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Servitization through Human-Data Interaction: A Behavioural Approach



This paper proposes a new approach to servitization and business models by understanding behavioural aspects of human interactions with technology, specifically, with “smart” devices, connected devices, autonomous systems, and internet of things (IoT) through understanding and interacting with data which these devices and systems generate. Proposed approach, Behavioural Human Data Interaction Hypothesis (Behavioural HDI Hypothesis), which differs from existing literature, leverages on research in behavioural science, data-driven business models, multi-sided markets, and Human-Data Interaction (HDI). Behavioural HDI Hypothesis can offer a new approach to future markets for data because it helps to (a) predict consumer choice of product and services; (b) suggest new and improved interaction mechanisms between consumers and their self-generated data; and (c) propose a new approach for building and evaluating business models. To date, very little has been known about whether and how consumers and households accumulate, review and use self-generated data about consumption decisions and how this affects market relationships between consumers and providers of goods and services. This paper shows how Behavioural HDI Hypothesis can make markets for data more efficient through better personalisation and servitization. It also has implications for data collection visibility, data ownership and structure, platform trade-off, security and other ICT-related challenges which negatively affect current business models in the digital economy.
Purpose: This paper proposes a new approach to servitization and business models by
understandingbehaviouralaspectsofhumaninteractionswithte chnology,specifically,with“smart”
devices, connected devices, autonomous systems, and internet of things (IoT) through
Design/methodology/approach: Proposed approach, Behavioural Human Data Interactio n
Hypothesis (Behavioural HDI Hypothesis), which differs from existing literature, leverages on
helps to (a) predict consumer choice of product and services; (b) suggest new and improved
interaction mechanisms between consumers and their selfgenerated data; and (c) propose a new
Originality/value: To date, very little has been known about whether and how consumers and
shows how Behavioural HDI Hypothesis can make markets for
data more efficient through better
and structure, platform tradeoff, security and other ICTrelated challenges which negatively affect
The development of informationandcommunication technology (ICT)inthemodern economy has
created opportunities for businesses to provide customised products, services and experiences to
businesses, the future relies on their ability to process the data in order to accurately predict
consumerpreferencesandcreatepersonalisedproducts, servicesandexperiencesinthemostcost
evencompanieswithaccess tolargeamountsofdata struggletocreatereliableforecastsoffuture
customer wants and needs to quickly react to changes in market trends. One of the most notable
examples of forecasting
inefficiency are socalled recommendation systems (available via major
the future, but which are in fact rarely used. Furthermore, we also do not see a development of
effectivemarkets for data where consumers of goods and services (henceforth,users)would trade
This paper first considers reasons for the current data market inefficie ncies and then develops a
model of market for data where users and providers interact to develop new business models
utilisingdifferenttypesofdataaswellasdifferentwaysinwhich thisdataisperceivedbytheusers.
The proposed model Behavioural HumanData Interaction Hypothesis is based on DataDriven
Business Models approach which explains how business models can bedeveloped using data (e.g.,
Hartmannetal. 2014);an openmultisidedmarkets approachwhichoffersanaccount ofhownew
becreatedinthedigitaleconomy(Ng2014);aswell asresearchin
2014).ThisnewBehaviouralHDIHypothesisisalso rootedinbehavioural scienceliteratureandhas
solutions for the currently existing ICTrelated s ervitization problems such as data collection
Let us first consider the current market for data. In this market, users supply data and providers
user) or social data (the data for the whole household, etc.). Providers demand the data and are
willing to pay the demand price PD for the data (this is how much the data is worth to providers).
This price is relatively high as it allows providers to offer better (more personalised) goods and
services to users and increase providers’ profitability via better understandi ng user demand for
Usersarewillingtoofferdataatasupply pricePSwhichisperceivedbythemasverylow.OnFigure
1wechooseapricelevel closeto0inordertodescribethelevelofPS(thisishow muchthedatais
worthtousers).Inpra ctice,thispriceisnotexpressedinmonetaryterms,i.e.,usersdonotdirectly
receiveanymoneyfromtheproviders.Instead,itreflectsthe“cost” ofdatatousersintermsof,e.g.,
by users and providers, the level of PD and PS (shown using the vertical axis) remains stable
irrespective of the qualityof the data as a service(shown using the horizontal axis). The dataasa
service variable depicts how effectively available data can be converted into meaningful business
models (provision mechanisms). In other words, it reflects the value of the data for providers and
We assume that the value of data is the same for providers and users for the following reason. If
providers receive valuable data about user behaviour, they will be able to provide better (more
personalised) goods and services to the users. Therefore, data of higher quality which produces
betterpredictions of behaviourand lead toan increasein userwellbeingand providerprofitability
should be valued higher by both sides of the marke t (users and providers). In practice, there is, of
course, a lotof uncertainty as to the value of the data (see, e.g. Ng etal. 2015). Yet, this question
requiresaseparateinvestigationandforthepurposesofthispaperwedono tconsideruncertainty
Figure 1 shows that the current market is inefficient: since the disparity between the supply and
demandprice fordataisverylarge,thedataisnottraded. Inprinciple,providersarewillingtopay
PD to obtain the data, but users are offering the data at a very low price PS which means that
providerscaneither(a)obtainthedatathemselves ataverylow(orevenzero)priceinwhichcase
they receive a profit margin of PD –PS > 0 (e.g., Google, Facebook, etc.); or (b) purchase the data
from other providers (intermediaries) at PD in which case intermediaries receive a profit margin
dataasaservicevariableandthedemand/supplypricedoesnotdepend on it.
In recent years, various issues were raised with regard to supply price for data. Specifically, the
ProceedingsoftheSpringServitization Conference(SSC2015)
ownership(e.g.,Evans2011),datapriv acy(Itanietal.2009),aswellastheinequalitybetweenusers
and providers in terms of profit distribution from data usage. Under these circumstances, user
perceptions of data markets have changed giving rise to scepticism about the potential of trading
data with providers. This sceptical view which ignores the fact that people interact with different
high for more valuable data. Therefore, users will only trade the data with providers at an
this means that in order to trade, users would need to provide data of high quality, exert a
objections to direct userprovider markets for data since the potential logistical costs of users
engagingwithprovidersisveryhighandveryfew userswouldbeabletoengagewithtradingdata.
However, applying such a model of market relationships would not be correct because it does not
can show how different types of data (with different value to users and providers) can be
successfully traded on the market for data. Behavioural HDI Hypothesis distinguishes between
Thedata typespresented onFigure3 differbytheamount ofeffortwhich a userneedstoexertin
ordertoengagewitheachtypefromloweffort(traditionaldata)tohigheffort(inve ntivedata).Due
to the fact thatusers need to exerta different am ount ofeffortto engage witheachtype of data,
Traditional data involves minimum/low user effort because it is accumulated by technology which
byusersonaregularbasis andalluserscaneasily assessthisdata(e.g.,datafromelectricitymeters,
Invasive data involves medium user effort because it is accumulated by technology which is
accessibleand yetnon“standard”.For example,datafrom mobileapplications(apps),smart home
sensors, etc. requires for the user to install the apps or devises and learn how to read and
understand selfgenerated data obtained through this techno logy. This type of data is called
“invasive” because this data often influences human behaviour (e.g., fitness apps may make an
Inventive data involves maximum/high user effort because it requires for the user to add relevant
content to existing data accumulated through InternetofThings (IoT). Particularly, inventive data
inventive data does not only tell an individual that electricity was used but also stores important
information about who used it, when and which device was turned on. This type of data is called
While traditionaland invasive data is used, aggregated and analysed by providers as Content Data
as, e.g., Big Data or Connected Data), inventive data is accumulated as Metadata (data which
Since different types of data under Behavioural HDI Hypothesis are not perceived by users in the
Previous research (e.g., Parry et al. 2015; Ng et al. 2015) shows that contextdependent data
provides important benefits for customisation, personalisation, and creating new business models.
Therefore, it is likely that the quality of data as a service will increase from
traditional to invasive
dataandthenfrominvasivetoinventivedata.Userswoulddemandahigherandhigherprice P
they go from traditional to invasive and from invasive to inventive data because, according to
Behavioural HDI, they have to exert more and more effort to obtain the data. At the same time,
since under Behavioural HDI, users will not perceive traditional, invasive and inventive data in the
in changes to demand function for data. Specifically, the demand function for data will follow a
especially, inventive data the demand price will be increasing intersecting with P
S on an interval
covering a large portion of inventive data and forming an interval of equili brium prices P
E. Such
shape of P
D function even allows for a small portion of invasive data to be traded if this data is of
usersandproviders.Afterreaching itsmaximum,
budgetconstraintsandbeyond a certain point even extremely valuable inventive datawill become
users’ wants and needs by better understanding their
preferences and offering better (more
personalised) services. It also suggests new and improved interaction mechanisms between users
and providers as they have an opportunity to dire ctly trade data on the market. It also may offer
new approaches for building and evaluating business models. Specifically, business models can be
evaluated based on the user effort level necessary to engage with providers, the actual price at
The proposed approach has several important implications not only for new business models but
alsoforresearchandpracticeofdatacollectionvisibility,dataownershipstructure,platf o rmtrade
CurrentICTsystemsoften collectdatainwayswhicharesubtletousers:many peopledonotrealise
subtle data collection to visible(judging, for example, from the caution around the deployment of
GoogleGlass),itis notclearwhetherusersactuallypreferdeviceswhichcollect theirpersonaldata
in a subtle way to those which do it in a visible way. It is also not clear whether users are more
concerned about the visibility of data collection or about the possibility that a device maybe
collectinginformationwhichisunknown totheuser.BehaviouralHDIallowsustostudytheseissues
systematicallybyelicitinguserpreferen ces overdifferenttypesofdata.
Since the supply ofdata is dependenton the technology, theownership of the data oftenremains
with the technology owner. For example, Internet search data trends are owned by large
corporations(e.g.,Google)orsupermarketdataownedbylargesupermarkets(e.g.,Tesco) anditis
often difficult or even impossible for individual users to obtain their selfgenerated data.
Furthermore,thedata collectionmechanism,structure,representation, storageand, therefore, the
collectedaffectshow it couldbe used. Sincesuchdata often has a vertical structure, it isprimarily
beneficialtocompanies andnottoindividualusers.However,itisnotclearwhetheruserswouldbe
interested in having access to theirowndata (shouldthey be able toview their data in adifferent
a set summary statistics or recommendations. Understanding these individual preferences is very
importantand Behavioural HDI can provide novel data ownership solutions through increas ed user
same provider’s products. This causes vendor lockins”. Consider an individual who owns a
it allows this user to stay with the current platform instead of using two different platforms or
switching to a new platform. As a result, users may not always choose the best or cheapest
technology or device weighing their decision more on their existing products and on how an
technology benefits the overall platform than how it performs on its own. Behavioural
Privacy, confidentiality,and trust issues of data, especially invasive and inventive data, can impact
individual be haviour. While Behavioural HDI does notaim to influence the area ofprivacy directly,
data protection mechanisms are significantly more manageable if the data is partitioned into
different types. Inventive data is collected and shared by the users under their own control and,
therefore,privateinformation isunlikelytobesharedagainuser’ s will(e.g.,Ng2014).Atthesame
from different sources, may pose challenges for privacy. Behavioural HDI may offer a systematic
approach to policy regulation oftraditional and invasive data by identifying data types and market
Behavioural HDI is useful for business practice. The understanding of the types of data as well as
uncertainty about the value of the consumergenerated data; (b) simplify consumerbusiness
interactions; and (c) motivate consumers to collect and supply highquality data to businesses. By
incorporating Behavioural HDI into their business models, companies can create systems which
produce customised products and services. Behavioural HDI can change recommendation systems
(availableviamajorretailers) to co creationsystems where insteadofmakingrecommendations to
Eckl, Roland, and Asa MacWilliams. "Smart home challenges and approaches to solve them: A
Computing, pp. 119130. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. Evans, B. J. (2011). Much ado
ATaxonomyof Datadriven Business Models used byStartupFirms."ATaxonomyof Data
Itani,Wassim,AymanKayssi,andAli Chehab. "Privacy as a service: Privacyaware data storage and
processing in cloud computing architectures." InDependable, Autonomic and Secure
Computing, 2009. DASC'09. Eighth IEEE International Conference on, pp. 711716. IEEE
Data Interaction: The Human Face of the DataDriv en Society."Available at SSRN 2508051
ofthings and the choice of tailoring over platform: mass customisation strategy in supply
Ganna Pogrebna acknowledges financial support via the EPSRC grant “Smart Me versus Smart
... Springer: [15], [25], [38], [16], [20], [31], [63], [30] Outras: [45], [46], [11], [39], [29], [53] IEEE: [41], [42], [19], [17] ACM: [48], [34] Colaborativa A IHD, juntamente com a comunicação humano-humano, compõe a "Ciência da interação"no contexto de sistemas de dados e análise visual ...
... Em outro trabalho, Crabtree [19] oferece uma perspectiva sociológica sobre a regulamentação da proteção de dados e sua relevância para o design de tecnologias digitais que exploram ou "comercializam"dados pessoais. Pogrebna [53] propõe uma "hipótese de IHD Comportamental", que encara os dados como Tradicionais (e.g. dados de medidores de eletricidade e outros dispositivos "tradicionais"), Invasivos (geralmente influenciam o comportamento humano, e.g. ...
... Na visão Ampla, além de pesquisadores de IHD: Nunes et al. [48] considera partes interessadas relacionadas a economia do Turismo; Leone [38] [11] consideram pesquisadores e profissionais da área de Saúde; Chamberlain e Crabtree [16] consideram pessoas que escutam música em dispositivos eletrônicos; Pogrebna [53] considera pesquisadores de Modelos de negócios e Servitization. ...
Conference Paper
Big Data, e-Science and Internet of Things have contributed to increase the production, processing and storage of data, changing the way people deal and live with data. Although the problem is not new, the "human aspect" of data and the possible impact of Human-Data Interaction (HDI) in human life have been explored and discussed as an emerging research area. On the one hand, HDI offers plenty of opportunities for research and development, and on the other hand it demands characterization, grounding, critical discussions, empirical results and thinking tools to support research and practice. This paper presents a Systematic Mapping of Literature on HDI in Computer Science, identifying the different definitions for the area, elements or objects of investigation, contexts of application, stakeholders, etc. Based on 28 selected papers, results point out to a lack of definition or agreement on what HDI is, but suggest that there are different aspects that can characterize it, and allow identifying concerns and objects of study, such as privacy, ownership and transparency. Results suggest a demand for theoretical and methodological frameworks to support the understanding, design and evaluation of HDI via computing systems.
... Although many of the papers discussed here are conceptual, empirical work in this space is starting to appear, with two examples highlighting the potential use of data as a service. First, Pogrebna (2015) proposes a new approach to servitization based upon behavioural elements and human data interaction. In her paper, she argues that the assumption of service 'to' rather than 'with active involvement' of the consumer has a range of critical implications for servitization in a digitally-enabled world, because technology will create more empowered consumers. ...
... Much of the servitization literature focuses on traditional manufacturing e.g., capital goods equipment. We have found that with the increased amount of data produced and the huge influx of IoT items, servitization of the home is an emerging area of research e.g., Ng et al. (2014); Pogrebna (2015); Parry et al. (2016). However, the research directions we identify do not have to be applied specifically to the home and can be extended to capital goods firms. ...
Servitization literature has diverged in two directions; those adopting a goods-dominant logic and others a service-dominant logic. To understand where the two streams converge and diverge, this paper asks what the points of convergence and divergence are between the two approaches to servitization. While both streams of literature have dealt extensively with servitization, their conceptual underpinnings and use of key terms are fundamentally different, and have become confused within literature. This lack of clarity and understanding is counterproductive and presents a challenge to both research and practice. To address this issue, this paper reviews the extant literature to identify and understand the convergences and divergences within. More specifically, a two-tiered thematic analysis consisting of both semantic and latent theme analysis is employed. Our findings highlight five points of departure that this paper elaborates upon, giving examples of where both logics have been applied. They also propose conditions under which one logic may be more appropriate and finally, identify future research directions.
... Due to multi-layered and interdependent stakeholder involvement in both IPS 2 design and delivery, challenges related to data ownership and data privacy are increasingly coming up in the form of design requirements or constraints to the products, services, as well as the underlying business models [128,188] and in particular data-driven business models [47]. A similar tendency can be observed for the subject of human-data interaction [156]. ...
Industrial Product-Service Systems (IPS²) have been increasingly researched and practiced in a variety of fields and sectors. Nevertheless, such solutions are not as significantly implemented as expected by the CIRP keynote in 2010: it is not a dominant business of manufacturing companies today despite their economic and environmental advantages. One reason for this delay is assumed to be that the initial efforts were mainly on business and service when design was an afterthought. The promising digital technologies that have become easily implementable in practice will in the next years facilitate design and implementation of IPS² smartly to satisfy users and contribute to sustainability. This keynote analyses literature and practice in the last decade, aiming to propose the main characteristics of IPS² of the future and design processes adequate for IPS². The design process of both production systems for sustainability and high-value systems for sustainable development goals may need to be supported differently than today. The list of recommendations for future research on IPS² design is provided at the end of the paper.
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has recently become the new personal data standard in the European Union (EU). Business efforts are concentrated on being ‘GDPR-compliant’—i.e. companies operating in the EU are creating safer personal data environments and ensuring that informed consent is sought from clients for actions such as data monetization and customer ‘profiling’. Yet, very little is known about whether, as a result of GDPR, customers are informed and ready to engage with businesses and to what extent customer behavioral change will affect operations. This chapter looks at a menu of major behavioral regularities and biases and offers a framework for understanding how the spectrum of potential customer responses to GDPR can be anticipated by businesses as well as how operations can be modified and transformed to provide an efficient and quick response to changing personal data landscape. We offer a new customer-centric, human-data-interactive approach based on a combination of insights from behavioral science, information systems, and operations research to help businesses understand how customer behavior will shape their business strategy. We also discuss how businesses can adjust their decision-making mechanisms to reflect the new changes in operations resulting from the GDPR adoption.
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This paper considers the implications for Supply Chain Management (SCM) from the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet Connected Objects (ICO). We focus on opportunities and challenges stemming from consumption data that comes from ICO, and on how this data can be mapped onto strategic choices of product variety. We develop a simple analytical framework that illustrates the underlying mechanisms of a product supplier/producer׳s choice between (i) producing multiple product varieties as a way of meeting consumer demand (a “tailoring strategy”), and (ii) offering a flexible and standardised platform which enables consumers׳ needs to be met by incorporating personal ICO data into various customisable applications (a “platform strategy”). Under a platform strategy, the ICO data is independently produced by other providers and can be called on in both use and context of use. We derive conditions under which each of the strategies may be profitable for the provider through maximising consumers’ value. Our findings are that the higher the demand for contextual variety, the more profitable the platform strategy becomes, relative to the tailoring strategy. Our study concludes by considering the implications for SCM research and practice with an extension to postponement taxonomies, including those where the customer, and not the supplier, is the completer of the product, and we show that this yields higher profits than the tailoring strategy.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we present PasS (privacy as a service); a set of security protocols for ensuring the privacy and legal compliance of customer data in cloud computing architectures. PasS allows for the secure storage and processing of users' confidential data by leveraging the tamper-proof capabilities of cryptographic coprocessors. Using tamper-proof facilities provides a secure execution domain in the computing cloud that is physically and logically protected from unauthorized access. PasS central design goal is to maximize users' control in managing the various aspects related to the privacy of sensitive data. This is achieved by implementing user-configurable software protection and data privacy mechanisms. Moreover, PasS provides a privacy feedback process which informs users of the different privacy operations applied on their data and makes them aware of any potential risks that may jeopardize the confidentiality of their sensitive information. To the best of our knowledge, PasS is the first practical cloud computing privacy solution that utilizes previous research on cryptographic coprocessors to solve the problem of securely processing sensitive data in cloud computing infrastructures.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to derive a taxonomy of business models used by start-up firms that rely on data as a key resource for business, namely data-driven business models (DDBMs). By providing a framework to systematically analyse DDBMs, the study provides an introduction to DDBM as a field of study. Design/methodology/approach To develop the taxonomy of DDBMs, business model descriptions of 100 randomly chosen start-up firms were coded using a DDBM framework derived from literature, comprising six dimensions with 35 features. Subsequent application of clustering algorithms produced six different types of DDBM, validated by case studies from the study’s sample. Findings The taxonomy derived from the research consists of six different types of DDBM among start-ups. These types are characterised by a subset of six of nine clustering variables from the DDBM framework. Practical implications A major contribution of the paper is the designed framework, which stimulates thinking about the nature and future of DDBMs. The proposed taxonomy will help organisations to position their activities in the current DDBM landscape. Moreover, framework and taxonomy may lead to a DDBM design toolbox. Originality/value This paper develops a basis for understanding how start-ups build business models capture value from data as a key resource, adding a business perspective to the discussion of big data. By offering the scientific community a specific framework of business model features and a subsequent taxonomy, the paper provides reference points and serves as a foundation for future studies of DDBMs.
The increasing generation and collection of personal data has created a complex ecosystem, often collaborative but sometimes combative, around companies and individuals engaging in the use of these data. We propose that the interactions between these agents warrants a new topic of study: Human-Data Interaction (HDI). In this paper we discuss how HDI sits at the intersection of various disciplines, including computer science, statistics, sociology, psychology and behavioural economics. We expose the challenges that HDI raises, organised into three core themes of legibility, agency and negotiability, and we present the HDI agenda to open up a dialogue amongst interested parties in the personal and big data ecosystems.
Why are smart homes not successfully deployed on the market, even though there are many demonstrator systems in research and industry? Over the past years, we have built and improved one smart home platform ourselves and have been involved with many other comparable systems. In this paper, we share the problems we have come across, and present pragmatic approaches towards solving them. Current smart homes tend to be too simplistic (limited in their application) or too complex (too hard to use or build or maintain). Many research-oriented systems disregard users’ intent and make decisions for them, trying to “know better.” Also, current systems require too high up-front investment in technology from owners, manufacturers and possible operators. We suggest using a system architecture with centralized but subsidiary controllers, with open interfaces at software and network levels. Interaction should be based on different types of highly responsive control devices. Besides traditional interaction such as turning on lights, they should let the user select complex scenes, with unobtrusive assistance (prioritizing the presentation of scenes according to context). We foresee the greatest chance for commercial success if market players work together to create the most valuable applications for end users, but keep their systems open for extension.
Smart home challenges and approaches to solve them: A practical industrial perspective In Intelligent Interactive Assistance and Mobile Multimedia Computing
  • Eckl
  • Roland
Eckl, Roland, and Asa MacWilliams. "Smart home challenges and approaches to solve them: A practical industrial perspective." In Intelligent Interactive Assistance and Mobile Multimedia Computing, pp. 119‐130. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. Evans, B. J. (2011). Much ado about data ownership. Harv. JL & Tech., 25, 69.
Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy
  • Irene Ng
  • Cl
Ng, Irene CL. Creating New Markets in the Digital Economy. Cambridge University Press (2014).
Visibility of consumer context improving reverse supply with Internet-of Things data
  • Parry
  • Saara A Glenn
  • Roger Brax
  • Irene Cl Maull
  • Ng
Parry, Glenn, Saara A. Brax, Roger Maull, and Irene CL Ng. "Visibility of consumer context improving reverse supply with Internet-of Things data." (2015).