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  • Euro-Mediierranean Seismological Centre, France
  • European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Abstract and Figures

This paper presents the strategy and operational tools developed and implemented at the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) to detect and diagnose the impact of global earthquakes within minutes by combining « flashsourcing » (real time monitoring of website traffic) with social media monitoring and crowdsourcing. This approach serves both the seismological community and the public and can contribute to improved earthquake response. It collects seismological observations, improves situation awareness from a few tens of seconds to a couple of hours after earthquake occurrence and is the basis of innovative targeted real time public information services. We also show that graphical input methods can improve crowdsourcing tools both for the increasing use of mobile devices and to erase language barriers. Finally we show how social network harvesting could provide information on indirect earthquake effects such as triggered landslides and fires, which are difficult to predict and monitor through existing geophysical networks.
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Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
Rémy Bossu
Seismological Centre
CEA, DAM, DIF F91297
Arpajon France
Robert Steed
Seismological Centre
Gilles Mazet-Roux
Seismological Centre
Fréderic Roussel
Seismological Centre
Caroline Etivant
Seismological Centre
This paper presents the strategy and operational tools developed and implemented
at the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) to detect and diagnose
the impact of global earthquakes within minutes by combining « flashsourcing »
(real time monitoring of website traffic) with social media monitoring and
This approach serves both the seismological community and the public and can
contribute to improved earthquake response. It collects seismological
observations, improves situation awareness from a few tens of seconds to a couple
of hours after earthquake occurrence and is the basis of innovative targeted real
time public information services.
We also show that graphical input methods can improve crowdsourcing tools both
for the increasing use of mobile devices and to erase language barriers. Finally we
show how social network harvesting could provide information on indirect
earthquake effects such as triggered landslides and fires, which are difficult to
predict and monitor through existing geophysical networks.
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
Situation awareness, social media, crowdsourcing, flashsourcing, citizen science
Seismology has always valued reports of felt experiences by laypersons because
they are often the only evidence of pre-instrumental period earthquakes. This
probably explains why seismology has been amongst the pioneers in citizen
science and crowdsourcing. For example, the « Did you feel it » system developed
by the US Geological Survey to massively collect felt experiences through online
questionnaires has been in operation since 1999 (Wald et al., 1999) before the
term « crowdsourcing » was even coined.
Today one of the main benefits for seismologists that result from the collection of
these eyewitnesses’ observations is to provide in-situ constraints to the
intrinsically uncertain earthquake damage scenario and improve situation
awareness (Bossu et al., 2015). We will also show through the different tools
developed and implemented at the EMSC that it also benefits the public since the
best way to optimize collection of in-situ observations is first to ensure a massive
and immediate convergence of eyewitnesses to the collection tools by associating
them with real time information services that meet eyewitnesses’ expectations
immediately after an earthquake occurrence. This efficient engagement strategy is
achieved by speeding up our information services, by focusing them on felt and
damaging earthquakes (the only ones that matter for the public) and, by digesting
user-generated information and compiling it into a more comprehensive
information service which covers both earthquake parameters (location,
magnitude, time) and descriptions of their effects (shaking level, pictures of
damage). We will illustrate these points by summarizing the main functions and
performances of LastQuake which is the name of our smartphone application, a
Twitterbot -in this case, it is also called a QuakeBot, i.e. a program that produces
automatic tweets on earthquakes- and web browser add-ons.
In this article, we show how the crowdsourced information (testimonies,
comments and geo-located pictures and videos) can be enhanced by 2
complementary indirect data contributions derived from the monitoring of activity
on Twitter and from traffic analysis of EMSC website (, our
popular website dedicated to global earthquake information). We then present
how social network harvesting is being tested to detect indirect effects of
earthquakes such as triggered landslides and fires and how such an integrated
approach can contribute to improved situation awareness after an earthquake.
Up until the 1990’s, seismologists knew that an earthquake had been felt when
suddenly the different laboratory phones started to ring together. Today,
eyewitnesses are mostly turning to the Internet for searching for earthquake
information or for sharing their experiences after the shaking. The Internet acts as
a digital nervous system of our planet whose pulses offer a way to detect felt
earthquakes independently from seismic monitoring networks, and from
earthquake magnitude.
The EMSC uses 2 complementary approaches, Twitter earthquake detection TED
(Earle et al., 2010,
2011), performed by
the US Geological
Survey, and
flashsourcing (Bossu
et al., 2008, 2011a,
2011b), developed and
operated at EMSC.
TED monitors the
publication of 140-
characters Twitter
messages (tweets) and
applies place, time,
and key word filtering
to detect felt
earthquakes through
the surge in published
Figure 1. Example of a flashcrowd observed on the EMSC
website and caused by a M 4.9 earthquake in SE France. It
was automatically detected 96s after the earthquake
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
tweets related to shaking experiences (Earle et al., 2010, 2011). TED data is
shared in real time with the EMSC, which automatically associates them with
seismic locations through time and spatial analysis using the geocoded tweets
(Earle et al., 2010).
Flashsourcing is based on flashcrowds, i.e. rapid and massive traffic increases
(Jung et al., 2002, Marnerides et al., 2008) generated by the natural convergence
of eyewitnesses looking for earthquake information on EMSC website
immediately after the shaking (Figure 1). The convergence is extremely rapid: it
was shown for the 2011 Mineral, Virginia earthquake that the arrivals times of
visitors on the website followed the seismic wave propagation, allowing one to
determine the epicentral
location with a 30 km accuracy
from only 2 minutes of EMSC
website traffic (Bossu et al.,
2014). This demonstrates that
the initial flashcrowd is
actually caused by
eyewitnesses rather than
referred visitors. In turn, it
implies, as discussed later, that
providing a recognized rapid
public information strategy is
an efficient strategy for
engagement with earthquake
Detections of felt earthquakes
are typically within 2 minutes
of earthquake occurrence for both methods and they precede seismic locations in
the vast majority of cases (more than 90%) (Bossu et al. 2011a, Earle et al., 2011).
They are fully complementary, as only 10% of the detected earthquakes in 2014
were detected by both TED and flashsourcing (45 over a total of 429).
Figure 3: Interpretations of the different possible time evolutions of the number of
Internet sessions following an earthquake occurrence at T
. When the perception of
danger is significant, eyewitnesses are more likely first to flee to safety rather than
immediately browsing the Internet for information
Figure 2: Geographical origins (determined from IP locations) of the website visitors
within 5 min of the occurrence of the Nov. 22 2014 M 5.6 earthquake in Romania. Red
dots represent geographical origins of statistically significant increased traffic (for more
details see text). Yellow circles represent the geographical origins of website traffic with
no significant variations. Black triangles represent the geographical origins of website
visitors over the previous 12 months. Circle size is function of the difference between the
expected and observed number of unique IPs (more details in Bossu et al (2011a)
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
Beyond the detection of felt earthquakes, flashsourcing also provides rapid
information on the local effects of earthquakes (Bossu et al., 2011a, 2014). For
instance, the area where shaking was felt can be automatically located by plotting
the geographical locations of statistically significant increases in traffic (Figure 2)
(Bossu et al., 2011b). More importantly, it can detect and map damaged areas in
certain cases through the concomitant loss of Internet sessions due to damaged
networks (Figure 3) (Bossu et al., 2015). This automatic damage detection system
was implemented in late 2014 although it has so far not produced definitive results
as only electricity black-outs have been observed and mapped so far.
EMSC collects testimonies, comments and geo-located pictures of earthquake
damage. In 2014, it received at least 3 testimonies (our criteria to confirm an
earthquake as being felt) for 507 earthquakes which had not been detected by
TED or flashsourcing; further supporting the hypothesis that a single method is
unlikely to detect all the events of interest.
Figure 4: Composite macroseismic maps from testimonies collected by EMSC. The
pace of collection has been increasing fast: 30% of the 58 000 questionnaires which
collection started in 2008 were collected in 2014, and 60% of the 16 000 thumbnails,
which collection started in 2011.
Testimonies are collected through online questionnaires available in 32 languages.
They are automatically converted in macroseismic maps depicting the local
shaking level (Figure 4) and made available online. Macroseismic data is more
detailed than flashsourced information but the latter is collected faster as it
generally takes a few tens of minutes to collect a significant number of
questionnaires. The conversion of testimonies to shaking level uses a statistical
approach excluding outliers due to error or misuses.
Geo-located pictures are essential for describing local damage and documenting
transient effects (Figure 5). They are manually validated by our seismologist on
call before being made available on the website. The seismologist checks their
pertinence and coherency with date, location
and the local expected shaking level.
Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) have
significantly changed the way people access
information at EMSC. In 3 years, from 2011
to 2014, the average number of unique daily
visitors to EMSC mobile website
experienced a 3-fold increase while, during
the same period, accesses to the classical
website decreased by 10%. The change is
even more dramatic when it comes to
information access immediately after a
widely felt earthquake: in the first 30
minutes following the Aug. 24th 2014, M 6
Napa (California) earthquake, 2/3 of the visitors within 300km of the epicenter
accessed information with a mobile device (3656 over a total of 5579 individual
visitors) and were automatically directed to our mobile website (Figure 6).
Figure 5: Crowdsourced picture of
the 2013 Bohol (Philippines)
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
Figure 6: Traffic on EMSC websites in the minutes following the Napa earthquakes
(above) and percentage of visitors providing their testimonies (below). The continuous
line represents earthquake occurrence, the dashed one the publication of the first
information on EMSC website.
Such behavior is not unexpected, especially for an earthquake striking in the
middle of the night, when desktops are less likely to be on and mobile devices
offer a faster Internet access. In order to take into account this change and the
difficulty to fill questionnaires on a small screen, the online questionnaire used to
collect testimonies has been replaced on the website for mobile devices by
thumbnails depicting the 12 levels of the EMS98 macroseismic scale (Grunthal,
1998) (Figure 7). The ease of use of thumbnails, and the removal of language
hurdles are the likely cause of the significant
increase in the percentage of visitors offering
their testimonies from about 4% to more than 6%
(Figure 6). This ease of use compared to the
couple of minutes required to fill the online
questionnaire, may explain why the first
thumbnails were collected 5 minutes before the
first questionnaires (Figure 6) whereas both fixed
and mobile users hit their respective website with
the same swiftness. It may also be worth noting
that the first testimonies were only collected once
preliminary information was made available on
EMSC websites. This may indicate the
importance of meeting visitors’ expectations first
to initiate engagement and efficient
Thumbnails were also implemented in the LastQuake application presented
below. With the same idea of meeting users’ expectations, users can share their
comments not only with EMSC but also on their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The LastQuake application proved efficient for collecting geo-located pictures:
since its launch, all our collected pictures come from LastQuake. It is much more
convenient to share a picture taken by a smartphone using the app and this also
increases the number of GPS determined locations. Please note that page layout
may change slightly depending upon the printer you have specified
LastQuake is the name of a set of information tools developed by EMSC,
smartphone applications (iOS, Android), a twitter robot (or QuakeBot) and web-
browser add-ons which are all based on the same principle: providing rapid
information for the only earthquakes which matter to the public i.e. felt and
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
damaging earthquakes. It aims at broadening the EMSC service portfolio to serve
a wider community.
LastQuake is based on the automatic discrimination of felt earthquakes by
merging different sources of information, mainly information collected directly or
indirectly from eyewitnesses described above (Figure 8). The full description of
the algorithm is beyond the scope of this article. It should however be underlined
that discriminating felt earthquakes, especially the low magnitude ones, is
challenging from seismological data only: variations of 1 or 2 km (i.e. well within
uncertainties of real time locations estimates) in relation to centres of population
can lead to a M 3 earthquake either being widely felt or only picked up by
instruments. The aim is not to locate all earthquakes, this is the role of monitoring
networks, but to identify the ones of societal importance because they affect the
population in one way or another. By focusing on the few thousands of widely felt
earthquakes a year, LastQuake prioritizes earthquake information aimed at public
and authorities and optimizes crowdsourcing of in-situ observations at little cost
(Bossu et al., 2015).
LastQuake is the prolongation of our engagement strategy with eyewitnesses
through additional channels. It creates a virtuous circle where collected data is
integrated in LastQuake information services to offer improved information on
both the earthquake itself and its consequences (macroseismic maps, pictures of
damage, comments from eyewitnesses…) which in turn should increase the
volume of collected data.
Since its launch in July 2014, the smartphone application has been downloaded
approximately 20 000 times.. There are 6 300 followers to the LastQuake Twitter
account which currently generates up to 40 different tweets that are automatically
published from 1 to 90 minutes of an earthquake occurrence. They include the
automatic detection of flashcrowds, epicentral and macroseismic maps and their
updates, the possible associated tsunami warning or alerts or links to additional
resources. New tweets are regularly implemented to cover additional cases, like
sequences of earthquakes, i.e. a number of earthquakes affecting the same area in
a short period of times.
Figure 8: Schematic description of LastQuake QuakeBot
Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
Web browser add-ons allow ‘pushed’ information like for the smartphone
notifications. It is less popular than the smartphone application or Twitter but it
contributes to increased damage detection capabilities through concomitant loss of
web sessions by increasing the baseline traffic (Figure 3). The add-on for the
Chrome browser has been released in January 2015. During the working hours
there are around 1 200 sessions generated by website visitors and 300 by the add-
on increasing damage detection capabilities by 25%.
This paper focuses on the strategy and tools developed and implemented at the
EMSC to collect direct and indirect data contributions on global earthquake
effects from eyewitnesses for improved situation awareness and improve rapid
public earthquake information. It does not intend to review the use of Twitter or
other social tools to create earthquake detection or mapping system but to share
our specific experience with researchers and practitioners and present future
The engagement with eyewitnesses is based on targeted real time public
information services intending to meet their needs in the immediate aftermath of
the earthquake occurrence. Attracting more eyewitnesses increases the volume of
collected data which is then integrated to further improve the information
services, creating a virtuous circle.
Traditional online questionnaires have been replaced by a series of thumbnails to
fit the screen size of mobile devices, improve convenience and erase language
hurdles. Indirect data contributions are performed by 2 complementary methods
based respectively on the analysis of the use of Twitter and of the EMSC website,
one of the most popular rapid global earthquake information sources. They both
take advantage of the rapid onset nature of the earthquake phenomena; so they are
unlikely to be easily adapted to phenomenon with a slower dynamic.
There are currently several on-going or planned developments beyond the
constant evolution and improvements of the different components of our
information system. EMSC has been promoting and coordinating the deployment
of citizen operated seismological networks in the Euro-Med region in
coordination with the Quake Catcher Network (QCN) initiative (Cochran et al.,
2009) and ensures data collection on its own servers. Two prototype networks are
in operations in Patrai and Thessaloniki (Greece). The aim is to augment
seismological data to better map the spatial variations of the shaking level in
urban environment during an earthquake, a key parameter for damage scenarios.
We plan to test within a year in the same regions a smartphone application that
records earthquakes with the phone’s internal motion sensors. Another
development for the smartphone applications is to exploit the teachable moment
immediately after a felt earthquake by providing users with preparedness tips and
security guidelines for the ones subjected to damaging shaking levels. Social
network harvesting is a promising technique to identify possible indirect
earthquake effects such as triggered landslides and fires, which are difficult to
predict and monitor through global networks; a test of the Artificial Intelligence
for Disaster Response (AIDR) (Imran et al., 2014) platform is to begin to evaluate
the possibility of detecting weak signals associated to this phenomena.
In conclusion, our strategy has fully demonstrated its advantages for improved
public earthquake information and collecting information on earthquake effects at
little cost for the benefit of seismologists. The ultimate objective is to fully
demonstrate its operational benefit for improved earthquake response by
developing a fully functional, time evolving situation map integrating all available
data and sharing its results with first responders.
EMSC wants to thanks first its members for data sharing and financial support,
the US Geological Survey and Paul Earle for sharing Twitter Earthquake
Detections, Digital Element for offering the IP location software, all the people
involved in the Quake Catcher Network experiments, in the US and in Greece.
Finally, we thank the public for its constant feedback on our tools which has been
a key driver for the development of citizen seismology.
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Bossu et al.
Citizen Seismology
Short Paper Social Media Studies
Proceedings of the ISCRAM 2015 Conference - Kristiansand, May 24-27
Palen, Büscher, Comes & Hughes, eds.
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... We propose to illustrate how social media and standard communication technologies applied to global earthquakes and closely associating eyewitnesses [4,5] can complete this main strategy and associated prevention measures by potentially reducing some of the secondary causes of seismic risk. These secondary causes are numerous, including indirect earthquake-effects such as landslides, tsunamis and, fires as well as accidents, inappropriate behaviors after the shaking and during aftershocks or inadequate disaster response [1]. ...
... Crowdsourced earthquake detections are automatically published on the different components of our information system [5]: the two websites -a classical one for desktops and one for mobile devices (mobile devices are automatically identified and directed to our mobile website), the LastQuake app, and the eponym publication robot on Twitter as a temporary message, including the geographical region and time of the detection and inviting eyewitnesses to confirm the existence of the shaking (Fig. 3). Since, in the vast majority of cases, they precede seismic locations, they are generally the first information publically available for detected earthquakes. ...
... They are checked for possible copyright infringement. They have to be informative, be consistent with the estimated local level of ground motion and respect human dignity [5]. In practice, geo-located pictures and videos are not received from areas affected by severe widespread damage where one can expect communication to be hampered and users, understandably, may have more pressing priorities than taking pictures. ...
Full-text available
The European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), one of the top global earthquake information centers, has been empirically developing a multichannel rapid information system comprising websites, a Twitter quakebot, and a smartphone app for global earthquake eyewitnesses. At the intersection between seismology, citizen science, and digital communication, its aim is twofold: to offer timely, appropriate information in regions where an earthquake is felt and to collect high numbers of eyewitnesses’ direct and indirect observations about the degree of shaking being felt and possible damage incurred. This, in turn, will improve rapid situation awareness and augment data at a relatively low cost. Engagement with eyewitnesses is based on the rapid provision of tremor detection (between few tens of seconds to a couple of minutes from when the earthquake strikes) which is derived from the analysis of indirect information, i.e., digital footprints of Internet and social media searches by eyewitnesses eager to find out the cause of the tremor. This detection generally precedes detection by seismic networks. Eyewitness’ behavior is comparable to real-time seismic sensors when using EMSC websites or LastQuake smartphone app. The hit times on our websites and launch times of our app closely follow seismic wave propagation. Crowdsourced data (felt reports, geo-located pictures, and open comments) is then fed back into the ongoing information product improvement and situation awareness which, in turn, attracts more eyewitnesses through a viral spread, thus creating a positive feedback loop. The use of visual communication for felt report collection, where traditional online questionnaires have been replaced by cartoons depicting different degrees of shaking and damage levels, has proven to be fast and efficient on a global scale with, on average, half of the felt reports being collected within 10 min. Following requests by Nepalese users after the devastating 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake, the LastQuake app now includes timely geo-targeted safety checks to inform loved ones that one is safe and safety tips communicated using cartoons to describe behaviors to be encouraged or avoided after violent tremors. We argue that this simple and affordable system, based on standard Internet technologies and social media, can reduce anxiety by offering timely information and services to eyewitnesses and possibly contribute to immediate global seismic risk reduction by complementing well-established long-term strategies built around improving the seismic performance of the existing buildings by raising situation awareness and limiting potentially dangerous behaviors after violent ground shaking. Short abstract: The EMSC, one of the top global earthquake information centers, has been empirically developing a multichannel rapid information system comprising websites, a Twitter quakebot and a smartphone app for global earthquake eyewitnesses. At the intersection between seismology, citizen science, and digital communication, its aim is twofold: to offer timely, appropriate information in regions where an earthquake is felt and to collect high numbers of eyewitnesses’ direct and indirect observations to improve rapid situation awareness. Engagement with eyewitnesses is based on the rapid provision of tremor detection (between few tens of seconds to a couple of minutes) which is derived from the analysis of indirect information, i.e., Internet and social media searches by eyewitnesses eager to find out the cause of the tremor. Eyewitness’ behavior is comparable to real-time seismic sensors when using EMSC websites or LastQuake smartphone app. Crowdsourced data is then fed back into the ongoing information product improvement and situation awareness which, in turn, attracts more eyewitnesses through a viral spread. The use of visual communication for felt report collection has proven to be fast and efficient on a global scale with, on average, 50% of felt reports being collected within 10 min. The LastQuake app now includes timely geo-targeted safety checks and safety tips to describe behaviors to be encouraged or avoided after violent tremors. We argue that this simple,affordable system, based on Internet technologies and social media, can reduce anxiety by offering timely information to eyewitnesses and possibly contribute to immediate global seismic risk reduction.
... Despite this limitation, crowdsourced data can quickly provide valuable information about the extent of damage (Bossu et al. 2024). Several researchers have used EMSC feltreports to study the effects of strong ground motion (i.e., Kouskouna and Sakkas 2013;Radziminovich et al. 2014;Constantin et al. 2016;Bossu et al. 2015Bossu et al. , 2024Hough et al. 2016;Adhikari et al. 2017;Van Noten et al. 2017;Kouskouna et al. 2021;Quitoriano and Wald 2022;Ravnalis et al. 2022b). ...
Full-text available
We investigate the possibility of combined interpretation of macroseismic and strong-motion data for recent large earthquakes in the Aegean area. We employ macroseismic information derived from EMSC testimonies, as well as strong-motion information extracted from online sources provided by two Greek institutes (ITSAK and GEIN-NOA). The EMSC testimonies database ( is a widely used inventory for the damage distribution of significant earthquakes. The collected data were first compared with the predicted macroseismic intensities using the empirical relation of Papazachos and Papaioannou (J Seismol 1:181–201, 1997) While the correlation between the observed and modeled data was found to be satisfactory, a systematic bias is evident for very high and very low values intensities derived from the reported EMSC testimonies. A Monte Carlo simulation approach was employed to identify the source of this bias, suggesting that it is a result of the large scatter of the EMSC data and the limits of the macroseismic scale used. To minimize this effect, a spatial grouping and smoothing approach was adopted for the EMSC dataset, resulting in significantly improved correlations with the available independent strong motion estimates, such as PGA and PGV. Using this correlation, we demonstrate through several examples that it is possible to reconstruct the main features of the damage pattern for strong earthquakes in the Aegean. This is achieved by jointly analyzing rapidly crowdsourced EMSC data and strong motion information, after appropriate processing of the raw macroseismic dataset.
... The EMSC operates LastQuake, a multi-component public earthquake information and crowdsourcing system, comprising websites, a mobile application (900 K users in September 2022), and a twitter account (223 K followers in September 2022). It is completed by an online presence on other social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Telegram) (Bossu et al., 2015(Bossu et al., , 2018. LastQuake focuses on felt earthquakes as they are the ones that matter for the public. ...
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Misinformation spreads fast in times of crises, corroding public trust and causing further harm to already vulnerable communities. In earthquake seismology, the most common misinformation and misleading popular beliefs generally relate to earthquake prediction, earthquake genesis, and potential causal relations between climate, weather and earthquake occurrence. As a public earthquake information and dissemination center, the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC) has been confronted many times with this issue over the years. In this paper we describe several types of earthquake misinformation that the EMSC had to deal with during the 2018 Mayotte earthquake crisis and the 2021 La Palma seismic swarm. We present frequent misinformation topics such as earthquake predictions seen on our communication channels. Finally, we expose how, based on desk studies and users’ surveys, the EMSC has progressively improved its communication strategy and tools to fight earthquake misinformation and restore trust in science. In this paper we elaborate on the observed temporality patterns for earthquake misinformation and the implications this may have to limit the magnitude of the phenomenon. We also discuss the importance of social, psychological and cultural factors in the appearance and therefore in the fight against misinformation. Finally, we emphasize the need to constantly adapt to new platforms, new beliefs, and advances in science to stay relevant and not allow misinformation to take hold
... These online questionnaires allow the rapid collection of numerous testimonies, and the estimation of the level of intensity in less than 1 h. In the spirit of the "DYFI" reports, EMSC has developed a testimony system based on "thumbnails" within its LastQuake application [7]; it visually represents the effects linked to different levels of MI [8], hence it facilitates rapid collection of testimonies via mobile devices. Today, the community of LastQuake users in some countries is considerably large that the spatio-temporal analysis of application launches allows automatic detection of earthquakes as well as a first characterization of the macroseismic field [9]. ...
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Rapid estimation of the intensity of seismic ground motions is crucial for an effective rapid response when an earthquake occurs. To this end, maps of updated grond-motion fields (or shakemaps) are produced by using observations or measurements in near real-time to better constrain initial estimates. In this work, two types of observations are integrated to generate shakemaps right after an earthquake: the common type of data recorded by physical sensors (seismic stations) and the data extracted from social sensors (Twitter), or the combination of both. We investigate an approach to extract an approximation of the macroseismic intensity from social sensors 10 min after the earthquake; the approach relies on Twitter feeds to define the “felt area” where the earthquake was felt by the population, and the “unfelt locations” where the earthquake was not reported. Two recent earthquakes in France of moderate magnitude are studied and the results are compared to the official macroseismic intensity maps for validation. For the two studied cases, we note that Peak Ground Acceleration recordings far from the epicenter tend to underestimate the entire macroseismic field, and that the tweets from “felt areas” are complementary for a better estimation of the intensity shakemap. We highlight the importance and the limits of each type of observations when generating the seismic shakemaps.
... Social media have been used for disaster detection, risk prevention, communication situational awareness, and scientific knowledge. Scholars investigated the use of SM, and particularly Twitter, in different natural disaster situations: earthquakes (Yates and Paquette, 2011;Smith, 2010;Bossu et al., 2015), wild fires (Sutton et al., 2008;Merrifield and Panechar, 2012), floods Vieweg et al., 2010;Bruns and Burgess, 2014), hurricanes (Procopio and Procopio, 2007;Hughes et al., 2014). SM enable data collection at an unprecedented scale, allowing to record public attention and reactions to events unfolding in both virtual and physical worlds deep involving social science research (Watts, 2013). ...
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Investigating on society-related heat wave hazards is a global issue concerning the people health. In the last two decades, Europe experienced several severe heat wave episodes with catastrophic effects in term of human mortality (2003, 2010 and 2015). Recent climate investigations confirm that this threat will represent a key issue for the resiliency of urban communities in next decades. Several important mitigation actions (Heat-Health Action Plans) against heat hazards have been already implemented in some WHO (World Health Organization) European region member states to encourage preparedness and response to extreme heat events. Nowadays, social media (SM) offer new opportunities to indirectly measure the impact of heat waves on society. Using the crowdsensing concept, a micro-blogging platform like Twitter may be used as a distributed network of mobile sensors that react to external events by exchanging messages (tweets). This work presents a preliminary analysis of tweets related to heat waves that occurred in Italy in summer 2015. Using TwitterVigilance dashboard, developed by the University of Florence, a sample of tweets related to heat conditions was retrieved, stored and analyzed for main features. Significant associations between the daily increase in tweets and extreme temperatures were presented. The daily volume of Twitter users and messages revealed to be a valuable indicator of heat wave impact at the local level, in urban areas. Furthermore, with the help of Generalized Additive Model (GAM), the volume of tweets in certain locations has been used to estimate thresholds of local discomfort conditions. These city-specific thresholds are the result of dissimilar climatic conditions and risk cultures.
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In a context of information overload, actors in disaster management are facing challenges to efficiently allocate critical information during a crisis. Based on the empirical experience of EMSC (Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre) with its application LastQuake, this paper explores ways to provide safety information in a timely manner, to the people who actually need it. First we introduce the method used to design and implement universally understandable visual safety tips, taking Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) into consideration. Then, results on the effective use of the feature are presented. Findings demonstrate the importance of designing universal tools to limit the use of personal data as well as the necessity of developing a multichannel approach for efficient crisis information allocation.
Thanks to the Internet and mobile technologies, the collection of felt reports after global earthquakes is today remarkably efficient and rapid. Despite the volume of collected reports, it remains unclear whether felt reports on their own can provide a complete and rapid picture of earthquake's effects, especially for damaging shaking levels. To answer this question, we analyze the response rates and time characteristics of 55,000 felt reports collected at the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) and 120,000 launches of its LastQuake smartphone application within an hour of the 108 global earthquakes studied. The number of reports corresponding to damaging shaking levels (intensity 7 and above) is very limited and, if any, they are collected much later than lower intensity level reports. Intensities 5-6 level reports are collected in significant numbers but typically 20 min after lower intensities. The application launches that benefit from having precise locations share similar variations in time and intensity levels as felt reports. First, we conclude that felt reports alone without their temporal characteristics are unlikely to rapidly provide a full and complete picture of damage related to global earthquakes. However, there is a general schematic pattern for data collected by EMSC named the doughnut effect in which damaged zones are free of felt reports and ultimately surrounded by intensities 5-6. This pattern is not a proof of damage but can be helpful to identify zones potentially affected by severe damage. For earthquakes with maximum intensities 5-6, the initial doughnut shape observed immediately after the earthquake rapidly disappears (about 20 min) as intensities 5 and 6 reports get shared by eyewitnesses.
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The collection of earthquake testimonies (i.e., qualitative descriptions of felt shaking) is essential for macroseismic studies (i.e., studies gathering information on how strongly an earthquake was felt in different places), and when done rapidly and systematically, improves situational awareness and in turn can contribute to efficient emergency response. In this study, we present advances made in the collection of testimonies following earthquakes around the world using a thumbnail‐based questionnaire implemented on the European‐Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) smartphone app and its website compatible for mobile devices. In both instances, the questionnaire consists of a selection of thumbnails, each representing an intensity level of the European Macroseismic Scale 1998. We find that testimonies are collected faster, and in larger numbers, by way of thumbnail‐based questionnaires than by more traditional online questionnaires. Responses were received from all seismically active regions of our planet, suggesting that thumbnails overcome language barriers. We also observed that the app is not sufficient on its own, because the websites are the main source of testimonies when an earthquake strikes a region for the first time in a while; it is only for subsequent shocks that the app is widely used. Notably though, the speed of the collection of testimonies increases significantly when the app is used. We find that automated EMSC intensities as assigned by user‐specified thumbnails are, on average, well correlated with “Did You Feel It?” (DYFI) responses and with the three independently and manually derived macroseismic datasets, but there is a tendency for EMSC to be biased low with respect to DYFI at moderate and large intensities. We address this by proposing a simple adjustment that will be verified in future earthquakes.
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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is investigating how the social networking site Twitter, a popular service for sending and receiving short, public text messages, can augment USGS earthquake response products and the delivery of hazard information. Rapid detection and qualitative assessment of shaking events are possible because people begin sending public Twitter messages (tweets) with in tens of seconds after feeling shaking. Here we present and evaluate an earthquake detection procedure that relies solely on Twitter data. A tweet-frequency time series constructed from tweets containing the word "earthquake" clearly shows large peaks correlated with the origin times of widely felt events. To identify possible earthquakes, we use a short-term-average, long-term-average algorithm. When tuned to a moderate sensitivity, the detector finds 48 globally-distributed earthquakes with only two false triggers in five months of data. The number of detections is small compared to the 5,175 earthquakes in the USGS global earthquake catalog for the same five-month time period, and no accurate location or magnitude can be assigned based on tweet data alone. However, Twitter earthquake detections are not without merit. The detections are generally caused by widely felt events that are of more immediate interest than those with no human impact. The detections are also fast; about 75% occur within two minutes of the origin time. This is considerably faster than seismographic detections in poorly instrumented regions of the world. The tweets triggering the detections also provided very short first-impression narratives from people who experienced the shaking.
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Rapid assessment of a global earthquake’s impact, focusing on damage caused by ground shaking (rather than secondary effects such as fires, tsunamis, landslides…), relies first on the spatial distribution of earthquake shaking as estimated by ground-motions prediction equations and on the building stock inventory and related vulnerability (Erdik et al., 2011). However, the variability of the ground-motion predictions model is significant (e.g., Atik et al., 2010), and at the global scale, building stock inventory and related vulnerability are difficult to evaluate with sufficient accuracy and spatial resolution (Porter et al., 2008) leading to uncertainties in impact assessments. Impact assessments can prove to be uncertain even when building stock and vulnerability are relatively well constrained. Shaking level is, as a first estimate, a function of magnitude and of distance to the fault rupture. For small to moderate magnitude earthquakes, source rupture can be approximated by a point. Variations of a few kilometres of epicentral location (i.e. within typical uncertainties of real-time location estimates) in relation to centres of population can lead to significant changes in impact scenario. In this type of situation, it can be difficult to rapidly identify the scope of the disaster without in-situ information. A typical example is the 1999 M 5.9 Athens, Greece, earthquake. Located at about 18 km from the historical centre of the city, it caused 143 casualties (Papadopoulos et al., 2000). Undoubtedly, the death toll would have been significantly higher if, other things being equal, the epicentre had been closer to the city by 5 or 10 km. Figure 1 shows the uncertainties on the qualitative impact scenario as automatically computed by EMSC for another Greek earthquake, Cephalonia, M 6.1 event of January 26, 2014 and its sensitivity to the slightest change in location and magnitude. For large magnitude earthquakes, a point source approximation is no longer valid and fault rupture parameters (position, orientation, length) which are unknown or only partially determined in the immediate aftermath of an earthquake occurrence play an important role in the spatial distribution of ground shaking and hence on the distribution of damage. When striking a highly vulnerable and densely-populated region, like the 2010 M 7.0 Haiti earthquake, (e.g., Bilham, 2010) the extent of the losses may not dramatically change with rupture parameters, but in-situ observations are still helpful to ascertain locations of damaged areas and target search and rescue efforts. We present in this article the strategy and methods implemented at the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) for rapidly collecting in-situ observations on earthquake effects from eyewitnesses to reduce uncertainties in rapid impact assessment of global earthquakes. We show how Internet and communication technologies are creating new potential for rapid and massive public involvement by both active and passive means. We underline the importance of merging results from different methods to improve performance and reliability. We then explore what could be the next technical development phase, by observing that the pervasive use of smartphones changes the way rapid earthquake information is accessed. Finally, we discuss how these approaches not only augment data collection on earthquake phenomenon at little cost but also how they change the way that we, as scientists, interface with eyewitnesses and how it pushes us to better understand and respond to the public’s demands and expectations in the immediate aftermath of earthquakes through improved information services.
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This study presents the latest developments of an approach called ‘flash sourcing’, which provides information on the effects of an earthquake within minutes of its occurrence. Information is derived from an analysis of the website traffic surges of the European–Mediterranean Seismological Centre website after felt earthquakes. These surges are caused by eyewitnesses to a felt earthquake, who are the first who are informed of, and hence the first concerned by, an earthquake occurrence. Flash sourcing maps the felt area, and at least in some circumstances, the regions affected by severe damage or network disruption. We illustrate how the flash-sourced information improves and speeds up the delivery of public earthquake information, and beyond seismology, we consider what it can teach us about public responses when experiencing an earthquake. Future developments should improve the description of the earthquake effects and potentially contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of earthquake responses by filling the information gap after the occurrence of an earthquake.
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Rapid characterisation of earthquake effects is essential for a timely and appropriate response in favour of victims and/or of eyewitnesses. In case of damaging earthquakes, any field observations that can fill the information gap characterising their immediate aftermath can contribute to more efficient rescue operations. This paper presents the last developments of a method called "flash-sourcing" addressing these issues. It relies on eyewitnesses, the first informed and the first concerned by an earthquake occurrence. More precisely, their use of the EMSC earthquake information website ( is analysed in real time to map the area where the earthquake was felt and identify, at least under certain circumstances zones of widespread damage. The approach is based on the natural and immediate convergence of eyewitnesses on the website who rush to the Internet to investigate cause of the shaking they just felt causing our traffic to increase The area where an earthquake was felt is mapped simply by locating Internet Protocol (IP) addresses during traffic surges. In addition, the presence of eyewitnesses browsing our website within minutes of an earthquake occurrence excludes the possibility of widespread damage in the localities they originate from: in case of severe damage, the networks would be down. The validity of the information derived from this clickstream analysis is confirmed by comparisons with EMS98 macroseismic map obtained from online questionnaires. The name of this approach, "flash-sourcing", is a combination of "flash-crowd" and "crowdsourcing" intending to reflect the rapidity of the data collation from the public. For computer scientists, a flash-crowd names a traffic surge on a website. Crowdsourcing means work being done by a "crowd" of people; It also characterises Internet and mobile applications collecting information from the public such as online macroseismic questionnaires. Like crowdsourcing techniques, flash-sourcing is a crowd-to-agency system, but unlike them it is not based on declarative information (e.g. answers to a questionnaire) but on implicit data, clickstream observed on our website. We present first the main improvements of the method, improved detection of traffic surges, and a way to instantly map areas affected by severe damage or network disruptions. The second part describes how the derived information improves and fastens public earthquake information and, beyond seismology, what it can teach us on public behaviour when facing an earthquake. Finally, the discussion will focus on the future evolutions and how flash-sourcing could ultimately improve earthquake response.
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We present AIDR (Artificial Intelligence for Disaster Response), a platform designed to perform automatic classification of crisis-related microblog communications. AIDR enables humans and machines to work together to apply human intelligence to large-scale data at high speed. The objective of AIDR is to classify messages that people post during disasters into a set of user-defined categories of information (e.g., "needs", "damage", etc.) For this purpose, the system continuously ingests data from Twitter, processes it (i.e., using machine learning classification techniques) and leverages human-participation (through crowdsourcing) in real-time. AIDR has been successfully tested to classify informative vs. non-informative tweets posted during the 2013 Pakistan Earthquake. Overall, we achieved a classification quality (measured using AUC) of 80%. AIDR is available at
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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is investigating how the social networking site Twitter, a popular service for sending and receiving short, public, text messages, can augment its earthquake response products and the delivery of hazard information. The goal is to gather near real-time, earthquake-related messages (tweets) and provide geo-located earthquake detections and rough maps of the corresponding felt areas. Twitter and other social Internet technologies are providing the general public with anecdotal earthquake hazard information before scientific information has been published from authoritative sources. People local to an event often publish information within seconds via these technologies. In contrast, depending on the location of the earthquake, scientific alerts take between 2 to 20 minutes. Examining the tweets following the March 30, 2009, M4.3 Morgan Hill earthquake shows it is possible (in some cases) to rapidly detect and map the felt area of an earthquake using Twitter responses. Within a minute of the earthquake, the frequency of ``earthquake'' tweets rose above the background level of less than 1 per hour to about 150 per minute. Using the tweets submitted in the first minute, a rough map of the felt area can be obtained by plotting the tweet locations. Mapping the tweets from the first six minutes shows observations extending from Monterey to Sacramento, similar to the perceived shaking region mapped by the USGS ``Did You Feel It'' system. The tweets submitted after the earthquake also provided (very) short first-impression narratives from people who experienced the shaking. Accurately assessing the potential and robustness of a Twitter-based system is difficult because only tweets spanning the previous seven days can be searched, making a historical study impossible. We have, however, been archiving tweets for several months, and it is clear that significant limitations do exist. The main drawback is the lack of quantitative information such as epicenter, magnitude, and strong-motion recordings. Without quantitative data, prioritization of response measures, including building and infrastructure inspection, are not possible. The main advantage of Twitter is speed, especially in sparsely instrumented areas. A Twitter based system potentially could provide a quick notification that there was a possible event and that seismographically derived information will follow. If you are interested in learning more, follow @USGSted on Twitter.
Rapid assessment of a global earthquake’s impact, focusing on damage caused by ground shaking (rather than secondary effects such as fires, tsunamis, landslides…), relies first on the spatial distribution of earthquake shaking as estimated by ground-motions prediction equations and on the building stock inventory and related vulnerability (Erdik et al. 2011). However, the variability of the ground-motion predictions model is significant (e.g., Atik et al. 2010), and at the global scale, building stock inventory and related vulnerability are difficult to evaluate with sufficient accuracy and spatial resolution (Porter et al. 2008) leading to uncertainties in impact assessments.
This paper presents an after‐the‐fact characterization of the 2011 M 5.8 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake’s epicenter and effects from the traffic observed on the European–Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) Website within minutes of its occurrence. This approach, named flash sourcing (Bossu et al., 2011b), is based on the real‐time detection and processing of traffic surges observed on the EMSC Website after widely felt earthquakes (Bossu et al., 2008). Such surges are common on rapid earthquake information websites such as that of the EMSC (Wald and Schwarz, 2000; Schwarz, 2004). They are generally assumed to be caused by the natural convergence of eyewitnesses who rush to the Internet to investigate the cause of the shaking that they have just felt (Bossu et al., 2007, 2011a). Based on this assumption and on the location of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of website visitors, flash sourcing automatically detects such felt earthquakes, regardless of magnitude, maps the area where the earthquake was felt, and identifies, under certain circumstances, zones of widespread damage through the coincidental loss of existing Internet sessions at the time of the earthquake (Bossu et al., 2011b). In a similar effort, Earle et al. (2010, 2011) show how Twitter, the real‐time micro‐blogging site, can be used to independently detect felt earthquakes without seismic‐monitoring systems. Allen (2012) reviews these methods, which may transform earthquake detection, and Bossu and Earle (2011) and Young et al. (2013) discuss how citizen involvement changes earthquake detection and science. This work aims first at validating the assumption that the traffic surge is effectively caused by eyewitnesses. Although awareness of the EMSC Website remains limited in the United States, we choose to study the 2011 M 5.8 Mineral, Virginia, earthquake, because it occurred in a continental environment and was felt at large distances (Hough, 2012), maximizing the time differences of the time differences of seismic waves arrivals in the different localities where the earthquake was felt. We show that the hit times of the eyewitnesses follow the seismic waves propagation and that the earthquake epicentral location can be rapidly estimated from web traffic analysis only. The second part focuses on the possibility to describe in more details the local shaking level through the type of Internet access (mobile or land-line) and variations of the ratio of visitors to the number of inhabitants. Finally, the discussion will explore what we can learn from the reaction of the public during an earthquake and the ways flash-sourced information can be integrated in existing monitoring procedures to fasten and improve information services to both the public and the responders.
A new updated version of the MSK macroseismic intensity scale has been prepared by a Working Group of the European Seismological Commission and has been published in April 1993 (European Macroseismic Scale 1992: updated MSK scale, 1993, ed. by G. Grünthal, Cahiers du Centre Européen de Geodynamique et de Séismologie, no. 7).