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Acute Changes in Autonomic Nerve Activity during Passive Static Stretching


Abstract and Figures

This study aimed to investigate the acute change of static stretching (SS) on autonomic nerve activity and to clarify the effect of SS on systemic circulation. Twenty healthy young, male volunteers performed a 1-min SS motion of the right triceps surae muscle, repeated five times. The autonomic nerve activity balance was obtained using second derivatives of the photoplethysmogram readings before (pre), during, and after (post) SS. Heart rate and blood pressure (BP) were also measured. The autonomic nerve activity significantly changed to parasympathetic dominance by SS as compared with pre. In addition, for SS, the autonomic nerve activity slowly changed to sympathetic dominance after completion of all sets of stretching, but these value did not return to pre during the 5 minutes after the completion of all sets of stretching, with parasympathetic dominance continuing by 4 minutes after SS. The BP and HR transiently increased during SS and decreased after SS. In addition, HR significantly decreased after completion of all sets of SS.The possibility that the response during SS may differ from the response during active static stretching is shown.
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American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 4, 166-170
Available online at
© Science and Education Publishing
Acute Changes in Autonomic Nerve Activity during
Passive Static Stretching
Takayuki Inami1,*, Takuya Shimizu2, Reizo Baba3, Akemi Nakagaki4
1School of Exercise and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, WA, Australia
2Graduate School of Health and Sports Sciences, Chukyo University, Tokodachi, Toyota, Aichi, Japan
3Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Aichi Children’s Health and Medical Center, Osakada, Obu, Aichi, Japan
4Reproductive Health Nursing/Midwifery, Graduate School of Nursing, Nagoya City University, Japan
*Corresponding author:
Received June 06, 2014; Revised July 12, 2014; Accepted July 16, 2014
Abstract This study aimed to investigate the acute change of static stretching (SS) on autonomic nerve activity
and to clarify the effect of SS on systemic circulation. Twenty healthy young, male volunteers performed a 1-min SS
motion of the right triceps surae muscle, repeated five times. The autonomic nerve activity balance was obtained
using second derivatives of the photoplethysmogram readings before (pre), during, and after (post) SS. Heart rate
and blood pressure (BP) were also measured. The autonomic nerve activity significantly changed to parasympathetic
dominance by SS as compared with pre. In addition, for SS, the autonomic nerve activity slowly changed to
sympathetic dominance after completion of all sets of stretching, but these value did not return to pre during the 5
minutes after the completion of all sets of stretching, with parasympathetic dominance continuing by 4 minutes after
SS. The BP and HR transiently increased during SS and decreased after SS. In addition, HR significantly decreased
after completion of all sets of SS.The possibility that the response during SS may differ from the response during
active static stretching is shown.
Keywords: sympathetic nerve activity, parasympathetic nerve activity, triceps surae muscle, static stretching,
blood pressure, heart rate
Cite This Article: Takayuki Inami, Takuya Shimizu, Reizo Baba, and Akemi Nakagaki, Acute Changes in
Autonomic Nerve Activity during Passive Static Stretching.” American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,
vol. 2, no. 4 (2014): 166-170. doi: 10.12691/ajssm-2-4-9.
1. Introduction
Static stretching (SS) is a form of physical exercise in
which a specific skeletal muscle (or muscle group) is
deliberately stretched and reflects the mechanical
characteristics of skeletal muscle. It is widely used to
increase articular range of motion (ROM) by favorably
affecting the flexibility of muscles and tendons [1,2]. In
addition, it is reported that SS can provide “relaxation”
like the techniques employed in the field of psychology
[3,4].These reports have indicated that extension stimuli
on the muscles may induce advantageous changes in the
balance of autonomic nerve activity; however, only a
small number of studies focusing on SS and autonomic
nerve activity have been conducted.
We could find three studies in which SS was evaluated
by analyzing the changes in autonomic nerve activity
based on the changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in
human subjects. Saito, et al. [5] conducted SS (trunk
flexion) on healthy volunteers and showed that
parasympathetic nerve activity was significantly higher
after SS than it was before SS.Farinatti, et al. [6] applied
SS (trunk flexion) to subjects with a low level of
flexibility and showed that parasympathetic nerve activity
decreased remarkably during SS and was significantly
higher after SS than it was before SS. Mueck-Weymann,
et al. [7] conducted SS on the large muscles of body-
building athletes for 28 days and confirmed a significant
increase in parasympathetic nerve activity and a
significant decrease in sympathetic nerve activity after the
completion. Based on these findings, it can be understood
that the balance of autonomic nerve activity shifts to the
sympathetic nerve activity-dominant state during SS and
the parasympathetic nerve activity-dominant state after SS.
All of these reports involve the response to active SS;
however, there is no report on autonomic nerve activity
relating to passive SS. According to Mohr, et al. [8],SS
has to be conducted first in order to achieve the maximum
effect of SS, and Alter [2] stated that the tension caused by
muscle contraction must be suppressed to the minimum in
order to minimize active resistance. These precedent
studies have a problem in that there is an extremely high
possibility that the muscles other than the target muscle
are under tension, because the trunk flexion was
conducted actively. Actually, the influence of SS on the
nervous system is known to be transmitted to the sites to
which SS is not conducted [9,10]. It is thus assumed that
active SS and passive SS have different influences on the
autonomic nerve activity, although the term “SS” is used
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 167
We hypothesizes that the changes in autonomic nerve
activity upon passive SS are different from the response
following active SS. This study aims at investigating the
acute effect on autonomic nerve activity when SS is
conducted passively.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants
This study was approved by the local ethics committee
and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of
Helsinki. The purpose, procedures, and risks of the study
were informed, and a written informed consent was
obtained from each participant. Twenty non-smoking,
healthy male adults (aged 18 to 20 years, 19.3 years on
average) without cardiovascular, orthopedic, or
neurological diseases were recruited as study subjects. SS
was conducted for the right triceps surae muscle. They had
not been involved in any resistance training or stretching
program before the study. The sample size was calculated
on the basis of an α level of 0.05 and a power (1-β) of 0.8,
with an estimated 20% difference in ROM before and
after of SS using data from a previous study [11]. Their
height was 175.0±6.4cm(mean ± standard error: the same
below) and body weight was 68. 9±8.2kg.
2.2. Study Design
Figure 1. Protocol and measurement system
The study participants visited the laboratory on three
occasions at the same time of day, with at least 48 h
between visits; all experimental trials were completed
within 3weeks. A full familiarization with the SS protocol
and test procedures was provided during the first session,
whereas the subsequent two visits were used to complete
the following experimental protocol, in a randomized
order: 1) control session (no stretching); 2) five sets of 1-
min passive plantar flexor SS, as described previously
[11,12]. Data were collected during a period of 30-min
including these stretching sessions, a period of resting in
the sitting position (the knee fully extended) for 15-min
before stretching (referred to as “pre” below), and a 5-min
period after stretching (referred to as “post” below). The
temperature in the experimental room was set at 25°C.
The subjects were asked not to consume any alcohol on
the day before measurement and not eat breakfast on the
day of measurement. The experiment was conducted while
external environmental factors that could affect
measurement were minimized, and care was taken to
ensure subject silence and comfort. The protocol and
measurement system are shown in Figure 1.
2.3. Static Stretching Protocol
Two techniques, SS and a control with no stretching
were used, and SS was conducted passively to minimize
active resistance. In SS, the knee joint was in the extended
position and the ankle joint in the maximally dorsiflexed
position in a sitting position (the knee fully extended) [13].
For control the subjects rested in sitting position (the knee
fully extended). The load with which a subject himself felt
to have an “appropriate stretched feeling” or “slightly taut
feeling” [14] was measured in advance with a hand-held
dynamometer (Loadcell LU-100KSB34D of Kyowa
Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd.; Strain amplifier: F-420
of Uniplus Corporation), and the passive external force
during repeated stretching was controlled to impose the
same load in the respective sets of the respective
stretching. This position was then held at a constant angle
for 1 min, and this stretching procedure was repeated 5
times with a 1-min interval between sets (total 10-min). In
addition, the maximum ROM of the ankle joint was
measured with a goniometer of Tokyo University [13].
2.4. Measurement of Autonomic Nerve Activity,
Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR)
A large number of attempts of evaluating the balance of
autonomic nerve activity by analyzing the waveform of an
electrocardiogram and pulse wave have been reported as
evaluation of autonomic nerve activity. The method
involving frequency analysis of an electrocardiogram or
second derivative of photoplethysmogram (SDPTG)
quantifies sympathetic nerve activity and parasympathetic
nerve activity separately and is clinically applied. In
particular, SDPTG performs measurements using an
optical sensor noninvasively at the fingertips and reflects
changes in the absorbance of hemoglobin independently
from skin tension or properties of the subcutaneous fat,
and thus involves more noninvasive characteristics than
electrocardiography in which electrodes are attached. The
waveform of SDPTG is composed of five components, a
through e. It is reported that the a-a interval of SDPTG
and the R-R interval of electrocardiogram are highly
correlated with a correlation coefficient of 0.992 from
young to middle-aged to elderly individuals; this is
reportedly higher than the 0.977 correlation coefficient
between the R-R interval of electrocardiogram and finger
photoplethysmogram [15]. Further, it is shown in the
report that the spectrum power values obtained from the
SDPTG a-a interval correspond to the spectrum power
values obtained from electrocardiogram from the low-
frequency band to the high-frequency band [15].
Accordingly, analysis of autonomic nerve activity using
SDPTG has physiological significance equivalent to that
obtained using electrocardiogram.
A SDPTG (Artett C of U-Medica Inc., Osaka, Japan)
was used for the measurement of autonomic nerve activity.
The pulse waveforms (a to e waves: Figure 1) output on a
personal computer were used for frequency analysis for
168 American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
the a-a interval using software for autonomic function
evaluation and analysis exclusively used for Artett. Based
on the results of the frequency analysis, the low-frequency
component (LF) was set at 0.04 to 0.15Hz and the high
frequency component (HF) at 0.15 to 0.4Hz [16]. The
power spectral densities at the respective frequency zones
were calculated, and the LF and HF (mainly
parasympathetic nerve activity) and their ratio LF/HF
(mainly sympathetic nerve activity), and HR were
obtained every 1-min. Since HF and LF/HF differ greatly
among individuals, normalization was performed so that
the means of HF and LF/HF were 0 and the standard
deviation was 1 during the continuous measurement
period for each subject, and the HF and LF/HF converted
into normal distribution are expressed as nHF and
n(LF/HF), respectively. Because the balance of the
autonomic nerve activity have a reciprocal relationship, in
the estimation of the balance of the autonomic nerve
activity, when
( )
nHF n LF/ HF 0−>
it was considered to be parasympathetic nerve activity-
dominant, and when
( )
nHF n LF/ HF 0
it was considered to be sympathetic nerve activity-
dominant [17].
An average blood pressure (BP) also measured over a
1-min period, and included measuring the systolic (SBP)
and diastolic blood pressures (DBP) with an automatic
digital BP meter (HEM-7020, OMRON, Tokyo, Japan).
The subjects were requested to perform respiration at a
rate of 10 times (exhalation for 3 seconds and inhalation
for 3 seconds) per minute in rhythm with an electronic
metronome (Digital metronome: DM-70, Seiko Watch
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)during the measurement so
that the value evaluated as HF from the relationship
between the frequency and respiration rate did not overlap
LF [18]. Respiration training was conducted for 10
minutes under monitoring before each measurement and
respiration was confirmed visually also during
measurement, since the measurement was conducted
under regulated respiration.
2.5. Statistical Analysis
The values for each parameter before SS (pre) were
averaged over the 5-min period immediately before SS.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using repeated
measurements and two-way ANOVA were conducted for
each numerical data set; Bonferroni’s tests were used for
post hoc analyses. SPSS, version 12.0 for Windows (SPSS,
Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analyses, and
the statistically significant level was set at less than 5%.
Figure 2. Changes in each parameter
It is shown that changes in a) ROM, b) autonomic nerve activity, c) SBP, d) DBP, and e) HR. The yellow makers indicate the SS phase.
*: p< 0.05; **: p < 0.01, significantly different from baseline.
American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 169
3. Results
The changes in each parameter are shown in Figure 2-a
to e. The ROM increased significantly until 5-min post SS
(Figure 2-a). The autonomic nerve activity significantly
changed to parasympathetic dominance by SS as
compared with pre. In addition, for SS, the autonomic
nerve activity slowly changed to sympathetic dominance
after completion of all sets of stretching, but these value
did not return to pre during the 5-min after the completion
of all sets of stretching, with parasympathetic dominance
continuing by 4-min after SS(Figure 2-b). The values
obtained for control showed no large change during
measurement(Figure 2-b). No extrasystole was observed
in any subjects by diagnosis with the analysis software for
exclusive use. The changes in SBP, DBP and HR are
shown in Figure 2-c, d and e. These parameters transiently
increased during SS and decreased after SS. In addition,
HR significantly decreased after completion of all sets of
SS (3-min).
4. Discussion
The major results of this study are as follows: 1) The
balance of autonomic nerve activity shifts to a
parasympathetic nerve-dominant state during passive SS;
and2) the parasympathetic nerve-dominant state continues
even after the completion of SS (for at least 5 minutes
after completion). The study on the autonomic nerve
activity upon passive SS in humans is valuable and the
results of this study can be said to be a new fact which can
be added to the findings concerning SS and relaxation.
Considering the precedent studies all together [5,6,7],
when SS is conducted actively, the autonomic nerve
activity shifts to a sympathetic nerve-dominant state
during SS and a parasympathetic nerve-dominant state
after the completion of SS. Also in this study, the balance
of autonomic nerve activity shifts to a parasympathetic
nerve-dominant state after SS, which supports the results
of the precedent studies. However, unlike active SS, the
response during SS shifted to a parasympathetic nerve-
dominant state. This result indicates the possibility that the
process differs between active SS and passive SS,
although the response after the completion of SS is similar
for both. Murata et al. [19] investigated autonomic nerve
activity following passive SS in decerebrate cats as a
precedent study of an animal experiment level. According
to Murata et al. [19], cardiac sympathetic nerve activity
increased only at the time of start of SS (where analysis
was carried out in the condition in which parts of the
cardiac vagal nerve and the stellate ganglion were cut),
and this response has been confirmed muscle sympathetic
nerve activity in human [20]. Since analysis was
conducted for one minute in this study, not only cardiac
sympathetic nerve activity that increases only at the start
of SS, but also stimulation of the suppression system that
subsequently occurs might be analyzed, and as a result,
the balance of autonomic nerve activity is considered to
shift to a parasympathetic nerve-dominant state. In
addition,transient increases in SBP,DBP and HR have
been reported in response to local SS of the triceps surae
muscle [20,21,22], and our results support these
previously described findings. Although the SS method
was different in the previous studies, the transient changes
in hemodynamic properties can be associated with
mechanical stress and modulations of the baroreflex
sensitivity and vagal tone during SS [20,21,22]. It is
difficult to identify the mechanism from the results of this
study; however, it is considered that the reduction in HR
due to SS is mainly due to suppression of sympathetic
nerve activity [2], and the reduction in HR plays a role in
continuation of a parasympathetic nerve-dominant state by
Limb position is considered to be one of the causes for
the difference in autonomic nerve activity between active
SS and passive SS. There are a large number of muscle
spindles and proprioceptors in the diaphragm and the
intercostals, which involve in up-and-down movements of
the ribs [23]. In the trunk flexion which was conducted in
the precedent studies, SS was conducted with the hip joint
bent maximally so that a large pressure was applied to the
thoracoabdominal part and muscle extension stimuli
would occur at the muscles other than the hamstring
muscle (for example, external oblique muscle and internal
oblique muscle). As mentioned above, the influence of SS
on the nervous system is known to be transmitted to the
sites to which SS is not conducted [9,10]. Further, it is
assumed that respiratory load (load compensation reflex)
due to the position at which the trunk was anteverted
might prevent respiration by an ordinary respiration
method (with relaxation) to affect the balance of
autonomic nerve activity.
There are two main limitations associated with the
present study. The first limitaionsis that HRV analysis
using SDPTG conducted. We used SDPTG to minimize
invasion that included attachment of electrodes as much as
possible. The usability of investigation of autonomic
nerve activity using SDPTG has already been evidenced
by Yamaguchi, et al.; however, influence of changes in
body motion during SS, that is, due to dorsiflexion of the
ankle joint, on measurements is unclear. This point should
be sufficiently considered in further studies.The second
limitation is that all the parameters were calculated as an
average over 1-min intervals. According to Cui et al. [20],
the HR increased between one and three beats during SS.
This suggests that a hyper-acute effect of SS may occur,
and future studies should employ a better temporal
analysis, with times up to 1 min. However, because Cui et
al. [20] employed a different SS paradigm (5-s × 25 sets),
there is also a possibility that the SS performance time had
an effect. The precise effect of SS time should be
investigated in future studies.
In summary, autonomic nerve activity shifts to a
parasympathetic nerve-dominant state by passive static
stretching, and the effect continues for at least five
minutes after the completion. The possibility that the
response during SS may differ from the response during
active static stretching is shown.
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... Several studies demonstrated decreased heart rate and increased parasympathetic nervous system activity with stretching [16][17][18]. On the other hand, Yamato et al. [7] reported that the increase in muscle blood fow by static stretching may be due to a local hemodynamic response (possibly through endothelial function) but not a central hemodynamic response (e.g., heart rate and blood pressure). ...
... In the present study, heart rate signifcantly decreased during stretching and up to 15 min after stretching. Tis result is consistent with the results of previous studies, which indicated a decrease in heart rate and an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system with stretching [16][17][18]. However, the changes in heart rate were not associated with changes in blood circulation in tendon and muscle in this study (except for the relationship between tendon THb and heart rate in 2 min of static stretching). ...
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The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of 2- and 5 min of static stretching protocols on the changes in blood circulation of tendon (as well as muscle) and heart rate. Twelve healthy males (age: 26.2 ± 9.1 yrs) volunteered for this study. Before, during stretching, during the recovery period (30 min), blood circulation (oxyhemoglobin; oxy, deoxyhemoglobin; deoxy, blood volume; THb, oxygen saturation; StO2) of the Achilles tendon and medial gastrocnemius muscle were measured using red laser lights and near-infrared spectroscopy. In addition, heart rate was measured during the experimental period. For 2- and 5 min of static stretching, oxy, deoxy, THb, and StO2 of the tendon did not change during or after stretching. Regarding muscle blood circulation, oxy and StO2 decreased, and deoxy and THb increased during 2- and 5 min of static stretching but returned immediately upon completion. In addition, heart rate significantly reduced during and after stretching, whereas the changes in blood volume of tendon and muscle during stretching were not associated with those in heart rate (except for the relationship between tendon THb and heart rate in 2 min of static stretching). These results suggest that static stretching showed no change in tendon blood circulation, although muscle blood circulation during stretching was altered. In addition, significant heart rate reduction with static stretching was not associated with changes in tendon and muscle blood circulation.
... However, emerging evidence indicates that other underlying mechanisms may contribute to the analgesic response following stretching exercises seen in the present study. It has been suggested that stretching exercises may alter sympathetic/parasympathetic balance [31], presumably by activating mechanosensory end organs that contribute to sympathetic nervous system inhibition [7]. ...
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Background Stretching exercises are widely used for pain relief and show positive effects on musculoskeletal, nociplastic and neuropathic pain; the magnitude of altered pain sensitivity responses following regular stretching is currently unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effect of six weeks of regular stretching exercise on regional and widespread pain sensitivity and range of motion and the effect of stretching cessation on regional and widespread pain sensitivity and range of motion. Methods An experimental single-blind longitudinal repeated measures study. Twenty-six healthy adults were recruited. Regional and distant pressure pain thresholds and passive knee extension range of motion were measured at three points: before (baseline) and after six weeks (post-stretch) of daily bilateral hamstring stretching exercises and following four weeks of cessation (post-cessation) from stretching exercises. Results Participants had a mean ± standard deviation (range) age of 23.8 ± 2.1 (21–30) years. There was a 36.7% increase in regional (p = 0.003), an 18.7% increase in distant pressure pain thresholds (p = 0.042) and a 3.6% increase in range of motion (p = 0.002) between baseline and post-stretch measures. No statistically significant differences were found for regional (p = 1.000) or distant pressure pain thresholds (p = 1.000), or range of motion (p = 1.000) between post-stretch and post-cessation. A 41.2% increase in distant pressure pain thresholds (p = 0.001), a 15.4% increase in regional pressure pain thresholds from baseline to post-cessation (p = 0.127) and a 3.6% increase in passive knee extension range of motion (p = 0.005) were found from baseline to post-cessation. Conclusions Six weeks of regular stretching exercises significantly decreased regional and widespread pain sensitivity. Moreover, the results showed that the hypoalgesic effect of stretching on regional and widespread pain sensitivity persisted following four weeks of cessation. The results further support the rationale of adding stretching exercises to rehabilitation efforts for patients experiencing nociceptive, nociplastic, and neuropathic pain. However, further research is needed to investigate how the long-term effects of stretching exercises compare with no treatment in clinical populations. Trial registration The trial was registered June 1st, 2021 at (Trial registration number NCT04919681).
... Several previous studies have shown an acute stretching effect on autonomic modulation, and these studies included different participants, such as resistance-trained men with low flexibility levels, pregnant women, and healthy young men. 22,44,45 Moreover, studies involving women with mood disorders and inactive men have reported no changes in autonomic modulation after stretching. 19,20 Therefore, the effects of stretching may differ depending on the baseline characteristics, including physical activity level, age, and severity of mood symptoms. ...
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Background: Middle-aged women often suffer from mood symptoms such as depression and anxiety, which may be associated with autonomic modulation. Stretching exercises improve joint flexibility, mood symptoms, and parasympathetic activity. However, the effects of stretching on mood symptoms and autonomic modulation in middle-aged women are unknown. Thus, this study investigated this. Methods: Altogether, 25 middle-aged women (51.8 ± 4.4 years) were included in this study. Each participant completed a whole-body stretching program for 25 min or a control resting period in random order on separate days. Mood symptoms, including negative or positive mood and anxiety, were assessed before and after the intervention using the Profile of Mood States-2 and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Autonomic modulation was measured using heart rate variability before, immediately after, and 30 min after the intervention. A two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed for comparisons. Post hoc testing was performed using the Bonferroni correction. Results: Mood symptoms significantly improved after stretching, especially in terms of decreasing anxiety and inducing a positive mood (p = 0.001 – 0.047). However, the autonomic modulation indices showed no significant changes immediately or 30 min after stretching under either the stretching or control conditions (p = 0.068 – 0.808). Conclusion: Stretching exercises improved mood symptoms, particularly anxiety and positive moods. However, the autonomic modulation was not altered. Stretching is an effective exercise for managing mood and mental health in middle-aged women.
... 10 Head scratching Repetitive behavior Alleviates neural tension during stress and reduces stress. (CUHK in Touch, 2020) 11 Stretching Instinctive response Effective stress reduction for mental workers (Inami et al., 2014). Improves blood circulation and provides pain relief and physical relaxation (Kruse & Scheuermann, 2017). ...
... (2023) proposed motor evoked potentials to be greater while stretching, which might attributable to muscle spindle induced corticomotor facilitation, Magnusson et al. (1996) reported no changes in hamstrings EMG activity during a 3 week stretch training protocol. Even with stretch-related increases in sympathetic nerve activity (Cui et al., 2006;Inami et al., 2014), these stretch-induced adaptations seem to be insufficient to affect jump and sprint performance. Hence, since static stretching does not mimic the specific active joint movements of jumping and sprinting, nor evoke maximal muscle activation, trivial to no significant stretching effects on speed strength performance might be attributable to insufficient neuromuscular activation patterns. ...
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When improving athletic performance in sports with high-speed strength demands such as soccer, basketball, or track and field, the most common training method might be resistance training and plyometrics. Since a link between strength capacity and speed strength exists and recently published literature suggested chronic stretching routines may enhance maximum strength and hypertrophy, this review was performed to explore potential benefits on athletic performance. Based on current literature, a beneficial effect of static stretching on jumping and sprinting performance was hypothesized. A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed, Web of Science and Google scholar. In general, 14 studies revealed 29 effect sizes (ES) (20 for jumping, nine for sprinting). Subgroup analyses for jump performance were conducted for short- long- and no stretch shortening cycle trials. Qualitative evaluation was supplemented by performing a multilevel meta-analysis via R (Package: metafor). Significant positive results were documented in six out of 20 jump tests and in six out of nine sprint tests, while two studies reported negative adaptations. Quantitative data analyses indicated a positive but trivial magnitude of change on jumping performance (ES:0.16, p = 0.04), while all subgroup analyses did not support a positive effect (p = 0.09–0.44). No significant influence of static stretching on sprint performance was obtained (p = 0.08). Stretching does not seem to induce a sufficient stimulus to meaningfully enhance jumping and sprinting performance, which could possibly attributed to small weekly training volumes or lack of intensity.
... The autonomic modulation may induce a physiological relaxation state (Trajano et al., 2020) which could consequently reduce resistance to stretching. While no previous investigation has evaluated autonomic activity post PNF, there is evidence for increased sympathetic activity during active SS (Mueck-Weymann et al., 2004) contrary to passive SS (Inami et al., 2014). In both cases, however, a tendency for a parasympathetic state is observed. ...
... This result indicates the possibility that the process differs between active SS and passive SS, although the response after the completion of SS is similar for both. In summary, autonomic nerve activity shifts to a parasympathetic nerve-dominant state by passive static stretching, and the effect continues for at least  ve minutes after the completion [7]. ...
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In recent years Yoga has become commercialized and transformed into a mass movement in India as well as Western culture, where it has been made into a practice to enhance physical fitness and beauty, often labeled as Hatha Yoga. This Western approach to Yoga has in turn influenced the way in which Yoga is now taught and practiced in India. It is evident that the Western and modem Indian concept of Yoga and the traditional Indian Yoga systems are not the same in nature and goal. One might in fact wonder whether the use of the term Yoga is appropriate for the former. The combination of Ayurvedic medications and lifestyle management in addition to the effective use of various asana, breathing techniques and meditations have worked wonders on patients afflicted with joint pains down to those suffering from certain serious conditions. The beneficial combination provided to the patients being subject to the alternative mode of rehabilitation has also emerged as an effective therapeutic option for those suffering from psychiatric stress and anxiety. In modern day life, sitting on a piece of furniture is the body position in which one spends most of their waking hours, this can result in various ill effects. Knowledge of anatomical principles can aid in understanding the beneficial effects of practicing Yoga Asana.
... Generally, alpha brainwaves increase when relaxed [12], and the parasympathetic nervous system dominates the ANS [13]. Notably, some research has reported that stretching induces parasympathetic nervous system dominance [14]. However, others indicate that sympathetic nervous system activity becomes dominant due to stretching [15], resulting in no consensus. ...
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Stretching is an effective exercise for increasing body flexibility and pain relief. This study investigates the relationship between stretching intensity and relaxation effects, focusing on brainwaves and autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity. We used a crossover design with low- and high-intensity conditions to elucidate the impact of varying stretching intensities on neural activity associated with relaxation in 19 healthy young adults. Participants completed mood questionnaires. Electroencephalography (EEG) and plethysmography measurements were also obtained before, during, and after stretching sessions. The hamstring muscle was targeted for stretching, with intensity conditions based on the Point of Discomfort. Data analysis included wavelet analysis for EEG, plethysmography data, and repeated-measures ANOVA to differentiate mood, ANS activity, and brain activity related to stretching intensity. Results demonstrated no significant differences between ANS and brain activity based on stretching intensity. However, sympathetic nervous activity showed higher activity during the rest phases than in the stretch phases. Regarding brain activity, alpha and beta waves showed higher activity during the rest phases than in the stretch phases. A negative correlation between alpha waves and sympathetic nervous activities was observed in high-intensity conditions. However, a positive correlation between beta waves and parasympathetic nervous activities was found in low-intensity conditions. Our findings suggest that stretching can induce interactions between the ANS and brain activity.
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Background Stretching has garnered significant attention in sports sciences, resulting in numerous studies. However, there is no comprehensive overview on investigation of stretching in healthy athletes. Objectives To perform a systematic scoping review with an evidence gap map of stretching studies in healthy athletes, identify current gaps in the literature, and provide stakeholders with priorities for future research. Methods Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 and PRISMA-ScR guidelines were followed. We included studies comprising healthy athletes exposed to acute and/or chronic stretching interventions. Six databases were searched (CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science) until 1 January 2023. The relevant data were narratively synthesized; quantitative data summaries were provided for key data items. An evidence gap map was developed to offer an overview of the existing research and relevant gaps. Results Of ~ 220,000 screened records, we included 300 trials involving 7080 athletes [mostly males (~ 65% versus ~ 20% female, and ~ 15% unreported) under 36 years of age; tiers 2 and 3 of the Participant Classification Framework] across 43 sports. Sports requiring extreme range of motion (e.g., gymnastics) were underrepresented. Most trials assessed the acute effects of stretching, with chronic effects being scrutinized in less than 20% of trials. Chronic interventions averaged 7.4 ± 5.1 weeks and never exceeded 6 months. Most trials (~ 85%) implemented stretching within the warm-up, with other application timings (e.g., post-exercise) being under-researched. Most trials examined static active stretching (62.3%), followed by dynamic stretching (38.3%) and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching (12.0%), with scarce research on alternative methods (e.g., ballistic stretching). Comparators were mostly limited to passive controls, with ~ 25% of trials including active controls (e.g., strength training). The lower limbs were primarily targeted by interventions (~ 75%). Reporting of dose was heterogeneous in style (e.g., 10 repetitions versus 10 s for dynamic stretching) and completeness of information (i.e., with disparities in the comprehensiveness of the provided information). Most trials (~ 90%) reported performance-related outcomes (mainly strength/power and range of motion); sport-specific outcomes were collected in less than 15% of trials. Biomechanical, physiological, and neural/psychological outcomes were assessed sparsely and heterogeneously; only five trials investigated injury-related outcomes. Conclusions There is room for improvement, with many areas of research on stretching being underexplored and others currently too heterogeneous for reliable comparisons between studies. There is limited representation of elite-level athletes (~ 5% tier 4 and no tier 5) and underpowered sample sizes (≤ 20 participants). Research was biased toward adult male athletes of sports not requiring extreme ranges of motion, and mostly assessed the acute effects of static active stretching and dynamic stretching during the warm-up. Dose–response relationships remain largely underexplored. Outcomes were mostly limited to general performance testing. Injury prevention and other effects of stretching remain poorly investigated. These relevant research gaps should be prioritized by funding policies. Registration OSF project ( and registration (
Hypertension is the major risk factor for different cardiovascular diseases like ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and chronic kidney disease. Best estimates suggest that 57% of stroke and 24% of coronary artery disease-related deaths are due to hypertension. Various physical exercises such as aerobic exercises, resistance exercises, high intensity interval training performed regularly can help with management of blood pressure, quality of life and cardiovascular complications. Static stretching of the skeletal muscles accrues the benefits of exercise without its accompanying physical stress as in case of aerobic exercise and resisted exercises. Studies have supported that stretching could results in better control of blood pressure in normotensive patients. Also, few studies have been done on hypertensive patients, but have multiple limitations. Studies conducted till date could not conclude definitive conclusion for framing a definitive protocol of stretching exercises in patients with hypertension. Hence, in order to establish a definitive stretching protocol in patients with hypertension further researches needs to be conducted.
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ACSM Position Stand on The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Fitness, and Flexibility in Adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 975-991, 1998. The combination of frequency, intensity, and duration of chronic exercise has been found to be effective for producing a training effect. The interaction of these factors provide the overload stimulus. In general, the lower the stimulus the lower the training effect, and the greater the stimulus the greater the effect. As a result of specificity of training and the need for maintaining muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility of the major muscle groups, a well-rounded training program including aerobic and resistance training, and flexibility exercises is recommended. Although age in itself is not a limiting factor to exercise training, a more gradual approach in applying the prescription at older ages seems prudent. It has also been shown that aerobic endurance training of fewer than 2 d·wk-1, at less than 40-50% of V˙O2R, and for less than 10 min-1 is generally not a sufficient stimulus for developing and maintaining fitness in healthy adults. Even so, many health benefits from physical activity can be achieved at lower intensities of exercise if frequency and duration of training are increased appropriately. In this regard, physical activity can be accumulated through the day in shorter bouts of 10-min durations. In the interpretation of this position stand, it must be recognized that the recommendations should be used in the context of participant's needs, goals, and initial abilities. In this regard, a sliding scale as to the amount of time allotted and intensity of effort should be carefully gauged for the cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility components of the program. An appropriate warm-up and cool-down period, which would include flexibility exercises, is also recommended. The important factor is to design a program for the individual to provide the proper amount of physical activity to attain maximal benefit at the lowest risk. Emphasis should be placed on factors that result in permanent lifestyle change and encourage a lifetime of physical activity.
The factors influencing ankle range of motion were investigated for 185 middle-aged and elderly subjects (116 women and 69 men, aged 48-86 years) . Each subject was seated with the right knee extended, and the ankle joint was passively dorsiflexed by a dynamometer with torque just tolerable for each subject, to measure the maximal dorsiflexion angle. During passive loading, elongation of muscle fibers in the gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon was determined in vivo by ultrasonography. There was a difference between women and men for the passive dorsiflexion angle (men smaller than women), which negatively correlated with muscle thickness of the posterior portion of the leg determined by ultrasonography. Both in women and men, the passive dorsiflexion angle negatively correlated with age, even after normalizing for maximal voluntary plantar flexion torque. Both elongation of muscle fibers and tendon was related to the passive dorsiflexion angle, and the ratio of tendon elongation to muscle fiber elongation positively correlated with the passive dorsiflexion angle. The active dorsiflexion angle, measured separately with the subject maximally dorsiflexing the ankle with no load, correlated with the passive dorsiflexion angle but not with age, and there was no gender difference. From the results it was suggested 1) that the mobility of the ankle joint is affected by elongation of both muscle fibers and tendon, but with the effect of the tendon being greater than that of muscle fibers, and 2) that muscle mass negatively affects passively-induced joint range of motion. Actively performed joint range of motion would be affected by elongation of the muscle-tendon corn plex and force-generating capability of the ankle. Gender difference in joint range of motion and the aging effect are related to these factors.
Stretching for the triceps surae muscle in the knee flexed position (medical stretching: MS) and knee extended position (static stretching: SS) were performed and the effect on the dorsiflexion angle of the ankle joint was examined. Five elderly females were selected as subjects. We measured the maximal dorsiflexion angle of the ankle joint in the following leg positions: (1) the maximal dorsiflexion angle in the extended knee position (EDF angle) and (2) the maximal dorsiflexion angle in the 90° flexed-knee position (FDF angle). There was a significant increase in the maximal dorsiflexion angle after MS and SS were carried out (p<0.01), but there was no significant difference between MS and SS. It was concluded that MS for triceps surae is equally effective as SS in increasing the maximal dorsiflexion angle of the ankle joint.
PURPOSE : The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of prolonged expiration (PE) on respiratory and cardiovascular responses and autonomic nervous activity during the exercise. METHODS : Twenty-five healthy men (22 ± 1 years) were classified according to the breathing mode during the exercise : 2-second inspiration and 4-second expiration in 1 : 2 group, 3-second inspiration and 3-second expiration in 1 : 1 group and normal breathing in control group. The 6-minute exercise was performed at anaerobic threshold (AT) and 60%AT using a cycle ergometer as an exercise protocol. Respiratory rate (RR) and tidal volume (TV) were measured by the expired gas analysis. The power of low- (LF) and high-frequency components (HF) was analyzed from a Holter electrocardiogram to assess the heart rate variability. RESULTS : RR and LF/HF were significantly lower, TV and HF were significantly higher during the exercise of 60%AT and AT in the 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 groups than in the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The increase of HR was significantly lower and that of HF was significantly higher during the exercise at 60%AT in the 1 : 2 group than in the 1 : 1 group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION : PE activated the parasympathetic nervous activity and consequently restrained an excessive increase of HR during the exercise at 60%AT.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the time course of the viscoelasticity of gastrocnemius medialis muscle and tendon after stretching. In 11 male participants, displacement of the myotendinous junction on the gastrocnemius medialis muscle was measured ultrasonographically during the passive dorsiflexion test, in which the ankle was passively dorsiflexed at a speed of 1°/s to the end of the range of motion (ROM). Passive torque, representing resistance to stretch, was also measured using an isokinetic dynamometer. On five different days, passive dorsiflexion tests were performed before and 0, 15, 30, 60 or 90 min after stretching, which consisted of dorsiflexion to end ROM and holding that position for 1 min, five times. As a result, end ROM was significantly increased at 0, 15 and 30 min (P<0.05 each) after stretching as compared with each previous value. Passive torque at end ROM was also significantly increased after stretching. Although the stiffness of the muscle-tendon unit was significantly decreased immediately after stretching (P<0.05), this shift recovered within 15 min. These results showed that the retention time of the effect of stretching on viscoelasticity of the muscle-tendon unit was shorter than the retention time of the effect of stretching on end ROM.
The study investigated the heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) before, during, and after stretching exercises performed by subjects with low flexibility levels. Ten men (age: 23 ± 2 years; weight: 82 ± 13 kg; height: 177 ± 5 cm; sit-and-reach: 23 ± 4 cm) had the HR and HRV assessed during 30 minutes at rest, during 3 stretching exercises for the trunk and hamstrings (3 sets of 30 seconds at maximum range of motion), and after 30 minutes postexercise. The HRV was analyzed in the time ('SD of normal NN intervals' [SDNN], 'root mean of the squared sum of successive differences' [RMSSD], 'number of pairs of adjacent RR intervals differing by >50 milliseconds divided by the total of all RR intervals' [PNN50]) and frequency domains ('low-frequency component' [LF], 'high-frequency component' [HF], LF/HF ratio). The HR and SDNN increased during exercise (p < 0.03) and decreased in the postexercise period (p = 0.02). The RMSSD decreased during stretching (p = 0.03) and increased along recovery (p = 0.03). At the end of recovery, HR was lower (p = 0.01), SDNN was higher (p = 0.02), and PNN50 was similar (p = 0.42) to pre-exercise values. The LF increased (p = 0.02) and HF decreased (p = 0.01) while stretching, but after recovery, their values were similar to pre-exercise (p = 0.09 and p = 0.3, respectively). The LF/HF ratio increased during exercise (p = 0.02) and declined during recovery (p = 0.02), albeit remaining higher than at rest (p = 0.03). In conclusion, the parasympathetic activity rapidly increased after stretching, whereas the sympathetic activity increased during exercise and had a slower postexercise reduction. Stretching sessions including multiple exercises and sets acutely changed the sympathovagal balance in subjects with low flexibility, especially enhancing the postexercise vagal modulation.
To compare the fine wire electromyographic (EMG) firing patterns during static stretches in the biceps femoris, soleus, and gastrocnemius before and after warm-up as well as over time. Experimental single group pretest-posttest design. Biomechanics research laboratory. Sixteen healthy volunteers 23 to 36 years of age with no history of lower extremity injury. Subjects performed one hamstring stretch and four calf stretches for 90 seconds, bicycled for 30 minutes as a warm-up, and stretched again. EMG was recorded at time 0, 30, 60, and 90 seconds during the stretches before and after warm-up. Recorded values were normalized to EMG during maximum manual muscle testing (MMT). A two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures (p < 0.05) was done to compare EMG activity during stretching before and after warm-up as well as over time. Low EMG activity was seen for all muscles (< 20% MMT). It was constant over the time of the stretch for all muscles, but it increased in the soleus during the bent knee stretch position. There was a statistically significant decrease in the EMG activity after the warm-up for the gastrocnemius using the traditional and heel off stretching positions and for the soleus using the heel off stretching position (p < 0.05). The biceps femoris EMG activity showed no significant differences before and after warm-up. EMG activity during static stretching was low. Overall, the EMG activity remained constant with time for a given stretch position. EMG of the soleus and gastrocnemius was significantly less after warm-up for some stretches, whereas the EMG activity of biceps femoris showed no differences before and after warm-up.