
The Effectiveness of Dictation Method in College English Vocabulary Teaching

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As known to all, dictation method is an effective way to review and test one's vocabulary. This paper introduces the theories that support dictation method and the effective strategies for applying it. Besides, this paper also explains how the teachers should do to help the students enhance enthusiasm and confidence for learning, stimulate learning motivation, reduce or eliminate their difficulty and take measures to improve their own language skills, so as to raise the efficiency of memorizing vocabulary and achieve the purpose of increasing vocabulary.

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... Oleh sebab itu, guru harus menemukan cara atau metode pengajaran yang tepat dan efektif. (Tang, 2012)mengatakan salah satu cara metode yang bisa digunakan yaitu mengajar Bahasa Inggris melalui games (permainan). Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui games (permainan) bisa menarik minat siswa dalam belajar karena belajar melalui games (permainan) memberikan pengalaman belajar yang menyenangkan. ...
... Siswa yang bertugas sebagai penulis akan menuliskan teks yang didiktekan (Zulkifli, 2014). Hal inilah yang membuat tekhnik belajar Running Dictation Games menjadi sangat menarik dan efektif digunakan didalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (Tang, 2012). ...
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Mengetahui pentingnya kegunaan bahasa, siswa harus mampu menguasai bahasa Inggris supaya mereka bisa berperan dalam era globalisasi dimana hampir semua bidang industri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa itu sendiri, banyak siswa tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik. Salah satu faktornya yaitu siswa merasa bosan dan tidak tertarik untuk belajar karena pengajaran yang dilakukan sangat monoton. Siswa merasa belajar bahasa Inggris itu sulit dan ditambah dengan cara mengajar guru yang tidak bisa menarik minat siswa. Salah satu solusi yang bisa dipilih yaitu dengan mengimplementasikan game (permainan). Running Dictation Game adalah salah satu tekhnik pembelajaran yang sangat dianjurkan untuk diaplikasikan oleh guru bahasa Inggris didalam kelas mereka. Ada 30 siswa kelas VIII.3 SMP Swasta Sinar Husni Medan yang terlibat sebagai peserta dalam kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini. Berdasarkan hasil setelah dilakukan pengajaran menggunakan Running Dictation Game, siswa termotivasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris lebih giat lagi. Siswa merasa belajar Bahasa Inggris melalui Running Dictation Game ini sangat menyenangkan. Mereka merasa seperti sedang tidak belajar karena kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung sangat seru.
... Scholars have positive and negative views of dictation. Those who consider dictation to be a useful tool view it as a way to diagnose aural perception as well as English mistakes among learners (Davis & Rinvolucri, 2002;Tang, 2012). Mohammed (2015) mentions that some people might take a stereotypical approach to dictation and consider it old-fashioned, boring, and a teacher-centered method (Mohammed, 2015). ...
... Mohammed (2015) mentions that some people might take a stereotypical approach to dictation and consider it old-fashioned, boring, and a teacher-centered method (Mohammed, 2015). The teacher-led dictation (TLD) method has been widely used in English as a foreign language (EFL) classrooms (Alkire, 2002;Davis & Rinvolucri, 2002;Fountain & Nation, 2000;Habibi, Nemati, & Habibi, 2012;Kavaliauskienė & Darginavičienė, 2009;Kazazoğlu, 2013;Kiany & Shiramiry, 2002;Montalvan, 1990;Morris, 1983;Natalicio, 1979;Oller, 1979;Rahimi, 2008;Sawyer & Silver, 1972), while the text-to-speech (TTS) method is a new attempt to improve language learning among EFL students (Biancarosa & Griffiths, 2012;Eksi & Yesilcinar, 2016;Tang, 2012), especially in the area of reading comprehension (Wood, Moxley, Tighe, & Wagner, 2018). especially in the field of EFL. ...
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Researchers have long supported the use of dictation as a test for language learners (Fountain & Nation, 2000), and dictation has been used as a test for learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). With the advantages of productive learning and reinforcing short-term memory, dictation is a commonly used technique to develop language skills, and it can be considered to be an assessment of foreign language learning (Kazazoğlu, 2013). However, the previous research has not fully explored how technology, such as text-to-speech (TTS), can be used in EFL classrooms. To address this issue, the researcher explored the use of traditional teacher-led dictation (TLD) and TTS dictation to compare the vocabulary performance of EFL learners. Forty-two college students participated in the study. The results indicated a significant difference between TTS and TLD on the participants’ vocabulary performance. Additionally, there was a correlation between the scores with TTS and TLD: the students who performed better with TLD also obtained higher grades with TTS. Based on the results, future studies and pedagogical suggestions are presented.
... Platforme u literaturi poznate kao pretvaranje teksta u govor (engl. text-to-speech, skrećeno TTS) spominju se u radovima nekolicine autora (Biancarosa & Griffiths, 2012;Eksi & Yesilcinar, 2016;Tang, 2012;Huang & Liao 2015), koji analiziraju efikasnost upotrebe digitalnih alata u učenju stranih jezika. Ove aplikacije neretko imaju dobru simulaciju ljudskog glasa i akcenta, tako da ih korisnici koji uče strani jezik mogu koristiti u situacijama kada im je potrebna pomoć oko izgovora napisanih reči i rečenica u procesu učenja. ...
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Ovaj rad definiše izazove sa kojima su se susreli nastavnici stranog jezika koji su pokušali da sprovedu veštinu pisanja diktata u nastavi na daljinu tokom trajanja pandemije izazvane virusom Covid-19. U prvom delu rada autorka daje prikaz tehnika sprovođenja diktata u tradicionalnom okruženju, kao i pregled postojećih digitalnih platformi i njihovih karakteristika. Potom se predstavlja novo digitalno rešenje koje se tokom sprovođenja nastave na daljinu koristilo u okviru redovne nastave engleskog jezika na Univerzitetu Singidunum. Upotrebom mešovitih metoda istraživanja analizirani su odgovori 92 ispitanika koji su kroz anketu, kvantitativno i kvalitativno, ocenili rad pomenute platforme. Analizom kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih podataka autorka je izvela zaključak da su stu-denti pozitivno reagovali na novi digitalni alat u nastavi stranog jezika, te da smatraju da je elektronska platforma za pisanje diktata adekvatno rešenje za realizaciju ove jezičke veštine u okolnostima sprovođenja onlajn nastave. Ključne reči: onlajn nastava, diktat, engleski jezik, stavovi, Covid-19 1. UVOD Kao rezultat zatvaranja škola i univerziteta usled globalne pandemije izazvane virusom Covid-19, digitalno učenje na daljinu, tamo gde je to tehnološki moguće, preuzima glavnu ulogu. Statistički podaci nesumnjivo ukazuju na stepen uticaja trenutnog stanja na sektor obrazovanja kako u Srbiji, tako i u sve-tu, gde prema podacima koje donosi UNESCO više od 55,2% učenika ne pohađa redovnu nastavu već je prati preko neke od digitalnih platformi (UNESCO, 2020). Usled toga nastavnici i učenici pronalaze i počinju da koriste digitalne platforme, aplikacije i sadržaje, a sve u cilju prilagođavanja strategija po-dučavanja i učenja ovom relativno novom okruženju. Kako bi se osiguralo kvalitetno obrazovanje, nastavnici iz svih sektora obrazovnog sistema poku-šavaju da se prilagode novonastaloj situaciji, da zadrže kvalitet u predavanju i ocenjivanju, i da svojim učenicima omoguće pravo na kontinuirano obrazovanje (Crisol et al., 2020). Izuzetak nije ni nastava stranih jezika koja se odvija na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja gde se profesori svakodnevno susreću sa novim izazovima u pokušaju da prilagode nastavne materijale, metode i pristupe neophodne za učenje i usvajanje stranog jezika (Egbert, 2020; Gacs et al, 2020). S obzirom da učenje stranog jezika podra-zumeva kontinuirano uvežbavanje jezičkih veština (čitanje, pisanje, slušanje i govor), profesori stranog jezika na Univerzitetu Singidunum u Srbiji, nesmetano, u svojoj nastavi, realizuju sve četiri jezičke veštine s obzirom da se nastava odvija uživo na daljinu putem platforme Microsoft Teams. Međutim, tehnika pisanja diktata, koja je neizostavni deo nastave stranih jezika od osnovnoškolskog do univerzi-tetskog nivoa, a koja kao integrativna aktivnost podrazumeva svesno korišćenje veština slušanja, pisa-nja i čitanja ne pronalazi svoje mesto u nastavi koja se odvija na daljinu. Razlog tome je nemogućnost nastavnika da nadgleda situaciju, spreči učenike da koriste dodatne resurse (automatsku proveru pravo-pisa, razmenu napisanih rečenica putem platformi za onlajn komunikaciju, engl. Viber, Whatsapp, MS Teams chat, itd.), a posebno treba naglasiti poteškoće sa predajom napisanog teksta. Ovakve i slične si-tuacije dovele su do potrebe da se u skladu sa situacijom u kojoj su se našli nastavnici i profesori jezika, okrenemo traženju informatičkih rešenja koja bi sprovođenje ove jezičke aktivnosti učinila efikasnom.
... This means that they can say pause, stop, rewind, etc., to control the teacher's speed and get repetition if they need it" . Qu Tang, (2012: 1472 suggests that , teachers may employ dictation with the appropriate strategies that make progress in learning and practising in English language.The researcher attempts to mention Some of these (strategies) as the following ; ...
Dictation has been used in the field of language learningfor several years. However, most of the language instructors andmethodologists regard this method as useless and out-of-date. Indeeddictation is a teaching technique which enables English teachers tofocus on the language proficiency of their students . This paper explainswhat the teachers should do to help the students enhance enthusiasmand confidence for learning , stimulate learning motivation , reduce oreliminate their difficulty and take measures to improve their ownlanguage skills . This paper aims at investigating the relationshipbetween mastery of dictation and university students' achievement inspelling which in order to raise students' efficiency in vocabulary andtexts. This paper consists of three sections, the first as an introduction,and the second deals with literature review and the third is theconclusion.
... They said that in Mandarin, the dictation method of learning is because with dictation students are given challenges and pressure so that they are diligent in repeating the subject matter that has been learned. According to Tang [11], the dictation method is an effective way to review and test a person's vocabulary. In addition, this method can also help students increase enthusiasm and confidence to learn, stimulate learning motivation, reduce or eliminate their difficulties, and take actions to improve their own language skills.The content of the dictation method they apply also varies, however, each of the dictation methods they apply is all beneficial for increasing the competence of students' Chinese language skills. ...
The dictation method into learning is one of the ways that Mandarin language educators often use to improve students’ listening and writing skills. This research is a classroom action research which aims to improve the ability to hear and write Mandarin using the dictation method. Collecting data in this study using observation, interview and self assessment methods. The technique used to analyze the data that has been collected is a qualitative descriptive technique. With the dictation method, students’ listening and writing skills increased significantly. Keywords: Dictation method; Chinese; Mandarin language
... There are numerous platforms that can be used to conduct the dictation in an online environment, but detailed analyses of the same reveal a number of shortcomings that make them impractical for further use in a classroom situation. Most of these platforms are based on the idea of converting text to speech, which is a technologically advanced alternative for reading text out loud in situations when the teacher is absent [5,6,7]; however, it is rather inconvenient to be used as a platform for conducting a writing activity such as dictation since the reading is continuous and has no characteristics of the traditional dictation reading (the example of such platforms are: Natural readers 1 and From text to speech 2 ). On the other hand, there are platforms such as Speechling 3 , DailyDictation 4 , and Listen and Write 5 that allow users to control the speed of dictation, insert the text for dictation and see corrections immediately after the dictation is completed; however, the limitations of these platforms are reflected in the inability of the teacher to see students' results -since these platforms' primary function is to support independent language learning outside of the classroom situation. ...
... Although some researchers claimed that dictation lacks the communicative feature in real human languages and therefore may "measure very little of language" (Lado 1961;Jones 1977), others have pointed out that dictation has the merit of testing comprehension in context based on learners' internalized grammar' (Oller 1979;Cohen 1980;Morris 1983;Stansfield 1985). Recent studies have examined the effectiveness of using dictation as a teaching technique and provided evidence that dictation as a form of regular teaching practice can improve learners' overall language competence and vocabulary accuracy in the long term (Rahimi 2008;Pyun and Lee-Smith 2011;Qu 2012). However, the efficacy of dictation in language learning has not been fully examined and its application in actual language teaching is still fairly limited. ...
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Dictation has long been recognized as a valid testing device and practical teaching technique in second language (L2) teaching and research. Yet recent years have witnessed an increasing use of integrated tasks in language education. This paper attempts to combine dictation with a reading activity and thereby explores the effectiveness of a reading-dictation integrated task, as compared to a dictation-only task in facilitating Chinese learning as a L2. Results of a quasi-experimental study showed that in reading-dictation, participants produced a higher number of correct characters and made less use of pinyin for support; homophone errors and comprehension errors were noticeably reduced. In addition, feedbacks from an interview verified participants' positive attitudes towards the reading-dictation task. Pedagogical implications of this study were subsequently discussed, in relation to Chinese L2 teaching in general and orthography teaching in particular.
... Vocabulary is the foundation for language learning. As an effective vocabulary teaching tool [6] [7], spelling dictation is often used in the classroom. In traditional spelling dictation, the teacher reads a word, the student writes it down, and then the teacher checks the writing. ...
Conference Paper
With the amazing advancement of mobile technology, people can easily learn a new language from their mobile devices. Exploring popular language learning apps, we discovered that speech and handwriting recognition functionalities are lacking in these apps. To address this issue, we designed and implemented a deep learning-based language learning Android app that provides both speech recognition and handwriting recognition. We created the speech recognition module based on the Google Speech API, which supports speech recognition in 110 languages. For handwriting recognition, we created Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) models that support dictation/handwriting training in Chinese and Japanese respectively.
... The questionnaires she distributed to the students showed that the students agreed with the idea that the dictation helped their listening and improve their comprehension. Tang (2012) in a study conducted to 85 Chinese studying at Guilin University of Technology examining the use of dictation to facilitate students memorizing English vocabulary also revealed that the dictation given to the students was an effective strategy which could develop the students' vocabulary and learning outcomes. ...
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This paper reports the findings of the implementation of full dictation and partial dictation in improving the awareness of using grammar knowledge in reconstructing listening texts among the EFL students at STBA (School of Foreign Languages) LIA Yogyakarta. Three groups participated in the study, i.e. two experimental groups (Group A and B) and a control group (Group C). A pre-test on listening to lectures was administered to the three groups. Over 9 sessions, Group C did the listening exercises in their textbook using dicto-comp technique, while in addition to the listening exercises which applied dicto-comp, the students in Group A was given full dictation exercises and Group B received partial dictation exercises. A post-test was given to the three groups after the ninth session. In addition to the post-test, a 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire assessing the students responses to the dictation exercises was given to the experimental groups. Results of paired-samples tests indicated that there was a significant difference between each groups pre- and post-test. The mean gain score of Group B was higher than Group A showing that Group B had better improvement in the post-test. Furthermore, Group B had better grammar points in their post-test compared to Group A. Group C also increased their scores but they still got their teachers assistance to point out their grammatical mistakes in their notes. This suggests that the dictations given to the experimental groups improved the students awareness in applying their grammar knowledge to reproduce a listening text they heard.
Vocabulary acquisition is the core and foundation of second language acquisition. This article puts forward a new method of English vocabulary teaching -- Proto-speech Root Hypothesis Method, which is based on the motivation of language -- the iconicity of sound and meaning. The main objective of the article is to discover the effect and learners’ attitudes on two vocabulary methods -- Proto-speech Root Hypothesis Method and Roots-affixes Method-- on learning the meaning of new English words by English majors in private universities in Henan Province, China. The research was conducted at two first-year classes of English majors in Shengda University, a famous private university in Henan. Two classes learned 100 new English words in two vocabulary methods within two weeks by Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and then received an online vocabulary test. The result shows that the Proto-speech Root Hypothesis Method is better for remembering new words, and students tend to learn more of it in class.
ملخص: لعل من نافلة القول وفضوله الإشارةَإلىأهمية مهارة الكتابة في تعليم اللغةالعربية، وارتباَطتطورطرائقالإملاء بتطورها. وماآلإليهأمُرتعليماللغة العربية من ضع ٍف عاّم تجاوز التلاميذ في جميع مراحل التعليم الثانوي وعاّمة المثقفين وغير المختصين إلى غير قليل من ذوي الاختصاص في علوم العربية.مما لا يكاد يبرأ منه انتشاُر الأخطاء اللغوية الشائعة في الكتابة والنطق، على اختلافأنواعالكتابة، وتفاوت مستوياتأصحابها، وفشُّوالعاميّات، معكبير قصورها عن التعبير العلمي الدقيق، واستئثارها بغير قليل من الاهتمام والذيوع في وسائل الإعلام المكتوبة والمرئية والمسموعة، فضلاً عّما تلقاه من دعم جها ٍتكثيرة لدوا ٍع عّدة، بل تعّدى استعماُلُا الأموَر الحياتية إلىكثير من الفصول والقاعات الدراسية في جميع مراحل التعليم وفي غير قليل من المدار س عزة الليلة،تعليم مهارة الكتابة باستخدام طرائق الإملاء الثانوية، ممّا أسهم في زيادة ضعفالتلاميذ فيمهارة الكتابة. على أن أكثر ما يتجلّى به الضعف بالعربية هو الأخطاء الكتابية الناتجة في المدرسة الثانوية الإسلامية الحكومية "تورين" مالانجعن عدم معرفة أصول الإملاءالصحيح
This research aims to extrapolate the weaknesses of students at SMP (Junior High School) Sadamiyyah-Jepara. The dictation test method is used to obtain data about error types of student answers. Data analysis is carried out through two phases: identifying errors, and then searching for their source. The research found several problems facing students at SMP Sadamiyyah in writing dictated texts. The most important are those related to writing Arabic letters, understanding vocabulary, grammars, and the overall meaning of sentences used in the dictation process. One causes these problems is the nature of Arabic writing, and the other is due to their lack of listening and their weakness in Arabic. The sound varies with its symbols in some Arabic words, the proximity of the source of some letters also inherits the difficulty of distinguishing between them. In addition, the lack of vocabularies and grammars hinders the overall understanding of the meanings of sentences. Dictation is a test of arabic comprehensive ability. Therefore, improving students’ ability in the dictation requires a lot of language practices. Students' poor in dictation becomes a starting point for reforming the Arabic language education process integratively.
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The present article is devoted to the study of modern approaches to dictation writing activities, namely to dictogloss approach, the purport of which is, first and foremost, to build a solid foundation of the English language proficiency and enhance integrated language skills in context. As different from traditional dictation writing activities, that aim at helping language learners become accustomed to processing and differentiating between different sounds of the target language, identifying words and phrases and recording them as accurately as possible, the dictogloss method of dictation writing tries to boost listening for detailed understanding, i.e. focusing on the grammatical constructions used in the texts, guessing the words and phrases suitable to the context, constructing meaning from the recorded texts and interpreting the gist of the dictated stories. Our study shows that the effectiveness of dictation writing activities in EFL classroom increases and the dictogloss procedure becomes more enjoyable and challenging in case of the intensive use of authentic materials, i.e. when the texts are not dictated directly by the teachers themselves, but are told by native speakers recorded on CDs.
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