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Perspectives des nouveaux champs de la communication des organisations. Eléments à partir du projet européen Fire Paradox

... The technological changes which have affected, during the last decade, the means of creation, transmission and processing of information suggest that we enter a new era of information (Vajou, 2009). Succeeding the medical information established on the orality of a consultation, the writing and printing, the rise of digital (Badillo, 2010) has promoted an unprecedented spread of medical networks according to two main lines: one horizontal, the acceleration of transmissions, and the other vertical, the concentration of connections. We are in an era where communication is increasingly growing, especially between physicians, and this interactivity also exists between patients. ...
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For several years, health networks have developed devices enabling coordinated care of patients in France, regarding both medical plans as well as medico-psycho-social and human care. Some have developed computerized health records for sharing useful information for the coordination and continuity of care. Since the 2009 hospital reform, cooperative operating modes between health system professionals and users are being installed. The implementation of a health information system permits, on one hand, to ensure the transversality of the business process with the patient and, on the other hand, to measure the results of the medical and economic evolution of a complex system of information. The possibilities offered by new technologies of information and communication enable the development of applications supporting increased "on line" participation for citizens. The "ambulatory approach" exports healthcare outside hospital walls. This is an innovative medicine allowing the patient to stay at his home. In France, this re-engineering is based on four areas: a medical record, a collective ownership by the medical and paramedical professions, empowerment of patients and networking in the health sector.Keywords: Health; Networks; Information System; Innovation; Medicine; Patients; Science.
Certain researchers call to reconsider Communication for development and social change as a problem of “Techniques and Society” (McArthur, Jouët, Bardini, Lohento, Kiyindou, Missé). Thus, the models of social integration of innovations are used here to study how the new development assistance modules are accepted and appropriated by their final users in developing countries. There is no need to prove anymore that users’ reception and appropriation of the proposed service is critical to the development programs’ effectiveness, be it in public health, environmental issues, small and medium enterprise (SME) development, or other. We synthesize the Anglo-Saxon and French models and distinguish the common determinant axes for the innovations or novelties reception: before their actual use (acceptance models) and after it (appropriation models). The common base appears to be the mental construction of the sense of use: the user mobilizes his representations “already there” (anchoring in existing representations, Moscovici, Jodelet, LeBlanc) and his imaginary (Flichy, Musso) to assess the associated use benefits–costs, the anticipated-perceived use experience. In the literature, this mental construction process is theorized as the formation of the Perceived Value of Use (PVU) (Jouet, Mallein and Toussaint, Mallein et coll., Toussaint, Boenisch, Assude et al, Nelson, Kim et al.). However, it is necessary to further explore this process. Eager to explore the PVU concept in detail, we conducted a two-phase field qualitative study within the SME support sector (UN Sustainable Development Goals 8.3 and 9.3), in Turkmenistan, Central Asia. Our results suggest that we can model the PVU formation mechanism, and its role in the cognitive appropriation and acceptance of the new support services by the final users. We propose to test the results of our research, within the context of other developing countries and of other sectors.
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Cette recherche questionne la participation journalistique sur Twitter en observant les pratiques des acteurs médiatiques de la Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS) et celles des citoyens. Les critères d’analyse sont liés aux injonctions à la participation journalistique et aux formes d’intervention numériques. Une analyse de contenu de tweets (N = 695) est menée sur deux lieux de discussion. L’analyse des messages publiés a révélé comment des acteurs médiatiques et des acteurs non médiatiques pouvaient cohabiter en ligne pour: (i) solliciter la participation journalistique; (ii) participer à la création de contenus; et (iii) participer aux interventions numériques en ligne.
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Les nouveaux médias, et, parmi eux, les médias sociaux, constituent de nouveaux espaces publics de discussion sur Internet. Ils offrent une nouvelle façon de produire, diffuser, partager l’information et les opinions. Des enjeux sociétaux apparaissent ainsi avec les usages des nouveaux médias. Quels sont les acteurs qui interviennent en ligne ? Quel est le contenu des messages ? Quelles sont les opinions ? Quels sont les échanges qui se développent entre internautes ? Dans le cadre de notre étude de cas, nous avons observé que les critiques portant sur les médias et les contenus médiatiques sont émises par différents types d’acteurs sur de multiples supports. Les nouveaux médias sont tantôt envisagés comme des lieux de pluralisme, d’expression citoyenne et démocratique, tantôt comme des lieux où se déploie une information non fiable. Quant aux médias traditionnels, ils sont critiqués comme tendant à l’uniformisation, victimes de phénomènes de concentration et de plus en plus dépendants de contraintes économiques, mais aussi envisagés comme le véritable lieu d’expression d’un journalisme de qualité.
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