
Lecture I. Conditions in Life Policies

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In the lectures which I delivered last year to the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh, I dealt with the representations in the proposal for insurance which usually form the subject of one of the conditions in the policy. In the present lecture I propose dealing with the other usual conditions in life policies, including the statutory condition as to insurable interest, the conditions relating to the payment of premiums, and lastly, the conditions excepting certain risks from the policy in respect either of locality, occupation, or cause of death. I shall also deal incidentally with the powers of local agents to waive a forfeiture of any of the conditions of the policy. In regard to the references to the American authorities, perhaps I should explain that I have in all cases referred to English or Scottish authorities where there were any, and have only used American cases as ancillary to our own, or where there was no English or Scottish authority. In some cases I have referred to American authorities by way of contrast, but when this is the case, I have always explained the differences between the American law and our own.

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