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This paper reports a field study investigating the relationship between familiarity and perceived in-group homogeneity. Previous work suggests that increasing familiarity within groups should decrease perceived homogeneity; this has been viewed as one potential explanation for the out-group homogeneity effect. In contrast, we hypothesized that increasing members' familiarity with each other as group members would increase perceived homogeneity. This hypothesis was tested in a field study of three interacting groups (N=31) taking part in a 26-day Outward Bound course. As predicted, over time the groups were regarded as more homogeneous, and the members of each were more likely to be described in terms of stereotypic in-group norms. Possible alternative interpretations of the findings, and their implications for the relationship between stereotyping and accuracy in social perception, are discussed.
... Cárdenas & de la Sablonnière, 2017Hopkins & Reicher, 2020). Furthermore, the social identity approach, and more specifically the self-categorization theory, suggests that group identification occurs when individuals perceive themselves as similar to other group members (comparative fit) and when expected group norms align with observed reality (normative fit; see Doosje et al., 1998;Oakes et al., 1995). Accordingly, in line with the normative fit, identification with an MHG might depend on the extent to which individuals feel supported by the group, as joining these groups is often motivated by the expectation of receiving support to address addiction. ...
The effectiveness of mutual help groups (MHGs) in promoting addiction recovery has been widely acknowledged. However, the psychological mechanisms underlying the impact of MHGs remain somewhat uncertain. Drawing on a social identity perspective, this study investigated a sequential mediation model in which social support is posited as a driving factor that enhances abstinence maintenance through group identification, recovery identity, and self-efficacy. A sample of 820 smokers, participating in a 6-month collective smoking cessation programme which included access to an online help group, completed measures of social support, group identification, smoker/ex-smoker identity, and self-efficacy at the programme's outset. Smoking abstinence was assessed 6 and 9 months later. The findings supported the proposed model, indicating that social support was positively associated with MHG identification, which, in turn, was related to a stronger recovery identity. Subsequently, recovery identity was associated with increased self-efficacy, and indirectly, with smoking abstinence at both measurement times. Additional analyses testing alternative mediation models further supported the validity of the proposed model. These findings suggest that social identity factors play significant roles in accounting for the effectiveness of MHGs for addiction recovery.
... Fourth, our manipulation of task similarity may raise the concern that familiarity with task is the genuine drive for the results. Because strong and salient identification are related to familiarity (Oakes, Haslam, Morrison, and Grace 1995), we believe that our findings are still valid. However, future research can further examine this issue. ...
Individuals in their roles at work may have the opportunity to commit fraud. They may also be in a position to witness the occurrence of fraud in the workplace. In this study, we examine how individuals' prior decision to commit fraud influences their subsequent decision to whistleblow on another person when (1) the person is in the same team as them or (2) the other person is committing fraud on the same/different task as they did. With two between-subject experiments, we find that individuals who decided to commit fraud are less likely to whistleblow on another fraudster than individuals who decided not to commit fraud. We also find that individuals are more likely to whistleblow on other fraudsters who belong to the same team (task) as them than on fraudsters on a different team (task). The results suggest that heightened team identification can be a powerful means to accentuate whistleblowing. Data Availability: Data are available upon request.
... Развитием SIT стала теория самокатегоризации (Self Categorization Theory; SCT) [Turner, 1975;Turner et al., 1987;Turner, 1985;Turner, Oakes, 1989], описывающая взаимосвязь между межличностными и меж групповыми отношениями на континууме деперсонализации -между личной идентичностью (соотношение «я -меня», определяющее человека как носителя личных качеств) и социальной («мы -нас», где человек может определять себя Keywords: social identity, regional iden tity, region, regional identity scale, factor structure, validity как «типичного» представителя группы). Выбор групповой идентичности мотиви руется стремлением снизить субъективную неопределенность и предполагает сравнение между доступными индивиду группами, оценку типичности Oakes et al., 1995] и однородности группы Hogg, 2000;McGarty et al., 1993]. ...
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В условиях глобализации и растущей межрегиональной миграции региональная идентичность выступает в качестве одного из существенных факторов, требующих учета в социально-психологических исследованиях. Тем не менее приходится констатировать отсутствие русскоязычных инструментов оценки региональной идентичности, отвечающих современным теоретическим представлениям о еe природе. В данном исследовании была разработана русскоязычная версия шкалы региональной идентичности Р. Асуна, К. Суньига и Х.-Ф. Моралеса, включающая четыре субшкалы, с разных сторон характеризующие региональную идентичность: чувство принадлежности региону, идентификация с территорией, культурой и населением региона. Апробация методики проводилась на выборке в 1 027 жителей одиннадцати регионов России (средний возраст M = 33,7; SD = 14; 78% женщин) в ходе бланкового и онлайн-опроса. Результаты конфирматорного факторного анализа подтверждают четырехфакторную структуру опросника при наличии общего фактора региональной идентичности. Показана высокая надежность общего показателя (α Кронбаха = 0,94) и отдельных субшкал (0,78—0,88). Валидность шкалы подтверждается высокой корреляцией с показателем региональной идентичности и умеренной — с показателями российской и общечеловеческой идентичности по методике С. Макфарленда, а также существенными корреляциями с показателями гражданской идентичности по методике С. Роккас. В соответствии с ожиданиями обнаружена зависимость региональной идентичности от возраста и места рождения (в данном или другом регионе), а также от региона проживания (при контроле возраста и места рождения). Таким образом, предложенная методика представляет собой надежный и валидный инструмент, пригодный для исследования региональной идентичности жителей регионов России. Благодарность. Исследование выполнено по гранту РНФ № 20-18-00336 «Геоконцептология и региональная идентичность».
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The term polarization is used to describe both the division of a society into opposing groups (political polarization), and a social psychological phenomenon (group polarization) whereby people adopt more extreme positions after discussion. We explain how group polarization underpins the political polarization phenomenon: Social interaction, for example through social media, enables groups to form in such a way that their beliefs about what should be done to change the world—and how this differs from the stance of other groups—become integrated as aspects of a new, shared social identity. This provides a basis for mobilization to collective action.
A homogeneous distribution of students in a class is accepted as a key factor for overall success in primary education. A class of students with similar attributes normally increases academic success. It is also a fact that general academic success might be lower in some classes where students have different intelligence and academic levels. In this study, a class distribution model is proposed by using some data science algorithms over a small number of students’ dataset. With unsupervised and semi-supervised learning methods in machine learning and data mining, a group of students is equally distributed to classes, taking into account some criteria. This model divides a group of students into clusters by the considering students’ different qualitative and quantitative characteristics. A draft study is carried out by predicting the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented approaches. In addition, some process elements such as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of a student, data acquisition style, digitalization of attributes, and creating a future prediction are also included in this study. Satisfactory and promising experimental results are received using a set of algorithms over collected datasets for classroom scenarios. As expected, a clear and concrete evaluation between balanced and unbalanced class distributions cannot be performed since these two scenarios for the class distributions cannot be applicable at the same time.
COVID-19 ile küresel ölçekte gelişmiş-gelişmekte olan vb. retorik hiçbir ayrım yapmaksızın yaşanan salgın süreci yaşananların sonundaki çıktıları itibariyle sosyo-ekonomik ve siyasal vb. pek çok açıdan değişim ve dönüşümün temel belirleyici faktörü olarak görülmektedir. COVID-19 pandemisi’nin tek şaşırtıcı yönü tüm dünyaya yayılma hızı ve kapsamı açısından insanların görünüşte uzak olan yabancı tehditlere karşı savunmasızlığının anlaşılmış olması (Legrain (2020), 12.05.2020) değildir. Ayrıca 20. yüzyılın temel pratikleri arasında yer alan demokrasi, neoliberal politikalar ve küreselleşme kavramlarının (ve güvenlik, dijital izleme ve denetim mekanizmaları, insan hakları, vb.) tartışılıyor olması pandemi sürecinin tedirgin edici yönüne olumsuz katkı yapmaktadır.
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