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Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
72 ISSN-2231-1149
A descriptive study on Malnutrition
Mr. Vinod V. Bagilkar1, Mr. Bharatesh B. Savadatti2
1Asst. Professor, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka.
2Clinical Instructor, P.D. Bharatesh College of Nursing, Halaga, Belgaum, Karnataka.
Corresponding Author Email:
Malnutrition has become an urgent global health issue, with under nutrition killing or disabling millions of children
each year. Malnutrition also prevents millions more from reaching their full intellectual and productive potential. In
children, severe malnutrition accounts for approximately 1 million deaths annually1, with approximately 20 million
children under the age of five suffering from severe malnutrition. In India about 2/3 portion of the under five children
of our country is malnourished among them 5-8% is severely malnourished whole rest fall in the group of mild or
moderate malnutrition so it can be said that malnutrition one of the most wide spread conditions affecting child health.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Method: The convenient sampling technique and interview schedule was used in the study.
Result: About 56% of mothers were given the Information on malnutrition. 58% of parents were in the age group of
23-27 years. 100% of parents were from rural area. 70% of parents were belongs to Jain religion. 70% of parents were
studied Primary. 72% of parents were belongs to Nuclear family. 92% of mothers were Unemployed Mothers. 40% of
fathers were private employed Fathers. 54% of parents monthly income is Rs. 3000 and below. 76% of parent’s dietary
pattern is Vegetarians. 66% of parents had only one child. 46% of parents were got information from others and Health
Care Workers.
This finding shows that 29(58%) of parents were having moderately adequate knowledge. The mean value of
knowledge on malnutrition was 8.64 with a standard deviation of 2.57 and attitude 43(86%) of parents were having
moderately positive attitude. The mean value of attitude on malnutrition was 32.84 with a standard deviation of 3.38.
Result show that there is a strong positive correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition among
parents of under five children (r= 0.097.) this implies if there is increase in knowledge the attitude also increase.
There is no significant association between knowledge and demographic variables such as Informer age, education,
occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the
parental knowledge on Malnutrition.
There is no significant association between attitude and demographic variables such as Informer age, education,
occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the
parental attitude on Malnutrition. There was a significant increase in the knowledge of parents after giving health
education on malnutrition.
KEYWORDS: Malnutrition, under five children and parents.
Every child develops and grows at her/his own pace and in
her/his own time through reaching the various
developmental milestones.
Received on 09.09.2014 Modified on 25.09.2013
Accepted on 08.10.2014 © A&V Publication all right reserved
Asian J. Nur. Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015; Page 72-77
Children’s growth and development do not occur in a linear
fashion, but are influenced by each child’s environment,
nutrition and parental care. These factors play a critical role
in a child reaching her/his full potential. Recent evidence
indicates that good nutrition, particularly in early childhood,
is critical to the positive health outcomes of children. In
fact, children’s nutritional status can be viewed as a good
proxy indicator of a community’s state of health.1
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
The nutritional status of a child is usually described in
terms of anthropometry, i.e. body measurement, such as
weight, in relation to age or height, which is reflective of
the degree of underweight or wasting of that child. Food is
the prime necessity of life; life cannot be sustained without
an adequate nourishment child needs adequate food for
growth and development. 2
According to the WHO, breast milk has the complete
nutritional requirements that a baby needs for healthy
growth and development in the first six months of life.
According to the United Nations Child Emergency Fund
(UNICEF), children who are breastfed in the first six
months of life have a six times greater chance of survival as
opposed to non-breastfed children.3
Children are malnourished if their diet does not provide
adequate nutrients for growth and maintenance or they are
unable to fully utilize the food they eat due to illness (under
nutrition). 4
In India about 2/3 portion of the under five children of our
country is malnourished among them 5-8% is severely
malnourished whole rest fall in the group of mild or
moderate malnutrition so it can be said that malnutrition
one of the most wide spread conditions affecting child
In India nearly 75% of the populations reside in the village
of the total rural population around 50% is still under the
poverty lines. Majority of children in India are not in a
position to get adequate nourishment because of very low
per capita income of their families. A significant proportion
of these children live in economic and social environment
which impedes the child’s physical and mental
development, this condition include poverty, poor
environment sanitation, diseases, infections, inadequate
access to primary health care, inappropriate child caring and
feeding practices.6
“A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and attitude
regarding malnutrition among parents of under five children
at selected area of Belgaum District”.
1) To assess the knowledge regarding malnutrition among
parents of under five children.
2) To assess the attitude regarding malnutrition among
parents of under five children.
3) To correlate the knowledge and attitude regarding
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
4) To find out the association between knowledge and
attitude regarding malnutrition with selected demographic
variables of parents of under five children.
1) Malnutrition: In this study it refers to the lesser intake
of food for children in terms of quality and quantity to
maintain optimum health.
2) Mother of Under Five Children: In this study it refers
to those who have child of age group (1-5years).
3) Knowledge: In this study it refers to information
awareness and correct response of mothers towards
4) Attitude: In this study it refers to opinion feelings or
thought exhibited by the mothers under five children.
The researcher assumes that,
Parents of under five children will have some
knowledge on malnutrition.
Parents of under five children will have positive
attitude towards malnutrition.
Parents of under five children will have some
knowledge regarding the diet of children.
Parents of children will extend their co-operation in
providing factual information regarding their knowledge
and attitude on malnutrition.
Only 50 mothers/fathers of under five children in
village of Belgaum District.
Data collection is limited to 4-5 weeks.
Data collection is only in the area of Belgaum District.
Data collection is through interview method.
The Review of Literature arranged in 2 sections,
Section- A: Studies related to knowledge regarding
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Section- B: Studies related to attitude regarding
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Research approach
In this study the descriptive survey approach was used and
aimed at assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Research design
In view of the nature of the study and to accomplish the
objectives of the study, Non experimental design was
appropriate to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Setting is the physical location and condition in which data
collection takes place. The study was conducted in Bastwad
Village of Belgaum district.
In the present study the population comprised of parents
having children below 5 years of age living in the selected
village of Belgaum district (Bastwad)
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
Independent Variables: Informant, Age, Education,
Occupation, Religion, Type of family, Number of children,
Food pattern of the family, Source of information previous
experience and previous exposure to malnutrition.
Dependent Variables: knowledge and attitude of
malnutrition among parents of under five children.
Sample and sample size:
The present study was conducted among 50 parents of
under five children.
Sampling technique
The sampling technique used for the present study is
convenient sampling technique.
Criteria for Selection of Sample:
Inclusion Criteria:
Having under five children (1-5 years)
Who can understand, read and write Kannada, Hindi,
and Marathi.
Residing in selected urban area.
Willing to participate in the study.
Available at the time of data collection.
Having more than one child.
Exclusion Criteria:
Having children group more than 5 years.
Working in Health care sector.
Suffering with any chronic physical or mental illness
Description of the tool
The tools were designed for collecting relevant information
from the parents of under five children regarding their
demographic data, knowledge and attitude on malnutrition.
The tools were divided into three parts;
Part A: Demographic Data of parents of under five
children. It consists of 12 items of demographic variables.
Part B: Structured interview schedule seeks
information about knowledge on Malnutrition.
Part C: Attitude scale to assess the attitude among
parents towards malnutrition.
Major finding:
Regarding the informer 28(56%) were mothers and
remaining 22(44%) fathers (Fig-1). Age of parents about
5(10%) of samples belongs to 18 years and below, 11
(22%) belongs to 19-22 years, 29(58%) of samples fit in to
23-27 years, 5(10%) were in the age group of 28 years &
above (Fig-2). Majority of the parents 50(100%) were
residing in rural area (Fig-3). Maximum parents 35(70%),
belongs to Jain religion. 10(20%), Hindu religion 4(8%)
Muslim religion and remaining were Christian religion
1(2%) (Fig-4). Education status of parents about 7(14%)
were Illiterate, 35(70%) Primary, 6(12%) Secondary and
Degree and Above 2(4%) (Fig-5). Major type of families
was 36(72%) Nuclear, 10(20%) Joint and minimum were
Extended 4(8%) (Fig-6).Maximum Occupation of mother
was 46(92%) unemployed and remaining Employed 4(8%)
(Fig-7). Occupation of Father 1(2%) Unemployed, 7(14%)
Government employee, 20(40%) Private employee and
Others 22(44%) (Fig-8). Majority of family income were
3000 and below 27(54%) and 6(12%) 12001 and below
were minimum (Fig-9).About 38(76%) of the parents were
Vegetarian, 5(10%) Non-Vegetarian and 7(14%) remaining
were Mixed (Fig-10).. Maximum 33(66%) parent had only
one child, 13(26%) parents had two children and 3 children
and Above 4(8%) (Fig-11). Maximum parents were getting
information from 23(46%) Others and 14(28%) Health care
Workers. 5(10%) mass media 5(10%), Family friend 2(4%)
Neighbor and very low no 1(2%) (Fig-12).
Fig 1 : Percentage distribution of informant of parents of under
five children
Fig.2 Percentage Distribution of age of parents of under five
Fig.3 Percentage Distribution of Area of Residence of parents of
under five children
Fig.4 Percentage Distribution of Religion of parents of under five
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
Fig.5 Percentage Distribution of Education status of parents of
under five children
Fig.6 Percentage Distribution of Type of Family of parents of
under five children
Fig.7 Percentage Distribution of occupation of parents of under
five children
Fig.8 Percentage Distribution of Occupation of Fathers of under
five children
Fig.9 Percentage Distribution of Family Income of Parents of
under five children
Fig.10 Percentage Distribution of Food Pattern of parents of
under five children
Fig.11 Percentage Distribution of No. of Children of parents of
under five children
Fig.12 Percentage Distribution of Source of Information of
parents of under five children
PART-B: Assessment of knowledge among parents of
parents of under five children.
Table-1: Distribution of knowledge on malnutrition among parents of
under five children. N=50
Level of knowledge Number Percentage
Inadequate knowledge 15 30
Moderately Adequate knowledge 29 58
Adequate knowledge 06 12
Table 2 describes that 29 (58%) of parents had Moderately
Adequate knowledge, about 15(30%) were having
Inadequate knowledge and remaining 6(12%) were having
adequate knowledge (fig-13).
Table-2: Mean and Standard Deviation of knowledge on malnutrition
among parents of under five children. N=50
Statistics Knowledge on Malnutrition
Mean 8.64
Standard Deviation 2.57
The above table explains that the knowledge on
malnutrition scored mean is 8.64 with a standard deviation
of 2.57
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
Fig.13: Distribution of knowledge on malnutrition among parents
Fig.14: Distribution of attitude on malnutrition among parents
PART-C: Assessment of attitude among parents of
parents of under five children
Table-3: Distribution of attitude on malnutrition among parents of
under five children. N=50
Level of attitude Number Percentage
Negative attitude 00 00
Moderately positive attitude 43 86
Positive attitude 7 14
Table 4 describe that 43 (86%) were having moderately
attitude and remaining 7(14%) were having positive attitude
on malnutrition (fig-14).
Table-4: Mean and Standard Deviation of attitude on malnutrition
Statistics Attitude level
Mean 32.84
Standard Deviation 3.38
The above table explains that the attitude on malnutrition
scored a mean is 32.84 with a standard deviation of
PART-D: Correlation between knowledge and attitude
regarding malnutrition among parents of under five
children. r= 0.097 N=50
The above ‘r’ value shows that there is a positive
correlation between Knowledge and attitude on
malnutrition among parents of under five children. This
implies that parents of under five children had moderately
adequate knowledge and moderately positive attitude
towards the malnutrition (fig-15).
Fig 15.Corelation between Knowledge and Attitude
Association between knowledge of parents and
Demographic Variables
There was no significant association found between the
knowledge on malnutrition among parents of under five
children and demographic variables such as Informant age,
education, occupation, economic status, type of family,
religion, area of residence, food pattern, and source of
Association between Attitude of parents and
Demographic Variables
There was no significant association found between attitude
on Malnutrition among parents, demographic variables such
as Informant age, education, occupation, economic status,
and type of family, religion, area of residence, food pattern,
and source of information
This chapter deals with the detailed discussion on the
findings of the study interpreted from the analysis.
The findings of the study are discussed in relation to the
objectives, need for the study and related literature of the
Characteristics of Selected Demographic Variables of
the Sample:
56% of mothers were given the Information on
58% of parents were in the age group of 23-27 years
100% of parents were from Rural area
70% of parents were belongs to Jain religion
70% of parents were studied Primary
72% of parents were belongs to Nuclear family
92% of mothers were Unemployed Mothers
40% of fathers were private employed Fathers
54% of parents monthly income is Rs. 3000 and below
76% of parents dietary pattern is Vegetarians
66% of parents had only one children
46% of parents were got information from Others and
Health Care Workers
Asian J. Nursing Edu. and Research 5(1): Jan.-March 2015
Assessment of knowledge among parents of under five
This finding shows that 29(58%) of parents were having
moderately adequate knowledge. The mean value of
knowledge on malnutrition was 8.64 with a standard
deviation of 2.57.
Assessment of attitude among parents of under five
The judgment shows that attitude 43(86%) of parents were
having moderately positive attitude. The mean value of
attitude on malnutrition was 32.84 with a standard deviation
of 3.38.
Correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding
malnutrition among parents
Result show that there is a strong positive correlation
between knowledge and attitude regarding malnutrition
among parents of under five children (r=1.132.) this implies
if there is increase in knowledge the attitude also increase.
Association between knowledge scores of the parents of
under five children with selected demographic variables
There is no significant association between knowledge and
demographic variables such as Informer age, education,
occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area
of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the
parental knowledge on Malnutrition.
Association between attitude scores of the parents of
under five children with selected demographic variables
There is no significant association between attitude and
demographic variables such as Informer age, education,
occupation, economic status, type of family, religion, area
of residence, food pattern, and source of information of the
parental attitude on Malnutrition.
The findings of the study have implications on nursing
education, nursing practice, nursing administration and
nursing research.
Implications for Nursing Education
The nursing curriculum should having emphasis on
malnutrition and its consequences which help the nurses to
interview the target group in the form of health awareness,
prevention of malnutrition and health problems due to
Implications for Nursing Practice
Nurses are key persons in the health care team, they play a
major role in health promotion and maintenance in the
clinical as well as in community setup; it is a practicing
profession, hence the researcher generally integrate findings
into practice.
Implications for Nursing Administration
The nurse administrators should see that the aspect of health
promotion while providing nursing care. Nursing
administration should implement the program should
organize Continuing Nursing Education (conferences,
workshop, seminar and education) on malnutrition and its
consequences. The Community Nurse Administrator should
educate nurses working under them on various aspects of
malnutrition such as health problems due to malnutrition,
legal aspects, prevention, treatments and rehabilitation.
Implications for Nursing Research
There is a need for more and in depth nursing research on
malnutrition in order to provide evidenced based nursing
care. People generally believe the malnutrition is effectively
prevented by providing good nutrition. Hence there is a
need for comprehensive nursing research on malnutrition
which helps in finding effective measures and solutions in
the management of malnutrition.
Only 50 mothers/fathers of under five children in area
of Belgaum District.
Data collection is limited to 4-5 weeks.
Data collection is only in the area of Belgaum District.
Data collection is through interview method.
A large number of samples could not be taken because
of the time constrains.
The following studies can be undertaken to strengthen the
accident & emergency care.
1) The same study can be repeated in different regions of
the state or nation so as to compare the results.
2) The same study can be repeated on a large sample so as
to generalize the results.
3) Similar kind of study can be conducted among
different age group of children.
4) The same study can be conducted as experimental
study i.e STP or NEP.
The study was concluded by if there is an increase in
knowledge the attitude also increases towards malnutrition
among parents of under five children.
1. Darshan sohi. A Text book of nutrition (for nursing course). 1st
ed. Jalandhar: PV publications; 2010. p.
2. 1Integrated child Development services. Available from
3. Williams. Basic nutrition and diet therapy. 12th ed. New Delhi:
Elsevier publication; 2000. P. 4.
4. The British Dietetic association, food fact sheet. Available at fact
5. Principles of parenting: Meeting children’s needs 1995. Available
at : http://www.
6. H.Darlene Marin. Extension nutrition specialist northeast
research. Availablefrom
pres.html. April- 1997.