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Emadaldin Hezavehi*1, Sheila Shahidi1, Peyman Zolgharnein1,2
1Department of textile, Faculty of Engineering, Arak branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
2The University of Shefeld, Material Science and Engineering Department, Shefeld, United Kingdom, S3 7HQ
1. Introduction
Cotton is a well-known cellulosic bre chemically linked by
many hydroxyl groups. Textiles made from cellulose get usually
nished in order to improve their properties, where dimensional
stability and crease resistance are anticipated. These might be
more desirable properties if cross-linking agents, which react
with hydroxyl groups of cellulose bres, exist on the structure.
The newer approach for producing non-swelling or durable
press cellulose fabric is making use of the multifunctional
cross-linking agents where 1,2,3,4-buthanetetracarboxylic acid
(BTCA) provides an alternative possibility for non-formaldehyde
crease-resistant nishing [1-8].
Today, using nanostructure materials (1 to 100 nm in
dimension) for developing desired textile characteristics and
enhancing its attributes are becoming widespread in potential
applications. Nanoparticles have a large surface area-to-
volume as well as high surface energy, i.e. better afnity for
textile substrates thereby leading to an increase in durability
while maintaining breathability and/or hand feel. Very recent
studies have discussed the application of nano-sized TiO2 in
textile nishing using the sol-gel technique to impart effective
protection against UV radiation and bacteria, as well as self-
cleaning due to its photocatalytic activity [2, 9-17]. Titanium
dioxide (TiO2) or nano-TiO2 as a catalyst or co-catalyst has
been also utilised to enhance crease recovery property of
cotton fabric and wrinkle properties of cotton/polyester blended
Fabric [18,19,25]. As a heterogeneous catalyst, it is added as
a co-catalyst to maximise nishing performance and minimise
the side effect. It is sometimes called surface catalyst as the
reaction involves the catalyst to provide its surface on which
the reactants or substrates temporarily get adsorbed. The
bonds in the substrate become sufciently weakened for the
new bonds to be composed. Since bonds between product and
catalyst are weaker, the products may be released easily. Metal
oxide is very stable towards heat and pressure, and so it can be
used at relatively high temperature. The effect of catalyst size,
which is known as ‘size effect’, is a prominent characteristic
for recognising the fundamental catalytic properties. Ultra-
ne catalyst is often more active as compared with larger
ones probably due to their high surface area. Therefore, small
catalytic particle size can stimulate the chemical reactivity.
The major undesirable properties of cotton fabric are shrinkage
and wrinkling [20]. The wrinkle-resistant property of cotton
specimens treated by BTCA and catalysed by SHP in the
presence of TiO2 or nano-TiO2 has been evaluated elsewhere
[20, 25]. Different concentrations of TiO2 or nano-TiO2 used in
the wrinkle resistant nishing process have been experimented
in order to determine their optimum concentrations [20-23].
There will deantly be nishing and dying process inuences on
the fabrics’ hand and their overall performance. In the nishing
process, internal stresses imposed during spinning and weaving
get eliminated, and fabrics become almost relaxed sometimes
even complete relaxation may occur. In a complex scenario,
using different nishing and dyeing substances and treatments
can make a considerable difference in end products. There is no
experienced evidence to shed light on dyeability of fabrics after
using the treatments, and any possible chemical interaction with
This study evaluates the wrinkle behaviour and wrinkle resistant properties of cotton fabrics dyed by Direct Blue 2B
in the presence and absence of nano-TiO2 particles. A nishing process on samples was performed before dyeing
by means of 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) and sodium hypophosphite (SHP) using a pad dry cure
method. Such experiments as wrinkle recovery test (AATCC-128), water drop test and dye fastness determination
(ISO 105-C01) were conducted to understand how current treatment impacted the cotton fabrics’ properties. Finally,
samples were characterised using the X-ray diffractometery method to scrutinise how crystallinity changes and
dominates the structural parameter (wrinkle behaviour) of cotton fabrics. Furthermore, scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) was used to visualise the surface variations of the samples before and after dyeing process. The results
showed that the wrinkle resistant of cross-linked fabrics have been improved after direct dyeing. Furthermore,
levelness dyeing and good fastness properties of dyes on cross-linked fabrics were observed.
Wrinkle properties, dyeing, cotton fabrics, 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic (BTCA), Sodium hypophosphite (SHP),
Nano-Titanium Dioxide (TiO2)
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX
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with TiO2 solution was performed. However in case of sample
D, padding was initiated by TiO2 followed by BTCA and SHP.
Simultaneous treatment with TiO2, BTCA and SHP was carried
out for sample E. Sample F was untreated cotton without any
cross-linking agents.
2.3. Dyeing procedure and evaluation
The treated and untreated fabrics were dyed using Direct Blue
2B (CI. Direct Blue 6). Dye-baths were prepared by dissolving
1 wt% dye in distilled water and the temperature was raised to
45ºC. Afterwards, fabric samples were set to the dye-baths.
For conventional dyeing of untreated cotton, 30 g/L of sodium
chloride was added to the dye-baths. The above mentioned
temperature was maintained for 10 min, and then was gradually
increased to 80ºC with 2ºC/min rate and dyeing continued for
40 min.
After dyeing, the cotton fabrics were removed from the dye-
baths and rinsed thoroughly with tap water. Then the dyed
fabric was subjected to boiling in a solution containing 2 g/L
anionic detergent at a liquor-to-goods ratio of 25:1 for 15 min
until no dye was removed off, and then rinsed and allowed to
air dry.
Colour intensities of the dyed fabrics along with reection
factor (R) were measured using a UV VIS-NIR Reective
Spectrophotometer, over the range of 200-800 nm. The relative
colour strength (K/S value) was then established according to
the Kubelka Munk equation (1), where K and S stand for the
absorption and scattering coefcient, respectively:
2.4. Wrinkle recovery and water drops tests
The wrinkle recovery properties of specimens were measured
applying wrinkle recovery tester AATCC-128 [22,24,26].
The wettability of the samples before and after dyeing was
evaluated by measuring the time of adsorption of 4 distilled
water drops through the fabrics.
2.5. Determination of dye fastness
The wash-fastness properties of the samples were measured
according to the ISO 105-C01 standard. The colour hue
variation of the fabric and degree of staining on the adjacent
fabrics was measured after drying. For light-fastness
measurements, the fabrics were exposed to daylight for 2 and
7 days according to the daylight ISO 105-B01, and the changes
in the colour (fading) were assessed by the blue scale. Also
Electronic Crockmeter/Rubbing Fastness Tester AATCC 8 was
used to determine the colour fastness of textiles among dry or
wet rubbing.
2.6. X-ray diffraction and microscopical evaluation
The percentage of crystallinity of the samples, size of
crystals and also distance between them was determined by
SEIFERT (PST-3003) X-ray diffractometer. A scanning electron
structural properties (especially wrinkle-resistant properties of
samples being under exhaustive nishing and dying process)
of the cotton fabrics. Meanwhile, the question about wrinkle
properties of cotton fabrics in the presence and absence of
pigments along with the nishing treatment is still unanswered
and draws attention to perform further experiments. Dyeing
effects on wrinkle resistant properties remain an aspect that
need to be addressed before commercialising the products.
In this research work, the wrinkle resistant property of cotton
fabrics treated by BTCA, SHP in both presence and absence
of nano-TiO2, before and after dyeing will be investigated.
Along the way, dyeability of treated fabrics is another object of
2. Experimental
2.1. Materials
100% plain woven cotton fabric (density per cm: 25×20; yarn
count 20×30 Ne) with the weight of 136 (g/m2) and size of
20×20 cm2 were used. The cross-linking agent was applied
such a 1,2,3,4-butanetetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) supplied by
Merck company, Germany. The sodium hypophosphite (SHP)
was utilised as catalyst supplied by Fluka Company, Swiss and
Nano-TiO2 as a co-catalyst supplied by Degussa Chemical
Company, Germany.
2.2. Pad-dry-cure treatment
Pad dry-cure method was employed for treating the cotton
fabric samples. Different concentrations of nano-TiO2 solutions
along with wrinkle-resistant nishing agents were prepared
according to the stated conditions in Table 1.
The fabric samples were dipped and padded with 100 ml of
each solution until the wet pick up of 80% was achieved at
room temperature. The specimens were then dried at 85ºC for
5 minutes and cured at 170ºC for 2 min. Finally, the fabrics
were conditioned at 21±1ºC and 65±5% relative humidity (RH)
for 24 hours prior to any treatment. It should be noted that in
sample C, padding was performed with BTCA and SHP then
Table 1. Identication of samples.
Sample Order of nishing
A BTCA + SHP 6 6 -
BTiO2- - 2
CBTCA + SHP >>> TiO2661
D TiO2 >>> BTCA + SHP 6 6 1
E BTCA + SHP+ TiO2661
F - - - -
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 105
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time has been observed. Existence of nano-TiO2 particles
provides water repellent property on the surface. Since nano-
particles can block some of the hydrogen bonds of cellulosic
chains, the absorption time could be increased. However, it
should be mentioned that Ultraviolet light plays an important
role on nano-TiO2 properties. It may imply the photocatalytic
activity of nano-TiO2, particularly, in this research work.
Moreover, the presence of BTCA causes more absorption of
nano-TiO2 on the surface of bres. It is seen that the water
absorption on BTCA/SHP/TiO2 treated sample takes a longer
time rather than that for TiO2 treated cotton. Furthermore,
the order of padding rst by BTCA or TiO2 may not give the
considerable variation on the surface properties.
After direct dyeing, increasing the time for water absorption can
be attained. It is due to the fact that dye particles might be
absorbed by hydroxyl groups of cellulose chains and carboxyl
groups of BTCA and some of them make some complexes with
titanium dioxide nano-particles. Therefore, the hydroxyl groups
of cellulose available to absorb water are reduced and more
water repellent effect appears on the surface of cotton samples.
Table 2. The wrinkle resistant of samples before and after dyeing with
Direct dye.
samples before dyeing
after dyeing
A 2 3
B2 3
C3 4
D 3 4
E 3 4
F1 2
Table 3. Wettability (water absorption time) of samples before and after
direct dyeing.
samples before dyeing
after dyeing
A 1 4
B10 11
C18 19
D 20 25
E 20 30
F1 2
In the other point of view, the dyeability of nished fabrics is quite
crucial. Therefore, this draws more attention the consideration
of dyeability of cotton samples treated with different condition
of BTCA/SHP/TiO2 in the current study. The results related to
colour intensities of fabric specimens were considered using
reection spectrophotometry. These are illustrated in Figures
1 and 2. It is clearly observable that the reection factor for
microscope (SEM) XL30, made by the Dutch Phillips Company,
was used to evaluate the fabrics’ structural morphology before
and after dyeing.
3. Results and discussion
In the current study, as it was mentioned earlier, effect of
dyeing on wrinkle resistant properties of cross-linked fabrics in
both the presence and absence of nano-TiO2 is investigated.
The results are shown in Table II. As can be seen, the addition
of BTCA could enhance signicantly the wrinkle-resistance of
cotton fabrics, especially in the presence of SHP and nano-
TiO2 which acted as a co-catalyst. This result complies with
previously reported achievement [20]. Generally, during the
curing process, the BTCA reacts with the cellulose molecules
of cotton fabric most probably through the formation of
cyclic anhydrides as reactive intermediates, which in turn,
esteries the cotton cellulose. In the presence of SHP, the
BTCA molecules are able to crosslink some hydroxyl groups
of cellulosic macromolecules effectively by accelerating the
formation of anhydrides from BTCA, contributing to greater
wrinkle recovery angle (WRA). When the nano-TiO2 particles
were added in the BTCA treatment, the particles probably
restricted the molecular movement of cellulose, and the BTCA
molecules were even catalysed, leading to the enhancement of
WRA of tested specimens. The particles enhanced the catalytic
reaction towards the faster formation of an ester bond between
the cyclic anhydride ring and the hydroxyl group of cellulose.
However, it should be explained that adding TiO2 in absence
of BTCA causes better wrinkle resistant property, but is not
There are two theories for the mechanism of anti-wrinkle
nishing of cotton fabrics. The deposition theory proposes
that small particles of nishing agents are dispersed in
amorphous region of the bres where they might be deposited
after resinication and form H-bonds with the bre molecules.
This may restrict the movement of the molecular chains and
decrease deformation of the fabrics. The cross-linking theory
proposes that nishing agents form covalent bonds with bre
molecules, and connect the adjacent molecular chains within
the bres. This gives the recoverability enhancement of the
deformed bres and increases the wrinkle resistance.
Also, as can be observed, after dyeing, the wrinkle resistant
properties of cotton fabrics has been improved signicantly
(Table 2). This improvement was mainly attributed to the fact
that the direct dye could react with cellulose bres through their
hydrogen bonds, which led to the cross-linking of cellulosic
bres and limited the relative movement of the molecular
chains. It was found that both aforementioned theories are
extensible for the wrinkle resistant properties of dyed treated
cotton fabrics.
The results related to wettability of samples before and after
dyeing are shown in Table 3. It is depicted that immediately
after putting droplets on the surface of untreated and BTCA/
SHP treated fabrics, they were absorbed deeply. In contrast, by
adding nano-TiO2, results were changed and longer absorption
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 106
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Figure 1. The reflection spectrophotometry of dyed samples in range of 250-700 nm.
Nano-TiO2 is a suitable chelating site for direct dyes. These
nano-particles can make complex with dye and prepares larger
molecule in space between and inside the bres. It can be
concluded that dye particles link to hydroxyl groups of cellulose
chain and also make complex bonds with TiO2 nano-particles.
Also as it can be seen in Table 4, the durability and fastness of
dyed samples are satisfactory and even better than untreated
dyed sample. Change of shade and staining of adjacent fabrics
is higher than the values obtained on the untreated cotton.
Dry and wet rub fastness of the dyes on the dyed fabrics was
also comparable with that obtained for untreated dyed sample.
Therefore, it could be induced that the direct dye could not only
be applied to cross-linked cotton dyeing with satisfactory dyeing
properties, but could also provide the cotton with excellent anti-
wrinkle properties.
Table 4. The fastness properties of dyed cross-linked and untreated
fastness Rubbing fastness
Changes staining Dry Wet
A 4-5 5 4-5 4-5
B4 4-5 4-5 4-5
C4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
D 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
E 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
F3-4 4 4 4
3.1. X-ray diffraction analysis
XRD is a crystal structure analysis method using the atomic
arrays within the crystals as a three-dimensional grating to
diffract a monochromatic beam of X-rays. The angles at which
the beam is diffracted are used to calculate the inter-planer
atomic spacing (d-spacing) giving information about how the
sample (A) that was treated just by BTCA/SHP is less than the
others. It means that Sample (A) is somewhat darker. BTCA as
a poly carboxylic acid, which has four carboxylic groups in its
structure can have good potential for improving the dyeability
of textile fabrics. These groups with attendance of remained
and unblocked hydroxyl groups on the surface of cellulose
can absorb more amount of direct dye. The reection curves
for samples E and F are overlapping. Also the rest of samples
are covering each other. It means that the shade, hue and
brightness of the samples will not change after treating with
BTCA, SHP and TiO2. As the shade of used dye was blue,
the adjusted wavelength is limited near 350-500. The relative
colour strength (K/S) of the samples was measured according
to Kubelka Munk equation and results are shown in Figure
3. As expected, the amount of K/S for sample A is more than
the others. However for the rest of samples the K/S curves
are overlapping and the results are very close to each other.
As it can be seen, presence of nano-TiO2 as a nishing agent
causes increasing the water absorption time on the samples,
but its role as a co-catalyst becomes unremarkable on dye
ability of the samples.
Figure 3. The relative colour strength for dyed samples.
Figure 1. The reection spectrophotometry of dyed samples in range
of 250-700 nm.
Figure 1. The reflection spectrophotometry of dyed samples in range of 250-700 nm.
Figure 2. The reflection spectrophotometry of dyed samples in range of 350-550 nm.
Figure 2. The reection spectrophotometry of dyed samples in range
of 350-550 nm.
Figure 3. The relative colour strength for dyed samples.
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 107
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extent of crystalline present in the sample. The results of XRD
analysis are illustrated in Figure 4.
atoms are arranged within the crystalline compounds. X-ray
diffraction is also used to measure the nature of polymer and
Figure 4. The XRD of treated and untreated samples before and after dyeing.
Figure 4. The XRD of treated and untreated samples before and after dyeing.
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 108
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As it was mentioned before, direct dyeing causes increasing
the water absorption time. It can be attributed to the crystallinity
of the samples. By increasing the percentage of crystallinity,
the penetration of water droplet through the surface of cotton
fabrics becomes more complicated.
In case of D and E, adding the TiO2 nano-particles increases the
absorption time of water. This causes water repellent property
on the surface due to blocking some of the hydrogen bonds
of cellulosic chains. Therefore absorption time may become
longer. In this case decreasing the crystallinity does not play
a vital role.
3.2. Microscopical evaluation
SEM micrographs (Figure 5) of sample A (BTCA+SHP),
sample B (TiO2 2%), and sample C (BTCA + SHP >>> TiO2)
show interesting results. In sample A (Figure 5a and 5b),
nishing agents fairly covered the surface of the samples even
before dyeing. By the way, after dyeing, dyestuffs had better
It should be possible to determine accurately the percentage
of crystallinity by comparing the intensity of diffracted X-ray.
Intensity of the diffracted is shown in Figure 4. Peaks around
2 thetas of 14.7, 16.6 and 22.8 are associated with cellulose
crystallite. As seen, by treating with BTCA/SHP, the crystallinity
of the samples is decreased when comparing with untreated
sample (F). However by adding TiO2 nano-particles, the
crystallinity of the sample is increased and some new peaks
around 2 thetas of 25.3, 36.8, 37.84, 48.0, 53.9, 55.1 and 63
are attributed to Ti that appeared on the surface of Ti-loaded
cotton samples. These peaks are more pronounced for TiO2
treated sample in absence of BTCA.
In case of D and E samples, it is observed that the intensity
of peak around 2-theta of 22.8 has shown a decrease and the
crystallinity of the samples is reduced. Generally, it can be
concluded that the crystallinity might be increased by dyeing
the samples. The result of XRD complies with the results
achieved by water absorption time.
Figure 5. The SEM micrographs of treated samples; a) Sample.A before dyeing, b) Sample.A after dyeing; c) Sample.B before dyeing, d) Sample.B
after dyeing; e) Sample.C before dyeing, f) Sample.C after dyeing.
Figure 5. The SEM micrographs of treated samples; a) Sample.A before dyeing, b) Sample.A after dyeing; c)
Sample.B before dyeing, d) Sample.B after dyeing; e) Sample.C before dyeing, f) Sample.C after dyeing.
AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 109
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chances to react with treatment already laid on the surface.
In other samples (Mainly in B) nished just by nano-particles,
in some regions, particles have not been evenly distributed.
There was no nishing process on these samples, just that they
were treated by nano-particles. It can be inferred that nishing
agents such as BTCA and SHP play an important role to hold
particles in much more effective ways. According to the results
reported in Table 2, not even satisfactory wrinkle resistant
property was observed from samples which were nished only
by nano-particles. This is in tight correlation with the results
listed in Table 3. For samples nished only by nano-particles,
wettability and dyeability illustrated less progressive trend.
Therefore, nishing by agents before treating the samples
by nano-particles enables samples to show higher wrinkle
resistant property, moreover considerably better wettability and
dyeability. Although there are seen some agglomeration of the
particles on the surface in samples such as C nished by TiO2
nano-particles (Figure 5c-d), after treating by nishing agents
and nano-particles, surfaces present different coverage which
is in compliance with the conclusion made earlier.
4. Conclusion
The aim of this study was to investigate the wrinkle resistant
property of cotton treated by BTCA, SHP in both presence and
absence of nano-TiO2, before and after dyeing. Wettability of
both untreated and cross-linked samples was evaluated using
water drop test. The results show that adding nano-TiO2 raised
the water absorption time. In addition, direct dyeing causes
more increment in water absorption time. It could be concluded
that the direct dye could not only be applied for cross-linked
cotton dyeing with satisfactory dyeing properties but could
also provide the cotton with excellent anti-wrinkle properties.
The durability and fastness of dyed cross-linked samples were
reported satisfactory and better as compared with untreated
dyed sample.
Authors would like to express their gratitude from Islamic Azad
University, Arak Branch for its nancial support to run and
complete this research project.
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AUTEX Research Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, June 2015, DOI: 10.2478/aut-2014-0039 © AUTEX 111
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