
Tattoo as Art, the Drivers Behind the Fascination and the Decision to Become Tattooed

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For many people, getting a tattoo is like purchasing art, and many professional and famous tattooists are artists who are acknowledged by colleagues and authorities. The history of tattooing goes back for thousands of years, and the reasons for getting tattooed are many. These permanent markings are always personal, they can be plain or elaborate, and they serve as amulets, healing and status symbols, declarations of love, signs of religion, adornments and even forms of punishment. Drivers behind the fascination of acquiring a tattoo may fall into four main groups, namely healing, affiliation, art and fashion. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.
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... Tattoos were once considered nonconformity emblems, but in recent times, society's opinions have changed, turning them into commonplace manifestations of self-expression and personal identification [15]. For people who are trying to regain control over their bodies after trauma or abuse, tattoos can give them a sense of ownership [4]. In this way, the painful physical problems become emotional release, making healing a personal and spiritual act. ...
... Once primarily associated with marginalized groups, tattoos are now widely embraced across social boundaries. It seems like this change is part of a bigger culture shift in which personal stories, identity, and self-expression are becoming more important [4,7]. Tattoos, which were previously stigmatized, are now celebrated as a means of personal empowerment and artistic expression [7]. ...
... Therefore providing a ground for self-reflection on personal identity [7]. Additionally, it's a great way to show yourself in a way that isn't found anywhere else, especially at a time when people are becoming less different and more similar in every way [4]. ...
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Body modification has been a part of human society for thousands of years, and tattoos have become one of the most expensive ways to show personal and social meaning. In this article, bitemark tattoos, a less common but growing trend in body modification, and the cultural meanings of tattoos in different cultures and how they have changed over time as a way of expressing oneself and finding oneself are explored. Bitemark tattoos are given a lot of attention because they have deep symbolic meanings and are often linked to power relations and emotional release. The artistic process behind creating these tattoos is analysed, highlighting the skill involved in translating the organic form of a bite into a stylized tattoo design. Additionally, the forensic significance of bitemark, typically studied in the context of criminal investigations, is discussed concerning this art form. This duality- where bitemark serves both as forensic evidence and a medium of artistic expression- presents a fascinating intersection of law, art, and psychology. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of bitemark tattoos within the broader landscape of tattoo culture and body modification, offering new insights into their symbolic and forensic dimensions.
... 2004; Kierstein & Kjelskau, 2015). According to Kierstein and Kjelskau (2015), this sense of belonging is important for individuals who are still exploring their identity and trying to find their uniqueness. ...
... 2004; Kierstein & Kjelskau, 2015). According to Kierstein and Kjelskau (2015), this sense of belonging is important for individuals who are still exploring their identity and trying to find their uniqueness. ...
... Agency refers to taking responsibility for one's life with the belief that one has control over decisions and outcomes with a strong motivation for autonomy and self-mastery (Booker & Perlin, 2022;Schwartz et al., 2005). Multiple studies (Alter-Muri, 2020; Kierstein & Kjelskau, 2015;Martin, 2013) indicate tattoos to be a signal of agency, or at the very least, something that provides the feeling of being in control. Agency and control comprised one of the salient themes identified by Buckle and Corbin Dwyer (2021) in their study on memorial tattoos. ...
... It also makes them into a new type of "heavily tattooed" person, which they now share with a select group of Others. 2019, p. 286; see also Kierstein and Kjelskau, 2015 In this explanation, Yuen Thompson points out the ways that in the 21st century, tattooassociated identity works on multiple levels-first, being "a tattooed person"; second, through meaning attached to the style(s) of tattoos; and third, in relation to specific imagery depicted in the tattoos. Each of these reflect choices the individual makes in creating a visible form of identification 2 and modes through which others evaluate the individual. ...
... Some people allow themselves to get tattooed simply because it is beautiful. Some "collect" this art and choose to be tattooed by various artists to amass a collection of tattoos on their body, while for others, a tattoo is simply attained for the sake of fashion [39]. A survey from Greece demonstrated that 77% of all subjects had motives of ideology/message and fashion/esthetic [40]. ...
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Tattooing is a permanent form of body art applied onto the skin with a decorative ink, and it has been practiced from antiquity until today. The number of tattooed people is steadily increasing as tattoos have become popular all over the world, especially in Western countries. Tattoos display distinctive designs and images, from protective totems and tribal symbols to the names of loved or lost persons or strange figures, which are used as a means of self-expression. They are worn on the skin as a lifelong commitment, and everyone has their own reasons to become tattooed, whether they be simply esthetic or a proclamation of group identity. Tattoos are representations of one’s feelings, unconscious conflicts, and inner life onto the skin. The skin plays a major role in this representation and is involved in different ways in this process. This article aims to review the historical and psychoanalytical aspects of tattoos, the reasons for and against tattooing, medical and dermatological implications of the practice, and emotional reflections from a psychodermatological perspective.
... The usefulness of amulet in spiritual dimension of care is confirmed. Amulet is also a way for expressing religious art [68]. Littlewood and Dein demonstrated on "simultaneous trust in psychiatrists as well as in the widespread use of healing amulets [69]" among the patients in London. ...
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COVID-19 is an important global problem. The disease causes illness and results in anxious state and panic. It also has a lot of socioeconomic impact worldwide. The supports for the affected persons are by several partners including religious unit. The religious unit can play important social welfare role to support the local people. In Indochina, many local Buddhist monasteries act this role. This is an interesting anthropological phenomenon. Many monasteries issue amulet as gimmicks for sale to the donor. The donor buys amulets for spiritual support during frustrate period and the monastery receive money for its welfare function. This is an interesting social sustainability phenomenon.
... Znane jest od prawieków -jako wyraz wyróżnienia religijnego, kultury czy subkultury, osób wysoko urodzonych, ale też więźniów czy dawniej niewolników. Uważa się, że trwałe "naznaczanie ciała" ma zawsze odniesie nie osobiste, czasem skomplikowane -są to amulety, symbole uzdrawiania i statusu, deklaracje miłości, znaki religii, ozdoby, a nawet formy nagrody czy kary 358 . ...
... A tattoo has a relatively permanent character, and its creation involves a painful sensation of multiple skin punctures performed with a needle. On the one hand, a tattoo is a visual sign of rejecting a taboo; on the other, however, it cannot be overlooked that it is an act of self-injury inextricably linked with pain [2,10]. ...
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Background: The aim of the research was to analyse the impact of gender on pain perception during and directly after tattooing, with the following predictors as covariates: the body area chosen for a tattoo, the character of the pain, the time it takes to complete the tattoo, bleeding, the level of stress, analgesics taken before the tattooing procedure, and the cycle phase. Methods: A total of 1092 participants took part in this study (F: 863, M: 229). A proprietary survey was used in the research, including patient characteristics and questions relating to the above-mentioned variables. Multiple regression analyses were used for continuous outcomes and multiple logistic regression analyses for binary outcomes. Results: Factors increasing pain during tattooing include: time B: 0.35; 95% CIs: 0.27-0.43; p = 0.001; bleeding B: 0.36; 95% CIs: 0.00-0.72; p = 0.052; level of stress B: 0.45; 95% CIs: 0.31-0.60; p = 0.001; pain medications taken before tattooing B: 1.42; 95% CIs: 0.60-2.23; p = 0.001. Factors increasing pain after tattooing include: time B: 0.21; 95% CIs: 0.15-0.27; p = 0.001; bleeding B: 0.47; 95% CIs: 0.20-0.72; p = 0.001; level of stress B: 0.15; 95% CIs: 0.04-0.26; p = 0.001. Conclusions: There was no difference between females and males in pain intensity during tattooing. Directly after the procedure, however, pain intensity was higher in women when compared to men. The most important factors increasing pain were time, bleeding, and the level of stress.
... Pesquisas relacionadas ao fenômeno da tatuagem têm problematizado aspectos psicológicos da prática na população mundial, como comportamentos de risco (Giles-Gorniak, Vandehey, & Stiles, 2016;Jennings, Fox, & Farrington, 2014;King & Vidourek, 2013;Pajor, Broniarczyk-Dyła, & Świtalska, 2015;Swami et al., 2016), e atratividade (Kierstein & Kjelskau, 2015), por exemplo. Em sua dimensão psicossocial, encontram-se estudos envolvendo percepção social, atitudes frente pessoas tatuadas, preditores de intenção de praticar modificação corporal, estigma frente a tatuagem, dentre outros temas correlatos (Baumann, Timming, & Gollan, 2016;Dickson, Dukes, Smith, & Strapko, 2014;Thompson, 2015). ...
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Resumo A tatuagem tem sido, atualmente, um dos fenômenos associados ao corpo mais propagados na contemporaneidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as representações sociais da tatuagem para pessoas com tatuagem de ambos os sexos. Foram realizadas 36 entrevistas individuais semi-diretivas, com tatuados de ambos os sexos, subdivididos em 12 categorias, de acordo com os seguintes critérios: sexo, tamanho da tatuagem e época em que realizou a primeira tatuagem. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo temático-categorial, com o auxilio do software Atlas.ti. Por meio da abordagem dimensional, constatou-se que a tatuagem é entendida como forma de externalizar no corpo algum significado importante, com motivos variados. As representações sociais adquirem um papel central na elaboração de maneiras coletivas de ver e viver o corpo, difundindo modelos de pensamentos e de comportamentos, considerando que a história individual, motivações e relações interpessoais são permeadas por saberes, crenças e valores socialmente adquiridos. Palavras-chaves: Tatuagem; Representações sociais; Psicologia social. Resumen El tatuaje ha sido uno de los fenómenos más extendidos asociados con el cuerpo hoy en día. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las representaciones sociales del tatuaje para personas con tatuaje. Se realizaron 36 entrevistas individuales semidireccionales, con individuos tatuados de ambos sexos, subdivididos en 12 categorías, de acuerdo con los siguientes criterios: sexo, tamaño del tatuaje y hora en que se realizó el primer tatuaje. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático-categórico, con la ayuda del software Atlas.ti. A través del enfoque dimensional, se descubrió que el tatuaje se entiende como una forma de externalizar algún significado importante en el cuerpo, con motivos variados. Las representaciones sociales adquieren un papel central en la elaboración de formas colectivas de ver y vivir el cuerpo, diseminando modelos de pensamientos y comportamientos, considerando que la historia individual, las motivaciones y las relaciones interpersonales están impregnadas de conocimiento, creencias y valores socialmente adquiridos. Palabras clave: Tatuaje; Representaciones sociales; Psicologìa social. Abstract The tattoo has been, at the moment, one of the phenomenon associated to the body more propagated in
... Finally, tattoos can be generated for medical purposes, such as in the process of marking radiation ports for radiotherapy, or post-mastectomy cosmetic pigmentation of a new nipple. The general categories of decorative tattooing thus may fall into four main groups, namely healing, affiliation, art, and fashion [4]. It is James Cook, the English explorer who described the Polynesian technique of tattaw in his diaries, who is credited with introducing the word in Europe. ...
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Tattoos are defined as the introduction of exogenous pigments into the dermis in order to produce a permanent design. This process may occur unintentional or may be deliberately administered for cosmetic or medical reasons. Tattoos have been around for over 5000 years and over time have evolved to represent a common cosmetic practice worldwide. Currently, adverse reactions are relatively rare and generally unpredictable and predominantly include immune-mediated reactions and skin infections. Along with better healthcare standards and more stringent public health mandates such as the provision of disposable needles, major infectious complications related to hepatitis and human retroviral infections have decreased significantly. When they do occur, skin infections are most frequently associated with Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. The aim of this study is to review the types and rates of medical complications of permanent tattoos. PubMed search and search dates were open ended. Acute local inflammation is the most common complication, but infections, allergic contact dermatitis, and other inflammatory or immune responses that are not well-characterized may occur. As many patients with immune reactions to tattoos do not react on skin or patch testing, it is postulated that the antigens contained in dyes or pigments are such small molecules that they need to be haptenized in order to become immunogenic. Red ink is associated more frequently with long-term reactions, including granulomatous and pseudolymphomatous phenomena or morphea-like lesions and vasculitis. Exacerbation of preexisting psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and pyoderma gangrenosum may occur after tattooing. There is no well-defined association between cancer and tattoos. The treatment of tattoo-related complications may include local destructive measures (cryotherapy, electro-surgery, dermabrasion, chemical destruction, ablative laser destruction), surgical excision, and thermolysis of the pigment using Q-switched laser therapy.
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The widespread adoption of tattoos and permanent makeup across all social classes and age groups globally has led to an increase in reports of subsequent health problems. This article presents a systematic review aimed at investigating the potential health risks associated with body modifications (tattoos and permanent makeup), highlighting the need for further research and public education to bridge the gap in knowledge and ensure informed decision-making. A literature search was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A comprehensive search was performed in the PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databases for the period between 2014 and 2024. Several significant potential health risks associated with tattoos and permanent makeup were identified: disruption of the skin microbiome, inflammatory processes and infections, allergic reactions and oncological risks, toxicity of tattoo inks, insufficient hygiene, and inadequate aftercare. Despite the prevalence of tattoos, public awareness of the possible associated complications and health risks is low. There is a need for systematic identification and assessment of health and safety risks related to body modification services, as well as the introduction of guidelines to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to prevent health hazards for both clients and professionals performing these procedures.
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In the current era, Indonesian people have begun to open their minds to eliminate negative thoughts about people who have tattoos on their bodies. This is due to the mixing of foreign cultures that have entered Indonesia, not even a few minors have the motivation to have tattoos on their body parts. This research analyzed one of the tattoo communities located in Jakarta named the RR Kakek Gaul Community. In order to help the researchers doing the analysis, the researchers used Semiotics concept from Roland Barthes and signs from Peirce. The sources were taken from the RR Kakek Gaul Community Instagram and YouTube accound which were more specific on two members from its community. The results of this study showed that the members of the RR Kakek Gaul Community tried to deliver messages of optimism in seeing future life and eliminating negatives from the non-tattoed people who underestimaed them. They sent those meanings through tattoo symbol they had.
The term tattoo comes from the Polynesian word tatau, and it refers to an ornamental technique through the painting of the body. Since its origin, the tattooing technique envisaged that the decoration should last forever, but recently new techniques have been invented to give life to temporary tattoos, which disappear as the skin is washed (henna tattoos).
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This study aimed at identifying motivations, risk behavior and social practices, comparing tattooed and non-tattooed women. 316 women (50% tattooed) were surveyed online, answering questions on sociodemographic data, social practices, motivations, and risk behavior. Data collection strategies included snow-balling, social networks, personal contact, and visits to tattoo parlors. The main results indicate that the majority of women express satisfaction with their physical appearance after getting tattooed, and wouldn’t get the tattoo removed. Being tattooed correlated with risk behaviors such as casual sex with unknown people, alcohol and drug use, and psychopathology. The sample presented more similarities than differences between tattooed and non-tattooed groups, suggesting that growing popularization and social acceptance of tattooing has led to a decrease of the differences between the groups. Such results may inform future research and the production of informative materials aimed at demystifying negative stereotypes associated to tattoos.
All body-modifying methods can lead to complications depending on the conditions in which the procedures are performed, on the training and the skills of the practitioner, on the materials used, and on the aftercare. Poor hygienic standards can result in localized infections but can also lead to severe life-threatening conditions or even result in irreversible damage. Body art practitioners should be informed about good hygienic practice and should be aware of the complications that can arise from these procedures. In this chapter the requirements for a hygienic working environment and equipment and the management of a tattoo parlor including the sterilization process and waste disposal will be addressed. The procedure of tattooing will be explained step by step including preventive measures such as adequate hand hygiene and instructions for good aftercare. The customer has to be informed about the risks of the procedure but also has the responsibility to inform the practitioner about his health condition. Client suitability and knowledge of contraindications are important aspects that are often neglected.
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