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Participation of various habitat groups in the flora of spring niches in the Ojców National Park (Southern Poland)

  • Ojców National Park
  • University of the National Education Commission

Abstract and Figures

The paper presents composition of vascular plant species in spring niches in the Ojców National Park (Southern Poland). 111 species of vascular plants, fourteen mosses, two liverworts and one species of ferns were recorded during the first comprehensive study carried out in 2009 and 2010. Plants occurring in these places showed different degrees of association with spring niches. The largest group was represented by accidental krenophytes (74 species), while spring plants – obligatory krenophytes, constituted only a small part of the local flora (5 species). Meadow species of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class and forest species of the Querco-Fagetea class, penetrating niche areas from the adjacent areas, were the dominating ones. Plants of aquatic and spring communities were scarce, due to the predominance of small type karst springs. The diversity of vegetation was significantly influenced by habitat factors such as availability of light, humidity or the amount of organic matter in the soil.
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... (1) based on the richness of proper crenophytes CC R % = number of PCs in the niche/number of all species in the niche; (2) based on the coverage of proper crenophytes CC C % = coverage of PCs in the niche/ coverage of all species in the niche; (3) based on the richness of alien species CN R % = number of alien species/number of all species in the niche; (4) based on the coverage of alien species CN C % = coverage of alien species in the niche/ coverage of all species in the niche Additionally, the number of geographical and historical elements in the vascular flora was determined after Tokarska-Guzik et al. (2012) and in bryophytes after Ochyra (1983) . Plant species were identified and classified into 4 categories of crenophytes ( Kucharski 2007 ;Sołtys-Lelek et al. 2014 ; supplemented by B. Czarnecka, unpubl. data): ...
... These two highly frequent species, i.e. B. erecta and V. beccabunga , or at least one of them, are common for the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Neogene springs of southern and central Poland ( Janiak 2004 ;Ż elazna-Wieczorek and Mami ńska 2006 ;Czarnecka and Janiec 2007 ;Czarnecka 2009b ;Spałek and Horska-Schwarz 2009 ;Grzelak 2011 ;Spałek et al. 2011 ;Sołtys-Lelek et al. 2014 ). Of the two above-mentioned OCs, only V. beccabunga has been found by Zechmeister and Mucina (1994) to be moderately constant for spring waters poor in calcium, widespread in Austria, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. ...
... alternifolium , are also relatively constant elements of spring coenoses widely distributed in Central European Highlands ( Zechmeister and Mucina 1994 ). Of the three bryophyte among the OCs noted in the study area: Cratoneuron filicinium , Pellia epiphylla , and Palustriella decipiens , the first two occurred in small forest springs of the southern escarpment zone of the Roztocze ( Czarnecka 2009b ), springs of the escarpment zone of the Łódzkie Heights ( Janiak 2004 ), and in the ONP ( Sołtys-Lelek et al. 2014 ). ...
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The paper summarises the results of floristic studies of the largest springs in the border zone between the Western Roztocze Highlands and Lublin Upland with particular emphasis on the proper crenophytes. In the vegetation season 2015, the investigations were conducted in 25 separate niches of 18 springs. For each object, habitat characteristics of the spring niche (including ecosystem stressors) and spring flora features were analysed. The assessment of the naturalness of the spring was based on the values of the coefficients of flora crenophytisation and neophytisation. The flora of the analysed objects comprised 170 species, with 146 vascular plants and 24 bryophytes, which included 3 archeophytes (”old-comers”) and 9 kenophytes (“new-comers”). The values of crenophytisation coefficients, both in terms of species richness and species coverage, were higher than the values of neophytisation coefficients. Generally, the flora of the spring niches is influenced by habitat factors such as light and trophy, which are modified by disturbances. Flooding increases the number and abundance of proper crenophytes and enhances habitat trophy. Anthropogenic stressors associated with the character of the niche surroundings and the degree of transformation thereof improve the light conditions, thereby enhancing the species richness of proper crenophytes.
... Biodiversity indices of vascular plants and bryophytes for each spring niches (statistical significance calculated with the Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.05) Values in italic are significant at 0.05 levelLelek et al. 2014). Furthermore, the species of vascular plants that are characteristic of spring areas, such as Cardamine amara and Chrysosplenium alternifolium, correspond with urban spring niches, which may be the result of shading. ...
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Many freshwater ecosystems face severe threats from anthropogenic disturbances. In the field, we investigated the morphology of spring niches and the species richness of vascular plants and bryophytes in 16 springs, draining the quaternary aquifers, located in two different environments—an urban area (city of Białystok) and a protected area (Knyszyn Forest Landscape Park, NE Poland). In total, 47 vascular plant and 45 bryophyte species were recorded, representing mostly crenophytes including protected species. The most important water quality parameters that can be used to evaluate variations of the spring water chemistry in NE Poland are the mineral-related parameters (electrolytic conductivity, Ca²⁺, SO4²⁻, and Cl⁻). The organic-related parameters (DOC) and nutrients (TP, NO3⁻-N) were negatively involved in water quality variations. Our results show that anthropogenic activity significantly affects the biodiversity of plant communities in lowland springs. The presence or absence of crenophytes and bryophytes is indicative of the ecological status of the groundwater outflow complexes.
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For 12 years, Biodiversity: Research and Conservation has been publishing scientific articles in the area of taxonomy, chorology, ecology and nature protection. In accordance with the journal’s profile adopted from the very beginning, the subject of publications are plants in the wide, traditional perspective of this group of organisms, as well as fungi and lichens. Over 12 years, 345 scientific articles were published in the journal’s pages. The frequency in individual sections is as follows: Variability, taxonomy and phylogeny – 95, Chorology – 92, Ecology – 79, Nature protection – 51, other topics – 28. The authors of these articles are 468 scientists from 28 countries. To ensure a high level of publications, the submitted works are send for review. To date, 171 scientists specializing in biological diversity research participated in the review process. Biodiversity: Research and Conservation , published at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), is open for the authors from the whole world and attracts a growing interest among researchers and readers. The data presented in this article show that this journal is read in a growing number of countries. It reaches readers mostly through its online version, but it is still published also in the traditional paper form, with the possibility of including colour photographs and figures.
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14 C concentration measurements together with carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis in calcareous tufa give possibilities for reconstruction of time scale and palaeoclimatic conditions of sedimentary processes. Results of isotope examinations of 2 profiles with organic and tufa sediments from Eastern Poland and 8 calcareous tufa sites from Eastern India (Orissa) are given. A systematic error of 14 C conventional age of carbonate fraction of tufa samples as reservoir age (T R) was estimated. The T R values of different type of tufa sedi-ment are determined by stream water energy. On the basis of known experimental depen-dence between T R and δ 13 C for tufas deposited in high, average and low energy water, unknown values of T R and corrected 14 C ages (T CCA) were calculated for samples from India tufa sites. Continuous deposition of organic and carbonate sediments in Polish profiles give the possibility to calculate the approximated T CCA ages on the basis of dependence between T CCA and a sample depth in a profile, and time scale reconstruction of δ 13 C and δ 18 O changes in carbonate fraction of tufa samples during the whole Holocene. K K K K Key words ey words ey words ey words ey words:
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Łódź Region is distinguished by relatively high concentration of spring areas in Central Poland. Abundance of flows types and hydrological processes give the possibility to study all diversity of plant cover of this objects. Researches proved that springs in forest landscape are refuges of protected and endangered flora elements,as well as mountain species. Forest springs niches are places of occurrence of 3 types of Natura 2000 habitats: alluvial forests (91E0), oak-hornbeam forests (9170) and petrifying springs (7220). Treatments of forest springs are connected with various form of anthropopressure. Apart from mechanical treatments, which change appearance of niches, changes of water chemical properties and disturbances of water relations have significant influence. The most effective form of protection of forest spring is their conservation. At present, in Łódź Region, forest springs are protected in 14 nature reserves. For the sake of essential value of plant cover and the landscape, the following objects deserve this form of conservation: Ciosenka Springs (Grotniki Forest District), Kamionka Springs (Brzeziny F. D.), Ceteńka Springs (Opoczno F. D.), BorowinySprings (Bełchatów F. D.).
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The paper deals with detailed phytosociological and ecological characteristics of water-spring communities (Montio-Cardaminetea) in the Veľká Fatra Mts (Slovakia, Central Carpathians). Due to its geographical location on the edge of the high Central Carpathians and substrata variability, the recorded associations represent almost the complete variability of spring vegetation in the Slovak part of Western Carpathians. We found and studied ten communities, which were arranged to four alliances: Cardamino amarae-Chrysosplenietum alternifolii, Caricetum remotae, Carici remotae-Calthetum laetae (Caricion remotae), Philonotido seriatae-Calthetum laetae, Brachythecio rivularis-Cardaminetum opicii (Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae), Cochleario pyrenaicae-Cratoneuretum commutati, Valeriana simplicifolia-community (Lycopodo-Cratoneurion commutati), Cardamino opicii-Cratoneuretum falcati, Eupatorium cannabinum-community and Philonotido calcareae-Saxifragetum aizoidis (Cratoneurion commutati). The substratum proved to be the major factor influencing the classification of the communities to the higher syntaxa (orders, alliances), while altitudinal gradient is the next most important one. We also performed a revaluation of water-spring communities classification in the territory of the Central Europe, using relevés from the Veľká Fatra Mts. These new association names and other nomenclatural modifications were proposed: Philonotido calcareae-Cratoneuretum commutati ass. nov., Eriophoro latifolii-Cratoneuretum commutati ass. nov., Cochleario pyrenaicae-Cratoneuretum commutati Th. Müller 1961 nom. invers. propos., Cardamino opicii-Cratoneuretum falcati Szafer et Sokołowski 1927 nom. invers. propos. Finally, the paper deals with the reasons for usage of the correct association names Caricetum remotae Kästner 1941, Carici flavae-Cratoneuretum filicini Kovács et Felföldy 1960 and Pinguiculo vulgaris-Cratoneuretum commutati Oberd. 1957.
Peu étendue (9% du territoire régional) mais néanmoins diversifiée et originale, la forêt dans le Nord-Pas de Calais nécessite les attentions des gestionnaires de la nature, forestiers ou non. Bien qu’un certain nombre de documents permettent la prise en compte du patrimoine phytocénotique dans la gestion forestière, il n’existait pas jusqu’à présent de document traitant de l’intégralité des végétations forestières et préforestières (telles que lisières, coupes forestières, landes, etc.) et proposant une analyse écologique et patrimoniale spécifique au Nord-Pas de Calais. A la suite du Guide des végétations des zones humides de la région Nord-Pas de Calais publié par le Conservatoire botanique national de Bailleul en 2009, ce guide se propose de combler cette lacune, d’être un guide descriptif, un "état de l’art" concernant la connaissance phytosociologique des végétations forestières et préforestières régionales. Près de 250 associations et groupements végétaux forestiers et préforestiers du Nord-Pas de Calais sont présentés ici. 144 d’entre eux font l’objet d’une fiche qui détaille sur une double page leur composition floristique, leur physionomie (avec souvent une photo), leur écologie et leur répartition, leur intérêt patrimonial, la gestion adaptée à leur conservation. Une attention particulière a été attachée à la présentation des fiches afin que le lecteur trouve rapidement et de manière claire et synthétique les informations qui lui sont nécessaires. Des clés de détermination des classes, ordres et alliances faciliteront l’identification des végétations. Mais le guide des végétations forestières et préforestières de la région Nord-Pas de Calais est également une porte ouverte sur le patrimoine forestier régional : description du Nord-Pas de Calais et de ses forêts, zoom sur 9 sites emblématiques de la diversité des forêts régionales, fiches décrivant 9 des principales modalités de gestion conservatoire des végétations forestières et préforestières, glossaire, bibliographie, etc. Du fait de la continuité phytogéographique avec les régions voisines, ce guide réalisé pour la région Nord-Pas de Calais sera également utilisable, dans une certaine mesure, dans la moitié nord et ouest du Bassin parisien.