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Toward an old-growth concept for grasslands, savannas, and woodlands

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
  • Avignon Université
  • Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais - Governo do Estado de São Paulo


We expand the concept of "old growth" to encompass the distinct ecologies and conservation values of the world's ancient grass-dominated biomes. Biologically rich grasslands, savannas, and open-canopy woodlands suffer from an image problem among scientists, policy makers, land managers, and the general public, that fosters alarming rates of ecosystem destruction and degradation. These biomes have for too long been misrepresented as the result of deforestation followed by arrested succession. We now know that grassy biomes originated millions of years ago, long before humans began deforesting. We present a consensus view from diverse geographic regions on the ecological characteristics needed to identify old-growth grasslands and to distinguish them from recently formed anthropogenic vegetation. If widely adopted, the old-growth grassland concept has the potential to improve scientific understanding, conservation policies, and ecosystem management.
154 © The Ecological Society of America
Many of the world’s grasslands are ancient ecosystems
composed of communities that require centuries to
assemble and perennial plants capable of living for
decades to millennia. These ecosystems are being lost to
agriculture, tree plantations, mining, and urban sprawl;
they are also being degraded by invasive species, poorly
managed domestic livestock, altered fire regimes, ele-
vated atmospheric carbon dioxide, and nitrogen deposi-
tion (Parr et al. 2014). Meanwhile, other types of herba-
ceous and grass-dominated vegetation (eg old fields and
derived savannas) are expanding (Veldman and Putz
2011). Confusion over the substantive differences
between natural grassland ecosystems and their novel,
anthropogenic counterparts has contributed to a lack of
concern over the impacts of environmental change on
biodiversity in natural grasslands. This confusion persists
in large part because we currently lack a framework for
conceptualizing the role of long periods of time in the
development of biodiverse grasslands.
To promote the recognition and conservation of nat-
ural grasslands, we extend the concept of “old growth” to
grasslands (Panel 1) and suggest that old growth is not
limited to forests. The ideas we present are drawn from
recent advances in grassland ecology and are motivated
by the threats of human-caused environmental change.
The old-growth grassland concept will help distinguish
ecosystems with high conservation values and unique
ecological attributes from vegetation that forms over
short timescales in response to human land uses. The
concept will also help us evaluate the ecological and eco-
nomic costs associated with the loss or degradation of
grassland ecosystems, and determine the rates at which
such transitions occur. Finally, questions evoked by the
old-growth grassland concept will help identify promising
areas of fundamental ecological research.
We define grasslands broadly as ecosystems in which
graminoids (ie grasses and grass-like plants), forbs, and
shrubs form a relatively continuous “herbaceous layer”
of vegetation. This classification includes grasslands
without trees, as well as savannas and woodlands that
support a range of tree densities (ie “grassy biomes”; Parr
et al. 2014). We emphasize the ecology of the herba-
ceous layer, in recognition that herbaceous species
account for the majority of plant diversity in these sys-
tems and are critical to ecosystem processes. Trees are
important to the ecology of savannas and woodlands (eg
Toward an old-growth concept for
grasslands, savannas, and woodlands
Joseph W Veldman1*, Elise Buisson2, Giselda Durigan3, G Wilson Fernandes4,5, Soizig Le Stradic6,
Gregory Mahy6, Daniel Negreiros4, Gerhard E Overbeck7, Robin G Veldman8, Nicholas P Zaloumis9,
Francis E Putz10, and William J Bond9
We expand the concept of “old growth” to encompass the distinct ecologies and conservation values of the
world’s ancient grass-dominated biomes. Biologically rich grasslands, savannas, and open-canopy woodlands
suffer from an image problem among scientists, policy makers, land managers, and the general public, that fos-
ters alarming rates of ecosystem destruction and degradation. These biomes have for too long been misrepre-
sented as the result of deforestation followed by arrested succession. We now know that grassy biomes originated
millions of years ago, long before humans began deforesting. We present a consensus view from diverse geo-
graphic regions on the ecological characteristics needed to identify old-growth grasslands and to distinguish
them from recently formed anthropogenic vegetation. If widely adopted, the old-growth grassland concept has
the potential to improve scientific understanding, conservation policies, and ecosystem management.
Front Ecol Environ 2015; 13(3): 154–162, doi:10.1890/140270
In a nutshell:
Old-growth grasslands are ancient ecosystems characterized
by high herbaceous species richness, high endemism, and
unique species compositions
Biodiversity in old-growth grasslands is maintained by fre-
quent fires, herbivores, and soil characteristics that limit tree
To survive fires and grazing, many grassland herbs, forbs, and
shrubs have developed specialized underground organs that
enable them to resprout repeatedly; evidence of grassland
plant longevity and ecosystem carbon storage is often below-
Old-growth grasslands are threatened by agricultural conver-
sion, fire exclusion, invasive species, surface mining, poorly
managed livestock, and misinformed afforestation projects
Initiatives to identify, conserve, and restore old-growth grass-
lands are urgently needed
1Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State
University, Ames, IA *(; 2IMBE, Avignon
Université, CNRS, IRD, Aix Marseille Université, Avignon, France;
3Laboratório de Ecologia e Hidrologia Florestal, Floresta Estadual de
Assis, Instituto Florestal, Assis, Brazil; continued on p 162
JW Veldman et al.Old-growth grasslands
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Ratnam et al. 2011), but the vast ecological differences
between trees and herbaceous plants warrant explicit
consideration of these plant communities in concep-
tualizing old-growth grasslands (Kirkman and Mitchell
Grasslands occur across a huge range of environmen-
tal conditions, from the tropics to the Arctic, from sea
level to mountain tops, from arid to humid areas, from
sites with long hydroperiods to well-drained sites, and
from shallow rocky soils to deep clay soils (Brown and
Makings 2014). Given the global diversity of grasslands,
our intention is not to define old growth for any one
place. Instead, we provide an overview of the common
characteristics of old-growth grasslands in hopes of
improving their fates.
nConcept development
Descriptions of old-growth grasslands are scattered
throughout the literature but to our knowledge have not
previously been consolidated into a single framework.
Feller and Brown (2000) argued that an old-growth con-
cept for grasslands, similar to that for forests, was urgently
needed to provide greater protection for natural grasslands
of native species in the western US. Their article has gone
largely unnoticed by ecologists, and “old growth” is still
rarely used in the context of grasslands. Nonetheless, old-
growth themes and descriptions of grasslands with old-
growth characteristics do appear in the ecology and con-
servation literature (eg Noss 2013), as well as in literature
on old-growth “forests” in the US – maintained by fre-
quent fires – that many ecologists would consider to be
savannas (Ratnam et al. 2011). For example, in ecosystems
dominated by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and long-
leaf pine (Pinus palustris), frequent fires and high herba-
ceous species diversity characterize old growth (Laughlin
et al. 2004; Kirkman and Mitchell 2006).
A list of old-growth grassland characteristics based on
observations of and literature about ecosystems in Africa,
Australia, Europe, and the Americas is presented in Panel
1. We acknowledge a bias toward lowland to mid-eleva-
tional, tropical, and temperate ecosystems, and hope that
experts in high-latitude and high-elevation grasslands
will expand on our ideas. These general characteristics
should serve as a guide for developing ecosystem-specific
definitions of old growth.
Fire and herbivores
Recognition of antiquity in old-growth grasslands
requires an appreciation for the roles of fire and herbivores
in grassland plant evolution (Figure 1). Grasslands com-
posed of C3plant species and grazed by ungulates devel-
oped by 20–30 million years ago (MYA; Jacobs et al.
1999). Grasslands composed of C4species, and that
burned frequently, have been prominent in the tropics
Panel 1. Characteristics of many old-growth grasslands, savannas, and woodlands
Ecosystem-level characteristics
Species assemblages that do not occur in
young, secondary grasslands
High herbaceous-layer plant species diversity
High small-scale (eg 1 m2) species richness
Presence of endemic species
Transient seed banks
Persistent bud banks
High ratio of herbaceous species to tree species
High belowground biomass
Little accumulation of litter or duff
Open, discontinuous tree canopies
Factors that maintain biodiversity
Frequent surface fires
Herbivory by native megafauna
Soil disturbance by digging animals
Low-intensity domestic livestock grazing
Shallow soils; nutrient-poor soils
Seasonal water deficits; seasonal flooding
High (toxic) concentrations of soil metals
Land uses incompatible with old growth
Surface mining or quarrying
Tillage agriculture
Plantation forestry
Intensive pasture management (eg use of exotic
forage grasses and fertilizers)
Prolonged high-intensity grazing
Life-history and functional characteristics of
old-growth indicator plant species
Slow growing
Strong resprouting capacity
Low success at establishing from seed
Poor colonization ability
Investment in underground storage organs
Clonal growth
High root:shoot ratio
Fire-enhanced or fire-dependent flowering and fruiting
Fire-tolerant (thick-barked) trees
Causes of degradation
Fire suppression/exclusion
Overgrazing and poorly managed domestic livestock
Declines in native megafaunal herbivores
Woody encroachment
Invasive species
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition
Elevated atmospheric CO2concentrations
Anthropogenic soil disturbances
Land uses potentially compatible with old growth
Low-intensity domestic livestock grazing
Timber or fuelwood extraction
Old-growth grasslands JW Veldman et al.
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and subtropics since 3–8 MYA (Cerling et al. 1997;
Edwards et al. 2010). Millions of years of frequent distur-
bances in grasslands, which intermittently reduced
aboveground biomass, selected for plant morphological
characteristics and life-history strategies that are funda-
mentally different from those of forest species (eg Simon
et al. 2009; Ratnam et al. 2011; Maurin et al. 2014).
Plant longevity in grassland environments requires that
the parts of the plant where growth occurs (ie meristem-
atic tissues, including buds and vascular cambia) are insu-
lated from high temperatures and protected from herbi-
vores, and that photosynthetic tissues can be rapidly
regenerated following disturbances. For most perennial
graminoids and forbs, the principal growth regions are
located near or below the soil surface, where temperatures
remain low during fires (Figure 2). In most savanna trees
(and some herbs; Figure 3), fire-resistant stems with insu-
lated buds permit a substantial portion of a plant’s above-
ground biomass to be retained through fires (Ratnam et
al. 2011). To permit resprouting, many woody plants and
perennial forbs invest in underground organs that store
starch and water (Figure 2; Simon et al. 2009; Maurin et
al. 2014). Clonal growth (eg via rhizomes, stolons, or
tillers) is common, and allows plants to regenerate after
disturbance and to colonize their local area. The preva-
lence of clonal growth likely reflects the many hurdles to
establishment from seed (eg water stress and seed preda-
tion), and apparent life-history trade-offs between persis-
tence and sexual reproduction (Benson and Hartnett
2006; Lamont et al. 2011). In sum, because disturbance
regimes and plant characteristics are dramatically differ-
ent in grasslands than in forests, many signs of antiquity
in old-growth forests (eg large diameter trees, accumu-
lated woody debris; Franklin and Spies 1991) are inap-
plicable to grasslands.
Frequent fires and herbivory are essential to the persis-
tence of most old-growth grasslands, especially where
precipitation and soil nutrient availability are sufficient
to permit forest development (Bond and Keeley 2005).
Fire exclusion or removal of herbivores in these mesic
grasslands can result in rapid transitions from grassland
to forest or shrubland, with associated losses of herba-
ceous plant diversity. Grasslands also occur where tree
growth is limited by shallow soils, low soil moisture
availability, seasonal flooding, or high concentrations of
toxic metals. Because these “edaphic” (influenced by soil
properties) grasslands are less dependent on frequent dis-
turbances than are mesic grasslands, they are often the
only representatives of old growth in severely fire-
excluded landscapes (Noss 2013). Climate-determined
grasslands occur in regions where tree cover is limited by
some aspect of climate, often low precipitation in the
tropics (Staver et al. 2011) or low temperatures at high
latitudes or elevations. While the distinctions between
mesic, edaphic, and climate-determined grasslands are
useful for identifying their primary environmental deter-
minants (ie factors that limit trees), the importance of
fire and herbivory to most old-growth grasslands cannot
be overstated. Across a wide range of climatic and soil
conditions, frequent fires and herbivores limit the abun-
dance of trees and shrubs, promote herbaceous produc-
tivity, consume dead plant material, return nutrients to
Figure 1. Intact disturbance regimes: (a) a surface fire in a Bolivian savanna; (b) megafaunal herbivores in eastern Africa.
(a) (b)
JW Veldman et al.Old-growth grasslands
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the soil, stimulate reproduc-
tion, and maintain plant
diversity (eg Platt et al. 1988;
Lehmann et al. 2014; Nayak et
al. 2014; Veldman et al. 2014).
Time, degradation, and
How we perceive and concep-
tualize time has an enormous
influence on how we study
and seek to conserve organ-
isms and their environments.
Questions of time are critical;
in a single day, a large tractor
can plow up and convert a
hectare or more of old-growth
grassland into an agricultural
field. If that field is aban-
doned, even if propagule sources are nearby and establish-
ment conditions are favorable, it will require a century or
longer for a comparable grassland to form (Baer et al.
2010; Redhead et al. 2014). Where invasive grass species
are present or biophysical conditions are severely altered,
ecosystems may never return to an old-growth state
(Stromberg and Griffin 1996). Indeed, a number of stud-
ies of severely degraded grasslands conclude that old-
growth indicator species are very slow to re-establish and
that grasslands on former agricultural land are ecologi-
cally distinct from old growth (Stromberg and Griffin
1996; Kirkman et al. 2004; Zaloumis and Bond 2011; Le
Stradic et al. 2014; Redhead et al. 2014). Therefore, we
suggest the term “secondary grassland” be used to describe
young ecosystems on land that historically supported old-
growth grasslands (eg Zaloumis and Bond 2011), and that
old growth be used as the reference to develop definitions
of grassland degradation and to guide restoration
(Laughlin et al. 2004).
nPromoting conservation
Cultural resonance
The old-growth grassland concept is a necessary precursor
to public support for grassland conservation. Similar con-
cepts that draw from both scientific theory and beliefs
about nature have bolstered previous conservation efforts
and achieved lasting relevance; for example, the develop-
ment and promotion of the charismatic, culturally reso-
nant concepts of “biodiversity” and – in the context of
forests – “old growth” continue to serve popular conserva-
tion movements (Takacs 1996; Proctor 2009). The ideals
embodied in these concepts are more than just tools to
guide conservation research and advocacy. For the public,
they evocatively capture the value of certain aspects of
the natural world, including antiquity, diversity, and
beauty, which some may even express in terms of sacred-
ness (Taylor 2010).
If old-growth grasslands are to be conserved, they need
to be conceptualized in a culturally resonant manner
because their biodiversity is not always evident to the
untrained eye. Even if ecologists recognize their value,
most lay observers are not yet accustomed to seeking
Figure 2. (a) Storage taproots and rhizomes of a grassland forb (Cryptosepalum maraviense) in
central Africa; (b) root tubers of a shrub (Campomanesia adamantium) in a Brazilian savanna; (c)
basal rosette and bulb of a grassland herb (Ledebouria stenophylla) from southern Africa; (d) storage
taproot (~1.1 m deep) of a savanna forb (Eriogonum tomentosum) in the southeastern US.
A Willem
(b) (c)
Old-growth grasslands JW Veldman et al.
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“Nature” – much less appreciating antiquity – in grass-
lands, where signs of old growth and associated conserva-
tion values are subtle, if not subterranean. Recognition of
grassland conservation values is further complicated by
the dependence of grasslands on disturbances that some
consider “unnatural” or “undesirable” but that must be
maintained, often through active management (Panel 2).
Given this cultural context, we suggest that the old-
growth concept can help scientists and the public to rec-
ognize the value of grasslands and to advocate for their
Carbon, conservation, and old growth
There is growing recognition that natural grasslands
composed of native species are at risk from policies
designed to sequester carbon (C) to mitigate climate
change (Putz and Redford 2010; Parr et al. 2014). In
particular, C payment schemes under development by
the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the program for
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (REDD+), as well as the definitions of
“forest” used by the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization, put grasslands at risk from
afforestation projects and agricultural conversion.
Grasslands are a target for C sequestration projects
because fire suppression and tree planting are straight-
forward means of dramatically increasing aboveground
biomass, at least in the short term (Canadell and
Raupach 2008). We are also concerned that a lack of
international policies recognizing natural grasslands
and including mechanisms to slow their loss will incen-
tivize the conversion of old-growth grasslands to agri-
cultural uses.
The old-growth grassland concept addresses these con-
servation concerns in several ways. First, by emphasizing
the long periods of time required for species-diverse
grasslands of native species to assemble, this concept will
raise awareness of the long-term biodiversity costs associ-
ated with a narrow focus on C and forests. Second, by
emphasizing the roles of time and disturbances in grass-
land formation, the old-growth concept requires that we
consider the permanence of sequestered C in climate
mitigation projects. With C stored in belowground plant
organs, accumulated soil organic matter, and the wood of
fire-tolerant savanna trees (eg Miranda et al. 2014), old-
growth grasslands may securely store C for long periods
of time in fire- and drought-prone landscapes. Third,
advancement of the concept depends on ecologists
developing ecosystem-specific definitions of old growth.
Once established, these definitions should help reconcile
conflicts between global agreements on C and biodiver-
sity conservation priorities at the national level (Sasaki
and Putz 2009).
Figure 3. (a) Persistent charred stem of a graminoid (Bulbostylis paradoxa) and (b) old stems of Vellozia variabilis in highland
grasslands in Brazil.
(a) (b)
Panel 2. The cattle conundrum
A challenge to conceptualizing old-growth grasslands is deter-
mining their compatibility with livestock grazing (Nayak et al.
2014). The idea of domestic livestock in an old-growth ecosys-
tem may seem counterintuitive given the role of cattle ranching
as a global driver of ecosystem degradation. Indeed, poor range-
land management (eg high stocking densities, sowing exotic
grasses) can irreparably change natural grasslands (Feller and
Brown 2000). Nevertheless, livestock grazing at appropriate
densities and intervals appears to be compatible with, or even
beneficial to, grassland biodiversity in some systems. This is the
case in southern Brazil, where cattle exclusion leads to forest
succession and declines in old-growth grassland plant diversity
(Overbeck et al. 2007). Cattle may also provide opportunities to
maintain or restore grasslands that would otherwise be con-
verted to mechanized agriculture or other land uses (Miller et
al. 2012). In grasslands highly suited to agriculture, livestock
grazing is perhaps the only land use that provides economic
returns while maintaining many old-growth grassland character-
istics. In sum, livestock represent both perils and opportunities
for grassland conservation. We need to determine where live-
stock are compatible with biodiversity and use the old-growth
concept to move beyond production-focused grassland man-
agement (Feller and Brown 2000).
JW Veldman et al.Old-growth grasslands
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nFuture ecological research
There is a great deal that we do not know about grassland
plant longevity, the time required for old-growth commu-
nities to assemble, and the rates at which other old-
growth attributes develop (eg soil C storage). The old-
growth concept challenges us to investigate basic
questions about grassland natural history, potentially
improving our ability to answer fundamental ecological
questions (Panel 3).
The few estimates of grassland plant longevity that are
available are based on anecdotal accounts of plant size,
longitudinal studies of individual plants, and modeling of
clonal plant demographics and growth. Accounts from
Brazilian grasslands, for example, suggest that Vellozia spp
require 100 years to reach reproductive maturity and can
live for over 500 years (Alves and Kolbek 1994).
Longitudinal studies provide reliable age estimates, but
are limited in their time and spatial scales. On the basis of
39 years of observations in a grassland in central North
America, Lauenroth and Adler (2008) found that forbs
are typically short-lived ( 18 years) and that most grasses
can live for at least 20 years, with individuals of two
species known to be 39 years old. Previously, Lauenroth
et al. (1994) used demographic data to estimate that blue
grama (Bouteloua gracilis), a C4bunchgrass, can live for
450 years. Indeed, clonal species (including bunch-
grasses) are likely to be the oldest grassland plants, with
the potential to live for decades to millennia (de Witte
and Stöcklin 2010). A variety of modeling techniques
have been used to estimate the ages of both genets
(colonies of genetically identical individuals) and ramets
(individual clones). For example, matrix modeling of pale
pitcher plants (Sarracenia alata) in wet savannas of the
southern US suggests that ramets typically live 59 years
(Brewer 2001), and genets can presumably be much older.
Takahashi et al. (2011) combined molecular genetics and
modeling approaches to estimate that genets of the fire-
adapted saw palmetto, Serenoa repens, which is endemic
to the southeastern US, may live for 10 000 years. In sum,
the maximum ages of old-growth grassland plants may
range widely, depending on growth form, disturbance
regimes, and historical climate stability (Panel 4). More
research is needed on the ages and demographics of long-
lived grassland plants, but short-lived species deserve
consideration as well.
Short-lived grasses and forbs, in combination with
long-lived perennials, can be indicators of old growth,
particularly in grasslands of the arid tropics and temperate
steppes (Coiffait-Gombault et al. 2012). Annual, bien-
nial, and short-lived perennial species are often among
the early colonists of sites disturbed by digging animals
(Platt 1975) or locally intense grazing (Mack and
Thompson 1982) and are thus an important part of
dynamic, old-growth grasslands. But where abundant,
annuals can indicate severe degradation associated with
altered disturbance regimes, biological invasions, and
declines in native perennial populations (Mack and
Thompson 1982; Feller and Brown 2000). Whether as
indicators of old growth or as signs of degradation it will
be important to determine the role of short-lived plants
in ecosystem-specific definitions of old-growth grasslands.
Although plant community composition is an indicator
of grassland maturity (Panel 1; Figure 4), we lack firm
estimates of the time required for species-diverse grass-
lands that include rare and endemic species to form. Our
best estimates are based on studies of secondary grasslands
following abandonment of agriculture, plantation
forestry, and surface mining (Kirkman et al. 2004;
Zaloumis and Bond 2011; Le Stradic et al. 2014; Redhead
et al. 2014). These studies clearly demonstrate that old-
growth grassland communities require many decades, and
probably several centuries, to assemble. Rates of grassland
formation are likely influenced by interactions between a
Figure 4. Unique plant communities: (a) a highland grassland
in Brazil; (b) post-fire flowering and a charred, fire-tolerant tree
in a savanna of the southeastern US.
(a) (b)
Old-growth grasslands JW Veldman et al.
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host of factors, including soil biophysical characteristics.
At grassland restoration sites on former agricultural land
in central North America, soil microbial communities are
estimated to require 30–60 years, and soil C and nitrogen
140 years, to recover to levels found in old-growth grass-
lands (Bach et al. 2010; Baer et al. 2010). In these studies,
soil recovery varied with soil texture, suggesting that rates
of grassland soil development can be quite different, even
within the same ecosystem. Additional studies are needed
to improve our understanding of the role of time in the
development of old-growth grassland soils, as well as the
assembly of plant and animal communities.
Having presented the ecological basis and conservation
motivations for the old-growth grassland concept, we sug-
gest that much work remains. Ecologists should establish
ecosystem-specific definitions of old growth and work to
identify and map these grasslands at local, regional, and
continental scales. Land managers should learn to recog-
nize old-growth characteristics and prioritize the mainte-
nance of disturbance regimes through prescribed fire,
wildfire, native herbivores, and, in certain cases, domes-
tic livestock. Conservation advocacy groups should seek
legal protection for old-growth grasslands and support
educational outreach to raise awareness of these imper-
iled biomes.
Policies designed to promote afforestation for any of a
variety of reasons, including climate-change mitiga-
tion, should explicitly acknowledge the conservation
values of old-growth grasslands. Specifically, these poli-
cies should recognize destruction of natural grasslands
for agriculture to be a form of “agricultural conversion”
with negative environmental consequences similar to
those that occur from deforestation. Likewise, policies
that promote fire suppression or planting exotic forage
grasses should be re-evaluated in regions that support
old-growth grasslands; non-native invasive species
should be recognized as a serious threat to old-growth
grassland biodiversity and a major hurdle to restoration.
Finally, financial mechanisms (eg payments for ecosys-
tem services) should be developed that promote the
protection and maintenance of biodiverse ancient
Panel 3. Relevance of old-growth grasslands to ecology
Adler et al. (2011) assessed the relationship between productivity
and species richness in a global dataset of herbaceous plant com-
munities; the majority of their study sites were grasslands of vari-
ous forms and origins, and these were grouped together for their
analyses. Although the authors did not specifically distinguish old-
growth grasslands from others, they did describe a subset of sites
as “anthropogenic”. They concluded that there was no consistent
pattern in the data, and thus productivity alone was a poor predic-
tor of species richness.
We reclassified the sites used by Adler et al. (2011) into two
groups (Figure 5): (1) those likely to be old-growth grasslands (ie
sites with no known history of cultivation, intact disturbance
regimes, and native plant communities; n= 13), and (2) secondary
grasslands and derived savannas (ie previously cultivated sites and
those classified by Adler et al. [2011] as anthropogenic; n= 16);
sites with insufficient information remained unclassified (n= 19).
We found a strong positive linear relationship between productiv-
ity and diversity for old-growth sites (r2= 0.40, P= 0.02), and no
apparent relationship for secondary grasslands and derived savan-
nas. We suggest that this is one example of how distinguishing old-
growth grasslands from other ecosystem states may lead to funda-
mental insights.
Panel 4. Latitudinal trends in old-growth grasslands
There are likely to be profound differences between grasslands
in regions that were transformed during Pleistocene glaciations
(2.6–0.12 MYA) and grasslands of tropical and subtropical
regions with relatively stable climates (Kirkman et al. 2014).
Post-glacial grasslands (eg in temperate North America, Europe,
and Asia) have assembled during the past 12 000 years through
dispersal from refugia where grasslands persisted during glacia-
tions. In contrast, many tropical and subtropical grasslands have
existed for >2 million years in more or less the same locations.
These trends in paleoclimatic stability have likely resulted in lat-
itudinal trends in grassland plant life-history characteristics. In
particular, we hypothesize that in post-glacial grasslands, peren-
nial plants are shorter-lived (ie years to decades; Lauenroth and
Adler 2008) and have higher dispersal and colonization poten-
tials than in climate-stable grasslands, where perennial plants
can be extremely long-lived (centuries to millennia; Alves and
Kolbek 1994; Takahashi et al. 2011) and are usually poor colo-
nizers. In looking for old-growth grasslands, we should expect
that, as in old-growth forests (Outcalt 1997; Devall 1998), the
time required for these grasslands to form – and the ages of
old-growth plants – may vary by at least an order of magnitude,
from ~100 years (Redhead et al. 2014) to perhaps >1000 years.
In many cases, these differences may be attributable to latitudi-
nal trends in climate stability.
Figure 5. The productivity–diversity relationship in old-
growth grasslands compared to secondary grasslands and
derived savannas. Modified from Adler et al. (2011).
Mean richness (species m–2)
0 200 400 600 800
Mean live biomass (g m–2)
Old-growth grassland
Secondary grassland
and derived savanna
JW Veldman et al.Old-growth grasslands
© The Ecological Society of America
grasslands. It is our hope that if our proposed concept is
widely adopted by ecologists, policy makers and others
will follow suit, thereby improving the prospects for
conservation of the world’s old-growth grasslands,
savannas, and woodlands.
We thank A Willem for Figure 2a and the Nutrient
Network for the data used in Figure 5.
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4Ecologia Evolutiva e Biodiversidade, Universidade Federal de Minas
Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; 5Department of Biology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA; 6Gembloux Agro-Bio tech, Biodiversity and
Landscape Unit, University of Liege, Gembloux, Belgium;
7Department of Botany, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Porto Alegre, Brazil; 8Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies,
Iowa State University, Ames, IA; 9Department of Biological Sciences,
University of Cape Town and South African Environmental
Observation Network, NRF, Rondebosch, South Africa;
10Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
... Because they are a dominant group in herbaceous understories and often form feedbacks with fire and grazing, perennial grasses are recognized for their role in ecosystem structure, flammability, and biodiversity (Beckage et al., 2011;Fill et al., 2015Fill et al., , 2016Nerlekar & Veldman, 2020;Ratnam et al., 2011;Simpson et al., 2022;van Langevelde et al., 2003). Faced with increasing modification from expanding human populations, shifts in climate, and nonnative species invasions, tropical old-growth savannas and grasslands have recently received much attention with respect to their distribution and resilience (Buisson et al., 2019;Noss et al., 2015;Pau et al., 2023;Silander et al., 2024;Veldman et al., 2015). Because perennial grasses are so foundational in the structure and function of these biomes, they have a vital place in our understanding of savanna stability. ...
... Stable ecosystems are those that have resilience (i.e., the ability to return to equilibrium after a disturbance over a characteristic period of time) and resistance (the ability to absorb disturbances without changing basic structure; Eriksson, 2000;Pimm, 1984). Clonal grasses can enhance the stability of ecosystems under stress through their longevity, ensuring the continuity of functions such as fire spread, nutrient cycling, mycorrhizal colonization, and species establishment (Eriksson, 2000;Veldman et al., 2015). They can resist extinction for decades, bypassing sexual reproduction and persisting in the vegetative stage of their life cycle (Eriksson, 2000). ...
... Current support for this assertion comes mainly from inferences about the lifespan, relative dominance, and typical presence of perennial grasses within reference or unmodified savannas and grasslands. For example, Veldman et al. (2015) synthesized characteristics of old-growth savannas around the world, highlighting the importance of frequent fire and long-lived herbaceous plants and emphasizing the protected meristematic tissue, clonality, and sensitivity to soil disturbance in dominant groundcover plants. Subsequently, Veldman (2016) used data from degraded and reference savannas in Bolivia to identify perennial grass species as an indicator of old-growth savannas. ...
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Clonal perennial grasses are a key functional group in fire‐prone, old‐growth grasslands and savannas. They are flammable and can resist extinction for decades. Although clonal grasses as a functional group are considered resilient to fire regime variation, data‐based research on clonal grass dynamics under multiple different fire regimes is still lacking. We modeled the population dynamics of wiregrass (Aristida beyrichiana), an endemic perennial bunchgrass, under very different long‐term, frequent fire regimes within the historical range of variation, in two southeastern US pine savanna environments. All wiregrass populations had similar and stable population growth rates. As expected for a long‐lived species, survival was nearly 100% in all populations. Given that flowering in wiregrass is fire‐stimulated, there was high variability in flowering and seed production between fire and non‐fire years. The consistency of results between our study populations lends data‐driven support to wiregrass' resilience under fire regimes that differ in frequency and seasonality. The patterns we observed in wiregrass mirror inferences from other studies of dominant grass dynamics in old‐growth tropical savannas and support the inclusion of old‐growth US pine savannas in global savanna ecology.
... Apart from the profound transformation experienced in the past, the extensive plains that once covered central Eurasia, North America, East Africa or the southeastern part of South America, are still subject to high rates of land-use conversion Ramankutty et al. 2018;White, Murray, and Rohweder 2000). In the last two decades, several studies have highlighted the dramatic conservation challenges facing grasslands in different regions of the world (e.g., Bond 2016Bond , 2021Overbeck et al. 2007Overbeck et al. , 2024Parr et al. 2014;Paruelo et al. 2022;Veldman 2016;Veldman et al. 2015a). ...
... Despite being one of the most diverse, productive and threatened biomes in the world, grasslands are poorly protected globally (Hoekstra et al. 2005;Jones et al. 2018) and have received little international recognition (Veldman et al. 2015a), especially compared to other ecosystems such as forests or wetlands (Stanturf et al. 2019;Brancalion and Holl 2020). Grasslands have the highest Conservation Risk Index value (calculated as the ratio of per cent area converted to percent area protected), placing them in the "Endangered" and "Critically Endangered" biome categories (Hoekstra et al. 2005). ...
Grasslands are often mis-defined, mainly due to the legacy of colonial narratives in several regions, which have described them as deforested, unproductive or wastelands. They have been largely ignored in global conservation and protection policies, leading to increased exploitation. Although there is much accumulated evidence on the ecosystem services that grasslands provide, in Uruguay, this ecosystem is still neglected in parts of society and for most sustainability policies. Twenty percent of Uruguayan grasslands have been replaced by other land uses (crops and forestry) in recent decades. Nevertheless, large areas of natural grasslands still remain and their preservation is crucial. The aim of this work was to show the value of Uruguayan grasslands through a brief review of their natural history and their multiple natural assets (i.e., biodiversity, ecosystem services, cultural identity and economic activities). We also outline some of the advances in public policy initiatives, but emphasise that such policies are critically underdeveloped in terms of conservation, threatening the existence of grasslands in Uruguay for future generations.
... Open and mosaic ecosystems harbour a wealth of biodiversity yet are often undervalued in biodiversity conservation (Bond and Parr, 2010;Veldman et al., 2015). These ecosystems are often assumed to be secondary degraded forests, which makes them targets for afforestation and other carbon storage schemes. ...
... These ecosystems are often assumed to be secondary degraded forests, which makes them targets for afforestation and other carbon storage schemes. However, there is growing evidence showing that many open and mosaic ecosystems are natural and existed long before any human interventions, supporting high biodiversity richness, as well as soil carbon stocks (Bond et al., 2019;Fernandes et al., 2016;Tölgyesi et al., 2022;Veldman et al., 2015). Distinguishing ancient from derived ecosystems has important management and conservation implications. ...
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The Central Highlands region of Madagascar is currently dominated by open and mosaic ecosystems, and the region is targeted for afforestation projects. At present, little is known about the origin of these ecosystems and whether or not they are ancient or anthropogenically derived mosaics. This paper provides new insights into the environmental history and drivers of change in the Central Highlands of Madagascar during the last 6300 years through palaeoecological records from Lake Dangovavy. Our results suggested that open and mosaic ecosystems have been present in the landscape for at least 6000 years that is, 4 cal. ka BP before human settlement (2 cal. ka BP). Between 6.3 and 2 cal. ka BP landscapes were characterized by a mosaic ecosystem dominated by a matrix of open montane grassland and ericoid shrubland with extent forest patches, associated with seasonal variation of rainfall, and fire. A matrix of ericoid shrubland remained abundant in the landscape despite an increase of fire regime and herbivory activities between 2 and 1.1 cal. ka BP. Major changes in the vegetation were recorded during the last millennium with a shift towards a more open C 4 -dominated grassland associated with high fire frequency and herbivory activities, most likely linked to human influence. Our findings support the notion of the natural presence of open ecosystems on the islands. These shed light on the landscape history which should be considered when setting conservation goals with a particular focus on areas targeted for tree plantations and fire bans like the Central highlands of Madagascar.
... Grassland biomes comprise various types of ecosystems characterized by open vegetation dominated by grasses and low shrubs, typically with low or no tree cover. Recent research has emphasized the importance of old-growth grasslands in both tropical and temperate regions (Parr et al. 2014, Veldman et al. 2015, Bond 2016, 2019, significantly enhancing understanding of these ecosystems. These grasslands or mixed tree-grass systems may extend over large regions determined by climate conditions, where low rainfall or cold temperatures limit tree growth (Whittaker 1970). ...
... In fact, in regions where the historical cover of woody plants is uncertain, the current biodiversity can serve as an indicator of old-growth vegetation. Many characteristics observed in these steppes and forest-steppes align with the markers of old-growth grasslands (Veldman et al. 2015, Bond 2019. Specifically, old-growth Central Anatolian grasslands feature unique species assemblages not found in young secondary grasslands (such as old-fields), high species diversity in the herbaceous layer, abundant small-scale species richness, the presence of persistent bud banks, strong resprouting ability and widespread clonal growth, while low-intensity domestic livestock grazing helps preserve species diversity (Çetik 1985, Kurt et al. 2006, Fırıncıoğlu et al. 2008, Kenar 2017, Özüdoğru et al. 2021, Bahar & Tavşanoğlu 2024, Ülgen & Tavşanoğlu 2024, Ç Tavşanoğlu, unpublished data 2021. ...
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The grasslands of Central Anatolia in Türkiye, including the steppes and forest-steppes, are often mischaracterized as degraded ecosystems due to long-standing human activities, particularly agriculture and domestic grazing. However, palaeoecological evidence and recent research suggest that these grasslands are ancient, biodiversity-rich systems that have persisted through various climatic changes and disturbance regimes. This manuscript challenges the conventional view that Central Anatolian grasslands are secondary and degraded, arguing instead that they represent old-growth ecosystems that coexisted with forests as alternative biome states throughout history. We emphasize the need to re-evaluate current land management practices, particularly afforestation efforts, which may undermine the resilience of these ecosystems to climate change. By recognizing the ecological value of these old-growth grasslands and adopting a comprehensive conservation strategy, the conservation and restoration of these vital ecosystems can be improved, ensuring their resilience and biodiversity in the face of future environmental challenges.
... Most restoration studies in the Neotropics focus on forested ecosystems. Meanwhile, native grasslands and wetlands are increasingly at risk due to conversion to cultivated grass species for cattle grazing and crops (Veldman et al., 2015;Zaloumis & Bond, 2011). Only recently, restoration methods were developed for savanna ecosystems (Guglieri-Caporal et al., 2011;Vieira et al., 2006) and there is a lack of information for Pantanal Guerra, de Oliveira, et al., 2020;Guerra, Reis, et al., 2020;. ...
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In Brazil, biodiversity offsetting operates in an ad hoc manner while biodiversity equivalence has mainly been overlooked by public policies. Despite being mandatory since 1965s Forest Code (Law 4.771), we fail to have a robust offsetting framework. The revision of the forest code in 2012 (i.e., Native Vegetation Protection Law—NVPL—Law n° 12,651/2012), maintained the obligation for landowners to set aside a biome‐specific percentage of their native vegetation for preservation. Known as Legal Reserves, these set‐asides are a precondition for compliance with NVPL's regularization procedure called CAR (Rural Environmental Cadaster). Despite enthusiasm about biodiversity offsetting opportunities following the NVPL enactment in 2012, uncertainties around its implementation remains. Here, we formulated 10 questions that discuss and illustrate how offsetting can be applied to maintain wetland integrity, economic fairness and biodiversity conservation in the Pantanal and Upper Paraguay River basin (UPRB). The aim is to stimulate robust public policies and stimulate wetland offsetting research opportunities. We provided examples of implementation opportunities of the NVPL in integrating the floodplain and highland in Pantanal at UPRB, analyze spatial compliance deficits, and illustrate opportunities that require harmonized legislation and policies between Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul states in Brazil.
... While Brazil is renowned for its extensive tropical forests, it is important to recognize that a substantial portion of its territory, approximately one-third (Overbeck et al., 2022), consists of non-forest "open ecosystems" (sensu Bond, 2019). These ecosystems encompass grassy ecosystems (grasslands and savannas) that, despite being overlooked in terms of conservation (Overbeck et al., 2007), are remarkably diverse Veldman et al., 2015) and hold immense ecological significance. Soils in these ecosystems store large amounts of C and could potentially sequester additional C through improved management (Conant & Paustian, 2002;Dondini et al., 2023;Terra et al., 2023). ...
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Although ecosystem management and restoration are known to enhance carbon storage, limited knowledge of ecosystem‐specific soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and processes hinders the development of climate‐ready, biodiversity‐focused policies. Baseline SOC stocks data for specific ecosystems is essential. This paper aims to: (i) examine SOC stock variability across major grassy ecosystems in Brazil and (ii) discuss data limitations and applications. We compiled the Grassland Synthesis Working Group dataset, which comprehensively aggregates SOC stocks data from published studies on main Brazil's grassy ecosystems. Our dataset results from systematic literature review and regional soil sampling datasets. The dataset provides spatially explicit SOC stocks, physical soil properties, and ancillary information from 182 studies (1996–2021) across 803 sites, spanning 35° latitude and 28° longitude. The dataset, structured in relational tables, reports soil C stocks and ancillary soil parameters at depths up to 100 cm. SOC stocks vary by grassy ecosystem types and sampling depth, with subtropical grasslands (Campos Gerais, South Brazilian highland grasslands, and Pampa) showing the highest SOC stocks across all depth layers (SOC 0–30 cm: 64.5–162.8 Mg C ha⁻¹; SOC 0–100 cm: 137.6–224.7 Mg C ha⁻¹). The tropical Cerrado and Amazon grassy ecosystems exhibit high SOC stocks, particularly in subsurface layers (SOC 0–30 cm: 53.6 and 38.3 Mg C ha⁻¹; SOC 0–100 cm: 109.8 and 121.4 Mg C ha⁻¹, respectively). Our data analysis shows high carbon stocks in natural/seminatural ecosystems, but some ecosystems are undersampled. The dataset on SOC stocks in grassy ecosystems could greatly aid Brazil's national greenhouse gas inventory.
... Grass-dominated ecosystems cover approximately 30%-40% of the Earth's land surface ( Dixon et al. 2014 ;Gibson 2009 ;White et al. 20 0 0 ) and approximately 20%-30% of the tropics ( Bond 2016 ;Parr et al. 2014 ). These grasslands include both natural ( Veldman et al. 2015 ) and human-modified grasslands, such as cultivated pastures, seminatural grasslands, and old fields ( Veldman 2016 ). Grasslands provide an array of ecosystem services including provisioning services such as meat, milk, and fiber from livestock, and 1550-7424/© 2024 The Author(s). ...
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Pyric herbivory, a process by which grazing is driven by fire, has been shown to create heterogeneity in fire-prone grasslands. Patch-burn grazing (PBG) is a management tool used to harness pyric herbivory and contrasts with full burn (FB) which fosters homogeneity. Here we provide a comprehensive assessment of plant communities (vegetation composition, diversity, and heterogeneity), soil characteristics, and fire fuel consumption responses to PBG as compared to FB management in two different pasture-types (in-tensively managed pastures [IMP] vs. less intensely managed seminatural pastures [SNP]) in subtropical, humid grasslands in Florida, USA. In 2017, we established 16 experimental pastures at Archbold Biological Station's Buck Island Ranch that were 16-ha each, eight in IMP and eight in SNP. Of the eight pastures in each pasture-type, four were fully burned in 2017 (FB) while in the other four, one-third of the pasture was burned each year for three years (2017, 2018, and 2019) (PBG). PBG-treated pastures were expected to have greater plant richness, diversity, and structural heterogeneity due to the creation of patch contrast while in FB pastures, we expected homogeneous vegetation structure because patches would all have the same fire history. Fuel consumption by fire was greater in SNP vs. IMP and in burned patches within PBG vs. similar-size areas in FB. Recently burned patches had greater total native richness and Shannon diversity , driven by greater numbers and cover of forbs and sedges, but the magnitude of this response varied among years. PBG pastures had greater structural heterogeneity shortly after fire but this disappeared by the end of the growing season. PBG benefits both conservation and production goals in SNP, but incentive programs may be required to implement PBG in IMP to offset losses in forage production while gaining increased height heterogeneity and potential increases in vegetation diversity.
... Worldwide, an estimated 45.8% of temperate grasslands have been lost to development or converted to agricultural land, and 49% of all grasslands have experienced degradation due to human activities and climate change (Hoekstra et al. 2005;Gang et al. 2014; Bardgett et al. 2021). The remaining temperate grasslands receive little conservation effort, in part due to the perception that they represent degraded forests and the assumption that grasslands can recover quickly after degradation (Veldman et al. 2015a(Veldman et al. , 2015bDudley et al. 2020;Buisson et al. 2022). This bias has led some scientists and organizations to misclassify extant grasslands as areas for potential reforestation, which would create forests at the expense of historic grasslands (Veldman et al. 2015b). ...
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Aims: The grasslands of the North American Piedmont host diverse communities of sun-loving plants, but more than 90% of these grasslands have been lost across the region. Grasslands of the northern and central Piedmont of Virginia have received little formal study, but they are likely to be as diverse and threatened as they are in other parts of the eastern United States. To conserve the remaining Piedmont grasslands, we need to characterize floristic communities, identify the edaphic factors and disturbance regimes that drive their persistence, and develop methods to restore degraded grasslands. Study Area: Northern and Central Virginia Piedmont, USA. Methods: We surveyed plant communities and collected soil samples in 132 grasslands in old fields, powerline clearings, and roadsides. We used cluster analysis, indicator species analysis, and non-metric multidimensional scaling overlaid with soil and environmental variables to identify community groups. Results: We identified 695 plant taxa (87% of which are native) including 13 species that are rare in Virginia, two of which are globally critically imperiled (Pycnanthemum clinopodioides and P. torreyi). Six of our study sites contained 100 or more species with a maximum of 114 species in a single plot, making them among the most species-rich 100 m² plots recorded in the United States. Cluster analysis and ordination indicated four community groups, which we refer to as the Northern Prairies, Central Prairies, Savanna/Woodlands, and Wet Grasslands. Conclusions: The descriptions of these community groups can be used as reference information to inform grassland restoration in Virginia. Virginia’s Piedmont grasslands are threatened by fire suppression, development, invasive species, and inappropriate management by utility companies. Swift action to conserve high quality grasslands and restore degraded ones is required to save these diverse plant communities. Taxonomic reference: Weakley et al. (2012). Abbreviations: NMDS = non-metric multidimensional scaling; PERMANOVA = permutational multivariate analysis of variance.
... Grassland constitutes a crucial component of the global ecosystem, covering 30-40% of the planet's land surface and supporting extensive biodiversity [1]. However, a considerable portion of the world's grassland resources are currently at risk or undergoing degradation [2], due to climate change [3], overgrazing [4], and eutrophication [5]. ...
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Vegetation diversity is a crucial indicator for evaluating grassland ecosystems. Remote sensing technology has great potential in assessing grassland vegetation diversity. In this study, the relationship between remote sensing indices and species diversity was investigated at varying spatial and temporal scales in Bayanbulak Grassland National Nature Reserve, China. Spectral variation, defined as the coefficient of variation in vegetation indices, was used as a proxy for species diversity, which was quantified using species diversity indices. The “spectral diversity-species diversity” relationship was validated across diverse spatial scales and between different years using Sentinel-2 images and ground investigation data. This study found that Kendall’s τ coefficients showed the best performance in evaluating the relationship between the coefficient of variation in VIs (CVVIs) and species diversity index. The highest τ value was observed for CVNDVI in 2017 (τ = 0.660, p < 0.01), followed by the Shannon index in 2018 (τ = 0.451, p < 0.01). In addition, CVEVI demonstrated a significant positive correlation with the Shannon-Wiener Index at the 50 m scale (τ = 0.542), and the highest relationship τ between CVNDVI and the Shannon-Wiener Index was observed at the 100 m scale (τ = 0.660). The Shannon-Wiener Index in relation to CVVIs performs better in representing changes in grassland vegetation. Spatial scales and vegetation indices influence the assessment of grassland vegetation diversity. These findings underscore the critical role of remote sensing technology in assessing grassland vegetation diversity across various scales, offering valuable support tools for measuring regional grassland vegetation diversity.
... Further, we did not detect notable differences in plant species composition among open, encroached, or treated stands, as might be expected. These null findings could be the result of the low thinning intensity and/or sampling too soon following treatments, as understory plant diversity can be slow to respond to restoration thinning (Perchemlides et al. 2008;Veldman et al. 2015;Bassett et al. 2020) and plant establishment times can vary depending on seed dispersal mechanisms. Additionally, because a large area was thinned, it is possible that treatment influences on control plots limited our ability to detect a treatment effect. ...
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Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands are threatened by conifer encroachment established during decades of fire exclusion. Widespread restoration efforts are underway to remove conifers from many oak woodlands in California, Oregon, and Washington. Using water potential, stomatal conductance, stable isotopes, and three metrics of biodiversity, we investigated the effects of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) encroachment and removal at the ecosystem scale across 3 years in a northern California woodland. We found that heavily encroached stands had the highest water potential and often the lowest stomatal conductance, compared to moderately encroached and open stands. Xylem water stable isotopes indicated that oaks and Douglas-firs were likely not directly competing for water, as oaks appeared to use a relatively deeper water source. Under certain climatic conditions, heavily encroached oaks were more vulnerable to water stress than oaks in open or moderately encroached stands. Following low-intensity conifer removal, thinned stands had slightly lower predawn water potential and higher gas exchange compared to unthinned stands, particularly under dry conditions. For ecosystem biodiversity, understory plant and bird diversity did not meaningfully vary with encroachment or thinning, but mammal diversity was greater in encroached stands compared to open stands. Findings from this work demonstrate that negative impacts of conifer encroachment on oaks are not due to increased competition for water, conifer removal is physiologically beneficial for shaded oaks, and that heavier thinning treatments are likely needed to yield long-term responses and influence biodiversity.
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Approximately one-third of the Earth's vegetative cover comprises savannas, grasslands, and other grass-dominated ecosystems. Paleobotanical, paleofaunal, and stable carbon isotope records suggest five major phases in the origin of grass-dominated ecosystems: (1) the late Maastrichtian (or Paleocene) origin of Poaceae; (2) the opening of Paleocene and Eocene forested environments in the early to middle Tertiary; (3) an increase in the abundance of C3 grasses during the middle Tertiary; (4) the origin of C4 grasses in the middle Miocene; and (5) the spread of C4 grass-dominated ecosystems at the expense of C3 vegetation in the late Miocene. Grasses are known from all continents except Antarctica between the early Paleocene and middle Eocene. Herbivore morphology indicative of grazing, and therefore suggestive of grass-dominated ecosystems, appears in South America by the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, prior to the occurrence of grazing morphology elsewhere, and persists throughout the Cenozoic. Clear vertebrate and paleobotanical evidence of widespread grass-dominated ecosystems in northern continents does not occur until the early to middle Miocene. C4 grasses are present from approximately 15 Ma and undergo a dramatic expansion in the lower latitudes of North America, South America, East Africa, and Pakistan between 9 and 4 Ma. The expansion may have taken place in a shorter interval in some regions. C4 grasses are characteristic of seasonal, arid, and warm environments and are more tolerant of lower atmospheric CO2 (< 400 ppmv) than C3 plants. C4 grass distribution, therefore, is climatically controlled. The late Miocene spread of C4 grasses possibly involved a decrease in atmospheric CO2 and heralded the establishment of modern seasonality and rainfall patterns.
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In the shortgrass steppe region of North America there is a controversy about the ability of the dominant species to recruit from seedlings. The prevailing view is that Bouteloua gracilis is incapable of recruitment from seedlings in areas receiving mean), emphasizes the importance of the intraseasonal distribution of precipitation. The sensitivity of recruitment to soil water availability suggests that climate change, particularly changes that increase or decrease the amount or the effectiveness of soil water, could have important effects on the future of populations of B. gracilis.
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QuestionHuman-altered disturbance regimes and agricultural land uses are broadly associated with reduced plant species diversity in terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, we seek to understand how fire frequency and agricultural land-use history influence savanna understorey plant diversity through complex relationships (i.e. indirect effects) among multiple biophysical variables.LocationFort Bragg, NC, US, Savannah River Site, SC, US and Fort Stewart, GA, US.Methods We use structural equation modelling (SEM) to evaluate the relationships among six groups of predictor variables and their influence on local-scale species richness in pine savannas at 256 sites from three locations in the southeastern USA. In the model, fire frequency and agricultural history are hypothesized to control richness through a combination of direct effects, and indirect effects mediated by resource availability, tree abundance, understorey plant abundance and the O horizon (litter and duff depth).ResultsFrequent fires promote richness by limiting tree abundance, which increases understorey abundance and reduces the O horizon. Frequent fires also limit the O horizon independent of tree abundance. Of the total positive effect of fire on richness, 70% is attributable to reductions in the O horizon and 30% to reduced tree abundance. Agricultural history has a negative effect on richness through a positive correlation with tree abundance, which decreases understorey abundance and increases the O horizon. Agricultural history has a modest negative effect on richness by reducing resource availability as well as a strong direct negative effect (38% of the total effect) that is unrelated to other modelled variables.Conclusions Through a multivariate framework and large-scale data set, this study unites and tests our understanding of the factors that control plant species diversity in a fire-dependent ecosystem. We show that the effects of fire frequency and agricultural history on richness are largely mediated through other ecosystem attributes, including vegetation structure (i.e. tree and understorey abundance), resource availability and the O horizon. Persistent, negative effects of agricultural history demonstrate the slow rates of savanna plant community recovery on post-agricultural land and highlight the conservation value of frequently burned savanna remnants.
Forgotten Grasslands of the South" is a literary and scientific case study of some of the biologically richest and most endangered ecosystems in North America. Eminent ecologist Reed Noss tells the story of how southern grasslands arose and persisted over time and addresses questions that are fundamental for conserving these vital yet poorly understood ecosystems. The author examines: the natural history of southern grasslandstheir origin and history (geologic, vegetation, and human)biological hotspots and endangered ecosystemsphysical determinants of grassland distribution, including ecology, soils, landform, and hydrology fire, herbivores, and ecological interactions.The final chapter presents a general conservation strategy for southern grasslands, including prioritization, protection, restoration, and management. Also included are examples of ongoing restoration projects, along with a prognosis for the future. In addition to offering fascinating new information about these little-studied ecosystems, Noss demonstrates how natural history is central to the practice of conservation. Natural history has been on a declining trajectory for decades, as theory and experimentation have dominated the field of ecology. Ecologists are coming to realize that these divergent approaches are in fact complementary, and that pursuing them together can bring greater knowledge and understanding of how the natural world works and how we can best conserve it. "Forgotten Grasslands of the South" explores the overarching importance of ecological processes in maintaining healthy ecosystems, and is the first book of its kind to apply natural history, in a modern, comprehensive sense, to the conservation of biodiversity across a broad region. It sets a new standard for scientific literature and is essential reading not only for those who study and work to conserve the grasslands of the South but also for everyone who is fascinated by the natural world.
Scientists have called repeatedly for a broader conservation agenda that emphasizes not only protected areas but also the landscapes in which those areas are embedded. We describe key advances in the science and practice of engaging private landowners in biodiversity conservation and propose a conceptual model for integrating conservation management on reserves and privately owned lands. The overall goal of our model is to blur the distinction between land management on reserves and the surrounding landscapes in a way that fosters widespread implementation of conservation practices. Reserves assume a new role as natural laboratories where alternative land-use practices, designed to achieve conservation objectives, can be explored. We articulate the details of the model using a case study from the North American tallgrass prairie ecoregion.
Grasslands at the Hastings Natural History Reservation (HNHR) and in adjacent Santa Lucia coastal range of Monterey County, California were sampled from 1971 to 1991. Grasslands on HNHR showed two distinct and stable associations: stands with and without historical cultivation (18651937\approx 1865-1937). Relict stands dominated by native, perennial grasses (e.g., Nassella pulchra, Poa secunda) are limited to uncultivated, steeper stands, often where soils have more clay. Abandoned agricultural fields have stable compositions dominated by Avena fatua, Bromus mollis, B. diandrus, Erodium spp., Hypochaeris glabra, Vulpia spp., Eremocarpus setigerus, and Amsinckia spp. Patterns in species composition were associated with gradients in soil texture, gopher abundance, and slope. Gophers provide a significant and continuous source of soil disturbance and may slow successional processes in old fields. Where gophers are excluded, aboveground biomass accumulates. Germination and establishment of native perennial grasses (compared to introduced, annual grasses) are reduced on gopher tailings in old fields. Species composition patterns reflecting past cultivation on both grazed and ungrazed stands are apparent. Relict (uncultivated) stands of native grasses persist under many historical levels of grazing. Effects of grazing are often only seen on old fields, and not on relict grasslands. Compared to stands where grazing was removed in 1937, stands currently or recently grazed by cattle show higher soil nitrogen, but reductions in cover of gopher tailings, species diversity, soil phosphate, and sulphate.
Ecological characteristics of old-growth Douglas-fir forests are examined in terms of compositional, functional, and structural features. Old-growth forests typically include dis-tinctive animal and plant species-that is, organisms that are most abundant in such forests. Functional behavior of old-growth forests differs from functional behavior under other forest conditions. Productivity is typically high, but most energy is used to maintain the large mass of living material; growth and mortality are in approximate balance over long periods. Nutrient and sediment yields from old-growth forests are typically very low. Old-growth forests also differ from younger forests in their effects on hydrologic cycles in areas where cloud or fog precipitation, rain-on-snow events, or both are important. The structural characteristics of old-growth forests are the basis for most of their unique com-positional and functional attributes. Specifically, important structural components are large individual old trees-whether live, dead and standing (snags), or dead and fallen (logs)-in both terrestrial and associated aquatic environ-ments. Old-growth forests also have stand attributes that are very different from younger and, especially, from managed forests. The distinctive communities of microbes, inverte-brates, higher plants, and animals that occur in old-growth forests are integrally related to the collective structural attributes.
The origin of fire-adapted lineages is a long-standing question in ecology. Although phylogeny can provide a significant contribution to the ongoing debate, its use has been precluded by the lack of comprehensive DNA data. Here, we focus on the ‘underground trees’ (=geoxyles) of southern Africa, one of the most distinctive growth forms characteristic of fire-prone savannas. We placed geoxyles within the most comprehensive dated phylogeny for the regional flora comprising over 1400 woody species. Using this phylogeny, we tested whether African geoxyles evolved concomitantly with those of the South American cerrado and used their phylogenetic position to date the appearance of humid savannas.� We found multiple independent origins of the geoxyle life-form mostly from the Pliocene, a period consistent with the origin of cerrado, with the majority of divergences occurring within the last 2 million yr. When contrasted with their tree relatives, geoxyles occur in regions characterized by higher rainfall and greater fire frequency. Our results indicate that the geoxylic growth form may have evolved in response to the interactive effects of frequent fires and high precipitation. As such, geoxyles may be regarded as markers of fire-maintained savannas occurring in climates suitable for forests.
Scientists have called repeatedly for a broader conservation agenda that emphasizes not only protected areas but also the landscapes in which those areas are embedded. We describe key advances in the science and practice of engaging private landowners in biodiversity conservation and propose a conceptual model for integrating conservation management on reserves and privately owned lands. The overall goal of our model is to blur the distinction between land management on reserves and the surrounding landscapes in a way that fosters widespread implementation of conservation practices. Reserves assume a new role as natural laboratories where alternative land-use practices, designed to achieve conservation objectives, can be explored. We articulate the details of the model using a case study from the North American tallgrass prairie ecoregion.
Tropical grassy biomes (TGBs) are globally extensive, provide critical ecosystem services, and influence the earth-atmosphere system. Yet, globally applied biome definitions ignore vegetation characteristics that are critical to their functioning and evolutionary history. Hence, TGB identification is inconsistent and misinterprets the ecological processes governing vegetation structure, with cascading negative consequences for biodiversity. Here, we discuss threats linked to the definition of TGB, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation schemes (REDD+), and enhanced atmospheric CO2, which may facilitate future state shifts. TGB degradation is insidious and less visible than in forested biomes. With human reliance on TGBs and their propensity for woody change, ecology and evolutionary history are fundamental to not only the identification of TGBs, but also their management for future persistence.