
Economic Analysis of Law

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... From the 1950s until the 1970s, a group of scholars affiliated with the University of Chicago, including Ronald Coase, Gary Becker, and not least Richard Posner, developed the notion that laws and government regulations should be assessed in terms of their contribution to market efficiency rather than any public value goals (Davies 2010, Berman 2022. As a federal appellate judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals (1981-2017) and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, Posner (1973Posner ( , 1983 ideas and writings from the 1970s onwards on subjecting law to economic principles have proven particularly influential in the U.S. and subsequently also in Europe. Like Coase and Becker, he claims that economic theory is not a normative theory: It 'cannot tell us how society should be managed' (Posner 1973, p. 4). ...
... From the 1950s until the 1970s, a group of scholars affiliated with the University of Chicago, including Ronald Coase, Gary Becker, and not least Richard Posner, developed the notion that laws and government regulations should be assessed in terms of their contribution to market efficiency rather than any public value goals (Davies 2010, Berman 2022. As a federal appellate judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals (1981-2017) and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, Posner (1973Posner ( , 1983 ideas and writings from the 1970s onwards on subjecting law to economic principles have proven particularly influential in the U.S. and subsequently also in Europe. Like Coase and Becker, he claims that economic theory is not a normative theory: It 'cannot tell us how society should be managed' (Posner 1973, p. 4). ...
... Conversely, however, Posner repeatedly emphasizes how, because we live in a world of limited resources, efficiency should be a permanent concern for government regulations. For instance, Posner (1973) acknowledges that taxation may serve redistributive purposes, but that 'efficiency considerations also weigh -or should weigh -heavily' (p. 223, my emphasis). ...
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The rise of new financial transaction schemes enabled new forms of tax fraud in Europe in the 2010s. Despite extensive public attention to this issue, the political measures adopted to strengthen taxation control have remained remarkably lax. The article analyses the emergence and spread of US neoliberal problematisations of administrative burdens to the OECD, and how these problematisations coalesced with the development of standardized regulatory cost-benefit techniques. Focusing on the Danish case, this constellation of problematizations and techniques is argued to have worked as an economic tribunal, effectively obstructing the control of tax dividend reclaims. ARTICLE HISTORY
... Bytiak Extensive foreign literature is devoted to legal pragmatism. According to B. Butler [2], the most authoritative sources here are the works of M. Brint and V. Weaver [3], T. Kotter [4], M. Dickstein [5], D. Farber [6], T. Gray [7], N. McCormick [8], R. Posner [9][10][11][12][13], M. Radin [14], R. Rorty [15], M. Rosenfeld [16], V. Shutkin [17], S. Smith [18], B. Tamanagа [19], C. Wells [20] B. Butler includes R. Dworkin among the supporters of pragmatism, referring to his «Empire of Law», although in this and his other books, R. Dworkin is clearly an opponent of pragmatism. ...
... Such popularity of R. Posner is explained by the fact that he acts simultaneously as a legal scholar, as an economist, and as an authoritative judge. Already his 1972 work «Economic analysis of law» [10] brought the corresponding approach to the epicenter of interest of the wider legal community, and his subsequent works («Antimonopoly legislation from an economic point of view» [9] and «Economic theory of justice» [11]) provoked energetic discussions around the philosophical foundations of this direction of legal theory. ...
The views and ideas of thinkers and actors representing the direction of legal pragmatism and economic analysis of law, whose ideas had the greatest influence on the world philosophical and legal thought and the formation of the philosophical and legal views of judges, are considered. The interaction between the directions of legal pragmatism, economic analysis of law and the formation of judicial philosophy is shown. The highlighted role and significance of legal pragmatism and economic analysis of law for the development of the philosophy of justice, which should be in constant contact with current events and problems, thanks to which it would ensure its leading role in the development of legal theory and practice, through the influence on modern legal thought, in conditions of modern society.
... In terms of Cultural Studies (much as with Political Theology), after leaving behind the comparative-historical perspective, there was a refocusing on the idiosyncratic elements of the USA, which led to the tension and polarization between Traditional Cultural Studies (based on ethoslogos and of a consensual nature) and New Cultural Studies (with a con ictive nature and conceptualized according to pathos-mythos). Amongst the latest attempts by Traditional Cultural Studies to reformulate a legal-political sociology of consensus we must highlight the revival of American exceptionalism from comparativists and geopolitical theorists such as Lipset (1963Lipset ( , 1996, Huntington (2004), etc., or cultural analysts such as Almond & Verba (1963), or even economists, from New Political Economy, such as Fogel (1964Fogel ( , 2000, Fogel & Engerman (1974), Posner (1973) or Rothbard (1975Rothbard ( -1979Rothbard ( , 1995. ...
... Adding to this, it no longer conceives of migration as the ux of groups, organized by imposed communities (family and religion), but rather sees it as an individual phenomenon, with a selection of support structures (both legal and illegal): this is the marginal man theory (Goldberg, 1941;Park, 1928;Stonequist, 1937). Within the third generation, it must highlight the follow- Coase, 1937Coase, , 1960Posner, 1973Posner, , 1979, Public Choice & Constitutional Economics (i.e. Buchanan & Tullock, 1962;Brennan & Buchanan, 1985;Anderson, 1986;Buchanan, 1987), Possibilism & Institutional Analysis (i.e. ...
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This is a case study on migration management in the United States of America, according to the New Political Economy approach. Attention is paid to how Latin American immigrants are treated, given the change in public policies and their economic perception. There has been a shift from open-door immigration policies to raids and massive deportations, violating the founding principles of the United States and the key to its growth and development, since immigrants are not only a greater productive factor of work, but also bring knowledge, technologies and institutions that improve the competitiveness. Faced with this change in public powers, civil society has reacted, with a revitalization of the Sanctuary Movement. This study uses an explanatory methodology on the evolution of the academic disciplines and approaches dedicated to the research on religion-economics-migration relations, to focus its attention on the case study of the Sanctuary Movement.
... Buchanan'ın çalışması için bkz.:(Buchanan, 1974).6 Posner'in çalışması için bkz.:(Posner, 1973). ...
İyi bir hukuk sistemi ve düzeni olmadan, iyi işleyen bir iktisadi sistemden ve düzenden bahsetmek mümkün değildir. Hukukun üstünlüğü, ideal kurallar ve kurumların tesisi ve anayasal hukuk düzeni iktisadi sistemin ve düzenin başarısının temel faktörüdür. Bu anlamda iktisatçıların hukukun anlam ve önemi üzerinde durmaları önem arz etmektedir. Öte yandan iktisadi analiz ise hukukçular için önem arz etmektedir, çünkü hukukun eksikliklerinin ve hatalarının topluma maliyeti oldukça yüksektir. Bu durum, hukuk bilimini iktisadi düşüncelerden ve iktisat yöntemlerinden faydalanmayı gerekli kılmıştır. Hukukun iktisadi analizi tam bu noktada karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Her ne kadar günümüzde büyük ilgi gören yaklaşımlardan biri olsa da hukukun iktisadi analizi kendi içerisinde ciddi tutarsızlıklar barındırmakta ve eleştirilerin odağında yer almaktadır. Bu çalışma söz konusu tutarsızlıkların ve eleştirilerin kapsamlı bir analizini sunmaktadır.
... Political resistance also plays a role, often stemming from the close ties between policymakers and financial institutions. Posner (2007) discusses the resistance that financial institutions often exhibit toward regulatory reforms aimed at increasing transparency. Politicians may depend on financial sector contributions and lobbying, which can influence their stance on transparency reforms. ...
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This paper delves into the transformative impact of market transparency on financial crisis prevention, offering a comprehensive analysis of how transparency influences financial stability. The study begins by examining the role of transparency in mitigating information asymmetry, which is often a root cause of market inefficiencies and crises. Through case studies of the 2008 global financial crisis and the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, the paper illustrates how opaque financial practices and inadequate information dissemination led to significant economic downturns. The research also explores the post-crisis regulatory landscape, focusing on initiatives like the Dodd-Frank Act, which sought to enhance transparency through mandatory disclosures and stricter oversight. Additionally, the paper addresses the challenges of implementing transparency, such as resistance from financial institutions, technological hurdles, and the need for global coordination. By integrating emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence, the paper suggests that the future of market transparency is promising, with the potential to create more resilient financial systems. The findings underscore the necessity of transparency not only as a regulatory requirement but as a strategic imperative for fostering investor confidence, reducing systemic risk, and ensuring sustainable economic growth.
... it developed in the early 1960s and it has been finding its followers among legal theorists all over the world since the 1970s. 5 it has become one of the most developing areas of jurisprudence. the very emergence of economic analysis of law, understood as the research methodology used by economic studies for studying the law, was possible as a result of the development of legal realism, as well as sociological jurisprudence. ...
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Energy efficiency, understood as measuring energy consumption, is an important element of the energy policy of the state, in particular because of the problem of energy overconsumption by a rapidly growing population and dynamic economic development, particularly with regard to emerging markets and developing countries. Therefore, the issue of energy efficiency requires appropriate legal regulation and a suitable policy pursued by the public authorities. The aim of the article is to describe energy efficiency in the context of the basic assumptions of the economic analysis of law, as well as the importance of the norms of public economic law in the social market economy. The analysis considers the regulatory frameworks of energy efficiency at the level of the European Union and the selected Member State, namely Poland.
... Several studies argue that the flexibility of common law can better adapt to changes in the environment and promotes innovation (e.g. Posner 1973, Rubin 1977 and offer stronger protection to investors (La Porta et al, 1998). The association between institutions, such as legal traditions, institutions and economic development are well known (see the literature review by Fernández and Tamayo, 2017;He and Tian, 2020). ...
... The aforementioned disciplines are reinterpreted here, to analyze the issue of the gender paradox, via the neo-institutionalist approach (remember that it is considered a heterodox approachdespite being mainline or fundamental, Boettke et al, [47]; Sánchez-Bayón, [27,28], since unlike the mainstream or orthodoxy, it is one of the few lines of thought, together with the Austrian School, that is capable of putting an end to the romanticism of Politics and state paternalism -by revealing the hidden interests of its component actors) . It includes the following currents and a20pproaches: a) Law & Economics -L&E or (Coase [48,49]; Posner [50,51]), which allows us to question the incentives, efficiency and institutional quality of regulation and public policies, as well as the costs on public goods and how to improve with reallocations of property rights; b) Public Choice -PCh or Public Choice (Buchanan J, Tullock G [19], Anderson M [21]), serving to review how collective decisions are made (according to the maximization of interests of the economic agents that operate behind the State: bureaucrats, politicians and pressure and interest groups, above all), with their beneficiaries and those harmed (given the costs of consensus), taking into account hypotheses such as the endless agenda, clientelist networks, omnibus laws, the system of spoliation or distribution of the loot, nepotism, etc.; c) Constitutional Economics -CE or Constitutional Economics (Brennan and Buchanan [52]; Buchanan, [53,54]), favors the reduction of excess regulation, advocating for shorter and clearer laws, that establish basic and acceptable rules, thus allowing more exchanges and fewer costs of consensus, information 199and opportunity (in addition to avoiding perverse second-round effects, such as increased informality, corruption, etc.). ...
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This is a critical review on gender issues and its policies, to understand and to evaluate the impact of gender state interventionism, with its costs, failures, paradoxes and other unwanted effects. This review uses the theoretical and methodological frameworks from neo institutional approach (Law & Economics, Public Choice, Constitutional Economic, etc.), to build bridges between Economy, Law and Politics, without confusion among the social spheres and under the principle of reality, which rejects economic thaumaturgy, political romanticism and state paternalism. There is a historical-comparative review on the development of coercive implementation based on gender perspective and its agenda, from a macro-view to a micro level, focusing the attention on the Spanish case. There is a final statement of its results, to clarify what kind of incentives have been given the gender bills and policies, the level of efficiency and institutional quality to solve social problems, the risks of an endless agenda and other unwanted effects, but foreseeable according to the principle of reality.
... Como estruturas e mecanismos de ordem social, as instituições são um dos principais objetos de estudo nas ciências sociais, como a antropologia, a sociologia, a ciência política, a economia e a administração de empresas, entre outras (Scott, 2001). As instituições também são um tema central de estudo para o direito, o regime formal para a elaboração e implementação de regras (Posner, 1998). As instituições podem ser tanto as principais agrupações que estruturam a vida social, como qualquer outra organização ou corporação pública ou privada (Scott, 2001). ...
... Third, the transaction cost incurred by museums for copyright clearance as well as the attached risk and expected litigation cost might lower the overall economic incentives to make digital images and artworks available to online audiences, independent of the actual right status. In this way, our research contributes to the long-standing debate in the law and economics literature on resource allocation and transaction cost problems around the provisioning of exclusive property rights (Coase, 1960;Calabresi, 1960;Posner, 1972;Depoorter and Parisi, 2002;Marciano, 2012). 1 H.R. REP. NO. 105-452, at 4 (1998) (extending term of copyright protection to existing works "would provide copyright owners generally with the incentive to restore older works and further disseminate them to the public."); ...
... Las citadas disciplinas, son reinterpretadas aquí, para analizar la cuestión de la paradoja del género, vía el enfoque neoinstitucionalista (recuérdese que está considerado como un enfoque heterodoxo -pese a ser mainline o de fundamentos, Boettke et al, 2016; Sánchez-Bayón, 2022a-b-, ya que a diferencia del mainstream u ortodoxia, es de las pocas líneas de pensamiento, junto con la Escuela Austriaca, que es capaz de poner fin al romanticismo de la Política y al paternalismo estatal -al desvelar los intereses ocultos de sus actores integrantes) 5 . El mismo incluye las siguientes corrientes y planteamientos: a) Law & 5 El gran modelizador de la economía de bienestar estatal y Premio Nobel de Economía, Hicks, renunció a entrar en la "caja negra" que es el Estado, mientras que los neoinstitucionalistas, partiendo de la duda razonable (de por qué el mismo sujeto participando en el Sector público es angelical y buenista, pero cuando lo hace en el sector privado es malvado y egoísta), y vía el individualismo metodológico, se descubrió que dentro del Estado actuaban con sus propias agendas los siguientes actores/agentes: a) burócratas (su maximización de utilidades pasa por el aumento de presupuesto y más subordinados); b) políticos (su maximización pasa por aumento de voto, creando redes clientelares Economics-L&E o (Coase, 1937(Coase, y 1960Posner, 1973Posner, y 1979, que permite cuestionarse los incentivos, eficiencia y calidad institucional de la regulación y políticas públicas, así como los costes sobre bienes públicos y cómo mejorar con reasignaciones de derechos de propiedad; b) ...
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Este es un estudio neoinstitucionalista desde planteamientos de Economía Política Comparada, para comprender y evaluar la cuestión de género y sus efectos no deseados, como la paradoja del género. Resulta que cuánto más ha avanzado la regulación de género, en especial la inspirada por el feminismo trans (de construcción socio-cultural y sentimiento de autopercepción), parece haber disminuido el nivel de garantías jurídicas de la mujer cis (de base biológica y genética coincidente), además de causarse el efecto perverso de convertir la autonomía lograda en dependencia estatal. Se aborda aquí una presentación del problema, con una revisión histórica, comparada y de narrativas, aclarándose cómo el feminismo se ha impuesto, ocultando el sufragismo y otros movimientos de los derechos de la mujer. Se continúa con una refutación de falacias de género, desde el estudio de su producción en el mundo anglosajón y nórdico hasta su distribución desde ONU-Mujeres y la quinta generación derechos humanos, de género y etno-culturales. Finalmente, se centra la atención en un caso de trasplante de la materia, como es el caso español, evaluándose los “efectos no deseados” de su reciente regulación, además de probarse la paradoja citada. Se completa todo ello con unas conclusiones y futuras líneas de investigación.
... Há, de um lado, o risco de sobrevalorizar o pragmatismo, reduzindo a justiça à e ciência. Encontramos em Posner (2014) de mal compreender as formas jurídicas nascidas da hipercomplexidade (MORAND, 1999, p. 20) e associar a uidez dessas formas à degeneração do direito ou a um retorno ao Medievo (Cf. BOUVIER, 2012, p. 295). ...
... Another very important strand of thought modeling rights (or, more precisely, legal institutions) along the lines of welfare-maximization is the economic analysis of law. This tradition is mainly associated with the pioneering works by Coase (1960) and then Posner (1973). Also, the insight that the common law is efficient is pervasive in Friedman (2000). ...
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The present work calls for a modification of Austrian welfare economics so that it should be given a distinct role within the Austro-libertarian paradigm. To this end, we clearly distinguish between justice and welfare. We proceed by trying to stick to the spirit of Austro-libertarianism as firmly as possible. In particular, we operate within the universe of voluntary (viz. rights-respecting) exchanges, having assumed the libertarian absolutist side-constraints view of rights. Furthermore, we take for granted the Austrian actual preference satisfaction view . The specific purpose of the present paper is two-fold. First, we subject Austrian rights-based welfare economics to critical scrutiny. Concluding that the above theory begs the question in favor of free market, we assert that to gauge market efficiency we need to resort to some descriptive criterion, which could reasonably be deemed constitutive of welfare. And it is only then that the question of market efficiency is an open question.
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O artigo analisa a estrutura lógica do Direito Antitruste Sancionador, visando apresentar e discutir a sua regra de incidência, conforme estudo teórico-normativo. Preliminarmente, são apresentadas considerações sobre a Lógica e a Lógica Deôntico-Jurídica. A Lógica é inerente ao conhecimento humano e o seu entendimento contribui para o estudo dos mais variados temas, enquanto a Lógica Deôntico-Jurídica trata do “dever ser” do Direito, contribuindo para a análise acertada da estrutura proposicional das normas jurídicas. Sequencialmente, o Direito Antitruste Sancionador é introduzido e analisado sob a perspectiva da Lógica Deôntico-Jurídica, verificando-se a sua estrutura e as suas condições de incidência. Como resultado, pondera-se sobre como a análise da Lógica Deôntico-Jurídica referente ao Direito Antitruste Sancionador possibilita a melhor compreensão de sua complexa estrutura e incidência na realidade, haja vista a precisa delimitação do antecedente e do consequente da norma jurídica.
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El presente trabajo analiza las reglas y principios aplicables a los planes de reestructuración desde la doble perspectiva de los planes que se imponen a través de la regla CCCD (Cross-Class Cram-Down) y aquellos que se pueden considerar consensuales en tanto no suponen una afectación interclases dentro de dichos planes. Asimismo, se analiza la posibilidad de establecer un sistema que permita un control de dichas reglas bien de oficio o bien a petición de parte y la eficacia que, con uno, otro o sistemas mixtos se pueda alcanzar. Un defectuoso control o un descontrol de los mismos podría afectar, en el ámbito analizado, a la libre competencia y por tanto favorecer indebidamente a unas respecto de otras tanto en situación de crisis empresarial y reestructuración como respecto de aquellas que no estén en dicha situación.
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Yeni Kurumsal İktisat; sosyal, politik ve iktisadi kurumları anlamak için iktisat, hukuk, organizasyon teorisi, siyaset bilimi ve sosyoloji alanlarını birleştirerek hızla büyüyen bir literatüre sahiptir. Yeni Kurumsal İktisat; kurumların ne olduğunu, nasıl ortaya çıktığını, hangi amaçlara hizmet ettiğini, nasıl değiştiğini, nasıl reforme edilebileceğini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Ronald Coase, Douglas North ve Olivier Williamson'un öncü çalışmaları sayesinde kurumların artık endüstriler, ülkeler ve bölgeler arasındaki performans farklılıklarını açıklamada önemli bir faktör olduğu kabul edilmektedir. İktisat alanında önemli bir akım haline gelen kurumsal analiz; organizasyon teorisi, mülkiyet hakları, sözleşme teorisi, vekalet teorisi ve yönetişim yapılarını inceleyerek ekonomik büyüme/kalkınma gibi alanlarda uygulamalı çalışmalara ve politik analizlere yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmada Yeni Kurumsal İktisat Okulu’nun temel çerçevesi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kurumların iktisadi performansa olan etkilerine ilişkin tahminde bulunabilmek için gereken iktisadi mantığa dair başlıca konuları ele almaktır.
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A well-functioning and regulated financial system is vital for businesses, consumers and the economy. Therefore, regulating microfinance activities is crucial to ensure institutional sustainability and customer protection. We explore the consequences of microfinance regulation in Ghana using the desk review approach to document lessons that could be learnt. Our preliminary findings suggest that there are some learning opportunities. These are regulatory methodology mismatch, mission drift tension, and the collapse of potentially rescuable institutions. Additional lessons include a need for better governance, implementation of complementary laws and inadequate regulatory capacity. The paper offers policy recommendations for future regulatory architecture and design.
The objective of this article is to describe and to analyse the basic relationships between control frequency, amount of fines, other social sanctions, the producers' capability to influence certain attributes (including costs of quality assurance) and damage incidence in the field of food and feedstuffs safety. For this purpose an economic model is developed that minimizes monitoring costs including (a) the harm prevented and (b) the revenues from fines. First, monitoring measures are optimized by exclusively taking account of the interests of consumers and taxpayers. In a second step, the model is enlarged by adding constraints relative to the costs of quality assurance so that aspects of both producer welfare and total social costs are explicitly accounted for when simultaneously optimizing the probability of detection and the degree of punishment.The results derived from the model show among other things:-From an economic point of view legal regulation (i.e. the setting of performance standards) is advisable only in cases of comparatively high potential damages.-Even when the entire production is to be free from certain residues, it is often not necessary to check all units of the commodity considered.-In the presence of (a) poor possibilities to influence an attribute - or a wide range of quality assurance costs among producers - and (b) prospective damages which justify a control frequency of one hundred percent, no fines at all should be stipulated in order to avoid allocative distortions.-In the case of strong social sanctions (e.g. losses of reputation), all else being equal the control frequency may be lowered considerably.Against the background of these conclusions the application of uniform control frequencies is inappropriate. Instead, every food control authority should be free to choose the size of samples, taking into account not only the given structure of fines but also its knowledge concerning the market specific social sanctions, monitoring costs, the extent of potential damages from legal transgressions as well as the producers' possibilities and costs of influencing the relevant food or feedstuffs attributes.
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Hukum Tata Negara adalah bidang yang sangat dinamis dan esensial dalam pembentukan serta pengembangan sistem pemerintahan yang demokratis dan berkeadilan. Pemahaman yang mendalam tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar Hukum Tata Negara sangat diperlukan untuk dapat menginterpretasikan, mengkritisi, dan mengimplementasikan hukum secara efektif dalam kehidupan bernegara. Buku ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman tersebut. Buku ini terdiri dari 16 bab yang disusun secara sistematis sebagai berikut: Pengantar Teori Hukum Dalam Tata Negara; Sejarah Teori Hukum Dalam Tata Negara; Konstitusionalisme dan Teori Hukum; Prinsip Kedaulatan Rakyat Dalam Tata Negara; Hak Asasi Manusia dan Tata Negara ; Pembagian Kekuasan Dalam Pemerintahan; Hukum Administrasi Negara dan Teori Kontrol; Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Penjagaan Keadilan Melalui Judicial Review; Teori Legislasi Dalam Tata Negara; Teori Hukum dan Kebijakan Publik; Konflik Hukum dan Resolusi Dalam Tata Negara; Korupsi dan Tata Kelola Pemerintahan yang Baik; Teori Hukum dan Perlindungan Lingkungan; Teknologi Informasi dan Perubahan Hukum Tata Negara; Minoritas dan Kelompok Rentan Dalam Tata Negara; Metode Penelitian Dalam Teori Hukum Tata Negara.
This chapter provides a concise exploration of the principles and methodology underpinning the interdisciplinary field of law and economics. The chapter delves into the fundamental tenets of law and economics, emphasizing its roots in neoclassical economics, and examines how economic analysis may assist in increasing the efficiency of law and legal norms in terms of the desired economic outcomes. That includes brief explanations of efficiency, utility, and rational choice theory, which serve as the bedrock for analyzing legal systems and policies. Moreover, this chapter explains standard law and economics methodological tools used to evaluate legal rules and institutions, such as cost-benefit analysis, incentive alignment, and economic modelling in assessing the impacts of legal regulation. Through provided theoretical explanations, readers may gain insights into how law and economics inform and affect legal decision-making, offering a valuable lens through which to view (patent-related) legal issues and policies.
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This paper revisits a long-standing discussion surrounding the efficacy of the common law versus government intervention in addressing large-scale environmental externalities. Drawing on a conceptual framework developed by James M. Buchanan, we challenge the prevailing economic orthodoxy which holds that so-called “large-number” externalities inherently necessitate government policy intervention. Instead, we argue that the common law offers a viable means of addressing both small- and large-scale environmental pollution problems. Using riparian and nuisance cases from the nineteenth and early twentieth-century as a case study, we demonstrate how common law has historically managed to resolve water pollution disputes, even in cases involving many parties. The paper expands the discussion on externalities by integrating insights from environmental and institutional economics, highlighting the role played by transaction costs, collective action, and institutional reform in the preservation of environmental resources. Our findings suggest that a more polycentric system of rules, relying more heavily on decentralized legal institutions, could offer more efficient and adaptable solutions to contemporary environmental challenges.
This study delves into the common law efficiency theory, proposing that the efficiency of legal norms in common law systems predominantly depends on judges’ biases towards efficiency. By developing an economic model, it is demonstrated that the proportion of efficient norms correlates with the predisposition of judges towards efficiency, influenced by their personal beliefs. Historical analysis of common and civil law systems reveals that neither inherently guarantees efficiency; rather, their efficiency is contingent upon their adaptability to societal needs and prevailing judicial ideologies. The paper concludes that the efficiency of a legal system relies on its congruence with societal values and judicial ideologies, emphasizing that shifts in the judiciary’s ideological makeup have implications on legal system efficiency. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the multifaceted process shaping legal norms in common law, highlighting the critical role of judges, societal values, and legislative dynamics.
The study is devoted to an attempt to determine whether the analyses carried out at the level of the philosophy, theory and analysis and synthesis of criminal law, as well as the approaches presented in various criminological theories can be used in debates about the goals and functions of modern criminal law. The analyses carried out are based on the reconstruction of the current state of criminal law, dominated in many countries by penal populism. The coincidence of the repressiveness characteristic of the populist approach subordinated to the implementation of the concept of extreme deterrence, with the position of the legal elite as to the goals and functions of criminal law, illustrates the state of tensions and crises in which contemporary repressive law has found itself. The image of the public debate, characterized by the unambiguity of positions combined with the lack of perceptual openness to the views presented by the proponents of opposing approaches, provides a premise for the search for rational and verifiable arguments in disputes over the shape of criminal law. Given the limitations of the analysis and synthesis of criminal law in the sphere of disputes about values, an anthropological vision and a model of social structure make it reasonable to search for premises that order the debate about criminal law on other levels. In this regard, the study presents systemic approaches presented in the philosophy of criminal law combined with an attempt to justify that, in fact, complementary elements can be seen in them. Complementing the philosophical perspective is the plane of criminal law theory, on which one can also find elements that are part of the universal approach to repressive law. Adding to this picture of modern criminological theories, the study presents the thesis that modern criminal law serves multiple, sometimes opposing functions justified by reference to other assumptions and models of social structure. The multiple functions of modern criminal law make it unreasonable to refer to the dichotomy capturing alternatively the functions and goals of criminal law either as an instrument for protection of socially valuable values or as a tool of management by repression. The text seeks to justify the position that modern criminal law performs, in part, both functions indicated above. At the same time, there are opportunities to rationally limit the use of criminal law instrumentally as a tool of management by repression in the interest of power and certain social groups. The science of criminal law, encompassing the following planes: theoretical and philosophical, can be a plane that provides premises and arguments to help resolve contemporary dilemmas. In particular, it seems that the approaches presented in the science of criminal law and criminology are not so much of an opposing and radically competitive nature, but are in fact harmonizing, containing a number of complementary elements in a complex set of assumptions and claims that make up a holistic approach to the criminal law system.
This article provides an account of the structure of property law based on the principle of subsidiarity. This principle holds that more centralized organizations, including governments, should fulfil a subsidiary role in relation to the individuals and groups of which they are comprised. While subsidiarity has been highly influential in the areas of public law, constitutional law, and international law, its relevance to property law has been underappreciated. Property rights distribute decision-making authority over resources to non-state parties. This promotes a number of interrelated benefits associated with subsidiarity, including the qualitatively distinct contributions made by individuals and groups to the common good, the instrumental benefits of decentralized decision-making, the intrinsic benefits of involvement in actions and decisions affecting oneself, and the development of virtues. However, the principle of subsidiarity also suggests important roles for public authorities, including assuring an appropriate distribution of resources in society and intervening where the private authority of owners fails to uphold the common good. In this respect, subsidiarity offers a distinctive understanding of the divide between private and public law. Private law doctrine appropriately provides owners with a significant sphere of presumptive authority, yet this is subject to broad powers of public authorities to alter the baseline where, in their judgment, the common good requires it. This article argues that the concept of subsidiarity can help to bridge the divide between progressive property theory and theoretical approaches that emphasize the authority of owners. It can also contribute to an understanding of the concept of property, public access rights to private property, property-based community governance, and legal protections for property rights.
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El análisis de la imposición de precios excesivos, en general, presenta obstáculos que llevan a que difícilmente se destinen gastos de los limitados recursos de los organismos de competencia. Entre las objeciones que se plantean, apare-cen los problemas probatorios para establecer los supuestos en que se puede considerar que se ha incurrido en esa conducta. En el presente artículo se pretende analizar esta cuestión, con especial atención en las entidades colectivas de derechos de autor
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Oliver Wendell Holmes es generalmente reconocido como el “padre fundador” del Derecho contemporáneo en Estados Unidos de América, ejerciendo una influencia determinante en prácticamente todas las corrientes de pensamiento jurídico, aunque con particular impacto en las distintas direcciones iusrealistas, pues mantuvo una concepción realista del Derecho muy crítica con el formalismo jurídico imperante en su época. Para él el Derecho es un Derecho vivo y como tal dinámico y cambiante a impulso de las exigencias del presente en el que ha de ser aplicado. En su opinión el Derecho no tiene tanto una “esencia” lógico formal como existencia vital que se resuelve en la “experiencia” jurídica (es conocida la formulación de su concepción del Derecho: “La vida del Derecho no ha sido la lógica, sino la experiencia”, hecha en su libro más importante e influyente, The Common Law, cuyo objetivo principal era presentar una visión general del Common Law, con un enfoque explícito que acoplaba historia y jurisprudencia, realzando el valor la experiencia jurídica y la fijación de estándares jurídicos en varios campos del Common Law). Publicó obras jurídicas magistrales, pero también su pensamiento tuvo una repercusión extraordinaria en el ámbito judicial a través de sus Votos Particulares discrepantes (se anticiparían a su tiempo, porque años después su doctrina judicial sería acogida por la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, y ya conforme al giro legislativo marcado por la “New Deal”). De manera que reunía en sí la más elevada influencia en el mundo académico y judicial.
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Objetivo: o artigo defende a constitucionalidade do marco legal do saneamento, com foco nas controvérsias relacionadas à repartição de competências entre União, estados e municípios. Metodologia: tratou-se de um estudo jurisprudencial em que foi analisado o inteiro teor das ações diretas de inconstitucionalidade submetidas ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, as quais discutem a constitucionalidade da Lei nº 14.026/2020, bem como outras ações de controle de constitucionalidade relacionadas ao tema. O texto normativo foi obtido em sítio na internet, assim como o inteiro teor dos acórdãos das ações. Resultados: foram encontrados julgados anteriores que convergem para o que determinou o legislador na lei que instituiu o marco legal do saneamento. Conclusão: a despeito das críticas dirigidas ao novo marco legal do saneamento básico, sua formulação obedeceu aos critérios impostos pela Constituição Federal de 1988 e aos posicionamentos do Supremo Tribunal Federal no exercício do seu poder de interpretação do texto constitucional.
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Due to the fundamental inconsistency of some judicial and criminal procedures on social phenomena in Islam and the West, the unique capacity of Islamic jurisprudence in formulating and expanding the legal aspects of phenomena and the need to pay attention to indigenous knowledge, action research and research, the present study is a systematic effort to Investigating the emerging phenomenon of misleading commercial propaganda and finding a ground for a jurisprudential and indigenous approach to deal with this phenomenon. The results of qualitative meta-analysis of more than two decades of research in this field showed that these advertisements are in four basic misleading dimensions due to information deletion, Misleading due to semantic ambiguity, misleading due to comparison of characteristics, and misleading due to non-fulfillment of claim are realized by different theories in psychology, linguistics, and social sciences. It was also found that the Islamic jurisprudence has both preventive and productive capacities to deal with this phenomenon. Accordingly, a four-step conceptual model of legislation was proposed in the all stages of which the Islamic jurisprudence has theoretical capacities which can be manipulated and used.
Why is the world not moving fast enough to solve the climate crisis? Politics stand in the way, but experts hope that green investments, compensation, and retraining could unlock the impasse. However, these measures often lack credibility. Not only do communities fear these policies could be reversed, but they have seen promises broken before. Uncertain Futures proposes solutions to make more credible promises that build support for the energy transition. It examines the perspectives of workers, communities, and companies, arguing that the climate impasse is best understood by viewing the problem from the ground up. Featuring voices on the front lines such as a commissioner in Carbon County deciding whether to welcome wind, executives at energy companies searching for solutions, mayors and unions in Minnesota battling for local jobs, and fairgoers in coal country navigating their uncertain future, this book contends that making economic transitions work means making promises credible.
Legal gaps cause rejection and conflict in the international transportation industry, primarily regarding online services. This research focuses on how legal regulations in Brazil and Indonesia can accommodate global businesses such as Uber and other online transportation platforms. This research analysis uses qualitative methods accompanied by comparative and theoretical approaches. For this reason, Posner's Theory of Economic Analysis of Law notices that actors have different strategies to maximize their opportunity costs. Therefore, the legal protection covering international companies such as Uber can differ in each country. This action is based on the rational choice of business actors to obtain legal protection, which is influenced by: (a) the law of demand, (b) opportunity cost, and (c) the free flow of resources. This article's result demonstrates that Indonesia and Brazil have potential markets for digital transportation. Still, every country must settle social friction toward shifting digital civilization through strong and adaptive regulation. Resumo As lacunas legais causam rejeição e conflito no setor de transporte internacional, principalmente em relação aos serviços online. Esta pesquisa se concentra em como as regulamentações legais no Brasil e na Indonésia podem acomodar negócios globais como Uber e outras plataformas de transporte online. Esta análise de pesquisa utiliza métodos qualitativos, acompanhados de abordagens comparativas e teóricas. Por isso, a Teoria da Análise Econômica do Direito de Posner percebe que os atores possuem estratégias diferentes para maximizar seus custos de oportunidade. Portanto, a proteção legal que abrange empresas internacionais como a Uber pode diferir em cada país. Essa ação baseia-se na escolha racional dos atores empresariais para obter proteção legal, que é influenciada: (a) pela lei da demanda, (b) pelo custo de oportunidade e (c) pelo livre fluxo de recursos. O resultado deste artigo demonstra que a Indonésia e o Brasil possuem um mercado potencial para o transporte digital. Ainda assim, todos os países devem resolver o atrito social em direção à mudança da civilização digital por meio de uma regulamentação forte e adaptável.
The pervasiveness of law enforcement schemes that prescribe harsher penalties for repeat offenders continues to challenge scholars who seek an economic explanation for criminal justice policies. The current paper formalizes an explanation suggested by Dana, D. (2001. Rethinking the puzzle of escalating penalties for repeat offenders. Yale Law J. 110: 733–783), which is based on the role of the law in educating people about wrongful behavior—the so-called “expressive function” of law. The analysis shows that an escalating structure that imposes a lenient sanction on all first-timers and a harsh sanction on repeaters represents a compromise solution that is (second best) optimal if the fraction of unknowing offenders in the population of potential offenders (as opposed to rational calculators) is sufficiently large.
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Ülkemizde 130'un üzerinde üniversitede (devlet + vakıf) hukuk fakültesi bulunmakta, 190'ın üzerinde üniversitede ise iktisat eğitimi sunan iktisat, işletme, iktisadi ve idari bilimler, siyasal bilgiler vb. muhtelif isimlerde lisans ve lisans-üstü eğitim veren fakülte bulunmaktadır. Sayıları giderek artan söz konusu hukuk ve iktisat eğitimi sunan fakültelerin müfredatında acaba “hukuk ve iktisat” (law and economics) araştırma programlarına (hukukun iktisadi analizi, kurallar ve kurumların iktisadi analizi, yeni kurumsal iktisat, anayasal politik iktisat, mülkiyet hakları iktisadı, suç ve ceza iktisadı vs.) yer verilmekte midir? Lisans ve lisans-üstü eğitim seviyelerinde söz konusu araştırma programları ile ilgili dersler mevcut mudur? Çalışmamızda bu konu ele alınıp değerlendirilecek ve muhtelif fakültelerin müfredat programları incelenip eksiklikler ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca, lisans ve lisans-üstü eğitime yönelik alternatif müfredat önerilerimiz ve hukuk iktisat araştırma programına dair İngilizce ve Türkçe kaynaklardan derlediğimiz kaynak niteliğinde birer bibliyografya de sunulacaktır.
How can cooperative game theory contribute to the prevention of wars? Some scholars who appreciate cooperative game theory express frustration at the paucity of its applications. Yet, some small changes in the theory, particularly enabling small changes in games, may change both the theory and the games for the better. Abstaining from playing risky games is clearly commendable, and so is the search for peaceful means for the prevention of playing risky games. Games that tend to discourage cooperation and to promote war are better not played. It has been seen that so far, cooperative game theory, namely, the theory of games with perfectly enforceable contracts, has no significant use. It will be more useful, however, particularly for social planners, if it is armed with a toolkit for the choice of games to play in order to promote peace and cooperation, and for the choice of games to avoid playing for the same reason. Also, integrating cooperative game-theory into the social sciences may encourage study of the conditions that help promote peace and cooperation. In addition, it is commendable to import these achievements of non-cooperative game theory to cooperative game theory. The application of the theory of Nash equilibrium, mutatis mutandis, to cooperative game theory, may help prevent playing games that may incite war.
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The article aims to reveal the specificity of the legal as such in its difference from political or economic from a phenomenological point of view, that is, to determine what the experience of law is and what is its place in our experience as a whole. The key assumption is that while the political and the economic are based on the logic of the equivalent, which implies the establishment of a balance based on the balance of forces or interchangeable goods, the experience of law is fundamentally anti-utilitarian and subordinated rather to the logic of excess, or gift. This idea unfolds in three stages. The first part of article detects the place of gift in human experience. The next one is about the place of law in fundamental experience and the relationship between the experience of law and the experience of gift. In the final part, the question of the transformation of human experience and the corresponding perspectives of law is raised. The author argues that law is rooted in the structure of our fundamental experience or way of being in the world. The latter consists in the openness to the infinite otherness of the Other and, in this sense, is subject to the logic of the gift. At the same time this openness is never guaranteed, which gives rise to the experience of law. Aimed at maintaining the logic of excess or gift, law turns out to be not just one of the aspects of experience, but a condition of experience as such. However, today, in the conditions of the spread of the market and its inherent logic of equivalence to all spheres of life, the experience of law, subject to the opposite idea, and with it the experience as such, appears to be under threat.
Addressing the causes and consequences of Anthropogenic climate change requires fundamental rethinking of the role of law and related institutions. In a market economy, law plays a core role in defining property rights and allocating liabilities for social and environmental harms. The rise of capitalism during the long durée from the end of the middle ages to the industrial era was accompanied by a shift in conceptions of property, in which notions of collective ownership were eclipsed. The under-pricing of nature inherent in this model drove successive waves of capitalist accumulation, but is now running up against its limits. Drawing on analysis of the commons and its governance to explore three recent case studies of corporate group liability (and non-liability) for social and environmental harms, this chapter offers a prospective view of a post-neoliberal legal order, defined by law’s ability to cognize interdependencies between human society and its natural ecumene.KeywordsLawIndustrializationSustainabilityProperty rightsThe commonsCorporate veil
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This is a study of Political Economy, which offers a critical-hermeneutic and genetic-causal analysis according to the Austrian School of Economics, linked to the New-Institutional Approaches. It is paid attention to the management failures and paradoxes in tourism by the European Union, focusing on the Spanish case, where tourism is the main industry of this country. An alternative solution is offered, which requests the readjustment effect and the intensification of geek and talent factors.
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In diesem Arbeitspapier wird die Aussagekraft von quantitativ-empirischen Studien zu Effizienzunterschieden zwischen privaten und öffentlichen Stromverteilnetzbetreibern untersucht, um damit unter anderem aufzuzeigen, inwiefern derartige Analysen einen wertvollen Beitrag zu dieser politisch und gesellschaftlich bedeutsamen sowie viel diskutierten Thematik leisten können. Dazu werden zunächst anhand einer theoriegeleiteten Analyse auf Basis der Neuen Institutionenökonomik wesentliche Aspekte und Herausforderungen identifiziert, die es bei Effizienzvergleichen zwischen privaten und öffentlichen Unternehmen zu berücksichtigen gilt. Anschließend werden sieben Studien, in denen die Effizienz privater und öffentlicher Stromverteilnetzbetreiber mittels statistischer Methoden analysiert wird, dahingehend ausgewertet, ob und wie mit den identifizierten Herausforderungen umgegangen wird. Es zeigt sich, dass zwar in einigen der Studien einzelne der aus (institutionen-)ökonomischer Perspektive wesentlichen Aspekte explizit in den Mittelpunkt der Analysen gestellt werden, jedoch in keiner der betrachteten Publikationen die in diesem Artikel dargelegten Herausforderungen vollumfänglich beachtet und auf adäquate Weise berücksichtigt werden. Dies schränkt die Aussagekraft der Studien ein. Die Ausführungen in diesem Arbeitspapier können als Anknüpfungspunkt für methodische Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich der empirischen Effizienzforschung dienen. Darüber hinaus wird kurz darauf eingegangen, wie ein sinnvolles Zusammenspiel zwischen theoriegeleiteten und quantitativ-empirischen Analysen potentiell dazu beitragen kann, aussagekräftigere und damit wertvollere Untersuchungsergebnisse für die Ableitung wissenschaftlich fundierter Handlungs-empfehlungen zu der betrachteten Thematik zu generieren.
The information revolution has ushered in a data-driven reorganization of the workplace. Big data and AI are used to surveil workers and shift risk. Workplace wellness programs appraise our health. Personality job tests calibrate our mental state. The monitoring of social media and surveillance of the workplace measure our social behavior. With rich historical sources and contemporary examples, The Quantified Worker explores how the workforce science of today goes far beyond increasing efficiency and threatens to erase individual personhood. With exhaustive detail, Ifeoma Ajunwa shows how different forms of worker quantification are enabled, facilitated, and driven by technological advances. Timely and eye-opening, The Quantified Worker advocates for changes in the law that will mitigate the ill effects of the modern workplace.
The idea that there is a “market for ideas” and “entrepreneurs of ideas” seems to be one that explains itself: it is an idea originated by someone who thought that the parallel between entrepreneurs in markets of goods and services would describe how ideas are born, how they evolve, change and eventually die. We cannot say at this point if this thought will prosper, flourish, metamorphose, languish or just be forgotten, but we can testify that it is having increasing attraction. The purpose of this chapter is to present a review of some literature on the subject, mainly from economics. There is a lot to do on this point; this is just a first step in a direction that may eventually help us understand how ideas are formed, how they spread around and how they determine institutions, incentives and, finally, the structure of markets and societies we live in.KeywordsIdeasMarketplaceEntrepreneurshipPublic opinionInstitutions
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