
Symbolic Interactionism: An Introduction, An Interpretation, An Integration

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... Ao considerar o caráter único da experiência da criança, foi imperativa a escolha da pesquisa qualitativa. O Interacionismo Simbólico (14) foi empregado como referencial teórico e os pressupostos da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (15) como referencial metodológico para compreender a experiência da criança com necessidades de saúde especiais na escola, apontando os significados atribuídos por ela à sua vivência nesse contexto. A apresentação das informações desta pesquisa foi direcionada pelos critérios definidos pelo Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (Coreq), usado para garantir a abrangência, transparência e rigor na apresentação dos métodos e resultados qualitativos (16) . ...
... Com isso, compreende-se que a estratégia de dar voz à criança por meio das entrevistas e à sua criatividade pelos desenhos foi adequada para responder ao objetivo do estudo. O Interacionismo Simbólico (14) nos levou a pensar a criança interacionalmente e nos permitiu investigar o significado atribuído por ela à escola, bem como suas perspectivas frente às interações estabelecidas nas vivências em ser uma Crianes na escola. ...
... Pode-se afirmar, a partir dos conceitos que compõem o Interacionismo Simbólico, que o comportamento das Crianes recebe influência dos significados por ela atribuídos às situações que vivencia na interação com outras crianças, profissionais da área da saúde e educadores, com familiares e com sua própria trajetória de doença (14) , o que pode ser comprovado com os resultados desta pesquisa. ...
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Objective: To understand the experience of children with special health needs at school. Method: Qualitative research using Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical framework and assumptions of Grounded Theory as a methodological framework. Data collected in a pediatric outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital in an inland city of the state of São Paulo. The following collection strategies were used: participant observation, drawing, and semi-structured interviews. Twenty-two school-age children with special health needs participated in the research, all of whom attended school. Results: Three categories were constructed representing the experience of children with special health needs at school: Experiencing the school environment, Identifying obstacles, and Finding ways to move forward despite the illness. These children’s experiences at school allowed us to understand their difficulties, their need for adaptation and their actions in the face of the process related to their development. Conclusion: The need for acceptance, safety, and trust in the school environment and in the people who make it up was identified, which are fundamental factors for the children to be able to continue their development and learning, despite the illness. DESCRIPTORS Disabled Children; Mainstreaming; Education; Pediatric Nursing; Chronic Disease; Symbolic Interactionism
... Considering the unique nature of the child's experience, the selection of qualitative research was imperative. Symbolic Interactionism (14) was used as a theoretical framework and the assumptions of Grounded Theory (15) as a methodological framework to understand the experience of children with special health needs at school, pointing out the meanings attributed by them to their experience in this context. The presentation of the information in this research was guided by the criteria defined by Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (Coreq), used to ensure comprehensiveness, transparency, and rigor in the presentation of qualitative methods and results (16) . ...
... With this, it is understood that the strategy of giving voice to the child through interviews and their creativity through drawings was adequate to respond to the objective of the study. Symbolic Interactionism (14) led us to think about the child interactionally and allowed us to investigate the meaning attributed by them to school, as well as their perspectives regarding the interactions established in the experiences of being a Crianes at school. ...
... It can be stated, based on the concepts that make up Symbolic Interactionism, that Crianes' behavior is influenced by the meanings they attribute to the situations they experience in their interactions with other children, health professionals and educators, with family members and with their own illness trajectory (14) , which can be proven with the results of this research. ...
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Objective: To understand the experience of children with special health needs at school. Method: Qualitative research using Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical framework and assumptions of Grounded Theory as a methodological framework. Data collected in a pediatric outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital in an inland city of the state of São Paulo. The following collection strategies were used: participant observation, drawing, and semi-structured interviews. Twenty-two school-age children with special health needs participated in the research, all of whom attended school. Results: Three categories were constructed representing the experience of children with special health needs at school: Experiencing the school environment, Identifying obstacles, and Finding ways to move forward despite the illness. These children’s experiences at school allowed us to understand their difficulties, their need for adaptation and their actions in the face of the process related to their development. Conclusion: The need for acceptance, safety, and trust in the school environment and in the people who make it up was identified, which are fundamental factors for the children to be able to continue their development and learning, despite the illness. DESCRIPTORS Disabled Children; Mainstreaming; Education; Pediatric Nursing; Chronic Disease; Symbolic Interactionism
... This is qualitative and interpretive study using the grounded theory methodology (Corbin;Strauss, 2008) and symbolic interaction as a theoretical framework (Charon, 2009 ...
... Analysing this movement by considering symbolic interactionism (Charon, 2009), symbols with synaesthetic characteristics that contribute to actors' washing their hands were found: the feeling of dirt on their hands and the discovery that they are being watched as they carry out the procedure. ...
... Given that symbols belong to a class of social objects used to represent something (Charon, 2009), the theoretical model first pointed to self-protection against the risks of selfcontamination and reprisals for not doing the procedure or doing it wrongly For symbolic interactionism, the mind is an action that uses symbols and directs them towards the self. It is the individual trying to do something, to act in his world. ...
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Hand hygiene is a global challenge for healthcare professionals. In order to overcome barriers to that procedure, the multimodal strategy recommends structural actions in health-service settings and the development of an institutional safety environment through a training/educational process. This process should be based on understanding the experience of such professionals as regards hand hygiene. This study aimed to understand the nursing team’s interactional expe-rience related to the microbiota and hygiene of the hands in work settings as well as to develop a theoretical model representing that experience. This is a qualitative study, and it achieved theoretical saturation through the analysis of 17 semistructured and indepth interviews, following the principles of the grounded theory. Eight hospital nurses and nine nursing technicians participated in it. Two subprocesses were identified from this analysis: (1) conceiving the invisibility of microorganisms from the biopsychosocial domain to human unintelligibility in hand hygiene; (2) awakening to hand and environmental hygiene through sensitive sensations. By realigning the components in these subprocesses, the central category (theoretical model) was found: hand hygiene as a synaesthetic precaution due to human unintelligibility of the non-apparent. Human unintelligibility of the nonapparent was identified as a biopsychosocial barrier for the nursing team to sanitise their hands. In conclusion, the model assumes that training/educational actions are not enough; immediate sensory strategies must be added to daily work in order to awaken professionals to the need for sanitising their hands as soon as they complete an intervention and before moving on to the next.
... This study has its theoretical underpinnings in symbolic interactionism, which Blumer (1969, p. 2) notes is based on three premises: ''(1) Human beings act toward things based on the meaning things have for them; (2) The meaning of such things is derived from or arises out of, the social interaction one has with one's fellows; and (3) These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an interpretive process used by the person in dealing with the things he encounters.'' Symbolic interactionism deliberates stimuli (such as previous motives, emotions, interactions with others, societal influences, and the physical environment) as elements within the social realm that individuals integrate into their conceptualizations (Charon, 2007). This distinction holds importance because, even though proponents of symbolic interactionism argue that the physical environment does not inherently determine meaning, it allows the view of a place's physical characteristics as elements that humans engage with, thereby shaping and influencing a range of possible experiences (Milligan, 1998). ...
... By applying symbolic interactionism, researchers can interpret the stakeholders' meaning in a given situation (Charon, 2007). Knowing more about the meanings attributed to parks can enable practitioners to get a better understanding of the meanings that stakeholders residing in the vicinity of EVER form about the park, what is important for them, and what needs to be protected. ...
... According to Charon (2007), social interaction involves five main ideas: (1) humans are social creatures, so social interaction is important when creating and forming meanings (Mead, 1934); (2) humans are thinkers, and use symbols, so meanings originate from interactions with others and society (Blumer, 1969), and social objects with common cultural backgrounds, such as words are used socially and (Charon, 2007), and individuals have the ability to assume the perspective of the broader collective (referred to as the ''generalized other''), wherein they try to envision the viewpoint of another person or group, and form meanings (Mead, 1934); (3) humans do not sense their situation directly but experience the real world by defining what holds significance within their surroundings (Blumer, 1969), and they continuously interpret the world and assign meanings to objects; (4) humans consider past experiences, but their actions are motivated by what is occurring in the current situation, and present meanings are reactions to current stimuli (Mead, 1934); and (5) humans are active participants in creating their experiences (Blumer, 1969). Instead of meanings inherent in the physical environment, humans shape their own meanings (Blumer, 1969). ...
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Plain language summary Understanding the meanings that stakeholders put on a particular natural area is important for fostering a relationship between managing agencies and related stakeholders. This study identifies what Everglades National Park (EVER) means to different people. To this end, residents, NGOs, federal government agencies, state/local governments, business groups, and scientists were asked to focus on the meanings the park holds for them. Using symbolic interactionism as a theoretical framework, we explored how stakeholders ascribed meanings to EVER. Analysis of the interview data generated four research themes: EVER as a place with unique natural resources and biodiverse ecosystem habitats, a place for recreation and tourism, a place for an ancestral home, and a place for financial investment. The results of this study add to the literature by delving into the specific meanings stakeholders have about the park. The results contribute by incorporating social factors into protected area management and thus helping to identify how different stakeholders view the park and what is important to them.
... Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que utilizou como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico (IS) (9) e metodológico a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD), com base na perspectiva construtivista de Charmaz (10) . asociados a sentimientos de angustia, aflicción y esperanza de que la muerte no se materializara; al cuerpo como un templo inviolable y a la solidaridad como una forma de mitigar el sufrimiento y enfrentar el duelo. ...
... A partir dessa perspectiva, fica claro que a família constrói um caminho a ser seguido, dando novo significado a certos aspectos já vivenciados ou não. Esse processo pode ser percebido pela maneira como os familiares enxergam o tempo necessário para a conclusão do diagnóstico de morte encefálica (9) . O mesmo é vivenciado a partir dessas premissas, transformando o intervalo de um dia (tempo médio para a conclusão do diagnóstico) em uma eternidade angustiante. ...
... Esses sentimentos têm grande importância social, uma vez que a sociedade se desenvolve por meio da interação entre seus membros. O Interacionismo Simbólico descreve o ser humano como imprevisível e ativo no mundo, mas é importante considerar que suas ações visam escolher a melhor opção para si, para minimizar seu próprio sofrimento (9) . Dentro do cenário de instabilidade causado pela morte e utilizando a interação consigo mesma para interpretar o mundo e tomar decisões (ação humana), a família analisa a situação e, com base nisso, decide sobre a possibilidade de doação de órgãos e suas consequências. ...
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Objective: to understand the meaning that the family gives to the experience of having consented to organ donation. Method : qualitative study, based on the theoretical framework of Symbolic Interactionism and the methodology of Grounded Theory. It was carried out with 14 family members who consented to the donation of multiple organs. Data collection took place between July and November 2019, through intensive interviews recorded and transcribed in full, in addition to a research diary. To form the sample groups, the criteria proposed by the Grounded Theory were followed. These groups were organized by the MAXQDA software, and, for their analysis, the first two stages of coding were used: open and focused. Results : an analytical process explaining the experience of the family that consented to the donation of a family member's organs through loss and grief emerged, resulting in the concept that guides a model of care: “Minimizing suffering by exercising solidarity”, supported by three categories: experiencing the impact of the diagnosis of brain death; motivating oneself to donate organs; and Meaning organ donation. Conclusion : the meanings that families gave to the experience of consenting to organ donation were understood, with the diagnosis of brain death and the time to complete the protocol associated with feelings of anguish, distress, and hope that death would not occur; to the body as an inviolable temple and to solidarity as a way of alleviating suffering and facing grief.
... Descriptive-exploratory qualitative study from perspective of Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism (SI) (Charon, 2010). This theoretical framework assumes that perceptions are generated through interactions within the social dynamics in which the individuals are immersed. ...
... From an interactionist perspective, the meaning of a phenomenon arises from the interaction of a human being with its context (Charon, 2010). It was observed that families perceived Nasal Irrigation as a procedure that elicited numerous emotional reactions in children, requiring physical force and restraint. ...
... The families inferred that the children did not accept nasal irrigation because of previous traumatic experiences, which can be explained by SI, where the past provides tools that individuals use to guide actions in the present (Charon, 2010). However, these feelings can be reinterpreted, and dramatic therapeutic play can be an ally (Aranha et al., 2020). ...
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In Brazil, nasal irrigation is a common procedure for children hospitalized with respiratory conditions. However, it often causes stress for both the child and their family. Nurses need to rethink their approach to care, and the use of therapeutic play can be an ally in transforming the stressful context. To understand the family perceptions of nasal irrigation in hospitalized children after an educational intervention mediated by instructional therapeutic play (ITP). This descriptive, exploratory, and qualitative study was conducted from the perspective of Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism in a hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. The study included family members of hospitalized children aged 3-6 years who participated in an ITP intervention and remained for 6 hours afterward. Participants self-reported literacy with preserved cognition and verbal communication. This study was conducted between March 2023 and January 2024 using semi-structured interviews with 38 family members. Data were analyzed using Bardin's thematic content and lexical analysis with IRAMUTEQ® software. The interaction of families with ITP for nasal irrigation in children led to a redefinition of the procedure from distressing to enjoyable. ITP was evaluated as an essential and stimulating method that familiarized the child with the procedure, facilitating the understanding process for both the child and the family. ITP is a caregiving technology that nurses can use to assist with nasal irrigation, re-signifying the experiences of children and their families during the procedure. ARTICLE HISTORY
... Para maior compreensão das percepções maternas com o uso da massagem Shantala, optou-se por guiar o estudo à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico de Herbert Blumer (11) . Esse referencial teórico pauta-se na visão de que a construção de percepções ocorre por intermédio das interações em uma dinâmica social. ...
... Os dados foram analisados pela técnica de análise temática de conteúdo de Bardin (14) , somada à análise lexical com o software Interface de R pour les Analyse Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) ®(15) e à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico (11) . Na análise temática de conteúdo, as transcrições foram lidas entre cinco e dez vezes (leitura flutuante), com extração de códigos e unidades de significado, agrupados em categorias teóricas e subcategorias (14) , a serem descritas. ...
... Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que a massagem Shantala, como um recurso terapêutico para promoção de bem--estar materno-infantil, foi ressignificada pelas mães conforme permitiram-se realizar a técnica, guiadas a partir das atividades educativas online, como ilustrado nas Figuras 1 e 2, ancorados pela perspectiva do Interacionismo Simbólico. Esse referencial considera que há expansão dos significados atribuídos a partir da forma como as pessoas agem e interagem em relação ao objeto (11) . Nota-se que a mudança das percepções das mães foi resultado da sua interação com a técnica terapêutica e a observação da aceitação daquele cuidado pelos lactentes. ...
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Objectives to understand maternal perceptions of maternal and child well-being based on Shantala massage and discuss its association with the third Sustainable Development Goal. Methods a descriptive-exploratory study in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. Eight women, mothers of infants, participated in five online meetings to teach Shantala massage, collected in focus groups, between November and December 2021. The data was subjected to thematic content analysis and lexical analysis with IRAMUTEQ®. Results two categories emerged, 1) Maternal perceptions of Shantala massage and its promotion of child well-being and 2) Maternal perceptions of Shantala massage and its impact on their well-being, interconnected with subcategories. Final Considerations Shantala massage promoted mutual impacts on maternal and child well-being, working together to achieve the third Sustainable Development Goal. Descriptors: Shantala; Massage; Maternal Welfare; Infant Welfare; Health Promotion
... To better understand maternal perceptions with the use of Shantala massage, we chose to guide the study in light of Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism (11) . This theoretical framework is based on the view that perception construction occurs through interactions in a social dynamic. ...
... The data were analyzed using Bardin's thematic content analysis technique (14) , added to lexical analysis with the Interface de R pour les Analyze Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) ® (15) and in the light of Symbolic Interactionism (11) . ...
... In this regard, the presentation of tactile practices that seek to promote relaxation, such as Shantala, should be applied gradually to infants for better adaptation and acceptance (16) . Here five meetings were held, and it can be seen that adaptation and acceptance were quick, as women's perceptions regarding the practice and their children's well-being changed in the second week of online activity, following the premises of Symbolic Interactionism (11) , presented in Charts 2 and 3. ...
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Objectives: to understand maternal perceptions of maternal and child well-being based on Shantala massage and discuss its association with the third Sustainable Development Goal. Methods: a descriptive-exploratory study in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. Eight women, mothers of infants, participated in five online meetings to teach Shantala massage, collected in focus groups, between November and December 2021. The data was subjected to thematic content analysis and lexical analysis with IRAMUTEQ ®. Results: two categories emerged, 1) Maternal perceptions of Shantala massage and its promotion of child well-being and 2) Maternal perceptions of Shantala massage and its impact on their well-being, interconnected with subcategories. Final Considerations: Shantala massage promoted mutual impacts on maternal and child well-being, working together to achieve the third Sustainable Development Goal. Descriptors: Shantala; Massage; Maternal Welfare; Infant Welfare; Health Promotion.
... Com base nesse referencial, pode-se compreender a ação humana como um processo contínuo de mudanças nas ações alinhada às situações sociais e às interações com outros indivíduos. 21 A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com graduandos dos cursos de enfermagem, medicina e pedagogia de uma universidade pública do interior paulista, todos integrantes da atividade extensionista intitulada "Estoriando e Brincando em Unidade Pediátrica", desenvolvida na unidade de internação pediátrica do hospital universitário da cidade. A participação dos discentes foi voluntária, mediante manifestação de interesse às professoras supervisoras, sendo uma delas do curso de enfermagem, e a outra, do curso de pedagogia. ...
... Sendo assim, a interação entre os estudantes e as crianças fez com que esses compartilhassem uma visão diferente da anterior, desenvolvendo, consequentemente, uma nova perspectiva sobre como deveriam agir em relação a essa realidade e alterando a direção dos atos uns dos outros. 21 Torna-se importante destacar que a vivência da extensão universitária oportuniza experiências aos estudantes que os direcionam a atitudes responsáveis e seguras, e contribuem de forma ativa para a promoção da comunicação entre a universidade e a sociedade, interligando a educação continuada, ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Estudos demonstram que a participação em atividades de extensão exerce potencial de crescimento pessoal e profissional no estudante de graduação, garantindo melhor desenvolvimento em trabalhos em equipe, práticas e saberes, aperfeiçoados a partir de conhecimento adquirido fora dos modelos tradicionais, além de proporcionar a ele a habilidade de assumir o papel do outro 21 e ter maior desenvoltura ao se expressar. ...
... 29 Ainda, alinhase ao princípio do IS de que os significados estão em aberto e em transformação, dependendo daquilo que for vivenciado nas interações sociais. 21 Pesquisa realizada com o objetivo de relatar a percepção familiar e/ou do acompanhante em relação à importância da utilização do brincar como recurso no tratamento fisioterapêutico de crianças hospitalizadas reafirmou a aprovação do acompanhante pelo uso de recursos lúdicos e seu alcance na direção da integralidade. 30 Provocou ainda a reflexão acerca da premência de todos os profissionais presentes na cena da internação infantil incorporarem tecnologia mediada pelo brincar e lúdico na interação com a criança, com desdobramentos na relação junto ao acompanhante. ...
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Objective to clarify the educational scope for members of an extension activity developed in a pediatric hospital unit structured around storytelling and playful interventions. Method this was a qualitative study based on Symbolic Interactionism and Reflective Thematic Analysis. Single semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine undergraduate students, members of extension activities, developed between June and July 2023, with an average duration of 22 minutes. Results the participants, students of undergraduate courses in nursing, medicine and pedagogy, pointed out formative contributions related to the conception of children, child hospitalization and play as a technology of comprehensive care. The following themes emerged from data analysis: “Expanding consideration for hospitalized children and their companions”, “Professional training from the perspective of comprehensive care”; and “Valuing the incorporation of play as a therapeutic resource”. Conclusions and implications for practice the extension activity reverberated with recognition and motivation for the adoption of storytelling and play in the interaction with hospitalized children. It also provoked reflections on the professional profile designed towards commitment and guarantee of humane and comprehensive care in the context of child hospitalization. Keywords: Knowledge; Child, Hospitalized; Education, Continuing; Teaching; Play and Playthings
... Impacta positivamente en el comportamiento de los niños y acompañantes durante la hospitalización y fomenta su continuidad en el ambiente hogareño. Descriptores: Niño Hospitalizado; Juego e Implementos de Juego; Enfermería Pediátrica; Narración; Relaciones Profesional-Familia. resultam e podem ser modificados em processos interacionais e conformar comportamentos; portanto, o significado, no contexto, está sempre aberto e em transformação a depender do que é vivenciado na interação social (17) . ...
... Desta maneira, a interação com o contador de histórias, por meio e a partir da sua atitude, atua como um símbolo que transforma o significado do ambiente da unidade pediátrica. Alinha-se com a premissa do Interacionismo Simbólico de estar o significado aberto e em transformação a depender do vivido na interação social (17) . ...
... A simbologia da "contação de história" traz ressignificados para os acompanhantes a partir da interação promovida pela atividade, pois estimula a atividade mental, levando a adoção de um novo comportamento (17) . Por sua vez, as crianças que têm contato com a contação de histórias no ambiente domiciliar apresentam impacto positivo na aquisição de competências que facilitam o início da aprendizagem e o sucesso escolar (24) . ...
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Objetivo: descrever as percepções de acompanhantes sobre o impacto da contação de histórias durante a hospitalização de crianças. Métodos: trata-se de estudo qualitativo, apoiado no Interacionismo Simbólico, desenvolvido na unidade de internação pediátrica de um Hospital Universitário. Foram entrevistadas, entre junho e julho de 2023, nove mulheres, acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas, que participaram da atividade semanal de contação de histórias. A análise dos dados foi direcionada pela Análise Temática de Conteúdo. Resultados: a contação de histórias foi significada enquanto um contraponto ao cotidiano entediante e imerso em preocupações que marcam a hospitalização infantil. Emergiram duas categorias temáticas da percepção das mães sobre contação de histórias no contexto da hospitalização de crianças, “Estreitamento das relações entre crianças, acompanhantes e contadores de histórias”, que contribuiu para o fortalecimento do vínculo entre acompanhante, criança e equipe multiprofissional e “Momento de acolhimento para as crianças e acompanhantes”, que revela o efeito de proporcionar um momento de distração, alegria e conforto para as mães. Conclusão: a contação de histórias promove ambiência propícia para o enfrentamento da doença, proporciona bem-estar, alegria e conforto para as mães acompanhantes. Impacta positivamente no comportamento das crianças e acompanhantes durante a internação e estimula sua continuidade no ambiente domiciliar.
... Os dados foram analisados à luz do referencial teórico do Interacionismo Simbólico (IS) (20) , com a compreensão dos significados que o fenômeno possui e sua construção, que ocorre nas interações entre as partes envolvidas, sob o ponto de vista social da realidade cotidiana. A pessoa é o agente da ação. ...
... As interações sociais da equipe de enfermagem com a criança com dor, sua família e rotinas institucionais são marcadas por barreiras que levam à desvalorização álgica (20) . Na literatura, predomina o baixo conhecimento como a principal barreira profissional (15,30) , sendo listado como um preditor negativo ao manejo da dor (31) . ...
... Não há dúvidas de que o conhecimento profissional é fundamental para garantir a integridade das etapas (1) , porém, para além disso, a atitude profissional vai ser um preditor predominante (3) . Pela vertente do IS, o indivíduo age de acordo com as definições que elabora a partir de cada situação (20) , assim, suas crenças e atitudes influenciarão a tradução de conhecimentos (1,4) , como visto neste estudo. Cabe refletir se o enfermeiro considera sua baixa prioridade para o manejo da dor um problema, como visto em estudo com profissionais da enfermagem nos Estados Unidos, no qual a baixa prioridade dada por esses ao alívio álgico foi classificada como a barreira menos significativa (16) . ...
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Objetivo: Compreender as percepções da equipe de enfermagem sobre as barreiras no manejo da dor na assistência às criançashospitalizadas. Método: Estudo descritivo-exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado com oito enfermeiras e sete técnicas de enfermagem. Os dados foram coletados no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo, entre junho e setembro de 2022, por meio de entrevistas individuais, analisados sob a ótica da análise temática de conteúdo e à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico. Resultados: Emergiram as seguintes categorias: 1) Tradução de conhecimento: o manejo da dor de fato é realizado? e 2)Refletir mudanças: como atingir a potencialidade do manejo da dor? Os profissionais possuem conhecimento teórico sobre o manejo da dor,porém listaram inúmeras barreiras frente a cada etapa, principalmente relacionadas à rotina institucional, e, ao refletirem sobre esse contexto, indicaram a necessidade de um protocolo institucional.Considerações finais: As barreiras se sobressaem ao conhecimento teórico, e tornam o manejo da dor às crianças hospitalizadas desconsiderado. Conhecer esse contexto é relevante para aplicar estratégias de mudanças
... Symbolic Interactionism, proposed by Herbert Blumer and adapted by Joel Charon, describes individual and collective human action and allows us to understand how people define reality and how they act on their definitions and beliefs. It focuses on the nature of interactions, the dynamics of social activities and the meaning of events for people, in the context in which they are inserted and in the actions carried out 11 . ...
... Three premises underlie Symbolic Interactionism: human beings act in relation to things according to the meaning they have for them; the meaning of things arises from social interaction or lack thereof; the meaning can be modified by a person's interpretation of experiences 11 . Furthermore, Symbolic Interactionism understands senses and meanings as a social product. ...
... Furthermore, Symbolic Interactionism understands senses and meanings as a social product. Thus, this framework makes it possible to understand the meanings attributed and interactions that occur in the experiences of people with MS in the healthcare process 11 . ...
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Objective to interpret the experiences of people with metabolic syndrome in relation to healthcare. Method this is qualitative research using Grounded Theory as a method and Symbolic Interactionism as a framework for analysis. It was carried out at a Basic Health Unit in the city of Marília/SP, Brazil, with 24 interviews in three sample groups (patients, family members and healthcare professionals), from February 9, 2022 to January 16, 2023. Results a total of 734 codes were identified and grouped into categories and subcategories, with the central phenomenon being “(Not) Taking Care of Health”, which is characterized as a dualistic process that encompasses both neglect and care. Aspects relating to neglecting health include the categories: “Considering not having health problems”; “Having difficulties understanding and resisting following care”; and “Lack of adherence to treatment”. In the aspect of taking care of the health, there are the categories: “Understanding that they have metabolic syndrome”; “Receiving guidance”; and “Counting on support”. Conclusion the experience of people with metabolic syndrome permeates the biological, psychological, social and spiritual spheres, as they deal with their health problems according to the social interaction maintained with themselves and other people. Therefore, meaningful communication and bonding with healthcare team are the main tools for adherence to treatment. DESCRIPTORS: Metabolic syndrome; Health promotion; Lifestyle; Noncommunicable diseases; Primary health care
... O Interacionismo Simbólico, proposto por Herbert Blumer e adaptado por Joel Charon, descreve a ação humana individual e coletiva e permite compreender como as pessoas definem a realidade e como agem sobre suas definições e crenças. Tem como foco a natureza das interações, a dinâmica das atividades sociais e o significado dos eventos para as pessoas, no contexto em que estão inseridas e nas ações realizadas 11 . ...
... Três premissas fundamentam o Interacionismo Simbólico: o ser humano age em relação às coisas conforme o sentido que elas possuem para ele; o significado das coisas surge da interação social ou da falta dela; o significado pode ser modificado pela interpretação da pessoa diante das experiências 11 . ...
... Ademais, o Interacionismo Simbólico compreende os sentidos e significados como um produto social. Desta forma, este referencial possibilita a compreensão dos significados atribuídos e interações que ocorrem nas vivências das pessoas com SM, no processo de cuidado com a saúde 11 . ...
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Objective to interpret the experiences of people with metabolic syndrome in relation to healthcare. Method this is qualitative research using Grounded Theory as a method and Symbolic Interactionism as a framework for analysis. It was carried out at a Basic Health Unit in the city of Marília/SP, Brazil, with 24 interviews in three sample groups (patients, family members and healthcare professionals), from February 9, 2022 to January 16, 2023. Results a total of 734 codes were identified and grouped into categories and subcategories, with the central phenomenon being “(Not) Taking Care of Health”, which is characterized as a dualistic process that encompasses both neglect and care. Aspects relating to neglecting health include the categories: “Considering not having health problems”; “Having difficulties understanding and resisting following care”; and “Lack of adherence to treatment”. In the aspect of taking care of the health, there are the categories: “Understanding that they have metabolic syndrome”; “Receiving guidance”; and “Counting on support”. Conclusion the experience of people with metabolic syndrome permeates the biological, psychological, social and spiritual spheres, as they deal with their health problems according to the social interaction maintained with themselves and other people. Therefore, meaningful communication and bonding with healthcare team are the main tools for adherence to treatment. DESCRIPTORS: Metabolic syndrome; Health promotion; Lifestyle; Noncommunicable diseases; Primary health care
... Os dados foram analisados à luz do referencial teórico do Interacionismo Simbólico (IS) (20) , com a compreensão dos significados que o fenômeno possui e sua construção, que ocorre nas interações entre as partes envolvidas, sob o ponto de vista social da realidade cotidiana. A pessoa é o agente da ação. ...
... As interações sociais da equipe de enfermagem com a criança com dor, sua família e rotinas institucionais são marcadas por barreiras que levam à desvalorização álgica (20) . Na literatura, predomina o baixo conhecimento como a principal barreira profissional (15,30) , sendo listado como um preditor negativo ao manejo da dor (31) . ...
... Não há dúvidas de que o conhecimento profissional é fundamental para garantir a integridade das etapas (1) , porém, para além disso, a atitude profissional vai ser um preditor predominante (3) . Pela vertente do IS, o indivíduo age de acordo com as definições que elabora a partir de cada situação (20) , assim, suas crenças e atitudes influenciarão a tradução de conhecimentos (1,4) , como visto neste estudo. Cabe refletir se o enfermeiro considera sua baixa prioridade para o manejo da dor um problema, como visto em estudo com profissionais da enfermagem nos Estados Unidos, no qual a baixa prioridade dada por esses ao alívio álgico foi classificada como a barreira menos significativa (16) . ...
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Objective: To understand nursing team perceptions about the barriers in pain management in the care of hospitalized children. Method: Descriptive-exploratory study, with a qualitative approach, conducted with eight nurses and seven nursing technicians. Data were collected at the Universidade de São Paulo University Hospital, between June and September 2022, through individual interviews, analyzed from the perspective of thematic content analysis and in the light of Symbolic Interactionism. Results: The following categories emerged: 1) Knowledge translation: is pain management actuallyperformed? and 2) Reflecting changes: how to achieve the potential of pain management? Professionals have theoretical knowledge about pain management, however, they listed numerous barriers at each stage, mainly related to institutional routine, and, when reflecting on this context, they indicated the need for an institutional protocol. Final considerations: Barriers stand out from theoretical knowledge and make pain management for hospitalized children disregarded. Knowing this context is relevant forimplementing change strategies.
... Para compreender a percepção dos profissionais, optou-se pela análise dos dados à luz do Interacionismo Simbólico (17) , que permite explorar o fenômeno com base na sua construção simbólica, por meio das interações que o profissional vivencia em uma dinâmica social a qual está imerso, influenciando suas ações, definições e crenças. Nessa imersão, o profissional é visto como um agente participante das suas próprias experiências. ...
... Os profissionais deste estudo perceberam que o cuidado inicial à TS é marcado por limitações no acolhimento e no cuidado longitudinal. Reflete-se que essa percepção do fenômeno é resultado das interações sociais (17) , onde esses profissionais podem ter sido influenciados pela visão estigmatizante da saúde mental, com julgamentos e moralismos diante de crianças e adolescentes, com demandas para além do cunho físico, atendidos em um PS. Observa-se a atribuição dessa percepção a dificuldades organizacionais, institucionais e desconhecimento sobre a atuação no fenômeno. ...
... Como prevê o Interacionismo Simbólico, a ação do indivíduo ocorrerá de acordo com o significado que o fenômeno tem para si (17) ; nesse caso, os profissionais olham a TS como um peso, uma obrigação, e não uma demanda real de cuidado emergente em saúde, assim, não dispendem esforços para intervenções terapêuticas. Ainda, indica que indivíduos diferentes podem definir uma mesma situação de maneiras distintas (17) , como visto no Quadro 1, ao comparar discursos do M11 e E2 com o E13, que demonstra uma visão empática ao sofrimento mental dos adolescentes, mostrando-se disponível para o acolhimento inicial. ...
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Objective To understand the perceptions of the multidisciplinary team of an emergency department regarding the care of children and adolescents who have attempted suicide. Method An exploratory-descriptive, qualitative study, in light of the Symbolic Interactionism theoretical framework. Thirteen professionals from the multidisciplinary team from two emergency rooms (children and adults) of a secondary hospital in São Paulo participated. Data were collected between August and September 2018 using semi-structured interviews, analyzed using thematic content analysis complemented by the IRAMUTEQ® software. Results Two central categories emerged: Multidisciplinary team perceptions regarding attempted suicide care; and Multidisciplinary team perceptions regarding the possibilities for improving attempted suicide care. From these, professional perceptions of care, risk factors, emotional reactions, limitations of emergency rooms and strategies for improving practice were observed. Conclusion Professionals perceived suicide attempt care from a biomedical and reductionist perspective, with an approach marked by stigma, judgment and lack of preparation. DESCRIPTORS Suicide, Attempt; Emergencies; Child Health; Child; Adolescent; Health Personnel
... To understand professional perception, we chose to analyze the data in light of Symbolic Interactionism (17) , which allows exploring the phenomenon based on its symbolic construction, through the interactions that professionals experience in a social dynamic in which they are immersed, influencing their actions, definitions and beliefs. In this immersion, the professional is seen as an agent participating in their own experiences. ...
... The professionals in this study realized that initial SA care is marked by limitations in welcoming and longitudinal care. It is reflected that this perception of the phenomenon is the result of social interactions (17) , where these professionals may have been influenced by the stigmatizing view of mental health, with judgments and moralism towards children and adolescents, with demands beyond the physical nature, cared for in an ER. This perception can be attributed to organizational and institutional difficulties and lack of knowledge about the phenomenon. ...
... As Symbolic Interactionism predicts, individuals' actions will occur according to the meaning that the phenomenon has for them (17) ; in this case, professionals see SA as a burden, an obligation, and not a real demand for emerging health care, thus, they do not expend efforts on therapeutic interventions. Furthermore, it indicates that different individuals can define the same situation in different ways (17) , as seen in Chart 1, when comparing speeches from D11 and N2 with N13, who demonstrates an empathetic view of adolescents' mental distress, showing himself available for initial welcoming. ...
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Objective To understand the perceptions of the multidisciplinary team of an emergency department regarding the care of children and adolescents who have attempted suicide. Method An exploratory-descriptive, qualitative study, in light of the Symbolic Interactionism theoretical framework. Thirteen professionals from the multidisciplinary team from two emergency rooms (children and adults) of a secondary hospital in São Paulo participated. Data were collected between August and September 2018 using semi-structured interviews, analyzed using thematic content analysis complemented by the IRAMUTEQ® software. Results Two central categories emerged: Multidisciplinary team perceptions regarding attempted suicide care; and Multidisciplinary team perceptions regarding the possibilities for improving attempted suicide care. From these, professional perceptions of care, risk factors, emotional reactions, limitations of emergency rooms and strategies for improving practice were observed. Conclusion Professionals perceived suicide attempt care from a biomedical and reductionist perspective, with an approach marked by stigma, judgment and lack of preparation. DESCRIPTORS Suicide, Attempt; Emergencies; Child Health; Child; Adolescent; Health Personnel
... Symbolic Interactionism (SI) was adopted as the theoretical framework used to observe human behavior. According to this perspective, people construct meanings from their interactions with each other and these meanings are incorporated into objects, institutions and social norms (10) . According to SI, due to the load of meanings in the different situations experienced by individuals, reality is constructed through a constant negotiation of meanings between individuals in social interactions. ...
... Thus, based on this interaction, they can re-signify and draw up lines of action in relation to this issue. For this analysis, a representative scheme of human action was used from the interactionist perspective proposed by Charon (10) . ...
... Despite the challenges encountered in the postpartum period and the lack of support, they define as a line of action the attempt to recover self-care, including beauty care and mental health care, in order to achieve a healthy sexual experience and in accordance with the meanings attributed to sexual health. repreSenTaTive model Based on the results obtained, a representative diagram (Figure 1) was constructed of the process of social interaction between puerperal women and their sexual health, based on the meanings attributed by them, in other words, an explanatory model from an interactionist perspective, based on the scheme proposed by Charon (10) . ...
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Objective To analyze puerperal women’s experiences of sexual health after childbirth from the perspective of symbolic interactionism. Method Descriptive, qualitative study. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted by videoconference with women in the remote puerperium, captured by snowball technique and searched for “seeds” on Instagram®. Bardin’s content analysis and Symbolic Interactionism were used as references. Results The puerperal women signify sexual health from a perspective of comprehensive healthcare. However, due to the duality between “being a woman” and “being a mother”, they recognize fear, bodily transformations and changes in focus from the love relationship to caring for the baby as factors that interfere with sexual health. And they choose to put themselves aside, prioritizing caring for others. They re-signify sexual health by recognizing the importance of taking care of themselves in biopsychosocial aspects and try to recover self-care for a healthy sexual experience. Conclusion Despite the meanings attributed, women’s social interactions with the puerperium interfere negatively with sexual health. Professionals should be sensitized to the inclusion of actions that promote changes in the social action of these women towards self-care. DESCRIPTORS Sexual health; Postpartum period; Women’s health; Health education; Obstetric nursing
... Adotou-se o Interacionismo Simbólico (IS) como referencial teórico, utilizado na observação do comportamento humano. Segundo essa perspectiva, as pessoas constroem significados a partir de suas interações umas com as outras e esses significados são incorporados em objetos, instituições e normas sociais (10) . Conforme o IS, devido à carga de sentidos/significados nas diferentes situações vividas pelos indivíduos, a realidade é construída mediante uma constante negociação de significados entre indivíduos em interações sociais. ...
... Dessa forma, com base nessa interação, podem ressignificar e traçar linhas de ação em relação a essa temática. Para esta análise, foi utilizado um esquema representativo da ação humana na perspectiva interacionista proposta por Charon (10) . ...
... Com base nos resultados obtidos, construiu-se um diagrama representativo (Figura 1) do processo de interação social de puérperas com sua saúde sexual com base nos significados por elas atribuídos, ou seja, um modelo explicativo na perspectiva interacionista, tomando-se por base o esquema proposto por Charon (10) . ...
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Objective To analyze puerperal women’s experiences of sexual health after childbirth from the perspective of symbolic interactionism. Method Descriptive, qualitative study. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted by videoconference with women in the remote puerperium, captured by snowball technique and searched for “seeds” on Instagram®. Bardin’s content analysis and Symbolic Interactionism were used as references. Results The puerperal women signify sexual health from a perspective of comprehensive healthcare. However, due to the duality between “being a woman” and “being a mother”, they recognize fear, bodily transformations and changes in focus from the love relationship to caring for the baby as factors that interfere with sexual health. And they choose to put themselves aside, prioritizing caring for others. They re-signify sexual health by recognizing the importance of taking care of themselves in biopsychosocial aspects and try to recover self-care for a healthy sexual experience. Conclusion Despite the meanings attributed, women’s social interactions with the puerperium interfere negatively with sexual health. Professionals should be sensitized to the inclusion of actions that promote changes in the social action of these women towards self-care. DESCRIPTORS Sexual health; Postpartum period; Women’s health; Health education; Obstetric nursing
... Most societies frown upon excessive sexual promiscuity because it causes difficulties with respect to raising children as well as increased risk of disease transmission. This condemnation is often codified inside of a mythological or religious systems in order to facilitate understanding and exacerbate fear of disobedience (Charon, 2007) [5] . Within the university system, acts such as cultism, sexual harassments and examination malpractices form the most critical and serious codifications of these institutions. ...
... These findings are in consonance with some earlier studies. For example, Charon (2007) [5] noted that campus sexual assault policies, knowledgeable administrators, and, will ultimately checkmate sexual violence on campuses. Faculty can also incorporate the issue of sexual assault into their curriculum whenever possible and whenever relevant to course content. ...
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This study assessed strategies for the control of selected common deviant behaviours among students in the Main campus of the Rivers State University, Port Harcourt. The study had three specific objectives and one hypothesis, and adopted the survey design. The simple random sampling technique was used to select 75 students and 25 lecturers, making a total number of 100 samples for the study. A questionnaire form designed by the researcher was developed to collect data. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. Some of the findings include: Sensitization of ladies on appropriate dress pattern (X 3.11, 3.20); organization of effective campaigns on the dangers of cultism (X 2.72, 2.72); only serious academic-minded students should be admitted into the institution (X 2.64, 2.61). Some of the recommendations include that the school authority should review and make more effective its rules and regulations prohibiting deviant behaviours on campus, and there should be an effective early warning system that can occasionally evaluate and report on signs.
... Most societies frown upon excessive sexual promiscuity because it causes difficulties with respect to raising children as well as increased risk of disease transmission. This condemnation is often codified inside of a mythological or religious systems in order to facilitate understanding and exacerbate fear of disobedience (Charon, 2007) [5] . Within the university system, acts such as cultism, sexual harassments and examination malpractices form the most critical and serious codifications of these institutions. ...
... These findings are in consonance with some earlier studies. For example, Charon (2007) [5] noted that campus sexual assault policies, knowledgeable administrators, and, will ultimately checkmate sexual violence on campuses. Faculty can also incorporate the issue of sexual assault into their curriculum whenever possible and whenever relevant to course content. ...
... In particular, the principal research questions, in which the concept of 'perspective' is central, are derived from 'symbolic interactionism', a social theory which constitutes an appropriate theoretical framework for projects aimed at generating rich data of the type sought here. This long-established research tradition, which has been prominent at least during two periods in the last one hundred years (Ritzer 1994), has over the last twenty years been reinstated once again as a central position within contemporary social theory (Charon 2001;O'Donoghue 2007;Prus 1996). ...
This paper seeks to address a gap in the literature regarding lay teachers and their role and status within Catholic schools. Studies have been carried out investigating this from the perspective of teaching religious and the Catholic Church but have yet to fully investigate this from the lay teachers’ perspectives themselves. The period 1940-1980 was chosen over many other periods of time not merely because this was an era of great change within the Catholic Church which impacted Catholic education globally, particularly with the occurrence of the Second Vatican Council; but also, because the opportunity to interview teachers from this era will not be available for much longer. Lay teachers from Adelaide, South Australia, were interviewed to learn about their perspectives on teaching in Catholic schools. The interviews were analysed using open coding and axial coding. It is hoped that in understanding the perspectives of these teachers, researchers and educators will gain a deeper knowledge of the role and status of the lay teacher in Catholic education from 1940 to 1980, broadening the context of the Catholic education system in order to enable a greater understanding of the system as it stands today.
... Desde el enfoque dramatúrgico, dichos escenarios son una situación interactiva en que hombres y mujeres tratan de mostrarse con una determinada imagen o personaje que resulte agradable, para ser aceptados (Goffman, 1959(Goffman, , 1970. Con el tiempo, van incorporando sentimientos positivos vinculados a las imágenes de sí mismo según el valor social conferido (Charon, 1992). ...
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El artículo busca develar los modos en que trabajadoras de faenas mineras significan sus cuerpos, como barrera simbólica que produce segregación, discriminación y marginación, interpretados desde las nociones de violencia simbólica, valencia diferencial de los sexos, desigualdad de género, precariedad y estigma social. Desde una metodología cualitativa, a través del análisis de 31 entrevistas a operarias y supervisoras, se interpretan y triangulan percepciones en torno a trayectorias y experiencias de relacionamiento de género en la gran minería. La corporalidad como límite y violencia se expresa en la sexualización de sus cuerpos; juicio e infravaloración por la menor fuerza física; rechazo, estigmatización y banalización al cuerpo reproductivo; así como en exigencias por personificar rasgos hegemónicos masculinos para inspirar respeto, pero sin “perder feminidad” clásica, provocando desgaste y confrontación.
... Qualitative and descriptive study, supported by the Symbolic Interactionism (SI) framework, for which meanings emerge, starting from social interactions, and direct human actions (7) . Family actions in relation to adolescents are dependent on the meanings established about adolescents, adolescence, and the role of the family in supporting the latter. ...
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Objetivo: elucidar significados e comportamentos de pais no suporte ao adolescer na pandemia da COVID-19. Método: estudo qualitativo apoiado no Interacionismo Simbólico e na Análise de Conteúdo na modalidade temática. Adotou-se a entrevista semiestruturada junto a 10 mulheres mães de adolescentes entre 12 e 15 anos de idade, localizados a partir da estratégia bola de neve. A coleta de dados foi desenvolvida majoritariamente no ano de 2021. O estudo foi aprovado por Comitê de Ética. Resultados: As mulheres revelaram relações fragilizadas com o adolescente, com dificuldades para dialogar abertamente com eles sobre preocupações frente a comportamentos observados, sobretudo aqueles sugestivos de sofrimento psíquico ou considerados inadequados. Isto deveu-se ao entendimento de estarem eles a enfrentar mudanças sobrepostas, as da adolescência e aquelas impostas pelo isolamento social. Denunciaram escassa participação paterna no estabelecimento do cuidado do adolescente. Considerações finais: A família está compreendida enquanto núcleo de suporte ao adolescente, mas sentiu-se pouco empoderada e preparada para esta ação, aspecto que evidencia a premência de acolhimento da família por profissionais na direção de ampliar acolhimento de adolescências.
... This qualitative study utilized grounded theory (GT) methodology. GT is based in Symbolic Interactionism, which postulates that individuals respond to events and situations based on their understanding of those events/situations [30,31]. GT includes a structured approach to construct an interpretive understanding of participants' experience with social process [32,33]; this study focuses on the social process of how caregivers collaborate with others during older adult hospital-to-home transitions. ...
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Unpaid/family caregivers provide support critical to older adult hospital-to-home transitions, but lack time and preparation. There is limited evidence regarding important collaboration for caregivers during the transition. The objective was to examine caregivers’ process of collaborating with others, including other family members, healthcare professionals, and community, social, and professional networks, during older adult hospital-to-home transitions. This study utilized grounded theory methodology. One-on-one interviews were conducted with unpaid/family caregivers of an older adult during a hospital-to-home transition. Data were analyzed using open, axial, and selective coding. Participants (N = 16) relationship to the older adult included: partners (n = 8), friends (n = 4), children (n = 3), and siblings (n = 1). Most were female (n = 14) and living with the older adult (n = 10). A conceptual model was developed which illustrates participants’ process through 3 stages: 1) identifying and learning the caregiver role, 2) collaborating with others to provide care and support to the older adult, while supporting themselves, during the hospital-to-home transition, and 3) supporting the older adult’s progress in recovering independence or planning to provide long-term care and support. Participants described multiple approaches to collaborating with others: caring on own, caring in network, caring with healthcare professionals, and caring with social and professional networks. Implications include the need to recognize and promote utilization of care networks, as it may help address negative outcomes associated with caregiving. We also identified opportunities to further leverage caregivers’ social/professional networks and increase focus on caregiver needs in healthcare encounters.
... Midwives function as reproductive health care advisors for adolescents in the Zambian society. The symbolic environment such as the use of internet impacts strongly on the Zambian adolescents" sexual behaviour by opening a new understanding of erotic sexuality and pornography [28,30]. Poverty and the lack of belief on future possibilities such as education, work and better life influences adolescents" sexual debut and sexual behaviour. ...
... Para melhor compreensão do relato de experiência frente à amplitude da pesquisa, tornase imprescindível descrever sobre: a metodologia da dissertação, quem foram os participantes, e a localização geográfica em que residiam, para nortear melhor o leitor. Em relação à metodologia, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, orientada pelo referencial teórico do Interacionismo Simbólico (Blumer, 1969;Charon, 2004) e pelo referencial metodológico da Grounded Theory ou, conforme tradução para o português, Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados (TFD) (Glaser;Strauss, 1967). ...
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Este estudo objetiva relatar a experiência sobre a devolução de dados qualitativos pós-pesquisa aos participantes como uma abordagem ética. Para isso, refletiu-se sobre as questões éticas e a devolução dos dados, seguido dos apontamentos legais internacionais e nacionais. Trata-se de um relato de experiência reflexivo relativo à devolução dos dados pós-pesquisa aos participantes de um estudo descritivo que resultou de uma dissertação vinculada a um Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Com base no estudo desenvolvido, exploraram-se situações vivenciadas após o retorno dos resultados dos dados coletados com os participantes e verificou-se que ultrapassa as diretrizes e normas regulamentadoras na pesquisa. O preenchimento de informações em relação ao projeto no sistema Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa-Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa, na Plataforma Brasil, mostra a construção de uma relação ética perante a sociedade, uma relação de confiança multilateral com os envolvidos. Pois a realização da devolução dos dados tornou-se significante tanto à pesquisadora quanto aos participantes da pesquisa. A prática da devolução dos dados qualitativos pós-pesquisa proporcionou mudanças que foram imprescindíveis para a formação da pesquisadora na construção da ética, principalmente, no âmbito da pesquisa científica de abordagem qualitativa. Contudo, evidencia-se a necessidade de fortalecimento dessa prática ética pelos pesquisadores no país e mudanças nas concepções sobre a devolução de dados aos participantes.
... Through social interaction, we position others and ourselves, expressing our understanding of the situation and interpreting roles and social norms. Depending on the situation and social interaction in a group, meanings and understandings are defined and redefined (Blumer, 1969;Charon, 2010). During data analysis, positioning theory was used as a theoretical framework for a closer understanding of the social interaction during the conversations and discourses (Harré & van Langenhove, 1999). ...
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Inequality in health persists in childbearing families in socially or mentally vulnerable positions. The FACAM project was developed as an intervention aiming to enhance health outcomes for childbearing families. Purpose The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of care professionals in multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial collaboration, and their experiences of interactions with childbearing families within the context of the FACAM project. Methods Eight focus groups were conducted with 32 multidisciplinary care professionals working with childbearing families in vulnerable positions. A thematic analysis was conducted, with positioning theory as the theoretical framework focusing on storylines, positioning and speech-acts. Results Two overall themes were constructed. Theme one: Cross-sectorial collaboration and the influence on the care provided. Theme two: Interaction with and assessment of women and families’ care needs and their influence on the care provided, with three subthemes; a) Establishment of a trustful relationship, b) Assessments of vulnerable positions in relation to function in everyday life, c) Interactions with the woman or family depending on their needs. Conclusion Care professionals found needs-adapted and tailored care meaningful. Well-functioning multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial collaboration was important to support the families.
... [16][17]. Symbolic interactionism highlights the individual and collective interpretation processes during interactions, and how people are guided by and act upon these interpretations within their social context (for further readings on symbolic interactionism, see Charmaz et al. 2019;Charon 2010;Hewitt and Shulman 2011). ...
... First, a symbolic interaction perspective draws attention to symbols and historical meanings that shape individuals thinking and day-to-day interactions, including language, people, the past, the future, the self, ideas, perspectives, and emotions (Charon, 2010). Meanings prescribed to symbols are dependent on circumstances within a particular collectivity (e.g., culture and family). ...
In this paper, we explore the lived experiences of mother-coaches who, while coaching, navigate policy and programs aimed at promoting gender equity. Specifically, this study took place within the context of an amateur national, 10-day multisport games event in Canada. Using critical feminist narrative inquiry, 14 mother-coaches (apprentice, assistant, or head coach), representing eight different provinces, and 10 different sports, participated in this study. Three themes were constructed that call attention to the Canadian sport system broadly, as well as the 10-day multisport games event specifically: (a) performative policies and gendered assumptions, (b) programs that are band-aids for a “shitty culture,” and (c) a pathway to nowhere for mother-coaches. The findings complicate the hegemonic work–family conflict narrative, suggesting that mother-coaches’ advancement, opportunities, and quality experiences are impacted by the current heteropatriarchal culture and structure of sport that these programs and policy are rooted in.
... Constructivist grounded theory, which emerges from symbolic interactionism (Chamberlain-Salaun et al., 2013;Ancillo et al., 2021), is chosen to frame the study since the research focuses on understanding the interactions between employers and informal female workers at the workplace. The theoretical underpinnings of symbolic interactionism (Blumer, 1969;Ezzy, 2002;Denzin, 2004;Charmaz, 2000Charmaz, , 2006Clarke, 2005), in turn, assume individual interactions through social collaboration (Charon, 1989;Charmaz, 2006) and between the context of procedures, and structures. In short, members of a group show patterned attitudes, known as "joint action" (Blumer, 1969), which shapes the social life of a society. ...
Firm restructuring and labour subcontracting has paved the way for the rise of informalisation in the female-dominated textiles industry of Pakistan after the expiry of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC). Despite the emergence of low quality of employment available for women in the informal economy, there is a dearth of knowledge on their position at the workplace, namely ‘employee voice.’ This study therefore explores the employee voice of informal female workers of the stitching and ginning sections of the textiles industry in Pakistan in the post ATC period. A grounded theory approach, involving 25 in-depth interviews with informal female workers and employers, is used to explore employer-employee interactions. The findings reveal that the core requirements of the ‘capability for voice’ of informal female workers centre on ‘decisions of employers’, ‘bearing of tradition’ and ‘worker performance’. The grounded theory clarifies the procedure and identifies the interaction of the above categories to form the contextual conditions that direct the expectations of employers and female workers in the informal labour market. The expectations of a ‘perfect fit’ of informal female workers, within the hierarchy of the textiles industry, gives rise to a situation of ‘tolerance/no voice’, despite the negative workplace culture. The findings indicate that strategies to advance gender equality in Pakistan must consider informalisation of the labour market through a gender perspective.
... It feels bold and unsettling to proclaim our arrival. Can we 'look into the mirror and release the fear of disappointment, rejection, and abandonment' (Machado de Oliveira, 2021, p. 77)? Charon (2010) Our interactions at individual, group, organisational, and structural levels impact how we think about ourselves (Stern & Porr, 2017). The neoliberal academy so quickly frames and constrains the researcher identities and ways of being/becoming available to us. ...
... Therapists must be able to identify shame and the shame-generating situations that underlie the parties' definition of the situation (Blumer & Morrione, 2004;Charon, 2004;Scheff, 1997Scheff, , 2015. Treatment that produces shame in the client -due to a lack of respect and understanding from the therapist -can lead to the reliving of negative childhood experiences and confirmation of an already negative self-image. ...
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The overall aim of the thesis is to explore the possibilities for an integrated research perspective on men's violence and to exemplify how such research can be conducted. The specific purpose is to increase knowledge about how violent men's childhood experiences, socialization, masculinity construction and emotions can be related to their violence against other men, against themselves and against women, and how therapeutic interventions against violence can be analyzed and developed in correspondence with this knowledge. With epistemological starting points drawn from critical realism and ecological methods, the study relates research from different schools of thought to each other; - psychological: on childhood experiences and socialization, social psychological: on emotions and interaction and sociological: on social class, gender power structures and hegemonic masculinity. This is done to gain access to knowledge about how different factors interact in men's violence. Studies I and II investigated the possibilities of examining the social bonds between therapist/therapy and client in therapeutic treatments against violence. In study I, indicators of the emotions pride and shame were operationalized and in study II these were tested on therapists in a CBT-oriented therapy. Study III examined men in different positions of masculinity, where the sample for one group was drawn from the population of men sentenced to therapy for violence and abuse and the other from the population of men who organized for equality and against violence against women. The study compared the two groups' attitudes to factors related to violence and violence against women in previous research. Study IV examined the careers of men convicted of violence up to their current position as violent criminals in order to increase knowledge of the interplay of factors that in different situations lead to their violence against other men, themselves and women. All empirical studies used qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. Study IV used individual interviews and biographical analysis, Studies II and III used group interviews and deductive content analysis. In Study I, the theoretical review article, sociological, social psychological and psychological theories were empirical. The thesis shows that there are more advantages than disadvantages to a multi-level perspective. Level-integrating studies are hampered by the fact that they require a complex methodology to deal with the interaction between factors behind violence at different levels, but on the other hand provide a more holistic understanding of the phenomenon in question. The results show that integrative perspectives can reduce the risk of ecological fallacies and 5 increase the understanding of complex interactions between factors behind men's violence, which may contribute to the development of knowledge in the field of violence therapy. The theoretical review article (Study I) exemplified how theoretically and methodologically driven research on social bonds can be made pragmatically applicable by therapists in violence treatment. The applied study of a CBT therapy (Study II) provided examples of how operationalized indicators of pride and shame can be used practically to determine the quality of the social bond between therapist and client. As expected, the CBT therapy studied contained both shame- and pride-creating elements, which constitute valuable starting points for further research. The comparison between men in ideally opposite positions of masculinity (study III) showed that both the group of men who work against violence against women and the men sentenced to treatment for violence carry ambivalent attitudes towards violence and violence against women. The comparison further showed that the groups' constructions of masculinity and attitudes towards violence correspond to the groups' different access to economic, social and cultural resources. The biographically focused qualitative study of men in violence treatment (Study IV) explored exploratively how the career path to becoming a violent offender may look like and how childhood experiences, socialization, masculinity and emotions of individual violent men may have interacted with each other when violence takes place. The results showed that the men who testify to exposure to serious violence in childhood are more shame-prone and, when offended by others, tend to react unconsciously and without prior feelings of shame immediately with aggression and violence against both sexes. Other men were indeed shame-prone but described a more controlled violent reaction. Two men who had been brutally physically bullied in primary school reported more controlled violence. A preliminary hypothesis is that the men may have learnt to cognitively take control of the process of replacing shame with aggression in order to escape further bullying. The parents' personal problems, together with their lack of social control and care, were hypothesized to be associated with several of the men's school problems, their association with deviant youth, their later difficulties in earning a living by conventional means, and their violent careers.
... In this study, French culture is identified as the dominant culture, while Javanese culture serves as the co-culture. Javanese women (JWs) interacted with French locals and society, communicating Masak values through nonverbal symbols, languages, and perspectives [40]. JWs decoded their intentions, selecting appropriate words or nonverbal gestures [41]. ...
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The phenomenon of intercultural marriages reflects modern trends in promoting gender equality. In Indonesia, there has been a noticeable uptick in mixed marriages, notably among Javanese women marrying French nationals and relocating to France. Traditionally, Javanese culture confined women within the realms of Masak (cooking) values, adhering to patriarchal system.
... Qualitative study carried out in the light of Symbolic Interactionism (Charon, 2010) and Grounded Theory (GT), which is structured by the stages of initial and theoretical sampling, data collection and production, supported by memos, which are informal analytical notes, written throughout the research process regarding the data collected, from the construction of codes up to the theoretical categories (Tarozzi, 2011). ...
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Introduction. Among the playful interventions recommended for the children’s care, the use of Therapeutic Play stands out in healthcare. Scientific evidence highlights benefits for children as an expression of their feelings, doubts, fears, desires and, consequently, greater tranquility, collaboration and learning in health procedures. There are also positive outcomes related to the reduction of pain, anxiety and negative attitudes. The use of this Brazilian technology is regulated by the Nursing Federal Council, integrating the role of the one who works in pediatric contexts. However, research indicates barriers to the systematic implementation of this practice by nurses in their daily care for children/adolescents. Goal. To understand how nurses represent themselves experiencing the use of Therapeutic Play in the care of children/adolescents supported by Drawing- Story. Methods. This is a qualitative study carried out considering Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory. Eleven nurses of both genders participated with experience in using/teaching Therapeutic Play. Data were collected through participant observation and semi-structured interviews, they were recorded and finalized by Drawing-Story simultaneously with the analysis following the steps: initial coding, categorization, theoretical coding, apprehension of the Central Category, until reaching theoretical saturation, allowing the construction of the Theoric Model. Results. The analysis of the graphic messages in the drawings and verbalizations make it possible to understand that when promoting Therapeutic Play in childcare, nurses perceive themselves dynamically represented by virtuous adjectives that motive them to action such as: helping, conserving, understanding, repairing and welcoming. When you act like this, you are connecting yourself with positive feelings: good humor, joy, hope, perseverance, empathy, love, and gratitude with resilience. Conclusion. The Drawing-Story technique enriched data collection, as it enabled nurses to release their inner inclinations through graphic expression, revealing the essence of the playful nurse-person, constituted by ludic affection and humanism.
... No observations or performative data were collected. The focus in the current study has been on MTs' understanding of student teachers' perspectives, which is important to study because people's perspectives on situations will affect and guide their attitudes and actions in these situations (Charmaz, 2014;Charon, 2001). ...
... In sociology, George Herbert Mead is the founder of symbolic interaction, a rich and expansive theoretical framework that centers the influence of everyday interactions between people in the construction of social life (Charon, 2010). Importantly, according to symbolic interaction, individuals make decisions and navigate their lives based on their unique present circumstances (Herman-Kinney & Reynolds, 2003). ...
What is the nonprofit sector and why does it exist? Collecting the writing of some of the most creative minds in the field of nonprofit studies, this book challenges our traditional understanding of the role and purpose of the nonprofit sector. It reflects on the ways in which new cultural and economic shifts bring existing assumptions into question and offers new conceptualizations of the nonprofit sector that will inform, provoke, and inspire. Nonprofit organization and activity is an enormously important part of social, cultural, and economic life around the world, but our conceptualization of their place in modern society is far from complete. Reimagining Nonprofits provides fresh insights that are necessary for understanding nonprofit organizations and sectors in the 21st century.
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The aim of this study was to identify and analyse ethical decision making in the home care of persons with long-term mental illness. A focus was placed on how health care workers interpret and deal with the principle of autonomy in actual situations. Three focus groups involving mental health nurses who were experienced in the home care of persons with chronic mental illness were conducted in order to stimulate an interactive dialogue on this topic. A constant comparative analysis of the transcribed audiotaped sessions identified a central theme that concerned the moral symbolic meaning of ‘home’. This reflected the health care workers’ conflict between their professional role and their moral role, which they perceived as unclear.
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Resumo Introdução Persistem desigualdades e inequidades no cuidado pré-natal enquanto ação programática da atenção primária em saúde, em que necessidades de saúde das mulheres não são levadas em consideração. A implementação de práticas baseadas em evidências, com enfoque no cuidado centrado nas mulheres, reproduz experiências positivas e impacta na percepção de qualidade do pré-natal. Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as percepções de gestantes acerca da atenção pré-natal. Método Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa sustentada nos referenciais do interacionismo simbólico e análise temática. Entrevista semiestruturada, em encontro único, com 30 gestantes usuárias de Unidades Básicas de Saúde, em um município do interior paulista, entre 2018/19. Resultados Três categorias temáticas detalham os achados: “Atenção pré-natal: protocolar e inexpressiva participação da enfermagem”, “(In)satisfação nas interações com o profissional médico” e “Entraves no apoio informacional”. A percepção de mulheres foi descrita enquanto cumprimento de rotinas protocolares e em um espaço de insuficiências relacionais entre profissionais e gestantes, limitada no alcance das singularidades, além de denunciar situações que se configuram como violência obstétrica. Conclusão Há necessidade pungente de avivar reflexões sobre transformação dos serviços de saúde em um espaço para o exercício dos direitos como pessoas e cidadãos, com apostas dialógicas, na escuta qualificada e valorização da gestante em sua integralidade.
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This study investigates the effectiveness of organizational communication in implementing environmental waste management education for children residing at the Muhammadiyah Orphanage in Nanggulan, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. By using a descriptive qualitative approach and applying symbolic interactionism theory, the research aims to uncover patterns of communication that contribute to the successful internalization and practice of waste management among the orphanage’s children. The findings show that 80% of the foster children have successfully adopted proper waste management practices through topdown and bottom-up communication flows, reinforced by direct examples from caregivers. However, 20% of the children, primarily those of elementary school age, have yet to fully embrace the program. This study highlights the importance of structured communication models in fostering environmental responsibility and suggests the need for continuous educational efforts tailored to younger children.
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Elméleti háttér : Az anyaság témakörét a fogyatékossággal kapcsolatban az eddigi kutatások két perspektívából közelítik meg. Az egyik egy szubjektív, az egyéni kiteljesedés szempontjából való megközelítés, a másik egy társadalmi nézeteket előnyben részesítő nézőpont, amely az emberi jogok oldaláról vizsgálja meg a gyermekvállalás témáját az érintettek körében. Célkitűzés: A tanulmány látássérült és látó nők anyasággal kapcsolatos tapasztalatait mutatja be azzal a céllal, hogy az egyéni identitás jellemzőit tárjuk fel az anyaságról alkotott egyéni reprezentációk szintjén látássérült anyák körében, fókuszálva a társadalmi hatások egyéni reprezentációkban való leképeződésére. Kutatásunkban két elméleti perspektívát – a narratív pszichológiát és a fogyatékosságtudományt – ötvözve vizsgáljuk az anyaság szubjektív értelmezését látássérült és látó nők körében. Módszerek: Kutatásunkban 20 látássérült és 21 látó anya vett részt. Az anyaság narratív pszichológiai megközelítésével félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk személyesen, illetve telefonos úton. Az átírt interjúszövegeket tematikus elemzésnek vetettük alá, amelynek célja a látássérült és a látó anyák elbeszélésének összehasonlítása volt a tematikus kompozícióhoz. Az elemzés során a főtémákon belül altémákat határoztunk meg. Eredmények: Az anyaságértelmezéseket kilenc tematikus kategóriába, főtémába soroltuk, úgymint: (1) Érzelmek, (2) Folyamatosság, (3) Identitás, személyiség, szelfformálás, (4) Kapcsolat, kapcsolódás, (5) Nehézségek, (6) Partner, (7) Szerepek, (8) Fontos szülői elvek, (9) Hivatás, karrier. Kutatásunk az azonos és eltérő, vélhetően látássérültségre specifikus anyasággal kapcsolatos élményeket, tapasztalatokat kívánja bemutatni a látássérült és látó anyák körében. Míg néhány főtéma mentén azonosságok mutatkoztak meg a két csoportban, addig más témák mentén eltérések azonosíthatók az értelmezésben. Például mind a látássérült, mind a látó anyák körében megmutatkozott az anyaság egy új életcéllal való azonosítása. Eltérő volt azonban a szülői szereppel járó nehézségek értelmezése. A látássérült anyák körében nagyobb számban mutatkoztak meg a mindennapi élet során felmerülő nehézségek, kihívások, míg a látó anyák körében inkább a gyermek jövőjével kapcsolatban fogalmazódtak meg félelmek, kihívások. Következtetések: Tanulmányunkban látó és látássérült anyák anyasággal kapcsolatos tapasztalatait vizsgáltuk. Célunk az volt, hogy felhívjuk a figyelmet a sérültséggel élő anyák szociális inklúziójának fontosságára és kihívásaira.
This chapter discusses human flourishing (eudaimonia) to enrich the specific concepts of the self and consumer well-being. A broad multidisciplinary literature review provides a coherent, comprehensive understanding of the self and the role of self-concept in consumption. Within the marketing discipline our contemporary understandings of hedonic consumption, brand community, and consumption of transcendent experiences demonstrate how relevant consumer well-being is to human flourishing as defined in the world of positive psychology. Discussions about the tension between the individual self and the self in society, and how personal and societal well-being connect, weave a thread throughout. What is abundantly clear is the role of consumer goods and services in being a resource conferring a positive sense of self, something that increases as consumer culture spreads. Empirical data underpin the claim made by studies reviewed in this chapter that behavior change is possible at the individual and societal levels. This potential for transformation underpins claims for the relevance and moral legitimacy of seeking to improve consumer well-being. Consumer well-being fits in as part of building resilient, flourishing people. Overall, this chapter demonstrates how understanding the whole human person feeds into the good life that contributes to both consumer well-being and societal well-being.
The research aims to observe the exchange of experience between the young transgender and the transgender community. This is a qualitative research which adopts the ethnographic approach. Qualitative data were extracted from primary source;  obtained  using  participative  field observations,  interviews  and  focus group discussions. The data were analyzed using Spradley’s taxonomic analysis. The field observations were conducted in the beauty salons and red light zones. The researcher interviewed the informants, ‘ani-ani’ (the young transgenders) and ‘mbuk‟ (senior transgenders) and conducted the focus group discussions with senior transgenders.The result shows that the socialization process between ani- ani and mbuk is an anticipatory socialization process where the ani-ani comes into the transgender community voluntarily. This thesis also discovers that the socialization process is not a one-way process, on the contrary it is a dynamic process in which the self adjust the information they receive with their own values and needs. In the socialization process, each individual would adjust themselves with transgender community, thus although each experienced the same socialization process, the result of self-concept would be differ from one another.
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Abstrak: Cyberdakwah merepresentasikan evolusi metodologi dakwah yang responsif terhadap dinamika zaman, melalui teknologi dan internet yang berperan sebagai medium utama. Penelitian ini berfokus pada implementasi cyberdakwah oleh Gus Iqdam yang telah mengintegrasikan aspek-aspek sosiokultural dalam dakwah keberlanjutannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan analisis konten dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk memahami bagaimana cyberdakwah mempengaruhi pembentukan realitas sosial dan interaksi dalam konteks sosiokultural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gus Iqdam melaksanakan strategi dakwah yang beragam, mulai dari penggunaan dakwah humoris, dialog spiritual, kutipan dakwah di fan account, hingga penerapan simbol-simbol sosial seperti istilah "Garangan" dan produk "Sarung Batik ala Gus Iqdam Series." Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, termasuk gerakan hapus tato massal dan acara tahunan Majlis Sabilu Taubah, tidak hanya memperkuat identitas kelompok tetapi juga mendukung pembentukan interaksi sosial yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini mengindikasikan bahwa cyberdakwah, melalui pemanfaatan media sosial dan strategi dakwah yang inovatif, telah berhasil menciptakan realitas sosial baru yang mendukung reproduksi tatanan sosial dalam lima aspek utama: bahasa, budaya, simbol, masyarakat, dan identitas. Cyberdakwah Gus Iqdam memberikan wawasan baru tentang bagaimana dakwah bisa diterapkan efektif dalam era digital saat ini, sehingga membawa dampak signifikan terhadap pembentukan identitas sosial dan budaya dalam komunitasnya. Abstract: Cyberdakwah represents the evolution of da'wah methodology that is responsive to the dynamics of the times, through technology and the internet acting as the primary medium. This research focuses on the implementation of cyberdakwah by Gus Iqdam, who has integrated socio-cultural aspects into his continuous da'wah efforts. The method used is literature review and content analysis with a qualitative approach to understand how cyberdakwah influences the formation of social reality and interactions in the socio-cultural context. The results show that Gus Iqdam implements diverse da'wah strategies, ranging from the use of humorous da'wah, spiritual dialogues, da'wah quotes on fan accounts, to the application of social symbols such as the term "Garangan" and products like the "Sarung Batik ala Gus Iqdam Series." These activities, including the mass tattoo removal movement and the annual Majlis Sabilu Taubah event, not only strengthen group identity but also support the formation of sustained social interactions. This research indicates that cyberdakwah, through the use of social media and innovative da'wah strategies, has successfully created new social realities that support the reproduction of social orders in five main aspects: language, culture, symbols, society, and identity. Gus Iqdam's cyberdakwah provides new insights into how da'wah can be effectively applied in the current digital era, thus having a significant impact on the formation of social and cultural identities within his community.
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Urgensi buku ini harus diterbitkan karena fenomena orang dewasa sebagai individu yang telah memiliki latar belakang pendidikan tinggi atau mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan pada jenjang tertentu tidak siap menerima tanggung jawab lebih lanjut dari hasil belajarnya, disinilah letak kesalah pengajar dalam mentranfer pengetahuan. Hal ini sebagai bukti bahwa pengajar hanya mentranfer pengetahuan saja tanpa dibarengi dengan ketrampilan dan nilai. Disisi lain nilai mampu mendorong memahami dirinya beserta potensi sebagai pengungkit tanggungjawab dari apa yang telah dimiliki. Individu dewasa yang tidak siap menerima tanggungjawab secara mandiri menunjukan mereka hanya dewasa fisik dan usia, belum dewasa secara fundamental. Dewasa secara fundamental ditandai dengan kemampuan individu dalam mengarahkan diri sendiri untuk bertanggungjawab terhadap apa yang sudah dilakukan dan apa yang dimiliki. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak dijumpai individu dewasa yang belum menyadari dan belum mengetahui apa yang dimiliki pada dirinya. Dewasa secara fundamental dalam buku ini dicontoh pada komunitas HBC, sebuah komunitas wirausaha muda Kota Yogyakarta yang dikembangkan melalaui pemberdayaan UMKM. Anggota HBC sebagai individu yang sadar memiliki kemampuan memikul tanggungjawab, dimana ia sanggup menghadapi kehidupannya sendiri dan mengarahkan diri sendiri sehingga usahanya berjalan dan dinamis. Keberhasilan komunitas HBC sebagai model pemberdayaan masyarakat dikembangkan dengan prinsip andragogi dan heutagogy. Dinamika fenomena fasilitator sampai saat ini dalam keragaman pemahaman, diantaranya adalah: 1) bagi masyarakat awam sering rancu dalam memaknai dan penyebutan antara fasilitasi, fasilitas, dan fasilitator. 2) sebagian publik menganggap fasilitator sama dengan penyuluh dan pendamping. 3) dari sisi perkembangan ilmu dan keterampilan fasilitator, beberapa perguruan tinggi menempatkan fasilitasi menjadi salah satu mata kuliah institusi ataupun matakuliah pilihan pada program studi tertentu. 4) penghargaan publik terhadap kehadiran fasilitator sangat tinggi mengarah pada suatu profesi, sebagai bukti muncul sertifikasi fasilitator dalam berbagai konsentrasi, seperti sertifikasi pemberdayaan masyarakat dan sertifikasi fasilitator kewirausahaan. Dari pengalaman berbagai aktivitas fasilitasi di atas penulis menemukan berbagai permasalahan baik masalah dari pihak penyelenggara, masalah dari peserta dan masalah dari tim fasilitator itu sendiri. Atas dasar itu penulis berharap senantiasa buku ini dapat berkontribusi dalam bidang fasilitasi bagi para fasilitator, penyelenggara dan para peserta yang akan mengikuti aktivitas pelatihan, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kegiatan lain yang berkenaan dengan manajemen fasilitasi. Disisi lain buku ini menambah literatur didunia pendidikan kususnya materi teknik fasilitasi yang diselenggarakan lembaga pendidikan formal dan lembaga pendidikan non formal.
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A síndrome do edifício doente torna-se realidade em diversos cenários, dentre eles o hospitalar, quando os profissionais de saúde estão submetidos a condições de riscos. Logo, foi objetivo deste estudo desenvolver matriz teórica sobre a Síndrome do Edifício Doente no contexto de trabalhadores de saúde hospitalares brasileiros. Estudo desenvolvido a partir da Teoria fundamentada nos dados relativista. Foram dezoito horas de entrevistas em profundidade, virtuais com onze profissionais de saúde de hospital no Piauí, entre julho e agosto de 2020. As falas foram transcritas e codificadas em três etapas, resultando em pressupostos. O adoecimento foi percebido com simbologia coletiva e advindo de elementos do trabalho, há muito tempo presentes, com foco nas relações interprofissionais. A categoria central Síndrome do Edifício Doente na pluralidade do adoecimento de trabalhadores de saúde hospitalares orientou subcategorias e códigos explicativos do fenômeno, simbolicamente exacerbado pela pandemia por Covid-19. Conclui-se que a matriz teórica explicativa sobre a Síndrome do Edifício Doente foi desenvolvida e se adequa ao contexto de trabalhadores de saúde hospitalares brasileiros.
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Learning Disability and Everyday Life brings into conversation ideas from social theory with “thick” descriptions of the everyday life of a middle-aged man with learning disabilities and autism. This book is markedly ethnographic in its orientation to the gritty graininess of everyday life—eating, drinking, walking, cooking, talking, and so on—in, with, and alongside learning disability. However, preoccupation with, the “small” coexists with a gaze intent upon capturing a bigger picture, to the extent that the things constituting everyday life are deployed as prisms through and with which to critically reflect upon the wider worlds of dis/ability and everyday life. Such attention to the small and the big—the micro and the macro—allows this book to explore the ordinary and everyday ways meanings about normalcy and abnormalcy, ability and disability, are put together, enacted, practised, made (up)—in the sense of constituting and fabricating—and, crucially, accomplished through and between people in specific, and invariably contingent, sociocultural, discursive, and material conditions of possibility. This book will be of specific interest not only to students and scholars of disability but also to persons with lived experiences of disability. This book will also be of interest to students and scholars of anthropology and sociology.
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