
Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture.

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... As this definition fits well with computing in the current digital era, it is also widely accepted by contemporary game developers and human-computer interaction scholars. Another common viewpoint resonates with early play studies and sees games as an activity that can only be substantiated through players' performances (Caillois, 2001;Huizinga, 1949;Suits, 1978). Many social sciences and humanities scholars esteem such a viewpoint as it advocates not only focusing on how gaming becomes an impactful part of human life but also considering how it can induce specific socio-cultural phenomena. ...
... In anthropology and linguistic studies, there is a concept known as linguistic relativity, which originally referred to the hypothesis that the particular language spoken by humans shapes how they think (Wolff & Holmes, 2011). To some extent, both Huizinga's (1949) and Wittgenstein's (2009) views extend this hypothesis into the field of games as they have both pointed out that how people interpret games can vary depending on the language used. Under the guidance of such views, Chinese, as an ancient language with a large number of speakers, naturally attracts game scholars' attention (Eichberg, 2016;Huizinga, 1949). ...
... To some extent, both Huizinga's (1949) and Wittgenstein's (2009) views extend this hypothesis into the field of games as they have both pointed out that how people interpret games can vary depending on the language used. Under the guidance of such views, Chinese, as an ancient language with a large number of speakers, naturally attracts game scholars' attention (Eichberg, 2016;Huizinga, 1949). Nevertheless, these scholars of Indo-European languages often share common limitations in their analysis of the concept of game in Chinese. ...
While there has been extensive academic discussion on the definition of games, very few studies have explored how similar concepts are expressed in languages other than English. In this paper, I investigate the etymology of the Chinese term YouXi, a Chinese term regarded as the equivalent of "game." Firstly, I discuss the possible origins, evolution, usages, and inherent aesthetics and values of YouXi. Secondly, I contrast YouXi with "game" and reveal that YouXi reflects a unified understanding of game and play. In addition, I argue that in terms of ontological differences, "game" highlights rule-based interaction and player competition, whereas YouXi emphasizes the sense of immersion and safety. Finally, I integrate these findings with existing game studies to propose a definition of YouXi as the experimental exploration of alternative life experiences and further suggest interpreting game and play through this perspective.
... Mais ainda, esta fundamentação do campo da ciência teórico-experimental dialoga com eixos, hoje considerados clássicos, da fenomenologia dos jogos e videogames em Game Studies, e reforça a importância de se considerar a corporeidade do jogador imerso no jogo videogame [Galloway 2006;Reynolds 2016;Vahlo 2017]. Os conceitos de círculo mágico [Huizinga (1938) 2016] e atitude lúdica [Suits 1978] juntos, são fundamentais para uma fenomenologia dos jogos em geral; explicariam como a sensação de ser um jogador jogando um jogo seria evocada, seja em jogos de tabuleiro, ou diante de um videogame [Ladislau e Fróes 2019]. Aspectos que distinguem, fundamentalmente, jogos e videogames, no entanto, merecem ser considerados, conforme desenvolvemos a seguir. ...
... O conceito círculo mágico nos conduz à ideia de que, ao adentrar o espaço do jogo, os jogadores aceitam de forma consciente as regras e limites estabelecidos, reconhecendo-o como uma realidade fenomenal única [Huizinga (1938[Huizinga ( ) 2016. O jogo, por sua essência, cria um ambiente fenomenológico separado do mundo que o cerca, onde uma nova experiência se desdobra para os que adentram, i.e., tornam-se jogadores. ...
... O conceito círculo mágico nos conduz à ideia de que, ao adentrar o espaço do jogo, os jogadores aceitam de forma consciente as regras e limites estabelecidos, reconhecendo-o como uma realidade fenomenal única [Huizinga (1938[Huizinga ( ) 2016. O jogo, por sua essência, cria um ambiente fenomenológico separado do mundo que o cerca, onde uma nova experiência se desdobra para os que adentram, i.e., tornam-se jogadores. ...
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Neste artigo, exploramos a experiência dos jogadores de videogame em termos de percepção e imagética mental. Adotamos uma abordagem inter/transdisciplinar, combinando neurociência cognitiva, fenomenologia e Game Studies. Introduzimos o conceito de imagem-ludo para abordar a complexidade da experiência com videogames, destacando o papel da percepção de affordances e da cognição incorporada nesse processo. Concluímos que a percepção de imagens em videogames evoca uma resposta lúdica que imerge o jogador em uma sensação de jogo antes da possibilidade de interação.
... In the eleventh chapter of Homo Ludens, Johann Huizinga commented on the importance of Romanticism to foster playfulness in the taste of modern European societies. If the "romantic current" was "the more powerful" in bringing about "an unparalleled rise in aesthetic enjoyment" (Huizinga, 1938(Huizinga, /1980) and the Romantic sensibility did indeed spread during the 1800s across Europe and overseas, Huizinga was likely considering the fate of the German strand. It was, after all, his neighbor country, and the region where the Romantics produced key works in the decades of 1790 and 1800, more specifically between 1797 and 1802, in a period known as Frühromantik (Beiser, 2003, p. 45). ...
... In the eleventh chapter of Homo Ludens, Johann Huizinga commented on the importance of Romanticism to foster playfulness in the taste of modern European societies. If the "romantic current" was "the more powerful" in bringing about "an unparalleled rise in aesthetic enjoyment" (Huizinga, 1938(Huizinga, /1980) and the Romantic sensibility did indeed spread during the 1800s across Europe and overseas, Huizinga was likely considering the fate of the German strand. It was, after all, his neighbor country, and the region where the Romantics produced key works in the decades of 1790 and 1800, more specifically between 1797 and 1802, in a period known as Frühromantik (Beiser, 2003, p. 45). ...
... 1. Anticipating the anthropological approach of Homo Ludens (Huizinga, 1938(Huizinga, /1980 Schiller firstly points that he is taking the common meaning of the word as a reference: "The term is fully warranted by the usage of speech, which is accustomed to denote by the word play everything that is neither subjectively nor objectively contingent, and yet imposes neither outward nor inward necessity" (Schiller, 1795/2004 16 . He argues that, as with beauty, play is formally a structured event (that is what makes it non contingent) whose constraints are voluntarily respected by the participants (hence it "imposes neither outward nor inward necessity"). ...
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Friedrich Schiller is a pioneer in the study of play. In his Letters on the Aesthetic Education of Man (1795), he reflected on the need for an aesthetic education to face the dehumanizing process of modern culture. He diagnosed the fragmentation of the subject due to the increasing rationalization of society that ultimately leads to a political fracture between the individual and the State. The way to restore the integrity of a human being, he argued, was aesthetic education. A central part of his aesthetic thinking is a mixture of formalist and action-oriented philosophy of play. In this contribution, I set two goals. The first is to assess the historical importance of Friedrich Schiller as a precursor of contemporary theories of play. To do so, I outline his theory of human impulses and explain the formation of his concept of play. I show in which way it precedes classical works like Johan Huizinga’s Homo Ludens (1938). In the second place, I comment on the current value of Schiller’s aesthetics of play and argue for the possibility of a playful mood in non–ludic contexts.
... from everyday life" (2006, p. 257). Gambling's graphic design emerged from specific values, meanings and spatial regimes generated over three centuries of more or less strictly regulated games for money in Western Europe and its settler colonies (Huizinga, 1955;Caillois, 2001;Goffman, 2006;Kingma, 2011). While regulated commercial gambling is now recognized and tolerated in many jurisdictions as a legitimate business and a valued contributor to state revenues, it is not without criticism and reliably produces news of corruption, compulsive consumption, or fraud. ...
... This has seen brands such as Caesars Entertainment become incorporated into the everyday life of social media users through gaming apps where players can gamble for play currency. Puncturing the magic circle (Huizinga, 1955;Moore, 2011;Salen & Zimmerman, 2004) that historically separated gambling from everyday routines, these products let real and simulated wagering intermesh with the player's daily activities. ...
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Digitally mediated social networking is now an ordinary aspect of everyday life and gambling platforms are designed accordingly. This article explores how changing iconography has facilitated gambling’s rapid integration within social media and interactive entertainment products and platforms. While there is a substantial literature in cultural studies of digital video games and virtual worlds, most of the academic literature on gambling addresses clinical and regulatory challenges associated with problem gambling. As a consequence, the role of visual iconography, gameplay, narrative and soundscapes in constructing cultural spaces and products of gambling has been largely neglected. Critically engaging with established and emerging theories of mimesis and play, we explore how visual design facilitates the growth of new markets for gambling in a digital culture that privileges interactive forms of consumption.
... De acordo com Huizinga (1938Huizinga ( /2017, o jogo pode ser considerado como: uma atividade livre, conscientemente tomada como 'não-séria' e exterior à vida habitual, mas ao mesmo tempo capaz de absorver o jogador de maneira intensa e total. É uma atividade desligada de todo e qualquer interesse material, com a qual não se pode obter qualquer lucro, praticada dentro de limites espaciais e temporais próprios, segundo uma certa ordem e certas regras. ...
... O ritual pode se desenvolver naturalmente num contexto de jogo, no entanto a expressão do sentido lúdico daquela experiência encontra-se constantemente ameaçada pela razão. É justamente o arrebatamento, a vertigem, o êxtase, a suspensão da razão, que torna a experiência do ritual e do jogo uma experiência lúdica e sagrada: "é nos domínios do jogo sagrado que a criança, o poeta e o selvagem encontram um elemento comum" (Huizinga, 1938(Huizinga, /2017. Todas as práticas e costumes que ameaçam, portanto, a expressão do lúdico são consideradas profanas por Huizinga. ...
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The Portuguese Language Sports Philosophy Association (AFDLP) is pleased to announce the launch of the book Filosofia do Desporto, the first publication resulting from the 1st Congress of Sports Philosophy, held in 2023 in Coimbra. Coordinated by Constantino Pereira Martins and Luísa Ávila da Costa, this work brings together contributions from leading thinkers, academics and professionals in the field, addressing issues such as ethics, aesthetics, anthropology and the complexity of sport as a human and cultural practice. This book inaugurates an editorial sequence that includes, for the first quarter of 2025, the launch of the first two editions of the new Athletica - Journal of Sports Philosophy. These publications aim to consolidate philosophical reflection on sport and promote interdisciplinary dialog between academia and sports practice. We invite anyone interested to explore this book, which is a milestone in the construction of a community of thought in Portuguese dedicated to the Philosophy of Sport. The PDF of the book is available for free reading and sharing on the official AFDLP website: For more information, interviews or copies, please contact: A Associação de Filosofia do Desporto em Língua Portuguesa (AFDLP) tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do livro Filosofia do Desporto, a primeira publicação resultante do I Congresso de Filosofia do Desporto, realizado em 2023, em Coimbra. Coordenado por Constantino Pereira Martins e Luísa Ávila da Costa, esta obra reúne contribuições de destacados pensadores, académicos e profissionais da área, abordando temas como ética, estética, antropologia e a complexidade do desporto enquanto prática humana e cultural. Este livro inaugura uma sequência editorial que inclui, para o primeiro trimestre de 2025, o lançamento das duas primeiras edições da nova Athletica – Revista de Filosofia do Desporto. Estas publicações visam consolidar a reflexão filosófica sobre o desporto e promover o diálogo interdisciplinar entre a academia e a prática desportiva. Convidamos todos os interessados a explorar esta obra, que se apresenta como um marco na construção de uma comunidade de pensamento em língua portuguesa dedicada à Filosofia do Desporto. O PDF do livro encontra-se disponível gratuitamente para leitura e partilha no site oficial da AFDLP: Para mais informações, entrevistas ou exemplares, por favor, contacte: 978-989-35970-0-2
... The variety, complexity, and possibilities of play are remarkable. For Huizinga (1970), play is the foundation of culture. Huizinga (1970) views that culture arises in the form of play. ...
... For Huizinga (1970), play is the foundation of culture. Huizinga (1970) views that culture arises in the form of play. According to Caillois (2001), play combines limits, convention, freedom, and invention. ...
Considering the projected impacts of climate change in upcoming decades, innovative educational approaches should encourage inventive problem-solving techniques and societal change, fostering transformative climate adaptation. The value of drama in climate adaptation education remains a novel area in the environmental education research literature and requires further exploration of its potential benefits to Climate Change Education (CCE). This article presents a proposal for CCE to include various elements in a drama workshop by evaluating a methodological framework. Participants in the workshop studied the vulnerabilities that arose from flooding and droughts while dramatizing different social conflicts to develop building adaptation scenarios. Through the exploration of problems via playful activities, participants collaboratively construct narratives and texts rich with meaning, based on a critical and creative perception of themes, needs, desires, and overlapping ideologies. This short-term experience manifests efficacy in elucidating the underpinnings of social systems structures, human values, and motivations. This article analyzes workshop results, providing a pedagogical structure and theoretical foundation, contributing to a better comprehension of drama in education and the creation of capacities towards CCE.
... En este orden de ideas, como antecedente al término de gamificación se tendría que remontar la indagación a mediados del siglo XX, en donde era más común referirse a este como ludificación, aunque no tuviera el mismo objetivo. En otras palabras, partiendo desde su raíz latina "ludus" Huizinga (1949) refiere al Homo ludens como una acepción al "hombre que juega", reconociendo que jugar está más asociado desde la libertad y la espontaneidad, mientras que el juego, el cual se deriva de la gamificación, tiene una estructura con unos fines enfocados a los resultados, por lo que se precisa no solo de partir del interés de las personas sino también de propiciar un aprendizaje significativo por medio de la solución de problemas (Kapp, 2012). ...
... Teniendo en cuenta lo antes dicho, si bien para Huizinga (1949) se puede aprender a través de la experiencia del juego, no es hasta que Csikszentmihalyi (1990) trae a colación un estado llamado flow o fluir, que se puede empezar a establecer un proceso estructurado en vías de fortalecer el aprendizaje. Este estado, lleva a que el usuario se sumerja tanto en la experiencia, que activa sentimientos de plenitud, los cuales dan como resultado una concentración superlativa, pero es necesario tener en consideración ciertos elementos: por un lado, que la habilidad del sujeto para desarrollar una tarea, como el nivel del reto proyectado hacia un "jugador" estén al mismo nivel, y, por otro lado, que se haga una buena retroalimentación del desempeño presentado por el individuo (Aguilera et al., 2014). ...
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En la educación del siglo XXI, poco a poco se han llevado a la marcha nuevos objetivos, desde el manejo de una segunda lengua, hasta el desarrollo de competencias digitales. En este sentido, el propósito del ensayo fue determinar el efecto de la implementación de una estrategia gamificada, para el fortalecimiento de la competencia comunicativa en el área de idioma extranjero inglés, en estudiantes de básica primaria. El presente ensayo se enmarco en el método inductivo, en el paradigma humanista, con enfoque cualitativo, de tipo interpretativo, y con un diseño narrativo de tópico. Con base a lo antes dicho, se darán a conocer los antecedentes históricos, investigativos y la fundamentación teórica para soportar los efectos de la gamificación, en el fortalecimiento de la competencia comunicativa en inglés. De este modo, se buscaría impactar con el rendimiento académico del estudiante en inglés, el desempeño que presente en pruebas estandarizadas y su futuro desarrollo como profesional.
... Huizinga tarafından oyun, genellikle zevk veya eğlence için gerçekleştirilen özgür, eğlenceli ve temel bir etkinliktir (Huizinga, 2014). "Oyun, belli bir amaca yönelik olan ya da olmayan, kurallı ya da kuralsız gerçekleştirilebilen, fakat her durumda çocuğun isteyerek ve hoşlanarak yer aldığı; fiziksel, bilişsel, dilsel, duygusal ve sosyal gelişimin temeli olan, gerçek hayatın bir parçası ve çocuk için en etkin öğrenme sürecidir" (Dönmez, 1999: 12-13). ...
... Los agones reflejaban una cierta forma de violencia controlada, regulada por reglas estrictas para preservar el orden social (Murray, 1999). La lucha en el juego, incluida la violencia controlada, forma parte de una cultura de competencia simbólica presente en aquellas antiguas competiciones griegas (Huizinga, 1955). El fair play es un legado directo de este principio: la victoria no es válida si no se alcanza de manera honesta y respetuosa. ...
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Trasnochada queda ya la exaltación y la hipérbole de los valores deportivos clásicos de la cultura griega, cantados periódicamente en sus juegos Olímpicos, Ístmicos, Píticos, Nemeos y Panateneas. La posmodernidad arrolladora, con su confusión de valores y principios ad hoc, ha tergiversado aquellos fundamentos modernos que había reinstaurado, de la mano de Coubertain, el movimiento olímpico decimonónico finisecular. Con el paso del tiempo, que hace mella en la literalidad y en la cronología de los acontecimientos históricos, nos hemos visto arrojados desde el agón griego al ludus romano, sin aparente solución de continuidad; cuando en realidad, este lapso representó un salto cuántico en la comprensión, en la teoría y en la práctica del fenómeno deportivo fundante de nuestra tradición grecorromana.
... Gamification has become a popular educational innovation strategy among thousands of teachers worldwide in recent years, with the goal of enhancing students' learning motivation (González, 2019;Kapp, 2012;Llorens et al., 2016). The game as a didactic strategy is one of the most used resources in teachinglearning processes since it constitutes the natural way of learning as a universal activity of human beings (Huizinga, 1955). In this sense, The primary goal of gamification is to enhance motivation by incorporating game characteristics into non-game environments, the best-known definition being "the use of game design elements in non-game contexts" (Deterding et al., 2011). ...
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This chapter explores the use of gamification and immersive learning in virtual learning environments using augmented and virtual reality. Gamification has been widely adopted as an educational innovation strategy to enhance students' motivation and engagement. The chapter provides an overview of gamification in teaching and learning, including its application in different environments and methodologies. The educational experience described in this chapter demonstrates the effectiveness of gamification in motivating students and promoting active engagement in virtual environments. The study uses successful video games like Among Us as inspiration for gamification activities and showcases various techniques that combine different virtual environments. Overall, the study provides insights into the potential of gamification and immersive learning in enhancing student motivation and academic performance in higher education.
... With enough play, the brain works better and applies what it learns through play in other contexts (Brown & Vaughan, 2010). Huizinga (1949) defines play as a free activity, not too serious, which absorbs the player intensely and completely, is not tied to a material interest, and from which no profit can be made. Games take place within their own limits of time and space, according to fixed rules and in an orderly manner (p. ...
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Games, play and gamification, used in organized public library programs, are ways in which libraries can attract a larger audience, especially those who are not yet interested in reading. In this way, contact with the library would enable them to find out about other resources that these cultural institutions offer, thus encouraging them to become regular patrons of non-game services. This paper aims to find out whether these new ways have been used in activities carried out with the public in the Bucharest Metropolitan Library. Research on games, play and gamification in public libraries is very limited in Romania and it could benefit researchers and librarians alike. A content analysis was done on the posts made on Facebook in 2023 by the Bucharest Metropolitan Library. The findings of the study showed that games, play and gamification were used mostly in thematic activities combined with reading, learning and creative workshops. Collaboration with institutions, associations and other organizations has increased the quality of the services offered. The research is valuable in that it presents activities in which librarians have used games, play and gamification, thus offering ideas for all Romanian librarians who could implement these tools on a larger scale in our public libraries.
... On the other hand, looking at the historical background of the phenomenon, it is seen that this act is older than human thought, with its history dating back to prehistoric societies and even animals, dating back to much earlier than modern times. In this way, anthropologist Johan Huizinga (2017) claimed that play could be used to form human culture, and he supported the idea that play is older than culture; that is, humans are people who play games. From the beginning of the historical process, it can be observed that an act, which influences the creation of culture, has had a close relationship with architecture, which is another cultural mechanism. ...
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Creating mediums that respond to the anticipated movements of users and thereby increase interaction potential via these spaces is the common purpose of both architecture and games. Those two phenomena have always influenced each other and evolved after the close design approach. As a result, the interaction between these two actions has shaped the built environment. Along with the modern era, the praxis of architecture in a western way has evolved to concentrate on result-oriented, close-ended, singular designs. Nonetheless, in the praxis of the game, the emphasis has always been on the players and their interactions with others. In the digital era, one could assume that reconnecting these two praxes would generate creative insights into space and the body. By examining digital games and architecture in the context of shared experiences, the study aims to question the possibility of comparative research between contemporary architecture and digital games through the agential structure. Research suggests that reexamining digital games with a spatial point of view has the potential to look at those practices from an outsider's perspective. Both games and buildings, as creators of immersive environments that expand based on the player's participation, share characteristics in narration/functionality and actual/interpretive dichotomies within the contexts of exploration and psychological reflection, respectively. This study is an attempt to illustrate that thinking through a comparative study in the context of actual mechanical, actual fictional, interpretive mechanical, and interpretive fictional situations between architecture and digital games. It tries to demonstrate situations of spatial agency through readings on building-game dualities such as Modern Architecture-Action Games, Postmodern Architecture-Narrative Games. The research methodology in this study is logical argumentation, which is applied to the architecture literature using ludic concepts. Finally, as an alternative approach to the spatial, ludic spaces, which are ephemeral environments that mediate cognitive senses and where bodies have appropriated the space, have been proposed. Within that perspective, bodies may feel more responsible for their environments, and the tendency toward status-quo design methodologies based on form-narrative hybridization could be overcome in one respect.
... O conceito de círculo mágico descreve o fenômeno de criação de um suposto espaçotempo paraleloà realidade no qual as atividades lúdicas de desenvolvem [Huizinga 1938]. No contexto de jogos digitais, [Ferreira e Falcão 2016] propõem compreender o círculo mágico como uma propriedade da estrutura dos jogos, que exerce uma função mediadora e facilita o diálogo do jogador entre jogo e realidade. ...
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Este artigo explora o conceito do círculo mágico, elemento intimamente ligado à catarse da atividade lúdica e descreve a imersão do jogador em um mundo virtual, distinto da realidade, onde ele pode explorar e aprender as regras desse novo ambiente. A imersão é fundamental para o envolvimento dos jogadores e é alcançada, dentre outros fatores, por meio do level design e da narrativa. Nesse artigo, fez-se um estudo de caso de como o jogo Tunic utiliza técnicas de arquitetura, narrativa, level design e metalinguagem para criar uma experiência de jogo imersiva e completa, destacando a importância de responder aos desejos e habilidades dos jogadores, criar laços emocionais com os personagens e fornecer desafios e recompensas significativas.
... Embora existam variadas propostas quanto à definição de jogos, pode-se afirmar que alguns elementos convergem [Cruz and Garone 2013] [Huizinga 1955] apresenta uma definição bastante aceita: "jogar deve ser uma atividade voluntária e livre de interesses materiais". Um jogo cria o que o autor define como "círculo mágico", em que os jogadores se engajam em um mundo temporário, com suas próprias regras de funcionamento. ...
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O desenvolvimento de jogos digitais tem atraído a atenção de estudantes de graduação na área de Tecnologia da Informação. Este artigo apresenta um instrumento de avaliação da experiência de jogador (player experience) utilizado na disciplina Jogos Digitais de um curso de graduação. A avaliação utiliza um questionário fundamentado no modelo de Tétrade Elementar de design de jogos. Três jogos desenvolvidos pelos estudantes foram avaliados quanto à experiência de jogador. O estudo contribui com uma metodologia de avaliação e apresenta um instrumento para avaliar a experiência do jogador, o qual pode ser aplicado em contextos educacionais de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais.
... Es un edificio que produce rechazo porque es un lugar que impone la rigidez de lo académico sobre cualquier aspecto lúdico o relacional y contradice los discursos de innovación o renovación pedagógica que se escuchan en las aulas. En este aspecto, el edificio ejerce de transmisor de una educación tradicional que habla más del homo faber que del homo ludens que reclamaba Huizinga (1949). Seguramente es relevante el hecho de que el edificio se construyó entre 1967 y 1969 en plena época del desarrollismo franquista y que, aunque se ha sometido a reformas parciales, estos cambios no alcanzan la velocidad de las transformaciones sociales y tendencias pedagógicas. ...
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Este artículo explora las colisiones estéticas presentes en el edificio de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la USC como una investigación artográfica que involucra al alumnado y el profesor de la asignatura de Procesos y estrategias en fotografía y arte contemporáneo del Máster Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Didácticas Específicas para Educación Infantil y Primaria. La metodología de investigación se basa en la deriva estática siguiendo el modelo de Guy Debord mediante registro fotográfico. Las fases del proyecto incluyen la documentación teórica sobre deriva artística, el espacio educativo como tercer maestro y la percepción visual inspirada en el experimento literario Tentativa de agotamiento de un lugar parisino de Georges Perec. La fotografía se implementa como instrumento para documentar detalladamente el que ha sido el hábitat académico del alumnado durante cinco años. Seguidamente se crea un fotomontaje colectivo en el que las narrativas visuales se construyen mediante la interacción de texturas, colores, formas geométricas, elementos subjetivos, emocionales y críticos. La obra es el resultado de la deriva estática que muestra viajes texturales, ecos del espacio, geometrías efímeras y exploraciones cromáticas, revelando la lengua secreta del espacio compartido.
... Three famous examples might be the definitions of Huizinga, Vygotsky and Rubin. According to Huizinga (1955), play is a free activity standing quite consciously outside 'ordinary' life as being 'not serious,' but at the same time absorbing the player intensely and utterly. He defines that one of the purposes of play is escaping reality and trying different roles and perspectives. ...
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The global economy is at a turning point, having reached its limit long ago after many decades of fossil fuel economy and growth thinking. Moreover, the world is becoming increasingly complex, accompanied by social, political, climate and technological challenges. The global COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the interdependence and interconnectedness of different systems. Organizations that have to constantly adapt and reinvent themselves to changing situations require leaders who have learned to think in a connected way, to experiment, to endure uncertainty and, above all, to change their mental models. In recent years, organizations invested considerable effort and resources to developing and enhancing the leadership skills of managers through various forms of Design Thinking tools and Design methods. Nevertheless, the complexity for human and ecological problems asks for a further education of leadership actors, towards a new leadership mindset – beyond Design Thinking methods. Current leadership training programs aim to develop individual skills and growth of leadership without considering this in a systemic context and promoting the systemic perspective. How can a Systemic Design Oriented Leadership (SDOL) play kit – developed in co-creation – enable tomorrow‘s leaders to see the whole picture and to be ready for systemic decisions that are sustainable and social? The central objective of this paper is to investigate to which extent Systems Thinking as a ludic intervention can influence the personality development of managers to act in a socially sustainable way in order to transform corporate structures.
... El campo de inmersión que los juegos pueden crear es como un círculo mágico (Huizinga, 1955). Antiguamente, en las denominadas artes ocultas o magia, los hechizos y rituales resultaban efectivos solo si se lanzaban desde dentro de un círculo mágico (formado con velas, objetos mágicos o símbolos). ...
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El presente texto aborda el fenómeno del deseo humano de trascender a realidades alternativas de manera inmersiva. Esta exploración se hace a través de una tipología de la inmersividad a la luz de recursos para alcanzarla: tecnología, inputs sensoriales, narratividad y gamificación. El objetivo general es coadyuvar a la pedagogía de la inmersividad. Se implementó un análisis usando la tipología propuesta en un estudio de caso, el videojuego inmersivo REZ. Sin pretender ser exhaustiva, la tipología propuesta busca abrir el debate sobre las limitaciones y las potencialidades combinadas de los distintos modos de la inmersividad en una época de transmedialidad.
... As a result, players can assert agency on games in ways that reflect their own experiences and rethink who or what is privileged in the ludic space. Huizinga (1949) explained how play and gaming occur within a magic circle -a delineated space with unique rules, norms, and conditions of interaction. Iterating on this model of play, game studies scholars have highlighted how elements of out-of-game contexts (e.g., relationships, values, prior knowledge) can bleed into in-game contexts (Stenros and Bowman 2018;White, Boss, and Harviainen 2012). ...
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This connective ethnographic case study highlights how three Brazilian immigrant children (ages 6-8) engaged in critical play on an online gaming platform called Roblox. Specifically, we examine how participants navigated and interacted in a Roblox minigame titled, Brookhaven. Brookhaven is a type of virtual domestic role-play in which players perform aspects of daily life with avatars in a digital town. Thinking with theories of critical play, restorying, and transnational childhoods, this paper considers how participants leveraged sociotechnical skills with their transnational experiences and imaginaries to build community in a mononational and ideologically precarious playspace. Our findings demonstrate how the children engaged in glitching and (re)placement practices to forward justice-oriented play across digital and analog contexts. Implications for this study advocate for assets-based explorations of young users' play-based design practices that affirm and value their existence.
... Dolls have proven to be tools of control to impose gender roles on children, but also objects of play that have allowed them to explore their identity and express themselves freely through their own imagination recreated in another body (Gutiérrez, 2019). Playing with dolls creates experiences and fantasies, which help us develop a deeper awareness of our surroundings (Huizinga, 1949). ...
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This article examines the role of dolls in the history of Kenya, from before colonization to the contemporary era. Dolls, female figures molded by what society dictates as being a woman, are powerful symbols handed down to girls, reflecting cultural and identity values. In pre-colonial societies, dolls were playmates that prepared the girl for societal care or fertility amulets, indicating to the adolescent her responsibility for the community's survival. With colonization came the uprooting and death of many traditions. The few dolls that survived became symbols of resistance against British cultural hegemony, and nowadays, they can be seen as forms of mnemonic activism. Additionally, the arrival of the white doll in the hands of local girls helped many grow trapped in an intricate paradox: they wanted to be seen as beautiful and valuable according to Eurocentric standards while also wishing to celebrate their unique cultural identities. In response to this situation, several Kenyan women entrepreneurs have created modern dolls representing the diversity of the country, but their challenge is to compete in a market where the white doll is always cheaper.
... According to many theorists (one of them being the highly influential American sociologist GH Mead), play has of course always had a socialising function, while a common misconception is that play is antithetical to seriousness, as the Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga details in the first chapter of Homo Ludens, one of the most important studies ever written on games. See Ritzer, 1996;Huizinga, 2016. and become aware of disinformation strategies. Similar games are also available on initiatives aimed at combating fake news, such as Stop Fake Bingo on the Stop Fake website (StopFake Bingo, n.d.). ...
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This article addresses the topic of fake news prevention. It approaches it from the perspective of crime prevention by looking at legislative and situational measures. The authors explain that this criminal behaviour is by no means new, but has changed recently with the rise of social media and the frequent use of the term fake news by politicians and mainstream media. So a reconsideration of the phenomenon in an era of network societies is warranted. This paper recognises the importance of dissemination of fake news in the above context and the need to combat this contemporary online harm, while at the same time critically analyses the existing legislative and non-legislative mechanisms to prevent the dissemination of fake news or mitigate their effects. The authors take an international perspective in their analysis of legislative efforts and also discuss the endemic limits/ barriers related to international harmonisation, but also other important issues such as the protection of fundamental rights, the crime displacement and the difficulty for the law in this area to keep pace with technological developments. Finally, the paper makes recommendations to increase efficiency in the fight against the dissemination of fake news online by taking a multimodal approach that combines the strongest responses in a network of mutually reinforcing measures to address the problem holistically, as is appropriate in contemporary networked societies.
... What is emerging from the literature is that play is not restricted to childhood. Early philosophical notions of play, community and interaction suggest that play is a precursor and principal element of culture [13]. Despite this, it has been noticed that "most American adults have little respect for play, for themselves or, increasingly, for their children" [14]. ...
This paper suggests that recent developments in video game technology have occurred in parallel to play being moved from public into private spaces, which has had impact on the way people interact with games. The paper also argues and that there is potentially value in the creation of public play spaces to create opportunities to utilise both technology and body for the benefit of community culture and experiences through gaming. Co-located social gaming coupled with tangible interfaces offer alternative possibilities for the local video game scene. This paper includes a descriptive account of Rabble Room Arcade, an experimental social event combining custom-built tangible interface devices and multiplayer video games. The event was designed around games that promoted a return to simplicity through the use of unique tangible controllers to allow casual gamers to connect to the game and to each other, whilst also transforming the event into a spectacle.
... Johan Huizinga (1955), no início da segunda metade do século XX, afirmava que não existe diferença formal entre um jogo e um ritual quotidiano da sociedade. Assim, uma mesa de cartas, um corte de ténis, ou um livro, são, em forma e função, campos de jogo, locais controlados, cercados, nos quais mergulhamos e os quais se regem por premissas específicas que os controlam. ...
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Os videojogos têm-se revelado uma área em exponencial evolução nos últimos anos. Esta área tem uma estreita relação com a arquitetura quer sob o ponto de vista do seu processo de conceção quer sob o ponto de vista da necessidade de criar espaços habitáveis. Este trabalho começa por criar um enquadramento cronológico do desenvolvimento gráfico dos videojogos descrevendo, em seguida, o processo de conceção de um videojogo, principalmente, do ponto de vista da conceção do espaço e da arquitetura. São em seguida analisados alguns exemplos de videojogos, organizados segundo uma proposta de categorização representativa dos vários tipos de espaços. Por fim, de modo a validar a caracterização feita e analisar as características espaciais, estéticas e estruturais de cada tipo de videojogo, são realizados testes de usabilidade com vários jogadores. Estes testes permitem reconhecer o grau de perceção dos jogadores em relação ao espaço de cada videojogo, com o objetivo de identificar de que modo a arquitetura influencia a experiência de jogo de cada utilizador. As nossas conclusões apontam para a não existência de evidências suficientes que mostrem que os jogadores são sensíveis a questões arquitetónicas incoerentes presentes nos videojogos, mas que reagem a estímulos do espaço.
... Their goal is to provide players with a pleasant experience; individuals play games freely with no other reason than a desire to have fun. However, game participants receive more than just a good time; they also learn, share, and construct culture (Huizinga, 1950, as cited in Gámez, 2009). The terms "game" and "play" refer are part of each other. ...
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This study explores the portrayal of political ideologies in popular video games, which are Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Battlefield 3. As games often contain real-world references, meanings, and themes, they have the potential to convey ideological and political messages to players and shape their perspectives on political issues. Using a qualitative research methodology, the study examines the language, with visual and auditory elements, present in the cutscenes and during the gameplay of these games. The analysis employs van Dijk’s socio-cognitive approach (2000, 2006) to decipher the games’ embedded ideological messages. The findings indicate that game developers perpetuate the hegemonic ideology of US military power. The developers also portray Arabs as the main source of terrorism and reinforce negative stereotypes of Iran and Russia.
... This creates implications where children's right to participate and play (Children's Rights Alliance, 2010; Williams 2013) and relevant policies are failing to be met (Play England 2013). Children must participate actively in their play because their instinct drives them to it, serving to develop their bodily faculties and their powers of selection (Huizinga, 1950) as evident through their navigation with their self-rhythm. Children appear to be much better monitors of how to create, enhance and participate meaningfully in their own play (Sutterby, 2005). ...
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Routines are the backbone of what is deemed a high-quality early years environment. When routines are converted into an adult-regimented timetable that informs the day-to-day experiences of children, a daily routine becomes a power structure that interferes with the self-rhythm of a child, deciding when they can eat, play and go outside, while demanding desired behaviours and imbedding social norms. When a routine is designed for children and not by children, it presents a practical dilemma where children’s participatory rights appear to be valued in theory but not implemented in practice. By focusing on the daily routine of an early childhood environment through a Foucauldian lens, this research explored the power dynamics that existed between adult educators and children aged 2-4 years to understand how children’s forms of expression within an adult-designed daily routine shaped children's level of participation. Data collection was conducted by children positioned as co-researchers equipped with head-mounted GoPro cameras to record their daily routines in outdoor play, art, snack and indoor free play. Video recall of their data collection during weekly focus groups provided opportunities for children to further express their views on the their experiences captured. The findings highlight the rawness of being a young child in early childhood education today and the way in which children used acts of obedience and resistance to feel heard, valued and to participate, but oftentimes were ignored or silenced by educators. Through the findings, the Ject Framework was developed which highlights the various ways children experience power and seek out ways to express themselves through the satisfaction of their self-rhythm. The Ject Framework is informed by the Six Participation Personas of Power (Active Conformist, Passive Conformist, Active Revolutionary, Passive Revolutionary, Secure Selective and Insecure Selective ) that were generated using children's documented experiences, highlighting how power dynamics can influence how a child participates. This research generates further insight into the implementation issues relating to children's participation rights, the role educational power structures play in silencing children while contributing further thinking and rethinking about the daily power being enforced on children and the impact this has on their ability to actively participate in their own lives.
... However, when it comes to moral reasoning as a player within a digital game world, there is likely to be conflict, as the player does not enter the world "empty, " but with preconceived notions of guilt, empathy, and sympathy (Krcmar and Cingel, 2016). Historically, the play has been separated from the mundane exercises of everyday non-virtual life (Huizinga, 1955;Sicart, 2020), however, Krcmar and Cingel (2016) mean that the playing of a game is not separable from real-life feelings of morality, making the magic circle within which the game is played, "porous" (2016:99). ...
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As video and computer games get increasingly more advanced, the immersive experience for the player of these games also follows this trajectory. In these games, one aspect that has been explored to the greatest extent is that of choice and player agency. Often, these choices and acts are of a moral character, whether it be choosing what to do on an ambiguously formulated questline with multiple branches or how to approach different creatures within the game world. The game The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt provides a case of a game that uses many mechanisms to explore issues related to moral and morality. Through a qualitative textual analysis of the game, this article explores how players are faced with the game’s moral order. Utilizing Singer’s idea of the expanding moral circle, this article explores the game world’s establishing of moral issues, including who and what are included in the expanding circle and in what way this is conveyed within the game. Relying on the dual nature of the gameplay, where players are role-playing as the Witcher Geralt of Rivia as well as experiencing what unfolds in the game in front of a screen, this article discusses how these moral orders–the one in the game world and the one in “real” life—intertwine the moral underpinnings of a digital game. This article also discusses how encounters with non-human animals often leave the player with very few choices regarding which to act, which is not presented as moral issues at all. Furthermore, this article discusses further development of the theoretical framework as a possible vantage point from where to understand morality and how it emanates in different game worlds.
In my 20,762-word essay, I present an ambitious account of the life and work of the American Jesuit Renaissance specialist and cultural historian and pioneering media ecology theorist Walter J. Ong (1912-2003; Ph.D. in English, Harvard University, 1955). In addition, I succinctly highlight two books by the Canadian Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor (born in 1931; doctorate in philosophy, Oxford University, 1961): (1) The Language Animal: The Full Shape of the Human Linguistic Capacity (2016); and (2) Cosmic Connections: Poetry in the Age of Disenchantment (2024) – both published by Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. In my discussion of Taylor’s new 2024 book Cosmic Connections, I especially highlight his chapters on Gerard Manley Hopkins and T. S. Eliot. In the text of my lengthy essay (pp. 1-44), I frequently list related works of interest. I hope that you feel the force of my associations. In any event, my alphabetized list of “References” at the end of my essay is rather lengthy (pp. 45-56).
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Language and communication skills trainers often encounter the problem that learners, while theoretically mastering the course contents, may appear shy and inhibited when it comes to actually practising spontaneous oral communication, particularly in a foreign language. Even university students who have to give presentations as part of their study programmes sometimes rely on prefabricated, memorised speech rather than daring to speak freely. Based on the author's more than 25 years of experience as an elocutionist, rhetorics trainer and university teacher, this paper focuses on the use of speech and theatre exercises that aim to assist students by preparing and encouraging them to speak self-confidently and without much preparation, thus fostering their abilities to improvise, and strengthening their trust in their own linguistic and rhetorical competencies. The methods presented here include speech exercises and tongue-twisters, which, besides their humorous effects, may enhance the students' phonetic fluency, in addition to rhetorical and debating activities, role-play scenarios and improvisation theatre exercises. The latter, in particular, are designed to free the learners' creativity and encourage them to "think outside the box", thus addressing what the Dutch historian Huizinga called the homo ludens (or, persona ludens in modernised Latin), rather than the laborious homo faber (and mulier fabra), as defined by Max Scheler and others.
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Th is film-esssay explores the boundaries between humans and crows – it challenges audiences to rethink their perceptions of nature. Adopting play as a methodology, I venture into the urban wild to explore the potential for interaction, goodwill, and interspecies friendships.
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This article discusses the possibility of using video game as an educational tool for children personal learning. Since the first video games were introduced in the 1970’s, people have been discussing both the negative and the positive effects of video games. Whereas most public address video games as the responsible party on degrading the academic grades and morale of children nowadays, people might have seemed to overlook the role that video games play in our lives by providing us with a medium to entertain ourselves. This article will first talk about a brief history of video games before continuing to discuss several opinions on video games. It will also look at the current discussions and debates regarding the use of video games as learning tools and education. This will then be followed by some concerns about the negative impact of video games as well as the reasons behind these concerns. It will then describe what aspects where video games can help ESL/EFL students in the personal learning, providing some examples in the process. Finally, some suggestions about how different interest groups can be involved to assist and maximize the use of video games for personal learning. It is my contention that video games can be a helpful tool for the ESL/EFL learners in their Personal Learning process at home.
Museums, as cultural spaces of fruition, are also places of knowledge that have always dwelled with educational purposes. Non-formal education is a recurrent topic in the agenda of all museums across the globe. In this digital era, they incorporate multimedia forms in order to address learning in a more intuitive, enjoyable and inclusive way. Nevertheless, the construction of digital experiences is always complex and involves several factors that are unrelated to learning per se. Digital educational activities in museums are delivered through exhibitions, educational services, and museum websites. To a certain extent, they have the goal of providing more visual and engaging learning activities to visitors. Even so, how do museums know if they are, in fact, delivering what they expected? The otherness that the technological paradigm created enhances spaces with digital solutions that are not always the right answer for learners’ constructed needs. With this in mind, we take a closer look into digital gamification, within which we intend to understand the motivational aspects that these introductions can potentially arouse in individuals, address some learning and memory processes, and summarise some helpful points that can underline the creation and implementation of gamified learning systems through otherness questioning in museums.
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When playing, children are naturally attracted to challenges. They spontaneously engage in activities that tests their boundaries and offer new experiences. The possibilities for children’s risky play have seriously decreased over the last few decades, due to the overprotective tendency in society. In response to this shift, research has increasingly focused on influencing factors on professional attitudes towards risk-taking in children’s play. This dissertation addresses the sometimes conflicting interests of various stakeholders in facilitating risky play in after-school childcare. These stakeholders include professionals, playing children, parents, and the organization, each serving as a potential agent of change. A model is presented, to identify factors that influence Dutch professionals supervising children’s risk-taking in their play. Through a qualitative field study in seven Dutch after-school childcare settings, the model’s factors are verified in practice. The study generates an advanced understanding of how children experience opportunities for risky play and provides new and improved approaches for policy and practice. The results reported suggest that the outdoor environment needs increased attention, children must be taken seriously in their risk-taking play, and their guiding practitioners need support in their autonomy to make enriched risk assessments.
Games are commonly designed to assist players in their progression, maintaining their attention and motivation until they achieve closure while presenting challenges that need to be overcome to progress. But not all games are designed with this in mind, and players do not always play to progress. When that happens, we call it stalling. In computer games, stalling is when players or the game system try to maintain a particular state, impeding player progression and the game from developing. This chapter explores stalling as an act of players and, alternatively, as an act of the game itself that can be designed or result from emergent behaviours. It presents a model composed of two axes—Player/Game and Transitory/Permanent—that generate four types of stalling: Squandering, Casting-off, Lingering, and Taunting. This model leads to the conclusion that stalling is a legitimate playing tactic and versatile strategy for the design of games.
Araştırma ile akıl ve zekâ oyunlarının önemine dikkat çekmek, bu oyunların okul içi ve okul dışı ortamlarda kullanılmasını sağlamak amacıyla, bireylerin üst bilişsel farkındalık, yaratıcı düşünme, sosyal beceri ve dikkat düzeylerine etkisi ve öğrenilenlerin kalıcılığı incelenmiştir. Ayrıca uygulama sürecini değerlendirmek için nitel veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırmada karma desenlerden açımlayıcı sıralı desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu, bir devlet okulunda öğrenim gören ve basit seçkisiz yöntemle seçilen 16 ilkokul dördüncü sınıf öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırmanın nicel verileri Çocuklar için Yaratıcı Düşünme Görevi (ÇYDG), Çocuklar için Üst Bilişsel Farkındalık Ölçeği-A Formu, Burdon Dikkat Testi ve Sosyal Beceri Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Ölçekler deneysel işlem öncesinde, sonrasında ve uygulamaların tamamlanmasından beş hafta sonra kalıcılık testi olarak uygulanmıştır. Deneysel işlem süreci sonunda yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerle öğrencilerin görüşleri alınmıştır. Nicel verilerin analizinde her bir değişken için Tekrarlı Ölçümlerde ANOVA yapılmıştır. Nitel veriler içerik analizi tekniğiyle çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlar, akıl ve zekâ oyunlarının öğrencilerin üst bilişsel farkındalık, yaratıcı düşünme, sosyal beceri ve dikkat gelişimini desteklediğini; yaratıcı düşünme ve dikkat üzerindeki kalıcı etkisini devam ettirdiği fakat üst bilişsel farkındalık ve sosyal beceri üzerindeki etkisinin devam etmediğini göstermektedir. Nitel verilerin çözümlenmesiyle bireylerin akıl ve zekâ oyunlarıyla edindiği becerileri okul dışı ve okul içi ortamlarda çeşitli şekillerde kullandığı bulunmuştur. Oyunları oynarken başarılı olabilmek için farklı yöntem ve stratejiler kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir.
Some summary considerations aimed at reflecting on the most relevant results that emerged during the research process. It focuses primarily on the process of network stabilization and the main concepts that have characterized the 20 years of construction of the European space of HE and the transformations induced by the pervasiveness of digital technology in universities.
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In game studies, ontology is the study of the nature of games: their mode of being or existence, and of variation within their domain. However, this is vastly complicated by the fact that game studies is constituted of a great variety of methodological and disciplinary approaches, many of which do not study the same type of phenomenon (e.g. an ethnographic vs. a technological approach). So the preliminary steps of any game ontol-ogy must be to first establish a meta-ontology (or more precisely, a meta-game-ontol-ogy), and then place itself within it. Since a comprehensive list of approaches (and due discussions of these) would demand much more space than can be allocated here, this approach will be fairly general, with many omissions and simplifications. The term ontology may refer to the general study of being and existence, or a particular theory of being and existence, but also to the meaning used in computer science, that of a formal mapping of an empirical domain (e.g., a railroad system), and the construction and use of such descriptions in implementing simulation-or control-software that accurately models behaviors, objects, and their relations within this domain. Game ontologies can have similar motivations: they can be highly specific formal models of the design space of games, or they can try to answer the general questions: What are games? What do they consist of? Where are they in relation to similar phenomena? Thus, we have at least two different types of game ontologies: (1) Formal or descriptive ontologies, asking what are the functional characteristics and components of game objects, and the relations between them; and (2) existential ontologies asking what are games and what kind of existence does a game have. Both types of ontologies presume that games exist, but neither is dependent on a formal definition of the concept of game in order to be meaningful. So the question of whether it is possible to define the category of games formally, introduced and answered in the negative by Wittgenstein (1953) and challenged (Suits, 1978) but never refuted, need not concern us here. "Games," like "texts" and "planets," is a historical term and not a scientific one, and trying to change it into a theoretical term would probably do more harm than good, were it to succeed. As Wittgenstein pointed out, we can still talk about games successfully without a definition, and, let me add, we can still describe games through formal models. The only risk is the possibility that we also will describe things that probably are not games, but this overproductivity matters not as long as the models convincingly describe the phenomena people call games. The most basic ontological concern regarding games is whether the word refers to an object or a process. Games are both object and process (a combination of states not dissimilar to the duality of language: langue/parole, paradigm/syntagm etc.), but the phrase "a game" will refer to either one or the other, not both. In most contexts, "I
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This work aims to introduce a general theory of humor elicitation and appreciation, the play-mirth theory, which is based on the cognitive appraisal perspective. Two experiments test the theory’s central hypothesis: that is, to experience humor, one must interpret (a) a stimulus as a playful turn and (b) the turn as consistent with their motives. In the first experiment, 104 undergraduate students rated the appraisal determinants of successful and failed humor experiences that they recalled. In the second experiment, appraisals of playful turn (i.e., present or absent), situational state (i.e., motive-inconsistent/motive-consistent), and motivational state (punishment/reward) were manipulated. Overall, 150 undergraduate students were exposed to the manipulated stimuli and answered a structured questionnaire. The findings provide the first experimental evidence that two appraisals (i.e., playful turn and motive-consistency) do elicit humor. Play-mirth hypothesis sufficiently differentiates humorous from nonhumorous experiences as well as mirth from other positive emotions such as joy, and relief.
The imperative to address climate change has led to innovative approaches, one of which is the application of gamification. This paper explores the potential of gamification to mitigate climate change by enhancing eco-education, simulating scientific scenarios, and providing policy feedback. It argues that gamification, through its ability to engage users in a “magic circle” of play, can foster a participatory culture that encourages behavioral changes aligned with climate mitigation strategies. The objective is to shift the focus from merely improving gamification's effectiveness to leveraging the gaming industry's potential to directly contribute to reducing personal carbon footprints and shaping power consumption habits through gaming. It concludes that gamification and the gaming industry can play a significant role in climate change mitigation by transforming players' behaviors and by establishing a virtual carbon credit market that incentivizes sustainable practices.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
Human behavior in cyber space is extremely complex. Change is the only constant as technologies and social contexts evolve rapidly. This leads to new behaviors in cybersecurity, Facebook use, smartphone habits, social networking, and many more. Scientific research in this area is becoming an established field and has already generated a broad range of social impacts. Alongside the four key elements (users, technologies, activities, and effects), the text covers cyber law, business, health, governance, education, and many other fields. Written by international scholars from a wide range of disciplines, this handbook brings all these aspects together in a clear, user-friendly format. After introducing the history and development of the field, each chapter synthesizes the most recent advances in key topics, highlights leading scholars and their major achievements, and identifies core future directions. It is the ideal overview of the field for researchers, scholars, and students alike.
This study aims to analyze some of the controversies and debates of ethnography focusing more on organizations. It is assumed that the interdisciplinary nature of ethnology in a common epistemological approach to the methodology of ethnography aims to engage with the world. The methodology used is based on reflective meta-analysis of the review of conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature. It is concluded that ethnography research offers promising ethnographic opportunities to support the theorizing of organizational and management practices.
This article aims to investigate the intricate relationship between play, creativity, and children’s participation. Key questions guiding this exploration include: What do we mean when we discuss children’s play? What meanings have been associated with playful activities? How are creativity and play interconnected? By examining the works of Johan Huizinga, Donald Winnicott, John Dewey, Jane Addams, and Martha Nussbaum, the study posits that children’s play is a fundamental expression of social and cultural engagement during childhood. Play not only facilitates children’s understanding and familiarity with the cultural dimensions of society but also encourages their active participation in the recreational aspects of life and self-exploration. Consequently, play emerges as an experience of creation, differentiation, and mutual recognition, fostering self-awareness and social interaction through the expression of daily attitudes and behaviours.
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This paper investigates the role of play in the liquid, according to Ζ. Bauman, postmodern relations. The research focuses on Christou Asteriou’s novel entitled “Isla Boa” (2012) which presents an «experiment of symbiosis» of a multi–ethnic group of players –a miniature of the globalized society– in a TV reality show. Ιn globalized societies where the risks may have unforeseen consequences, environments of security need to be constructed. Such environments could be provided by symbiotic models which demand the risk of trust relations. Αfter a critical appraise of the current relevance of Caillois’s classic study on play (1958), the potential contribution of specific forms of play (“agon”, “alea”, “mimicry”, “ilinx”) to the formation of social relations open to alterity is examined. A possible shift from antagonist games to symbiotic ones foregrounds “alea” as the main playing attitude that enhances the creation of the necessary, nowadays, conditions of risking trust relations.
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Sandra Beckett (2012) dedicated her seminal study to crossover picturebooks, which are equally interesting to older and younger recipients, i.e. to the crossover audience of children and adults. Intergenerational encounters in children’s literature and been studied as a form of intergenerational play that is beneficial for readers as players, regardless of their individual age. Picturebook creators use various strategies to incorporate crossover content and appeal to readers of different generations. This paper focuses on two kinds of such strategies: intertextuality which draws on historical and cultural source texts, and on intergenerational jokes. These are clarified by using examples from Emily Gravett’s picturebook The Rabbit Problem (2009).
Purpose This study aims to introduce an alternative model, “volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), Virtue and Vice” (3V’s), to unleash leadership skills, promote organisational collaborative change and impact sales performance during an unprecedented crisis. Design/methodology/approach The methodology outlines action research based on the 3V’s model and its application in an international business-to-business sales organisation during Covid-19. It explores alternative paths informed by play-at-work and Plato’s philosophy applied to work-based-learning. Each action/iteration adds to the model, which becomes more likely appropriate for various situations. Findings The 3V’s boosted change implementation and improved sales performance. The 3V’s conceptualised an invitation to immerse oneself in the constant “river of change” (VUCA) and a means of understanding the role of leadership in navigating this change by embracing simple rules: searching for justice (Virtue) and overcoming the barrier of public opinion (Vice). Research limitations/implications The 3V’s model is grounded in leadership literature and a sole application, providing real international data relevant to organisations and leaders. This has yet to be evaluated further. Practical implications 3V’s can enhance the understanding of a leading collaborative change and re-frame team dynamics in post-pandemic times for the broader public. Social implications The approach advocated is a practice of “swimming alongside the team”, which should enable empowerment and collaboration rather than a top-down direction. Focussing on leaders who are moral people, this approach becomes a differentiator in a digital world. Originality/value This study examines Plato’s philosophy, play-at-work and other leadership theories in a model which prepares organisations to respond to crisis by providing the ability to reflect on human aspects and straightforward, transferable skills.
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