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A Pilot, Prospective, Open-Label Study on the Effects of a Topical Photorepair and Photoprotection Film-Forming Medical Device in Patients with Actinic Keratoses Evaluated by Means of Skin Analysis Camera Antera 3D


Abstract and Figures

Background: Actinic keratosis (AK) is a very common precancerous skin lesion caused by chronic exposure to sunlight. UVA and UVB rays' exposure is considered as the main pathogenic mechanism of keratinocytes alterations and malignant transformations. UVB and UVA cause direct alterations of DNA molecules, such as the formation of cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers (CPD) and cellular structures damage, in particular membranes, trough free radicals formation. Eryfotona AK-NMSC (Ery) is a film-forming medical device (MD) class II indicated for the prevention and treatment of cancerization field in subjects with AK or non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Ery is characterized by a photorepair action, thanks to its content in photolyase, an enzyme able repairing DNA CPD, and by high broad-spectrum photoprotection (SPF 100+) (Repairsome). Controlled clinical studies have shown that this MD, both in the short and the long term, is able to induce in AK patients sub-clinical and clinical improvements at the cancerization field level.
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A Pilot, Prospective, Open-Label Study on the Effects of a Topical Photorepair
and Photoprotection Film-Forming Medical Device in Patients with Actinic
Keratoses Evaluated by Means of Skin Analysis Camera Antera 3D
Mario Puviani1 and Massimo Milani2*
1Simple structure of Dermatology and Surgical Dermatology, Hospital of Sassuolo (MO), Italy
2Medical Department ISDIN, Italy
*Corresponding author: Massimo Milani, Medical Department Isdin, Via le Abruzzi 3, Milan Italy, E-mail:
Received date: Jan 21, 2014, Accepted date: Feb 03, 2015, Published date: Feb 9, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Mario Puviani et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: Actinic keratosis (AK) is a very common precancerous skin lesion caused by chronic exposure to
sunlight. UVA and UVB rays’ exposure is considered as the main pathogenic mechanism of keratinocytes alterations
and malignant transformations. UVB and UVA cause direct alterations of DNA molecules, such as the formation of
cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers (CPD) and cellular structures damage, in particular membranes, trough free radicals
formation. Eryfotona AK-NMSC (Ery) is a film-forming medical device (MD) class II indicated for the prevention and
treatment of cancerization field in subjects with AK or non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC). Ery is characterized by
a photorepair action, thanks to its content in photolyase, an enzyme able repairing DNA CPD, and by high broad-
spectrum photoprotection (SPF 100+) (Repairsome). Controlled clinical studies have shown that this MD, both in the
short and the long term, is able to induce in AK patients sub-clinical and clinical improvements at the cancerization
field level.
Study aim: In this pilot, prospective study, we evaluated the effects of 3-month application of this product in 11
subjects with AK through an objective assessment by skin camera ANTERA 3D instrument. The primary endpoints
of the study were to evaluate: a) the evolution of the skin haemoglobin content (parameter related to the level of
“vascularization” and "inflammation" of the skin lesions) at the level of a target AK lesion, identified and defined at
baseline visit and b) the evolution of AK lesion area.
Results: Ery treatment induced a statistically significant and clinically relevant reduction of AK target lesion area
(a -75% reduction in comparison with baseline, range: -100%- 50%) and a significant haemoglobin content reduction
as soon as after 1 month (-16%, p=0.01) and after 3 months of treatment (-34%, p=0.01) demonstrating an effect of
"normalization" of this parameter at the AK target lesion level. The product was well tolerated.
Conclusion: Data from this pilot study suggest that the use of a photorepair and photoprotection film-forming MD
in subjects with AK is able to change in the short-medium term, an objectively-assessed parameter such as AK
lesion area and the haemoglobin content via spectral analysis suggesting that this strategy could improve the skin
area affected by the AK process.
Keywords: Actinic keratosis; Photolyase; Photoprotection; Antera
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a precancerous lesion of the skin very
frequently caused by chronic exposure to sunlight (UVB and UVA)
[1]. AK is now considered a carcinoma in situ representing the initial
phase of non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSC) such as squamous cell
carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma [2].
The photo exposed areas (scalp, face, back of hands and forearms)
are the classic sites of occurrence of such injuries [3]. Chronic
exposure to UVA and UVB rays is considered as the main pathogenic
mechanisms of keratinocytes alterations and transformations. UVB
and UVA cause direct alterations of DNA molecules, such as the
formation of cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers (CPD) and alterations of
cellular structures, in particular membranes mediated, by the
formation of free radicals [4]. At the level of primary DNA damage
caused by UVB is the formation of pyrimidine dimers (CPD) that
altering the spatial structure of the DNA double helix are the main
source of actinic mutagenic mechanisms [5].
Photolyase is an enzyme found in various organisms (plants,
bacteria, animals are not placental) can fix quickly and efficiently the
specific CPD which were formed after UV exposure [6]. The topical
application of photolyase on human skin after exposure to UVB is able
to quickly reduce by 55% the formation of CPD [7]. These data
support the rational clinical use of topical product containing
photolyase in order to reduce the damage to the DNA by exposure to
UV [8,9].
Eryfotona AK-NMSC is a medical devices indicated for the
treatment and prevention of field cancerization in patients with AK
[10]. Controlled clinical studies have shown that treatment in both the
short and the long term with such a product is accompanied by
Journal of Clinical &
Experimental Dermatology
Research Puviani et al., J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2015, 6:2
Research Article Open Access
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
ISSN:2155-9554 JCEDR an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000263
improvements in the field of cancerization at both sub-clinic and
clinical level [11,12].
The objective assessment of the texture of the skin and the
concentration and uniformity of skin chromophores can provide
important information on the response to medical treatment and are
therefore of great importance for dermatological research.
Antera 3D (Miravex, Ireland) is an optical skin scanning device and
it consists of a camera connected to a laptop computer via an USB
cable and is complemented by proprietary software that runs on
desktop computers or laptops with Windows operating system [13].
This device is able to evaluate the changes over the time of melanin,
haemoglobin and skin profiles [14]. In more details Anther 3D is
based on the acquisition of multiple images obtained with different
lighting: diodes at different wavelengths illuminate the skin with the
incident light at different illumination direction and the acquired data
are used for spatial analysis and multi-spectrum for the reconstruction
of the texture of the skin and the analysis of its chromophores. In
particular the analysis via dermal ANTERA 3 D allows performing an
analysis of the parameters profilometric skin is that of the colorimetric
parameters of the skin and skin lesions [15]. This device employs a
specific algorithm (Spot-On™) that automatically registers two or more
images to one another, by correcting displacements due to different
positions of the patient when capturing an image. This algorithm
allows comparing “before-and-after” images in an objective manner.
At the moment there are no data available concerning the effects of
Ery treatment at actinic keratosis skin lesions levels evaluated with
Patients and Methods
Patients with multiple AK after a baseline evaluation were treated
with a topical medical device with very high (109 and SPF 39 UVA)
photoprotection action and photorepair action through an enzyme
(photolyase), which can repair UV-induced DNA damage, carried in
liposomes (Repairsome®) (Eryfotona AK-NMSC, fluid Isdin, Spain).
The treatment consisted in the application of the product at the level
of the zones with the lesions (usually the face and scalp) twice daily
(morning and afternoon). The patient was instructed to use 2 Finger
Tip Unit (approximately equal to one gram of product) for each
application (treatment of the face and scalp). The study was approved
by the institutional review board of the investigator’center and
complied with the provision of the Declaration of Helsinki, Good
Clinical Practice guidelines and local law and regulations. All
participants provided written informed consent to participate in the
trial. ANTERA 3D images of a target lesion were performed as the
primary outcome of the study evaluating and comparing the content
of haemoglobin, expressed in Arbitrary Unit, considering this as a
“vascularization” and “inflammation” parameter. To measure
haemoglobin, we marked a representative (target lesion) area at
baseline. Subsequently, the identical area was automatically marked in
the follow-up image, and the concentration and distribution of
haemoglobin were calculated by the software. Target lesion was
identified at baseline visit as a well-defined AK lesion located in area of
the face easy to access for picture documentation. Target lesion area
evolution was evaluated calculating the size of the lesion at baseline
and after treatment. Evolution of the size area was compared and
calculated as % change in comparison with baseline. Treatment lasted
3 months. The clinical and instrumental evaluations were performed
at baseline, after 1 and 3 months. Two-tailed Wilcoxon test was
applied to compare baseline levels with values at month 1 and at the
end of study period. A p value <0.05 was considered statistically
significant. According to the characteristic of the study (pilot trial) no
formal sample size calculation was performed.
We recruited a total of 11 subjects with actinic lesions, single or
multiple, localized to the face and/or head, aged between 50 and 75
years, 8 men and 3 women, mean age 68 years with a Fiztpatrick skin
type II. The average number of clinically visible lesions per patient was
7. Target lesion area during application was reduced by 60% and 75%
after 1 and 3 months of Ery application (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Evolution of AK target lesion area evaluated as % change
in comparison with baseline. 1 month vs. Baseline: p<0.05; 3
months vs. Baseline: p<0.01; Wilcoxon Test. X-axis shows time
points evaluation. Y-axis reports target lesion area in % (100% area
of the lesions at baseline)
The results relating to the variation of the content of haemoglobin
of a target lesion are reported in the graph of Figure 1. Application of
Ery is accompanied by a statistically significant and clinically relevant
reduction of the content of haemoglobin at level of the target lesion
both at 1 month (-16%, p=0.001) and after 3 months of treatment
(-34%, p=0.0125) (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Evolution of hemoglobin content at level of AK target
lesion level. 1 month vs. Baseline: p<0.01; 3 months vs. Baseline:
p<0.01; Wilcoxon Test. X-axis shows time-point evaluation. Y-axis
reports quantity of haemoglobin at the target lesion in Arbitrary
The product was well tolerated. There were no reported serious
adverse events. Figure 3a and 3b shows two cases with assessment
Citation: Puviani M, Milani M (2015) A Pilot, Prospective, Open-Label Study on the Effects of a Topical Photorepair and Photoprotection Film-
Forming Medical Device in Patients with Actinic Keratoses Evaluated by Means of Skin Analysis Camera Antera 3D. J Clin Exp
Dermatol Res 6: 263. doi:10.4172/2155-9554.1000263
Page 2 of 4
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
ISSN:2155-9554 JCEDR an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000263
before and after with ANTERA 3 D at baseline after 1 month and after
3 months of topical application of the product.
Figure 3: a) Antera 3D assessed target lesions evolution b) Target
lesions are marked by the circle
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a skin disease very common especially in
the elderly population. AK is a condition that increases the risk of
developing cancer lesions true as squamous cell cancer and basal cell
cancer. For this reason it is important to treat this type of skin lesions.
The main pathogenic mechanism of AK is the chronic exposure to UV
rays [16]. The actinic damage accumulated due to an alteration in the
DNA of keratinocytes either directly (UVB) and indirectly (UVA).
The DNA damage induced by UVB radiation sees the formation of
cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers as the main mechanism of genetic
damage [17]. The accumulation of these alterations contributes to the
appearance of altered keratinocytes that can give rise to cell clones that
proliferate in an uncontrolled manner with the formation of lesions of
actinic keratosis that may later develop into cancer completely changes
such as squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The
photoprotection is an important tool for prevention in patients at risk
for actinic damage [18]. Since not much time available topical
products that can associate with the photoprotection "passive" an
action of photorepair "active" able to help the correction of the actinic
damage that gradually accumulates at the level of cheratinociti.
Photolyase in particular is an enzyme able to correct in an effective
and specific CPD which are formed at the level of the epidermis as a
result of UV exposure [19]. Photolyase is not present in mammals
[20]. However, the application of the topically photolyase both in
experimental animals and in humans has shown that this enzyme is
able to repair up to 50% of the CPD which are formed after exposure
to UVB [21]. Eryfotona AK-NMSC is a medical device indicated for
prevention and treatment of field cancerization in patients with actinic
keratosis and non-melanoma skin cancers [22]. This product exerts a
photorepair action, through the presence of Anacistis nidulans
photolyase formulated in liposomes, and a photo protection action
due to the content of very high and broad spectrum (SPF 109 and
UVA protection 39) sun-filters. Several controlled trials, and not, have
shown that the use of Eryfotona is accompanied by improvements in
the field of cancerization evaluated by histology, confocal microscopy,
and genetic expression of proteins involved in the regulation of
keratinocytes. This product is in the medium and long term has been
shown to improve the field of cancerization and to reduce the
formation of new lesions in actinic subjects undergoing PDT. To date
there were available data on the effects of this topical treatment
assessed using objective analysis and spectrophotometric 3D. Some
limitations should be taken in account in evaluating the results of the
present study. First this was an open non controlled pilot trial.
However the primary outcome (change in haemoglobin content at
target lesion level) was assessed by operator-independent imaging
analysis, therefore the observed changes reflect a real modification of
this parameter. A second aspect to be considered is the lack of a
controlled treatment. The use of a simple photoprotection product
could have induced similar modification we observed. However
previous controlled trials comparing the use of Ery in AK patients with
simple photoprotection have been demonstrated that photorepair and
photoprotection improves at sub-clinical and clinical level AK lesions
better than sunscreens. After 3 months of Ery application, the change
in haemoglobin concentration we documented was quite relevant
(>30%). This result could be interpreted as a reduction in the
vascularization level that is increased in AK lesions as documented by
histological and microscopy confocal evaluations [23,24]. In fact
especially in hypertrophic and clinical visible AK lesions there is an
increased vascular density and vasodilation. These data suggest that
photorepair and photoprotection combined could have a relevant
effect at skin level in AK lesion.
The data from our pilot study show that the use of a product with
photorepair and photoprotection actions in subjects with AK is able to
change in the short-medium-term average levels of a parameter
objectively evaluated by spectral analysis, such as the content of
hemoglobin (considered as a marker of “vascularization” and
"inflammation") suggesting that the use of this product tends to
improve the skin area affected by actinic process. The use was also
associated with a relevant clinical improvement with a reduction in the
mean number of visible lesions.
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Citation: Puviani M, Milani M (2015) A Pilot, Prospective, Open-Label Study on the Effects of a Topical Photorepair and Photoprotection Film-
Forming Medical Device in Patients with Actinic Keratoses Evaluated by Means of Skin Analysis Camera Antera 3D. J Clin Exp
Dermatol Res 6: 263. doi:10.4172/2155-9554.1000263
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J Clin Exp Dermatol Res
ISSN:2155-9554 JCEDR an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000263
... The software detects and quantifies subtle differences in height, depth, width and texture of a surface 24,34 . Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry has been validated as a precise, harmless, non-invasive system to monitor surface irregularities including cutaneous tumors, scars and wrinkles [1][2][3][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]36 . However, most studies lack robust statistical analysis or have not included objective documentation regarding pre and post-procedure comparison. ...
Full-text available
Measuring outcomes from treatments to the skin is either reliant upon patient’s subjective feedback or scale-based peer assessments. Three-Dimensional stereophotogrammetry intend to accurately quantify skin microtopography before and after treatments. The objective of this study is comparing the accuracy of stereophotogrammetry with a scale-based peer evaluation in assessing topographical changes to skin surface following laser treatment. A 3D stereophotogrammetry system photographed skin surface of 48 patients with facial wrinkles or scars before and three months after laser resurfacing, followed immediately by topical application of vitamin C. The software measured changes in skin roughness, wrinkle depth and scar volume. Images were presented to three observers, each independently scoring cutaneous improvement according to Investigator Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (IGAIS). As for the results, a trend reflecting skin/scar improvement was reported by 3D SPM measurements and raters. The percentage of topographical change given by the raters matched 3D SPM findings. Agreement was highest when observers analysed 3D images. However, observers overestimated skin improvement in a nontreatment control whilst 3D SPM was precise in detecting absence of intervention. This study confirmed a direct correlation between the IGAIS clinical scale and 3D SPM and confirmed the efficacy and accuracy of the latter when assessing cutaneous microtopography alterations as a response to laser treatment.
... The software detects and quantifies subtle differences in height, depth, width and texture of a surface [24,34]. The 3D-SPM has been validated as a precise, harmless, non-invasive system to monitor surface irregularities including cutaneous tumors, scars and wrinkles [1-3, [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]36]. However, most studies lack robust statistical analysis or have not included objective documentation regarding pre and post-procedure comparison. ...
Full-text available
Background: Measuring outcomes from treatments to the skin is either reliant upon patient’s subjective feedback or scale-based peer assessments. Three-Dimensional stereophotogrammetry intend to accurately quantify skin microtopography before and after treatments. Objective: To compare the accuracy of stereophotogrammetry and a scale-based peer evaluation in assessing topographical changes to skin surface following laser treatment. Methods: A 3D stereophotogrammetry system photographed skin surface of 48 patients with facial wrinkles or scars before and three months after laser resurfacing, followed immediately by topical application of vitamin C. The software measured changes in skin roughness, wrinkle depth and scar volume. Images were presented to three observers, each independently scoring cutaneous improvement according to Investigator Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (IGAIS) Scale. Results: A trend reflecting skin/scar improvement was reported by 3D-SPM measurements and raters. The percentage of topographical change given by the raters matched 3D SPM findings. Agreement was highest when observers analyzed 3D images. However, observers overestimated skin improvement in a nontreatment control whilst 3D-SPM was precise in detecting absence of intervention. Conclusion: This study confirmed a direct correlation between the IGAIS clinical scale and 3D-SPM and confirmed the efficacy and accuracy of the latter when assessing cutaneous microtopography alterations as a response to laser treatment.
... Previous publications have demonstrated the Antera 3D capabilities in measuring benefit from dermatologic treatments. [17][18][19][20] Our team have recently published work demonstrating the efficacy of Antera 3D for evaluation of cosmetic treatment of wrinkles, roughness 21 and pores. 22 In the present work, we investigate the application of DermaTOP and Antera 3D camera for measuring eyelid sagging feature volume and in-turn permit evaluation of anti-ageing cosmetic preparations targeting the eyelid. ...
Background: As the eye contour ages, the skin on the lid becomes lax often causing a voluminous protrusion where the superior palpebral sulcus begins to sag onto the upper eyelid. This sagging feature may present a novel anti-ageing target for cosmetic products when treating the eye area. A quantitative method to evaluate the volume of this sagging feature has not been previously established. We investigate the use of the DermaTOP fringe projector and Antera 3D Camera to this end. Methods: Eyelid topographic measurements were collected on 20 female volunteers aged 50-75 years with the DermaTOP and Antera 3D. The DermaTOP and Antera 3D measurements were assessed for reproducibility and product effect detection capabilities. Results: The DermaTOP and Antera 3D successfully measured sagging feature volume, demonstrated reproducibility of measurement and furthermore were suitably sensitive to allow for detection of sagging feature volume reduction after a single application of aqueous tightening serum. DermaTOP parameters were found to moderately correlated with the Antera 3D parameters. Conclusion: Both the DermaTOP and Antera 3D allow for quantitative measurement of eyelid sagging feature volume and in-turn permit evaluation of anti-ageing cosmetic preparations targeting the eyelid.
... Regression of AKs was in fact observed in a study of 50 patients with AKs using photolyase in a sunscreen compared to sunscreen alone. 46 In another study of 11 AK patients, treatment with photolyase in sunscreen led to a 75% reduction in lesion count within 3 months, 47 and, in a third study, 9 patients achieved a 50% reduction in AK counts within 3 months. 43 • Suppress AKs and skin cancers even after discontinuing DNA repair enzyme treatment. ...
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Concerns over existing sunscreen filters have reinforced the need to examine supplemental sun protection or repair of sun damage. Technology to enhance DNA repair has been available in skincare and sunscreen products for several decades, but skepticism and lack of familiarity with the supporting data remain prevalent. Here, we address six of the main questions raised by medical professionals regarding the efficacy of DNA repair enzymes in sun protection. These include the mode of delivery and mechanism of action, the effect on cellular responses and the amelioration of pre-cancers, cancers and photoaging. The conclusions are that topical DNA repair enzymes do enhance removal of DNA damage and reduce the appearance of new actinic keratoses as well as increase regression of existing lesions. Support for prevention of photoaging and skin cancer is significant but could be strengthened or disproven with additional research.
... Puviani et al. [47] published a series of six case studies showing that Eryfotona AK-NMSC for periods of 4 weeks to 2 months is efficient in the treatment of AK lesions and of cancerization field, without side effects. In 2015, the same authors published the outcomes of a pilot, prospective, open-label study with 11 AK patients [48] showing that Eryfotona AK-NMSC treatment for 3 months led to a 75% reduction in the AK lesion area which was both statistically significant and clinically relevant compared to baseline. The product was well tolerated. ...
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Actinic keratosis (AK) is a common pathology that afflicts sun-exposed areas of the skin. It predominantly affects older and fair-skinned individuals suggesting an accumulative damage attributable to chronic sun exposure. The prevalence of AK has risen in the past decades and is expected to continue to rise. Apart from visible hyperkeratotic, hyperplastic lesions, AK is also associated with the presence of subclinical lesions adjacent to tumor tissue, which has led to the use of the concept “cancerization field”. Although lesion- and field-targeting treatments are currently available, many are associated with local side effects and recurrence of new lesions. This review provides information on AK pathophysiology and treatment options and summarizes the available clinical evidence supporting the use of Eryfotona AK-NMSC, a film-forming medical device with SPF 100+ containing the DNA repair enzyme photolyase, for managing AK, based on the analysis of the results of 228 patients treated with the product. Funding ISDIN funded the Article Processing Charges.
... ns). 15 Work demonstrating the Antera 3D capabilities at measuring benefits from various aesthetic intervention/dermatologic treatments for wrinkles, 16,17 skin roughness, 18 haemoglobin content, 19 striae distensae 20 have been published in the past few years, yet to our knowledge no effects from cosmetic products have been reported. ...
Background: Skin topographic measurements are of paramount importance in the field of dermo-cosmetic evaluation. The aim of this study was to investigate how the Antera 3D, a multi-purpose handheld camera, correlates with other topographic techniques and changes in skin topography following the use of a cosmetic product. Methods: Skin topographic measurements were collected on 26 female volunteers aged 45-70 years with the Antera 3D, the DermaTOP and image analysis on parallel-polarized pictures. Different filters for analysis from the Antera 3D were investigated for repeatability, correlations with other imaging techniques and ability to detect improvements of skin topography following application of a serum. Results: Most of Antera 3D parameters were found to be strongly correlated with the DermaTOP parameters. No association was found between the Antera 3D parameters and measurements on parallel-polarized photographs. The measurements repeatability was comparable among the different filters for analysis, with the exception of wrinkle max depth and roughness Rt. Following a single application of a tightening serum, both Antera 3D wrinkles and texture parameters were able to record significant improvements, with the best improvements observed with the large filter. Conclusion: The Antera 3D demonstrated its relevance for cosmetic product evaluation. We also provide recommendations for the analysis based on our findings.
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The detrimental effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on human skin are well-documented, encompassing DNA damage, oxidative stress, and an increased risk of carcinogenesis. Conventional photoprotective measures predominantly rely on filters, which scatter or absorb UV radiation, yet fail to address the cellular damage incurred post-exposure. To fill this gap, antioxidant molecules and DNA–repair enzymes have been extensively researched, offering a paradigm shift towards active photoprotection capable of both preventing and reversing UV–induced damage. In the current review, we focused on “active photoprotection”, assessing the state-of-the-art, latest advancements and scientific data from clinical trials and in vivo models concerning the use of DNA-repair enzymes and naturally occurring antioxidant molecules.
Background: VYC-12 is a novel hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler designed to treat fine lines and improve skin quality. A specialist digital camera and proprietary Digital Analysis of the Cutaneous Surface (DACS) software have previously been used to objectively measure changes in skin features. Objective: To assess the effect of facial treatment with VYC-12 on skin texture using the specialist camera. Materials and methods: This was a prospective, open-label, 2-center study of 40 women aged 35 to 60 years treated with multiple, microdepot intradermal injections of VYC-12 (2 mL in the face; 1 mL in the neck if required). Eight patients (20.0%) required a touch-up at Day 45. Images were acquired using the specialist camera at baseline and 45 days and 6 months after treatment, and were analyzed by DACS. Clinical improvements were also assessed subjectively using the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS). Results: VYC-12 improved skin texture from baseline after 45 days (mean improvement: 25.9% ± 9.2%) and 6 months (mean improvement: 30.7% ± 18.2%). Improvements were also evident using the GAIS. There were no major adverse events. Conclusions: VYC-12 improves skin quality, as measured using an objective, fast, and reproducible measuring tool. VYC-12 represents a valuable addition to the treatment armamentarium.
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a common skin disease which can potentially progress to invasive squamous cell carcinoma (iSCC). Given that mortality rates and health-care cost associated with iSCC are substantial, the management of AK represents an important public health issue. Several effective lesion-directed and field-directed treatments are available. Ablative procedures (e.g. cryosurgery, excision, laser ablation, curettage alone or with electrodessication) are considered cost-effective options for solitary lesions. Field-directed therapies (e.g. Ingenol Mebutate, imiquimod, PDT, 5-Fluorouracile, diclofenac 3%, 5-FU + Salicylic acid) can be used over large epidermal surfaces and are directed to treat both individual visible lesions and cancerization fields. In order to provide guidance for management choice in clinical practice, several guidelines concerning the diagnosis and treatment of AK have been published in the past decade. However, the introduction of novel therapeutic options requires continuous updates of recommendations and adaptation to national contexts. The present review summarizes the existing evidence and reports the results of a consensus workshop on the management of AK.
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Background Perceived age has been defined as the age that a person is visually estimated to be on the basis of physical appearance. In a society where a youthful appearance are an object of desire for consumers, and a source of commercial profit for cosmetic companies, this concept has a prominent role. In addition, perceived age is also an indicator of overall health status in elderly people, since old-looking people tend to show higher rates of morbidity and mortality. However, there is a lack of objective methods for quantifying perceived age. Methods In order to satisfy the need of objective approaches for estimating perceived age, a novel algorithm was created. The novel algorithm uses supervised mathematical learning techniques and error retropropagation for the creation of an artificial neural network able to learn biophysical and clinically assessed parameters of subjects. The algorithm provides a consistent estimation of an individual’s perceived age, taking into account a defined set of facial skin phenotypic traits, such as wrinkles and roughness, number of wrinkles, depth of wrinkles, and pigmentation. A nonintervention, epidemiological cross-sectional study of cases and controls was conducted in 120 female volunteers for the diagnosis of perceived age using this novel algorithm. Data collection was performed by clinical assessment of an expert panel and biophysical assessment using the ANTERA 3D® device. Results and discussion Employing phenotype data as variables and expert assignments as objective data, the algorithm was found to correctly classify the samples with an accuracy of 92.04%. Therefore, we have developed a method for determining the perceived age of a subject in a standardized, consistent manner. Further application of this algorithm is thus a promising approach for the testing and validation of cosmetic treatments and aesthetic surgery, and it also could be used as a screening method for general health status in the population.
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Eryfotona AK-NMSC (ISDIN Spain) is a film-forming medical device in cream or fluid formulation containing the DNA-repair enzyme photolyase and high-protection UV filters in liposomes (repairsomes) indicated in the treatment of cancerization field in patients with actinic keratosis (AK) or non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Photolyase is an enzyme that recognizes and directly repairs UV-induced DNA damage. The most common UV-induced DNA damage is the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD). Clinical studies evaluating the histological and cellular effects of Eryfotona AK-NMSC have shown a potential benefit in the treatment of the cancerization field in AK patients. In particular the use of Eryfotona AK-NMSC improves the confocal microscopic appearance of skin at the cancerization field level. In addition, Eryfotona AK-NMSC improves the p53 gene expression at keratinocyte level. In this study we reported a series of 6 cases of patients with AK or NMSC lesions treated with Eryfotona AK-NMSC fluid, both as coadjuvant and as single treatment, applied twice daily in the affected area with photograph documentation. Clinical photographs of the skin lesions at baseline and after Eryfotona AK-NMSC treatment were taken in all cases using a high-definition digital camera. Six patients with multiple AK lesions of the scalp or face with or without NMSC were treated for a mean of 1-3 months with Eryfotona AK-NMSC fluid formulation. Image documentations before and after treatment of this clinical series show a great improvement in AK lesions count and of cancerization field. This clinical series supports the clinical efficacy of the use of photolyase and high-protection UV filters in the treatment of cancerization field and AK lesions in patients with actinic damage.
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In 1942, Walls described the concept of a 'nocturnal bottleneck' in placental mammals, where these species could survive only by avoiding daytime activity during times in which dinosaurs were the dominant taxon. Walls based this concept of a longer episode of nocturnality in early eutherian mammals by comparing the visual systems of reptiles, birds and all three extant taxa of the mammalian lineage, namely the monotremes, marsupials (now included in the metatherians) and placentals (included in the eutherians). This review describes the status of what has become known as the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis, giving an overview of the chronobiological patterns of activity. We review the ecological plausibility that the activity patterns of (early) eutherian mammals were restricted to the night, based on arguments relating to endothermia, energy balance, foraging and predation, taking into account recent palaeontological information. We also assess genes, relating to light detection (visual and non-visual systems) and the photolyase DNA protection system that were lost in the eutherian mammalian lineage. Our conclusion presently is that arguments in favour of the nocturnal bottleneck hypothesis in eutherians prevail.
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Cutaneous field of cancerization (CFC) is caused in part by the carcinogenic effect of the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers CPD and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs). Photoreactivation is carried out by photolyases which specifically recognize and repair both photoproducts. The study evaluates the molecular effects of topical application of a film-forming medical device containing photolyase and UV filters on the precancerous field in AK from seven patients. Skin improvement after treatment was confirmed in all patients by histopathological and molecular assessment. A gene set analysis showed that skin recovery was associated with biological processes involved in tissue homoeostasis and cell maintenance. The CFC response was associated with over-expression of the CPI-17 gene, and a dependence on the initial expression level was observed (P = 0.001). Low CPI-17 levels were directly associated with pro-inflammatory genes such as TNF (P = 0.012) and IL-1B (P = 0.07). Our results suggest a role for CPI-17 in restoring skin homoeostasis in CFC lesions.
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DNA is one of the prime molecules, and its stability is of utmost importance for proper functioning and existence of all living systems. Genotoxic chemicals and radiations exert adverse effects on genome stability. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) (mainly UV-B: 280-315 nm) is one of the powerful agents that can alter the normal state of life by inducing a variety of mutagenic and cytotoxic DNA lesions such as cyclobutane-pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PPs), and their Dewar valence isomers as well as DNA strand breaks by interfering the genome integrity. To counteract these lesions, organisms have developed a number of highly conserved repair mechanisms such as photoreactivation, base excision repair (BER), nucleotide excision repair (NER), and mismatch repair (MMR). Additionally, double-strand break repair (by homologous recombination and nonhomologous end joining), SOS response, cell-cycle checkpoints, and programmed cell death (apoptosis) are also operative in various organisms with the expense of specific gene products. This review deals with UV-induced alterations in DNA and its maintenance by various repair mechanisms.
Background Actinic keratoses (AK) are common precursors of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin (SCCs) making them an important public health issue with information on their prevalence widely lacking.Objective To define the prevalence of AK in dermatology outpatients in Austria to better identify the target population for AK-screening, treatment and prevention.Methods Each of 48 randomly selected Austrian office-based dermatologists simultaneously screened 100 consecutive patients (age ≥ 30 years) for the presence of AK.Results4449 evaluable patients showed an overall AK prevalence of 31.0%, which was higher in men (39.2%) than in women (24.3%) and increased with age in both sexes. AK distribution among sun-exposed body sites and extent of disease varied with sex and region of living.Conclusions In Austria, AK are common among dermatology outpatients, who are easily accessible to professional education and treatment. Investigations on the efficacy of routine AK-screening in dermatology outpatients for the prevention of invasive SCC is warranted.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Results of profilometric skin analyses after fractional ablative skin resurfacing are not only important for evaluating the efficacy of this therapy but are also relevant for physicians practicing laser and aesthetic skin therapy. So far, objective measurements of wrinkle reduction after fractional CO2 -laser resurfacing are scarce, and it remains unclear if the various facial areas respond differently to this therapy. To measure wrinkle parameters, the homogeneity of melanin distribution and skin roughness in four facial areas (periorbital, perioral, forehead, cheeks) before and after three fractional CO2 -laser treatments. 25 female patients were analysed with regard to wrinkle parameters and mottled pigmentation in the face. We measured wrinkle size, depth and width as well as the homogeneity of melanin distribution and skin roughness in four facial areas before and after three fractional CO2 -laser treatments. Additionally, the investigators rated clinical improvement using 5-point grading scales. Wrinkles were significantly reduced in all facial areas, and the best results regarding wrinkle size and depth were found for the cheeks (-58.3%, p = .018, and -51.3%, p = .018) and the periorbital area (-35.1%, p = .000, and -31.1%, p = .001). The percentages of the improvement of rhytides evaluated by the clinical investigators were mostly similar to that found in vivo measurements. The homogeneity of melanin distribution in the skin was improved by 21.4% on the cheeks (p = .012) and by 24.0% in the periorbital area (p = .000). Clinical investigators rated the improvement of mottled pigmentation considerably higher (51% to 75%). After a serial treatment with the fractional CO2 -laser, we measured considerably varying wrinkle reduction depending on the area of the face, and best results were found for the cheeks. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In the skin many molecules may absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation upon exposure. In particular, cellular DNA strongly absorbs shorter wavelength solar UV radiation, resulting in various types of DNA damage. Among the DNA photoproducts produced the cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) are predominant. Although these lesions are efficiently repaired in the skin, this CPD formation results in various acute effects (erythema, inflammatory responses), transient effects (suppression of immune function), and chronic effects (mutation induction and skin cancer). The relationships between the presence of CPD in skin cells and the subsequent biological consequences are the subject of the present review.
With the incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer on the rise, current prevention methods, such as the use of sunscreens, have yet to prove adequate to reverse this trend. There has been considerable interest in identifying compounds that will inhibit or reverse the biochemical changes required for skin cancers to develop, either by pharmacologic intervention or by dietary manipulation. By targeting different pathways identified as important in the pathogenesis of nonmelanoma skin cancers, a combination approach with multiple agents or the addition of chemopreventative agents to topical sunscreens may offer the potential for novel and synergistic therapies in treating nonmelanoma skin cancer.
Actinic keratoses (AK) represent cutaneous carcinoma in situ and have previously been evaluated by reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM). Treatment of AK with imiquimod (IMIQ) 5% cream has been shown to 'highlight' subclinical lesions. The aim of this study was to test the applicability of RCM for noninvasive monitoring of actinic field cancerization and detection of subclinical AK. AK and surrounding skin sites with no apparent AK of 11 volunteers were selected for imaging and subsequently classified as 'clinical' and 'subclinical' AK. IMIQ was used 3 times weekly for 4 weeks. RCM was able to detect morphologic features of AK in both clinical and subclinical AK; features were more pronounced in clinical lesions. The immunomodulatory response induced by IMIQ was visualized by RCM. Our findings indicate that RCM allows noninvasive monitoring of treatment response in vivo and permits early detection of subclinical AK, thus substantiating the incentive for therapy.