
Constructing equivalences with some extensions to the divisor and topological invariance of projective holonomy

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Given topologically equivalent germs of holomorphic foliations F and F, under some hypothesis, we construct topological equivalences extending to some regions of the divisor after resolution of singularities. As an application we study the topological invariance of the projective holonomy representation.

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... In the case of Generic General Type foliations, Theorem 3 is a consequence of the work of Marín and Mattei [4] -Generic General Type foliations are generalized curves with an additional generic dynamical property which guarantees that the conjugation h is transversely holomorphic -. In fact, in [4] the authors prove much more: if F is of Generic General Type and F is any foliation topologically equivalent to F, then there exists a topological equivalence between F and F extending to the exceptional divisor after the resolutions of F and F. On the other hand, if F is a generalized curve not necessarily of Generic General Type, in [5] is proved that always exists a topological equivalence between F and F extending after resolution to a neighborhood of each linearizable or resonant singularity which is not a corner. In particular, this topological equivalence extends to each nodal singularity which is not a corner. ...
... Moreover, Theorem 2 guarantees that p andp are in "isomorphic positions" in their corresponding exceptional divisors. From this point the construction of a topological equivalence extending to p follows some ideas already used in [5]. ...
... Proof of Theorem 3. It is a direct consequence of Theorem 23. Proof of Theorem 4. By [5] there exists a topological equivalence h between F and F which, after resolution, extends as a homeomorphism to a neighborhood of each linearizable or resonant singularity which is not a corner. We denote by E and E the exceptional divisors in the resolutions of F and F, respectively. ...
We study a special kind of local invariant sets of singular holomorphic foliations called nodal separators. We define notions of equisingularity and topological equivalence for nodal separators as intrinsic objects and, in analogy with the celebrated theorem of Zariski for analytic curves, we prove the equivalence of these notions. We give some applications in the study of topological equivalences of holomorphic foliations. In particular, we show that the nodal singularities and its eigenvalues in the resolution of a generalized curve are topological invariants.
... In the case of Generic General Type foliations, Theorem 3 is a consequence of the work of Marín and Mattei [4] -Generic General Type foliations are generalized curves with an additional generic dynamical property which guarantees that the conjugation h is transversely holomorphic -. In fact, in [4] the authors prove much more: if F is of Generic General Type and F is any foliation topologically equivalent to F, then there exists a topological equivalence between F and F extending to the exceptional divisor after the resolutions of F and F. On the other hand, if F is a generalized curve not necessarily of Generic General Type, in [5] is proved that always exists a topological equivalence between F and F extending after resolution to a neighborhood of each linearizable or resonant singularity which is not a corner. In particular, this topological equivalence extends to each nodal singularity which is not a corner. ...
... Moreover, Theorem 2 guarantees that p andp are in "isomorphic positions" in their corresponding exceptional divisors. From this point the construction of a topological equivalence extending to p follows some ideas already used in [5]. ...
... Proof of Theorem 3. It is a direct consequence of Theorem 23. Proof of Theorem 4. By [5] there exists a topological equivalence h between F and F which, after resolution, extends as a homeomorphism to a neighborhood of each linearizable or resonant singularity which is not a corner. We denote by E and E the exceptional divisors in the resolutions of F and F, respectively. ...
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We study a special kind of local invariant sets of singular holomorphic foliations called nodal separators. We define notions of equisingularity and topological equivalence for nodal separators as intrinsic objects and, in analogy with the celebrated theorem of Zariski for analytic curves, we prove the equivalence of these notions. We give some applications in the study of topological equivalences of holomorphic foliations. In particular, we show that the nodal singularities and its eigenvalues in the resolution of a generalized curve are topological invariants.
... Also in [4] the authors give a positive answer for a generic class of foliations F and assuming that h is a topologically trivial deformation. Stronger results in relation to this subject are obtained in [8], [10], [9], and [17]. We must remark the work of Marín and Mattei ( [9]), who prove the topological invariance of the projective holonomy for a generic class of generalized curves, although the problem is still unsettled if we allow saddle node singularities after resolution. ...
... Thus, Proposition 12 and Lemma 13 discard any homological obstruction to perform the constructions in the rest of the paper. Proposition 12 is a special version of a kind of results previously obtained in [9] (Theorem 6.2.1) and [17] (section 5). ...
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In this paper we study bilipschitz equivalences of germs of holomorphic foliations in (C2,0)(\mathbb{C}^2,0). We prove that the algebraic multiplicity of a singularity is invariant by such equivalences. Moreover, for a large class of singularities, we show that the projective holonomy representation is also a bilipschitz invariant.
... Among them, let us mention, without trying to be exhaustive, works of D. Marín and J.-F. Mattei [18], and of R. Rosas [30]. ...
In this article we study the analytic classification of certain types of quasi-homogeneous cuspidal holomorphic foliations in (\CC^3,{\bf 0}) via the essential holonomy defined over one of the components of the exceptional divisor that appears in the reduction of the singularities of the foliation.
... is proven by R. Rosas under weak hypothesis [38,Proposition 13], see also [22,Theorem 1.12]. Index Formula (23) implies that: ...
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The object of this survey is to give an overview on the topology of singularities of holomorphic foliation germs on (C2,0)(\mathbb C^2,0).
... a) λ := CS(F ♯ , D, s) is an irrational real number. If λ is positive, s is a nodal singular point, and (26) was obtained by R. Rosas in [30,Proposition 13]. ...
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This work deals with the topological classification of germs of singular foliations on (C2,0)(\mathbb C^{2},0). Working in a suitable class of foliations we fix the topological invariants given by the separatrix set, the Camacho-Sad indices and the projective holonomy representations and we compute the moduli space of topological classes in terms of the cohomology of a new algebraic object that we call group-graph. This moduli space may be an infinite dimensional functional space but under generic conditions we prove that it has finite dimension and we describe its algebraic and topological structures.
... Among them, let us mention, without trying to be exhaustive, works of D. Marín and J.-F. Mattei [18], and of R. Rosas [30]. ...
In this article we study the analytic classification of certain types of quasi-homogeneous cuspidal holomorphic foliations in (C3,0) via the essential holonomy defined over one of the components of the exceptional divisor that appears in the reduction of the singularities of the foliation.
This work deals with the topological classification of germs of singular foliations on (C2,0)(\mathbb C^{2},0). Working in a suitable class of foliations we fix the topological invariants given by the separatrix set, the Camacho-Sad indices and the projective holonomy representations and we compute the moduli space of topological classes in terms of the cohomology of a new algebraic object that we call group-graph. This moduli space may be an infinite dimensional functional space but under generic conditions we prove that it has finite dimension and we describe its algebraic and topological structures.
In this article we give an overview on the topology of singularities of holomorphic foliation germs in C2\mathbb {C}^2. We describe several results of the authors on the topology of the leaves and the structure of the leaf space. We state criteria of topological conjugacy for any two foliation germs. These are based on the key notion of monodromy of a singular foliation, a topological invariant of geometric and dynamic nature. After a historical introduction, we focus on the simplest invariant sets (separatrices, separators and dynamical components) and we compare them to geometric blocks classical in the study of the topology of 3-dimensional manifolds. Subsequently, we introduce the notion of foliated connectedness, used in proving the incompressibility property of the leaves of the foliation, which plays a crucial role in the definition of the monodromy. We describe the ideas of the proofs of the main theorems leading to the topological classification of generic foliations that are generalized curves. Finally, we give an algebraic description of topological moduli spaces and we state the existence of complete families, with minimal redundancy given by an explicit action of a countable group on the finite dimensional parameter space.
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In this paper we study the topological moduli space of some germs of singular holomorphic foliations in (2,0). We obtain a fully characterization for generic foliations whose vanishing order at the origin is two or three. We give a similar description for a certain subspace in the moduli space of generic germs of homogeneous foliations of any vanishing order and also for generic quasi-homogeneous foliations. In all the cases we identify the fundamental group of these spaces using the Gassner representation of the pure braid group and a suitable holonomy representation of the foliation.
We give a complete topological classification of germs of holomorphic foliations in the plane under rather generic conditions. The key point is the introduction of a new topological invariant called monodromy representation. This monodromy contains all the relevant dynamical information, in particular the projective holonomy representations whose topological inv ariance was conjectured in the eighties by Cerveau and Sad and is proved here under mild hypotheses.
On considère des équations de Pfaff holomorphes à l’origine de ℂ2, ω=a(x, y)dx +b(x, y)dy. Sous des hypothèses génériques, portant sur le premier jet non nulω v deω, on décrit explicitement l’espace des modules de ω pourv petit. On s’intéresse aussi aux formes rigides et aux problèmes sous-jacents à ce type de question, notemment l’invariance topologique de l’holonomie projective.
We prove that every topological conjugacy between two germs of singular holomorphic curves in the complex plane is homotopic to another conjugacy which extends homeomorphically to the exceptional divisors of their minimal desingularisations. As an application we give an explicit presentation of a finite index subgroup of the mapping class group of the germ of such a singularity.
We prove that the algebraicmultiplicity of a holomorphic vector field at an isolated singularity is invariant by topological equivalences which are differentiable at the singular point.
This note is a companion paper to ‘Monodromie et classification topologique des germes de feuilletages holomorphes’ (in French) by Marin and Mattei. In their paper the authors develop a very complete theory about topologically conjugate singularities of foliations. However, their techniques require the topological conjugacies to be transversely holomorphic. The purpose of the present note is to show that this assumption can be made without restricting the generality of their results.
In this work, we introduce the notion of extended holonomy and discuss some of its properties. As an application of it, we consider vanishing projective holonomy groups of germs of vector fields with zero (n − 1)-jet and prove, under some genericity assumptions, that the corresponding vanishing holonomy groups are topologically conjugated for orbitally topologically equivalent germs of vector fields.
We consider a non-dicritic germ of singular holomorphic foliation F defined in some closed ball B̄ ⊂ ℂ2 with separatrix set S, satisfying some additional but generic hypotheses. We prove that there exists an open subset U ⊃ S of B, such that for every leaf L of F(U\U) the natural inclusion i: L {right arrow, hooked} U \ S induces a monomorphism i*: π1, (L) {right arrow, hooked} π1, (U \ S) at the fundamental group level. To do this, we introduce the geometrical notion of "foliated connexity: and we re-interpret the incompressibility using it. We also show the existence of some special transverse holomorphic sections, which allow us to introduce a "global monodromy representation" for the foliation.