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Abstract and Figures

Food - drug interactions are well studied, however much less is known about cuisine - drug interactions. Non-native cuisines are becoming increasingly more popular as they are available in (almost) all regions in the world. Here we address the problem of how known negative food - drug interactions are spread in different cuisines. We show that different drug categories have different distribution of the negative effects in different parts of the world. The effects certain ingredients have on different drug categories and in different cuisines are also analyzed. This analysis is aimed towards stressing out the importance of cuisine - drug interactions for patients which are being administered drugs with known negative food interactions. A patient being under a treatment with one such drug should be advised not only about the possible negative food - drug interactions, but also about the cuisines that could be avoided from the patient's diet.
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Inferring Cuisine - Drug Interactions Using
the Linked Data Approach
Milos Jovanovik, Aleksandra Bogojeska, Dimitar Trajanov & Ljupco Kocarev
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Rugjer Boshkovikj 16, 1000, Skopje, Macedonia.
Food - drug interactions are well studied, however much less is known about cuisine - drug interactions.
Non-native cuisines are becoming increasingly more popular as they are available in (almost) all regions in
the world. Here we address the problem of how known negative food - drug interactions are spread in
different cuisines. We show that different drug categories have different distribution of the negative effects
in different parts of the world. The effects certain ingredients have on different drug categories and in
different cuisines are also analyzed. This analysis is aimed towards stressing out the importance of cuisine -
drug interactions for patients which are being administered drugs with known negative food interactions. A
patient being under a treatment with one such drug should be advised not only about the possible negative
food - drug interactions, but also about the cuisines that could be avoided from the patient’s diet.
The task of identifying and obtaining foods which contribute to the overall human health, satisfy nutritional
and energy needs and at the same time not inducing food poisoning, has been around as long as humans
have. Human diet, which provides essential nutrients for the organism health, is influenced by different
factors, including cultural habits, socio-economic status, and weather/climate. For example, spice consumption in
the warm regions is tightly connected to the need for keeping the food resistant to bacteria for a longer period of
It is a well known fact that certain foods can influence the effect of a drug in an organism
. The food-induced
changes in the bioavailability (the degree and rate at which a drug is absorbed into someone’s system) of the drug
modify the clinical effect of the drug. Generally, food - drug interactions can result in significant reduction of the
drug bioavailability, either by direct interaction between a substance from the food and a chemical component of a
drug, or by the physiological response of food intake (e.g. gastric acid secretion). This can often result in treatment
failure. Additionally, food - drug interactions can result in an increase in drug bioavailability, either by increased
drug solubility as a direct result from a substance from the food, or indirectly, by food-initiated secretion of gastric
acid or bile. Even though this leads to an increase in the effect of the drug, it can often result in serious toxicity
The highest selling drugs in the world include antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents, respiratory
system drugs, alimentary tract and metabolism drugs, cardiovascular system drugs, and nervous system drugs
Recent statistics report that nearly 70% of the American population consumes at least one prescription drug, a
number which was only 48% in 2010. Twenty percent of them are on five or more drugs
. According to Ref. 8, an
alarming number of 1.5 million people are harmed by medications, including the errors due to the lack of
information provided by the pharmacist or the unawareness of the patient to read and follow the patient drug
Different world regions use diverse ingredients and foods as part of their cuisines and therefore the negative
food-induced interactions with drugs vary from one part of the world to another. In addition, as non-native
cuisines are becoming increasingly popular (due to travel and due to their appearance in almost every corner of
the planet as a result of global cultural exchange), the effect different cuisines have on certain drugs or categories of
drugs is becoming very important.
Although food - drug interactions are well studied, much less is known about cuisine - drug interactions. The
food - drug interactions are clinically proven interactions between a drug and a given ingredient (ex. milk,
avocado, garlic), and with cuisine - drug interactions we define the interactions between a drug and a world
cuisine, using information extracted from the food - drug interactions and the usage of the interacting ingredients
in a specific cuisine. The aim of the analysis presented here is to address the distribution of the known negative
food - drug interactions in the world cuisines. The influence that world cuisines have on different drug categories
is analysed by transforming and connecting two datasets (drug data and recipes data) into a novel structure
empowered with the concept of Linked Data
. The results are striking: North American cuisine has the most
14 September 2014
2 March 2015
20 March 2015
Correspondence and
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L.K. (lkocarev@ucsd.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 1
negative interactions (10.242%) with drugs from the category
‘Antiinfectives for systemic use’. In other words, 10 out of 1,000
patients could possibly have negative effects when being adminis-
tered this category of drugs. Similarly, European cuisines (from
Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe) have the
most negative interactions with drugs from the same category
(‘Antiinfectives for systemic use’). On the other hand, the cuisines
from Southern Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa negatively
interact mostly with drugs from the categories ‘Blood and blood
forming organs’ and ‘Various’.
Our main message from this work could be summarized as guid-
ance in the form: ‘‘if you are being administered drugs from a certain
drug category, be aware of what cuisines you should be consuming’’.
Two different aspects of food - drug interactions are considered: (1)
negative interactions between drugs from a given category and recipes
from a given cuisine, and (2) ingredients’ impact on the negative food
- drug interactions in different parts of the world.
Cuisine - drug category interactions.For the analysis of negative
interactions between a particular drug category, i.e. a category of drugs
grouped by their Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classifica-
tion codes (Table 6), and a cuisine, we calculate the permils of existing
interactions between them (Table 1) using Equation 1.
This ratio represents the probability of a negative food interaction
to occur when a patient using a drug from a given category consumes
a meal from a given cuisine. We use the measurement of permils for
the ratio in order to show the number of patients, out of 1,000, which
can have a negative food interaction when combining the drug cat-
egory with the cuisine. The aim of this analysis aspect is to identify
the negative impact of consuming foods from specific cuisine while
taking a prescribed drug.
The results (Table 1) show that some of the most intensive nega-
tive food - drug interaction occur between drugs from category B and
recipes from Asian, African and Latin American cuisines, drugs from
category J and recipes from North America and Europe, as well as
drugs from category V and recipes from almost the entire world.
Also, we can note that drugs from categories H, P and R have a very
rare occurrence of negative interactions with food, and drugs from
category M have no interactions at all.
The results from Table 1 help us distinguish three different pat-
terns of food - drug interactions from cuisine and drug category
points of view.
Pattern 1.The first pattern consists of drugs from categories B, C, N
and V. As shown in Table 1, the drugs from these four categories have
more negative food - drug interactions with recipes from South
Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Latin
America and Africa, as opposed to other cuisines. This pattern is
depicted on Fig. 1a.
The reason behind this pattern of influence is the fact that the drugs
from these four categories have negative food interactions with garlic
and ginger. These two ingredients are largely present and directly
responsible for the negative food - drug interactions in these geo-
graphical regions (Table 3, Table 4). Additionally, the negative food
interactions these drugs have with avocado, licorice and grapefruit,
Table 1
Permils of existing Interactions between Drugs from an ATC Category and Recipes from a Cuisine
A 5.288%5.263%4.462%4.930%2.547%1.531%2.085%1.080%0.408%2.356%1.238%
B 5.271%4.345%1.643%4.687%9.663%6.894%10.640%12.699%10.756%11.013%10.045%
C 5.821%5.207%3.640%5.083%6.790%4.815%7.123%8.371%6.645%8.003%6.554%
D 7.081%7.011%5.983%6.573%3.401%1.928%2.717%1.351%0.543%3.130%1.655%
G 7.240%7.504%6.326%6.836%3.789%2.848%3.520%1.781%0.528%3.237%1.652%
H 0.129%0.111%0.000%0.000%0.056%0.091%0.000%0.386%0.023%0.242%0.000%
J 10.242%10.532%8.468%9.793%6.276%2.965%3.682%2.035%1.234%5.641%2.642%
L 4.430%4.673%3.818%4.156%2.744%1.644%1.720%1.276%0.844%2.137%1.442%
M 0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%0.000%
N 4.829%5.510%3.397%4.706%5.935%4.157%4.588%4.923%3.555%6.032%3.514%
P 0.078%0.067%0.000%0.000%0.034%0.055%0.000%0.234%0.014%0.147%0.000%
R 0.193%0.237%0.155%0.153%0.139%0.211%0.172%0.234%0.015%0.160%0.028%
S 5.117%5.074%4.302%4.779%2.437%1.433%1.975%1.012%0.398%2.270%1.206%
V 9.022%8.023%5.123%8.150%10.912%7.453%11.498%12.822%10.888%12.582%10.815%
Figure 1
Negative food - drug interactions between drugs from a category and foods from a cuisine, expressed in permils. Figure (a) depicts the
interactions of drugs from categories B, C, N and V. The drugs from these four categories have more negative food - drug interactions with recipes from
South Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Latin America and Africa, as opposed to other cuisines. Figure (b) depicts the
interactions of drugs from categories A, D, G, J, L and S. These drugs have more intensive negative food - drug interactions with recipes from North
America, Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe, as opposed to other cuisines. Figure (c)depicts the interactions of drugs from categories
H, P and R. These drugs have a significantly smaller ratio of interactions compared to those from (a) and (b).
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 2
add up to the difference between these drug categories and the rest.
The interactions with coffee are also present within these categories,
but they are present in other categories as well, so the effect of coffee is
not much evident in the specifics of this pattern.
Fig. 2a depicts the intensity of negative food - drug interactions for
drugs from the B category, shown in a color scale. The figure shows
the number of patients out of 1,000, which are being administered a
drug from category B, which can have a negative interaction with a
recipe from a cuisine. The white areas on the map represent the
cuisines we don’t have any data on.
Since category B drugs belong to the first pattern, Fig. 2a shows the
same negative food - drug interaction intensity we see in Fig. 1a, i.e.
drugs from category B have significantly more interactions with
recipes from South Europe, Middle East, South Asia, Southeast
Asia, East Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Pattern 2.The second pattern consists of drugs from categories A, D,
G, J, L and S. These drugs have a significant ratio of negative food -
drug interactions with recipes from North America, Western
Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe, as opposed to other
cuisines. This pattern is depicted on Fig. 1b.
The emergence of this pattern is mainly due to the negative food
interactions which drugs from these categories have with milk. As we
can see from Table 2, milk is the number one cause for negative food -
drug interactions globally, and Table 3 and Table 4 show that it is the
primary source of negative interaction in these regions of the world.
Since these cuisines use milk in a large portion of their recipes, unlike
the rest of the cuisines, this pattern is expected.
Fig. 2b depicts the intensity of negative food - drug interactions for
drugs from the J category. Since category J drugs belong to the second
pattern, this figure shows the same negative food - drug interaction
intensity we see in Fig. 1b, i.e. drugs from category J have significantly
more interactions with recipes from North America, Western
Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe.
Pattern 3.The remaining drug categories, H, P and R, have signifi-
cantly smaller negative food - drug interactions ratio compared to
other categories. They form a different pattern, depicted on Fig. 1c,
but due to the very small ratio of interactions, this pattern is not as
compact as the other two. The drugs from these categories have nega-
tive effects when interacting with coffee, tea and grapefruit (Table 5),
and not with other ingredients. As we see from Table 3 and Table 4,
coffee is a top three interacting ingredient in North America, Europe,
the Middle East and in Latin America, which corresponds with the
pattern on Fig. 1c. The high use of grapefruit and tea in recipes from
Southeast Asia (Table 4) is responsible for the high interactions of
drugs from these categories with this cuisine.
Ingredient analysis.The second aspect of the analysis aims to detect
the main ingredients involved in the negative food - drug interactions.
Table 2 shows the percentage of negative food - drug interactions in
which an ingredient is involved and is responsible for the negative
interaction. The percentage is calculated out of the total number of
negative food - drug interactions we discovered in the analysis, which
is 298,762 interactions.
Figure 2
Number of patients (per 1,000) with possible negative food - drug interactions while being administered a category B or category J drug,
in different cuisines, globally. Figure (a) depicts the global distribution of negative interactions involving a category B drug. These drugs have significantly
more interactions with recipes from South Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia, Latin America and Africa. Figure (b) depicts
the global distribution of negative interactions involving a category J drug. These drugs have significantly more interactions with recipes from North
America, Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe. The maps were generated using the d3.js library (
Table 2
Percentage of Interactions involving the Ingredient, for all
Ingredient % of Interactions involving the Ingredient
milk 56.110%
garlic 22.617%
coffee 8.388%
ginger 5.109%
cheese 2.197%
bacon 2.165%
red wine 1.865%
grapefruit 1.684%
ham 1.296%
wine 1.174%
tea 1.149%
avocado 0.869%
beer 0.304%
licorice 0.120%
Table 3
Top 3 interacting Ingredients per Cuisine
Cuisine Top 3 interacting Ingredients
North American milk, garlic, coffee
Western European milk, garlic, coffee
Northern European milk, coffee, ginger
Eastern European milk, garlic, coffee
Southern European garlic, milk, coffee
Middle Eastern garlic, milk, coffee
South Asian garlic, ginger, milk
Southeast Asian garlic, ginger, milk
East Asian garlic, ginger, milk
Latin American garlic, milk, avocado
African garlic, ginger, milk
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 3
Table 2 clearly shows that two ingredients are most common in the
negative interactions: milk, responsible for with over 56% of the
negative interactions, and garlic with over 22%.
These two ingredients have different effects on the food - drug
interactions in the parts of the world, and within distinct drug cat-
egories. Table 3 shows the top three ingredients per cuisine which are
involved in the negative interactions. As we can see, milk is the ingre-
dient which causes most of the negative interaction in North America,
Western, Northern and Eastern Europe. On the other hand, the most
problematic ingredient in recipes from South Europe, Middle East,
Asia, Latin America and Africa, is garlic.
Fig. 3 shows this trend on a world map. Fig. 3a illustrates the
percentage of occurrences of milk in the total number of negative food
- drug interaction within a cuisine, while Fig. 3b depicts the same
impact of garlic.
A more complete overview of the impact some ingredients have in
different parts of the world is presented in Table 4. We see here that
the most common ingredients responsible for the negative food -
drug interactions are milk, garlic, coffee and ginger, while the other
ingredients have significantly lower impact. However, out of these
four ingredients, milk and garlic have the most notable impact
(Table 2, Table 3, Table 4), so the discussion will be focused on them.
The impact of milk.Milk has been proved to have negative effect
generally on antibiotics
, and antibiotics belong to categories A,
C, D, G, J, L and S
. Milk reduces the bioavailability and even pre-
vents the absorption of some of these drugs. This corresponds with
our results in Table 5.
The reasons for such high occurrence of milk in negative food -
drug interactions in the western culture (Fig. 3a, Table 3, Table 4)
may be a result of the high use of milk and dairy products in general
in this part of the world. The consumption of milk in the western
culture, and especially in Northern Europe where the percentage of
occurrence of milk in the interactions is the largest, is probably a
direct consequence of the high lactose tolerance the population from
these regions has. Countries from Europe, and especially Northern
Europe, are known to have the highest percentage of lactose tolerant
population in the world
. On the other hand, regions such as
Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Africa, are known as regions
with high percentage of lactose intolerant population
. This prob-
ably has a direct cause on the consumption levels of milk in those
regions, leading to a decrease in the negative effects milk has in food -
drug interactions in this parts of the world.
The impact of garlic.The reason garlic is part of more than 22% of all
negative food - drug interactions we detect (Table 2), is its negative
interactions with anticoagulant drugs
, which belong to categories
B, C and S. Table 3 and Table 4 clearly show that garlic is largely
responsible for the negative food - drug interactions in South Europe,
the Middle East, Asia, Latin America and Africa. Its impact is evident
in the rest of the world, but with much less intensity. This pattern of
garlic use in various cuisines probably has some cultural and historical
background, with garlic being used in Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and
India since ancient times, for prevention and treatment of disease, for
providing strength and increasing work capacity of laborers, and even
as a performance enhancing agent for Olympic athletes
Table 4
Percentage of Ingredient participation in negative food - drug interactions, per Cuisine
milk 62.288% 60.132% 70.955% 62.030% 32.665% 26.331% 30.302% 13.634% 8.637% 29.196% 23.833%
garlic 17.606% 13.616% 3.119% 17.868% 41.754% 39.943% 45.090% 59.570% 67.848% 47.122% 53.333%
coffee 8.662% 11.213% 10.234% 8.883% 8.711% 14.837% 4.012% 3.671% 0.456% 5.648% 2.917%
ginger 3.929% 2.670% 4.678% 1.218% 0.689% 6.971% 40.352% 32.092% 42.626% 1.399% 28.000%
cheese 1.631% 2.203% 0.780% 2.132% 6.241% 0.754% 0.382% 0.315% 0.182% 7.302% 0.500%
bacon 2.244% 3.344% 0.877% 4.416% 1.795% 0.000% 0.115% 0.000% 0.899% 1.815% 0.250%
grapefruit 1.705% 1.435% 0.000% 0.000% 0.823% 2.025% 0.000% 6.765% 0.560% 3.470% 0.000%
red wine 1.434% 3.337% 3.119% 2.843% 5.303% 5.652% 0.611% 0.210% 1.303% 1.829% 6.000%
ham 1.234% 1.602% 1.462% 0.457% 2.757% 0.000% 0.000% 0.157% 1.133% 0.746% 0.000%
wine 0.847% 1.575% 1.170% 0.203% 2.431% 1.507% 0.611% 4.195% 7.817% 0.403% 1.333%
tea 1.141% 1.589% 3.314% 1.726% 0.000% 4.805% 10.394% 5.349% 0.443% 0.000% 0.000%
avocado 0.554% 0.133% 0.780% 0.000% 0.211% 0.565% 0.000% 0.210% 1.042% 7.746% 0.333%
beer 0.299% 0.601% 0.292% 0.152% 0.101% 0.141% 0.000% 0.000% 0.156% 0.605% 0.000%
licorice 0.141% 0.000% 1.754% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.234% 0.000% 0.000%
Table 5
Percentage of drugs, per ATC Category, which have negative food interaction with an Ingredient
milk 1.923% 0.000% 1.058% 2.609% 2.326% 0.000% 3.509% 1.515% 0.000% 0.431% 0.000% 0.000% 1.887% 1.754%
garlic 0.000% 1.786% 1.058% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.431% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1.754%
coffee 1.282% 1.786% 1.058% 0.870% 6.977% 0.000% 1.170% 0.758% 0.000% 8.621% 0.000% 0.971% 0.943% 0.000%
ginger 0.000% 1.786% 1.058% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.431% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1.754%
cheese 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.000% 0.000% 0.431% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
bacon 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.000% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
red wine 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.758% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
grapefruit 1.923% 0.000% 9.524% 1.739% 0.000% 5.882% 1.754% 3.030% 0.000% 5.172% 3.571% 1.942% 1.887% 0.000%
ham 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.000% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.758% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
tea 1.282% 1.786% 1.058% 0.870% 6.977% 0.000% 0.585% 0.758% 0.000% 8.621% 0.000% 0.971% 0.943% 0.000%
avocado 0.000% 0.000% 1.058% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1.754%
beer 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.585% 0.000% 0.000% 0.862% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
licorice 0.000% 0.000% 9.524% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
There is a significant number of recipes which contain ‘wine’ as an ingredient. The negative interactions of drugs only contain ‘red wine’ explicitly while ‘white wine’ is considered safe. Despite the
ambiguous nature of the ingredient listed simply as ‘wine’ we decided to use it in the analysis since it can still be a cause of negative cuisine - drug interactions in cases when red wine is used in the preparation
of the recipe. As we can see from the table the ‘wine’ ingredient has negative interactions with the drugs which react negatively with ‘red wine’.
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 4
By transforming and connecting two datasets (drug data and recipes
data) we have generated an open semantic structure (dataset), avail-
able on the Web, which has provided a basis for a cuisine - drug
category interactions analysis, showing how drugs from different
categories interact with recipes from different cuisines. Two patterns
of negative interactions could be stressed: drugs from categories B, C,
N and V have a negative impact on foods from South Europe, Asia,
Latin America and Africa, whereas drugs from categories A, D, G, J,
L and S negatively interact with foods from North America and
Europe (Western Europe, Northern Europe and Eastern Europe).
These patterns arise from the diverse ingredients used in the world
cuisines, with milk being mostly responsible for the first pattern, and
garlic and ginger for the second. The impact of the milk and garlic
varies in different parts of the world, mainly because of the cultural,
historical and biological reasons of their presence (or lack thereof) in
the recipes in a given cuisine.
Our work is aimed towards stressing out the importance of pro-
fessional guidance of patients which are on drugs with known nega-
tive food interactions. A patient being under a treatment with one
such drug should be advised by a pharmacist or a doctor about the
foods, the ingredients and the cuisines that should be avoided (or
even excluded) from his/her diet. Our analysis of the global distri-
bution of negative interactions between different drugs and cuisines
can provide a general overview and a general guide for the dangers of
making bad cuisine - drug combinations.
In order for the analysis to be relevant, we acquire real-world data about drugs and
recipes. Various factors influenced our decision on which sources to use to obtain the
data: the validity of the data, its volume and how up-to-date they were.
Here we describe the process of choosing, obtaining and transforming the two
datasets used in the analysis. In order to bring the datasets to a common repres-
entational model, we transform and publish them into datasets which follow the
Linked Data principles
The drugs dataset.Over the past years, various databases with drug data have become
freely available on the Web. The Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS)
Interest Group (, a W3C group focused on using
Semantic Web technologies in the fields of health care, life sciences, clinical research
and translational medicine, has been working on transforming a range of health data
from the Web into a comperhensive dataset based on Semantic Web technologies and
Linked Data principles. As a result of this work, the HCLS Interest Group has
deployed the Linked Open Drug Data (LODD) Cloud
, which contains over 380
million RDF triples (
Part of the LODD Cloud is the DrugBank dataset, a Semantic Web version of the
DrugBank database. The DrugBank database is a free database which provides
chemical, pharmacological and pharmaceutical data for over 6,800 drugs. Since its
release in 2006, the DrugBank database has been widely used for research and edu-
cational purposes by pharmacists, medical chemists, pharmaceutical researchers,
clinicians, educators and the general public
. Because of this, it has been selected by
the HCLS and included into their efforts. The DrugBank dataset in the LODD Cloud
holds the same data for over 4,700 drugs in RDF format and provides a SPARQL
endpoint ( for remote data
Among other data, the DrugBank dataset contains information about the food
interactions of the drugs. There are 968 food - drug interactions in the dataset, which
connect 525 different drugs with various food indications. These indications contain a
reference to one or more ingredients and are mostly negative, such as ‘‘Avoid alco-
hol.’’ or ‘‘Do not take with milk.’’ However, there are cases where the food interaction
is neutral (‘‘Take without regard to meals.’’) as well as cases where the interaction is
actually positive (‘‘Increase dietary intake of magnesium, folate, vitamin B6, B12, and/
or consider taking a multivitamin.’’)
Therefore, we need to precisely denote the sentiment of each food - drug inter-
action. In order to achieve this, we obtain a local copy of the parts of the DrugBank
dataset which we need for the analysis and create new RDF properties for the dataset,
which denote the different types of food interactions: negative, neutral and positive.
We do the sentiment analysis of the food interactions of all drugs from the drugs
dataset in a semi-automatic fashion. Then, for each drug from the dataset we analyze
the negative food interactions, detect the ingredients mentioned, and locate those
ingredients in the recipes from the recipes dataset. For each such drug - recipe pair we
add a new relation in the drugs dataset, denoting that the drug has a negative food
interaction with the recipe. This interlinking of datasets is enabled by the use of
Linked Data principles and the RDF data model. As a tool for storing, interlinking and
querying the datasets we use a Virtuoso Universal Server instance (http://linkeddata. Using the SPARQL query language over the SPARQL endpoint of
the Virtuoso instance, we are then able to query both datasets and extract the
necessary data needed for the analysis.
Our extended version of the DrugBank dataset is published following the Linked
Data principles and is available via a public SPARQL endpoint (http://linkeddata.
The recipes dataset.With the expansion of the Web and the presence of mobile and
web applications in everyday life, there is a significant increase of the availability of
Table 6
ATC Code List
Code Contents
A Alimentary tract and metabolism
B Blood and blood forming organs
C Cardiovascular system
D Dermatologicals
G Genito-urinary system and sex hormones
H Systemic hormonal preparations
J Antiinfectives for systemic use
L Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
M Musculo-skeletal system
N Nervous system
P Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents
R Respiratory system
S Sensory organs
V Various
Figure 3
Percentage of occurrence of milk and garlic in negative food - drug interactions in different cuisines, globally. Figure (a) depicts the
percentage of occurrence of milk, which causes most of the negative interaction in North America, Western, Northern and Eastern Europe. Figure (b)
depicts the percentage of occurance of garlic, which is the most problematic ingredient in recipes from South Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Latin America
and Africa. The maps were generated using the d3.js library (
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 5
online recipes and recipe datasets, which provide easy and quick access to millions of
recipes from various cuisines around the world. The general intent of these datasets is
merely to provide the users with everyday ideas for preparing meals and with useful
information for ingredients combinations. Some of them provide even personalized
ingredient shopping lists, menu planers, user ratings, etc.
Some of the recipes are available as commercial datasets and are intended for usage
from mobile applications: Yammly (, Food2Fork
(, BigOven (, and others are
available on websites and are free for use: (,
Epicurious (, (, (, etc.
For the purposes of this work we use the available recipes dataset provided in Ref.
19. The dataset is created using recipes from three different sources:,, The data file contains information for a total of
56,458 recipes, their ingredients and the cuisine of origin. The recipes are divided in 11
cuisines: North American (41,525), Western European (2,659), Eastern European
(381), Southern European (4,180), Northern European (250), Middle Eastern (645),
South Asian (621), Southeast Asian (457), East Asian (2,512), Latin American (2,917),
African (352). In order to enable interoperability between the datasets, we transform
the cleaned data from the CSV file into an RDF dataset. For the CSV-to-RDF trans-
formation we use the Food Ontology (, which
allows us to denote the cuisine and ingredients for all the recipes from the dataset. We
do not extend the dataset further, since we already create new relations in the drugs
dataset pointing from a drug to a specific recipe in therecipes dataset. We then publish
the recipes dataset in Linked Data format, in the same manner as the drugs dataset.
The recipes dataset is publicly available via the same SPARQL endpoint, as well.
Analysis.After collecting and refining the two datasets, we load them into a Virtuoso
Universal Server instance which is publicly available (http://linkeddata.finki.ukim.
mk/) and provides endpoint-based web service access to the data from both datasets,
in RDF.
The analysis is done by using the SPARQL endpoint for querying our drugs and
recipes datasets. We use SPARQL queries which make use of the relations in the drugs
dataset which connect the recipes a drug has negative food interactions with, and
analyze various aspects of the domain and the results which arise.
The measurement of permils used to assess the ratio of interactions between a drug
category and cuisine is given with:
ðÞ1000 ð1Þ
where E
is the number of existing interactions found from the datasets, and P
is the
number of possible interactions between the drug category and the cuisine, calculated
as the number of drugs in the category multiplied by the number of recipes in the
cuisine. We use the measurement of permils for the ratio in order to show the number
of patients, out of 1,000 patients treated with a drug from a given category, which can
have a negative food interaction when consuming a meal from the cuisine. To cal-
culate E
, the number of existing interactions between a drug category and a cuisine,
we count the existing negative food interactions a drug from a given drug category has
with recipes from a given cuisine.
To illustrate this analysis, we can use a specific example: the interaction between
Oxazepam and tea. Oxazepam is a benzodiazepine used for the treatment of anxiety
disorders, alcohol withdrawal, and insomnia. According to DrugBank, it has three
clinically proven food - drug interactions: (a) avoid alcohol, (b) avoid excessive
quantities of coffee or tea (caffeine) and (c) take with food. In our analysis, we
conclude that (a) and (b) are negative food interaction of Oxazepam with alcohol,
coffee, tea and caffeine. The (c) interaction is considered a positive food interaction of
Oxazepam and is not taken into account for our analysis. Oxazepam is a drug cate-
gorized in the ATC category N; its ATC code is N05BA04.
On the other hand, tea is an ingredient in 102 distinct recipes from 8 cuisines in our
dataset. One of the 102 recipes is recipe #9966, ‘‘Kumquat-Cardamom Tea Bread’’,
which belongs to the North American cuisine and has the following ingredients:
cardamom, egg, vegetable oil, butter, wheat, lemon juice, vanilla, walnut, corn,
kumquat, pineapple and tea.
What we do in our analysis is we conclude that in this case tea is responsible for a
negative cuisine - drug interaction between the North American cuisine and category
N drugs (Fig. 4). We then count this cuisine - drug category interaction as one existing
negative interaction.
If this was a case in which recipe #9966, ‘‘Kumquat-Cardamom Tea Bread’’, con-
tained another ingredient which has a negative interaction with Oxazepam, such as
alcohol or coffee, we would still count the interaction between the recipe (and the
North American cuisine) and Oxazepam (and the N drug category) as a single
negative interaction. We do this because we base our analysis on the ratio between
existing (E
) and possible (P
) negative interactions, and we calculate the possible
negative interactions on a drug - recipe level. Therefore, we have to calculate the
number of existing negative interactions on that level, as well.
Maps.Maps similar to Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 for the other drug categories and ingredients
can also be viewed,using our visualization web application (http://viz.linkeddata.finki. Thesemaps use data and results from the analysis presented in this paper.
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Figure 4
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The work in this paper was partially financed by the Faculty of Computer Science and
Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, as part of the ‘‘Modelling and
Analysis of Dynamical Processes in Composite and Multiplex Networks’’ project.
Author contributions
M.J., A.B., D.T. and L.K. designed the research. M.J. and A.B. developed tools for the
analysis and performed the analysis. M.J., A.B., D.T. and L.K. discussed the results, wrote
the paper, and reviewed the manuscript. M.J. and A.B. equally contributed to the work.
Additional information
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Jovanovik, M., Bogojeska, A., Trajanov, D. & Kocarev, L. Inferring
Cuisine - Drug Interactions Using the Linked Data Approach. Sci. Rep. 5, 9346;
DOI:10.1038/srep09346 (2015).
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License. The imagesor other third party material in this article are includedin the
article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in thecredit line; if
the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 5 : 9346 | DOI: 10.1038/srep09346 7
... This plays a big influence in the availability of each of the components present in the local recipes [3]. ...
... Adapted from [4]. (Table 2) [3]. This information is going to be used when predicting the probability for negative recipe -drug interactions after retrieving the cuisine from a recipe's image using the HyperFoods App. ...
... Permillage of negative interactions expected between anticancer drugs and the cuisines around the globe[3]. ...
Many factors influence individual’s health, such as physical exercise, sleep, nutrition, heredity and pollution. Being nutrition one of the biggest modifiable factors in our lives, small changes can have a big impact. With the exponential increase in the number of available food options, it is not possible to take them all into account anymore. The only way to consider user taste preferences, maximize the number of healthy compounds and minimize the unhealthy ones in food, is using (3D) recommendation systems. The goal of this project was to use the largest publicly available collection of recipe data (Recipe1M+) to build a recommendation system for ingredients and recipes. Train, evaluate and test a model able to predict cuisines from sets of ingredients. Estimate the probability of negative recipe-drug interactions based on the predicted cuisine. Finally, to build a web application as a step forward in building a 3D recommendation system. A vectorial representation for every ingredient and recipe was generated using Word2Vec. An SVC model was trained to return recipes’ cuisines from their set of ingredients. South Asian, East Asian and North American cuisines were predicted with more than 73% accuracy. African, Southern European and Middle East cuisines contain the highest number of cancer-beating molecules. Finally, it was developed a web application able to predict the ingredients from an image, suggest new combinations and retrieve the cuisine the recipe belongs, along with a score for the expected number of negative interactions with antineoplastic drugs (
... Recently, knowledge graphs improved the classification of rare-disease patients (Li et al., 2019). In the area of clinical decision support, the combination of NLP and knowledge graphs is employed in inferring drug-related knowledge that is not immediately observed in data, inferring cuisine-drug interactions based on knowledge graphs of drugs and recipes, improving user interaction with relevant medical data, and so on (Jovanovik et al., 2015a;Goodwin and Harabagiu, 2016;Liu et al., 2018;Xia et al., 2018, Ruan et al., 2019F. Xia et al., preprint, DOI: ...
... Cuisine-drug interactions is a project that used two knowledge graphs for analysis of connections between drugs and their interactions with food, and recipes from different national cuisines, resulting in findings that uncovered the ingredients and cuisines most responsible for negative food-drug interactions in different parts of the world (http://viz.linkeddata.finki.ukim. mk) (Jovanovik et al., 2015a). ...
Full-text available
Natural language processing (NLP) is an area of artificial intelligence that applies information technologies to process the human language, understand it to a certain degree, and use it in various applications. This area has rapidly developed in the last few years and now employs modern variants of deep neural networks to extract relevant patterns from large text corpora. The main objective of this work is to survey the recent use of NLP in the field of pharmacology. As our work shows, NLP is a highly relevant information extraction and processing approach for pharmacology. It has been used extensively, from intelligent searches through thousands of medical documents to finding traces of adversarial drug interactions in social media. We split our coverage into five categories to survey modern NLP methodology, commonly addressed tasks, relevant textual data, knowledge bases, and useful programming libraries. We split each of the five categories into appropriate subcategories, describe their main properties and ideas, and summarize them in a tabular form. The resulting survey presents a comprehensive overview of the area, useful to practitioners and interested observers. Significance Statement The main objective of this work is to survey the recent use of NLP in the field of pharmacology, in order to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state in the area after the rapid developments which occurred in the last few years. We believe the resulting survey to be useful to practitioners and interested observers in the domain.
... Recently, knowledge graphs improved the classification of rare disease patients [130]. In the area of clinical decision support, the combination of NLP and knowledge graphs is employed in inferring drug-related knowledge which is not immediately observed in data, inferring cuisine-drug interactions based on knowledge graphs of drugs and recipes, improving user interaction with relevant medical data, etc. [67,101,138,193,235,236]. In pharmacovigilance, the struggles of NLP engines to understand complex language components (e.g., negation, doubt, historical medical statements, family medical history, etc.) from individual case study reports have been significantly mitigated with the use of knowledge graphs [167]. ...
... This project used two knowledge graphs for analysis of connections between drugs and their interactions with food, and recipes from different national cuisines, resulting in findings that uncovered the ingredients and cuisines most responsible for negative food-drug interactions in different parts of the world (http: // [101]. ...
Full-text available
Natural language processing (NLP) is an area of artificial intelligence that applies information technologies to process the human language, understand it to a certain degree, and use it in various applications. This area has rapidly developed in the last few years and now employs modern variants of deep neural networks to extract relevant patterns from large text corpora. The main objective of this work is to survey the recent use of NLP in the field of pharmacology. As our work shows, NLP is a highly relevant information extraction and processing approach for pharmacology. It has been used extensively, from intelligent searches through thousands of medical documents to finding traces of adversarial drug interactions in social media. We split our coverage into five categories to survey modern NLP methodology, commonly addressed tasks, relevant textual data, knowledge bases, and useful programming libraries. We split each of the five categories into appropriate subcategories, describe their main properties and ideas, and summarize them in a tabular form. The resulting survey presents a comprehensive overview of the area, useful to practitioners and interested observers.
... This approach has already shown promising results in the context of drug-drug interactions (Segura-Bedmar et al., 2013) but in the case of FDIs, similar progress is currently hindered by a lack of annotated corpora. The work presented in (Jovanovik et al., 2015) for inferring interactions between drugs and world cuisine is based on a largely manual effort of extracting food-drug interactions from descriptions provided in DrugBank. ...
... The dataset used in (Jovanovik et al., 2015) to infer interactions between drugs and world cuisine is based on textual information from DrugBank about food-drug interactions and optimum drug intake time with respect to food. But this information was manually extracted and structured. ...
... The results demonstrate the benefits of interlinking and querying multiple, heterogeneous public Web sources with private, institution-specific patient information. The authors of [11] study how negative food-induced interactions with drugs vary from one part of the world to another. Two datasets (drug data and recipes data) are transformed and connected as LD. ...
Conference Paper
This paper presents experiments in risk factors analysis based on clinical texts and related Linked Open Data. Enhancements with additional data sources can enrich patient data and allow for a deeper investigation of correlations. In order to explore the potential of this approach several experiments were run on data collections, extracted from a large, nationwide repository of outpatient records. Subclouds from the multilingual Geonames, Life Sciences Linked Open Data and DBpedia are used as additional sources. Sophisticated data mining in knowledge graphs finds frequent patterns of linked data items from the in--house clinical repository and the publicly available sources. The results show that Linked Open Data infuse some relations that are not found by standard text mining techniques of clinical narratives, and thus enable the discovery of associations hinting to further risk factors.
... However, these analyses were performed at European sites in a European patient population and not in an Asia-Pacific (APAC) population. The concentration of immunosuppressant drugs (ISDs) in patients from different geographical regions can vary for a number of reasons, including different drug application regimens in different countries, ethnicity affecting drug metabolism and metabolic enzymes, and different drug-drug or food-drug interactions [9][10][11]. Decreased or increased levels of ISDs and their metabolites can affect the cross-reactivity of immunoassays, and the specificity of antibodies for a target molecule and its metabolites is the main reason for differences in immunoassay results [12,13]. ...
Full-text available
Background: The immunosuppressant drugs (ISDs), tacrolimus and cyclosporine, are vital for solid organ transplant patients to prevent rejection. However, toxicity is a concern, and absorption is highly variable across patients; therefore, ISD levels need to be precisely monitored. In the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, tacrolimus and cyclosporine concentrations are typically measured using immunoassays. The objective of this study was to assess the analytical performance of Roche Elecsystacrolimus and cyclosporinee electrochemiluminescence immunoassays (ECLIAs). Methods: This evaluation was performed in seven centers across China, South Korea, and Malaysia. Imprecision (repeatability and reproducibility), assay accuracy, and lot-to-lot reagent variability were tested. The Elecsys ECLIAs were compared with commercially available immunoassays (Architect, Dimension, and Viva-E systems) using whole blood samples from patients with various transplant types (kidney, liver, heart, and bone marrow). Results: Coefficients of variation for repeatability and reproducibility were ≤5.4% and ≤12.4%, respectively, for the tacrolimus ECLIA, and ≤5.1% and ≤7.3%, respectively, for the cyclosporine ECLIA. Method comparisons of the tacrolimus ECLIA with Architect, Dimension, and Viva-E systems yielded slope values of 1.01, 1.14, and 0.897, respectively. The cyclosporine ECLIA showed even closer agreements with the Architect, Dimension, and Viva-E systems (slope values of 1.04, 1.04, and 1.09, respectively). No major differences were observed among the different transplant types. Conclusions: The tacrolimus and cyclosporine ECLIAs demonstrated excellent precision and close agreement with other immunoassays tested. These results show that both assays are suitable for ISD monitoring in an APAC population across a range of different transplant types.
... In addition, the already mentioned DrugBank (Wishart et al., 2006) knowledge base contains various kinds of information on drugs, although their relations with food is provided as free-text fields and is mainly concerned with the optimal drug intake time. The effort done for the formalization of the FDI information from DrugBank (Jovanovik et al., 2014) has been performed manually. ...
There are a number of reasons why it's helpful when people suggest their favourite foods. There has been a rise in the use of automated systems that provide recommendations for various forms of food, including recipes, restaurants, and grocery stores. Scientists have been looking at these sorts of systems for a long time, and their findings show they may help individuals not just identify food they would want to eat, but also fuel themselves more properly. This article summarises the current status of so-called food recommender systems, focusing on both foundational and cutting-edge approaches to the issue, as well as essential specialisations such food recommendation systems for groups of users or systems that encourage healthy eating. Assisting consumers in finding their ideal meal is a crucial function of food recommender systems. Choosing what to eat is a complicated and multi-faceted process that is impacted by many things, including the ingredients, the look of the dish, the user's own preference on food, and many situations, such as what had been eaten at the previous meal. This paper formalises the meal suggestion issue as forecasting user preference on recipes using three essential factors: the user's (and other users') history, the recipe's components, and the recipe's descriptive picture. In order to solve this difficult issue, we design a special neural network. The recommender creates a model of eating habits based on responses to previous surveys. The model is then used to prompt respondents, based on the meals they have previously picked, to submit any linked items they may have forgotten to mention. Model-generated cues were evaluated against those that were manually programmed by dietitians.
Experiment Findings
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The prevalence of diabetes and other pathophysiological conditions has been correlated with the incidence of obesity. A large portion of an adult community in the northwestern United States suffers from excessive weight that has been linked to premature mortality rates and certain forms of diabetes. Excess calories from carbohydrate have been shown to increase weight. Therefore, diets that are modified in carbohydrate and calories may help mitigate weight and obesity comorbidities. This qualitative, single case study’s purpose was to explore the methods health care professionals use for teaching adults about controlling weight. Altheide and Johnson’s analytic realism theory, in which they describe how the experiences of educators and learners affect the way information is perceived, formed the conceptual framework for this study. An illustrative case study paradigm was used to identify the perceptions of licensed health care practitioners regarding the current adult teaching methods for modifying dietary carbohydrate and excess weight. Using a purposeful sample, data were collected in 2 phases with 5 licensed health care practitioners: Phase 1 entailed an open-ended electronic questionnaire and semistructured telephone interviews with open-ended questions during phase 2. Data were analyzed through coding and aggregation by NVivo and Tosmana software, respectively. The findings indicated that the American Diabetes Association (ADA) plate method was the most effective teaching model for controlling weight and carbohydrate intake. Consequently, the ADA plate method was used to create a professional development program to teach health care educators about nutrition instruction methods for adults. The study contributes to positive social change by enhancing preventive health measures for the local adult population through diet therapy education.
Conference Paper
Drug-drug and drug-disease interactions are generally harmful. Some of these interactions could result from improper drug doses prescribed for a particular disease or from the unawareness the patient suffers from another disease. We aim in this paper to make a first step towards developing a knowledge based system that supports the decision making process undertaken by the physicians and pharmacists when prescribing drugs and the proper dosages. We need to formally represent knowledge about the drugs (e.g., family to which it belongs, proper doses), diseases and the conditions of the patient (e.g., patient with high cholesterol (LDL) and muscle pain disease). The drug which will employ in our case study is Lipitor. Lipitor is a cholesterol lowering drug from the statin family. The diseases which we will consider are liver and kidney diseases.
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DrugBank ( is a comprehensive online database containing extensive biochemical and pharmacological information about drugs, their mechanisms and their targets. Since it was first described in 2006, DrugBank has rapidly evolved, both in response to user requests and in response to changing trends in drug research and development. Previous versions of DrugBank have been widely used to facilitate drug and in silico drug target discovery. The latest update, DrugBank 4.0, has been further expanded to contain data on drug metabolism, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADMET) and other kinds of quantitative structure activity relationships (QSAR) information. These enhancements are intended to facilitate research in xenobiotic metabolism (both prediction and characterization), pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug design/discovery. For this release, >1200 drug metabolites (including their structures, names, activity, abundance and other detailed data) have been added along with >1300 drug metabolism reactions (including metabolizing enzymes and reaction types) and dozens of drug metabolism pathways. Another 30 predicted or measured ADMET parameters have been added to each DrugCard, bringing the average number of quantitative ADMET values for Food and Drug Administration-approved drugs close to 40. Referential nuclear magnetic resonance and MS spectra have been added for almost 400 drugs as well as spectral and mass matching tools to facilitate compound identification. This expanded collection of drug information is complemented by a number of new or improved search tools, including one that provides a simple analyses of drug-target, -enzyme and -transporter associations to provide insight on drug-drug interactions.
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The main carbohydrate in milk is lactose, which must be hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose before the sugars can be digested. While 65% or more of the total human population are lactose intolerant, in some human populations lactase activity commonly persists into adulthood. Lactose tolerance is exceptionally widespread in Northern European countries such as Sweden and Finland, with tolerance levels of 74% and 82%, respectively. Theoretically, this may result either from a strong local selection pressure for lactose tolerance, or from immigration of lactose tolerant people to Northern Europe. We provide several lines of archaeological and historical evidence suggesting that the high lactose tolerance in North Europeans cannot be explained by selection from in situ milk consumption. First, fresh cow milk has not belonged to the traditional diet of Swedes or Finns until recent times. Second, not enough milk has been available for adult consumption. Cattle herding has been neither widespread nor productive enough in Northern Europe to have provided constant access to fresh milk. We suggest that the high prevalence of lactose tolerance in Finland in particular may be explained by immigration of people representing so-called Corded Ware Culture, an early culture representing agricultural development in Europe.
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The cultural diversity of culinary practice, as illustrated by the variety of regional cuisines, raises the question of whether there are any general patterns that determine the ingredient combinations used in food today or principles that transcend individual tastes and recipes. We introduce a flavor network that captures the flavor compounds shared by culinary ingredients. Western cuisines show a tendency to use ingredient pairs that share many flavor compounds, supporting the so-called food pairing hypothesis. By contrast, East Asian cuisines tend to avoid compound sharing ingredients. Given the increasing availability of information on food preparation, our data-driven investigation opens new avenues towards a systematic understanding of culinary practice.
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The effect of drug on a person may be different than expected because that drug interacts with another drug the person is taking (drug-drug interaction), food, beverages, dietary supplements the person is consuming (drug-nutrient/food interaction) or another disease the person has (drug-disease interaction). A drug interaction is a situation in which a substance affects the activity of a drug, i.e. the effects are increased or decreased, or they produce a new effect that neither produces on its own. These interactions may occur out of accidental misuse or due to lack of knowledge about the active ingredients involved in the relevant substances. Regarding food-drug interactions physicians and pharmacists recognize that some foods and drugs, when taken simultaneously, can alter the body's ability to utilize a particular food or drug, or cause serious side effects. Clinically significant drug interactions, which pose potential harm to the patient, may result from changes in pharmaceutical, pharmacokinetic, or pharmacodynamic properties. Some may be taken advantage of, to the benefit of patients, but more commonly drug interactions result in adverse drug events. Therefore it is advisable for patients to follow the physician and doctors instructions to obtain maximum benefits with least food-drug interactions. The literature survey was conducted by extracting data from different review and original articles on general or specific drug interactions with food. This review gives information about various interactions between different foods and drugs and will help physicians and pharmacists prescribe drugs cautiously with only suitable food supplement to get maximum benefit for the patient.
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There is an abundance of information about drugs available on the Web. Data sources range from medicinal chemistry results, over the impact of drugs on gene expression, to the outcomes of drugs in clinical trials. These data are typically not connected together, which reduces the ease with which insights can be gained. Linking Open Drug Data (LODD) is a task force within the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLS IG). LODD has surveyed publicly available data about drugs, created Linked Data representations of the data sets, and identified interesting scientific and business questions that can be answered once the data sets are connected. The task force provides recommendations for the best practices of exposing data in a Linked Data representation. In this paper, we present past and ongoing work of LODD and discuss the growing importance of Linked Data as a foundation for pharmaceutical R&D data sharing.
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The ability of adult humans to digest the milk sugar lactose - lactase persistence - is a dominant Mendelian trait that has been a subject of extensive genetic, medical and evolutionary research. Lactase persistence is common in people of European ancestry as well as some African, Middle Eastern and Southern Asian groups, but is rare or absent elsewhere in the world. The recent identification of independent nucleotide changes that are strongly associated with lactase persistence in different populations worldwide has led to the possibility of genetic tests for the trait. However, it is highly unlikely that all lactase persistence-associated variants are known. Using an extensive database of lactase persistence phenotype frequencies, together with information on how those data were collected and data on the frequencies of lactase persistence variants, we present a global summary of the extent to which current genetic knowledge can explain lactase persistence phenotype frequency. We used surface interpolation of Old World lactase persistence genotype and phenotype frequency estimates obtained from all available literature and perform a comparison between predicted and observed trait frequencies in continuous space. By accommodating additional data on sample numbers and known false negative and false positive rates for the various lactase persistence phenotype tests (blood glucose and breath hydrogen), we also apply a Monte Carlo method to estimate the probability that known lactase persistence-associated allele frequencies can explain observed trait frequencies in different regions. Lactase persistence genotype data is currently insufficient to explain lactase persistence phenotype frequency in much of western and southern Africa, southeastern Europe, the Middle East and parts of central and southern Asia. We suggest that further studies of genetic variation in these regions should reveal additional nucleotide variants that are associated with lactase persistence.
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Interactions between food and drugs may inadvertently reduce or increase the drug effect. The majority of clinically relevant food-drug interactions are caused by food-induced changes in the bioavailability of the drug. Since the bioavailability and clinical effect of most drugs are correlated, the bioavailability is an important pharmacokinetic effect parameter. However, in order to evaluate the clinical relevance of a food-drug interaction, the impact of food intake on the clinical effect of the drug has to be quantified as well. As a result of quality review in healthcare systems, healthcare providers are increasingly required to develop methods for identifying and preventing adverse food-drug interactions. In this review of original literature, we have tried to provide both pharmacokinetic and clinical effect parameters of clinically relevant food-drug interactions. The most important interactions are those associated with a high risk of treatment failure arising from a significantly reduced bioavailability in the fed state. Such interactions are frequently caused by chelation with components in food (as occurs with alendronic acid, clodronic acid, didanosine, etidronic acid, penicillamine and tetracycline) or dairy products (ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin), or by other direct interactions between the drug and certain food components (avitriptan, indinavir, itraconazole solution, levodopa, melphalan, mercaptopurine and perindopril). In addition, the physiological response to food intake, in particular gastric acid secretion, may reduce the bioavailability of certain drugs (ampicillin, azithromycin capsules, didanosine, erythromycin stearate or enteric coated, and isoniazid). For other drugs, concomitant food intake may result in an increase in drug bioavailability either because of a food-induced increase in drug solubility (albendazole, atovaquone, griseofulvin, isotretinoin, lovastatin, mefloquine, saquinavir and tacrolimus) or because of the secretion of gastric acid (itraconazole capsules) or bile (griseofulvin and halofantrine) in response to food intake. For most drugs, such an increase results in a desired increase in drug effect, but in others it may result in serious toxicity (halofantrine).
The World Wide Web has enabled the creation of a global information space comprising linked documents. As the Web becomes ever more enmeshed with our daily lives, there is a growing desire for direct access to raw data not currently available on the Web or bound up in hypertext documents. Linked Data provides a publishing paradigm in which not only documents, but also data, can be a first class citizen of the Web, thereby enabling the extension of the Web with a global data space based on open standards-the Web of Data. In this Synthesis lecture we provide readers with a detailed technical introduction to Linked Data. We begin by outlining the basic principles of Linked Data, including coverage of relevant aspects of Web architecture. The remainder of the text is based around two main themes-the publication and consumption of Linked Data. Drawing on a practical Linked Data scenario, we provide guidance and best practices on: Architectural approaches to publishing Linked Data; choosing URIs and vocabularies to identify and describe resources; deciding what data to return in a description of a resource on the Web; methods and frameworks for automated linking of data sets; and testing and debugging approaches for Linked Data deployments. We give an overview of existing Linked Data applications and then examine the architectures that are used to consume Linked Data from the Web, alongside existing tools and frameworks that enable these. Readers can expect to gain a rich technical understanding of Linked Data fundamentals, as the basis for application development, research or further study.
Although spices have been important for centuries in food preparation throughout the world, patterns of spice use differ considerably among cultures and countries. What factors underlie these differences? Why are spices used at all? To investigate these questions, we quantified the frequency of use of 43 spices in the meat-based cuisines of the 36 countries for which we could locate traditional cookbooks. A total of 4578 recipes from 93 cookbooks was analysed. We also complied information on the temperature and precipitation in each country, the ranges of spice plants, and the antibacterial properties of each spice. These data were used to investigate the hypothesis that spices inhibit or kill food-spoilage microorganisms. In support of this is the fact that spice plant secondary compounds are powerful antimicrobial (i.e., antibacterial and antifungal) agents. As mean annual temperatures (an indicator of relative spoilage rates of unrefrigerated foods) increased, the proportion of recipes containing spices, number of spices per recipe, total number of spices used, and use of the most potent antibacterial spices all increased, both within and among countries. Likewise, the estimated fraction of bacterial species inhibited per recipe in each country was positively correlated with annual temperature. Several alternative hypotheses were considered--that spices provide macronutrients, disguise the taste and smell of spoiled foods, or increase perspiration and thus evaporative cooling; it also is conceivable that spice use provides no benefits. However, none of these four alternatives was well supported by our data. The proximate reason spices are used obviously is to enhance food palatability. But the ultimate reason is most likely that spices help cleanse foods of pathogens and thereby contribute to the health, longevity and reproductive success of people who find their flavors enjoyable.
The objective of this review is to examine briefly the medical uses of garlic throughout the ages and the role that it was considered to play in prevention and treatment of disease. Interest in the potential benefits of garlic has origins in antiquity and is one of the earliest documented examples of plants employed for treatment of disease and maintenance of health. Garlic was in use at the beginning of recorded history and was found in Egyptian pyramids and ancient Greek temples. There are Biblical references to garlic. Ancient medical texts from Egypt, Greece, Rome, China and India each prescribed medical applications for garlic. In many cultures, garlic was administered to provide strength and increase work capacity for laborers. Hippocrates, the revered physician, prescribed garlic for a variety of conditions. Garlic was given to the original Olympic athletes in Greece, as perhaps one of the earliest "performance enhancing" agents. It is of interest that cultures that developed without contact with one another came to similar conclusions about the efficacy of garlic. Modern science is tending to confirm many of the beliefs of ancient cultures regarding garlic, defining mechanisms of action and exploring garlic's potential for disease prevention and treatment.