... In addition, they capture nonlinear relationships in belief structures and dynamic feedback loops. While there are only a few existing examples of cognitive maps in the senior-leader diversity domain (e.g., Kumbure, Tarkiainen, Luukka, Stoklasa, & Jantunen, 2020;Tegarden, Tegarden, & Sheetz, 2009), there are many examples in other types of macro organizational research (e.g., Bougon, Weick, & Binkhorst, 1977;Huff, 1990;Kiss & Barr, 2014;Village, Salustri, & Neumann, 2016). Moreover, advances in measurement and analysis tools for these maps have been exponentially increasing as many fields have embraced "fuzzy cognitive mapping" (e.g., Bevilacqua, Ciarapica, Marcucci, & Mazzuto, 2020;Blacketer, Brownlee, Baldwin, & Bowen, 2021;Kumbure et al., 2020;Markaki & Askounis, 2021;Sa ul, Sanfeliciano, Botella, Perea, & Gonzalez-Puerto, 2022). ...