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Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer Similar?

  • Secretaria da Educação do Estado do Ceará

Abstract and Figures

Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer are classified as team sports of invasion, thus having common characteristics. The aim of this study is: (i) to analyze the evolutionary trends concerning to the average number of goals per game and per competition; (ii) to analyze the incidence of goals regarding the periods of play they tend to occur; and (iii) to scrutinize the influence of scoring first a goal in a match on the respective final result. We analyzed Soccer (n=836), Futsal (n=306) and Beach Soccer (n=148) matches played in World Cup tournaments, organized by the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), performing a total of 1290 matches. It was found that the average number of goals per game obtained in FIFA World Cups, as both Soccer and Beach Soccer, evidenced a marked tendency to decrease, while for Futsal game it was verified the opposite. Regarding the timing of the goals, in the three team sports it was found that the majority of goals were scored in the last period of the game (Soccer: 19.42%; Futsal: 36.25%; Beach Soccer: 37.21%). Examining the influence of scoring the first goal in the final result of the match, in soccer and in Futsal it was found that the average probability of winning the game is approximately 70%, while in Beach Soccer it is about 60%. Thus, we suggest that the origin of the results for the analyzed variables is related to the interaction of physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects, and the weighting of each one is different in relation to the specificity of the each team sports.
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International Journal of Sports Science 2014, 4(6A): 75-84
DOI: 10.5923/s.sports.201401.11
Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer
Werlayne Leite1,2,*, Daniel Barreira3,4
1Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará, SEDUC, Fortaleza, Brazil
2Secretaria de Educação de Fortaleza, SME, Fortaleza, Brazil
3Faculdade do Desporto da Universidade do Porto, FADEUP, Porto, Portugal
4Centro de Investigação, Formação, Inovação e Intervenção em Desporto, CIFI2D, Porto, Portugal
Abstract Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer are classified as team sports of invasion, thus having common characteristics.
The aim of this study is: (i) to analyze the evolutionary trends concerning to the average number of goals per game and per
competition; (ii) to analyze the incidence of goals regarding the periods of play they tend to occur; and (iii) to scrutinize the
influence of scoring first a goal in a match on the respective final result. We analyzed Soccer (n=836), Futsal (n=306) and
Beach Soccer (n=148) matches played in World Cup tournaments, organized by the Fédération Internationale de Football
Association (FIFA), performing a total of 1290 matches. It was found that the average number of goals per game obtained in
FIFA World Cups, as both Soccer and Beach Soccer, evidenced a marked tendency to decrease, while for Futsal game it was
verified the opposite. Regarding the timing of the goals, in the three team sports it was found that the majority of goals were
scored in the last period of the game (Soccer: 19.42%; Futsal: 36.25%; Beach Soccer: 37.21%). Examining the influence of
scoring the first goal in the final result of the match, in soccer and in Futsal it was found that the average probability of
winning the game is approximately 70%, while in Beach Soccer it is about 60%. Thus, we suggest that the origin of the results
for the analyzed variables is related to the interaction of physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects, and the
weighting of each one is different in relation to the specificity of the each team sports.
Keywords Psychological goal, Evolutionary trends, FIFA World Cup, Goal time, Invasion games
1. Introduction
Soccer, Futsal and beach soccer are games included in a
category named as Team Sports, due to incorporating the six
invariants mentioned by Bayer [1]: (i) ball or similar object;
(ii) playing space; (iii) opponents, (iv) teammates; (v) a
target to attack and a target to defend; and (vi) specific rules.
These sports are also classified as invasion games, category
that is characterized by the continuous confrontation
between attack and defense, particularity anchored in the
permanent relations of opposition and cooperation between
players and teams in a common space. So, in the same
playing space, both the teams fight for having the ball
possession as well as to dominate its circulation through
predominant trajectories [2].
Despite Soccer, Futsal and Beach soccer have principles
of action and operational rules that give them specific
characteristics, guiding the behavior of the players in the
context of training and competition [3], these sports also hold
similarities with other games that are also classified as Team
* Corresponding author: (Werlayne Leite)
Published online at
Copyright © 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved
Sports, such as Basketball, Handball or Water Polo. Bayer [1]
reports that these similarities are largely confined to
operational objectives that, in turn, are divided into defensive
and offensive. According to this author, the three objectives
to follow in defensive phase are: recovering the ball
possession, preventing the progression of the opposing team
and protecting the own target; while for the offensive phase,
the aim is to keep the ball possession, to progress towards the
opponent`s target and to create scoring opportunities, to
reach the main objective of the game: the point or the goal.
Concerning to energetic point of view, despite these team
sports have evolved and specialized in different ways over
time [4], are still characterized by an acyclic activity [5],
requiring athletes wit capacity to perform intermittent and
alternating mixed (aerobic-anaerobic) exercises [2].
In its institutionalized forms (formal game), the generality
of the team sports represent high complex activities on
regards of the dimensions that induce the performance,
namely physical, technical, tactical and psychological. Graça
et al. [6] add that team sports requires of the athletes a high
adaptability and response to cognitive, affective and motor
domains, conditions that Mesquita and Graça [7] fit in the
assessment of perception, comprehension and
decision-making, supported by affective and social aspects
and by the development of the ability to play. Thus, due to
76 Werlayne Leite et al.: Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer Similar?
the immense variability of situations that emerge from this
category of games, if the player requires a high-speed
information processing, ability to perceive the involvement,
consistency in decision-making and speed of execution of
the motor actions, conditions that, when combined, induce a
high complexity and unpredictability into the game [8-10].
According to Barreira, Garganta and Anguera [11], in
Soccer actual research it is evident a high investment in the
study of the tactical dimension of the game in an ecological
context (e.g. [12, 13]). Nowadays, in this approach, the
modeling of the game through the searching of behavioral
patterns that lead to the success of the attack is the most used
[14, 15]. Vouga [16] confirms the current trend to the
investment in the study of the attack on Soccer, stating that
55.4% of the studies developed at the Faculty of Sport,
University of Porto, Portugal, focus on the offensive phase. S
it is an attempting to inquire performance indicators,
technical and tactical perspective, that unbalance the game in
our favor [17], proceeding so, to this detection and
interpretation of stable and regular features in the variability
of attacker`s actions. This reference seems to be transversal
to the Soccer, the Beach Soccer and Futsal, in that the goal is
the aim for what all stakeholders compete [18], and therefore
the indicator that arouses most interest among researchers
today [19].
Being marking goals considered critical to the success of
the teams in competitive context, knowledge about the
evolution of this indicator over time, the variables that
contribute to this event succeed, as well as the consequences
that adds on patterns of play, should be a requirement for
coaches to prepare and conduct their training processes more
effectively [20, 18]. It becomes therefore necessary to know,
for example, the evolution of average goals per game and
consequently changes in the patterns of the game [14]
tendency for the distribution of goals throughout the game
[21, 22], the influence of scoring first on the final outcome of
the game [23], a phenomenon also called "psychological
goal" [24], or the influence of momentary result [25] on
patterns of game of the teams, so you can create a favorable
environment for the development of players and teams [26].
Once it comes to similar modalities in their sporting
gestures [27], and being the scarce literature on information
in this context, the aim of this work was to expand the
knowledge level of the internal dynamics involving Soccer,
Futsal and Beach Soccer. Thus, it is tried to identify and to
understand the similarities and specificities among these
three team games, as well as variables that possibly explain
the phenomena that occur in the practice of these sports
modalities. It seems that this premise will contribute to the
training process and, consequently, the performance in
competition, may be more effective due to its development
according to the degree of specificity of each modality [28].
In this sense, the present study aims to: (i) investigate the
evolutionary trends regarding the amount of goals per game
in the modalities of Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer; (ii)
analyze the incidence of goals in games of Soccer, Futsal and
Beach Soccer in relation to the periods of the game they tend
to occur; and (iii) identify the team that scored the first goal
of the game, questioning the influence of this event on the
final result obtained by this same team.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample
We analyzed all the games soccer, Futsal and Beach
Soccer realized on the World Cups organized by the
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA). In
the modality of Soccer, we analyzed the games of the FIFA
World Cups between 1930 and 2014, a total of 836 games in
20 tournaments considered; relative to Futsal, analyzed in 7
tournaments - the FIFA World Cups between 1989 and 2012
-, we analyzed 306 games; were analyzed at the Beach soccer
games of the FIFA World Cups between 2005 and 2013,
except for tournaments of 2007 and 2008 for failure to meet
the required data, and so 148 games were considered. In
summary, the three types under study examined a total of
1290 games.
Data on number of goals and the moment they were scored
in the matches of the FIFA World Cups were obtained from
FIFA ( site [29], using up the official
summaries of games. The use of game statistics from FIFA,
according to the study by Castellano, Casamichana and Lago
[30], has high reliability, in that these authors encoding
randomly five games and comparing the data collected with
the FIFA website, with the use of Cohen's Kappa statistic
tool, found excellent reliability values (0.93
0.97) [31].
2.2. Variables
For the study, we used the following variables:
a) Average goals per game and obtained by competition;
b) Division of game in periods of time:
i. Soccer: 1st-15th min.; 16th-30th min.; 31st-45th min.;
extra time for the 1st half of the match; 46th-60th min.;
61st-75th min.; 76th-90th min.; extra time for the 2nd
half of the match; 1st extra time (91st-105th min.) and
2nd extra time (106th-120th min.) (adapted from
Garganta [32]);
ii. Futsal: 1st-10th min.; 11th-20th min.; 21st-30th min.;
31st -40th min.; 1st extra time (41st-45th min.) and 2nd
extra time (46th-50th min.);
iii. Beach soccer: 1st-12th min.; 13th-24th min.; 25th-36th
min. and extra time (37th-40th min.).
c) The relationship between scoring the first goal of the
game and the final result obtained by the same team,
using the variables: Victory, Draw and Defeat. For this
variable we analyzed games played in seven
tournaments for Soccer and Futsal, while for the Beach
Soccer 5 tournament. As it is described in studies
developed by Barreira, Garganta, Guimarães, Machado
and Anguera [33] and Machado et al. [34], only the
goals scored during regular time of the game, including:
Soccer (90 minutes), Futsal (40 minutes), and Beach
soccer (36 minutes) were considered.
International Journal of Sports Science 2014, 4(6A): 75-84 77
2.3. Statistical Analysis
All data were analyzed using the statistical package for PC
SPSS 20.0. (Lead Tecnologies Inc, USA). Non parametric
chi-square 2) analysis was used to determine the
statistically significant differences and the level of
significance was set at p<0.05.
3. Results
3.1. Goals Scored per Game and Competition
The analysis of 1,290 games corresponding to the FIFA
World Cup of Soccer (n = 836), Futsal (n = 306) and Beach
Soccer (n = 148) allowed us to analyze 5,706 goals (Table 1).
The average amount of goals scored per game in the FIFA
World Cups shows that in the game of football and the game
of Beach Soccer there is a tendency for a sharp decrease.
Thus, since the Soccer World Cup 1930 Uruguay (3.9 goals
per game) to the Brazilian World Cup in 2014 (2.7 goals per
game), there is a reduction of 1.2 goals per game obtained
(Figure 1).
For the modality of Beach Soccer, the 8-year period
considered, there is also a reduction in the average number of
goals per game since the FIFA World Cup 2005 Brazil 8.2
goals were scored per game while in Tahiti 2013 tournament
7.6 goals per game were scored, meaningless 0.6 goals per
game (Figure 2).
Figure 1. Evolution of average goals per game in the Soccer FIFA World Cup between 1930 and 2014
Figure 2. Evolution of average goals per game in the Beach Soccer FIFA World Cups between 2005 and 2013
78 Werlayne Leite et al.: Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer Similar?
Figure 3. Evolution of average goals per game in Futsal FIFA World Cup between 1989 and 2012
Table 1. Distribution of goals scored in Soccer FIFA World Cups, divided by the periods of the game, namely the regulation period (i.e. 90’+) and
extra-time (e.t.) (adapted from Leite [35])
Half 1st half 2nd Half Extra time
Total Matches Average
Minutes 1st-15th 16th-30th 31st-45th 45th+ 46th-60th 61st-75th 76th-90th 90th+ 1st e.t 2nd e.t.
2014 18 25 19 3 24 33 29 12 3 5 171 64 2.7
2010 14 23 20 2 22 27 29 6 1 1 145 64 2.2
2006 24 24 20 3 19 10 36 8 1 2 147 64 2.2
2002 27 18 20 5 28 30 27 4 1 1 161 64 2.5
1998 24 20 16 10 31 25 35 9 - 1 171 64 2.7
1994 22 19 24 - 23 23 27 - 2 1 141 52 2.7
1990 9 13 12 - 19 22 34 - 2 4 115 52 2.2
1986 19 18 18 - 21 26 25 - 2 3 132 52 2.5
1982 16 22 12 - 28 40 24 - 3 1 146 52 2.8
1978 12 10 30 - 13 20 15 - 1 1 102 38 2.7
1974 14 16 15 - 16 16 20 - - - 97 38 2.6
1970 12 14 8 - 19 19 16 - 3 4 95 32 3.0
1966 14 13 15 - 11 14 20 - 1 1 89 32 2.8
1962 16 14 9 - 15 17 18 - - - 89 32 2.8
1958 16 22 18 - 22 23 24 - 1 - 126 35 3.6
1954 20 29 14 - 25 20 28 - 2 2 140 26 5.4
1950 9 17 15 - 15 12 20 - - - 88 22 4.0
1938 11 13 16 - 8 12 15 - 6 3 84 18 4.7
1934 9 16 8 - 11 14 8 - 2 2 70 17 4.1
1930 12 11 9 - 9 17 12 - - - 70 18 3.9
Total 318 357 318 23 379 420 462 39 31 32 2.379 836 -
% 13.37 15.0 13.37 0.97 15.93 17.65 19.42 1.64 1.30 1.34 100 - -
Contrary to Soccer and Beach Soccer in Futsal, the
23-year period considered, since the FIFA World Cup
Netherlands 1989 (5.5 goals per game) to Thailand
tournament in 2012 (6.7 goals per game), there was an
increase of 1.2 goals per game (Figure 3).
3.2. Temporal Occurrence of Goals
In 836 games played in 20 Soccer FIFA World Cup, were
scored a total of 2379 goals, 1016 goals (42.71%) were
obtained during the 1st half of the match, 1300 goals (54.64%)
International Journal of Sports Science 2014, 4(6A): 75-84 79
in the 2nd half and 63 goals (2.65%) in extra time. In
particular, 318 goals (13.37%) occurred in the period from 1st
to 15th min.; 357 goals (15.0%) of 16th to 30th min.; 318 goals
(13.37%) of 31th to 45th min.; 23 goals (0.97%) in increments
of time in the 1st half; 379 goals (15.93%) in the period from
the 46th to the 60th min.; 420 goals (17.65%) of 61st after 75th
min.; 462 goals (19.42%) of 76th to 90th min.; 39 goals
(1.64%) in increments of time in the 2nd half; 31 goals
(1.30%) in the 1st extra time; and 32goals (1.34%) in the 2nd
extra time (Table 1).
In 306 Futsal games played in seven FIFA World Cups
considered, we obtained a total of 2080 goals, 868 goals
(41.73%) were scored in the 1st half, 1201 goals (57.74%) in
the 2nd half and scored 11 goals (0.53%) in extra time. When
analyzing the time period in which the goal occurred, it was
found that 364 goals (17.5%) were collected between 1st and
10th min.; 504 goals (24.23%) from the 11th to 20th min.;
447gols (21.49%) of 21th to 30th min.; 754 goals (36.25%) of
31st to 40th min.; and 11 goals (0.53%) in extra time
(Table 2).
In 148 Beach Soccer games analyzed in 5 FIFA World
Cups, 1.247 goals were scored, according to the following
distribution: 362 goals (29.03%) in the 1st period, 405 goals
(32.48%) in the 2nd period; 464 goals (37.21%) in the 3rd
period, and 16 goals (1.28%) in extra time (Table 3).
3.3. Relationship between Scoring the First Goal and the
Final Result of the Game
Considering the games of the Soccer FIFA World Cup
from 1990 to 2014, it was found that the team that scored the
first goal was the winner in 69.77% of games played
(table 4).
Since in the Futsal modality, analysis of the Futsal World
Cups from 1989 to 2012 show that the team that scored the
first goal of the game won in 73.67% of the time.
Table 2. Distribution of goals scored in Futsal FIFA World Cups, divided by the periods of the game
Half 1st Half 2nd Half Extra
time Total Matches Average
Minutes 1st-10th 11st-20th 21st-30th 31st-40th
2012 67 86 77 116 3 349 52 6.7
2008 79 90 98 117 3 387 56 6.9
2004 37 53 49 87 - 226* 38 5.7
2000 53 67 53 127 - 300 40 7.5
1996 49 74 63 104 - 290 40 7.3
1992 45 72 84 106 - 307 40 7.7
1989 34 62 23 97 5 221 40 5.5
Total 364 504 447 754 11 2.080 306 -
% 17.50 24.23 21.49 36.25 0.53 100 - -
* The data related to 11 goals of this tournament are omitted (total goals in 2004 = 237).
Table 3. Distribution of goals scored in Beach soccer FIFA World Cups, divided by the periods of the game
Goals 1st period 2nd period 3rd period Extra time Total Matches Average
2013 69 76 89 9 243 32 7.6
2011 74 104 88 3 269 32 8.4
2009 97 80 104 4 285 32 8.9
2006 73 94 119 - 286 32 8.9
2005 49 51 64 - 164 20 8.2
Total 362 405 464 16 1.25 148 -
% 29.03 32.48 37.21 1.28 100 - -
Table 4. Comparison between the first goal scored and the winnings in Soccer FIFA World Cups between 1990 and 2014
World Cups 2014 2010 2006 2002 1998 1994 1990 Average
Matches won by the
team scoring first (%) 71.43 76.78 73.21 61.29 62.29 72.00 71.43 69.77
Table 5. Comparison between the first goal scored and the winnings in Futsal FIFA World Cups between 1989 and 2012 (adapted from Leite [36])
World Cups 2012 2008 2004 2000 1996 1992 1989 Average
Matches won by the
team scoring first (%) 71.15 73.21 76.32 82.50 67.50 75.00 70.00 73.67
80 Werlayne Leite et al.: Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer Similar?
Table 6. Comparison between the first goal scored and the winnings in Beach Soccer FIFA World Cups between 2005 and 2013
World Cups 2013 2011 2009 2006 2005 Average
Matches won by the team
scoring first (%) 59.38 43.75 59.38 71.88 65.00 59.88
Analyzing the games of the Beach Soccer World Cup
FIFA between 2005 and 2013, it was found that the team that
scored the first goal of the game came out victorious in 59.88%
of matches played.
4. Discussion
The main purpose of this study was to characterize and
compare the team sports games Soccer, Futsal and Beach
Soccer with regard to the amount of evolutionary quality
trends of goals obtained per game, the different periods in
which these events occurred and the influence of scoring
the first goal for the final result of the team in the game.
4.1. Temporal Analysis of Scored Goals
The results shown in tables 1, 2 and 3 shows that most of
the goals, in three modes analyzed were obtained in the last
period of the games. In the present study, the highest
incidence of goals in the game of Soccer (462 goals, 19.42%)
was found between the 76th and the 90th minute; in the Futsal
game between the 31st and 40th minute of the game (754
goals, 36.25%); and Beach soccer between the 25th and the
36th minute (464 goals, 37.21%).
The results confirm the many studies on Soccer, which
refer to a tendency for the occurrence of goals in the last
period of the game, i.e., between the 76th and the 90th minute
[35, 37-42]. Silva [43] analyzing 7599 goals in 2902 games
played occurred in 8 national championships in professional
soccer, including Argentine Championships, German,
Brazilian, French, Dutch, English and Italian, confirms this
trend (21.88%). Armatas, Yiannakos and Sileloglou [44]
analyzed the 90 games played in three World Cups Women's
football (1995, 1999 and 2003), also verifying that a large
percentage of goals (32.3%, 22.0% and 24.3%, respectively)
was obtained in the last 15 minutes of play.
According to the literature, the predominance of goals late
in the Soccer game seems to be mainly related to muscle
fatigue of athletes [45], which seems to induce a higher
frequency of errors made by players at final instants of
games. Thus, the increase in physical and physiological
requirements in the final moments of games induce increased
fatigue in the players, impacting in their physical, technical
and psychological performance, and consequently, the
driving tactics and actions carried out in the course of the
game [46-48], whereby Gomes et al. [41] confirms that the
best performance (physical, technical, tactical and
psychological) in Soccer is directly related to the less
physical wear of the players. Particularly, the decreased level
of muscle glycogen, accumulation of metabolic byproducts,
the flaws in the nervous system and the mechanism of
stimulus-contraction in the final moments of the games seem
to contribute to the deterioration of performance [45-52].
According to Reilly [53] and Rahnama et al. [48], the decline
in explosive force, which is translated into lower frequency
of accelerations and heels, is related to the less effective
actions of the players at the end of games.
Several studies comparing the rates of effort between the
first and second half of the soccer game, showing a reduction
in athletic performance [51, 54, 55]. The results reported a
reduction of 5 to 10% of the total distance between the first
and the second half as well as the amount of running
performed at high intensity (Mohr et al., 2003; Bangsbo et al.,
1991; Bangsbo, 1994; Reilly & Thomas, 1979, cit. Armatas
et al. [44]). However, according to Reilly [47], the higher
incidence of goals in final time of the game is not only due to
physical wear, since this factor tends to occur for both teams,
although different in scale and impact. The author adds that
the reduction of the intensity of play tends to be more
pronounced for smaller defenders and attackers for what is
the advantage of the latter prevail and therefore, the greatest
ability to verify the best performance of the players playing
in early areas of the playing area in relation to later ones.
The influence of fatigue on the concentration of the
players seems to be, according Reilly [47], another possible
explanation for the greater number of goals in the final 15
minutes of play. Thus, the highest sustainable physical effort
seems to lead to a greater amount of tactical and motor errors,
causing more probability score goals [46, 56, 57]. According
to Brandão [58], the psychological point of view, stress is
related to the activation of cognitive, psychological or
mental activity functions. The author found the stress factors
in Soccer players, saying that it seems a complex and
multifactorial process that may negatively influence the
performance of the athlete. In this context, Bompa [59] adds
that the greater the expertise of the player, the greater will be
the demand and, consequently, the stress during a game
Some studies on the physical dimension of soccer players
indicate that the player is essential to have a good aerobic
capacity because it seems to avoid the slowdown in the job
until the end of the game [46, 47, 52]. Differentiated tactical
strategies can also be used to reduce fatigue effects in the
final stages of the game [53, 60]. Thus, it is concluded that
fatigue, both physical and mental, can prove to be an
inhibiting factor for performance in soccer, which is
expressed mainly in the late stages of games, justifying, in
large part, a significant portion of goals at those moments of
the game [35, 46, 47, 61-64].
In Futsal and Beach Soccer, the possibility of making the
replacement of players unlimited during the game, in our
view could dilute the influence of fatigue on the occurrence
of goals in the last minutes of play. However, studies in
International Journal of Sports Science 2014, 4(6A): 75-84 81
Futsal reveal that, despite of the coaches having high
technical freedom in regulation to define strategies to replace
players throughout the game in order to maintain the
intensity and the physical level of the athletes, the
distribution of the occurrence of goals does not appear more
linear as the occurrence of goals between periods for the
checked in soccer game [20, 28, 65, 66]. Thus, studies in
Futsal show that most of the goals obtained occur in the last
period of the game, i.e. from 31st to 40th minutes [18, 26,
67-69], so the final minutes of the game of Futsal, thus,
appear to be a critical period of the match, in which the errors
on the part of the players are more frequent, inducing greater
number of goals [20].
Junior Bello (1998, cit. Santana et al. [69]), reports that the
time period of 31st to 40th minutes requests a high level of
players cautioned in which errors should be minimized and
the team should be incorporated in its best training.
According to Fukuda and Santana [18], the final 10 minutes
is the time setting of the game, insofar as, according to the
momentary result of the game, the attack scenarios may
become sharpened and consequently can facilitate situations
counterattack. According to Reilly [53], it is possible that the
losing team tends to guide its players to more advanced areas
of the pitch in order to create more completion situations,
giving higher probability of scoring and conceding goals.
Thus, it appears that the physical and mental state of the
players due to the high intensity of the game in its final
moments, seems to exert significant influence on the
implementation of technical-tactical actions, thus, regardless
of the momentary outcome of the game, the player`s action
includes a closer higher risk, as closer as it is from the of the
game. Noteworthy is also that the tactics adopted by the
technical options, for example, the use of the goalkeeper as
the row player (5th player) or play on the counterattack, meet
a circumstantial demand of game and does not necessarily
imply that the teams are unbalanced emotionally-
compromised and/or tactically fitness unstructured. Thus,
the literature reports that the highest incidence of goals in the
final 10 minutes of play in soccer can be explained by both
physical and emotional components, such as tactical options
[20, 69].
Regarding to Beach Soccer, the literature reveals
non-existent as analysis of the occurrence of goals
throughout the game. In our view, the reason for this
phenomenon in this modality is similar to the Futsal game,
insofar as it also involves the possibility of freely replace the
players during the game. Therefore, it is concluded that since
the level of physical performance can be ensured with the
exchange of players at any time during the game, the mental
dimension of the player, circumstances combined to the
tactics applied in the final of the game (this variable applies
only to futsal), those seem to be the main answers to this
4.2. Relationship between Scoring the First Goal and the
Final Result of the Game
In the present study, in both Soccer and Futsal, it was
found that the team that scores the first goal of the game has a
high probability of achieving victory (approximately 70%),
while in the Beach Soccer this probability is lower, i.e., about
60%. These results corroborate a study in Professional
Leagues of Soccer and Futsal in Spain [70], which reveals
that in the game of football, the teams who are playing in
their home town and score a first goal tend to win 74.45% of
the games, while when they play outside hometown they
tend to win 62.09% of the matches. The same study found an
advantage to score first in Futsal, that is lower than that for
the game of soccer, in that when teams play Futsal in their
home towns they tend to win 64.77% of the games while
playing outside they win in only 43.86% of situations. Thus,
in the soccer game the advantage of scoring first (86.15%) is
significantly higher than that found for Futsal (75.93%) [70].
According Armatas and Yiannakos [71], the participation of
teams of very low level in the final stages of the Soccer and
Futsal World Cup, as well as the accumulation of fatigue on
the players in the period in which the competition is held i.e.
end of sports seasons - appears to have resulted in a decrease
of the reaction when a team suffers the goal. Regarding the
tactical dimension, Michailidis et al. [19] states that after
reaching a goal teams are subject to tactical and strategic
changes that tend to cause a density of defensive block in
backward areas of the pitch. Thus, generally the team that
scores the first goal tends to take a more defensive stance in
the game at that contrary, the team that is at a disadvantage
seeks to steer more offensively to reverse the score [25]. This
fact seems to have the following consequences for the team
at a disadvantage:
projects to areas of early pitch and greater amount of
players, allowing more space indented areas for the
adversary to perform a greater number of actions of
• stronger physical stress, which seems to favor a higher
incidence of goals in the final period of the game by the
opposing team.
The goal then appears to be an inducer factor of high
psychological burden on the players [65]. Theis [72] states
that when a team scores the first goal of the game, it can
display performance improvements through increasing
self-confidence. However, team players suffering first goal
need to be prepared tactic, physically and psychologically, in
order to achieve respond to adverse situations, so that the
training process should include moves with different forms
of players and time limit. The mental aspect just seems to be
the main factor associated with the impact of the first goal in
the final result of the game, however, there are other factors
(e.g. substitutions, expulsions, interval) that seem to
influence the performance of the teams but with less
relevance [24]. I.e., the team that can score the first goal of
the game tends to improve your psychological aspect,
maintaining or improving their performance, while the team
that suffers the first goal suffers a decrease in psychological
aspect, tending to reduce its performance in competition.
82 Werlayne Leite et al.: Are the Teams Sports Soccer, Futsal and Beach Soccer Similar?
Thus, there is a high probability that the team who scores
the first goal in the game to get the victory in the final result
of the same, a situation that seems to be due to physical,
technical, tactical, but mainly psychological. In short,
according to Garganta [32], the final result of a player or
team in sports games has a multifactorial. Therefore, sport
performance can be attributed to a high degree of
development and specialization of physical, technical,
tactical and psychological parameters.
5. Conclusions
According to the results found in this study we suggest the
following factors as those that are more directly associated
with increased incidence of late goals in three game
modalities analyzed:
Soccer: physical dimension associated with
psychological, and induces changes in the technical,
tactical and motor dimensions;
Futsal: psychological dimension, associated with game
tactics circumstances, for example, the use of the
goalkeeper as 5th row player and counterattacks;
• Beach soccer: psychological dimension associated with
physical dimension.
In relationship between scoring the first goal and the final
result of the game, for the 3 modalities, the psychological
dimension associated to the physical, tactical and technical
aspects, seem to have affected the results.
In this sense, it is required different training methods and
means for the team sports games Soccer, Futsal and Beach
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... Unlike the traditional 11-a-side game, beach soccer is played with fewer players (five per team) on a smaller pitch (35-37 m in length and 26-28 m in width) and in a sand surface, resulting in a more intense and physically demanding game [2,3]. The distinctive playing surface and rules in beach soccer pose unique physiological and tactical challenges for players compared to the conventional game [4,5]. ...
... The demanding role of wingers in beach soccer can be attributed to the sport's tactical characteristics. Leite and Barreira [5] analyzed the offensive play patterns in beach soccer and highlighted the importance of width in creating scoring opportunities. Consequently, wingers are crucial in stretching the opponents' defense and are involved in numerous high-intensity lateral movements, which is reflected in their elevated physical output. ...
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Beach soccer has gained increasing interest for study in the sports sciences. In this sense, the analysis of activity profiles is important for training design and load individualization. Therefore, the aims of this study were to identify the most important variables to assess the activity profile and to compare them according to the playing position and game periods in international beach soccer matches. A total of 19 matches of the Spanish national beach soccer team were analyzed during their participation in different international competitions during the 2021-2022 season. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to objectively select the external load variables that best explain the data. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin values of 0.705 and Bartlett's Sphericity (p < 0.01) were obtained. Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman tests was performed for playing positions and game period comparisons, respectively. The PCA showed seven components that grouped a total of 20 variables, explaining 66% of the total variance. Only PC1 and PC2 explained more than 15% (23% and 17%, respectively). Differences were found between playing positions (H > 22.73; p < 0.01) and between game periods (X2 > 16.46; p < 0.01). A significant decrease was found throughout the game, with the highest demands in period 1 and the lowest in period 3. The highest workloads were performed by wingers and the lowest by goalkeepers. The differences between positions and game periods were found in the following: Total Distance (m/min), HIBD (m/min), High Acc (m/s), High Dec (m/s), Acc 1-2 m/s 2 (m), Acc 2-3 m/s 2 (m), Imp 4-5G (n), Imp 5-6G (n), Sprint (n), and Dec 10-6 m/s 2 (m) (p < 0.01). In conclusion, physical and tactical demands faced by elite-level beach soccer players will be influenced by playing positions and game periods. Coaches needs to develop position-specific training programs and optimize substitution strategies for enhancing overall team performance.
... There are many works on social and historical aspects of the women's game outside of the birthplace of the modern game, including: Barbara Cox on New Zealand ( Beach soccer is regarded as one of the world's fastest growing sports (Muazu Musa et al., 2020). Like football and its other forms or variants, Futsal for example, beach soccer is classified as an invasion sport (Leite & Barreira, 2014). Football and football-like team sports have common characteristics; there are similarities in the types of studies related to men's football and men's beach soccer. ...
... There are studies on the planning of medical care of tournament participants (Marquez et al., 2016b) and the physiological demands of players Scarfone & Ammendolia, 2017). There are also comparative studies related to performance, including: noting the differences between beach soccer teams and other forms of football (Dansu, 2016;Leite & Barreira, 2014); the differing physical capacities required to play on grass and sand (Larsen et al., 2021); and more specific elements of performance in examining divergences in the isokinetic knee muscle strength profiles of men playing football and footballlike sports (de Lira et al., 2017). ...
... Unfortunately, goals in professional soccer matches generally are rare events compared to goal frequencies seen in most other sports. For example, in the FIFA World Cup Brazil 2014, 2.7 goals have been shot per game on average and overall the average number of goals per game tended to decrease over the last 90 years (Leite & Barreira, 2014). Moreover, the goal scoring process has been shown to be subject to a high degree of random influences (Wunderlich et al., 2021). ...
... These overall low correlation coefficients throughout each analysis can be attributed to the complexity of team sports like soccer, where countless variables can potentially impact the outcome of a match (Lago-Peñas & Dellal, 2010) Moreover, football is considered a low scoring game (Anzer & Bauer, 2021) where match outcomes are usually determined by very few decisive game situations. This is evidenced by the fact that an average number of less than 3 goals per match were scored in the previous World Cups (Leite & Barreira, 2014) and that 61.4% of matches in the English Premier League have been reported to end with at most one goal difference (Wunderlich et al., 2021), which means that even a single action ending in a goal would have the potential to significantly change the match result.. The sport of soccer also is inherently of a very dynamic nature, including very low amounts of standardized game situations. ...
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In the past 20 years, performance analysis in soccer has accumulated a wide variety of key performance indicators (KPI’s) aimed at reflecting a team’s strength and success. Thanks to rapidly advancing technologies and data analytics more sophisticated metrics, requiring high resolution data acquisition and big data methods, are developed. This includes many position-data-based KPI’s, which incorporate precise spatial and temporal information about every player and the ball on the field. The present study contributes to this research by performing a large-scale comparison of several metrics mainly based on player positions and passing events. Their association with team’s success (derived from goals scored) and team’s strength (estimated from pre-game betting odds) is analysed. The systematic analysis revealed relevant results for further KPI research: First, the magnitude of overall correlation coefficients was higher for relative metrics than for absolute metrics. Second, the correlation of metrics with the strength of a team is stronger than the correlation with the game success of a team. Third, correlation analysis with team strength indicated more positive associations, while correlation analysis with success is most likely confounded by the intermediate score line of a game and revealed more negative associations.
... The team that scores first breaks the competitive balance and forms a new match status. This shift of match status may lead to changes in match strategies, tactics, and styles of play for each team (Taylor et al., 2008;Lago, 2009;Almeida et al., 2014) and may even alter players' psychological states and, hence, influence their performance (Bar-Eli et al., 2006;Leite and Barreira, 2014). For instance, several studies have found a greater ball possession time among losing teams Taylor et al., 2010;Ruiz-Ruiz et al., 2013). ...
... Especially when playing at home, home teams enjoy home crowd support (Pratas et al., 2018), which negatively affects away teams (Wolfson et al., 2005). While scoring first improves a team's confidence, it also negatively impacts its opponent's psychology, consequently reducing its opponent's performance in competition (Leite and Barreira, 2014). ...
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The aim of this study was to explore the effect of scoring first on match outcomes in the Chinese Football Super League (CSL). A total of 1,116 matches in which at least one goal was scored from the 2014 to 2018 seasons were collected. Match outcomes, absolute goal differences, the minute of the first goal, match locations, and teams’ budgets were analyzed. A team’s budget was measured in terms of a team’s value at the beginning of the season, and teams were clustered into two groups (high and low budget with means of 50.77 and 13.77 million dollars, respectively). A descriptive analysis was conducted, and two generalized linear models (a multinomial logit model and a Poisson model; p < 0.05) were applied. The results showed a favorable outcome for the team that scored first both in match outcome and goal difference. Regarding the teams that scored first, 66.31% won their matches, 20.70% achieved a draw, and 12.99% lost. Specifically, home teams were more likely to win (13.42%) and less likely to lose (9.52%) or draw (3.90%) than away teams. Home teams also had a higher likelihood of obtaining a larger goal difference. Higher budget teams were more likely to win (14.90%) and less likely to lose (9.75%) or draw (5.14%) than low-budget teams. Additionally, for each minute, the team scores closer to the end of the match, and the average probability of winning increased by 0.0028. These findings can guide the strategies of coaches in different match scenarios according to the match location and the opponent’s quality.
... Otros de los elementos tenidos en cuenta para lograr la estructuración pedagógica que se muestra en la presente investigación es la observación constante del desempeño de los jugadores durante la arena. Pues la marcada disminución de la intensidad del juego podría indicar que los jugadores sufren fatiga, aspectos que han sido demostrado por los estudios de Leite & Barreira, (2014). ...
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Introduction: High-performance beach soccer practice demands enormous energy consumption due to the context where the game takes place. Therefore, designing and implementing a set of exercises for player adjustments to these conditions is critical for the scientific community. Aim: To assess the pertinence of a pedagogic strategy for athlete adjustment to beach soccer. Materials and methods: Various theoretical, empirical, and statistical methods were used, in accordance with the transversal design assumed in the research. Results: The results of the study were validated through the application of statistical techniques, confirming the pertinence of the proposal. Conclusion: The suitability of the proposal was demonstrated since the pedagogic strategy for adjusting to the beach soccer settings is a social need for the present-day Ecuadorian sport.
... Goals can boost the home team's confidence 28 and demoralize their opponents, reducing opponents' game performance. 29 Therefore, as the season progresses, an increase in the number and quality of shots is crucial to winning matches. As the league progresses, an increased number of red cards gradually increased the odds of worse match outcomes. ...
This study explored the different influences of technical indicators on match results in different stages of football league play. Sample data from 2400 Chinese Super League matches during 2010–2019 were divided into three season stages according to round sequence: the early stage (1–10 rounds), the middle stage (11–20 rounds), and the late stage (21–30 rounds). A two-way, fixed-effect ordered logit model was then constructed and used, together with Fisher’s combination test, to compare regression results. The study results showed that: (1) when controlling for other variables, as the league progresses, an increase in goals will gradually increase the possibility of better match results, and this increase shows significant differences between the early and late stages ( p < 0.05). The possibility of better match results by an extra goal is 0.075 times higher in the late stage than the early stage. (2) While maintaining all control variables, as the season progresses, the increase in red card penalties will gradually multiply the probability of worse match outcomes, and this increase is also significantly different between the early and middle stages and between the early and late stages ( p < 0.05). The possibility of worse match outcomes due to the presence of an extra red card is 0.377 times higher in the middle stage and 0.476 times higher in the late stage than the early stage.
... Beach soccer substantially increased its number of participants, being considered amongst the world's most rapidly growing sports 1,2 . Previous studies provided important insights into the elements that possibly influence the individual and team performance mainly focused on physiological, injury occurrences [3][4][5][6] , and tactical-technical aspects [7][8][9][10] . ...
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Aim: To characterize the goal scoring patterns and investigate the goal process on match outcome during the Intercontinental Beach Soccer Cup Dubai 2019. Methods: A set of 35 goal scoring patterns were grouped in nine macro-categories: Match-period, Court-zone, Set-play, Open-play, Touches by players before goal, Offensive method, Goalkeeper-line, Number of passes before goal, Ball trajectory. Match outcome in regular time was considered the matches resulting in a loss (n=16), draw (n=8) or win (n=16). The offensive sequences that resulted in goal was analyzed in all 20 matches during the competition (n=138 goals). Results: The most goals were scored in Open-play (69%), during the 2nd and 3rd periods (36% for each), near to goal (Zone 4; 50%), preceded by 1-touch (67%) and 0-pass (29%), using positional attack (46%), without goalkeeper-line (68%), and with high-ball trajectory (51%). In addition, won matches presented higher number of goals in Zone 4, 1-touch, Counterattack, 4v4 goal-successful, Receiving pass, Sand-touch, and High-ball compared to draw and loss matches (p<0.001˗0.03; Effect Size [ES]=1.24˗2.58, large). Conclusion: In summary, winning teams scored their goals mainly in open-play situations and without goalkeeper-line, using counterattack to achieve zones near the opponent’s goals, implementing a direct offensive style. In addition, goals scored were usually preceded by 1-touch, both through high-ball and sand-touch ball trajectory. Coaches and practitioners may consider these goal process to training prescription and deep understanding the process to goal in elite Beach soccer.
... However, other factors, such as injuries, fatigue caused by the increased physical and mental demand -due to games on consecutive days -may also influence the performance of teams. Thus, the importance of being the team to score the first goal creates an obvious psychological advantage through boosting self-confidence for the team members (Leite & Barreira, 2014). ...
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Although beach soccer has become increasingly popular in recent years an only a minimal number of scientific research has been conducted in this area. The beach soccer is characterized by high intensity (HR max above 90 %) intermittent movements, which primarily requires the involvement of the anaerobic metabolic system. The objective of this study was: (i) to analyze the incidence of goals in the Hungarian Beach Soccer Championship in relation to the periods of the game that tend to occur; (ii) to identify the team that scored the first goal of the game, analyzing the influence of this event on the final result (iii) to identify and quantify the periods of the match won by the winner team. We examined all the goals (n = 1.065) in the Hungarian Championship (2016-2017) of beach soccer. We found that nearly 38 percent of goals are scored in the last period of the matches, the team that scores the first goal of the game features an average 74.44 percent probability of winning. We observed, that almost 24 percent of the teams, which achieved overall success also earned the 1st and 3rd periods. Thus, it is suggested that the higher incidence of goals in the 3rd period of the matches is associated mainly with the interaction of physical and psychological factors. Regarding the influence of the first goal on the final result, we assumed that the psychological factor appears to interfere with greater relevance.
... Furthermore, as observed in our additional data analysis, match outcome 329 seems to be related to scoring the first goal. As previously investigated, mainly psychological 330 (but also tactical, technical and physical) provide positive conditions to ~75%, ~70% and 331 60% of futsal, soccer and beach teams, respectively, which scored first, to become winner of 332 the match (Leite & Barreira, 2014). 333 ...
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Which situations compose the success and failure in goalball matches? Our aims were to develop a scale to assess performance indicators in goalball and, to evaluate this proposed scale according to contextual variables (i.e. team level, match outcome and match status). Non-participant match observation method was applied in 24 goalball video recordings from Paralympic Games 2016. Firstly, observational system development was compound by performance indicator’s design. Success and failure from offensive and defensive phases were stratified into a spreadsheet. Following, inter and intra reliability stages were conducted together with content validity, certified by goalball’s experts. Our results showed high frequency of strongly appropriate defenses and significant influence of contextual factors on goalball’s performance. Hence, specific situations clearly distinguished between strong/weak teams, winner/loser teams, and among winning, drawing, and losing moments must be taken into account in coaching process: (i) match interruptions; (ii) accurate shots; (iii) goal scored first; (iv) quick defenses; (v) defensive infraction; and, (vi) penalty situations.
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En el fútbol playa en cada partido siempre hay un ganador. Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias y situaciones de juego más utilizadas para la anotación de goles en la Concacaf 2023. Método: Se analizaron los 26 juegos, cuyos datos se extrajeron del canal de Facebook oficial Concacaf a través de los Highlights y la página Web oficial de la Confederación de Norteamérica, Centroamérica y el Caribe de Fútbol(1) Resultados: Los goles; a balón parado 12.18%, de chilena 12.18%, cabeza 7.61%, goles de porteros 7.61% y jugadas regulares 43.65%. Estados Unidos y el Salvador con más goles a favor, Estados Unidos 21.81% y Paraguay 19.79%, de los 197 goles en dicha competencia. El 40% del total de la competencia fueron anotadores en el tercer tiempo. Conclusiones: Se puede establecer que es el golpe de balón parado y jugadas regulares, chilenas y remates de los porteros, son las opciones más recurrentes para anotar.
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Os jogadores de futebol inevitavelmente estão expostos a um número potencial de estressores que operam sobre o desempenho atlético durante a carreira esportiva. A gênese do stress no futebol é um processo complexo e multifatorial que pode influenciar a performance via diferentes processos, debilitando-a, ou seja, trazendo ou disparando as respostas negativas ou facilitando-a, isto é, ajudando os atletas a usarem os recursos individuais de forma efetiva e eficiente nas situações de competição esportiva. Se existe o impacto positivo ou negativo destes estressores sobre a performance esportiva, então eles precisam ser investigados. Portanto, o presente trabalho foi conduzido para servir a dois grandes propósitos, denominados Estudo 1 (Elaboração e Aferição de "Inventário dos Fatores de Stress no Futebol") e Estudo 2 (Percepção do Stress por Tempo Profissional e Posição de Jogo). Para a elaboração e aferição do instrumento foram avaliados 137 jogadores de futebol profissional pertencentes aos times do Palmeiras, Grêmio, Internacional e Etti Jundiaí, através de um inventário composto por 77 itens gerais e específicos do futebol. A Análise Fatorial Varimax mostrou que somente 2 itens não foram estatisticamente significativos e que os demais itens podem ser representados por 7 fontes estressoras. O coeficiente alpha de Cronbach foi utilizado para se analisar a precisão do inventário. Para a análise da percepção do stress por tempo profissional e posição de jogo foram avaliados 17 goleiros, 41 zagueiros, 47 meio-campistas e 32 atacantes. Destes, 36 tinham mais de 8 anos de profissional e 44 menos do que 3 anos de profissional. Através dos resultados das análises estatísticas pode-se observar diferenças estatisticamente significativas em 5 itens quando os jogadores são comparados por posição de campo e em 21 itens quando são comparados por tempo profissional. Concluindo, pode-se dizer que o instrumento é válido e fidedigno e que, portanto, serve para avaliar stress em jogador de futebol profissional e que os jogadores experenciam uma variedade de fontes de stress, indicando que a percepção das fontes estressantes é trans-situacional. Pode-se concluir também que existem diferenças na avaliação dos itens de stress entre as posições de campo, que podem ser vistas como características da especificidade da posição e que diferentes graus de experiência podem representar diferenças na percepção do stress.
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Among the many technical and tactical aspects of the behavior of players, the goals are the most studied. The goal is the key to success for teams and its analysis in all matches of a major futsal tournament (World Cup) that allows multiple assessments. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the first goal for the final result in the futsal match, identifying the team that scored the first goal of the match and the final result obtained by this team: win, draw or lose. We analyzed all the matches (n=306), in all the 7 Futsal World Cups (1989 to 2012) organized by Fédération Internationale de Football Association – FIFA. Data were obtained from the database on the site of the FIFA, through overviews of the official matches. Quantitative data were collected, in relation to the time that the goals were scored in the course of the matches. The results showed a significant effect (F = 133.12, p = 0.001) of first goals on final results of maches (win, draw, defeat); so that, there are significant deference between win matches with darw and defeat matches [both (p = 0.001)]. It is concluded that, the team that scored the first goal of the match presents a high probability of getting the winning.
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The aim of this study was to analyze and quantify, in absolute and percentage terms, the incidence of goals in games of soccer during World Cups; to verify in which periods and half of the games goals happen, in relation to the overall game time; and determine a critical stage of the game with the highest incidence of goals. The playing time was split into 15-minute periods, in order to obtain results regarding the distribution of the incidence of goals throughout the game and the relationship between the results and the physical, technical, tactical and psychological aspects. We performed a quantitative study on a sample of 772 games, by analyzing the official dockets, which are available in the database of the FIFA official website. After analyzing the data, we studied the occurrence of a greater number of goals (54.44%) in the second half of the games, and their highest incidence (19.61%) in the final 15 minutes of play in the period between the 76th and 90th minute. The highest incidence of goals in the final 15 minutes of play can be explained by the decrease in physical performance, consequently, by the tactic disorganization, psychological fatigue and the need for a result, thus affecting the actions of a team at the end the game.
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Purpose: To analyze the pattern and trends of the goals scored during the 2010 world cup soccer tournament held in South Africa to derive the latest technical and tactical innovations with the hope of applying them at the lower echelons of the game. Methodology: The study was a retrospective one as data were derived from the FIFA (2010) data base. The analysis centered on number of goals; parts of the body used to score; distance from goal; timing of goals in minutes; nature of play preceding a goal; score at half time and winning of the game; open play and set pieces; and the position of the scorers. Data were analyzed and descriptively presented in form of tables and figures. Results: The scoring rate of the world cup was 2.27 goals per match, which is the second lowest in the history of the world cup which was inaugurated in 1930. There were more goals from open play (75.86%) than from set pieces (24.14%); most goals came via shots (108) rather headers (26); strikers scored majority of the goals (53.10%), followed by midfielders (34.48) and defenders (11.04%); more goals were scored in the second half especially in the last 15 minutes of normal regulation time and more goals were scored from within the penalty box than outside. Conclusions: Coaches have to focus on improving the technical and tactical build up into the penalty area; encourage more goal attempts within the penalty box; emphasize and perfect set piece execution; prudently utilize substitution to impact the game in the second half, perfect crossing and headers and to enhance the physical conditioning of the players to enable them play out the entire game without suffering physical deterioration which causes teams to make defensive errors leading to goals in the last 15 minutes of matches.