Identifying strategies used for improvement of
self-assessment skills for EFL learners
Arash Shahriari-Rad1, Hasan Selcuk2, Hana Vonkova3
Department of Education, Charles University, Prague
2. ,
The literature focused on language learning show that self-assessment for non-native learners is much more difficult than the native speakers. According to Blanche (1988), self-assessment accuracy is a condition of learners’ autonomy.
In this respect, learners need to know what their abilities are, how much progress they are making and what they can or cannot do with their skills acquired. According to Wallace (1991), self-assessment is one of the key practices to develop EFL learners’ self-awareness and autonomy in learning.
In this regard, foreign language learners can be disadvantaged since they are not always able to compare their learning progress to native speakers.
According to Black and Wiliam (1988), a study that used interviews as a strategy, produced a better picture of teachers’ perceptions which differed from other studies in their assessment strategies. Furthermore, they claimed that many teachers’ model of problem-solving and of effective reasoning always requires improvement by supports of a theoretical framework within which to interpret the evidence provided by students and by a model to which to direct them in the development of their own self-assessment criteria.
Different teaching, learning and assessment strategies have been used to improve learners’ self-assessment skills, (e.g. Paris and Paris, 2001). These strategies include: reflection activities, use of rubrics, setting learning targets.
This literature review aims to develop a model showing different self-assessment tools and strategies and mapping them into learners’ improving language skills. To reach this aim we identify assessment strategies and tools which contributes more to specific learners’ skills in self-assessment of their learning process of English as a foreign language.
Key words: (1) self-assessment (2) EFL (3) self-evaluation strategies
[1] Blanche, P. (1988). Self-Assessment of Foreign Language Skills: Implications for Teachers and Researchers. Sage Journals, 19(1), pp. 75-93.
[2] Black, P., Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), pp. 7-74.
[3] Blanche, P. (1988). Self-Assessment of Foreign Language Skills: Implications for Teachers and Researchers. RELC Journal , 19(1).
[4] Paris SG and Paris AH (2001). Classroom applications of research on self-regulated learning. Educational Psychology, 36(2), 89–101.
[5] Wallace, M. (1991). Training Foreign Language Teachers. A reflective approach. Cambridge. Cambridge UP.