Bridgeport, CT-06604, USA
Abstract Scalable and efficient Medium Access Control
(MAC) protocol has been of the paramount significance for
boosting the performance of wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
In this paper, scalable and efficient medium access control (SE-
MAC) protocol is introduced for WSNs. The Goal of SE-MAC is
to reduce the communication delay time, channel delay time and
control delays caused by acknowledgment packets, request-to-
send (RTS), clear-to-send (CTS) etc. Thus, reducing the delays,
SE-MAC incorporates the adaptable application independent
aggregation (AAIA) model to achieve the expected goals.
Furthermore, SE-MAC is supported with handoff process
feature, which helps extend the network lifetime. AAIA model
for SE-MAC plays a role of cross-layering that extensively
reduces the different delays incurred at MAC sub-layer and
network layer.
Evaluation of SE-MAC is conducted using network simulator-
2 (NS2) then compared with known MAC protocols: Zebra
medium access control (Z-MAC), receiver-initiated
asynchronous duty cycle MAC (RI-MAC) and an energy-
efficient multi-channel mac (Y-MAC). Based on the initial
Simulation results, we demonstrate that SE-MAC protocol saves
extra 9.8- 15% time and energy resources for channel delays as
compared with other MAC protocols.
General terms: Design; Experimentation; Performance;
Keywords—MAC protocols; SE-MAC protocol; delays; Wireless
sensor networks; adaptable application independent aggregation.
Wireless Sensor networks have been appealing research area
since last decade [1] [2]. WSNs comprises of a large number of
sensor nodes disseminated in the field of interest for
monitoring the different events and activities. WSNs can be
deployed from the environmental monitoring to battle field
applications [3], [4], [5]. WSNs have not only improved the
living standard, but they experience the problems due to
limited battery power caused by several delays including
channel delays, transmission delays and control delays. The
delays affect the channel bandwidth and cause the additional
energy consumption. Reducing the delays, the MAC protocols
could play an important role in the WSNs when node shares
the communication channels.
The significance work is available in [6], [7], [8], [9] to
reduce the sleep delays, carrier sense delays, scheduling delays
for extending the network lifetime. However, the delays that
caused by the data aggregation are not properly handle. A few
contributions in [10], [11] attempted to reduce the data
aggregation delays, but limited with the MAC sub-layer.
Furthermore, some work for handling the data aggregation
delays is proposed in [12], [13]. However, restricted with only
network layer. Thus, there is a lack of mechanism to reduce
the possible delays at MAC and network layers simultaneously
when data are being aggregated.
Existing MAC protocols are not capable to cope with such
kinds of delays. As result, WSNs experience an additional
energy depletion and scalability issues. On the other hand,
achieving the quality of service (QoS) provisioning and energy
efficiency under assorted traffic conditions; the multi-channel
MAC protocols; (Z-MAC), (Y-MAC) and (RI-MAC) for
WSNs are introduced to reduce the channel delays .However,
these protocols focused on an idle listening and overhearing
delays, but marginally touched to the cross-layering delays
when aggregating the data.
These are some of the challenges, which need to be
addressed when designing scalable and efficient MAC protocol
for data aggregation. To address the cross-layering delays such
as communication delays, channel delays and control delays;
SE-MAC is introduced with support of AAIA model and
handoff feature, which focus on the cross-layering delays when
aggregating the data from MAC layer to network layer. This
contribution reduces the different delays by reducing the
energy consumption and prolonging the network lifetime. The
remaining of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, an
intra-regional handoff communication process is explained. In
section 3, AAIA model is presented. In section 4, initial
experimental results are demonstrated and conclusion of the
paper is given in section 5.
SE-MAC reduces the communication delays, channel
delays and control delays. The communication process
follows the 1-hop destination used in [17], [18].
During this process, each node sends a short permeable
asynchronously prior to sending the data. This short preamble
alerts to 1-hop neighbor nodes to be ready for receiving the
data packets. The communication process continues between
the sender and 1-hop neighborhood node until the receiver
initiates the handoff process. When a node wants to leave the
communication or node has to be a short of the energy, then
node incorporates the flag in the last sent packets to inform the
receiver about its current status. Once, a transmitter receives
the packets, then it assumes that the 1-hop communicating
node has to leave the communication (handoff) or will lose the
energy shortly. As, this situation helps the receiver side to
choose another alternate 1-hop neighborhood node prior to
happen this situation depicted in Figure 1. Hence, the sensor
node is enabled to maintain the QoS by choosing the alternate
node before discontinuing the communication with current
node. In addition, this process also helps the nodes either join
or leave the network that could improve the network
scalability. The handoff process is explained in algorithm 1.
Figure 1: Intra-regional communication handoff process
Algorithm 1: Handoff Process for QoS and Scalability
1. Input(Sn: Sender node, Rn: Receiver node, Nn: 1-hop
neighbor node)
2. Output (: Alternate path)
3. Parameters (: Flag signal, : Energy loss ,
: Handoff process)
4. Set Sn initiates the communication with Rn
5. Set Sn uses Nn
6. if Nn intends to  or has a  then;
7. Nn sends embedded in the last packet to Sn
8. Set an advance detection process for
9. else if Sn continues a communication through Nn
10. end if
11. end else
In line 4-5, sender node sends the data to the receiver node
using 1-hop neighbor node. In line 6-7, if 1-hop neighbor node
wants to leave the communication (handoff) or node is lacking
the energy, then it embeds the flag signal in the last sent
packet. The flag signal indicates to the sender that the node has
to handoff or lacks the energy. Subsequently, a sender node
starts detecting alternate path to continue the communication
without any disturbance explained in line 8. As, this process
helps improve the QoS and scalability. In line 9, the sender
continues the communication with another alternate 1-hop
neighbor node.
We introduce AAIA model to support SE-MAC. The AAIA
resides between network layer and MAC sub-layer to provide
the cross-layered support for data aggregation. AAIA is
entirely independent of application. The primary objective of
this AAIA is to address the issues of energy limitation, low
bandwidth inherited by sensor technology. Another goal is to
employ the AAIA model to utilize the communication channel
efficiently. The AAIA aggregates with network layer to reduce
the overhead experienced by acknowledgment and other
A. AAIA Design Components
AAIA consists of following three components, which
collectively perform the joint task of data aggregation depicted
in Figure 2.
Processing Unit
Aggregation Function Unit
Service Access Unit
The processing unit performs the task of packet
aggregation and de-aggregation. Whereas, service access unit
controls timer setting and fine-tunes to perform the required
data aggregation. Once outgoing packets come from the
network layer, which are sent to the processing unit.
Subsequently, the processing unit forwards the packets to
aggregation function unit. The responsibility of aggregation
function unit is to apply one of the four addressing
methodologies for building the aggregate including anycasting,
multicasting, Unicasting, and Broadcasting. Finally, the built
aggregated is forwarded to the MAC sub-layer for
Figure 2: Adaptive application independent aggregation model
The service access unit has to decide how many packets
need to be aggregated and when forwarding to MAC sub-layer.
Incoming traffic is similar to the out-coming traffic sent by the
MAC sub-layer and then forwarded to AAIA. As a result,
AAIA re-fragments the coming data packets into its original
network unit, then it passes to the router at the network layer.
The multiple network unit aggregation turns into a single
aggregation to transmit the data, which causes the reduction in
channel overhead, transmission overhead and including control
overhead packets such as RTS/CTS/ACK and
acknowledgment. Single aggregation helps save the contention
time on each transmission. Let us calculate the delays incurred
by the MAC protocol.
∆󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜,…,󰇛 󰇜
  󰇠 󰇛󰇜
where ∆: MAC delay for the packets, : MAC delay
without collision, : Successful transmission during the
number of collisions in period of time ‘t’ and _: Total
time for collision delay including time incurred for resolving
the collision.
Let us assume that several packets from different sensor nodes
in particular time interval  are ready for transmission.
However, AAIA sends only an average number of packets 
to compete for the channel to avoid the possible collision.
Thus, the number of transmitted packets at given time with
respect to an average collision probability  can be
obtained as
 󰇝1󰇛1
󰇜 
 󰇞 󰇛2󰇜
We need to identify the number of an average transmission
for the successful packet transmission  that is obtained as
 1
󰇛1󰇜 󰇛3󰇜
After successful packet transmission, there is a need to
detect an expected number of collision  against each
successful packet transmission, which can be calculated as
 1
󰇝1 󰇛1 󰇜/ 󰇞 󰇛4󰇜
Combining the equations (1) & (2), we can obtain the
approximate correlation  between number of aggregated
packets and possible protocol delays.
 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜,…,󰇛 󰇜
󰇫 1
󰇝1 󰇛1 󰇜/ 󰇞 󰇬 󰇛5󰇜
In equation (5), we determine the total delay for
communication, channel delay and acknowledgment delay are
We simulate SE-MAC, Z-MAC, Y-MAC and RI-MAC using
NS2 with Ubuntu 15.04 operating system. The network
consists of 270 sensor nodes that are randomly dispersed in the
400 × 400 square meter area. When the simulation starts, the
mobile sensor nodes move back and forth in the network area.
Each simulation continues for 20 minutes. We deploy the
pheromone termite (PT) routing protocol to route the data to
detect the shortest route as explained in [19].
We use different size of packets and consider a sensor
application module with a constant bit-rate source that helps
maintaining the QoS requirements. The detail of simulation
parameters is presented in Table 1.
TABLE 1: Simulation parameters and corresponding values
Size of WSN 400 × 400 square meters
Number of nodes 270
Medium Access Control
Z-MAC, SE-MAC, (Y-MAC) and
Queue-Capacity 40 Packets
Number of aggregation 90
Maximum number of
retransmissions allowed
Event distances 30 meters
Size of Packets 64, 128,192, 256 bytes
Initial energy of node 4.0 Joules
Sensing Range of node 30 meters
Transmitter Power 13 mW
Receiver Power 14.2 mW
Maximum bandwidth 260 kilobytes/second
Simulation time 20 minutes
Average Simulation Run 12
Based on the simulation, we obtained the initial results to
demonstrate the performance of the SE-MAC, Z-MAC, Y-
Time saving based on different number of
aggregation and packet sizes.
Energy saving at different number of aggregation.
A. Time-saving
To validate the AAIA, Figure 3 demonstrates the saving
time vs. number of aggregation on the different packet sizes.
From the Figure 3, we observe that as the number of
aggregation increases, the average saving time also increases
significantly. Furthermore, we also observe that as packet size
increases, then, time-saving also decreases. This situation
happens when data transmission time becomes a high ratio of
the entire transmission time. We discovered that when we used
a small packet size then we saved more time. As, this
discovery confirms if we need to forward the small amount of
data over the WSNs, then we need to pick small sized packet.
Figure 3: Number of aggregation VS time saving at different packet sizes
B. Energy-saving
In this experiment, we compared the energy-saving
capability of SE-MAC, Z-MAC, Y-MAC and RI-MAC using
variable number of aggregations. We observed in Figure 4 that
SE-MAC saves 0.8 joules as compared with other competing
MAC protocols as saved 0.64- 0.70 joules when increasing the
number of aggregations. The initially energy of node is set 5.5
joules for performing 20 complete monitoring cycles. As, the
number of aggregation increases then each protocol saves the
Figure 4: Number of aggregation VS energy- saving with 256 packet size
This paper introduces a SE-MAC protocol to reduce the
communication delays, channel delays and control delays over
the WSNs. SE-MAC uses AAIA model to reduce these delays.
The handoff process is handled using intra-regional handoff
communication process. This process could help improving the
QoS and scalability.
To demonstrate the soundness of the proposed SE-MAC,
we reported some exciting results by using ns2.35-RC7. We
have measured the performance of SE-MAC using different
number of aggregation and variable data packet-sizes. Based
on simulation, we discovered the small-sized packets save
more time that could be good choice for improving the QoS in
case we require to send small amount of data over the WSNs.
Furthermore, SE-MAC is compared with known delay-
reducing MAC protocols; Z-MAC, (Y-MAC) and (RI-MAC).
Simulation results demonstrate that SE-MAC has consumed
less energy as compared with other competing MAC protocols.
SE-MAC has saved 9.8-15% more energy resources than other
MAC protocols. In the future, we plan to analyze different
features of SE-MAC protocol in detail.
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... In SE-MAC [72], the main improvement of communication network scalability is to have time delay mitigated significantly. Therefore, a novel modelling method called Adaptable Application Independent Aggregation (AAIA) was invented to reduce the overall latency. ...
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In this paper we introduce the Energy-Efficient Multiple Access (EE-MA) protocol for wireless networks where nodes participate in a distributed election to gain interference-free access to the wireless channel. By taking advantage of the information used in the distributed elections, nodes can infer if they are not the intended receiver of a transmission and set their radios in sleeping state to save energy. To save even more energy and avoid false positives derived from the nature of the protocol, EE-MA also implements a sleeping scheme where nodes switch to the sleeping state if no message is received during the beginning of a time-slot. We show that the individual channel access plans computed by the proposed distributed algorithm are collision-free at the intended receivers and that intended receivers are always in receiving state. We also present a simulation-based performance analysis that shows that EE-MA outperforms a state of the art election-based channel access protocol in terms of energy efficiency with no cost in terms of network capacity. Simulations also show that EE-MA outperforms 802.11 contention based protocol in terms of goodput and channel access delay.
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The need for an efficient medium access control (MAC) protocol is extremely important with the emergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The MAC protocol has increasingly been significant in advancing the performance of WSNs. In this paper, a low duty cycle, energy-efficient and mobility-based Boarder Node Medium Access Control (BNMAC) hybrid protocol is introduced for WSNs that controls overhearing, idle listening and congestion issues by preserving energy over WSNs. Further, the BN-MAC hybrid protocol handles the scalability and mobility of nodes using the pheromone termite (PT) analytical model. BN-MAC leverages the features of contention and schedule-based MAC protocols. The contention encompasses the novel semi synchronous approach that helps obtain faster access to the medium. The schedule-based part helps reduce the collision and overhearing problems. The idle listening control (ILC) model is embedded within the BN-MAC that administers the nodes to go to sleep after performing their tasks to saves additional energy. The least distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS) model is used to determine the shortest and most efficient path in a one-hop neighborhood. Evaluation of the BN-MAC is conducted using network simulator-2 (ns2), then its quality of service (QoS) parameters are compared with other known hybrid MAC protocols including X-MAC, Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), mobility-aware SMAC (MS-MAC),advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Adaptive Duty Cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC) and Mobile Sensor (MobiSense) MAC protocols.
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) often serve mission-critical applications in inhospitable environments such as battlefield and territorial borders. Inter-node communication is essential for WSNs to effectively fulfill their tasks. In hostile setups, the WSN may be subject to damage that breaks the network connectivity and disrupts the application. The network must be able to recover from the failure and restore connectivity so that the designated tasks can be carried out. Given the unattended operation of the network, the recovery should be performed autonomously. In this paper we present a distributed algorithm for Autonomous Repair (AuR) of damaged WSN topologies in the event of multiple node failures. AuR models connectivity between neighboring nodes as electrostatic interaction between charges based on Coulomb's law. The recovery process is initiated locally at the neighbors of failed nodes by moving in the direction of loss to reconnect with other nodes. The performance of AuR is validated through simulation.
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In this paper, a scalable mobility-aware pheromone termite (PT) analytical model is proposed to provide robust and faster routing for improved throughput and minimum latency in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). PT also provides support for the network scalability and mobility of the nodes. The monitoring process of PT analytical model is based on two different parameters: packet generation rate and pheromone sensitivity for single and multiple links. The PT routing model is integrated with Boarder node medium access control (BN-MAC) protocol. Furthermore, we deploy two other known routing protocols with BN-MAC; Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation (SPIN) and Energy Aware routing Protocol (EAP). To demonstrate the strength of the PT model, we have used ns-2.35-RC7 to compare its Quality of Service (QoS) features with competing routing protocols. The simulation results demonstrate that the PT model is scalable and mobility-aware protocol that saves energy resources and achieves high throughput.
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This paper introduces the design, implementation, and performance analysis of the scalable and mobility-aware hybrid protocol named boarder node medium access control (BN-MAC) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which leverages the characteristics of scheduled and contention-based MAC protocols. Like contention-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC achieves high channel utilization, network adaptability under heavy traffic and mobility, and low latency and overhead. Like schedule-based MAC protocols, BN-MAC reduces idle listening time, emissions, and collision handling at low cost at one-hop neighbor nodes and achieves high channel utilization under heavy network loads. BN-MAC is particularly designed for region-wise WSNs. Each region is controlled by a boarder node (BN), which is of paramount importance. The BN coordinates with the remaining nodes within and beyond the region. Unlike other hybrid MAC protocols, BN-MAC incorporates three promising models that further reduce the energy consumption, idle listening time, overhearing, and congestion to improve the throughput and reduce the latency. One of the models used with BN-MAC is automatic active and sleep (AAS), which reduces the ideal listening time. When nodes finish their monitoring process, AAS lets them automatically go into the sleep state to avoid the idle listening state. Another model used in BN-MAC is the intelligent decision-making (IDM) model, which helps the nodes sense the nature of the environment. Based on the nature of the environment, the nodes decide whether to use the active or passive mode. This decision power of the nodes further reduces energy consumption because the nodes turn off the radio of the transceiver in the passive mode. The third model is the least-distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS), which determines the shortest efficient path to the one-hop neighbor and also provides cross-layering support to handle the mobility of the nodes. The BN-MAC also incorporates a semi-synchronous feature with a low duty cycle, which is advantageous for reducing the latency and energy consumption for several WSN application areas to improve the throughput. BN-MAC uses a unique window slot size to enhance the contention resolution issue for improved throughput. BN-MAC also prefers to communicate within a one-hop destination using Anycast, which maintains load balancing to maintain network reliability. BN-MAC is introduced with the goal of supporting four major application areas: monitoring and behavioral areas, controlling natural disasters, human-centric applications, and tracking mobility and static home automation devices from remote places. These application areas require a congestion-free mobility-supported MAC protocol to guarantee reliable data delivery. BN-MAC was evaluated using network simulator-2 (ns2) and compared with other hybrid MAC protocols, such as Zebra medium access control (Z-MAC), advertisement-based MAC (A-MAC), Speck-MAC, adaptive duty cycle SMAC (ADC-SMAC), and low-power real-time medium access control (LPR-MAC). The simulation results indicate that BN-MAC is a robust and energy-efficient protocol that outperforms other hybrid MAC protocols in the context of quality of service (QoS) parameters, such as energy consumption, latency, throughput, channel access time, successful delivery rate, coverage efficiency, and average duty cycle.
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In this paper, we introduce a novel least distance smart neighboring search (LDSNS) to determine the mostefficient path at one-hop distance over WSNs. LDSNS helps to reduce the energy consumption and speeds up scheduling for delivery of data. It provides cross layering support and linking MAC layer with network layer to reduce the amount of control messages. LDSNS is a robust and efficient approach that isbased on single-hop communication mechanism. To validate the strength of LDSNS, we incorporate LDSN in Boarder Node Medium AccessControl (BN-MAC) protocol [ 15] to determine the list of neighboring sensor nodes and choosing best 1-hop efficient search to avoid collision and reducing energy consumption. Evaluation of LDSNS is conducted using network simulator-2 (ns2).The performance of LDSNS is compared with minimum energy accumulative routing problem (MEAR) [12], asynchronous quorum-based wakeup scheduling scheme (AQWSS) [14] and Minimum Energy Relay Routing (MERR) [13]. Simulation results show that LDSNS is highly energy efficient and faster as compared with MEAR, AQWSS and MERR. It saves 24% to 62% energy resources and improves12% to 21% search at 1-hop neighboring nodes.
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The revolution of wireless sensors networks (WSNs) has highly augmented the expectations of people to get the work done efficiently, but there is little bit impediment to deal with deployed nodes in WSNs. The nature of used routing and medium access control (MAC) protocols in WSNs is completely different from wireless adhoc network protocols. Sensor nodes do not have enough capability to synchronize with robust way, in resulting causes of longer delay and waste of energy. In this paper, we deploy efficientenergy consuming sensors and to find one hop robust and efficient destination search in WSNs. We firstly deploy BT (Bluetooth enabled) sensors, which offer passive and active sensing capability to save energy. This work is a continuation of previous published work in [2]. The BT node is supported with efficient searchmethodss. The main objective of this contribution is to control different types of objects from remote places using cellular phone. To validate our proposed methodology,simulation is done with network simulator (ns2) to examine the behavior of WSNs. Based on simulation results, we claim that our approach saves 62% energy spent for finding best one- hop destination as compared with existing techniques.
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Data aggregation in wireless sensor networks eliminates redundancy to improve bandwidth utilization and energy-efficiency of sensor nodes. This paper presents a secure energy-efficient data aggregation protocol called ESPDA (Energy-Efficient Secure Pattern based Data Aggregation). Unlike conventional data aggregation techniques, ESPDA prevents the redundant data transmission from sensor nodes to cluster-heads. If sensor nodes sense the same data, ESPDA first puts all but one of them into sleep mode and generate pattern codes to represent the characteristics of data sensed by sensor nodes. Cluster-heads implement data aggregation based on pattern codes and only distinct data in encrypted form is transmitted from sensor nodes to the base station via cluster-heads. Due to the use of pattern codes, cluster-heads do not need to know the sensor data to perform data aggregation, which allows sensor nodes to establish secure end-to-end communication links with base station. Therefore, there is no need for encryption/decryption key distribution between the cluster-heads and sensor nodes. Moreover, the use of NOVSF Block-Hopping technique improves the security by randomly changing the mapping of data blocks to NOVSF time slots. Performance evaluation shows that ESPDA outperforms conventional data aggregation methods up to 50% in bandwidth efficiency.
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Wireless sensor networks often consists of a large number of low-cost sensor nodes that have strictly limited sensing, computation, and communication capabilities. Due to resource restricted sensor nodes, it is important to minimize the amount of data transmission so that the average sensor lifetime and the overall bandwidth utilization are improved. Data aggregation is the process of summarizing and combining sensor data in order to reduce the amount of data transmission in the network. As wireless sensor networks are usually deployed in remote and hostile environments to transmit sensitive information, sensor nodes are prone to node compromise attacks and security issues such as data confidentiality and integrity are extremely important. Hence, wireless sensor network protocols, e.g., data aggregation protocol, must be designed with security in mind. This paper investigates the relationship between security and data aggregation process in wireless sensor networks. A taxonomy of secure data aggregation protocols is given by surveying the current “state-of-the-art” work in this area. In addition, based on the existing research, the open research areas and future research directions in secure data aggregation concept are provided.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we describe T-MAC, a contention-based Medium Access Control protocol for wireless sensor networks. Applications for these networks have some characteristics (low message rate, insensitivity to latency) that can be exploited to reduce energy consumption by introducing an active/sleep duty cycle. To handle load variations in time and location T-MAC introduces an adaptive duty cycle in a novel way: by dynamically ending the active part of it. This reduces the amount of energy wasted on idle listening, in which nodes wait for potentially incoming messages, while still maintaining a reasonable throughput. We discuss the design of T-MAC, and provide a head-to-head comparison with classic CSMA (no duty cycle) and S-MAC (fixed duty cycle) through extensive simulations. Under homogeneous load, T-MAC and S-MAC achieve similar reductions in energy consumption (up to 98%) compared to CSMA. In a sample scenario with variable load, however, T-MAC outperforms S-MAC by a factor of 5. Preliminary energy-consumption measurements provide insight into the internal workings of the T-MAC protocol.