
Praxiology: An Introduction to the Science of Efficient Action

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... An appropriate framework for a function-related conception of meaning has been found by the author in Tadeusz Kotarbiński's (1965Kotarbiński's ( [1955) Praxiology, and some years later in the theory of Human Action: (2007 [1949]), elaborated by Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises. Mises put emphasis on the acting man who strives towards the attainment of desired ends with the implementation of appropriate means. ...
... An appropriate framework for a function-related conception of meaning has been found by the author in Tadeusz Kotarbiński's (1965Kotarbiński's ( [1955) Praxiology, and some years later in the theory of Human Action: (2007 [1949]), elaborated by Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises. Mises put emphasis on the acting man who strives towards the attainment of desired ends with the implementation of appropriate means. ...
... With reference to the distinctions made by Eco (1979Eco ( [1976) and Pietraszko (1980), as well as against the background of Uexküll's biological conception of subjective meaning (1982 [1940]), while appealing also to the terminology of Kotarbiński (1965Kotarbiński ( [1955) and Mises (2007Mises ( [1949), culture has been defined, in the discussed approach, as a set of regularities occurring between the signs of functions or the signs of values that become realized in non-verbal and verbal products of the activity and behavior of human beings which co-determine and condition the modes of their life. In such a human-centered theory of culture, the role of a subject who acts as a meaningutilizer or meaning-evaluator, i.e., who subsumes and nominates the particular objects of nature as the types of cultural objects that play the role of the signs of purposes or signs of needs, is especially exhibited. ...
... Entre dichos fenómenos podemos señalar la imbricación que en la actualidad existe entre la investigación básica, la utilización de ésta por las ciencias de diseño y la construcción tecnología para cambiar la realidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel de la biología molecular en la investigación del cáncer, a partir del marco teórico de las ciencias de diseño de H. Simon (1969), la reflexión filosófica de I. Niiniluoto (1993), y la praxiología como ciencia de la acción eficiente de T. Kotarbinski (1965). PALABRAS CLAVE CIENCIA APLICADA, INVESTIGACIÓN BÁSICA, CIENCIAS DE DISEÑO, INVESTI-GACIÓN SOBRE EL CÁNCER Contrastes. ...
... The relevant point is the relationship that exists between basic research, the use of this design in science and construction technology to change the reality. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of molecular biology in cancer research, from the theoretical framework of design science H. Simon (1969), philosophical reflection of I. Niiniluoto (1993), and Praxeology as a science of efficient action of T. Kotarbinski (1965). ...
... Para dicho análisis vamos a tomar en consideración el modelo de ciencias de diseño de H. Simon (1969), la reflexión filosófica sobre el mismo de I. Niiniluoto (1993), y la praxiología como ciencia de la acción eficiente de T. Kotarbinski (1965), como marcos teóricos de una aproximación racionalista a la relación entre ciencia pura y aplicada. ...
RESUMENLa importancia de la biología aplicada tiene que ver con una serie de fenómenos en torno al papel de la ciencia y la tecnología en nuestra sociedad. Entre dichos fenómenos podemos señalar la imbricación que en la actualidad existe entre la investigación básica, la utilización de ésta por las ciencias de diseño y la construcción tecnología para cambiar la realidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el papel de la biología molecular en la investigación del cáncer, a partir del marco teórico de las ciencias de diseño de H. Simon (1969), la reflexión filosófica de I. Niiniluoto (1993), y la praxiología como ciencia de la acción eficiente de T. Kotarbinski (1965).PALABRAS CLAVECIENCIA APLICADA, INVESTIGACIÓN BÁSICA, CIENCIAS DE DISEÑO, INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE EL CÁNCERABSTRACTThe importance of applied biology has to do with a series of events around the role of science and technology in our society. The relevant point is the relationship that exists between basic research, the use of this design in science and construction technology to change the reality. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of molecular biology in cancer research, from the theoretical framework of design science H. Simon (1969), philosophical reflection of I. Niiniluoto (1993), and Praxeology as a science of efficient action of T. Kotarbinski (1965).KEYWORDSAPPLIED SCIENCE, BASIC RESEARCH, DESIGN SCIENCE, CANCER RESEARCH
... Thus, in such praxeosemiotic and axiosemiotic conceptions of culture, as visualized in Figure 4, the emphasis is placed on the interpreta-5 Praxeosemiotics, as a new term, has been used for he first time in the book of Tadeusz Wójcik (1969), devoted to the theory of the optimal sign. Its roots are to be found the Tadeusz Kotarbiński's (1965Kotarbiński's ( [1955) conception of praxeology (or rather praxiology) as the theory of efficient action. Nevertheless, the notional content of the term praxeosemiotics introduced and modified the author (Wąsik, Z. 1997b(Wąsik, Z. : 348, 1998(Wąsik, Z. : 58 and, subsequently, 2003, as a parallel term to axiosemiotics, has been merely referred to the theory of a purpose-oriented action. ...
... Thus, in such praxeosemiotic and axiosemiotic conceptions of culture, as visualized in Figure 4, the emphasis is placed on the interpreta-5 Praxeosemiotics, as a new term, has been used for he first time in the book of Tadeusz Wójcik (1969), devoted to the theory of the optimal sign. Its roots are to be found the Tadeusz Kotarbiński's (1965Kotarbiński's ( [1955) conception of praxeology (or rather praxiology) as the theory of efficient action. Nevertheless, the notional content of the term praxeosemiotics introduced and modified the author (Wąsik, Z. 1997b(Wąsik, Z. : 348, 1998(Wąsik, Z. : 58 and, subsequently, 2003, as a parallel term to axiosemiotics, has been merely referred to the theory of a purpose-oriented action. ...
... Como señalamos en capítulos anteriores, la praxeología, como teoría de la acción humana y consciente y como teoría de la práctica, emerge de diferentes autores dentro de los cuales se destaca Kotarbinsky (1965) que la define como la ciencia de la acción eficiente. Como vimos en el Capítulo 2, la praxeología se usa también en relación con la obra del economista austríaco Ludwig von Mises (1966) y sus seguidores de la Escuela austríaca, que toma a la ciencia económica como la aplicación de axiomas lógicos 13 porque sin ellos no sería posible la argumentación científica; y rechaza usar los métodos de las ciencias naturales 14 para estudiar las ciencias sociales, por cuanto los primeros se dedican al estudio empírico de regularidades causales, mientras los segundos se dedican al estudio del accionar humano. ...
... De la revisión de la literatura en planificación (Conklin, 2005, Etzioni, 1969, Faludi, 1973, 1973b, 1985, Forester, 1987, Friedman, 2003, Mandelbaum, et. al., 1996, Rittel, 1980, Schön, 1983, Simon, 1973y Vila, 1992 adelantamos la propuesta de profundizar en la teoría de la acción, de la praxeología (Kotarbinsky, 1965y Mises, 1966, pues la planificación resuelve los problemas para transformar la realidad mediante la acción, con intención, intencionalmente. Este enfoque praxiológico se propone como una opción de exploración en la investigación, la práctica y la enseñanza de la planificación en general y de la planificación económica en particular. ...
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El mundo actual desde hace un buen tiempo está íntimamente ligado a una noción de ciencia. Esto es así en el ámbito de la vida cotidiana, independientemente del entendimiento que de esta noción se tenga. Más íntima es esta relación en el ámbito académico. En la academia, la búsqueda del estatus científico de cualquier campo del conocimiento representa un permanente reto, aunque también en este ámbito coexistan diversas maneras de entender la noción de ciencia y de lo que es científico. No obstante, esa búsqueda a veces supone que el científico es el único conocimiento que vale o interesa a la academia. Más aún, que todo campo es o debe ser científico. Y, por tanto, es el método científico el instrumento por excelencia para el trabajo académico. Adicional a la discusión que se desarrolla sobre la ciencia física, fáctica, o dura, como la ciencia “real” y sus diferencias con la ciencia social, formal (que también es objeto del método científico), en este trabajo se plantea la importancia de valorar otro conocimiento, que sin desconocer la importancia y la trascendencia del conocimiento científico, es también importante para el ámbito académico. Tal es el caso de la noción planificación. La planificación intenta transformar los hechos, a diferencia de la ciencia que intenta describirlos, explicarlos y, eventualmente predecirlos. Ambas nociones son parte cotidiana del mundo actual, continuamente en transformación, pero, a diferencia de la ciencia, la planificación no es reconocida, y a veces es confundida con (o incluida en) la noción de ciencia. Intentamos en este trabajo incluir la planificación dentro del campo de la tecnología. Esta diferencia no se presenta como una disputa entre dos nociones opuestas, ni como dos paradigmas de la ciencia. Se trata de reconocer dos importantes nociones para el ámbito académico que resumiremos en este trabajo bajo la siguiente analogía: la investigación es a la ciencia lo que la planificación es a la tecnología. A los fines de fundamentar este planteamiento siguiendo el planteamiento de Rittel y Webber (1972), se enfatiza en la diferencia que existe entre los problemas de la ciencia—problemas domesticados—y los problemas de la planificación—problemas endemoniados—cuya naturaleza y su consiguiente tratamiento demanda protocolos diferentes. Como se discutirá, la ciencia ha intentado dar respuesta a ambos tipos de problemas, tal es el caso de la Ciencia Pos Normal, desconociendo la naturaleza de cada tipo de problemas. La investigación científica es el protocolo pertinente a los problemas domesticados. En cuanto a la planificación, es este trabajo se propone profundizar en la praxeología como protocolo pertinente a los problemas endemoniados. En el desarrollo de este trabajo discutiremos estas dos nociones de ciencia y planificación en dos campos del Conocimiento: la Economía y el Ambiente. Intentaremos diferenciar entre ciencia económica y planificación económica; y entre ciencia ambiental y planificación ambiental. Se entiende de entrada que una discusión de este tipo es el resultado de una investigación, que este trabajo es un trabajo académico en el sentido que tradicionalmente se reconoce un trabajo de este tipo, pero su objetivo es evidenciar que tanto métodos como problemas y, más importante, resultados, son de naturaleza muy distinta cuando se investiga o cuando se planifica. No es lo mismo comprender cuál es el hecho existente, que tratar de descubrir cuál es el hecho deseado. En la Economía, y también en el Ambiente, esto implica discusión de paradigmas. Al respecto se revisarán los cuestionamientos que se hacen a los paradigmas dominantes de la ciencia (predominantemente unidisciplinar y parcelado) y la planificación (predominantemente tecnocrático) en los campos de la económica (predominantemente divorciado de las leyes de la termodinámica) y del ambiente (predominantemente ecológico). A partir de esta revisión intentaremos evidenciar a qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de Ciencia Económica y de Planificación Económica. Igualmente lo intentaremos con Ciencia Ambiental y con Planificación Ambiental. De manera particular intentaremos evidenciar que el énfasis de la Economía se encuentra en el mundo del constructo social—no en vano se reconoce dentro del campo de la ciencia social—pero en la práctica es más planificación que ciencia. A la inversa, en el Ambiente, ampliando la noción de Ecología, el énfasis se encuentra en el mundo natural y, en la práctica, es más investigación que planificación. Finalmente discutiremos la importancia de vincular la economía con el ambiente, tanto en la ciencia como en la planificación. Al respecto existen importantes contribuciones a las que se hará referencia, pero observaremos que la confusión entre lo que podría ser una ciencia de la economía ambiental y la planificación económica ambiental, continúa presente en el ámbito académico. Aclarar esta confusión sigue siendo el reto por venir para lo cual se propone dar mayor importancia al pensamiento económico ambiental e incorporar como campo de estudio y práctica académica la planificación económica ambiental. En ese sentido este trabajo pretende ser una contribución. Palabras clave: Ciencia, Planificación, Economía, Ambiente, Problemas endemoniados, Ciencia Económica ambiental, Planificación Económica ambiental, Praxeología.
... The proposed method, in the variant of tetradic triad with two different positive effects E1, E2 and a single cause and a single mean, is linked also -in the phylosophy of technology, with the principle of the economy by 'agglomeration of results', (economy by 'doing two different things by one stroke'- Kotarbiński, 1965, p. 109, [7],). A technical example in this sense is the result (effect E1) of electric energy generating with increase efficiency by the wind energy conversion (the cause, C) with a wind turbine with magnetic bearing (the mean, M), for which the magnetic bearing gives also a secondary positive result (effect E2): the turbine's noise reduction. ...
... The proposed method, in the variant of tetradic triad with two different positive effects E1, E2 and a single cause and a single mean, is linked also -in the phylosophy of technology, with the principle of the economy by 'agglomeration of results', (economy by 'doing two different things by one stroke'- Kotarbiński, 1965, p. 109, [7],). A technical example in this sense is the result (effect E1) of electric energy generating with increase efficiency by the wind energy conversion (the cause, C) with a wind turbine with magnetic bearing (the mean, M), for which the magnetic bearing gives also a secondary positive result (effect E2): the turbine's noise reduction. ...
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The paper presents a method of approximating the efficiency of a Cause-Mean-Effect (CME) triad of technical or non-technical nature, which may be used in the phylosophy of technology, especially to estimate the effects over a longer period of time of a CME triad with cyclical and variable evolution. The method consists in the studying of the CME triad's evolution by a graphical representation with three axes in which the position on its axis of representation of the cause C or of the effect E indicates its intensity and the position on its axis of representation of the mean M represents its value expressed by the maximal possible intrinsic negentropy: O M =-S M and by its reliability p(τ), the efficiency of the CME triad being approximated in a simplified form as given by the product of the ratios (E/M) and (E/C). The use value of the mean M can be empirically but generally approximated by a relation: M = K M S M ⋅p(τ) wherein K M is a quasi-constant of proportionality whose value is inversely proportional to the value of the utilities necessary for the maintaining of the reliability p(τ) of the M-mean and which may be taken also with decreasing value-in the case of a relative triad. There are presented examples of studying the efficiency of CME triads associated with technical or non-technical or mixed systems, which reveals the possibility of the method's using in the theory of technical or non-technical systems, in particular-in assessing the risk of the society's regression by the degrading of the environment by irrational using of some technologies or by the excessive exploitation of natural resources. It is evidenced also the link with the known principle of "agglomeration of results", by the variant of "tetradic CME triad", with two different but useful effects, E1, E2, obtained by a single cause C and a single mean M.
... 24. this set evolved in Kotarbińskian action theory. I aim to offer a synthetic approach mainly on the basis of the 1956 paper, including also some clarifications from other works (Kotarbiński 1961(Kotarbiński , 1965. I point to differences between the expositions of these accounts only occasionally. ...
... 26. In the Treatise Kotarbinski's internal consistency embraces two properties: unity and consequence (Kotarbiński 1965: 119-in Wojtasiewicz's translation: 'inner consistency' as embracing 'uniformity' and 'continuity'). I follow his later presentation of these properties given in his 1983 paper and distinguish internal consistency from consequence. ...
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This chapter is a detailed discussion of Kotarbiński’s philosophy of plans and planning proposed as its critical comparison with Michael Bratman’s philosophy of planning agency. It uses Bratman’s concepts and distinctions to show the extent to which Kotarbiński’s conception of plans can be expressed in the intentionalistic language. This allows to develop several Kotarbińskian ideas and to show that Bratman’s ‘planning theory’ may be, in certain respects, enriched by the use of the praxiological view on planning agency. One of the most crucial outcomes of the chapter is the introduction and defence of plasticity as an additional norm of plans which supplements their stability.
... Однако реизм, очевидно, был вдохновлен аристотелевской таблицей категорий и может рассматриваться как попытка редуцировать этот список только к одному, а именно к материальным вещам (единственной ousia). Еще одним направлением деятельности Котарбиньского была праксиология [Kotarbinski, 1965]. Он понимал ее как исследования, касающиеся эффективности действий. ...
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Публикация представляет русский перевод статьи Я. Воленьского, посвященной истории логики в Польше с 1900 г. в контексте рецепции логического учения Аристотеля. В статье Воленьского представлена рецепция логического учения Аристотеля в Польше, а именно представителями Львовско-Варшавской школы, т. е. вне его схоластических интерпретаций. Рассматривается роль В. Татаркевича, К. Твардовского и ряда других польских логиков в распространении логического учения Аристотеля, подробно излагается логическое учение Я. Лукасевича в контексте его интеллектуальной биографии и рецепции им аристотелевской логики, ставится вопрос о классической теории истины и роли, которую сыграли для ее формирования философы Львовско-Варшавской школы.
... This combination of high effectiveness and low expenditure is called efficiency. John Dewey's instrumentalism and Tadeusz Kotarbiński's (1965) praxiology are systematic general theories of efficient problem-solving and human action. ...
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Technological innovations—tools, artefacts, and processes—open up new possibilities of human action and thereby increase the domain of our positive freedom. Technology is inherently value-laden, since such an intended increase of freedom may be a good or bad relative to human values. The use of tools may also involve unintended and unwanted by-products and side effects. Therefore, technology should not develop in a deterministic or random manner but should be guided by reasonable democratic principles. Technology assessment (TA) is a pattern for the evaluation of technological projects and products by their costs and benefits, risks, and profits. Using philosophical distinctions and arguments as its method, this paper explains, elaborates, and illustrates Niiniluoto’s formula TA = 6E + S for TA. The first E is effectiveness, the ability of the new tool or solution to produce its intended effects. This is the main concern of the engineer. The second is its economic profit, based on the monetary exchange value of the product. This is the domain of economic theories. Effectiveness and economy, and efficiency as their combination, are not the only relevant dimensions of TA. As products of design, artefacts have esthetic qualities, studied today in applied esthetics. The relations of tools to the health of their users are studied in ergonomics. The relations of human technologies to the health of the natural environment and sustainable development are treated in ecology. Technical tools and their effects can always be evaluated by ethical standards which concern their moral worth. Technological systems have also an impact which is social in the broad sense, since they can lead to changes in the communicative, legal, institutional, and political spheres of society.
... 36). Más allá de que esta movida le permite a Chang simplificar su descripción de las actividades epistémicas en aras de enfocarse en el desarrollo de su propuesta epistémica pragmatista, vale la pena arriesgar un análisis praxiológico -entendido como ciencia de la acción eficiente (Kotarbinski, 1965)-, algo que la filosofía de la técnica ha incorporado de forma comprehensiva en su programa de investigación (Lawler, 2017), pero que en la filosofía de la ciencia posee un peso menor por su tradición proposicionalista. ...
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El presente trabajo busca extender el marco conceptual provisto por la filosofía sistémica de la técnica de Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, para dar cuenta de algunas situaciones típicas de la práctica científica. Por tanto, tiene por objetivo aprovechar la potencia de la herramienta filosófica de Quintanilla para alcanzar una forma de análisis pragmatista de la ciencia, compatible con la reciente propuesta epistemológica de Hasok Chang. Para ello, se modifica el marco de Quintanilla para aceptar artefactos epistémicos y se hace énfasis en las actividades epistémicas y su diferencia con otro tipo de acciones. Se concluye que el marco resulta prometedor para conseguir una forma de análisis epistemológico que trascienda su énfasis sobre el conocimiento proposicional (que queda reducido a la composición de artefactos epistémicos), de modo que se acerque a una epistemología del conocimiento activo más rica para pensar la práctica científica. Esta implica extender el dominio analítico hacia otros componentes de los sistemas técnicos de la práctica científica, incluyendo el agente epistémico y sus intenciones y las actividades epistémicas que realiza con respecto a los artefactos sobre los que opera.
... El término praxeología (o praxiología) se viene usando para referirse al ámbito de reflexión filosófica sobre la acción humana, entendida como conducta comprometida con un propósito. La praxeología como disciplina ha sido desarrollada de manera independiente por dos escuelas de pensamiento diferentes, la escuela austríaca liderada por von Mises (1949) focalizada en el campo de la economía y de las ciencias sociales y la polaca liderada por Kotarbiński (1965), con una orientación hacia la filosofía de la acción eficiente. También, encontramos el término para describir la metodología de investigación de Pierre Bourdieu como praxeología social. ...
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The application of results of scientific and technological research to the teaching practice is conflictive, due to its descriptive, explanatory, and predictive nature and the demands of avoiding subjective value judgements in scientific and technological research. Educational practice requires, however, making decisions about the type of actions to be taken to improve teaching and learning processes, which implies the adoption of value judgements. The way in which this dilemma is approached depends on how Didactics is conceived, the theoretical frameworks used in research and the different research paradigms on which they are based. In this paper, I reflect on this problematic by discussing the role of value judgements in basic and applied science, as well as the notions of praxeology and didactic paradigm of reference introduced in the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. I also suggest the need to establish an interface between scientific-technological research and the reflective practice by identifying criteria of suitability that synthesise and structure the results of such research, as proposed by the Onto-semiotic Approach in mathematics education.
... Sobre la estructura de los enunciados, así como en las ciencias descriptivas la estructura de sus sentencias es "A causa B" o "A causa B con probabilidad p", en las ciencias de diseño solemos encontrar normas prácticas que tienen la estructura de sentencias praxiológicas, tales como "Bajo la circunstancia A es necesario (o suficiente o aconsejable) hacer B (hacer implica acciones) a fin de conseguir C". En este punto la aportación de Tadeusz Kotarbinski (1965) a la praxiología, definida como ciencia de la acción eficiente, forma parte del marco teórico de las ciencias de diseño, contribuyendo a investigar las condiciones de las que depende la maximización de la eficiencia. Según Kotarbinski, en una norma práctica intervienen tres elementos: los fundamentos teóricos, la base técnica y la selección y orden de las acciones. ...
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Partiendo del programa naturalista y en el marco de las ciencias cognitivas se han abordado cuestiones como la representación del conocimiento, el papel de la tecnología, la relación entre teoría y experimento y la carga teórica de la observación. En cualquiera de estos análisis la idea es contrastar la propuesta filosófica con alguna de las teorías y resultados de las ciencias cognitivas, con el propósito de ver hasta qué punto se refuerzan mutuamente, una refuerza a la otra, pero no a la inversa o son irrelevantes. El objetivo de este trabajo es situar el diseño en el centro del análisis filosófico desde la perspectiva de las ciencias cognitivas. Sin embargo, el enfoque cognitivo se ha aplicado mucho menos al análisis de las ciencias de diseño, a pesar de que sus posibilidades no son menores a la hora de abordar los retos que comporta la aplicación del conocimiento científico a la transformación del mundo. La hipótesis de partida es que hay implicaciones entre las ciencias de diseño y la cognición motora, por tanto, no son irrelevantes. El grado de conexión y fundamentación neurocognitiva de las ciencias de diseño se irá dilucidando a medida que avance el análisis a fin de sacar conclusiones, tanto para los procesos de diseño como para el enfoque cognitivo en general.
... This is why education in the social sciences requires a great deal of discussion and explanations which cannot be simply tied down in textbooks for distance learning to be used in the profession. Excessive simplification of the social sciences has resulted in models known in the form of social engineering (Podgórecki, Alexander, and Shields 2014) or praxeology (Kotarbiński 1965). Both these movements can have their positive sides for not very specialized work, however, with the increase in specialization, work requirements become an obstacle rather than a motor, namely, in doctoral studies that are designed as training for routine research, carried out correctly, but still original. ...
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Adequate staffing of university studies with qualified academics was completed thanks to the reimplementation of three-stage university education during the post-socialist restoration of higher education in the Czech Republic. Thus, the doctoral degree of education has been attained by more than four-fifths of academic staff, with over two-fifths of them being aged 50+. The current course of university studies, including doctoral study programs, is influenced by their focus on educational and research strategy. With regards to the regulations for graduating in doctoral studies, doctoral candidates act as homo oeconomicus following neo-liberal educational policy. The conditions for doctoral studies, namely, those in educational sciences, thus lead to paradoxes caused by the current higher educational policy. The objective of the paper is to analyze the neoliberal set-up of the higher education policy of the Czech Republic in the field of doctoral studies in educational sciences in particular and its possible impacts in the area of labor-market integration of graduates and university training of academics.
... The effectiveness of communication is usually defined by the ISO 9000: 2005 standard, as the degree of achieving planned goals. The meaning of effectiveness is based on praxeology -the theory of efficient action (Kotarbinski, 2013). According to this definition, efficacy describes "good work" as consisting of the following components: effectiveness, favorableness, and economy. ...
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The effectiveness of social media marketing is a topic of great interest for researchers as well as marketers. To enrich the literature regarding the effectiveness of various types of posts with a web-link, we designed and conducted an experiment on Facebook (FB). This experiment was conducted in a real business environment, through the FB fanpage of a Polish e-commerce store. The observations were analyzed using multiple linear regression and metrics adapted to this experiment from the literature. The results show that a web-link placed in the comments of an FB post, instead of the caption, is more lucrative. It is also shown that, based on the aims of the campaign, such metrics can give valuable information about the optimal time for posting, as well as the interval between posts.
... Correspondingly, the field of MHSR has been advancing its paradigmatic stance, frameworks, guidelines, and standards, rigour in the systematic orchestrations (of disciplinary capabilities), wealth and diversity of research methodologies and methods, and interdisciplinary team approach necessary to meet the critical needs of communities. I assert here that the field of counselling psychology and MHSR share the same epistemological stance of praxeology (Bourdeau, 2000;Kotarbinski, 1965), where no element (of theory, research, practice, and service) exists in unrelated segment, but all "functions" in purposefully harmonious and orchestrated way, in order to engage in the "science of action" to achieve the shared goal of making the lives of people better. ...
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The author introduces rural communities in post-Genocide Rwanda, where needs for interpersonal and psychosocial reconciliation between survivors and perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis are grave. The author illuminates unintended yet common side effects of forgiveness-seeking as a method of interpersonal reconciliation, including the dignity injuries this approach has brought to survivors. An overview of an alternative approach to interpersonal reconciliation, termed Action-Based Psychosocial Reconciliation Approach, will be introduced along with its conceptual-empirical foundations and beneficial effects. The second half of the paper discusses the author’s personal reflections on how his training in the context of Canadian counselling psychology has shaped and continues to guide his ongoing work supporting community psychosocial reconciliation in Rwanda. The author shares his views on the relational signature of the counselling psychological approach, its applied nature, a directionality of scholarship, its harmonious fit with the field of mental health services research and praxiological epistemology, and ethicality of engagements. The author concludes with a call to fellow Canadian counselling psychologists for their active participation in international/global endeavours.
... The structure of this paper is as follows. First, I briefly explain what the Mexican Wave (La Ola) is and why it is interesting-both scientifically and 1 I use the term event in a philosophically innocent sense, that is, without implying the tradition of events in the philosophy of action (Davidson 1967;Kotarbiński 1965). 2 Interestingly, although the extant body of empirical research on crowd behavior aided by computer vision and camera surveillance is quite large (Swathi et al. 2017), to my knowledge, the case of La Ola has only received direct interest from Vicsek and his colleagues. ...
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This article argues that such large-scale cases of crowd behavior as the Mexican Wave (La Ola) constitute forms of shared intentionality which cannot be explained solely with the use of the standard intentionalistic ontology. It claims that such unique forms of collective intentionality require a hybrid explanatory lens in which an account of shared goals, intentions and other propositional attitudes is combined with an account of the motor psychology of collective agents. The paper describes in detail the intentionalistic ontology of La Ola and discusses the conditions of cooperation it meets. The discussion allows the author to defend the view that large-scale collective intentionality can be based on automaticity to a significant degree: to properly understand such phenomena like La Ola, the idea of probabilistically interpreted decisions and propensities to act should give way to the automatic aspects of behavior. This paves the way for future studies in the philosophy of action to fully recognize the role of automatic performances at the level of collective actions just as they do for individual actions.
... The social hierarchy of public subjects has always been inherent in society in various concrete historical forms. In the twentieth century with the advent of A. Bodganov's Tektology [6,7], V. Vernadsky's noosphere theory [8], L. von Bertalanffy's general systems theory [9], N. Wiener's cybernetics [10], Kotarbiński's praxeology [11], V. Afanasiev's concept of system and society [1] and N. Luhmann's system theory [12], its concepts were actively developed in the study of the social structure of society as functioning of dynamic multi-level social systems. Hierarchical analysis reveals the mutual correlation and subordination of social subjects and processes at the different levels of the system, their specialisation and their interaction in the performance of certain functions. ...
... Therefore, in pragmatic terms, it would be useful to detect and intervene on these SDH: that is, to directly attack the 'causes of the causes'. Praxiology teaches us that we need to organise certain means in order to achieve specific goals on technical grounds (Kotarbinski 1965). From this perspective, social epidemiology is an applied science committed to a social intervention in order to obtain programmed results, whereby "an approach to the new epidemiology stresses that epidemiologists need to become activists in applying their findings to develop health policy and manage health care resources. ...
This interdisciplinary volume gathers selected, refereed contributions on various aspects of public health from several disciplines and research fields, including the philosophy of science, epidemiology, statistics and ethics. The contributions were originally presented at the 1st Barcelona conference of “Philosophy of Public Health” (5th – 7th May 2016). This book is intended for researchers interested in public health and the contemporary debates surrounding it.
... The effectiveness of communication is defined by the ISO 9000: 2005 standard, as the degree of achieving the planned goals. The term effectiveness reaches praxeology approach -the theory of efficient action (Kotarbinski, 2013). Accordingly, to general meaning, the efficacy describes each component of "good work" as constituting: effectiveness, favorableness and economy. ...
Conference Paper
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The paper proposes the metrics for marketing communication in social media. The metrics are based on typical social media engagement measurements, but are calculated in relation to the concepts of content quality, valence and volume. The authors present a social media marketing communication experiment implemented in a real business environment of the e-shop Facebook fan page. The experiment results show that different effects were obtained depending on the content of posts (picture, video, album) related to the same products. In the case of video, the highest level of reach, while in the case of pictures, the highest level of engagement was achieved. The analysis of social media engagement metrics in relation to the published content type, dissemination process and time were proposed. The obtained results clearly show how complicated the analysis of social media communication could be and that the metrics have to be carefully designed to capture the relevant outcomes and aims.
... Autor del libro: Praxiology: an introduction to the sciences of efficient action(Kotarbinski 1965). ...
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El artículo presenta la Teoría del Juego Social (TJS) de Carlos Matus con el fin de generar un primer acercamiento a los Estudios de Políticas Públicas (EPP) y vislumbrar su potencial como teoría de políticas públicas (TPP). Se empieza destacando el planteamiento de Matus de ciencias horizontales, evidenciando su cercanía con la noción de policy sciences de Lasswell y Dror. Seguidamente se presenta la TJS a partir de la clasificación de sus contenidos y conceptos más importantes en tres niveles. Finalmente se exploran algunos aspectos que permiten sugerir una cercanía en sus fundamentos e intencionalidades centrales entre la TJS y los EPP. Finalmente a partir de algunos desarrollos teóricos en los EPP se plantean algunas preguntas a la TJS con el fin abrir el camino a su análisis como TPP.
... ( Kotarbiński, 1965, p. 14) 4 'Simple acts' build human agency in the sense that they are 'atoms' of actions. Actions are complex, because they are made by something more basic. ...
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It is probably not a big exaggeration to say that contemporary philosophy of action (or: action theory), especially the one from the analytic tradition, has been shaped by the work of G. E. M. Anscombe and Donald Davidson. So, if we abstract from the Aristotelian, Humean, or Kantian roots and inspirations, it is rather plain that action theory does not have a long tradition. Nevertheless , I believe that it would be unjust oversimplification to say that Anscombe and Davidson were the only 'founding parents' of action theory. Among those who contributed to its development in no less degree is Tadeusz Kotarbiński. This is a bold claim. The name of this Polish philosopher-one of the most prominent figures from the Lvov-Warsaw School-is almost completely absent in the mainstream action theory. My goals in this essay are two. Firstly, I would like to show the reasons why Kotarbiński's so-called praxiology is a philosophy of action which should be considered as no less important for the tradition of analytic action theory and for contemporary action-theoretical debates as the classics. Secondly, I shall try to explain why Kotarbiński's action theory--despite its incontestable philosophical value--has remained almost unnoticed in the mainstream for over half a century. The structure of this essay is as follows. I start with a brief description of what praxiology is. Second, on the basis of selected examples, I try to show its most typical and attractive--from the perspective of classic and contemporary action theory--aspects and features. Third, I shortly sketch my answer to the question why Kotarbiński's praxiology in its original form has had to meet serious difficulties when it comes to its reception and interpretation. I end the essay claiming that the issue behind these difficulties not only veiled the classic character of praxiology and its contemporary attractiveness, but it also is responsible for its original shape as the Polish analytic action theory.
... The process of conceptualising the notion of action began in the 1860s, and continued until the years following the Second World War, within two different traditions: the nascent Austro-American free-market economy, and Eastern-European pre-Soviet socialism, both with ambitions to be as scientific as possible according to their own standards. They each gave birth to two major publications establishing two different "praxeologies" that were in fact independent as opposed to uninterested in one another: Human Action in 1949 (Mises 1998), and Traktat o dobrej robocie in 1955 (Kotarbiński 1963). At the same time, in the US, the science of action became of central interest for the sociologist Talcott Parsons (Parsons and Shils 1951), and its difficulties triggered the emergence of neopraxeology, namely in the works of Harold Garfinkel (Garfinkel 1967). ...
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This paper traces the intellectual trajectories of the first stand-alone theories of action, understood as both axiologically neutral and quasi-scientific from a methodological point of view. I argue that the rise of action theory of this kind corresponds to a particular moment of dissatisfaction within Western thought, and as such, it tells us far more about the history of philosophy than the subject itself. I conclude by explaining why subsequent failures to provide an acceptable theory of action are not accidental. On the contrary, such failures owe themselves probably to the fact that formulating a theory of action is neither propitious nor useful. Thus, the most valuable lesson we can learn from philosophical desires for a theory of action is that we should take co-action as the starting point in our normative investigations, rather than positing action simpliciter as a problem to solve. That is, we should move away from propounding a theory of action, and instead focus on a paradigm shift, whereby we move away from a representational, towards a co-actional, model of action.
... Further, it can be said that 57 if we accept that there can be such a thing as a "reflex" or behavior that is not purposeful, we cannot be sure that we are identifying action (as purposeful behavior) in any specific situation. However, this would be nothing more than a reductio ad absurdum, since it is a fact of daily life of any individual that his usual approach towards interacting with others is to assume that these follow the concept of action as presented here, i.e. they choose certain means to attain their ends. ...
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The concept of Intentional Action is at the core of Praxeology, as developed by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. Under this unique approach, defined as the science of human action and designed to study the field of the social sciences, Mises create “action axiom”: the contention that every acting man more satisfactory state of affairs for a Austrian scholar is able to derive the fundament human action; such as value, scale of value, scarcity, abundance, profit, loss, uncertainty and causality, among others. This paper intends to present the praxeological perspective on intentional action and its epistemologic implications; it also attempts to answer objections to this thesis.
... Both in everyday life and in the economic theory, it is important to make a rational choice. In practical situations, in the world of limited resources, rationality can be equated with the praxeological approach (Kotarbiński, 1982), namely with the efficiency postulate. It is a normative approach. ...
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The article tackles the issues of the effectiveness and rationality of making choices in the conditions of competition and cooperation. It confronts the economic theory of rational choice with the empirical results from an experiment. The aim of the article is to show that excessive competition and a lack of trust cause limitation of rational choice in coalitional games. In the experiment conducted for this study purposes, a public good was used to construct a situation in which making a huge coalition is the winning strategy. Despite this fact, the research proves that under competition supported by uncertainty, which results from the lack of trust, the decision making entities behave far less rationally than the game theory would suggest. People competing with each other often take decisions irrationally.
... 11. For the Polish tradition of praxeology that was discussed in interbellum Vienna through the mediation of Rose Rand and others, see Kotarbinski (1965); Gasparski and Pszczołowski (1983); Gasparski (2013). Parallels between Kotarbinski's praxeology and praxeology as explicated by Mises should, however, not be overestimated. ...
Linsbichler’s erudite new book is not only an invitation for Austrian economists to reconsider their Misesian methodological foundations, but more importantly an attempt to bridge the methodological gap between the Austrian School and mainstream economics. His charitable reading of Mises provides the basis for an original conventionalist interpretation of Mises’ methodology, but it is most of all his anti-dogmatism, methodological openness and call for intellectual humility that stand out. —Erwin Dekker, Assistant Professor of Cultural Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam) This book proposes new solutions to interpretational problems of Mises‘ methodological position. It also o­ffers a lucid and scholarly introduction to some important problems of the logic of science. Specialists and general readers alike will profit much from reading that book. —Karl Milford, Associate Professor in History of Economic Thought and Philosophy of Economics (University of Vienna) This innovative book challenges the mainstream reading of Ludwig von Mises as a contested “a priori” proponent of the Austrian School of economics. It o­ffers new insights to Mises’ methodology and epistemology by interpreting his praxeology as conventionalist. In doing so the author opens novel perspectives for contextualizing Ludwig von Mises’ work in the history of the Austrian School and the long term “Methodenstreit” since the 19th century. —Friedrich Stadler, Professor for History and Philosophy of Science (University of Vienna), Head and Director of the Institute Vienna Circle, President of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society This book presents a concise introduction to the epistemology and methodology of the Austrian School of economics as defended by Ludwig von Mises. The author provides an innovative interpretation of Mises’ arguments in favour of the a priori truth of praxeology, the received view of which contributed to the academic marginalization of the Austrian School. The study puts forward a unique argument that Mises – perhaps unintentionally – defends a form of conventionalism. Chapters in the book include detailed discussions of individualism, historicism, epistemological positions, and essentialism. The author goes on to discuss Mises’ justifi cation of the fundamental axiom and proposes a conventionalist interpretation. By presenting praxeology as a conventionalist research programme, the author aims at reinvigorating the interaction between the Austrian School, mainstream economics, and the philosophy of science. This comprehensive reconstruction is suitable for economists interested in the history and philosophy of their discipline, as well as for philosophers of science.
... praxeológico é VonMises (1949). Para ele, a praxeologia é uma ciência apriorística e formal que investiga a ação humana. Basicamente o homem é um ser para agir, de ação. Ele escolhe, determina e busca uma finalidade. Agir implica a utilização de meios para a obtenção de fins. A ação não se dá somente no plano concreto: o ato de não agir é uma ação.Kotarbinski (1965) apresenta sua vasta obra em três esferas fundamentais: Esfera de conceitos: a atividade se dirige para um objetivo, uma finalidade; Esfera crítica: crítica e análise dos métodos de ação considerando a valorização e avaliação, a partir dos conceitos de eficiência e eficácia;Por sua vez, como visto na primeira meditação, a razão funcional ...
Neste artigo apresentam-se as meditações funcionalistas, que se constituem em cinco reflexões teóricas sobre a administração. Trata-se de um texto crítico, que assume uma posição e que pretende debater temas importantes para a área. Não se busca desmerecer ou desqualificar o encontrado na atual realidade do ramo, apenas atingir aquela essência que fica mascarada em discursos romantizados e enviesados por um modo de ver pouco esclarecedor. Busca-se, assim, um novo modo de acesso ao fenômeno administrativo, através de uma análise filosófica sobre a temática, de forma a contemplar novas possibilidades de compreensão da realidade.
The sketch of this somehow odd environmental philosophy topic is made from the standpoint of ontology of the human. This perspective is heuristic to more than the specific material domain discussed here. Indeed, many times we feel that the analysis of the couple construction-destruction is metaphorical, sending us to a lot of rich experience of this relationship and its meanings. The thesis is that a main cause of the present global unsustainability, leading to major risks for the human civilisation, is the absurd destruction of the material domain of the artificial world. It is the result of the unsustainable frensy of capitalist development for private profit and is pendant of the destruction of natural biodiversity and resources. The focus is on immobile constructions, they are the working model, including for the attitude towards mobile artificial objects. The significance of destruction and the hypothesis of creative destruction are decomposed with the concepts of form, telos, validity, intention, and difference between the evil and the necessary: thus, exceeding the legitimation of fatalism: “destruction as priceand precedence of construction”, and “equivalence of all types of destruction”. On the contrary, criteria of (both construction and) destruction are presented. Similarly, a holistic approach, surpassing their isolated consideration. They influence the surrounding “near space” and, through local/specific areas, the global environment, on both short intervals and long terms. The logic of bioeconomy is thus their suitable treatment. It is consonant with its legal basis, a “natural contract” sparing the natural resources and equilibria and the world civilisation. Destruction of the material human constructs as an essential element of unsustainable development signals the constitutive intertwining of the immediate, the substantive condition of the human life with the ideas of transcendence and aspiration to the lasting.
The paper is devoted to Janusz Czelakowski’s contributions to action theory and deontic logic. Various approaches to formal action theory are listed and some of them, including Maria Nowakowska’s theory, propositional dynamic logic (PDL) and sees to it that (STIT) logic, are briefly introduced. Logic of performability and deontic action logic with a goal-oriented obligation are recognized as the main contributions of Czelakowski to the field. The essentials of both theories are presented and commented. Their relation to STIT and PDL is outlined.
Actions are closely connected with causality and making changes to the world. To act is to actualize the potential and an ability for making changes. But actions are more than just making things happen they are also guided by intentions such as motives, values, goals, and objectives. Thus, a change in the world caused by an action is not only happening, it is also intended by the actor, who has a reason to act.
In this paper, we propose a research agenda to support the recovery of Alexander Bogdanov's philosophical and systemic thinking that culminated in his magnum opus, Tektology. Our main reason for doing so is to re-address enduring questions about the unity of science and the unity of the systems paradigm. Since the turn of the new millennium, there has been renewed interest in the ideal of the unity of science. General system theory (GST), cybernetics and complexity science are three significant intellectual sources inspiring this renewal. It is not unusual for these ideas to be grouped under the umbrella terms systems science or systems thinking, which are two ways to present a single systems paradigm, and we will explain why its “unity” is both necessary and problematic. Bringing Bogdanov's work back to address the unity question can help us to progress toward unity in diversity.
Poland, like every state, needs conclusions and recommendations of the state security environment. It's composed not only of factors influencing national defence, but also other aspects. It's very important for comprehensive look at existing defence capabilities. Strategic Defence Review is a fundamental mechanism in the Republic of Poland for verifying the strategies of actions, their results, ways of adaptation to changing conditions and needs. Strategic Defence Review, initiated in July 2016, is for Polish State, especially Armed Forces, a recommendations of the current and future challenges. Similar processes had been conducted within the Ministry of National Defence on two previous occasions.
Poland, like every state, needs conclusions and recommendations of the state security environment. It's composed not only of factors influencing national defence, but also other aspects. It's very important for comprehensive look at existing defence capabilities. Strategic Defence Review is a fundamental mechanism in the Republic of Poland for verifying the strategies of actions, their results, ways of adaptation to changing conditions and needs. Strategic Defence Review, initiated in July 2016, is for Polish State, especially Armed Forces, a recommendations of the current and future challenges. Similar processes had been conducted within the Ministry of National Defence on two previous occasions.
The concept of Intentional Action is at the core of Praxeology, as developed by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises. Under this unique approach, defined as the science of human action and designed to study the field of the social sciences, Mises created an axiomatic-deductive system starting from the “action axiom”: the contention that every acting man is eager to substitute a more satisfactory state of affairs for a less desired one. From this axiom, the Austrian scholar is able to derive the fundamental features and implications of human action; such as value, scale of value, scarcity, abundance, profit, loss, uncertainty and causality, among others. This chapter intends to present the praxeological perspective on intentional action and its epistemological implications; it also attempts to answer objections to this thesis.
The paper is presenting an updated edition of the second version of Theory for Automatic Generation of Knowledge Architecture (TAPAZ-2) and proposes a new approach to solving the problem of automatically identifying the semantic equivalence of text documents and borrowing scientific ideas in order to curb the spread of plagiarism and prevent clogging the information space under the conditions of its globalization.
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What is “behavior”? What is “technology”? What is the relation between behavior and technology? In an effort to address these fundamental questions and provide the field with a more solid and coherent theoretical foundation, we assembled a special issue wherein scholars from various academic fields (psychology, economy, communication, science education, learning sciences, and anthropology) theorize what it means to “behave with a technology.” We begin by presenting the literature that sparked these questions and inspired us to take strides in this theoretical direction. The editorial then ends with a description of how this special issue is organized and an overview of the set of papers that compose it.
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Technology foresight is a growing need as technology looms larger in every person’s existence. In this context foresight is not concerned with techno-materialism. It is required to become a complete human being. For this we strive for society-wide technological awareness and wisdom. We work towards unique mind-maps. For many years scholars have tried to find ways of encouraging technology foresight of this kind. It has been a difficult route. The very name “technology” seems to be rooted in materialism. The evolutionary steps to escape these roots are tentative and gradual. This text describes a recent contribution.
The programming approach changes the logical basis of an important part of the political and administrative sciences which are most closely related to it.
The concept of rationality is one of the central issues not only of philosophical reflection, but also of sociological theory. From a sociological perspective, the rationality is seen through human action that produces socially relevant effects. Both in terms of social planning and in the logic of decisions, the rationality stands as a general theory of design praxis, an organic set of criteria constantly aimed at an innovative action that should ultimately help us to generate a fruitful relationship between critical consciousness and planning consciousness. Planning thus becomes the alternative to the abstract utopia of ideal models and should take responsibility for transforming what is just virtual into reality. In this way, following a model of reflective conversation with the planning situation, it would become the guiding factor of social life. This type of design, however, should be carried out with the involvement of individuals and their communities. On the basis of these premises, the present essay seeks to deepen the contents of planning in the transition from forms to absolute rationality to the expressions of dialogical design.
The author focuses on analysing the external and internal contexts of the functioning of modern higher education institutions. She analyses changes in approaches to managing universities, taking into consideration public organization management models, public policies, the changing definitions of the roles played by universities in social and economic development, as well as management concepts and methods. The author characterizes the essence of the process approach, defines the specific qualities of processes conducted in higher education institutions, as well as new approaches to their classification. She also discusses process management concepts followed in universities, e.g. Total Quality Management (TQM), Business Process Reengineering (BPR), and Business Process Management (BPM). She also presents the essence of Lean Management and the conditions for implementing this concept in higher education institutions. The chapter ends with a proposal for a Lean university model.
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In this paper, we will explore two initiatives that focus on the importance of employing logical theories in educating people how to think and reason properly, one in Poland: The Lvov-Warsaw School; the other in North America: The Informal Logic Initiative. These two movements differ in the logical means and skills that they focus on. However, we believe that they share a common purpose: to educate students in logic and reasoning (logical education conceived as a process) so that they may be able to apply their skills to analyze the issues in their society (logical culture as a result of logical education). The aim of the paper is to justify this claim by exploring research objectives and products that are common to both movements.
The paper presents issues of agency in the approach proposed by Tadeusz Kotarbiński, the Polish philosopher from the Lvov-Warsaw School, author of the philosophy of practicality with its dominant: praxiology. It also outlines a number of other approaches to this notion as well as notions similar and related to the notion of an agent. The conclusion points out that praxiology provides an insight into the reality it studies, but the use to which this is put depends on the users themselves. That use is indirect more often than direct, since it requires reflection on the agent’s own practicality and some meta-skills that should characterize reflective practitioners.
Supported by passages from Mises, it is suggested that praxeology should be interpreted as a conventionalist research program. This proposal expands on positions defended by Puster, Cachanovsky, Zanotti, and Rizzo against Rothbard, Gordon, and Hoppe. The latter authors’ (synthetic) aprioristic, essentialist, or dogmatically rationalist interpretations are dismissed as highly ambiguous or unworthy of discussion by mainstream economists and modern philosophers of science alike. In contrast, a conventionalist core for microeconomics seems to be very acceptable if not taken for granted. It lays the ground for constructive discussions and fruitful comparisons between different explications of the analytic fundamental axiom amended by empirical hypotheses. Related to the conventionalist interpretation, it is maintained that Mises has no principled objections to the use of formal methods in economics as a means to check logical deductions and identify implicit assumptions. His praise of Karl Menger’s meta-economics corroborates this controversial claim.
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This chapter interprets Kotarbiński’s conception of rationality with the aid of the conceptual tools of two theoretical perspectives: Herbert Simon’s account of rationality and the theory of the reasons for action. Its target is two-fold: firstly, it reconstructs Kotarbiński’s idea of rationality by comparing it with the well-known distinction of substantive and procedural rationality (Simon). Secondly, it strives to develop Kotarbiński’s ideas in the direction that allows to express his view in the language of the reasons for action. The goal of this somewhat experimental strategy is rather modest: to show how Kotarbiński’s thinking about rationality may be reconstructed with the use of distinctions from the theories of the reasons for action and, at the same time, to point to his original timbre.
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