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Abstract and Figures

Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth, the un-resting mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for daily lives. Coal is recognized to have been the main source of energy in India for many decades and contributes to nearly 27 % of the world‘s commercial energy requirement. Coal is mainly mined using two methods- surface or opencast and underground mining. The geological condition determines the method of mining. Coal mining is usually associated with the degradation of natural resources and the destruction of habitat. This causes invasive species to occupy the area, thus posing a threat to biodiversity. Huge quantities of waste material are produced by several mining activities in the coal mining region. If proper care is not taken for waste disposal, mining will degrade the surrounding environment. The method of waste disposal affects land, water and air and in turns the quality of life of the people in the adjacent areas. This paper throws lights on the burning issues of coal mines and its impact on the environment.
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European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(92), Is. 3
Copyright © 2015 by Academic Publishing House Researcher
Published in the Russian Federation
European Researcher
Has been issued since 2010.
ISSN 2219-8229
E-ISSN 2224-0136
Vol. 92, Is. 3, pp. 185-196, 2015
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.92.185
Economic sciences
Экономические науки
UDC 33
Impact of Coal Mining on Environment
Sribas Goswami
Serampore College, West Bengal, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, PIN-712201
Coal mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. On the unstable earth, the unresting
mankind constantly uses a variety of resources for daily lives. Coal is recognized to have been the
main source of energy in India for many decades and contributes to nearly 27 % of the world‘s
commercial energy requirement. Coal is mainly mined using two methods- surface or ‗opencast‘
and underground mining. The geological condition determines the method of mining. Coal mining
is usually associated with the degradation of natural resources and the destruction of habitat. This
causes invasive species to occupy the area, thus posing a threat to biodiversity. Huge quantities of
waste material are produced by several mining activities in the coal mining region. If proper care is
not taken for waste disposal, mining will degrade the surrounding environment. The method of
waste disposal affects land, water and air and in turns the quality of life of the people in the
adjacent areas. This paper throws lights on the burning issues of coal mines and its impact on the
Keywords: coal mining; development; displacement; explosive; pollution.
Mining activity puts tremendous pressure on local flora and fauna, particularly where
diversion of forest land for mining takes place. The effect of mining on ground water level, silting of
surrounding water bodies and land are also of great concern. Coal mining contributes greatly
towards the economic development of the nation, although it also has a great impact upon human
health. It also has an impact on socio-cultural aspect of the workers and people residing in and
around the coal mining areas. Thus, a holistic approach to mining activities, keeping in mind the
concerns regarding the local habitats and ecosystem is necessary. This requires identification of
various sites where minerals exist as well as various other factors ranging from an appropriate
angle of slope of the overburden dumps, safe disposal drains, and safe techniques for various silt
control structures etc. In India, Coal companies are now working towards ―clean coal‖ strategies,
which aim to reduce the environmental impact. The reduced ash contents of the washed coal
European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(92), Is. 3
increases the thermal efficiency of combustion. This has a direct impact on reducing emission of
pollutants. The coal washing process requires extra water, but it can help us progress towards a
pollution free society.
The burning of coal releases harmful substances such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide,
carbon dioxide, as well as particulates of dust and ash. Dangerous levels of air and water pollution
have been recorded in coal burning areas. It is globally accepted that coal mining adversely affects
the local and global environment. Mining adversely affects the local environment in that it destroys
vegetation, causes extensive soil erosion and alters microbial communities. Coal mining also affects
the global environment through the release of coal bed methane, which is about 30 times as
powerful a greenhouse gas as carbon dioxide. Coal mining thus adversely impacts air quality
standards (Agarwal, 1991). Underground mining causes a depletion of groundwater in many places,
as well as subsidence etc resulting in degradation of soil and land.
Subsidence of the soil beyond permissible limits requires filling of the subsidence area.
The displacement and resettlement of affected people including a change in the culture, heritage
and related features, as well as a rise in criminal and other illicit activities on account of sudden
economic development of the area can be said to be the adverse social and cultural impact.
Some of the beneficial impacts of mining projects include changes in employment patterns
and income opportunities, infrastructural changes and community development. Development in
communication, transport, the educational system, commerce, recreation and medical facilities etc.
are some of the positive impacts. It is thus clear that coal mining leads to environmental damage,
but there are also positives regarding economic development as well as greater self-reliance
through increased mining of the available mineral resources. Though there is no alternative site for
the mining operations, options as to the location and technology of processing can really minimize
the damage to the environment.
In this way, coal mining has multi-dimensional impacts on the environment both directly or
indirectly. The present work is an attempt to bring into focus the impact of coal mining on the
environment in the Raniganj coal field region which is the command area of Eastern Coalfields
Limited (ECL) and in the Jharia field region which is command area of Bharat Coking Coal
Limited (BCCL). Both are subsidiaries of Coal India limited.
Sources of data & methodology:
The present study is an empirical research conducted in two major coalfields namely
Raniganj Coalfields and Jharia Coalfields in India. The methodology of this study includes the
collection of research materials through field study and observational methods. The present study
is based on both Primary and Secondary data.
Study area:
One of the most important coalfields in India as well as in West Bengal namely Raniganj
coalfield, has been selected for this research. The Raniganj coalfield is bounded by latitudes
23°35°N to 23° 55°N and longitudes 86° 45°E to 87° 20°E, is the most important coalfield in West
Bengal (Burdwan District), and lies in the Damodar valley region surrounded by the Durgapur-
Asansol Industrial belt. For empirical study, another study area in Jharkhand, namely Jharia
coalfield, has been selected for this research .The Jharia coalfield is located in the Dhanbad district
of Jharkhand state at a distance of 260km from Kolkata towards Delhi. It is bounded by latitudes
23°38° N to 23° 52° N and longitudes 86°08°E to 86°29°E.
Results and discussions:
1. Site development and land use plan in coal mining area:
A site development and land use plan should be prepared to encompass the pre-operational,
operational and post-operational phases of a mine. It should clearly indicate the planned post-
operational land use of the area, with details of the measures required to achieve the intended
purpose. The general survey for this purpose must take into account not only the broad features of
the actual or proposed mining operations, but also the surrounding terrain conditions.
The important components of this survey include:
(i) Present land usage pattern of the area;
(ii) Main features of the human settlements in the area;
(iii) Characteristics of the local eco-system;
European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(92), Is. 3
(iv) Climate of the area;
(v) Relevant terrain information that will help in waste dumping, tailings disposal,
etc., with the least effects on the local land-water system, including-
(a) Geo-morphological analysis (topography and drainage pattern),
(b) Geological analysis (structural features-faults, joints, fractures, etc.),
(c) Hydro-geological analysis (disposition of permeable formations, surface-
ground water links, hydraulic parameters, etc.),
(d) Analysis of the natural soil and water to assess pollutant absorption
capacity, and
(e) Availability and distribution of top-soil;
(vi) Communication and transport facilities;
(vii) Details concerning the mining plans-
(a) Minerals to be worked,
(b) Method of working,
(c) Details of fixed plants,
(d) Nature and quantity of wastes and disposal facilities required for them,
(e) Possibilities of subsidence and landslides,
(f) Transport facilities needed, and
(g) Services to be installed.
An action plan for minimizing the adverse environmental impact from the proposed mining
activity should be prepared. This shall also include the rehabilitation of the mining area.
These important aspects to be considered are:
1. a Pre-operational phase:
(i) Vegetation barriers should be raised along the contours in the hilly areas to prevent
soil erosion and for arresting the mine wash.
(ii) Steps should be taken to construct check dams, either of rubble or brush wood, across
small gullies and streams on the ore body to contain the soil wash. The check dams
shall be stabilized by vegetation.
(iii) The banks of streams in the mining areas should be intensively vegetated to prevent
the discharge of sediment into the streams.
1. b Operational phase:
(i) For opencast mines, screens or banks of soil and overburden shall be constructed in
the peripheral area.
(ii) Vegetation barriers shall also be constructed along the periphery of a mining area on
either side of the mine/service roads and between other locations. The advantages
include top-soil preservation, the lessening of adverse visual impacts, noise-baffling,
dust suppression, etc.
(i) Clearance of vegetation should be restricted to the minimum necessary for mining
operations, and planned in advance.
1. c Post-operational phase:
Once the mining operations are finished, the land should be rehabilitated for productive uses
such as agriculture, forestry, pasturage, pisciculture, recreation, wild life habitats and sanctuaries.
2. Drilling and blasting (noise pollution):
2. a Nose pollution in the Raniganj and Jharia coal mines:
Noise pollution is now being recognized as a major health hazard; as well as being an
annoyance. Effects include partial hearing loss and even permanent damage to the inner ear
after prolonged exposure. The problem with underground mining is of particular concern
because of the acoustics within the confined space. The ambient noise level of the
underground mining area is affected by the operation of the cutting machines,
tub/conveyor movement and blasting of the coal. The movement of coaling machines and
the transport unit-conveyor, tubs and transfer points causes audible noise which becomes
all the more troublesome underground because of the poor absorption of the walls.
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2.b Noise pollution due to mining activities:
The most noise-generating equipment underground are the haulage, ventilators -main,
auxiliary and forcing fans, conveyor transfer points, cutting and drilling machines (Rao,
1971). The ambient noise level due to different operations in underground mines vary within
80-1040 dB (A).In a mine in Raniganj and Jharia, the noise level near the fan house,
conveyor system shearer and road headers is reported to be within 92-93 dB (A). The values
increases in many mines because of poor maintenance of the machines and exceeds the
permissible limit of 90 dB (A) for 8 hours per day of exposure. The result of a noise survey
for one of the coal mines conducted by DGMS (Director General of Mine Safety) is
summarized in the following table which indicates noise over 90 dB by the drills, breaking
and crushing units and transport system underground.
Table 1: Noise level in underground coal mines
Location of survey
Average Noise level (dB)*
Near shearer
Transfer point
Tail end belt conveyor
Power pack pump
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
The mechanized mines produce lower noise pollution compared with the old
conventional mines, mines operating with haulage and coal cutting machines. The results
(Table 2) covering wholly manual, partly mechanized with coal cutting machines and partly
mechanized with SDL loading show a reduction in the underground noise.
Table 2: noise survey in selected coal mines
Type of mine
Machine points
Noise Level
Duration of
Tagger haulage
87 dB (A)
105 dB (A)
1-2 hrs
4 hrs
CCM cutting
Auxiliary fan
94 dB (A)
94 dB (A)
93 dB (A)
1 hr
1-2 hrs
8 hrs
Chain conveyor
88 dB (A)
98 dB (A)
2 hrs
4-5 hrs
4-5 hrs
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
2.c Noise pollution due to blasting:
Underground blasting causes high frequency sub audible noise measured in terms of
air over pressure. The magnitude of air pressure is found to be 164 dB (1) at a 30m distance
* Db- The decibel
CCM- Carousel Cutting Machine
LHD- Large Height Deviation
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reduced to 144 dB (l) at a distance of 70m. The test results of some of the sites are
summarized in the following table.
Table 3: Air pressure due to blasting in underground
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
The total noise pollution due to underground blasting is the result of the audible and
sub audible noise. The sub audible noise is responsible for vibrations in the surface features
and cases of thin overburden cracks in surface structures can be observed. The societal
reaction of Jharia Town Development Forum over blasting forced pick mining in some of
the situations. The impacts of the blasting are as follows.
Damage of old structures due to vibrations.
Public nuisance vis-vis disturbance of sleep.
Disturbance of sewerage and water supply line.
The amplitude of vibrations due to the blast waves is observed to be reduced with an
increase in the height of the building and hence a drop in the level of nuisance in the upper
floors. Investigation of some mines reveals that in cases where machines cut the blasting in
the lower section in underground, it generates more vibration than that of the upper
section. The restriction of total charge is essential to minimize the vibration due to
underground blasting. The P5 explosive generates low vibrations compared with the P3
grade of explosives (Downing, 2002).
The noise control measures in general are categorized into three groups: personal
protective measures, engineering control measures and administrative measures.
The engineering control measures are the most effective as they are based on sophisticated
techniques such as a Retrofit approach for the installation of noise control treatment on
mining equipment. Designing inherently quiet mining equipment is also included in this
technique which aims to control and reduce noise emission. The preferred cost effective
system for the underground mining has been the personal protective system ear muffs for
the operator of the noise producing units (Walsh, 1991).
3. Toxic waste treatment for water in mining areas:
Research reveals that nearly 25-35% of rain water is drained back to ocean through rivers and
streams; which are major sources of portable water for population (Bagchi, 1990). With the
exception of particle impurities (coal dust/soil/clay) and bacteriological or biological impurities;
the river water is generally fit for consumption. Normal filtering and disinfectant makes the water
acceptable and has been used both in coal mining regions and elsewhere. On the other hand, the
ground water is not fit for consumption unless treated for hardness. The quality of mine water in
the Jharia and Raniganj coalfields obtained from the underground mines are summarized in the
following table.
Max, charge/delay
Total charge Max, (kg)
Air over pressure at
Value Db(l)
6.2 kg
12.5 kg
10.6 kg
2.4 kg
12.5 kg
6.4 kg
2.5 kg
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Table 4: Mine water quality in Raniganj coalfields
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
Note: All parameters are in mg/l unless specified otherwise
NA stands for not analyzed.
The water pollution problems in the mining areas are broadly classified into the following
major factors depending upon the nature of coal and dump, effluents and rock formation:
Acid mine drainage in case of high sulphur coal
Eutrophication and Deoxygenating due troth of algae because of sulphur
Heavy metal pollution
A high level of dissolved solids such as Bicarbonates, Chlorides and Sulphur of Sodium
Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Manganese are introduced into water while passing through
aquifuge and aquiclude which are made permeable due to sagging and industrial usage without
treatment (Wathern, 1988). This makes the water hard, unfit for drinking, as well as other
impurities in a few selected mines of Jharia and Raniganj coalfield. Low level Nitrates and
Effluent water(MOEF
schedule-vi standard)
Parasea UGP
June 2012
Samplining station
Date of sample
Mine discharge from pit no. 2
9th May 2012
Temperature oc
Oil & grease
Shall not exceed 50c
Total residual chlorine
Ammonical Nitrogen
Total kjeldahi nitrogen
Free ammonia
H .Chromium
Total Chromium
Dissolved phosphate
Nitrate nitrogen
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Phosphates serves as nutrients to algae; rapid growth of which causes deoxygenating of water and
the lowering of dissolved oxygen. This is likely to occur when the underground water is
accumulated in water pools. Use of such water for irrigation might improve production and crop
3.a Acid mine drainage:
Breaking of coal and leaching pyrite of sulphur content from the coal and surrounding
formation leads to Acid Mine Drainage (AMD); a problem known worldwide. Oozing out of yellow
sludge, the smell of H2S and an increase in the pH value are some of the physical symptoms of the
AMD. The corrosion of the impeller of the pumps, pitting or hole development in the steel pipes
and the loss of aquatic life are the other impacts of AMD. This problem is mainly in the North
Eastern Coalfields of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir and in the Raniganj and
Jharia coalfields also (Biswas, 1992).
The average sulphur content of the coal in the Gondwana stage was below 1 %, which has
been increased to as 8 % in the Jharia Coalfield; the average being within 3.5 %. The sulphur
content of the semi-anthracite deposits of Raniganj is even higher, up to 9 % (Ghose, 2004). The
sulphurin in the coal deposits of this region are organic as well as pyretic in nature. The organic
sulphuris structurally bound in coal and is difficult to separate, wash or drain. On the other hand,
pyretic sulphuris present as an intrusion in the coal seams and the immediate vicinity in the form
of balls circular or elliptical mass or fine, dispersed particles. These tiny particles are mainly
responsible for the acid mine drainage. Crushed pillars, caved coal bands, intrusive rocks and left-
over coal dusts are subjected to leeching when the aquifer or aquiclude drains down due to the
secondary permeability of the interbred. Under the influence of seeping water, the pyrite (Fe, SO2)
is oxidized, forming sulfuric acid. As a result, the pH value of the water is increased, making it unfit
for normal consumption and industrial use (Goswami, 2013).
3.b Heavy metal pollution:
Traces of heavy metal such as Lead, Zinc, Arsenic and Cadmium are detected in the mine
water, mainly because of leeching of aquifuge, aquiclude and igneous intrusions and effluent of oil
and grease from the machines underground. The toxic substances are generally confined within the
rock mass which are exposed to the dynamic setting of the soil water system and thus pollutes the
mine water. The list of the toxic elements and their impact is summarized as follows:
Table 5: Toxic trace elements and their area wise impact
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
Note: All parameters are in mg/l unless specified otherwise
Some of the above elements serve as nutrients to plant and aquatic life at lower
concentration. The concentration in the coal mine water is normally within permitted limit and
required no special treatment. The high presence of Fe can be observed in the water and Cu is
also found high in the water which is .281 to .621 in all areas.
The survey result of two mines of Raniganj coalfield is summarized in the following table.
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
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Table 6: Micro elements in Bonjemihary & Ghanshyaam mines
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
*Results in ppm.
The presence of a large number of trace elements in the coal is attributed to species of
carbonaceous swamps or contemporaneous sedimentation with holmic acids soluble and binding
these elements. Trace elements might have come through inflowing ground water during
calcification. The magma tic and fluid might have resulted in epigenetic mineralization and
enrichment of trace metals. Elements such as As, Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn are the inorganic fraction of coal
while Cr, Cu and Sb are present in mineral and organic from.
The concentration of trace elements in Raniganj and Jharia coalfields are summarized
below. In the process of mining, these elements are released or mixed to the inflowing water and
ultimately to the water channel.
Table 7: Concentrations of trace elements in coal
Concentration (µg / g-1) of trace elements in regions
Kunustoria Parasia Katras Victoria
Sources: Coal Mining Planning and Design Institute, Survey Report, 2012
3.c Water regime disturbance in mining areas:
The disturbance of lithosphere, yield and movement of ground water, dewatering of the
workings and the recharging of overburden formation are the interrelated operations of
underground mining. Dewatering from underground, recharging from rainwater precipitation and
an inflow of surface water are complimentary to each other. With the formation of depression
fissures, even the aquifuge starts draining across and a cone-like depression extends far and wide
out of the area of influence.
Micro elements Coml.
(P+) kg
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The implementation in the ground of water drainage induces additional cracks and fissures
over the surface. As a result, the rate of precipitation increases when higher percentages of rain and
surface water infiltrate downwards; raising the overall water table. Furthermore, in place of a few
confined aquifers, extensive unconfined/leaky aquifers are formed with the ground movement
(Singh, 2005).
Starting from precipitation, the water travels overland, adopts through flow, interflow and
base flow leading to the basin channel flow and is partially retained in the aquifers. With the
creation of underground voids; there is percolation through mine roofs and walls and ultimately
flows with the failure of confining beds occurring. The water accumulated in the mine is pumped
back to surface. Mine water is pumped from the working face contained 1500-1600 mg/1 of
suspended impurities, mainly coal dust, particles and Salts of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron
(Goswami, 2013). The concentration of suspended impurities drops slowly in slumps from
underground. With the filling of cracks by silt or clay particles during the rainy season, the
overburden character is restored with time when water pools are formed on the surface, and
subsides through. As a result, flora and fauna congenial to climate and surroundings develops with
better results. On the other hand, the undulation of ground disturbs the channel of streams and
rivers, bringing a larger area under the high flood level of the streams. Unless care is taken, the
river water would flow down through fracture planes, flooding the workings. Depending upon
thickness of the burden and the working seams, the fractures have become open channels or are
sealed with silting. Loss of streams or the formation of water pools are the two extremes of the
phenomena (Bose, 1989).
Quality of water, however, is the main issue, where hardness of the water increases up to 700
mg/l inclusive of 300-500 mg/l permanent hardness which necessitates special treatment (Nish,
2012). The other impurities such as heavy metals and the oxygen balance of the underground water
in most of the Indian coalfields are well within the accepted limit.
The ground movement impact on the hydrosphere is manifested in the form of increased
storage and charging character, the lowering and disturbance of the water table, and the loss of
streams or water pools. Some of them improves the water availability to the flora and fauna and
biomass in general and improves the environment and ecology while a few causes temporary
damage to the environment and ecology with the development of the fracture planes and opening
of cracks. However, the positive impact of the ground movement over the hydraulic regime is
diluted due to repeated mining of the seams one after the other. With each seam working, the cycle
of negative impact is repeated, the water table and the level of pollution increases time and time
again. It takes time a couple of years before the regime are restored to normalcy.
4. Illegal coal mining in Raniganj and Jharia coalfields:
Coal is often very close to the surface in many areas of the Raniganj and Jharia coalfields,
particularly in the context of the stagnant agricultural sector, that to dig it out is very simple. Many
tools can be used for this purpose-ranging in variety and complexity from the traditional to
comparatively more efficient, modern equipment. A near vertical hole in the ground leads to a
labyrinth of tunnels which are sometimes only high enough for a person when crouched. These rat-
holes often occur all over the region and have opened up new, albeit illegal, avenues of informal
employment. Many abandoned uneconomic mines of ECL (Eastern Coalfields Ltd) and BCCL
(Bharat Coking Coalfields Ltd), both underground and opencast, are thriving as illegal mining sites
(Goswami, 2014).
These mines have often been referred to as ‗state run private enterprises‘ (Penz, 2011) as few
adequate steps have been taken to curb the malpractice. These mines have become death traps
where unplanned coal exploitation and subsequent roof collapses result in loss of lives in many
illegal mines, most of which go unreported. Illegal mining is a common feature in most of the coal
mining areas. The Raniganj and Jharia coalmine regions are not an exception. In these regions,
young unemployed people often engage in illegal coal mining.
Illegal mining can be defined as, ―Unethical and illogical cutting of coal seams beneath the
earth surface without the prior permission of the coal mining authority‖ (Saxena, 2000). In the
coal bearing land, it is the easiest way to earn money quickly. In this process, many large holes are
cut into the earth‘s surface like a ‗rat-hole‘ to catch the shallow coal seams (Madwbwe, 2011).
Another process involves cutting the coal seams from abandoned mines, illegal miners are simply
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dig out the coal seams and sell a huge amount of coal in the local market through the ‗Coal Mafia’
and earn a healthy profit. The author has visited many places in the Raniganj and Jharia coal
mining belt to observe the illegal mining process. The local police authority is not effective to
prevent the illegal mining.
4. a Some negative impacts of illegal coal mining on environment:-
1. In this process of mining there are unscientific cuttings of shallow coal seams, which
often cause problems on the surface of the mining region.
2. This type of mining results in huge removal of top soil and also causes soil erosion.
3. Where the mining activities are taking place, there is total destruction of vegetation cover
in that region.
4. Due to the illegal mining, there is massive dust and noise pollution in the surrounding
area. 5. Due to the unscientific cutting of the coal seam, there is a destruction of the coal reserves
in coal mining belt.
6. Due to the illegal mining, there is always a chance of land subsidence.
7. Due to the mismanagement and natural heating, sometimes fires may occur in illegal
mines, which results in huge emission of noxious gases and burning of Coal seams.
8. After the cutting of coal seams, illegal miners leave all the mines open to nature. So, the
whole region is converted into an abandoned field.
Many local people are also engaged in this illegal coal business. Often, they are supported by
the local coal mafia and local police authority. Local people use their bicycle, bullock cart, rickshaw
van etc. to transport the illegal coal to the local market. In this way, they earn a healthy profit from
this illegal business. Many complaints are made to the local police station to stop the illegal coal
mining by the local people, but the police ignore it.
4.b The region of illegal coal mining:
Jharia region - Mohuda, Bhatdih, Murlidih, Gobindpur, Tetulia, Katras, Kusunda, Kustaur,
Lodhna, Mourigram, Sudamdihetc.
Raniganj region - Jamuria, Mejia, Satgram, Sripur, Sonepurbazari, Mahavir colliery,
Kunustoria area etc.
4.c Laws to curb illegal mining:
In order to curb the illegal mining and rampant smuggling of major minerals, the State
Government has formulated the Jharkhand Minerals Dealers‘ Rules (JMDR-2007) to monitor the
The state cabinet, while approving the Mineral Dealers‘ Rules-2007, found that that there are
a large number of dealers operating without any proper records or registration with the mines and
minerals department. Hence, the government decided to make the registration of operating dealers
mandatory with the department concerned. This will put a spanner in the works for the illegal
marketing and smuggling of major minerals like iron ore, bauxite etc., according to the secretary.
The state government has said it is unable to cross-check the minerals stocked or stored. Those
dealing in minerals claim that they paid the royalty at the mining site and have stored the stock at
some other place for transportation. The Government also recommended the cross-checking and
verification of minerals, as there is no provision available under the Central Government Mines
and Minerals Development Act (MMDR), 1957.
The Central Government has given ample scope to prepare the rule as per its requirement for
checking and verification of account. With the new rule, JMDR-2007, to be brought into effect
soon, the mines and minerals department will be able to verify the stock at any given point of time.
Officials claim that once the registration of the dealers is completed, the department concerned will
issue a license to the party. After this, the party will be able to purchase and stock the major
minerals. The modus operandi also includes the dispatch receipt from the district mining officer
(DMO) from the place of transportation of the minerals. According to the local authority illegal
mining in the state is widespread, thereby causing huge losses running in several cores to the state
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exchequer (Mathur, 2008). The department is flooded with such complaints and the revenue
collection targets of the department are difficult to achieve.
Hence, the legal wing of the department felt it necessary to formulate a rule to check on the
smuggling of major minerals.
Mining has a significant impact on the economic, social and environmental fabric of
adjoining areas. Although mining activities bring about economic development in the area, it also
causes land degradation that creates ecological and socio-economic problems.
Mining adversely affects the eco-system as a whole. It is important to conduct suitable
assessments to understand the potential adverse impact of mining on flora and fauna. The adverse
impact should be identified at the planning stage itself so that corrective measures may be taken in
advance (McDowell, 1996).
To overcome the problems, one should be aware of the various activities that are of concern
regarding the environment. Every mine manager should keep a checklist giving information on
environmental controls, as envisaged in the various mining lease conditions of the Government of
India and Environment management plan. Frequent review of this information may enable
identification of the site-specific environmental issues at the mine. Poor environmental
performance may accelerate the demands for more stringent regulations. The adverse effects of
subsidence fissures have made most of the subsided areas barren and unstable. The indirect effect
of subsidence has contributed to the drying up of many tanks and dug wells in the vicinity. Much of
this subsided land may however be put back to productive use with a joint effort from coal
companies and local bodies, but no concerted and coherent effort has been taken in this direction.
Not much study has been done towards reclamation of subsided land in Indian coalfields. In a few
areas of Raniganj coalfield including Ninga and Sripur, plantation on subsided land has been
attempted. The scientists are of the opinion that before starting reclamation of subsided land, the
purpose of reclamation in terms of ―land-use‖ should be decided in consultation with the local
people. The most important thing is to plug the cracks and it may not be necessary to bring the
subsided land to its original state even for use for agriculture, plantation and housing. Some
researchers claim that improvements in water retaining capacity of the subsoil in the subsided land
are required. There is no specific legislation in India concerning subsidence, but as per common
law, the coal company is to acquire the surface right of the property in which subsidence may occur
due to underground mining. In some countries, there is specific legislation guiding the coal
industry in matters of subsidence and perhaps such enactment may be necessary in our country
also. The scientists are of the opinion that before starting reclamation of subsided land, the
purpose of reclamation in terms of ―land-use‖ should be decided in consultation with the local
people. The most important thing is to plug the cracks and it may not be necessary to bring the
subsided land to original profile even for use for agriculture, plantation and housing.
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... However, the forest landscape in the foothills of the Vtáčnik mountain range, affected by undermining and damage to the substrate (Baliak & Stríček 2012;Machajová et al. 2000) with many recorded and described geological faults, was not the subject of this interest to a greater extent. Nevertheless, examples from deep mines abroad showed that disruption of the hydrogeological continuum impacts the surface and ground waters in foothills, slopes, and mountains (Goswami 2015;Tang et al. 2019;Kolapo et al. 2022). Also, historically, some indications of such processes in the area of our interest have been published (Ivanička 1959;Jakál 1998). ...
... Mining activity often risks damaging natural structures, especially hydrological and hydrogeological environments (Sjölander-Lindqvist 2005; Kolapo et al. 2022). Similar to our case, works (Goswami 2015;Tang et al. 2019) also highlight the negatives of undermining territories. The extraction of mineral resources and the construction of underground infrastructure signifies an interference in the geological continuum, which is almost always associated with damage, or at least a change, in the hydrological regime of underground waters (Goswami 2015). ...
... Similar to our case, works (Goswami 2015;Tang et al. 2019) also highlight the negatives of undermining territories. The extraction of mineral resources and the construction of underground infrastructure signifies an interference in the geological continuum, which is almost always associated with damage, or at least a change, in the hydrological regime of underground waters (Goswami 2015). As in the example of our area of interest, numerous geological disturbances related to mining activities appear globally (Sjölander-Lindqvist 2005;Goswami 2015;Tang et al. 2019;Kolapo et al. 2022). ...
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Over the past decades, anthropogenic disturbance of geological structures has been significantly documented in Slovakia, mainly driven by the national economy's demand for mining resources. Among these resources, brown coal, primarily mined in the Upper Nitra coal basin in the Prievidza district (Slovakia), has been essential. Mining activities around town of Handlová, and villages of Koš, Cígeľ and Sebedražie, particularly at the Cígeľ coal mine, have induced several geological defects. These defects, characterised by large cracks and local landslides, disrupt the hydrogeological conditions, significantly impacting the soil water regime stability of the forest ecosystems in these damaged areas. This study investigates the variability and dynamics of the soil water potential in a mining-affected site (Račkov laz) compared to an intact reference area (Čertove chodníky) between 2020 and 2022. Our findings suggest that mining activities could have substantial implications for the soil water regime and, consequently, the ecological stability of forest ecosystems.
... Countless researchers have done investigations on enhanced separation developments using Multi-Gravity Separator (MGS), Knelson Concentrator, Kelsey Centrifugal Jig, Altair jig, Falcon Concentrator, floatation separation, etc. Still trivial work has been commitment to coal beneficiation proposals via the semi-autogenous grinding ideologies on modelling and optimization specifically for the TANCAN [GQM] series-type roll ball mill equipment [1][2][3]. Dedication on factors underpinning quality coal recovery strategies must be developed to reinforce the safer utilization of coal and coal byproducts. Harmful implications attributing to Morupule coal usage should be completely underlined because consumers in other institutes will gain awareness through literature on research discoveries hence will be positioned to determine the coal product that match their manufacturing line. ...
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The contemporary research article is central to understanding coal structure evaluation and the morphological development impacting its utilization in different applications. Through Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA) designs high content phyllosilicates minerals and swelling clay minerals were rationalized to provides a novel insight into enhanced coal beneficiation and the benefits of coal by-product re-utilization progressions that encourage safer environments and economic sustainability. This work commences with collection of five (5) different coal samples from the central district region in Botswana, sample characterization deploying Thermogravimetric coal analysis (TGA), x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) test that was directed to quantification of the coal hardness and fracture toughness during milling. The cumulative objective was to understand the correlation that exists between the natural composition of the coal sample and their adaptation and application in various carbonaceous products. A solid connection was thus identified in the sulfur and phosphorus weight percentage inclusions in all the coal materials hence higher significance in sphalerite mineral phases (Zn, Fe) S critically increased the fracture toughness and hardness properties. Moreover, mineral amalgams intrinsic to the coal maceral such as aluminum oxides (Al 2 O 3 ), silicate (SiO 2 ), calcites (CaO), Iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ), potassium feldspars (K − AlSi 3 O 8 ), albite (Na − AlSi 3 O 8 ), and anorthite (Ca − Al 2 Si 2 O 8 ) compounds in alkali feldspars were detected in larger quantities. The coal industry has attracted much industrial attention to manufacturing foundations producing cement, ceramic tiles, paving bricks, and material synthesis and will continue to supply other economic sectors in the conceivable future. Graphical Abstract
... Such alteration in the landscape radically impacts the macro-ecology in terms of vital processes, flow of nutrients, biodiversity in general and the habitability of the organism in specific (Turner, 1989). Multiple endeavours evidently elucidated the deterioration of ecoenvironment in the proximity of the coalfields (Garai and Narayana, 2018;Goswami, 2015;Singh et al., 1997;Wang et al., 2019). The defensive management for existing ecology and the restoration of lost ecological systems have to be in a priority list of comprehensive initiatives (Tilman et al., 2014). ...
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Traditionally, the coal has stood as a resourceful entity for the energy demands of the society. The coalmines are the driving forces in the sufficing the energy and economy of the nation. Certainly, the existence of coal and its excavation is a much aspired endeavours for the development of any society. There are numerous prospective, functional and abandoned coalmines all over the world. Along with the intrinsic worth of the coal excavations, many studies have decisively elucidated the associated environmental complications. The ecological devastation is one of them. The ecological sphere whether it be macro or micro, is a fragile entity and must be taken care of accordingly. The process of coal excavations involves large scale landscape alteration where the entire native vegetation is removed. The ecological domain developed through an extensive period over the landscape vanishes in no time. The hydrological fluctuation also in terms of water chemistry destroys the aquatic habitat prominently known as hydroecology. The microclimatic shift is also a factor affecting drastically on the associated ecologies. The present review article strives to understand the various influencers in the coalfields dominating over the accompanying ecologies through selective endeavours executed all over the world. It also deliberates the probable measures to be taken to shield the associated ecologies in and around coalfields including the sensitization drives for protecting ecologies.
... Inadequate waste management can harm soil, water, and air and potentially affect the quality of life of communities surrounding mining areas. Adverse impacts should be identified at the planning stage so that corrective action can be taken in advance (Goswami, 2015). In this case, the Indonesian government's coal phase-out policy positively impacts the scale of production and mining activities. ...
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Indonesia's coal exports play an important role in driving the country's economy and are one of its main export commodities. As one of the world's largest coal producers, Indonesia consistently contributes significantly to the global market. This research aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the export policy of coal commodities in Indonesia. The research method is qualitative, using a descriptive analysis approach. The study examines policies related to coal exports, including government regulations, trade rules, environmental regulations, and other policies that influence the Indonesian coal export process or policy changes that affect Indonesian coal exports. At the same time, it analyses the effects and implications of these policies on the export of coal commodities in Indonesia. The research uses the theory of trade liberalism as a framework to address the research objectives. The findings indicate that Indonesia's coal export policy significantly impacts the coal industry, the national economy and international market dynamics. Although mercantilism may persist for a certain period, the dominance of liberalism, which adheres to the principles of market mechanism, has successfully surpassed the influence of mercantilism. Thus, this research contributes to a better understanding of the role of coal in Indonesia's export context and provides a basis for future policy improvements.
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The contemporary research article is central to understanding coal structure evaluation and the morphological development impacting its utilization in different applications. Through Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA) designs high content phyllosilicates minerals and swelling clay minerals were rationalized to provides a novel insight into enhanced coal beneficiation and the benefits of coal by-product re-utilization progressions that encourage safer environments and economic sustainability. This work commences with collection of five (5) different coal samples from the central district mine in Botswana and chemical characterization via Thermogravimetric coal analysis, x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and the Hardgrove Grindability Index testing that quantify coal material hardness and fracture toughness. The results showed sulfur and phosphorus inclusions in all samples complemented through sphalerite mineral phases (Zn, Fe)S and the coal morphology stimulated the material fracture toughness and hardness properties by influential mineral amalgams intrinsic to the Botswana central district coal maceral such as aluminum oxides (Al 2 O 3 ), silicate (SiO 2 ), calcites (CaO), Iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ), potassium feldspars (K−AlSi 3 O 8 ), albite (Na−AlSi 3 O 8 ), and anorthite (Ca−Al 2 Si 2 O 8 ) compounds in alkali feldspars which are predominantly group I and II carriers were perceived in substantial quantities. The coal industry has attracted much industrial attention by supply of high energy potent coal material and coal-by products to manufacturing foundations producing cement, ceramic tiles, paving bricks and material synthesis and will continue to supply other economic sectors in the conceivable future. Nevertheless, environmental concerns consequential to coal beneficiation are pressing issues requiring transdisciplinary innovations through investigations and technological practices that encourage the elimination of toxins and hazardous compounds from coal products therefore holistically generating sustainable and renewable resource for the future.
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The paper contributes to the field of Energy Humanities from an often under-discussed Global South perspective, fore-grounding cultural productions around coal extraction as a potential tool for disrupting energy modernity. Using photographs from the Jharia coalfields in Jharkhand, India, as primary sources, we examine coal extraction as a form of 'slow violence'. The discursive ploy of energy modernity has been to make fossil fuels an emblem of socioeconomic progress. The paper adds to critiques seeking to reframe this narrative and argues that the framework of slow violence reconfigures coal mining as a form of eco-social dispossession. The paper traces how the photography of Sebastian Sardi and Ronny Sen give visibility to those spaces-both somatic and geographical-which are not considered a legitimate part of the country's development rhetoric but are nonetheless necessary for its creation and maintenance.
The paper contributes to the field of Energy Humanities from an often under-discussed Global South perspective, foregrounding cultural productions around coal extraction as a potential tool for disrupting energy modernity. Using photographs from the Jharia coalfields in Jharkhand, India, as primary sources, we examine coal extraction as a form of ‘slow violence’. The discursive ploy of energy modernity has been to make fossil fuels an emblem of socio-economic progress. The paper adds to critiques seeking to reframe this narrative and argues that the framework of slow violence reconfigures coal mining as a form of eco-social dispossession. The paper traces how the photography of Sebastian Sardi and Ronny Sen give visibility to those spaces—both somatic and geographical—which are not considered a legitimate part of the country’s development rhetoric but are nonetheless necessary for its creation and maintenance.
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Hydro Nepal: Journal of Water, Energy and Environment Issue No. 3, January, 2008 Page 55-56
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Coal mining contributes largely towards economic development of the nation although it has a great impact on the human health. It also has an impact on a socio-cultural aspect of workers and people residing in and around coal mining areas. Thus a holistic approach to taking up with mining activities, keeping in mind the concerns over adjoining habitats and ecosystem, is the need of the hour. This requires identification of various sites where minerals exist, of various factors ranging from an appropriate angle of the slope of overburden dumps to safe disposal drains, of safe techniques to various silt control structures etc. In India, coal companies are now working towards “clean coal” strategies which aim to reduce environmental impacts. The reduced ash contents of the washed coal increase thermal efficiency of combustion which, in turn, makes a direct impact on reducing emissions of pollutants. However, the coal washing requires extra water and it can turn towards a pollution free society.
Presents research on coal and lignite mining impacts in the Jharia-Ranigunj coalfield in Bihar and West Bengal from studies undertaken by the Central Mining Research Station in Dhanbach which quantified major atmospheric pollutants, pinpointed their sources, and characterized their seasonal and annual trends. Following an introduction to India's coal industry and global environmental problems, the authors consider the place of coal in energy scenario-impact assessment criteria, environmental appraisal of the Jharia-Ranigunj coalfield, and the environmental implications of expanded coal production. The conclusion outlines an environmental management plan for the area to alleviate further ecological degradation. -P.Hardiman
Coal mining in India was started in Raniganj Coal field of the then Bengal, almost 200 years back. Coal which contributes huge to the world commercial energy requirement is partly responsible for greenhouse gas emission into the environment. The pollutants produced with mining to burning of coal area not only damaging the earth surface and atmosphere but also threatening the survival of the human being. The energy generated from the coal on the other hand is essential for the industrialization, employment generation and quality improvement of human life. The coal mining operation involves environmental disturbance with negative impact on ecology, bio-diversity and social fabrics. Traditionally, coal production in Raniganj and Jharia coalfield was mostly done from underground mines though the scenario have been changed significantly in favour of opencast mining after nationalization of coal mines in India. Opencast mining in large scale creates most severe form of land degradation and therefore, coalfield communities all over the country hold strong views against open casting as mining operations. This book is an attempt to assess the impact of coal mines on environment as well as on communities surrounded by coal mines. This book has been planned to fulfill the requirements of large number of students, researchers and job seekers pursuing courses on environment studies and coal mining.
The Compram method is a method for handling complex societal problems in a transparent and structured way. Handling in this case means analyzing, policymaking, decision making and guiding and evaluating the interventions. The Compram method is developed by DeTombe (1994). Most problem handling methods focus on a part of the problem handling process. The Compram method, however, focuses on the whole spectrum of the problem handling process. Because of their complexity societal problems are difficult to handle. These problems have often a huge impact on society, because they involve a great number of phenomena and actors. Each actor has his or her own goals, interest and power. In a democracy handling these problems includes dealing with all the actors. In order to do this efficiently and fruitful these problems should be handled in cooperation with the actors. The Compram method guides this process from the moment the problem is put on the (political) agenda till the evaluation of the interventions. The Compram method distinguishes six steps in the problem handling process. For supporting this process it uses all kinds of supportive methods and tools. The method is based on the three basic elements in handling complex societal problems: knowledge, power and emotion. The Compram method can be applied for all kind of policy problems like transport, environmental, healthcare, poverty and unemployment problems. An example of the application of the method is given on handling the Aids problem in South Africa.
Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries is based on selected papers presented at the 1991 International Conference on Environment Impact Assessment, held at New Delhi, India. This work is organized into four parts encompassing 18 chapters. Part I provides an overview and general considerations of balance environmental impact assessment (EIA), with particular emphasis in the developing countries in Asia. Part II highlights various EIA performed in different industry, including chemical plants, coal mining, thermal and power plant, and solid waste disposal. This part also describes the simulation modeling in EIA. Part III discusses the national experiences in EIA. This part elaborates on EIA of development projects in Netherlands, Sweden, Philippines, Tanzania, Canada, India, and United Kingdom. Part IV provides a summary and recommendations. This book will prove useful to environmental and research scientists.
― Global warming in an unequal World‖ International Sustainable Development
  • Agarwal
Agarwal. (1991). ― Global warming in an unequal World‖ International Sustainable Development. Vol.1. Oct. pp. 98-104.
Effect o f opencast mining o n so il fertility ‖ Centr e o f mining environment
  • K M Ghose
Ghose, K.M. ( 2004). -Effect o f opencast mining o n so il fertility ‖ Centr e o f mining environment, I.S.M, Dhanbad, India.