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Deposition and characterization of TiZrV-Pd thin films by dc magnetron sputtering

  • Shanghai Advanced Research Institute

Abstract and Figures

TiZrV film is mainly applied in the ultra-high vacuum pipe of storage ring. Thin film coatings of palladium which was added onto the TiZrV film to increase the service life of nonevaporable getters and enhance pumping speed for H2, was deposited on the inner face of stainless steel pipes by dc magnetron sputtering using argon gas as the sputtering gas. The TiZrV-Pd film properties were investigated by atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The grain size of TiZrV and Pd film were about 0.42~1.3 nm and 8.5~18.25 nm respectively. It was found that the roughness of TiZrV films was small, about 2~4 nm, for Pd film it is large, about 17~19 nm. PP At. % of Pd in TiZrV/Pd films varied from 86.84 to 87.56 according to the XPS test results.
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Deposition and characterization of TiZrV-Pd thin films by dc magnetron
WANG Jie王洁, ZHANG Bo张波1), XU Yan-Hui徐延辉, WEI Wei尉伟, FAN
Le范乐, PEI Xiang-Tao裴香涛, HONG Yuan-Zhi洪远志, WANG Yong王勇
National Synchrotron Radiation LaboratoryUniversity of Science and Technology of China,
HeFei, AnHui 230029 China
* Financially supported by the National Natural Science Funds of China (Grant No. 11205155)
and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (WK2310000041).
1corresponding author: numbers: +8613615691450
TiZrV film is mainly applied in the ultra-high vacuum pipe of storage ring. Thin film coatings of
palladium which was added onto the TiZrV film to increase the service life of nonevaporable getters
and enhance pumping speed for H2, was deposited on the inner face of stainless steel pipes by dc
magnetron sputtering using argon gas as the sputtering gas. The TiZrV-Pd film properties were
investigated by atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The grain size of TiZrV and Pd
film were about 0.42~1.3 nm and 8.5~18.25 nm respectively. It was found that the roughness of
TiZrV films was small, about 2~4 nm, for Pd film it is large, about 17~19 nm. PP At. % of Pd in
TiZrV/Pd films varied from 86.84 to 87.56 according to the XPS test results.
Keywords: TiZrV-Pd; nonevaporable getters; film coating; dc magnetron sputtering
PACS: 29.20.-c Accelerators
Titanium-Zirconium-Vanadium (TiZrV) as one of nonevaporable getters (NEGs) [1-4] has been
extensively studied during the past two decades for low secondary electron yield [5-7] and their
sorption properties toward many gases such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and
dioxide. The sorption of these gases except H2 is not reversible and it causes a progressive
contamination for TiZrV film [1, 8, 9]. Moreover, repeated air exposureactivation cycles
progressively enrich the film with reactive gases, reducing its performance and shortening its
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operating life [10]. In order to enhance the lifetime of TiZrV film, the palladium overlayer is added
on it. The contribution of the thin palladium film is particularly relevant to the pumping of hydrogen
gas, due to its high sticking factor on palladium and the great sorption capacity of the underlying
TiZrV getter.
Several researchers have done some experiments about absorbing behavior of TiZrV-Pd. M. Mura
etc. [11, 12] designed an ion pump internally coated by TiZrV-Pd film, according to a technology
that CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) licensed them. The results showed that the
pumping speed for H2 was an order of magnitude higher, owing to the contribution of the getter. In
addition, C. Benvenuti etc. [13] had studied the electron stimulated desorption and pumping speed
measurements of TiZrV-Pd at CERN for particle accelerator applications. Nonetheless, it is
necessary to have a further study into the effect of coating process and parameters such as discharge
current, discharge voltage, working pressure etc. on the film structure, surface topography and grain
size in dc magnetron sputtering process. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to study the problems.
2.1. Coating equipment
A magnetron sputtering system was designed to coat TiZrV-Pd film onto the inner surface of a
stainless steel pipe using argon as the sputtering gas. The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The
chamber to be coated, 86 mm in diameter and 500 mm in length, is connected to two auxiliary
chambers by Con-Flat flanges. The system is pumped by a turbo-molecular pump which is
connected to the auxiliary chamber. The high purity argon intake is located on the auxiliary chamber
and flow rate can be adjusted by a mass flow controlling system. There were two cathodes which
were used one by one. And one cathodes was the twisting together Ti, Zr and V wires (2 mm in
diameter) and the other was Pd wire (1 mm in diameter). Ten minutes was needed for this exchange
of cathode wires. There is a ceramic insulation on the top of feedthrough. A ceramic cylinder is
fixed at the end of the cathode to keep it insulated with the interior wall. In order to ensure the
uniformity of film thickness, the cathode filament was fixed in the center of the stainless steel pipe
using a bellows transmission mechanism (Fig. 1). Silicon substrates are mounted inside the chamber
for evaluation of film thickness, grain size, morphology, and composition. The magnetic field is
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generated by a coaxial solenoid coil, which can generate magnetic fields up to 500 Gauss. A 3 KW
DC power supply together with the coil are used to ignite and sustain the discharge.
Pipe to be coated
Ceramic plate
Leak valve
Auxiliary chamber
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of TiZrV-Pd deposition system.
2.2. Magnetron sputtering process
Before deposition, Si substrates were ultrasonically degreased and cleaned in acetone and ethyl
alcohol. Then they were dipped into the dilute HF solution, washed with deionized water and dried
by purging with nitrogen gas. For the purpose of reducing the pollution from reactive gases, the
pressure should be below 10-4 Pa before glow discharge.
Generally speaking, NEG-Pd film coating process was mainly divided into three steps. Firstly,
the TiZrV wires cathode was power-on with selected film coating parameters. Secondly, after TiZrV
film coating, nitrogen was passed into the pipeline before opening the flange. Thirdly, Pd wire
cathode was installed as soon as possible, then film coating was started.
The roughness and porosity of TiZrV-Pd coatings increased with substrate temperature during
deposition. Moreover, a rougher film surface could absorb more pollution gases such as carbon
dioxide and oxygen. Consequently, the substrates were not intentionally heated during deposition.
Three thermocouples were used to measure the temperature of the pipe wall, as shown in Fig. 1. On
one hand, the temperature varied from 60 °C to 120 °C for TiZrV film coating with different
sputtering current. On the other hand, the temperature varied from 30 °C to 100 °C for Pd film
coating for the same reason. In Fig. 1, the temperature in point B was the highest owing to the worst
heat dissipation in the central of solenoid which without cooling system. Then, the temperature in
point A was higher than point C on account of the hot feedthrough during film coating process.
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2.3. Characterization Method
Thickness were measured by use of a Sirion 200 Schottky field scanning electron microscope
(SEM). Besides, material surface and internal compositional data were obtained with a Thermo
ESCALAB 250 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The spectrometer was equipped with a
hemispherical analyzer, a monochromater, a beam spot size of 500
and all XPS data was
measured with Al Ka X-rays with (
=1486.6 eV) operated at 150 W and an analyzer at 45
degrees. Surface morphology was observed through Innova atomic force microscope (AFM) at
room temperature. The crystal structure and the size of the crystallites was obtained by Rigaku TTR-
III X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD). All XRD data was tested with Cu Kα X-rays which was used
at 40 kV/200 mA. In addition, a diffractometer was used in a 2 θ/θ mode, 2θ varying from 30 to 90
with a 0.02 step.
3.1. Structural characterization
Bottom width of the diffraction peak is not easy to determine, so the actual work generally use
half the peak width. Peak width is mainly affected by the following four factors: the uncertainty of
wavelength, grain size, the position of instruments and samples, micro stress that exist within the
scope of one or a few grain and keep the balance of internal stress. In the four factors, only the grain
size was considered as the reason of peak width and other factors can be ignored. Under the
assumption of a homogeneous single phase and roughly equiaxed crystal grains, the Scherrer
formula is applied to determine the average dimension of the crystallites,
where k is scherrer's constant which is depending on the crystal shape and related to grain size and
distribution, often take 0.89.
is the wavelength of the source - i.e. 0.154 nm for copper
is the angle in radians at half high width of diffraction peak for the certain crystal face wide,
is the diffraction angle in degree, D is the grain size.
According to the XRD test results, the grain size of TiZrV films was about 0.42Sample #9-
TiZrV~ 1.3Sample #2-TiZrVnm as shown in Fig. 2. Meanwhile, the grain size was 8.5Sample
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#6- Pd~ 18.25#2- Pdnm for Pd films as shown in Fig. 3. In the case of the same film coating
conditions, the types of substrate have little effect on the grain size of Pd film. For instance, under
the same film deposition condition, the grain size of Pd film which growed on TiZrV film was 14.9
nm, and the one on silicon (Si<111>) was 12.7 nm for sample #10-Pd. Furthermore, the film coating
parameters of the samples were shown in Table 1. Possible causes are as follows. For the first Pd
layer, different substrates will have an obvious impact on their arrangement. With the Pd atomic
layers increases, this effect of substrate on Pd layer weakened little by little. While, on average, the
effect of substrates on the grain size of Pd film is small, according to the test results which was
shown in Table 2.
Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction of TiZrV films deposited at different film coating conditions.
Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction of films comparison TiZrV/ Pd films deposited at different film coating conditions.
Table 1: Film coating parameters.
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
#2-TiZrV #9-TiZrV
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
#2- Pd #6- Pd
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Table 2: The grain size of Pd film on different substrates according to XRD test results.
grain size(Silicon-
grain size(TiZrV-
The thickness of
Pd film (nm)
3.2. Surface morphology and section morphology
Fig. 5 was the section morphology images of samples #1-TiZrV#1-Pd which manifests that the
roughness of TiZrV films was small, mainly about 2~4 nm, for Pd films it is large, about 17~19 nm.
What is more, the sputtering rates of samples #1-TiZrV#1-Pd were 326 nm/h and 185 nm/h,
respectively. On the basis of SEM surface topography measurement results: the grain size of TiZrV
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film was lower than Pd film. The surface topography of Pd films were shown in Fig. 5b and Fig. 5c,
and the substrate was TiZrV film in Fig. 5c and silicon (Si<111>) in Fig. 5b.
b#1- silicon/Pd
c#1-TiZrV /Pd
Fig. 5. Cross section morphology images (left) and surface topography images (right) of TiZrV film deposited on
silicon by scanning electron microscopy (a), Pd film deposited on silicon (b), and Pd film deposited on TiZrV film.
The film coating parameters were the same for Pd film in (b) and (c).
The surface of TiZrV film which was deposited on silicon was smooth and the largest degree of
roughness was 3.6 nm with the scanning range of 5
as shown in Fig. 6(a). While the surface of
Pd film which was deposited on silicon was rough, compared with the one on TiZrV film, the degree
of roughness was roughly 15.9 nm in Fig. 6(b). Furthermore, the roughness of Pd film which was
deposited on TiZrV film was slightly larger than on silicon wafer, roughly 19.0 nm as shown in Fig.
6(c). Therefore, for the same silicon substrate, the roughness of TiZrV films were higher than Pd
film under different film coating process. The main factor influencing the film surface roughness
was the nature of the film rather than the substrates according to AFM test results.
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Fig. 6. AFM images of TiZrV film deposited on silicon (a), Pd film deposited on silicon (b), and Pd film deposited
on TiZrV film which was shown in 6(c). The film coating parameters were the same for Pd film in (b) and (c).
Under the condition of discharge current 0.25 A, operating pressure 2.0 Pa, the magnetic field
strength 123 Gauss, gas flow changed between 1.0 and 4.0 Sccm, AFM images of TiZrV film were
shown in Fig. 7. Thus, it is obvious that the influence of gas flow to TiZrV film roughness was
(a) #7-TiZrV b#9-TiZrV
Fig. 7. (a) AFM images of TiZrV film deposited on silicon at 1.0 Sccm gas flow, (b) TiZrV film deposited on
silicon at 4.0 Sccm gas flow, under the condition of discharge current 0.25 A, operating pressure 2.0 Pa, the
magnetic field strength 123 Gauss.
3.3. Film composition analysis
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After exposure to the atmosphere, a few nanometers of passivation layer which is mainly
composed of oxide, carbide and nitride, formed on the surface. Fig. 8 illustrates that O had the
highest atomic number percentage, and C was the second, N was the least in TiZrV film samples.
Furthermore, V was mainly in the form of V2O3 because the binding energy of V was 516 eV. The
peaks at around 459 eV, produced by the TiO2, showed that air-exposed TiZrV film was partial
oxidation. On account of a few nanometers depth with XPS detection, the surface element
composition of the air-exposed TiZrV films usually were partial oxidation because of reactive metal
Ti, Zr and V. Table 2 shows the ratio of the atomic number in TiZrV films based on the results of
Fig. 8. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectrogram of sample #4-TiZrV.
Table 2: The ratio of the atomic number in TiZrV films based on the results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Sample (TiZrV film)
The XPS of the air-exposed Pd film are shown in Fig. 9. The peaks at around 531 eV, produced
by the surface oxide and carbon, showed that the air-exposed Pd film was contaminated in the
process of transfer the sample. The peaks at 284 eV, produced by the carbon, showed that traces of
organic carbon pollution, was detected on the unheated sample surface, very similar to that usually
noticed for metal surfaces with different nature. In addition, PP At. % of Pd in Pd films varied from
600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Binding Energy (eV)
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86.84 to 87.56 based on XPS, shown in Table 3.
Fig. 9. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectrogram of sample #4- Pd.
Table 3: PP At. % of Pd in TiZrV/Pd films based on the value of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Sample (Pd film)
(PP At. %)
#5- Pd
#7- Pd
#8- Pd
The combination of surface sensitive analysis techniques was used to study the deposition and
characterization of TiZrV-Pd film coating by dc magnetron sputtering via investigation of surface
composition and surface topography variations.
SEM and AFM test results consistently show that TiZrV films had a high consistency in thickness,
and the thickness of Pd film fluctuated obviously. Moreover, the roughness of TiZrV films which
were deposited on silicon were 3.6~5.0 nm with the scanning range of 5
and Pd films which
were deposited on TiZrV film were basically the same on silicon wafer, roughly 15.0~26.0 nm.
Generally, the greater the working pressure, the greater the roughness of the film surface was, under
the same gas flow, magnetic field strength, discharge current condition. Because the higher the
working pressure, the more amount of residual gases were introduced into the film resulting in
bigger roughness. On the other hand, in order to obtain high quality films, it was necessary to
600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0
Binding Energy (eV)
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improve the vacuum degree of the system, since the residual gases were adsorbed by the surface of
films in vacuum chamber during the process of film coating. The ratio of Ti, Zr, V atomic number
varied between 2.4:2.8:4.8 and 1.1:1.6:7.3 in TiZrV films. In addition, PP At. % of Pd in TiZrV/Pd
films varied from 86.84 to 87.56.
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... Generally, NEG films prepared by magnetron sputtering with high porosity and grain boundaries of microstructures have better adsorption performance [25][26][27][28]. The sputtering parameters have significant effects on most other Ti or Zr alloys films microstructures and properties. ...
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Zr-Co-RE non-evaporable getter films have excellent gas adsorption performance therefore can be used in vacuum sealed electronic devices. The microstructure of getter films has vital effect on adsorption performance. In this paper, Zr-Co-RE films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering at different glancing angles are investigated including microstructures and adsorption characteristics. The surface and cross-sectional morphologies demonstrate loose, porous and columnar-like structure which forms because of low lateral mobility of Zr and Co atoms and shadowing effect of non-perpendicular sputtering. Zr-Co-RE films are amorphous or nanocrystalline structure. The films deposited at 90° glancing angle show large grain size. After Zr-Co-RE films are heated at 350 °C for 15 min, the H 2 adsorption capacity and pumping speed at ambient temperature are tested. The films grown at 90° glancing angle have highest initial pumping speed (103.9 ml s ⁻¹ cm ⁻² ), which owe to its more gas diffusion path and active surface, meanwhile, the adsorption capacity is lower than 60° because of difficult and limited diffusion process into getter matrix. The films grown at 60° glancing angle have best adsorption capacity (71.5 cm ⁻² ) and pumping speed stability.
... At the same time, when the grain boundary moves faster than the velocity of the hole at high temperature, the grain boundary and the hole are unhooked, and closed pores are formed in the grain. These closed holes are difficult to shrink and disappear under the action of diffusion, which affects the density of the target [7]. It can be seen from Fig. 7 that the surface of the film is relatively uneven, and its porosity is also slightly worse than that of the film prepared by DC magnetron method (lower porosity results in a large weight and a faster decay of the gettering rate). ...
... The cathode targets had two types: one is twisted wires by Ti, Zr, V wires with diameter of 2.5 mm, the other is a 1 mm diameter Pd wire. This deposition system has been detailed introduced in reference [3]. ...
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The vacuum chamber of accelerator storage ring need clean ultra-high vacuum environment. TiZrV getter film which was deposited on interior wall of vacuum chamber, can realize distributed pumping, effectively improve the vacuum degree and reduce the longitudinal gradient. But accumulation of pollutants such as N2, O2, will decrease the adsorption ability of non-evaporable getter (NEG), which leads to the reduction of NEG lifetime. Therefore, NEG thin film coated with a layer of Pd which has high diffusion rate and absorption ability for H2, can extend the service life of NEG, and improve the pumping rate of H2 at the same time. With argon as discharge gas, magnetron sputtering method was adopted to prepare TiZrV-Pd film in long straight pipe. According to the experimental results of the scanning electron microscope (SEM), deposition rates of TiZrV-Pd films were analyzed under different deposition parameters, the magnetic field strength, the gas flow rate, discharge current, discharge voltage and working pressure. Moreover, comparing the simulation results based on Sigmund's theory and experimental results, it was shown that the deposition rate C can be estimated by the depth sputtered, D for Pd film coatings in this experiment device.
An accelerator storage ring needs clean ultra-high vacuum. A TiZrV non-evaporable getter (NEG) film deposited on interior walls of the chamber can realize distributed pumping, effective vacuum improvement and reduced longitudinal pressure gradient. But accumulation of pollutants such as N2 and O2 will decrease the adsorption ability of the NEG, leading to a reduction of NEG lifetime. Therefore, an NEG thin film coated with a layer of Pd, which has high diffusion rate and absorption ability for H2, can extend the service life of NEG and improve the pumping rate of H2 as well. In this paper, with argon as discharge gas, a magnetron sputtering method is adopted to prepare TiZrV-Pd films in a long straight pipe. By SEM measurement, deposition rates of TiZrV-Pd films are analyzed under different deposition parameters, such as magnetic field strength, gas flow rate, discharge current, discharge voltage and working pressure. By comparing the experimental results with the simulation results based on Sigmund’s theory, the Pd deposition rate C can be estimated by the sputtered depth.
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GEMS (Gamma Energy Marine Spectrometer) is a prototype of an autonomous radioactivity sensor for underwater measurements, developed in the framework for a development of a submarine telescope for neutrino detection (KM3NeT Design Study Project). The spectrometer is highly sensitive to gamma rays produced by 40K decays but it can detect other natural (e.g., 238U,232Th) and anthropogenic radio-nuclides (e.g., 137Cs). GEMS was firstly tested and calibrated in the laboratory using known sources and it was successfully deployed for a long-term (6 months) monitoring at a depth of 3200 m in the Ionian Sea (Capo Passero, offshore Eastern Sicily). The instrument recorded data for the whole deployment period within the expected specifications. This monitoring provided, for the first time, a continuous time-series of radioactivity in deep-sea.
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Non-evaporable thin film getters based on the elements of the 4th and 5th columns of the periodic table have been deposited by sputtering. Among the about 20 alloys studied to date, the lowest activation temperature (about 180 °C for a 24-hour heating) has been found for the Ti-Zr-V system in a well-defined composition range. The characterization of the activation behavior of such Ti-Zr-V films is presented. The evolution of the surface chemical composition during activation is monitored by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and the functional properties are evaluated by pumping speed measurements. The pumping speed characteristics are quite similar to those already measured for commercially available NEG materials, except for the much lower saturation coverage for CO. This inconvenience, which is due to the smooth surface structure of these films, can be counteracted by increasing the roughness of the substrate.
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Among several methods used to obtain ultra-high vacuum (UHV) for particles accelerators chambers, it stands out the internal coating with metallic films capable of absorbing gases, called NEG (non-evaporable getter). Usually these materials are constituted by elements of great chemical reactivity and solubility (such as Ti, Zr, and V), at room temperature for oxygen and other gases typically found in UHV, such as H 2 , CO, and CO 2 . Gold and ternary Ti-Zr-V films were produced by magnetron sputtering, and their composition, structure, morphology, and aging characteristics were characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The comparison between the produced films and commercial samples indicated that the desirable characteristics depend on the nanometric structure of the films and that this structure is sensitive to the heat treatments. © 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. PACS: 68.55-a; 81.15.Cd; 81.05.Bx; 07.30.Kf.
Nonevaporable getters (NEGs) have been extensively studied in the last several years for their sorption properties toward many gases. In particular, an innovative alloy as a thin film by magnetron sputtering was developed and characterized at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It is composed of Ti-Zr-V and protected by an overlayer of palladium (Pd), according to a technology for which the authors got the licence. NEG-Pd thin films used in combination with ion getter pumps is a simple, easy way to handle pumping devices for ultrahigh and extremely high vacuum applications. To show how to apply this coating technology to the internal surface of different types of ion pumps, the authors carried out several tests on pumps of various shapes, sizes (in terms of nominal pumping speed), and types (diode, noble diode, and triode). Special care was taken during the thermal cycle of baking and activation of the pumps to preserve the internal film from sources of contamination and/or from the sputtering of the titanium cathodes of the pump. Some important remarks will be made about the most appropriate conditions of pressure and temperature. The performance of the NEG-Pd-coated ion pumps was evaluated in terms of ultimate pressure and hydrogen pumping speed. The contribution of the thin film is particularly relevant for the pumping of this gas, due to its high sticking factor on palladium and the great sorption capacity of the underlying getter. Finally, the possibility of further improvement by substituting palladium with other Pd-based alloys will also be evaluated.
The thermally activated Ti–Zr–V non-evaporable getter (NEG) film has been studied by means of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and low energy ion scattering (LEIS). Depth profiling technique has been used to establish the location of different components in the near-surface region. It was found that the top surface layer of the activated Ti–Zr–V NEG film is zirconium and titanium enriched. Residual oxide observed even on fully activated NEG surface consists mostly of zirconium and titanium low valence suboxides that are located mainly in the top surface layer. Carbides formed during the activation process remain on the surface and their concentration drops strongly with depth.
In this work, properties of non-evaporable getter (NEG) films prepared on Cu substrates by magnetron sputtering were investigated. Changes of the sample surface during first thermal activation were studied by means of static secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SSIMS). The SIMS measurements reflect the disappearance of the superficial oxide layer covering air-exposed surfaces. Pure metals Ti, Zr, V as well as ternary alloy were compared. Step-by-step heating up to 280°C was applied. Molecular ion intensity ratios MX+/M+ (X=O, C, H, OH) have been used to study X-species coverage variation. The determined X-species coverage of the sample surface has been found to be dependent on rates of adsorption and diffusion into the bulk, respectively. Molecular intensity ratios of MO+/M+ and MH+/M+ shows temperature range of surface reduction and hydrogen sorption.
A beam duct coated with NEG materials (Ti, Zr, V), which had been known to have a low secondary electron yield (SEY), was studied for the first time under intense photon irradiation using a positron beam at the KEK B-Factory (KEKB) to investigate a way to suppress the electron cloud instability (ECI). A 2.56m test copper chamber was coated with the NEG materials (we call it NEG coating here) by magnetron sputtering. It was installed at an arc section of the KEKB positron ring, where the chamber was irradiated by direct photons with a line density of 6.5×1014photonsm−1s−1mA−1. The vacuum pressure around the test chamber during a usual beam operation was lower than the case of non-coated copper chambers by a factor of 4–5. The number of electrons around positron bunches was measured by a special electron monitor up to a stored beam current of 1600mA. The measured electron current, however, was almost the same as a non-coated copper chamber, especially at low-beam currents, and the effect of the NEG coating was smaller than expected. A simulation explained the result that abundant photoelectrons in the positron ring reduce the effect of the low SEY. The maximum SEYs of the NEG coating and non-coated copper were evaluated using a simulation as about 0.9–1.0 and 1.1–1.3, respectively, which were consistent with the values after a sufficient electron bombardment. Their photoelectron yields were also estimated as 0.22–0.28 and 0.26–0.34, respectively, and were in good agreement with the previous experimental results. The study indicates that the suppression of photoelectrons, by a beam duct with an antechamber, for example, is indispensable to make effective use of a surface with a low SEY, such as the NEG coating.
In this work, properties of non-evaporable getter (NEG) films prepared on stainless steel substrates by magnetron sputtering were investigated. Changes of the sample surface during thermal activation were studied by means of secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS). Static SIMS observation of a superficial layer as well as dynamic profiling of the surface region were performed.Two samples of the same Ti:Zr:V stoichiometry were investigated following two different procedures of thermal activation. Step-by-step heating up to 320°C (as model activation) and direct long time heating to 240°C (continuous thermal activation) were applied. The SSIMS measurements are highly surface sensitive and reflect changes of the superficial oxide layer covering air-exposed surfaces during activation. To compare the final states of activation, depth profiles of surface layers have been used as well. Molecular ion intensity ratios MX+/M+ (X=O, H; M=Ti, Zr, V) have been considered to be directly coverage-sensitive and were monitored during the processes. The results were checked by comparison to corresponding XPS experiments.
A recent development, carried out at CERN for particle accelerator applications, showed that a vacuum chamber coated with a thin getter film and then exposed to ambient air may be transformed into a pump by “in situ” heating at temperatures as low as 180°C.Heating activates the diffusion into the film of the oxygen present in the surface passivation layer. Repeated air exposure–activation cycles progressively enrich the film with oxygen, reducing its performance and shortening its operating life. To overcome this inconvenience, noble metal coatings were considered. At distinction with getters, noble metals may release all the pumped gases by heating, resulting in a practically unlimited life.Thin film coatings of palladium were studied by surface analysis, electron stimulated desorption and pumping speed measurements. These coatings were found to pump H2 and CO, even without activation by heating, but not N2 or CO2. Thin Pd and Pd–Ag films were also used as overlayers for protecting a getter film from oxidation while not impairing its H2 pumping.The result of these studies are presented and discussed.