The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects of three different concurrent training (CT) programs and a resistance training (RT) program. Twenty-three resistance trained men (age: 24 ± 3 years) were randomized into four groups: concurrent RT and high intensity interval cycling (CTH, n = 6), concurrent RT and moderate intensity continuous cycling (CTM, n = 5), RT and barbell circuit training (RTC, n = 6), or RT only (RT, n = 6). Back squat and bench press strength, quadriceps, and pectoralis muscle thickness, VO2peak, and maximum workload (Wmax, Watts) were assessed. Squat strength gains were meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH (16.88 kg [95% CrI: 11.15, 22.63]), CTM (25.54 kg [95% CrI: 19.24, 31.96]), RTC (17.5 kg [95% CrI: 11.66, 23.39]), and RT (20.36 kg [95% CrI: 15.29, 25.33]) groups. Bench press strength gains were meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH (11.86 kg [95% CrI: 8.28, 15.47]), CTM (10.3 kg [95% CrI: 6.49, 14.13]), RTC (4.84 kg [95% CrI: 1.31, 8.47]), and RT (10.16 kg [95% CrI: 7.02, 13.22]) groups. Quadriceps hypertrophy was meaningful in all groups and comparable among CTH (2.29 mm [95% CrI: 0.84, 3.76]), CTM (3.41 mm [95% CrI: 1.88, 4.91]), RTC (2.6 mm [95% CrI: 1.17, 4.05]), and RT (2.83 mm [95% CrI: 1.55, 4.12]) groups. Pectoralis hypertrophy was meaningful in CTH (2.29 mm [95% CrI: −0.52, 5.1]), CTM (5.14 mm [95% CrI: 2.1, 8.15]), and RTC (7.19 mm [95% CrI: 4.26, 10.02]) groups, but not in the RT group (1 mm [95% CrI: −1.59, 3.59]); further, between-group contrasts indicated less pectoralis growth in the RT compared to the RTC group. Regarding cardiovascular outcomes, only the RTH and RTM groups experienced meaningful improvements in either measure (VO2peak or Wmax). These data suggest that the interference effect on maximal strength and hypertrophy can be avoided when the aerobic training is moderate intensity cycling, high intensity cycling, or a novel barbell circuit for ~one hour per week and on non-RT days. However, the barbell circuit failed to elicit meaningful cardiovascular adaptations.