-Strong droughts in the Amazon have been increasing in frequency and intensity, from four in a century to four in less than 25 years, in concert with increasing deforestation and global warming. The synergy of droughts, deforestation, fire, and forest degradation have the potential to drive the Amazon to a tipping point where this globally important ecosystem may significantly reduce its capacity to provide critical services such as water recycling, carbon storage, and provision of goods for human well-being.
-Droughts increase tree mortality, and thus biomass loss, imperiling the functioning of the carbon sink provided by tree growth. Droughts also increase animal mortality, especially when river levels decrease abruptly and when forests are disturbed by fire and forest degradation.
• Droughts increase the risk of fires, with direct impacts such as carbon emissions and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, while also threatening human health and food security and feedbacking to global warming.
• The socioeconomic impacts of droughts are large, and result in social, cultural and economic vulnerability. The impacts include threats to water security and quality, food security, public health, human rights, local-to-large scale economies, mobility, energy production, river bank stability, and human migrations.
• The impacts of droughts vary in nature and intensity across social communities (e.g., Indigenous, afro-descendant, ribeirinhos, caboclos, etc.), predominant economic activities (e.g., fishing, farming, extractivism, urban services), gender, age, and the regional differences between countries and the Amazon regions (e.g., lowlands, Amazonian Andes, and foothills).
• There are critical gaps to the knowledge required for planning future and immediate responses to climate crises. These include the lack of comprehensive monitoring of Amazonian forests, climate, and hydrology to inform adaptation programs, and the lack of social, economic, cultural, and demographic data at local and regional scales, especially concerning vulnerable populations.